
HMAP Dataset 01: SE Australian Trawl Fishery I: Fish (various) landings and fishing effort, South East Australia, 1918-1923

Public Pending review

On 28 November 1991, the New South Wales Department of Agriculture and Fisheries provided historical data relating to the South East Fishery (SEF) to the Bureau of Resource Sciences (BRS) in accordance with the Fishing Industry Research and Development Corporation (FIRDC)-funded 'historic SET catch data' project. The data were originally collected by CSIRO and handed over to NSW Fisheries when CSIRO ceased work in the 1960s on what was then known as the 'South East Trawl Fishery'. These data cover the periods 1918-1923, 1937-1943 and 1952-1957. No documentation exists for these data except for a simple description of the data field names. This document describes the processing carried out, and the assumptions made, to convert the data into a format suitable for inclusion in the Australian Fishing Zone Information System (AFZIS). This format, in turn, was adapted to render the data compatible with the HMAP/OBIS schema.

The map below gives an indication of the extent of the Southeast Australian shelf and slope; the 'view as map' link in the download panel at the right will show a much more detailed representation. The kml file download, when used with Google Earth, will render the extent of the Southeast Australian shelf and slope in detail.

Last modified
  • 03/03/2025
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