Confronting Mugabe - an exile's return to Zimbabwe
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Audio herunterladenIn 2008, having lost an election, Robert Mugabe turned to the use of terror. Zimbabweans know this time as 'The Fear'. An exile from his country, the best-selling memoirist Peter Godwin returned to step through the carnage. His new book The Fear develops themes of dictatorship and the courage to resist it. It is writing as storytelling, as political engagement, but also as the only way such tragedy can be faced. 'Writing down will make it safe...' he has written. 'Otherwise what has happened is just too sad. It's just literally, terminally sad. And writing is all I've got.'
Recording of an event on Tuesday 12th October 2010 held at the University of Hull.
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Audio | 2024-10-19 | Öffentlich | Herunterladen |