Russia, now and then
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Descargar audioTwo writers, one through nonfiction and one fiction and both great storytellers, lead us on a vital journey into Russia
Susan Richards returned to Russia in the wake of her Epics of Everyday Life, (winner the P.E.N. Time-Life Award for Non-Fiction and the Yorkshire Post Best First Work Award). Lost and Found in Russia is a moving account of her meetings with Russians over 16 years, the revelations of several lives. Susan Richards edits open Democracy Russia, part of openDemocracy, the website about global affairs which she co-founded.
David Szalay, winner of the Betty Trask Award in 2008, takes us into the mind and heart of a KGB officer in his new novel The Innocent. ‘This is an exciting and memorable read. Expertly researched, it feels authentic, but wears its learning reassuringly lightly.’ – The Independent
Recording of an event held Wednesday 25th November 2009.
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