Generic Work

Hydra in Hull final report

Público Pending review

This is the final report of the JISC-funded 'Hydra in Hull' project (previously called 'Hydrangea in Hull') carried out by Library and Learning Innovation at the University.

The Hydra in Hull project set out to take software code developed for the Hydra Project's Hydrangea demonstrator package and use it as the basis for a much-improved digital repository interface at the University of Hull. In undertaking the work, it was intended to document and feed back to the community the experiences of such implementation, particularly in regard to its use of Ruby on Rails and the use of Hydra content models. It was the project team's intention that, alongside this development work, they would work with local colleagues to help embed the new ideas and approaches that it might require. In addition, they wanted to feed back their development work to the Hydra community world-wide and to contribute ideas and code for the implementation of future Hydra 'heads' thereby hopefully encouraging wider take-up of the Hydra model and associated technology.

Última modificação
  • 10/19/2024
Contributor type
  • Author
Related item publisher
Resource type general

