{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\uc1\deff0\stshfdbch0\stshfloch0\stshfhich0\stshfbi0\deflang1033\deflangfe1033{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}Times New Roman{\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f1\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604020202020204}Arial;}{\f2\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1{\*\panose 02070309020205020404}Courier New;}{\f3\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05050102010706020507}Symbol;} {\f4\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604020202020204}Helvetica;}{\f5\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1{\*\panose 02070409020205020404}Courier{\*\falt Courier New};}{\f6\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603040505020304}Tms Rmn;} {\f7\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604020202030204}Helv;}{\f8\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040503060506020304}New York;}{\f9\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}System;} {\f10\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05000000000000000000}Wingdings;}{\f11\fmodern\fcharset128\fprq1{\*\panose 02020609040205080304}MS Mincho{\*\falt ?l?r ??\'81\'66c};} {\f12\froman\fcharset129\fprq2{\*\panose 02030600000101010101}Batang{\*\falt \'a1\'cb\'a2\'e7E\'a2\'aeEcE\'a2\'aeE\'a1\'cbcEcE\'a2\'aeE\'a1\'cbcE\'a1\'cb\'a2\'e7EcEcE\'a2\'aeE\'a1\'cbcE};} {\f13\fnil\fcharset134\fprq2{\*\panose 02010600030101010101}SimSun{\*\falt ??????????????\'a8\'ac???????};}{\f14\fnil\fcharset136\fprq2{\*\panose 02010601000101010101}PMingLiU{\*\falt !Ps2OcuAe};} {\f15\fmodern\fcharset128\fprq1{\*\panose 020b0609070205080204}MS Gothic{\*\falt ?l?r ?S?V?b?N};} {\f16\fmodern\fcharset129\fprq1{\*\panose 020b0600000101010101}Dotum{\*\falt \'a2\'aeE\'a1\'cbcE\'a1\'cb\'a2\'e7EcE\'a1\'cb\'a2\'e7E\'a2\'aeEcEcE\'a1\'cb\'a2\'e7E\'a2\'aeEcE\'a2\'aeE\'a1\'cbcE};} {\f17\fmodern\fcharset134\fprq1{\*\panose 02010600030101010101}SimHei{\*\falt o??????????????????????????????};}{\f18\fmodern\fcharset136\fprq1{\*\panose 02010609000101010101}MingLiU{\*\falt 2OcuAe};} {\f19\froman\fcharset128\fprq1{\*\panose 02020609040305080305}Mincho{\*\falt ??\'81\'66c};} {\f20\froman\fcharset129\fprq1{\*\panose 020b0600000101010101}Gulim{\*\falt \'a1\'cb\'a2\'e7E\'a2\'aeEcE\'a2\'aeE\'a1\'cbcEcE\'a2\'aeE\'a1\'cbcE\'a1\'cb\'a2\'e7EcEcE\'a2\'aeE\'a1\'cbcE};} {\f21\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040604050505020304}Century;}{\f22\froman\fcharset222\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}Angsana New;}{\f23\froman\fcharset222\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0304020202020204}Cordia New;} {\f24\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Mangal;}{\f25\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Latha;}{\f26\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 010a0502050306030303}Sylfaen;} {\f27\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 01010600010101010101}Vrinda;}{\f28\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Raavi;}{\f29\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Shruti;} {\f30\froman\fcharset1\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Sendnya;}{\f31\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Gautami;}{\f32\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Tunga;} {\f33\froman\fcharset1\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Estrangella Edessa;}{\f34\fswiss\fcharset128\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604020202020204}Arial Unicode MS;}{\f35\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604030504040204}Tahoma;} {\f36\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}DejaVu Sans;}{\f37\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603060405020304}Times{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f38\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Marlett;} {\f39\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1{\*\panose 020b0609040504020204}Lucida Console;}{\f40\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604030504040204}Verdana;}{\f41\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0a04020102020204}Arial Black;} {\f42\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 030f0702030302020204}Comic Sans MS;}{\f43\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0806030902050204}Impact;}{\f44\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040502050405020303}Georgia;} {\f45\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603020102020204}Franklin Gothic Medium;}{\f46\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040502050505030304}Palatino Linotype;}{\f47\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603020202020204}Trebuchet MS;} {\f48\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05030102010509060703}Webdings;}{\f49\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2 Estrangelo Edessa;}{\f50\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2 MV Boli;}{\f51\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604020202020204}Microsoft Sans Serif;} {\f52\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Alba;}{\f53\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Alba Matter;}{\f54\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Alba Super;} {\f55\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Baby Kruffy;}{\f56\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000900000000000000}Chick;}{\f57\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Croobie;} {\f58\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Fat;}{\f59\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Freshbot;}{\f60\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Frosty;} {\f61\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}GlooGun;}{\f62\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Jenkins v2.0;}{\f63\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Jokewood;} {\f64\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Poornut;}{\f65\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000900000000000000}Porky's;}{\f66\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Pussycat;} {\f67\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Weltron Urban;}{\f68\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03090702030407020403}Mistral;}{\f69\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0602030504020204}Lucida Sans Unicode;} {\f70\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04020505051007020d02}Blackadder ITC;}{\f71\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03070402050302030203}Bradley Hand ITC;}{\f72\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020e0705020206020404}Copperplate Gothic Bold;} {\f73\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020e0507020206020404}Copperplate Gothic Light;}{\f74\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04040404050702020202}Curlz MT;}{\f75\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 030303020407070d0804}Edwardian Script ITC;} {\f76\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02090707080505020304}Engravers MT;}{\f77\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0805030504020804}Eras Demi ITC;}{\f78\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0402030504020804}Eras Light ITC;} {\f79\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0504020202050204}Eurostile;}{\f80\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04060505060202020a04}Felix Titling;}{\f81\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0503020102020204}Franklin Gothic Book;} {\f82\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0703020102020204}Franklin Gothic Demi;}{\f83\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0606030402020204}Franklin Gothic Medium Cond;}{\f84\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03020402040607040605}French Script MT;} {\f85\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0502020202020204}Century Gothic;}{\f86\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03050502040202030202}Kristen ITC;}{\f87\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0602030504020204}Lucida Sans;} {\f88\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020e0502030308020204}Maiandra GD;}{\f89\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04040403030d02020704}Matisse ITC;}{\f90\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03070502060502030205}Papyrus;} {\f91\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020502060401020303}Perpetua;}{\f92\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02060903040505020403}Rockwell Extra Bold;}{\f93\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04020404030d07020202}Tempus Sans ITC;} {\f94\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03020602050506090804}Vivaldi;}{\f95\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05020102010507070707}Wingdings 2;}{\f96\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05040102010807070707}Wingdings 3;} {\f97\fswiss\fcharset128\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604020202020204}@Arial Unicode MS;}{\f98\froman\fcharset129\fprq2{\*\panose 02030600000101010101}@Batang;}{\f99\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040602050305030304}Book Antiqua;} {\f100\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02050604050505020204}Bookman Old Style;}{\f101\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020404030301010803}Garamond;}{\f102\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0706040902060204}Haettenschweiler;} {\f103\fmodern\fcharset128\fprq1{\*\panose 02020609040205080304}@MS Mincho;}{\f104\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05000000000000000000}MS Outlook;}{\f105\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03010101010201010101}Monotype Corsiva;} {\f106\fnil\fcharset134\fprq2{\*\panose 02010600030101010101}@SimSun;}{\f107\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05020603050405020304}Times New Roman Special G2;}{\f108\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0506020202030204}Arial Narrow;} {\f109\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 050b0604020202020204}Arial Special G2;}{\f110\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 050b0604020202020204}Arial Special G1;}{\f111\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 050b0506020202030204}Arial Narrow Special G1;} {\f112\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 050b0506020202030204}Arial Narrow Special G2;}{\f113\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05020603050405020304}Times New Roman Special G1;}{\f114\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020503030404060203}Kartika;} {\f115\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020e0602030304020304}Albertus Medium;}{\f116\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020e0702040304020204}Albertus;}{\f117\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020e0802040304020204}Albertus Extra Bold;} {\f118\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0602020202020204}ITC Avant Garde Gothic;}{\f119\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0802020202020204}ITC Avant Garde Gothic Demi;}{\f120\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02050604050505020204}ITC Bookman Light;} {\f121\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02050804040505020204}ITC Bookman Demi;}{\f122\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0502050508020304}CG Omega;}{\f123\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}CG Times;} {\f124\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03020702040403080804}ITC Zapf Chancery;}{\f125\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040604040505020204}Clarendon;}{\f126\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040706040705040204}Clarendon Condensed;} {\f127\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040805050505020204}Clarendon Extended;}{\f128\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03030502040406070605}Coronet;}{\f129\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1{\*\panose 02070609020205020404}CourierPS;} {\f130\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05020102010704020609}ITC Zapf Dingbats;}{\f131\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0606020202030204}Helvetica Narrow;}{\f132\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1{\*\panose 020b0409020202030204}Letter Gothic;} {\f133\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03020702040402020504}Marigold;}{\f134\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040603050705020304}New Century Schoolbook;}{\f135\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603020204030204}Antique Olive;} {\f136\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0904030504030204}Antique Olive Compact;}{\f137\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040502050505030304}Palatino{\*\falt Book Antiqua};}{\f138\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05050102010607020607}SymbolPS;} {\f139\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603020202030204}Univers;}{\f140\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0606020202060204}Univers Condensed;}{\f141\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05050102010205020202}MT Extra;} {\f142\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}???????????????????????????????;}{\f143\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times New (W1){\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f144\fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Microsoft Sans Serif (Vietnames;}{\f145\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Franklin Gothic Medium Cond Gre;} {\f146\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Franklin Gothic Medium Cond Bal;}{\f147\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}ITC Avant Garde Gothic Demi Bal;} {\f148\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604030504040204}MS Reference Sans Serif;}{\f149\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05000500000000000000}MS Reference Specialty;}{\f150\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05010101010101010101}Bookshelf Symbol 7;} {\f151\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0504020104020203}Andale Mono IPA;}{\f152\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040502050405020303}MS Reference Serif;}{\f153\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604030504040204}Verdana Ref;} {\f154\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040502050405020303}Georgia Ref;}{\f155\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05000000000000000000}MS Reference 1;}{\f156\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Reference 2;} {\f157\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 02000500000000000000}RefSpecialty;}{\f158\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0506030101010103}Abadi MT Condensed;}{\f159\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0a06030101010103}Abadi MT Condensed Extra Bold;} {\f160\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0306030101010103}Abadi MT Condensed Light;}{\f161\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0503020202020204}Agency FB;}{\f162\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04020705040a02060702}Algerian;} {\f163\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03080602030302030203}Andy;}{\f164\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020f0704030504030204}Arial Rounded MT Bold;}{\f165\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020602080505020303}Baskerville Old Face;} {\f166\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04030905020b02020c02}Bauhaus 93;}{\f167\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04040a05050d02020502}Beesknees ITC;}{\f168\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02050806060905020404}Bernard MT Condensed;} {\f169\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 030202020406070a0903}Bickley Script;}{\f170\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04030b070d0b02020403}Braggadocio;}{\f171\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0903060703020204}Britannic Bold;} {\f172\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04040905080b02020502}Broadway;}{\f173\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03060802040406070304}Brush Script MT;}{\f174\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040603050505030304}Calisto MT;} {\f175\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020a0402060406010301}Castellar;}{\f176\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04020404031007020602}Chiller;}{\f177\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 0208090404030b020404}Cooper Black;} {\f178\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04020505060803040902}Edda;}{\f179\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020904090505020303}Elephant;}{\f180\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04030405020f02020502}Enviro;} {\f181\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03060602040506080206}Fine Hand;}{\f182\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 030804020302050b0404}Freestyle Script;}{\f183\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04040504061007020d02}Gigi;} {\f184\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0502020104020203}Gill Sans MT;}{\f185\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0506020104020203}Gill Sans MT Condensed;}{\f186\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0a02020104020203}Gill Sans Ultra Bold;} {\f187\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020502050305020303}Goudy Old Style;}{\f188\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 0202090407030b020401}Goudy Stout;}{\f189\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04030604020f02020d02}Harlow Solid Italic;} {\f190\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04040505050a02020702}Harrington;}{\f191\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04020605060303030202}Imprint MT Shadow;}{\f192\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 030604020304060b0204}Informal Roman;} {\f193\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04090605060d06020702}Jokerman;}{\f194\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04040403040a02020202}Juice ITC;}{\f195\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 040307050d0c02020703}Kino MT;} {\f196\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 030304020206070d0d06}Kunstler Script;}{\f197\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020a0a07050505020404}Wide Latin;}{\f198\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03010101010101010101}Lucida Calligraphy;} {\f199\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03010101010101010101}Lucida Handwriting;}{\f200\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03020802060602070202}Matura MT Script Capitals;}{\f201\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02070704070505020303}Modern No. 20;} {\f202\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1{\*\panose 020b0609020202020204}OCRB;}{\f203\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03040902040508030806}Old English Text MT;}{\f204\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04050602080702020203}Onyx;} {\f205\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 030303020206070c0b05}Palace Script MT;}{\f206\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03080702040402020b04}Parade;}{\f207\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03040602040708040804}Parchment;} {\f208\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03060402040502070804}Pepita MT;}{\f209\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020502060505020804}Perpetua Titling MT;}{\f210\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0606030402050204}Placard Condensed;} {\f211\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 040506030a0602020202}Playbill;}{\f212\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02080502050505020702}Poor Richard;}{\f213\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03060402040406080204}Pristina;} {\f214\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03070502040507070304}Rage Italic;}{\f215\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02060603020205020403}Rockwell;}{\f216\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020a0606050403050204}Runic MT Condensed;} {\f217\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03040602040607080904}Script MT Bold;}{\f218\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04040a07060a02020202}Snap ITC;}{\f219\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03070502030502020203}Viner Hand ITC;} {\f220\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03050402040407070305}Vladimir Script;}{\f221\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}normal verdana;}{\f222\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}IAGB5 Symbol;} {\f223\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0706030402020204}Franklin Gothic Demi Cond;}{\f224\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0903020102020204}Franklin Gothic Heavy;}{\f225\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02010509020102010303}OCR A Extended;} {\f226\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03020802040602020201}American Uncial;}{\f227\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04060505051002080904}Augsburger Initials;}{\f228\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04020505020e03040504}Desdemona;} {\f229\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03060902040502070203}Forte;}{\f230\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03080302020302020206}Gradl;}{\f231\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 01010101010101010101}Mercurius Script MT Bold;} {\f232\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 01010601010101010101}Monotype Sorts;}{\f233\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05020102010208020808}Monotype Sorts 2;}{\f234\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 040c0101020201010102}Ransom;} {\f235\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 040409050d0802020404}Stencil;}{\f236\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04030805020b02020404}Stop;}{\f237\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020503060305020303}Bell MT;} {\f238\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 0207040306080b030204}Californian FB;}{\f239\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 0204060206030a020304}Footlight MT Light;}{\f240\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040502050506030303}High Tower Text;} {\f241\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04040805050809020602}Ravie;}{\f242\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04020904020102020604}Showcard Gothic;}{\f243\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 050b0604020202020204}Bookshelf Symbol 1;} {\f244\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05050102010706020507}Bookshelf Symbol 3;}{\f245\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 050b0604020202020204}Bookshelf Symbol 4;}{\f246\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05010101010101010101}Bookshelf Symbol 5;} {\f247\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Franklin Gothic Demi Cond CE;}{\f248\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Franklin Gothic Demi Cond Cyr;} {\f249\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Franklin Gothic Demi Cond Greek;}{\f250\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Franklin Gothic Demi Cond Tur;} {\f251\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Franklin Gothic Demi Cond Balti;}{\f252\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Franklin Gothic Heavy CE;} {\f253\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Franklin Gothic Heavy Cyr;}{\f254\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Franklin Gothic Heavy Greek;} {\f255\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Franklin Gothic Heavy Tur;}{\f256\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Franklin Gothic Heavy Baltic;} {\f257\fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Reference Sans Serif (Vietna;}{\f258\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}BR-01T;}{\f259\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}BR-05B;} {\f260\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Brougham;}{\f261\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}BR-11U;}{\f262\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Albertville;} {\f263\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Albertville Extrabold;}{\f264\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Antique Oakland;}{\f265\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}BR Symbol;} {\f266\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}PC Brussels Demi;}{\f267\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}PC Brussels Light;}{\f268\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Cleveland Condensed;} {\f269\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Conneticut;}{\f270\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Guatemala Antique;}{\f271\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Helsinki;} {\f272\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Maryland;}{\f273\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Oklahoma;}{\f274\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}PC Tennessee Roman;} {\f275\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Tennessee Roman;}{\f276\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Utah;}{\f277\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Utah Condensed;} {\f278\fdecor\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}W Dingbats;}{\f279\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Courier (W1);}{\f280\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02000702030000020004}Twentieth Century Poster1;} {\f281\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04010502060101010303}Creepy;}{\f282\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020c0804040000000001}EraserDust;}{\f283\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 01010101010101010101}Figaro MT;} {\f284\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 01010101010101010101}KidTYPEPaint;}{\f285\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03010101010101010101}Mistral AV;}{\f286\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0904020202020204}Plump MT;} {\f287\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02000509000000000005}Space Toaster;}{\f288\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02000800000000000004}Team MT;}{\f289\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0504020203020204}News Gothic MT;} {\f290\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04040506030f02020702}Westminster;}{\f291\fmodern\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0809000000000003}Arial Alternative;}{\f292\fmodern\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0809000000000003}Arial Alternative Symbol;} {\f293\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0606020104020203}Tw Cen MT Condensed;}{\f294\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0803020000000004}Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold;}{\f295\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1{\*\panose 020b0509000000000004}Andale Mono;} {\f296\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Uncial ATT;}{\f297\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold ;}{\f298\fnil\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Uncial ATT CE;} {\f299\fnil\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Uncial ATT Tur;}{\f300\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Arial (W1){\*\falt Arial};}{\f301\fnil\fcharset255\fprq3{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Roman;} {\f302\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Arial (W1) CE;}{\f303\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Arial (W1) Cyr;}{\f304\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Arial (W1) Greek;} {\f305\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Arial (W1) Tur;}{\f306\fswiss\fcharset177\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Arial (W1) (Hebrew);}{\f307\fswiss\fcharset178\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Arial (W1) (Arabic);} {\f308\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Arial (W1) Baltic;}{\f309\fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Arial (W1) (Vietnamese);} {\f310\froman\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times New (W1) CE{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f311\froman\fcharset204\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times New (W1) Cyr{\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f312\froman\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times New (W1) Greek{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f313\froman\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times New (W1) Tur{\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f314\froman\fcharset177\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times New (W1) (Hebrew){\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f315\froman\fcharset178\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times New (W1) (Arabic){\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f316\froman\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times New (W1) Baltic{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f317\froman\fcharset163\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times New (W1) (Vietnamese){\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f318\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0402020202020204}AvantGarde Bk BT;}{\f319\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04030205020b02020502}BernhardFashion BT;}{\f320\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Boink LET;} {\f321\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02050604050505020204}BookmanITC Lt BT;}{\f322\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03060802040406070304}BrushScript BT;}{\f323\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0904040702060204}Compacta Blk BT;} {\f324\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0508030702060204}Compacta Lt BT;}{\f325\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 0208060305030b020404}Cooper Md BT;}{\f326\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020e0605020203020404}CopprplGoth BT;} {\f327\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 0204050203030b020204}Dauphin;}{\f328\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03060902030202020203}DomBold BT;}{\f329\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03060902030302020204}DomCasual BT;} {\f330\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 030306020406070f0b05}English111 Presto BT;}{\f331\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03030702030607090b03}English111 Vivace BT;}{\f332\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04040805071002020d02}FlamencoD;} {\f333\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0806020204020204}Futura XBlkCn BT;}{\f334\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0602020204020303}Futura Md BT;}{\f335\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0506020204030204}Humanst521 Cn BT;} {\f336\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03050502040202020203}Kids;}{\f337\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020602070506020304}NewBskvll BT;}{\f338\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03030602040405080b03}Nuptial BT;} {\f339\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Scruff LET;}{\f340\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03050502040202020b03}Technical;}{\f341\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020f0702020204020204}VAGRounded BT;} {\f342\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03010101010101010101}VivaldiD;}{\f343\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05000000000000000000}Animals 1;}{\f344\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05000000000000000000}Animals 2;} {\f345\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603050302020204}Arrows2;}{\f346\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603050302020204}Balloons;}{\f347\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603050302020204}Buildings;} {\f348\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603050302020204}CommonBullets;}{\f349\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603050302020204}Computers;}{\f350\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}DF Calligraphic Ornaments LET;} {\f351\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}DF Diversions LET;}{\f352\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}DF Diversities LET;}{\f353\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603050302020204}Festive;} {\f354\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603050302020204}Food;}{\f355\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603050302020204}Household;}{\f356\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603050302020204}Hygiene;} {\f357\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05000000000000000000}Kidnap;}{\f358\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05000000000000000000}Music;}{\f359\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603050302020204}Plants;} {\f360\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603050302020204}SportsFigures;}{\f361\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603050302020204}Transportation;}{\f362\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603050302020204}Weather;} {\f363\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040603050705020303}CentSchbook BT;}{\f364\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03080402030202060204}Van Dijk;}{\f365\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 040b0500000000000000}Lithograph;} {\f366\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 01010101010101010101}Adolescence;}{\f367\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0803020204040204}AntigoniBd;}{\f368\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0406020204020204}Antigoni Light;} {\f369\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0703020204030204}Antigoni Med;}{\f370\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603020204030204}Antigoni;}{\f371\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020e0806020206070204}MGI Archon;} {\f372\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020d0802060808030204}AucoinExtBol;}{\f373\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020d0602050304030204}AucoinLight;}{\f374\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0804040403020303}Banjoman Open Bold;} {\f375\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020e0803080505070304}Bedini;}{\f376\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02000503000000000004}Bermuda Solid;}{\f377\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0900020202060204}Eurostar Black Extended;} {\f378\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0504020202050204}Eurostar;}{\f379\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0507020202060204}Eurostar Regular Extended;}{\f380\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02000507000000000004}Falstaff Festival MT;} {\f381\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020e0602060706020304}Gourmand;}{\f382\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0704030103070804}Metro Nouveau;}{\f383\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02000504000000000003}Orbus Multiserif;} {\f384\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02000306050000000002}Palace Script MT Semi Bold;}{\f385\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02090502050106070304}Palladius;}{\f386\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020e0702050806020304}Peinaud;} {\f387\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020e0302020206020904}Schindler;}{\f388\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020e0402020206020904}Schindler Small Caps;}{\f389\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03010101010101010101}Wendy Medium;} {\f390\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03020602050506090804}Vianta;}{\f391\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04040604020b02020304}LcdD;}{\f392\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020502060200020303}GiovanniITCTT;} {\f393\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00050102010706020507}Map Symbols;}{\f394\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Eurostar Regular Extended Balti;}{\f395\fdecor\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Creepy CE;} {\f396\fdecor\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Creepy Tur;}{\f397\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}EraserDust CE;}{\f398\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}EraserDust Tur;} {\f399\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Tw Cen MT Condensed CE;}{\f400\fmodern\fcharset238\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Andale Mono CE;}{\f401\fmodern\fcharset204\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Andale Mono Cyr;} {\f402\fmodern\fcharset161\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Andale Mono Greek;}{\f403\fmodern\fcharset162\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Andale Mono Tur;}{\f404\fmodern\fcharset186\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Andale Mono Baltic;} {\f405\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}AvantGarde Bk BT CE;}{\f406\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}AvantGarde Bk BT Greek;} {\f407\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}AvantGarde Bk BT Tur;}{\f408\fdecor\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}BernhardFashion BT CE;} {\f409\fdecor\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}BernhardFashion BT Greek;}{\f410\fdecor\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}BernhardFashion BT Tur;}{\f411\fnil\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Boink LET Greek;} {\f412\froman\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}BookmanITC Lt BT CE;}{\f413\froman\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}BookmanITC Lt BT Greek;} {\f414\froman\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}BookmanITC Lt BT Tur;}{\f415\fscript\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}BrushScript BT CE;}{\f416\fscript\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}BrushScript BT Greek;} {\f417\fscript\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}BrushScript BT Tur;}{\f418\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Compacta Blk BT CE;}{\f419\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Compacta Blk BT Greek;} {\f420\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Compacta Blk BT Tur;}{\f421\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Compacta Lt BT CE;}{\f422\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Compacta Lt BT Greek;} {\f423\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Compacta Lt BT Tur;}{\f424\froman\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Cooper Md BT CE;}{\f425\froman\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Cooper Md BT Greek;} {\f426\froman\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Cooper Md BT Tur;}{\f427\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}CopprplGoth BT CE;}{\f428\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}CopprplGoth BT Greek;} {\f429\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}CopprplGoth BT Tur;}{\f430\fscript\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}DomBold BT CE;}{\f431\fscript\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}DomBold BT Greek;} {\f432\fscript\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}DomBold BT Tur;}{\f433\fscript\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}DomCasual BT CE;}{\f434\fscript\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}DomCasual BT Greek;} {\f435\fscript\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}DomCasual BT Tur;}{\f436\fscript\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}English111 Presto BT CE;} {\f437\fscript\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}English111 Presto BT Greek;}{\f438\fscript\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}English111 Presto BT Tur;} {\f439\fscript\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}English111 Vivace BT CE;}{\f440\fscript\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}English111 Vivace BT Greek;} {\f441\fscript\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}English111 Vivace BT Tur;}{\f442\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Futura XBlkCn BT CE;} {\f443\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Futura XBlkCn BT Greek;}{\f444\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Futura XBlkCn BT Tur;}{\f445\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Futura Md BT CE;} {\f446\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Futura Md BT Greek;}{\f447\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Futura Md BT Tur;}{\f448\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Humanst521 Cn BT CE;} {\f449\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Humanst521 Cn BT Greek;}{\f450\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Humanst521 Cn BT Tur;}{\f451\froman\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}NewBskvll BT CE;} {\f452\froman\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}NewBskvll BT Greek;}{\f453\froman\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}NewBskvll BT Tur;}{\f454\fscript\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Nuptial BT CE;} {\f455\fscript\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Nuptial BT Greek;}{\f456\fscript\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Nuptial BT Tur;}{\f457\fnil\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Scruff LET Greek;} {\f458\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}VAGRounded BT CE;}{\f459\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}VAGRounded BT Greek;}{\f460\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}VAGRounded BT Tur;} {\f461\fscript\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}VivaldiD CE;}{\f462\fscript\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}VivaldiD Tur;}{\f463\froman\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}CentSchbook BT CE;} {\f464\froman\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}CentSchbook BT Greek;}{\f465\froman\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}CentSchbook BT Tur;}{\f466\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}AntigoniBd CE;} {\f467\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}AntigoniBd Greek;}{\f468\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}AntigoniBd Tur;}{\f469\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}AntigoniBd Baltic;} {\f470\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Antigoni Light CE;}{\f471\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Antigoni Light Greek;}{\f472\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Antigoni Light Tur;} {\f473\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Antigoni Light Baltic;}{\f474\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Antigoni Med CE;}{\f475\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Antigoni Med Greek;} {\f476\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Antigoni Med Tur;}{\f477\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Antigoni Med Baltic;}{\f478\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Antigoni CE;} {\f479\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Antigoni Greek;}{\f480\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Antigoni Tur;}{\f481\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Antigoni Baltic;} {\f482\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MGI Archon CE;}{\f483\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MGI Archon Greek;}{\f484\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MGI Archon Tur;} {\f485\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MGI Archon Baltic;}{\f486\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}AucoinExtBol CE;}{\f487\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}AucoinExtBol Greek;} {\f488\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}AucoinExtBol Tur;}{\f489\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}AucoinExtBol Baltic;}{\f490\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}AucoinLight CE;} {\f491\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}AucoinLight Greek;}{\f492\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}AucoinLight Tur;}{\f493\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}AucoinLight Baltic;} {\f494\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Bedini CE;}{\f495\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Bedini Greek;}{\f496\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Bedini Tur;} {\f497\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Bedini Baltic;}{\f498\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Eurostar Black Extended CE;} {\f499\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Eurostar Black Extended Greek;}{\f500\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Eurostar Black Extended Tur;} {\f501\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Eurostar Black Extended Baltic;}{\f502\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Eurostar CE;}{\f503\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Eurostar Greek;} {\f504\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Eurostar Tur;}{\f505\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Eurostar Baltic;}{\f506\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Eurostar Regular Extended CE;} {\f507\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Eurostar Regular Extended Greek;}{\f508\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Eurostar Regular Extended Tur;} {\f509\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Gourmand CE;}{\f510\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Gourmand Greek;}{\f511\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Gourmand Tur;} {\f512\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Gourmand Baltic;}{\f513\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Metro Nouveau CE;}{\f514\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Metro Nouveau Greek;} {\f515\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Metro Nouveau Tur;}{\f516\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Metro Nouveau Baltic;}{\f517\froman\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Palladius CE;} {\f518\froman\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Palladius Greek;}{\f519\froman\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Palladius Tur;}{\f520\froman\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Palladius Baltic;} {\f521\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Peinaud CE;}{\f522\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Peinaud Greek;}{\f523\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Peinaud Tur;} {\f524\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Peinaud Baltic;}{\f525\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Schindler CE;}{\f526\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Schindler Greek;} {\f527\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Schindler Tur;}{\f528\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Schindler Baltic;}{\f529\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Schindler Small Caps CE;} {\f530\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Schindler Small Caps Greek;}{\f531\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Schindler Small Caps Tur;} {\f532\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Schindler Small Caps Baltic;}{\f533\fscript\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Vianta Greek;}{\f534\fdecor\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}LcdD CE;} {\f535\fdecor\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}LcdD Tur;}{\f536\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}????????????????????????\'a8\'ac?????;} {\f537\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}??????????????????????\'a8\'ac???????;}{\f538\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}?????????????????????????\'a1\'ec????;} {\f539\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}??????????????????????????????\'a8;}{\f540\froman\fcharset0\fprq2 Times New Roman CYR;}{\f541\froman\fcharset0\fprq2 Times New Roman TUR;}{\f542\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2 Arial CYR;} {\f543\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2 Arial TUR;}{\f544\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1 Courier New CYR;}{\f545\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1 Courier New TUR;}{\f546\fnil\fcharset178\fprq2{\*\panose 02010000000000000000}Traditional Arabic;} {\f547\fnil\fcharset178\fprq2{\*\panose 02010000000000000000}Arabic Transparent;}{\f548\fnil\fcharset178\fprq2{\*\panose 02010000000000000000}Andalus;}{\f549\fnil\fcharset178\fprq2{\*\panose 02010000000000000000}Simplified Arabic;} {\f550\fmodern\fcharset178\fprq1{\*\panose 02010009000000000000}Simplified Arabic Fixed;}{\f551\fmodern\fcharset134\fprq1{\*\panose 02010609030101010101}NSimSun;}{\f552\fmodern\fcharset134\fprq1{\*\panose 02010609030101010101}@NSimSun;} {\f553\fnil\fcharset134\fprq2{\*\panose 02010600030101010101}@SimHei;}{\f554\froman\fcharset128\fprq2{\*\panose 02020600040205080304}MS PMincho;}{\f555\froman\fcharset128\fprq2{\*\panose 02020600040205080304}@MS PMincho;} {\f556\fmodern\fcharset128\fprq1{\*\panose 020b0609070205080204}@MS Gothic;}{\f557\fswiss\fcharset128\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0600070205080204}MS PGothic;}{\f558\fswiss\fcharset128\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0600070205080204}@MS PGothic;} {\f559\fswiss\fcharset128\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0600070205080204}MS UI Gothic;}{\f560\fswiss\fcharset128\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0600070205080204}@MS UI Gothic;}{\f561\froman\fcharset222\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}AngsanaUPC;} {\f562\fswiss\fcharset222\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604020202020204}BrowalliaUPC;}{\f563\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604020202020204}Browallia New;}{\f564\fswiss\fcharset222\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0304020202020204}CordiaUPC;} {\f565\froman\fcharset222\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}DilleniaUPC;}{\f566\froman\fcharset222\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}EucrosiaUPC;}{\f567\fswiss\fcharset222\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604020202020204}FreesiaUPC;} {\f568\fswiss\fcharset222\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604020202020204}IrisUPC;}{\f569\froman\fcharset222\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}JasmineUPC;}{\f570\froman\fcharset222\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}KodchiangUPC;} {\f571\fswiss\fcharset222\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604020202020204}LilyUPC;}{\f572\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 050b0604020202020204}Typographic Ext;}{\f573\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05000000000000000000}Iconic Symbols Ext;} {\f574\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05000000000000000000}Math Ext;}{\f575\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05020603050405020304}Multinational Ext;}{\f576\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05020603050405020304}Greek Symbols;} {\f577\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}SPSS Marker Set;}{\f578\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05050102010607020607}MapInfo Cartographic;}{\f579\fmodern\fcharset136\fprq1{\*\panose 02020309000000000000}@MingLiU;} {\f580\froman\fcharset136\fprq2{\*\panose 02020300000000000000}@PMingLiU;}{\f581\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}(Use Asian text font){\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f582\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}PMingLiU Western{\*\falt !Ps2OcuAe};}{\f583\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Gothic Western{\*\falt ?l?r ?S?V?b?N};} {\f584\fmodern\fcharset238\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Gothic CE{\*\falt ?l?r ?S?V?b?N};}{\f585\fmodern\fcharset204\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Gothic Cyr{\*\falt ?l?r ?S?V?b?N};} {\f586\fmodern\fcharset161\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Gothic Greek{\*\falt ?l?r ?S?V?b?N};}{\f587\fmodern\fcharset162\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Gothic Tur{\*\falt ?l?r ?S?V?b?N};} {\f588\fmodern\fcharset186\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Gothic Baltic{\*\falt ?l?r ?S?V?b?N};}{\f589\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MingLiU Western{\*\falt 2OcuAe};} {\f590\froman\fcharset163\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times New Roman CYR (Vietnamese;}{\f591\froman\fcharset0\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek;}{\f592\froman\fcharset163\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times New Roman Greek (Vietname;} {\f593\froman\fcharset163\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times New Roman TUR (Vietnamese;}{\f594\froman\fcharset0\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic;}{\f595\froman\fcharset163\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times New Roman Baltic (Vietnam;} {\f596\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}NSimSun Western;}{\f597\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@NSimSun Western;}{\f598\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS PMincho Western;} {\f599\froman\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS PMincho CE;}{\f600\froman\fcharset204\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS PMincho Cyr;}{\f601\froman\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS PMincho Greek;} {\f602\froman\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS PMincho Tur;}{\f603\froman\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS PMincho Baltic;}{\f604\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS PMincho Western;} {\f605\froman\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS PMincho CE;}{\f606\froman\fcharset204\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS PMincho Cyr;}{\f607\froman\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS PMincho Greek;} {\f608\froman\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS PMincho Tur;}{\f609\froman\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS PMincho Baltic;}{\f610\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS Gothic Western;} {\f611\fmodern\fcharset238\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS Gothic CE;}{\f612\fmodern\fcharset204\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS Gothic Cyr;}{\f613\fmodern\fcharset161\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS Gothic Greek;} {\f614\fmodern\fcharset162\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS Gothic Tur;}{\f615\fmodern\fcharset186\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS Gothic Baltic;}{\f616\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS PGothic Western;} {\f617\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS PGothic CE;}{\f618\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS PGothic Cyr;}{\f619\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS PGothic Greek;} {\f620\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS PGothic Tur;}{\f621\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS PGothic Baltic;}{\f622\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS PGothic Western;} {\f623\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS PGothic CE;}{\f624\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS PGothic Cyr;}{\f625\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS PGothic Greek;} {\f626\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS PGothic Tur;}{\f627\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS PGothic Baltic;}{\f628\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS UI Gothic Western;} {\f629\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS UI Gothic CE;}{\f630\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS UI Gothic Cyr;}{\f631\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS UI Gothic Greek;} {\f632\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS UI Gothic Tur;}{\f633\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS UI Gothic Baltic;}{\f634\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS UI Gothic Western;} {\f635\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS UI Gothic CE;}{\f636\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS UI Gothic Cyr;}{\f637\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS UI Gothic Greek;} {\f638\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS UI Gothic Tur;}{\f639\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS UI Gothic Baltic;}{\f640\fswiss\fcharset222\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Browallia New (Thai);} {\f641\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MingLiU Western;}{\f642\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@PMingLiU Western;} {\f643\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}????????????????????\'a1\'a7?????????;}{\f644\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Sans Serif{\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f645\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0502040204020203}Segoe Media Center;}{\f646\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0702040200020203}Segoe Media Center Semibold;}{\f647\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0804030504040204}Tahoma Small Cap;} {\f648\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Elite{\*\falt Arial};}{\f649\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}GothicPS{\*\falt Arial};} {\f650\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}????????????\'a1\'a7???????;}{\f651\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}??????????????????\'a8\'ac?????????;} {\f652\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}????????????????????????\'a1\'a7?????;}{\f653\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}??????????????????????\'a1\'a7???????;} {\f654\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}CG Times (W1){\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f655\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}CG Times 12pt;} {\f656\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}????????????????????\'a8\'ac?????????;}{\f657\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}?????\'a1\'ec???;} {\f658\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}????\'a1\'a7???;}{\f659\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Prestige;}{\f660\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}?????????????????\'a1\'ec?????????;} {\f661\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}??????????????????\'a1\'a7??????????;}{\f662\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}o{\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f663\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}ome{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f664\fnil\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times Roman{\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f665\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Plain text{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f666\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}boscombe{\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f667\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}??????????????????????????\'a8\'ac???;}{\f668\froman\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Rockwell CE;} {\f669\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Reference Sans Serif CE;}{\f670\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Reference Sans Serif Cyr;} {\f671\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Reference Sans Serif Greek;}{\f672\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Reference Sans Serif Tur;} {\f673\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Reference Sans Serif Baltic;}{\f674\froman\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Reference Serif CE;} {\f675\froman\fcharset204\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Reference Serif Cyr;}{\f676\froman\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Reference Serif Greek;} {\f677\froman\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Reference Serif Tur;}{\f678\froman\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Reference Serif Baltic;} {\f679\froman\fcharset163\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Reference Serif (Vietnamese);}{\f680\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Verdana Ref CE;}{\f681\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Verdana Ref Cyr;} {\f682\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Verdana Ref Greek;}{\f683\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Verdana Ref Tur;}{\f684\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Verdana Ref Baltic;} {\f685\fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Verdana Ref (Vietnamese);}{\f686\froman\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Georgia Ref CE;}{\f687\froman\fcharset204\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Georgia Ref Cyr;} {\f688\froman\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Georgia Ref Greek;}{\f689\froman\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Georgia Ref Tur;}{\f690\froman\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Georgia Ref Baltic;} {\f691\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Gill Sans MT CE;}{\f692\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Gill Sans MT Condensed CE;} {\f693\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Gill Sans Ultra Bold CE;}{\f694\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Sydnie;}{\f695\fnil\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Sydnie Greek;} {\f696\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2 Arial Baltic;}{\f697\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1 Courier New Baltic;}{\f698\froman\fcharset0\fprq2 Times New Roman CE;}{\f699\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2 Arial CE;}{\f700\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2 Arial Greek;} {\f701\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1 Courier New CE;}{\f702\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1 Courier New Greek;}{\f703\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Helvetica Cyr;}{\f704\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Helvetica Greek;} {\f705\fswiss\fcharset177\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Helvetica (Hebrew);}{\f706\fswiss\fcharset178\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Helvetica (Arabic);}{\f707\fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Helvetica (Vietnamese);} {\f708\froman\fcharset204\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times Cyr{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f709\froman\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times Greek{\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f710\froman\fcharset177\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times (Hebrew){\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f711\froman\fcharset178\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times (Arabic){\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f712\froman\fcharset163\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times (Vietnamese){\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f713\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Times New Roman CE{\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f714\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Times New Roman Cyr{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f716\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f717\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Times New Roman Tur{\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f718\froman\fcharset177\fprq2 Times New Roman (Hebrew){\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f719\froman\fcharset178\fprq2 Times New Roman (Arabic){\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f720\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic{\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f721\froman\fcharset163\fprq2 Times New Roman (Vietnamese){\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f723\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Arial CE;}{\f724\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Arial Cyr;}{\f726\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Arial Greek;} {\f727\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Arial Tur;}{\f728\fswiss\fcharset177\fprq2 Arial (Hebrew);}{\f729\fswiss\fcharset178\fprq2 Arial (Arabic);}{\f730\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Arial Baltic;}{\f731\fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2 Arial (Vietnamese);} {\f733\fmodern\fcharset238\fprq1 Courier New CE;}{\f734\fmodern\fcharset204\fprq1 Courier New Cyr;}{\f736\fmodern\fcharset161\fprq1 Courier New Greek;}{\f737\fmodern\fcharset162\fprq1 Courier New Tur;} {\f738\fmodern\fcharset177\fprq1 Courier New (Hebrew);}{\f739\fmodern\fcharset178\fprq1 Courier New (Arabic);}{\f740\fmodern\fcharset186\fprq1 Courier New Baltic;}{\f741\fmodern\fcharset163\fprq1 Courier New (Vietnamese);} {\f753\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Helvetica CE;}{\f757\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Helvetica Tur;}{\f760\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Helvetica Baltic;}{\f825\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1 MS Mincho Western{\*\falt ?l?r ??\'81\'66c};} {\f823\fmodern\fcharset238\fprq1 MS Mincho CE{\*\falt ?l?r ??\'81\'66c};}{\f824\fmodern\fcharset204\fprq1 MS Mincho Cyr{\*\falt ?l?r ??\'81\'66c};}{\f826\fmodern\fcharset161\fprq1 MS Mincho Greek{\*\falt ?l?r ??\'81\'66c};} {\f827\fmodern\fcharset162\fprq1 MS Mincho Tur{\*\falt ?l?r ??\'81\'66c};}{\f830\fmodern\fcharset186\fprq1 MS Mincho Baltic{\*\falt ?l?r ??\'81\'66c};} {\f835\froman\fcharset0\fprq2 Batang Western{\*\falt \'a1\'cb\'a2\'e7E\'a2\'aeEcE\'a2\'aeE\'a1\'cbcEcE\'a2\'aeE\'a1\'cbcE\'a1\'cb\'a2\'e7EcEcE\'a2\'aeE\'a1\'cbcE};} {\f833\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Batang CE{\*\falt \'a1\'cb\'a2\'e7E\'a2\'aeEcE\'a2\'aeE\'a1\'cbcEcE\'a2\'aeE\'a1\'cbcE\'a1\'cb\'a2\'e7EcEcE\'a2\'aeE\'a1\'cbcE};} {\f834\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Batang Cyr{\*\falt \'a1\'cb\'a2\'e7E\'a2\'aeEcE\'a2\'aeE\'a1\'cbcEcE\'a2\'aeE\'a1\'cbcE\'a1\'cb\'a2\'e7EcEcE\'a2\'aeE\'a1\'cbcE};} {\f836\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Batang Greek{\*\falt \'a1\'cb\'a2\'e7E\'a2\'aeEcE\'a2\'aeE\'a1\'cbcEcE\'a2\'aeE\'a1\'cbcE\'a1\'cb\'a2\'e7EcEcE\'a2\'aeE\'a1\'cbcE};} {\f837\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Batang Tur{\*\falt \'a1\'cb\'a2\'e7E\'a2\'aeEcE\'a2\'aeE\'a1\'cbcEcE\'a2\'aeE\'a1\'cbcE\'a1\'cb\'a2\'e7EcEcE\'a2\'aeE\'a1\'cbcE};} {\f840\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Batang Baltic{\*\falt \'a1\'cb\'a2\'e7E\'a2\'aeEcE\'a2\'aeE\'a1\'cbcEcE\'a2\'aeE\'a1\'cbcE\'a1\'cb\'a2\'e7EcEcE\'a2\'aeE\'a1\'cbcE};}{\f845\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2 SimSun Western{\*\falt ??????????????\'a8\'ac???????};} {\f923\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Century CE;}{\f924\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Century Cyr;}{\f926\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Century Greek;}{\f927\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Century Tur;}{\f930\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Century Baltic;} {\f935\froman\fcharset0\fprq2 Angsana New;}{\f945\froman\fcharset0\fprq2 Cordia New;}{\f973\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Sylfaen CE;}{\f974\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Sylfaen Cyr;}{\f976\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Sylfaen Greek;} {\f977\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Sylfaen Tur;}{\f980\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Sylfaen Baltic;}{\f1055\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2 Arial Unicode MS Western;}{\f1053\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Arial Unicode MS CE;} {\f1054\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Arial Unicode MS Cyr;}{\f1056\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Arial Unicode MS Greek;}{\f1057\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Arial Unicode MS Tur;}{\f1058\fswiss\fcharset177\fprq2 Arial Unicode MS (Hebrew);} {\f1059\fswiss\fcharset178\fprq2 Arial Unicode MS (Arabic);}{\f1060\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Arial Unicode MS Baltic;}{\f1061\fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2 Arial Unicode MS (Vietnamese);}{\f1062\fswiss\fcharset222\fprq2 Arial Unicode MS (Thai);} {\f1063\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Tahoma CE;}{\f1064\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Tahoma Cyr;}{\f1066\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Tahoma Greek;}{\f1067\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Tahoma Tur;}{\f1068\fswiss\fcharset177\fprq2 Tahoma (Hebrew);} {\f1069\fswiss\fcharset178\fprq2 Tahoma (Arabic);}{\f1070\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Tahoma Baltic;}{\f1071\fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2 Tahoma (Vietnamese);}{\f1072\fswiss\fcharset222\fprq2 Tahoma (Thai);} {\f1083\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Times CE{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f1087\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Times Tur{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f1090\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Times Baltic{\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f1103\fmodern\fcharset238\fprq1 Lucida Console CE;}{\f1104\fmodern\fcharset204\fprq1 Lucida Console Cyr;}{\f1106\fmodern\fcharset161\fprq1 Lucida Console Greek;}{\f1107\fmodern\fcharset162\fprq1 Lucida Console Tur;} {\f1113\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Verdana CE;}{\f1114\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Verdana Cyr;}{\f1116\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Verdana Greek;}{\f1117\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Verdana Tur;}{\f1120\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Verdana Baltic;} {\f1121\fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2 Verdana (Vietnamese);}{\f1123\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Arial Black CE;}{\f1124\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Arial Black Cyr;}{\f1126\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Arial Black Greek;} {\f1127\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Arial Black Tur;}{\f1130\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Arial Black Baltic;}{\f1133\fscript\fcharset238\fprq2 Comic Sans MS CE;}{\f1134\fscript\fcharset204\fprq2 Comic Sans MS Cyr;} {\f1136\fscript\fcharset161\fprq2 Comic Sans MS Greek;}{\f1137\fscript\fcharset162\fprq2 Comic Sans MS Tur;}{\f1140\fscript\fcharset186\fprq2 Comic Sans MS Baltic;}{\f1143\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Impact CE;}{\f1144\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Impact Cyr;} {\f1146\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Impact Greek;}{\f1147\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Impact Tur;}{\f1150\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Impact Baltic;}{\f1153\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Georgia CE;}{\f1154\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Georgia Cyr;} {\f1156\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Georgia Greek;}{\f1157\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Georgia Tur;}{\f1160\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Georgia Baltic;}{\f1163\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Medium CE;} {\f1164\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Medium Cyr;}{\f1166\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Medium Greek;}{\f1167\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Medium Tur;}{\f1170\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Medium Baltic;} {\f1173\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Palatino Linotype CE;}{\f1174\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Palatino Linotype Cyr;}{\f1176\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Palatino Linotype Greek;}{\f1177\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Palatino Linotype Tur;} {\f1180\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Palatino Linotype Baltic;}{\f1181\froman\fcharset163\fprq2 Palatino Linotype (Vietnamese);}{\f1183\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Trebuchet MS CE;}{\f1184\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Trebuchet MS Cyr;} {\f1186\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Trebuchet MS Greek;}{\f1187\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Trebuchet MS Tur;}{\f1190\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Trebuchet MS Baltic;}{\f1223\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Microsoft Sans Serif CE;} {\f1224\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Microsoft Sans Serif Cyr;}{\f1226\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Microsoft Sans Serif Greek;}{\f1227\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Microsoft Sans Serif Tur;}{\f1228\fswiss\fcharset177\fprq2 Microsoft Sans Serif (Hebrew);} {\f1229\fswiss\fcharset178\fprq2 Microsoft Sans Serif (Arabic);}{\f1230\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Microsoft Sans Serif Baltic;}{\f1231\fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2 Microsoft Sans Serif (Vietnamese);} {\f1232\fswiss\fcharset222\fprq2 Microsoft Sans Serif (Thai);}{\f1236\fnil\fcharset161\fprq2 Alba Greek;}{\f1246\fnil\fcharset161\fprq2 Alba Matter Greek;}{\f1256\fnil\fcharset161\fprq2 Alba Super Greek;}{\f1266\fnil\fcharset161\fprq2 Baby Kruffy Greek;} {\f1276\fnil\fcharset161\fprq2 Chick Greek;}{\f1286\fnil\fcharset161\fprq2 Croobie Greek;}{\f1306\fnil\fcharset161\fprq2 Freshbot Greek;}{\f1316\fnil\fcharset161\fprq2 Frosty Greek;}{\f1326\fnil\fcharset161\fprq2 GlooGun Greek;} {\f1336\fnil\fcharset161\fprq2 Jenkins v2.0 Greek;}{\f1376\fnil\fcharset161\fprq2 Pussycat Greek;}{\f1386\fnil\fcharset161\fprq2 Weltron Urban Greek;}{\f1393\fscript\fcharset238\fprq2 Mistral CE;}{\f1394\fscript\fcharset204\fprq2 Mistral Cyr;} {\f1396\fscript\fcharset161\fprq2 Mistral Greek;}{\f1397\fscript\fcharset162\fprq2 Mistral Tur;}{\f1400\fscript\fcharset186\fprq2 Mistral Baltic;}{\f1403\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Lucida Sans Unicode CE;} {\f1404\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Lucida Sans Unicode Cyr;}{\f1406\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Lucida Sans Unicode Greek;}{\f1407\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Lucida Sans Unicode Tur;}{\f1408\fswiss\fcharset177\fprq2 Lucida Sans Unicode (Hebrew);} {\f1523\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Book CE;}{\f1524\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Book Cyr;}{\f1526\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Book Greek;}{\f1527\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Book Tur;} {\f1530\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Book Baltic;}{\f1533\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Demi CE;}{\f1534\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Demi Cyr;}{\f1536\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Demi Greek;} {\f1537\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Demi Tur;}{\f1540\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Demi Baltic;}{\f1543\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Medium Cond CE;}{\f1544\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Medium Cond Cyr;} {\f1546\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Medium Cond Greek;}{\f1547\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Medium Cond Tur;}{\f1550\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Medium Cond Baltic;}{\f1563\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Century Gothic CE;} {\f1564\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Century Gothic Cyr;}{\f1566\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Century Gothic Greek;}{\f1567\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Century Gothic Tur;}{\f1570\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Century Gothic Baltic;} {\f1685\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2 @Arial Unicode MS Western;}{\f1683\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 @Arial Unicode MS CE;}{\f1684\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 @Arial Unicode MS Cyr;}{\f1686\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 @Arial Unicode MS Greek;} {\f1687\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 @Arial Unicode MS Tur;}{\f1688\fswiss\fcharset177\fprq2 @Arial 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Greek;}{\f1717\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Bookman Old Style Tur;} {\f1720\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Bookman Old Style Baltic;}{\f1723\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Garamond CE;}{\f1724\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Garamond Cyr;}{\f1726\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Garamond Greek;}{\f1727\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Garamond Tur;} {\f1730\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Garamond Baltic;}{\f1733\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Haettenschweiler CE;}{\f1734\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Haettenschweiler Cyr;}{\f1736\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Haettenschweiler Greek;} {\f1737\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Haettenschweiler Tur;}{\f1740\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Haettenschweiler Baltic;}{\f1745\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1 @MS Mincho Western;}{\f1743\fmodern\fcharset238\fprq1 @MS Mincho CE;} {\f1744\fmodern\fcharset204\fprq1 @MS Mincho Cyr;}{\f1746\fmodern\fcharset161\fprq1 @MS Mincho Greek;}{\f1747\fmodern\fcharset162\fprq1 @MS Mincho Tur;}{\f1750\fmodern\fcharset186\fprq1 @MS Mincho Baltic;} {\f1763\fscript\fcharset238\fprq2 Monotype Corsiva CE;}{\f1764\fscript\fcharset204\fprq2 Monotype Corsiva Cyr;}{\f1766\fscript\fcharset161\fprq2 Monotype Corsiva Greek;}{\f1767\fscript\fcharset162\fprq2 Monotype Corsiva Tur;} {\f1770\fscript\fcharset186\fprq2 Monotype Corsiva Baltic;}{\f1775\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2 @SimSun Western;}{\f1793\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Arial Narrow CE;}{\f1794\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Arial Narrow Cyr;} {\f1796\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Arial Narrow Greek;}{\f1797\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Arial Narrow Tur;}{\f1800\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Arial Narrow Baltic;}{\f1863\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Albertus Medium CE;} {\f1867\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Albertus Medium Tur;}{\f1870\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Albertus Medium Baltic;}{\f1873\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Albertus CE;}{\f1877\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Albertus Tur;}{\f1880\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Albertus Baltic;} {\f1883\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Albertus Extra Bold CE;}{\f1887\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Albertus Extra Bold Tur;}{\f1890\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Albertus Extra Bold Baltic;}{\f1893\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 ITC Avant Garde Gothic CE;} {\f1897\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 ITC Avant Garde Gothic Tur;}{\f1900\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 ITC Avant Garde Gothic Baltic;}{\f1903\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 ITC Avant Garde Gothic Demi CE;} {\f1907\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 ITC Avant Garde Gothic Demi Tur;}{\f1910\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 ITC Avant Garde Gothic Demi Baltic;}{\f1913\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 ITC Bookman Light CE;}{\f1917\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 ITC Bookman Light Tur;} {\f1920\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 ITC Bookman Light Baltic;}{\f1923\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 ITC Bookman Demi CE;}{\f1927\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 ITC Bookman Demi Tur;}{\f1930\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 ITC Bookman Demi Baltic;} {\f1933\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 CG Omega CE;}{\f1937\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 CG Omega Tur;}{\f1940\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 CG Omega Baltic;}{\f1943\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 CG Times CE;}{\f1947\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 CG Times Tur;} {\f1950\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 CG Times Baltic;}{\f1953\fscript\fcharset238\fprq2 ITC Zapf Chancery CE;}{\f1957\fscript\fcharset162\fprq2 ITC Zapf Chancery Tur;}{\f1960\fscript\fcharset186\fprq2 ITC Zapf Chancery Baltic;} {\f1963\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Clarendon CE;}{\f1967\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Clarendon Tur;}{\f1970\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Clarendon Baltic;}{\f1973\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Clarendon Condensed CE;} {\f1977\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Clarendon Condensed Tur;}{\f1980\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Clarendon Condensed Baltic;}{\f1983\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Clarendon Extended CE;}{\f1987\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Clarendon Extended Tur;} {\f1990\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Clarendon Extended Baltic;}{\f1993\fscript\fcharset238\fprq2 Coronet CE;}{\f1997\fscript\fcharset162\fprq2 Coronet Tur;}{\f2000\fscript\fcharset186\fprq2 Coronet Baltic;}{\f2003\fmodern\fcharset238\fprq1 CourierPS CE;} {\f2007\fmodern\fcharset162\fprq1 CourierPS Tur;}{\f2010\fmodern\fcharset186\fprq1 CourierPS Baltic;}{\f2023\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Helvetica Narrow CE;}{\f2027\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Helvetica Narrow Tur;} {\f2030\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Helvetica Narrow Baltic;}{\f2033\fmodern\fcharset238\fprq1 Letter Gothic CE;}{\f2037\fmodern\fcharset162\fprq1 Letter Gothic Tur;}{\f2040\fmodern\fcharset186\fprq1 Letter Gothic Baltic;} {\f2043\fscript\fcharset238\fprq2 Marigold CE;}{\f2047\fscript\fcharset162\fprq2 Marigold Tur;}{\f2050\fscript\fcharset186\fprq2 Marigold Baltic;}{\f2053\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 New Century Schoolbook CE;} {\f2057\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 New Century Schoolbook Tur;}{\f2060\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 New Century Schoolbook Baltic;}{\f2063\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Antique Olive CE;}{\f2067\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Antique Olive Tur;} {\f2070\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Antique Olive Baltic;}{\f2073\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Antique Olive Compact CE;}{\f2077\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Antique Olive Compact Tur;}{\f2080\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Antique Olive Compact Baltic;} {\f2083\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Palatino CE{\*\falt Book Antiqua};}{\f2087\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Palatino Tur{\*\falt Book Antiqua};}{\f2090\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Palatino Baltic{\*\falt Book Antiqua};}{\f2103\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Univers CE;} {\f2107\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Univers Tur;}{\f2110\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Univers Baltic;}{\f2113\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Univers Condensed CE;}{\f2117\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Univers Condensed Tur;} {\f2120\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Univers Condensed Baltic;}{\f6113\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Times New Roman CYR CE;}{\f6114\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Times New Roman CYR Cyr;}{\f6116\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Times New Roman CYR Greek;} {\f6117\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Times New Roman CYR Tur;}{\f6118\froman\fcharset177\fprq2 Times New Roman CYR (Hebrew);}{\f6119\froman\fcharset178\fprq2 Times New Roman CYR (Arabic);}{\f6120\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Times New Roman CYR Baltic;} {\f6121\froman\fcharset163\fprq2 Times New Roman CYR (Vietnamese);}{\f6123\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Times New Roman TUR CE;}{\f6124\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Times New Roman TUR Cyr;}{\f6126\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Times New Roman TUR Greek;} {\f6127\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Times New Roman TUR Tur;}{\f6128\froman\fcharset177\fprq2 Times New Roman TUR (Hebrew);}{\f6129\froman\fcharset178\fprq2 Times New Roman TUR (Arabic);}{\f6130\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Times New Roman TUR Baltic;} {\f6131\froman\fcharset163\fprq2 Times New Roman TUR (Vietnamese);}{\f6133\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Arial CYR CE;}{\f6134\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Arial CYR Cyr;}{\f6136\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Arial CYR Greek;} {\f6137\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Arial CYR Tur;}{\f6138\fswiss\fcharset177\fprq2 Arial CYR (Hebrew);}{\f6139\fswiss\fcharset178\fprq2 Arial CYR (Arabic);}{\f6140\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Arial CYR Baltic;} {\f6141\fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2 Arial CYR (Vietnamese);}{\f6143\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Arial TUR CE;}{\f6144\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Arial TUR Cyr;}{\f6146\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Arial TUR Greek;}{\f6147\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Arial TUR Tur;} {\f6148\fswiss\fcharset177\fprq2 Arial TUR (Hebrew);}{\f6149\fswiss\fcharset178\fprq2 Arial TUR (Arabic);}{\f6150\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Arial TUR Baltic;}{\f6151\fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2 Arial TUR (Vietnamese);} {\f6153\fmodern\fcharset238\fprq1 Courier New CYR CE;}{\f6154\fmodern\fcharset204\fprq1 Courier New CYR Cyr;}{\f6156\fmodern\fcharset161\fprq1 Courier New CYR Greek;}{\f6157\fmodern\fcharset162\fprq1 Courier New CYR Tur;} {\f6158\fmodern\fcharset177\fprq1 Courier New CYR (Hebrew);}{\f6159\fmodern\fcharset178\fprq1 Courier New CYR (Arabic);}{\f6160\fmodern\fcharset186\fprq1 Courier New CYR Baltic;}{\f6161\fmodern\fcharset163\fprq1 Courier New CYR (Vietnamese);} {\f6163\fmodern\fcharset238\fprq1 Courier New TUR CE;}{\f6164\fmodern\fcharset204\fprq1 Courier New TUR Cyr;}{\f6166\fmodern\fcharset161\fprq1 Courier New TUR Greek;}{\f6167\fmodern\fcharset162\fprq1 Courier New TUR Tur;} {\f6168\fmodern\fcharset177\fprq1 Courier New TUR (Hebrew);}{\f6169\fmodern\fcharset178\fprq1 Courier New TUR (Arabic);}{\f6170\fmodern\fcharset186\fprq1 Courier New TUR Baltic;}{\f6171\fmodern\fcharset163\fprq1 Courier New TUR (Vietnamese);} {\f6623\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek CE;}{\f6624\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek Cyr;}{\f6626\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek Greek;}{\f6627\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek Tur;} {\f6628\froman\fcharset177\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek (Hebrew);}{\f6629\froman\fcharset178\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek (Arabic);}{\f6630\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek Baltic;} {\f6631\froman\fcharset163\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek (Vietnamese);}{\f6653\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic CE;}{\f6654\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic Cyr;}{\f6656\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic Greek;} {\f6657\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic Tur;}{\f6658\froman\fcharset177\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic (Hebrew);}{\f6659\froman\fcharset178\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic (Arabic);} {\f6660\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic Baltic;}{\f6661\froman\fcharset163\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic (Vietnamese);}{\f7673\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Arial Baltic CE;}{\f7674\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Arial Baltic Cyr;} {\f7676\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Arial Baltic Greek;}{\f7677\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Arial Baltic Tur;}{\f7678\fswiss\fcharset177\fprq2 Arial Baltic (Hebrew);}{\f7679\fswiss\fcharset178\fprq2 Arial Baltic (Arabic);} {\f7680\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Arial Baltic Baltic;}{\f7681\fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2 Arial Baltic (Vietnamese);}{\f7683\fmodern\fcharset238\fprq1 Courier New Baltic CE;}{\f7684\fmodern\fcharset204\fprq1 Courier New Baltic Cyr;} {\f7686\fmodern\fcharset161\fprq1 Courier New Baltic Greek;}{\f7687\fmodern\fcharset162\fprq1 Courier New Baltic Tur;}{\f7688\fmodern\fcharset177\fprq1 Courier New Baltic (Hebrew);}{\f7689\fmodern\fcharset178\fprq1 Courier New Baltic (Arabic);} {\f7690\fmodern\fcharset186\fprq1 Courier New Baltic Baltic;}{\f7691\fmodern\fcharset163\fprq1 Courier New Baltic (Vietnamese);}{\f7693\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Times New Roman CE CE;}{\f7694\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Times New Roman CE Cyr;} {\f7696\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Times New Roman CE Greek;}{\f7697\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Times New Roman CE Tur;}{\f7698\froman\fcharset177\fprq2 Times New Roman CE (Hebrew);}{\f7699\froman\fcharset178\fprq2 Times New Roman CE (Arabic);} {\f7700\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Times New Roman CE Baltic;}{\f7701\froman\fcharset163\fprq2 Times New Roman CE (Vietnamese);}{\f7703\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Arial CE CE;}{\f7704\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Arial CE Cyr;} {\f7706\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Arial CE Greek;}{\f7707\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Arial CE Tur;}{\f7708\fswiss\fcharset177\fprq2 Arial CE (Hebrew);}{\f7709\fswiss\fcharset178\fprq2 Arial CE (Arabic);}{\f7710\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Arial CE Baltic;} {\f7711\fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2 Arial CE (Vietnamese);}{\f7713\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Arial Greek CE;}{\f7714\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Arial Greek Cyr;}{\f7716\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Arial Greek Greek;} {\f7717\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Arial Greek Tur;}{\f7718\fswiss\fcharset177\fprq2 Arial Greek (Hebrew);}{\f7719\fswiss\fcharset178\fprq2 Arial Greek (Arabic);}{\f7720\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Arial Greek Baltic;} {\f7721\fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2 Arial Greek (Vietnamese);}{\f7723\fmodern\fcharset238\fprq1 Courier New CE CE;}{\f7724\fmodern\fcharset204\fprq1 Courier New CE Cyr;}{\f7726\fmodern\fcharset161\fprq1 Courier New CE Greek;} {\f7727\fmodern\fcharset162\fprq1 Courier New CE Tur;}{\f7728\fmodern\fcharset177\fprq1 Courier New CE (Hebrew);}{\f7729\fmodern\fcharset178\fprq1 Courier New CE (Arabic);}{\f7730\fmodern\fcharset186\fprq1 Courier New CE Baltic;} {\f7731\fmodern\fcharset163\fprq1 Courier New CE (Vietnamese);}{\f7733\fmodern\fcharset238\fprq1 Courier New Greek CE;}{\f7734\fmodern\fcharset204\fprq1 Courier New Greek Cyr;}{\f7736\fmodern\fcharset161\fprq1 Courier New Greek Greek;} {\f7737\fmodern\fcharset162\fprq1 Courier New Greek Tur;}{\f7738\fmodern\fcharset177\fprq1 Courier New Greek (Hebrew);}{\f7739\fmodern\fcharset178\fprq1 Courier New Greek (Arabic);}{\f7740\fmodern\fcharset186\fprq1 Courier New Greek Baltic;} {\f7741\fmodern\fcharset163\fprq1 Courier New Greek (Vietnamese);}}{\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;\red0\green255\blue255;\red0\green255\blue0;\red255\green0\blue255;\red255\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255; \red0\green0\blue128;\red0\green128\blue128;\red0\green128\blue0;\red128\green0\blue128;\red128\green0\blue0;\red128\green128\blue0;\red128\green128\blue128;\red192\green192\blue192;}{\stylesheet{\ql \li0\ri0\nowidctlpar\faauto\rin0\lin0\itap0 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 \snext0 Normal;}{\*\cs10 \additive \ssemihidden Default Paragraph Font;}{\* \ts11\tsrowd\trftsWidthB3\trpaddl108\trpaddr108\trpaddfl3\trpaddft3\trpaddfb3\trpaddfr3\tscellwidthfts0\tsvertalt\tsbrdrt\tsbrdrl\tsbrdrb\tsbrdrr\tsbrdrdgl\tsbrdrdgr\tsbrdrh\tsbrdrv \ql \li0\ri0\widctlpar\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 \fs20\lang1024\langfe1024\cgrid\langnp1024\langfenp1024 \snext11 \ssemihidden Normal Table;}{\s15\ql \li0\ri0\sb240\sa120\keepn\nowidctlpar\faauto\rin0\lin0\itap0 \f4\fs28\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 \sbasedon0 \snext16 Heading;}{\s16\ql \li0\ri0\sa120\nowidctlpar\faauto\rin0\lin0\itap0 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 \sbasedon0 \snext16 Body Text;}{ \s17\ql \li0\ri0\sa120\nowidctlpar\faauto\rin0\lin0\itap0 \f37\fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 \sbasedon16 \snext17 List;}{\s18\ql \li0\ri0\sb120\sa120\nowidctlpar\faauto\rin0\lin0\itap0 \i\f37\fs24\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 \sbasedon0 \snext18 \ssemihidden caption;}{\s19\ql \li0\ri0\nowidctlpar\faauto\rin0\lin0\itap0 \f37\fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 \sbasedon0 \snext19 Index;}{ \s20\ql \li0\ri0\nowidctlpar\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin0\itap0 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 \sbasedon0 \snext20 Plain Text;}{\s21\ql \fi-1134\li1134\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1134\tx1418\tx9781\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1134\itap0 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 \sbasedon0 \snext21 dday;}{\*\cs22 \additive RTF_Num 2 1;}{\*\cs23 \additive RTF_Num 3 1;}{\*\cs24 \additive RTF_Num 4 1;}{\*\cs25 \additive RTF_Num 5 1;}{\*\cs26 \additive RTF_Num 6 1;}{\*\cs27 \additive RTF_Num 7 1;}{\*\cs28 \additive RTF_Num 8 1;}{\*\cs29 \additive RTF_Num 9 1;}{\*\cs30 \additive RTF_Num 10 1;}{\*\cs31 \additive RTF_Num 11 1;}{\*\cs32 \additive RTF_Num 12 1;}{\*\cs33 \additive RTF_Num 13 1;}{\*\cs34 \additive RTF_Num 14 1;}{\* \cs35 \additive RTF_Num 15 1;}{\*\cs36 \additive RTF_Num 16 1;}{\*\cs37 \additive RTF_Num 17 1;}{\*\cs38 \additive RTF_Num 18 1;}{\*\cs39 \additive RTF_Num 19 1;}{\*\cs40 \additive RTF_Num 20 1;}{\*\cs41 \additive RTF_Num 21 1;}{\*\cs42 \additive RTF_Num 22 1;}{\*\cs43 \additive RTF_Num 23 1;}{\*\cs44 \additive RTF_Num 24 1;}{\*\cs45 \additive RTF_Num 25 1;}{\*\cs46 \additive RTF_Num 26 1;}{\*\cs47 \additive RTF_Num 27 1;}{\*\cs48 \additive RTF_Num 28 1;}{\*\cs49 \additive RTF_Num 29 1;}{\*\cs50 \additive RTF_Num 30 1;}{\*\cs51 \additive RTF_Num 31 1;}{\*\cs52 \additive RTF_Num 32 1;}{\*\cs53 \additive RTF_Num 33 1;}{\*\cs54 \additive RTF_Num 34 1;}{\*\cs55 \additive RTF_Num 35 1;}{\*\cs56 \additive RTF_Num 36 1;}{\*\cs57 \additive RTF_Num 37 1;} {\*\cs58 \additive RTF_Num 38 1;}{\*\cs59 \additive RTF_Num 39 1;}{\*\cs60 \additive RTF_Num 40 1;}{\*\cs61 \additive RTF_Num 41 1;}{\*\cs62 \additive RTF_Num 42 1;}{\*\cs63 \additive RTF_Num 43 1;}{\*\cs64 \additive RTF_Num 44 1;}{\*\cs65 \additive RTF_Num 45 1;}{\*\cs66 \additive RTF_Num 46 1;}{\*\cs67 \additive RTF_Num 47 1;}{\*\cs68 \additive RTF_Num 48 1;}{\*\cs69 \additive RTF_Num 49 1;}{\*\cs70 \additive RTF_Num 50 1;}{\*\cs71 \additive RTF_Num 51 1;}{\*\cs72 \additive RTF_Num 52 1;}{\*\cs73 \additive RTF_Num 53 1;}{\*\cs74 \additive RTF_Num 54 1;}{\*\cs75 \additive RTF_Num 55 1;}{\*\cs76 \additive RTF_Num 56 1;}{\*\cs77 \additive RTF_Num 57 1;}{\*\cs78 \additive RTF_Num 58 1;}{\*\cs79 \additive RTF_Num 59 1;}{\*\cs80 \additive RTF_Num 60 1;} {\*\cs81 \additive RTF_Num 61 1;}{\*\cs82 \additive RTF_Num 62 1;}{\*\cs83 \additive RTF_Num 63 1;}{\*\cs84 \additive RTF_Num 64 1;}{\*\cs85 \additive RTF_Num 65 1;}{\*\cs86 \additive RTF_Num 66 1;}{\*\cs87 \additive RTF_Num 67 1;}{\*\cs88 \additive RTF_Num 68 1;}{\*\cs89 \additive RTF_Num 69 1;}{\*\cs90 \additive RTF_Num 70 1;}{\*\cs91 \additive RTF_Num 71 1;}{\*\cs92 \additive RTF_Num 72 1;}{\*\cs93 \additive RTF_Num 73 1;}{\*\cs94 \additive RTF_Num 74 1;}{\*\cs95 \additive RTF_Num 75 1;}{\*\cs96 \additive RTF_Num 76 1;}{\*\cs97 \additive RTF_Num 77 1;}{\*\cs98 \additive RTF_Num 78 1;}{\*\cs99 \additive RTF_Num 79 1;}{\*\cs100 \additive RTF_Num 80 1;}{\*\cs101 \additive RTF_Num 81 1;}{\*\cs102 \additive RTF_Num 82 1;}{\*\cs103 \additive RTF_Num 83 1;}{\*\cs104 \additive RTF_Num 84 1;}{\*\cs105 \additive RTF_Num 85 1;}{\*\cs106 \additive RTF_Num 86 1;}{\*\cs107 \additive RTF_Num 87 1;}{\*\cs108 \additive \f3 RTF_Num 88 1;}{\*\cs109 \additive \f2 RTF_Num 88 2;}{\*\cs110 \additive \f10 RTF_Num 88 3;}{\*\cs111 \additive \f3 RTF_Num 88 4;}{\*\cs112 \additive \f2 RTF_Num 88 5;}{\*\cs113 \additive \f10 RTF_Num 88 6;}{\*\cs114 \additive \f3 RTF_Num 88 7;}{\*\cs115 \additive \f2 RTF_Num 88 8;}{\*\cs116 \additive \f10 RTF_Num 88 9;}{\*\cs117 \additive RTF_Num 89 1;}{\*\cs118 \additive RTF_Num 90 1;}{\*\cs119 \additive RTF_Num 91 1;}{\*\cs120 \additive RTF_Num 92 1;}{\*\cs121 \additive RTF_Num 93 1;}{\*\cs122 \additive RTF_Num 94 1;}{\*\cs123 \additive RTF_Num 95 1;}{\*\cs124 \additive RTF_Num 96 1;}{\*\cs125 \additive RTF_Num 97 1;}{\*\cs126 \additive RTF_Num 98 1;}{\*\cs127 \additive RTF_Num 99 1;}{\*\cs128 \additive RTF_Num 100 1;}{\*\cs129 \additive RTF_Num 101 1;}{\*\cs130 \additive RTF_Num 102 1;}{\*\cs131 \additive RTF_Num 103 1;}{\*\cs132 \additive RTF_Num 104 1;}{\*\cs133 \additive RTF_Num 105 1;}{\*\cs134 \additive RTF_Num 106 1;}{\*\cs135 \additive RTF_Num 107 1;}{\*\cs136 \additive RTF_Num 108 1;}{\*\cs137 \additive RTF_Num 109 1;}{\*\cs138 \additive RTF_Num 110 1;}{\*\cs139 \additive RTF_Num 111 1;}{\*\cs140 \additive RTF_Num 112 1;}{\*\cs141 \additive RTF_Num 113 1;}{\*\cs142 \additive RTF_Num 114 1;}{\*\cs143 \additive RTF_Num 115 1;}{\*\cs144 \additive RTF_Num 116 1;}{\*\cs145 \additive RTF_Num 117 1;}{\*\cs146 \additive RTF_Num 118 1;}{\*\cs147 \additive RTF_Num 119 1;}{\*\cs148 \additive RTF_Num 120 1;}{\*\cs149 \additive RTF_Num 121 1;}{\*\cs150 \additive RTF_Num 122 1;}{\*\cs151 \additive RTF_Num 123 1;}{\*\cs152 \additive \ul\cf2 \sbasedon10 Internet link;}{\*\cs153 \additive \b \sbasedon10 Strong Emphasis;}}{\*\revtbl {Unknown;}}{\*\rsidtbl \rsid460933\rsid3025664\rsid7095979\rsid8681605\rsid10036411\rsid13656858}{\*\generator Microsoft Word 10.0.6612;}{\info{\author matt}{\operator John Palmer} {\creatim\yr2007\mo7\dy21\hr20\min57}{\revtim\yr2007\mo7\dy30\hr22\min14}{\printim\yr2113\mo1\dy1}{\version6}{\edmins16}{\nofpages470}{\nofwords208577}{\nofchars1188895}{\*\company University of Hull}{\nofcharsws1394683}{\vern16389}} \deftab1080\widowctrl\ftnbj\aenddoc\makebackup\noxlattoyen\expshrtn\noultrlspc\dntblnsbdb\nospaceforul\hyphcaps0\horzdoc\dghspace120\dgvspace120\dghorigin1701\dgvorigin1984\dghshow0\dgvshow3\jcompress\viewkind4\viewscale100\nolnhtadjtbl\rsidroot8681605 \fet0\sectd \sbknone\linex0\sectdefaultcl\sftnbj {\*\pnseclvl1\pnucrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl2\pnucltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl3\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl4 \pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl5\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl6\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl7\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxtb (} {\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl8\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl9\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}\pard\plain \s21\qc \fi-1134\li1134\ri0\nowidctlpar \tx1134\tx1418\tx9781\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1134\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\b\insrsid7095979 NOTES \par }{\insrsid7095979\charrsid460933 (version 1a)}{\insrsid7095979 \par }{\insrsid3025664 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Users of these Notes should bear in mind the following: \par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin0\itap0\pararsid10036411 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab These Notes follow the correct order of the text, ignoring displacements in the manuscript; thus the notes}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for 49,7 follow those for 49,6 rather than those for 51,2. The chapter numbers are those of the}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 translation, rather than those of the Landholders' List which is defective in a couple of places}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (see L25 Walter note and DEV 40 point note).}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 References to other Domesday counties are to the chapters and entries of the editions in the present}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 series.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab Because Record type (as in Farley) could not be used in the Notes for this edition, when quoting from the manuscripts of Great Domesday and the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Liber Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the various abbreviation marks have been largely replaced by an apostrophe or, in the case of the nunnation mark over a vowel, by }{\i\f720\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \'e2}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\f720\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \'e7}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\f720\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \'ee}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\f720\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \'f4}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\f720\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \'fb}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , or by appropriate symbols from Unicode, especially where it is thought they are of vital}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 importance; only where there is no doubt is the Latin extended silently. The runic }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 7 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which the Great Domesday scribe uses all the time for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 et }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ('and'),}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and either the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 7}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or the ampersand}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of the Exon manuscript, have always been reproduced.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Also for reasons of production, the Anglo-Saxon thorn and eth (\'f0) are reproduced as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 th}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 except in the note}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 on }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ferling }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (1,4 furlong note) and in 15,18 Hademar note. The Anglo-Saxon ash (\'bf ) is only retained when giving the form of Old English names and their representation in the Alecto edition.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab Details from the Tax Returns for Devon (Exon 65a-71a; see \{Introduction: The Tax Returns\}) hav e only been given in the Notes in the following instances: where they support a place-name identification; where they supply or suggest a byname for a holder given only a simple name in Domesday; where they record tax unpaid in cases where the identificat ion of the holding is fairly certain. Not included are conjectural identifications, nor exact identifications where the Tax Return adds no information to Domesday, nor where there are large discrepancies in the lordship land.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin0\itap0\pararsid7095979 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 DEVONSHIRE. The main scribe of Great Domesday wrote the running title for this county, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 DEVENESCIRE.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , in vermilion capitals across the top of each page, centred above both columns, on folios 100ab to 118cd inclusive. The same form}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 also appears at the head of the Landholders' List on folio 100a.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 C1\tab [Exon 88a1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab EXETER. The other boroughs in Devon are Barnstaple, Lydford and Totnes, the chief}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entries for which are 1,1. 1,2 and 17,1 respectively. Okehampton (16,3; see 16,3 Okeham pton note), like Wimborne Minster in Dorset (DOR B [Boroughs note]), appears also to have been a borough, judging by its burgesses, castle and market, although Domesday does not give it this title. See C7 entry note.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Exon details of the city of Exeter appear the last entry under the}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 heading of 'The king's lordship belonging to the throne in Devonshire'; see 1,1 manor}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 note. The rest of folio 88 is blank after it.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 300 HOUSES, LESS 15. This series keeps to the exact translation here and elsewhere with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 minus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 rather than translating here as 285 houses, because sometimes the reason for the abstraction is noted; for example, the 'less 30d' of the value of the main manor of Bovey Tracey, 3,8, is explained in the \'a3 4 30d value of the added lands (compare also in WIL 2,1 '100 hides, less 3', where the removal of the 3 hides is explained). Exon has the same phrase using }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 minus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Details of other houses in Exeter appear under the fiefs of the holders, usually at the beginnings or ends of the chapters; see 3,1 Exeter note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab CUSTOMARY DUES. The rate of payment of customary dues for a house in Exeter appears to be 8d; see 30,4.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 6,27. 39,22. 43,6. 47,15 and the information from Exon in 3,2 dues note; 5,15 dues note;. 9,2 paid note;. 17,2 paid note; 19,1 paid note; 23,27 dues note. For a destroyed house (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 domus uastata}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Barnstaple the rate is given as 2d in 28,17 (see 28,17 pay note), in 16,2 a payment was made by 6 destroyed houses in Exeter (see 16,2 pay note) and compare 3,1, though in many counties in Domesday destroyed or vacant houses paid no tax (for example, OXF B4, and compare 3,3 here where there is no mention of payment for the 7 destroyed houses in Barnstaple nor is there for the 2 houses in Exeter (2,1) destroyed by fire). See 2,1 houses note; 32,6 Exeter note and 34,58 houses note for possible exceptions to this rate of payment. According to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 3 this customary due was the 'ground-rent from tenements belonging to the king and rented by the burgesses, the house or land gavel'. See also Maitland, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday Book and Beyond}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 204.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid8681605 C2\tab [Exon 88a1]}{\insrsid8681605 \par }{\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab THIS [CITY] PAYS \'a318. The revenues of a city or borough included the house rents,}{\insrsid8681605 }{\cf1\insrsid8681605 ground rents, market tolls, profits of the court, the mint, the king's mill, etc.; see Tait}{ \insrsid8681605 , }{\i\insrsid8681605 Medieval English Borough}{\insrsid8681605 , }{\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 141 and Round, 'Tertius Denarius'. HEF C12}{\insrsid8681605 }{\cf1\insrsid8681605 states that the customary dues detailed 'above' (that is, in HEF C2-11) formed (part of) the revenues}{\insrsid8681605 }{\cf1\insrsid8681605 (of Hereford).}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \'a318 ... \'a36 ... \'a312. There are several}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 examples in Domesday of this division of a city's or borough's total revenues between the king}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (or queen in this instance) and the sheriff (or, more often, the earl) at a rate of two-thirds to one-third, particularly before 1066. See 1,1 (and 1,1 bishop note) and 1,55 (and 1,55 borough note) and HEF C12, STS B12, GLS B1 , CHS C2;22, KEN D1, SHR C12, etc. See also Tait, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Medieval English Borough}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pp. 140-154. This 'third penny' is not to be confused with the third penny of a hundred; see 1,41 penny note and the articles cited there.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par \tab \tab Exeter was long associated with the queens of England; see Kemble }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxons in }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 England, ii. Appendix C p. 555. It would seem that King Edward's grant of his two-thirds from Exeter to his wife Queen Edith was repeated by his successors, for in a register of Holy Trinity Priory, London (Britis h Library Lansdowne manuscript 114, folio 55 (No. 15) are some charters of a gift by Queen Maud, Henry I's wife, of \'a325 being two-thirds of the revenues of Exeter; see Round,}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Commune of London}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 p. 85 and Reichel, 'Extracts from the Pipe Rolls', p. 455 and note 3. Even after Queen Edith's death in 1075 Colwin continued to receive the \'a3 12 for administering her estate, although it was now technically in King William's hands. See C2 Colwin note; C2 administration note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab B[ALDWIN] THE SHERIFF. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Of Devon; see DEV 16 Baldwin note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WEIGHED AND ASSAYED ... AT FACE VALUE, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ad pensum et arsuram }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ... }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ad numerum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; other forms of the Latin for the first part appear elsewhere in Domesday as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ad pondus et }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ad}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 arsuram/combustionem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ad pensam et }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ad}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 arsuram}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The money was weighed to avoid losses due to the clipping of coins or wear, and assayed, that is tested by fire for the presence of alloy, a similar process to blanching (see DOR 1,1 blanched note). Any deficiency was then made good. Sometimes the coins w ere not actually melted down, but an extra number of pence were required to be paid in compensation for any loss; this was achieved by using an "ora"}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of 20d instead of the normal "ora"}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of 16d (see 1,28 pence note). Payment made in coin that had been subjected to these methods was the opposite of payment 'at face value'. See }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Dialogus de Scaccario }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Johnson, pp. xxxviii-xxxix, 125); Harvey, 'Royal Revenue and Domesday Terminology'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab COLWIN [* THE REEVE *].}{\cf1\insrsid8681605 Colwin here and in several other instances in Domesday Devon is probably Colwin the reeve, a thane (42,3 Colwin note and 52,1 Colwin note), and the \'a3 12 is his payment for administering Queen Edith's property in Exeter. He appears to have transferred his services to the king, see 1,25 where the Exon states that he 'farmed' Lifton, one of Queen Edith's lands that passed to King William. See also Exon 97b3 (1,55 entry note). According to }{\insrsid8681605 von Feilitzen, }{\i\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 218 note 4, all the entries in Devon for Colwin refer to the same man.}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab FROM THE ADMINISTRATION OF [THE PROPERTY OF]. Domesday }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in ministeriis Eddid reginae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Latin }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ministerium }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'service, administration, office' is derived from }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ministro }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'I serve, I administer' and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 minister }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'slave, servant, assistant'. The phrase literally means 'in the services' or 'in the administrations of Queen Edith' and some other noun such as 'land' or 'property' is implied. Queen Edith had a large share of Exeter's revenues (see four notes above) and it seems as if her property there continued to b e administered after her death by Colwin (her reeve).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab QUEEN EDITH. Daughter of Earl Godwin and wife of Edward the Confessor. She died in 1075.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 C3\tab [Exon 88a1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 48 HOUSES HAVE BEEN DESTROYED. There is a difference of opinion as to the}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 reason for the destruction of the houses here. Freeman, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 History of the Norman Conquest}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , iv. p. 162, suggests that, like the}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 houses in Warwick (WAR B2), in Gloucester (GLS G4) and in Cambridge (CAM B1), these were destroyed to make room for the castle (although one is not recorde d in Domesday, a castle was built there in 1068; see DEV 16 Baldwin note), and that the houses in Barnstaple (1,1) and Lydford (1,2) were destroyed because these towns resisted King William. Round, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal England}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 431-455. disagrees. According to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday Geography of South-West England}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 280, 282-283, 289, the reference to devastated houses here and for Barnstaple and Lydford suggests the presence of a castle in these places; in other words that the houses were destroyed to make room for castles. Co mpare DOR B1 destroyed note on destroyed houses in Boroughs in that county.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The Latin used for 'destroyed' is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 uastatae sunt}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 In Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 uasta }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 uastata }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 are applied both to buildings and to land. There should be a distinction between them, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 uasta }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (adjec tive) describing land that is 'waste' or 'unproductive' or a house that is 'decaying', 'ruinous' or 'unoccupied', and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 uastata }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (past participle passive) meaning land that has been 'wasted' or 'laid waste' or 'ravaged' (for example by an army, compare the Exon addition at the end of 17,41) or a house that has been 'damaged', 'demolished' or 'destroyed'. With the verb }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 esse }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'to be' past participles can be used adjectivally (for example, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 territus sum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 : 'I am frightened') or strictly as participles to form the per fect tense (for example, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 territus sum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 : 'I have been frightened'). Thus }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 uastata est }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 could mean 'it is damaged' or 'it has been damaged' and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 uastata erat }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'it was damaged' or 'it had been damaged'. This distinction is not always clear in Domesday; moreover, that between }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 uasta }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 uastata }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is unreal, since Exon sometimes has one where Domesday, for the corresponding entry, has the other: thus in 1,2 and 3,34 Domesday has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 uasta}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 e}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 uastata}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 e}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ).}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Moreover, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 uastata }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is sometimes used of land in contexts where the reference cannot be to destruction but to abandonment or natural sterility. Thus in the case of 19,18 'Badgworthy' (on the edge of Exmoor), Exon says }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 erat uastata}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 where the sense should be 'it was waste'. In the case of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ferse }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Furze 20,2] the very place-name suggests unproductive land, although Domesday has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 est uastata }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'laid waste' and Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 est penitus uastata }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'completely laid waste'. In view of these uncertainties, in this edition }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 uasta }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 uastata }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 are treat ed as interchangeable and translated according to the context. The Domesday Latin can be read from the facing Latin text, the Exon, where it is discrepant, is given in the Notes.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab SINCE THE KING HAS COME TO ENGLAND. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'since King William has had England'.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The whole of this detail of the Exeter houses appears later in the Exon entry, immediately before the part about the burgesses (= C7).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 C4\tab [Exon 88a1] \par \tab BEFORE 1066. }{\i\insrsid8681605 T}{\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\insrsid8681605 R}{\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\insrsid8681605 E}{\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\insrsid8681605 = tempore regis Edwardi }{\insrsid8681605 'in the time of King Edward ' that is, 1043-1066. The same phrase is used in Exon here, though the formula regularly used there is }{\i\insrsid8681605 ea die qua rex eduuardus fuit vivus et mortuus }{\insrsid8681605 'on the day on which King Edward was alive and dead', actually 5th January 1066. Compare }{\i\insrsid8681605 T}{\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\insrsid8681605 R}{\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\insrsid8681605 W}{\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\insrsid8681605 }{\insrsid8681605 in 2,2. }{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \'bd SILVER MARK. That is 6s 8d. In DOR B2 \'bd silver mark for 5 hides was paid for the upkeep of the guards (compare 1 silver mark for 10 hides in Dorset B 1;3 and 2 silver marks for 20 hides in B4), suggesting that the rate was 1 silver mark for every 10 hides.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The corresponding entry in Exon has '\'bd silver mark for the}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 soldiers (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 dimidia marca argenti ad solidarios}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )';}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ellis omitted }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 marca}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab FOR THE USE OF THE MEN-AT-ARMS. The Latin is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ad opus militum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The meaning of the fairly common Domesday phrase }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ad opus }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 varies with the context: here the \'bd silver mark is for the upkeep of the men-at-arms. In HEF 1,2 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 opus }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is translated 'use' where a contrast is implied between money going to the king and what the sheriff receives for administering the land. Sometimes }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 opus }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 means 'benefit', as in Worcester H2-3 (in WOR \{Appendix\}, and as apparently in the Exon for 15,67 here, although the word is not really necessary there and it is interesting that the Great Domesday scribe changes the phrase. Exon sometimes has, for example, 'value for the abbot's use' where Domesday has 'value to the abbot' (see 5,1 value note; 5,4 abbot note and for the reverse see SOM 6,1 use note) and see DOR 11,1 lordship note for a correspondence between 'lordship' and 'use' in the value statement. The predominant Latin leaning of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 opus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 however, is 'work' and there are occasions in Domesday where this is the appropriate rendering.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 C5\tab [Exon 88a1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WHENEVER AN EXPEDITION WENT OUT. This entry and that following (C6), apparently separate}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Great Domesday, are part of the same sentence in Exon, an }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 & }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 joining the two}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 statements, thus implying that the service of Barnstaple, Lydford and Totnes equalled}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 that of Exeter when (and perhaps only when) an expedition took place.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab GAVE [AS MUCH] SERVICE AS 5 HIDES OF LAN D. That is, one man. WIL B5 states that if the king went on an expedition on land or sea, the king had one man for each Honour of 5 hides; similarly in BRK B10 with the addition that each hide paid 4s for his supplies or pay for 2 months.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 C6\tab [Exon 88a1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab BARNSTAPLE ... CITY. See 17,1 Totnes note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 C7\tab [Exon 88a1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab BURGESSES OF THE CITY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The above-mentioned burgesses', though in fact none}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 has been previously mentioned.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab LAND FOR 12 PLOUGHS. That is, 12 carucates of land; see 1,2 and 1,2 carucates note. 'Land for 12 ploughs' is the reading of the Exon manuscript; Ellis misprinted }{\i\f720\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xii carrucat\'fb }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ('12 carucates') for }{\i\f720\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xii carrucar\'fb}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab AFTER THIS ENTRY there is almost one third of a column blank before the Landholders' List. It is possible that the scribe left the space deliberately for the later inclusion of details of the other boroughs in Devon (Barnstaple, Lydford, Totnes, ?Okehampton; some of the information on Barnstaple seems to have arrived late, see 3,6 Barnstaple note). But it is more likely, as seems to be the case in some other counties, that he wrote the Landholders' List first on folio 100a (probably after the main body of the text; see}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 L25 Walter note), guessing how much room he would need for the boroughs, which in the event}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 turned out to be too much. Perhaps he decided later that the details of the boroughs}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 other than the 'county borough' (see Ballard, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday Boroughs}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 4-10) would be better dealt with in the}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 chapters of the landholders who held them (for example, Totnes held by Iudhael in 17,1). The}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 colour of the ink used in the Exeter details is the same as that used for the Landholders'}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 List and DEV 1 on folio 100a,b.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 L11\tab MONT-SAINT-MICHEL. In the manuscript and Farley }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Michael'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 but the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 l}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is only partially reproduced}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the Ordnance Survey facsimile, perhaps because of its closeness to the rubricated numbers in the next}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 column, or possibly because it falls on one of the vertical scorings (see above), though}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 R }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 MAR' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the line above, similarly written on the scoring, appears clearly in the}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ordnance Survey facsimile. Compare 1,2 expedition note; 3,94 villagers note; 13,1 church note; 15,62 slave note; 16,17 ploughs note; 16,39 before note ;16,121 tax note; 17,50 pasture note; 19,34 woodland note; 20,6 paid note; 33,2 villagers note;}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 34,56 ploughs note; 39,15 land note; and 52,30 alms note for other examples of poor reproduction in the Ordnance Survey facsimile; see}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 also 1,63 Tawton note for place-names reproduced incorrectly.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 L19\tab WILLIAM CHEEVER. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Chieure }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 clearly; Farley misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cieure}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 L25\tab WALTER. It would seem that the gap of a line after 24,21 and the larger than usual}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Walterius}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 24,22 (see 24,21 manuscript note) suggested to the scribe making the Landholders' List at the}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 end, that the subject was another Walter, not Walter of Claville, so he allocated him a}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 separate line, and the rubricator duly gave this superfluous Walter a chapter number,}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with the result that the numbers in the Landholders' List do not tally with the chapter}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 numbers in the main text until DEV 41 (see DEV 40 point note).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 L37\tab IN THE MANUSCRIPT }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xxxvi }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with an additional }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 interlined over the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 v }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (not over the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as in Farley;}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 T }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Tetbald' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 prevents its being written there, indicating that the numbers, which are in red}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ink, were added after the text had been written). The scribe of the text had obviously}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 not left sufficient room for the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xxxvii }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 to be written altogether. Similarly for the interlined}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i } {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in L48.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 L48\tab IN THE MANUSCRIPT }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xlvii }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with an }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 added over the first }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (not over the second i, as in Farley); see}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 L37 manuscript note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 1\tab THE RUBRICATOR of the manuscript has omitted the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 I}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 beside the first chapter heading, as}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in several counties in Domesday, probably in error.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab ?[1]? }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 LAND OF THE KING. There are several differences between the arrangement of the}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 king's land in Great Domesday and in Exon, as is also the case in Dorset. Exon}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 arranges the material by the 1086 holder and then, within each grouping, by hundred,}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 whereas Great Domesday arranges it by 1066 holder. Lands in Exon are grouped under the following heads:}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Dominicatus Regis ad Regnum Pertinens }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ('The King's Lordship belonging to the Throne')}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 = Domesday l,3-14;23-24;15-22;l-2. C1-7. The great majority of these manors name the 1086}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 hundreds (see \{Introduction: Hundreds\}).}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Dominicatus Regis }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ('The King's Lordship'; see 1,25 manor note) = Domesday 1,36;25;29;37-38;30;39;31;51;40;26-27;41-42;56;28;52;43-44;32;45;33;46-48;53-54;34;55;49;35;50.}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Terra Mahillis Reginae }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ('Land of Queen Matilda') = Domesday l,57-66;72;67-69;35 (the last a}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 du}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 plicate of land at Tiverton entered in the previous group; see 1,35 entry note); 70-71.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Within each group, lands are entered in the normal order of hundreds (see \{Introduction: Hundreds\} and individual notes below). Great Domesday treats the order differently: details of Exeter (C1-7) are put at the head of}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the county and the two other boroughs belonging to the king, Barnstaple and Lydford,}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 form 1,1-2. The order then proceeds:}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 1,3-22 King Edward's former Lordship, belonging to the Crown. \par }\pard \ql \fi-1440\li1440\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1440\itap0\pararsid7095979 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 1,23-34 Two Crown manors acquired by exchange with Walter of Douai for Bampton (23,5).}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }\pard \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 1,25-28 Lands of Queen Edith. \par \tab \tab 1,29-35 Lands of Gytha. \par \tab \tab 1,36-49 Lands of'Earl'Harold. \par \tab \tab 1,50 A misplaced entry held by Gytha in 1066; see note. \par \tab \tab 1,51-55 Lands of Earl Leofwin. \par \tab \tab 1,56 An odd manor, held by Ordwulf in 1066. \par \tab \tab 1,57-70 Lands held by Brictric then Queen Matilda. \par \tab \tab 1,71 A manor held by Iudhael in 1066. \par \tab \tab 1,72 A manor held by Boia in 1066. \par \tab It will be seen that in using Exon for Devon, the Great Domesday scribe rearranged the material more than he had for the other south-west counties, adding sub-headings at the end of 1,22 and before 1,25;29;36;51;57, whereas there are only three sub-headin gs in DOR 1, and in SOM 1 only two, with two together in CON 1 and none in WIL 1. See 1,1 entry note;1,25 entry note and 1,57 entry note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 1,1\tab [Exon 87b1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab THIS ESTATE and the next twenty-three (1,2-24), as well as the details of Exeter (see C Exeter note), are entered in}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Exon under the heading of 'The King's lordship belonging to the throne (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 regnum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Devonshire', Exon folios 83a to 88a inclusive.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab BARNSTAPLE. KING EDWARD HAD IT IN LORDSHIP. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Barnstaple, which King Edward held in 1066'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 omitted, probably because the Exon scribe believed it to be covered by the heading (1,1 estate note).}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab On the descent of Barnstaple, see }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pp. 414-19.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 40 BURGESSES ... In 1086: The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The king has 40 burgesses ...'. Similarly for 1,2.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 9 OUTSIDE THE BOROUGH. This probably means that they held land outside the borough walls; see HEF C1 '103 men dwelling inside and outside the wall (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 murum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and also HEF C6. Compare 1,2 below where the burgesses have 2 carucates of land outside the borough, and 17,1 where 15 burgesses outside the borough of Totnes work the land. It is possible, however, that it means that, though the burgesses had houses in Barnstapl e , they were attached to other manors; compare WAR B2 where the messuages of various landholders detailed in the borough of Warwick 'belong to the lands which these barons hold outside the borough and are there assessed'. Messuages seem to imply burgesses; in 16,1 Baldwin the sheriff has 12 houses in Exeter that belong(ed) to his manor of Kenn (16,58) and that entry states that 11 burgesses in Exeter are attached to the manor (see 16,1 belonged note). However, elsewhere in Devon 18 burgesses are recorded fo r Barnstaple: 17 in entries mentioning only the borough itself and not the rural manor to which (apparently) the burgesses were attached (3,3 and 16,2) and one in the description of the manor of Fremington.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab On 'resident burgesses', see DBY B1 resident note and on the whole subject of burgesses within and without a borough and his view of the meaning of the latter, see Finberg, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Tavistock Abbey} {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pp. 73-75.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab PAY 40s. Domesday uses the old English currency system which lasted for a thousand years until 1971. The pound contained 20 shillings, each of 12 pence, abbreviated respectively as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \'a3}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ibrae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ), }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 s}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 olidi}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ) and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 d}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 enarii}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ). Domesday often expresses sums above a shilling in pence (as 15d and 30d, instead of 1s 3d and 2s 6d respectively, in 1,11) and above a pound in shillings (as here, instead of \'a32).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab BY WEIGHT ... AT FACE VALUE. See C 2 queen note and C2 weighed note on these methods of payment and the two-thirds to one-third division of the borough's revenues.}{\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 20s TO THE BISHOP OF COUTANCES. See 3,3. Other examples in Domesday of a bishop receiving a third of a borough's revenues are in WOR 2,49 (Bishop of Worcester of he borough of Worcester) and KEN 7,10 (Bishop Odo of the borough of Fordwich, though he had g ranted it to St Augustine's, Canterbury; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i nos. 99, 100). See C2 queen note on the third penny of a borough. On the origin of the episcopal share in the borough's revenues, see Tait, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Medieval English Borough}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 20.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 23 HOUSES DESTROYED ... See C3 houses note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab SINCE THE KING HAS COME TO ENGLAND. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'since King William has had England'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 1,2\tab [Exon 87b2]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab LYDFORD. A borough with an associated parish which was a part of Lifton Hundred. The Forest of Dartmoor was appurtenant to it; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 76a, 92a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 757, 1371, 1425, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 385 and Reichel, Lifton Hundred in 1243', p. 217. See also 34,3 where Roger holds \'bd furlong ('ferling') in Lydford from Ralph of Pomeroy.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab KING EDWARD HELD IT IN LORDSHIP. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Lydford, which King Edward held in 1066'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 omitted, see 1,1 Barnstaple note.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 28 BURGESSES ... 41 OUTSIDE. See 1,1 burgesses note. No burgesses are recorded elsewhere in Devon as being in Lydford. According to Finberg }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Tavistock Abbey }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 74 three of these 41 'can be identified as inhabitants of Fernworthy, 8 miles away on the other side of Dartmoor'. \par \tab \tab The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The king has 28 burgesses ...', as for 1,1.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 CARUCATES OF LAND OUTSIDE THE BOROUGH. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Land for 2 ploughs outside the city'.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 carucatae }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 here and elsewhere in the south-west counties, in Gloucestershire and in Herefordshire and occ asionally elsewhere in Domesday, are not the carucates of the former Danish areas (which are equivalent to the hide), but are the same as 'land for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 y }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ploughs'. That the two terms were synonymous is proved by the fact that on several occasions Domesday uses the term }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 carucatae terrae }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 where Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 terra est}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ... }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 car'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as here, and vice versa (as in Somerset, see SOM 2,1 land note). Carucates also appear in Exon in the lordship land holding for 1,3 ;5 and 52,10 and are to be compared with Exon's 'land for ... ploughs' for the lordship and villagers' land holding in 23,5. In both Domesday and Exon carucates of land are recorded for 34,56 and 'land for ... ploughs' in C7.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Land was usually measured in carucates when it had not been hidated; it did not pay tax (s ee 23,5). However, in the Exon for Devon 1,3;5 and 52,10 carucates are used for the lordship land, although the lands were hidated, and see also in DOR 49,12. In Domesday Herefordshire there is a distinction between the newly conquered lands measured stil l in carucates and the older acquisitions assessed in hides.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 40 HOUSES DESTROYED SINCE THE KING HAS COME TO ENGLAND. In Exon this sentence occurs before the statement of the burgesses' tenure of 2 carucates. For 'destroyed' Exon uses the past participle }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 uastatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Domesday has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 uastae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 but no difference appears intended; see C3 destroyed note.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab For 'since the king has come to England',}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Exon has 'since King William has had England', as in C3 and 1,1.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab EXPEDITION. In the manuscript and Farley }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 expeditio}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; the Ordnance Survey facsimile fails to reproduce all of the ascender of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 d}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the middle of which is rather faint in the manuscript. See L11 Mont-Saint-Michel note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab [THE BOROUGH] PAYS AS MUCH SERVICE. The subject of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 redd' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is not given, but from the statement in C6 it has been taken to be Lydford understood. In Exon however, the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 redd't }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 should probably be extended to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 reddunt }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the burgesses are the s ubject of the preceding sentence there on the 2 carucates. See C5 service note on the likely amount of service required. Compare 17,1 Totnes note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab AFTER THIS ENTRY in the manuscript a space has been left equivalent to about 3 lines (there are no horizontal rulings, except for the top and bottom ones), perhaps for some more}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 details of this borough. It is interesting that in Exon there is a gap of 7 lines (amounting to the rest of the folio) after 87b2 (= 1,2), though there is also a 3-line space after 87bl (= 1,1). Farley did not print the space after 1,2, though he does print the spaces left either side of 51,13. 51,14 and 51,15.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 1,3\tab [Exon 83a1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab THE KING HOLDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The king has 1 manor called [North] Tawton'; in virtually every entry in Exon the formula is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 'A }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 holds a manor called }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 B'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Attention is not therefore drawn again in these Notes to this designation of the place-name as a manor.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab [NORTH] }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 TAWTON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Tauuetone}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 A parish and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 caput }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 of [North] Tawton Hundred. This en try can be distinguished from South Tawton (1,29) because the latter can be identified from its dependency, Ash. North Tawton passed to the Honour of Plympton, being held by Joel }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 de Valletorta }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 787; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Rotuli Hundredorum}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 75b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. pp. 370, 422; }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 i. no. 564. It included }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Seleda }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Slade SS6701] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 1263, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Stoddon }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 according to }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 787 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Stoddone }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Wyke }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , (old series) iv. no. 63 (= }{ \fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , 'Fees of Earl Hugh de Courtenay'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 324) [Staddon SS6702 and Week SS6501] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Alfeton }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Affeton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [?Affeton in East Worlington, SS7513] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 787; see 21,9-12 note and Reichel, 'North Tawton Hundred', p. 246. The church was granted to St Nicholas', Exeter, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ii. p. 59 no. 779.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TAX FOR \'bd VIRGATE. Although North Tawton is a fairly large and valuable manor, the tax assessment is seen to be low. Compare 2,12 and 2,12 Culmstock note. It is possible that manors in Devon were 'under-rated' as they were in Cornwall (where the tax assessment of a manor is very often half the hidage given for it). The reason for this i s not known but may be due to the poverty of these counties (which is suggested by the under-stocking of plough-teams, see 1,3 note) or to the later subjection and hidation of the area known as 'West Wales'; see Maitland, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday Book and Beyond}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 463, 467 and Round }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal England}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 93. However, the low level of tax assessment of the Devon manor often seems to have little relation to the size of its population, resources and value; see the table in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday Geography of South-West England}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 238. More over, in Devon there is a great deal of evidence that the manor paid tax on all its land, that is, that the geld-hide was the same as the manorial hide; see 1,4 hide note. It is certainly true that in Devon Domesday there is a high proportion of minute ho ldings, many of them no more than a furlong ('ferling'; see 1,4 ferling note) in extent (one-sixteenth of a hide), almost certainly too small to have existed independently and in fact later evidence shows many of them combined or part of larger holdings.} {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LAND FOR 30 PLOUGHS. This estimate of the ploughlands, very common in the south\- west counties and elsewhere in Domesday, though rare in Gloucestershire, Worcestershire and Herefordshire, is a convenient way of giving the true arable extent without the compl exities associated with the hide (see 1,4 hide note). A check has been made here on the occurrence of the phrase in Devon and as to whether the actual ploughs recorded on the lordship and villagers' land correspond with this estimate. Devon (like Cornwall to an even greater extent) is remarkable in the 'understocking' of plough-teams: in almost 66% of the entries for which all the details are given (Exon included) the number of ploughs recorded falls below the assessment, by as much as 65 ploughs in 1,30 a nd 53 ploughs in l,27;50. The reason for this may be the method of agriculture used or the poverty of the county; see Maitland, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday Book and Beyond}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 425. Meanwhile, in about 28% of the cases the figures tally (as here) and there are some 60 entries (approximately}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 6%) where there are more ploughs recorded than in the estimate (as many as 21 ploughs in excess in 11,1). In about a quarter of these latter the Great Domesday scribe has drawn attention to this fact by the use of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tamen }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with the ploughs on t he land, generally when he has not given the details of lordship and villagers' ploughs (for example, in 17,74). However, there are over 70 entries where no details of ploughs on the land are given, though there is a plough estimate and the entries are ot h erwise full (for example, 2,10. 3,12), and 8 entries (for example, 6,13. 9,1) where ploughs are recorded but there is no estimate. Finally, there are some 30 short entries, many of them on the tenure of houses in Exeter, where, as expected, no details wha tsoever are given. On the frequent artificiality of the numbers in the plough assessment, see Finn, 'Teamland', pp. 97-98; Moore, 'Domesday Teamland'}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The king has ... in lordship'; Exon almost always states that it is the 1086 holder who has the land and ploughs in lordship; attention is not drawn to this again in these Notes.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 SLAVES. After Gloucestershire and Cornwall (see Domesday GLS W9 slaves note) Devon has the highest proportion of slaves to other c ategories of population recorded in Domesday: about one in five. They are more numerous in certain fiefs than in others, for example, in that of Buckfast Abbey they form over a quarter of the population, and almost as high a proportion on royal land that had belonged to Queen Matilda (1,57-71 inclusive). The slave came at the bottom end of the social scale: he belonged to his}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 master utterly, providing most of the labour on his land, he could be bought and sold,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 had almost no rights and rarely any share in the villagers' land and ploughs; see Finberg }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tavistock Abbey}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 36-38, 60-61. Despite this, it should be noted that neither Domesday nor Exon for Devon definitely state that the slaves were in lordship. Although in Devon Domesday they are regularly listed immediately after the lordship ploughs before the rest of the population, the punctuation is ambiguous (but see 2,19 slaves note). The necessity in this edition of not adding the lordship land given in Exon immediately after the lordship ploughs, but aft er the slaves as well, might mislead the reader into believing that according to Domesday the slaves were also in lordship. In Exon (see the sample in \{Introduction: }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Liber Exoniensis}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Exon)\})}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the slaves are almost invariably listed after the other 'vill agers', quite separate from the statement of the lordship land and ploughs. When the Great Domesday scribe gives no details of lordship ploughs (and occasionally when he does, see, for example, 2,21 and 3,67) he regularly lists the slaves after the villag ers and smallholders and in at least 20 entries (for example, 1,9;19;35 etc.) the phrase 'with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 y }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ploughs' ends the list, and, in several more (for example, 43,1. 44,1 etc.), the phrase is varied to '}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 z }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 villagers ... with 1 slave have }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 y }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ploughs'. It is hard t o tell in such cases whether the scribe meant that there the slaves shared the other villagers' ploughs. There are some entries where this does appear to be the meaning, for example, in 28,16 (see 28,16 slaves note) and in 29,4 where, despite a lordship p l ough being given, the slaves are listed with the villagers 'with 2 ploughs'. Compare HEF1,10a. However, in listing the slaves at the end of the list of 'villagers', the Great Domesday scribe may merely be guilty of copying the Exon too closely, rather tha n be making a point.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Normally in Exon the villagers' land and ploughs are stated after the lordship land and ploughs, and it is not clear what categories of population were covered by the word }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 villani}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 whether just villagers and smallholders etc. or whether the slaves were included (compare 1,26 pigmen note and 3,63 smallholders note). When only slaves, or slaves and 1 villager, are listed and the Exon has in full }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 villani}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ... y }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 carr'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as for 3,79. 5,9. 16,6. 28,16, etc. (and c ompare 34,56 carucates note), it would seem clear proof that the slaves were counted as 'villagers'. Moreover, there are numerous cases (for example, for 3,53;55. 19,18 etc.) where the Exon scribe wrote }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 vill' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which could be extended either to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 villanus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 referring only to the 1 villager recorded or to }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 villani}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 covering the slaves and the 1 villager (or smallholder as in 19,9). However, in all these cases the Exon scribe may merely be using the word }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 vill' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 villani }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in a set formula with no regard as to what classes of inhabitants the manor included; it should be remembered here that the details of villagers' land and ploughs precede the list of population.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Sometimes in Exon the villagers' ploughs are given in a different formula, for example, for 6,13 'The a bbot has 1 smith and 10 slaves who have 2 ploughs' (Great Domesday has the same here), which definitely implies by the use of the plural }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 qui habent }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 that the slaves shared the ploughs. The case for slaves with ploughs is even stronger in the Exon entry for 28,5 '(Gilbert has) 2 villagers and 2 slaves who have another plough', though in Domesday the slaves are listed after the lordship plough. But again, in some of this last-mentioned type of entry, Exon definitely excludes the slaves from a share in the plo u ghs, for example, for 1,29: 'The king has 6 villagers and they have 3 ploughs; the king has 1 slave' (and here Domesday implies that the villagers and the slaves had the ploughs). Similarly at 15,40 and 15,99, in Exon the slaves are clearly excluded from t he ploughs, but the opposite appears in Domesday. Even within Exon there is a difference in the treatment of slaves of the same manor, for example, in the summary of Glastonbury Abbey's fief in Devon (527b7) which refers to its only holding in that county (4,1) the phrase is '16 villagers and 4 smallholders and 4 slaves who have 5 ploughs', whereas in the main Exon entry (161a1) it is the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 vill}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ani}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as a class who hold the ploughs.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The evidence for and against slaves having a share in the villagers' land h olding is equally dubious. As Great Domesday for Devon never mentions the villagers' land holding, this evidence only comes from Exon and the same problems occur as to whether slaves are included in the word }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 vill}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ani}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as are detailed above; see, for exampl e, 16,6 slaves note; 16,145 villager note; 19,9 smallholder note and 35,5 villager note. However, in the Exon for 34,13, the slaves, as well as the villagers, have 1 furlong ('ferling') (but Domesday, by substituting 'smallholders' for 'slaves' may be cor r ecting an Exon mistake). In the Exon for SOM 21,55 there can be no doubt about the 6 slaves of that manor holding 1 virgate. Compare also SOM 21,71 slave note and SOM 45,7 slaves note. Finally, in Exon a slave is stated to live on a furlong ('ferling') at East Buckland and, apparently, 2 slaves shared with the other 'villagers' the payment of \'a3 8 in revenue for Lympstone; se 3,54 villager note and 26,1 villagers note. It may be relevant that Domesday Middlesex, which lists the land holdings of various 'villagers' (men-at-arms, Frenchmen, villagers, smallholders and cottagers; see MDX \{Appendix \}), makes no}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 mention of slaves with land.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab 31 VILLAGERS. The Latin is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 xxxi uill}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 anu}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 s}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 The singular occurs regularly in Domesday with 21, 31 etc., but the plural is used occasionally (for example, 16,3 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 xxi uill}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 an}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 i }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 and compare 2,24 cottagers note). In Exon both singular (for example, for 1,13. 52,34) and plural (for example, for 25,8. 16,107) are used, but in the entry for 5,6 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 xxi uillanos }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 has been corrected to }{\i\f720\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 uillan\'fb }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 s ingular.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab SMALLHOLDERS. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Bordarii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 apparently from }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 borda }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 'a wooden hut' (perhaps Frankish hypothetical}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 bord}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 e}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ) derived from the}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 common Germanic }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 bord }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 'plank'). Unlike the slave (see 1,3 slaves note) the smallholder had a hut of his own to live in; see Finberg }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Tavistock Abbey }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 p. 62. Although not as numerous as in Domesday Dorset and Cornwall, the smallholders in Devon formed more than a quarter of the re corded population. Most of the time in Domesday Devon they are listed after the villagers (but see 17,56 smallholder note) and before the cottagers (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 cotarii}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 who, though very similar in many respects (see 15,21 cotagers note), seem to have been poorer. How ever, in 14,1 (see 14,1 smallholder note) they appear after the slaves. Smallholders may have been very similar to, if not sometimes identical with, Cottagers (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 coscez}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 );}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 see 2,24 Cottagers note. In the Exon for 20,6, 3 smallholders are stated to have 1 furl ong ('ferling'), and no doubt elsewhere they share the land holding ascribed to the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 villani }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 as a class in Exon, as well as the ploughs (see 3,63 smallholders note). Smallholders sometimes paid dues and probably owed their lords some form of labour service (see DOR 1,1 smallholders note and HEF 19,1 and HEF 19,1 smallholders note). See MDX \{ Appendix\} for a summary of the land holdings of smallholders, among other classes, in that county, and Lennard, 'Bordars and Cottars'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab ACRES. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 acra}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 agra}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ager}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is used mostly as a square measure, though it can also be used as a linear measure, as in 7,2. 28,2 and 32,4 (and see DOR 1,1 acres). On the number of acres in a hide, see 1,4 hide note, and on the linking of the acre with the furlong in the measureme nt of pasture, see 1,53 pasture note. The acre was occasionally used in tax assessment; see 6,6 tax note.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IT PAYS. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Reddit }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is regularly used here in DEV 1; see 1,32 value note for the possible reason for its use rather than that of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valet}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MEADOW, 40 ACRES. The corresponding entry in Exon has '40 of meadow'. As the word }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 agros }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 has already occurred with the woodland and underwood, the scribe no doubt felt there was no need for it a third time. This omission of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 agros }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 occurs fairly regularly in Exon (and see 48,8 [acres] note and 48,12 acres note) and no further attention is drawn to it in these Notes unless there is doubt as to what was omitted (see 16,75 woodland note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CATTLE. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 animalia}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 commonly called }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 animalia otiosa }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'idle animals' elsewhere (for example, Exon 174 b4 = SOM 2,7), that is, beef or dairy cattle (see 7,4 cow note), in contrast to ploughing oxen, although occasionally in Exon they seem to be oxen (see 17,26;38;77 and 17,28 ploughs note; 17, 39 p lough note; 17,53 ploughs note; also SOM 25,41 plough note and CON 4,23 plough note). Cattle and other animals were generally omitted from Great Domesday, though sometimes they were mistakenly not eliminated when the original returns were abstracted (see G LS 3,7 and GLS 3,7 animal note), and sometimes, as probably in WOR 19,9 and possibly in KEN 5,85 and NTH 48,13, they took the place of the plough-team statement. Sometimes, too, they may have been included to make a particular point, as probably in HRT 31 ,8 where a catalogue of livestock etc. is given for land wrongfully appropriated by Bishop Odo. Compare 1,41 animal note on the moorland pasture dues from }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 animalia}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 though it is possible that these included sheep as well.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,4\tab [Exon 83a2; Terrae Occupatae 498a8. 498b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab EXMINSTER. A parish and the chief manor of Exminster Hundred. It passed to the Honour of Plympton and its sub-manors included }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Breynton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Brenton SX9086], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Holleham }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [unidentified] and later }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Suthwod' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Southwood, see 2,4 Bishopsteignton note] ; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 264, 790; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 346-347, 389; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 539, iv. no.44, viii. no. 273 and Reichel, 'Exminster Hundred Manors', pp. 210-212. The advowson went to Plympton Priory; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 143b.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \'bd hide of lordship, held by the priests of Exminster, is mentioned in the Tax Return for Exminster Hundred, though neither Domesday nor the main Exon records this.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Exminster was one of several manors in Devon bequeathed by King Alfred to his younger son (Birch, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cartularium Saxonicum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 553 = Kemble, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Codex Diplomaticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii p. 112 no. 314 = }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 9 no. 16 = Sawyer, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 1507). Besides }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exanmynster }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 these places included }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Heortigtun }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Hartland 1,30], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Axanmutha }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Axmouth 1,14], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Branecescumbe}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Branscombe 2,22], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Columtun }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Cullompton 9,1], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Twyfyrde }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Tiverton 1,35] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Liwtune }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Lifton, 1,25].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IT ANSWERED FOR. The Latin is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 defendebat se pro}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , a common phrase in other Domesday counties (for example, Sussex, Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire) where it means the same as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 geldabat pro }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'paid tax for'. See 16,15 paid note where Exon has 'answered for' for Domesday's 'paid tax for'. For both here and 1,5;28 (where the phrase occurs again), Exon has the same wording, but for Domesday's }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 geldabat pro }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of 16,74 Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 defendebat se }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 interlined above }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddidit Gildum }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which is then marked for deletion (possibly because the former is the phrase used in the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon for Braunton (1,5), of which 16,74 was a part).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 HIDE. The hide is a unit of land measurement, either of productivity, of extent or of tax liability, and contained 4 virgates. Administrators attempted to standardize the hide at 120 acres , but incomplete revision and special local reductions left hides of widely differing extents in different areas. See Dr John Morris in SUS \{Appendix\} . There is some evidence that there were smaller hides in the south-west. A 40-acre geld-hide may be impli ed in the Wiltshire Tax Return for Calne Hundred, where one of the version (Exon 13a5) has two parts of a virgate and the third part of a virgate while the other two versions (Exon 1a4 and 7bl) have 7 acres and 3 acres (the virgate was always a quarter of a hide). A 40-acre hide is also suggested in the details given in DOR 36,4 hides note. Another 'small hide' of 48 acres for tax purposes has also been postulated; see Eyton, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dorset Survey}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 14-16 This latter might be afforded credence in view of the fre quent division of the virgate into thirds and quarters: a 40-acre hide (that is, a 10-acre virgate) is not easily divisible by either 3 or 4, nor is a 30-acre virgate (120-acre hide) by 4, and similarly with one-third of a furlong ('ferling', see 1,4 furl ong note). However, there is apparently evidence against a 48-acre hide in 6,6 (see 6,6 tax note), where it does not seem likely that only 3 acres formed a furlong ('ferling'). See Tait 'Large Hides and Small Hides'; Finn, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Liber Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 122-123; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday Geography of South-West England}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 80-81; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Wiltshire}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii. p. 182. A hide of 12 acres has also been suggested for Cornwall; see CON 11 hides note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab It will be noticed that in this entry the details of lordship and villagers' land and the subhold ings do not add up to the taxed hides. Although lordship land did not in fact pay tax (see 2,11 tax note; HEF 8,2 and GLS 39,6, and the evidence of the Tax Returns), on 94% of the Devon entries for which all the land details are given (in Exon) - and simi l arly for Somerset and Dorset - the lordship land does add up with the villagers' land holding (and usually with the subholdings, if any, see below) to the amount of land which paid tax in 1066. This is because the taxed land was regularly the same as the s ize of the holding (except for Cornwall; see 1,3 tax note): for example, 20,15 subholding 'Ansketel holds 1 furlong of this land ... It paid tax for as much' (see also the 20,10 subholding). Compare the common formula in Domesday Shropshire Worcestershire , Herefordshire etc. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'y }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 hides (there) which pay tax'. Very often what in Domesday is given as the amount of land that paid tax is given in Exon as the size of the holding, for example, for 34,11 (see 34,11 Holcombe note) and 36,9 (see 36,9 Hollowcombe note) and in the summary of Glastonbury Abbey's Devon land compared to 4,1 (see DEV 4 Glastonbury note), and in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry for 15,12 (see 15,12 Galsworthy note); the reverse occurs in 40,4 (see 40,4 manor note). What the details show is how the total holding was apportioned and one would expect these details to add up to the total. However, in about 4% of the cases (some 32 entries) the details total less than the land taxed (as here) and in 2% or 15 entries (as for example, 1,38. 3,96. 15,58) t he details exceed it. In these reckonings 4 furlongs ('ferlings') have been taken to form 1 virgate, but see 1,4 furlong note.}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Scribal error may have caused some of these apparent discrepancies, as perhaps at 28,8 (see 28,8 tax note), or the composition of the holdings may have changed, more land being cultivated, without the tax being altered from the 1066 figure (in this case the taxed land would differ from the size of the holding). Compare 1,57 tax note on cases where it is the alteration in the tax fig u re in Exon which has led to the total of details no longer agreeing with it. Moreover, it is not always clear whether the hidage of subholdings is to be taken into account when working out whether the sum of the details tallies with the tax given; see 1,1 2 tax note and compare 1,18 clergy note.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab There are about 60 manors for which no villagers' land holding is given for some reason, and about a further 170 where no details are given or the land is not hidated. It is interesting that for a group of manors i n Lifton Hundred (16,7-13) either all details of land holding are omitted or just the lordship land is stated, although the plough-teams are included and the entries are otherwise complete. However, this omission of villagers' land is not restricted to on e hundred or one part of the county, though over a third relate to manors in Wonford Hundred (as in 3,65-68 and 52,11-14). According to Finn, 'Devonshire Domesdays', p. 109, the scribe he calls 'G' was responsible for the frequent omission of the amount of villagers' land; this seems true of the majority of entries in Devon, though the scribe he calls 'A' was responsible for the group 16,7-13. See DOR 1,18 tax note on the lack of villagers' land holding in the Exon for Dorset. The entries for which no Exon survives cannot of course be checked, because only in 2,2 and 7,1 does Great Domesday state the lordship land and it never gives the villagers' holding.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab See 10,2 woodland note on the hide being used as a measurement of woodland and pasture. See also 1,3 tax note and \{Introduction: Hundreds\}on the possible low level of tax assessment in Devon.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 FURLONG. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferling }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (plural }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferlings}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ), Exon }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferlinus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferdinus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 fertinus}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 feor\'f0ling}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 feor\'f0ing}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Middle English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferling}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferthing}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'a fourth', 'a quarter'. In HUN B1;7;9-12 the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferling }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is a quarter in the sense 'a ward or precinct' in a town; in KEN 5,188 a mill in Dover pays 48 measures (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferlingels}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of corn; elsewhere the word is used as a term of measurement of extent. 'Ferling' appears in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Oxford English Dictionary}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (though now only in historical use and with a reference to farthing), but JRM decided to translate it as 'furlong' like the furlong or 'furrow-length' (Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 quarentena}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 quadragenaria}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see note below) which was used to measure woodland, pasture, etc.; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday Geography of South-West England}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , uses the words ferlings, ferdings and fertings. Because the translation 'furlong' has already occurred in Domesday Cornwall and Somerset in this series, it has been thought best to keep to it in Devon, both in the text and in the Notes. (In HAM NF 10,4 it was translated 'quarter', that is, of a virgate). }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ferling }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 appears regularly in both Exon and Domesday for Devon, Somerset and Cornwall in the record of tax assessment of th e manor and of the lordship and villagers' holding there (but see 47,6 where it is used to measure underwood, see 47,6 underwood note). That it mainly occurs in these three counties (and not in Dorset and Wiltshire) may be due to the generally small size of holdings in them, or possibly to the fact that Devon, Somerset and Cornwall were treated in Exon as a separate group from the other two counties.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab As to the size of the}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ferling}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the name suggests that there were 4 to a virgate, 16 to a hide, and this eq uation fits the great majority of entries where the details of lordship and villagers' land add up to the land taxed. However, in 15,25. 21,14. 23,23;26. 35,7 and 52,4 there would need to be only }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 2 ferlings }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 to a virgate for the total of the details to agree with the tax, and in 16,118, 8 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ferlings }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 to a virgate might seem to be correct. But there are many entries where there is a discrepancy between the taxed hides and the sum of the lordship and villagers' land and these may be among them; see above in the n ote on the hide. The occurrence in 5,10 (see \{Appendix: Details Table\}), 15,15-16 and 17,98 of third parts of a 'furlong' might suggest that there were 3 acres to a 'furlong': 48 acres to a hide, rather than 120 acres (which would be 7 \'bd acres to the 'furlong') and than 40 acres ( that is, 2 \'bd acres to the 'furlong'); see 1,4 hide note. But in 3,46 and 16,144 fourth parts of a 'furlong' are mentioned which are not so easily divisible in terms of acres, neither with the hide of 40, 48 nor 120 acres. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees} {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 1308 there is mention of 16 acres forming one }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ferling }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 on Henry of Pomeroy's manor of Berry in 1293, but this would mean a hide of 256 acres. See Finberg, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Tavistock Abbey}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pp. 39-40 on the various numbers of acres that could form the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ferling}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 18 VILLAGERS AND 7 SMALLHOLDERS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '... and 12 cottagers (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 quotarios}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )',}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 added after the slaves on a new line; this and perhaps the unusual spelling may account for the omission of the cottagers by the Great Domesday scribe. However, there is no apparent reason for the omission of the 5 cottagers in Brixham (17,29), especially as the Domesday scribe includes the cottagers for three other manors on the same Exon folio (17,30;32-33). Likewise, some 57 cottagers in Somerset and 15 in Dorset appear in Exon but not in Domesday. See 15,21 cottagers note \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab It is noteworthy that in Exon the same scribe has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 quoliberti }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 coliberti }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in 98a3 (= 1,50) and seems to be the same}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as the writer of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 quosceti }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 cosceti }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 quocetum }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 cocetum }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in 121a2 and 121b1}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (= 3,86-87).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FISHERY. Fisheries (Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 piscaria}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 piscatoria}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 piscatio}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 piscatura}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pescaria}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 piscatia}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are mentioned for 13 places in Domesday Devon (here and in l,60;71. 12,1. 16,69. 17,32;48; 105. 19,10. 21,19-20. 29,6 and 35,10) and in the Exon for 28,13. The existence of a fishery is suggested at 20,15 where, according to Exon, 2 fishermen paid 80 salmon, and also p e rhaps at 36,9 where 3 salt-workers paid a packload of fish as well as their salt and money renders (see 1,23 dues note). It is interesting that in 5 of the entries containing fisheries (1,71. 12,1. 17,105. 19,10 and 21,20) salt-houses are also mentioned. All the places with fisheries were on the lower reaches of rivers; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday Geography of South-West England}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 269. Fisheries were not just areas where fishing was done, but were fixed contrivances for catching fish, whether weirs (as presumably at Weare Giffard 35,10) or 'stake-nets' or 'draw-nets' or hatches etc.; see Lennard, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rural England}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 248 and Round in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Essex}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 424-25. With the exception of the two fisheries in 1,71 and the ones at 17,105 and 19,10 and in the Exon for 28,13, all thes e Devon fisheries paid rents of some kind, either so many salmon as at 17,32;48 or, more often, commuted money rents. Some fisheries recorded elsewhere in Domesday paid no rents for some reason, as the one at Marden in Herefordshire (HEF 1,4) or the two a t Oare in Kent (KEN 5,141). Sometimes they were reserved for the supply of the lord's hall, as in KEN 13,1 and HAM 16,5 and 35,4, or were rented by the villagers, as would seem to be the case in SHR 4,18,2. See 35,10 fishery note for the \'bd fishery at Weare Giffard.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LEAGUES. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 leuga }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (sometimes spelled }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 leuua}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 leuuede}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was a measure of length, usually of woodland and pasture, though a few meadows are measured in leagues in Devon. It was traditionally reckoned at a mile and a half; but if so, some stretches o f woodland etc., will have been of immense length (see Round in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Northamptonshire}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 280; and WOR 1,1c leagues note). The league is used regularly as a linear measure, both measure\-ments being given for the land, as in 1,8. In a great number of inst ances, however, only one dimension is given, as in 1,27 'meadow, 2 leagues'. It has been thought that the league was here being used as a square measure (so Eyton, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dorset Survey}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i. pp. 31-35), but it would seem that by this phrase the scribe meant that the meadow, for example, measured 2}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 leagues in length and 2 in breadth ( that is, 4 square leagues). Many examples in Exon for}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Devon (and for Dorset; see DOR 1,2 leagues note) prove this by giving two measure\- ments for Domesday's one, for example, 'pasture, \'bd league in length and in width' for Domesday 17,20's 'pasture, \'bd league' (see 17,15 pasture note; 17,16 meadow note; 17,81 pasture note; 20,11 pasture note; 25,1 pasture note; 33,1 underwood note and 38,1 pasture note). For the proof that when the scribe writes for example, '1 league in (both) length and (in) width' (as here with '3 \'bd '), he means '1 league in length and 1 league in width'; see 1,28 pasture and compare 1,49 pasture note. It would seem from these correspondences that all these phrases invol ving the so-called 'areal' league were interchangeable and were often used when both measurements of a piece of land were the same (but see 1,29;37). The furlong is used similarly; see 1,4 furlong note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 12 FURLONGS. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 quarentena}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 quadragenaria}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a twelfth of the league (see 1,4 leagues note), reckoned at 220 yards, an eighth of a mile. In Devon the largest number of furlongs recorded in one dimension is in 'pasture, 30 furlongs' in 2,7. In a great number of cases in Domesday the furlong is used linearly, both measurements of the land being given, as here. In many other instances, however, only one measurement is given, as in 'woodland, 8 furlongs' in 1,8. Eyton, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dorset Survey}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 31-35, thought that this meant that the furlong, like the league, was being used as a square measure (for example, in 1,8 the woodland would measure 8 by 1 furlongs or 4 by 2 furlongs, etc., making 8 square furlongs). However, there are numerous instances where the Exon for Devon (and for Dorset; see DOR 1,1 furlongs no t e) gives two dimensions for Domesday's one, for example, Domesday 23,15 'pasture, 10 furlongs', Exon 'pasture 10 furlongs in both length and width', that is, 10 furlongs by 10 furlongs =100 square furlongs; see also 17,85 pasture note; 24,20 pasture note; 35,3 pasture note. For the proof that when the scribe writes, for example, '2 furlongs in (both) length and width' he means '2 furlongs in length and 2 furlongs in width', see the examples quoted in 1,4 leagues note. It would thus seem that when the lengt h and breadth of a piece of land were the same, the scribe used these two phrases indifferently. See 1,53 pasture note on furlongs and acres being combined in measurements.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND. Woodland is omitted about a dozen times in Great Domesday, when it is nev ertheless in Exon. Only for three of these is there a possible reason for the omission; see 3,81 woodland note; 16,164 woodland note and 32,5 woodland note. However, the fact that the Great Domesday scribe transferred the woodland details from the head of the list in Exon to the end (perhaps because woodland was of less importance than meadow and pasture), may be a reason for this number of omissions: having written down the details of meadow and pasture he forgot to go back to the beginning of the Exon li st for the woodland.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WHEN B[ALDWIN THE SHERIFF] ACQUIRED IT. Probably when he acquired the 'farming' of the manor for the king; see 1,5 holds note and 1,5 Baldwin note. This meaning of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 recepit }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is different from cases where Exon gives the value of a manor as when the tenant-in-chief 'acquired it' (received it from King William) which regularly corresponds to Domesday's 'Value was' formula.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab OF THIS MANOR'S LAND ... 1066. Also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 at 498a8.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WILLIAM OF EU ... \'bd VIRGATE. It has been added to his manor of Powderham 22,1, where a plough is also recorded on the \'bd virgate.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WHICH BELONGED THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'lay (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iacebat }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the manuscript; Ellis misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 acebat}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the said manor'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (498a8) it 'belonged to the king's lordship manor called Exminster'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE 5s A YEAR. Only in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (498b1).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ECCHA THE }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 REEVE ... HOLD IT. Also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 at 498b1.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The functions of the reeve (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 praepositus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 praefectus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as a subordinate of the sheriff and as a local official in the manor and in the village were probably varied; see Lennard, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rural England}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 272-76 and Morris, 'Office of Sheriff', pp. 157-58. See also HEF 1,3 reeves note. From the statement in the Exon for 15,67 (see 15,67 manor note) it would seem that the reeve helped to collect the royal revenue.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 FURLONG OF LAND ... MONKS OF BATTLE. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry (498b1) has '... which is (part) of the king's lordship manor called}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exminster'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab This furlong ('ferling') lay at Kenbury [SX9287], first granted by Edward the Confessor in 1063 to Saints Mary, Thomas and Olaf in Exeter as \'bd virgate and \'bd }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ferling }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 at }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Kenbiri }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 15 no. 70 = Kemble, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Codex Diplomaticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 814 = Sawyer, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 1037). It passed to the monks of Battle together with the Church of St Olaf, see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i. p. 15 no. 58 (and nos. 59, 62, 401, pp. 16, 101) and DEV 9 church note, also Reichel, 'Domesday Churches', p. 288; Reichel, 'Domesday Identifications I', p. 607; Reichel, }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 379; Reichel, 'Exminster Hundred Manors', p. 212 and Oliver, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 117. It is curious that there is no cross-r eference to this furlong ('ferling') under the fief of Battle Church (DEV 9) although there is one for the \'bd virgate that was removed from Exminster (see 1,4 Exminster note).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \'bd PLOUGH CAN PLOUGH IT. The fact that this information appears at the end of the statement in Exon (which the Great Domesday scribe had rearranged and which began with the monks of Battle holding the furlong ('ferling') may be the reason for its omission in Domesday. However, the Great Domesday scribe may have deliberately excluded i t as unimportant; compare the omitted plough estimate in the Landinner and Trebeigh statement in 1,25 and in the added holding in 3,76. On numerous occasions information in subholdings given in Exon seems to have been 'pruned out' by the Great Domesday scr ibe. See 1,34 lordship note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE 2s A YEAR. Only in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (498b1).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,5\tab [Exon 83b1; Terrae Occupatae 498b6] \par \tab BRAUNTON. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brantone}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Apparently from Old English }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 brom-tun }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'farm where the broom grows', but }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Branctona }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (the form used in Exon Hundred List I; see \{ Introduction: Hundreds\}), and other forms with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -c- }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 given below, suggest derivation from St Branoc, there being a St Brannocks Well in the parish; see Ekwall, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dictionary of English Place-Names}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 under Braunton and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 32. Braunton is a parish and was the chief manor of Braunton Hundred. The land had been held by Saxon kings and 10 hides at }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brannocminster }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 were granted by King Aethelbald of Wessex to Glastonbury Abbey between 855 and 860 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 13 p. 9 = Sawyer, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 1695). }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brancminstre }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was later exchanged by King Edgar for 7 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 mansiunculae }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 at High Ham in Somerset (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 40 p. 12 = Birch, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cartularium Saxonicum}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 1294 = Sawyer, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 791); see DEV 4 Glastonbury note. By 1086 a portion of the manor had already been granted out to Algar the priest (13a,3); later it probably formed the manor of Braunton Dean. The rest of Braunton was later divided, Braunton Abbot being granted to the Abbey of Cleeve in Somerset by Henry III: }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Anglicanum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , v. p. 133; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 1427 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 360. Braunton Gorges was a grant to Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Siccavilla }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in 1202, later held by the Gorges family, while the Church of Braunton was held by St Mary and St Peter in Exeter (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii. pp. 72, 185, nos. 841, 1391, iii. p. 106 no. 284). On the whole manor see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 97, 265, 782; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 360, 375, 415; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 799, vi. no. 508, x. no. 46, xv. no. 499 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 408-418.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP 1 PLOUGH ... 1 CARUCATE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The king has there 1 carucate of land and 1 plough'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 omitted, as on several other occasions in Exon when it is in Domesday (1,6;44;61. 2,14-15. 28,5. 43,3. 51,10) and on some 35 occasions in Exon when no lordship detail is given in Domesday. Lack of space pro hibits further mention in these Notes of this omission of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; attention is, however, drawn to instances in Exon where it is implied, but is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 not }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Domesday.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WHEN BALDWIN ... ACQUIRED IT The corresponding entry in Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 quando Balduinus uicecomes recepit hanc qui tenet eam ad firmam de rege reddebat tantundem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 This has been translated on the assumption that, bearing in mind the order of the Latin, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 qui }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is resumptive (= 'and he') and refers to Baldwin, but it might possibly be translated 'when Bald win the sheriff acquired it, he who holds it at a revenue from the king paid as much'; in other words, the sheriff had charge of Braunton but it was 'farmed' by someone else (so Lennard, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rural England}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 148 note 1), rather than that Baldwin 'farmed' the manor himself. However, it seems more probable from the point of view of Latin grammar, that the subject of the two verbs }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddit }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (in the 1086 value statement preceding this) and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddebat }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is the same (that is, the manor), rather than that }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ille }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('he') is understood as antecedent of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 qui}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -clause and is the subject of the second verb. Moreover, the entry corresponding to 1,36 states that Baldwin acquired (Bradstone) at a revenue (that is, 'farmed' it): }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 quando }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ...}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 recepit eam ad firmam reddebat}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ...}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HOLDS IT AT A REVENUE FROM THE KING. Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tenet eam ad firmam de rege }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 that is, he 'farmed' the land. However, see 1,5 Baldwin note for Lennard's view that Baldwin did not 'farm' Braunton himself, but merely had charge of it from the king and let it out to someone else to 'farm' (rather as the sheriff of Gloucestershire in GLS 1,62 let out Hempsted at a fixed rent of 60s at face value. Although sheriffs regularly did 'farm' royal land (in Exon Baldwin is said to 'farm' Bradstone 1,36), manors were also 'far med' by others, such as Colwin in|}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,25 and Gotshelm in l,61;64-65, whom there is no reason to suspect were ever sheriffs: Colwin was probably the reeve of that name in C2 (see C2 Colwin note). It was not, of course, just royal land that could be 'farmed'; for example, two manors of Roger of Ivry in Glooucestershire (GLS 41,2-3) and the Abbey of F\'e9 camp's manor of Steyning in Sussex (SUS 5,2) are said to be 'at a revenue'. Occasionally, the villagers themselves 'farmed' a manor; see 25,28 and 26,1, and 6,6 villager note. Under this system the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 firmarius }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or 'farmer' agreed to pay a fixed sum of money to the king, the lord of the manor or the sheriff, which he hoped he would more than recover from the rents and dues he received from that manor as well as from the profits of the lordship. See Lennard, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rural England}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 105-75, on the practice of 'farming'. See 1,5 paid note, and compare Exon for 15,23, for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 firma }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 being used in a slightly different sense, and see 1,21 revenue note on the term 'one night's revenue' (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 firma unius noctis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ).}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VIRGATE OF LAND HAS BEEN TAKEN AWAY. The corresponding entry in Exon has '... which lay there in 1066'. So also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , the details being added in the margin of the Exon manuscript. This virgate It lay at Blakewell, 16,74. A further virgate removed}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from Braunton (but returned) is mentioned in 3,32.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PAID 20s IN KING'S REVENUE. The Latin is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddebat}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ... }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in firma regis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 firma }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 here represents the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 whole revenue the king received for Braunton, to which the alienated virgate contributed}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 20s. Compare the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 rendering for the similar Domesday phrase in 1,15 (see 1,15 pays note). Or}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 perhaps the phrase could be translated 'in(to) the king's revenue', where }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 firma }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 would be used more in the sense of 'treasury'; compare 1,55, and also the Exon for the same Domesday phrase of in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 firma }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in 1,49 (see 1,49 revenue note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The corresponding entry in Exon has 'to the revenue in the king's manor (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ad firmam in manerio regis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )';}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 so also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ROBERT OF PONT-CHARDON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Pont cardon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de ponte cardonis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pont-Chardon is in the d\'e9partement of Orne, France; see Tengvik, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 108. Heanton Punchardon}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (1}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 6,69) is named after him or his successors.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ADDED VIRGATE ... BELONGED ... TO FILLEIGH. So also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . This added land is called Lobb;}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see 16,80 where more details are given.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,6\tab [Exon 83b2; Terrae Occupatae 499b3] \par \tab SOUTH MOLTON.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish and the chief manor in South Molton Hundred. It was afterwards given to the Earl of Gloucester; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 325; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 80b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 371, v. no. 538, vi. no. 710, viii. nos. 396-397, ix. no. 428, xvi. no. 538 and }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds',}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 77-79.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 \'bd VIRGATES OF LAND. An unusual formula for Devon: normally a manor is said to}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 have 'paid tax for' so many hides/ virgates, or the 1086 holder is said to have so many}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hides/ virgates 'in the manor'; both these ph rases appear to mean the same, see 1,4 hide note. It is interesting that the same wording occurs in Exon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 12 PIGMEN. Added in Exon after the villagers, smallholders and slaves, as generally; they may have held the 20 ploughs as well as the other 'villagers ' as Domesday 1,9 implies (but see 1,9 villagers note). See also 1,26 pigmen note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab There are far more pigmen (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 porcarii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 recorded for Devon than for any other Domesday county (according to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday Geography of South-West England}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 352 the Devon pigmen formed 70% of the total entries of them in Domesday). It is very odd that the Great Domesday scribe when using Exon omitted pigmen from over a third of the entries, that is, 25 occurrences. The reason for this is hard to find, as the omissions are not con fined to particular areas or fiefs; for example, pigmen}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are recorded in Domesday for 16,44 but not for 16,43;45-46, although in Exon these entries run consecutively; similarly they are entered in Domesday 16,141 though not in 16,140, the preceding entry in Exon too. However, see 15,12 pigmen note and 16,23 pigman note for possible reasons for the omission of the pigmen there. It is unlikely that the Great Domesday scribe omitted so many pigmen from Exon because he misread }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 porcarii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 porci}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which latter he was excluding (see Lennard, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rural England}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 258 note 4): the only dubious reading is that at 17,16 (see 17,16 pigmen note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab These pigmen, who so often appear in groups, seem to have been independent pig-farmers, paying rent, rather than herdsmen for the villagers' pigs; see Lennard, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rural England}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 258. It is interesting that the Great Domesday scribe seems to have changed the 1 villager and 1 pigman recorded for the added furlong ('ferling') in Exon for 17,17 to '2 villagers'. In WOR 10,4 pigmen are equated with }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 rustici }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'countrymen' (see WOR 10,4 countrymen note). In some 45 out of the 68 entries (Domesday and Exon combined), the pigmen are said to pay so many pigs, a payment which is stated to be annual on several occasions in Exon (for example, for 1,67. 2,2;4;11 etc.) and on two occasions (1,26 and 10,1) these are commuted to money-rents (as also SOM 1,11 and SOM 2,1). Pigmen are regularly entered in both Domesday and Exon after the slaves, villagers and smallholders, but they appear before the sla v es (though still after the villagers and smallholders) in 5 entries, and, very unusually, before the villagers and smallholders in 1,66. In 23,9 and 42,6 they are entered after the resources, possibly because originally omitted (see 23,9 pigmen note and 4 2 ,6 pigmen note). It is not possible to tell whether pigmen had a share in the villagers' ploughs (as apparently in 1,9;66 and 16,44); in HEF 1,42 and perhaps also here in 16,10 (see 16,10 pigmen note), they had ploughs of their own; for the Exon evidence, see 1,26 pigmen note. For the majority of manors in Domesday, however, the pigmen are entered after the other inhabitants and their ploughs (and land). See 1,18 pigs note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \'bd VlRGATE ... 5s. Also in full in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab "RINGEDONE".}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, 'Domesday Identifications I', p. 608 and }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 68) gratuitously identifies this place, added to South Molton, as Frenchstone in George Nympton. He is followed by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday Gazetteer}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which maps 'Ringdon' where Frenchs tone lies; but no place called 'Ringdon' has been recorded in George Nympton parish. There is another 'Ringdon' (now Ringcombe in West Anstey) in the same Hundred (see 16,79 Ringcombe note), but it is probably too remote to have been part of South Molton in 1086.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,7\tab [Exon 83b3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SILVERTON. A parish, head of the Tax Return Hundred of Silverton, later Hayridge Hundred. Silverton itself was granted by Henry II to the Earl of Devon and was held of his Honour of Plympton by the Vautort and Corbet families then by the Beauchamps; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 70b, 95a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 321, 382; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 156, vi. no. 318, ix. no. 109, xi. no. 35.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab This large 1086 manor will have contained: (1) }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Torverton' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Thorverton SS9202, now a separate parish] given to the monastery of Marmoutier at Tours by Henry III (or by William I according to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 96; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 70b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 265);}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 (2) }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 part of Cullompton (the rest had been granted by William I to Battle Church; see 9,1 Cullompton note) given in 1291 to the Abbey of Buckland Monachorum by Isabella Countess of Devon (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 264; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 70b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 368; Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 383; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 378); and}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 (3) }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Childetun' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Chilton in Thorverton, SS9205]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 96, 782; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 425; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 101, vii. nos. 416, 663, xvi. no. 126. Smaller subdivisions of the manor were }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Paddekebrok' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Padbrook ST0106]; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 789; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 368 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Suthwod' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Niweland' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ['Southwood', unidentified, and Newland in Cullompton, ST0407]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 789; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 425. On the whole manor see Reichel, 'Domesday Identifications I', p. 608; }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Reichel, 'Earlier Sections of "Testa Nevil\'94 relating to Devon', }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pp. 416, 426; Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', pp. 229-231.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \'bd furlong ('ferling') had been added to this manor from the manor of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Esseorda }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 held by the wife of Hervey of Hell\'e9 an. This information is not recorded in the main Exon returns nor in Domesday, but appears in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (see DEV 44 Hervey note).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IT NEVER PAYS TAX. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 geld' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 may here abbreviate the perfect }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 geldavit }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'it has never paid tax', as in 1,11;14. Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 redd' gild'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Domesday and Exon }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 geld' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 redd' gildum }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 can be the abbreviations for both the present and imperfect/ perfect tenses, though generally with the addition of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 R}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 E}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and its Exon equivalent, if the past is meant, as in 1,9. 3,95 etc. Compare 2,2 value note; 9,2 houses note and 23,1 Alwin note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WITH ALL THAT BELONGS THERE. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cum omnibus ibi pertinentibus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cum omnibus quae ibi pertinent }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (not ... }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 qui}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ...}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (= 'all who') as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday Geography of South-West England}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 239 note 2 transcribes the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 q' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the manuscript), extending into the right margin but with no sign that it was added. A very unusual phrase in Domesday for the south-west counties, though it occurs regularly in}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 charters, grants and other documents of the period (for example, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i App. nos. ix, xi etc., Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 116 no. 1 etc.). If it refers, as in these documents, to other manorial}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 details such as mills, meadows, etc., then it is unnecessary. If it does not, then one would expect the phrase to occur regularly in Exon and Domesday.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab It is just possible that in the original returns from which Exon was taken, some mention might have been made of this manor paying one night's revenue (on which, see 1,21 revenue note), because a phrase which occurs regularly i n connection with the night's revenue resembles this unusual phrase: for example, WIL 1,1-2 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 cum omnibus consuetudinibus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 DOR 1,2 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 cum suis appendiciis et consuetudinibus }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and 1,21 here }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 cum suis apendiciis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Such information would be expected of this manor, th ough it would normally occur near the end of the entry with the present value. Possibly the original returns at this point were damaged in some way and the Exon scribe in perplexity jotted down what remained of a phrase such as }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hoc manenum reddebat }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 dimidiam}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 firmam unius noctis cum omnibus consuetudinibus quae ibi pertinent}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 As on several other occasions (see \{Introduction: Exon Extra Information and Discrepancies\} ) the Great Domesday scribe seems merely to have copied the Exon (though not quite word for word here) without bothering about the meaning.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 MILLS. The mills that Domesday records are of course water-mills, not windmills, which latter did not appear in B ritain for another century. Far fewer mills are recorded in Domesday Devon than are in Somerset and Dorset, for example. Their render, said on numerous occasions in Exon to be }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 per annum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is usually given; but see 5,1 mill note and 23,22 mill note. See also 34,23 mill note and 16,45 mill note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,8\tab [Exon 84a1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HEMYOCK. A parish, formerly the chief manor of Hemyock Hundred. The church went to Torre Abbey (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 362), the manor to the Honour of Plympton (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 1368; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar o f Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 590, x. no. 384, see }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, 'Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds', }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 39). The manor later contained }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Madisheue }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Madescay }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Mackham],}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 granted out by Henry I; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 342, the Red Book of the Exchequer (Hall, ii . p. 452); it appears to have belonged to William the goat in 1086 (see 19,36 Mackham note]; see also Reichel, 'Earlier Sections of "Testa Nevil\'94 relating to Devon', pp. 423, 440.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 1,9\tab [Exon 84a2] \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab [EAST] }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 BUDLEIGH. A parish, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 caput }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 of the single Hundred of B udleigh, later divided into East Budleigh Hundred and West Budleigh Hundred . Besides the Budleigh given by Henry I to the Abbey of Mont St Michel (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 95), and Budleigh Salterton, this complex manor contained:}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab \tab (1)1 hide at }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Fenoteri }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Venn Ottery SY0791], held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 95 by Philip }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 de Fornell' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 (Furneaux) as a serjeanty, see the Red Book of the Exchequer (Hall, ii. p. 560); }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , pp. 264, 764, 1368; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. pp. 66b, 92b; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , iii. no. 508, v. no. 27, vii. no. 441 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. pp. 325, 365;}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab \tab (2) }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Bradeham }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Bradham SY0181 in Withycombe Raleigh], given in 1205 by King Johnto the Church of St Nicholas in Exeter; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , pp. 95, 764, 1424; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 152a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 66a; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 365; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , ii. p. 313; Oliver, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 p. 125; DEV 9 church note;}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab \tab (3) }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Hulle }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Hill in Withycombe Raleigh, SY0081], formerly part of Bradham; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 342; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 66b;}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab \tab (4) }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Harpeford }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Harpford parish SY0990] given to Oliver }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 de Dinant }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 and by him to the Priory at Dinan; it is called }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Ortiland }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ['Otterland'] in the Red Book of the Exchequer (Hall, ii. p. 560); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , pp. 96, 764; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Rotuli Hundredorum}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 66a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. pp. 325, 365; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , iii. no. 532, iv. no. 44, vii. no. 462, xi. no. 374 (see 11,1 Otterton note and and 52,35 Nutwell note);}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab \tab (5) }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Langelegh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Langley SS9109, now in Cadeleigh parish, Hayridge Hundred (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , ii. p. 560); earlier in [West] Budleigh Hundred], held with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Braderig' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Broadridge, see 35,24 Poughill note] by Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 de Welinthon' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 of the Honour of Plympton; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , pp. 761, 1424; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 93a; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. pp. 364, 426;}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab \tab (6) }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Blakebergh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Blackberry in Bicton, SY0686], held by Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 le Poer }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 of the Honour of Plympton in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , pp. 762, 790; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. pp. 364, 426, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , (old series) iv. no. 63 (= }{ \fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , 'Fees of Earl Hugh de Courtenay'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 325); this was perhaps apart of Bicton (51,1);}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab \tab (7) }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Yetematon'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Daledich' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Yettington in Bicton, SY0585, and Dalditch in East Budleigh, SY0483], held by the Honour of Okehampton with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 La Shete }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Shute, see 16,139 "Petecote" note] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , pp. 762, 787; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. pp. 364, 426. On the manor as a whole see Reichel}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244',}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 pp. 280, 287-288, 297-298, 301.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 16 VILLAGERS, 20 SMALLHOLDERS ... 12 PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The king has there 16}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 villagers and they have 12 ploughs. He has there 20 smallholders, 10 pigmen and 4 slaves'. See SOM 5,21 villagers note and perhaps DOR 55,25 villager note for other examples}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of Exon's separating the vill agers (or in some cases the smallholders) who hold the ploughs from other categories of population who apparently do not. See also 2,3 villagers note; 3,27 villagers note; 14,2 villagers note; 15,16 villager note; 23,4 smallholders note; 24,16 villagers n ote; 24,31villagers note; 36,21 villagers note; 49,3 villager note. This formula is not the work of one or even two particular scribes (in Devon in any case), so must have reflected an actual situation.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,10\tab [Exon 84a3] \par \tab KINGSTEIGNTON. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Exon details of this manor begin as the third entry on folio 84a, with 84b beginning after 3 lines with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 & xii carr'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ellis misprinted folio 85 as beginning in the middle of the manor of [East] Budleigh (1,9); whereas in fact folio 85a begins with the manor of Kingskerswell (1,12), the marginal entries (see 1,11 manor note) all appearing on 84b.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Domesday }{\i\insrsid8681605 Teintone}{ \insrsid8681605 became a parish and was formerly the chief manor of Teignton Hundred, later Teignbridge, Hundred. It remained in royal hands until given to Peter }{\i\insrsid8681605 Burdun }{\insrsid8681605 by Henry in; see }{\i\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\insrsid8681605 , pp. 98, 782; }{\i\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 81b; }{\i\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 339, 390, and }{\i\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \insrsid8681605 , iv. no. 20, vii. no. 708, xi. no. 236, xvi. no. 1085. The holding included }{\i\insrsid8681605 Teyngewyk }{\insrsid8681605 [Highweek parish SX8471] given by Henry III to Theobald }{\i\insrsid8681605 de Englissevile}{\insrsid8681605 :}{ \i\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 81b; see }{\i\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 90a; }{\i\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\insrsid8681605 , pp. 264,612, 1372, 1426; }{\i\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 714, x. no. 488 and Reichel, 'Teignbridge Hundred', p. 226. Part of Newton Abbot (}{\i\insrsid8681605 Novelevile }{\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 82b; see }{\i\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 473) belonged to }{\i\insrsid8681605 Teyngewyk}{\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\insrsid8681605 }{\insrsid8681605 part to Wolborough; see 16,163 Wolborough note.}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IT PAID TA X FOR. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'It paid for ...': }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 redd}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 id}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 it p}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ro}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 );}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the scribe no doubt omitted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 gildum }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'tax' in error.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,11\tab [Exon 84b1-9; Terrae Occupatae 503a2-4, 503b1;6-9] \par \tab AXMINSTER. A parish and head of Axminster Hundred. It remained royal land until granted by King John to William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Briwere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from whom it passed via his fourth daughter to Reginald }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Mohun }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 who gave the manor for the foundation of Newenham Abbey (at SY2897 in the parish); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 97, 264, 797, 1263, 1307, the Red Book of the Exchequer (Hall, ii. p. 558); Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 357-369 and Davis, Medieval Cartularies, p. 78. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 788 John }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Capy }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Aqua }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (from Latin 'water'; probably the toponymic surname here means 'at the source' or 'at the spring') hold in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Membyr' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Membury] from the Honour of Plympton. This appears to have been granted out of the manor of Axminster and to be represented in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 366 by }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Capieheghes }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Casehayes in Membury: }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 644; it is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Memburye Capye }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , (old series) iv. no. 63 (= }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Whale, 'Fees of Earl Hugh de Courtenay'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 326)] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 La Watere }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Waterhouse farm in Membury, ST2603]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 429. On the whole manor, see }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Reichel, 'Axminster and Axmouth Hundreds', }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 144.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LAND FOR 40 PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 per xl carrucas potest arari terra }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'the land can be ploughed by means of/using 40 ploughs', instead of the usual Exon formula }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'y }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ploughs can plough it'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab UNDERWOOD. The corresponding entry in Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 nem}{\i\fs24\ul\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'c'li }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 interlined in the manuscript to correct to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 nemusculi}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ellis failed to reproduce the underlining (see \{Introduction: Ellis' Text of Exon and the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Translation\} and misprints }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'd'i }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as the interlineation.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TO THIS MANOR ARE OWED ... THIS MONEY. This paragraph is condensed in Domesday from 5 entries}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Exon which are neatly added in the left margin of the manuscript probably by the same}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 scribe as the main entry. They read:}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Exon 84b5: 'The Count of Mortain has a manor called Honiton, which before 1066 paid 30d a year to this manor of the king, Axminster, but since the count has had it, it has not paid'.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Exon 84b6: 'Ralph of Pomeroy has a manor called Smallridge which before 1066 paid 30d a year to the said manor, but Ralph has kept them (30d) back during the last 12 years (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 retinuit eos radulfus xii anni sunt transacti}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )'.}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 This last phrase occurs several times in this section and seems to lack a conjunction such as }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 dum }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('while') before }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 retinuit}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 since otherwise the two main verbs are unconnected.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Exon 84b7: 'William the goat has a manor called Membury, which likewise before 1066 paid 30d (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xxx den' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the manuscript; Ellis misprinted }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xxx. de'.i}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ) a year to this manor of the king, but William has kept them back during the last 12 years (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xii anni sunt transacti}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 '}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid13656858 \par \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid13656858 Exon }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 84b8: 'The Bishop of Coutances has a manor called 'Charlton', which before 1066 paid 15d a year to the above manor of the king, but since the Bishop has had it, it has not paid'.}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Exon 84b9: 'The Canons of Sainte-Marie of Rouen have a manor called Rawridge, which before 1066 paid 30d a year to the above manor of the king, but they have kept back this customary due during the past 18 years (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xviii anni sunt praeteriti}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 '}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entries run thus:}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Exon 503b1: 'The Count of Mortain has a manor called Honiton, which in 1066 paid 30d a year in customary dues to the king's manor called Axminster, but since the count has obtained thi s land they (30d) have not been paid into the king's revenue (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ad firmam regis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ).}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Drogo holds it from the count' (this last phrase is interlined, though by the same scribe).}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Exon 503b6: 'Ralph of Pomeroy has a manor called Smallridge, which before 1066 pai d 30d a year in customary dues into the revenue of Axminster, the king's manor, but since Ralph has had the land the king has had no customary dues'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Exon 503b7: 'William the goat has a manor called Membury, which before 1066 paid 30d in customary dues to Axminster, the king's manor, but for 12 years William has kept back this customary due'.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Exon 503b8: 'The Bishop of Coutances has a manor called 'Charlton', which before 1066 paid 30d (not 15d, as the main Exon entry and as Domesday) in customary dues to Axminster, the king's manor, but since the Bishop has had this land, he has not paid this customary due'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Exon 503b9: 'The Canons of Rouen have a manor called Rawridge, which before 1066 paid 30d in customary dues to the king's manor called Axminster, but for a long time now the Canons have kept back this customary due'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab For 'Charlton', see 3,96; Honiton, 15,23; Smallridge, 34,51; Membury, 19,44; Rawridge, 10,2. There is no mention in any of these entries of the unpaid customary dues, though for the s imilar list in 1,23 (see 1,23 dues note), there is a cross-reference for Fardel in 15,67.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab `DENEWORTHY' ... SAID MANOR. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The corresponding entry in Exon has 'another manor called 'Deneworthy'. Also, in full, in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 at 503a2; it is very}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 unusual for the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to give details of population, but see 1,11 hide note and 1,32 villagers note and 1,70 land note for other examples. See also Finn, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Liber Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 75.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 'Deneworthy' is a place now lost, lying in Membury parish; see }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 645.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALRIC. }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The Domesday forms of the name-form Alric - }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alric}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , Elric}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , Aelric}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , Alrich, Alrist}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (a scribal error) - could represent Old English }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'c6thelric}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or Old English }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'c6lfric}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 150-51, under }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Al-ric}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , and see also p. 142, under }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Al-}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . JRM followed von Feilitzen in keeping to the base form, as does the Alecto edition. However, occasionally some of the people here rendered Alric appear in certain Phillimore printed translations as Aelfric or Aethelric, but their name-forms do not include the }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -u-}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -f-}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 required by JRM for inclusion under Aelfric, or the }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -d-}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -g-}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 required by him for inclusion under Aethelric. Compare 17,88 Aelfric note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab UNDERCLEAVE ... 5s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'In Axminster itself is}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 another manor called Undercleave'. Abbreviated details of this added manor also appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 at 503a3.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The Domesday form }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Odesclive}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 does not evolve to the modern one, but both forms may represent the same place; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon} {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 636 and Reichel, 'Axminster and Axmouth Hundreds', p. 149.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab EDRIC THE CRIPPLE. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Manc}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Domesday and Exon; see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 322 and compare Esger the cramped (1,23 Esger note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab EDWARD SON OF EDRIC HOLDS IT. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Edward son of the same Edric holds it from}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 King William'. So also in the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 503a3.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Thus this man is son of }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Edric the cripple, as the}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 filius eiusdem Eddrici }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of Exon makes clear.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \'bd HIDE ... 20s. In Exon, and also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 at 503a4, again in full with the smallholders unusually}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 included (compare 1,11 'Deneworthy' note). It is not clear why this should be recorded in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 there is no implication that the \'bd hide should not have belonged to the church, although}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 it is possible that, as Axminster church had formerly belonged to St Peter's, York (Finn, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Liber Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 72 note 1), the change in ownership had not been authenticated. Compare 2,2 proved note; 2,15 Sidbury note; 13a,2 Swimbridge note; 42,10 Nympton and \{Introduction: The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for Devon\} for other entries in}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 O}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ccupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which have no hint of illegality in them.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THIS MANOR'S CHURCH. The Church of Axminster (not Undercleave, as Exon makes clear); it was granted to St Peter's, York, by Edward the Confessor; see Harmer, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Writs}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , , pp. 419, no. 120, 529-531 (= }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 71 p. 15), Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 317 and Reichel, 'Axminster and Axmouth Hundreds', p. 146.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 PLOUGHS THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has '2 ploughs can plough it (the \'bd hide), which are there'. So also}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 503a4. No detail of the ploughs is given, but this is not unusual in a subholding of a}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 manor. See also 17,18 ploughs note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE 20s. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry (503a4) has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ualent}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ... }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xx sol'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 :}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the plural would seem to refer to the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 smallholders, though this must be a mistake. The corresponding entry in Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ual'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ... }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xx sol'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,12\tab [Exon 85a1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab KINGSKERSWELL. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Carsewelle}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Haytor Hundred, the successor to Kerswell Hundred to which it formerly gave its name. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 71b records that its first holder after 1086 was John }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Droun}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It was granted out successively by Henry II and King John, then by Henry III to Nicholas }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Molis }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 who held it in 1242 as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Karswill' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Depeford' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Diptford 1,15]; see the Red Book of the Exchequer (Hall, ii. p. 559); }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 89a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 265, 769, 1372; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 318, 349, 392; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 283, v. nos. 202, 603, viii. no. 139, ix. no. 427, xi. no. 309, xii. no. 333, xvi. no. 1085, and Reichel}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , 'Haytor Hundred in 1244',}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 126; }{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, 'Extracts from the Hundred Rolls of 3 Edward I',}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 328.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TAX ... 1 \'bd HIDES ... CHURCH ... \'bd VIRGATE. Here it would seem that the \'bd virgate belonging to the church is needed to combine with the lordship and villagers' land to reach the tax of 1 \'bd hides (which in Devon is the same as the size of the holding; see 1,4 hide note). However, in the next entry, almost identical in form, the church's \'bd virgate seems to be additional to the hide of tax because of the 1 vi rgate in lordship and 3 virgates of villagers' holding. As it is also additional in 1,18 and 1,33 (see 1,18 clergy note and 1,33 hide note), it would seem that in this entry either there was an error in the lordship or villagers' land, or, as in some othe r entries, these did not add up to the tax, or perhaps the church land here had been taken out of the lordship or villagers' holding, though not stated; (compare 1,70 where Gotshelm's virgate is said in Exon to be 'of the villagers' land').}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THIS MANOR'S CHURCH. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'village's church'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 1,13\tab [Exon 85a2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab COLYTON. A parish and the chief manor of Colyton Hundred. It was granted by Henry II to Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 de Dunstanvil' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 in 1159. In 1242 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 782) Reginald de }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Valle Torta }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 and Alice }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Basseth' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 hold in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Culiton' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 from Walter }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 de Dunstanvil'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 The land then passed to William }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 de Courtenay }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 and his successors on the remarriage of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Joan Bassett }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 who had been wife of Reginald }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 de Valle Torta}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 1367; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 68b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , iii.no. 31, xiv. no. 325; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 329 and }{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 p. 342. The church was later held by St Mary and St Peter, Exeter, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ii. p. 72 no. 841, p. 185 no. 1391, iii. p. 106 no. 284.Sub-manors of Colyton, all held by the Courtenays, were:}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab \tab (1) }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Monketon }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Monkton parish ST1803, see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , ii. p. 627] in }{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Lyte,}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Honour of Dunster}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 p. 56; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 329, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , ii. nos. 306, 436, 593, iii. no. 415, vi. no. 478, vii. no. 297, xi. no. 300, xii. no. 436;}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab \tab (2) }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Whytewell }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Whitwell SY2392] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 329;}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab \tab (3) }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Policumbe }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Colcombe SY2494] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 330;}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab \tab (4) }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Coliford }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Colyford SY 2592] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Rotuli Hundredorum}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. pp. 68a, 94b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , ii. no. 71.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab \tab A further manor was the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Culint' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Colyton] granted by Henry III to the nuns ofPolsloe Priory; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 96; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 330; Oliver, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 p. 168 and Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', p. 345.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab TAX FOR 1 HIDE ... CHURCH LIES \'bd VIRGATE. See 1,12 tax note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN [THE LANDS OF] THIS MANOR'S CHURCH ... 5s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'This said manor has a church where (that is, in whose lands) \'bd virgate lies. Value 5s'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,14\tab [Exon 85a3] \par \tab AXMOUTH}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . A parish and formerly chief manor of Axmouth Hundred which later merged with Axminster Hundred. It had been one of the manors given by King Alfred in his will to his younger son (1,4 Exminster note) and according to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 63a it had been a possession of King Athelstan (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . 924-939). It was given at an unknown date, after the Conquest to Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Redvers }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 who gave it to the Abbey of Montebourg; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 328; Round, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Documents}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 France}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 314 no. 879; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii p. 67 no. 825 and Reichel, 'Axminster and Axmouth Hundreds', p. 178.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BECAUSE. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 q}{\i\fs24\cf1\up6\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the usual abbreviation for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 quia}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Farley misprinted }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 q}{\i\fs24\cf1\up6\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (= }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 qui}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'who').}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 16 GOATS. Latin }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 caprae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 she-goats, important for their milk.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,15\tab [Exon 85b8; Terrae Occupatae 504a3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab DIPTFORD. A parish in Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred which is the name of the correspond\- ing Tax Return Hundred in which it can be identified. It followed much the same manorial descent as Kingskerswell (1,12 Kingskerswell note) with which it is often associated in later records, coming to Nicholas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Moli s }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in 1230; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 769, 782, 794, 1372; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 323, 395; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 283, v. no. 603, viii. no. 139.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Members of Diptford were }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Horn'e }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Homer SX7654], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Asswelle }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Ashwell SX7655] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tuveton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Tennaton SX7455] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 79a; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 91a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 1371, 1386; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xii. no. 333, and, on the whole manor, Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred: a Supplement to the Testa de Nevil', pp. 198-199.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FARLEIGH. Abbreviated details of this added manor appear}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab This added land seems to have descended with Diptford, being held by John }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Meolys }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 351 and appears there to have been counted as a part of Langford (1,55). }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Fernlegh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 there also associated with }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wagelond }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Wagland SX7654], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Lappelond }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Lapland, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 300] and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wrangeton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Wrangaton in Ugborough, SX6757, see 1,55 Langford note]. This last is held by the prior of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 395, 397 and Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred: a Supplement to the Testa de Nevil', p. 201.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN THE TIME OF WILLIAM OF VAUVILLE. He appears to have been in charge of at least some of the king's manors here, with the ability to transfer land; see 3,32. He may have been Baldwin's predecessor as sheriff; see Finn, 'Devonshire Domesdays', p. 95 note 1. See the phrase 'Before Baldwin('s time)' in the past value of l,30;33, and compare HEF1,72 where 'in Earl William's time' Roger of P\'eetres (the sheriff then) transferred 2 \'bd hides to Gloucestershire. \par \tab \tab Vauville is near Beaumont-Hague in the d\'e9partement of Manche, France: Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 119. But there is also a Vauville in Calvados, south of Deauville.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab A THANE HELD IT FREELY BEFORE 1066. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which a thane held jointly in 1066; he could go to whomever he would'. But the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has just 'which a thane held jointly in 1066'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A check has been made, both in Exon and in Domesday for the south-west counties and in particular for Devon, on the occurrences of the phrases 'held it freely (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 libere}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )';}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'held it jointly (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pariter /in paragio}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )',}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and also 'held it as one/ two manors (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pro uno manerio/ duobus maneriis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which almost invariably occur as descriptions of the 1066 tenure of a manor, often relating, as here, to tenure by thanes. In the details that follow the evidence of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 has been largely discounted, as it is not clear whether this document was used by either the Exon or Great Domesday scribes.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab These phrases appear to be interchangeable: for example, in Devon 1,32. 3,22. 15,26-27;79. 28,16. 36,23, etc., Domesday has 'freely' while the corresponding Exon entries have only 'jointly'. Again, in 1,29. 5,2;8 the } {\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holders in Domesday are stated to have held the land 'as a manor' or 'as two manors', whereas in Exon they are said to have held 'jointly'; in 15,12 Domesday similarly has the 1066 tenant holding the land 'as one manor', while Exon states that he 'could go to whichever lord he would'. For the examples in Somerset of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pro manerio }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Domesday corresponding to }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pariter }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Exon, see SOM 1,6 added note; SOM 5,2 held note; SOM 5,9 manors note; SOM 5,10 manors note; SOM 5,15 manor note etc., and for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 libere }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Domesday corresponding to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pariter }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Exon see SOM 35,4 manor note; SOM 36,7 thanes note; SOM 36,7 Alnoth note; SOM 36,13 held note; SOM 37,6 thane note; SOM 37,12 held note; SOM 45,5 hel d note; SOM 46,2 held note; SOM 46,14 held note, etc.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In a great many entries in Domesday there is no description of the type of 1066 tenure of manors, while Exon regularly states that the manor in question was held 'jointly' by the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tenant or that the latter 'could go where he would'; see the Notes toDevon and Somerset }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 passim}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 In Devon these Domesday entries are predominantly in the first part of the county, suggesting that at some time in the writing out a decision was made to include details of previous tenure. The later addition of so many examples of }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pariter }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in paragio }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the margin and interlined, also points to this; see 15,47 jointly note. It was very important to know the way in which a manor had been held in 1066, when so many lands were acquired unlawfully and their ownership contested. For example, note the number of instances in DEV 15 of the word 'freely' and the stress laid on the fact that many of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holders there had been free, but (despite this) their lands had been 'added' to those}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of EdmerAtor or Ordwulf (see 15,31 land note and 15,31 held note); the Count of Mortain was notorious for his 'thefts' of land (compare DOR 26,1 jointly note). In 15,53, Exon states that the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holder held his land 'jointl y and now it has been added to Ordwulf's land'; here 'jointly' is being used in exactly the same way as 'freely' in 15,31. Also in 34,5 the fact that Leodmer, who held in 1066, was a free man is set against the seizure (testified in court) of his land by Ralph of Pomeroy; in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for this entry he is said to have held it 'jointly' in 1066 and Ralph appropriated it. Very often it is the 1066 tenure of an added}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 land that is described in such a manner; for example, the added \'bd virgates of 1,46 and 1,49 had been held freely in 1066, and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Nimete }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 had been wrong\-fully joined to Molland (1,41) and it had been held jointly by two brothers according to Exon, while Blackpool, also joined to Molland, had been held 'as a manor' before 1066.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The phrase 'c ould go to whichever lord he would (with this land)', which in the Exon for Devon is more common than 'freely', meant that the holder was free to choose whichever lord he wanted as his patron and protector of his land; he was not 'bound' to anyone in part icular. \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The words }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in paragio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pariter }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are more complicated to explain, but they would seem to imply a form of land tenure whereby a man's estate was not physically divided among his heirs, but enjoyed equally by them, with one heir being responsible to the lord and king for the services due from the land and the other heirs being answerable only to the first. These heirs were often the deceased's children, as probably in 1,41 virgate note and 3,40 brothers note, and in DOR 26,37 and DOR 30,3; but the 6 thanes who according to Exon held jointly the added land of 16,7 do not appear to be related at all. This type of tenure had the important advantage of preserving the unity of the manor; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Dorset}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. pp. 34-35 for other advantages. See Vinogradoff, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 English Society in the Eleventh Century}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 245-249 and Maitland, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday Book and Beyond}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 145-146. However, there are a great many examples of the 1066 tenants, though holding 'jointly', having separate pieces of land for which they presumably paid tax individually, which would mean that the 'joint tenure' referred only to the services due from the lands. Land held in parage was very often equally divided among the heirs, for example, in SOM 5,10. SOM 19,64. SOM 22,28. SOM 24,10, etc., where of two thanes who had held jointly, one had held one half of the land and the other the other half (see SOM 5,10 thanes note; SOM 19,64 held note; SOM 22,28 held note; SOM 24,10 thanes note ). See also Devon 15,52 held note where each of the 4 thanes held 1 furl ong. However, there are numerous cases of land being held jointly that was not partitioned equally, as in 35,9 where Exon states that West Putford had been held jointly in 1066 by 2 thanes, one of whom had \'bd hide, the other \'bd virgate. Likewise in SOM 5,9 tw o thanes had held East Harptree jointly, one holding 3 hides, the other 2 hides; also SOM 5,47 where three thanes had held Radstock jointly, but their holdings were of 6 hides, 1 hide and 3 virgates; similarly for many cases in Somerset; see SOM 5,59 East o n note; SOM 5,61 Emborough note; SOM 5,62 Cameley note; SOM 5,64 Kingston note; SOM 5,65 Hallatrow note ; SOM 19,13 Stoke note; SOM 19,14 Stoke note; SOM 19,29 Hatch note; SOM 19,32 Merriott note; SOM 19,72 Marston note; SOM 21,63 Aller note; SOM 21,65 Ho lnicote note; SOM 21,73 Thorne note; SOM 21,85; Littleton note; SOM 25,27 Luxborough note; SOM 25,43Bathealton note; SOM 28,1 held note; SOM 37,8 Lovington note; SOM 37,11 Moreton note; SOM 45,7 held note etc.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab \tab In a great many entries only one person (very often a thane) is said to have held the manor 'jointly' in 1066, for example, in 16,144. 17,17. 19,40. 28,16. 34,55;57, etc. (and see DOR 26,1 jointly note and the Notes for Somerset }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 passim }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 for examples there). According to Vinogradoff,}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 English Society in the Eleventh Century}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 pp. 245-50, this meant either that the deceased only had one son, but tenure in parage would continue as that son would probably have more than one child, or that the heir held responsible for the whole holding was the only one mentioned. However, Finn, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Liber Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , pp. 88-89), discussing the large number of occurrences of the phrase 'a thane held it jointly' in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 entries concerning manors that had been combined in 1086, believed that }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 pariter }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 there meant that the added land had been held in the same way as the manor to which it had been joined, that is it had been held 'as a manor', this view being borne out by the Great Domesday's frequent substitution of }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 pro manerio }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 pariter}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 But it seems more likely that the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 sc ribe in making the point that of two manors combined in 1086 one had been held 'jointly' (or that its holder 'could go where he would') was implying that the 1086 holder had been wrong to add land that had been thus held; this would explain the presence i n the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 (= 'Seized Lands') of so many entries on manors that had merely been combined.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab \tab Thus it would seem that 'joint' tenure implied free tenure and the land so held had the status of a 'manor', and that the scribes of Exon and Domesday saw no real difference in meaning in the phrases }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 libere}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 pariter}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 pro manerio}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 .}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab \tab See DOR 26,1 jointly note and SOM \{Introduction: Exon Extra Information and Discrepancies}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \}.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 See also 1,32 thanes note and 45,1 thane note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IT PAYS 10s BY WEIGHT IN KING'S REVEN UE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'It pays 10s a year by weight in the above revenue', referring to the revenue of Diptford. The }{\i\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry has 'it pays 10s a year by weight in revenue to the said manor (of Diptford)'.}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\insrsid8681605 1,16\tab [Exon 86a1] \par \tab [WEST] }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ALVINGTON. A parish in Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred and identifiable in the Tax Return for Diptford Hundred. It is 'West' probably by reference to Alphington (1,43) and was held from the Crown under Henry II by the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Daubengny }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 family. Oliver }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Daubengny}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 's}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holding escheated to the king and was given to Alice }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Ryvers}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 On her death it was given to William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Feritate}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 then to Patrick }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Chawrth}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 then to Matthew }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Besille}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 79a; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 99, 264, 766; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 323; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 718, viii. no, 139, xi. no. 26 and Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred', pp. 195-196. The advowson of the church was held by the canons of Salisbury }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de antiquis temporibus }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'from ancient times' (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 79a), implying a dedication before 909 when the great diocese of Sherborne was subdivided between Sherborne, Wells and Crediton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 1264, 1371, 1425-1426. The see of Sherborne had united with that of Ramsbury in 1058 and the episcopal seat was transferred to Salisbury between 1075 and 1078.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 1,17\tab [Exon 86a2]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab PLYMPTON. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Caput }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 of Plympton Hundred and involving both the parishes of Plympton St Mary and Plympton Erle (or St Maurice). The estate was Crown land until Henry I gave it to Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 de Redvers}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 It then became head of the Plympton Barony, the seat of the Earls of Devon; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 77a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 401, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. no. 564, iii. no. 156, xvi. no. 214; }{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 pp. 279-282 and DEV 21 William note.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab \tab A sub-manor was }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Radeford }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Radford in Plymstock, SX5052], held from theHonour of Plympton in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 335. The church of Plympton was later granted to StMary and St Peter in Exeter]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ii. p. 72 no. 841 and p. 185 no. 1391, iii.no. 284 p. 106.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BESIDES THIS LAND. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Apart from these 2 \'bd hides (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 exceptis his ii hidis & dim'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )'.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CANONS ^[ OF PLYMPTON ]^}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ... HOLD 2 HIDES. In the corresponding entry in Exon these men are described as the Canons of St}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Peter's of Plympton. The Tax Return for Plympton Hundred also designates them thus ('St Peter's of Plympton (have)}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 2 hides (lordship)'; although a wa vy line has been drawn under this statement, it is not likely to be a deletion line as it is in 'greyer' ink and is probably not contemporary).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab St Peter's of Plympton was apparently}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a secular college founded before 909 for a dean and 4 prebends. It was suppressed and}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 re-founded for Augustinian canons in 1121 and dedicated to Saints Peter and Paul; see}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Knowles and Hadcock, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Medieval Religious Houses}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 143, 170. 417. 435 and }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Knowles, Brooke and London, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Heads of Religious Houses}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 181, also }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Anglicanum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi. p. 51. This priory}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 had probably been the centre of a large ecclesiastical estate. Edward the Elder had,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 between 899 and 909, exchanged the minster at }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Plymentun' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for 23 hides in Somerset}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (at Wellington, Bishops Lydeard and West Buckland) with Asser, Bishop of Sherborne,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 these latter lands forming the basis of the possessions of the Bishops of Wells (see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 9 no. 17 = Sawyer, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 380). William the Conqueror, however, gave the church of}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Plympton to the Bishop of Exeter with 2 hides of land, lying in Wembury [SX5148],}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Boringdon [SX5358] and Colebrook [SX5457]. These lands were later held by the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 } {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Priory of Plympton and included }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rigweye }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ['Ridgeway' SX5356: }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 255 ] and}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Apeldreslade }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Applethorn Slade, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 254] both in Plympton St Mary parish; see}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii. p. 211 no. 1515; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 153; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii p. 375; Oliver, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 129, 134-135, 145}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and Reichel, 'Domesday Churches', pp. 290, 308, 33 p. 588;}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds',}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 281-282.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 12 VILLAGERS HAVE 4 PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The canons have there 12 villagers who have 4 ploughs'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,18\tab [Exon 86b1] \par \tab YEALMPTON. A parish in Plympton Hundred. For the descent, see }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 353, 380, 401; }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 213, viii. no. 280, xvi. no. 875 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', pp. 297- 298. A member of the manor was }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cokflute }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Cofflete SX5451 in Brixton]: }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 334.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CLERICS ^[ OF YEALMPTON ]^}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ... 1 HIDE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'priests (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 sacerdotes}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab This hide appears to be additional to the 2 \'bd hides given in the tax assessment; see 1,12 tax note on another instance (in 1,13) of a subholding being treated separately and see also 1,33 hide note.}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The land was at }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Linham }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Lyneham SX5753] in Yealmpton (see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 334), the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 mother church being Salisbury. In saying that 'the king assigned it to them in alms' Domesday}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 implies that the grant was made by the Conqueror; in fact it may have been a confirmation, the grant dating from before the partition of the diocese of Sherborne (1,16 Alvington note); see Reichel, 'Domesday Churches', pp. 287, 310; }{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, 'Domesday Identifications I',}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 612 and }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 299.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 10 PIGS. Without doubt there were a great many more pigs in Devon than Exon records, as only those pigs which formed part of the lordship are given, whereas according to}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lennard, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rural England}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 255-260. the pigs were largely the responsibility of the special pig-farmers}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 porcarii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see 1,6 pigmen note on pigmen) or the 'villagers' themselves. The fact that in half the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entries where pigmen are recorded (Domesday and Exon combined) there is no mention of pigs in the list of livestock, supports the view that the herds of pigs that the pigmen were farming are not recorded at all in Devon.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,19\tab [Exon 86b2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WALKHAMPTON. A parish in Roborough Hundred, formerly named Walkhampton}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hundred from this royal estate. Sutton, Kings Tamerton and Maker (1,20-22), although itemised separately, belonged to it (1,22 entry note). Walkhampton was granted to the Redvers family of whom Baldwin was created the first Earl of Devon in 1141; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 564. Isabella }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Fortibus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Countess of Devon, gave it t ogether with Buckland [Monachorum] and Bickleigh (21,19-20) to her mother Amice and in 1278 the latter gave all three lands, together with a part of Cullompton (1,7 Silverton note) to found the Abbey of Buckland Monachorum; see Oliver, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 383; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 378 and Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', p. 117. The Abbot of Buckland holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Waltamton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 341; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 149b.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 1,20\tab [Exon 86b3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab SUTTON. This estate together with [Kings] Tamerton and Maker (1,21-22) was in Walkhampton Hundred, the predecessor of Roborough Hundred. Sutton lay in the parish of St Andrews, Plymouth, and was the basis of the modern town of Plymouth. By the fourteentht h century there were three manors of the name: Sutton Ralph, Sutton Vautort and Sutton Prior, the last being held by Plympton Priory (see 1,17 canons note) and described as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Sutton Prior' alias Plymouth }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , ii. p. 375; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 153; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 236; Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 p. 135; }{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , 'Obsolete Plymouth Manors' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 and Hoskins, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 p. 454.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab \tab Kings Tamerton is in St Budeaux parish. Maker has, since 1844, been wholly in Cornwall. It lies west of the Tamar river and 5 hides there (at }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Macuir}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 had been given to Sherborne Abbey by King Geraint }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 c}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 . 705 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 16 no. 72) together with 12 hides at }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Kelk }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Kilkhampton, CON 1,5] and land at }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Ros }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Roseland]. It may have p assed into royal hands when Plympton was exchanged by the king with Sherborne Church (1,17 canons note) and since that time Maker, or rather that part known as Vaultersholme tithing (including Mount Edgecumbe), was regarded as part of the Devonshire Hundr e d of Roborough. In 1086 Maker had been temporarily removed from Walkhampton (1,22) and it may be the 1 tax-paying virgate of Maker held in Domesday Cornwall (5,2,14) by Reginald (of Vautortes) from the Count of Mortain, although the details of ploughs and the values do not tally. Part of Maker appears to have been restored to Devon before the end of the thirteenth century and to have remained there until 1844 when both parts of Maker were reunited; see Hoskins and Finberg, Devonshire Studies, p. 26.}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab \tab After the Conquest all three estates, which had been part of Walkhampton, were treated as a unit and later given to the Vautort family. They descended together, being held of the Honour of Trematon; in 1285 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Sutton}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Makerton and Kingestamerton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 were held by John }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Vautord }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 of the Earl of Cornwall, Honour of Trematon: }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 340; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , pp. 99, 797; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , iii. no. 604, vi. no. 157 and Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', pp. 110-111.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,21\tab [Exon 87a1] \par \tab [KINGS] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 TAMERTON. See 1,20 Sutton note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THESE THREE MANORS PAID ... That is, Walkhampton, Sutton and Kings Tamerton.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 This statement appears in Exon after the details of the main manor of Kings Tamerton and before the description of Maker's removal from Walkhampton.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ONE NIGHT'S REVENUE. Latin }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 firma unius noctis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 :}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 here }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 firma }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 represents Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 feorm }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('a food rent'); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Oxford English Dictionary }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , under farm (i); and see 1,5 holds note and 1,5 paid note on other meanings }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of firma}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Many royal manors, espec ially in the south-west, had to pay this revenue which generally took the place of the normal tax payment, the manors not usually being assessed in hides (though these here and those in HEF 1,1 and GLS 1,9;11;13 were hidated). Originally this fixed rent m eant the amount of food needed to support the king and his household for one night; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dialogus de Scaccario }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Johnson, pp. 40-41) and CAM 1,1 where before 1066 the manor of Soham paid '3 days' revenue in corn, honey and malt and everything else'. However, by the eleventhth century these food rents were generally commuted to money payments. From examples in Somerset and Hampshire \'a380 appears to have been a probable figure before 1066, and \'a3100 after, for one night's revenue. See Poole, }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exchequer in the Twelfth Century}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 29 and Round }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal England}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 109-14. In WIL 1,5;7 also, figures appear of \'a3110 and \'a3100 for the present value of manors which paid one night's revenue. Here in Devon, however, as in NTH B36, the combined 1086 payments of these three manors fell far short of the \'a3 100 figure. It would seem that in some cases (for example, in DOR 1,2-4, GLS1,9;11;13 and WIL 1,2-4) these food rents were not commuted, the manors continuing to pay the night's revenue in 1086. See also BDF 1,1;3 where Leighton B uzzard and Houghton Regis still in 1086 paid half a day's revenue in 'wheat, honey and other things'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Domesday Somerset and Dorset, as here, there are several instances of manors combining to provide this rent; see SOM l,2 revenue note; SOM 1,10 reven ue note and DOR B1 revenue note; DOR 1,2 revenue note and DOR 1,5 revenue note. This is the only reference in Devon to the night's revenue, though one would have expected some mention of it for the unhidated, non-tax-paying manors of 1,7;11;14 (however, s ee 1,7 belongs note on the phrase 'with all that belongs there'). There is no apparent reason why the Great Domesday scribe omitted in 1,21 such an important statement which is in Exon.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WITH THEIR DEPENDENCIES. The Latin is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cum suis apendiciis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a difficult phrase which occurs several times in Domesday. Sometimes it seems to refer to subholdings of a manor or lands that}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 were added to a manor, as in 23,5 where Domesday's 'Value of the whole of Bampton with its dependencies' appears in Exon as 'Value of Bampton with this land', referring to the 1 hide attached to Bampton. Likewise in WIL 12,4 where the unidentified }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alvestone }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 attached to Bradford on Avon appears to be the dependency mentioned in the Value statement. The phrase is common in WIL 1: in WIL 1,3;5 th e manors of Amesbury and Chippenham, like these three here in Devon, with their dependencies pay one night's revenue with the addition of the phrase 'with all customary dues'; likewise in WIL 1,11 Corsham 'with its dependencies pays \'a3 30 by weight', and in WIL 1,12 Melksham 'paid tax for 84 hides with its dependencies'. Similarly in DOR 1,2 a group of manors pays one night's revenue 'with its dependencies and customary dues', and also in SOM 1,2 and in the Exon for SOM 1,9. In DEV 16,3 Domesday's 'Value of t he whole' (of Okehampton) appears in Exon as 'value of this manor with its dependencies', see 16,3 Okehampton note for the lands that were members of Okehampton manor. However, in SOM 1,10 'the whole of Milborne [Port] with the said dependencies pays ...' , the 'said dependencies' are those of the market entered in the preceding statement and probably refer to tolls, stallage rents, etc.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,22\tab [Exon 87a1; Terrae Occupatae 505a2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THIS ENTRY is not really a separate section, but a misplaced piece of informatio n added at the end of the king's lands that came directly from King Edward. In Exon it is also misplaced, being tacked onto the details of Kings Tamerton (with no gallows sign before it), due to the scribe's first belief that Maker had been removed from K ings Tamerton. The Exon scribe originally wrote 'From this manor (that is, Kings Tamerton) has been taken away ...' and then erased the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hac }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'this' and interlined }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wachetona}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Walkhampton]. Abbreviated details of this entry also occur in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 at 505 a 2.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The information}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 should, of course, have been added on the preceding folio after the details of Walkhampton. The Exon scribe does not change during these two folios.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MAKER. See 1,20 Sutton note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IT PAID ... IN KING'S REVENUE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'This manor paid ... to Walkhampton in 1066'; the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has 'to Walkhampton'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THESE THREE MANORS BELONG TO WALKHAMPTON. Either Maker must be included with Sutton and Kings Tamerton, although it is no longer part of Walkhampton, or the Exon scribe wrote the present }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 apendunt }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for the past }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 appenderunt }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'belonged' and the Great Domesday scribe copied the mistake (though correcting the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or the Exon scribe wrote }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iii mans' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ( that is, Sutton and Kings Tamerton) because of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iii mans' } {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which paid one night's revenue five lines above, and the Great Domesday scribe similarly perpetuated the error. The use of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 mansiones }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Domesday, as in Exon, instead of the more usual Great Domesday form }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 maneria }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (pilural), also suggests a too close following of the original (compare 34,2 virgate note).}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 LIST 3\tab NINETEEN MANORS. That is, 1,3-21 inclusive.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN THE LORDSHIP OF KING EDWARD ... . In Exon this information is added under each manor in the form of 'which King Edward held in 1 066', with the exception of North Tawton (1,3), in the Exon entry for which the only reference to King Edward is in the payment of tax 'in King Edward's time'; the omission is probably because this manor is the first to be written under the heading (see 1 ,1 manor note) which covers the lordship part of it.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab AND BELONG TO THE KING. It is possible that }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p'tin' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 abbreviates the past }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pertinuit }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 rather than }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pertinet}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 meaning 'and belonged to the king', that is to King Edward.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,23\tab [Exon 85b1-6; Terrae Occupatae 504a7-9;504b1-3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ERMINGTON. Chief manor of Ermington Hundred (known both as Ermington Hundred and "Al(l)eriga" Hundred in 1086) and now a parish. Ermington was not royal land before 1066, having been acquired by King William (together with Blackawton 1,24) in exchange for Bampton (23,5) which King Edward had held. Ermington continued to be a king's holding until Henry I gave it to Matilda }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Peverel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (who gave the Church of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ermintone }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to Montacute Priory; see Maxwell Lyte and others, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bruton and Montacute Cartularies}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , nos. 141-142, 150 pp. 171-172, 177). She was sister of William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Peverel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of Essex and this land appears to have passed from him to Hugh }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Peverel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of Sampford Peverell (27,1). In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 789 Hugh }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Peverel }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Erminton' cum membris }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 771 gives the manor as }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Erminton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with the following members:}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab (1) }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Kingeston' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Kingston parish SX6347], see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii.}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 no. 440;}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab (2) }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Habothun' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Holboghton}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; see Maxwell Lyte,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Honour of Dunster}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 56) [Holbeton parish SX6150], see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 352; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. nos. 306, 593, vii. no. 297;}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (3) }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Killebyre }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [?Kilbury in Buckfastleigh, SX749658], see 6,13 Buckfast note. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 352 includes the above and adds }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Halswill }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [lost, but there was an Isabel }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Halleswill' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Ermington parish in 1332 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Devon (1332)}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 96], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 La Clyve }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Cleeve SX6355] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Swyneston }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Swainstone SX6054] held by the prior of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 399 and on the manor as a whole }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 69a, 91a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 486, viii. no. 230, x. no. 192 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', pp. 320-324.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ESGER [!1! THE CRAMPED !1!]}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Asgar}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ansgerus contractus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The forms }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ansger }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Asgar}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 here represent the same name: Old Norse }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Asgeirr }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (anglicized }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ansger}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old Danish }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Esger }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and Old German }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ansger}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday also has the form }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Asgar }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 where Exon has }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ansger }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in 23,16 Esger note; 23,22 Esger note; 23,23 Esger's note; 23,24 Esger's note; 23,27 Esger note. Compare }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Osgot/Ansgot }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (3,90 Asgot note). }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Contractus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is the past participle of the Latin verb }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 contrahere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'to draw together, contract' and presumably refers to Ansger/Esger's physical condition. The translations of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. ('the hunch-back'), the }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Revised Medieval Latin Word List}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('the Cripple') and Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 306 ('mutilated, maimed') appear to limit }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 contractus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 too much: there is no knowing which of these (if any) described his state. Compare Edric the cripple in}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,11 and Ralph Crooked Hands in Domesday Somerset (see SOM 6,9 Ralph note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 SALT-HOUSE. The term }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 salina }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 comprehends all kinds of salt-workings from the coastal pans (as in Dev on) to the boilers of Worcestershire and Cheshire, with their associated}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 sheds and buildings; 'salt-house' is the most comprehensive term. See WOR 1,3a}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 brine-pits }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 note and WOR 1,3a "hocci" note on salt-extraction. There are 69 salt-houses recorded in Devon (including the one}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 at Lobb in 35,20 which is only in Exon) for 23 places; most manors only had a single}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 salt-house, though Bishopsteignton (2,4) had 24 and Seaton (7,3) had 11. Salt-workers}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are mentioned for a further five places (1,26. 11,1. 15,23. 34,11 and 36,9). Most of the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 manors for which salt-houses and salt-workers are recorded lie on the estuaries of the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 south coast, though there is a group around estuary of the River Taw and the River Torridge in the north. See}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 7,4 salt-houses note and 10,1 salt- house note for inland manors with salt-workings recorded. Except for nine}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entries, the payments of the salt-houses are given; these are said several times in Exon}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 be per annum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 These payments are mostly in money, but the 4 salt-houses in 15,66}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 also paid 2 packloads of salt.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TO THIS MANOR ... DUES OF THE HUNDRED. In Exon, as with 1,11 this paragraph is condensed from 5 entries neatly written, probably by the same scribe as the main entry, in the left margin of the Exon manuscript. They read:}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Exon 85b2: 'The Count of Mortain has a manor called Fardel, which Godfrey holds from him and which before 1066 paid 30d in customary dues to Ermington, the king's manor, and the other customary dues which [belong] to the hundred. But since King William has come to the throne (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 regn}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ')}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the said customary dues have been taken away from the king's manor'.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Exon 85b3: 'Reginald has a manor from the Count of Mortain called Dinnaton, which before 1066 paid 30d in customary dues to Ermington, the king's manor, and the other customary dues belonging to the hundred, but they have been taken away from there since King William has obtained the land'.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Exon 85b4: 'Reginald holds a manor from the Count of Mortain called Dinnaton, which before 1066 paid 30d in customary dues to Erm ington, the king's manor, and the other customary dues of the hundred. But since King William has obtained the throne (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 regn\'fb}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the customary dues and pence have been taken away from there'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Exon 85b5: 'And from Broadaford, the count's manor, which Reginald holds from the count, the customary dues and 30d have been taken away from the said manor of the king'.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Exon 85b6: 'And from Ludbrook, which Reginald holds from the count, 30d and the customary dues of the hundred have been taken away from the said manor of the king'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab After this follows the name }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Raginal }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('Reginald') preceded by a gallows sign: the scribe may have intended to add further details of withheld customary dues later when available, or he may have begun in error and forgotten to erase it.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entries, 504a7-8 and 504b1-3, are virtually identical to the main Exon entries quoted above (except for 'since King William has held England' for the main entry's 'since King William has come to the throne' in the Fardel entry), so are not given here.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab The places mentioned are Fardel (15,67), Dinnaton}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (15,70) although only one holding is recorded (see 1,23 Dinnaton note), Broadaford}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (15,69) and Ludbrook (15,26, see 15,26 Ludbrook note). With the exception of Fardel, there are no}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cross-r eferences in DEV 15 to these withheld dues. Compare 1,11.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FARDEL ... CUSTOMARY DUES OF THE HUNDRED. In 15,67 (Fardel) this is}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 rendered 'customary dues from pleas (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 consuetudines placitorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 '}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 that is in the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hundred courts.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab AND FROM THE OTHER DINNATON. In the manuscript the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is interlined above and}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 between }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 7 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 altera}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 though with no omission sign; Farley printed it above the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 7 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is less clear. The Latin is }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 altera Dunitone }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 altera}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 feminine, apparently agreeing with an}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 understood }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 mansio}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which probably means 'the other (holding in) Dinnaton' (compare the use}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 alia}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see 17,92 another note) rather than 'the other (place called) Dinnaton' (compare in 15,26 Ludbrook note; 15,45}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Harford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 note), as there is only one modern place called Dinnaton and only one in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Moreover, both Domesday and Exon mention only one holding at Dinnaton, that of Reginald}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Count of Mortain (15,70). It is therefore possible that the Exon scribe, writing}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the margin of the manuscript, inadvertently copied the same piece of information down twice}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (though with slightly different phrasing; see 1,23 dues note) and the Great Domesday scribe}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 assumed that there were two holdings in Dinnaton, hence the use of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 altera}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It is unlikely}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 that the folio in Exon containing details of this second Dinnaton manor has been lost,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as there is no sign of omissions elsewhere in the count's lands and in any case it is}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 improbable that the folio was already lost when the Exon manuscript was used at Winchester.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Another possibility is that the Exon scribe wrote 'Dinnaton' once for 'Ludbrook',}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 because there were two holdings in Ludbrook, 15,26;72 (held by different people }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but by one in 1086) or perhaps two places called Ludbrook (see 15,26 Ludbrook note). The}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Great Domesday scribe then perpetuated the mistake when abbreviating the entries.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab COUNT OF MORTAIN'S MEN. Godfrey holds Fardel and Reginald the other manors;}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see 1,23 dues note. However, in 15,67 Reginald is said to hold Fardel; see note there.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reginald is probably Reginald of Vautortes; see 15,26 Reginald note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,24\tab [Exon 85b7]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BLACKAWTON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Avetone}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Coleridge Hundred the successor to Chillington Hundrdd, and identifiable in the Tax Return for that latter Hundred. It had, like Ermington (1,23), come to the king by exchange with Bampton (23,5). Blackawton went to the Honour of Plympton, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aveton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 being held with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stokes }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Stockenham, part of Chillington (1,34) in 1086] in 1242 (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 790) by Herbert son of Matthew. This latter place is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stoke in la Hamme }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held with }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Blake Aueton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , (old series) iv. no. 63 (=}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Whale, 'Fees of Earl Hugh de Courtenay'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 322). Peter son of Matthew gave }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Blakaueton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to Torre Abbey, the abbot and convent holding it in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 332. See }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 349, 393; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 156; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 153a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 361; Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 169 and Reichel, 'Coldridge Hundred', pp. 202-203.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ESGER [!1! THE CRAMPED !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 1,23 Esger note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THESE TWO MANORS ... BAMPTON. That is, Ermington and Blackawton. Exon has this statement at the end of the Blackawton entry, but also states at the en d of the main Ermington entry (85b1) that that manor is in exchange for Bampton.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 LIST 4\tab QUEEN EDITH HELD ... KING HOLDS. In each of the entries relating to 1,25-28 inclusive Exon states 'The king has ... which Queen Edith held in 1066', with the exception of the entry for 1,27 where 'Edith' is omitted, no doubt in error or because understood.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THE UNDERMENTIONED LANDS. That is, 1,25-28 inclusive.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,25\tab [Exon 93a2; Terrae Occupatae 495b3] \par \tab IN EXON THIS ENTRY and those following (1,25-56) are separated in Exon from the ancient demesne (lordship) lands (1,1-24) by the king's lordship land in Somerset, and are entered under the heading of 'The King's lordship in Devonshire', folios 93a-98a inclusive. With the exception of the manor of Broadclyst held }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by Or dwulf (1,56), they deal entirely with the lands held by the family of Godwin in 1066 (which were extensive in the west and were almost all held by the king in 1086). They are arranged by hundred, not by holder as in Domesday, hence the lack of corresponde n ce in consecutive numbering (see DEV 1 king note). Compare the similar arrangement in the Exon sections for SOM 1 (see SOM 1,11 entries note), although there Queen Edith is given a section of her own (see SOM 1,26 entry note). This large section in Exon a lso contains a short list of payments from 'farmers' of various of King William's lands; see 1,55 entry note. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab This entry begins a sequence of estates (1,25-56) held by King William in 1086 but not by King Edward }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 T.R.E. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 They are her e arranged by 1066 holder, whereas the arrangement in Exon is hundredal: \par \tab \tab 1,36;25 Lifton Hundred \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 1,29 [South] Tawton 'Hundred'; see 1,29 Tawton note. \par \tab \tab 1,37-38 Torrington Hundred \par \tab \tab 1,30 Hartland Hundred \par \tab \tab 1,39;31;51 Merton Hundred \par \tab \tab 1,40 Fremington Hundred \par \tab \tab 1,26 Exminster Hundred \par \tab \tab 1,27 North Molton 'Hundred' \par \tab \tab 1,41 Molland 'Hundred'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 1,42 Bampton Hundred \par \tab \tab 1,56 'Cliston' Hundred \par \tab \tab 1,28;52;43-44 Wonford Hundred \par \tab \tab 1,32 Witheridge Hundred \par \tab \tab 1,45 Teignbridge Hundred \par \tab \tab 1,33;46 Budleigh Hundred \par \tab \tab 1,47-48 Kerswell Hundred \par \tab \tab 1,53 Axminster Hundred \par \tab \tab 1,54 Colyton Hundred \par \tab \tab 1,34 Chillington Hundred \par \tab \tab 1,55 Ermington Hundred \par \tab \tab 1,49 Witheridge Hundred \par \tab \tab 1,35 Tiverton Hundred \par \tab \tab 1,50 [Black] Torrington Hundred}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LIFTON. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 caput }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of Lifton Hundred. For the desce nt of the manor see the Red Book of the Exchequer (Hall, ii. p. 453); }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 342, 757, 1262, 1371; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 74b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 320; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 604, viii no. 45, x no. 46, Reichel, Lifton Hundred in 1243', p. 216 and Alexander (1931).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is the following entry whose information appears neither in the main Exon nor in Domesday:}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 496a3: 'Iudhael and Alfred hold 1 hide of land in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 bradeoda}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which as a customary due paid 7s 6d a year in customary dues to the king's lordship manor called Lifton. Since these two have held it, the king has not had his customary dues'. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bradeoda }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is probably Broadwoodwidger (17,5), held by Nigel from Iudhael, which paid tax for \'bd hide, less 1 \'bd furlongs ('ferlings'). But there is no record of a second holding in Broadwoodwidger by an Alfred which would account for the remaining \'bd hide and 1 \'bd furlongs of the hide. See 1,66 Lapford note, 2,2 Crediton note,15,14 Bulkworthy note and \{Introduction: Scope of the Notes concerning Exon\} for other instances of whole entries in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which appear neither in the main Exon nor in Domesday. See also DEV 44 Hervey note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab COLWIN [* THE REEVE *] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 HOLDS IT AT A REVENUE. Probably Colwin the reeve, see C2 Colwin note. Great Domesday also omits from Exon details of manors being 'farmed' at l,5;36;57-59; 61;64-65. 25,28 and 26,1. These can be found either in the Exon additions in the translation or in the Exon Notes. The Great Domesd ay scribe in Devon does not usually include such information.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TWO LANDS ... 60s. Full details of these two manors appear also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , where Lifton is described as the king's lordship manor.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LANDINNER AND TREBEIGH. Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lamliner }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (not }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Laniliner }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as Ellis printed) and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Trebichen}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (495b3) the form is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lanliner}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In King Alfred's will (see 1,4 Exminster note), among other lands, Lifton 'and the lands that are administered by it, namely all that I have among the [West ] Welsh [in Cornwall], except }{\i\cf1\insrsid8681605 Triconscire }{\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Trigg]' was granted out to his younger son and these two manors were probably among its dependencies (see Hoskins and Finberg, }{\i\cf1\insrsid8681605 Devonshire Studies}{\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 24). In Cornwall (CON 5,1,14;20) Landinnerhad been held }{ \i\cf1\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\cf1\insrsid8681605 by (Queen) Edith and Trebeigh by Oswulf, but both were in the hands of the Count of Mortain in 1086. According to the Exon for CON 3,7 (181b2) and the }{\i\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \cf1\insrsid8681605 for Cornwall (508a7) Trebeigh and three other manors had been purchased by Abbot Sihtric of Tavistock in 1066 and Abbot (Geoffrey) was claiming it and the others from the count; compare 1,50 count note).}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab COUNT HAS [1] \'bd VIRGATES ... 60s. In the Exon manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 habet comes virgam et dimidiam}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is omitted before }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 virgam}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 perhaps in error, thou gh it is often thus omitted, especially, as here, when there is a fraction after it, both in Exon (for example, for 3,66-67;92. 6,7. 15,68. 16,69. 17,41. 28,10. 34,18. 42,10) and in Domesday (for example, in 15,36 and 17,102). Compare DOR 12,16 hide note. }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab These details only appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (495b3), written at the same time as the other details there. The fact that there is a gap of 1 \'bd lines in the main Exon entry after the preceding statement, with no full-stop after }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ten&}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 suggests either that the scribe needed to check these details, or that he realised details were unnecessary because already in Cornwall.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,26\tab [Exon 94b2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab KENTON. A parish in Exminster Hundred. It continued to be a royal possession until Henry III granted it to Richard, Earl of Cornwall, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1222. It seems to have included a remote dependency }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Suthteyng }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ['South Teign'J which appears to have lain in Chagford on the river South Teign; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll (1332)}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 124 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 425 (under Teigncombe). In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 604 (of Edmund, Earl of Cornwall) }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Suthteng }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is said to be a hamlet pertaining to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wyk }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Great Weeke SX7187 in Chagford] and includes rent for a water course to the mill of }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Shilstone }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [?Shilstone in Drewsteignton, SX7090; see 43,3]. There were other outlying parts of Exminster Hundred in the same parish; see 16,61 Shapley note. For the manor as a whole, see } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 97, 264; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 74b, 89a, 96b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 378; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 29, x. no. 46 and Reichel, 'Exminster Hundred Manors', p. 217.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 4 PIGMEN WHO PAY 20s ... SALT-WORKERS. In Exon, as the land and ploughs of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uillani }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as a class are given before the detailed lis t of villagers, smallholders, cottagers, slaves, pigmen, salt-workers etc., it is not clear whether the pigmen and salt-workers here had a share in them (see 1,6 pigmen note). This uncertainty occurs almost every time pigmen (and other classes of populati on other than villagers, smallholders and cottagers; but see 1,9 villagers note) are given in Domesday, as in the next entry (1,27), or are added from Exon, as in 1,39;67, and attention}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is not drawn to it again in these notes, because of lack of space, exce pt on occasion when the phrasing of Domesday appears to exclude the pigmen etc. from those having a share in the ploughs (for example, in 1,64). Compare 2,2 villagers note where Exon has 'the villagers and men-at-arms' instead of just 'villagers', and see also 19,35 smith note on 'a smith'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The payment by the pigmen appears to be a commuted rent (as also in 10,1); see}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 1,6 pigmen note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,27\tab [Exon 94b3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab NORTH MOLTON. Later a parish in South Molton Hundred; but in 1086 it appears to have constituted a hundred in its own right, at least for some purposes (see 1,41 Molton note and \{Introduction: Hundreds\} . But its hidage, together with that of Molland (1,41) and South Molton (1,6), appears to be needed to account for the king's land given in the Tax Return for South Molton Hundred. The manor was given by King John to Roger}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 la Zouche }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 some time before 1220; see the Red Book of the Exchequer (Hall, ii. p. 559); }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 99, 797; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 376,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 418; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 458, x. no. 606, xi. no. 187, xii. no. 191, xiv. no. 81 and }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, 'North Molton and Molland Hundreds', }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 523-525.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 4 SMITHS. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferrarios}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , either 'blacksmiths' or 'ironworkers'. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 409 translates the Exon as ironworkers, which is how }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday Geography of South-West England}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 247, 251 translates the Domesday form. Compare }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 faber }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'smith' in 6,13 and 19,35. The Domesday form}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferrarios}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 accusative instead of the usual nominative as in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 vill}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 an}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 etc., is no doubt the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 result of direct copying of the Exon, where all the population are in the accusative after}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 habet Rex}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 compare 23,15 beekeepers note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The Exon manuscript has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ferranos}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 u'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 interlined above the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 a}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which has a dot under it to indicate its deletion: the interlined }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 u' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is to replace the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 a}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , not to add to it, as }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 408, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ferruarii}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ellis printed}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ferrarios}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 but the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ri }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 are definitely an }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 n}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , though probably a scribal error for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ri}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The Latin for 'smith', 'farrier' is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 farrarius } {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and for 'an ironworker' }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ferruarius }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Revised Medieval Latin Word List}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ). Although neither }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ferru'nos }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 nor }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ferru'rios }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (accusative plural) are recognized forms, it is possible that }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ferrun}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 n?}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 os }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is a Latinization of Old French }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 un ferron }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'an iron-worker'; 'an iron-dealer', itself ultimately derived from Latin }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ferrum }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'iron'. Ferron is also a personal name; see NTH 6a,27 and NTH 6a,27 Ferron note. Du Cange, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Glossarium}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , has only }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ferrarius }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 equorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ):}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Qui equos calceat }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ('who shoes horses'), with no entry for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ferruarius}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The correction seems to have been done at the same time as the rest of the entry.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE, AS MUCH. That is, as much as the meadow (2 leagues), as Exon states.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 There are many entries in Domesday where the formulae }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tantundem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 totidem }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are used when}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 two 'resources' have the same measurements and succeed each other. Attention is not}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 drawn again in these notes to this.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND, 1 LEAGUE IN LENGTH AND WIDTH. That is, the length and the width}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 each measured 1 league; see 1,28 pasture note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The corresponding entry in Exon has}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 nemusculum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the usual word for Domesday's }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 silua minuta }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'underwood'. There are some 11 occurrences in Devon, as in Somerset and Dorset, of Domesday putting 'woodland' for Exon's 'underwood', and 3 examples of the reverse (see 16,37 underwood note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,28\tab [Exon 95b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WONFORD. Formerly the chief manor that named Wonford Hundred; now in Heavitree parish. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wonford}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 including}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Halsford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [now Halsfordwood SX8793 in Whitestone parish], was given to Geoffrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Mandevil' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by Henry I; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 96, 612; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 85a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 313, 377; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. nos 154, 265 and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 315. An outlying portion of this manor appears to have been at Drascombe [SX7092] and Budbrooke [SX7592] in Drewsteignton parish: \'bd virgate in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Droscomb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 had been given by William I to the predecessors of Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Droscumb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for the service of carrying a bow and three arrows behind the king when he came to hunt in Dartmoor Forest: }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 96; see the Red Book of the Exchequer (Hall, ii. pp. 452, 559), }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 264, 342, 1188, 1250, 1370; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 85a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 312 and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 313. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Boggebrok }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was part of Drascombe and held by the same service; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 85a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 312; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. nos. 95, 1 71, 448, v. no. 244, vi. no. 238 and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 314.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE \'bd LEAGUE IN LENGTH AND WIDTH. That is, both the length and the width of the pasture measured \'bd league, as is made clear by the Exon 'pasture, \'bd league in length and as much (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tantundem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in width'. The phrase 'in both length and width' also meant the same. See 1,4 leagues note 'lea gues' on the so-called 'areal' league.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \'a318 OF PENCE AT 20 TO THE "ORA".}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 An "ora"}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was literally an ounce; a unit of currency still in use in Scandinavia. It was reckoned at either 16d or 20d. The 16d was the normal rate; the 20d rate was primarily a unit o f account, found on estates in the king's hands, and was payment 'at face value'. For every 16d due in revenue, 20d was collected, the result being equivalent to a payment in assayed or 'blanched' money (see GLS 1,58 'they pay \'a3 40 of blanched money at 20 (pence) to the "ora" ').}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See C2 weighed note above on assaying and the references cited there.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 LIST 5\tab GYTHA, MOTHER OF EARL HAROLD ... THE FOLLOWING MANORS. In each of the entries corresponding to 1,29-35 inclusive The corresponding entry in Exon states 'which Gytha held in 1066'. \par \tab \tab Countess Gytha was sister of the Danish Earl Ulf and wife of Earl Godwin. She is also designated 'Earl Harold's mother' in DOR 1,14. After the 'fall' of Exeter she escaped to either Steep Holme or Flat Holme in the Bristol Channe l, and thence, probably in 1069, to St Omer in Flanders. She held the estates listed in 1,29- 35 inclusive and the misplaced 1,50 (see 1,50 entry note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,29\tab [Exon 93a3; Terrae Occupatae 498a3] \par \tab [SOUTH] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 TAWTON. Later a parish in Wonford Hundred, but in 108 6 it seems to have formed a separate 'Hundred' for some purposes, like North Molton and Molland (1,27;41) and to have administered a number of manors that later lay in Wonford Hundred, that is Patford (43,1), Shapley? (45,1) and Taw Green (51,2), which ow ed, but had not paid, customary dues to South Tawton; see also 15,7 Gidleigh note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab South Tawton was royal land until Henry I gave it, as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Suthtaut'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to Rozelin }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Bello Monte}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 98; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 588, v. nos. 198, 615 and Reichel, 'South Tawton Hundred', pp. 346-348. The church of the manor was granted to St Nicholas', Exeter, (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii. p. 59 no. 7 79) and the manor itself included }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wike }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [West Wyke, East Week etc. SX6592, SX6692] and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ailricheston }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aderichescote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Addiscott in South Tawton, SX6693; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 448]; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 98; see the Red Book of the Exchequer (Hall, ii. p. 560) and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 336.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND 2 LEAGUES LONG AND 2 WIDE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'woodland, 2 leagues in length and 2}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 furlongs in width'. Domesday implies the width is 2 leagues too. The discrepancy is probably}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 due to careless omission of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 quarentinas }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by the Domesday scribe, although it is possible that he}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 had received information to correct the Exon statement.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ASH ... KING WILLIAM'S TIME. Abbreviated details of this added manor also appear}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WULFRIC HELD IT BEFORE 1066 AS A MANOR. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Wulfric held it jointly in 1066'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 So also in the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 6 VILLAGERS WITH 1 SLAVE HAVE THEM THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The king has 6 villagers .and}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 they have 3 ploughs; the king has 1 slave'. }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Domesday the Latin }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 has }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 refers to the ploughs, not to the 1 \'bd virgates. The phrase '}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 y }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 villagers have it/them there' occurs about 14 times in Domesday Devon; the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hanc }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 has }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 generally refers to the ploughs in the plough assessment as being the last-mentioned feminine noun (compare 1,11 'Land for 1 plough, which 2 villagers and 1 smallholder have there', where the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 quam }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 refers to the plough). Exon with its fuller wording also makes this clear. But occasionally, as in 22,2, perhaps an error (see 22,2 villagers note); the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hanc }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 refers to the land. See also 24,11 smallholders note; 25,28 villagers note and DOR 3,14 woman note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In this entry Exon states that the villagers had the ploughs, but it definitely excludes the slaves from a share in them (see 1,3 slaves note).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,30\tab [Exon 93b3] \par \tab HARTLAND. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hertitone}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 71. A parish and formerly the principal manor of Hartland Hundred. It was long a possession of the Dinham family, Geoffrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dynanth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holding}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hertiland' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in chief from the king in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 782. The manor included }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Thorry }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Tower SS2225]: }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 29, viii. no. 238. For the history of the manor see 1,4 Exminster note; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 73b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 53 2, iv. no. 44, vii. nos. 141, 462, xv. no. 746; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 341, 371, 410 and Pearse Chope, 'Manor of Hartland'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BEFORE BALDWIN }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ^THE SHERIFF^ }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ['S TIME] IT PAID \'a323. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'When B(aldwin) the sheriff acquired it, it paid \'a3 23 by weight'. As the Domesday scribe regularly has 'Value was', 'Value formerly' for this Exon phrase, there are probably three dates of payment here: now, when Baldwin acquired it, and before he did. The same occurs for 1,33. Compare DOR 55,33. In so me counties in Domesday (for example, Bedfordshire) the value at three dates was regularly given for manors.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Presumably the Great Domesday scribe meant by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ante Balduin' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 here and in 1,33 the time before Baldwin acquired the management (or perhaps the 'farming') of this royal manor. Compare 1,15 time note on 'in the time of William of Vauville'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,31\tab [Exon 94a2] \par \tab [LITTLE] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 TORRINGTON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Toritone}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It lies in a group of Merton Hundred places (the predecessor of Shebbear Hundred) in the order of Exon (1,39;31;51) and is therefore unlikely to be Great}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Torrington, which lay in Fremington Hundred, despite the fact that the form }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Liteltorelande }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (for Little Torrington) appears in Domesday (see 15,16 Torrington note; 16,34 Torrington Note; and 34,9 Torrington Note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 This manor (despite the assertion of Reichel, Shebbear Hundred, p. 553) seems to have gone to the Honour of Plympton, Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Crues }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holding in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Parva Toriton' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 788; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 329, 358, 411 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 564, xiv. no. 325. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Little Toriton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 included }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Tadyeport }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Taddiport SS4818] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 v. no. 244.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,32\tab [Exon 96a1; Terrae Occupatae 500b5]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WITHERIDGE. A parish and former }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 caput }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of Witheridge Hundred. The land passed to the Honour of Plympton, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wyrig' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 being held thence in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 758 by Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Filius Pagani }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Fitzpaine) from the heirs of William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brywerre }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and by them from the Earl of Devon; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 787; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 87b, 92a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 342, 419 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 607, xi. no. 118. The land also seems to have included }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Odethon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Woodington in Thelbridge, SS8112]: }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 760, 787, which is coupled with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hegsteford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Henceford in Thelbridge, SS8211 ] in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 343; see Maxwell Lyte, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Honour of Dunster}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 56; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vii. no. 297, xvi. no. 1085.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE \'a36.In the Exon manuscript the scribe wrote }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ual'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 then another scribe interlined }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddit}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 above it in much darker ink and with a thinner pen. It is possible that this interlineation was done after the Great Domesday scribe had used Exon and is the reason for the use of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 valet }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (instead of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddit}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Domesday. In three other cases which occur consecutively in the Exon for DEV 1 (= l,27;41-42) a different scribe has interlined }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddit }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 above an original }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uat'}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 though }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ual' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 not underlined for deletion in any of these entries; the Great Domesday scribe either saw these interlineations or he deliberately changed the occurences of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ual}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 et}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddit}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ualet }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 also for 1,35;56;66, the other instances in DEV 1 of Domesday hav ing }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 valet}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 perhaps in all four cases the Great Domesday scribe was merely guilty of following his copy too closely (see \{Introduction: Relationship between Exon and Great Domesday \}, and compare 3,82 pays note; 15,53 pays note and 24,18 pays note.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Domesday, with the exception of here and in 1,35;56;66 the word used in the Value statement of the main manors ( that is, not subholdings or added lands) in DEV 1 is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 reddit }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'pays'. Although }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 valet }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 reddit }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 normally appear to be interchangeable, it is possible that the overwhelming use of } {\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 reddit }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in DEV 1 (as also in SOM 1 and CON 1) means that the manors were being 'farmed' and the payment was by the 'farmer' to the king; see 2,2 value note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE WHEN HE [SHE?] ACQUIRED IT. Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 q}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uan}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 do recep' val}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ebat}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 recep' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 no doubt abbreviates }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 recepit}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which is often written in full in this phrase. It is not clear who is the subject of the verb; it could be either Gytha, the value being when she originally acquired the manor, or, more likely, the king, the value being w hen her lands passed to him (either in 1066 or after her escape from Exeter in 1068; see 1,29 Gytha note). See 2,14 formerly note on this phrase.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TO THIS MANOR ... 5s. Also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in slightly abbreviated form.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TWO }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 THANES ... WHICH THEY HELD FREELY, The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which they held jointly'. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has 'thanes who could go with their lands to whichever lord they would in 1066'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Thanes were generally free to choose their lord (for example, in 16,5. 17,13. 24,14. 42,4) unless they held church land (see 5,1). However, according to Exon the thanes who held land as subtenants in 15,39 and 17,33 could not separate themselves from their tenants-in-chief. See also SOM 25,9 hide notee. Almost every time in Devon that a thane is recorded as having held land, he is said to have held it freely and/ or jointly (see 1,15 freely note on these terms). See 52,50-53 note on women being classed as 'thanes'. See Maitland, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday Book and Beyond}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 161-63 and Vinogradoff, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 English Society in the Eleventh Century}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pp. 79-83, on thanes generally and Exon Notes here on their land being called 'thaneland' in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 VILLAGERS. IT PAYS 5s. Or perhaps 'they pay 5s', referring to the villagers. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'On these ('ferlings') 3 villagers still live who pay 5s a year to the said manor'. The }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has 'On this thaneland (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 teglanda}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are 3 villagers who pay 5s to the said manor'. This appears to be an example of villagers holding land at a revenue ('farming' it); see 6,6 villager note. See also 1,11 'Deneworthy' note for other examples of the rare inclusion in the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of villagers. Thaneland (of which this is the only mention in Devon Exon or Domesday) was usually part of the lordship land (see SOM 8,16) of either a lay or an ecclesiastical landholder, set aside to maintain a thane, armed and mounted. In return for the land the thane would provide certain services, often military. This thaneland, especially if it was part of the church's land, was usually inalienable: the holder was not free to transfer his allegiance to another lord nor to sell the land (see DOR 49,10; 17 and DOR 11,2 Puddle note; DOR 11,13 man-at-arms note but compare DOR 1,31). Thaneland was not automatically hereditable, though it could sometimes be granted for a period of 'three lives' (a common length of lease). The holder of}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 thaneland was not necess arily a thane: in Dorset 1,31 he is a priest and see DOR 11,13 man-at-arms note where the holder is a French man-at-arms. However, from several entries, this one included, it would seem that thaneland was often simply land once held by a thane.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,33\tab [Exon 96b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODBURY. In Budleigh Hundred, later in [East] Budleigh Hundred, followed in the order of Exon by Colaton Raleigh (1,46), also in that Hundred. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wdebir' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was given to the predecessors of Geoffrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Alba Mara }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by Henry I (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 95) and long continued to be held by the family; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 763, 782, 1189, 1250, 1424; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 66ab, 92b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 271, vii. no. 672, xi. nos. 272-273; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 325, 427 Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244',}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 288 and 11,1 Otterton note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Land here called }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Grendel }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Greendale and Greendale Barton, SY0089 on the Grindle Brook in Woodbury and Clyst St Mary parishes] was given to Torre Abbey at its foundation by Reginald }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Alba Mara}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; see}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 153a, Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 169. It included }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Grendon Salt'ton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Woodbury Salterton SY 0189]: }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 361.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BEFORE BALDWIN }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ^[THE SHERIFF]^}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'S TIME] \'a318. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'When B[aldwin] acquired it, \'a318'. See 1,30 paid note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THE CHURCH OF [MONT]-SAINT-MICHEL. The scribe probably omitted the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Monte }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 because of lack of space in the central margin (see 1,33 holds note) ; it is in the Exon (compare 16,93 monks noten where 'Mont' is similarly omitted, though it is in Domesday). }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 410 translates as 'St Michael of the Mount', perhaps meaning the cell in Cornwall of Mont-Saint-Michel.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The Abbot of Mont St Michel has there the church and land which a priest held in 1066; that is, \'bd hide, 1 virgate and \'bd furlong (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ferlinum}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ).}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Value 20s a year with common pasture'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab HOLDS THIS MANOR'S CHURCH. Written over an erasure in the manuscript, presumably of something shorter, hence the need to write }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Eccl'a S' Michael' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 in the central margin, though there are signs of an erasure also in the margin. In Farley capitals are used for these three words in error.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab WITH 1 HIDE, 1 VIRGATE AND \'bd FUR LONG. As in 1,13 and 1,18, the church land here appears additional to the 10 hides on which tax was paid. See 1,12 tax note. This land was given by the Abbot of Mont-Saint-Michel in 1205 to the Bishop of Exeter and by him to Exeter Cathedral; see Reichel, 'Domesday Identifications I', p. 620 and Reichel, }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 p. 300. It is not cross-referenced under the fief of Mont St Michel (DEV 11).}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 1,34\tab [Exon 97a4; Terrae Occupatae 503b10] \par \tab CHILLINGTON. In Stockenham parish, Coleridge Hundred, the successor to Chillington Hundred, which this royal holding originally named. Chillington itself can be and can be identified in that hundred by an analysis of the Tax Returns. Coleridge lies in the same parish. Chillington will have included the later pa rishes of Stokenham [SX8042] and Harberton [SX7758] and other lands in adjacent parishes in 1086. Of these, Harberton was the first part to be granted out, by Henry I to Roger }{\i\insrsid8681605 de Nonant}{\insrsid8681605 . It descended to the Vautort family and became }{\i\insrsid8681605 caput }{\insrsid8681605 of the Barony of Hurberton which received half the lands that had been held in 1086 by Iudhael of Totnes (DEV 17 Iudhael note). The individual members of the manor of Harberton or other grants to the Vautorts out of Chillington are given in }{ \i\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 331 as }{\i\insrsid8681605 Hurberton}{\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\insrsid8681605 Polkeston }{\insrsid8681605 [Poulston in Halwell, SX7754, of which another part lay in Stanborough (formerly Diptford) Hundred (see 17,43)], }{\i\insrsid8681605 Bothon }{\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\insrsid8681605 Bodeton }{\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{ \insrsid8681605 , i. p. 89b, }{\i\insrsid8681605 Boghedon }{\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 394), that is, [Bowden in Totnes, SX8058], }{\i\insrsid8681605 Stancumb}{\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\insrsid8681605 Alinton }{\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\insrsid8681605 Burge }{\insrsid8681605 [see 17,53 Allington note], }{\i\insrsid8681605 Hurberneford }{\insrsid8681605 [Harbertonford in Harberton, SX7856], }{\i\insrsid8681605 Wasseburn }{\insrsid8681605 [Washbourne in Halwell, SX7954; see 25,24], }{\i\insrsid8681605 Colton }{\insrsid8681605 [Collaton in Halwell, SX7952], }{\i\insrsid8681605 Croketon }{\insrsid8681605 [Crockadon in Halwell, SX7753], }{\i\insrsid8681605 Sopcome }{\insrsid8681605 [Sharpham in Ashprington, SX8158], }{\i\insrsid8681605 Holne Buzun }{\insrsid8681605 [part of Holne parish, Stanborough (formerly Diptford) Hundred, SX7069, see }{\i\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 301 and 20,11 note], }{ \i\insrsid8681605 Thuresleg}{\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\insrsid8681605 h}{\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\insrsid8681605 }{\insrsid8681605 [Dorsley SX7760, see 17,50 Leigh note] and }{\i\insrsid8681605 Hele }{\insrsid8681605 [Bosomzeal in Dittisham, SX8554]. }{ \i\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\insrsid8681605 , pp. 777-778 has most of the above together with a separate holding at }{\i\insrsid8681605 Houne Erguileys}{\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\insrsid8681605 }{\insrsid8681605 part of Holne above, held by the Abbot of Buckfast in }{\i\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 349, probably the }{\i\insrsid8681605 Sutholm }{\insrsid8681605 ['South Holne'] of }{\i\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\insrsid8681605 , i . p. 89b. }{\i\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 393 specifies three Washbourne manors, }{\i\insrsid8681605 Wasseburn Bausen}{\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\insrsid8681605 Wasseburn Wyet }{\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\insrsid8681605 Wasseburn Dorant }{\insrsid8681605 and adds }{\i\insrsid8681605 Scoriaton }{\insrsid8681605 [Scorriton in Buckfastleigh, SX7068] and }{\i\insrsid8681605 Hosefenne }{\insrsid8681605 [Hawson Court in Buckfastleigh, SX7168]. On all this see }{ \i\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\insrsid8681605 , p. 98; Maxwell Lyte, }{\i\insrsid8681605 Honour of Dunster}{\insrsid8681605 , pp. 39, 41; }{\i\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 349; }{\i\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{ \insrsid8681605 , p. 149b;}{\i\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 165, vi. no. 183, viii. no. 280, xi. no. 35, xii. nos. 119, 163, xiii. no. 99, xvi. no. 875 and Reichel, 'Coldridge Hundred', pp. 203-209. \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Chillington and Stokenham were for a time retained by the king after the grant of Harberton, then Stokenham was granted to a predecessor of Herbert son of Matthew, following the same descent as Blackawton (1,24 ) except that it was not granted to Torre Abbey. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aveton' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is held with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Stokes }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 790 (Honour of Plympton) by Herbert son of Matthew. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Stok in Hamme }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 331; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 392; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 90a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 213, viii. no. 250 and Reichel, 'Coldridge Hundred', pp. 203-204.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Stancombe in Sherford, held as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Stancumb' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 by Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Prior }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 790 and called }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Stauncomb Prioris }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 394 (Honour of Plympton), was probably part of this land; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 350 and Reichel, 'Coldridge Hundred', p. 226.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 43 VILLAGERS ... 36 PLOUGHS. No obvious reason emerges from a study of the Exon manuscript why the Great Domesday scribe should have omitted the villagers' ploughs here. They are also omitted in 3,83. 15,68. 16,162. 25,4;20. 40,4. 41,1 and 48,5, for all of which the reason appears to be merely carelessness, caused perhaps by the speed with which the Exon manuscript no doubt had to be excerpte d. There are some 14 other entries where Exon has a small number of oxen (or cattle!) forming (part of) the villagers' ploughs and these are discounted by the Great Domesday scribe; see 3,44 plough note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WHEN BALDWIN ACQUIRED IT, AS MUCH. In Exon originally '\'a318' was written, but }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xviii lib' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is underlined for deletion and }{\i\f720\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tant\'fbd' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is interlined in correction.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab SHERFORD ... \'a33. Abbreviated details of this removed manor also appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Sherford is a parish in Coleridge Hundred, the successor to Chillington Hundred. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Scireford }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 was granted by Countess Gytha }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 c}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . 1050 to the Church of St Olaf in Exeter (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 15 no. 68 = Kemble, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Codex Diplomaticus}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 926 = Sawyer, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 1236), passing thence to the monks of Battle and to St Nicholas' Priory; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Anglicanum} {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , iii. p. 377; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 152a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 315 and DEV 9 Cullompton note.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab ABBOT OF BATTLE HOLDS IT. Gausbert, Abbot of Battle }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 1076-1095 (}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Kno wles, Brooke and London, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Heads of Religious Houses}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 29). There is no cross-reference to this holding under the Abbey's fief (DEV 9).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP ... 1 PLOUGH. The Great Domesday scribe may have intentionally omitted the lordship plough, because Sherfor d no longer belonged to Chillington. However, he includes the other manorial details for it. Moreover, the lordship ploughs are omitted from some dozen other manors, though they are recorded perfectly clearly in the Exon See also 16,167 plough note.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 4 VILLAGERS, 11 SMALLHOLDERS AND 2 SLAVES. All in the accusative case after }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 habet}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The Exon addition obscures this in translation.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE WAS ... . The corresponding entry in Exon has 'when the abbot acquired it'. So also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 1,35\tab [Exon 98a2. 110b2] \par \tab THIS ENTRY is given twice in the main Exon returns, once (in 98a2) under the heading of the king's lordship in Devonshire (see 1,25 entry note) and once (in 110b2), misplaced and surrounded on 3 sides by brackets in dark ink (not printed by E llis) under the heading of Queen Matilda's land in Devonshire (see 1,57 entry note). The entries are virtually identical and are by different scribes; the entry at 110b2 has several corrections and interlineations.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab TIVERTON. A parish, formerly the chief m anor in Tiverton Hundred; it can be identified in that hundred by an analysis of the Tax Return. Exon accidentally duplicates the details for the manor at 98a2 and 110b2; see 1,35 entry note. This large and important holding had belonged to King Alfred (s ee 1,4 Exminster note) and was given by Henry I to Richard}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Redvers}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Thence it descended with the lands of the Earls of Devon in their Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 264; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 83b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 63, ii. no. 539 and Reichel, 'Tiverton Hundred, pp. 12-14. The church of the manor was given by Baldwin }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Redvers }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 to the Priory of Saint-Martin-des-Champs in Paris; see Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 193a and Round, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Documents}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 France}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 462 no. 1276.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Subdivisions of this holding lay in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 La Kove }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Cove SS9519] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Mere }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [East Mere SS9516], in a second }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 La Mere }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 West Mere }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 432) [West Mere SS9915] and at }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Leuerlegh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Lurley SS9214] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 789; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 309 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pp. 319, 369,432-433. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 La Pole }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Pool Anthony SS9712] may have been part of the royal manor or represent 46,1 West Manley; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 527, xiv. no. 325}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and 46,1 Manley note. On these subdivisions see Reichel, 'Tiverton Hundred', pp. 17-19.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab COMMON PASTURE. Common pasture is also recorded in 1,33 (in Exon only; see note), and in 2,9-10. 5,8. 16,37^9. 19,45. 24,27. 25,3. 42,21 and 50,2. See 2,9 pasture note and 25,3 attached note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND, 4 FURLONGS; [***] 1 LEAGUE IN LENGTH ... WIDTH. Both}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab versions of the Exon (see 1,35 entry note) have the same odd phrasing: }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 leugam in longitudine 7}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 vi quadragenarias 7}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 dimidiam in latitudine 7 iiii quadragenarias nemoris}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 It is possible that the Exon scribe omitted whatever measured 1 league in length and 6 \'bd furlongs in width, as occurs several times in the Exon for Devon (see 1,46 woodland note), and the Great Domesday scribe was unable to supply the missing noun; it may have been }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 nemusculus }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'underwood', though that normally comes after woodland in Exon However, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday Geography of South-West England}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 258 suggests that there were two stretches of wood (one measuring 4 furlongs (by 4 furlongs), the other 1 league by 6 \'bd furlongs), a meaning to which the Exon word order inclines. See 1,53 pasture note and also 28,2 woodland note for other possible examples of two areas of woodland in one manor.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab THE SIGN IN THE LEFT MARGIN opposite the last line in this entry corresp onds to the marginal sign beside the manor of Werrington, 1,50, and indicates the correct position of that entry in the schedule of the king's lands. See 1,50 entry note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 LIST 6\tab EARL HAROLD ... LANDS. In Exon Earl Harold is given as the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holder in each of the entries relating to 1,36-49 inclusive, with the exception of l,41-42;45 where the title 'Earl' (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 comes}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is omitted, no doubt in error or because understood. \par \tab \tab Harold was son of Earl Godwin an d Countess Gytha and brother of Queen Edith; King of England from 6th January to 14th October 1066. William the Conqueror did not recognise his title to the Crown, hence the persistent use in Domesday of 'Earl' instead of 'King'. Harold was Earl of East A nglia (1045), received half of Swein's earldom (1046), was Earl of the West Saxons on his father's death in 1053, and Earl of Hereford (1058).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 1,36\tab [Exon 93a1] \par \tab BRADSTONE. A parish in Lifton Hundred. It was later held of the Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 756, 789; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 320, 355, 405 and Reichel, Lifton Hundred in 1243', p. 202.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab BALDWIN THE SHERIFF ACQUIRED IT AT A REVENUE. That is, he 'farmed' it; see \par \tab 1,5 on the practice of'farming'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 1,37\tab [Exon 93b1; Terrae Occupatae 497a4] \par \tab [BLACK] }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 TORRINGTON. A parish and the chief manor of [Black] Torrington Hundred. It is placed in Exon order next to Holsworthy (1,38) lying in the same hundred, and is thus distinguished from Little Torrington (in Merton, later Shebbear, Hundred) and Great Torr ington (in Fremington Hundred). The manor was given with Kings Nympton (1,49) to Joel }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Meduana }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 by Henry I, to Geoffrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Luscy }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 by King John (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 97), then by Henry III to Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 La Zouche }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 who holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Blaketorrintun' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 265; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 612, 1369, 1426; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 64b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 165, v. no. 458, x. no. 606; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 327, Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', pp. 208-209. Part of the manor was at }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Whiteleye }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Higher Whiteleigh}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 SS4202]: }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , iv. no. 416, vii. no. 641.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab [WEST] }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 PUTFORD. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The manor of (West) Putford'. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'Ralph (of Pomeroy) has a manor called (West) Putford which paid 30d a year in customary dues to the king's lordship manor of [Black] Torrington. Since Ralph has held this land the king has not had his customary due from it'.}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The manor belonging to Ralph of Pomeroy was 34,7, although}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 there is no reference to a customary due there. According to the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry, West Putford paid 30d, but since he acquired the land Ralph has withheld the}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 due. Although the Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 redd' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 can abbreviate the past }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 reddebat }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (like }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 geld'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see 1,7 pays note), the main Exon entry has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 reddit }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in full. Possibly new information had come to light between the writing of the main Exon and the compilation of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 1,38\tab [Exon 93b2] \par \tab HOLSWORTHY}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . A parish in [Black] Torrington Hundred. The early descent of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hallesworth }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is given in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 65a. It was granted by Henry II to Fulk }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Paynel }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 until he should recover his land in Normandy, but instead of being returned to the king it descended to Payne }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Chaworth }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 then to his son Patrick before being purchased by Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Tracy }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and passing on his death to Geoffrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Camvill}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 See }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 1264; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 327; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , v. nos. 143, 527, vi. no. 710, viii. nos. 396-397, xi, nos. 118, 299 and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', pp. 189-190, 209-210.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND, 1 ACRE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'woodland, 1 furlong'. Domesday similarly has acres for Exon's furl ongs in 23,12, though in that entry there is a possible reason for the discrepancy (see 23,12 woodland note). Compare 17,79 underwood note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 1,39\tab [Exon 94a1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab SHEBBEAR. A parish and the chief manor of Shebbear (earlier Merton) Hundred. The church, together with the chapelry of Sheepwash, was given to the Abbey of Torre by King John (see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 1427 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 362); the manor itself was granted to various royal followers, escheating several times to the Crown; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 265; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , x. no. 46 and Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 549.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Newton St Petrock (51,16) had originally belonged to Shebbear (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 78a). }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Sepewass }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Sheepwash SS4806], held with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Childeton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Chilton in Thorverton, see 1,7 Silverton note] and said to have been granted to the predecessors of Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Fornell'}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Nicholas }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Avenell' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and Jacob son of Gerard by William I (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 96), was a sub-manor of Shebbear; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 782; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 165; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 329 and Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 550.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 500 SHEEP. In the Exon manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \'d2 oues}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the number is badly written. '500' is normally written }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 D}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \~\'d0}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 d }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 etc., but this is unlike this scribe's usual letter }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 D}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or letter }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 d}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 looking more like a capital }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 O }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with an extension at the top left. However, the scribe probably intended '500', which is a common number for sheep (compare in 1,40).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 1,40\tab [Exon 94b1; Terrae Occupatae 499a6]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab TAWSTOCK. A parish in Fremington Hundred. It was given by King Henry I to Iudhael of Totnes and passed to his grandson William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Braose }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 being held of him by Philip then by Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Chartrai}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 It passed via William's daughter to the Earls of Leicester. Later Tawstock was divided, one third going to Buckland Priory (Somerset) for the support of the sisters of the Order of St John of Jerusalem, two-thirds to Matilda, wife of Henry }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Tracy}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 then to Geoffrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Camvill}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 being held of his Honour of Barnstaple; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 97, 265; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 70a; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 76, v. no. 143, vi. no. 710, x. no. 494; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Anglicanum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , vi. p. 671 and Reichel, '}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds',}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pp. 503-506.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Tithes from Tawstock were given by Iudhael to his priory of St Mary Magdalene in Barnstaple (Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pp. 196-198; see Round, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Documents}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 France}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 460 no. 1272 and 3,3 Barnstaple note). }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hengestecot' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Hiscott in Tawstock, SS5426] held by Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Hydon' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Tracy's }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Honour of Barnstaple, will have been part of this land; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 773.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IN EXETER 5 HOUSES. In the Exon manuscript, this is interlined above the pigmen and with an omission sign (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ) after the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 lx uillanos }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which precede the pigmen (there is only a faint mark before the interlineation, but compare 32,6 Exeter note).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab FROM THIS MANOR LANGLEY ... [HIGH] BICKINGTON. For High Bickington see 1,67. In Exon these details are added by the same scribe in 4 lines at the foot of folio 94b below the last ruling, approximately}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 13 letters into the left margin, with a cross beside them but with no corresponding one after the Tawstock entry at the top of the folio. Both Langley and (High) Bickington are described as manors, as also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry which has 'Now it has been wrongfully added to the king's manor called (High) Bickington which is (part) of Brictric's lands (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 bristricii}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ellis misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 bristicii}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ... The last phrase is interlined.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 1,41\tab [Exon 95a1; Terrae Occupatae 499a5; 499b4; 499b9]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab MOLLAND. A parish near West Anstey, later in South Molton Hundred (see 3,61 Molland note). Like North Molton (1,27) and South Tawton (1,29), it may have formed a quasi-Hundred in 1086, although its 1 hide lordship seems to ac count for part of the lordship assigned to the king in the Tax Return for South Molton Hundred. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 96 records that William the Conqueror gave }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Mouland }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 to the predecessors of William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Beumeis }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from whom William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Boterell' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 purchased it (w hence Bottreaux Mill SS8226). It descended in the family, being held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 783 by the heirs of William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Boterellis }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from Ralph } {\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Mortemer}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 376; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 47, iv. no. 95 and Reichel, 'North Molton and Molland Hundreds', p. 530.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The church was at one time held by Troarn Abbey (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 iii. p. 328 no. 902) and later by Hartland Abbey (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 333 and Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pp. 204, 207).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab BLACKPOOL. Abbreviated details of this added manor also appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 at 499a5.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Blackpool (Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Blachepole}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is probably in South Molton parish although there is another Blackpool in Chittlehampton parish (SS6224). Both Blackpools were in South Molton Hundred, remote from Molland, but in 1086 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Blachepole }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 was a dependency of it. "Nimete"}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is some place, probably close by, named from the river Mole (formerly 'Nymet', see \{Introduction: Places Named from Rivers\}). Blackpool went to the Honour of Stogursey (Somerset) and it is likely that "Nimete"}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 represents parts of Satterleigh and Warkleigh parishes held of the same Honour: in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 794 (Fees of John }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Nevil'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 are }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wauerkelegh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Warkleigh SS6522], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Westbray }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Bray in South Molton, SS6726, SS6926, see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 346 and 3,45 Bray note and 52,36 Bray note] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Sudbray }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [South Bray in Chittlehampton, SS6624] coupled with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Blakepole}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 326. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 418 includes these and adds }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Stone }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Doune }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Stevenedon }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 362) [unidentified], }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Poggyslegh }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Pugsley, SS6423], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Grenedon }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Greendown, SS6524] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Prusteton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [?Preston, SS6522]; see Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', pp. 92-94.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWARD. }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 The Domesday forms of the name-form Alward - }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Aluuard}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 ), }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Eluuard}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 ), }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Aeluuard}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 ), }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Aluuart}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , }{ \i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Aluard}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 ], }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Awart}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 - could represent Old English \'c6}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 lfweard}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 or Old English }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 \'c6thelweard}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , or even Old Danish }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Halwarth}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 , pp. 155-57, under }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Al-weard}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , and see also p. 142, under }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Al-}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 . JRM followed von Feilitzen in keeping to the base form, but preferred the second element -ward for Old English }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 -weard}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , as it reflected the majority of the Domesday spellings. The printed Phillim ore edition has the forms Alward, Alfward, occasionally Aethelweard, and in Yorkshire Alweard; these have now been standardized as Alward. The Alecto edition has Alweard for those appearing under }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Al-weard}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 . Some of those called Alward in the present edition appear under Old English }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 \'c6lfweard}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 in von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , p. 181, but only because the forms in the }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Liber Exoniensis}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 suggest this, or because of other evidence. Some also appear under Old English }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 \'c6thelweard}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 in von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , pp. 188-89, as they do in the Alecto edition, but their Domesday forms lack the medial \-}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 -d-}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 -g-}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 that JRM thought necessary for inclusion under that form.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab HELD IT. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry adds 'which a thane held jointly'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE 20s WEIGHED AND ASSAYED. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry has \par \tab 'Value 20s a year'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab "NIMETE"...}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 15s. Mostly written in the right margin of the Exon manuscript, the value being}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 squa shed in, probably later. Details of this added land also appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 at}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 499b4.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WRONGFULLY JOINED. Not included inthe }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 499b4.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \'bd VIRGATE ... 1066. Only in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 at 499b4; Ellis misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 sr's }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for the manuscript's }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 fr's }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 = fratres}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , 'brothers'). }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 541, translates 'sisters' reading }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 sr's }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 sorores}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 In the Exon manuscript the}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 word is written thus }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 fr'\u383\'3f }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and the reading of the first letter as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 f }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 s }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 hinges on whether or}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 not it has a cross-line; in this case the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 r}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 joins this letter, adding to the difficulty. However,}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 this scribe wrote }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 r }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 without and extension to the left of the upright,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 so the bar to the left of it must be the cross-line of an }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 f}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab THIRD PENNY OF ... HUNDREDS. This is the third penny of the revenue from the pleas of these hundreds (only a small portion of a Hundred's revenues), to which Harold had been entitled as earl and which passed to the king with the manor it was attached to. See also in 1,45 and in HEF 19,2;10, H AM 1,19 and SHR 4,1,1. Compare 15,67: 'the customary dues from the pleas'. This third penny is the same as the third penny of the pleas of the shire (see WAR 1,6 and DOR 1,8), but is quite different from the third penny of the total revenues of a borough (see C2 \'a318 above). See Round, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Geoffrey de Mandeville}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Appendix H pp. 287-296 and Round, 'Tertius Denarius'. Compare }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Dialogus de Scaccario }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 i. xvii (Johnson, pp. 64-65). Round, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Geoffrey de Mandeville}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 p. 293, erroneously gives the reference as ii. xvii.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab TO THE MANOR ... ENGLAND. In Exon these details are added in darker ink at the bottom}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of folio 95a, after the entry for Broadclyst (=DEV 1,56) with no transposition signs. The}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 scribe is the same as for the Molland entry earlier on the folio. These details also occur in the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 at 499b9, where the information about the king no longer having the due is given in a slightly different form and the third penny is attached to Molland 'from the time of King Edward'. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab NORTH MOLTON, BAMPTON AND BRAUNTON HUNDREDS. Bampton Hundred and Braunton Hundred survived until recent times; for North Molton 'Hundred', see 1,27 Molton note and \{Introduction: Hundreds\}.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab THE [DUES FROM EVERY] THIRD ANIMAL. Molland received a third of the dues payable for the overnight past uring of cattle on the moorland (probably Exmoor). The king received the remaining two-thirds of the dues. Cattle from everywhere in Devon, except from the Boroughs of Totnes and Barnstaple, were allowed to pasture freely}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 during the day in the 'forest' [of Dartmoor]; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 399 and p. 409 note 10. For the only other reference to moor in Devon, see 17,83.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 1,42\tab [Exon 95a2] \par \tab MOREBATH}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . A parish in Bampton Hundred. It was first granted out by Henry I as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Morba }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 to Bretel }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Ambreres}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Under King John it was held by Geoffrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Luscy}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 then by the prior }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Berliz }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Barlinch in Somerset]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 97; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 64a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 369, 381 and Reichel, }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 'Bampton and Uffculme Hundreds' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 441.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 1,43\tab [Exon 95b3] \par \tab ALPHINGTON. A parish in Wonford Hundred. In }{\i\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 318 it was held by John }{\i\insrsid8681605 de Nuvile }{\insrsid8681605 (Neville) from Hugh }{\i\insrsid8681605 de Cortenay}{\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\insrsid8681605 }{\insrsid8681605 but not as an Okehampton Honour fee; see }{\i\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 84a; }{\i\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 438 an d Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 322. In }{\i\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\insrsid8681605 , p. 264 }{\i\insrsid8681605 Alfinton' }{\insrsid8681605 is associated with }{\i\insrsid8681605 Ken }{\insrsid8681605 [Kenn 16,58] held by Hawisia }{ \i\insrsid8681605 de Curtenay}{\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\insrsid8681605 }{\insrsid8681605 Part of this land appears to have been in }{\i\insrsid8681605 Matford }{\insrsid8681605 [Matford SX9289], held in }{\i\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\insrsid8681605 , p. 785 by Ralph }{\i\insrsid8681605 de Bosco }{\insrsid8681605 and in }{\i\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 345 by the heir of Oliver }{\i\insrsid8681605 Deneham }{\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Okehampton and stated to be in Wonford Hundred; see }{\i\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 363, 385; }{\i\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\insrsid8681605 , (old series) iv. no. 63 (= Whale, 'Fees of Earl Hugh de Courtenay', p. 327), (new series) iii. no. 532, iv. no. 44, vii. no. 462. The rest of Matford (15,55. 19,9) lay just over the border in Exminster Hundred.}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 COB. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Roncinus}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 probably a pack-horse. However, see SOM 8,5 horses note which records how, in the Exon equivalent, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 roncinos }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is glossed above }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 caballos}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which is ordinarily to be translated 'riding horses', 'war horses', but in that case Medieval Latin }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 caballus }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 may be reflecting Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 capel}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Old Norse }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 kapall }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ('a nag'), which is its meaning in Classical Latin.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 1,44\tab [Exon 95b4]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab TOPSHAM. A parish in Wonford Hundred. This was alienated church land, having been granted by King Athelstan to St Mary's, Exeter, in 937 as 1 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 mansa }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 called }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Toppesham }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 10 no. 21 = Birch, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cartularium Saxonicum}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , nos. 721-722 = Sawyer, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 433) and taken away by Earl Harold; see DEV 2 Bishop note.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab It was granted to the Earl of Devon by Henry III and became a part of his Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 84a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 539, iii. no. 156. Isabella, Countess of Devon, is recalled in Countess Wear [SX9490] in the parish. Sub-manors given in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 345 were }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rohorne }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Rowhorne in Whitestone, SX8794], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Saghe }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Sege }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 by }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Toppesham }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 325) ['Sedge', }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 455] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 La Clyve }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [unidentified, but apparently represented by }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hyncton in Toppysham \emdash }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 a lost 'Hinton' - in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , (old series) iv. no. 63 = }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Whale, 'Fees of Earl Hugh de Courtenay'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 321]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 386, 43,3 Shilstone note and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', pp. 316-317. Baldwin }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Redvers}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Earl of Devon, granted to the Priory of St James in Exeter \'bd fishery at Topsham and the right to erect mills between }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Scutebroca }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ['Floyers Hayes', DEV 22 William note] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Toppesham}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 191.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 1,45\tab [Exon 96a2]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab MORETONHAMPSTEAD. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Mortone}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 A parish in Teignbridge Hundred. For the descent, see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 82a, 90a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 378; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 153, iii. no. 422 and Reichel, 'Teignbridge Hundred', p. 226. In 1346 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 391) }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Morton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 was he ld by Hugh }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Cortenay}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 A sub-manor of Moretonhampstead may well have been }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hugheton Sawte }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Howton SX7487], held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 339 by Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 le Buttiller }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from Walter }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Furneaus }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and by him from the Countess of Devon.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab TO THE MA NOR OF MORETONHAMPSTEAD ... HUNDRED. This is written below the bottom marginal ruling with a thinner pen and in much paler ink than the main entry. It is similar in ink colour and style to the additions at the foot of folios 102b (3,19) and 103a (3,75), s u ggesting that they were done at the same time; none of these is rubricated, which often points to a late addition, though the rubricator occasionally missed entries (for example, 20,13). The transposition signs are as in the Ordnance Survey facsimile, not the 'hands' that Farley printed, though the sign at the end of 1,45 is not executed as well as the one at the foot of the column. This statement may have been originally omitted from Domesday because in Exon it appears on the reverse of the folio, precede d only by the past value of the manor which the Great Domesday scribe also did not record, as was often his habit. The omission was probably found when a check of Exon was made.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 1,46\tab [Exon 96b2; Terrae Occupatae 502a3] \par \tab COLATON [RALEIGH].}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 A parish in [East] Budleigh Hundred (14). }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 96 records that }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Coletun }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 was given to Nicholas }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Meriet }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 by Henry I in exchange for Topsham (1,44). In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 762 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Colethon' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is held from the same man and Patrick }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Chaworces }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 by the Abbot of Dunkeswell (whence a portion is sometimes called }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Colaton Abbot}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 :}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 304), Wimund }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Ralegh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Springham}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 783; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 364, 426; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , xi. nos. 118, 299 and Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 286.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Part of the manor lay at }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Boystok' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Bystock SY 0283], held from Nicholas }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Meryeth }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 763. It went to Polsloe Priory; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 365, 427; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 152b and Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 291.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND, 40 ACRES. In Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xl agros }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 only; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 nemoris }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 omitted, but probably correctly supplied by the Domesday scribe, this being the usual place in Exon for the woodland details (see 1,53 pasture note). It is unlikely that the Exon sc ribe meant '40 + 16 acres of woodland' ( that is, two stretches of woodland, one of 40 acres and one of 16 acres), though compare 1,35 woodland note where this may be the meaning. Other examples of Exon omitting the noun but giving the measurement, and th e Great Domesday scribe adding it, are 6,12. 16,133. 19,44. 21,19. 36,19. 42,15 and see, also DOR 36,3 meadow note; SOM 22,8 meadow note and SO 47,16 pasture note. This entry in Exon is a neat one. Compare1,53 pasture note; 22,1 underwood note; 28,2 woodla nd note and 32,6 pasture note}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WILD MARES. The Latin is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 equas siluestras }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (a scribal error for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 siluestres}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ).}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Siluestres }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is from Latin }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 silua }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'wood', but here it has the same meaning as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 saluaticum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 siluaticum }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'savage, wild'; compare 24,9 Walter note on Walter the Wild. There are 1 0 wild mares recorded on 12 manors in the Exon for Devon (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday Geography of South-West England}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 285-86 omits the 8 at Wadham, 52,40). Although 72 are recorded for the double holding of Lynton and Ilkerton (19,16), which is near Exmoor, and a further 16 are on manors near Exmoor and Dartmoor, the remainder (almost half) belong to manors distant from these moors. These }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 equae siluestres }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 may be the same as the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 equae indomitae }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'unbroken mares' (see 15,36 mares note); certainly they never occur together on a manor. Both were recorded in even greater numbers in the Exon for Cornwall and Somerset.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab TO THIS MANOR ... 4s. Also in full in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WHICH A THANE HELD FREELY BEFORE 1066. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which a thane held jointly in 1066; he could go to whichever lord he would'. In the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 502 a 3 'which a thane held jointly in 1066'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 1,47\tab [Exon 96b3]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab LITTLEHEMPSTON. A parish in Haytor Hundred, the successor to Kerswell Hundred, and identifiable in Kerswell Hundred by an analysis of the Tax Returns; it is a smaller holding than the Count of Mortain's Broadhempston (15,43). It was given by Henry I to Reginald, Earl of Cornwall, and held under him by the Arundel family: in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 769 John }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Arundel }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hemmeston' Bubba }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Earl of Cornwall; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 318; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 462, x. no. 242, xvi. no. 1027, Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', pp. 369-370; }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Reichel, 'Haytor Hundred in 1244', }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 129; }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Reichel. 'Extracts from the Hundred Rolls of 3 Edward I', }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 364; also 15,43 Broadhempston note and 17,25 Littlehempston note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 1,48\tab [Exon 97a1] \par \tab SPITC HWICK. It lies in Widecombe-in-the-Moor parish in the detached part of Haytor Hundred, the successor to Kerswell Hundred and, like the previous entry, can be identified as lying in Kerswell Hundred from an analysis of the Tax Returns. The manor passed to the Honour of Stoke Curcy (Stogursey in Somerset); see 1,41 Blackpool note. In }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , p. 768 Michael }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 de Spichewik' }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 holds 1 fee in }{ \i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Spychewik' }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 from John }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 de}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Nova Villa }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 (Neville) from the Honour of }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Stok Curcy}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 318-319, 348; }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , iv. no. 289, and Reichel, 'Haytor Hundred in 1244', p. 118; Reichel. 'Extracts from the Hundred Rolls of 3 Edward I', p. 374. There is a grant of }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 unum hospitem }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Espicewic }{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 to Troarn Abbey in }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 iii. p. 328 no. 902.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 1,49\tab [Exon 98a1; Terrae Occupatae 502a4] \par \tab [KINGS] NYMPTON.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 A parish in Witheridge Hundred. It had the same descent as [Black] Torrington (1,37), }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Nimet' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 being given to Joel of Mayne by Henry I (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 97), and later, as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Nimieton'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 by King Henry III to Roger }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 la Zouche }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 612); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 761, 1370, 1427; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 87b, 92a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 344; the Red Book of the Exchequer (Hall, ii. p. 560); }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , iv. no. 221, v. no. 458, xii. no. 12 and Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', p. 412. The adjacent Queens Nympton in South Molton parish and hundred is named from Queen Victoria: }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. pp. xiii and 346.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE, 1 LEAGUE IN LENGTH AND WIDTH. The corresponding entry in Exon has'pasture, 1 league in each direction (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ab omni parte}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 '}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab TO THIS MANOR ... REVENUE. Also in full in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \'bd VIRGATE OF LAND. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'A manor of \'bd virgate'; so also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WHICH A THANE HELD FREELY BEFORE 1066. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which a thane held in 1066; he}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 could go with his land to whichever lord he would'. The }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry has 'which a thane held}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 jointly in 1066'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IN KING'S REVENUE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'into the king's revenue (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ad firmam regis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 1,50\tab [Exon 98a3e]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab THIS ENTRY was originally omitted from the list of lands Gytha held in 1066, either by mistake or because of the problems of its ownership (see 5 ,5 entry note). In Exon it appears after Gytha's manor of Tiverton (= 1,35) as the last entry under the king's lordship lands in Devon, apparently as an after thought because it is not with the other royal manors in its hundred ([Black] Torrington); see 1 , 50 villagers note on the state of the entry. The sign in the left margin of the Domesday manuscript, level with the first line of the entry, corresponds to the sign in the left margin at the end of 1,35 and indicates the correct position of 1,50 in the sc hedule.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab WERRINGTON. A Devonshire parish with a complex early history. It lay in [Black] Torrington Hundred, but west of the River Tamar and was finally incorporated in Cornwall in 1966. In the Tax Return for [Black] Torrington Hundred there is interlined a t the end of the details of lordship land in this }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 h}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 undred the phrase }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Rex dim' hid' i' oluritona }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ('The king (has in lordship?) \'bd hide in Werrington'); compare the interlined detail of Northlew 1,57 (see 1,57 Northlew note). This \'bd hide seems to be in addition to the 3 \'bd hides lordship assigned to the king at the beginning of this Return. It is possible that this \'bd hide is that said by Domesday to have been removed by the Count of Mortain (see 1,50 count note), in which case it will have been removed after th e compilation of the Tax Return: it is unlikely that the fact that this information is interlined points to the \'bd hide's having been returned to the king after the returns were compiled, since there is no change of scribe or colour of ink. It is more likely, however, that this \'bd hide is half of the lordship of Werrington, since the \'bd hide removed by the Count of Mortain seems to have lain in Boyton (west of the River Tamar) and is recorded in the Cornish }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 (508a5); see 1,50 count note.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab \tab Thes e complications are due to Werrington's lying astride the Devon/Cornwall border (with parts of the manor on both sides of the Tamar), to the fact that it was alienated church land in disputed ownership and because the land seems only to have been confirme d as a royal holding at the very moment of the Domesday Enquiry.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab \tab Domesday Werrington included the parishes of North Petherwin and Werrington, west of the River Tamar, and St Giles-in-the-Heath east of it. In the early eleventh century, the River Tamar was probably the county boundary and North Petherwin and Werrington lay in the Cornish Hundred of Stratton, St Giles-in-the-Heath in [Black] Torrington Hundred, Devon. This large manor of Werrington appears to have been royal land since the time of King Egbe rt (802-839), then a holding of Countess Gytha and to have been granted by her to Abbot}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Sihtric of Tavistock between 1066 and 1068. Apparently, proof of this grant was lacking and the Domesday Commissioners treated Werrington as rightly belonging to the kin g, togetherwith many of Gytha's other lands, although the abbot's counterclaim is entered in Exon 178b2 (see 5,5 entry note).}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 The date of the transfer of the whole estate at Werrington to Devon is uncertain. Finberg (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Lucerna}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 172) argued that it was s hortly before Domesday on the grounds that Tavistock Abbey's lordship portion of Werrington must be part of the 1 hide and 1 virgate exemption given to the abbot in the Tax Return for the Cornish Hundred of Stratton. This may be so. However, the abbot hel d at least one other land in Stratton Hundred at Tregrenna (CON 3,4) and the returns for both Stratton Hundred and the adjacent Rillaton Hundred seem impossible to reconstruct with certainty largely because of deficiencies in the figures that Great Domesda y itself gives; see \{CON Introduction: Hundreds\} . If Werrington is not needed to account for some of the tax exemption in Stratton Hundred, its transfer to Devon could have taken place at any time between Tavistock's acquisition of it and 1086. It would hav e been convenient for Tavistock Abbey if the whole manor of Werrington were placed in Devon.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab \tab On restoration to the Crown, Werrington was joined to Gytha's other estates (see 1,50 entry note) and by then appears to have been administered fully as a part o f Devon. This was necessary since her Cornish estates were in the hands of the Count of Mortain. \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab \tab Werrington was restored to Tavistock Abbey in 1096 (}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Monasticon Anglicanum}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , ii. p. 497; }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 . p. 97 no. 378) and the abbot continued to hold it until the Dissolution; see }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 327 and }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , ii. p. 381. The holding in later times included }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Hauekedon' }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Haukadon SX3689], }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Panneston' }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Panson, see DEV 5 Tavistock note and 35,4 Panson note] and }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Kary }{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Carey SX3691] in }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 781; see }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 409 and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', pp. 217-218. On the whole question, see Finberg, 'Devon-Cornwall Boundary'; Finberg, 'Making of a Boundary', in Hoskins and Finberg, }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Devonshire Studies}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , pp. 19-39; Finberg, 'Werrington'; }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Alexander, 'Devon-Cornwall Boundary'.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 25 FREEDMEN. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 coliberti}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 quoliberti}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 former slaves. A continental term, not otherwise found in England; used in Domesday to render a native term, stated on three occasions to be (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ge}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 bur }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (WOR 8,10a and HAM l,10;23). The }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 coliberti }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are found mainly in the counties in Wessex and western Mercia, particularly in Wiltshire and Somerset. In Devon only 32 are recorded (the 25 here and 7 in 1,56), on e ach occasion in Domesday being listed after the slaves and before the rest of the villagers, but in Exon they appear between the smallholders and slaves here and between the villagers and smallholders for 1,56, though this may not be significant. It is no t clear, therefore, from their position whether they helped work the lordship or the villagers' ploughs. In other counties in Domesday some held land (SOM 2,1 etc.) and paid dues (HEF 1,6; WOR 8,7 etc.). See Vinogradoff, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 English Society in the Eleventh Century}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 468-469; Maitland, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday Book and Beyond}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 36-37, 328-330, and also 5,8 boors note and OXF 1,6}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab boors note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 16 VILLAGERS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '116 villagers'; }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c & xvi uill'}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the splitting of the number, very frequent in Exon, is probably the reason for the discrepancy. This entry, the last under the king's lands in Devon, is written by 2 (possibly 3) different scribes in a browner ink than Exon 98a1-2 (though the ink changes during the entry) and is very messy with several erasures (perhaps the result of its disputed ownership; see 1,50 Werrington note). Compare 17,51 sheep note for another Exon entry written by 2, or 3, scribes.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab REST OF THE LAND. In Exon }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 aliam terram}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a very common phrase in the parts of Exon}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 relating to Cornwall, but see also in the translation here for 3,86. 15,14;19 and 28,2, and see also}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,6 slaves note and the details for 42,2 in \{ Appendix: Lordship and Villagers' Table\}.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 25 CATTLE. In Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xx 7}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 v animal' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is written over an erasure. After the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 v }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are 2 faint minim}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 strokes which may be part of the erasure, or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xx 7}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 vii animal' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 may be intended: no new}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 dot is written after the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 v }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as after the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xx}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab [* COUNTESS *] GYTHA }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 HELD IT. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Earl Harold's mother held', who was of course Gytha.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THE }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 COUNT OF MORTAIN HOLDS \'bd HIDE ... 1066.Details of this \'bd hide occur among the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for Cornwall:}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 508a5: 'The king has a manor called Werrington, from which \'bd hide has b een taken away which belonged there in 1066. The Count of Mortain holds it now. Value 40s; value when the count acquired it \'a34'.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Werrington is on the county boundary. There is no record of the abstraction in the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for Devon. Compare 1,25 where details of the two}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cornish manors are in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for Devon, but not for Cornwall.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Domesday this sentence is written completely in the right margin of the manuscript in the same colour ink as the rest of the entry, though perhaps with a thinner pen. In Exon it appears at the end of the entry for Werrington, but there is no sign that it was a particularly late addition (tough see 1,50 villagers note for the state of the whole entry). The \'bd hide was probably Boyton [SX3191], just over th e border in Cornwall; see Domesday CON 3,7 and CON 5,5,4. Like Werrington itself, Boyton had belonged to Tavistock Abbey and, together with three other manors (compare 1,25 Landinner note on Landinner and Trebeigh), was claimed by Abbot Geoffrey from the count as having been bought by Abbot Sihtric 'with the Church's goods (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de bonis aecclesiae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )' in 1066 (see CON 3,7 manors note). See Finberg, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Tavistock Abbey}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 6. The identification of the \'bd hi de with land detailed in Cornwall Domesday would explain why there is no cross-reference to it under the count's fief here (DEV 15), whereas, for example, Walter's subtenancy in 1,63 is cross-referenced in his fief.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 LIST 7\tab EARL LEOFWIN. Brother of Earl (King) Harold and governor and probably Earl of Kent and the Home Counties from 1057. He was killed at the Battle of Hastings. See Freeman, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 History of the Norman Conquest}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 583 (3rd edition, 1877), and iii. p. 484 (2nd edition, 1875). \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In each of the entries corresponding to 1,51-55 inclusive Exon states 'which Earl Leofwin held in 1066'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,51\tab [Exon 94a3] \par \tab BEAFORD. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Baverdone}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 86. It is a parish lying in Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred and was given to Baldwin }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Redvers}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 first Earl of Devon, descending in the Honour of Plympton. Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Wylinton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Beuford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788 from that Honour; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 78a, 93b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 329, 412; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 177, ix. no. 103, xv. nos. 154, 866; Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 554 and 36,7 Owlacombe note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,52\tab [Exon 95b2] \par \tab PINHOE. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pinnoch}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pinnoc }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Ellis misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pinnoe}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is a parish in Wonford Hundred. It appears to have been given by Henry III to Robert }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Vallibus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 being held by his widow Matilda in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 1371; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 311; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xvi. no. 1027 and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 316.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 10 CATTLE. In the Exon manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xi }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 underlined for deletion and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 x }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 interlined in correction; Ellis misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 x}{\i\fs24\cf1\up6\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 x}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . with the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 extended below the line and no underlining.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BATTLE ABBEY ... 1 VIRGATE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The Abbot of Battle'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The land probably lay at Monkerton [SX9693]; see Reichel, 'Domesday Identifications I', p. 618; Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred', p. 289 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 443. This virgate is not entered in the Abbey's fief (DEV 9).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,53\tab [Exon 97a2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab KILMINGTON. A parish in Axminster Hundred. It passed to the Honour of Plympton, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Kilmeton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 being held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 319 from the Countess of Devon; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 366, 429; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 798, iii. no. 519, vi. no. 710, viii. nos. 396-397, xv. no. 524 and Reichel, 'Axminster and Axmouth Hundreds', p. 150.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE, 12 FURLONGS AND 12 ACRES. In the manuscript the scribe originally wrote 7 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xii ac' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 only, but then corrected it in slightly paler ink and with a scratchy pen to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 7 xii q}{\i\fs24\cf1\up6\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 u}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 rent' 7 xii ac'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 he employed the unusual (for this county) abbreviation for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 quarentina }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (normally }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 q}{\i\fs24\cf1\up6\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 u}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with a }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 z}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -shaped ligature with a line through the lower horizontal) in order to cover the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ac'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and the 7 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xii ac' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are added in the margin. Either when copying Exon his eye slipped from the first }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to the second, or he was at first unsure about the mixture of furlongs and acres with only pasture (see also 22,1 underwood note). It is possible that the Exon scribe omitted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 nemusculi }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'underwood' after the '12 furlongs', as perhaps also at 28,2 (see 28,2 woodland note). On several occasions the Exon scribe has omitted a noun but included its measurement and the Great Domesday scribe has supplied one, probably correctly, relying on the fact that in Exon the res ources are regularly recorded in a set order of woodland, underwood, meadow, pasture (see the sample in \{Introduction: }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Liber Exoniensis}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Exon)\}}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 though no underwood is in fact recorded for that entry). See 1,46 woodland note for examples of these omissions. However, there are other examples of acres and furlongs being combined in measure\- ments, for example, see DOR 5,1 woodland note and perhaps DEV 28,2 woodland note, and of acres and leagues combined, for example, in 32,4 and see 21,19 pasture note and 2 2,1 underwood note. The most likely interpretation, though, is that in Kilmington there were two stretches of pasture, one of 12 furlongs (by 12 furlongs) and the other of 12 acres; see 1,35 woodland note and compare 28,2 woodland note and DOR 36,2 and DO R 55,29 for mention of pasture in two places in one manor, and compare DOR 3,13.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,54\tab [Exon 97a3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WHITFORD. In Shute parish, Colyton Hundred; in 1086 Whitford no doubt accounted for Shute as well. Whitford was given by King John to Thomas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Basset}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Through the remarriage of Alice Bassett it passed to the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Saundford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 family, then to the Courtenays; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 96, 782; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 68b; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 330, 428; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 510,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 x. no. 91 and Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', pp. 345-348.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,55\tab [Exon 987b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LANGFORD. In Ugborough parish, Ermington Hundred. It was given by Henry II to Peter }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Orivallo }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and by King John to William }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Briwere}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 passing to Reginald }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Mohun }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 on his marriage to Alice, daughter of William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Briwere}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It was sometimes called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Langeford Lestre }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Atrio}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 gallicised as William }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 del Estre }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (from Lestre in the French d\'e9partement of Manche; an earlier William of Lestre was a subtenant of the Count of M ortain in Devon and Somerset). This later William held from William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Mohun }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 769, 782; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 97; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 69a, 90b; the Red Book of the Exchequer (Hall, ii. p. 558); Maxwell Lyte, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Honour of Dunster}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 56; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. nos. 306, 593, iii. no. 283, v. no. 603, vii. no. 297, viii. no. 139, ix. no. 427, xvi.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 no. 1085, and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 308. In 1303 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 351) Langford was held with Farleigh, Wagland, Lapland and Wrangaton (this last lying in Langford parish); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 397 and 1,15 Farleigh note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BOROUGH OF TOTNES PAID 20s ... . This is the third penny of Totnes which had been attached to Earl Leofwin's manor here. As K ing William had already given his two-thirds share in Totnes to Iudhael (17,1), he handed over the Earl's third which was now also in his hands. See C2 \'a318 note on the third penny of a borough's total revenues.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TO THIS MANOR ... IUDHAEL [* OF TOTNES *]. T he corresponding entry in Exon has 'From this manor the king gave 20s to Iudhael which the borough of Totnes paid to this manor in revenue (}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddebat}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ..}{ \i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 huic mansioni}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ad firmam}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )'.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab AFTER THIS ENTRY IN EXON there appears a gallows sign followed by 3 blank lines,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 possibly an entry neatly erased, the space perhaps being left for details of another manor.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Then the following items of information, preceded in each case by a gallows sign and}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 occupying 2 \'bd lines at the bottom of folio 97b:}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab Exon 97b2: 'Baldwin pays the king in revenue (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ad firmam}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'a3 375 a year from the lands of the earls'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab It is not clear how the sum \'a3375 was reached. If one adds up the payments made by the manors held in 1066 by Countess Gytha (l,29-35;50), by Earl Harold (1,36-49) and by Earl Leofwin (1,51-55) the total is \'a3 393 (or \'a3398 1s if the payments and values of the added manors are included). Reichel in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 389 states that if the \'a3 18 payment of Kings Nympton (1,49) were discounted, the total would be \'a3375, but there is no reason why that manor's payment should be disregarded rather than the \'a318 payments from 1,35 or 1,37 or 1,39 (or indeed several smaller payments totalling \'a318). Whale}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , \lquote Principles of the "Domesday"Survey\rquote ,}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 529 arrives at a total of \'a33 75 by adding together the present values of 1,29-49;51-55 (discounting the added lands, but deducting the 20s value of the church at Woodbury, 1,33, though including the \'a3 3 value of the similar 'removed' land of Sherford, 1,34, which he later states he has excluded); there seems no reason for this treatment or his exclusion of 1,50 in his reckoning.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab It is more likely that the discrepancy is a scribal error or that this statement originated from a different source to the returns for these comital manors.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab Exon 97b3: 'Jocelyn (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gotselenus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see 16,148 Jocelyn note) pays the king \'a3 108 a year for the lands of Queen Edith'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Queen Edith's lands (1,25-28) pay \'a3108, but Exon 93a2 states that it was Colwin (not Jocelyn) who held Lifton (1,25) at a revenue (see C2 C olwin note); however, as this statement is an interlineation, apparently by a different scribe to the rest of the entry, it could have been missed by the scribe of this entry, or added after these totals had been written.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab Exon 97b4: 'Reginald pays to the king's revenue \'a324 a year for Ordwulf's land'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The Latin for pays is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 redd'i}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 possibly abbreviating }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddidi }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'I have paid', referring to Reginald [of Vautortes] (see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 377) but more likely being a scribal error for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddit}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ordwulf's land appears to be Broadclyst (1,56), whose value was \'a324, but there is no mention there of a Reginald holding it 'in charge for the king' (so }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 377).}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Reginald (of Vautortes) was Ordwulf's successor in much of the latter's land that passed to the Count of Mortain; for example, 15,44 and see 15,26 Reginald note.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 1 \'bd blank lines, possibly erased neatly, follow this.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,56\tab [Exon 95a3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BROADCLYST ... ORDWULF HELD IT. Although Ordwulf probably had no connection with the house of Godwi n whose lands are described in 1,25-55, this manor was probably included here rather than at the end of DEV 1 with 1,72, the other manor held in 1066 by a 'commoner' (except for 1,23-24 which had been exchanged), because in Exon it was in the section of k ing's lordship lands which covers 1,25-56 (see 1,25 entry note) and in the correct place for a holding in 'Cliston' Hundred.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The hundred, of which this place was }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 caput}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was named from the Domesday form }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Clistone}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for the later name, Broadclyst, see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 573, which cites }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Clyston alias Brodeclyst }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (1413). The place can be identified by an analysis of the 'Cliston' Hundred Tax Return. The manor of 'Cliston' was granted by Henry I to Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Nunant }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 98) and appears to have been held by his family of the Vautort Honour of Hurberton (see DEV 17 Iudhael note). This large holding had a number of members which }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 777 lists as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Kildringthon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Killerton, SS9701], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Suthwymple }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [South Whimple, SY0094], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brokhille }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Brockhill, SX9895], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lymbyr' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Lymbury, SX9898], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Beare, SS9800], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sudthbrok }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Southbrook, SY 0296], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Craneford' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Crannaford, SS0196] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Kynewardesbergh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [unidentified]. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 332-333, 433 the above are repeated and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Breysteston }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is added [a 'Bri ghtston' in 'Cliston' Hundred, see 43,2 Clyst note, apparently distinct from 2,17 'Brightston' in Budleigh Hundred]. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Craneford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is there coupled with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Holewill }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Nether Holwells, SS015965] ; that }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Langacre }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ['Longacre', lost, see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 576] was part of}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the manor is clear from }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 710. The manor's church was given by Roger II }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Nonant }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to the monastery of Saints Sergius and Bacchus in Angers, mother church of St Mary of Totnes: }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii. p. 50 no. 735a. On the whole manor see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 165, iii. no. 532, iv. no. 44, xii. no. 119 and Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', pp. 368-375.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The name Ordwulf occurs on some 30 holdings and may represent three or four individuals. Two dozen of these holdings were probably held by Ordwulf , 17 of them from the Count of Mortain in Cornwall, Devon, and Somerset. The Ordwulf who had held the royal manor of Broadclyst in Devon was prob a bly the same man, given the status of the manor and its proximity to others of his manors. So, too, was the Ordwulf who had held the manor Canons of Exeter at Haxton since this had been acquired by exchange with the Count of Mortain. Three other holdings o f an Ordwulf in Devon had almost certainly belonged to Ordwulf since they had devolved upon tenants-in-chief who held one of his holdings in the hands of the Count of Mortain (30,1) or one of whose tenants did so (35,10). The two remaining h oldings in Somerset are unlikely to have belonged to this Ordwulf as they were held in 1086 and there are no sign that the Count of Mortain's predecessor had survived. The remaining Ordwulfs, of Berkshire and Wiltshire, were some considerable distance awa y and had no apparent links with their south-western namesakes; but the possibility cannot be entirely precluded (JP).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 LIST 8\tab BRICTRIC [* SON OF ALGAR *] HELD ... LATER QUEEN MATILDA. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'held in 1066' for each entry (1,57-7 1). Queen Matilda, though she heads the section, is only mentioned again in this first entry in Exon and for 1,66;68.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In view of the statement that Queen Matilda acquired his lands, it is almost certain that Brictric is Brictric son of Algar, on whom see 24,21 Brictric note. In CON 1,13 an almost identical heading is given and in DOR 1,15-1 7 Brictric and Matilda are linked together as previous holders of the king's land. Queen Matilda apparently held these lands until her death in 1083 when they passed to her husband, King William. \par \tab \tab In the order of Exon this entry (together with 1,35; 58-72) form the 'Land of Queen Matilda in Devonshire' and are in the following hundredal arrangement: \par \tab \tab 1,57-58 [Black] Torrington Hundred \par \tab \tab 1,59 Hartland Hundred \par \tab \tab 1,60-63 Merton Hundred \par \tab \tab 1,64-66;72;67-68 [North] Tawton Hundred \par \tab \tab 1,69 Wonford Hundred \par \tab \tab 1,35 Tiverton Hundred (see 1,35 Tiverton note) \par \tab \tab 1,70 Halberton Hundred \par \tab \tab 1,71 Chillington Hundred \par \tab Most of these estates pass to the Honour of Gloucester; see DEV 24 Walter note. \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab See also 1,60 Brictric note}{ \cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (JP).}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,57\tab [Exon 108a1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THIS ENTRY and those following (1,58-72 and also 1,35; see 1,35 entry note) are dealt with in Exon under the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 heading of 'Land of Queen Matilda in Devonshire', folios 108a-111a inclusive, although}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,72 does not appear to have anything to do with either Queen Matilda or her predecessor}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brictric.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab NORTHLEW. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Leuia}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The modern form distinguishes the name from Lewtrenchard (16,9) which has the same origin. It is a parish in [Black] Torrington Hundred, and is named in the Tax Return for [Black] Torrington Hundred, where the king's (lordship?) holding of 1 virgate in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Leuua }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is interlined (compare the interlineation of the '\'bd hide in Werrington', immediately preceding this; see 1,50 Werrington note). Like other of Queen Matilda's estates, it was given (probably by William II) to Robert Fitz Hamon and passed to Robert, created Earl of Gloucester, with Mabel, Fitz-Ham on's daughter, being thence\-forth held of the Honour of Gloucester. Halwill (1,58) had the same descent, both being held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 778 as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lyu }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Haleghewill' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Gloucester 'from the part of Earl Richard'; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 327, 357, 408; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 76, iii. nos. 371, 519, iv. no. 434, vi. no. 710, viii. no. 390, xv. no. 524, xvi. no. 538, Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', pp. 228-229 and 1,66 Lapford note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TAX FOR 1 HIDE, 1 VIRGATE OF LAND AND 1 FURLONG. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 7}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uno ferling }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is written in the right margin, slightly above the level of the rest of the line and in paler ink with no sign as to where it belongs, though it obviously fits with the tax. It is interesting that in Exon the furlong (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferlino}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ablative) is interlined, perhaps later (though by the same scribe and in the same colour ink), and that the details of the lordship and villagers' land total only 1 hide and 1 virgate. This suggests that the existence of the furlong was discovered af ter the tax and details had been written, and when he added it the Exon scribe failed to assign it to the lordship or the villagers' land holding. See 1,4 hide for other discrepancies in tax and holdings, and compare 12,1 tax note; 15,10 tax note; 15,13 t ax note; 16,96 hide note and 34,10 tax note on other alterations to the tax resulting in the details total not agreeing with it.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE, 8 FURLONGS LONG. Or perhaps 'pastures 8 furlongs ...' as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pasturae }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 can be either genitive singular or nominative plural . Although the genitive is not normally used in this phrase (though compare 35,25), it seems more likely that the measurements of only one pasture were being given. Exon has the genitive singular (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 viii quadragenariae pascuae in longitudine et iiii in latitudine}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 so the Great Domesday scribe may have taken the case from there by mistake or omitted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 before }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 l'g}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Compare DOR 5,2 pastures note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IT PAYS \'a39 AT FACE VALUE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Gotshelm has this manor at a revenue (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ad firmam}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and pays from it \'a39 a year at face value'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,58\tab [Exon 108a2] \par \tab HALWILL.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in [Black] Torrington Hundred. It had the same descent as Northlew; see 1,57 Northlew note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IT PAYS 70s AT FACE VALUE. The corresponding entry in Exon has'Gotshelm has this manor at a revenue and pays from it 70s a year at face value'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,59\tab [Exon 108a3] \par \tab CLOVELLY. A parish in Hartland Hundred. It passed to the Honour of Gloucester, Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Giffard }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holding }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Clovely }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 780 'from the part of Earl Richard' from that Honour; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 73b; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 342, 410 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 371, ix. no. 90, x. no. 596, xvi. no. 538.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IT PAYS \'a312 ... \'a36. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'This manor pays \'a312 at face value. Gotshelm has this manor at a revenue and when he acquired it himself, it paid \'a36'.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,60\tab [Exon 108b1] \par \tab BIDEFORD. A parish in Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred. Like other of Matilda's estates (1,57 Brictric note) it came to the Honour of Gloucester. The heir of Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Greinvill' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bydeford' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 778 'from the part of Earl Richard'; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 328, 358, 410; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 78a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 371, v. no. 538, ix. no. 428, xvi. no. 538 and Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 559.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WITH 20 PLOUGHS. In the manuscript there is an erasure of some figures after the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xx}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Farley's treatment of such erasures varies: he left a gap for them here and in 15,62;74 and 50,2, but not in 1,61. 3,12. 15,12. 17,84 and 19,4 ;6. In the Exon manuscript the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xx}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 carr' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is clear and neat.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab A FISHERY ... . It is interesting that in Exon this statement is also added at the end of}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the entry in two lines (one interlined) after the valu e, though by the same scribe as the rest of the entry. Presumably the fishery was still there in 1086, as Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddit }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in full for the payment.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab GOTSHELM [* BROTHER OF WALTER OF CLAVILLE *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTRIC [* SON OF ALGAR *]. }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brictric was descended from the royal house of Wessex. Many of his west-country lands passed to Queen Matilda, possibly after the fall of Exeter in 1068. }{ \cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The bulk of his lands were in Gloucestershire, where he held this massive manor of Tewkesbury. Much of his l and was subsequently granted to Queen Matilda and this link allows many of his other holdings in Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Wiltshire to be identified. His estate has been carefully reconstructed by Ann Williams whose detailed and persuasive arguments ne e d not be repeated here: Williams, 'A West-Country Magnate of the Eleventh Century', pp. 41-68. Dr Williams has also suggested that Brictric was the unnamed lord of the pre-Conquest holders of the manors acquired by Walter and Gotshelm of Claville in Devon (fiefs 24-25). See also Clarke, }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 English Nobility}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 260-62, who excludes these and also the Brictric holdings on fiefs 24, 40, 42 and 50 from his list; he identifies the predecessor of Odo son of Gamalin as another Brictric (}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ibidem}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 265). Dr Williams, however, has shown that complex interrelationships between these and other fiefs make it probable that all had been held by the son of Algar (JP).}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,61\tab [Exon 108b2] \par \tab LITTLEHAM. A parish in Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred. For the descent, see Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 560.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP 1 PLOUGH. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In d'nio s't una \'e7 car'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 :}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'In lordship are is 1 plough'. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 s't }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is superfluous and appears in the manuscript in paler ink, as if the scribe had tried to erase it; Farley presumably did not t hink it was erased because he printed it. The parchment also appears to be rubbed, or there is an erasure, after the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'e7}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , resulting in a small gap (not shown by Farley; see 1,60 ploughs note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab GOTSHELM [* BROTHER OF WALTER OF CLAVILLE *] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 HOLDS ... AT A REVE NUE. That is, he 'farms' them; see 1,5 holds note on 'farming'. On Gotshelm probably being the brother of Walter of Claville, see CON 1 king note and CON 7 Gotshelm note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,62\tab [Exon 108b3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LANGTREE. A parish in Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred. The Domesday estate was in later times held of the Honour of Gloucester; in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 779 Earl Richard held }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Langetre }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in lordship through default of service from the heirs of William of Torrington; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 78a, 94a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 328, 375, 411; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 798, iii. no. 371, iv. no. 434, v. no. 538, ix. no. 428, xiv. no. 209 and Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 561.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,63\tab [Exon 109a1] \par \tab IDDESLEIGH. A parish in Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred. Like other of Matilda's lands it passed to the Honour of Gloucester, being held under it in the thirteenth century by the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Reini }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Reigny }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 family (see Ashreigney 1,65). In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 779 John }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Reyngny }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Edwislegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Uppecoth' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Gloucester 'from the part of Earl Richard' (see 1,57 Northlew note). }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Uppecoth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is probably Upcott in Dowland, [North] Tawton Hundred , SS5709, probably the 2 \'bd virgates of Iddesleigh which are said by Domesday to lie in [North] Tawton Hundred (see 1,63 virgates note), rather than Upcott in Bideford (Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 560). See }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 328, 411 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 371, v. no. 538, ix. no. 428, xvi. no. 538. }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Esse }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 La Hille }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Ash, SS5706 and Hill, SS5806 in the south of the parish], held in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 779 by Luke }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tremeneth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Speckoth' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 were no doubt part of this holding; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 359, 412, and Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 562.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WALTER [* OF CLAVILLE *] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 HOLDS 1 VIRGATE. Walter of Claville; this land is referred to, but not named, in 24,22.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWARE [!1! PET !1!]}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 HELD IT ... FROM HIM. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Alware Pet held it in 1066; she could not be separated from Brictric with this land'.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Domesday the name-form is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluuare}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluuatet}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Probably Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alwaru}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 feminine, considering the form and the Exon byname, but see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 154 for alternatives. The Exon form has loss of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 r }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , \'a7 70) and the suffix }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -tet }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is Old Danish or Continental German }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tet }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'pet, darling' (see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 153 under }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Altet }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and note 3 and p. 382 under }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Teitr}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Redin, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Uncompounded Personal Names in Old English}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 70 under }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taebba}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taetwa}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ).}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tenant of the same piece of land is given in 24,22 as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aleuesdef }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Aelfeva Thief, a totally different name (see 24,22 Aelfeva note). It is very unlikely that the names could have become confused by any usual process of mishearing or miswriting. (JMcND)}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SHE COULD NOT BE SEPARATED FROM HIM. That is, she was bound to Brictric as her lord and the protector of her land; she could not choose another patron, nor sell the land without his permission. See 1,15 freely note on the opposite phrase 'could go where he w ould'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 \'bd VIRGATES ... IN [NORTH] TAWTON HUNDRED. In Exon this detail appears to be an addition, the last 3 words being written in the right margin. The Great Domesday scribe may only have seen the last 3 words when checking Exon and then added them to Do mesday in the same size script as he used for hundred headings.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Domesday, despite the capital }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 I}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and the capitals for }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tavetone Hund' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which is rubricated, the phrase 'In [North] Tawton' belongs with the 2 \'bd virgates and is not an isolated hundred head. Compare the use of capitals for Teignbridge Hundred in 1,47 and the rubricated capitals in DOR 1,30 and 37,13 in phrases concerning Buckland Hundred and Purbeck Hundred.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN [NORTH] TAWTON HUNDRED. In the manuscript and Farley }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 TAVETONE}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the Ordnance Survey facsimile fails to reproduce all the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 some of which is rather faint in the manuscript and also the rubrication obscures it, so that it resembles }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 TIVETONE}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Other examples of place-names being incorrectly reproduced in the Ordnance Survey facsimile include those in 6,8. 14,4. 19,4. 25,21. 29,7 and 42,16; see 6,8 Heathfield note; 14,4 "Landeshers" note; 19,4 Putford note; 25,21 Manley note; 29,7 Stonehouse note; 42,16 Shapcombe note and compare L11 Mont-Saint-Michel note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Iddesleigh parish, althoug h in Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred, lies east of the River Torridge which for much of its course divides Shebbear (Merton) from [North] Tawton Hundred. Brimblecombe (40,3), now in the parish, apparently lay in [North] Tawton Hundred in 1086 and Upcott in Dowland (see 1,63 Iddesleigh note) seems to have been a member of Iddesleigh although in [North] Tawton Hundred.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,64\tab [Exon 109a2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WINKLEIGH. A parish in [North] Tawton Hundred. It was }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 caput }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of a small hundred in the thirteenth century and later (see Anderson, }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 English Hundred Names: South-Western Counties}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 85-86), but there is no evidence that it was a separate Hundred in 1086; indeed, this and the following entries in Exon (1,64-66;72;67-68) form a [North] Tawton Hundred group, and 1,64-68 with a total lordship of 3 \'bd hides probably account for the 3 \'bd hides lordship recorded for the king in the [North] Tawton Hundred Tax Return. The same Tax Return records \'bd hide lying in the royal manor of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 UUincileia}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for which the king has not had tax; this could refer to part of. the villagers' 3 \'bd hides and perhaps to Norman Parker's subholding of 1 \'bd virgates as well.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab This royal manor, with its various members, passed to the Honour of Gloucester. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 424 its members are given as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wynklegh}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Holecomb' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Hollocombe, SS6311], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Byrch }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Birch in Coldridge, SS7005], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Coleton } {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calecoth' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 778) [Collacott, SS6511 ], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Losbere }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [probably Loosebeare in Zeal Monachorum, held by Cranborne Abbey in 1086 (8,1)], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Toytirton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ['Titterton' in Coldridge, SS6605; see 25,7 Brushford note; 25,13 Woodbeare note] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Southcote }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Southcott SS6306]. See }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 264, 778; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 87a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 371 , iv. no. 434, v. nos. 29, 538, vi. no. 710, vii. no. 141, viii. no. 238, ix. no. 428, xvi. nos. 258, 538.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 60 VILLAGERS WITH ... 10 PIGMEN. Listed as usual in Exon: 'The king has 60 villagers, 16 slaves and 10 pigmen', the ploughs and land of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uillani }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as a class being given separately; see 1,26 pigmen note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PARK FOR BEASTS. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 parcus bestiarum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Compare CAM 14,78 and CAM 41,1 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 parcus bestiarum siluaticarum }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and HEF 1,41 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 parcus ferarum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Parcus }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was usually an area of woodland reserved for hunting within the bounds of the manor (though see HEF 1,41 park note), contrasting with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 foresta}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 land outside.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab NORMAN [!1! PARKER !1!].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Normann}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 custos parci}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably the keeper of the 'park for beasts', so perhaps the byname had not yet ceased to describe the individual's occupation and 'the Park-keeper' should be the translation. Compare 51,1 William the porter and DEV 48 Nicholas the bowman. See Tengvik, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 248, 263, and compare Ansketil Parker in SOM 46,17-19.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab GOTSHELM [* BROTHER OF WALTER OF CLAVILLE *]. See 1,61 Gotshelm note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,65\tab [Exon 109b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LEVEL WITH THE FIRST LINE of this entry in the manuscript in the left margin is a rather misshapen }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 0}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 mark, not reproduced by Farley. Similar signs occur beside other manors called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 AISSE }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (3,4. 6,2;7 and 34,5, but not 16,143 nor the addition to 1,29), probably a contemporary checking mark. No further attention is drawn in these notes to these marks. Compare the marks beside the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 OTRI }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 manors and their treatment in this edition; see 10,1 Ottery note. See also 34,1 margin note and 16,58 level note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ASHREIGNEY. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in [North] Tawton Hundred; see 1,64 Winkleigh note. It passed to the Honour of Gloucester, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Esse }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 being held by John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Reyngny }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 778; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 422 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 538, ix. no. 428, xvi. no. 538. If this holding had originally been 2 hides, the \'bd virgate referred to in the tax statement as not there, may well be that held in 1086 by Alward Mart as a gift from the Queen in alms; see 52,30 and 52,30 virgate note. Reichel, 'North Tawton Hundred', p. 246 and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 413 note 8 also ascribes the 'missing \'bd virgate' to Alward Mart's land, but he is referring to the difference of \'bd virgate between the tax assessment and the total of lordship and villagers' land; however, there are many instances of such 'discrepancies' in Devon, see 1,4 hide note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab GOTSHELM [* BROTHER OF WALTER OF CLAVILLE *]. See 1,61 Gotshelm note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,66\tab [Exon 109b2; Terrae Occupatae 497b5] \par \tab LAPFORD. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'The king has a manor called Lapford, to which 4 manors have been added which 4 thanes held jointly in 1066 and which did not belong to the said manor before 1066. Walter of Claville holds them in the revenue of Lapford. They pay (manuscript } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddt}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with a line above the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 t}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ellis misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddt}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with a line through the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 d}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 20s a year in this revenue'. There is no cross-reference to these lands under Walter of Claville's fief, probably because he 'farmed' Lapford rather than held it. See 1,25 Lifton note; 2,2 Crediton note; 15,14 Bulkworthy note; DEV 44 Hervey note and \{Introduction: Scope of the Notes concerning Exon\} for other instances of whole entries in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 where information does not appear either in the main Exon or in Domesday. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Lapford is a parish in [North] Tawton Hundred; see 1,64 Winkleigh note. It passed to the Honour of Gloucester; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 340, 423; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 798, iii. no. 371, xvi. no. 538. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 538 and ix. no. 428 it is held with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Northliu }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Doune }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Northlew 1,57 and ?Down St Mary 1,72].}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IRISHCOMBE ... THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'To this manor is attached \'bd virgate which is accounted for in the above value (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in supradicto pretio cumputatur}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; compare 21,2 value note); it is called Irishcombe'. No record of this \'bd virgate appears in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 unless as part of the lands of the '4 thanes' mentioned in 1,66 Lapford note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Irishcombe lies in in Meshaw parish, Witheridge Hundred; but was apparently assessed with Lapford in 1086.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,67\tab [Exon 110a1] \par \tab [HIGH] BICKINGTON}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . A parish in [North] Tawton Hundred; see 1,64 Winkleigh note. It passed to the Honour of Gloucester, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bukinthon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 being held of that Honour in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,, p. 778; there were later two manors }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bukyngton Loges }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bukyngton Clavyle}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 :}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 423. See Reichel, 'Domesday Identifications I', p. 626 and }{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Some Notes on part I of Domesday Identifications\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 727.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 PIGMEN; THEY PAY ... . In Exon: }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii porcar' & redd't }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 despite the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 & }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for the more usual }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 qui }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (as for 2,2;4 etc.) it is doubtless the pigmen's annual payment of pigs that is recorded. In the Exon for 3,14. 16,43 and 19,17 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 & }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is similarly used for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 qui }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and all these four entries are by the same scribe. It is interesting that in a similar phrase for the manor of Dolton (16,44), another entry by this scribe, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 & redd't }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 has been corrected by him to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 q}{\i\fs24\cf1\up6\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 redd't}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LANGLEY. Described as a manor in Exon. See 1,40 manor note for the entry. \par \tab \tab The Domesday name-form is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bichenelie}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It later lay partly in Yarnscombe parish, Hartland Hundred, partly in Atherington parish, [North] Tawton Hundred; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 83, ii p. 357. The first element of the Domesday form appears to be the Old English personal name }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Beocca }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as in High Bickington on which }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bichenelie }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was dependent.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TAWSTOCK}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . See 1,40 and 1,40 manor note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,68\tab [Exon 110a2] \par \tab MORCHARD [BISHOP]}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Morchet}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Later a parish in Crediton Hundred. In 1086 many parts of the later parish were included under the Bishop of Exeter's great manor of Crediton, but Morchard itself, not purchased by the Bishop until 1165 (Hoskins }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Devon } {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 439; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 151a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. pp. 289-290), was a secular holding, and so in [North] Tawton Hundred; see 1,64 Winkleigh note and Reichel, 'North Tawton Hundred', p. 247.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,69\tab [Exon 110b1] \par \tab HOLCOMBE [BURNELL].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Wonford Hundred. It was later held of the Honour of Gloucester, Ralph son of Bernard (whence Burnell) holding in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 779; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 84; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 315, 386; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 371, xiii. no. 18 and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred', p. 290; Reichel, 'W onford Hundred Manors', p. 333. Kingsford and Kingswell [SX8391, SX8592] in the parish probably preserve the memory of the royal holding here; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 442.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND, 110 ACRES. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cx }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is written over an erasure and the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is very b lurred. In Exon the acreage of the woodland is written in words for some reason (as are the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 numbers of population and animals and the value) and the whole entry is written over an erasure.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,70\tab [Exon 110b3; Terrae Occupatae 502b5]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HALBERTON. A parish, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 caput }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of Halberton Hundred. The king's 1 \'bd hides of lordship land are recorded in the Tax Return for Halberton Hundred, but some of the royal manor lay in Tiverton Hundred, since the Tax Return for that hundred records 3 virgates attached to the royal manor of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Halbertone }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as failing to pay tax. The manor went to the Honour of Gloucester, and contained also }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Woberneford' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Oburnford, SS9809] and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Chyldelomen }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Chieflowman, ST0015 in Uplowman, in Tiverton Hundred in the Middle Ages]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 264,612, 780; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 337-338, 432; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 548, iii. no. 371, v. no. 538, ix. nos. 288, 428, xvi. no. 538; Reichel, 'Domesday Identifications I', p. 627; Reichel, }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \lquote Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 54-57.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab OF THIS MANOR'S LAND. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Of these 5 hides'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'From the king's manor called Halberton Gotshelm appropriated (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 occupavit}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1 virgate of villagers' land; he has on it 1 plough, 1 smallholder and 1 slave and paid 10s to the revenue of Halberton'. }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The Latin for 'to the revenue' is }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 f}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 irm\'ea}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 dative, instead of the more usual }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ad firmam}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab See 1,11 'Deneworthy' note for other examples of the very rare inclusion in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of details of inhabitants.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VIRGATE ... OF THE VILLAGERS' LAND. That is, of the 3 \'bd hides recorded for the villagers; the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry states that Gotshelm appropriated the land (see 1,70 land note). Compare 15,49 villagers note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IT PAYS 10s TO HALBERTON. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'It paid 10s to the revenue of (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 firm\'ea de}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Halberton when G(otshelm) received it'. No mention is made of the present (1086) payment.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,71\tab [Exon 111a1] \par \tab ASHPRINGTON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aisbertone}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . A}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 parish in Coleridge Hundred, the successor to Ch illington Hundred. The Domesday holding can be identified in Chillington Hundred from an analysis of the Tax Returns. The manor was held by Iudhael (of Totnes) of the queen and the church was given by him to Totnes Priory, a dependency of Saints Sergius a nd Bacchus in Angers; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii. p. 50 no. 735a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 378; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 367, Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 238, and Reichel, 'Coldridge Hundred', p. 203. For the form see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 149b (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aspirton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 App'ngtone}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 314.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IUDHAEL [* OF TOTNES *]}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 HELD IT FROM THE QUEEN. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'This [is] the manor which Iudhael held from the queen'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hec st mans' q' ten' Iuhellus de regina}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 : the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 st }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is not quite like the normal abbreviation for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 sunt }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'there are' and has no abbreviation sign over it, but it is definitely not the abbreviation for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 est }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'is'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hec }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is probably nominative singular to agree with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 mans}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 io}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 rather than neuter plural; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ten' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 can abbreviate both the past or present tenses (compare 23,1 Alwin note).}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Iudhael is }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Iuhel}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Iuhellus}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , \'a7 103 for the loss of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 d}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1,72\tab [Exon 109b3] \par \tab DOWN [ST MARY?]}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ... "BOIA" [* THE PRIEST *] HELD IT. Although in Exon this manor appears under the heading of 'Land of Queen Matilda in Devonshire' (see 1,57 Brictric note), it does not appear to have any connection with her or with her predecessor Brictric. Compare 1,5 6 Broadclyst note, another manor included in Exon in a section to which it did not belong.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In the order of Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Oluuardesdona }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Vluardesdone}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 lies among a group of holdings in [North] Tawton Hundred. Reichel, 'North Tawton Hundred', pp. 247, 262, followed by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday Gazetteer}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , identifies it as Wolfin, but this cannot be a corruption of 'Wulfweard's }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 dun }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 since Wolfin is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wolvysnymet }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 named from a family called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lupus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Le Lou}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see 24,28 Wolfin note. Reichel's later identification with Bradaford in Down St Mary (Reichel, 'Domesday Identifications I', p. 626; }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications\rquote , }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 356) is an unsupported conjecture, but it is possible that part of Down St Mary itself was the Domesday manor (see 6,4 Down note). A place called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Doune }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 has the same later descent as Northlew and Lapford (see 1,57 Northlew note and 1,66 Lapford note) but this would imply that the Old English name Wulfweard was dropped as an element in the place-name, Domesday }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Vluardesdone }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Old English hypothetical }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wulfweardes Done}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Wulfweard's (estate at) Downe') being replaced by a name derived from the dedication of the church to St Mary.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab "BOIA" [* THE PRIEST *]. Possibly "Boia", the priest of Bodmin, who holds 1 hide in Pendavey in Cornwall from the Count of Mortain (CON 1,6), which had been part of the king's land. \par \tab \tab It is uncertain what name is represented by the Domesday form }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Boia}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 here and in CON 1,6 (see von Feilitzen, }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{ \cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 205), so it has been thought safest to retain the Domesday form. The Alecto edition has Boia.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab "ADULF". It is uncertain what name is represented by the Domesday form }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Adulf}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]; see von Feilitzen, }{ \i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 140. The Phillimore printed edition has Adol f and Adulf, but it has been decided for the present edition to retain the Domesday form. The Alecto edition has Adulf.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab AFTER THIS ENTRY the rest of folio 101c, room for some 15 lines, has been left blank in the manuscript, probably in case more of the ki ng's manors in Devon should be revealed later on. The Domesday scribe left spaces after the first chapters in several counties, for example, one-fifth of a column and a whole folio in NTT, \'bd column in Kent and see WOR 1,7 gap note and compare DOR 1,30 manor note. Compare 13a,3 entry note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 2\tab BISHOP OF EXETER. Bishop Osbern 1072-1103, brother of William son of Osbern, Earl of Hereford. He came over to England from Normandy in King Edward's time and probably became that king's chaplain. See 2,7 Staverton note for his predecessor Bishop Leofric, who is only named in Exon This chapter records the Devon holdings of St Peter's, Exeter, as Exon states, rather than the private fief of Bishop Osbern; the opposite is true of DEV 3 (see DEV 3 Bishop note).}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab A document drawn up between 1069 and 1072 and found in several versions (see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Anglicanum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 527, Kemble, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Codex Diplomaticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 940, Robertson, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 226-229 (text) and pp. 473-477 (notes)) lists lands that were given or restored to St Peter's minster at Exeter by Bishop Leofric. They include the alienated Devonshire estates of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Culmstoke }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Culmstock, 2,12], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brancescumbe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Branscombe, 2,22], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sealtecumbe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Salcombe, 2,16], land at }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 S'ce Maria circean }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [St Marychurch, 2,8], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stofordtune }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Staverton, 2,7], }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Spearcanwille }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Sparkwell, SX7865, probably part of Staverton 2,7; see 16,162 Sparkwell note], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Morcheshille }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Marshall farm near Ide, SX8888, probably part of Ide 2,6], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sidefullan Huuisc }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [a holding of St Sidwell's, presumably in the parish of Exeter St Sidwells, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 437], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brightricesstane }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ['Brightston', 2,17], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Toppeshamme }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('which Harold unjustly took away') [Topsham, 1,44 Topsham note], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stoce }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Stoke Canon, 2,13], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sydebirig }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Sidbury, 2,15], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Niwantune}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Newton St Cyres, 2,2], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Northtune }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [perhaps Norton, a tithing of Crediton Hundred; see 2,2 Crediton note], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Clist }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [unidentified unless it is part of 'Brightston'; see 2,15 Sidbury note]. Leofric also gave lands of his own in Devon, at }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Doflisc }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Dawlish 2,5], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Holacumbe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Holcombe in Dawlish; see 2,4 Bishopsteignton note], and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Suthwuda }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Southwood, 2,4 Bishopsteignton note]. The document adds that when Leofric took over the minster, the only land that it controlled was an estate of 2 hides at }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ide }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Ide 2,6].}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Other lists of Exeter Church lands are found in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 151 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. pp. 289-294.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab In Exon this fief is entered under the heading of 'Lands of the Church of St Peter, Exeter, in Devonshire', but each entry begins either 'The Bishop has' or 'Bishop O(sbern) has'. \par \tab \tab The order of this chapter in Exon, with the probable 1086 hundreds is:}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2,3 ?[North] Tawton Hundred \par \tab 2,2 Crediton Hundred \par \tab 2,4-6 Exminster Hundred \par \tab 2,9-10 Braunton}{\b\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hundred \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 2,11 South Molton Hundred \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2,12 Hemyock Hundred \par \tab 2,13 Wonford Hundred \par \tab 2,14 Silverton Hundred \par \tab 2,15-17Budleigh Hundred \par \tab 2,18 Kerswell Hundred \par \tab 2,19-20 Teignbridge Hundred \par \tab 2,21 Witheridge Hundred \par \tab 2,7-8 Kerswell Hundred}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2,22 Colyton Hundred \par \tab 2,23-24 Chillington Hundred \par \tab 2,1 Borough of Exeter}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 2,1\tab [Exon 120b3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 CHURCH. St Stephen's Church, the head of the Bishop's fief, granted to him by the Conqueror; Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 134. Three other churches in Exeter are recorded in Domesday Devon: St Peter's (that is, the Cathedral, see 2,2 St P eter's note), St Olaf's held by Battle Abbey (see 9,2 church note) and one held by the Count of Mortain in 15,1 (see 15,1 church note). See also 16,89 canons note on St Mary's. See Reichel, 'Domesday Churches', pp. 258-315.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 SILVER MARK. 13s 4d; see C4 mark note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 47 HOUSES PAY 10s 10d. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The Bishop has ... 48 houses and of these houses 10 of them pay 10s 10d in customary dues'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xlvi }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 interlined in addition.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab With the exception of t he 6 Exeter houses of Ralph of Pomeroy's paying 3s 4d in 34,58 (perhaps a scribal error, see 34,58 houses note) and possibly the house in 32,6 (see 32,6 Exeter note), the regular customary payment of a house in Exeter is given in Domesday as 8d (see C1 du es note). The payment of 47 would thus be 31s 4d, while 47 houses paying 10s 10d works out at almost exactly 2 \'be d a house. In Exon, however, the Bishop is stated to have 48 houses, of which ten pay 10s 10d (that is, 13d a house). Although a different payme nt could have been intended, it is more likely that the entries in both Exon and Great Domesday are corrupt (the Exon entry is untidy and corrected; the rest of the entry is unusual as well (see 2,1 acres note). On the houses in Exeter held by various lan dholders, see 3,1 Exeter note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 \'bd ACRES ... [AND] BELONG. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii ac' t'r\'ea 7 dimid'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ...}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 q}{ \i\fs24\cf1\up6\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ... }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pertinent}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 q}{\i\fs24\cf1\up6\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (= }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 qui}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 masculine nominative plural) grammatically refers to the burgesses, but it is highly unlikely that the burgesses 'belonged ' to the church. One would expect }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 quae }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (feminine nominative plural) to agree with the 2 \'bd acres. The Great Domesday scribe seems to have been following his Exon copy too closely, for there the bishop 'has ... 2 \'bd acres of land (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 agros}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 masculine) which (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 q}{\i\fs24\cf1\up6\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 lie with the burgesses' land [and] which (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 q}{\i\fs24\cf1\up6\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ) }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 belong to the church'; he ought to have changed the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 q}{\i\fs24\cf1\up6\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Exon to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 quae }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 when he substituted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ac}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 rae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for Exon's }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 agros}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 2,2\tab [Exon 117a2; Terrae Occupatae 499a4] \par \tab CREDITON. The chief manor of Crediton Hundred, which was almost entirely ecclesiastical; see \{Introduction: Hundreds\} . Crediton had originally been part of the great see of Sherborne, then from 909 to 1050 was itself a bishop's seat until Leofric removed it to Exeter. By a charter of 739, King Aethelheard had granted to Forthhere, Bishop of Sherborne, 20 }{ \i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cassati }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 at }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cridie }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Napier and Stevenson,}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Crawford Charters}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , I-III = }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 2 p. 8 = Sawyer, }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 255) and this holding was amplified in 930 by a grant of 3 }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cassatae }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 at }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sandforda }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Sandford, SS8202] by King Athelstan to Eadulf, Bishop of Crediton (Napier and Stevenson,}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Crawford Charters}{ \cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , IV = }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 18 p. 9 = Sawyer, }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 405; see }{ \i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 44 p. 13 = Sawyer, }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 890). An adjacent grant was }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Munceatun } {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ['Monkton' lost in Shobrooke and Thorverton], also by King Athelstan (Birch, }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cartularium Saxonicum}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 726 = }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{ \cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 24 p. 10 = Sawyer, }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 387). \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The Hundred has its own Tax Return in which Bishop Osbern is recorded as having 4 \'bd hides of lordship land. In later times the Hundred of Crediton, which was largely co-extensive with the Domesday manor, consisted of the tithings of }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Norton' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Norton, SX8899], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Smalbrok' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Smallbrook, SY 8698], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Forde }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Ford, SX7997], }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Youford' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Yeoford, SX7899], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Youweton' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Uton or Yeoton, SX8298], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rigge Episcopi }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Rudge, SS7407], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Criditon'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Kynewardlegh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Kennerleigh, SS8107], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rolueston' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Rolstone Barton, SS7905], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wolmereston' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Whelmstone}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Barton, SS7500], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Colbrok' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Colebrooke, SS7700], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Southcote }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Southcott, SS7505],}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rigge Arundel }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Rudge, SX8597], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wodelond }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Woodland, SX7797], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Knolle }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Knowle, SS7801], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pideslegh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Pidsley, SS8105], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Dodderigge }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Doddridge, SS8405], and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hengstehill' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Henstill SS8003]; see }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll (1334)}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pp. 54-55. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 337 the members of Crediton are }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Yeweton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Uton, see above], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Waddon}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [?Waddon in Chudleigh, part of 2,4 Bishopsteignton; see 2,4 Bishopsteinton note], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Tetteburn }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Venny Tedburn SX8297 in Crediton Hamlets], }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Colbrok' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Colebrooke, see above], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Yewe }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ['Yeo', an }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Amiora de Youwe }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is found in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (1332)}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 32 and a }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Robert atte Yo }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 on p. 34; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 399 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , (old series) iv. no. 63 (= }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Whale, 'Fees of Earl Hugh de Courtenay'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 331), new series v. no. 527, xi. nos. 118, 299], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pachescot }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Paschoe SS7501, in Colebrooke], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Trouburgg }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Trobridge, SX8397 in Crediton], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wolmereston }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Whelmstone, see above], }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Talaton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [probably 2,14, Talaton], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Stocklegh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [now Priorton, SS8304, in Sandford, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Stokeley Prieton }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 on Donn, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Map of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (1765); see Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pp. 137-38 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 153], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hocweye }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Hookway, SX8598, in Crediton Hamlets], }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cnizteston }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Knightstone, SS7806, in Morchard Bishop, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Knyttheton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 35] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 La Femme }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Venn, SS7705, in Morchard Bishop]. Colebrooke will have included }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Paynston alias Colbroke }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Penstone SS7700], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. pp. 293-294.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Part of Down St Mary was in this Hundred in 1086 (6,4 Down note), but not all of Morchard Bishop parish was; see 1,68 Morchard note and 24,29 Shobrooke note. There is, howeve r, a Bishopsleigh at SS7809 in the parish. Sandford parish was part of the holding of Crediton and it is probable that }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Comb }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Combe Lancey, SS8101], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Sakynton }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [unidentified] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Dourysch }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Dowrich SS8205] \emdash in later times held by the Honour of Bradninch \emdash were alienations from it; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 337, 356,423; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , iii no. 604. On the constituents of this hundred see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 356, 373, 423; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. pp. 324-26; Reichel, 'Domesday Identifications I', pp. 627-628; Reichel, 'Crediton Hundred', pp. 146-181.}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In addition to the details given in Domesday, the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 names }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Chefecoma }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Chaffcombe in Down St Mary, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 368] as held by the Canons of Exeter: 'The Bishop of Exeter has a manor called Crediton. In it his canons hold a manor called Chaffcombe which a thane held jointly in 1066. Value 10s a year'. See 1,25 Lifton note; 1,66 lapford note; 15,14 Bulkworthy note; DEV 44 Hervey note and \{ Introduction: Scope of the Notes concerning Exon\}for other instances of whole }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entries not in the main Exon return. There does not seem to be anything illegal implied in this statement, so it is not clear why it was included in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . See \{Introduction: The }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for Devon\} and compare 1,11 hide note; 2,15 Sidbury note; 13a,2 Swimbridge note and 42,10 Nympton note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab OF WHICH 6 HIDES ARE IN LORDSHIP. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ea }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de ea }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (literally 'of it') refers to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 terra }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'land'. The only other instance in Great Domesday for Devon of the lordship land being stated is in 7,1 (see 7,1 lordship note), although it was often given in Domesday Somerset, Wiltshire and Dorset and in CON 1. The surviving portion of Exon states the lordship and villagers' land holdings reg ularly for all the south-west counties.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VILLAGERS ... PLOUGHS ... HIDES. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Both men-at-arms and villagers have 9 hides and 172 ploughs'; however, the men-at-arms are not mentioned in the list of villagers,}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 smallholders, slaves and pigmen.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab VALUE. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Valet }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 valebat}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 valuit}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 past tenses) normally means the amount due to lords fr om their lands (for example, 'Value ... to the abbot ... to the men-at-arms' in 5,1;4 and 'Value to Gerald' in 45,3, that is to the 1086 holders, and see 5,1 value note and 5,1 formerly note. Compare 'Value of the bishop's lordship' in DOR 2,2. For Domesd a y's plain past tense, or when there is no past value given in Domesday, Exon regularly has 'Value when he acquired it', 'he' being very often named as the tenant-in-chief and the date being when he was given the manor by King William (see 2,14 formerly no te and 16,88 formerly note). Domesday also occasionally has this formula; see 2,11;18-19. 11,1. 16,3. Once in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 entry referring to 34,5 Domesday's '[Value] formerly 20s' is given as 'Value when he appropriated it, 20s', 'he' being Ralph of Pomeroy. Exon regularly }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 has per annum }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 with the value statements, as also does Domesday 45,3.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab \tab For evidence that Domesday's simple }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 valet }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 sometimes concealed the fact that a manor was being held at a revenue (was being 'farmed') either by an individual not resident on the estate or by the villagers themselves, see Hoyt, }{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \lquote Farm of the Manor \rquote }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 and Lennard, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Rural England}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , pp. 105-41. See also 6,6 villager note and 25,28 villagers note and 26,1 villagers note.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \par }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 reddit}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 reddebat/reddidit }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ('pays'/'paid') would seem to have a similar meaning to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 valet}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 valebat/valuit}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 The two verbs appear to be interchangeable, especially in Exon. For example in 395a1-2 and 395b2 (= Domesday 24,11-12;16) }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 reddit }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 is used, but in 395a3-4 and 395bl;3 (24,13-15;17) }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 valet }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 is the verb;all these entries are by the same scribe. And in the Exon for 16,29 the scribe has in the 1086 value interlined in the same colour ink }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 l' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 (= }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 vel }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 'or') }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 valet }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 above }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 reddit }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 (which is not underlined for deletion), but for the past value he has plain }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 valebat}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Moreover, Exon often has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 reddit }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 for Domesday's }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 valet }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 (for example, for 11,2-3. 15,3. 24,11;16 etc.) or vice versa (for example, in 1,7) both in the main 'Value' statement and in the payment of mills etc. (as in 15,57). In several entries the two terms occur in the same sentence, as in the Exon for this entry; in 1086 Crediton }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 valet}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 but when the Bishop acquired it, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 reddebat}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 whereas Domesday has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 valebat }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 valet }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 understood. Similarly in the Exon for 3,4 Ashwater 'pays', but when the Bishop acquired it, the 'value was'. See also 3,82 pays note. However, there is a belief that when }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 reddit }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 is used, it means that the manor was being 'farmed' (see Hoyt, farm of the Manor' and Lennard, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Rural England}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , pp. 105-41, and compare 1,32 value note and 25,28 villagers note) and that Exon's frequent interlineations of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 reddit }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 above } {\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 valet }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 (for example, for 1,27;41-42. 32,4) and vice versa, possibly in correction (although there is a singular lack of underlining for deletion), are intended to draw the distinction between the two terms (but see the reservation of Lennard, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Rural England}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 123). In 1,26 Domesday has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 reddit}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 but the Exon has }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 valet }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 which would be odd for a manor that see ms to have been 'farmed' by Jocelyn (see 1,55 entry note), unless in fact there was no difference in meaning in the two terms. The present editors feel sure that to the Exon scribe, as to the Great Domesday scribe, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 valet }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 meantthe same as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 reddit}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 hence no mention is made in the Notes of Domesday's having }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 valet }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 for Exon's }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 reddit }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 and vice versa. Sometimes, however, Domesday's }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 reddit }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 seems to be an error; see 3,82 pays note; 15,53 pays note and 24,18 pays note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY \'a321. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'when the Bishop acquired it, it paid \'a321'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BISHOP ALSO HOLDS ... DUNN HOLDS IT. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'With this manor the bishop has a manor called ...'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 habet }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'has' is interlined above }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 clamat }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'claims' which is underlined for deletion, though Ellis failed to print the underlining.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Despite the apparently successful claim by Bishop Osbern that these 3 hides in Newton St Cyres were his and part of Crediton, the same land appears with all its manorial details (though valued at twice the amou nt) in 52,34, as held by Dunn from King Edward and then from King William (or so Dunn stated) with no mention of St Peter's or Bishop Osbern. The position seems to have been that Newton St Cyres originally belonged to St Peter's, Exeter, but that some tim e during King Edward's reign (note that the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 cartae }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 only state that the church had it }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 before }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 he came to the throne, see 2,2 deeds note), Dunn got possession of the manor, legally or illegally; then Bishop Osbern (on behalf of St Peter's) tried to recover the land, although Dunn remained as subtenant (or tenant-in-chief from the evidence of 52,34). See Galbraith, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Making of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 121 on the probable reason for the two entries.}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab It is interesting that in the Exon for 2,2 the scribe originally wrote 'With this manor the Bishop claims a manor ...', but then the same scribe (in the same colour ink as the rest of the entry) underlined }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 clamat }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and wrote }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 habet }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'has' above. The fact that this correction was obviously an early one \emdash and anyway was seen by the Great Domesday scribe \emdash cannot be the reason for the land being ascribed to Dunn in 52,34, which is the view of Finn, 'Exeter Domesday and its Construction', p. 385. It is also noteworthy that there is no mention of any dispute over the land in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . Compare the case of Werrington (1,50 and see 5,5 entry note) which also does not appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . This may be because these cases had already come before the shire court (Finn, 'Devonshire Domesdays', p . 96 note 3), though the removal of the virgate from Braunton (1,5) which seems to have been heard in court (see 16,74 men note) is nevertheless detailed in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab NEWTON [ST CYRES].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Crediton Hundred; 'St Cyres' from the dedication of the church to St Ciricius; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 410.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PAYS TAX FOR 3 HIDES. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'paid tax'; however, the Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 geld' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 may abbreviate }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 geldabat }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'paid', despite the present }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tenet }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 at the beginning of the sentence (se e 1,7 pays note). Exon has the past tense, as also have both Domesday and Exon in the corres\-ponding 52,34. Compare 51,16 and 51,16 pays note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TITLE DEEDS. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cartas}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 often translated 'charters' or 'documents'.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TESTIFY. Latin }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 testantur}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 deponent, as also in Exon. The normal form of the verb also occurs regularly in Domesday. Both forms (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 testare }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 testari}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 were common in Medieval Latin.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ST PETER'S CHURCH. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'his church'. This church was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Peter, it was originally founded as a monastery for Benedictine monks by King Athelstan in 932, was restored by King Edgar in 968, then after the devastation caused by the Danes under Swein in 1003 the monks were brought back and their lands confi rmed by King Cnut in 1019. When the see of St German's and Crediton was transferred to Exeter in 1050, the monks were sent to Winchester and secular canons were placed by Bishop Leofric (1046-1072) in what was now called the 'Cathedral'. See }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Anglicanum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 513.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BEFORE THE REIGN OF KING EDWARD. Literally 'before King Edward ruled', both in Domesday and in Exon, that is, before 1043.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab AFTER 1066. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 empore}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 R}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 egis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Will}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 elm}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'in the time of King William' (1066-1087), but translated as 'after 1066' in this series in line with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 R}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 E}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see C4 before note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN ADDITION ... HE HAS PROVED ... . The corresponding entry in Exon has 'further, he states that ... he has entered a plea about this land and has proved by the witness of the Frenchmen that it is his' (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 adhuc dicit quod }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ...}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de hac terra placitauit et disraisnauit testimonio francigenarum esse suam}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ).}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 There is no mention of this dispute in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; see 2,2 barons note here for a possible reason for this and compare 3,32 before note. On the 'Frenchmen' see 2,2 barons note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In the Latin quoted above, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 disraisnauit }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is a latinization of an Old French compound }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 di}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 s}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 raisnier }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (the simple form becoming Modern French }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 raisonner }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'to reason'). This is itself derived from Latin }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 di}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 s}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ratiocinare}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which, with the deponent }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 diratiocinari}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is the regular form used in Domesday (for example, in WIL. 24,14;19. WOR 2,24;63). The base is Latin }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ratio }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 giving French }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 raison }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'reason', 'cause'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab KING'S BARONS. 'Frenchmen (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 francigeni}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the Exon, although the French only formed part of the jurors in the shire court who heard pleas such as this (see 34,5 testify note); but according to Freeman, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 History of the Norman Conquest}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , v. p. 766, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 francigeni }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 here may mean no more than 'free men'. Compare 16,74 where 'the men of the Hundred' state that Blakewell is part of Braunton, and 15,67 where the reeves and king's men ('hundred-men (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hundremani}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and king's reeve' in Exon) are conne cted with claims. The 'king's barons' appear to be men of sufficient status to pronounce on the outcome of a dispute and are probably the same men as the 'Domesday Commissioners'. They also appear as performing a similar function in the Werrington dispute ; see 5,5 entry note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 2,3\tab [Exon 117a1] \par \tab BURY}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . In Lapford parish, [North] Tawton Hundred. The identity is not quite certain, but this entry in Exon is in the correct position for a place on [North] Tawton Hundred, or for one in Crediton Hundred; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 369 and Reichel, 'North Tawton Hundred', p. 259; }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Some Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications\rquote , } {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 356.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 4 VILLAGERS AND 3 SMALLHOLDERS HAVE 2 PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The Bishop has 3 villagers who have 2 ploughs. The Bishop has 3 smallholders'; see 1,9 villagers note.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 2,4\tab [Exon 117a3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BISHOPSTEIGNTON. Like the next two estates (Dawlish and Ide, 2,5-6) Bishopsteignton was a parish in Exminster Hundred; their combined lordship accounts for the Bishop's 7 hides lordship in the Tax Return for Exminster Hundred. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Teygton Episcopi }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ide Sancti Petri }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are coupled in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 378 with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Chuddelegh }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Chudleigh, SX8797, part of Bishopsteignton]; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 89b. Bishopsteignton also included }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Teyngmue }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Teignmouth, SX9373], }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nethir Rixstinole }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Lower Rixtail, SX9477], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 La Fenne }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Venn, SX9275], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Waddon }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Waddon, SX8879, see 2,2 Crediton note] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lunaton}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Luton, SX9076] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 347, 389.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Teignmouth is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Westeyngmouth }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Estteyngmouth }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. pp. 289-293 and part had been alienated to the Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 787; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 325.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Dawlish was granted by Edward the Confessor to Leofric his Chaplain as 7 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 mansi }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 at }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Doflisc }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 60 p. 14 = Sawyer, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 1003); Leofric bequeathed it in 1069 to Exeter Church. It included }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Suthwod' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Southwood, SX9375] alienated to the Honour of Plympton (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 790; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 389) and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Holcomb' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Holcombe in Dawlish, SX9574] granted in 1069 to Bishop Leofric by the Conqueror (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i. p. 8 no. 28). The bounds of Holcombe correspond roughly to East Teignmouth. Ide may have included Marshall farm; see DEV 2 Bishop note and on all three manors see Reichel, 'Domesday Identifications I', p. 628 and Reichel, 'Exminster Hundred Manors', pp. 220-223.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN EXETER. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The corresponding entry in Exon has 'in the borough of Exeter'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 410? SHEEP. The corresponding entry in Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cccc oues 7}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 x}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as numbers with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cc }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 etc. are very often split like this in Exon, it seems more likely that '410 sheep' are meant rather than '400 sheep and 10 [...] and 40 goats' or '400 sheep and 10 + 40 goats'. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 415 translates '400 sheep; 10 and 40 goats'. See 12,1 sheep note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE FORMERLY OF THE WHOLE MANOR. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Value when the Bishop acquired it'; similarly for Domesday's past values of 2,5-6;9;12;15-17;23-24.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 2,5\tab [Exon 117b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN THE LEFT MARGIN of the manuscript beside the first line of this entry and the three following (2,6-8) each of these entries is written }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the same colour ink and style as the entries themselves, denoting that the manors were for the canons' supplies (see 2,8 villages note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab DAWLISH.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 2,4 Bishopsteignton note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 2,6\tab [Exon 117b2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FOR THE MARGINAL }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , see 2,5 margin note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THE BISHOP HIMSELF HOLDS. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ips\'ea}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Farley }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ipsae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in error for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ipse }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the phrase }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ips\'ea ep's ten'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 :}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'The bishop}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 himself holds'. In this instance Farley did not correct the scribe's obvious error, though that was often his practice (see 28,1 league note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IDE. See 2,4 Bishopsteignton note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab UNDERWOOD, 3 ACRES. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'underwood, 4 acres'; the first }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iiii }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is slightly paler and longer than the others, but is not erased, though the Great Domesday scribe may have thought it had been.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 2,7\tab [Exon 120a1] \par \tab FOR THE MARGINAL }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , see 2,5 margin note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab STAVERTON. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Bishop Leofric held in 1066'. Leofric was ordained Bishop of Cornwall and Devon in 1046, but in 1050 he transferred his episcopal seat from Crediton to Exeter. He died in 1072. The Great Domesday scribe omitted details of the 1066 holders of several church lands (2,7-8;14;16-23. 5,8. 6,1;7-12. 7,3-4; see 2,7 Staverton note; 2,8 St Marychurch note; 2,14 Talaton note; 2,16 Salcombe note; 2,17 'Brightston' note; 2,18 Paign t on note; 2,19 Ashburton note; 2,20 Knighton note; 2,21 Nympton note; 2,22 Branscombe note; 2,23 Dittisham note; 5,8 Burrington note; 6,1 Petrockstowe note; 6,7 Ash note; 6,8 Heathfield note; 6,9 Norton note; 6,10 Charford note; 6,11 Brent note; 6,12 Brent note; 7,3 Seaton note; 7,4 Beer note); a study of the Exon manuscript yields no obvious reason for this, but it is possible that it was only felt necessary to include in Domesday details of lay }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holders of church land (as in 2,9-10;15. 5,9. 10,2. 11, 1-3. 12,1. 13,1), though this does not explain 5,11-14 and 10,1. Or perhaps the Great Domesday scribe intended to write a cross-head at some point(s) in these chapters, like those in DEV 1 (and compare 32,10). See also 19,34 Brictric note. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab This estate and the next (St Marychurch, 2,8) were parishes in Haytor Hundred, the successor to Kerswell Hundred. The Dean and Chapter of Exeter Church hold }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Staverthon' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 769 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Stavertone }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Seynte Marie Churche }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 378; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 318; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 145a, 151b and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. pp. 293-294. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 769 also records }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pafford' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Combe Pafford SX9166] as held by the Church. This appears to have been a sub-manor of St Marychurch and is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Comb Pafford alias Seyntemarychurch }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 293; see Reichel, 'Haytor Hundred in 1244', p. 131. Staverton probably included Sparkwell (DEV 2 Bishop note) as well as }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Metherell }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ['Metherell'] (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. pp. 292-93), a lost place in the parish (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. xiv).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 2,8\tab [Exon 120a2] \par \tab FOR THE MARGINAL }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , see 2,5 margin note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ST MARYCHURCH. See 2,7 Staverton note. \par \tab \tab The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Bishop Leofric held in 1066'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 LIST 9\tab THESE 4 VILLAGES, MARKED ABOVE, ARE FOR THE CANONS' SUPPLIES. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Supra notatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 :}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 marked, in each case with the marginal letter }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 2,5 margin note). The revenues from these 4 ma nors were devoted to supplying the canons with provisions, and perhaps clothing as in DOR 12,14. According to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 390 the phrase is important as it implies that 'these estates, being held in alms, were free from the claims of military tenure'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Exon this information is included separately in the accounts of the 4 manors.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 2,9\tab [Exon 117b3; Terrae Occupatae 499b6] \par \tab HAXTON. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'The Bishop of Exeter has a manor called Haxton which Ordwulf held. A manor called Benton has been added to it, which a thane held jointly in 1066. Value 5s a year'. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab This estate and the next (Benton, 2,10) lay in Bratton Fleming parish, Braunton Hundred. This 'exchange' with the Count of Mortain was not long in the hands of the Church, but pa ssed to the Honour of Bradninch (see DEV 19 William note), }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hakeston' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Duntingthon' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Buntinthon'}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 30) being held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 792 by Baldwin }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 le Flemeng }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Esse }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Ash 19,14]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 360, 415, 439; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , xv. no. 351, Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 392, 448; 15,40 Bratton note and 19,14 Ash note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ORDWULF . See 1,56 Ordwulf note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab COMMON PASTURE WITH BRATTON [FLEMING]. That i s, the pasture land was shared with the Count of Mortain's adjacent manor of Bratton Fleming (15,40), with which Haxton and Benton had presumably once been combined, being originally held by the count. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Braton}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 e }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is probably in the dative case (after }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 communis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or in the locative case. For common pasture, see 1,35 pasture note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 2,10\tab [Exon 117b4; Terrae Occupatae 499b6] \par \tab BENTON. See 2,9 Haxton note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab EDNOTH HELD IT FREELY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Ednoth held jointly; he could [go] to whichever lord he would'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ire }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is omitted in error after }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 potuit}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'jointly ... would' is interlined in slightly paler ink and with a thicker pen, but probably by the scribe of the main part of the entry. Compare 13a,2 Brictfrith note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ADDED TO THE ABOVE VILLAGE. Benton was combined with Haxton; the corresponding entry in Exon has 'manor'; that is, Haxton.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab COUNT OF MORTAIN GAVE ... IN EXCHANGE. As usual the count got the better bargain in his exchange here: Haxton and Benton paid tax for 3 virgates and were worth \'a3 1 10s in 1086, whereas Launceston, where his castle was, had a hide of land and paid tax for only 1 virgate and its value was \'a34. Compare DOR 56,36 and DOR 56,36 count note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab A CASTLE IN CORNWALL. That is Launceston (CON 5,1,22). This had originally been Sherborne land, part of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Landwithan }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Lawhitton, CON 2,9], granted to Sherborne Church by King Egbert (815-839): }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 17 no. 76 = }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Napier and Stevenson,}{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Crawford Charters}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VII = Sawyer, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 1296. On the creation of the see of Crediton (2,2 Crediton note) it passed to that church and then to Exeter. It appears to have been seized by 'Earl' Harold, then 'exchanged' by the Count of Mortain; see Finberg, 'Castle of Cornwall'.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 2,11\tab [Exon 118a1] \par \tab [BISHOPS] TAWTON}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . A parish in South Molton Hundred and identifiable by an analysis of its Tax Return; see 2,11 tax note. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tauton Episcopi }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 376; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 80b. The 12 hides will have contained a number of villages (lying in the parishes of Bishops Tawton, Landkey and Swimbridge) of which }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 326 names }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brodehertford }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [part of Harford, SS6031], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brunescote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Broomscott, SS6231], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Parva Herpford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [part of Harford, see above], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Londekey }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Landkey, SS5931; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xvi. no. 258], } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Westecote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Westacott, SS5832], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ackot }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Accott, SS6432], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stafford }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Stowford, SS6226, see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 604, vi. no. 297], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dinington }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dynenthon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 767) and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 La}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wodelond }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Dennington and Dinnaton, both SS6228, with Woodland, SS6126], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hernesburgh }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Yernesburgh }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 418) [Irishborough or Ernsborough in}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Swimbridge SS6328] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Halgmerston }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Halmpstone, SS5928]. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 362, Accott is}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 coupled with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Newelond }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Landkey Newland and Swimbridge Newland, SS6030] and}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bovystok }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [unidentified]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 419 and Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', pp. 68, 81.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 12 HIDES; 3 ... HAVE NEVER PAID TAX ... 9 HAVE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'the Bishop had the remaining 3 in lordship and they never paid tax'. Later the 3 hides are repeated with the ploughs in lordship.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The Tax Return for South}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Molton Hundred states that the king had no tax from 3 hides which the men of the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bishop of Exeter hold; these 3 hides must have been part of the 9 hides which paid tax,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for the lordship 3 hides never paid tax anyway. These 9 hides would}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 either have been held by the villagers (Exon does not give their holding) or have been}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 sub-infeudated, though this is not mentioned here.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WHEN HE ACQUIRED IT. When Bishop Osbern acquired it; see 2,2 value note; 2,14 formerly note and 16,88 formerly note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 2,12\tab [Exon 118a2] \par \tab CULMSTOCK. A parish in Hemyock Hundred, identifiable by an analysis of its Tax Return. Although taxed for 5 hides, its 15 ploughlands suggest a larger holding. It appears originally to have been a grant of 11 hides at }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Culum }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Culmstock] and 3 at }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cumbe }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Domesday Cumbe: now Culm Davy, see 36,18] by Sulca, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ancilla Christi}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to Glastonbury Abbey (}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 6 p. 8 = Sawyer, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 1691; see DEV 4 Glastonbury note). Later (}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 10 no. 23 = Birch, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cartularium Saxonicum}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 724 = Sawyer, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 386), King Athelstan granted to Saints Mary and Peter in Exeter 5 }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cassati }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 at }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Culumstocc}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The bounds included part of Uffculme (see 9,1). In }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 383, the Dean and Chapter of the Blessed Peter of Exeter hold }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Colmpstoke}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 151.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 2,13\tab [Exon 118a3] \par \tab STOKE [CANON]. A parish in Wonford Hundred, called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stoke Canonicorum }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 377. It was granted to St Mary's of Exeter as 6 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 perticae }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 at }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hrocastoc }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by King Athelstan (925-939); see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 10 no. 22 = Birch, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cartularium Saxonicum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 723 = Sawyer, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 389; see also }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 312; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 85a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 293.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 2,14\tab [Exon 118b1] \par \tab TALATON. A parish in Hayridge Hundred, formerly Silverton Hundred. Talaton is identifiable by an analysis of the Tax Return for Silverton Hundred. This estate is held from the Bishop of Exeter in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 321; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 424; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 71a; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 599 and 2,2 Crediton note. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Bishop Leofric held in 1066'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 20 VILLAGERS. So the Exon manuscript; Ellis misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xv uill'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MILL WHICH PAYS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'mill which paid'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddid' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 may be a scribal error for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddit }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'pays',}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the abbreviation sign possibly being an attempt to make the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 d }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 into a }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 t}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday's }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 redd' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 could}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 abbreviate }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddidit }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'paid', however, although the present tense is more usual in this}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 phrase.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab [VALUE] FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'when he acquired it', most probably referring to the Bishop.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In the great majority of entries where this formula occurs, the subject of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 recepit }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (when}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 given, as it is more than half the time) is that of the tenant-in-chief and the value of the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 manor is that at the date of his acquisition of it from King William. However, see 16,88}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 formerly }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 note for exceptions.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 2,15\tab [Exon 118b2; Terrae Occupatae 506a8]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SIDBURY. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'The Bishop of Exeter has a manor called Sidbury which 2 thanes, namely Alwin and Godwin, held jointly. Value \'a36 a year; when the Bishop acquired it, as much'. There is no obvious reason for the inclusion of this information in the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as no illegality seems to have been practised. It is possible that, because the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holders were thanes who held 'jointly' (= 'freely', see 1,15 freely note), the Bishop ought not to have acquired their land; the Bishop's other predecessors in his Devon lands (except 2,9-10 which had been exchanged) were Bishop Leofric either stated (see 2,7 Staverton note) or implied. It is unlikely that the fact that 2 thanes had held it implies tha t this entry is of the type mentioned in \{Introduction: The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for Devon\}}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 where one manor has been added to another. See also compare 1,11 hide note; 2,2 Crediton note; 13a,2 Swimbridge note and 42,10 Nympton note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Together with Salcombe [Regis] and 'Brightston' (2,16-17) this estate was in Budleigh Hundred, later in [East] Budleigh Hundred. All three can be identified by an analysis of the Tax Return for Budleigh Hundred. The first two (Sidbury and Salcombe [Regis] ) are parishes while}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'Brightston' (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Brithricheston }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 151b) is lost in Clyst Honiton parish. Brightston' (see 1,56 Broadclyst note and 43,2 Clyst note and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 584) probably stands for Clyst Honiton itself, earlier }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hinetune }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 higna }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tun }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'farm of a religious community'. F. Rose- Troup in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (1934), pp. 152-159, cites Harleian manuscript 1027 of 1319: }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bry 'tt'ton id est Clyst Hineton}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 765 the Chapter of Exeter holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Sidebire}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Saltcumb'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bere }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [most probably Treasbeare farms SY0094 in Clyst Honiton, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 584] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hynethon' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Clyst Honiton, SX9893] ; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. pp. 292-293; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 365; Reichel, }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Reichel, 'Domesday Identifications I'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 629 and in Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244'', p. 309. Sidbury (like Stoke Canon) was also a gift of King Athelstan (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 66a).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWIN AND GODWIN HELD. The corresponding entry in Exon has '... jointly'; so also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TAX FOR 5 HIDES ... 1 HIDE ... 2 HIDES. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'tax for 3 hides', which agrees with the total of lordship and}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 villagers' land.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 30 PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '20 ploughs', with a gap after it, perhaps due to a very well executed}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 erasure.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 25 PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '18 ploughs', the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 & xviii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 being written over an erasure, though it cannot}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 be seen what was originally written. These three discrepancies of hidage and ploughs suggest, according to Finn, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Liber Exoniensis}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 53 and Finn, 'Devonshire Domesd ays', pp. 101-102, that the Exon scribe wrote down the details for only one of the two former manors, but, if this were the case, it is odd that the other information for the manor is the same in Domesday as in Exon. Baring, 'Exeter Domesday', pp. 317-18 a nd note 23 states that the figures in Exon were once those of Domesday, but were altered to their present ones. However, a close examination of the manuscript does not reveal this at all; although some of the figures are in darker ink, this is due to the parchment rather than to erasures, the only clear erasure being under the villagers' ploughs here.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 2,16\tab [Exon 118b3] \par \tab SALCOMBE [REGIS].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 2,15 Sidbury note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Bishop Leofric held in 1066'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 2,17\tab [Exon 119a1] \par \tab `BRIGHTSTON'. See 2,15 Sidbury note. \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Bishop Leofric held in 1066'.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 2,18\tab [Exon 119a2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PAIGNTON. }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Bishop Leofric held in 1066'. \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Paignton was a parish in Haytor Hundred, the successor to Kerswell Hundred and identifiable by an analysis of the Tax Return for the latter hundred. The Bishop of Exeter holds }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Peinthon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 769; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 72a and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 317. Among its members, lying in Paignton and adjacent parishes, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 767, lists }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Colethon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Coleton Clavill }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 317) [Collaton St Mary in Paignton, SX8660], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aleburne }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Yalberton in Paignton, SX8659], }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wodeton'}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wadeton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 317) [Waddeton in Stoke Gabriel, SX8756], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cumthon Qumtonpole }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 317) [Compton Pool in Marldon, SX8665], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stontorre }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stantor in Marldon, SX8863], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Loventorre}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held by John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Arundel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Loventor SX8462 in Berry Pomeroy; see 17,26 Loventor note], and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sanderig }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Sandridge in Stoke Gabriel, SX8656]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 348, 391 and Reichel, 'Haytor Hundred in 1244', p. 113 and }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel. \lquote Extracts from the Hundred Rolls of 3 Edward I\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 371.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 2,19\tab [Exon 119a3] \par \tab ASHBURTON. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Bishop Leofric held in 1066'. \par \tab \tab Ashburton was a parish in Teignbridge Hundred, known in 1086 as both Teignton Hundred and Teignbridge Hundred; it can be identified by an analysis of the Tax Return for Teignton Hundred. The Bishop of Exeter holds }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aysh perton }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 378; see }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 63a, 82a. It appears to have included }{ \i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bukynton }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Bickington parish, SX7972] held from the Bishop of Exeter in }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 390, sometimes called }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Westbukyngton }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to distinguish it from Bicton (51,1); see }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , x. no. 241. Four furlongs ('ferlings') of Bickington at }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lukkecomb }{ \cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ['Lurcombe' SX798731] were held by the prior of Plympton (}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 390). See Amery, A Tangle in the History of Ashburton; Hanham, \lquote Manor and Borough of Ashburton \rquote .}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 10 SLAVES. The use of }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ibi}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which generally heralds a new sentence, before the slaves may imply that they were definitely not in lordship. However, it may be a scribal error. See 1,3 slaves note on slaves.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 2,20\tab [Exon 119b1] \par \tab [CHUDLEIGH] KNIGHTON}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Bishop Leofric held in 1066'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Chudleigh Knighton lay in Hennock parish, Teignbridge Hundred. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Knicheton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held of the Bishop in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 339. The holding no doubt included South Knighton (SX8172); the Bishop also held the adjacent Chudleigh in Exminster Hundred (2,4 Bishopsteignton note).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it' for each entry; see 2,14 formerly note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 2,21\tab [Exon 119b2] \par \tab [BISHOPS] NYMPTON}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Bishop Leofric held in 1066'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Bishops Nympton lay in Witheridge Hundred and identifiable by an analysis of that Hundred's Tax Return. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nymid Ep'i }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in a later h and in the margin of Exon (folio 119b) and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nymeton Episcopi }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 373. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 759 the members of this manor, besides }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nimethon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 itself, are }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Uppecoth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Uppacott in Mariansleigh, SS7521], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Buteporth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Port in Bishops Nympton, SS7725], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 La Chapele }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (or}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alba Capella }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 343) [Whitechapel in Bishops Nympton, SS7527; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iv. no. 245], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Turkerig }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ['Torkridge', lost in Bishops Nympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 384], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gerardeston' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gerelleston }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sepwasse }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 343) [Grilstone, SS7324 and Sheepwash, SS7927], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Raweston' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rauleston' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 767) [Rawstone, SS7426] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Kippingescoth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Kipscott, SS8026, see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 399 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 527, xi. nos. 118, 299]. }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 343-344 adds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 La Heghin }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Chapelheghan}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 420) [Hayne, SS7725] and replaces 'Torkridge' held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , by Geoffrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Fayreby }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 La Fayrebie }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Veraby, SS7726] and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Kirschote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Kerscott, SS7925], both held by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de la Fayrebie}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 363, 420 and Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', pp. 401-402; Reichel, 'Domesday Identifications I', p. 630; }{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Haytor Hundred in 1244\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 113.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 14 SLAVES. In an unusual position: normally they are added after the lordship ploughs when, as here, these are given; see 1,3 slaves note. It is interesting that in Exon the slaves are also misplaced. The same occurs in 3,5.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it' for each entry; see 2,14 formerly note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 2,22\tab [Exon 120a3] \par \tab BRANSCOMBE}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Bishop Leofric held in 1066' for each of these manors.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab This was a parish in Colyton Hundre d; the estate is identifiable by an analysis of in the Colyton Hundred Tax Return. Branscombe was one of the lands bequeathed to his successors in King Alfred's will (1,4 Exminster note). According to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 68b }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brankcomb'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held by the D ean and Chapter of St Peter's, Exeter, had been a gift of King Athelstan (see 2,13 Stoke note; 2,15 Sidbury notes; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 383 and Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', p. 348.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The canons have ... in lordship'. The canons (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 C.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ) similarly 'have' the villagers etc. On both occasions the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 C. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 presumably abbreviates }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 canonici}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In the other manors which were for the canons' supplies it is the Bishop who has land and ploughs in lordship and 'has' the villagers etc.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 ANIMAL. In Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i. animal}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In this edition }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 animalia }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is translated 'cattle', normally being dairy cattle, though in some instances oxen seem to be meant; see 1,3 cattle note. 'Animal' has had to be used to translate the singular, which o ccurs some 27 times in Devon, but the meaning is the same as for the plural.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IT IS FOR. In the manuscript a capital 'h' with the abbreviation line through it; Farley omitted the abbreviation line in error.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 2,23\tab [Exon 120b1] \par \tab BALDWIN [* THE SHERIFF *]. See 2,23 Dittisham note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab DITTISHAM. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Bishop Leofric held in 1066'. \par \tab \tab This was a parish in Coleridge Hundred, the successor to Chillington Hundred. The 1086 subtenant Baldwin appears to be Baldwin the sheriff since the 1 hide on which tax has not been paid according to the Tax Return for Chillington Hundred is probably this land. In this Tax Return, Oliver is given as Baldwin's tenant, though Domesday does not record this fact.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 331 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Didisham }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held by Hugh of Courtenay (descent from Baldwin, DEV 16 Baldwin note) from the Bishop of Exeter, and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 393 is said to be held of the Courtenays' own Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vii. no. 360. The same descent is followed by Slapton (2,24); see } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , (old series) iv. no. 63 (= }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Whale, 'Fees of Earl Hugh de Courtenay'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 328) and (new series.) iii. no. 31, iv. no. 428.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 2,24\tab [Exon 120b2] \par \tab SLAPTON. A parish in Coleridge Hundred, the successor to Chillington Hundred. As in the previous entry, Baldwin is probably Baldwin the sheriff: i n the Tax Return for Chillington Hundred no tax has been paid on 3 hides (the tax-paying extent of Slapton in 1086) by Robert son of Gerwy holding from Baldwin the sheriff. In }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 331 }{ \i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Scalpton }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held from the Bishop of Exeter by Hugh of Courtenay and from the latter's Honour of Okehampton in }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 392; see 2,23 Dittisham note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BEFORE 1066 IT PAID TAX. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'It paid tax'; see 5,6 before 1066 note and 19,18 before 1066 note and compare 23,5 before 1066 or similar omissions of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 phrase.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 21 COTTAGERS. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 coscet }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 singular, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 coscez}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cozets }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 plural (but see 3,87 cottager note and compare the end of this note), indeclinable (Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cocetus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 singular, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cotseti}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 coceti }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 plural, 2nd declension), represent Anglo-Norman versions of Old English }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cot-seta }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 singular, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cot-setan }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 plural, 'a cottage-dweller; cottage holder' (Old English }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cot}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 saeta}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 English Place-Name Elements}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i.}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 under }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cot-saeta}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Oxford English Dictionary}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 under }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cotset}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ):}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the Anglo-Norman letter }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 z }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 represents the sound }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ts }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and the spelling }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 sc }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a miscopied }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 st }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 representing metathesis of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ts}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 } {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 so }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 coscet }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 = }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cotset}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 coscez }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cozets = cotsets}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The plural in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -s }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 represented by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cozets }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (= }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cotsets}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is the result of either a French adaptation or an Old English change of inflexion, and is the form used in WIL1,1-15 (JMcND).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 'Cottagers' are almost entirely confined to the south-west counties in Domesday, Wiltshire providing about 80% of the total entr ies. In Devon there are 70 Cottagers recorded on ten manors, all of which, with the exception of Slapton here, were in the west of the county in Lifton Hundred and [Black] Torrington Hundred. In Devon Domesday they are always listed after the villagers. } {\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cotarii }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'cottagers' (see 15,21 cottagers note) were apparently a}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 different class: in Domesday Wiltshire, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 coscez }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 cotarii }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 regularly occur in the same entry. The distinction, however, is obscure and they do not occur together in Devon. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 bordarii }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'smallholders' (see 1,3 smallholders note) also had aspects in common with the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 coscez}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 It is interesting that in the Domesday satellite Bath A (see SOM \{Appendix\}) }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 coceti }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 are replaced in the corresponding Exon and Domesday entries by }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 bordarii}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Also it may be suggestive that in Devon smallholders are not recorded on estates which had Cottagers (5,1;4 would seem to be exceptions, but see the \{ Appendix: Details Table\}). See Lennard, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rural England}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 346-47, 353-54; Lennard, 'Bordars and Cottars'; Finberg, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Tavistock Abbey}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pp. 61-62.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Not much is known about the status and economic position of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 coscez}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 though as can be seen from all the Domesday Devon entries they shared ploughs with the other 'villagers'. They may also have had part of the land holding that was ascribed to the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 villani }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as a class in Exon For the Dorset evidence, see DOR 1,8 cottagers note. A class of person called in Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 cotsetla }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'cottage-dweller', which seems equivalent to that of the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 coscet}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 has its obligations detailed in the tenth-eleventh century }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rectitudines Singularum Personarum }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Liebermann, pp. 445-46). His rights varied a ccording to local custom: in some places he had to work for his lord every Monday throughout the year or (so the Anglo-Saxon version; 'and' in the Latin) 3 days a week at harvest; in some places every day at harvest, reaping 1 acre of oats or \'bd acre of oth er 'corn' [that is, 'cereal crop']; he was to be allowed his sheaf by the steward; he was not to pay land-tax; he was to have 5 acres of his own, more where customary, but less would be too little because his duty-labour was frequently called for; he was to pay his hearth-penny at Holy Thursday like every free man, to relieve his lord's demesne, if required, of its obligations to sea-defences, royal deer parks and such things, according to his condition, and pay his church-dues at Martinmas.}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Although the Domesday scribe normally uses the singular after }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xxi}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xxxi }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 etc. (see 1,3 villagers note), the plural is used here (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xxi coscez}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the reason no doubt being that he originally wrote }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xx coscez }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and then corrected it to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xxi}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (It is interesting that in Exon }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xx coscetos }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is similarly corrected to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xxi}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; compare 3,68 value note; 16,108 villagers note; 28,10 virgates note and 32,10 hides note.)}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In the corresponding entry in Exon, the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xxi coscetos }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is in darker ink and appears to have been added later; it is interesting that in Domesday the number has been corrected from }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xx }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xxi}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 See also 3,68 value note; 16,108 villagers note; 28,10 virgates note and 32,10 hides note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3\tab BISHOP OF COUTANCES. Geoffrey of Mowbray (from }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Montbrai }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the d\'e9partement of Manche, Fra nce) was consecrated Bishop of Coutances in 1048 or 1049. Between then and his arrival in England in 1066 he was very active in reorganising the diocese of Coutances, finishing and endowing the new cathedral at Coutances and promoting learning there. He w as present as chief chaplain at the Battle of Hastings and played an important part in William's consecration at Westminster. He is sometimes (as in GLS 6,1 and in some of the Devon and the Somerset Tax Returns in Exon) called the Bishop of St L\'f4 which is c lose to Coutances and Montbrai and was an earlier seat of the bishopric for a time. Geoffrey was rewarded with a great number of lands in England, especially in Devon and Somerset, these lands forming his personal fief, not that of the Church of Coutances . He played a prominent part in suppressing the rebellion in the south-west in 1069, coming to the relief of Montacute Castle (Orderic Vitalis, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ecclesiastical History}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 : Chibnall, ii. pp. 228-29), and was involved in several other campaigns of suppression. He was also one of King William's chief justiciars, notably in the trial held at Pennenden Heath in Kent in 1072 between Archbishop Lanfranc of Canterbury and Bishop Odo of Bayeux, and in the Ely land disputes; see also Worcester H1;4 in WOR \{Appendix\} . He joined in the rebellion against William Rufus in 1088, but was pardoned. See Le Patourel 'Geoffrey of Mowbray, Bishop of Coutances'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab On Geoffrey's death in 1093 his fief passed to his nephew, Robert of Mowbray, Earl of Northumberland, who forfeited it as the price for his rebellion in 1095 (Orderic Vitalis, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ecclesiastical History}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 : Chibnall, ii. pp. 266-67). William Rufus then granted the great majority of his Devon lands to Iudhael of Totnes (see DEV 17 Iudhael note) from whom they passed to his son Alfred . A half of Alfred's inheritance, which formed the Honour of Barnstaple, then passed to his sister who married Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Tracy}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; the other half went to another sister Aenor, who married Philip of Braose, and thence to her son William of Braose, but reverted in 1213 to a later Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Tracy}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 thus re-combining the two halves of the inheritance. The lands then passed to Henry's grand-daughter Maud, whose first husband was Nicholas son of Martin and her second was Geoffrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Camville}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 her lands passed to William fitz Martin; see Sanders, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 English Baronies}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 104-105, Loyd, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Some Anglo-Norman Families}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 67, 104-105; Reichel, \lquote Some Notes on part I of Domesday Identifications\rquote , p. 728; Reichel,}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \lquote Lifton Hundred in 1243\rquote , } {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 214.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab A very large number of the lands that formed this Domesday fief can be recognized in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Inquisitio Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of William son of William Martin (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 710) and in that of Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Tracy }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 76); see also the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Inquisitio Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of Nicholas }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Martyn }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (DEV 20 William note).}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The sequence of estates in Exon differs from that of Domesday and is in the following order of}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 hundreds:}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 3,9;86-87 Lifton Hundred \par \tab \tab 3,4;91;88;10;89;11;12 [Black] Torrington Hundred \par \tab \tab 3,90 Hartland Hundred \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 3,5;13-15 Merton }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hundred \par \tab \tab 3,6;16-17;92;18-19 Fremington Hundred \par \tab \tab 3,20-22 [North] Tawton Hundred \par \tab \tab 3,23-64 Braunton Shirwell and South Molton Hundreds \par \tab \tab 3,65-66;93;67-68 Wonford Hundred \par \tab \tab 3,69-71 Silverton Hundred \par \tab \tab 3,7;94;72 Budleigh Hundred \par \tab \tab 3,73-79 ?Bampton Hundred}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 3,80-81;95 Witheridge Hundred}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 3,82-84 Tiverton Hundred \par \tab \tab 3,97 Teignbridge Hundred \par \tab \tab 3,85 Colyton Hundred \par \tab \tab 3,96 Axminster Hundred \par \tab \tab 3,8 TeignbridgeHundred \par \tab \tab 3,98 Plympton Hundred \par \tab \tab 3,99 Wonford Hundred \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 3,3;1-2 Boroughs of Barnstaple and Exeter \par \tab In Great Domesday Book, the Boroughs are placed first (3,1-3), then the lands held by the Bishop himself in lordship (3,4-8) then those of his subtenants (3,9-85 all being held by Drogo).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,1\tab [Exon 136a2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN EXETER 3 HOUSES ... In most other counties in Domesday the houses held in a borough by various holders (usually tenants-in-chief; see WAR B2), are described with that borough's other details (eg. in the Wiltshire section on the borough of Malmesbury, W IL M1-17), rather than at, or near, the beginning or end of the fiefs of these holders, which is the practice in Devon. For example, details of the Exeter houses also appear in 2,1. 5,15. 9,2. 16,1. 17,2 etc.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CUSTOMARY DUES. Probably 8d for each of the 3 (whole) houses and possibly 2d for the destroyed house; see C1 dues note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WERE IN KING EDWARD'S LORDSHIP. The corresponding entry in Exon has '... in 1066'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,2\tab [Exon 136a3; Terrae Occupatae 506a4] \par \tab THIS ENTRY also appears in full in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'In Exeter', as also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab EXEMPT. The corresponding entry in Exon has '4 of them were exempt from customary dues before 1066 and 2 paid customary dues ... that is 16d'. Similarly in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry but '... 2 paid 16d', the 'customary dues' not being repeated.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Latin }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 quietae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 means that they are exempt from customary dues, as Exon states; see also 9,2 house note . In Domesday }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 quietus }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 can also mean 'free from tax' (as in HEF 19,10) o r 'free from service' (as in HEF 1,44) or 'quit, settled, discharged' (as in WOR 2,74, see WOR 2,74 discharged note, and HEF C14, and compare 16,72 below) or 'undisturbed' (25,3 attached note).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab DROGO}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 KEEPS THESE BACK. That is, the customary dues, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hanc }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 referring to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 consuetud }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ine}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which is generally translated in the plural in this series.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,3\tab [Exon 136a1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BARNSTAPLE. For its history and constituent manors, see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 63b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , viii. nos. 396-397 and Reichel, 'Barnstaple', pp. 376-388 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 414-419. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Medeneford }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Maidenford, SS5833] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 772 was probably part of this land. Iudhael of Totnes, who held the Hono ur of Barnstaple in the time of Henry I, granted part of the land to the Priory of St Mary Magdalene in the town, a dependency of Saint-Martin-des-Champs in Paris; see Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 198.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 20s FROM ... KING'S BURGESSES. See 1,1.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,4\tab [Exon 121b2] \par \tab ASHWATER. A parish in [Black] Torrington Hundred; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Esse }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held from the Honour of Barnstaple in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 772. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aswalter }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 327; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 409 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 150b. The second element of the modern name is probably from Walter son of Ralph who held in 1166: }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Liber Niger Scaccarii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Hearne, p. 128); see Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', pp. 194, 225.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when the Bishop acquired it'. Also for the past value of}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,5-7 ;9-10;13-14;16-21;24-32;35-53;55-68;71-72;74-77;79;81-86;88-89;91-92; 95-97.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,5\tab [Exon 123a1] \par \tab MERTON. A parish in Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred named from this manor; see \{Introduction: Hundreds\}. The Bishop's holding can be identified by an analysis of the Tax Return for that hundred. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 772 there are two Barnstaple Honour fees in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Merton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Suttecumb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Sutcombe 3,91]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 93b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 329, 411; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 519 and Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 576.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 SLAVES. Misplaced, as also in Exon. See 2,21 slaves note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,6\tab [Exon 123b3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FREMINGTON. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 caput }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of Fremington Hundred which it named by virtue of being a royal holding before 1066 (see \{Introduction: Hundreds\} ). It is identifiable by an analysis of the Tax Return for that hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 99, Oliver }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Trascy }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Fremigt' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as part of his Honour of Barnstaple; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 70a; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 143, vi. no. 710, viii. nos. 396-397 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 506. The Church of Fremington was granted to Hartland Priory by Oliver }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Tracy}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 333; Oliver, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 204.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN BARNSTAPLE ... 15d. This is written in the right mar gin of the manuscript, with a thinner pen though in the same colour ink as the rest of the entry; it is not rubricated and there are no transposition signs. See 16,65 for another instance of details concerning Barnstaple being added, and compare 32,6 Exet er note and DOR 30,4 Wareham note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 BURGESS WHO PAYS 15d. In the manuscript between the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 redd' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xv denar' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 there is an odd mark, which in the Ordnance Survey facsimile resembles an }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 e }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (though it is unlikely that the scribe intended}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 redd'e xv denar'}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably merely the dot before the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xv }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was smudged or the first stroke of the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 x }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 badly written and so done again.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,7\tab [Exon 132b1] \par \tab CLYST [ST MARY].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in [East] Budleigh Hundred; it can probably be identified by an analysis of the Tax Return for that Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 763, 774, Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Sicca Villa }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and the prior of St James' hold in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Clist }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Creulegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Crealy, 3,94] from Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Tracy}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Clistracy }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 710. Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Sicca Villa }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 sold his portion (called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Clist Sechevile }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 144b) to the Bishop of Exeter by whom it was held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 427, hence called Bishops Clist; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. pp. 289-290; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xii. no. 354, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 586; Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 289 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 426 note 6.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,8\tab [Exon 135a4; Terrae Occupatae 504b5] \par \tab BOVEY [TRACEY]}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . A parish in Teignbridge Hundred, sometimes called South Bovey to distinguish it from North Bovey (17,22). }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bovy }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held by Eva }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Tracy }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 264. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bovitracy }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held from the Honour of Barnstaple in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 339, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Suthbovy }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 82a; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 90a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 143, vi. no. 710, viii. nos. 396-397.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab A }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 MILL WHICH PAYS 10s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'mill which pays 5s'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \'a310, LESS 30d ... \'a34 30d. See C1 houses note on }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 minus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TO THIS MANOR ... \'a310. So also, in abbreviated form, in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LAND OF 15 THANES. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'land of 15 thanes: one of these booklands (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 bochelandis }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (ablative plural) interlined above }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 mans' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which is dotted for dele tion) is called (Little) Bovey and 4 thanes lived there; another is called Warmhill and 1 thane lived there; another Scobitor and 2 thanes lived there; another }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brungarstone }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and 3 thanes lived there; another Elsford and another Woolleigh: 1 thane held these two; with this thane was another thane in Woolleigh; another called Hawkmoor and 1 thane lived there; another Hatherleigh and 1 thane lived there; another Pullabrook and 1 thane lived there ... They held their land jointly before 1066'.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 'Bookland' was land taken from the common land (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 folcland}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and granted by }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 boc }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or charter to a private owner (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Oxford English Dictionary}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ); see Maitland, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday Book and Beyond}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 244-258.}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The number of thanes living in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Brungarstone}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the Exon manuscript is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 iii}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 although the last }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is rather faint; Ellis read }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ii}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 but }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 iii }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 fits in with the total of 15 thanes and is obviously what the Great Domesday scribe took it to be.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the thanes were 'so free that they could go with their lands to whichever lord they would in 1066'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab In Great Domesday this naming of individual holdings is unusual. The material that was formed by the early stages of the Domesday Enquiry seems regularly to have included the names of subordinate parts of the main manor, but this de tail, together with others, was eliminated either before the compilation of the circuit returns or in condensing these latter to form Great Domesday (WOR \{Appendix: Evesham A\} ). Traces of this fuller information are found in the Exon entries for Bridestowe (16,7) and Mary Tavy (17,13); see 16,7 manor note; 16,7 Saewin note; 17,13 manor note. Some of these subdivisions of Bovey are found in later documents. Thus in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 774 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Parua}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bovy}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wolflegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alenesford' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are held from the Honour of Barnstaple ; see also }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 710 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 390.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Adonebovi }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ofdune Bovy }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Adoun Bovy}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 meaning a Bovey holding lower down the stream, is presumably Little Bovey (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 467). }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Scabatore}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 if correctly identified, will have been a remote outlier, now in Widecombe-in-the-Moor parish, Haytor Hundred (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 528). }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Brungarstone }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is identified by }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. (followed by }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday Gazetteer}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ) with 'Bawtor' (that is, Bottor) in Hennock, but without evidence; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 466 note 3. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Harlei }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 may well be an abbreviated form of Hatherleigh (in Bovey Tracey) but is not noticed by }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 469.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TO BOVEY [TRACEY]. The }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has 'to the revenue of Bovey (Tracey)'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN DUES. Latin }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de censu }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Domesday and Exon, that is, they paid rent for their lands. See DOR 16,1 tributaries note on }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 censores}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab [THIS IS] IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE \'a310. The Latin }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 praeter }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 here and in Exon is ambiguous, with its suggestion that the thanes also paid the \'a3 10 (less 30d); it hides a longer phrase, such as 'and this \'a34 30d paid is in addition to/ apart from the \'a310 (less 30d) payment (of the main manor of Bovey Tracey)'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 LIST 10\tab DRO GO [* SON OF MAUGER *] ... LANDS FROM THE BISHOP. Drogo is probably Drogo son of Mauger, as the Exon for 3,9;13-14;16 states. He may have been Mauger of Carteret; see 3,70 Humphrey note. Drogo was the Bishop of Coutances' chief subtenant in Devon, holding all but 19 of his manors in DEV 3. See 3,85 Drogo note. In Exon}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Mauger' }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is Malger}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for 3,9;13-14 and }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 matelgerius }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for 3,16, representing Old French }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Malger}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old German }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Madalgar}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,9\tab [Exon 122a1] \par \tab CORYTON. A parish in Lifton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 773 Geoffrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Curiton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and Elias }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Curiford' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hold in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Curiton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Barnstaple; in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 406 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Coryton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is coupled with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Coryfford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Ford or Ford farm, SX4784 or SX4683, see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 181]; see also }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 757; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 320 and Reichel, Lifton Hundred in 1243', p. 214.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,10\tab [Exon 122a2] \par \tab HAMSWORTHY. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hermodesword }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 156). It lies in Pancrasweek parish, [Black] Torrington Hundred. No place of this name is later found among fees of the Honour of Barnstaple, but }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hermodeswurth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is a fee of William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Briwere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 396 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hermannesworth }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held of the Honour of Berry in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 791. It may have been an early transfer, possibly because it h ad been held by the daughters and heirs of William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Braose}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; see}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', pp. 191, 227; DEV 3 Bishop note and 34,2 Dunsdon note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 PLOUGH THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Drogo has 1 plough there ...'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably implied or omitted in error.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 SLAVES. There are some 30 entries in Devon where slaves are the only inhabitants mentioned for a manor, although the details of that manor seem otherwise complete. See 17,84 Chittleburn note for other instances of no population at all recorded, when one would expect it to be, and compare WIL 20,3 Clyffe note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,11\tab [Exon 122b1; Terrae Occupatae 496b1; 505a1] \par \tab HORTON. In Bradworthy parish, [Black] Torrington Hundred. Robert }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Horthon' }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Horthon' }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Barnstaple in }{ \i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 772; see }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 356, 407.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab OSWULF. In the corresponding entry in Exon, after the details of meadow and pasture, is added 'The said thane could go with this land to whichever lord he would'. In the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 at 496b1 a thane is said to have held Horton 'jointly' and at 505a1 Oswulf held Horton 'jointly'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THE VILLAGERS [HAVE] \'bd VIRGATE. This occurs in its usual place in Exon after the lordship land. However, no 'villagers' other than the 2 slaves are recorded. The same}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 occurs in 16,169, and in 16,62 where no population at all is recorded in either Exon or Domesday, though Exon similarly gives the villagers' land holding after the lordship land. Compare 3,10 slaves note and 17,84 Chittleburn not e on the lack of population recorded for some manors and 23,4 smallholders note for villagers recorded in Exon, but not included in Domesday. See also 1,3 slaves note on slaves possibly holding land.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab JOINED TO HORWOOD. Also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 at 496b1 and 505a1. In the main Exon entry 'The Bishop holds it with the manor of Horwood ...'.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Compare 23,20 and 42,16 where some information is given twice in the main Exon as well as twice in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Horwood is in Fremington Hundred; see 3,17.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,12\tab [Exon 122b2; Terrae Occupatae 497a1] \par \tab HENSCOTT. The }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'The Bishop of Coutances has a manor called Henscott. Two manors have been added to it, which 2 thanes held jointly. They (manors) did not belong to the said manor in 1066. Value of them 10s a year; value when he acquired them, 15s'. \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Henscott lay in Bradford parish, [Black] Torrington Hundred. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hengestecoth' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 772, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Heynstecote }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 409, Honour of Barnstaple. Hiscott (see 1,40 Tawstock note), which has the same etymology, is also later held of the Honour of Barnstaple. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THREE THANES HELD IT AS A MANOR BEFORE 1066. In the manuscript there is a gap between p' and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 maner' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 not shown by Farley, due to an erasure of about 4 letters, possibly }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .iiii.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as the dots at the beginning and end are just visible. From the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry (see 3,12 Henscott note) it would seem that there were 3 manors in 1066, combined by 1086 into one. The main Exon entry does not state in so many words that the re were three manors, but implies it by saying that the bishop now holds [Henscott] as one manor. The Domesday scribe may not have understood the main Exon entry: 'which three thanes, Cola,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Edric and Godric, held in 1066 and which the bishop now holds as one manor'. The first letter of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cola }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is written as a }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 C}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with a strange vertical line through the bottom of the letter added; it is neither a }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 C }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 nor a }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 G }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (compare the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 G }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Godric}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 though the man's name was undoubtedly }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cola}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See von Feilitzen, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , \'a7\'a7 119, 128, on }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 C}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 /}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 G}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 interchange.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab DROGO HAS IT IN LORDSHIP. Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hanc }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which probably refers to the \'bd virgate, that is, he holds the whole of Henscott in lordship. Compare 16,147 and 25,2.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'when he acquired it', most probably referring to the Bishop (see 2,14 formerly note and 16,88 formerly note). Similarly for Domesday's past values in 3,69;78;93.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,13\tab [Exon 123a2] \par \tab BUCKLAND [FILLEIGH]. Buckland Filleigh is a parish in Shebbear Hundred, the successor to the 1086 Merton Hundred and contains Hartleigh (3,14). The former can be identified by an analysis of the Tax Return for Merton Hundred. In }{ \i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 772 }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bokland' }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hertlegh' }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are held together as one Barnstap le fee. The holder of both in }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 329 is Nicholas }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Fyleleye }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 who names Buckland; see Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', pp. 538, 576.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,14\tab [Exon 123b1] \par \tab HARTLEIGH. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 3,13 Buckland note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 PIGMEN; THEY PAY ... See 1,67 pigmen note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,15\tab [Exon 123b2] \par \tab BARLINGTON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Beldrendiland}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably standing for Old English hypothetrical }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Beldredingland }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Bealdred's land' (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 118) and so part of, or connected with, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Baldrintone }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (3,19) 'Bealdred's farm' which had been joined to Roborough by 1086. Barlington is itself in Roborough parish, Fremington Hundred, but this land is probably the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Westbaldringthon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 772, held from the Honour of Barnstaple in a Shebbear Hundred group; it is }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 West Walyngton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Shebbear Hundred (the successor to Merton Hundred) in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 412; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 359 and 3,24 Pilland note. The holder in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 412 is William }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Wyrteslegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (from Whitsleigh in St Giles-in-the-Wood parish, Fremington Hundred, SS5517, whi ch is adjacent). West Barlington does not survive on modern maps, but Middle Barlington and Great Barlington do, and a 'Little Barlington' is found on the Ordnance Survey first series one-inch map (sheet 26 of 1809, reprint sheet 82 of 1969). Like Owlacom be (36,7) and Villavin (25,1), Barlington will have lain in Merton Hundred in 1086, though Roborough itself (3,19) was in Fremington Hundred; see Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 538 and \{Introduction: Hundreds\}.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,16\tab [Exon 124a1] \par \tab HUISH. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Torsewis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It lies in Instow parish, Fremington Hundred, the Domesday form meaning 'Huish on the river Torridge'. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 773 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hywisse }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held by Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Beupel}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hywysh Beaupel } {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 375; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 371, 412; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 117 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 496, 507.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,17\tab [Exon 124a2] \par \tab HORWOOD. A parish in Fremington Hundred. The Barnstaple Honour land was at }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Westhorewod' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 773) or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Churchehewod }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 412). This place is now probably West Barton [SS5027] which includes the church; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 115, also }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 371; Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 496, 507 and 34,8 Horwood note. Horton (3,1 1) had been joined to this manor after 1066. It may be that the common pasture taken away from Newton Tracey (25,3) by Colswein, the Bishop of Coutances' man, had been joined to Horwood which is the Bishop's nearest manor.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,18\tab [Exon 124b1] \par \tab WORLINGTON. It lay in Instow parish, Fremington Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 773 Simon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Chartray }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wolvrington' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Barnstaple; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 412 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 508.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY 30s. The corresponding entry in Exon has '25s'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,19\tab [Exon 124b2 and marginal; Terrae Occupatae 500a2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ROBOROUGH. A parish in Fremington Hundred. It is held as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rugheberg' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 773 by Alexander }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Clunny}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 371, 413 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 508. Part of this land lay at }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wanteslegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Wansley, SS5617] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Emberlegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Ebberly, SS5618] both in Roborough parish: }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 773; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 413.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BARLINGTON. The details of the correspond ing entry in Exon for this added manor are written in the left margin of the manuscript, level with the entry for Roborough by the same scribe as the next entry (Exon 124b3 = 3,20), who is different from the scribe of the main entry for 3,19. A capital }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 appears above the first word of Exon 124b2 and a capital }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 B }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 above the marginal addition to indicate the order. See SOM 1,1 to this manor note for a similar use of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 b }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to link separated parts of an entry; both these Devon and Somerset entries are by the same scribe. Details also appear in slightly abbreviated form in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , where Drogo is given as the tenant of Barlington.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Domesday details of this addition are written in 1 \'bd lines below the bottom marginal ruling and}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 extending some 2 letters into the central margin; there is no rubrication. The ink is paler and the pen used thinner, which makes it hard to tell whether the scribe is the same as}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for the rest of the entry. Compare 1,45 manor note and 3,75 entry note. The transposition signs are as in the translation, not the 'hands' that Farley printed. In Exon details of this added manor are also written in the margin but the fact that the addition was written by the scribe of the next entry (= 3,20) and was thus an earl y addition, suggests that the Great Domesday scribe merely missed the entry in the margin, rather than that the details of Barlington were written in both Great Domesday and Exon Domesday at the same, late, stage (this latter being the view of Finn, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Liber Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 156).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab On Barlington see 3,15 Barlington note. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Boldringthon'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as distinct from }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Westbaldringthon'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 occurs in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 771 coupled with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pilland' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (3,24 Pilland note).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALFRED HELD IT FREELY. In the manuscript there is an oblique hair-line between }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alured }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 teneb'}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 immediately below the interlined }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 lib'e}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 indicating its position. Farley did not print it, nor the hair-line in 3,60 (see 3,60 Bittadon note), though it was often his practice to do so (for example, in 3,52. 15,79. 17,13).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Alfred held it ... he could go to whichever lord he would'. Similarly for the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with the addition of 'with this land'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,20\tab [Exon 124b3] \par \tab BONDLEIGH. A parish in [North] TawtonHundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 773 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bonelegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held from the Honour of Barnstaple by Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Campellis }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 together with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Estodlegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Stoodleigh 3,77] and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hamptenesford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Little Hampteford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 710), that is, probably Handsford SS6404 in Bondleigh rather than Hansford in Ashreigney; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 355; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 370 and Reichel, 'North Tawton Hundred', p. 247.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,21\tab [Exon 125a1] \par \tab NYMET [TRACEY]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Limet}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; see \{Introduction: Places named from Rivers\} . It lies in the modern parish of Bow, in [North] Tawton Hundred, the two names representing successive main settlements, Nymet Tracey around the church, Bow on the Launceston to Exeter road (the A3072); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 360. Oliver }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Trascy }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nimet' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 99, a demesne manor of his Honour of Barnstaple; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 75b; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 143, vi. no. 710, viii. nos. 396-397; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 340 and Reichel, 'North Tawton Hundred', p. 247.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE ...\'a34. In the Exon manuscript for the corresponding entry there is a}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 interlined above in the same colour ink, probably correcting }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iiii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as there is no underlining for deletion.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,22\tab [Exon 125a2; Terrae Occupatae 498a4] \par \tab COLDRIDGE.}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in [North] Tawton Hundred. In }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 773 }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Curig }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held of the Honour of Barnstaple by Ralph }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Sicca Villa}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It is }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Colrygg }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 422; see Reichel, 'North Tawton Hundred', p. 247.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TWO THANES HELD IT FREELY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which 2 thanes held jointly'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ENGELBALD ... 10s. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ingelbald}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ingelbald}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 );}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see Forssner, }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Continental-Germanic Personal Names in England}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 70, 71.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'The Bishop of Coutances has a manor called Coldridge. 1 virgate of land has been added to it which a thane held jointly in 1066 and which did not belong to the said manor before 1066. Now Drogo holds it from the Bishop. Value 10s a year'.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALGAR HELD IT FREELY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Algar held it ...; he could go with his land to whichever}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 lord he would'.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY 5s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when Drogo received it, 5s'; see 16,88 formerly note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,23\tab [Exon 125a3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MARTINHOE. A parish in Shirwell Hundred, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Mattingho }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 being held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 772 from the Honour of Barnstaple; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 336, 417 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 472.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,24\tab [Exon 125b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PILLAND. Pilland (see 3,38 Pilland note) is in (West) Pilton parish, Braunton}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hundred. The parish of West Pilton corresponds to Pilton (3,25). The Domesday form for Pilton, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wiltone}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is an error. Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Piltona }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (although, possibly due to greasy parchment, the ink did not 'take' for the middle three letters so that the name only reads }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pi}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ...}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 na}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ). It would seem likely that the Great Domesday scribe misread the first letter as the Anglo-Saxon runic letter wynn (= }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 w}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 );}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the same mistake occurs in 3,38-39 (see 3,38 Pilland note and 3,39 Pickwell note) and compare 20,10 'Dewdon' note. The note to 16,42 (16,42 "Helescane" note) gives further examples of misreadings.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Part of the land of Pilland and Pilton was granted by Iudhael to the Priory of St Mary Magdalene (in Barnstaple), a cell of the Cluniac Priory of Saint-Martin-des-Champs in Paris, according to a confirmation of the gift by his grandson, William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Braose}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in 1157, along with half the tithe of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taustoche }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (1,40 Tawstock note) and all the land called}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hole }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (see 36,11 Hole note). A charter of Henry I (Round, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Documents}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 France}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 1269 p. 460; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ii. p. 165 no. 1292 and p. 243 no. 1667) quitclaims Saint-Martin-des-Ch amps and the monks of Barnstaple of geld, customs and dues on 1 virgate at }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pilton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and 1 ferling}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 at }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cherchill }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (20,4); see Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 196; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 354 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 421-424. The rest of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pilland' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is a Barnstaple fee with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Boldringthon' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Barlington] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 771; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 359 and 3,15 Barlington note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,25\tab [Exon 125b2] \par \tab PILTON}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . See 3,24 Pilland note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,26\tab [Exon 125b3; Terrae Occupatae 499a7] \par \tab [WEST] DOWN}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . A parish in Braunton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 771 Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Morin }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and the heirs of William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Culumbariis }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hold in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dune }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Barnstaple. The same holding is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Doune Columbers }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 375, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Westdon }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 414 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Westdoune }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dene }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Dene in West Down, SS5042] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 710; see Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 392, 425.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TO THIS MANOR ... 20s. Also in abbreviated form in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 where the 3 lands are called '3 manors'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WHICH THEY HELD FREELY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which 3 thanes held jointly ...; they could go to whichever lord they would'. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has 'which 3 thanes held jointly' only.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 VILLAGERS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Drogo has 3 villagers'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,27\tab [Exon 126a1] \par \tab HAGGINTON. East Hagginton (see 23,3 Hagginton note) is in Berrynarbor parish and West Hagginton (16,70 Hagginton note) in Ilfracombe parish, both in Braunton Hundr ed. Reichel's identification with Kings Heanton (in Marwood, king unknown), although accepted by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 51, cannot be correct since other forms of Kings Heanton point to derivation from Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 heah }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tun }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'high farm' as Heanton Punchardon (16,69), whereas the Domesday form points to Hagginton (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Haecga's }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 farm': }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 28). In spite of this, no descent of Hagginton to the Honour of Barnstaple has been found.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WULFRITH. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Vlfert}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Vlfert}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 represents Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wulffrith}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 418-}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 VILLAGERS HAVE THEM THERE. That is, the 2 ploughs, as the corresponding entry in Exon has 'Drogo has 2 villagers who have 2 ploughs and (he has) 1 smallholder'; see 1,9 villagers note. Compare 1,29}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 villagers }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab AND 1 SMALLHOLDER. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 7 \'fb i bord'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 7}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'fb }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is a mystery: }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'fb }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 could abbreviate }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 vero}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but the usual abbreviation in Domesday for that is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 u}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (as in C6 and 3,2), and anyway the word would have little sense here. There is some evidence to suggest that the scribe originally wrote }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c\'fb i bord' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (compare the formula in 3,29-30) and then partially erased the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and wrote }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 7}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 on top and forgot to erase the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'fb}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 compare 19,42 slav e note for the phrase 'And 1 slave'. One might expect the Great Domesday scribe to have written }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c\'fb i bord' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 because Exon states that the 2 villagers have the 2 ploughs, but the 1 smallholder appears to be separate, and in 3 other of the cases where Exon sep arates the villagers with ploughs from those without, the Great Domesday scribe has this formula (see 1,29. 3,29 and 14,2). However, in 14,1 and 35,19 this phrase occurs in Domesday, but there is no separation of villagers in Exon, and it does not occur e lsewhere in Domesday where there is separation in Exon (see 1,9 villagers note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,28\tab [Exon 126a2] \par \tab RALEIGH. In West Pilton parish, Braunton Hundred . }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ralegh'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Chaudecumb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Challacombe 3,33] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 772 and is described in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 414 as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ralegh cum parcella Metcomb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Metcombe 3,29]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 281.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP 1 PLOUGH. The corresponding entry in Exon has '1 \'bd ploughs in lordship'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,29\tab [Exon 126a3] \par \tab METCOMBE. In Marwood parish, Braunton Hundred; see 3,28 Raleigh note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 VILLAGERS HAVE IT THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'D(rogo) has 2 villagers who have 1 plough'. In Great Domesday the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hanc }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 refers to the plough, as Exon states, not the land. See 1,29 villagers note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,30\tab [Exon 126b1; Terrae Occupatae 499a9] \par \tab [HIGH] BRAY. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Whitefield, the added manor is in High Bray parish, Shirwell Hundred; their association in Domesday distinguishes this Bray from the Bray of 3,45 and this Whitefield from that of 3,34. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 772 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hautebray }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held by Baldwin }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Flemeng }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Barnstaple; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 336, 417; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iv. no. 35, xv. no. 351 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 462, 473. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Parva Bray }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Little Bray, SS6835 in Charles parish], held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 772 by Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Pidekewill' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (from Pickwell 3,39), may have been part of this land; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 361 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 463, 475.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WHITEFIELD}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . Details of this added manor also appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in abbreviated form.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SAEWIN HELD IT AS A MANOR. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 'which a thane held jointly' ... .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,31\tab [Exon 126b2] \par \tab BEARA [CHARTER].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Braunton parish, Braunton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 772 Simon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Chartray }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (whence 'Charter') holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bere cum membris}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 One member is given as }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Puppecote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Pippacott, SS5237] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 710; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 360, 414 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 393, 420.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,32\tab [Exon 126b marginal]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BEFORE 1066 ... HAVE IT. In Exon, in the corresponding entry, this information is written in 2 lines, apparently by the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 same scribe, at right-angles down the length of the left margin of folio 126b (not on 126a as well, as Ellis printed). The first 3 letters of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bristric'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the first word, are missing, though there is room for them; likewise the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 W }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (presumably) before }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 aluilla }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 at the beginning of the second line which is hard up against the bottom edge of the folio. There are no transposition signs. There is no entry for this claim in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , so it is possible that the information came to light after the main Exon and the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 had been written, and was added only to the former, or perhaps the claim was settled before the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 were written. Compare 2,2 Bishop note on Newton St Cyres and 5,5 entry note; 16,33 Brictmer note; 23,5 manor note; 23,6 manors note and 52,33 Sedborough note on the possible reasons for the omission from the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of other information one would expect to find therein.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The Domesday scribe probably intended details of this dispute as a separate section, althoug h, since it was apparently in 1086 part of Braunton, it is not really governed by the heading above 3,9 that 'Drogo holds the undermentioned lands from the Bishop'. It does not have anything to do with Beara Charter, except perhaps the name Brictric, but it is not absolutely certain it is the same Brictric in both entries, as in Exon he is distinguished as 'son of Camm' only for the dispute about the virgate. However, in the Great Domesday manuscript the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 B of Brictric }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is not the ornate capital one would expect at the beginning of a new entry (compare the initial letter }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 B }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Braia }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bera }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in 3,30-31, and the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 V }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Vna hida }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the similar entry 3,71, see 3,71 hide note), but is rubricated as for a subdivision of a manor (compare the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 H }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Huic }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in 3,26). In Exon the details are obviously a late addition to the manuscript, being written at right-angles down the folio with no transposition signs. In the Great Domesday manuscript a slight difference in pen and ink is observable before this entry, suggesting per h aps that the scribe stopped to ponder where to include the information. (Compare the late addition in Domesday, as in Exon, of the disputed manor of Werrington (1,50; see 1,50 entry note), and the details of the added manor of Barlington (3,19) which are marginal in both Exon and Domesday.) The parchment here is rather greasy, especially round the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Brictric}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , which tends to accentuate the difference in writing. It is odd that the Domesday scribe should have excluded the name of the land in dispute (see 3,32 virgate note), but see \{Introduction: Unnamed and Omitted Holdings\}.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTRIC [!1! SON OF CAMM !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brictric}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 bri}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 stric' fili' c\'e2mi }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 3,32 before 1066 note); similarly in the Exon for the neighbouring holding 19,12 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brestic' camesone }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (not }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Prestic}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 152) and in the Exon for 17,13 his brother Brictwy son of Camm (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bristuit camesone}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ).}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Camm }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 would be a nickname from Welsh }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cam }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'crooked' (JMcND).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VIRGATE. This unnamed land is identified in the corresponding Exon entry as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Boeurda }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Boode in Braunton, wrongly said by }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 38 to be Bugford in East Down].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WHICH HAD PREVIOUSLY BEEN IN BRAUNTON. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which ... before King Edward's death had been acquired from ...'. For Braunton, a royal manor, see 1,5.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WILLIAM OF VAUVILLE. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 1,15 time note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THANES DO NOT KNOW HOW. The thane s were probably members of the shire court. Compare WIL 23,7 where 'according to the evidence of the thanes of the Shire' 4 hides had wrongfully been taken away from Amesbury Church by Harold but had been returned. Compare also GLS 1,53 concerning another disputed property: 'the men of the county do not know how' Earl William and his son Roger had Dymock.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,33\tab [Exon 126b3] \par \tab CHALLACOMBE. A parish in Shirwell Hundred; see 3,28 Raleigh note; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 336, 417 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 474.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,34\tab [Exon 127a1] \par \tab WHITEFIELD. In Challacombe parish, Shirwell Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 772 Walter }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dar }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Whytefeud }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Barnstaple; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 417 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 474.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IT WAS WASTE. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Vasta fuit}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 erat uastata}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 no real distinction between the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 adjective and the past participle was probably intended; see C3 destroyed note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Whitefiel d lies on the very edge of Exmoor, perhaps the reason for the lack of population and resources in this manor, despite the 1086 value, but compare Buscombe (3,35), two miles from Whitefield, which had also been waste in 1066 but for which a villager and so me resources are recorded, as well as a 1086 value.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,35\tab [Exon 127a2] \par \tab BUSCOMBE. In Challacombe parish, Shirwell Hundred, Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Burietescome }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 corresponding to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Berwordescomb }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (1330) and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Buruardescomb }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (1333); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 61 which does not cite the Domesday form; also Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 474. The correspondence between the place-name forms indicates that the explanation of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Beornweard's }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 combe) is wrong. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Burietescome }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Buruardescomb }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 appear to contain respectively Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 burh-geat }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'fortified gate-house, entrance to a fortified place' and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 burh-weard }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'fort-guardian, keeper of a fortified place'. Field-work, beyond the scope of this present work, is called for to establish the significance of these names.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab AELFRIC. }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The Domesday forms of this name - }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluric}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ), }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alebric, Aeluric}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , Alfric}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , Alfriz, Aluuricus, Aelfric}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluriz, Eluric}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , Alberic, Alebrix}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 etc. - represent Old English }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'c6lfric}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 : von Feilitzen, }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 176-80. The Alecto edition has \'c6lfric}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . In Domesday Devon this personal name occurs in the form }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluric}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with Exon forms }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluric}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alurix}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluuritius}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 However, in 17,88-89 it appears to be Latinized in Exon as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Albericus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('Aubrey'); see 17,88 Aelfric note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IT WAS WASTE. Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 erat uastata}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uastata }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is being used here in an adjectival sense, equivalent to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uasta}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 :}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 there is no implication that Buscombe, which is on the very edge of Exmoor, had been laid waste. See C3 destroyed note and 3,34 waste note; compare 19,18 waste note; 20,2 waste note; 21,5 waste note and 36,17 waste note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,36\tab [Exon 127a3] \par \tab PATCHOLE. In Kentisbury parish, Braunton Hundred. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pachole }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 415 held by Thomas }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Ralegh }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Barnstaple coupled with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Trendelisho }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Trentishoe, 3,48] and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sonenasch }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Seven Ash, SS6044 in Kentisbury, evidently part of this holding]. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sevenasse }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 on its own is coupled with }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Trendeleslo }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 771.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 9 PIGS. So the Exon manuscript clearly; Ellis misprinted '2 pigs'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,37\tab [Exon 127a4] \par \tab KILLINGTON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cheneoltone}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for the form, see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 66. It lies in Martinhoe parish, Shirwell Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 772 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Kynewauthon'}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 417 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Kylweton}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held from the Honour of Barnstaple; see Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 475.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 6 OXEN IN A PLOUGH. There were normally reckoned to be 8 oxen to a plough-team, but there is evidence for smaller teams in the south-west; see Lennard, 'Domesday Plough-Teams'; }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lennard, 'Domesday }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Caruca}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ';}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Finberg, 'Domesday Plough-Team'. In Herefordshire there is evidence that, at least on the king's lordship land, a plough-team of 6 oxen was the norm; see HEF 1,50 oxen note. The Exon for Devon often gives the number of oxen where Domesday has plough(s) or a fraction of a plough, and this might be thought to be instructive in working out the number of oxen to a team. For example, in 15,29;37. 28,10. 33,2 and probably 35,23 (see 35 ,23 plough note), it would seem that Exon's '4 oxen' equal Domesday's '\'bd plough', and in 16,82 Exon's '8 oxen' correspond to Domesday's '1 plough'. However, in 17,12. 34,32. 48,9 and 52,46 Exon has '3 oxen' for Domesday's '\'bd plough', and in 17,28;39;66 Exon's 6 cattle or oxen correspond to Domesday's plough. Moreover, the Great Domesday scribe tended to disregard odd oxen in Exon, apparently either rounding up or down to the nearest plough; see 3,44 plough note. The phrase } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in carr}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uca}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 occurs several times w ith oxen in both Domesday and Exon (and also with cattle; see 17,26 cattle note), but does not imply that the number of oxen so detailed form a standard unit (for example, the 6 oxen in a plough here may or may not form a team, but neither the single ox i n a plough in 17,98 nor the 7 oxen in a plough in 34,35 could form a team). Compare the phrase }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ad carrucam }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the Exon for 28,10 (see 28,10 villagers note). All this phrase seems to mean is that so many oxen were supplied towards a plough-team. The Exon for 16,4, however, states that the 'villagers' 'plough with 2 oxen'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,38\tab [Exon 127b1] \par \tab PILLAND. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Welland}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pillanda}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; see}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,25 and 3,39 for other examples of the Great Domesday scribe's mistaking the Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 P }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for the runic letter wynn}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (= }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 w}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ).}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 For the descent of the holding, see 3,24 Pilland note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,39\tab [Exon 127b2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PICKWELL. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wedicheswelle}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pediccheswella}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for the forms see 3,24 Pilland note and 3,38 Pilland note. The place lies in Georgeham parish, Braunton Hundred, although Pickwell app ears to have been a tithing of Shirwell Hundred in the Middle Ages (see, for example, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll (1334)}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 53 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (1332)}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 25). In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 772, Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Pidekewill' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pidekewill' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gratedene }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Gratton 3,42] from the Honour of Barnstaple. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 335-336, Mauger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Sancto Albino }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Paddikkeswell }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gracton}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 while in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 416 John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Vautort }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pydekuill}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gratton}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sprecom }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Spreacombe 36,13] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hole }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Hole 36,11], lands said to have been held formerly by Mauger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Sancto Albino}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Further, in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 361 these same lands appear as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pydekewill}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gratton}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Northole}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Strodeton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Stourton, see 36,21Washford note] and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Estwere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [unidentified]. Mauger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Sancto Albino }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held Spreacombe and Hole from the Honour of Torrington (36,11 Hole note) but Pickwell and Gratton from the Honour of Barnstaple; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 174 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 462, 475.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,40\tab [Exon 127b3; Terrae Occupatae 500a5]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab AYLESCOTT. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'The Bishop of Coutances has a manor called}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aylescott. 1 virgate of land has been added to it, which a thane held, who could go with}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 his land to whichever lord he would in 1066. Value 10s a year. [Drogo] holds it from the Bishop (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hanc tenet de ep'o}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Drogo }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably omitted in error)'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Both Aylescott and Stowford (3,41) lie in West Down parish, Braunton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 771 Aylyvecoth' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is held of}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the Honour of Barnstaple by Mabel }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Dune}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Stowford may well be represented by the adjacent }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Crakeweye }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Crackaway, SS5341] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 771; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 360. Crackaway is held by John }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Stouford }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 414 from the Honour of Okehampton. In the same survey (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 413 of 1346) }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Alescote }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is coupled with other Honour of Okehampton lands (16,69 Heanton note); see Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 426-427.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TWO BROTHERS HELD IT FREELY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which two brothers held jointly ...; they could go to whichever lord they would'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,41\tab [Exon 127b4] \par \tab STOWFORD. see 3,40 Aylescott note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,42\tab [Exon 128a1] \par \tab GRATTON. In High Bray parish, Shirwell Hundred; for its descent, see 3,39 Pickwell note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,43\tab [Exon 128a2] \par \tab WINSHAM. In Braunton parish, Braunton Hundred. The holding does not appear in the fee lists, but }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Incledene }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Incledon in Braunton, SS4738, see 19,12 Buckland note] is held from the Honour of Barnstaple by Nicholas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Ferariis }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Incledene }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 771.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,44\tab [Exon 128a3] \par \tab HELE. Probably in Ilfracombe parish, Braunton Hundred; see Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 394.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VILLAGER AND 1 SMALLHOLDER [***]. In the manuscript there is a space left suitable for about 7 letters between }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 bord' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and the side marginal ruling. It may have been left intentionally (as apparently in 20,14; see 20,14 villagers note) or, as there is a dot after }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 bord'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the scribe may merely have decided to begin the resources on a new line. Compare 3,83 villagers note; 11,1 pasture note and 25,12 pasture note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 OXEN IN A PLOUGH. The Great Domesday scri be frequently seems to have deliberately omitted odd oxen given in Exon. For example, he makes no mention of the ox in 3,88. 17,9 and 17,98, nor of the 2 oxen in 3,74;76. 16,8. 17,17 (see 17,17 lordship note). 17,42 and 21,18, nor of the 2 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 animalia }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (probably oxen) in a plough in 17,38 (compare also the 1 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 animal }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (= 'ox') in a plough in 17,77), nor of the 3 oxen in 35,7 and 42,2 (though he records the}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3 oxen in lordship in 36,17 and on several occasions he writes '\'bd plough' for '3 oxen'; see 3,37 note). Becau se of the uncertainty as to the number of oxen to a plough-team (3,37 oxen note) it is impossible to tell sometimes how many oxen are being disregarded, for example, in 5,1, the Domesday scribe may be discounting either 1 or 3 oxen and in 15,14 he may eit h er have rounded up (at 8 oxen to a plough) or down (at 6 oxen) to the nearest plough, and in 17,61 either 2 or 3 oxen may have been ignored. However, 7 oxen recorded in Exon for 34,35 are not mentioned in Domesday, which must surely be a mistake. See 3,44 villager note on the possible reason for the space after the villager and smallholder in this entry.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,45\tab [Exon 128a4]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRAY. In South Molton parish, South Molton Hundred. The river gives its name to at least two holdings in the parish called 'East' Bray a nd 'West' Bray in medieval documents, but more recently it seems these have become respectively 'Knights Bray' (six-inch Ordnance Survey map of 1891, SS690260; 'Knightsbury' on 1st series one-inch map of 1809, sheet 26, reprinted as sheet 82 of 1969) and ' High Bray' (SS6726, a site now abandoned, but given on the one-inch 5th edition Ordnance Survey map, and marked simply Bray on the 1st series map). There is also a South Bray in Chittlehampton parish (SS6624), see 1,41 Blackpool note. This Bray should be d istinguished from the High Bray of 3,30 and appears to be the first South Molton Hundred place to be entered in the Bishop's schedule, others (for example, 3,56-57;61-62) being also intermixed with Braunton and Shirwell Hundred entries. This holding was c ertainly at }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Estebray }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('East' Bray) in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 772; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 326, 418; Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications',}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 355; Reichel, }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \lquote South Molton and Roborough Hundreds\rquote ,}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 67. There was also Barnstaple Honour land at }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Westbray }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 710) held by Thomas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Fillegh}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; see 52,36 Bray note. The holder in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 326 of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Estbraye }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is Augustine }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Bathonia}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; he is said to hold of Okehampton Honour in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 31.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWARD. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluuard}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , Exon, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ailuuard}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for Aethelweard; see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 188-189. Exon also has the form }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ailuuard}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for Domesday's }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluuard}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in 19,16;19. 51,3. Both Domesday and Exon have the forms }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ailuuard}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ailuard}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for 3,75. 16,103. 19,25. 28,12. Compare 1,41 Alward note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN BARNSTAPLE A GARDEN. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Interlined in the Exon manuscript; it is interesting that the garden in 10,1 is also an addition (as also the details of the garden in DOR 36,4; see DOR 36,4 garden note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Latin }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hortus }{ \cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is probably rendering Old English }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 geard }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'garden, enclosure' etc. in the sense seen in }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 fisc-geard }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'fishery, fish pond'. Compare SOM 19,26 where a 'garden' in Langport pays 50 eels. A garden is also recorded for Ottery St Mary (10,1), but no render is mentioned. Both Bray and Ottery St Mary are on rivers.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,46\tab [Exon 128b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab NORTHCOTE. In East Down parish, Braunton Hundred. The identification of this and the Northcote of 3,49 has been obscured by Reichel's assertion that the present holding is Incledon in Braunton (Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 389, 420-421; see 3,43 Winsham note). Both places called Northcote were probably parts of the same vill in East Down parish (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 39), separately given by Domesday because they had different }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holders (see 17,23 Combe note). In}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 771, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Northecoth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Kamescoth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Campscott in Ilfracombe, SS4944, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Camescote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiii. no. 18; see 3,51 Warcombe note] are held from the Honour of Barnstaple; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 415. One of these places called Northcote was }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Northcote Prior's }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held by the prior of Pilton in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 710.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,47\tab [Exon 128b2] \par \tab BRIDWICK. It now lies in Kentisbury parish, Braunton Hundred, but it was counted as a tithing of Shirwell Hundred in the Middle Ages. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brudewyk }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was a fee of William }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Briwere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 396, held of him by Hamelin }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Deaudon }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bridewyk' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held of the Honour of Barnstaple in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 772; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 336 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 306, vii. no. 297.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab AELMER. }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The Domesday forms of this name - }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ailmar}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ), }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ailmer}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Eilmer}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ), }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aelmarus}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aelmerus}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aeilmarus}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aimar}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 etc. - represent Old English }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'c6thelm\'e6r}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 184-85. JRM preferred a form closer to the Domesday forms, which did not have a second element }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -maer}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or the medial }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -d-}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -g-}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , which he thought was the prerequisite for inclusion under Aethelmer. The Alecto edition has \'c6thelm\'e6r. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The forms in the corresponding entries in Exon are similar, though with more ending in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -us }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and also }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Almerd}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ],}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Elmerd}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ].}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Compare 15,31 Aethelmer note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,48\tab [Exon 128b3] \par \tab TRENTISHOE. A parish in Braunton Hundred. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Trendeleslo }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 771, Honour of Barnstaple; see 3,36 Patchole note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SMALLHOLDERS. So the Exon manuscript; Ellis misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iiii bord'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,49\tab [Exon 129a1] \par \tab NORTHCOTE}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . In East Down parish, Braunton Hundred; see 3,46 Northcote note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,50\tab [Exon 129a2] \par \tab WALLOVER}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . In Challacombe parish, Shirwell Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 772 the Abbot of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Clive }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Walleworth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Barnstaple; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 361, 417; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Anglicanum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , v. p. 733 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 476.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,51\tab [Exon 129a3] \par \tab WARCOMBE. In Ilfracombe parish, Brauntpn Hundred. The main body of the manor seems to have passed at an early date to the Honour of Okehampton, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Worcumbe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 being held of it in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 784; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp, 360, 414 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 436. It is possible that Campscott (see 3,46 Northcote note) was part of this land.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LAND FOR 2 PLOUGHS. Omitted from the corresponding entry in Exon. The Great Domesday scribe may have deduced the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 estimate from the number of actual teams recorded; this also occurs in 23,1 (see 3,54 villager note) and in DOR11,12. It is an unreliable method of determining the estimate, however, as in Devon the plough-teams detailed regularly do not total the estimate; see 1,3 land note. For the other major additions in Devon by the Great Domesday scribe, see 3,54 villager note and 23,1 land note and compare 3,70 lordship note; 17,71 villager note; 34,11 Holcombe note and 36,9 Hollowcombe note. There are over fifty such additions in those parts of the five south-western counties for which Exon survives; see DO R B4 abbess note for the Dorset 'additions'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,52\tab [Exon 129a4] \par \tab MIDDLETON. In Parracombe parish, Shirwell Hundred. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Middelton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held of the Honour of Barnstaple in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 772; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 336, 416.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ANOTHER [PLOUGH]. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 aliam }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 refers to the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 caruca }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the preceding statement, but the addition of the lordship land from Exon breaks the syntax of Domesday, hence the need for the bracket. Compare 24,29 villagers note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,53\tab [Exon 129b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab STOODLEIGH. In West Buckland parish, Braunton Hundred, but it was counted as part of Shirwell Hundred in the Middle Ages. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 772 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stodelegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held of the Honour of Barnstaple; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 361. The identification of Domesday }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stodlei }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with Stoly in Shirwell (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 424 note 4) or Sloley Barton in Shirwell (Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 463, 477) is impossible; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 68.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP 1 PLOUGH. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In d'nio \'e7 i}{\i\fs24\cf1\up6\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 car'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the dot before the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is larger than usual and together with a rather smudged hook at the top of the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 makes the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 look like an }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; the scribe therefore clarified the number by interlining }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 una}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ).}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VILLAGER AND 1 PLOUGH AND 1 FURLONG. In Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uill' i. ferlin\'fb & i carr' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but as usual it is not clear whether the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uill' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 abbreviates the singular }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uillanus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or the plural }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uillani}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in which latter case it would be implying the slave had a share in the plough and land. Compare 15,47 villagers note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,54\tab [Exon 129b2] \par \tab [EAST] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 BUCKLAND. The Bishop apparently had three holdings here (see also 3,63).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Estbokland' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 772 from the Honour of Barnstaple; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 360, 414 and Reichel, }{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \lquote Some Notes on part I of Domesday Identifications\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 731; }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications\rquote ,}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 354-355; Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 395, 427. For West Buckland see 16,73.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VILLAGER AND 2 SLAVES. No mention is made in Exon of the villager or 2 slaves,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but after the lo rdship details appears the information 'on another furlong (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferlino}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 lives a slave', the other furlong being 'needed' to make up to the tax total of \'bd virgate. See 3,51 land note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MEADOW, 6 ACRES; WOODLAND, 6 ACRES; PASTURE, 12 ACRES. The scribe appears to have been careless when writing the resources in this entry: the acreages of both the meadow and pasture are corrected (from }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xi }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 respectively) and the woodland omitted and then squeezed in, mostly in the right margin (though it is hard to see where the side ruling comes here) with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 silu\'ea }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 interlined (though there is no gallows sign indicating the position of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 silu\'ea}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 7 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is extra large and takes its place). All these corrections were done at an early stage in the same colour ink as the rest of the entry. The Exon entry is neat and clear with no alterations.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,55\tab [Exon 129b3] \par \tab THIS ENTRY is added in two lines at the foot of folio 102d below the bottom marginal ruling, extending some 4 letters into the central margin; it is not rubricated. Unlike the other additions at the bottom of columns (see 1,45 manor note), it is written in the same colour ink as the rest of the column , although the pen is scratchier. The transposition signs are as in the translation, not the 'hands' that Farley printed. There is no sign in the Exon manuscript that this entry was a later addition, the folio being neat and by one scribe and the entries e ither side of it are those corresponding to 3,53 and 3,55.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab [EAST] BUCKLAND}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . See 3,54 Buckland note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,56\tab [Exon 129b4]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BREMRIDGE. Both Bremridge and Aller (3,57) are in South Molton parish, South Molton Hundred, held as}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bremelrig }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sudaure }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [South Aller; for North Aller, see 42,12 Aller note] by Oliver }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Tracy }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 772; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 326, 418. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cloteworth' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Clotworthy SS6828], the next entry in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 772, was no doubt part of these lands; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 326 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Fluteworth}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 418 and Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', pp. 69, 83-84.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,57\tab [Exon 130a1] \par \tab ALLER. See 3,56 Bremridge note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VILLAGER [WITH] 1 FURLONG. In Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uill' i ferlin\'fb}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uill' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 could abbreviate either the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 singular }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uillanus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 referring only to the 1 villager, or the plural }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uillani}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 referring to both the villager and the slave recorded after this statement. See 16,145 villager note; 16,146 villager note; 17,58 villager note 19,9 smallholder note and 35,5 villager note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,58\tab [Exon 130a2] \par \tab PLAISTOW. In Shirwell parish, Shirwell Hundred. It is held as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pleystowe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 772 from the Honour of Barnstaple; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 336, 416.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,59\tab [Exon 130a3] \par \tab VARLEY. Probably the place in Marwood parish, Braunton Hundred; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 52.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE ... 5s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Value 6s'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,60\tab [Exon 130b1] \par \tab BITTADON. In the manuscript there is a faint but clear hair-line between the second }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 E }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 D }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 BEDE}{\i\fs24\cf1\up6\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 N}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 DONE }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (there is no gap between the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 E }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 D}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to show the position of the interlined }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 N}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Farley did not print this line (see 3,19 Alfred note). Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bedendona}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Bittadon is a parish in Braunton Hundred. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bittedene }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is held from the Honour of Barnstaple in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 771; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 415.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,61\tab [Exon 130b2] \par \tab MOLLAND. A parish near West Anstey, South Molton Hundred, to be distinguished from Molland in North Molton (see 36,17 Molland note). In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 772 Robert }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Campell' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Molland' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Barnstaple. The same place is called }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Champelestan' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 325, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Molland Champeaux }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 418, that is Champson in Molland, SS8028; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 343 and Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', pp. 69, 84.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,62\tab [Exon 130b3] \par \tab ANSTEY. The holding lay in what is now West Anstey parish, South Molton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 772, from the Honour of Barnstaple, Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Moyne }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Anestye}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 while in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids} {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 325 William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Moigne }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Westanestigh }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from Ralph }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Champeus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (on whom see 3,61 note) and the latter holds from Geoffrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Caumvill}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The Honour of Okehampton holds another part of Anstey (16,78) and is wrongly entered as holding this land in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 419; see Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', pp. 69, 84.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,63\tab [Exon 131a1] \par \tab [EAST] BUCKLAND.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 3,54 Buckland note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 SMALLHOLDERS WITH 1 PLOUGH AND \'bd VIRGATE. In the corresponding entry in Exon the smallholders are termed }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uillani }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'vi llagers' when their plough and land are stated after the lordship details; see also for 15,31. 16,50;90;100. 17,26;38;40;77;79;90. 19,9. 20,5;17. 23,23. 25,17. 34,33;35;44. 35,8. 36,3. 40,1;3. 45,2. 50,5. 52,1 ;5. In the case of the entry for 45,2 the sta tement about the lordship and villagers' ploughs appears after, rather than in its usual place before, the inhabitants of the village are detailed, so there would be no excuse for the Exon scribe to term them }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uillani }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in temporary ignorance of whether there were any villagers on the manor. In fact the term }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uillani }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is being used generically here, including the smallholders as well as the 'villagers' proper (see 1,26 pigmen note). However, in some entries where only smallholders (or smallholders and slaves) are recorded, the scribe has }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 bordarii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in place of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uillani }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 when their land and ploughs are given; see}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 DOR 12,16 smallholders note and SOM \{Introduction: Exon Extra Information and Discrepancies\}. See 20,6 plough note for a different formula.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,64\tab [Exon 131a2] \par \tab ROWLEY. In Parracombe parish, Shirwell Hundred (2). }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rughelegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 772 from the Honour of Barnstaple; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 336, 417.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE, 20 ACRES. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Pasture, 30 acres'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,65\tab [Exon 131a3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CHAGFORD. Chagford parish, Wonford Hundred contains Teigncombe, the next entry (3,66). In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 773 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Chageford' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Yales }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [unidentified, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Heales }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi no. 710] are held of the Honour of Barnstaple; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Chageford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Teyngcomb }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are similarly held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 315; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 346, 387.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,66\tab [Exon 131a4] \par \tab TEIGNCOMBE. See 3,65 Chagford note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,67\tab [Exon 131b2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRAMFORD [SPEKE]. Now a parish in Wonford Hundred, although Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Branfortune}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brenford }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Branford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see also 16,123;129. 24,2) seem to have accounted for the parishes both of Bramford Speke and Upton Pyne. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 773 the heir of Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Espek' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Branford'}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 while in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 315 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bramford Spec }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held from Hugh }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Cortenay }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and he holds from Geoffrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Canvile}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 385. The four holdings at Bramford Speke, 3 hides in all, will have encompassed the 2 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 mansae }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 at }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brentefordland }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brentesforlong }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 granted by King Edmund in 944 to Athelstan }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 comes }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and subsequently by Athelstan to Glastonbury Abbey (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , nos. 29-30 p. 11 = Birch, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cartularium Saxonicum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 799 = Sawyer, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 498).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The Bishop of Coutances' holding probably included }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Kouelegh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Cowley SX9095] entered next in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 773; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 315; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 613 and 24,2 Bramford note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,68\tab [Exon 131b3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab REWE. A parish in Wonford Hundred. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 773 records that }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rewe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held by Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Blakeford' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Barnstaple, together with 1 virgate of land in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sulfertone }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Silverton, see 1,7]. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 710 this same land appears as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hesel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Heazille Barton, SS9500] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rewes}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 1370; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 315, 346, 387; the Red Book of the Exchequer (Hall, ii. p. 558).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE NOW 20s. In the corresponding entry in the Exon manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .x. sol' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with a further }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .x. }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 interlined above to make}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the value }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .xx. sol'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It is interesting that in the Domesday manuscript the present value has also been corrected from }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 x }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xx solid'}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by the addition of a second }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 x}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See also 2,24 cottagers note; 28,10 virgates note and 32,10 hides note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,69\tab [Exon 132a1] \par \tab NETHER EXE. A parish in Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred; it is identifiableby an analysis of the Tax Return for Silverton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 773 Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Crues }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (whose family names Cruwys Morchard 3,73) holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nytheresse}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 322, 425, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 244 and Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', pp. 219, 232.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,70\tab [Exon 132a2] \par \tab UP EXE. Later in Rewe parish (see 3,68), Wonford Hundred, but it was in Hayridge Hundred (the successor to Silverton Hundred) in the Middle Ages and probably also in 1086 judging by the order of Exon. Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Tracy }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Uppe Esse }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 773 from the Honour of Barnstaple; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 322, 368, 425; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 710, x. no. 494 and Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', pp. 219, 232.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP 1 PLOUGH. Possibly a mistaken item of information; in the corresponding entry in Exon the plough is omitted from the lordship. The Great Domesday scribe could not, as p ossibly in 3,51 (see 3,51 land note), have deduced its existence from the plough estimate. It is possible, however, that the Great Domesday scribe may have included the lordship plough in error.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VILLAGERS ... WITH 1 PLOUGH. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c\'fb i car' is }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 written in sli ghtly paler ink, completely in the central margin. As there is no lordship plough recorded in Exon (see 3,70 lordship note), it may be that initially the Great Domesday scribe included the details of the 1 plough that Exon records, under the lordship rath er than in its correct place with the villagers; during a check of Exon the mistake was noticed and the villagers' plough added, but for some reason the lordship plough was not deleted.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HUMPHREY [* OF CARTERET *] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [HOLDS IT] FROM DROGO. Possibly Humphrey of Carteret (see DOR 3,10 and DOR 3,10 Humphrey note) who would seem to have held from Drogo in 3,80 (see 3,80 Thelbridge note for the Tax Return}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 evidence). This possible identification is lent support by the fact that Drogo is son of Mauger (see List 10 Drogo note) and Mauger is probably Mauger of Carteret who holds in 15,57 and in Somerset.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The Great Domesday scribe may have decided when copying Exon to omit details of this lower level of subtenancy, as no doubt at 35,10 and see 3,94 Alwin note. However, he does omit (apparently accidentally) the 1086 subtenants of the main manors of 21,1. 23,7. 24,28-29;31. 25,1. 34,16;27;47. 41,1. 47,10. 48,1;11 and 49,7. Except for the entries for 24,28-29;31 and 48,1 (see 24, 2 8 Walter note and 48,1 Roger note), no obvious reason emerges from a study of the Exon manuscript why the Great Domesday scribe omitted such important details: they occur in the usual places in the Exon entries. However, changes in tenants may have occurr ed in some since Exon was compiled.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,71\tab [Exon 132a3] \par \tab 1 HIDE OF LAND ... }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 BEFORE 1066. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The Bishop has 1 hide of land which Wulfnoth held in 1066'. Details of this hide appear on a separate line, preceded by a 'gallows' s ign, so it is not clear whether the hide had anything to do with Up Exe in the preceding entry.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Domesday these details are probably intended to form a separate entry, as they do in Exon, rather than to be part of Up Exe. The }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 V }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Vna }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is large and rubricated like the }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 V }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Vlpesse}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the first word of 3,70. Compare 3,32 before note and 55,15a William note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE OF THE WHOLE, 30s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Value of this hide, 30s a year'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,72\tab [Exon 132b3; Terrae Occupatae 506a11] \par \tab [LOWER] CREEDY.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'The Bishop of Coutances has a manor called (Lower) Creedy which Goda held jointly in 1066. Value 5s'. See the reference to this entry in \{Introduction: The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for Devon\}.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cridie}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 It lies in Upton Hellions parish, [West] Budleigh Hundred, and is probably represented }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 by Hassok' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Haske SS8502] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 762, 774; see Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', pp. 282, 309.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab [CRUWYS] MORCHARD. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The manor called (Cruwys) Morchard'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,73\tab [Exon 132b4]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THIS ESTATE and the following six (3,74-79) form a group of places that all lie on the eastern edge of Witheridge Hundred apart from 3,79 which is in Tiverton Hundred. But in the Tax Return for Bampto n Hundred, Bishop Geoffrey is allowed 1 hide 3 \'bd furlongs (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 fertinos}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of lordship land. There is no place now lying in Bampton Hundred to represent them, and it is probable that this group of places (whose combined lordship is 1 hide 4 'furlongs') lay in, or was taxed in, Bampton Hundred in 1086; see \{ Introduction: Hundreds\}. 3,74-78 are so placed by Reichel, }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Bampton and Uffculme Hundreds', }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 454; for the sequence of Exon to be tidy, 3,73;79 should be included as well.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab [CRUWYS] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 MORCHARD. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Morceth}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel's identification with Moor farm in Shobrooke (Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred, p. 431; }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Budleigh Hundred in 1244\rquote , p. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 309; }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 362) or with Rowlstone, a part of Morchard Bishop said to lie in Witheridge Hundred (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 426 note 9), either ignores the Domesday form or topography or the sequence of hundreds in Exon The most probable identification is with a part of Cruwys Morchard (see 3,69 Exe note). This place later lay in Wi theridge Hundred, but like 3,74-79 may well have been counted in Bampton Hundred in 1086; see 3,73 estate note. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 773, from the Honour of Barnstaple, Robert }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Edinthon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Northecoth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Northcote in Cruwys Morchard, SS8613; see 19,35 Morchard note], }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Coltescoth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Colston in Templeton, SS8614, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Kolteston' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 760] and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bradelegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Bradley, see 3,82 Bradley note]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 763. It is not unlikely that Northcote (perhaps including Colston, see 3,76 ''Celvertesberie'' note) represents Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Morceth}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP 1 PLOUGH. In the corresponding entry in Exon the last 3 lines on folio 132b, which form 132b4 up as far as the lordship details, have had gall applied to them because the ink appears to have faded. M ost of what Ellis read can still be deciphered. The lordship plough (and probably \'bd virgate to make up to the total of 1 virgate and 1 furlong ('ferling') tax) cannot be read.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,74\tab [Exon 133a1] \par \tab SPURWAY. In Oakford parish, Witheridge Hundred, but see 3,73 estate note. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 773 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Spreweye }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held from the Honour of Barnstaple, while in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 343 it is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Estsprewey }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ['East' Spurway, now Spurway Barton ] with members }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Challewille }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [probably now represented by Chawlmoor wood and copse, SS908225] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Falwarigge }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Valeridge, SS9122], held from Geoffrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Camvill'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 759 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , x. no. 241. For West Spurway see 23,14.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,75\tab [Exon 133a2] \par \tab THIS ENTRY is added in 2 lines at the foot of folio 103a below the bottom marginal ruling, extending some 2 letters into the left margin; it is not rubricated. The colour of the ink is paler and the pen thinner than that of the rest of the column. Compa re the additions 1,45 and 3,19. The transposition signs are as in the Ordnance Survey facsimile, not the 'hands' that Farley printed.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab COOMBE. The entries here and at 3,78 are probably to be identified with Coombe in Templeton, in Witheridge Hundred, but see}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,73 estate note. The two holdings are accounted for in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 773: (1) by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cumb'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 one fee held by Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dacastre }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reyngny }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (that is 3,75, the larger Domesday holding, found as }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cumb Acastre }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Combe Regni }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 710), and (2) by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cumb' Munceus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 one-sixth fee held by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Moncellis }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (that is 3,78, the smaller holding). Both are held from the Honour of Barnstaple; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 760 and 52,43 Waspley note. The second manor is }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cumbe Monceaus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 344 held from Geoffrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Camvill' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 362, 421); the first passes into the hands of the Knights Templars who name the parish; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 87b and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 394.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWARD. Domesday and Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ailuuard}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 } {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aethelweard}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see 3,45 Alward note and 1,41 Alward note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,76\tab [Exon 133a3; Terrae Occupatae 502a1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab "CELVERTESBERIE".}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Among fees held of the Honour of Barnstaple in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 760, 773 is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Coltescoth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Kolteston'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 now Colston in Templeton parish (3,73}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Morchard }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 note), which might represent the unidentified }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Celvertesberie }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 especially if the added land at Coombe is part of the Coombe in Templeton (3,75 Coombe note). If, however, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Celvertesberie }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 simplified to}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Beer', it might be the Beer in Cruwys Morchard (SS8411) in which case Coombe}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 might be Coombe farm (SS8511) in the same parish. More evidence is needed.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 FURLONGS AND 1 VIRGATE. The order is unusual, as furlongs ('ferlings') were}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 subdivisions of virgates ; see fourth note under 1,4. The correct order occurs in the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 villagers' land for 3,77 given in Exon.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab COOMBE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'a manor called Coombe'. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'The Bishop of Coutances}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 has a manor called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cheluerstesberia }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which Alwin held. 1 virgate of land and 1 furlong (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferdinus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 have been added to it. A thane held this land jointly in 1066. It lies waste'; Coombe is not named; see 5,2 manor note and 7,4 manor note for similar omissions in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .} {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IT IS UNOCCUPIED. Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uacua }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('empty', 'unoccupied'). The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uastata iacet }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'lies waste'. See C3 destroyed note on }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uasta}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uastata}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,77\tab [Exon 133b1] \par \tab STOODLEIGH. A parish later lying in Witheridge Hundred, but see 3,73 estate note. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 773 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Estodlegh }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [East Stoodleigh; for West Stoodleigh, see 34,40 Stoodleigh note] is held with Bondleigh (3,20 Bondleigh note) from the Honour of Barnstaple; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 760 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 343, 421.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,78\tab [Exon 133b2] \par \tab COOMBE. See 3,75 Coombe note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 PLOUGH, WHICH IS THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'He (Drogo) has 1 plough'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably implied, or omitted in error.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,79\tab [Exon 133b3] \par \tab BRADLEY. The name is now represented by Bradley (SS8912), Great Bradley (SS9013), Middle Bradley (SS8913) and West Bradley (SS8914), as well as by Bradleigh Down (SS9013), all in Tiverton parish, Tiverton Hundred. The Bishop's other Bradley (3 ,82) certainly lay in Tiverton Hundred, but the sequence of Exon suggests that this land lay in Bampton Hundred (later in Witheridge Hundred; see 3,73 estate note) and perhaps was a part of West Bradley lying west of the River Dart, or was appurtenant to one of the Bishop's Bampton Hundred manors.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 PLOUGH ... 1 VILLAGER AND 1 SLAVE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The villagers (have) ... \'bd plough. Drogo has 1 villager and 1 slave'. (Drogo has the other \'bd plough; see \{ Appendix: Lordship and Villagers' Table\}. By the use of the plural }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uillani }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the scribe may intentionally be including the slave with the villager as having a share in the land and the \'bd plough (1,3 slaves note on the slave), using the term }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uillani }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 generically. Or he may have used the plural inadvertently as a stock phrase (as apparently in the Exon entry corresponding SOM 21,62; see SOM 21,62 smallholder note). See 5,9 villager note; 28,16 slaves note and 34,56 carucates note and compare 16,6 slave s note; 16,145 villager note; 16,146 villager note; 19,9 smallholder note and 35,5 villager note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,80\tab [Exon 134a1; Terrae Occupatae 502a12] \par \tab THELBRIDGE. A parish in Witheridge Hundred. In the Tax Return for Witheridge Hundred tax is owed on 1 \'bd virgates held by Humphrey of Carteret from Drogo which would seem to correspond to the 1 \'bd virgates of villagers' land (the tax-paying part of the holding). Although the holder is Drogo himself in Domesday, this Tax Return entry must refer to Thelbridge since it is held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 773 by Simon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Chartray }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Thelebrig' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Chatemere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Chapner, SS8113]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 758; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 343,419; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Liber Niger Scaccarii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 127 and Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', p. 426. Moreover, Domesday rarely gives details of tenants of sub\- tenants, and Exon gives them only slightly less rarely (as in 3,70, see 3,70 Humphrey note).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IT PAID TAX FOR \'bd VIRGATE OF LAND. Added later, though in the same colour ink and hand, extending into the right margin, the original dot after }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 M'}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 being visible under the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 7.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MIDDLEWICK. Abbreviated details of the addition of this manor appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry, which also states that Middlewick does not belong (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pertinet}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 perhaps a mistake for the past }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pertinuit}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to the above manor.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTMER. On this name, see 16,4 Brictmer note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,81\tab [Exon 134a2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WORLINGTON. East Worlington parish in Witheridge Hundred, now united with West Worlington, see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 401. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 773 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Woluringthon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held from the Honour of Barnstaple. The place is }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Estuuilriggton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 343; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 758, and for West Worlington see 42,21 Worlington note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND, 3 ACRES. A possible reason for the omission of the woodland details in Domesday is that Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iii ag' nem' & iii nemcli}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (with an abbreviation line through the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 l}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and the Great Domesday scribe's eye travelled from one }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iii nem' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to the next. Compare 1,4 woodland note; 16,164 woodland note and 32,5 woodland note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,82\tab [Exon 134b2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRADLEY. In Tiverton parish, Tiverton Hundred; see 3,79 Bradley note. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 760 (Witheridge Hundred) Robert }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Edingthon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Norththecoth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Kolteston' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 3,73 Morchard note and 3,76 "Celvertesberie" note) and has 1 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferling }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of land in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bradelegh' quod est in hundredo de Twiverton}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 clearly the 1 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferling }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of this holding; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 773 and 50,5 Bradley note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IT PAYS 30d. One would normally expect }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 valet }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 instead of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddit }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 here, the former being the verb used in all but three of the Value statements in DEV 3. It is probable that the Great Domesday scribe merely copied the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddit }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Exon (possibly by mistake, as he changes Exon's }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddit }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for 3,4;6;27;29 to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 valet}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 );}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 compare notes to 15,53 pays note and 24,18 pays note. It is unlik ely that he meant to imply that the 30d was a payment by the smallholder (for 'farming' the manor, see 6,6 villager note): the wording of neither Exon not Great Domesday suggests this, but compare 52,48 villager note. See 2,2 value note for the apparent i nterchangeability of the verbs }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddit }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 valet}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,83\tab [Exon 134b3] \par \tab LOXBEARE. A parish in Tiverton Hundred. Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Avenel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lockesbere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 774 from the Honour of Barnstaple; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 319, 433.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VILLAGERS ... PLOUGH. UNDERW OOD ... . There is no obvious reason why the Domesday scribe omitted either the villagers' plough or the underwood details; neither are added in Exon or are out of place. Although there is a small gap in the manuscript after }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 bord' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (as if left for the villa gers' plough), this does not prove anything as small gaps are often left between details of population and resources etc. (as in 3,81). Compare 3,44 villager note. See 1,34 villagers note on other instances of the villagers' plough(s) being omitted in Dom esday. Underwood is also omitted for no apparent reason by the Great Domesday scribe in 17,62. 25,12 and 47,13; compare 1,4 woodland note on the omissions of 'woodland'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,84\tab [Exon 134b4] \par \tab PEADHILL. In Tiverton parish, Tiverton Hundred (9). It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Padehill' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 773 held from the Honour of Barnstaple; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 319, 432.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 MEN [HAVE] \'bd [***].}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In the corresponding entry in Exon, after the lordship virgate and plough are given, is written }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 7 uillani}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 dim'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 dim' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably refers to \'bd plough, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 carr' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 being the last mentioned noun. The Great Domesday scribe was obviously unsure what the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 dim' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 described (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 dim hid' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ' \'bd hide', is a possibility and would add up to the 3 virgates tax), so omitted it altogether, although villagers' ploughs are normally given. No villagers are mentioned in the detail, only the 3 men.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,85\tab [Exon 135a2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FARWAY. A parish in Colyton Hundred; it should be noted that }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday Gazetteer}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 maps it in the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 wrong location. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 773 this land (the Bishop's only holding in this hundred) seems to be represented by }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Forewod' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Farwood}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Barton, SY2095, in Colyton parish] held by the Abbot }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Quarera }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (that is, Quarr in Ryde parish on the Isle of Wight) from the predecessors of Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Tracy}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 366, 428 and, for another part of Farwood, 21,15 Farwood note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 LIST 11\tab DROGO [* SON OF MAUGER *] HOLDS THESE 73 LANDS. In fact there are 77 (or 75 if one excludes 3,32 and 3,71 which are not 'proper' manors; see notes). See 3,9 Drogo note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,86\tab [Exon 121a2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SOURTON. Sourton is closely associated in later times with Milford (3,87). Sourton is itself a parish while Milford is in Stowford parish, both in Lifton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 773 two Honour of Barnstaple fees are held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Surethon'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Trissel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [North Russell, SX5092, in Sourton parish] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Meleford}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Milford]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 together with }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Kemmeworth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Kimworthy 3,89] }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Niweland' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Newland, SS3012, no doubt part of Kimworthy] and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Thorne }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Thorne 3,88], these last three being in [Black] Torrington Hundred; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 756 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 320. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 405 these places occur as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sourton}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Northryschel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Mylefford}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see Reichel, Lifton Hundred in 1243', p. 192 and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', pp. 195, 227.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 14 VILLAGERS ... . The corresponding entry in Exon has '14 villagers there ...', rather than the usual formula '}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 X }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (the holder) has}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 y }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 villagers, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 z }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 smallholders etc.'. See 34,46 villagers note; 34,57 villager note; 52,9 ploughs note and 52,48 villager note for a similar, unusual formula.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 4 PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '4 \'bd ploughs'; the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 7}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 dimid' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is on the next line, perhaps the reason for the discrepancy. Compare 17,69 tax note and 34,25 tax note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,87\tab [Exon 121b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SHE ALSO. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Engelbald's wife'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MILFORD. See 3,86 Sourton note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 COTTAGER. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i coscez }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 rather than the usual singular form }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 coscet}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The plural }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 coscez }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is also used after }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in 17,10 and in WIL 68,24, though in the latter an attempt was made to correct the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 z }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to a }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 t}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon has the singular form here and for 17,10. Compare 2,24 cottagers note on }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xxi coscez}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,88\tab [Exon 122a1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SHE ALSO. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Engelbald's wife'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THORNE. In [Black] Torrington Hundred, and most likely the place in Holsworthy parish, the John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Thorne }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 who holds in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 408 from the Honour of Barnstaple being probably the same man who holds land in Holsworthy in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Devon (1332)}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 68. See 3,86 Sourton note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,89\tab [Exon 122a3] \par \tab THE BISHOP'S NIECE.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Although Latin }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 neptis }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 can mean 'grand-daughter' as well as 'niece', the meaning here must be the latter, as Geoffrey was not married. The niece in question may have b een the sister of Geoffrey's nephew and heir, Robert of Mowbray (see DEV 3 Bishop note), though the Bishop seems to have had several brothers and a sister.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab KIMWORTHY. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Bradworthy parish, [Black] Torrington Hundred. It seems to have included Newland (3,86 Sourton note); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 773; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 409 and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 227.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,90\tab [Exon 122b3] \par \tab WULFRUN. Domesday and Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Oluu'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It would seem that both scribes omitted one abbreviation sign and put the existing one in the wrong place, the correct form being }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Olu'\'fb }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (= }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Oluerun }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English feminine personal name }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wulfrun}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ).}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A Wulfrun held land elsewhere in Devon, but only in 1066, in common with almost all the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wulf- }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 names.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WELCOMBE. A parish in Hartland Hundred. It is held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 371 by Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Merton }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (from Merton 3,5); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 390.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ASGOT. The Domesday forms of this name - }{ \i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Osgot}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ansgot}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Osgotus}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Asgot}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{ \i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ansgot}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ], }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Angot}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 - represent Old Danish }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Asgut}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , } {\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Asgot}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , Old Norse }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Asgautr}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 165-66. The printed Phillimore edition has the forms Asgot, Ansgot, Osgot and Asgautr; these have now been standardized as Asgot. The Alecto edition has Asgot here.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In the present entry the name-form is }{\i\cf1\insrsid8681605 Osgot}{\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Great Domesday, }{\i\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ansgottus}{\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the corresponding entry in Exon; they represent the same name in its Old English and Old German forms: Old English }{\i\cf1\insrsid8681605 Osgot = }{\cf1\insrsid8681605 Old Scandinavian }{\i\cf1\insrsid8681605 Asgautr }{\cf1\insrsid8681605 (the cognate Old English name was }{\i\cf1\insrsid8681605 Osgeat}{\cf1\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\cf1\insrsid8681605 von Feilitzen, }{\i\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 339, which the Normans saw as Old German }{\i\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ansgaut }{\cf1\insrsid8681605 and wrote }{\i\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ansgot }{\cf1\insrsid8681605 (JMcND). In 15,77 and 16,24 the Domesday and Exon forms also differ (see 15,77 Asgot note; 16,24 Asgot note). Compare }{\i\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ansger/ Asgar }{\cf1\insrsid8681605 (1,23 Esger note).}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,91\tab [Exon 121b3] \par \tab SUTCOMBE. A parish in [Black] Torrington Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 772 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Suttecumb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held with }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Merthon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Merton 3,5] of the Honour of Barnstaple; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 327, 406; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 519, viii. no. 390, Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 226 and 3,5 Merton note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP ... . In the corresponding entry in Exon, unusually it is the bishop, rather than his subtenant, who has the land and ploughs in lor dship in this entry; possibly a scribal error, but see the similar tenure in DOR 55,32 men-at-arms note. Compare 19,36 where the lordship of the manor is held by a villager and DOR 47,10 thanes note where it is held by the 1066 tenants.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,92\tab [Exon 124a3; Terrae Occupatae 500a1] \par \tab TAPELEY. In Westleigh parish, Fremington Hundred. It is held as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tappelegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 773 from the Honour of Barnstaple, see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 413.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FROM THIS HIDE ... 10s. Also in the }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , an entry written almost entirely in the right margin and by a different scribe to those entries around it. The value is only given there, not in the main Exon entry; compare 1,4 value 5s; 1,4 value 2s and 42,12 value note for other examples of the value of a subholding only being given in the }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,93\tab [Exon 131b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SOWTON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Clis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Wonford Hundred formerly known as }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Clist Fomison }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or Fomyzoun}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or Clist St Michael; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 309 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 445. Like Canonteign (3,97) but unlike almost all the Bishop's other Devonshire manors, this land passed to the Honour of Gloucester, thus following the same descent as the Bishop's Somerset estates. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 779 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Clist Fomicon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held by Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Fomicun }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Gloucester; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 315, 346, 386; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. nos. 371, 532, v. no. 538, ix. no. 428, xvi. no. 538; Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred', p. 290; Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 338, and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 557.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,94\tab [Exon 132b2] \par \tab CREALY. In Farringdon parish, [East)] Budleigh Hundred . It is held in the fee lists with Clyst St Mary (3,7 Clyst note).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWIN [!1! THE STEWARD !1!].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Alwin the steward (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 dapifer}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held it from Alwin; he could not be separated}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from him in 1066'. Other examples of the Great Domesday scribe 'pruning out' }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 subtenants occur in Devon in 15,33 (see 15,33 Edmer note), 15,39 and 24,24 and compare 17,33 thane note and, for the excision of lower levels of 1086 subtenancies, 3,70 Humphrey note and 35,10 Erchenbald note. Compare also 3,80 Thelbridge note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 VILLAGERS. So the manuscript and Farley, though part of the first }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is not completely there and in the Ordnance Survey facsimile the number appears as }{\b\fs24\cf1\up6\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See L11 Mont-Saint-Michel note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,95\tab [Exon 134b1] \par \tab RUSTON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rinestanedone}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It lay in the former West Worlington parish, now combined with East Worlington (see 3,81 Worlington note), Witheridge Hundred. This land passed out of the Bishop's fief, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ringstanesdune }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 being held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 761 in Witheridge Hundred of the Honour of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gunnardeston }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Cornwall; see Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', pp. 410, 427.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ABBUD. The Domesday form }{ \i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Abet}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 represents Old English }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Abbud}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 140. The Phillimore printed edition has Abbot, a direct translation of the Old English }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 abbud}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . The Alecto edition has Abbud. This is the only occurrence of this name in Domesday Book.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,96\tab [Exon 135a3; Terrae Occupatae 503b8] \par \tab `CHARLTON'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A lost place, probably in Upottery parish, Axminster Hundred . The Domesday form here is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cheletone}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cherletone }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 at 1,11 where it is one of the several lands said to owe dues to Axminster. It has been identified with Charton in Axmouth parish by }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Whale, 'Analysis of the Exon."Domesday"', }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 696 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday Gazetteer}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , but this is improbable since a place paying dues to Axminster is unlikely to have lain in Axmouth parish and Hundred. It is more likely that the place is the tithing of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Churleton }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Axminster Hundred (}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll (1334)}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 57; Reichel and Mugford, '}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old Exeter Manuscript (1384)'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 34). This place is stated by Pole, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Description of the County of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 127, to be }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Charleton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 coupled with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Luggeston }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Luxon ST 2110] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Chanelsheghes }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Charles Hayes farm ST 2108, see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 650] both in Upottery parish; see Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 365; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 428 n ote 6; Reichel, 'Axminster and Axmouth Hundreds', pp. 136, 155.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,97\tab [Exon 135a1] \par \tab GEOFFREY [!1! OF TRELLY !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Trelly (Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de trailei}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is in the d\'e9 partement of Manche, France; see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 116. Geoffrey is also a subtenant of the Bishop of Coutances in Bedfordshire (BDF 3,4;10).}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CANONTEIGN. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Teigne}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Later in Christow parish, Wonford Hundred, but it lay in Teignbridge Hundred in the Middle Ages (see, for example, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll (1334)}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 60) and the sequence of Exon suggests that this was so also in 1086. Like Sowton (3,93) this land passed to the Honour of Gloucester; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 371, v. no. 538, ix. no. 428 and xvi. no. 538. It was granted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1125 by Jocelyn }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Pomeria }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to the Canons of the monastery of Sainte-Marie-du-Val (diocese of Bayeux in the French d\'e9partement of Calvados); see Round, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Documents}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 France}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 1455 p. 536 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 431. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Kanone Teyng }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 90a; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 82a.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,98\tab [Exon 135b1] \par \tab LANGAGE. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Langehewis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Plympton St Mary parish, Plympton Hundred. It passed to Plympton Priory; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 153; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 253; Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 135 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 297.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SAEWIN HELD IT. The corresponding entry in Exon has ' ... he could go to whichever lord he would', added after the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 plough estimate, presumably referring to Saewin and briefly omitted, the misplacement perhaps accounting for its not being in Domesday.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3,99\tab [Exon 135b2] \par \tab ANSGER. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 1,23 Esger note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab POLSLOE. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Heavitree parish, Wonford Hundred. It formed part of the endowment of the priory there; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 84a and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred', p. 291.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 4\tab GLASTONBURY CHURCH. Its origin is unclear and obscured by myth. Thus, it was said to have been founded }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . AD 63 by St Joseph of Arimathea and to have been the first Christian oratory in Englan d. Many famous names are said to be associated with it: St Patrick, who retired there in 433, did much rebuilding; St Augustine in 605 'instituted it into a more regular society' (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Anglicanum}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 1); but it was the Abbot Dunstan who in 942 reb uilt it after the Danish attacks and brought in Benedictine monks. King Edmund (939-946) made it large grants of land. Its position in 1086 of holding, according to Domesday, only one manor in Devon, 5 in Dorset, 14 in Wiltshire, and some 34 in Somerset, as well as single ones in Berkshire, Hampshire, and Gloucestershire., was probably due to the weakness and prodigality of "Turstin" its abbot (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . 1077/1078-1096; see }{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Knowles, Brooke and London, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Heads of Religious Houses}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 51) who was banished in 1083 afte r rioting took place in the Abbey, but was restored by William Rufus on payment of a large sum of money. Glastonbury Abbey is dedicated to St Mary.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Although in 1086 the Church held only one manor in Devon, its property had been formerly more extensive, but in 1086 was held by other churches or by laymen. King Aethelheard of Wessex had in 729 granted 10 hides in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Torric }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [that is, on the River Torridge, probably Hatherleigh and Jacobstowe which were held in 1086 by Tavistock Abbey: }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 1 p. 7; see 5,4 note]. A further 5 hides on the River }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Toric }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 were added by King Egbert in 802 (with the enfranchisement of the first 10 hides): }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 7 p. 8. A grant in 760 by Sulca, described as}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ancilla Christi }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ('servant of Christ'), contained 11 hides at }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Culum }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and 3 at }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cumbe }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Culmstock and Culm Davy, later held by Exeter Church (2,12)]: }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 6 p. 8. King Aethelwulf (839-855) granted 24 hides at }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Offaculum }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Uffculme, held in 1086 by Walter of Douai (23,9)]: }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 11 p. 9; he also granted land at }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Occemund }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Monkokehampton; see 16,17]: }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 12 p. 9. His successor, Aethelbald (855-860), gave 10 hides at }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Brannocminster }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Braunton, subsequently exchanged by Edgar in 973 for 7 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 mansiunculae }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Somerset; see 1,5 Braunton note]: }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , nos. 13, 40 pp. 9, 12. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Brentfordlande }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Bramford Speke; see 16,123;129] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Lim }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Uplyme, 4,1] were grants of Athelstan }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 comes}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 :}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , nos. 27, 31, p. 11. See Finberg, 'Expansion of Wessex',}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 12a p. 19 (= Birch, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cartularium Saxonicum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 472 = Kemble, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Codex Diplomaticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 1050 = Sawyer, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 303).}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Exon the single estate is entered under the heading of 'Land of the Abbot of Glastonbury in Devonshire'. His lands in Somerset follow this one entry without a proper heading (only a marginal }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 In Sumerseta }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 level with the first line of the first Somerset e ntry, Exon 161a2). Among the summaries of Glastonbury Abbey lands in Wiltshire, Dorset and Somerset appears an account of its one holding in Devon (Exon 527b7): 'Glastonbury Church has one manor of 6 hides in Devonshire. On them 2 ploughs in lordship and 6 villagers and 4 smallholders and 4 slaves who have 5 ploughs. This land is assessed (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 appreciata est}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 at \'a3 4. This land is enough for 7 ploughs'. The scribe of this summary is not the same as the scribe of the main entry.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 4,1\tab [Exon 161a1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab GLASTONBURY CHURCH HOLDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The Abbot of Glastonbury has'. He was called}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 "Turstin"; see}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Knowles, Brooke and London, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Heads of Religious Houses}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 51 and DEV 4 Glastonbury note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab UPLYME. Domesday }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lim}{ \cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A place named from the River Lyme and lying in Axminster Hundred; it can be identified by an analysis of the Tax Return for that Hundred. The Church of Glastonbury also held 'Colway' in Lyme Regis, adjacent to Uplyme but just inside Dorset (DOR 8,6). Uply me had been granted by King Athelstan in 938 to Athelstan }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 comes }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Birch, }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cartularium Saxonicu}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 728 = }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 27 p. 11 = Sawyer, }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 442) and by the latter to Glastonbury; see }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 31 p. 11. While Birch, }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cartularium Saxonicum}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 728 refers to the 6 hides of Uplyme, the boundary clause appears to be transposed from another charter (Birch, }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cartularium Saxonicum}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 995 = Sawyer, }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 644) and in reality refers to Lyme Regis. On this see Fox, 'Uplyme', and on Uplyme as a whole see }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Anglicanum}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 50 no. XCVI; }{ \i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Glastonbury Cartulary}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Watkin, }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 passim }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 especially iii. pp. 577-91); }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Glastonbury Feodary}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Weaver, pp. xxxi, 31, 51); }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 93b; }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 151b and }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 385. In this last the Glastonbury holding is described as }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Manerium de Uplym}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IT PAID TAX FOR 6 HIDES. This was the actual size of the holding at Uplyme; see the summary of Glastonbury's land in Devon in DEV 4 Glastonbury note}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE FORMERLY AND NOW \'a34. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Value \'a34 a year; value when he acquired it, as much'. So the Exon manuscript; Ellis misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in lib'}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 5\tab LAND OF THE CHURCH OF TAVISTOCK. The foundation of this monastery was a project of King Edgar and Ordgar, Earl of Devon, in 961, realised by the latter's son Ordwulf; the foundation charter (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 13 no. 43 = Kemble, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Codex Diplomaticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 629 = }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Anglicanum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 495 = Sawyer, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 838; see Finberg }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tavistock Abbey }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 278-83) was issued in the name of Aethelred II in 974. The church was dedicated to the Virgin Mary and St Rumon(us) and held land in Dorset, Devon and Cornwall. A mong its original endowments were }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tavistok }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Tavistock, 5,1 ], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Midelton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Milton Abbot, 5,2], }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hatherleghe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Hatherleigh, 5,4], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Berlinton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Burrington, 5,8], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Leghe }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Romansleigh, 5,10] in Devon, and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dunecheni }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Downeckney in Treneglos or Downinney in Warbstow], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Chuvelin }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [unidentified] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lankinhorn }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Linkinhorn] in Cornwall, all given by Ordwulf. His wife Aelfwynn (who probably named Alwington 15,8) gave }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hame }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Abbotsham, 5,6], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Werdgete }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Worthygate, 5,7], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Orlege }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Orleigh in Buckland Brewer, SS4222] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ann }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Annery in Monkleigh, SS4522]. Both these last may have been part of Abbotsham (5,6). Other lands granted at the foundation were }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rame }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Rame, CON 3,3], }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Savyok }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Sheviock, CON 3,1] }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pannastan }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Panson, possibly alienated as 35,4 and originally part of Werringto n, see 1,50 Werrington note], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tornebiri }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Thornbury, 5,5], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Colbrook }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [?Colebrook, 19,23, alienated], }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Leghe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [?Leigh, 5,2], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wlsitheton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [?Woolston in West Alvington 17,47, alienated] and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Clymesland }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Stoke Climsland, Cornwall]. As stated, a number of these lands had been alienated by 1086, as also was Way in Bridestowe (16,7 Bridestowe note) and Werrington (see 1,50 Werrinton note and 5,5 entry note). Moreover, in CON 3,7 the Count of Mortain is said to hold 4 of Tavistock's manors wrongfully and he appears to h ave 'acquired' some other of its lands there (5,1,7;16) which had been held }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by Abbot Sihtric.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The Abbey's lands are recorded in a Bull of Exemption and Confirmation of Pope Caelestinus III, dating from 1193 (Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 95), as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Middelton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Milton Abbot ,5,1], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hatherlega }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Hatherleigh, 5,4], }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Boryngton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Burrington, 5,8], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Lega }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Romansleigh, 5,10], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Abbedesham }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Abbotsham, 5,6], }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Weredeget }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Worthygate, 5,7], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ordlegh }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Orleigh, see above], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Auri }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Annery, see above], }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Tornebury }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Thornbury, 5,5], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rauburga }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Roughburgh }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 381) ['Roborough' near Tavistock, see Finberg, 'Morwell', p. 158 and 5,1 Tavistock note], one house in Exeter (5,15), }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wella }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Coffinswell, 5,13], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Daggecumba }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Daccombe; see 5,13 Coffinswell note], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Plymstok }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Plymstock, 5,14], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Raddon }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Raddon, 5,9], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hundetorre }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Houndtor, 5,11] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Odatrew }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Ottery in Lamerton, 28,2, a post-1086 grant; see 5,3 Liddaton note]. On the Abbey's holdings see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. pp. 381-84; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ii. p. 133 no. 1131; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Anglicanum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 495, Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 95; Reichel, 'Domesday Churches', p. 291; Reichel, 'Tavistock Hundred, p. 223-226; Finberg }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Tavistock Abbey}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; Finberg, 'Church and State'; Finberg, 'Early Tavistock Charters'; also Davis, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Medieval Cartularies}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 108.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Tavistock itself lay originally in Lifton Hundred, but in 1116 a new ecclesiastical Hundred, incorporating the Domesday manors of Leigh, Liddaton, Milton Abbot and Tavistock, was created; see \{Introduction: Hundreds\} ..}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab These estates are entered in Exon under the heading of}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Lands of the Abbot of Tavistock Church in Devonshire', with 'The Abbot of Tavistock' for Domesday's 'Tavistock Church' in 5,1-2 and 'Abbot Geoffrey has' for 5,7, and elsewhere}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the chapter 'The abbot has' for Domesday's 'The Church holds'. Geoffrey was abbot }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1082-1088; see }{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Knowles, Brooke and London, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Heads of Religious Houses}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 72. In Exon the folio on which the Abbot of Tavistock's fief begins has for some reason two numbers, 176 and 177, written on it by Ralph Barnes in 1816. The next folio is numbered 178. Ellis printed only the number 177 and this edition follows his numbering.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Domesday this chapter has the same order in Exon, except that after 5,5 (Thornbury), there occurs an entry for Werrington (178b2) which in 1086 was in the king's hands, alienated from the abbey; see below and 1,50 Werrington note and 5,5 entry note. The hundredal order is:}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 5,1-3 }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lifton Hundred \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 5,4-5 [Black]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Torrington Hundred including Werrington \par \tab 5,6-7 Merton Hundred \par \tab 5,8 [North]Tawton Hundred \par \tab 5,9 Silverton Hundred \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 5,10 }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Witheridge Hundred \par \tab 5,11 Teignbridge Hundred \par \tab 5,12-13 Kerswell Hundred \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 5,14 Plympton }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hundred \par \tab 5,15 Borough of Exeter}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 5,1\tab [Exon 177a1] \par \tab TAVISTOCK. A parish that lay in Lifton Hundred in 1086, then in Tavistock ecclesiastical Hundred; see \{Introduction: Hundreds\}. Prior to the foundation of the Abbey, Tavistock may already have been church land if the 8 hides at }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tauistoke }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 granted by King Aethelbert (860-866) to Sherborne Abbey (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 9 no. 14) lay here rather than at Tawstock (1,40). According to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 81a Tavistock had belonged to King Aethelred and was given by him to Ordwulf his Earl, and by the latter given (with the manor of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hurdewik }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Hurdwick SX4775]) to the order of the Black Monks of St Benedict.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Both this and the manor of Milton Abbot (5,2) contained a number of separate holdings specified in feudal documents. In Tavistock parish lay }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Okbere }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Ogbere, SX4474], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hauesworth' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hasworthy }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ['Azores', now a field name in Kilworthy farm, SX4877] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Herdewill' } {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hurdewyk }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Hurdwick]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 781; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 153a and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 322, 372, 404. The manor of Tavistock stretched into the adjacent Hundred of Walkhampton (later Roborough Hundred) where the Abbey held }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Tavyton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Taviton, SX5074], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Northlegh }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Nutley farm, SX5075], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Codelep' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Cudliptown in Petertavy parish, SX5279; perhaps the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Tanyl\'e2 Petri}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 153a] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Whiteham }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wyteh'm }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [now represented by a road name, Whitham Park, at SX484736 which is a recent revival; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 220] and possibly 'Roborough' (DEV 5 Tavistock note); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 340, 402, 404 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 153a. Crebor in Tavistock was also held by the abbot (5,4 Hatherleigh note) and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Morwall Barton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Morwell, SX4470] with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Morelham}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Morwellham, SX4469], both in Tavistock Hamlets parish; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 381.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab A MILL WHICH SERVES THE COURT. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 curia }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 regularly means the same as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 aula }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'hall',}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 that is, the lord's house. Exon is more specific in stating that the mill 'serves the Abbey'}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 that is, Tavistock manor. Compare 23,22 'a mill in lordship which renders service' (Exon has 'a mill which only serves his house'). See 1,7 mills note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab OF THIS MANOR'S LAND ... . The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Of these 3 \'bd hides six men-at-arms hold 1 \'bd hides ...'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Details of the individual holdings are then given; see \{Appendix: Details Table\}.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab 3 PARTS OF 1 VIRGATE. It seems likely that the}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 '3 parts' is a scribal error in Exon (copied by Domesday) for '2 parts', that is, two-thirds of avirgate: Exon states that the men-at-arms hold 1 \'bd hides, and the various holdings (see\{Appendix: Details Table\} ) would only total this if Ralph's holding were two-thirds of a virgate.'3 parts of 1 virgate' would normally mean \'be virgate. According to Reichel, }{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \lquote Devonshire Domesday and the Geld Roll\rquote , }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 p. 192 note 48, the fraction of one third of a furlong ('ferling'), by which the sum ofthe details exceeds the total assessment, was merely disregarded.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ERMENHALD ... RALPH ... ANOTHER RALPH [!1! OF TILLY !1!] ... ROBERT ... GEOFFREY ... HUGH. For the possible identification of these subtenancies}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with the lands given above, see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 429-30; Finberg, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tavistock Abbey}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 13-14.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Ermenhald is an }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Old German name; see }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 F\'f6rstemann,}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Personennamen}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 483; Forssner, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Continental-Germanic Personal Names in England}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 82. Probably the same man as}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the Ermenhald who holds six out of the seven manors be longing to Tavistock Church}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Domesday Cornwall (CON 3,1-6). He might have been the ancestor of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Alneto}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 family: Keats-Rohan, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday People}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 190.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab For 'another Ralph' as Ralph of Tilly, see \{Appendix: Details Table\}; Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Radulfus detilio}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 There}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 are several places in France whose names derive from Latin }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tilius }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'lime-tree'; see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 115.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 4 PLOUGHS. In the corresponding entry in Exon, the details total 3 ploughs and 9 oxen. See 3,44 plough note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In the Domesday manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iiii car' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably corrected from }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which is interesting because}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Exon 3 ploughs and 9 oxen are detailed: the Great Domesday scribe may have decided that}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 after all 9 oxen were too many to discount (see 3,44 plough note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE OF THE WHOLE, TO THE ABBOT ... TO THE MEN-AT-ARMS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Value of this manor for the abbot's use ... for the men-at-arms' use'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE FORMERLY \'a322, IN TOTAL. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Value when the abbot acquired it \'a314; value}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 when the men-at-arms acquired it \'a38'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 5,2\tab [Exon 177b1; Terrae Occupatae 495b2] \par \tab MILTON [ABBOT].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish, first in Lifton Hundred, later in Tavistock Hundred. Apart from Leigh and Liddaton (see below), specifically mentioned by Domesday, other members of this manor (all in Milton Abbot parish unless otherwise stated) were probably (including }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Middelton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 itself), }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Childeton' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Chillaton parish, SX4381], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wyk' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Week in Chillaton, SX4581], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Foghauer }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Froggaanger }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Foghanger, SX4278], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Poghelippe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Poflet, SX4379], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hundcot }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Youngcott, SX4076] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Quedre }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Quither, SX4481];}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 781; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 322, 372, 384, 404.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'when the abbot acquired it' on both occasions and also for the past values of 5,3;6-7; 12-14.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WITH THIS MANOR. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 at 495 b 2 have: 'The Abbot of Tavistock has \'bd hide of land with the manor called Milton [Abbot], which did not belong to it before}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1066, which two thanes held jointly. 15 ploughs can plough it. Value \'a36 a year'. Rather}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 surprisingly, the names of the added lands are not mentioned in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; compare 3,76 Coombe note and 7,4 manor note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THE ABBOT HOLDS. Or possibly 'the Abbey holds', as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 abb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 can abbreviate both }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 abbas }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 abbatia}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as well as occasionally }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 abbatissa }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Abbess'. Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 abbas }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in full; however, it regularly has 'Abbot' for Domesday's 'Abbey' or 'Church' (see, for example, DEV 4 Glastonbury note; DEV 5 Tavistock note; DEV 6 Buckfast note; DEV 7 Horton note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LEIGH. Now Leigh Barton in Milton Abbot parish. It is }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Leghz Barton }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 381; }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Leigh Champeaus }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 372; }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Legh' }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held by Alice }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Campell' }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Abbey in }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 781; see }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 216 and }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 153a.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LIDDATON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Liteltone }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as if from Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 litel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tun }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'small farm', although no place of that name is known in the locality. The Exon form is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lideltona}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as for 5,3 Liddaton of which this holding was no doubt a part. Although the place-name is written over an erasure in Exon (like all of the second half of this entry) the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 d }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is clear enough. The Exon form is more likely to be correct, because in several other cases where there is a discrepancy of a letter or two be tween the Exon and the Great Domesday place-name form, the modern name (when the place can be identified) is nearer to the Exon than to the Great Domesday form; see 16,42 "Helescane" note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TWO THANES HELD THEM ... AS TWO MANORS. The corresponding entry in Exon has'two thanes held jointly'; so also}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE NOW 60s. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has 'Value \'a36 a year'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 5,3\tab [Exon 177b2] \par \tab GEOFFREY HOLDS. The corresponding entry in Exon adds '... and it is (part) of the abbot's lordship'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LIDDATON. In Brentor parish, first in Lifton Hundred, later (like 5,1-2) in Tavistock Hundred. Liddaton is probably derived from the River Lyd. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 West Lidethon' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 781; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 372, 404 and Reichel, 'Tavistock Hundred', p. 235. The later addition of Ottery (see 28,2 Ottery note and DEV 5 Tavistock note) gave the great rock of Brentor itself to Tavistock, and on this was reared the Church of St Michael; see Finberg, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tavistock Abbey}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 16.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE NOW 30[s]. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 solid}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 os}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is omitted, no doubt because of lack of space, as also in 15,11.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 5,4\tab [Exon 178a1] \par \tab HATHERLEIGH. A parish in [Black] Torrington Hundred; it is identifiable by an analysis of the Tax Return for that hundred. This place is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hatherle }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 327; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 153a; and 5,5 entry note. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 781 records the Abbot of Tavistock as holding various members of this manor (in Hatherleigh parish unless stated to the contrary) at }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Branford' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Broomford in Jacobstowe, SS5701]; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Boleworth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Poleworthy }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Estpoleworth}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 y}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 357, 409) that is a part of Pulworthy SS5104, see 16,19 Highampton note; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Langebere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Langabeare, SS5501]; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Mannesford' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Marshford, SS5301], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Fislegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Fishleigh, SS5505] and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hanebergh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Hannaborough, SS5202]. This last is held by the abbot himself together with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Creubere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Crebor, SX4572 in Tavistock parish]. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Carswill }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Kerswell, SS5203] was also held by the abbot in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 409, see Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', pp. 195, 217. For Jacobstowe [SS5801], also part of this holding, see DEV 4 Glastonbury note and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 151.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab OF THIS MANOR'S LAND. In the corresponding entry in Exon for some reason the details of the subtenancies are given after the lordship and villagers' land and ploughs and before the rest of the details of population and resources.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WALTER, 3 VIRGATES. The corresponding entry in Exon has'Walter has \'bd hide and \'bd virgate there'; this then adds up}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with the remaind er of the subtenancies, the lordship and villagers' land, to 3 hides as}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the tax.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 4 SMALLHOLDERS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 6 smallholders; see the \{Appendix: Details Table\}.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab A MILL ... ON GEOFFREY'S LAND. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'On Walter's land'. 'on Geoffrey's land' is a simple mistake by the Great Domesday scribe: details of Geoffrey's holding succeed those of Walter.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE ... TO THE ABBOT ... TO THE MEN-AT-ARMS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Value for the abbot's use ...}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for the men-at-arms' use'.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when the abbot acquired it \'a34; value when the abbot}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 acquired the land of the men-at-arms, 40s'. This does not agree with the Domesday total of}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'a39. In the Exon manuscript the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iiii lib' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 has an unusual dot between the first two minim strokes}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (perhaps }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .iii. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 corrected to }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iiii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and the dot is the original one not erased), which at a quick}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 glance could perhaps be taken for a }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 v}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 making }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 vii lib}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ', which could explain the discrepancy.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Baring, 'Exeter Domesday', p. 316 states that that }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 vii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was corrected to }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iiii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but the first two minims were}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 definitely never a }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 v}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 5,5\tab [Exon 178b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THORNBURY. A parish in [Black] Torrington Hundred. William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Cornu }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Thornbir' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the Abbot of Tavistock in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 781; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 327,407 and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 196.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE ... LESS. In the corresponding entry in Exon, as there is a dot after }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 min' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 it would seem that the scribe did not intend later to fill in the amount by which the value of the manor had increased since the abbot acquired it.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN EXON, FOLLOWING THIS ENTRY, between the details of the manors of Thornbury (= 5,5) and Abbotsham (= 5,6) there appears (folio178b2) details of another manor, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Olwritona}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Werrington], written by the same scribe as the preceding entry, but not included by the Great Domesday scribe, possibly because the abbot had subs equently lost Werrington (see 1,50) or because the Great Domesday scribe intended to add the information at the end of the chapter where details of disputed manors often appear (for example, in CON 3,7). The entry runs:}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 'The Abbot of Tavistock was in pos session of the manor called WERRINGTON on the day on which King William sent his barons to inquire into the lands of England; his predecessor before him had been in possession of it. He was dispossessed (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 disaisit' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the manuscript; Ellis misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 desaisit'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of it through the king's barons because the English testified that it did not belong to the Abbey in 1066'.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab This additional entry refers to Werrington (including the parishes of North Petherwin and St Giles-on-the-Heath) mentioned in Great Domesday only at 1,50 (see 1,50 entry note and 1,50 Werrington note).}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The Abbot of Tavistock was Sihtric (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . 1043-1082; see }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Knowles, Brooke and London, }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Heads of Religious Houses}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 72) and his predecessor was Aldred (1027-1042/3; see 5,12 Aldred note). There is no record of this dispute over ownership in the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , perhaps because judgement had already been given in favour of the king before the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 were compiled; compare 3,32 before note and 2,2 Crediton note on Newton St Cyres. The Abbot of Tavistock appealed against the Domesday Commissioners' decision and in 1096 Werrington and its lands were restored to the Abbey; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Anglicanum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 497 (= }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i. no. 378 p. 97). See 1,50 Werrington note. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 327 the abbot holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wolverinton }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hatherle }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Hatherleigh 5,4 note] in [Black] Torrington Hundred; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 153a.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 5,6\tab [Exon 178b3] \par \tab ABBOTSHAM. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hame}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Shebbear Hundred. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Abedesham }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 329; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 153a and Reichel, 'Tiverton Hundred', p. 577. The holding possibly included Orleigh and Annery (DEV 5 Tavistock note).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BEFORE 1066 IT PAID TAX. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'it paid tax' only; the usual formula 'on the day on}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which King Edward was alive and dead' or, as often in this fief, 'in King Edward's time' was probably omitted in error. See 2,24 before 1066 note and 19,18 before 1066 note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 5,7\tab [Exon 178b4] \par \tab WORTHYGATE}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . In Parkham parish, Shebbear Hundred; see }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 104. It is }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Werelgete }{ \cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the foundation deed, }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Weredeget }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the exemption of 1193 (DEV 5 Tavistock note); see Reichel, 'Goldsworthy', pp. 311-312 and Reichel, 'Shebbear hundred', pp. 539, 578.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 5,8\tab [Exon 179a1; Terrae Occupatae 497b6] \par \tab BURRINGTON. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bernintone}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bernintona }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (not }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bernurtona }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as Ellis printed). It is a parish in [North] Tawton Hundred, and identifiable in that hundred by an analysis of the Tax Return. The abbot holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Buringtune }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 75b; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 153a and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 340, 370. Included in the holding was }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Northecoth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Northcote manor, SS6218], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 780 (see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 370) and 'Roborough' [?part of Roborough parish in Fremington Hundred, adjacent to Burrington]; see Finberg, 'Roborough', p. 241.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Abbot Sihtric held in 1066'; see 5,5 entry note. He is mentioned several times in Domesday Cornwall.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IT PAID TAX FOR 3 HIDES. So the Exon manuscript for the corresponding entry; Ellis misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iiii hidis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 4 BOORS. Latin }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 buri }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from Old English (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ge}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 bur}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the plural is also found as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 burs }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Domesday (for example, BRK 1,31; HAM 1,10). }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Buri }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are found in sever al counties in Domesday, including Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, and Berkshire, though not in any great number except on individual estates (for example, 17 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 buri }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Bampton, in Oxfordshire (OXF 1,6). This is the only occurren ce of boors in Devon. Although in Domesday here they are listed separately from the villagers and smallholders and their ploughs, in Exon they form part of the list of 'villagers' and so may have shared their ploughs (see 1,26 pigmen note); in other Domes day counties, however (for example, Herefordshire, Oxfordshire), they do appear to have had a share in the ploughs. Boors were not exactly the same as the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 geburs }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of pre-Conquest documents who were of higher standing, but are equated on three occasions in Domesday with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 coliberti }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'freedmen' (see 1,50 freedmen note). For the rights and dues of the Anglo-Saxon (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ge}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 bur}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rectitudines Singularum Personarum }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Liebermann,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 446). See also OXF 1,6 boors note; Maitland, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday Book and Beyond}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 36-37, 328-330 and Finberg }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tavistock Abbey }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 38, 65.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND, 60 ACRES. The corresponding entry in Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 lx agros nemoris & nemusculi}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the scribe may possibly have}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 omitted the dimensions of the underwood in error or through lack of information, but}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 it is far more likely that the 60 acres refer to both the woodland and the underwood}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (so }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 431), as also in 17,21 (see 17,21 woodland note). Several times in Somerset the Great Domesday scribe has combined details of underwood and woodland in Exon under the one word}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'woodland' (see SOM 2,7 woodland note; SOM 5,54 woodland note; SOM 8,20 woodland note; etc.).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 9 CATTLE. So the Exon manuscript clearly for the corresponding entry; Ellis misprinted '8 cattle'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY 100s; VALUE NOW \'a37. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'It pays \'a37; value when he acquired it, 100s'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TWO LANDS ... ABBOT. Abbreviated details of these 2 added manors also appear in}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with the addition that they did not belong to the said manor (of}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Burrington) before 1066.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WHICH TWO THANES HELD AS TWO MANORS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'land of two thanes who held}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 jointly', as also in the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 5,9\tab [Exon 179b1; Terrae Occupatae 500a3] \par \tab WILLIAM [!1! THE USHER !1!]}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . So the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry; plain William in the main Exon entry. Another part of Raddon is held by William the usher among lands he has exchanged (51,6). See 51,2 William note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab RADDON. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'The Abbot of Tavistock has a manor called Raddon, which a thane held jointly in 1066. It did not belong to the Abbey before 1066. William the usher holds it from the abbot. Value 10s a year'. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Raddon lay in Thorverton parish, Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred. It is now called Raddon Court, but was formerly 'East' Raddon to distinguish it from West Raddon (15,5. 24,4). It is }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Raddon }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the exemption of 1193, see DEV 5 Tavistock note. William the usher holds another part in chief, 51,6.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VILLAGER WITH \'bd PLOUGH AND 1 FURLONG AND 1 SLAVE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The villagers (have) 1 furlong (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferdinum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and \'bd plough'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uillan}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is written in full (there is an erasure immediately after this, so that the last }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is malformed), implying perhaps that the slave as well as the villager had the land and plough. See 3,79 plough note; 28,16 slaves note and 34,56 carucates note and compare 1,3 slaves note on slaves; 3,57 villager note; 16,6 slaves note; 16,145 villager note; 16,146 villager note; 17,58 villager note; 19,9 smallholder note and 3 5,5 villager note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 5,10\tab [Exon 179b2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ROMANSLEIGH. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Liege}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 now the parish of Romansleigh in Witheridge Hundred. It is so called from the dedication of the church to St Rumonus, the joint dedicatee of Tavistock Church; see DEV 5 Tavistock note and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 391. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 781, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Romundeylegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held from the Abbot of Tavistock; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 759; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 344, 363, 420. The Domesday holding will also have included }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wodham }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Odham, SS7419]: }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 781, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 363, and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nithercote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [?Narracott in Meshaw, SS7619]: }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 363.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LAND FOR 1 PLOUGH. The corresponding entry in Exon has '10 ploughs can plough it'. \par \tab \tab In Domesday the manuscript the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is in dark ink and written rather close to the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'e7 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which is in paler ink than the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T'ra }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 car'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 There is no sign of erasure or scraping of the parchment, however.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VILLAGERS ... 5 PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '3 ploughs'; see \{Appendix: Details Table\}.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND, 38 ACRES. In the corresponding entry in Exon, the details total 39 acres; see \{Appendix: Details Table\}.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 5,11\tab [Exon 179b3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HOUNDTOR. In Manaton parish, Teignbridge Hundred. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hundetorre }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 781, held of the abbot; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 339.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ABBOT SIHTRIC. See 5,8 Burrington note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 5,12\tab [Exon 180a1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab DENBURY. Denbury is in Torbryan parish, Haytor Hundred, the successor to Kerswell Hundred, The combined lordship Of Denbury and Coffinswell (5,13) (\'bd hide and \'bd virgate) does not fully account for the 1 hide allowed to the abbot in the Kerswell Hundred Tax Return xxv. The abbot holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Devenebyr' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 769; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii. no. 633; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 153a and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 317.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ARCHBISHOP ALDRED. He was Abbot of Tavistock 1027-1042/3 (see Finberg, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tavistock Abbey}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 4), then Bishop of Worcester 1047-1062. He held that see with Hereford 1056-1060 and with the Archbishopric of York from 1061-1062. He held York alone from 1062 until hi s death in 1069. He crowned William the Conqueror and Queen Matilda.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 5,13\tab [Exon 180a2] \par \tab GRENTO. The only other occurrences of this personal name in Domesday are in Shropshire, one of several people holding part of Worthen in 1086 under Roger son of Corbet, a subtenant of Earl Roger (SHR 4,4,20), and in Sussex under the Count of Mortain (SUS 10,66).}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab COFFINSWELL. A parish, lying in Haytor Hundred, the successor to Kerswell Hundred. Coffinswell (Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Welles}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 included }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Daccumb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Daccombe SX9068], held by the Abbot of Torre from the Abbot of Tavistock in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 781; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 768; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 153a and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 361. Coffinswell is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wille Coffin }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 317 and Daccombe is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Est Daccumb }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 322; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 349 and Keble Martin, 'Coffinswell'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 5,14\tab [Exon 180a3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PLYMSTOCK. A parish in Plympton Hundred. It is held as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Plympstok' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 77a; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 153a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 355 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', pp. 261, 284.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 PLOUGHS. Originally written }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iiii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but the first }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 has been erased to make }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 though it is still visible, especially in the Ordnance Survey facsimile; compare 15,62 slave note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 5,15\tab [Exon 180b1; Terrae Occupatae 506a7]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ONE HOUSE WHICH HE HAD IN PLEDGE FROM A BURGESS. Compare 23,27 where Walscin/ Walter of Douai also has a house in pledge from a burgess.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IT USED TO PAY THE KING 8d IN CUSTOMARY DUES. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'used to pay the king's}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 customary dues, that is 8d'. The }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'before 1066 it paid 8d in customary dues, which he keeps back'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 6\tab LAND OF THE CHURCH OF BUCKFAST. That is Buckfast Abbey in}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Buckfastleigh parish. There is no record of its foundation or}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 endowment and no certainty that it was originally a Celtic monastery; see Knowles and Hadcock, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Medieval Religious Houses}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 61. It must have existed before th e time of King Cnut (1015-1036) who gave it some of its lands; see Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 371 and Reichel, 'Domesday Churches', p. 292. It was probably housed with Benedictine monks, but in 1136/1137 it was refounded for Cistercian monks from Savigny; see Knowles and Hadcock, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Medieval Religious Houses}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 105; Brooking Rowe, Buckfast Abbey; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iii. p. 294 no. 800; Davis, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Medieval Cartularies}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 12 and 6,1Petrockstowe note). The Church benefited from a number of grants after 1086, including Englebourne (16,175 Englebourne note), South Holne (1,34 Chillington note) and probably Wallaford (20,13 Dean note). Its holdings at the Dissolution are given in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. pp. 368-370.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab This fief is entered in Exon under the heading of}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Lands of the Abbot of Buckfast Church in Devonshire' with 'The abbot has' for Domesday's 'Buckfast Church holds' and for 'The Church holds' throughout the chapter.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The Exon order of this chapter differs slightly from that of Great Domesday. The probable hundredal arrangement is:}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 6,1-2 Merton }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hundred \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 6,3 [North] Tawton }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hundred \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 6,4 Crediton }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hundred \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 6,5 Exminster }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hundred \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 6,6 Teignbridge }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hundred \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 6,7-8 Ermington }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hundred \par \tab \tab 6,13;9-12 Diptford Hundred}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 6,1\tab [Exon 182a1] \par \tab PE TROCKSTOWE. Petrockstowe is a parish in Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred and its lordship, combined with that of Ash (6,2), accounts for the abbot's lordship total in Merton (Shebbear) Hundred (v). The identity of Ash is uncertain. It is here assumed to be Ash in Petrockstowe, but there is at least one other 'Ash' in this hundred, in Frithelstock parish; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 92. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Petrochstona }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Achaia }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 were rest ored to the Abbot of Savigny, mother house of Buckfast, in 1150 by a charter of Robert, Bishop of Exeter; see Round, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Documents}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 France}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 296 no. 816. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Patrickestowe }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is held by the Abbot of Buckfast in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 94a; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 78a and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. pp. 368-370. \par \tab \tab The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Abbot Alwin held in 1066'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'when he acquired it', most probably referring to the abbot (see 2,14 f ormerly note and 16,88 formerly note), as also for the past value of 6,2;5; 'when the abbot acquired it' for the past value of 6,7;9-12.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 6,2\tab [Exon 182a2] \par \tab ASH. See 6,1 Petrockstowe note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 6,3\tab ZEAL MONACHORUM. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Limet}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in [North] Tawton Hundr ed. The 1 virgate of lordship land here is not noticed in the Tax Return for Tawton Hundred, although 1 virgate is not accounted for in that for Diptford Hundred where the Abbey itself is situated. Outlying manors of churches are sometimes taxed with the chief manor elsewhere in the south-west counties (see, for example, DOR 13,6 Wootton note). There is no doubt as to the identity. The holding was granted by King Cnut (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 14 no. 57) and is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sele Mo}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 n}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 aco}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 rum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 75b; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 146a, 153a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 373; Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 374; Reichel, 'North Tawton Hundred', p. 248; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 432 note 8; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 375 and 6,4 Down note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LAND FOR 8 PLOUGHS. So the Exon manuscript for the corresponding entry; Ellis misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 vii carr'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 6,4\tab [Exon 182a3] \par \tab DOWN [ST MARY]. A parish in [North] Tawton Hundred, but the \'bd hide of lordship is counted in the Tax Return for Crediton Hundred. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Donne }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held by the Abbot of Buckfast in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 144a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dymm' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 153a. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. pp. 368-370 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sele }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Zeal Monachorum, 6,3] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Downe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are connected; see Reichel, 'Domesday Hundreds', p. 582.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab UNDERWOOD, 7 FURLONGS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '8 furlongs', possibly corrected from }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 vii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 though the ink is dark on the last minims and it is impossible to see an original dot under the last one.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 6,5\tab [Exon 182a4] \par \tab TRUSHAM. A parish in Exminster Hundred, the abbot's 1 virgate of lordship being mentioned, but not named, in that hundred's Tax Return; see }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 153a.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 6,6\tab [Exon 182b2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab ASHTON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Aiserstone }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 recognised as Ashton parish in Exminster Hundred by }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , ii. p. 487. It is also }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Essestone }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 (44,1) and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Aysheriston }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Lay Subsidy Roll}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Devon (1332)}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 p. 57. It is unlikely to be Sherberton in Widecombe-in-the-Moor (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Domesday Gazetteer}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ) or 'Sherwood' in Ashburton (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 433 note 1 and Reichel, 'Teignbridge Hundred', p. 228 note 8; }{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , \lquote Indices and Corrections\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 p. 292; }{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , 'Analysis of the Exon. "Domesday"',}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 p. 699). If the identification is correct, the land may have paid tax in Teignbridge Hundred. Although the 1 \'bd furlongs ('ferlings') 3 acres of the Domesday holding are not said to be in lordship, they correspond to the 1 \'bd furlongs ('ferlings') lordship of the Tax Return for that hundred which are otherwise not accounted for. It may even have lain in that hundred in 1086 since it is adjacent to the boundary of the two hundreds.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab TAX FOR 1 \'bd FURLONGS AND 3 ACRES. This is the only occurrence in Devon of the geld-acre, which nevertheless is found often in Domesday Cornwall (though probably rated differently from here ; see CON 1,1 acre note) and very occasionally in Somerset, Wiltshire and Dorset. It would seem from this entry that 3 acres formed less than \'bd furlong ('ferling'), which would fit in with a 120-acre hide (7 \'bd acres would make a 'ferling', with 16 'ferlings' to a hide), but not with a 48-acre hide (there 3 acres would form a 'ferling' and one would have expected the scribe then to have written 2 \'bd 'ferlings' for the tax), nor with a 40-acre (where 2 \'bd acres form a 'ferling'). See 1,4 hide note on the possibility of smaller hides in the south-west.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VILLAGER PAYS 40d. This seems to be an example of the villager 'farming' a manor, that is, holding it at a revenue or for a money rent from the tenant-in-chief; see 1,5 holds note. The fact that no 'value' is gi ven for the manor supports this view, though there are cases where it is stated that villagers pay so much and yet the manor has a present value (for example, DOR 1,23). In several entries it is expressly said that the villagers hold land at a revenue, fo r example, 25,28 and 26,1 (25,28 villagers note and 26,1 villagers note) and in MDX 3,17 and in KEN 5,154. Compare DOR 47,7 and DOR 47,7 hides note. Moreover, there are some seven other cases in Devon where villagers make payments which appear to take the p lace of the value statement: 21,11 (see 21,11 villager note). 28,14. 29,7;10. 34,14 (see 34,14 villager note). 36,11 and 49,4. See also 1,32 villagers note. In 49,4 the payment is made to the tenant-in-chief according to Exon In 34,11 and 36,9 it is the s alt-workers' payments which appear to form the value of these manors, as also in DOR 12,13. Lennard, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rural England}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 371 states that in more than 30 entries in 11 counties in Domesday villagers are recorded as making payments and that nearly half these are in Devon and Kent. See Hoyt, 'Farm of the Manor'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 6,7\tab [Exon 182b3] \par \tab `[ABBOTS] }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ASH'. The Tax Return for "Alleriga"}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Ermington) Hundred records 1 \'bd hides of lordship for the abbot which is not entirely accounted for by the lordship of this holding and the next (Heathfield, 6,8) which are 1 \'bd virgates and \'bd hide respectively. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 771 the Abbot of Buckfast holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hethfeld'tone }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Heathfield],}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Battekesbergh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Battisborough SX5948, see 39,14 Battisborough note], and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Esse}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 353 these are }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hethfeld}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Battokesburgh }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Esse Abbatis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 153a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 69a, 90b. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Esse }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (which is }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Esse Abbot }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Reichel and Mugford, '}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Old Exeter Manuscript (1384)'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ), }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Esse Abbatis }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll (1334)}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 64), w as a tithing of Ermington Hundred and has not been located. It is unlikely to be 'Aish' in South Brent, Stanborough Hundred, if that place exists (Reichel, \lquote Some Notes on part I of Domesday Identifications\rquote , p. 292), nor Ashford in Aveton Gifford (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 433 note 2), since the latter appears as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ayshford }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in 1339 (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 266) and is clearly a separate place from 'Abbots Ash'. It possibly lay in Holbeton parish, Ermington Hundred, since a Stephen }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Esse }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in Battisborough in that parish in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Devon (1332)}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 97. There is also an Ashridge in Modbury parish.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Abbot Alwin held in 1066'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 6,8\tab [Exon 182b4]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab HEATHFIELD. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 HETFELD }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the manuscript and Farley; in the Ordnance Survey facsimile the second }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 E }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 resembles an }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 O}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 probably due to a combination of a thin middle cross-line of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 E }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and the rubrication. See 1,63 Tawton note.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Heathfield is in Aveton Gifford parish, Ermington}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hundred; see 6,7 Ash note.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Abbot Alwin held in 1066'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE 40s ... 30s. There is no reason, obvious from the Exon manuscript, why the Great Domesday scribe omitted this important information. The whole of the va lue statement is also omitted in 24,12 and 45,2, although entered clearly in Exon at the same time as the rest of the entry.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 6,9\tab [Exon 183a2] \par \tab NORTON. In Churchstow parish, Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred. Its lordship needs to be included in the total of the lordship land recorded for the abbot in Diptford Hundred Tax Return. The Abbot of Buckfast holds }{ \i\insrsid8681605 Northon' }{\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\insrsid8681605 , p. 153a and the land also appears to be represented by }{\i\insrsid8681605 Churechestowe }{\insrsid8681605 [Churchstow, SX7145], held with }{ \i\insrsid8681605 Bufestre }{\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\insrsid8681605 Brenth' }{\insrsid8681605 (6,11-13) in }{\i\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\insrsid8681605 , p. 767; see }{\i\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\insrsid8681605 , p. 153a; }{ \i\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\insrsid8681605 , ii. pp. 368-70 and }{\i\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 91b. Kingsbridge [SX7344], a 'new borough' in }{\i\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 79 ( }{\i\insrsid8681605 Kyngesbrigg }{\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 369), was also in this holding; see Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 372. \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Abbot Alwin held in 1066'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 6,10\tab [Exon 183a3]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab CHARFORD. In South Brent parish, Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred; identifiable by an analysis of the Tax}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Return for Diptford Hundred. It does not appear in later fee lists; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 290.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Abbot Alwin held in 1066'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 6,11\tab [Exon 183b1] \par \tab [SOUTH] }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 BRENT. A parish in Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred.; 'South' to distinguish it from an unlocated }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Overa Brenta }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'Upper Brent' (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 290) or, more likely, from Brentor (5,3 Liddaton note) which is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Brenta }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in 1238, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Northbrienta }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in 1322 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 213). In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 767 the abbot holds }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Brenth}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 '; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 79b, 91b. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Palston }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Palstone, SX7060], probably a subdivision, is mentioned in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 370.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Abbot Alwin held in 1066'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 6,12\tab [Exon 183b2] \par \tab [SOUTH] BRENT.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 See 6,11 Brent note.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Abbot Alwin held in 1066'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab MEADOW, 2 ACRES. The corresponding entry in Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ii agros }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 only, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 prati }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 being omitted but probably intended as it is normally listed between the woodland and pasture. See 1,46 woodland note. It is possible, though less likely, that the Exon scribe meant the pasture to measure '2 acres and 1 league in length and \'bd (league) in width'. (But see 3,24 where pasture is measured in leagues and acres.)}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 6,13\tab [Exon 183a1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab BUCKFAST. In Buckfastleigh parish, Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bufestre }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 767 (see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 79b, 91b) and included }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Buckefastlegh cum Kylbury }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 368 [Buckfastleigh SX7366 and Kilbury SX749658; see 1,23 Ermington note].}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab HEAD OF THE ABBEY. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 caput}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the chief mano r and head of the Abbey's fief. Compare DOR 12,2 where Milton Abbas is the head of (Milton) Abbey. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The abbot has a manor called Buckfast; it is the head of the Abbey'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IT HAS NEVER PAID TAX. With the exception of three of the king's manors (1,7;11;14) and Walter of Douai's manor of Bampton (23,5) which had been held by King Edward, this manor is the only one mentioned in Domesday Devon as never having paid tax.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab A SMITH AND 10 SLAVES WITH 2 PLOUGHS. It would appear that the slaves definitely had a share in the ploughs here; Exon states the same with 'The abbot has 1 smith and 10 slaves who have 2 ploughs' (not the usual formula giving the ploughs (and land) of the 'villagers' before the list of them). See 1,3 slaves not e on slaves and compare 16,6 slaves note and 28,16 lolrship note. A smith (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 faber}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is also recorded for 19,35, but he may not have had a share in the ploughs (see 19,35 smith note). See also 1,27 smiths note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 7\tab LAND OF THE CHURCH OF HORTON. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 That is, Horton Abbey in Dorset. It was founded as a nunnery }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . 961 by Ordgar and his son Ordwulf (see DEV 5 Tavistock note), but was refounded }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . 1050 as an Abbey of monks, later still becoming a priory dependent on Sherborne Abbey; see Knowles and Hadcock, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Medieval Religious Houses}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 68 and }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Knowles; Brooke and London, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Heads of Religious Houses}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 53; Reichel, 'Domesday Churches', p. 292; Finberg, 'House of Ordgar', p. 195 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Dorset}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. pp. 71-73.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab These estates are entered in Exon under the heading of 'Land}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of the Abbot of Horton in Devonshire', with 'The abbot has' for Domesday's 'Horton Church}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds' and for 'The Church holds' throughout the chapter.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 7,1\tab [Exon 184a1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab LITTLEHAM. A parish in [East] Budleigh Hundred. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Lytlanhamme}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \'bd mansa}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 was granted by Edward the Confessor to Ordgar }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 minister }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in 1042 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 14 no. 59 = Kemble, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Codex Diplomaticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 1332 = Sawyer, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 998). Ordgar gave it to Horton Abbey whence it came under the jurisdiction of Sherborne Abbey whose abbot held }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Littleham }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 764; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pp. 66a, 92b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 151b; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , xv. no. 746; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 365 and Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 298.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP 1 VIRGATE. The corresponding entry in Exon has '\'bd virgate', written }{\i\f717\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 dim' I\'fd\'fdrgam}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , with an unusual tall left half of}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 v}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (?)}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 virgam }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (probably a scribal error), which may have been the cause of the}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 discrepancy.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab As there is only one other occurrence of lordship land being given in Devon Domesday (in 2,2; see 2,2 lordship note), the Great Domesday scribe may have mistakenly added the virgate in place of the lordship plough, which latter he regularly includes but omits her e for no apparent reason (but compare 1,34 villagers note).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 7,2\tab [Exon 184a2]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab ABBOTSKERSWELL. A parish in Haytor Hundred, the successor to Kerswell Hundred.; identifiable in that hundred from an analysis of the Tax Returns. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 769 the Abbot of Sherborne holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Kareswill'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Karswill Abbatis }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 317; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 149b, 151b. In a grant}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 by King Eadwig in 956 to the lady Aethelhilda (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 35 p. 12 = Birch, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cartularium Saxonicum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 952 = Sawyer, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 601), 15 \'bd }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 mansae }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 were given at }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Iplanpen }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Ipplepen, 33,1], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Doddintune }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Dainton in Ipplepen, possibly part of 33,1] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Caerswylle}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The vill that became Abbotskerswell (as well as Kingskerswell 1,12) will probably have been included in this grant.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab LAND FOR 8 PLOUGHS. There is a gap of about 4 letters' width in the manuscript before this statement, due to a hole in the parchment which has been very neatly filled in. Farley left a small gap, though he did not leave one where there is a hole in the parchment in 16,144, perhaps because it is smaller (see 16,144 part note).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 7,3\tab [Exon 184a3]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab SEATON. Both Seaton and Beer (7,4) are parishes in Colyton Hundred, their lordship being accounted for in the Colyton Hundred Tax Return. For Seaton, Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Flueta}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,} {\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 629. One }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 mansa }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 at }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Fleote }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (probably covering both Seaton and Beer \'bd hide each) was granted by King Aethelred II in 1005 to his minister Eadsige (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 13 no. 48 = Kemble, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Codex Diplomaticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 1301 = Sawyer, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 910); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ro tuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 68b, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 151b and Reichel, 'Domesday Churches', p. 292; Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', p. 336.}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 \par \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which he (the abbot) held himself in 1066'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab SALT-HOUSES. The corresponding entry in Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 salinarias}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 accusative after 'the abbot has', from }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 salinaria }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'salt-house' (see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Revised Medieval Latin Word List}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , under }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 sal}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ).}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The Great Domesday word for 'salt-house' is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 salina}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which is the form used elsewhere in the Exon for Devon, including in the next entry which is by the same scribe as this one. Finn in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday Geography of South-West England}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 271 and note 2 seems to have read }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 salinarios }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'salt- workers' here, unless he thought }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 salinaria }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 was a female salt-worker.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 7,4\tab [Exon 184a4; Terrae Occupatae 503b2] \par \tab BEER. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 See 7,3 Seaton note.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which he (the abbot) held himself in 1066'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 6 VILLAGERS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '7 villagers', the last minim stroke of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 vii }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 being written on greasy parchment and so not completely there, probably the reason for the discrepancy (compare 15,23 pays note and 31,1 slaves note). The Great Domesday scribe may also have concentrated on the interlined }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 uill' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (which is in very pale ink) and not paid enough attention to the number.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 COW. Cows are seldom mentioned in the Exon for Devon; as they never occur in the}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 same list as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 animalia}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 it is likely that the latter term often included cows (see 1,3 cattle note). The fact that frequently, both in Devon a nd in other south-west counties, only 1 cow at a time is mentioned, may indicate that it was kept to supply milk only for the lord of the manor; see Round in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Somerset}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i p, 424.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE 60s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Value \'a34 a year'. Finn, 'Immediate Sources', p. 58 and Finn, 'Devonshire Domesdays', states that the last }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of the } {\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 iiii }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is obviously postscriptal; there is no sign of this in the Exon manuscript, all the minims being in the same colour ink. It is just possible that }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 iii lib' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 was corrected to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 iiii lib' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 by the addition of a first }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , as there is no dot before the number (if corrected, it is probably under the first }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 although this scribe regularly omits the first dot after }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 annum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab FROM THIS MANOR ... COUNT OF MORTAIN. Also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in full, although the manor is not named as Beer, merely being called 'a manor of the Abbot of Horton'; compare 3,76 Coombe note and 5,2 manor note.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Domesday this statement was obviously added after the entry was completed, as it avoids the 'Value 60s' of the main manor, which in}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 itself is written on a half-line to save space. The ink colour is the same as for the rest of}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the entry, so it was probably an early addition. The closeness of the statement to DEV 8 cannot be used as proof it was added later, because there is little space left between most of DEV 7-13. In Exon this statement also occurs at the end of the entry.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 4 SALT-HOUSES ... TAKEN AWAY. The salt-houses were not physically removed, but the salt and the profits of the sa lt-houses were enjoyed by Drogo or the count as part of one of their manors, rather than by the abbot. As the only holding of Drogo from the count in Colyton Hundred ('Womberford', 15,24, lost in Cotleigh parish) is not near Beer and has no reference to s a lt, the manor in question was probably Honiton (15,23), further away but with 2 salt-workers recorded. As Honiton itself is too far inland to have had salt-workings within its boundaries, these were probably in a detached area near Beer and Seaton on the coast or on the tidal part of the River Axe. Drogo could easily then have combined these salt-workings of his with the adjacent ones of the abbot at Beer. See 1,23 salt-house note on salt-houses.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 8\tab LAND OF CRANBORNE CHURCH. In Exon this and the following ch apters (9-13a) are grouped in a single composite schedule under the heading 'Lands of the Churches which have been given to the Saints in Alms', folios 194a-196a1 inclusive; 'Devon' is not mentioned, although 'Somerset' is included in the similar heading d ealing with SOM 11-13;15-16. The Exon section is arranged by hundreds, not by fiefs as in Domesday. In Exon, with the exception of 13a,1;3, the king is not mentioned as the person from whom the lands were held, as on some occasions in these Domesday chapt ers. See 51,14 holding note.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The order in which these lands are entered and their presumed hundreds are:}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 12,1 Merton }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Hundred \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 13,1. 8,1 [North]Tawton }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Hundred \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 13a,2-3;l South Molton and Braunton }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Hundreds \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 11,1 Budleigh }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Hundred \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 9,1 Silverton }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Hundred \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 10,1 Ottery St Mary }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Hundred \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 10,2. 11,3;2 Axminster }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Hundred \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 9,2 Borough of Exeter}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab The church of Cranborne lay in Dorset and was dedicated }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 to St Mary (so DOR 10 and WIL 11), it was founded }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 980. Most of the community moved to Tewkesbury in 1102 whereupon Cranborne became a cell of the latter. See }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Anglicanum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , iv. p. 465 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Dorset}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. pp. 70-71.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 8,1\tab [Exon 194a3]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab CRANBORNE CHURCH HOLDS. Exon has 'The Abbot of Cranborne Church'. He was called Gerald;}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 see Knowles, Brooke and London, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Heads of Religious Houses}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 87.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab LOOSEBEARE. In Zeal Monachorum parish, [North] Tawton Hundred. The Abbot}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of Cranborne is allowed \'bd virgate lordship in the Tax Return for [North] Tawton Hundred; see 1,64 Winkleigh note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 9\tab IN EXON this chapter is part of a composite schedule in which the contents of DEV 8-13a are grouped not by holder, but by hundred; see DEV 8 Cranborne note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab CHURCH OF BATTLE. The heading in the manuscript is in red lower-case letters, not the usual capitals, as the scribe of the text did not leave sufficient room between Chs. 8-9 for the rubricator to use capitals.}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Labatailge }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (from Old French }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 la batail}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 g}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 e}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Modern French }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 la bataille }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'battle'), Exon }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Proelio }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (from Latin }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 proelium }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'battle') and }{\i\f713\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 batailli\'ea }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (genitive). It is sometimes styled }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasterium de Bello }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Latin }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 bellum }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'war') in later documents. This Benedictine Abbey, dedicated to St Martin, was founded in 1067 as the result of a vow made by William the Conqueror before the Battle of Hastings; it was colonised from the Abbey of Marmoutier, France (see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Sussex}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. pp. 52-56). King William granted St Olaf's Church in Exeter to Battle Abbey (9,2) and on the lands adjoining this church was built }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 c}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . 1087 (Knowles and Hadcock, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Medieval Religious Houses}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 65) a cell dedicated to St Nicholas, which was dependent on Battle 'to which were removed the religious who had previously been attached to the Church of Cullompton' (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Anglicanum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , iii. p. 375).}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The Church of Battle also held land at Kenbury in Exminster (1,4 Exminster note), at Sherford (1,34) and Pinhoe (1,52). In later documents it is sometimes Battle Abbey, sometimes St Nicholas' Priory, that holds all these lands; in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of Henry VIII's reign, St Nicholas' Priory holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Brodeham }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Bradham in Withycombe Raleigh, a}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 grant of King John; see 1,9 Budleigh note], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bowlegh}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Columpton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (for both, see 9,1 Cullompton note) and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Sherford }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (1,34). A cartulary for the Priory of St Nicholas survives; see Davis, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Medieval Cartularies}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 45.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 9,1\tab [Exon 195a1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab THE CHURCH OF BATTLE HOLDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The Abbot of Battle'. He came from Marmoutier (see DEV 9 Battle note), was called Gausbert and was abbot }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 c}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 1076-1095; see}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Knowles, Brooke and London, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Heads of Religious Houses}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 29.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab THE CHURCH OF CULLOMPTON. The corresponding entry in Exon has '1 church in Cullompton'. \par \tab \tab Cullompton lay in Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred, and can be accounted for in that hundred by an analysis of its Tax}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Return. Collum pton is mentioned in a foundation grant of Battle Abbey (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i. p. 16 no. 62) which is suspect in other ways, but probably contains a true record of the church's actual holdings. Cullompton contained a number of sub-manors incl uding Upton [ST0306], Colbrook [ST0006], Weaver [ST0404] and 'Ash', and was also connected with Henland [in Kentisbeare, ST0807] and Bowley [in Cadbury, SS9004, see 21,8 Bowley note]. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Chronicon Monasterii de Bello }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Brewer, pp. 31-33; see Lennard, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rural England}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 397) records that these estates were transferred by Battle Abbey to 'the new priory of St Nicholas in Exeter'. Hence in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 1263 the prior of St Nicholas holds the church of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Colinthon' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and the vill of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Uppeton' de veteri conquestu Willelmi Bastardi }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ('from the ancient conquest by William the bastard'). In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 96 the Monks of Battle hold }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bogeleg' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with appurtenances and the church of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Culumt' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with appurtenances; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 368; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 152a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i. p. 90 (no. 348a), ii. p. 401 (no. 348a) and p. 385}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 no. 1896), iii. p. 18 (no. 51); Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pp. 113-116; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 313; Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications',}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 360 and Reichel, 'Hayridge hundred', pp. 220, 233. For another part of Cullompton, see 1,7 Silverton note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 9,2\tab [Exon 196a1; Terrae Occupatae 505b8] \par \tab CHURCH ^[ OF BATTLE ]^ ITSELF}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 HAS. 'The Abbot of Battle' in the corresponding entry in Exon and in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab CHURCH OF ST OLAF. Also called St Olave. St Olaf was a half-brother of King}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cnut (1016-1035) and was slain in 1030; see Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pp. 113-116 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 96.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 St Nicholas' Priory was built on the lands adjoining St Olaf s Church; see DEV 9 Battle note.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 See 2,1 church note on the other churches in Exeter as recorded in Domesday Devon.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 7 HOUSES WHICH PAID 4s 8d. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'which paid 4s 8d a year in customary dues be fore 1066' with 'but he has kept them back' interlined (though not later nor by a different scribe). \par \tab \tab In Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 redd' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 abbreviates the past }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 reddebant }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (as in Exon}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in full), despite the lack of the phrase }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 T}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 R}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 E}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .; see 1,7 pays note. See also C1}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 dues }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 note on the customary due of 8d for a house in Exeter.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 HOUSE ... DUES. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry has: '1 house exempt (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 quietam}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 10\tab IN EXON this chapter is part of a composite schedule in which the contents of DEV 8-13a are grouped not by holder, but by hundred; see DEV 8 Cranborne note.}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab [THE CHURCH OF] SAINTE-MARIE OF ROUEN. This is the Cathedral Church of Rouen for secular canons (Round, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Documents}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 France}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , p. 1). Rouen is in the d \'e9partement of Seine-Maritime in France. For its complicated early history, see }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Anglicanum}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , vi. p. 1118. The Church was completed in 1063 and dedicated by Archbishop Maurilius (of Rouen); Orderic Vitalis, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Ecclesiastical History}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 (Chibnall, ii. pp. 198-99, iii. pp 90-93). This is its only holding recorded in Domesday.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 10,1\tab [Exon 195a2] \par \tab IN THE LEFT MARGIN beside this entry there is a }{\i\insrsid8681605 0 }{\insrsid8681605 mark, apparently a checking sign contemporary with, or not much later than, Domesday. Similar marks appear beside other }{\i\insrsid8681605 Otri }{ \insrsid8681605 entries (19,27;34.23,18;21.34,24;32;45;47;50, but see 19,27 level note; 19,42 level note; 19,43 level note and 23,18 level note). No further attention is drawn in these Notes to these marks. Farley only printed these }{\i\insrsid8681605 0} {\insrsid8681605 marks beside 19,27;34;42-43. See 1,65 level note for similar }{\i\insrsid8681605 0 }{\insrsid8681605 signs beside occurrences of the name }{\i\insrsid8681605 Aisse }{\insrsid8681605 and 34,1 margin note for a similar one beside }{ \i\insrsid8681605 Wiche }{\insrsid8681605 and compare 16,58 level note. To avoid confusion with the transposition signs of the Domesday scribe, these checking marks have not been entered in the margin of the translation in this edition.}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab CHURCH OF SAINTE-MARIE, ROUEN ... THE CHURCH ITSELF HELD. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The Canons of Sainte-Marie of Rouen ... which they had themselves'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab OTTERY [ST MARY]. This is the sole manor in the ecclesiastical Hundred of Ottery St Mary. It was granted in 1061 by Edward the Confessor to St Mary's of Rouen as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Otregia }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Kemble, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Codex Diplomaticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 810 = }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 69 p. 15 = Sawyer, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 1033). The text of the grant, including bounds, is in Rose-Troup, 'Anglo-Saxon Charter of Ottery St Mary'. 2 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 cassati }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 at }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Otheri }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 had earlier been granted (in 963) by King Edgar to Wolfhelm }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 minister }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Birch, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cartularium Saxonicum}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 1104 = }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 39 p. 12 = Sawyer, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 721). The 5 hides lordship of the Domesday holding are noted in the Tax Return; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 763; Round, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Documents}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 France}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 1 p. 1 and Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 259.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 5 PIGMEN WHO PAY 30s AND 15d. See 1,26 pigmen note and 1,6 pigmen note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE, 8 HIDES. This entry and 23,21 are the only ones in Devon where pasture is measured in hides (but see WIL 1,11). According to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 386 this is the areal hide of 256 acres, not the geld hide, but this would make the pastureland 2,048 acres in extent, two-thirds of the extent of Ottery St Mary. See 15,79 pasture note on the measurement of pasture in virgates. Elsewhere in Devon, pasture is measured in leagues and furlongs and once in perches (see 16,172 perches note). Compare 10,2 woodland note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab A GARDEN ... ST MICHAEL'S LAND. In the Exon manuscript this is added in the right margin with a sign beside it corresponding to one above }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Otri}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 See 3,45 garden note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 SALT-HOUSE WHICH PAYS 30d, IN SIDMOUTH. The word order of this sentence is ambiguous: it is not clear whether the salt-house pays the 30d into (the revenue of) Sidmouth, or whether the salt-house was actually in Sidmouth and the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 redd' xxx denar'}{\i\fs24\cf1\up6\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 interrupts the phrase }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i salina in Sedemude}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The Exon is equally ambiguous, though the use of the accusative }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in terram }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 s uggests the first meaning; however, the Exon complicates the issue by stating that the 30d was paid by both the garden and the salt-house (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 qui reddunt .xxx. denarios}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ). However, the word order aside, it is likely that, as Ottery St Mary is some distance from the coast, the salt-house was actually in Sidmouth. See 1,23 salt-house note on salt-houses and compare 7,4 salt-houses note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab SIDMOUTH, THE LAND OF [THE CHURCH OF MONT-]SAINT-MICHEL. Sidmouth was a dependency of Otterton which was held by the Church of Mont-Saint-Michel; see 11,1 Otterton note. There was also a priory at Sidmouth which was a cell of Mont-Saint-Michel, though this priory was often regarded as part of Otterton Priory; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Anglicanum}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , vi. p. 1035. But see Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 248.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 10,2\tab [Exon 195a3; Terrae Occupatae 503b9]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab THE CHURCH ITSELF HOLDS ... TO [THE CHURCH OF] SAINTE-MARIE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The canons also hold ... to the canons themselves'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab RAWRIDGE. In Upottery parish, Axminste r Hundred; the lordship land can be identified in the Tax Return for Axminster Hundred. It is held by the canons of the college of Ottery St Mary in }{\i\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\insrsid8681605 , xvi. no. 1027; see vi. no. 753. These 3 hides may well be the same that were granted as 3 }{\i\insrsid8681605 mansiones }{\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\insrsid8681605 Upotri }{\insrsid8681605 by the Ealdorman Aethelmaer (in 1005) with other properties to Aethelweard, his son-in-law, in exchange for Eynsham (in Oxfordshire); see }{\i\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\insrsid8681605 , p. 13 no. 47 = Kemble, }{ \i\insrsid8681605 Codex Diplomaticus}{\insrsid8681605 , no. 714 = Sawyer, }{\i\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\insrsid8681605 , no. 911; see also Round, }{\i\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Documents}{\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\insrsid8681605 France}{ \insrsid8681605 , p. 17 no. 63. See 1,11 for details of a customary due owing from this manor to the king's manor of Axminster.}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND, \'bd HIDE. Woodland is also, rather un usually, measured in hides in 34,51, the manor of Smallridge, which is in the same hundred as Rawridge here, though seven miles away. Hides are also used to measure woodland in BDF 32,14 and ESS 24,1-2. Compare 10,1 pasture note on pasture being measured in hides. See also 15,79 on the use of virgates to measure both woodland and pasture and compare 47,6 underwood note on the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ferling }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of underwood.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab ROUEN PENCE. According to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 435 note 6 'Rouen pence were, at a later date, worth half the value of English pence'; no dates or references are given, however.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 11\tab IN EXON this chapter is part of a composite schedule in which the contents of DEV 8-13a are grouped not by holder, but by hundred; see DEV 8 Cranborne note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab MONT-SAINT-MICHEL. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 An Abbey for Benedictine monks situated on a rocky island,}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 accessible on foot at low-tide, now connected by a permanent causeway, lying just off the coast of Normandy, near Avranches (d\'e9partement of Manche) in whose diocese it lay. The Abbey was also called }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in periculo maris }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ('in peril of the sea'). It had several cells in England, including St Michael's Mount in Cornwall; see 10,1 Sidmouth note and 11,1 Otterton note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 11,1\tab [Exon 194b4] \par \tab THE CHURCH OF MONT-SAINT-MICHEL HOLDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The Abbot of Mont-Saint-Michel'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab OTTERTON. In [East] Budleigh Hundred; it is identifiable as lying in Budleigh Hundred that hundred by an analysis of in the Tax Return. It was also known, in the Middle Ages, as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ottery Monachorum }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 66b); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 593. The land was granted to the Abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel by the Conqueror, and a dependent priory was established here; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 95, Davis, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Medieval Cartularies}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 84.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab This large holding will have had a number of subordinate members. Besides }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Oteringthon'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 764 records }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Sidemue }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Sidmouth, SY 1287; see 10,1 Sidmouth note], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hetherland' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ['Hetherland', a lost place in Otterton according to }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 593, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hodderlond }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 365, but there is a Hatherland in Washfield parish, [West] Budleigh Hundred] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wonbogh }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Windbow, SS9116 in Washfield, [West] Budleigh Hundred, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 420]. In a Bull of 1156 (Round, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Documents}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 France}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 736 p. 268) Pope Adrian IV confirmed on the Abbey }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Otritone }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Seduine }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Sidmouth], also }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cudebiria }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wddebir }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Round, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Documents}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 France}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 279 no. 771, that is Woodbury; see 1,33 hide note], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wiscumba }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Wiscombe in Southleigh, Colyton Hundred, SY1893], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Estelleia }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [unidentified], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Erticumba }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Yarcombe, 11,3] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bordelar }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [part of East Budleigh (1,9), a later grant; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ii, p. 190 no. 1418]. A further charter (Round, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Documents}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 France}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 772 p. 279) adds }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hapeford }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Harpford SY0990; see 1,9 Budleigh note]. On all of this, see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 151b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 66ab; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , x. nos. 241-242; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 316, 325, 365; Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 248; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , 31, pp. 1-10 and Guilloreau, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Chartes d'Otterton}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Radway Abbatis }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [now represented by Radway Lane SY0986] was no doubt also a part of this land; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll (1334)}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 65 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 289.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab A MARKET. The only other market mentioned in Devon is at Okehampton 16,3 (in Domesday that time), although there were undoubtedly ot her markets in the county in 1086. In Exon the market is interlined in paler ink, though by the same scribe as the rest of the entry, above the first line, quite out of place, probably the reason why the Great Domesday scribe missed it.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab r }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 PLOUGHS. Written in the right-hand margin in pale ink, the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 r }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 abbreviating }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 require}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'enquire into the ploughs'. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 r}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 rq'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 was usually written when the scribe lacked some information (such as the number of villagers in WIL 2,11), but in this case there is no sign in the ma nuscript of addition in the number of ploughs in the estimate, in lordship or held by the villagers. Compare NTH 30,4 left-hand note. Although the gap (of 5-6 letters) after the villagers' ploughs might suggest that space was left originally for the numbe r, this gap thus left would be too big for any number, and moreover the colour of ink of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xl }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is the same as for the rest of the entry (which it would probably not be if the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xl }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 were added as the result of a check). It might be that the scribe wanted to verify all the plough numbers, as the total of villagers' and lordship ploughs exceeds the estimate by 21 \emdash rather a lot. The fact that the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 r}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is in pale ink supports the view that at a later stage someone thought the plough numbers needed checking. See 1,3 l and note on the relationship between the plough estimate and the actual teams recorded on manors.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE, 1 \'bd LEAGUES [***]. There is no dot after }{\i\f713\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pastur\'ea }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the manuscript and the rest of the line (suitable for about 14 letters) has been left blank, per haps intentionally (compare the Exon information on the market, not in Domesday, which, though interlined, appears to have been an early addition by the same scribe as the rest of the entry). See 25,12 pasture note and compare 3,44 villager note; 20,14 vi l lagers note and 33,1 pasture note. However, the Great Domesday scribe left a similar, though smaller, space after the resources in 11,2 (though there he puts a dot) and in several counties spaces were normally left before the Value statement (see 15,7 lan d note).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 11,2\tab [Exon 195b2] \par \tab THE CHURCH ITSELF HOLDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The Abbot of Saint-Michel's has'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab DENNINGTON. Dennington is in Yarcombe parish. Both Dennington and Yarcombe (11,3) lay in Axminster Hundred. Both places can be ident ified from the lordship allowed in the Tax Return for that hundred. Yarcombe appears in various grants to Otterton or to Mont-Saint-Michel; see Round, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Documents}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 France}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 734 p. 266 and 11,1 Otterton note. It included }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Petrisheghis }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Peterhaye s farm, ST2406] held later by the Bishops of Exeter from the Priors of Otterton and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Shefeheghes }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Sheafhayne, ST2509]: }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , xvi. no. 1027. See }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. pp. 289-90 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , xi i. no. 354. For Dennington, see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 652; Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 258; Reichel, 'Axminster and Axmouth Hundreds', pp. 136, 167 and Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', p. 349.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE FORMERLY AND NOW 40s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'It paid 40s a year; when he acquired it, it paid as much'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 11,3\tab [Exon 195b1] \par \tab THE CHURCH ITSELF HOLDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Saint-Michel's has', but 'The Abbot of Saint-Michel's' as holder of the lordship land, etc.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab YARCOMBE. See 11,2 Dennington note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 11 PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '10 ploughs'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab A PIGMAN. In the corresponding entry in Exon, he occurs after the mill render, rather than in the usual Exon position after the villagers, smallholders and slaves.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab A MILL WHICH PAYS 6s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'mill whose value is 6s a year'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE FORMERLY AND NOW 60s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'It paid 60s a year; when he acquired it, it paid as much'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 12\tab IN EXON this chapter is part of a composite schedule in which the contents of DEV 8-13a are grouped not by holder, but by hundred; see DEV 8 Cranborne note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab LAND OF SAINT-ETIENNE OF CAEN}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . The two abbeys Saint-Etienne of Caen and of La Trinit\'e9 of Caen (DEV 13), in the d\'e9par tement of Calvados, France, were founded by Duke William of Normandy and his wife Matilda respectively, as a penance from the Pope for marrying within the prohibited degrees of consanguinity (she was his cousin's daughter).}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The abbey of Saint-Etienne was founded in 1064, though probably not dedicated until 1077 (Orderic Vitalis, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ecclesiastical History}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 : Chibnall, ii. pp. 148-49). Lanfranc, who in 1070 became Archbishop of Canterbury, was the first abbot. Apart from Northam in Devon, Saint-Etienne held land in Dorset, Somerset, Wiltshire, Essex and Norfolk.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 12,1\tab [Exon 194a1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab CHIRCH OF SAINT-ETIENNE, CAEN, HOLDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The Abbot of Caen has ... now the Abbot of Saint-Etienne holds it in alms, by gift of the queen'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab NORTHAM.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 It lay in Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred, and seems to be identifiable as lying in Merton Hundred by an analysis of the Tax Return for that hundred (see 12,1 hides note). It was granted to the Church of Saint-Etienne of Caen by Queen M atilda during her last illness with its member }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aisserugia }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [probably Ashridge in Bideford, SS4424]. King William's confirmation is in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i. p. 27 no. 105; see Round, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Documents}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 France}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 155, 157, 162 nos. 452-453, 459; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ii. no. 1575 p. 224; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 1264; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 152b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 63b, 78a, 93b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , xvi. no. 959; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 374 and Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', pp. 539, 551.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTRIC [* SON OF ALGAR *].}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Probably Brictric son of Algar, as the Exon states that the manor was a gift of Queen (Matilda) who acquired that Brictric's lands (see 24,21 Brictric note).}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab See also 1,60 Brictric note}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 (JP).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab TAX FOR 2 HIDES AND \'bd VIRGATE. The details of lordship and villagers' land total 2 hides, less \'bd virgate. The Exon manuscript reads }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ii hidis }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 7 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 dim' uirga }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with an erasure after the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 uirga}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 It would seem that the Exon scribe originally wrote }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ii hidis dim' uirga min' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ('2 hides, less \'bd virgate'), then erased the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 min' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and interlined the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 7}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , then perhaps omitted to correct either of the details. The villagers' holding should probably have been corrected to 1 \'bd hides 1 \'bd virgates, as the Tax Return for Merton Hundred states that the king had no tax from 1 hide 3 \'bd virgates that the Abbot of Saint-Etienne's holds, which should refer to the villagers' holding as lordship land paid no tax. See 1,4 hide note and 1,57 tax note 15,10 tax note; 15,13 tax note; 16,96 hide note and 3 4,10 tax note where alterations to the tax in Exon resulted in the total of the lordship and villagers' land not agreeing with the tax.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 345? SHEEP. The corresponding entry in Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 cccxl oues 7 v}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; see}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 2,4 sheep note on the splitting of numbers with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 cc}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 etc. It is possible, however, that }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 capras }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'goats' is omitted in error after the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 v}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Reichel in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 434, translates '345 sheep', though he translates differently the similar phrase in}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 117a3 (2,4, see 2,4 sheep note), an entry by the same scribe as this one.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE FORMERLY AND NOW \'a312. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'It pays \'a312 a year; value when the abbot}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 acquired it, as much'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 13\tab IN EXON this chapter is part of a composite schedule in which the contents of DEV 8-13a are grouped not by holder, but by hundred; see DEV 8 Cranborne note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab LAND OF LA TRINIT\'c9 OF CAEN. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The two abbeys Saint-Etienne of Caen (DEV 12) and La Trinit\'e9 of Caen (DEV 13), in the d\'e9 partement of Calvados, France, were founded by Duke William of Normandy and his wife Matilda respectively, as a penance from the Pope for marrying within the prohibited degrees of consanguinity (she was his cousin's daughter).}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The Nunnery of La (Sainte-)Trinit\'e9 of Caen was founded in 1066 and dedicated in the same year. It also held land in Dorset, Gloucestershire and Essex. See }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Anglicanum}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , vi. pp. 1070, 1072 and Ellis, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 General Introduction to Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 389 note 8.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 13,1\tab [Exon 194a2] \par \tab THE CHURCH OF LA TRINIT\'c9, CAEN. In the manuscript and Farley there is the expected abbreviation sign }{\i\insrsid8681605 '}{\insrsid8681605 over the last }{\i\insrsid8681605 T }{\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\insrsid8681605 TRINITAT'}{\insrsid8681605 ;} {\i\insrsid8681605 }{\insrsid8681605 it is not reproduced in the Ordnance Survey facsimile, probably because of its faintness and closeness to the rubricated chapter heading. See L11 Mont-Saint-Michel note.}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The Abbess of La Trinit\'e9, Caen, has'. She was called Matilda and held that office until 1113 when she was succeeded by King William's daughter Cecilia; see Orderic Vitalis, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ecclesiastical History}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Pr\'e9vost, ii. p. 130 note 1).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab UMBERLEIGH}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . In Atherington parish, [North] Tawton Hundred , and probably standing for the parish. The Tax Return for [North] Tawton Hundred records the Abbess of Caen as owing tax on 1 hide and 1 vi rgate, the size of the whole holding in Domesday (that is, including the lordship of 1 virgate which did not pay tax). The land passed to the Honour of Gloucester; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 340; the Red Book of the Exchequer (Hall, ii. p. 559); }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 371, viii. no. 177, ix. nos. 103, 218,428, xvi. no. 538, and Reichel, 'North Tawton Hundred', p. 248.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTRIC [* SON OF ALGAR *]. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Probably Brictric son of Algar in view of the land being granted by Queen Matilda to her fo undation; see 24,21 Brictric note on her acquisition of this Brictric's lands. The one holding of this church in Dorset (DOR 21) had also been held in 1066 by a Brictric.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab See also 1,60 Brictric note}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 (JP).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when the Abbess acquired it'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 13a\tab ?13a? WHAT THE CLERICS HOLD FROM THE KING. When rubricating this county the main scribe of Great Domesday}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 gave no number to this 'chapter', no doubt because it does not appear in the Landholders' List. It has here been numbered 13a, to avoid a discrepancy in the numbering of the subsequent chapters and to indicate that it is not part of DEV 13.}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 \par \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 In Exon this chapter is part of a composite schedule in which the contents of DEV 8-13a are grouped not by holder, but by hundred; see DEV 8 Cranborne note.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The three small holdings in this 'chapter' were all parts of royal manors, granted in alms by the king, corresponding to SOM 16 and DOR 24.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid8681605 13a,1\tab [Exon 194b3]}{\insrsid8681605 \par }{\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab SOUTH MOLTON. In the Tax Return for South Molton Hundred, the priests of }{\i\cf1\insrsid8681605 Moltona }{\cf1\insrsid8681605 have 1 virgate of land in lordship, clearly this holding}{\insrsid8681605 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The corresponding entry in Exon has 'South Molton, the king's manor'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 13a,2\tab [Exon 194b1; Terrae Occupatae 498a7] \par \tab SAEWIN THE PRIEST. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Saewin, the queen's priest'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab SWIMBRIDGE. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 at 498 a 7 have: 'Saewin the priest has a manor called Swimbridge which an uncle of his held who could go with his land to whichever lord he would in 1066. Value 10s a year. Queen M(atilda) gave it to this priest in alms'. The fact that this is in the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 implies that there was some illegality or dispute over the tenure. As it comes immediately after two entries in which the only hint of wrongdoing seems to lie in the fact that they had been held }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 by free men (see 24,28 holds note; 24,29 Shobrooke note), it might appear that Saewin ought not to have been in possession of the land, though one would have thought that the Queen's gift of it to him would have quelled any claims. Compare n otes to 1,11 hide note; 2,2 Crediton note; 2,15 Sidbury note and 42,10 Nympton note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Swimbridge is a parish in South Molton Hundred}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 derived from 'Bridge' and the name of the 1086 holder Saewin (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 350). It was no doubt originally part of the royal manor of South Molton (1,6). The Tax Return for Braunton and Shirwell Hundred records that the priests of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Brantona }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Braunton, 13a,2]}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Moltona }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 have an allowance of 1 hide and 3 furlongs ('ferlin gs') of lordship land. Despite the discrepancy with the actual lordship given in Domesday (1 virgate each), this entry appears to mean that Swimbridge was held by the priests of South Molton and, at least for tax purposes, it was regarded as lying in the adjacent Hundred of Braunton and Shirwell.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTFRITH HIS UNCLE HELD IT. The corresponding entry in Exon has '... jointly; he could go to whichever lord he would', interlined in slightly paler ink but probably at the time of writing the rest of the entry; compare the similar addition to 2,10, an entry by the same Exon scribe (see 2,10 held note).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'when S(aewin) acquired it'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab QUEEN M[ATILDA] }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 GAVE ... IN ALMS. So also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . In the correspondin g main Exon entry, this occurs as the last statement, possibly the reason for its omission in Domesday. Compare 23,22 woman note for a similar omission, though because it occurs in a subholding there, it was probably 'pruned out' by the Great Domesday scr ibe.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 13a,3\tab [Exon 194b2] \par \tab BRAUNTON. This holding at Braunton probably formed the later manor of Braunton Dean, given to the Bishop of Exeter; see Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 134, Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 411 and 1,5 note. See also 13a,2 Swimbridge note. \par \tab \tab The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Braunton, the king's manor'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab AFTER THIS ENTRY the scribe left a space equivalent to about a dozen lines (rather larger than is normal between chapters; compare 7,4 manor no te), no doubt in case more lands held in alms should be revealed, perhaps if and when more royal manors were detailed (compare the space left at the end of the king's lands; 1,72 entry note), as these lands held in alms were all part of royal land.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 14\tab EARL HUGH.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hugh of Avranches (d\'e9 partement of Manche, France), nephew of King William; Earl of Chester from 1071/77 to 1101. His sister was the second wife of Count William of Eu. In other counties his lands form the Honour of Chester; here they pass to the Mor tain Honour of Cardinan or to Herbert son of Matthew.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The entries in this chapter are in the same order in Exon, of which the hundreds are: \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 14,1-2 South Molton Hundred}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 14,3-4 Budleigh Hundred.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 14,1\tab [Exon 286a1] \par \tab ANSTEY. There are now two adjacent parishes, East Anstey and West Anstey, both in South Molton Hundred. These holdings passed to the Mortain Honour of Cardinan and certainly included land in East Anstey. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 796 the heirs of Alexander }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Crues }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 hold in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Anesty }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Cardinan; Robert }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Cruues }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Estanestygh }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from Oliver }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Dinham }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and he from the heirs of Andrew }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Cardinan }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 325. The land subsequently passes to the Honour of Bradninch; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 418; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , vii. no. 462 and Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', p. 91. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Westanstye }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is also a Mortain fee in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 362, but this may well be an error, since the holder, William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Le Moyne}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds West Ans tey from the Honours of Barnstaple and Okehampton; see 3,62 Anstey note and 16,78 Anstey note. The present entry, the first of two (14,1-2) can be identified as lying in South Molton Hundred by an analysis of the Tax Returns.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab ALNOTH }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 [* EDNOTH THE CONSTABLE *]. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Probably Alnoth/Ednoth the constable (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 stalre}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 who seems to be the same as}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ednoth the steward (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 dapifer}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Earl Hugh's predecessor in Wiltshire (WIL 22,5) and perhaps in other counties (see BRK 7,7); see Freeman, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 History of the Norman Conquest}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , iv. p. 755-59; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Somerset}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 417-18; SOM 18,1 Ednoth note; SOM 39,1 Alnoth note. See 14,3 Alnoth note on the forms of his name. Alnoth/Ednoth the Constable was killed in battle against Earl Harold's sons in 1067/68.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par \tab \tab Ednoth was one of the predeces sors of Earl Hugh of Chester, a fact which permits the identification of many of those holdings where he is named simply Ednoth. He has also been plausibly identified as the Ednoth of Ugford in Wiltshire and of Whitchurch in Hampshire. In many instances, however, Earl Hugh's predecessor is called Alnoth}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 (Alnod, Elnod}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 ), and scholarly opinion is divided as to whether this is the same individual as Ednoth. Since Ednoth the constable had a son Harding (William of Malmesbury, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Gesta Regum}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , p. 471), and Harding son of Alnoth ( }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Harding filius Alnod}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 ) held land in Wiltshire in 1086 (SOM 47,3-8), the identity of Ednoth and Alnoth seems probable, further strengthened by the appearance of a Ceolred - a rare name - among the dependents of both Harding son of Alnoth and Harding son of Ednoth: Lewis, }{ \i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Earldom of Chester}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , pp. 67-68; Williams, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 The English and the Norman Conquest}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , pp. 119-22. As Dr Williams has pointed out, a similar scribal confusion between Alnoth and Ednoth can be detected in Cornwall and Lincolnshire (}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 ibid}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 em, p. 121 note 127). A like confusion may account for the omission of Ednoth's lands in Devon and Dorset from Peter Clarke's lists, along with Knowle, Ugford and Whitchurch: Clarke, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 English Nobility}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , pp. 281-82 (JP).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WITH 1 SMALLHOLDER. An unusual position for the smallholder after the slaves; see 1,3 smallholders note. The slaves no doubt were recorded with the 'villagers' because of the lack of lordship ploughs (see 1,3 slaves note on slaves). In the case of 14,2 the smallholder may have been put in this position because of the separation in Exon of him from the villagers with ploughs (see 14,2 villagers note and 3,27 smallholder note), though this does not explain 14,1.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when the Earl acquired it'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 14,2\tab [Exon 286a2] \par \tab ANSTEY. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 See 14,1 Anstey note.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The corresponding entry in Exon has 'another manor (}{\i\cf1\insrsid8681605 aliam mansionem}{\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\cf1\insrsid8681605 called Anstey'}{\insrsid7095979 \par }{\insrsid8681605 \tab NORTHMANN. See 15,65 Northmann note.}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 8 VILLAGERS ... 2 PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The Earl has on it 8 villagers and they have 2 ploughs, and (he has) 1 smallholder and 2 slaves'. See 1,9 villagers note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WITH 1 SMALLHOLDER. See 14,1 smallholder note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when the Earl acquired it'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 14,3\tab [Exon 286a3]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab STOWFORD. Stowford is in Colaton Raleigh parish, [East] Budleigh Hundred; The next estate to be entered in Domesday, "Landeshers"}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (14,4), is in this hundred (though unidentified), since in the Tax Return for Budleigh Hundred Richard (a subtenant not mentioned in Domesday) owes tax on 1 hide and \'bd virgate, the exact taxable size of these two lands. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 762, 782 Michael }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Suthcoth' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Staford' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aylinewod' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ['Allen Wood' lost in Aylesbeare, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 581] from Herbert son of Matthew; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 426; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 280, x. no. 241. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Huntebere }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Houndbeare farms in Aylesbeare, SY0493 and SY0593, see 16,136 Aylesbeare note] is also held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 764 by Herbert son of Matthew; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 280, xiv. no. 325. Both 'Allen Wood' and Houndbeare are some distance from Stowford and could represent the unidentified }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Landeshers}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 but more evidence is needed to prove the connection; see Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', pp. 299, 310; Reichel, }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \lquote Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications\rquote ,}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 362.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab ALNOTH [* EDNOTH THE CONSTABLE *] }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 HELD IT. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Ednoth held'. The Domesday form }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Alnod}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and the Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ednod}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 probably represent different personal names, Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ealdnoth }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Eadnoth}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 but both might represent the same Old English personal name }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ealdnoth }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Pers onal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , under }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Alnoth}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Eadnoth }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ealdnoth}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ). Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Eald- }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 might drop }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 l}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , \'a764) or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 d }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , \'a7 103) to produce spellings }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Al}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 d}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 -}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ad-}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 El}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 d}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 -}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ed-}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 So this man's name could well be }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aldnoth}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . See 14,1 Alnoth note.}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Compare 15,12 Edmer note. It is interesting that in Domesday Dorset both 'Alnoth' and 'Ednoth' are numbered among the predecessors of Earl Hugh in his lands in tha t county; see DOR 27,1 Alnoth note and DEV 14,1 Alnoth note. Compare CON 17,1 Alnoth note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when the Earl acquired it'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 14,4\tab [Exon 286a4]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab "LANDESHERS".}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The manuscript has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 LANDESHERS}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; Farley misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 LANDESHERG}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The final }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 S }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is not as large as}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the first }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 S}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 but it is unmistakable. In the Ordnance Survey facsimile the rubrication obscures this last letter and makes it resemble a }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 G}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see 1,63 Tawton note.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab For the possible identity of this estate, see 14,3 Stowford note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab ALNOTH [* EDNOTH THE CONSTABLE *]. See 14,1 Alnoth note.} {\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 15\tab COUNT OF MORTAIN. In Exon he is called 'Robert, Count of Mortain' for 15,39 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Comes R. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for 15,40.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Robert was half-brother of King William and younger brother of Bishop Odo of Bayeux. He held more land in England than any other follower of King William (see Freeman, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 History of the Norman Conquest}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , iv. p. 762), especially in Cornwall and other south-west counties. According to the summary (in Exon 531a3) of his fief in Wiltshire, Dorset, Devon and Cornwall he held 623 manors; he held a further 86 in Somerset (SOM 19). After Baldwin the sheriff (DEV 16) and Iudhael of Totnes (DEV 17), he was the largest lay landholder in Devon. He was responsible for the 'removal ' of numerous parts of manors (for example, 1,25;50. 7,4. 34,2), illegally in many cases, and for the cessation of payment of various customary dues owed to royal manors in Somerset and Devon (see 1,11;23 in the latter). In the 'exchanges' he made of manor s, he invariably got the better bargain (see 2,10 count note). He also (perhaps wrongly) 'attached' lands of free }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tenants to those of a }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 landholder whose fief, or part of whose fief, had been granted to him; see 15,31 land note. After rebelling against William Rufus in 1088, he was reconciled and died in 1091.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab \tab When his fief escheated to the king, many of his tenants became tenants-in-chief, their lands forming separate baronies. Thus the Honour of Ashleigh or Ashill is formed around the lands of Bretel; the Honour of Montacute from lands held by Drogo and Alfred the butler; the Honour of Cardinan and Botardel from the lands held by Richard son of Turolf (including the lands he held directly from the king; see DEV 30 Richard note); the Honour o f Hatch Beauchamp from the lands of Robert son of Ivo; the Honour of Odcombe from those of Ansger the Breton and Alward (with descent to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Briwere}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Chaworth, Braose and Mohun); the Honour of Trematon from Reginald of Vautortes (thence to the Earl of Cornwall; see especially }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , iii. no. 604, xv. no. 166); and the Honour of Middellaund and Launceston Castle from the lands of Erchenbald and Hamelin (with descent to the Earl of Cornwall). In addition, one or two of the count's es tates go to the Honour of Mineli and Lantyan; see Reichel, }{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \lquote Devonshire Estates belonging to the Honours of Mortain and Okehampton\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 pp. 337-351; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. pp. 570-571 and Sanders, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 English Baronies}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 passim}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab \tab Mortain (not mentioned in Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ) is in the d\'e9partement of Manche, France.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab Exon arranges the Count of Mortain's Devon fief strictly in the order of hundreds. The manner in which the Great Domesday scribe rearranged the Exon entries is interesting. First he abstracted the count's property in Exeter (15,1) and his lordship lands (15,2-5), then he returned to the beginning of the fief in Exon to deal with 15,6-15, of which 15,8-10 had been held by Ordwulf and 15,12-13 by Edmer Ator, two thanes whose holdings had passed t o the count. By this point the Great Domesday scribe had begun dealing with lands that had been joined to Edmer's Honour (15,14-15) and so he continued abstracting them (up to 15,31), then come more lands held by Edmer himself (15,32-38) and by Ordwulf him s elf (15,39-46), then those added to Ordwulf's Honour (15,47-53); for each of these sections he worked through the Exon fief afresh. He then appears to have returned to the beginning of the Exon and dealt with the remaining entries (15,54-79) in hundredal order. The order of hundreds in Exon is:}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 15,6 [Balck] Torrington Hundred \par \tab \tab 15,7 [South] Tawton 'Hundred' \par \tab \tab 15,8-15;32-33;16;47;54 Merton Hundred \par \tab \tab 15,39 Fremington Hundred \par \tab \tab 15,55 Exminster Hundred \par \tab \tab 15,56;40-41 Braunton Hundred \par \tab \tab 15,57 Bampton Hundred \par \tab \tab 15,58 'Cliston' Hundred \par \tab \tab 15,59 Wonford Hundred \par \tab \tab 15,60;2;61;34;62-63 Silverton Hundred \par \tab \tab 15,17-19;3-5;48;21;20;22 Budleigh Hundred \par \tab \tab 15,31 Witheridge Hundred \par \tab \tab 15,42 Kerswell Hundred \par \tab \tab 15,23 Axminster Hundred \par \tab \tab 15,24-25 Colyton Hundred \par \tab \tab 15,43 Kerswell Hundred \par \tab \tab 15,35 Colyton Hundred \par \tab \tab 15,64-66;44;67;36-37;45;68-72;26-27 Ermington Hundred \par \tab \tab 15,73;38;74 Diptford Hundred \par \tab \tab 15,75-76;28;77;49 Ermington Hundred \par \tab \tab 15,50-51;29-30;52 Plympton Hundred \par \tab \tab 15,78-79;53;46 Walkhampton Hundred \par \tab \tab 15,1 Borough of Exeter}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 15,1\tab [Exon 222b3]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IN EXETER ... A CHURCH. According to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 446 note 2, this is St Lawrence's Church in Fore Street. See 2,1 church note on this and the other three churches in Exeter that Domesday Devon records.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 ORCHARD. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 uirgultum }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in D omesday and Exon, usually in classical Latin meaning 'a thicket' or 'shrubbery'. A Medieval Latin extension of the meaning appears to be 'orchard': it is glossed in Du Cange, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Glossarium}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , as }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 viridarium}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pomarium}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and see Greenway, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Charters of the Honour of Mowbray 1107-}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 1191, no. 17 pp. 18-19 (= Round, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Documents}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 France}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 627}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pp. 219-220) and see also in Orderic Vitalis, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ecclesiastical History}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Pr\'e9 vost, v. Appendix ix. pp. 200-201), which is a charter of Henry I concerning a gift by Nigel d'Aubigny to the Abbey of Saint-\'c9vroult }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . 1124-1129, which states that ... }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 duas partes tocius}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 decime de Villaris}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 garbarum videlicet}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 lini} {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 canabi et leguminum et ortorum et fructum omnium virgultorum ejusdem ville et omnium de quibus decima juste dari debet}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ...}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (= '... two parts of the whole tithe of Villars, namely of sheaves of corn, of flax, hemp and vegetables and of gardens and of all the fruits of the orchards of this same village, and of everything from which the tithe ought rightly to be given ...'). }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Virgultum }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 also occurs in DOR 55,47 in the manor of Orchard (see DOR 55, 47 Orchard note).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 15,2\tab [Exon 214a3] \par \tab "STOCHELIE".}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The order of Exon suggests that this land lay in Silverton (later Hayridge) Hundred, but it has not been satisfactorily identified. It is left unlocated by Reichel in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 439 note 7, but identified by him with 'Leigh and Fursden' in Cadbury parish (Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', pp. 220, 233). Hoskins, 'A Domesday Identification', identifies it with Leigh Barton in Silverton. It is unlikely that }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Stochelie }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 would shorten to 'Leigh'; the place is either lost or in a part of 'Stockleigh' (15,17-18;48) lying over the Silverton Hundred border.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab HADEMAR. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The Domesday forms of this name - }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hademar}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hadimar}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Haemar}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 - most probably represent Old German }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hathumar}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hademar}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 :}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 281-82. On the loss of intervocalic }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \'f0 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the form }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Haimer}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in 15,18 and the corresponding Exon entry, see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ibidem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , \'a7 109. The Phillimore printed translation has Haemar for CON 5,23,5, but Hademar for this and the other occurrences in Devon; they have now been standardized as Hademar. The Alecto edition has Hademar.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The name occurs four times in Domesday Book, all four holdings devolving on the Count of Mortain. They may well, therefore, have been held by a single individual before the Conquest. This was very probably the case with the three Devonshire holdings, which form a tight group. But the single Cornish manor is as far away from these as it could well be so it was possibly held by a different individual (JP).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 15,3\tab [Exon 215b1] \par \tab WYKE. Probably the place in Shobrooke parish (which is the next entry, 15,4) in [West] Budleigh Hundred; this and the entries for Shobrook e and West Raddon (15,4-5) can be identified as lying in Budleigh Hundred by an analysis of the Tax Return for that hundred.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab ORDWULF . See 1,56 Ordwulf note.}{ \insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'when the count acquired it'; as also for the past value of 15,4-5;8-22; 26-30;32-33;35-45;47-52;54-57;59;64-77;79.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 15,4\tab [Exon 215b2] \par \tab SHOBROOKE. A parish in [West] Budleigh Hundred; see 15,3 Wyke note. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Shokebrok}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 one fee pertaining to the Honour of Lantyan in Cornwall, is found in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , (old series) 18 Richard II no. 31 p. 182; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , (new series) viii. no. 280, xvi. no. 875 and Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 300.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab ORDWULF . See 1,56 Ordwulf note.}{ \insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab LAND FOR 4 PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '8 ploughs'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 7 VILLAGERS ... 8 PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'villagers ... 4 ploughs'.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In the Domesday manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 iiii car' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 was originally written, but the first }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 was corrected to a }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 v }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 to make }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 viii}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Exon has 4 villagers' ploughs and gives the plough estimate as 8, not 4 as in Domesday. What appears to have happened is that the Domesday scribe, copying from Exon, discovered he had written }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 iiii }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for both the plough estimate and the villagers' ploughs and then corrected the second, rather than the first, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 iiii}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 thus making a double discrepancy between the two texts.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 15,5\tab [Exon 215b3] \par \tab [WEST] RADDON.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 In Shobrooke parish, [West] Budleigh Hundred; see 15,3 Wyke note. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Raddon' is }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 a Mortain fee in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 761, 791; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 426; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 154, vi. no. 710, viii. nos. 396-397, x. no. 461 and xvi. no. 1067. 'West' distinguishes this Raddon from that in Thorverton parish, Hayridge Hundred (see 5,9 and 51,6).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab ORDWULF . See 1,56 Ordwulf note.}{ \insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 15,6\tab [Exon 210a1] \par \tab STOCKLEIGH. Probably the place in Highampton parish, [Black] Torrington Hundred but not positively identified from later evidence. This is the opening entry in Exon under the Count of Mortain's fief. Since there are no Mortain lands in Lifton Hundred, which normally opens a fief in the order of Exon, this land will have lain in Torrington Hundred or [South Tawton 'Hundred' (see \{Introduction: Hundreds\} ) which are normally entered next; see Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 351; Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 196 and 15,7 Gidleigh note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 15,7\tab [Exon 210a2] \par \tab GIDLEIGH. Later a parish in Wonford Hundred, but it lay close to South Tawton manor (1,2 9) and may well have been returned with it in the records on which Domesday is based. It is entered too early in the count's fief to have been a Wonford Hundred place in 1086, but in other fiefs, places that pay dues to South Tawton are entered second (se e 43,1 Parford note; 45,1 Shapley? note; 51,2 Taw note and \{Introduction: Hundreds\}). But no descent of this manor has so far been found to clinch the identification; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 98, the Red Book of the Exchequer (Hall, ii. p. 559), }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 740, viii. no. 230; Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', pp. 351, 377 and Reichel, 'South Tawton Hundred', pp. 349-350.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab FROM THE COUNT. The corresponding entry in Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de consule}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 an u nusual term. Compare 16,159;165 below where Baldwin}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the sheriff, usually styled }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 vicecomes}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is called }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 viceconsul}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab LAND FOR 1 PLOUGH. [***]. There is a gap in the manuscript of about 18 letters' width, perhaps}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 left deliberately by the scribe for some of the usual manorial details to be added if available, or perhaps merely the space left before the value, which is common in many counties in Domesday, for example, Worcestershire and Gloucestershire. Compare DOR 1,2 woodland note on 'Woodland ... wide'. See a lso 11,1 pasture note above and compare notes to 3,44 villager note; 3,83 villagers note; 20,14 villagers note; 25,12 pasture note; 33,1 pasture note and 40,4 pasture note on spaces left in entries. The Exon scribe left \'bd line blank at the end of the entry, but this may have been for missing details.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 15,8\tab [Exon 210a3] \par \tab HAMELIN [* OF CORNWALL *]}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . Hamelin here and in 15,43 may be the same as the Hamelin, subtenant of the Count of Mortain in CON 2,14 and CON 5,5, on whom see CON 5,5 Hamelin note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWINGTON. A parish in Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred and identifiable as lying in that hundred by an analysis of the Tax Return. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 795 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Alwynton' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is held under the Honour of Launceston from the Barony of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Middelland}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 329, 410. For Aelfwynn who probably named the place, see DEV 5 Tavistock note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab ORDWULF . See 1,56 Ordwulf note.}{ \insrsid7095979 \par }{\insrsid8681605 15,9\tab [Exon 210a4] \par \tab ALFRED [* THE BUTLER *]. An Alfred, called 'the butler' in Exon, was the count's tenant i n 15,16-19;32-33;55. However, he may also have another Alfred as his tenant; see 15,60 Alfred note. The identification with Alfred the butler is therefore not clear-cut.}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab MONKLEIGH. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Lege}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Later a parish in Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred. This holding was granted with Frizenham (15,32) and Densham (15,31) to Montacute Priory in the reign of King Stephen by a later Alfred, called 'the butler'. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 152b the prior of Montacute holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monklegh'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see Monasticon Anglicanum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , v. pp. 163, 166; Maxwell Lyte and others, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bruton and Montacute Cartularies}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 pp. 119-125, no. 113}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 158, no. 161 p. 181, no. 169 p. 185 and Reichel, 'Tiverton Hundred', pp. 539, 569.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab ORDWULF . See 1,56 Ordwulf note.}{ \insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 15,10\tab [Exon 210b1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab FRITHELSTOCK. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 FREDELESTOCH}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Farley misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 FRELELESTOCH}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 It is a parish in Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred. In the Tax Return for Merton Hundred, tax is owed on 1 hide and 1 virgate of land held by Robert from the Count of Mortain, presumably this land since it is the only one held under the count by a Robert that could have lain in Merton Hundred. Robert son of Ivo, the 1086 holder, was a subtenant of the Count of Mortain in several of his Somerset manors and his constable (possibly of Montacute Castle; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Somerset}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 427 and Eyton, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Somerset Survey}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i. p. 97). He was ancestor to Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Bello Campo }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of Hatch Beauchamp in Somerset (see SOM 19,29). The latter Robert founded a priory for Augustinian canons at Frithelstock }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 1220; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 775; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 335; Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 220; Knowles and Hadcock, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Medieval Religious Houses}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 137 and Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 570.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab ORDWULF . See 1,56 Ordwulf note.}{ \insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab TAX FOR 3 HIDES. The details total 2 hides 3 virgates; see 1,4 hide note on other cases where the total of the details does not agree with the tax. It is possible that the 'missing' virgate is the virgate mentioned in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 at 506a9 (see 15,14 Bulkworthy note) as being held in Bulkworthy by Robert son of Ivo from the Count of Mortain which 'up till now has been conce aled' and which is not mentioned either in Domesday or in the main Exon. Robert's only holding from the count is Frithelstock here, but though in the same hundred as Bulkworthy, it is some distance from it. It would seem either that this virgate in Bulkwo rthy was a detached part of Frithelstock or that both Exon and Domesday have omitted a separate holding of Robert son of Ivo in Bulkworthy. Although there is a holding of 1 virgate in Bulkworthy recorded in 15,14, it is held in 1086 by Ansger the Breton.} {\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab It is interesting that in the Exon manuscript the tax was originally written }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ii hidis }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with an interlined }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with a hair-line down between the two existing minims (Ellis did not print the hair-line) to make }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 iii hidis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and that there is an erasure immediately after the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 hidis }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which is sufficient for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 & iii virg' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 to have been originally written. The erasure was a late one, as it is not written over, and the correction to the hides may also have been late (though not done after the Great Domesday scribe had used the manuscript) \emdash possibly as a result of the discovery of the concealed virgate, although, if that were the case, one would expect this to have been mentioned. Compare 1,57 tax note. 12,1 tax note; 15,13 tax note; 16,96 hide note and 34,10 tax note for oth er cases where the tax has been altered in Exon with the result that the total of the details no longer agrees with it.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 15,11\tab [Exon 210b2; Terrae Occupatae 497a6] \par \tab ERCHENBALD [* THE FLEMING *]. This is Erchenbald the Fleming according to Soulsby, 'Introduction', }{\i\insrsid8681605 Cornwall Domesday}{\insrsid8681605 , p. 13. He was the count's subtenant in three of his estates in Cornwall (CON 5,12,1-3) as well as in six here (15,11;39-41;47;54). Bratton Fleming in 15,40 was named from him or a descendant, and he also held land there in Weare G iffard that the count had taken from Roald Dubbed (35,10). His son, Stephen, answers for his lands in 1130 (Pipe Roll). His grandson, also Erchenbald, is called 'the Fleming' in the Red Book of the Exchequer (Hall, i. p. 259). See Keats-Rohan, }{ \i\insrsid8681605 Domesday People}{\insrsid8681605 , p. 189; she errs in stating that he is identified as }{\i\insrsid8681605 flandrensis}{\insrsid8681605 in Exon: he is plain Erchenbald in the Exon for both Cornwall and Devon.}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab CULLEIGH. In Frithelstock parish, Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 795 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Kollelegh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is held from the Honour of Launceston; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 359.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab CYPPING}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 HELD IT. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Culleigh which Cypping held jointly in 1066 and the men of the Count of Mortain hold it as of the Honour (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tenent ad honorem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 o f Ordwulf, but that thane could go to whichever lord he would without Ordwulf's permission ... Now Erchenbald holds it from the count'. Abbreviated details of this manor also occur in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 at 497 a 6 where Cypping is not named but called a thane who held jointly, and which state that before 1066 the virgate 'did not belong to the lands of Ordwulf which the count holds'. Although Cypping was a free man, not bound to Ordwulf, his land nevertheless was passed to the count as part of Ordwulf's holding which had been legally transferred to the count; see 15,31 land note on this apparently wrongful method of acquiring lands.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par \tab \tab On the name Cypping, }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 221.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 4 SMALLHOLDERS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '3 smallholders'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE NOW 12[s]. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Solid}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 os}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 omitted through lack of space; see 5,3 value note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 15,12\tab [Exon 210b3; Terrae Occupatae 497a8] \par \tab ANSGER !1! THE BRETON !1!. Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ansgeri}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 brito }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 here and in 15,13 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ansger}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 brito }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entries relating to 15,14-15. He is also a subtenant of the Count of Mortain in Domesday Somerset and Edmer Ator was his predecessor in one manor there, as in two here. See DEV 40 Ansger note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab BUCKLAND [BREWER]. A parish in Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred. Ansger's lands descended to the Honour of Odcombe, and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bocland' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is a Mortain fee of William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Briwere }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Odcombe in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 796; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 358, 411 and Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', pp. 540, 571- 572. Part of the land went to Dunkeswell Abbey (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 152a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 304); the Church with chapels at Putford (15,13) and Bulkworthy (15,14) went to Torre Abbey (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 361). P art of the land was at }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Thoredoghes }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [unidentified], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Todecote }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Tythecott, SS4117] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Silkelond }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Silkland, SS4116]: }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , xi. no. 299.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The extract in \{Introduction: }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 The }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Liber Exoniensis}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 (Exon)\} }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 gives the Exon for this entry.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab EDMER [!1! ATOR !1!]}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . The forms of his name in Devon are }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Edmer atre }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Domesday and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Edmarator}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 AEdmaratori}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Edmeratori }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Etmaratoli }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 l-r }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 interchange) in the main Exon and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Elmerator}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Almerator}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for 15,23-25. There are several occasions in Domesday Somerset (see SOM 37,5 Edmer note) where the form }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Almar}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ailmar}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is linked with 'Ator'. It is probable that these 'Aimer' forms in Somerset and in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for Devon are scribal erro rs (indeed in the Exon corresponding to SOM 21,63 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Elmarus }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 has been corrected to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 edmarus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ):}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the carolingian minuscule a badly made }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ed- }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 might well look like }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 al- }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (with parallel }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 el- }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ail-}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the acceptable spelling for protothemes in}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \'c6l-}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \'c6thel-}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \'c6gel- }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and corresponding }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 El-}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ethel-}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Egel-}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ).}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Certainly Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 341, von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 232 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Somerset}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Hertfordshire}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 all agree that there was only one person, Edmer Ator. For a full discussion of this byname, see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 341. See also 15,12 manuscript note. The Count of Mortain possessed more of Edmer Ator's land in 1086 in Somerset, Buckinghamshire, Middlesex and Hertfordshire, and possibly also in Do rset and Cornwall. Edmer is described as King Edward's thane in Bucksinghamshire and Middlesex.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IN THE MANUSCRIPT there is an erasure of 4 letters after }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Edmer}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 though Farley did not print the gap thus caused (but see 1,60 ploughs note and compare 15,74 value note and 50,2 slave note). Under ultra-violet}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 light it is possible to detect an }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 a }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as the first letter and probably an }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 r }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as the last, suggesting that the word erased was }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ator}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 if so, it is not clear why it should have been erased when it is in Exon, unl ess the Domesday scribe discovered later that it was a different Edmer, not Edmer Ator, who had held Buckland Brewer. It is interesting that in 15,13 there is also an erasure after }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Edmer}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 apparently of 4 letters, but, unlike in 15,12, the erasure was early because }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 teneb' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 was written over it; the scribe then interlined }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 atre}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 presumably at some later stage though the ink colour an d the hand are the same. It is perhaps suggestive that in SOM 8,31 and SOM 47,10 there is a similar erasure of 4 letters after the name }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Edmer}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which in the corresponding Exon is 'Edmer Ator'. In no other counties where Edmer Ator appears (with his byname either as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ator }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 atule }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 attile}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 though the last form is unclear in the manuscript and probably a scribal error for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 atule}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 are there any signs of erasures or gaps round }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Edmer}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 PIGMEN. Included in t he corresponding entry in Exon, but probably omitted by the Domesday scribe because they were interlined before the slaves rather than in their usual place after them. The scribe appears to be the same as for the rest of the entry, so it is unlikely that the interlineation was done after the Great Domesday scribe had seen and used Exon. Compare 16,23 pigman note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab GALSWORTHY ... PAID TAX FOR \'bd VIRGATE. In the corresponding entry in Exon it is described as a manor; Ansger holds it too. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 e ntry has : 'The Count of Mortain has a manor called Buckland [Brewer]. \'bd virgate of land has}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 been joined to it, called Galsworthy ... it did not belong to the above (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 predictae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 manor in 1066 ...'. The tax is not given, but no doubt was the same (see 1,4 hide note). Galsworthy is in Buckland Brewer parish; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 88.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The Exon extract in \{Introduction: }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 The }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Liber Exoniensis}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 (Exon)\}}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 gives the full }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab EDWY HELD IT AS ONE MANOR. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Edwy held in 1066; he could go to whichever lord he would'. In the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry 'a thane held it jointly'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 15,13\tab [Exon 211a1; TerraeOccupatae 497b1] \par \tab ANSGER}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 !1! THE BRETON !1!.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 See 15,12 Ansger note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab [EAST] PUTFORD.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 A parish in Shebbear Hundred; the successor to Merton Hundred.. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Putteford' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is a fee of William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Briwere}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Honour of Odcombe, in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 797. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pottford Mil}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 onis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 358 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Potteford Milite }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Feudal Aids, i. p. 411; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 306; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 400; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 106; Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 540 and 15,12 Buckland note. West Putford is in [Black] Torrington Hundred.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab EDMER ATOR. }{\cf1\insrsid8681605 See 15,12 Edmer note.}{ \insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab TAX FOR 1 HIDE ...1 VIRGATE ... 2 VIRGATES. It is interesting that in the Exon}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 manuscript the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i hida }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is written over a larger erasure, which may have been }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 iii virg'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see 1,57 tax note for other examples of the tax of a manor being altered and then not agreeing with the total of lordship and villagers' land.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 15,14\tab [Exon 211a2; Terrae Occupatae 497b1;506a9]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab ANSGER !1! THE BRETON !1!. So the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry; plain Ansger in the corresponding main Exon entry.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 See 15,12 Ansger note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab BULKWORTHY. A parish in Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred. Like Buckland Brewer (15,12), }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bulkeworth' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 was held of the Honour of Odcombe in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 797; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 358, Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 573 and 15,10 tax note.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry at 497b1 has 'It did not belong in 1066 to Edmer Ator's lands which the count holds, and to which this manor has been wrongfully added'; in the manuscript }{\i\f720\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \'eeiuste}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ellis misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 iiuste}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 at 506a9 is another reference to Bulkworthy: 'Robert son of Ivo holds 1 virgate of land (in the manor called Bulkworthy (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bochesurda}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [interlined]) from the Count of Mortain, which up till now has been concealed, from which he has kept back the tax'. It appears after an entry also deal ing with land that has been concealed, but, unlike with that entry (= 19,6), there is no mention of it either in Domesday or in the main Exon. The addition to the Exon for 19,6 of the concealed virgate is a late one by a different scribe (see 19,6 tax not e), so it is possible that an addition may have been planned for the main Exon either for 15,10 or for 15,14 (see 15,10 tax note). Compare 1,25 Lifton note; 1,66 Lapford note; 2,2 Crediton note; DEV 44 Hervey note and \{ Introduction: Scope of the Notes concerning Exon\}, on other complete }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entries whose information is not to be}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 found either in the main Exon or in Domesday.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab "IRIC" HELD IT.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday and Exon main entry have }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Iric}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 have }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Irich}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . As von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 299-300, is unsure whether these forms (and the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Iric}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ) in Domesday Suffolk) represent Old Norse }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Eirikr}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , it has been thought safest for the present edition to retain the Domesday form. The Alecto edition has Iric. This is the only occurrence of this name in Domesday Devon.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The corresponding entry in Exon has '... and he could go with this land to whichever lord he would'. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 497 b 1 have 'which "Iric" held jointly'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 The name "Iric" occurs four times in Domesday Book. The single modest holding held by "Iric" in 1066 in Devon is unlikely to be related to the three other, distant holdings of a Suffolk freeman (JP).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP 1 PLOUGH. The corresponding entry in Exon has'7 oxen'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 15,15\tab [Exon 211b1; Terrae Occupatae 497b2]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab ANSGER !1! THE BRETON !1!. So the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry; plain Ansger in the main Exon entry.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab SMYTHAM. In Little Torrington parish, Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 111 and Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 574. \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'It has been wrongfully added to the lands of Edmer Ator, the count's predece ssor, (lands) which the count holds'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab AELFRIC HELD IT. The corresponding entry in Exon has '... and he could go with this land to whichever lord he would'.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry has 'which a thane held jointly'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 15,16\tab [Exon 212a1; Terrae Occupatae 497b3] \par \tab ALFRED [!1! THE BUTLER !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Alueredus Pincerna}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 He was the Count of Mortain's butler (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i. p. xxvii) and held land from him in other counties in Domesday.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab LITTLE TORRINGTON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Liteltorelande}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 now Little To rrington parish in Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred. It appears that }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Toritone }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and perhaps }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Torilande }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (see 34,9 Torrington note) can both stand for Great Torrington and Little Torrington; see also 1,31 Torrington note and 16,34 Torrington note and compare }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Beldrendiland }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for Barlington (3,15) and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Birland }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for Bere, that is, Bere Ferrers (15,46). In Exon order this entry falls in the middle of a Shebbear Hundred group and the preceding entry in Domesday, Smytham, lay in this parish, but conclusiv e evidence for the identification is lacking. Reichel's identification with Woodland (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 539 note 4 and Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', pp. 541, 571) does not convince. \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Abbreviated details of this manor, which has been 'added to the lands of Edmer Ator', appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWARD [!1! RUFUS !1!].}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Eluuardus rufus }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ('Alward the red'), perhaps a relation of Aelmer Rufus (15,33; see 15,33 Edmer note), the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tenant of the next entry in Exon.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab HE COULD GO WHERE HE WOULD. The corresponding entry in Exon has '... he could go with this land to whichever lord he would'. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry has 'which a thane held jointly in 1066', neither his name nor his freedom to choose a lord being mentioned.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VILLAGER, 1 SMALLHOLDER ... 1 PLOUGH. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Alfred has 1 villager who has 1 plough and Alfred has 1 smallholder ...'. See 1,9 villagers note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 15,17\tab [Exon 215a1; Terrae Occupatae 500a10]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab `STOCKLEIGH'. In Exon order the two consecutive entries for this place (15,17-18) appear to begin a group of places in Budleigh Hundred. The Count of Mortain held three places called 'Stockleigh' in this hundred. Of these the third (15,48 note) is clearly Stockleigh English, but the exact identity of the first two and their relation to later Mortain holdings is not perfectly clear. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 764 John }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 de Stockelegh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 holds from Walter }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 de Baggepuz }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Stockelegh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 and he from Catherine }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 de Monte Acuto }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 of the Honour of }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Cheselburgh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Chiselborough in Somerset, Sanders, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 English Baronies}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 34]. This may be the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Stokkeley Loccoumb }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 held by John }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 de Luckome }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , vi. nos. 626-627. The same place is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Stokelegh' Letcomb' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 of }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Lay Subsidy Roll (1334)}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 p. 55 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Stokelegh Locomb }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 associated with Langley [SS9109] in Cadeleigh parish in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 381. If it is the 'Stockleigh' that appears (at SS8808) on the first series Ordnance Survey one-inch map (sheet 21 of 1809, reprint sh eet 83 of 1969), it will have been adjacent to the other Chiselborough Honour holding at Poughill (15,19); see Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 296.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab \tab The other 'Stockleigh' is probably accounted for by }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 797 where Robert }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 de Sicca}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 villa}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 and Gervase }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 de Uppecoth' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 hold in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Sutton' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Sutton in Stockleigh English, SS8605] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Uppecoth' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Upcott in Cheriton Fitzpaine, SS8608]. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 400 these appear as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Luttestockeleg' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Hoppecote }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Little Stokeleg }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , ii. nos. 306, 593), while Sutton is called }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Sutton' Sachevill' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Lay Subsidy Roll (1334)}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 p. 55 and is associated with Cheriton Fitzpaine in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 381; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , pp. 400, 762; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 92b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. pp . 362, 426; Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 300; Reichel,}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \lquote Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 pp. 362-363 and in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 440 notes 3-4. Since the material in the volumes of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 is particularly sparse for these parishes, these places called 'Stockleigh' require further investigation.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Abbreviated details of this manor, which 'the count holds with Edmer Ator's lands', appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ORDGAR. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'and he was a man of Edmer Ator, but he could go with this land to whichever lord he would' for both Ordgar and Hademar. In the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ordgar 'could go with his land to whichever lord he would'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,18\tab [Exon 215a2; Terrae Occupatae 500b2] \par \tab ALFRED [!1! THE BUTLER !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 So named in the main Exon entry; plain Alfred in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 'STOCKLEIGH'. See 15,17 Stockleigh note. \par \tab \tab Abbreviated details of this manor, which 'the count holds with Edmer Ator's lands', appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HADEMAR. On the form }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Haimer}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Domesday and Exon, see 15,2 Hademar note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The corresponding entry in Exon has 'and he was a man of Edmer Ator, but he could go with this land to whichever lord he would'. In the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , Hademar held 'jointly'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,19\tab [Exon 215a3; Terrae Occupatae 500b1] \par \tab POUGHILL. A parish in [West] Budleigh Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 763 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Poghill' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held from Catherine }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Monte Acuto }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Barony of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cheselbergh'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 295 and 15,17 'Stockleigh' note. \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Abbreviated details of this manor, which 'the count holds with Edmer Ator's lands', appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry which adds '... as one manor' (500 b 1).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TWO THANES HELD IT FREELY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which two thanes held jointly in 1066; they were men of Edmer Ator, but they could go with this land to whichever lord they would'. In the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 500 b 1 'which two thanes held jointly in 1066'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 PARTS OF 1 VIRGATE. That is, two-thirds of 1 virgate; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Oxford English Dictionary}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 under Part, sb. I, 5,(b).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,20\tab [Exon 216a2; Terrae Occupatae 501a2] \par \tab BRETEL [* \{DE SANCTO CLARO\} *]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bretel here and elsewhere in Devon may be Bretel of Saint-Clair (see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 112): in the Tax Return for the Somerset Hundred of 'Bulstone' (Exon 526b1) the king did not have tax on \'bd hide held by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Britellus de sancto claro}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which holding can be identified with SOM 19,15 (Swell) held by Bretel from the Count of Mortain. A Bretel was also the count's subtenant on many of his manors in Somerset and Dorset. See }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Somerset}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 412. For an alternative identification, see CON 5,13,10 Bretel note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HOLBROOK. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Colebroch}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The Domesday form suggests Colebro ok in Cullompton parish, Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred, and it is so identified by }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 560, and }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday Gazetteer}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . But the place clearly lies in Budleigh Hundred in Exon order, and in }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 763, 783 }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Holebrok' }{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Holbrook in Clyst Honiton parish, [East] Budleigh Hundred] is held as a Mortain fee from Walter }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Eslegh'}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 that is of the Honour of Ashill (in Somerset), the anticipated descent from the 1086 holder, Bretel; see }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 66b and Reichel in }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 441 note 2, p. 543 note 5, and Reichel, \lquote Budleigh Hundred in 1244\rquote , p. 290; Reichel, \lquote Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications, p. 362. The land probably included }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Mora Holebrokes }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [an unidentified 'Moor']: }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 365; see }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 427. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Abbreviated details of this manor,}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which 'the count holds with the Honour of Edmer Ator', appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SAEMER HELD IT. The corresponding entry in Exon has '... jointly ... he could go to whichever lord he would'. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'which Saemer held who could go with his land to whichever lord he would'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab AT THE END OF THIS ENTRY in Exon is written 'The count holds these said three manors with the Honour of Edmer Ator; the holders were men of Edmer Ator'. The three manors are the 'double' manor of Farringdon (15,21) and Holbrook (15,20). See 15,31 note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,21\tab [Exon 216a1; Terrae Occupatae 501a1] \par \tab BRETEL [* \{DE SANCTO CLARO\} *] ALSO.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Bretel', with no }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 idem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 so not necessarily the same man as the holder}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of 15,20 which is what Domesday implies. Great Domesday very often has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 idem } {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 after the 1086 subtenant in second and subsequent holdings by a person of the same name, whereas}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon rarely does; in most cases this is probably because the Great Domesday scribe}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 rearranged lands in large fiefs under subtenants excerpting them from the hundred order}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in which they appeared in Exon It is to be assumed that before putting }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 idem }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 after a}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 person's name the Domesday scribe had established that all mentions of the name were of the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 same person, that is, that the Bretel who held this manor was the same as the Bretel who}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held 15,20 (on whom see 15,20 Bretel note). For other instances of the addition of }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 idem }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Domesday, see 15,27 Reginald note; 15,28 Reginald note; 15,29 Reginald note; 15,30 Reginald note; 15,60 Alfred note; 16,66 Robert note; 17,72 Odo note; 17,84 William note; 17,92 Ralph note; 17,98 Thorgils note; 19,22 Hamo note; 22,2 Ranulf note; 23,11 Rolf note; 36,4 Gosbert note; 36,5 Gosbert note; 36,6 Gosbert note; 52,2 Colwin note; 52,13 Godwin note; 52,21 Godric note; 52,23 Odo note and}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 compare 15,40 he also note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FARRINGDON. A parish in [East] Budleigh Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 783 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ferndon' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is a Mortain fee held from Walter }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Eslegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Honour of Ashill; see 15,20 Holbrook note); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 763 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 427.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Abbreviated details of this manor,}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which 'the count holds with the Honour of Edmer Ator', appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TWO BROTHERS HELD IT. The corresponding entry in Exon has '... jointly}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ... }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 they could go with this land to whichever lord they would'. See 15,20 entry note. The }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry (501 a 1) has: 'which two brothers held jointly'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 PLOUGH THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Bretel has 1 plough'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably implied or omitted in error.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 COTTAGERS. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cotarii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 inhabitants of a }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cote}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 sometimes with land of their own (as in MDX 2,1. 3,1 etc.; see MDX \{Appendix\} . In Domesday Devon they are only stated as having a share in the ploughs, though in Exon they may be included under the general term }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 villani }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as having land (compare 1,3 slaves note on slaves and 1,26 pigmen note). Except in 17,30 (see 17,30 cottagers note) and in the Exon for 1,4 (see 1,4 villagers note), cottagers are either listed in Devon after the villagers and smallholders or appear on their own. There are 36 cottagers recorded, of whom only 19 appear in Domesday; see 1,4 villagers note. It is interesting that all the occurrences are in a group of four hundreds in the south-east middle of the county. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 bordarius }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('smallholder'; see 1,3 smallholders note) seems to have been similar to the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cotarius}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 thou gh perhaps slightly further up the social scale, and the two terms were sometimes confused: in the summary of Glastonbury Abbey's lordship holding in Dorset in 527b4 the 72 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 bordarii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 correspond to the 40 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 bordarii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and 32 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cotarii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 recorded in DOR 8,1;3. Likewi se in the Berkshire Hundreds of Blewbury, 'Slotisford', Wantage and 'Beynhurst', cottagers take the place of smallholders after villagers in the list of population; the first three of these hundreds are adjacent, though Beynhurst is quite separate, so thi s phenomenon cannot be due entirely to a particular local variation. Personal preference for one term rather than the other may be the reason: it is interesting that two of the Exon scribes dealing with the Devon material never use the terms }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cotarii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 coceti }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('Cottagers', an allied group; see 2,24 cottagers note), but only }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 bordarii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and it is more likely that the former categories were included with the latter, than that there were no 'cottagers' on so many manors; Finn, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Liber Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 50.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,22\tab [Exon 216a3; Terrae Occupatae 501a3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWARD HOLDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '... from the count'. In Domesday, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de comite }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'from the count' has been omitted, no doubt by mistake as it is in Exon as usual See 15,30 Reginald note; 15,71 Reginald note; 16,127 Bernard note; 17,73 Weston note; 17,74 Burrington note; 34,57 Roger note and 35,25 Walter note for other cases of the Great Domesday scribe omitting to state from whom a manor was held. Compare 28,8 where the Domesday scribe originally omitted }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Ro}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 berto}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and then interlined it at the same time as another omission in the entry; similarly in 39,2 with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Alu}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 redo}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ].}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ROCKBEARE. A parish in [East] Budleigh Hundred. No Mortain land appears here in later documents, but in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 763 (Budleigh H undred) the heirs of Baldwin 15.22 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Beleestane }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (who names another part of Rockbeare; see 16,133 Rockbeare note) hold in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 La Heghland }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Legh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and he from Patrick }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Chawrces }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Chaworth], Barony}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of Odcombe; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 793. Alward's holding at }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lege }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Northleigh 15,25], whence William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Legh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is named, descends in the same way, but }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 La Heghland}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 has not been identified: it can scarcely be Hawkerland (23,5 Bampton note), despite Reichel's assertion; see Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 294 and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 441 note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Abbreviated details of this manor,}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which 'the count holds with the Honour of Edmer Ator', appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SAEWIN HELD IT. The corresponding entry in Exon has '... and he was a man of Edmer Ator, but he could go with this land to whichever lord he would'. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry (501 a 3) has: 'which Saewin held who could go with his land to whichever lord he would'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND, 3 ACRES. The corresponding entry in Exon has '4 acres'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY 12s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Value when the count acquired it, 12d'. It is hard to tell whether the Exon or the Great Domesday value is the correct one here: there are other instances of dramatic increases in value between 1066 and 1086 (compare the almost seven-fold increase for Alminstone, 42,3), but the other cases of even larger increases in value in Devon (16,172 a nd 48,1) are probably the result of scribal error (see 16,172 value note; 48,1 value note).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,23\tab [Exon 216b3; Terrae Occupatae 503a6; 503b1] \par \tab DROGO [* OF MONTACUTE *]. The Domesday form of this name, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Drogo}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , represents Old German }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Drogo}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , Norman French }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dru}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Driu}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dreu}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 : Forssner, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Continental-Germanic Personal Names in England}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 60-61. The Alecto edition has Drogo. The Exon form here is }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dreus}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . See also }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reaney, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dictionary of British Surnames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , under }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Drew}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The Drogo here and in 15,25;34;62 is probably the same as the Drogo [of Montacute] who was the Count of Mortain's subtenant so frequently in Somerset and also in Dorset (SOM 19,86 Drogo note; DOR 26,2 Drogo note); see 15,24 'Womberford' note and 15,34 Feniton note on the descent of these manors in the Montac ute family.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HONITON. A parish in Axminster Hundred. Its 2 hides of lordship land are probably represented by the 2 hides noted in the Tax Return for Axminster Hundred, although there the land is said to be held by the count, not, as in Domesday, by Drogo u nder him. The land passed from the Honour of Mortain to that of Plympton. Falco}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Braute }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hunetun' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 263; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 74a; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 273, xiv. no. 107; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 319, 429 and Reichel, 'Axminster and Axmouth Hundreds', pp. 150-151. It included }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Battesthorn }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Batshorne, SY1599] ; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 434, x. nos. 240, 384, 652. See 1,11 for details of an unpaid customary due owing from this manor to Axminster.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Abbreviated details of this manor, which has been added to Edmer Ator's lands, appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 at 503a6}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALMER HELD IT. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry (504a6) has 'which Almer held freely'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab A MILL WHICH PAYS 6s 6d. The corresponding entry in Exon has ' amill which pays 7 \'bds', probably, although the last minim stroke of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 vii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is not completely there, possibly the reason for the discrepancy. Compare 7,4 villagers note and 31,1 slaves note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 SALT-WORKERS WHO PAY 5s. The corresponding entry in Exon has '... in revenue (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de firma}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )'.}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 As in Domesday they are placed after the mill details, not in their usual place with the other 'villagers'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The salt-workings were probably near Beer and Seaton; see 7,4 salt-houses note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it', probably referring to the count (see 2,14 formerly note and 16,88 formerly note) . Similarly for the past values of 15,24-25;31;34;46;58;60-63;78.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,24\tab [Exon 217a1; Terrae Occupatae 503a7] \par \tab DROGO [* OF MONTACUTE *]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 15,23 Drogo note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 'WOMBERFORD'. A lost place, that lay in Cotleigh parish, Colyton Hundred. The meaning 'ford over the Umborne Stream' would place it in the south of the parish; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 626. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 782 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wamberneford' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Male Erbe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (with Feniton 15,34) from William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Monte Acuto}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 representing the expected descent from Drogo. According to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 238, William }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Monte Acuto }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Fyneton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Feniton 15,34] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Womborneford }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cottele}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 71b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 330, 366, 428 and Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', pp. 336, 358. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Abbreviated details of this manor, which has been added to Edmer Ator's lands, appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WULFWARD HELD IT. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has 'which Wulfward held jointly'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MEADOW, 3 ACRES. So Exon manuscript for the corresponding entry; Ellis misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iiii agros}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,25\tab [Exon 217a2; Terrae Occupatae 503a8] \par \tab ALWARD. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry, Drogo is said to hold 'the above 3 manors' from the count, referring to 15,23-2 5. Alward may be a subtenant of Drogo here or there may have been a change in subtenant between the compilation of Exon and the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab NORTHLEIGH.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Colyton Hundred. Descent from the 1086 holder Alward is to the Mortain Honour of Odcombe (see 15,22 Rockbeare note). In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 793 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Legh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held from Patrick }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Chaworth'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 s}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 portion of that Honour; it is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Northlegh }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 330 held from the heirs of Payne }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Cadurcis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 396; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 428; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ca lendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 527, xi. nos. 118, 299 and Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', pp. 336, 359.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Abbreviated details of this manor, which has been added to Edmer Ator's lands, appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SAEWIN HELD IT. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Saewin held jointly'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 7 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VILLAGERS ... 3 PLOUGHS. This ought not to have been included by the Great Domesday scribe as he had already covered the villagers' ploughs in his statement '5 ploughs, which are there'; see\{Appendix: Lordship and Villagers' Table\}.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE NOW 30s. The corresponding entry in Exon has'value 20s a year'. So also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,26\tab [Exon 219b1; Terrae Occupatae 505a4] \par \tab REGINALD [* OF VAUTORTES *]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Without doubt Reginald here (15,26- 30) and elsewhere in this chapter, and presumably also in 1,23, is Reginald of Vautortes, a subtenant of the Count of Mortain in Domesday Somerset and Cornwall. He is given his byname in the Exon for 15,44; see 15,44 Regfinald note. His lands formed the H o nour of Trematon (named from his holding in Cornwall, CON 5,2,11), to which all his identifiable holdings in DEV 15 descend; see DEV 15 count note. See 15,74 Hugh note on a relative, Hugh of Vautortes, also a subtenant of the count, and 15,67 Reginald not e on Godfrey, probably also 'of Vautortes'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LUDBROOK. Now represented by Ludbrook in Ugborough parish and Higher Ludbrook and Ludbrook manor in Ermington parish, both in Ermington Hundred. Another part, also held by Reginald under the count, is 15,72, the two parts being adjacent entries in Exon. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 770 (Ermington Hundred), Stephen }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Ludebrok' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 una et altera Ludebrok }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ['both Ludbrooks', called 'North' and 'South' Ludbrook in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 352, 399 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 604], in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Baucumb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Bowcombe, 15,75], in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dynenton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Dinnaton, 15,70] and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Yedmareston' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Edmeston, see 15,28 "Hewis" note] from the Honour of Trematon (descent from Reginald; see DEV 15 note); see also }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 796 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', pp. 313-314. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab See 1,23 for details of an unpaid customary due owing to Ermington from one or other of the holdings in Ludbrook. \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Abbreviated details of this manor, which has been added to Edmer Ator's lands, appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab COLBERT. }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Colbert held this land jointly'.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MEADOW, 2 ACRES. The corresponding entry in Exon has ' \'bd acre'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,27\tab [Exon 219b2; Terrae Occupatae 505a5] \par \tab REGINALD [* OF VAUTORTES *] ALSO. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 15,26 Reginald note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Reginald' with no }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 idem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 so not necessarily the same man as the 1086 holder of 15,26; see 15,21 Bretel note. Similarly plain Reginald for Domesday's 'Reginald also' in 15,37;52-53;65;69-72;79 and 35,21-22. Compare 15,51 he also note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LUPRIDGE. Later in North Huish parish, Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred, but it lies adjacent to the boundary with Ermington Hundred and was counted in the latter in the Middle A ges, as probably in 1086. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 769 one Mortain fee in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Luperig' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (in Ermington Hundred) is held from Reginald }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Valle Torta }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Trematon (descent from the 1086 Reginald; see DEV 15 note); see also }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 351, 397; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 604, viii. no. 280. In the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Inquisitio Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Earl of Cornwall of fees belonging to Trematon Castle (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xv no. 168), it is associated with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Leye }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Ley .SX7154] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Payneston }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Penson, SX7254].}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Abbreviated details of this manor, which has been added to Edmer Ator's lands, appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,28\tab [Exon 220b3; Terrae Occupatae 505a7] \par \tab REGINALD [* OF VAUTORTES *]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 15,26 Reginald note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab "HEWIS".}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 An unidentified 'Huish' apparently falling in Exon order among Ermington Hundred lands, although Ermington Hundred and Diptford Hundred are intermixed at this point in the schedule. It is tempting to identify the place with North Huish parish, in Stanboro u gh Hundred (the successor to Diptford Hundred), a part of which, including Lupridge (15,27, the previous entry in Great Domesday, but not in Exon, Domesday), lay in Ermington Hundred, but it is not found among the lands of Reginald that belonged to the Ho nour of Trematon. Among Reginald's lands held of that Honour in Ermington Hundred, in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 770 and p. 796 is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Edmeston }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Yedmareston }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Edmeston, SX6452] with which Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 374 and }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Plympton and Ermington Hundreds\rquote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 313, is inclined to identify }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hewis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 There is no record of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hewis }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 having become Edmeston, and although the latter is from the Old English personal name }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Edmer}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 this land had not been held by Edmer, only added by the count to his Honour (15,31). Moreover, Edmeston may well have been part of Reginald's holding of Modbury (see 15,64 Modbury note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Abbreviated details of this manor, which has been added to Edmer Ator's lands, appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab EDRIC HELD IT. The corresponding entry in Exon has '... and he could go to whichever lord he would'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,29\tab [Exon 221b2; Terrae Occupatae 505a11] \par \tab REGINALD [* OF VAUTORTES *]. S}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ee 15,26 Reginald note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HARESTON. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Brixton parish, Plympton Hundred. Reginald held two lands here (see 15,51), separated by the order of Domesday, but adjacent in Exon The larger holding (15,51) was assessed in the Hundred of East [Wivelshire] in Cornwall as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hareston}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Asseton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Haston}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held by Reginald }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Ferers }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Trematon; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 200, 206, 212, 235. The smaller land (15,29) appears in Devon in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 334 held by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Collesford }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as \'bd fee from Bernard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Bodbrain }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and by him from the Earl of Cornwall. This is also a Trematon fee; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 353, 400, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii no. 604 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 286.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Abbreviated details of this manor appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . It 'has been added to the lands of Edmer Ator';}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab EDRIC HELD ... . The corresponding entry in Exon has '... jointly ... he could go to whichever lord he would'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,30\tab [Exon 221b3; Terrae Occupatae 505a12] \par \tab REGINALD [* OF VAUTORTES *] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ALSO HOLDS. Latin }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de comite }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('from the count') is omitted, no doubt by m istake as it is in Exon as usual (see Notes). See 15,22 note. On Reginald, see 15,26 Reginald note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WINSTON. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Brixton parish, Plympton Hundred. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wyneston }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held as a Trematon Honour fee in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 334, 353, 401; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 45 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 287.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Abbreviated details of this manor appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . It 'has been added to the lands ...' (of Edmer Ator, probably omitted in error because the entry is written partly on the other side of the folio).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab EDWIN HELD ... . The corresponding entry in Exon has '... jointly ... he could go to whichever lord he would'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,31\tab [Exon 216b1; Terrae Occupatae 501a6] \par \tab ALFRED [* THE BUTLER *]. See 15,9 Alfred note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab DENSHAM. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Donevoldehame}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . It lies in Woolfardisworthy parish, Witheridge Hundred. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Denewoldesham }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was given with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Forde }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [unidentified], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Leghe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Monkleigh 15,9] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Friseham }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Frizenham 15,32] to Montacute Priory; see 15,9 Monkleigh note and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii. Appendix no. clx p. 348 and no. 1368; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iii. nos. 591-592. A part of Densham not included in this grant is held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 760 from the Honour of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tikeenbraz }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Cornwall by Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Praulle}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; see Reichel, 'North Tawton Hundred', p. 257.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Abbreviated details of this manor appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . The count holds Densham 'with the Honour of Edmer Ator'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab AETHELMER. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has 'which Aethelmer held who could go with his land towhichever lord he would'. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The Domesday name-form }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ademar}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ademar}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 represent Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \'c6thelm\'e6r}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 184-185. Compare 3,47 note on Aelmer.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THE COUNT ... HOLDS THE ABOVE 17 LANDS ... THE ABOVE THANES HELD THEM FREELY. Really 18 lands, 15,14-31 inclusive. The information that these lands were held freely has already been given in Domesday for 15,19, and part of it ( that is, not that the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holders were 'thanes') in 15,26-27.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 This information is given in Exon under the individual manors, 18 of them not 17 (= Domesday 15,14-31 inclusive). At the end of each of the entries corresponding to 15,14-16;22;28 is written 'The count holds this land with the Honour of Edmer Ator (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 cum honore Edmeratorii}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and at the end of the entries for 15,19 and 15,20 is the statement 'The count holds these 3 manors with the Honour of Edmer Ator' referring to 15,17-19 and 15,20-21 respectively (see 15,20 entry note on the '3' manors). At the en d of the entry for 15,23 is written 'This manor was free in 1066; now it has been added to Edmer Ator's land' and after the entry for 15,25 'These 2 manors [15,24-25] were free (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 fuerunt liberate}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in 1066; now they have been added to Edmer Ator's land'. At the end of the entries for 15,26-27 is written 'Now it has been added to Edmer Ator's Honour (which the count holds)'. For 15,29-31 the phrase 'This (manor/land) has been joined with the Honour of Edmer Ator' appears, at the end except for 15,31.}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The 'freedom' of the thanes who held these lands }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is also expressed in Exon under the individual holdings; on these }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tenants see 15,14 "Iric" note; 15,15 Aelfric note; 15,16 Alward note; 15,17 Ordgar note; 15,18 Hademar note; 15,19 thanes note; 15,20 Saemer note; 15,21 brothers note; 15,22 Saewin note; 15,28 Edric note. In the entries for 15,26-27 they are said to have held 'jointly', but this seems to have meant more or less the same as 'freely' (see 1,15 freely note); for 15,23, Exon has 'freely' an d for 15,24-25 it has 'jointly'. For the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 treatment of this statement, see 15,14 held note; 15,15 Aelfric note; 15,16 go note; 15,17 Ordgar note. 15,18 Hademar note; 15,19 thanes note; 15,20 Saemer note; 15,21 brothers note; 15,22 Saewin not e and 15,28 Edric note. The fact that reference is made to all these manors in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is further proof that these 'additions' of lands were considered illegal; see 15,31 land note. Compare 15,47 holds note.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab After the entry for 15,25 in the clause 'These two manors were free ...' quoted above, the use of the past participle }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 liberate }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'freed' (agreeing with }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 mansiones}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is unusual: either it is a mistake for the adjective }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 liberae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 used by the same scribe for 15,23, or, like }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 uasta/ uastata }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (see C3 destroyed note), there was no real difference in meaning between the two forms, or the scribe meant to convey that at some time in the past these manors were tied, but that they had been freed in 1066 (and were now illegally added to Edmer's lands ). The fact that the scribe originally wrote }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 lib'a }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (= }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 libera}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and corrected it to }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 liberate }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 by interlining }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 te }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 suggests that there was some significance in the use of the past participle.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WITH EDMER ATOR'S LAND ... HANDED OVER TO HIM. In other words, in spite of these lands being held freely in 1066 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 nam }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is being used in an adversative sense; see also, for example, in HEF A8, and the count having no automatic right to them, they were 'added' to the lands of the important thane Edmer Ator, most of whose holdin g was legally transferred to the count. (The term }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 deliberare}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as occurs in this phrase, is normally used of a formal transfer of property by a representative of the king; see GLS W16 transferred note, CAM 5,22 deliverer note and CAM 13,8 deliverer note.) O n several occasions (for example, for 15,17-22; see 15,17 'Stockleigh note; 15,18 'Stockleigh note; 15,19 Poughill note; 15,20 Holbrook note; 15,21 Farringdon note; 15,22 Rockbeare note) the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tenants were said to have been 'men' of Edmer Ator (though still free) and this gave the count a pretext for annexing their lands along with those of their 'master'. In many cases, however, the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holders had no connection with the man to whose Honour their lands were added; for example, Alward Rufus in 15,16 , Aelmer in 15,23, Wulfward in 15,24 etc. This annexation is several times said to have been done 'wrongfully' (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iniuste}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 '}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for 15,14-15 and Domesday 15,49 and 40,6-7, and see also 25,20 land note and compare 23,23 added note; 23,24 added note; 24,18 lands note; 24,19 lands note. See also15,11 Cypping note and 15,47 holds note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,32\tab [Exon 211b2] \par \tab FRIZENHAM. In Little Torrington parish, Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton hundred; see 15,16 Torrington note. It was given to Montacute Priory; see 15,9 Monkleigh note; 15,31 Densham note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,33\tab [Exon 211b3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WEDFIELD. Later in West Putford parish, [Black] Torrington Hundred, as a result of a medieval boundary change, but it previously lay on the Merton (Shebbear) Hundred side of the River Torridge and was no doubt there in 1086; see Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 571.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab EDMER [!1! ATOR !1!] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 HELD IT. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Aelmer (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Almarus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rufus ['the red'] held from Edmer Ator; he could not separate (himself) from him with this land'. Edmer and Aelmer are on the face of it different names, Old English }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Eadmaer }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Almaer }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aethel-}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ealh-}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Eald-}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 perhaps kin-linked in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -maer}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but the complicated possibilities of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 eald-}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ald- }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 before }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 m}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 might yield one common personal name }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Eald-maer}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 compare. Alnoth/ Ednoth in 14,3. (JMcND). It is possible, meanwhile, that the Great Domesday scribe made a mistake in the name of the subtenant, getting the 'Edmer' from the 1066 tenant-in-chief. However, it is more likely either that it was decided that }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 subtenants were not worth mentioning and so not included in the Great Domesday (compare 3,94 Alwin note and 24,24 Brictric note and see 15,39 and 17,33), or that it was discovered that Aelmer Rufus did not in fact hold from Edmer Ator. On the omission of Edmer's byname in Domesday, see 15,12 Edmer note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 PLOUGHS ... THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 2 ploughs and 2 oxen; see \{Appendix: Lordship and Villagers' Table\}. See 3,37 oxen note and 3,44 plough note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,34\tab [Exon 214b1] \par \tab DROGO [* OF MONTACUTE *]. See 15,34 Feniton note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FENITON. A parish in Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred. It is held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 782 as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Fineton'}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a Mortain fee, from William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Monte Acuto }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (descent from Drogo); see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 71a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 321, 367 and 15,24 'Womberford' note; 15,62 Curscombe note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab EDMER [* ATOR *]. See 15,12 Edmer note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,35\tab [Exon 217b1] \par \tab RICHARD [* SON OF TUROLF *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab COTLEIGH. A parish in Colyton Hundred, this holding being identifiable as lying in that hundred from an analysis of the Tax Returns. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cottelegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held of the Barony of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cardynan }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Cardinan] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 795. The holder in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 330 is Oliver }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Dinham }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 who holds}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 land from the Honour of Cardinan in 15,38;42 and 30,1; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 316, 366; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iv. no. 44; Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 191 and Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', p. 359.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab EDMER [* ATOR *]. See 15,12 Edmer note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,36\tab [Exon 218b1] \par \tab REGINALD [* OF VAUTORTES *]. See 15,26 Reginald note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CORNWOOD. A parish in Ermington Hundred. }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Curnwod' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ludeton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Lutton, SX5959] are held from William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Ferrers }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Trematon in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 796; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 770. In later documents there appear to be three holdings here: (1) }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Crewode }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cornwode}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (2) }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lutton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lyneton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held by Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bryt'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and (3) another }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lodderton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Luddreton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held by John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Aysschlegh' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and associated with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Littlecomb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [possibly Combe SX618611 or Watercombe SX624613]. See }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 352, 398; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 153; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 165, viii. nos. 45, 648, xiii. no. 99; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 367, and Oliver. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 238.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab EDMER [* ATOR *]. See 15,12 Edmer note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 8 SMALLHOLDERS. So Exon manuscript for the corresponding entry; Ellis misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 vii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 perhaps because the last minim stroke is very close to the edge of the parchment.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 UNBROKEN MARES. Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 equas indomitas}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The re are 155 of them recorded for 4 manors in the Exon for Devon, of which 104 are at Brendon on Exmoor (34,14) so were probably Exmoor ponies, just as these here may have been Dartmoor ponies. The remaining 48 unbroken mares, however, are on manors distant from the moors. See 1,46 mares note on the related group, if not the same, the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 equae siluestres }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('wild mares').}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,37\tab [Exon 218b2] \par \tab REGINALD [* OF VAUTORTES *] ALSO. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Reginald'; see 15,27 Reginald note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab NEWTON [FERRERS]. A parish in Ermington Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 796 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nyiveton' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Ferers }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Trematon (descent from Reginald), with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Puselynch' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Puslinch in Newton Ferrers, SX5650] ; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 770; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 352, 399 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 425. In the Tax Return for "Alleriga"}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Ermington) Hundred the \'bd hide lordship is noted but is said to be held by the Church of St Mary of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Niuuentona}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 that is the Church of Newton Ferrers, not mentioned in Domesday; see Reichel, 'Domesday Churches', p. 310. Among Mortain fees in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 771 is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brunardeston' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held by John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Alba Mara }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from Geoffrey }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Crewecumbe}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 This may well be Brownstone in New ton Ferrers [SX5949], or possibly it is Brownstone in Modbury, although this is said to have been given at an early date to Buckfast Abbey; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 797; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 353, 400; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 45 and Reich el, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 326.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab EDMER [* ATOR *]. See 15,12 Edmer note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \'bd PLOUGH. The corresponding entry in Exon has '4 oxen'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,38\tab [Exon 220a1; Terrae Occupatae 505a6] \par \tab BOLBERRY. In Malborough parish, Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford hundred. The count had two lands here (see al 15,73), entered together in Exon The larger holding (1 hide, 15,38) held by Hugh in 1086, passed to the Beauchamps of Montacute. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 765 (also see p. 796) }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Boltebir' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held as \'bc fee by Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Bello Campo }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Monte Acuto}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; it is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Boltebir}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Beauchamp }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 324, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Magna Boltebyry }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 351 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Mochele Boltebury }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 396; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 470, xi. no. 35 and Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred', p. 184. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The smaller holding ( \'bd hide, 15,73), held by Richard in 1086, is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Boltebir' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 765, held as a one-sixth fee from the Honour of Cardinan. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Parva Boltebir}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 324, held from Oliver }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Dineham }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (see 15,35 Cotleigh note) and by him from the Earl of Cornwall; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 796; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 351, 396; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , vii. no. 462, viii. no. 280 and Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred', p. 184.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab EDMER [* ATOR *]. See 15,12 Edmer note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BUCKLAND. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Thurlestone parish, Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford hundred; see 17,36 Huish note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Abbreviated details of this added manor appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab EDEVA HELD IT FREELY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Edeva held jointly ... she could go to whichever lord she would'. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 505 a 6 have just 'which Edeva held jointly'. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Eddeua }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 here and elsewhere in Domesday Devon, Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Edeua}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Eldeua}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Eidieua}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 represent Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Eadgifu}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 feminine; see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 229-31.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LAND FOR 1 \'bd PLOUGHS, WHICH ARE THERE. Although the plough estimate is 1\'bd in both Domesday and in the corresponding entry i n Exon, only 1 plough is recorded in Exon as actually on the land and that is had by the villagers and smallholders. The reason for the discrepancy can probably be found by looking at the Great Domesday manuscript: the scribe originally wrote }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T'ra \'e7 .i. car q' ibi \'e7}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 then, perhaps as a result of checking the Exon manuscript, he interlined }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 7 dimid'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but without altering}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the second half of the phrase. However, it is possible, though less likely, that he received}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 other information on the number of ploughs on the land.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Domesday the 7 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 dimid' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is interlined on top of an earlier erasure which is not visible. See the corresponding Exon entry for the discrepancy caused by this correction. The singular verb }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \'e7 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (= }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 est}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , 'is') is equally correct after the alteration to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i car }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 7 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 dimid' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as it was after the original }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i car}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 There are numerous cases where the scribe has a singular verb after 'l \'bd ', though on occasion the plural is used; see DOR 26,19 ploughs note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,39\tab [Exon 212b1] \par \tab ERCHENBALD [* THE FLEMING *]. See 15,11 Erchenbald note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALVERDISCOTT. A parish in Fremington Hundred. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 795 Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Bratton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (from Bratton Fleming, 15,40) holds from the Honour of Launceston in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 AIvredescoth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aylescoth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Alscott in Alverdiscott, SS5225], and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Were }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [?Little Weare in Weare Giffard, which should, however, have descended to Torrington Honour, see 42,5 Weare note]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 371, 413, Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp, 497, 510 and 15,40 Bratton note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ORDWULF . See 1,56 Ordwulf note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab OF THESE ... ORDWULF }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . See 3,94 Alwin note; 15,33 Edmer note and 24,24 Brictric note for other examples of the Great Domesday scribe 'pruning out' details of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 subtena ncies, but compare 15,41 sister note. On the possible identification of Ordwulf, }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see 1,56 Ordwulf note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,40\tab [Exon 213a1-2; Terrae Occupatae 499a3] \par \tab HE ALSO. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Erchenbald', probably, but not necessarily, the same man as the subtenant of 15,39, as Domesday implies. Compare 15,21 Bretel note. On the identification with Erchenbald the Fleming, see 15,11 Erchenbald note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRATTON [FLEMING]. A parish in Braunton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 796 Baldwin }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Flemeng}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (presumably a descendant of Erchenbald, the 1086 holder) holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Crideho }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Croyde, 15,41] and also in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bratton' cum membris}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 both Mortain fees of the Honour of Launceston. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 360 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bratton}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cridaho }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alwardiscote } {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Alverdiscott, see 15,39] are all held by this Baldwin; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 415, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii no. 413, iv no. 35 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 396, 448.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 In 1086 common pasture in Bratton Flemin g was shared with Benton and Haxton (cont'd.) which had belonged to the count and were also later held by Baldwin the Fleming, but of the Honour of Bradninch; see 2,9 Haxton note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ORDWULF . See 1,56 Ordwulf note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THREE LANDS. Abbreviated de tails of these three manors appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THREE THANES HELD FREELY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which three thanes held jointly; they could go to}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 whichever lord they would'. In The }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry simply has 'which 3 thanes held jointly'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ORDWULF . See 1,56 Ordwulf note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THE THIRD [WAS] NOT. The exact force of Latin }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 minime}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 unusual in Domesday, is notoriously difficult to judge in particular contexts: it strictly means 'very little', a meaning inappropriate here; in conversational use it has the emphatic force of 'not in the least'; in this particular context it is likely to have been preferred to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 non }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as giving a more satisfactory clausula.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THEY PAID TAX. That is, the manors, as Exon states in the corresponding entry: 'These three manors paid tax ...'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 5 VILLAGERS AND 3 SLAVES HAVE 5 PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'E(rchenbald) has 5 villagers who}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 have 5 ploughs there, and (he has) 3 slaves'. Domesday implies that the slaves had a share in the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ploughs; see 1,3 slaves note on the slave and compare 15,59 villagers note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE 22s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Value of these three manors 21s 8d'. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has 499 a 3 'Value 20s 8d a year'. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,41\tab [Exon 213a3] \par \tab ERCHENBALD [* THE FLEMING *]. See 15,11 Erchenbald note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CROYDE. In Georgeham parish, Braunton Hundred. For the descent of this land to the Honour of Launceston, see 15,40 Bratton note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ORDWULF . See 1,56 Ordwulf note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ORDWULF 'S }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 SISTER ... FROM HIM. It is perhaps rather odd that the Great Domesday scribe should have incorporated details of this }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 subtenant when on several occasions he seems to have deliberately omitted them; see See 3,94 Alwin note; 15,33 Edmer note and 24,24 Brictric note and compare 15,39 Ordulf note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab On the possible identification of Ordwulf, }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 see 1,56 Ordwulf note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,42\tab [Exon 216b2] \par \tab RICHARD [!1! SON OF TUROLF !1!]. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ricard}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 fili}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Torolui}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See DEV 30 Richard note on Richard son of Turolf.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ST MARYCHURCH. In the manuscript the }{ \i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cerce}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as well as the }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 SC'\'ca MARI\'ca}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is lined through in red for emphasis; Farley did not indicate this by the use of italics. St Marychurch is a parish in Haytor Hundred, the successor to Kerswell Hundred. Like Woodhuish and Natsworthy (30,1-2) held by the same Richard son of Turolf, but in chief, it passed to the Honour of Cardinan, being held in }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 768 by Thomas }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Cyrencestre }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Seintemarichurch}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 316, 349, 392; }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iv. no. 44, vii. no. 462, viii. no. 397 and Reichel, 'Haytor Hundred in 1244', p. 122. In }{ \i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 796 St Marychurch is coupled with }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Harestane }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Horston }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 349), that is Oar Stone, a rocky island in the sea, [SX9562], off Hope's Nose; see }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 519 (which does not, however, give these references), and }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 604, xv. no. 168}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ORDWULF . See 1,56 Ordwulf note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,43\tab [Exon 217a3] \par \tab HAMELIN [* OF CORNWALL *] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ... VILLAGERS ... 1 HIDE. On Hamelin, see 15,8 Hamelin note. According to the Tax Return for Kerswell Hundred, in which Broadhempston lay, the king had no tax from 1 hide which Hamelin holds from the Count of Mortain.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BROADHEMPSTON. A parish in Haytor Hundred, the successor to Kerswell Hundred, this holding being identifiable as lying in that hundred from an analysis of the Tax Returns; see 15,43 Hamelin note. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 768 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hemmeston' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held by William }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Cantilupo }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Mortain, either in chief or from the Earl of Cornwall; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 797 and } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 431. The heirs of this William hold }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hemmeston Borard }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 72a; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 318, 348; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 509; Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', pp. 369-370; }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Haytor Hundred in 1244\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 117; }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel. \lquote Extracts from the Hundred Rolls of 3 Edward I\rquote ,}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 362 and 1,47 Littlehempston note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ORDWULF . See 1,56 Ordwulf note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,44\tab [Exon 218a2] \par \tab REGINALD [!1! OF VAUTORTES !1!]}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Raginald}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de valletorta}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Vautortes is in the d\'e9partement of Mayenne, France; see Tengvik, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 117. See 15,26 Reginald note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BIGBURY. A parish in Ermington Hundred. Descent from Reginald of Vautortes is to the Honour of Trematon (DEV 15 count note) and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 770, William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Bykebyr' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds one fee in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bykebyr' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and one in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hugheton' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Houghton, SX6546] from that Honour. Further members in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 770 are }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Halewill' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Holwell, SX6647] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nottedone }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Noddon, SX6547], also held by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Bykebyr'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cumb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Juelis de Valle Torta}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 604, xv. no. 168. This }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cumb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is represented in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 351 by five unidentified places, all held by Michael }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Combe}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 :}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ieclescomb}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wryngoldon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Chochele}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ayneshill }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Colewilhilt}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and appears as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Luscomb }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 397. It could be Combe in Bigbury [SX6748] or 'Jewelscombe', said to be a lost place in Modbury parish; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 280 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 311.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ORDWULF . See 1,56 Ordwulf note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab A SALT-HOUSE WHICH PAYS 30d. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'a salt-house whose value is 30d a year'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,45\tab [Exon 218b3] \par \tab REGINALD [* OF VAUTORTES *]. See 15,26 Reginald note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HARFORD. A parish in Ermington Hundred. Two Mortain holdings of the Honour of Trematon (Launceston) are recognised here in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 796, Hugh }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Peverel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holding in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 una et altera Hereford'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 one of these is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 West Hertford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 413. See }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 770; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 352, 399 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 604, xv. no. 168.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ORDWULF . See 1,56 Ordwulf note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,46\tab [Exon 222b2] \par \tab REGINALD [* OF VAUTORTES *]. See 15,26 Reginald note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BERE [FERRERS].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Birland}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for the form see 15,16 Torrington note. It is a parish in Roborough (Walkhampton) Hundred. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 796 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ber' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Legh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Ley, SX4564] are held by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Ferers }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Trematon; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 341, 354, 403 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 604. Part of Bere was in later times assessed in the Cornish Hundred of Stratton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 201, 207, 210 and Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', pp. 107, 113-114.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ORDWULF . See 1,56 Ordwulf note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 LIST 12\tab THE COUNT HOLDS ... WITH ORDWULF }{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'S LAND. As with the lands added to Edmer Ator's Honour (see 15,31 held note), the corresponding entry in Exon gives the information on these added lands (15,47-53) generally at the e nd of each individual entry. For 15,47-48 the phrase is 'The count holds this (land) with the Honour of Ordwulf (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cum honore Ordulfi}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )';}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for 15,49 see the addition in small type to the translation; for 15,50-52 the phrase is 'It has been joined with the Hono ur of Ordwulf'. For 15,53 a fuller statement occurs, again at the end, see the addition in small type at the end of the translated entry. See 15,47 holds note; 15,48 Stockleigh note; 15,49 Modbury note; 15,50 Torridge note; 15,51 Hareston note; 15,52 Spri ddlestone note and 15,53 "Wederige" note for the treatment of this statement in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and see 15,31 held note for its meaning.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab On the possible identification of Ordwulf, see 1,56 Ordwulf note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab UNDERMENTIONED SEVEN LANDS. That is, 15,47-53 inclusive. See 15,31 land note on this method of acquiring lands, said to be wrongful in15,49.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,47\tab [Exon 212a2; Terrae Occupatae 497b4; 504a7] \par \tab ERCHENBALD [* THE FLEMING *]. See 15,11 Erchenbald note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HELE. Probably involving two adjacent 'Heles', one i n Meeth, the other in Petrockstowe parish, Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred. Among fees held of the Honour of Launceston (descent from Erchenbald, the 1086 holder) in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 795 are }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hele }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held by Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Sechevil' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hele }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held with Stockleigh (15,54) and Culleigh (15,11) by Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Franceis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 359 there are Mortain fees in Shebbear Hundred at }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hele Godynd }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (held by Thomas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tyrel}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 411) and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hele Pouere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hele }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sechevil, both held by Robert}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Stocheye }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (from Stockey SS5407, see 16,39 Meeth note); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 411. These three parcels of Hele probably represent: (1) Crockers Hele [SS5206], formerly }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hele Sachwill}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held by John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Crokker}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 461; (2) Friars Hele [SS5306], formerly }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hele Pore}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held by Geoffrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Frye }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 461; and (3) }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hele Godyng}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The first two of these are now in Meeth parish, the last is now Hele Barton [SS5106] in Petrockstowe parish. A fourth 'Hele', Blinchs Hele or Blanchs Hele, is found on Donn, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Map of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (1765), at SS530071 and wrongly displaces Crockers Hele, which itself displaces Giffords Hele (a fifth 'Hele') on the first series Ordnance Survey one-inch map (sheet 26 of 1809, reprint sheet 82 of 1969).}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab These present a complex problem of identification (see also 16,42 "Helescane" note; 39,8 Hele note and 47,1 Hele note) but despite the assertion of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , that the names arose separately in different parishes, the places are adjacent and it is more likely that the Domesday holdings are subdivisions of a single 'heel' of land.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Abbreviated details of this manor, which 'has been added to Ordwulf's lands which the count holds', appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 at 497b4.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TWO THANES HELD IT. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which two thanes held jointly... they could go with this land to whichever lord they would. Aelmer Eastry (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 estrege}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 125) held 3 furlongs (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferlinos}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of it and Frawin held 1 furlong (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferlinum}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ). The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has 497 b 4 'which 2 thanes held jointly'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab JOINTLY. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 par'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (=}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pariter}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is written in the right margin level with the first line of each of these entries; it is also added in the margin, or interlined (usually as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in paragio}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ), }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 against a number of other entries in Devon Domesday. The ink used is more or less the same}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 colour throughout and is generally paler than that used for the main body of the county, suggesting they were done later, possibly as a result of checking Exon. Compare 17,13 held note. It is interesting that in a number of cases these occurrences of marginal and interlined }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pariter }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Domesday correspond to marginal or interlined ones in Exon; for example, for 15,49-50;79. 19,4;40. 35,6. 50,1. There is no indication, however, that these instances of interlined and marginal }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pariter }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Exon were done at a later stage: the scribe appears to be the same as for the main part of the entry and the ink is the same colour. See 1,15 freely note on freely/jointly/as one manor.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 6 VILLAGERS ... AND 1 PLOUGH AND 3 FURLONGS. The use in Domesday of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 7}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 instead of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cum }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'with' is unusual in this phrase (but see 3,53); Exon states that the 'villagers' have the plough and furlongs (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferlinos}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,48\tab [Exon 215b4; Terrae Occupatae 500b7] \par \tab REGINALD [* OF VAUTORTES *]. See 15,26 Reginald note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab STOCKLEIGH [ENGLISH].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in [West] Budleigh Hundred. It is held by Reginald (of Vautortes; see 15,26 Reginald note) in 1086 and descends to the Honour of Trematon. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 762 Gilbert }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Anglicus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stockelegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from a later Reginald }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Valle Torta }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Trematon. The place is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stockelegh Engleys }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 364; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 426; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xvi. no. 1085; Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 282 and 15,17 'Stockleigh' note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Abbreviated details of this manor, which 'the count holds with the Honour of Ordwulf', appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SAEWULF HELD IT JOINTLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'and he could go to whichever lord he would'. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has 500 b 7 'Saewulf who could go with his land to whichever lord he would in 1066'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab On 'jointly' see 15,47 jointly note.}{ \insrsid7095979 \par }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,49\tab [Exon 221a1; Terrae Occupatae 505a8] \par \tab RICHARD [* SON OF TUROLF *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MODBURY}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . A parish in Ermington Hundred, held in 1086 in two parts by Richard (15,49) and by Reginald (15,64) from the count. Richard's portion passes to the Barony of Cardinan and is held as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Parva Modbyr' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Little Modbury SX6550] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 795; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 770; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 398 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iv. no. 44, viii. no. 280. For Brownstone in Modbury see 15,37 Newton note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Abbreviated details of this manor, which has been 'added to Ordwulf's lands', appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 at 505a8.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WADO HELD IT FREELY [AND] JOINTLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Wado held jointly ... he could go to whichever lord he would'. On 'jointly', see 15,47 jointly note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Domesday and Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wado}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 elsewhere in Devon }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wadel}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wadhel}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wadels }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (rendered here Waddell) and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wadelo}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wadolo}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Walo }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (rendered here }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wadilo}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are all related and alternative names; see von Feilitzen, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 407-408, especially p. 408 note 1. The basis of some instances could be Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wada }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Modern English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wade}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and its rare derivative }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Waedel}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 But the range of forms suggests rather a Norman treatment of Old German }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wado}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 diminutive pet-form }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wadilo}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wadil}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Walo }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 would represent a Norman treatment of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wad}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 e}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 lo }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (on loss of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 d }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 dl}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , see}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , \'a7 103 p. 99) (JMcND).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 4 VILLAGERS ... \'bd HIDE AND 1 VIRGATE ... THERE ALSO ... 1 VIRGATE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'the villagers (have) \'bd hide and 1 virgate, which virgate Wado held from Ordwulf; he could not separate (himself) with that virgate from Ordwulf, but wit h the above hide he could. The villagers have 3 ploughs'. Details of the villagers, livestock, woodland and value of the hide follow, with the value of the 1 virgate being entered at the very end after the statement on the count's wrongful tenure of the h ide as part of Ordwulf's Honour (15,47 holds note). The description of this additional virgate as part of the villagers' land, though held by the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tenant and then by the 1086 subtenant, is unusual, but compare 1,70.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THIS LAND. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'this hide', presumably excluding the virgate.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THERE ALSO HE HOLDS 1 VIRGATE. See 15,49 villagers note for the information that the virgate is part of the villagers' land holding.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,50\tab [Exon 221a2; Terrae Occupatae 505a9] \par \tab REGINALD [* OF VAUTORTES *]. See 15,26 Reginald note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TORRIDGE. In Plympton St Mary parish, Plympton Hundred, now swamped by a housing development: Torridge Road and Torridge Close recall the name. Part of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tourigg }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held by the prior of Plympton (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 402) and part by John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stochay }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 400; see 15,47 Hele note), both of the Honour of Trematon; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 334, 353; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 280 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 286. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Abbreviated details of this manor, which has been 'added to Ordwulf's lands', appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WADO HELD IT FREELY [AND] JOINTLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Wado held jointly ... he could go to whichever lord he would'. On 'jointly', see 15,47 jointly note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'underwood (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 nemusculi}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 '}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,51\tab [Exon 221b1; Terrae Occupatae 505a10]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HE ALSO. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Reginald', probably, but not necessarily, the same man as the subtenant of 15,50, as no }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 idem }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is used as it is in Domesday. Compare 15,27 Reginald note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HARESTON. In Brixton parish, Plympton Hundred. This is the larger half of Reginald's holding; see 15,29 Hareston note. \par \tab \tab Abbreviated details of this manor which has been 'added to Ordwulf's lands' appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SWEET HELD IT JOINTLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has '... and he could go to whichever lord he would'. On 'jointly', see 15,47 jointly note. \par \tab \tab Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Suet }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably represents Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Swet}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 though Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sweta }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 may be a possibility because of the Exon form }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sueta }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 here; see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 381.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,52\tab [Exon 222a1; Terrae Occupatae 505b1] \par \tab REGINALD ALSO. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Reginald', see 15,27 Reginald note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SPRIDDLESTONE. In Brixton parish, Plympton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 334 Ralph [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 S}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pridel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sprideleston }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from Reginald }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Ferariis }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Honour of Trematon) and the latter holds from the Earl of Cornwall. The Domesday entry probably accounted also for}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 La Forsen}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 similarly held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 334 from Ralph }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Spridel}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 La Fenne }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Venn in}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brixton, SX551521] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 353; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 401; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , viii no. 45 and }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Plympton and Ermington Hundreds\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 288.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Abbreviated details of this manor which has been 'added to Ordwulf's lands' appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FOUR THANES HELD IT FREELY [AND] JOINTLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which four thanes held jointly ... they could go to whichever lord they would. Each of them held 1 furlong (}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferlinum}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )'. On 'jointly', see 15,47 jointly note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,53\tab [Exon 222b1; Terrae Occupatae 505b5] \par \tab REGINALD ALSO. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Reginald', see 15,27 Reginald note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab "WEDERIGE".}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 This place has not been identified nor any descent found. Exo n order suggests that it lay in Roborough (Walkhampton) Hundred or possibly in Plympton Hundred. Reichel's identification, following Whale, with 'Withy Hedge' in Plymstock is a mere guess (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 533 note 12; }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Plympton and Ermington Hundreds\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 262). There is a 'Wheatridge', a street name of unknown antiquity in Woodford in Plympton St Mary parish.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Abbreviated details of the manor called }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wedreriga}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which has been added to Ordwulf's lands, appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IT PAYS 3s. As the Great Domesday scribe has used }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 valet }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for all the other value statements in the chapter, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddit }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 here (as in 3,82 and 24,18, see 3,82 pays note and 24,18 pays note) is probably the result of too close copying of the Exon (which has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddit }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for Domesday's }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 valet }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 several times).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 LIST 13\tab UP TO THIS POINT THESE ARE ADDED LANDS. This statement may refer only to the lands added to Ordwulf's fief (that is,15,47-53) or it may refer also to those added to Edmer Ator's holding (that is, 15,14-31). If the latter, th en it is interrupted by the lands held in 1066 by Edmer Ator and Ordwulf (15,32-46) which the count acquired legally.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,54\tab [Exon 212a3] \par \tab ERCHENBALD [* THE FLEMING *]. See 15,11 Erchenbald note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab STOCKLEIGH. In Meeth parish, Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred, close to Erchenbald's other holding, at Hele (15,47). In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 795 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stokkelegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held from the Honour of Launceston; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 359. It is }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stoklegh Dabernon }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 411, see Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', pp. 541, 570-571.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALSI. The Domesday forms of the name-form Alsi - }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alsi}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alsius}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Elsi}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aelsi}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alsicus}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alsidus}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 etc. - could represent Old English }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'c6lfsige}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , Old English }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'c6thelsige}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or perhaps Old English }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ealdsige}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ealhsige}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 151-52, under }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Al-sige}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , see also p. 142, under }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Al-}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . JRM followed von Feilitzen in keeping to the base form, but preferred the second element -si for the Old English }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -sige}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , as that i s what is found in the vast majority of instances in Domesday. The Alecto edition has Alsige. However, in some of the Phillimore printed translations the forms Alfsi and Alfsige appear for people who in the present edition are now rendered Alsi because th e forms of their names lack an }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -f-}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -v- }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which JRM thought was necessary for it to be included under Alfsi (a few of them appear in von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 180, under Old English }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'c6lfsige}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , and on pp. 187-88, under Old English }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'c6thelsige}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ). The Alecto edition has Alsige for those that appear there under Old English }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'c6lfsige}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HE COULD GO ... WOULD. This statement, although added at the end of the Exon entry, must refer to Alsi. Compare the similar statement in 16,10, also omitted by the Great Domesday scribe (see 1,15 freely note on the omission of such phrases in Domesday).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,55\tab [Exon 212b2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MATFORD. In Exminster parish, Exminster Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 346 it is a Mortain fee held by Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Botour}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 389 it is held by John }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dynham'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of Montacute (Honour); see Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 368 and }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Exminster Hundred Manors\rquote , } {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 219.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWY [!1! TABB !1!].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluuid' tabe}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taebba}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the nickname probably referring to a tall, thin person (Tengvik, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 338). }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 On the name-form Alwy, see 25,2 Alwy note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,56\tab [Exon 212b3] \par \tab WILLIAM [!1! OF LESTRE !1!].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Willelm}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de lestra}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; Lestre is in the d\'e9partement of Manche, France (Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 94-95). He is also a subtenant of the Count of Mortain in SOM 19,27 and probably in DOR 26,45;64.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TATTISCOMBE. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Trentishoe parish, Braunton Hundred. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tottescomb }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held by Baldwin }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Tottescomb }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bykynghull }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 414; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 360 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 448.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,57\tab [Exon 213a4-213b1; Terrae Occupatae 499b2] \par \tab MAUGER [!1! OF CARTERET !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Mauger}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de cartreo}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Carteret is in the d\'e9partement of Manche, France; see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 81. He is a frequent subtenant of the Count of Mortain in Domesday Somerset. Compare 3,9 Drogo note above on Drogo (son of Mauger).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab DONNINGSTONE. In Clayhanger parish, Bampton Hundred, named from the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holder Dunning. It is apparently the same place as }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Duningeston' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held by the Abbot of Torre from William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Briwere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 396; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 153a and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 361. Part of this holding, possibly "Alwinestone",}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 will have been at}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Peatton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Petton, ST0024 in Bampton parish], held from the Abbot of Torre in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 431. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 797 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Peatetone }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is a Mortain fee, but it is said to be uncertain whether it is held of the Hono ur of Plympton or of the Honour of Ashill in Somerset. Mauger's lands normally descend to Ashill Honour, but }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Donnyngston' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Paitone }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are among Plympton Honour fees in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , (old series) iv. no. 63 (= }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Whale, 'Fees of Earl Hu gh de Courtenay'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 326); see Reichel, }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Bampton and Uffculme Hundreds', }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 441, 451-452.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TAX FOR 3 VIRGATES OF LAND AND \'bd FURLONG. The corresponding entry in Exon has '3 \'bd virgates and \'bd furlong (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferdino}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ablative)'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In the Domesday manuscript there is an erasure of about 5 letters before }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ferling}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 part of an }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 7}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , followed by the top half of a }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 d}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 3 'low' letters and the top half of a second }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 d }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with abbreviation line through the ascender, can be seen, suggesting 7 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 dimid' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 was}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 erased, which would then correspond to the clearly written }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 iii uirg' & dim' & dim' ferdino }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (3 \'bd virgates \'bd}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 furlong) of Exon Unfortunately the details of lordship and villagers' land do not help in discovering which was the correct tax amount (even if the details invariably agreed with the total, which they do not; see 1,4 hide note ). It is possible that whoever checked the Great Domesday manuscript thought that the two occurrences of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 7 dimid' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 next to one another were a mistake and so erased one of them; or perhaps new information on the tax came to light which necessitated the alteration.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab A MILL WHICH PAYS 7s 6d. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'mill whose value is 7s 6d a year'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab "ALWINESTONE".}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Named from the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holder, but unidentified; see 15, 57 Donningstone note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In the corresponding entry in Exon,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 it is described as a manor 'which did not belong to this manor before 1066'; Mauger also holds it from the count. Abbreviated details of this added manor appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 at 499 b 2.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWIN HELD IT. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has 'A thane held it jointly'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab A MILL WHICH PAYS 8d. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'mill whose value is 8d a year'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND, 7 ACRES. In the manuscript this interlineation reads }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 7 vii ac' silue }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in pale ink; under ultra-violet light it is possible to read }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 viii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but the last }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 has been scraped off}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to make }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 vii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (as in Exon, where the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 vii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is a correction from }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iiii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 );}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the original dot after the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 viii }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is still there. Farley printed }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 viii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 however.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,58\tab [Exon 213b2] \par \tab CLYST [ST LAWRENCE].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in 'Cliston' Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 398 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Clifford }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ( that is, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Clist}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sancti Laurencii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is a fee of William }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Briwere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Barony of Odcombe) and held of his heirs in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 333; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 527, vi. no. 157, xi. nos. 118 and 229 and Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', pp. 364, 375.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,59\tab [Exon 214a1] \par \tab ALFRED [* THE BRETON *]. See 15,60 Alfred note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THORNBURY. Exon order suggests Thornbury in Drewsteington parish, Wonford Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 797 Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Drogonis }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ( that is, son of Drogo) holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Thornbir' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the prior of Montacute, honour unknown; see Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesda y Identifications', p. 367.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 VILLAGERS WITH 1 SLAVE HAVE 1 PLOUGH. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Alfred has 3 villagers and they have 1 plough and (he has) 1 slave ...'. See 1,3 slaves note on the slave and compare 15,40 villagers note. }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,60\tab [Exon 214a2] \par \tab ALFRED [* THE BRETON *] ALSO. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Alfred', with no }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 idem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 so not necessarily the same man as the subtenant of 15,59; see 15,21 Bretel note. Nonetheless, he is possibly Alfred the Breton (see DEV 39) who has 1 virga te lordship in the Tax Return for Silverton Hundred, though the main Exon gives his lordship as 1 \'bd virgates (see \{Appendix: Lordship and Villagers' Table\} ). There may have been a change in the distribution of lordship and villagers' holding between the da tes of the Tax Returns and the main Exon returns, or one figure may be an error or a correction. This is the only holding of an Alfred in this hundred. See 39,10 Larkbeare note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CHITTERLEY. In Bickleigh parish, Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred. See 15,60 Alfred note for the possible Tax Return evidence.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HADEMAR. See 15,2 Hademar note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,61\tab [Exon 214a4] \par \tab BICKLEIGH. A parish in Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred. It does not appear in the fee lists; see Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', p. 234.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,62\tab [Exon 214b2] \par \tab DROGO [* OF MONTACUTE *]. See 15,34 Drogo note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CURSCOMBE. In Feniton parish, Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred. For the form, Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cochalescome}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 563. It presumably had the same descent as Feniton (15,34), also held by Drogo from the count.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab INGVAR. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The forms of this Old Danish personal name in Devon are }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ineuuar}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Domesday and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ineguar}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Inwarus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Inguar}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Exon. See von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 298-299 and \'a7 81 on the loss of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 g}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 SLAVE. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii serui }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was originally written, but the second }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 at the end of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 serui }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 were erased, though still visible, especially in the Ordnance Survey facsimile. Compare L11 Mont-Saint-Michel note and 5,14 ploughs note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WITH 1 \'bd PLOUGHS. Added later in very pale ink; as it is very squashed it might be that the scribe originally left a gap for the villagers' ploughs which did not prove large en ough. However, in Exon this information is in its usual place and written neatly like the whole entry. The rest of the line after the meadow has been erased and scraped, hence the gap, and it is possible that there were erasures under the villagers' ploug hs, the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the meadow acres and, most probably, the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xl sol' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the former value and the last }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 x }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xx solid' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 present value, as they are all very pale and blurred as if written on parchment that was still damp after an erasure with water.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'underwood (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 nemusculi}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 '}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE NOW 20s. The second }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 x }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xx solid' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is blurred and in pale ink, probably because written over an erasure; see 15,62 ploughs note. As there is a dot visible under the bottom tip of this second }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 x }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (as well as after the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xx}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 it would seem that the scribe originally wrote }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xi }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 x }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and then erased the last figure and corrected the value to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xx}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Because of the existence of the original dot, it is unlikely that the scribe wrote }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xx }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 first and then tri ed to erase the second }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 x }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to make the value 10s. In the Ordnance Survey facsimile the present value is reproduced as .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 x.\'fd.. solid'}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,63\tab [Exon 214b3] \par \tab BRETEL [* \{DE SANCTO CLARO\} *]. See 15,20 Bretel note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CHERITON.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cherletone }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ceorl }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tun}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; see} {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 566. It lies in Payhembury parish, Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred, and was a Mortain fee in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 782, held as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cherleton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from Walter }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Esselegh'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 that is, of the Honour of Ashill, Somerset, the expected descent from Bretel; see the opinion of J. H. Round reported in }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, 'Devonshire Estates belonging to the Honours of Mortain and Okehampton', }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 350 note 23. Reichel wrongly identified it as 'Charlton' or 'Chaldon' in Cullompton or in Plymtree parishes; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 440 note 2 and Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', p. 234. Chaldon is in fact derived from Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cealf }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 dun }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'calves' Down'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 562. Cheriton is }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brodechurleton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 425.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,64\tab [Exon 217b2] \par \tab REGINALD [* OF VAUTORTES *]. See 15,26 Reginald note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MODBURY. A parish in Ermington Hundred; for the other part, see 15,49. Descent from Reginald was to the Honour of Trematon, from which }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wymundeston' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Whympston in Modbury, adjacent to Little Modbury (15,49) at SX6650] was held by Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Fort Escu }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 770; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 796; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 352, 398; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. nos. 523, 604, xi. no. 459 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 313. Edmeston also lay in this parish and may have been part of this land, or it may represent }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hewis }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 15,26 Ludbrooke note; 15,28 "Hewis" note). In the Tax Return for "Alleriga"}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Ermington) Hundred, St Mary's of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Motberia }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is said t o have 1 hide in lordship, which corresponds to Reginald's lordship hide here; compare the treatment of his lordship land in Newton Ferrers (15,37); see 15,37 Newton note). This church was a dependency of the church of Sainte-Marie of Saint-Pierre-sur-Div es in Normandy; see Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 297 and Reichel, 'Domesday Churches', p. 309 note 81.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LAND FOR 23 PLOUGHS. In the Exon manuscript for the corresponding entry the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xxiii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is written over an erasure, with space left between the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xx }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 because part of the original number was (and is) still visible (apparently part of an }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 x}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; not an added }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to make }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xxiiii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as is stated by Finn, 'Immediate Sources', p. 58 and Finn. 'Devonshire Domesdays', p. 116).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab A PIGMAN. Although in the corresponding entry in Exon he is listed between the livestock and the meadow and woodland details, he may be classed with the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uillani }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 who had the ploughs and hides; see 1,26 pigmen note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,65\tab [Exon 217b3] \par \tab REGINALD [* OF VAUTORTES *] ALSO. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Reginald'; see 15,27 Reginald note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ORCHETON. In Modbury parish, Ermington Hundred. Like the previous entry,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 it descends to the Honour of Trematon, being held by Geoffrey }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Pridias }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Orcherdton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the manor of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Modbyre' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 770; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 796; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 352, 397 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 604, v. no. 558.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab NORTHMANN. The Domesday forms of this 1066 holder - }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Norman}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Normann}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ), }{ \i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Norman}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ], }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Normandni}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (genitive) - represent Old English }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Northmann}{ \cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('a dweller in the north', a Scandinavian'): von Feilitzen, }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 331-32. The Phillimore printed edition has the forms Norman and Northmann for both 1066 and 1086 landholders. For the present edition a distinction has been made between these: Northmann for 1066 holders and Norman for 1086 ones. This is the policy followed by the Alecto edition.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab A SALT-HOUSE WHICH PAYS 5s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'a salt-house whose value is 5s a year'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,66\tab [Exon 218a1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HOLLOWCOMBE. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Holescome}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon order suggests a place in Ermington Hundred; it is possibly Hollowcombe in Ermington parish for which, however, no Domesday reference is given in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (i. p. 274). On phonological grounds, it is certainly not 'Luscombe }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 alias }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Harwell's Combe }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 alias }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Jeclescombe }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 alias }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Julescombe in Bigbury', }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 442 note 6; see 15,44 Bigbury note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FOUR SALT-HOUSES. Presumably on the estuary of the River Erme.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PACKLOADS OF SALT. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 summas salis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 accusative plural. The size of the packload is not known, but in the case of salt in CHS Sl,4 it contained 15 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 bulliones }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('boilings'). According to Reichel in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 388 the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 summa }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of fish or salt was 240 lbs. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Summa }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is also used of corn in Domesday. In Exon here the term used is probably }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 sagmas}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 similar in meaning to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 summa }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Revised Medieval Latin Word List }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and Du Cange, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Glossarium}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , under }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 sagma}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 although the three minims after the}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 g }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 divide into }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 rather than into }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 m}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (making }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 saginas}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which, however, seems only to mean 'a fishing net').}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,67\tab [Exon 218a3; Terrae Occupatae 504a7] \par \tab REGINALD [* OF VAUTORTES *]. In the Exon for 1,23, where details of the withheld customary due are also given, the subtenant is called Godfrey. The }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry also makes Godfrey the subtenant, though this may be reflecting the name used in the main Exon for 1,23, rather than for 15,67. Reginald was undoubtedly Reginald of Vautortes (see 15,26 Reginald note) and Godfrey was m ost likely of the same family (they both appear in the Tax Returns with the byname 'of Vautortes', but cannot be linked with this particular holding); there was probably some confusion here as to which man held Fardel from the count.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FARDEL. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Cornwood parish, Ermington Hundred. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ferthedel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held from the Honour of Trematon in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 796; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 771 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 352, 399.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ERMINGTON, THE KING'S MANOR. See 1,23.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FROM THIS MANOR. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'From this manor the hundred men (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hundremani}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and the king's reeve claim 30d and the customary dues from the pleas for the benefit of the revenue of the king's manor of Ermington (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 consuetudinem placitorum ad opus firme Erm'tone mansione regis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 mansione }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is a scribal error for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 mansionis}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )'.}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry reads slightly differently: 'The Count of Mortain has a manor called Fardel which Godfrey holds from him. Before 1066 it paid 30d in customary dues to the king's manor of Ermington, and other customary dues which belong to the hundred, but after King William held England these said customary dues were taken away from the king's manor'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CUSTOMARY DUES FROM PLEAS. That is, from the hundred courts; in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for this entry and in the Exon for 1,23 (see 1,23 dues note) it is 'customary dues which belong to the Hundred' and in Domesday 1,23 'customary dues of the Hundred'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab REEVES. See 1,4 reeve note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,68\tab [Exon 218b4] \par \tab REGINALD [* OF VAUTORTES *] ALSO. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Reginald', see 15,27 Reginald note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VENN. Like }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bradeford}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Broadford, 15,69) }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Fen }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was in Ugborough parish, Ermington}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hundred. Both were held by Reginald in 1086 and represented by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Fenton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bradeford' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held from the Honour of Trematon in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 796; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 770 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 352, 399.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab NORTHMANN. See 15,65 Northmann note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,69\tab [Exon 219a1; Terrae Occupatae 504b2] \par \tab REGINALD [* OF VAUTORTES *] ALSO. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Reginald', see 15,27 Reginald note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BROADFORD. See 15,68 Venn note. Broadaford owed a customary due to Ermington; see 1,23 and 1,23 dues note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,70\tab [Exon 219a2; Terrae Occupatae 504a8; 504b1] \par \tab REGINALD [* OF VAUTORTES *] ALSO. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Reginald', see 15,27 Reginald note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab DINNATON. In Cornwood parish, Ermington Hundred. It is held with other of Reginald's lands of the Honour of Trematon as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dynenton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 770 (see 15,26 Reginald note). The name may be derived from Dunn who held }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 269. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 352, 399 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Langham }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Langham, SX6256, nearby] is coupled with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dynyngton}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 604 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 314.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab According to 1,23 two holdings called }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Dunitone }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 owed a customary due to the royal manor of Ermington, although the present entry is the only other reference to the place; see 1,23 dues note for another possibility.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 4 SMALLHOLDERS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '3 smallholders', an understandable mistake on the part of the Great Domesday scribe because of the 4 villagers and 4 slaves.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,71\tab [Exon 219a3] \par \tab REGINALD [* OF VAUTORTES *]}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ALSO. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Reginald', see 15,27 Reginald note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HOLDS ... . Latin }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de comite }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('from the count') has been omitted, no doubt in error; Exon as usual, in the corresponding entry, has '... from the count. See 15,22 holds note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PEEK. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Ugborough parish, Ermington Hundred. It is held as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pek' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Trematon in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 796; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 771; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 352, 399; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 604, xv. no. 149 and Reichel, 'Plym pton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 319. The exact holding was Torpeek [SX663562], held from John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de la Torre }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 352.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,72\tab [Exon 219a4; Terrae Occupatae 504b3] \par \tab REGINALD [* OF VAUTORTES *] HOLDS. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Reginald', see 15,27 Reginald note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LUDBROOK. In Ugborough and Ermington parishes, Ermington Hundred; see 15,26 Ludbrook note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,73\tab [Exon 219b3] \par \tab RICHARD [* SON OF TUROLF *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BOLBERRY. In Malborough parish, Stanborough (formerly Diptford) Hundred; see 15,38 Bolberry note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,74\tab [Exon 220a2] \par \tab HUGH [* OF VAUTORTES *]}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ... VILLAGERS ... 1 HIDE. Probably Hugh of Vautortes, from whom the king had no tax on 1 hide he holds from the Count of Mortain in Diptford Hundred according to the Tax Re turn; Batson was in Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred and the 1 hide would be the villagers' land that was taxable. Hugh of Vautortes is a subtenant of the Count of Mortain in Somerset.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BATSON. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Salcombe parish, which it represents, Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 796 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Baddestane }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held of the Honour of Trematon; the holding included }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Saltcomb }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Salcombe, SX7339] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 351. See }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 765; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 324, 396; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 604, v. no. 244 and Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred', p. 182.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE NOW 15s. In the manuscript there is an erasure of about 4 letters after the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ual'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Farley printed a small gap; see 1,60 ploughs note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,75\tab [Exon 220b1] \par \tab REGINALD [* OF VAUTORTES *]. See 15,26 Reginald note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BOWCOMBE.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Come}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Ugborough parish, Ermington Hundred. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Baucumb' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held of the Honour of Trematon in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 770 with Ludbrook (15,26 Ludbrook note) and other of Reginald'slands. See }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 796; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 352, 399 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 314. The adjacent Earlscombe [SX6555] seems to preserve a memory of the Earl (Count) of Mortain (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 287).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,76\tab [Exon 220b2] \par \tab RICHARD [* SON OF THORULF *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SHILSTON. In Modbury parish, Ermington Hundred. }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Silvestane }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 771 of the Honour of Cardinan; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 397 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 326.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,77\tab [Exon 220b4] \par \tab SPRIDDLESCOMBE. In Modbury parish, Ermington Hundred. Like Spriddlestone (15,52) it had the same 1086 holder, Reginald. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 770 Hugh }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Peverel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cumb' Spridel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Trematon. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Spridelcumb' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 796; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 352, 398; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 604 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 313.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ASGOT. }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ansgot}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Ansgot', in the corresponding entry in Exon; see 3,90 Asgot note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,78\tab [Exon 222a2] \par \tab REGINALD [* OF VAUTORTES *]. See 15,26 Reginald note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HONICKNOWLE. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Saint Budeaux parish, Roborough (Walkhampton) Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 796 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hanecnolle }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held from the Honour of Trematon; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 354, 403; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 92a; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 604 and Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', p. 113.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WADO. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wadel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('Waddell') in the corresponding entry in Exon; see 15,49 Wado note on the name.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 VILLAGERS AND 2 SLAVES [HAVE] 1 VIRGATE. In the corresponding entry in Exon, it is the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uillani}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 used generically, who have the virgate; the slaves may not be included among them. See 1,3 slaves note on slaves.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 15,79\tab [Exon 220a3; Terrae Occupatae 505b4] \par \tab REGINALD [* OF VAUTORTES *] ALSO. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Reginald', see 15,27 Reginald note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LIPSON. Now in Plymouth, Roborough (Walkhampton) Hundred; on the Domesday form, see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 235. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lippeston' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is a fee of the Honour of Trematon in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 796. It is coupled with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tongeslond }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [unidentified] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 403; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 340, 354 and Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', p. 113.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Abbreviated details of this manor, added to Algar's lands, appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 at 505 b 4.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab GODWIN HELD IT FREELY [AND] JOINTLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Godwin held jointly' in the left margin; there is no mention of 'freely'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In the Domesday manuscript the marginal }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 par' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is written in pale ink (see 15,47 jointly note), whereas the interlined }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 lib'e }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is in the same colour ink as the rest of the entry, suggesting that the two additions were done at different times. Compare 17,13 held note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE, 1 VIRGATE. Pasture is also measured, rather unusually, in virgates in 21,7 and 25,24. Woodland is thus measured in 47,5. According to Reichel in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 386 these are areal virgates (of 64 acres), different from the virgates used in the tax assessment. Compare 10,1 pasture note and 10,2 woodland note on the hide being used to measure pasture and woodland and 47,6 underwood note on the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferling }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of underwood.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THIS ... ALGAR'S LANDS. An odd statement because Algar nowhere else in Devon held land that passed to the Count of Mortain, whereas an Algar (perhaps a different person) is a frequent predecessor of Iudhael in DEV 17. This statement occurs in the margin of the Exon manuscript, but because Lipson is named there is no question of the scribe's adding the informa tion beside the wrong entry.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 16\tab BALDWIN THE SHERIFF. Baldwin of Moeles (now Meulles in the d\'e9partement of}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Calvados, France) was the younger son of Count Gilbert of Brionne; for his elder brother Richard, see DEV 26 Richard note. Baldwin was delegated with o ther leading men-at-arms to help build a castle at Exeter after the revolt of 1068 and to remain there as part of the garrison (Orderic Vitalis, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Ecclesiastical History}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , (Chibnall, ii. pp. 214-15) and the custody of the castle remained in his family. He also had his own castle at Okehampton (16,3). He was sheriff of Devon by 1070 (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 i. no. 58) and no doubt held the office until his death some time before 1096 when his son William is addressed in a charter together with Bishop Osbern and Warin the sheriff of Cornwall (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Monasticon Anglicanum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , ii. p. 497). His fief is the largest in Devon, but he also held land in Somerset and Dorset.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab \tab Baldwin's estates later form the Honour of Okehampton, the principal holders being the Courtenay family; see Reichel in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 VCH Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 554 and }{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , \lquote Devonshire Estates belonging to the Honours of Mortain and Okehampton\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 pp. 351-356. Many of the Domesday lands, together with later subdivisions, reappear in a series of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Inquisitiones Post Mortem }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 of the Courtenay family; see for example, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , ii. no. 71, iii. no. 31, xiv. no. 325. Attention should also be drawn to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , (old series) iv. no. 63, ostensibly dating from the reign of King Henry VI, but the basic survey, including the names of tenants, clearly dates from the early fourteenth century. It is usefully divided into hundreds and its places identified by }{ \fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , 'Fees of Earl Hugh de Courtenay'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , pp. 318-336.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab The Exon order of this chapter, which is largely followed by the Great Domesday scribe, with the presumed 1086 hundreds is:}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 16,3-13 Lifton Hundred \par \tab \tab 16,14-30 [Black] Torrington Hundred \par \tab \tab 16,31-32 Hartland Hundred \par \tab \tab 16,33-42 Merton Hundred \par \tab \tab 16,43-57 Shebbear Hundred \par \tab \tab 15,58-64 Exminster Hundred \par \tab \tab 16,65-86;89;87;94;88 Braunton, Shirwell, Bampton, South Molton and 'Cliston' Hundreds (see \{Introduction: Hundreds\} \par \tab \tab 16,95-105 Silverton Hundred \par \tab \tab 16,106-128;93;129;90-91;130-132 Wonford and Hemyock Hundreds \par \tab \tab 16,133-136 Budleigh Hundred \par \tab \tab 16,137 Wonford Hundred \par \tab \tab 16,138 Budleigh Hundred \par \tab \tab 16,92 'Cliston' Hundred \par \tab \tab 16,139 (unknown) \par \tab \tab 16,141-151 Witheridge Hundred \par \tab \tab 16,152-157Teignbridge Hundred \par \tab \tab 16,158-159 Tiverton Hundred \par \tab \tab 16,160 Teignbridge Hundred \par \tab \tab 16,160-161 Halberton Hundred \par \tab \tab 16,162-163 Kerswell Hundred \par \tab \tab 16,164-174 Axminster, Axmouth and Colyton Hundreds \par \tab \tab 16,175-175 Chillington Hundred \par \tab \tab 16,2 Borough of Barnstaple \par \tab \tab 16,1 Borough of Exeter}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 16,1\tab [Exon 315a2]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab HOLDS FROM THE KING. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'has ... by King William's gift'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab KING EDWARD. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 As with Osferth (16,3), the scribe mistakenly wrote }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Edwardi }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Offers }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in capitals and he then emphasised them with a red line, which is normally reserved for personal names at the beginning of chapters, place-names and headings within chapters.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 12 OTHER HOUSES. See 16,58 and 16,58 burgesses note on the 11 burgesses.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WHICH WERE IN ... WHICH BELONGED TO. The corresponding entry in Exon has '... in 1066' with both phrases.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Exon also has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pertinuer}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 unt}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ] for 'belonged', but the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p'tin'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Domesday is more often the abbreviation for the present tense (= }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pertinent }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'belong') which seems to fit in better with the phrase in 16,58 where 11 burgesses in Exeter are said to be attached (in 1086) to Kenn. According to Finn, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Liber Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 48, the Domesday Commissioners were conveying the same information by the statement about the 12 houses as by that about the 11 burgesses. See 1,1 burgesses note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 16,2\tab [Exon 315a1] \par \tab THEY PAY ... . The corresponding entry in Exon has 'These burgesses and these destroyed houses pay ...'. Thus the 'they' of Domesday are the burgesses and the destroy ed houses together. See C1 houses note on other instances of 'destroyed houses' paying dues.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 16,3\tab [Exon 288a1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab OKEHAMPTON. A parish in Lifton Hundred, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 caput }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 of the later barony formed from Baldwin's lands. With Bratton Clovelly (16,5), it accounts for the 1 \'bd virgates of lordship land recorded for Baldwin in the Tax Return for Lifton Hundred. It is represented in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 756 by}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Okemeton}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Alfaresdune }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Alfordon, SX6196], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Meledon' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Meldon, SX5692], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 La Hoke }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Hook, SX5896] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Stokkelegh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Stockley, SX6095]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 786; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. pp. 320, 356; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Rotuli Hundredorum}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 75a, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , (old series) iv. no. 63, (new series) }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 iii }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 no. 31, and Reichel, Lifton Hundred in 1243', p. 195. The advowson of Okehampton was given to Cowick Priory (16,106 Cowick note) by Baldwin's son William; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 150b; Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 p. 156; Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 324; }{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , \lquote Lifton Hundred in 1243\rquote , }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 p. 193.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Although Domesday does not describe this manor as a borough, it undoubtedly was one, though probably of recent creation and of the 'simple' kind, having only one 'owner'; see Ballard, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday Boroughs}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 94-103 and compare C1 Exeter note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CASTLE ... BURGESSES ... MARKET. In the corresponding entry in Exon, these details are given at the end of the entry, after the account of the rest of Okehampton but before the Value statement.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab OSFRITH . }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 For the capitalization and rubrication of this name, see 16,1 Edward note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Offers}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Osfers}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 represents Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Osfrith}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; von Feilitzen, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 339. }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 His name is rendered Osferth in the }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Phillimore printed translation, Osfrith in the Alecto edition.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab He may have been the same individual as the Osfrith who was the Count of Mortain's tenant in Cornwall, a rare example of an Anglo-Saxon who had managed not only to hold onto his lands, albeit as the count's ten ant, but to increase them with four estates not held by him in 1066: Soulsby, 'Introduction', }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cornwall Domesday}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 12. He may also have been the same man as the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holder of one each of the lands of William of Poilley and Ralph Dubbed (21,16. 35,27).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab See Clarke, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 English Nobility}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 328, who does not include DEV 16,55;80. 35,27. CON 5,13,1 (JP).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 21 VILLAGERS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '31 villagers'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE OF THE WHOLE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Value of this manor with its dependencies (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 appenditiis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ellis misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 appenditus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 '}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WHEN HE ACQUIRED IT. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when B(aldwin) acquired it'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,4\tab [Exon 288a2] \par \tab CHICHACOTT. In Okehampton parish, Lifton Hundred; it is presumed that it descended with Okehampton and is represented by one of its members, for example, Alfordon or Stockley in later documents; see 16,3 Okehampton note.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab BRICTMER . The Domesday forms of this name - }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Brictmar}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Brictmar}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 (}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 us}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ), }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Brismar }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Brismer}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Brihtmar}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 (} {\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 us}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ), }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Bricmar}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Bricsmar}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Brictmar}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 us}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ],}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Britmar}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Britmar}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [}{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 us}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ] etc. - represent Old English}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Beorhtm\'e6r}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 : von Feilitzen, }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , pp. 194-96. JRM preferred the first element Brict- for Old English }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Beorht-}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , and the second element -mer for Old English -}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 m\'e6r}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , as they reflected the majority of the Domesday forms. The Phillimore printed edition has the form Brictmer except in Lincolnshire where Beorhtmaer occurs; these have now been standardized as Brictmer. The Alecto edition has Beorhtm\'e6r. \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab \tab A Brictmer was the main predecessor of Baldwin of Exeter, from whom he acquired almost 20 holdings, his greatest income, and his two most valuable manors. A Brictmer was also the main predecessor of the Count of Mortain in Cornwall, supplying more of his m a nors and a larger income than any other individual, as well two of his six largest manors, including the largest (Rillaton). It is impossible to prove that every one of these Cornish Brictmer's was the same individual, though this seems likely. Seven of t h e holdings were allocated to the same subtenant; and it is noticeable that each of the others had one holding which was reasonably close to the three large manors of Brannel, Trematon and Rillaton. Finally, although there are no tenurial links to substant iate this, it seems likely that the two predecessors were the same individual and not two magnates separated by a county border. See also Clarke, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 English Nobility}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , pp. 259-60, who omits Pencarrow (5,4,2) from his list. He points out that other Brictmers in the south-west could well also be the same individual; and although he mentions no specific cases, the holdings acquired by William of Poilley (21,19-21), Robert of Aum\'e2 le (28,15), Ansger (40,4), and Fulchere (49,1-3) are all possibilities since they lay close to one of the holdings acquired by Baldwin from Brictmer (JP).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab VILLAGERS ... [WHO] PLOUGH WITH 2 OXEN. An unusual variant in Exon, given as usual after the lordship plough.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE FORMERLY. 'Value when }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 B.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 B. uicecomes }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for 16,65) acquired it'. Simila rly for the past values of 16,5-13;15-17;19-20;43-71;73-74;76-79;81-83;86; 87;89-93;95-140;142-144;152-157;176.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 16,5\tab [Exon 288a3] \par \tab BRATTON [CLOVELLY]. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 A parish in Lifton Hundred; it can be identified as lying in that hundred by an analysis of the Tax Return; see 16,3 Okehampton note. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 785 one Okehampton Honour fee is held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Brattone}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cumbe }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [probably Northcombe SX4595 and 'Southcombe', see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. nos. 306, 593 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 176] and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Coddescot }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ['Guscott', see 16,13 'Guscott' note; it is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Godescoth' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 756]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 321, 405; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , vii. no. 297 and Reichel, 'Lifton Hundred in 1243', p. 190. The added name Clovelly is from t he Claville family (who held in the thirteenth century), the form influenced by the place-name Clovelly (1,59); see Maxwell Lyte, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Honour of Dunster}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 56 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 173.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab THERE WERE ... 30s. The corresponding }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry, the first for Devon, has 'Baldwin the sheriff has \'bd virgate of land in the manor called Bratton (Clovelly) which 2 thanes ... 7 \'bd ploughs can plough it (the \'bd virgate) ...'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WHO HELD. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tenent' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (= }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tenentes}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 present participle, which can be used after a past verb); Farley omitted the abbreviation sign in error. Both the abbreviation sign and the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 dimid' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 succeeding }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tenent' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 are in the same very pale ink as several of the corrections in Devon and the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 dimid' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is squashed, as if added later, perhaps in correction; the scribe presumably saw at the same time that }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tenent }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with the preceding }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 erant }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 would make two main verbs in one phrase, which needed to be reduced to one verb or joined by an }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 7 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (for which there would have been no room).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab FREELY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'jointly; they could go to whichever lord they would with this land'. So also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 495 a 1.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 16,6\tab [Exon 288b1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab BOASLEY. In Bratton Clovelly parish, Lifton Hundred; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 384; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 174 and Reichel, 'Lifton Hundred in 1243', p. 190.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 7 SLAVES, WITH 1 PLOUGH. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The villagers hold the rest of the land and they have 1 plough. R(olf) has 7 slaves ...'. No other 'villagers' are mentioned. \par \tab \tab Domesday does not often state so clearly that slaves had ploughs; compare notes to 6,13 smith note and 28,16 slaves note. Exon records that the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 villani }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 have the plough (and the rest of the land), but as no }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 villani }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 other than the 7 slaves are mentioned, it would seem either that they are classed as 'villagers' with land and ploughs or that for some reason the Exon scribe omitted the true villagers and smallholders etc. (the latter being the view of Finberg, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Tavistock Abbey}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 60 note 3). Compare 3,79 plough note ; 16,145 villager note; 19,9 smallholder; 28,16 slaves note and 35,5 villager note. See also 3,11 villagers note on omitted 'villagers'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 16,7\tab [Exon 288b2; Terrae Occupatae 495a2]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab BRIDESTOWE. A parish in Lifton Hundred; it is held of the Honour of Okehampton by Muriel }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Bollay }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 786 as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Byrightestowe}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 See }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 756; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 405; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 150a and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , vii. no. 708.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IT PAID TAX FOR \'bd HIDE AND 1 \'bd FURLONGS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '... before 1066'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WITH THIS MANOR ... . The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry has 'Baldwin the sheriff holds 6 manors in the manor called Bridestowe which 6 thanes held jointly in 1066 ...'. The names of the manors are given; see 16,7 Saewin note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab LAND OF SIX THANES. They and their lands are named both in the corresponding main Exon entry and in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 : Saewin Tuft held }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Carsforda }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Kersford, SX4986], given as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Casforda }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; Doda held }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Batesilla }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Battishill, SX5085]; Doda held}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Comba}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Combebowe, SX4887]; Godwin held }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Etbolduswrda }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Ebsworthy, SX5090], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Etboldesuuorda }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; Godwin held }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ferneurda }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Fernworthy, SX5187], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ferneuurda }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and Abbot Sihtric held }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Weia }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Way, SX4989]. 'These thanes could go with this land to whichever lord they would' (main Exon entry only).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE NOW 60s LESS 20d. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry has '\'a33'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab SAEWIN [!1! TUFT !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Sauuin' topa}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The byname may be the same as that of Haldane }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Tope }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and his brother Ulf }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Tope sune }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (LIN 7,18 and LIN CK10): Old Danish }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Topi }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 164, 226 and von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 386 and notes 8 and 9). }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Topi}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 however, is a rather rare and restricted Old Danish personal name, noted by Fellows Jensen, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Scandinavian Personal Names }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 291, and appearing in Domesday in Lincolnshire, Suffolk, Essex, Hertfordshire and in Devon 16,146 (see 16,146 Topi note). The spelling }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 topa }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 here might equally well represent the rarely recorded, but surely common, word Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 toppa}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or a latinization of its more evidenced form }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 topp}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 meaning 'a tuft, a forelock of hair' (Bosworth and Toller,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Dictionary }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Supplement); }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Oxford English Dictionary}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 under }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 top}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ) (JMcND).}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 16,8\tab [Exon 289a1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab GERMANSWEEK. A parish in Lifton Hundred, earlier Week Langford; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 183. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 755 Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Langeford }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (from Langford 16,96) holds \'bd fee in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wyk }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Okehampton; in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 320 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wyk Langeford }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is held by the prior of Frithelstock from Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Langeford}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 See }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 785; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 425, xiv. no. 325; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 335 and Reichel, 'Lifton Hundred in 1243', p. 188.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'underwood (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 nemusculi}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 16,9\tab [Exon 289a2; Terrae Occupatae 495a3] \par \tab ROGER OF MEULLES. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Moles}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de molis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 } {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Meulles is in the d\'e9partement of Calvados, France; see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 99. He appears only in Devon, not in Somerset as well (as Tengvik, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , states). Other references to plain Roger in DEV 16 may be to this man; see 16,18 Roger note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab LEWTRENCHARD. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'Baldwin has a manor in Lewtrenchard which did not belong to that manor in 1066. This is called }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wadelescota}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ...'. The details of 1086 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holders, tax, plough estimate and value that follow fit the description of Warson in 16,10 whi ch was in Lewtrenchard parish. Neither the main Exon nor Great Domesday records the link between the two manors; this also happens with Bradaford and Tillislow (see 17,11 Bradaford note), Instaple and Bradworthy (see 19,3 Instaple note), }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Tamerlande }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and Peeke (see 35,5 "Tamerlande" note), Kimber and Rutleigh (see 35,7 Kimber note). It is interesting that these latter occur in a group of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae} {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (496ab) and that for a manor in the middle of the group (496b1 = Domesday 3,11) the main Exon and Great Domesday do record the link. Compare 16,79 Ringcombe note. \par \tab \tab Lewtrenchard (Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Lewe}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ) is a parish and Warson (16,10) lies within it. Both were in Lifton Hundred. Warson (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wadelescote }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Domesday),}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is named from}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 T.R.E. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holder. Warson, was known as 'Waddelestone' until recent times (for the substitution of -}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tun }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 -cote}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 188 and compare 21,11 "Assecote" note and 42,3 Alminstone note).In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 786 William }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Trenchard }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Lyu }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wadeleston' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Okehampton. It is possible that }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Orcherd}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the next entry in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , [an unidentified 'Orchard', although there is one adjacent in Thrushelton parish, at SX4689], held by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Arundel}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 was part of this land; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 757; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 320, 356, 384, 406; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 325, Reichel, 'Lifton Hundred in 1243', p. 213 and 1,57 Northlew note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 16,10\tab [Exon 289b1; Terrae Occupatae 495a3] \par \tab WARSON. See 16,9 Lewtrenchard note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab AND [?] 2 PIGMEN. The case of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 porc' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is not clear. It could be ablative }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 porcariis }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (= '3 villagers with 1 smallholder and 2 pigmen with 1 plough', that is, the plough is shared by the villagers, smallholders and pigmen); the Exon rendering, with the pigmen after the v illagers rather than in their more usual place at the end of the list of population, supports this. However, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 porc' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 could abbreviate the nominative }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 porcarii }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (= '3 villagers with 1 smallholder; 2 pigmen with 1 plough', that is, the pigmen alone have the plough). See 1,6 pigmen note for other examples of pigmen apparently having a share in the villagers' ploughs.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab HE COULD GO ... WOULD. The corresponding entry in Exon has this added at the end of the entry, referring to Waddell, as the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry ( see 16,9 Lewtrenchard note) also states with the addition of 'with his land'. Compare 15,54 go note on a similar statement in Exon, omitted in Domesday.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 16,11\tab [Exon 289b2]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab MODBERT. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Motbert}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Modbert}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 );}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Motbert}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ),}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Mobert}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 represent Old German }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Modbert}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 See }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 F\'f6rstemann,}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Personennamen}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 1129; von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 328 note 1 and Foote and Brown,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Early English and Norse Studies}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 55.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab KELLY. A parish in Lifton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 786 William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Kelly }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Kelli }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Medwill' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Meadwell, SX4081] from the Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 756; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 320, 405 and Reichel, 'Lifton Hundred in 1243', p. 202.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab OSFRITH . See 16,3 Osfrith note.}{ \insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\insrsid8681605 16,12\tab [Exon 289b3] \par \tab RALPH [!1! OF BRUY\'c8RE !1!].}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Radulfus de Brueria }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 here and elsewhere. Bruy\'e8re is in the d\'e9partement of Calvados, France; see Tengvik, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 76.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab DUNTERTON. A parish in Lifton Hundred; it is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Dunterdune }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 786, Okehampton Honour. See }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 756; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 320, 405; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , xii. no. 333 and Reichel, 'Lifton Hundred in 1243', p. 201.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTMER . See 16,4 Brictmer note.}{ \insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND, 60 ACRES. The cor responding entry in Exon has '...160 acres'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 16,13\tab [Exon 290a1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 'GUSCOTT'. In Lifton Hundred and said to be in Bratton Clovelly parish (Reichel, 'Lifton Hundred in 1243', p. 190 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 175). It is mapped by }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday Gazetteer}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the south-east of the parish, but has not been found by the present editors on any other map. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Coddescot}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (p. 785) or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Godescoth' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (p. 756) is held with 'Combe' and Bratton Clovelly; see 16,5 Bratton note and Reichel, Lifton Hundred', p. 468; }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Lifton Hundred in 1243\rquote ,}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 190.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 16,14\tab [Exon 290a2]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab THIS ENTRY BEGINS a group of places (16,14-30) lying in [Black] Torrington Hundred; the total of 2 \'bd hides 3 furlongs ('ferlings') of lordship land (excluding 16,25 for which no detail is given) is close to the }{ \scaps\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 2 \'bd }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 hides allowed to Baldwin in the Tax Return for [Black] Torrington Hundred.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab SAMPFORD [COURTENAY]}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . A parish in [Black] Torrington Hundred. John }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Cortenay }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Sanford }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 64b and Hugh }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Curtenay }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Saunford Curtenay }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 327; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 31, viii. no. 273. Subdivis ions of the Domesday}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holding, later held of the Honour of Okehampton, are given in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 784 as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Lewidecot' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Lydcott, SX6297], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cockescumb' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Corscombe, SX6296], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Westecot' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Westacott,}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 SS6103], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rokewrth' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [unidentified], all held by Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cadyo}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Herpeford }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Halford, SX6497, see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 165] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Radeweye }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Reddaway, SX6295], held by Richard son of Ralph and Geoffrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Radeweye}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 finally }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wythelgh' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Willey, SX6495], held by Drogo }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Teynton'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 407 adds }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Doumyslond }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Dunsland, 16,16]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 327 and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 218.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab NORTHMANN. See 15,65 Northmann note.}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'when he acquired it', probably referring to Baldwin (see 2,14 formerly note an d 16,88 formerly note). Similarly for the past values of 16,18;21-24;26;28-36;39-42;80;84-85;94;141; 144-151;158-159;161-165;167-168;170-173;175.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 16,15\tab [Exon 290a3] \par \tab BELSTONE. A parish in [Black] Torrington Hundred. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Belestane }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 784 is held by the heir of Baldwin }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Belestane }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 407 and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 219.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab OSFRITH . See 16,3 Osfrith note.}{ \insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 16,16\tab [Exon 290b1] \par \tab DUNSLAND. Probably in Bradford parish, [Black] Torrington Hundred; there is another Dunsland in Jacobstowe. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Doumyslond }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Dounnyslond}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is held with other Okehampton Honour places in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 407; see 16,14 Sampford note and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 220.} {\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 4 SMALLHOLDERS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '3 smallholders'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 16,17\tab [Exon 290b2] \par \tab MONKOKEHAMPTON. The Domesday form }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monuchem'tone }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (representing hypothetical }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monuchaochementone }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from Old English }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 munuca }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'of the monks') implies the existence of a monastic community here before 1086, but no more is known, except that although Monkokehampton was a lay holding in 1086, it was probably the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Occemund}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 granted by King Aethelwulf (839-855) to Glastonbury Abbey (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 12 p. 9 = Sawyer, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 1696), and will thus have been alienated church property. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 784 it is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Munekeokementon'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 65a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 408; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 34, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 153, Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 220 and DEV 4 Glastonbury note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 PLOUGHS; 5 SLAVES. In the manuscript the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 7}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 linking these two details is faint and shorter than usual and is not reproduced at all in the Ordnance Survey facsimile.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 16,18\tab [Exon 290b3] \par \tab ROGER [* OF MEULLES *]. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Perhaps Roger of Meulles, who is elsewhere a subtenant of Baldwin (see 16,9 Roger note), because of the descent of Exbourne; see 16,18 Exbourne note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab EXBOURNE. A parish in [Black] Torrington Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 784 John }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 de Molis }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 (possibly a descendant of Roger (of Meulles? see 16,9 Roger note), the 1086 holder of 16,18-20) holds from the Honour of Okehampton }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Lechebrok' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Lashbrook, 16,20], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Durneford }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Dornaford in Jaco bstowe, SS5900, and Dornaford Park in Exbourne, SX6099], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Yekesbume }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Exbourne] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Hyauntone }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Highampton, 16,19] ; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. pp. 327, 357, 407. An unidentified }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Buston }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 358, written }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Euston }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 407) appears to have been in this parish, a Nicholas }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Buston' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 being here in 1332 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Lay Subsidy Roll}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 (1332)}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 p. 66). It is possibly connected with Buskin [SS5901] ; see Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 221.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,19\tab [Exon 291a1] \par \tab ROGER [* OF MEULLES *]. See 16,18 Roger note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HIGHAMPTON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hanitone}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in [Black] Torrington Hundred. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hyauntone }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 784 (see 16,18 Exbourne note);}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hanton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 327; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Heghanton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 357, held of Okehampton Honour; see Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 220. In later times there were also Okehampton fees at }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Buredune }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Burdon, SS4703] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 West Pulwrth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [part of Pulworthy, SS5104; for 'East Pulworthy see 5,4 Pulworthy note] in this parish; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 784, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 357, Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 225.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTMER . See 16,4 Brictmer note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,20\tab [Exon 291a2] \par \tab ROGER [* OF MEULLES *]. See 16,18 Roger note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LASHBROOK. Lashbrook Farm and Little Lashbrook in Bradford parish (16,21), [Black] Torrington Hundred. It is }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lechebrok' }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 784 (see 16,18 Exbourne note) held from the Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 327, 407 and Reichel, 'Bla ck Torrington Hundred', p. 220.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALGAR [!1! LONG !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Algar}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 long}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for this entry and the next 916,21); see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 320.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,21\tab [Exon 291a3] \par \tab BRADFORD. A parish in [Black] Torrington Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 784 the heir of William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Aubernun }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bradeford}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 327, 357, 407 and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 221.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALGAR [!1! LONG !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 16,20 Algar note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,22\tab [Exon 291b1] \par \tab KIGBEARE. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cacheberge}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 now in Okeha mpton parish, Lifton Hundred, but Exon order clearly shows it in [Black] Torrington Hundred where it is also found in medieval documents. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday Gazetteer}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 identifies it with Cookbury in [Black] Torrington Hundred, but that place is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cukebyr' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788 held of Plympton Honour (see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 139 and 28,3 Wick note), whereas Kigbeare is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cakeber' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 784 held by Geoffrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Coffin }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Okehampton, with } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Craffte }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Cruft, SX5296]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 374, 409; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 209, viii. no. 425, xvi. no. 1013; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 203 and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 222. Part of this holding may well have been }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Maddeford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Maddaford, SX5494]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees} {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 784; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 357, 405 and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 225.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,23\tab [Exon 291b2] \par \tab ODELIN. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Othelin}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Otelin}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 represent Old French }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Otelin }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Forssner, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Continental-Germanic Personal Names in England}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 202) from Old German }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ottelin }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 F\'f6rstemann,}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Personennamen}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 188).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab INWARDLEIGH. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lege}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the modern name being derived from the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holder }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ingvar}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 149. It is a parish in [Black] Torrington Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 784 the heir of Elias }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Coffin }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds from the Honour of Okehampton in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Inwardlgh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Westecot' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Westacott, SS5300]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 328, 408 and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 222. Another Okehampton Honour holding in the same parish is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Westecomb }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held by Richard}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Estecomb }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Westacombe and Eastacombe, SX5598, 5599], in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 408. One of these lands may represent Oak (16,24) which is otherwise not found in the fee lists.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 PIGMAN. This is interlined in the Exon manuscript (though by the same scribe and in the same colour ink as the rest of the entry), possibly the reason for its omission in Domesday. Compare 15,12 pigmen note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,24\tab [Exon 291b3] \par \tab OAK. In Inwardleigh parish, [Black] Torrington Hundred; it might be represented by Westacott or Westacombe in later lists, see 16,23 Inwardleigh note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ASGOT.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The corresponding entry in Exon has}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ansgot}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Ansgot'; see 3,90 Asgot note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,25\tab [Exon 292a1] \par \tab BERNARD [* NAPELESS *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab GORHUISH. Higher Gorehuish and Lower Gorhuish in Northlew parish, [Black] Torrington Hundred (11). }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gorehiwiss' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is an Honour of Okehampton holding in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 784; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 328, 408.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,26\tab [Exon 292a2] \par \tab BROADWOOD [KELLY]. A parish in [Black] Torrington Hundred. William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Kelly }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 16,11 Kelly, which was also held by Modbert) holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brawode } {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from Okehampton Honour in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 784; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 408 and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 223. The next entry in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 784 records that Peter }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Corbin }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Corbineston' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Corstone, SS6104], perhaps a part of this holding, or the second Middlecott (see 16,28 Middlecott note).}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,27\tab [Exon 292a3] \par \tab HONEYCHURCH. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 HONECHERDE}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 honechercha}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but the second }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ch }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is not well written, the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 being joined to the ascender of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 h }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and the hook of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 h }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 not reaching the line and being more curved than that of the first }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 h}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It is possible that on a quick glance this }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ch }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 could be taken for a malformed }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 d}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which may be the reason for the Domesday form of the place-name (so Baring, 'The Exeter Domesday', p. 316). Compare 16,44 Dolton note; 25,20 Ash note and 52,20 Bulworthy note, and see 16,42 "Helescane" note for other cases where the Great Domesday scribe has misread the Exon. Honeychurch is now in Sampford Courtenay parish, but formerly a separate parish in [Black] Torrington Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 784 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hunichurch' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held of the Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 409 and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 223.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWIN [!1! BLAEC !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluuin}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 niger}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tengvik, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 292.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE 30s. This is written at an angle in the right margin of the manuscript in the same pale ink and almost certainly by the same scribe as two other added values (34,21 and 51,14; see 34,21 value note and 51,14 [value] note) who may be different from th e scribe of the main body of Devon: these are the only occurrences in Devon of the abbreviation }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 sold'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the usual form being }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 solid' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 here. As the values are written neatly and not added in the corresponding Exon entries, the original omission of them in Domes day must have been accidental, and their later inclusion, perhaps due to a checking of Exon.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,28\tab [Exon 292b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MIDDLECOTT. Two parts are listed separately (16,28;30) in Baldwin's fief. Middlecott probably lay in Broadwood Kelly parish (16,26), but the id entity is open to doubt, as there was a Middlecott also in Ashwater and in Bradford, both in [Black] Torrington Hundred, that in Ashwater not being noticed by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ( for the others, see i. pp. 132, 137). The fact that Middlecott in Broadwoo d Kelly is adjacent to Brixton (16,29) is probably significant; that both Middlecotts (16,28;30) were held by Alwold before 1066 suggests that they may be part of the same land. Another of Ranulf's estates (Whiteway 16,157) passes to the Honour of Plympto n, so 16,28 is probably the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Middlecoth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held by Joel }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Faber}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Jordan }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Fenton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and Hugh }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Sak' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of that Honour in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 357, 408. The other Middlecott (16,30) does not seem to appear as such in the fee lists, but if Corstone (16,26 Broadwood note) is not a part of Broadwood Kelly, it may be this second Middlecott, taking its name from the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Corbin }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 family who held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; clinching evidence is lacking: see Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 224.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWOLD. }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The Domesday forms of the name-form Alwold - }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluuold}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alwaldus}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aeluuold}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluuol}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alnold }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (a scribal error for }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluold}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ), }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluoldus}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluolt}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluol}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluort}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Eluuold}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Eluolt}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 - could represent Old English }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'c6lfweald }{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or Old English }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'c6thelweald}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 154-55, under }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Al-weald}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , and see also p. 142, under }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Al-}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . JRM followed von Feilitzen in keeping to the base form, but preferred the second element -wold for Old English }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -weald}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as it reflected the spelling in Domesday. Some of the people called Alwold in the present edition appear under Alfwold in the Phillimore printed translations. The Alecto edition has Alweald. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The forms of this name in Devon are }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aluuold}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aluuald}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Domesday and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aluuold}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aluuoud}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aluold}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aluualdus }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aluuardus }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Exon and the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aluuardus }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 forms (in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for 36,23 and in the main Exon for 36,24) are the result of Anglo-Norman interchange of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 l-r}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . See 16,174 Alwold note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,29\tab [Exon 292b2] \par \tab BRIXTON. In Broadwood Kelly parish, [Black] Torrington Hundred. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brigteneston' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 784, held by Ada }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Risford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (from Rushford 16,113) from Okehampton Honour; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 327, 408 and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 225.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP 1 PLOUGH. The corresponding entry in Exon has '1 \'bd ploughs'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,30\tab [Exon 292b3] \par \tab MIDDLECOTT. See 16,28 Middlecott note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VILLAGERS ... }{\scaps\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1 \'bd }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'villagers ... \'bd plough'. It seems likely that the Domesday scribe mistakenly added the lordship plough (which he failed to include, though it is his normal practice to do so) to the villagers' \'bd plough. Compare 16,87 villagers note and 17,71 villager note.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,31\tab [Exon 293a1] \par \tab ASHMANSWORTHY. In Woolfardisworthy parish, Hartland Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 786 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ashmundeswrth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held as two half-fees, the second by three people from the Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 341, 371, 410. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Asshemandesworthi }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Strokesworthi }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Stroxworthy, SS3419] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 325.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTMER . See 16,4 Brictmer note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,32\tab [Exon 293a2] \par \tab YARNSCOMBE. A detached parish of Hartland Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 786 there is an Okehampton fee in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Parva Ernescumb' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ['Little' Yarnscombe] ; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 341-342 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Litelaerneston'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 410, 416 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 325, xv. no. 197.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 VILLAGERS ... 2}{\fs24\cf1\up6\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'bd FURLONGS. In Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 villani ii ferdinos & dimidiu'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 450 translates this as 'the villeins 2 ferdings and \'bd (plough)', but if this were the meaning one}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 would expect }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 dimidi\'e2 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (to agree with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 carrucam }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 understood or omitted in error); in any case the placing of Latin } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 dimidius }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 after the noun (instead of immediately after the number) is very common.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,33\tab [Exon 293a3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PARKHAM. A parish in Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 785 the heir of Baldwin}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Belestane }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (from Belstone 16,15 also held by a Richard in 1086) holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Parkeham }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Okehampton. See }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 329, 410 and Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 564.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTMER }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 HELD IT. The corresponding entry in Exon has '... in 1066'. The information on Sedborough (manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sedeb'ga}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ellis misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Seteb'riga}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is written in the left margin of the manuscript. Unusually, it is not in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , possibly because th e information came to light later. See 52,33 Sedborough note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab On the name Brictmer and its possible identification, see 16,4 Brictmer note.}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,34\tab [Exon 293b1] \par \tab [LITTLE] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 TORRINGTON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Torintone}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The order of Exon points to a place in Merton Hundred , the precursor of Shebbear hundred (as 1,31. 15,16), divided by the River Torridge from Great Torrington, which lies in Fremington Hundred, and thus indicates Little Torrington; but a consequence is that }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Torintone}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Toritone }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Liteltorelande }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 must all be accepted as early names of Little Torrington, see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 111. This holding is possibly represented in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 785 by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Toniton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (probably a misreading of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Toriton'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held by William and Alexander }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tony }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tauy }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Touy}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the H onour of Okehampton, the last of a group of Shebbear Hundred places; see Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', pp. 536, 542, 553.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,35\tab [Exon 293b2] \par \tab HEANTON [SATCHVILLE].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Huish parish, Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 785 John }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Sicca Villa }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Yauntone }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Okehampton; it is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Heannton Sechevill }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 329; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 359, 412; } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xv. no. 197 and Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', pp. 542, 565.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,36\tab [Exon 293b3] \par \tab AUBREY. In Domesday Devon this personal name appears in the forms }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alberi}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alberic'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alebric}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alebrix}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and the Exon forms are }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alberid}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alebric}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Halebrix}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Albrix}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Albritius}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It appears in some instances to be a Latinized form of Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aelfric}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see 3,35 Aelfric note and 17,88 Aelfric note. It is interesting that Domesday should use the form }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alebrix }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (for 17,94;102-105), the -}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 x}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ending being unusual and a peculiarity of one of the Exon scribes and used by him for these entries, thus suggesting direct copying from the Exon manuscript by the Great Domesday scribe.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab POTHERIDGE. In Merton parish, Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred. Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Estaneston' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds one fe e of the Honour of Okehampton in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Puderigh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 785; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 411 and Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 565.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IT PAIDTAX. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'it pays tax'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddit }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is probably a scribal error for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddidit }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Compare 17,2 paid note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 MARE?. In the Exon manuscript for the corresponding entry, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i qua'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , appearing between the slaves and the cattle, is perhaps a scribal error for } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i equa' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 However, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 451 reads }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 quat}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 arium}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and translates '1 cottager'. Although }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 quo- }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is sometimes the Exon spelling for Domesday's }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 co- }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (as }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 quo}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 s}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cetos }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for Domesday's }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cocetos }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in 3,86-87), one would expect }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 quotarius }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 not }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 quatarius }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cotarius }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (as for Domesday 1,4, an entry by the same scribe as this one; see 1,4 villagers note). Also, there is definitely no }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 t }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 at the end and the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 mark, though it can mean that several letters have been omitted, can, as in}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddit gildu' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p' an'u' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in this entry, merely indicate that an }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 m }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is to be added.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WITH 2 [PLOUGHS]. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c\'fb ii bord' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('with 2 smallholders'), obviously a scribal error for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c \'fb ii car'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which is what Exon has.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,37\tab [Exon 294a1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab STOCKLEIGH. In Meeth parish, Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred. It is held by the heir of William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Aubernun }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stockelg' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Okehampton in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 785; see Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', pp. 542, 565.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab UNDERWOOD. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'woodland (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 nem'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )';}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see also 16,42 underwood note and 17,77 underwood note and compare 1,27 woodland note for the reverse.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,38\tab [Exon 294a2] \par \tab WOOLLADON. Also in Meeth parish, Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred. Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Wulledune }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wulledune }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 785 from the Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 359, 412 and Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 566.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,39\tab [Exon 294a3] \par \tab BERNARD [* NAPELESS *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MEETH. A parish in Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 785 Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Giffard }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 La Meye }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 y }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is probably a misreading of the Anglo-Saxon letter thorn, that is, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 La methe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Methe] ) from the Honour of Okehampton; the same holding is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Mete }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stokheye }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Stockey in Meeth, SS5407] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 329 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Methe}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hele }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stokhaye }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 325. This }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hele }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 might be part of this holding at Meeth, or connected with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Helescane }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (16,42). See }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 412 and Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 566.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BEFORE 1066. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 R}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 E}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 clearly; in the Ordnance Survey facsimile the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 R }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 comes out like a }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 B}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,40\tab [Exon 294a4] \par \tab ROBERT [!1! OF BEAUMONT !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Probably Robert of Beaumont (on whom, see 16,65 Robert note): the Tax Return for Merton Hundred states that the king had no tax from the \'bd virgate Robert of Beaumont holds from Baldwin the sheriff, and this is the only holding of a Robert in Merton (later Shebbear) Hundred.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LANDCROSS. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lanchers}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred. Philip }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Bello Monte}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 no doubt a descendant of Robert (of Beaumont, see 16,40 Robert note), holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lancarse }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 784 from the Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 329, 410 and Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 567.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab AELFEVA. Domesday and Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alueva }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 represents Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aelfgifu}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 feminine; see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 173-174.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,41\tab [Exon 294b1] \par \tab WOOLLEIGH.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Beaford parish, Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Vlvelie}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 87. It does not appear in the fee lists; see Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 567.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALSI. On this name-form, see 15,54 Alsi note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,42\tab [Exon 294b2] \par \tab "}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 HELESCANE".}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The Domesday form is not noted in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and is uncertain, probably a misreading of Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Helescaua }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 sceaga }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'a strip of rough or woodland'); compare 28,12 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Beuleie}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Benleia}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and see 3,24 Pilland note; 3,38 Pilland note; 3,39 Pickwell note; 5,2 Liddaton note; 16,27 Honeychurch note; 16,44 Dolton note; 17,18 "Lidemore" note; 19,16 Lynton note; 25,20 Ash note; 34,3 Lydford note and 52,20 Bulworthy note for other misreadings of t h e Exon form by the Great Domesday scribe (and compare 28,14 'Halstow' note). In all those that can be identified, the modern place-name is nearer to the Exon than to the Great Domesday form, suggesting that the Great Domesday scribe was responsible for th e errors. The Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Helescane }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 might be a misreading for a name }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Helestane }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in some earlier document, from Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 healh }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 stan}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but no later forms of a place-name in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -stone }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 have been found near the places called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hele }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hereabouts.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Helescane}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 like the preceding place, probably lay in Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred, the Exon scribe changing for the next entry Chawleigh, which is first of a Tawton Hundred group. It has been variously identified as Hele in Meeth (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday Gazetteer}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ), Hele Poure in Meeth (Reichel in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 451 note 7) or Huntshaw Wood, formerly 'Henshaw' (Whale reported in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 451 note 7). But neither Huntshaw nor 'Henshaw' is a likely development of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Helescaua}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 since the 1> }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 n}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 interchange needs }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 n }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 l }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 r }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the following syllable to trigger it. It is pointed out that among Okehampton Honour fees in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 784-785 (Shebbear Hundred) there is no fee named from Woolleigh (16,41) nor from }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Helescane}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 but William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 le Cornu }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds \'bd fee in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hunshaue }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and, in succession, Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cornu }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Honyschaue }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 412. There is no need to doubt that this latter is Huntshaw, now a parish in Fremington Hundred, but variously in Shebbear Hundred or Fremington Hundred in the fee lists. There is also little doubt that it is the holding of William the goat (19,5). The fact that Huntshaw appears in two Hundreds in the feudal lists led to the belief that there was a separate Huntshaw in Shebbear Hundred. Although 'Henshaw' or 'Huntbear' was rejected by Reichel, 'North Tawton Hundred', pp. 264-266 and in }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 353, in Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 567 he reverted to the identification 'Huntshaw }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 alias }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Huntbere in Little Torrington' for 16,42, unf ortunately using the same evidence in Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 515 to identify William the goat's holding of 19,5.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab If }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Helescane }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 later simplified to 'Hele', it is likely to be one of the places called Hele in Meeth or Petr ockstowe parishes (see 15,47 Hele note; 16,39 Meeth note; 39,8 Hele note and 47,1 Hele note), perhaps Giffords Hele.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 4 VILLAGERS ... 3 PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '2 ploughs'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE, 6 ACRES. The Great Domesday scribe also omitted details of pasture that are given in the Exon, in 32,5 and 36,12; only for 32,5 is there a possible reason for the omission (see 32,5 woodland note).}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab UNDERWOOD, 5 ACRES. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'woodland (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 nemor'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ), 3 acres'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,43\tab [Exon 294b3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CHAWLEIGH. A parish in [North] Tawton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 75b }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Chaveleg }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dueltune }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Dolton, 16,44] are held of the Barony of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 340. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 783 Chawleigh is probably represented by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hardewinesl}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 e}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 gh }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Hardingsleigh, SS7212], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Chenneston }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Chenson, SS7009] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wyk }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wyk Chalvelegh }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 423) [Chawleighweek, SS6813]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 31, viii. no. 273.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SIWARD . The Domesday forms of this name - }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Siuuard}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Seuuard}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ), }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Seuuar}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Seiard}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ), }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Seiar }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 - represent either Old English }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sigeweard}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or, probably in most of the Danelaw counties, the Old Danish }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sigwarth}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 361-63. JRM preferred the form Siward as it is in regular use. The Alecto edition also has Siward. \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The Siward who held three valuable manors at Hemington (SOM 20,1), Chawleigh (16,43) and Holcombe (16,76) acq uired by Baldwin of Exeter is likely to have been one rather than two or three wealthy individuals. Three of the other four holdings of Siward which devolved upon Baldwin were fairly close to Chawleigh and very close to each other; it seems likely they ha d been held by the same man. See also Clarke, }{\i\insrsid8681605 English Nobility}{\insrsid8681605 , p. 342, whose list omits Holcombe and gives an incorrect value to Hemington, \'a329 instead of \'a319 (JP).}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 PIGMEN; THEY PAY. See 1,67 pigmen note.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,44\tab [Exon 295a1] \par \tab WILLIAM [!1! SON OF WIMUND !1!] HOLDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Baldwin gave it to William son of Wimund with his daughter in marriage'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab DOLTON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 OVELTONE}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dueltona }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 though the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 D }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is oddly shaped, narrower at the bottom than normal . Although it is unlike the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 O }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Olfus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 on the same line, the Great Domesday scribe seems to have read this first letter as such. See 16,27 Honeychurch note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab This is the parish of Dolton in [North] Tawton Hundred. It is held with Chawleigh (16,43) in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 75b; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 340 and Reichel, 'North Tawton Hundred', p. 249.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP 2 PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '6 ploughs'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 PIGMEN. The corresponding entry in Exon has '2 pigmen who pay 10 pigs a year', th is time (and also for 42,16) added after the smallholders and before, rather than after, the slaves (who end the list of inhabitants, possibly the reason for the omission of the slaves by the Great Domesday scribe in both these entries). See 1,6 pigmen no te on the usual place of pigmen in the list of population.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 7 SLAVES. Slaves are also omitted in Domesday, though in Exon, in 42,16. On both occasions the word order in the Exon may be the reason for this; see 16,44 pigmen note. See also 34,13 smallholders note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,45\tab [Exon 295a2] \par \tab NYMET [ROWLAND].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Limet}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Four places in this chapter lie in the Hundred of [North] Tawton and have the same basic name in Domesday: 16,45;48;52;55. The present holding, having the same 1086 subtenant (Walter) as Leigh and Great Beere (16,46-47), is probably the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nimet Rollandi }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Legh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bere' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 783 from the Honour of Okehampton by Walter }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Nimet}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 370, 422; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , (old series) iv. no. 63 (= }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Whale, 'Fees of Earl Hugh de Courtenay'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 329) where the places are }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nymet Roland}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Legh }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Beare cum Rolondistone }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ['Rolands }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tun'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see also Reichel, 'North Tawton Hundred', p. 249; }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 375.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab A MILL ... There is no obvious reason why the Great Domesday scribe omitted this important information which is in Exon}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,46\tab [Exon 295a3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LEIGH. In Coldridge parish, [North] Tawton Hundred. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Liege }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and the next entry (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bera}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , 16,47)}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are identified by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 452 note 2, as Rashleigh and Cherubeer (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rasle }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1278; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Churbear }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1238, 1244; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 366). But the compounded forms of these are probably of pre-conquest origin and are likely to have been in use in 1086 rather than the simplex forms, 'Beer' and 'Leigh'. Moreover in the thirteenth century, there are two other places in the same hundred, simply called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Legh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bere'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which have the correct manorial descent: in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 783 they are coupled with Nymet Rowland; see 16,45 note and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 370, 422.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,47\tab [Exon 295a4] \par \tab [GREAT] BEERE. In North Tawton parish, [North] Tawton Hundred. For its identification and descent, see 16,46 Leigh note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,48\tab [Exon 295b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BROADNYMETT. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Limet }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 16,45 Nymet note). In}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 North Tawton parish, [North] Tawton Hundred. Broadnymett and Appledore (the next entry, 16,49) have the same 1086 holder (Ralph of Bruy\'e8re) and are held together in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 783 as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bradenimet' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Apeldure }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Niwetone }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [in Zeal Monachorum, SS7004] by}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ada }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Risford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (from Rushford 16,113) of the Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 422; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , (old series) iv. no. 63 (= }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Whale, 'Fees of Earl Hugh de Courtenay'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 329), (new series) iii. no. 31 and Reichel, 'North Tawton Hundred', p. 249.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WADO.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The corresponding entry in Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Walo }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which represents Old German }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wadilo}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a diminutive and pet form of Old German }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wado}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see 15,49 Wado note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,49\tab [Exon 295b2] \par \tab APPLEDORE. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Apledore}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . In Clannaborough parish, [North] Tawton Hundred. For its identification and descent, see 16,48 Broadnymett note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 \'bd PLOUGHS ... THERE. According to the corresponding entry in Exon (see \{Appendix: Lordship and Villagers' Table\}) 1 plough and 5 oxen were there; see 3,37 oxen note on the number of oxen to a team.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,50\tab [Exon 295b3] \par \tab HALSE. In Nymet Tracey (Bow) parish, [North] Tawton Hundred, held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 783 as}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hause }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by Eleanor }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Hause}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 423.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,51\tab [Exon 295b4] \par \tab CLANNABOROUGH. A parish in [North] Tawton Hundred. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cloveneburgh'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 783, held by Alan } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Hallesuurthe}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 422 and Reichel, 'North Tawton Hundred', p. 250.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BEFORE 1066; IT PAID TAX. In the manuscript an }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 7}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 links these two statements; Farley omitted it in error.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,52\tab [Exon 296a1] \par \tab WALSON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Limet}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It lay in Clannaborough parish (see 16,51), [North] Tawton Hundred. The modern form is apparently derived from }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wado }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Walo}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; see 15,49 Wado note on the name), the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holder; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 365. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 783 William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Punchardun }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Waleston' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 La Thorne }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Thorne SS7300] of the Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 371, 422 and Reichel, 'North Tawton Hundred', p. 250.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WADO. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The corresponding entry in Exon has}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Walo }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('Wadilo'); see 16,48 Wado note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,53\tab [Exon 296a2] \par \tab GODFREY [!1! THE CHAMBERLAIN !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Godefrid}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 camerari}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 );}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 he }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 does not occur again in Domesday according to Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 240-241.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRUSHFORD. A parish in [North] Tawton Hundred (12). Baldwin held two estates here (16,53-54). In the Tax Return for}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [North] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tawton Hundred, it is stated that tax has not been paid on \'bd hide held by Geoffrey from Walter of Claville. No Geoffrey holds from Walter of Claville in DEV 24, so the reference is probably to these two holdings. These seem to be represented in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 783: (1) by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brigheford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wemmewrth' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Wembworthy, 16,57] by Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Espee}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and (2) by }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 La Heghe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Hayne, SS6709] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pertricheswall' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Partridge Walls, SS6708], held by John son of Roger and Iudhael }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Bosco}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 422 and Reichel, 'North Tawton Hundred', p. 250.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,54\tab [Exon 296a3] \par \tab GODFREY [!1! THE CHAMBERLAIN !1!]. See 16,53 Godfrey note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRUSHFORD. See 16,53 Brushford note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,55\tab [Exon 296b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BURSTON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Limet}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Zeal Monachorum parish, [North] Tawton Hundred. This is probably the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Burdevileston' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 783 of the Honour of Okehampton by John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Burnel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and Simon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Laumpre}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 373, 422; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xi. no. 118 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 375.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab OSFRITH . See 16,3 Osfrith note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,56\tab [Exon 296b2] \par \tab RAINER [!1! THE STEWARD !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rainer}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 dapifer}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab GREENSLADE. In [North] Tawton Hundred. Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Greneslade }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Greneslade }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 783; it is probable that the next entry, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Niwelaunde }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Newland Bridge and Mill, SS6500], was part of the Domesday manor; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 423 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 425, xvi. no. 1013. In later times there was also an Okehampton fee in this Hundred at }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brygg }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [?Bridge in North Tawton, SS6502] close to this holding; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 423.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WADO. The corresponding entry in Exon has}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Walo }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('Wadilo'); see 16,48 Wado note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE NOW 10s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Value of this part, 10s', referring to the half of the manor not attached to [North] Tawton.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HALF OF THIS LAND. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Half of the above \'bd virgate'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THE KING'S MANOR CALLED [NORTH] TAWTON. See 1,3.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,57\tab [Exon 296b3] \par \tab RICHARD [!1! OF NEVILLE !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ricardus de nouilla }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (not }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nouuilla }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 102). Probably N\'e9ville in the d\'e9partement of Seine-Maritime, France.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WEMBWORTHY. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Mameorde}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Mameorda}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the Exon scribe appears to have written }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Mameorda }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wameorda }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and the Great Domesday scribe copied his mistake (compare 34,13 Mowlish note and 52,10 Chittlehampton note). The place is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wemmewrth' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 783, held with Brushford (see 16,53 Brushford note); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 422. It is possible that }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Eggenesford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Eggesford, SS6811] also in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 783, held by John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Regni }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from Okehampton Honour, is part of this holding.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP 2 PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '2}{\fs24\cf1\up6\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'bd ploughs'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,58\tab [Exon 297a1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LEVEL WITH THE FIRST LINE of this entry, in the left margin, is written a }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'f0 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 sign, not reproduced by Farley. The colour of ink used is the same as for the entry and resembles the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 0}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 checking marks beside the}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 occurrences of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aisse }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Otri }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wiche}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; see 1,65 level note; 10,1 margin note and 34,1 margin note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THIS ENTRY BEGINS a group of places (16,58-64) that lay in Exminster Hundred or Teignbridge Hundred or Wonford Hundred. Wonford Hundred and Teignbridge Hundred places are entered in distinct groups elsewhere in DEV 16; the order of Exon and medieval evide n ce makes it likely that 16,58-64 were all in Exminster Hundred in 1086, Beetor and Shapley (16,60;61-62;64) forming a detached portion of the hundred. Kenn and Mamhead (16,58;63) are identifiable as lying in Exminster Hundred by an analysis of the Tax Ret urn for that hundred; see Reichel, 'Exminster Hundred', pp. 203-204.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab KENN. A parish in Exminster Hundred. The 3 hides of Baldwin's lordship will have formed the greater part of the 3 \'bd hides lordship stated to be his in the Tax Return for Exminster Hundred. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 89b, Hugh }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Curtenay }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ken}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 377; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 71, iii. no. 31, viii. no. 273 and Reichel, 'Exminster Hundred Manors', p. 223.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTMER . See 16,4 Brictmer note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 42 VILLAGERS AND SMALLHOLDERS. That is, the combined total of the villagers and smallholders is 42, a word such as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 divisi }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('divided') being understood before }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 inter}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The same phrase occurs in Exon and compare 17,41 sheep note. But a similar phrase of }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 inter }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ... }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 7}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 when applied to resources means something different; see 1,4 league note and 1,4 furlong note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 11 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 BURGESSES ... THEY PAY 53d. See 16,1. The corresponding entry in Exon has ' ... they pay 4s 5d ... they are in the above value' (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iiii so l' 7 v den'. isti s}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 un}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 t i}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 n}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 sup}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ra}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 dict}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 o}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 re}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tio}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 written in the right margin; the whole of this statement is in slightly paler ink, but not by a different scribe). The burgesses' payment was included in the manor's value; compare 1,66 Irishcombe note and 21,2 value note and SOM 9,3 market note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab It is interesting that this phrase is added in Domesday as in Exon. Burgesses are regularly detailed either with the other villagers (as in 24,20) or with the resources (as in 16,3).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,59\tab [Exon 297a2] \par \tab [GEORGE] TEIGN.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Ashton parish, Exminster Hundred, named from a former chapelry to St George (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 487). In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 786 Gerard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Spineto }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Teyng}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 it is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Teyng Jory }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 389; see Reichel, 'Exminster Hundred Manors', p. 224.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,60\tab [Exon 297a3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BEETOR. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Begatore}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 470. It now lies in North Bovey parish, Teignbridge Hundred, but it will probably have been in the same hundred as the adjacent Shapley (see 16,61Shapley note) which lay in Exminster Hundred in the Middle Ages; see Reichel in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 453 note 7 and }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Exminster Hundred Manors\rquote ,}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 225.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab EDWULF. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Eddulf}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Iadulf}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Erdulfus}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Edolf}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Iadolf}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 represent Old English }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Eadwulf}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 16,115 Edwulf note and 19,45 Edwulf note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 16,61\tab [Exon 297b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab SHAPLEY. There are two places called Shapley on the edge of Dartmoor, within two miles of each other. One is now in North Bovey parish, Teignbridge Hu ndred, the other in Chagford parish, Wonford Hundred. Beetor (16,60) in North Bovey parish lies between them. In Domesday there are five occurrences of Shapley: the present three, all of which seem to lie in an Exminster Hundred group; Shapley of 45,1, wh ich probably lay in Chagford (see 45,1 Shapley? note), and Shapley 52,44 (see 52,44 Shapley note) which according to later evidence lay in Teignbridge Hundred and so was probably the Shapley in North Bovey. The three estates called }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Scapelie}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 held by Baldwin seem to have lain in Chagford. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 786 Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 de Hyliun }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [from Hell\'e9an; see DEV 44 Hervey note], holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Shaplgh' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 one fee of the Honour of Okehampton and Herbert }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 de Cumb' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Jurdaneston' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 one-sixth of a fee. Unless one of these is Beetor (16,60) which is not otherwise represented in the fee lists, it is likely that 16,61-62 held by Robert, a total of 3 virgates, form the one fee in Shapley and the 1 virgate held by Godwin (16,64) is }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Jurdaneston' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Jurston in Chagford, SX6984]. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 346, in Exminster Hundred, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Schaplegh }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 is held by William and Hugh }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 le Prouz}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 La Fenne }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Venn, SX6984] and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Jordaneston }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 by Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 de Valepitte}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 388. Shapley, Venn and Jurston were all tithings of Exminster Hundred within Chagford parish, Wonford Hundred, in 1334 (}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Lay Subsidy Roll (1334)}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 59); see Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 368; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. pp. 453-54 and }{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , \lquote Exminster Hundred Manors\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 p. 225.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab "ARET".}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday and Exon here have }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aret }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (on which see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , \'a7 109); elsewhere in Devon Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Adret}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Eldred}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aldret}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aldred}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Edred}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aeldret}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and in Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Adret}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aldred}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aldret}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alred}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Adredus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 186, 241 places these forms under the separate Old English names of }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aethelred }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ealdred }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 respectively, but it would seem that by 1086 the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aethel- }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 forms were becoming old-fashioned and were being superseded by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ald-}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Eld-}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ad-}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ed-}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 etc. (JMcND).}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Certainly there is an overlap in Exon as compared to Domesday in the forms which von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , lists as separate; for example, in 52,27-28 Domesday has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Eldred }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (= Aldred) and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Edred }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (= Aethelred) respectively, whereas Exon has }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Adret }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (= Aethelred) for both, though von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 186 explains this by stating that the Domesday form }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Eldred }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is a scribal error.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WITH 1 [SLAVE]. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c\'fb i car'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 obviously a scribal error for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cum i servo}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; in Exon a slave is recorded after the villagers.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,62\tab [Exon 297b2] \par \tab SHAPLEY. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 16,61 Shapley note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THE VILLAGERS [HAVE] 1 VIRGATE. No 'villagers' are recorded, however; see 3,11 and 3,11 villagers note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,63\tab [Exon 297b3] \par \tab MAMHEAD. A parish in Exminster Hundred; this holding can be identified as lying in Exminster Hundred by an analysis of the Tax Returns: the 1 \'bd virgates lordship added to the \'bd hide and \'bd virgate lordship of 34,10;l 2 account for the 1 hide of Ralph of Pomeroy's lordship in this hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 786 Ralph Peverel holds 1 fee in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Mammehevede }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Okehampton. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Mammehevede }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Doulessh }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 478. See }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 347; } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xi. no. 300 and Reichel, 'Exminster Hundred Manors', p. 224.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 6 VILLAGERS ... 5 PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '4 ploughs'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,64\tab [Exon 297b4] \par \tab SHAPLEY. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Chagford parish and in Wonford Hundred; see 16,61 Shapley note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,65\tab [Exon 298a1] \par \tab ROBERT [!1! OF BEAUMONT !1!]}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . Exon's }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de bello monte }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 here and elsewhere for Devon, is probably 'of Beaumont-le-Roger' in the d\'e9 partement of Eure, France (Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 71). Robert inherited the title of the Count of Meulan through his mother Adeline and, so-styled, was a tenant-in-chief in Warwickshir e, Leicestershire. and Northamtonshire in 1086. He became Earl of Leicester in 1107. His brother Henry became Earl of Warwick }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1089. His father, Roger of Beaumont, also held land in chief in Domesday Dorset and Gloucestershire (see DOR 28 Roger note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SHIRWELL. Shirwell parish in Shirwell Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 784 Philip }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Bellomonte }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Shirewill' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Okehampton. Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Bellomonte }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 78b; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 335, 416. There were also Ok ehampton Honour fees in this parish at }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Shebescote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Sepscott, SS5936] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cocklegh }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Coxleigh, SS5835] held by Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Beaupel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and Thomas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Ralegh }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 361 and at }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Borygthlecote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Brightlycott, SS5835] held with Coxleigh in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 416; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 337; Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 464, 478-80 and 21,2 Shirwell note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FROM BALDWIN. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'from the sheriff (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de vicecomite}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTMER . See 16,4 Brictmer note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN BARNSTAPLE 2 HOUSES WHICH PAY 2s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'In Barnstaple Borough'. \par \tab \tab In Domesday this is written in the left margin of the manuscript, surrounded on 3 sides by the same dark brown ink as the enclosed statement, but with no transposition signs to indicate its exact position in the entry. The ink is the same colour as in the main part of 16,65, though the pen appears thinner, and the addition is rubricated. Compare another addition concerning Barnstaple in 3,6 and also 32,6 Exeter note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,66\tab [Exon 298a2] \par \tab ROBERT ^[ OF BEAUMONT ]^ }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ALSO HOLDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Robert'. Although there is no }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 idem }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as in Domesday (so that this Robert is not necessarily the same as Robert of Beaumont of 16,65), it is likely that he is because of the descent of the holding (see 16,66 Ashford note). Compare 15,21 Bretel note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ASHFORD. A parish in Braunton Hundred, represented by two entries in Domesday (16,66;85) both held by Robert from Baldwin. These correspond to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Asford }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1 fee in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 784 held by Philip }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Bellomonte }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (descent from Robert (of Beaumont, 16,65 Robert note)) and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Westesford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'bd fee held by the heir of Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Beaupel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [West Ashford, adjacent but in Heanton Punchardon parish]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 359, 413 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 431.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,67\tab [Exon 298a3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LOXHORE. A parish in Shirwell Hundred, held in two parts (16,67-68) by Baldwin. Descent from his subtenant Robert continued in the Beaumont family, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nitherlokysore }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Lower Loxhore] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Overelockesore }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ['Upper' Loxhore] being held from Alice }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Beaumont }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 416. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Smythepath }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Smythapark, SS6238] also held by Alice }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Beaumont }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was in this parish and probably part of this holding; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 337; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 506, xiv. no. 325 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 464.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab DOLESWIF. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dolesuuif }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Domesday and Exon is Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Doles-wif}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; the}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 final element is Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 wif }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('woman, wife'), the first element the Old English byname or personal name }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dol }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 dol}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('foolish'); see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 344). The name indicates that Doleswif is a woman.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,68\tab [Exon 298b1] \par \tab LOXHORE. See 16,67 Loxhore note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALDER-GROVE. One also occurs in Devon at 17,9.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,69\tab [Exon 298b2] \par \tab ROBERT [!1! OF PONT-CHARDON !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Undoubtedly Robert of Pont-Chardon for this entry and for 16, 71) and probably for 16,70;72 as well, because of the descent or likely descent of the manors; see 16,69 Heanton note and 16,71 Charles note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HEANTON [PUNCHARDON].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hantone}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a parish in Braunton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 784 William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Punchardun }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (a descendant of Robert) holds in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hyaunton'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hakynton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Hagginton, 16,70] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Blakewille }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Blakewell, 16,74] from the Honour of Okehampton. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 413 these places appear as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Heannton}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Blakewill }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Westagynton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [West Hagginton], coupled with }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alescote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Aylescott, 3,40; see 3,40 Aylescott note]; see also Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 432.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTMER . See 16,4 Brictmer note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab A FISHERY WHICH PAYS. The corresponding entry in E xon has 'fishery whose value is'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,70\tab [Exon 298b3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HAGGINTON. West Hagginton in Ilfracombe parish, Braunton Hundred; see 3,27 Hagginton note and 16,69 Heanton note, also Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 432. East Hagginton is in Berrynarbor parish (23,3 Hagginton note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,71\tab [Exon 299a1] \par \tab ROBERT ^[ OF PONT-CHARDON ]^. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 16,69 Robert note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CHARLES. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Carmes}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 61. It is a parish in Shirwell Hundred. William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Punchardune }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Charnes }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 784; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 79a, 94b; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 336, 361 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 481.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTMER . See 16,4 Brictmer note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,72\tab [Exon 299a2] \par \tab MOCKHAM. In Charles parish, Shirwell Hundred. It was no doubt incorporated in, and descended with, the previous entry and is not found in fee lists.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THIS [MANOR] SETTLED ITS TAX ... NOW ... ACCOUNTED FOR AS 2 VIRGATES. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'It paid tax with the above manor (Charles) for 1 virgate in such a way that (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ita quod}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 these two manors settled the king's tax at a rate of / for 1 virgate (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 adquietabant se ad Gildum regis pro i uirga}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ).}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Now it is accounted for as 2 virgates' (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cumputatur pro ii uirgis}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 perhaps a scribal error for the plural }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cumputantur }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with the two manors as subject, unless the subject is the 1 virgate: that is, the 1 virgate (that paid tax) is now accounted for as (or counted as) 2 virgates. The Great Domesday scribe saw the confusion of the singul ar verb here and decided to make it plural, but in excising parts of the Exon sentence he lost a subject for his plural verb.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The Great Domesday scribe has condensed the Exon here and the result is not so clear. The position was that in 1066 Mockham and Charles paid tax together (perhaps in an attempt to conceal Mockham's size, which is never stated), the amount being 1 virgate. By 1086 the true taxable extent of the manors seems to have become clear: they were either assessed separately (at 1 virgate ea ch presumably) or their joint tax liability was increased to 2 virgates.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab See 3,2 exempt note on the meanings of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 quietus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from which }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 adquietabat }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 here is ultimately derived.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LAND HERE FOR 3 PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '3 ploughs can plough that virgate which lies in Mockham'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when the sheriff acquired it', referring to Baldwin.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,73\tab [Exon 299a3] \par \tab [WEST] BUCKLAND.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Braunton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 784 Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Hokesham }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 West Boclaunde }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 415, Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 396, 437. For East Buckland, see 3,54 Buckland note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,74\tab [Exon 299b1] \par \tab BLAKEWELL. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Marwood parish, Braunton Hundred. It is held by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Punchardun }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Okehampton in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 784 with Heanton Punchardon and Hagginton (16,69 Heanton note; 16,70 Hagginton note); see Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 433.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IT PAID TAX. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'It answered': }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 defendebat se }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 interlined (by the same scribe and in the same colour ink) above }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddidit Gild\'fb}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which has 3 deletion dots under it not shown by Ellis. See 1,4 answered note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THIS LAND. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'This virgate ...'. See 1,5 virgate note for the corresponding }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry (498b6).}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRAUNTON, THE KING'S MANOR. The cross-reference (in 1,5) proves that Braunton is intended, Blakewell lying not far from it, but both the Great Domesday and Exon versions for 16,7 4 have }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bractona}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bracton}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pointing rather to Bratton (Fleming), which is, however, further off and belonged to the Count of Mortain (15,40) not to the king in 1086.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MEN OF THE HUNDRED. These were the jurors representing each hundred in the shire court, which, among other functions, heard pleas on disputed lands. The men of}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the hundred are called king's men in 15,67 (see 15,67 manor note). Compare 2,2 barons note and 34,5 testify note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,75\tab [Exon 299b2] \par \tab KENTISBURY. A parish in Braunton Hundred; the Domesday holding is identifiable in the Tax Return for Braunton and Shirwell Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 784 Walter }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Lou }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Kentesbir' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 414, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , x. no. 412 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 430.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND, 20 ACRES. The corresponding entry in Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xx nemoris}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; it is probable that }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 agros }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 has been omitted in error as woodland is regularly measured in acres and, with the exception of 2,7, that number of furlongs is not used in Devon. Omissions of part of a measurement such as this occur quite often in Exon (see 1, 3 meadow note), but generally (as, for example, for 1,3) when the expected noun has already been given for other resources; here, on the other hand, the woodland entry heads the list.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,76\tab [Exon 299b3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ROGO. Domesday and Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rogo }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Forssner, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Continental-Germanic Personal Names in England}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 218-19) from Old French }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rogon }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 derived from Old German Roggo, a short-form for Old German }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rogger}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hrodger }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 = }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Roger }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Forssner, }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Continental-Germanic Personal Names in England}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 217-218). See 16,158 Rogo note; 16,170 Rogo note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HOLCOMBE [ROGUS]}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . A parish in Bampton Hundred, the added name being from the 1086 holder or a descendant. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 786 Jordan }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 filius Rogonis }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Holecumbe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Okehampton; see } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 64a, 94a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 431 and Reichel, }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Bampton and Uffculme Hundreds', }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 441 note 5. Simon, a descendant, gave the church of Holcombe to Montacute Priory }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . 1160; see Maxwell Lyte and others, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bruton and Montacute Cartularies}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , nos. 138, 140, 157 pp. 170, 180. This large holding of 9 hides appears to have been the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Holancumb }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 granted by King Ethelred II to Sherborne Abbey (Kemble, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Codex Diplomaticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 701 = }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 45 p. 13 = Sawyer, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 895) and subsequ ently alienated. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 49 p. 13 (= Harmer, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 63, pp 269-70, 482-86) refers to a letter of Aethelric, Bishop of Sherborne, complaining of the loss of 33 hides and the probable loss of 9 more at }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Holancombe}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 50 p. 13 (= Sawyer, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 1422) and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 62 p. 14 (= Sawyer, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 1474 = Kemble, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Codex Diplomaticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 1334).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SIWARD . }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In the Exon manuscript for the corresponding entry }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Seuuard' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is interlined above }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Vlf }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which is underlined for deletion, though Ellis failed to print this underlining. The scribe is the same as for the rest of the entry. Compare 25,27 Wulfstan note and 34,6 Tovi note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab On the name Siward and his possible identification, see 16,43 Siward note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 5 SMALLHOLDERS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '6 smallholders'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,77\tab [Exon 300a1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HOCKWORTHY. A parish in Bampton Hundred, held by Hugh }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Bynnewill' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hackewrth' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Okehampton in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 786; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 43 1. The Church was given in 1166 to Canonsleigh Priory; see Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 227 and Reichel, }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Bampton and Uffculme Hundreds',}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 442 note 6. Hockworthy seems to have included }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Trounham }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Turnham, ST0419] held by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Barnevyle }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , (old series) iv. no. 63 (= }{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Whale, 'Fees of Earl Hugh de Courtenay'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 332).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab KOLBRAND . The name Kolbrand occurs six times in Domesday Book, on modest holdings scattered between Devon and Yorkshire. Th e two holdings in Devon are sufficiently close to each other for it to be likely that they belonged to one individual with this uncommon name (JP).}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,78\tab [Exon 300a2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ANSTEY. West Anstey parish in South Molton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 784 Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Esse }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (from Rose Ash 16,143) holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Anestye }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Okehampton. The next entry in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , refers to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Frodetone }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Westecot}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 also apparently in this hundred, held by Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Le Moyne}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Since his family also holds West Anstey from the Honour of Barnstaple (3,62) it is possible that these two places were part of Anstey in 1086. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Frodetone }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is unidentified; it cannot be Frenchstone in George Nympton, despite Reichel's assertion (see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 348). }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Westecot }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 appears to have been replaced by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monyeston }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [also unidentified] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , (old series) iv. no. 63 (= }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Whale, 'Fees of Earl Hugh de Courtenay'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 331); but see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , (new series) xiv. no. 325. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 325 the main holding is named }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Westanestigh}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Moigne }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dustygh Regni }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 418. See Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', pp. 70, 85.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,79\tab [Exon 300a3; Terrae Occupatae 499b7]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab RINGCOMBE. The corresponding entry in Exon begins 'To the above manor (of Anstey) has been added a manor called Ringcombe ...'. In the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry, Ringcombe is similarly described as having been added to Anstey. Compare 16,9 Lewtrenchard note for examples of one manor being added to another and this fact only being recorded in the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Rincombe lay in West Anstey parish, South Molton Hundred. The Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ringedone }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is a hill name, the modern form, if it is correctly identified, relates to t he valley beneath; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 337. See also 1,6 "Ringedone" note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CYPPING }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 HELD IT. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has 'a thane held it jointly'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,80\tab [Exon 300b1-2; Terrae Occupatae 499b8] \par \tab FILLEIGH}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . A parish in Braunton Hundred. Nicholas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Filelgh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Filelgh' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 784 from the Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 415 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 430.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab OSFRITH . See 16,3 Osfrith note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LOBB ... BRAUNTON ... VILLAGERS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'A manor called Lobb'; Braunton is described as 'the king's lordship manor'. See 1,5 and 1,5 virgate note for the details of the corresponding }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry (498b6). \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The Great Domesday scribe probably intenti onally omitted the villagers who are given in the Exon, as unimportant in the account of Baldwin's fief because Lobb was no longer part of it. The villagers' detail should perhaps have been included in 1,5.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Lobb is in Braunton parish, Braunton Hundred. See }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 33 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 397.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,81\tab [Exon 300b3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab NEWTON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nevtone}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 like }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wadestan }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Whitstone, 16,82),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 lay in Chittlehampton parish , South Molton Hundred, and were held by Ansger in 1086 like Baldwin's other holdings in this hundred, Anstey and Ringcombe (16,78-79). }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Neweton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Weston' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 were fees of William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Briwere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 401), held by Simon }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Parco}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 784 Vincent }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Loliwill }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Niweton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Weston'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 325; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 339.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE FORMERLY ... 10s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Value when B(aldwin) acquired it ...' with no amount and no dot after }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ual' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and space for only 2-3 letters left at the end of the line; the scribe probably intended to add either }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tantundem }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'as much' (as the Domesday scribe presumably thought) or a different value to the 1086 one, if this proved necessary.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,82\tab [Exon 300b4] \par \tab WHITSTONE. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 16,81 Newton note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 PLOUGH THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 8 oxen in total; see 3,37 oxen note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,83\tab [Exon 301a1; Terrae Occupatae 499b10]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LINCOMBE. In Ilfracombe parish, Braunton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 784 the Abbot of Dunkeswell holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lincumb'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Worcumb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Warcombe, SS4745, see 3,51 Warcombe note] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Middelmerwode }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Middle Marwood, see 16,87] ; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 527; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 152a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 304 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 433, 435. }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Legh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Lee, SS4846] was probably part of this land; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 360.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTMER . See 16,4 Brictmer note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab A LAND ... 10s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'A manor called Yard'. The details of this added manor are written partly in the right margin of the Exon manuscript. They also appear in abbreviated form in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab YARD. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Ilfracombe parish. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Laierda }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is from Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 gierd}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 gyrd }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('an area of land') with the French feminine definite article affixed; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 48.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab GODRIC HELD IT. The corresponding entry in Exon has '... jointly'. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has 'which a thane held jointly'.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,84\tab [Exon 301a2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ILFRACOMBE. A parish in Braunton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 784 the heirs of Oliver }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Campo Ernulfi }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Champernoun) hold in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alfrincumbe}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . It is coupled with Warcombe (see 16,83 Lincombe note) in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 414; see also }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iv. no. 312, v. no. 143, vii. no. 710, x. no. 494 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 433.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,85\tab [Exon 301a3] \par \tab ROBERT. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Probably Robert of Beaumont who is Baldwin's subtenant in another part of Ashford which descended, like this manor, to the Beaumonts (16,66; see 16,66 Ashford note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ASHFORD. Probably West Ashford, adjacent to Ashford parish, Braunton Hundred; see 16,66 Ashford note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTMER . See 16,4 Brictmer note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,86\tab [Exon 301b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THIS ENTRY begins a group (16,86-89;94) of places in which Braunton Hundred and 'Cliston' Hundred are intermixed by Exon, the order of which is 16,86;89 ('Cliston' Hundred), 16,87 (Braunton Hundred), 16,94 ('Cliston' Hundred), 16,88}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Braunton Hundred). It appears that the Domesday scribe, having entered the first 'Cliston' Hundred place (16,86) realised that two more Braunton Hundred places remained to be inserted and attempted to rectify the order. He then returned to 'Cl iston' Hundred by entering Ashclyst, but then immediately entered other lands held by churches, thus postponing the entry of another 'Cliston' Hundred place Whimple (16,94). See 16,89 entry note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CLYST [HYDON]. A parish in 'Cliston' Hundred. Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Hidune }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (from Clayhidon 16,111) holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Clist }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 786 from the Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 333, 433; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , x. no. 384 and Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', p. 377.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,87\tab [Exon 301b3] \par \tab MARWOOD. Middle Marwood [SS5338] in Marwood parish, Braunton Hundred. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Middelmorwude }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 had been a fee of William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Briwere }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 396) and it is held with Lincombe (16,83 note) by the Abbot of Dunkeswell in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 784; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 397; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 415 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 436.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VILLAGERS ...1 \'bd PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '\'bd plough'. It seems likely that the Great Domesda y scribe added the lordship and villagers' ploughs together; this also occurs in 16,30 (see 16,30 villagers note).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,88\tab [Exon 302a2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SNYDLES. Now in Chittlehamholt parish, South Molton Hundred; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 338. But in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll (1334)}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 63 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Snyddelegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (wrongly identified with Stoodleigh in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 457 note 4) is a part of Braunton Hundred and is in a Braunton Hundred group of fees held from the Honour of Okehampton in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 784; there }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Snyddelg' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held by Nicholas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Avenel}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 415 it is said to be part of the manor of Meshaw in Witheridge Hundred (16,141). It was probably a detached part of Braunton Hundred in 1086; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 360; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , (old series) iv. no. 63 (= }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Whale, 'Fees of Earl Hugh de Courtenay'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 330), (new series) iii. no. 31, and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 398 and his editor's comment (p. 398 note 1).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when G(ilbert) acquired it'; see Domesday DOR 55,29 value note for other examples of the past value of a manor being when it was acquired by the subtenant, rather than by the tenant-in-chief (as is usually the case; see 2,14 formerly note). Compare 3,22 f ormerly note and the subholding in 35,10.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,89\tab [Exon 301b2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THIS ENTRY BEGINS a group of places scattered in Baldwin's fief in the Exon for Devon but brought together by the Domesday scribe as if under a sub-heading 'What the canons of St Mary's hold', to which he adds Fursham (16,93), another church land. It appears that he decided on this grouping once he had entered 16,89 Ashclyst. He thus delays the entry of another 'Cliston' Hundred land, Whimple, 16,94.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THE CANONS OF ST MARY'S. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Perhaps the collegiat e church of St Mary, situated within the castle of Exeter and in the patronage of St Peter's of Plympton (see 1,17 canons note) to which it was given in the time of King Stephen; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Anglicanum}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi. p. 1451. The patronage of St Mary's was later given to the Abbot of Torre. See }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 361, Oliver, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 181 and Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', p. 376. According to Reichel, 'Domesday Churches', p. 283, Baldwin the sheriff had founded St Mary's some time after the Conquest.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ASHCLYST. In Broadclyst parish, 'Cliston' Hundred. It is held by the Abbot of Torre from the Honour of Okehampton in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 367, 434. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FOUR THANES HELD IT. The corresponding entry in Exon has '... jointly'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,90\tab [Exon 307b2] \par \tab CANONS [!1! OF ST MARY'S !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 16,89 Canons note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab POLTIMORE. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Wonford Hundred. The holding was probably based on }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Coteton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Cutton, SX9798] according to }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 315; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 444 and Reichel, 'Domesday Churches', p. 283; }{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Wonford Hundred\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 296; }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Wonford Hundred Manors\rquote , p. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 323 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 519, viii. no. 390.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WULFMER [!1! COTT !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Olmer}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cota}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 307-308. He probably named Cutton.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,91\tab [Exon 307b3] \par \tab CANONS [!1! OF ST MARY'S !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 16,89 canons note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab POLSLOE}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . In Heavitree parish, Wonford Hundred; see Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 324. A priory for Benedictine nuns was founded here before 1160; see Knowles and Hadcock, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Medieval Religious Houses}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 217; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 152b and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 315.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 PLOUGHS ... THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The canons have 2 ploughs'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably implied or omitted in error.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,92\tab [Exon 309a2-3; Terrae Occupatae 500b6] \par \tab CANONS [!1! OF ST MARY'S !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 16,89 canons note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab [WEST] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 CLYST. Earlier }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Clyst Moys}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 it was later in Broad Clyst parish, 'Cliston' Hundred; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 573. It se ems, however, to have lain in Wonford Hundred in 1086 and in the Middle Ages: Domesday records part added to Poltimore in that hundred and West Clyst lies amidst Wonford Hundred places in the schedule. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Clyst Moys }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is found in Wonford Hundred in feudal lists, coupled with La }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hegehen }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Moss Hayne, SX981948], held from the Honour of Okehampton; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 315; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll (1334)}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 58; }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Place-Names in Devonshire Domesday\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 167; }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Domesday Churches\rquote , }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 284; }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Wonford Hundred\rquote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 295;}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Wonford Hundred Manors\rquote , p. }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 323; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 462 note 7.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IT PAID TAX FOR 2 \'bd VIRGATES OF LAND. In the corresponding entry in Exon the only detail given is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i uirg\'e2 dim' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in lordship, which is unclear, either 1 \'bd virgates or \'bd virgate being possible meanings. Compare 50,3 tax note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY 20s. The corresponding entry in Exon has '15s'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FROM THIS MANOR ... 12d. The corresponding entry in Exon is written in the right margin of the manuscript by a different scribe to the one who wrote the main part of 16,92. Also in the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WHICH BELONGED THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which rightly lay there'; The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has 'rightly' also.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab POLTIMORE, ODO'S MANOR. No Odo holds a manor of Poltimore in Domesday, but he was probably one of the unnamed canons of St Mary's in 16,90, rather than an unmentioned subtenant of Haimeric in Poltimore (50,1).}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,93\tab [Exon 307a3] \par \tab THE MONKS OF MONT-SAINT-MICHEL. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The monks of Saint-Michel'. Compare 1,33 Saint-Michel note for a similar omission of 'Mont', though by the Great Domesday scribe this time.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FURSHAM. In Drewsteignton parish, Wonford Hundred. The 1086 subtenant, the Abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel, is also a major holder (DEV 11). In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 316 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Forsham }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held by the prior of Otterton (11,1) for St Michael's }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de periculo marts }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Mont-Saint-Michel); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 86b.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,94\tab [Exon 302a1; Terrae Occupatae 499b11] \par \tab BALDWIN'S WIFE. Emma; see 16,128. Exon makes it clear on both occasions that Baldwin the sheriff is meant. Emma was his second wife; his first wife, Albreda, was King William's cousin.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WHIMPLE. A parish in 'Cliston' Hundred, identifiable as lying in that hundred from an analysis of the Tax Returns. Hawisia }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Curten' }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wimple }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 264; see }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 67a; }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 332, 382; }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 31 and Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', p. 371.} {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BEFORE 1066 \'bd HIDE ... HOLDS IT. These details of Larkbeare are added after 16,95; the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 transposition signs are as in the translation, not the 'hands' that Farley printed. In Exon,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 however, the information on the \'bd hide follows on from the value of the main manor}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with no change in scribe. It is possible that the Great Domesday scribe had a break halfway}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 through the entry and then on his return he forgot he had not finished and went on to}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the next Exon entry, though he realised his mistake almost at once.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . The \'bd hide is there said to belong rightly to Baldwin's manor of Whimple. See 39,10 manor note.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALMER. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The corresponding entry in Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Idem Aimer'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 :}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the same Almer as held the main manor of Whimple.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALFRED THE BRETON ... ANOTHER MANOR ... LARKBEARE. See 39,10.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,95\tab [Exon 302a3] \par \tab PAYHEMBURY. A parish in Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 786 Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Giffard }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Payhaumbir' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Segh'lak }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Sellake, 16,161] from the Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 321, 368, 424; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 31 and Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', pp. 221, 234-235. Part of this land was called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cokkesputte }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Cockesputt, ST0801] which later went to Polsloe Priory; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 152a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 315 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 325.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,96\tab [Exon 302b1] \par \tab LANGFORD. In Cullompton parish, Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred. Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Langeford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Langeford }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 786 from the Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 321, 424 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 425, xvi. no. 1013.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTMER . See 16,4 Brictmer note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 HIDE AND 3 VIRGATES. In the Exon manuscript the 3 virgates were originally }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 dim' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hida}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which would agree with the total of 1 \'bd hides of lordship and villagers' land. It would seem that the correction to 3 virgates was the reason for this discrepancy. See 1,57 tax note.} {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,97\tab [Exon 302b2] \par \tab WILLIAM [* OF ALLER *] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 HOLDS FROM BALDWIN. William may be William of Aller (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de alre}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 36): the Tax Return fo r Silverton Hundred states that the king had no tax on 1 virgate that William of Aller held there. All these manors of William's are in the Hundred of Silverton (later Hayridge) and in three of them (16,97;101;102 though not 16,103 which is Aller), the vi llagers' holding, the tax- paying part of the total, is 1 virgate.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The corresponding entry in Exon has 'William Black (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 niger}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 interlined)' for 16,97 only; plain William for 16,98-103. On the byname }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 niger }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 292-93. A William Black (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 blach}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the Bishop of Bayeux's man, appears in HRT 42,11; possibly the same man.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PONSFORD. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ponsford is in Cullompton parish in Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 786 Henry son of Henry and the heir of Hugh }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Bolley }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hold in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Kentelesbere}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Kentisbeare, 16,100;102],}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pauntesford'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Kyngesford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Kingsford, 16,99] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Catteshegh' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Catshayes in Gittisham, [East] Budleigh Hundred, SY1397] from the Honour of Okehampton. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 368 both }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Kentelesbere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pontesford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are held in two halves, as in Domesday. See Maxwell Lyte, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Honour of Dunster}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 56; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 398; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. nos. 306, 593, vii. no. 297; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 322, 425 and Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', pp. 222, 236.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,98\tab [Exon 302b3] \par \tab WILLIAM [* OF ALLER *] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 HOLDS FROM BALDWIN. See 16,97 William note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PONSFORD. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 16,97 Ponsford note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,99\tab [Exon 303a1] \par \tab WILLIAM [* OF ALLER *] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 HOLDS FROM BALDWIN. See 16,97 William note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab KINGSFORD. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Kentisbeare parish, Hay ridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred. For Kentisbeare, see 16,100;102. For descent within the Honour of Okehampton, see 16,97 Ponsford note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab EDSI}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ezi}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ezius}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 represent Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Eadsige}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 236.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \'bd PLOUGH THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'W(illiam) has \'bd plough'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably implied or omitted in error.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,100\tab [Exon 303a2] \par \tab WILLIAM [* OF ALLER *] }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 HOLDS FROM BALDWIN. See 16,97 William note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab KENTISBE ARE. A parish in Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred. For descent within the Honour of Okehampton, see 16,97 Ponsford note. \par \tab \tab Part of Kentisbeare was held by Christchurch Priory in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xvi no. 671 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 322.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,101\tab [Exon 303a3] \par \tab WILLIAM [* OF ALLER *] }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 HOLDS FROM BALDWIN. See 16,97 William note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BLACKBOROUGH. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Kentisbeare parish, Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred. Under the name of France [ST0808] and Saint Hill [ST0908], it was given to Ford Abbey from Okehampton Honour and later transferred to Dunkeswell Priory; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 152a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 304; Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 395, 398; Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 360; Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', p. 236.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,102\tab [Exon 303a4] \par \tab WILLIAM [* OF ALLER *] }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 HOLDS FROM BALDWIN. See 16,97 William note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab KENTISBEARE. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 16,100 Kentisbeare note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab NORTHMANN. See 15,65 Northmann note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,103\tab [Exon 303b1] \par \tab WILLIAM [* OF ALLER *] }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 HOLDS FROM BALDWIN. See 16,97 William note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALLER. In Cullompton parish, Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred. Like the other part of Aller (32,3) it passed to the Peverel family, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aur Peverel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 being held in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 321 from the Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 564. See also 16,97 William note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWARD. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ailuuard}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ailuuard}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for Old English }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aethelweard}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see 3,45 Alward note and 1,41 Alward note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,104\tab [Exon 303b2] \par \tab `[MONK] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 CULM'. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Colun}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held in 1086 by Rogo. This place, now lost, was a tithing of Hayridge Hundred (the successor to Silverton Hundred) in the Middle Ages (for example, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monkecolmp' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Devon (1332)}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 91). It seems to have lain along the River Culm between Silverton and Bradninch; in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 382 (the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nomina Villarum }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of 1316) }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Colmp Monacorum }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is assessed with Upexe, Netherexe and Plymtree. Moreover, 'Combe Sackville' (52,17) is described in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 595 as }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Colump Reigny }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the tithing of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Moneke Colump}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 151b and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 570. It was given to Kerswell Priory, a cell of Montacute . Maxwell Lyte and others, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bruton and Montacute Cartularies}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 11 p. 127 records a gift of William son of Rogo of 1 virgate at }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Colum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Maxwell Lyte and others, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bruton and Montacute Cartularies}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 155 (p. 179) is a grant by William son of Rogo of lands including }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Colum }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bernardesmore }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (16,105); see Maxwell Lyte and others, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bruton and Montacute Cartularies}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , nos. 156-157 (pp. 179-180); Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 312 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Anglicanum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , v. p. 167. Out of this grant Rogo seems to have kept a portion called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hele }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Hele in Bradninch, SY9902] for himself, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hele }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 being held by Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Hele }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as one fee of the Honour of}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Okehampton in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 786; see Maxwell Lyte and others, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bruton and Montacute Cartularies}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 153 (p. 178) and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 322, 368, 425.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTMER . See 16,4 Brictmer note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,105\tab [Exon 303b3] \par \tab 'BERNARDSMOOR'. In Hayridge Hundred the successor to Silverton Hundred. It is unidentified, but no doubt adjacent to 'Monk Culm' (16,104; see 16,104 Culm note), being similarly grante d to Montacute Priory; see Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 360; Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', p. 237.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,106\tab [Exon 303b4] \par \tab COWICK. In Exeter St Thomas parish, Wonford Hundred, being in fact an earlier name for the parish; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 437. Baldwin's holding was granted by his son William to the new priory established here, an offshoot of Bec-Hellouin. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 1386 records }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cowyke}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cristeineston }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Christow, see 16,128 Bridford note] and}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exewyk' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Exwick. 16,109] as held by the Abbot of Bec; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 84a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 314; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Anglicanum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi. p. 1068, Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 153; Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 324 and Morgan, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 English Lands of the Abbey of Bec}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,107\tab [Exon 304a1] \par \tab DREWSTEIGNTON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taintone}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a parish in Wonford Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 785 the heir of Ingram }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Aubernun }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (on whom see 16,21 Bradford note) hold in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Teington }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Okehampton. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Teyngton Drue }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 84a, 85b; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 314, 345, 386; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 31, x. no. 429 and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 324.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab OSFRITH . See 16,3 Osfrith note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,108\tab [Exon 304a2] \par \tab SPREYTON. A parish in Wonford Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 785 Philip }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Talebot }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Spreiton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 399, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 85b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 314, 345, 386; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 621, v. no. 527, and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 325.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab OSFRITH . See 16,3 Osfrith note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 14 VILLAGERS. In the manuscript }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xiii uill'i }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was originally written, but corrected to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xiiii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 at an early stage. In the Exon manuscript the last }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xiiii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is in slightly darker ink, which might suggest a correction from xiii, See 2,24 cottagers note; 3,68 value note; 28,10 virgates note and 32,10 hides note for instances of a correction in Great Domesday being paralleled by one in Exon.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,109\tab [Exon 304a3] \par \tab EXWICK. It lies in Exeter St Thomas parish, Wonford Hundred, like Cowick, and was similarly granted to Cowick Priory; see 16,106 Cowick note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab EVERWACER.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Eureuuacre}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is exuberantly written, so that it looks like an }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 o}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , especially in the Ordnance Survey facsimile. The Devon forms of this Old German name are }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Eureuuacre }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Domesday and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Eureuuac }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Exon. See SOM 27,3 Everwacer note. According to von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 249 note 1, all the Somerset and Devon references to Everwacer are to Everwacer }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 minister }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 who in 1061 witnessed the grant of land at Ashwick, Somerset, by King Edward, to Abbot Wulfwold of Bath; Kemble, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Codex Diplomaticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iv. no. 811 pp. 150-151 (= Sawyer, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 1034).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,110\tab [Exon 304b1] \par \tab CLIFFORD. In Dunsford parish, Wonford Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 785 Stephen de }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Haccumbe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (from Haccombe, 16,152) holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ridmore }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Ringmore, 16,112] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Clifford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Okehampton. These places are }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Redmor' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 West Clifford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 85a; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 313, 345, 386. Although the place is now called Clifford Barton, an }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Est Clyfford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and a }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 West Clyfford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 occur in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Devon (1332)}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 51. A Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Westecomb' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [from Westacombe, SX7990] then lived at 'East' Clifford and a William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 atte Wallen }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [from Wallon, SX7790] at 'West' Clifford; thus 'West' Clifford cannot be Combe Hall in Drewsteignton (Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred', p. 292; Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 325).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTMER . See 16,4 Brictmer note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab AFTER THIS ENTRY in the Exon manuscript 1 \'bd lines have been left blank, possibly for some additional information on the manor to be added when and if available. The same scribe wrote the following entries.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,111\tab [Exon 304b2] \par \tab CLAYHIDON. A parish in Hemyock Hundred. This entry is the first of a group of Hemyock Hundred places that are intermingled with those of Wonford Hundred (16, 111;121-122;124). With Bolham Water (16,121) and Culm Pyne (16,122), this land probably accounts for the 3 hides of lordship allowed to Baldwin in the Hemyock Hundred Tax Return. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 786 Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Hidune }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 16,86 Clyst note) holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hidune }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Okehampton; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 367, 430; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 590 and Reichel, 'Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds', p. 41.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,112\tab [Exon 304b3] \par \tab RINGMORE. In St Nicholas parish, Wonford Hundred, the parish being named from the dedication of Ringmore Church; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 460. Descent of the manoris to Stephen of Haccombe, as Clifford (see 16,110 Clifford note).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,113\tab [Exon 305a1] \par \tab RUSHFORD. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Chagford parish, Wonford Hundred. William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Risford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Risford }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 785 from the Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 85b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 314, 345, 387 and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 325.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,114\tab [Exon 305a2] \par \tab HITTISLEIGH. A parish in Wonford Hundred. Philip }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Talebot }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hutteneslgh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Okehampton in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 785; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 314, 345, 387. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 85b William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Talebot }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds from John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Ponchardon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see also Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 326.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 silua }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as usual; Farley misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 siluae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,115\tab [Exon 305a3] \par \tab RICHARD [!1! SON OF TUROLF !1!]}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ricard}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 fili}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 torolui}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; see}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 201. See DEV 30 Richard note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MARTIN. In Drewsteignton parish, Wonford Hundr ed. It is not apparently found in later fee lists, but the Tax Return for Wonford Hundred states that the king has no tax from 1 virgate of land held by Richard son of Turolf, which seems to refer to this entry. See DEV 30 note on Richard son of Turolf.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab EDWULF. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Iadulf}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the first letter being most likely a capital }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 I}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , though possibly a lower-case }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 l}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; definitely not the capital }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 L }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 that Farley printed. In the carolingian minuscule}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 used in Domesday Book the lower-case }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 l }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and capital }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 I}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 L }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are f airly similar, much depending on the length of the 'foot' and the presence or absence of a hook at the top of the ascender. In Exon the first letter of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Iadolf' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is definitely a capital } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 I}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . Compare 24,26 Instow note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,116\tab [Exon 305a4] \par \tab HUGH [!1! OF RENNES !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 For 16,116 Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hugo }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 redonensis }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (not }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 redonnensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 135) interlined in paler ink, possibly by a different scribe to the rest of the entry. The Hugh of 16,117 may also be Hugh of Rennes: although he is plain }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hugo }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Domesday and Exon, the scribe of the latter may have intended to interline }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 redonensis }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 there as well as in the preceding entry. Rennes is in the d\'e9 partement of Ille-et-Vilaine, France.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MELHUISH. In Tedburn St Mary parish, Wonford Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 785 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Melehiwiss }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held of Okehampton Honour; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 85b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 313, 345, 388 and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 326.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTMER . See 16,4 Brictmer note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,117\tab [Exon 305b1] \par \tab HUGH. Possibly Hugh of Rennes; see 16,116 Hugh note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TEIGNHARVEY. It lies in Stokeinteignhead parish in a detachment of Wonford Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 785 Richard }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Teyng }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Teing }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Okehampton; Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Baron }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 19,41) holds the place in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 85b and Humphrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Beauchamp }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Teyng Hervy }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gabbewill }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Gabwell, SX9269] in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 346. See }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 314, 387; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ix. no. 552; Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 326 and 48,3 Stokeinteignhead note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,118\tab [Exon 305b2] \par \tab JOCELYN [!1! BERNWIN !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Goscelinus Beruirius}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 :}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old German }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bernwin }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 214). On 'Jocelyn' see 16,148 Jocelyn note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab OLDRIDGE. In Whitestone parish, Wonford Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 785, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wallerig' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is divided into two portions, one held by the heirs of Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cadiho}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the other by Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Guraunt }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Okehampton; hence they are }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wolderigg Cadiho }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Woldrigg Goraunt }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 386, 388. See }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 314, 345; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 85b and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 327.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,119\tab [Exon 305b3] \par \tab TEDBURN [ST MARY].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Wonford Hundred. There are two estates here in Baldwin's fief, but only one entry is found in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , (p. 785) where Thomas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Tetteburne }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tetteburn }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Okehampton. }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 314, however, records two holdings: Rainer's will be }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tetteborn }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held by Walter }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Honyton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from Thomas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Tetteborn }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and by him from Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Langeford }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 16,8 Germansweek note); Ralph's land will be }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tetteborne }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Coleheie }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Colley in Tedburn, SX8194] held by the same Walter and the same Thomas, but from John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Ponchardon }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (on whom, see 16,52 Walson note); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 388; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 85b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 425, xvi. no. 1013 and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 328.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,120\tab [Exon 306a1] \par \tab TEDBURN [ST MARY]. See 16,119 Tedburn note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,121\tab [Exon 306a2] \par \tab BOLHAM [WATER].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Clayhidon parish, Hemyock Hundred. It can be identified in the Hemyock Hundred Tax Return (xiv); see 16,111 Clayhidon note. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 786 the Abbot of Dunkeswell holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bolleham }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 430; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 304 and Reichel, 'Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds', p. 41.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TAX FOR 2 HIDES ... LORDSHIP ... 1 HIDE ... VILLAGERS ... 1 HIDE. In the Exon manuscript for the corresponding entry the tax is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii hidis & dim'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 & dim' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is extremely faint and appears to have been erased. The lordship land is 1 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hid\'e2 & i virg\'e2}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 & i virg\'e2 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is likewise very faint and probably erased. Similarly with the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 & i virg\'e2 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 after the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i hida }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the villagers' land. Ellis printed all the faint parts, though he does not print the equally faint and obviously erased }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 x }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 under the interlined }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 viii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for the villagers and the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xl }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 under the interlined }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xxxv }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the present value.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In the Domesday manuscript there is an erasure of six letters after this statement with a rather faint link-line written in, to indicate that the gap was not left for additional information; Farley did not print the link-line, though it is sometimes his p ractice to do so (for example, in HEF 29,16 and WOR 15,11). The link-line is not visible in the Ordnance Survey facsimile. The erasure was probably of 7 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 dimid' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and was probably done when the scribe checked Exon and decided that the 7 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 dimid' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 there was in fact erased.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LAND FOR 6 PLOUGHS. In the manuscript for the corresponding entry in Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 viii carr'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but the last }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 viii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are very faint and probably intended for deletion. Ellis printed }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 viii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In the Domesday manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 vii car' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 was originally written, but the last }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 has been erased, though it is still just visible and the dot after it has not been erased. In Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 viii car' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 appears to have been corrected to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 vi}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which again suggests some kind of checking of Domesday against Exon The checking may have be en done early, in this entry anyway, as the Domesday scribe did not originally write }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 iii }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for the lordship ploughs, as the Exon scribe did.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP 2 PLOUGHS. In the manuscript for the corresponding entry in Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iii carr'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but the last }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is extremely faint and appears to have been erased. Ellis, however, printed }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,122\tab [Exon 306a3] \par \tab CULM [PYNE]}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . In Hemyock parish, Hemyock Hundred and identifiable as lying in that hundred from an analysis of its Tax Return; see 16,111Clayhidon note. It is held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 786 by Herbert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Pynu }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Culum }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from Okehampton Honour; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 339, 367, 430 and Reichel, 'Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds', p. 41.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP 2 PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '2 \'bd ploughs'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,123\tab [Exon 306b1] \par \tab WALTER [* THE BUTLER *]}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . Probably Walter the butler (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pincerna}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ):}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the Tax Return for Wonford Hundred states that the king did not have tax from 1 virgate Walter the butler holds there from Baldwin the sheriff (which corresponds to the 1 virgate of villagers' land; see \{Appendix: Lordship and Villagers' Table\} ). This is the only holding of a Walter in Wonford Hundred in Domesday.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRAMFORD [SPEKE].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 This is the smaller of two Domesday holdings (see also 16,129) called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brenford}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It was at Rollstone in Upton Pyne parish [SX904991]. Descent from the 1086 holder, Walter, was to Walter }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Nimet }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 16,45 Nymet note) who held Rowlands Nymet (presumably the same Roland named Rollstone). It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rollandeston' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 785 held}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by the heirs of Alexander }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Tauton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Okehampton for one-sixth of a fee. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 314 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Roulandeston }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held from Matthew } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Wolfrynton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Rowlands Nymet descends to William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Wolryngton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 370); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 344, 385 ; Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 375; Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred', p. 293; Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 328; also 3,67 Bramford note and DEV 4 Glastonbury note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,124\tab [Exon 306b2] \par \tab HOLE.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Clayhidon parish, Hemyock Hundred. It seems to be represented in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 786 by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nonicote }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Newcott, ST1610, lying to the west; the development from }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nonicote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is strange, see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 611] held by Jordan son of Rogo from the Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 339 and Reichel, 'Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds', p. 35.} {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY WASTE. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Olim uastata}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; the past participle is also used in the Exon (with the addition of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 erat }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'was'), but it seems to mean no more than the adjective }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uasta}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See C3 destroyed n ote.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,125\tab [Exon 306b3] \par \tab BERNARD [!1! NAPELESS !1!].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bernardus sine napa}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 an unexplained byname according to Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 390. It is probably some Old English adjective in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -leas }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'lacking', but the element }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 napa }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 eludes identification \emdash turnips, cups, boys, napkins and napes of neck might all be toyed with, but without credibility in the present state of knowledge (JMcND).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WHITESTONE. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Wonford Hundred. Baldwin held two manors here (see also 16,137), the larger, \'bd hide, being held by Bernard Nap(e)less(?) in 1086. It appears to be }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Westecot' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [West Town, SX8593; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 459] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 La Hacghe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 La Heghen }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 387), that is Hayne Barton, SX8693, held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 785 by Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Alba Mara }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Okehampton. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 314 it is held by the heirs of Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tyrel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by homage and service from Alan }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 filius}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Roualdi}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 346, 387; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 85b and Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 375.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'underwood (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 nemusculi}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,126\tab [Exon 306b4] \par \tab BERNARD [* NAPELESS *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MAIDENCOMBE.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Stokeinteignhead parish, a detached part of Wonford Hundred. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Medenecumbe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held in two portions in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 785 from the Honour of Okehampton by Warin }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 filius Joelis }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and Peter }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de la Pole}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It is found as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Medenecumb }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pole }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 345. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pole }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is an unidentified 'Pool', but a Nicholas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 atte Pole }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and a Joel }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 atte Pole }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are found in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Devon (1332)}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 53 in Stokeinteignhead parish; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 85b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 313, 386 and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 329.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,127\tab [Exon 307a1] \par \tab BERNARD [* NAPELESS *] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 HOLDS. The scribe has omitted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de B}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 alduino}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'from Baldwin', no doubt in error; it is in the corresponding entry in Exon as usual: See 15,22 holds note. }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ROCOMBE. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Stokeinteignhead parish lying in the detachment of Wonford Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 785 the heirs of Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cadyho }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (on whom, see 16,118 Oldridge note) hold in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Racumbe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 314, 387; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 85b and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 329.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,128\tab [Exon 307a2] \par \tab BALDWIN'S WIFE !1! EMMA !1!. That is, Baldwin the sheriff; see 16,94 wife note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRIDFORD. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Now a parish in Wonford Hundred. Baldwin's land was actually at Christow [SX8384] in the next parish, given by a descendant to Cowick Priory. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cristenesstouwe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 315. See }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 84a; Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred', p. 293 and 16,106 Cowick note. }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,129\tab [Exon 307b1] \par \tab VITALIS [!1! OF COLYTON !1!]}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Vitalis de colintona}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 This is more likely to be Colyton in Devon (see 1,13 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Culitone}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Culitona}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 compare }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 621 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Culinton}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 etc.) than Collington in Herefordshire (Domesday }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Col}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 l}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 intune}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 40 (where the Exon byname is misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 colintuna}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ).}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 On the name Vitalis, see 36,13 Vitalis note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRAMFORD [SPEKE]. A parish in Wonford Hundred. This was the larger of the two Domesday holdings (see also 16,123) that Herbert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Pynu }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds as 1 fee in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Braunford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Okehampton in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 785. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 314 this same holding appears as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Uppeton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Upton Pyne, SX9197] and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bramford Pyn}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pynes [SX9196] will no doubt have been part of this holding; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 85b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 344, 385; Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred', p. 294; Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 330; also 3,67 Bramford note and DEV 4 Glastonbury note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,130\tab [Exon 307b4] \par \tab EGGBEER.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Now represented by Higher Eggbeer and Lower Eggbeer in Cheriton Bishop parish, Wonford Hundred. Descent from Modbert, the 1086 holder, is to William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Kelly }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 16,11 Kelly note), who in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 785 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Eggebere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Buledune }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [?Bowden in Cheriton Bishop, SX7492]. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 314 the holding is }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Heggbear }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Heilake }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Haylake, SX7892] and is described as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Heylak }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Boledon }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 345; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 85b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 386 and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 330. See 52,11 Cheriton note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,131\tab [Exon 308a1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MODBERT. The corresponding entry in Exon merely has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 M.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but no doubt standing for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Mo}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 d}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 bertus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as in the surrounding entries for 16,130 and 16,132. Compare 16,175 for which the scribe likewise gives only the initial of the tenant (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 W.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 though in that case the expanded form of the name is far from clear; see 16,175 W note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab UPPACOTT. In Tedburn St Mary parish, Wonford Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 787 in a group of Exminster Hundred places, Thomas and Reginald }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Uppecot' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and the son of Geoffrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de la Hok' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hold in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Holecumb' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Holcombe in Dawlish, Exminster Hundred, see 2,4 Bishopsteignton note] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Uppecot}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 425 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 314, 346, 347, 387. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 85b one of the intermediate holders of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Uppecote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is John } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Kelli }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 16,11 Kelly note).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,132\tab [Exon 308a2] \par \tab [GREAT] FULFORD}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . In Dunsford parish, Wonford Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 785 the heirs of Nicholas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Fuleford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hold in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Fuleford}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids} {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 314 William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Foleford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds from John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Kelli}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 16,11 Kelly note); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 345, 387 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 85b.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALRIC. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aric}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ariti}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ],}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for Alric }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 etc.; see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 186-87; and 1,11 Alric note}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,133\tab [Exon 308a3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ROCKBEARE. A parish in [East] Budleigh Hundred. In addition to Rainer's two holdings (16,133-134), Gotshelm held nearly 3 hides here (16,138). Rainer's lands seem later to have formed a single manor, being held in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 787 by the heir of Baldwin }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Belestane }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 15,22 Rockbeare note) as }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rakebere}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dodeton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Dotton, 16,135]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 763. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rokebere Baldewyn }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 365, 381 and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 427 it is held from Thomas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Langeford }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (on whose family, see 16,8 Germansweek note); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 425 and Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 293.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE, 40 ACRES. The corresponding entry in Exon has just }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xl agros}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pascu\'ea }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 being omitted in error, but no doubt intended as pasture normally follows meadow in Exon; see 1,46 woodland note. As this comes at the end of the list of resources, it would not be possible for the acres to be combined with the measurement of the next 'resource', as perhaps is the case with the 12 furlongs in 1,53 (see 1,53 pasture note).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,134\tab [Exon 308b1] \par \tab ROCKBEARE. See 16,133 Rockbeare note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VILLAGER HAS IT THERE. The plough, as Exon states. See 1,29 villagers note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,135\tab [Exon 308b2] \par \tab DOTTON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Otrit}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The Domesday form is from the River Otter and seems (by 1201) to have been supplanted by a name derived from the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holder, Doda (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 587). It lies in Colaton Raleigh parish, [East] Budleigh Hundred. Descent from Rainer is the same as for his holdings at Rockbeare (16,133 Rockbeare note). It is }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Doditon Abbatis }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 325, xv. no. 1013, from a holding of the Abbot of Dunkeswell (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 152a).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 \'bd PLOUGHS THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'R(ainer) has (1)\'bd ploughs'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably implied or omitted in error.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,136\tab [Exon 308b3] \par \tab AYLESBEARE. A parish in [East] Budleigh Hundred. John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Curtenay }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds from the Honour of Okehampton in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 787. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 324 it is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aylesbear cum Popelford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Newton Poppleford, SY0889]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 763, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 427; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 66a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 71, iii. no. 31, viii. no. 273 and Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 293. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Huntebere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ailesbere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Great Houndbeare and Little Houndbeare farms in Aylesbeare, see 14,3 Stowford note], held of the Barony of Okehampton in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Inquisitio Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cit ed above may have been a part of this land.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,137\tab [Exon 308b4] \par \tab WHITESTONE.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It is a parish in Wonford Hundred, being the smaller of Baldwin's two holdings here in 1086 (see also 16,125). The land descended in the family of Robert of Beaumont, the 1086 subtenant, Walter }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Langedene }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holding }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 La Hetth }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Heath Barton in Whitestone, SX8494] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 314 from Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Beaumond }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Okehampton. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 785 this same holding is called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calchurch }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held by Rayner }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Halleham}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The alternative names are identified by an entry in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , (old series) iv. no. 63 (= }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Whale, 'Fees of Earl Hugh de Courtenay'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 327) }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Colechurche que dicitur Sancte Marie in le Hethe}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 459; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , Index; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 85b, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 346; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 325 and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 331.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,138\tab [Exon 309a1] \par \tab GOTSHELM [* BROTHER OF WALTER OF CLAVILLE *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ROCKBEARE. A parish in [East] Budleigh Hundred; this is the largest of Baldwin's three holdings here (see also 16,133-134). Descent from Gotshelm is to John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tebaut }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 who holds }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rakebere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 787 (see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 763), then to the Abbess of Canonsleigh; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 365, 427. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rokebyar Johan }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 381; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 425 and Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 292.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,139\tab [Exon 309a4] \par \tab "}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 PETECOTE".}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Identified by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 462, note 9, as Pennicott in Shobrooke, largely in an attempt to account for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 La Shete }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 762, 787 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 426 [?Shute in Shobrooke, SS8900 in [West] Budleigh Hundred, see Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 284 and 1,9 note], and by }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday Gazetteer}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , following }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 543, as Patcott in Tiverton parish, Tiverton Hundred. Pennicott cannot derive from }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Petecote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which is}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 P}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 e}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 atta's cot}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 e}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 );}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 while Patcott is not found in the fee lists in connection with the Honour of Okehampton and is anyway entered too early for a Tiverton Hundred place in Exon order (see 16,158). But lying in the extreme south-west of Tiverton parish, Patco tt could have been in Witheridge Hundred or [West] Budleigh Hundred in 1086. The problem requires further investigation.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,140\tab [Exon 309b1] \par \tab CHULMLEIGH. A parish in Witheridge Hundred and identifiable as lying in that hundred from an analysis of the Tax Returns. Apart from }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Chulmeleg }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{ \cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 87b, 92a) the 5 hides will have included }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Le Hospital }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Spittle, SS6817] and two holdings at }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hamtenesford }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Handsford in Chawleigh, SS7210, now in [North] Tawton Hundred, called 'Little' Handsford and 'North' Handsford in }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 325], }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cadebire }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Cadbury SS6917], }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bonevilestone }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Bunson, SS6917], }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gorelaunde }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Garland, SS7118], }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Shitelesbere }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Sheepsbyre, SS7215], }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wrthi }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ['Worthy' unidentified; see 16,145 Worthy note], }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Baylekewrth' }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Bealy, SS7415] and }{ \i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stayne }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Stone Barton, SS7113] all given in }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 783; see }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 758-59. To these can be added }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wik' }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Week, SS7316] and }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Coleton' }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Colleton, SS6614] in }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 761,}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Benelegh }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Benley, SS7315], }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cotelonde }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Cutland, SS6817], }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Panemede }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Pynamead, SS6716] and }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Asselonde }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [unidentified] from }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 419-21, as well as }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nywnham }{ \cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Chilmelegh }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Newnham Barton SS6617] in }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 273.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTMER . See 16,4 Brictmer note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,141\tab [Exon 309b2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MESHAW. A parish in Witheridge Hundred. Nicholas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Avenel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Mausard }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 783; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 759; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 343, 420; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iv. no. 367, Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred',}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 401, 407 and 16,88 Snydles note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALFRED. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluert}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alueret}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 );}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 von Feilitzen, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 175-76.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,142\tab [Exon 310a1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab YARD. In Rose Ash parish, Witheridge Hundred. Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Yerde }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 784 from the Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 759 and Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', p. 402.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Yerde Beare }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [?Beara in Rose Ash, SS7720] in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 325.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,143\tab [Exon 310a2] \par \tab [ROSE] ASH}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . A parish in Witheridge Hundred. Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Esse }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 16,78) holds in}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Esse }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 784 from the Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 325 (where it is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Asshe Rauf}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 );}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 759; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 87b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 343, 420 and Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', p. 402.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SIWARD . }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 On the name Siward and his possible identification, see 16,43 Siward note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,144\tab [Exon 310a3-310b1; Terrae Occupatae 506b2] \par \tab ANSGER}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . The corresponding entry in Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ansgerid'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably standing for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ansger idem }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'the same Ansger', as an Ansger holds the two preceding entries (= Domesday 16,142-143), although Exon rarely has the word }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 idem }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 15,21 Bretel note) and where it does it is either written in full or as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Id\'e7}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 whereas the abbreviation }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 '}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 here regularly stands for an omitted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -us}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 especially with personal names (as in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ansger' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the preceding entry).}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CREACOMBE. A parish in Witheridge Hundred; it does not appear in the fee lists;}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 379.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SIWARD . }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 On the name Siward and his possible identification, see 16,43 Siward note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TO THIS MANOR HAS BEEN ADDED CREACOMBE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Baldwin has another manor called Creacombe ... Ansger holds it from B(aldwin)'. Abbreviated details of this added manor appear also in the }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LEOFGAR HELD FREELY [AND] JOINTLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Leofgar held jointly'; so also in the. There is no mention of 'freely' in either entry.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In the Domesday manuscript }{ \i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 par' }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (for }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pariter}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , 'jointly')}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is written level with the first line of the Creacombe addition; Farley did not print it, perhaps because it is written quite far into the left margin which is on the inner edge of the manuscript.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FOURTH PART. In the manuscript }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 q'rta part e}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the gap between the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 t }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 e }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 being caused by a}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hole in the parchment, not shown by Farley (but compare 7,2 where he leaves a space; see 7,2 land note. }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VILLAGER AND 1 SLAVE [WITH] \'bd VIRGATE. The wording in Exon is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uill' dim' uirg'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , but unless }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uill' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 abbreviates }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uillanus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 singular, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uill}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ani}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is being used here in its general}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 sense and the slave may thus be included. Compare 3,57 villager note; 3,79 plough note; 5,9 villager note; 16,6 slaves note; 17,58 villager note; 19,9 smallholder; 28,16 slaves note and 35,5 villager n ote and see 1,3 slaves note on slaves and on the difficulty of knowing}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from Domesday or Exon whether they had ploughs and land.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,145\tab [Exon 310b2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WORTHY. It certainly lay in Witheridge Hundred according to the order of Exon and it is probably the place in Rackenford parish; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 390.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Unless it is the 'Worthy' included under Chulmleigh in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 758, 783 (16,140 Chulmleigh note),}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 it does not appear in later feudal lists.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,146\tab [Exon 310b3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WILSON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Welingedinge}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 This cannot be Wilson in East Worlington parish (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 463 and}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday Gazetteer}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ), whose early forms }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Weveston }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (1238) and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wenede}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 s}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (1285) cited in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 401 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wevezston' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cited in 42,21 note cannot be reconciled with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Welingedinge }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 42,21 Worlington note). Equally it cannot be Wilson in Cheriton Bishop whose early forms are}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wolgareston}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wolgerston }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 etc.; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 429 and 52,11 Cheriton note. It may, however, be}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the Wilson in Witheridge parish; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Essex}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , addendum p. lvi. Reichel's first}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 suggestion, Woddington (in Witheridge, Reichel, Witheridge Hundred', p. 417), is phonologically impossible}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 1,32 Witheridge note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TOPI. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Topic}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Topic'}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 117 and \'a7 133.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VILLAGER AND 1 SLAVE [WITH] \'bd VIRGATE. The wording in Exon is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uill' dim' uirg'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , but unless }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uill' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 abbreviates }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uillanus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 singular, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uill}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ani}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is being used here in its general}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 sense and the slave may thus be included. Compare 3,57 villager note; 3,79 plough note; 5,9 villager note; 16,6 slaves note; 17,58 villager note; 19,9 smallholder; 28,16 slaves note and 35,5 villager note and see 1,3 slaves note on sl aves and on the difficulty of knowing}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from Domesday or Exon whether they had ploughs and land.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,147\tab [Exon 310b4]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CHELDON. A parish in Witheridge Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 783 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Chedeledune }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Okehampton. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Estchedeldune }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ['East' Cheldon] in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 758;}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see also }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 343, 419. See 40,4 Cheldon note on another part of Cheldon.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WHOLE OF THE LAND. See 25,2 for another example of all the land in a holding}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 being lordship land, and compare notes to 3,12 Drogo note and 34,13 whole note. See 19,36 for a villager with all the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 land in lordship.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,148\tab [Exon 311a1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab JOCELYN. The forms of this name in Devon, which represent Old German }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gautselin}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gozelin}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Goscelin }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Forssner, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Continental-Germanic Personal Names in England}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 128), are }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gozelin}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Domesday and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Joselin}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Goscelinus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gotselenus}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Exon.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab RACKENFORD. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Witheridge Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 784 Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Sydeham}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds from the Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 759; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 343, 420 and Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', p. 402. The land may well have included }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Kanneworth }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Canworthy, SS8419], held by Hugh }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Courtenay }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vii. no. 344, x. no. 412, xiv.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 no. 325.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SIWARD . }{ \cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 On the name Siward and his possible identification, see 16,43 Siward note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,149\tab [Exon 311a2] \par \tab "}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ELTEMETONE".}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It undoubtedly lay in Witheridge Hundred, but no satisfactory}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 identification has been proposed; see Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', p. 418.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,150\tab [Exon 311a3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TAPPS. Like Woodburn (16,151), Tapps lies in Oakford parish, Witheridge Hundred; for}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tapps, Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Avse}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 388. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 784 Jordan son of Rogo (on whom, see}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,76 Holcombe note) holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wodeburne }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Westapse }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [West Tapps] of the Honour of}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Okehampton; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 759 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 343, 363. Part of Woodburn was held of}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Plympton Honour, see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 760; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 306. An adjacent part of}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Witheridge Hundred seems to have lain in Bampton Hundred in 1086, but, despite}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, }{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Bampton and Uffculme Hundreds', }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 455, it should be noted that Bampton Hundred places have already}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 been entered in Baldwin's schedule (16,76-77). Thus Tapps and Woodburn were probably}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Witheridge Hundred in 1086 as later; see \{Introduction: Hundreds\} and Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', p. 403.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,151\tab [Exon 311a4] \par \tab OSWY}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . In the corresponding entry in the Exon manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Oswicus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is abbreviated }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 O. }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in its second occurrence in this}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry; Ellis misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODBURN. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 16,150 Tapps note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALDRED }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 HELD IT. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ten' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was originally written (possibly due to a too close}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 copying of Exon which regularly has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ten' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for the past tense in this formula), but was}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 corrected to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 teneb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ( = }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tenebat}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ) at an early stage but without the abbreviation sign being erased. A similar}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 correction occurs in 16,165. 17,48;74. 20,4 and 36,18. Farley did not print the abbreviation sign}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 here or in 36,18 (perhaps because it is close to the abbreviation line through the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 b}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 though he did in 16,165 and in 20,4 (in 17,48;74 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ten'b' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the first abbreviation sign in each case may stand for the omitted }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 e }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 before the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 b }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and he may have left them in for that reason).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,152\tab [Exon 311b1] \par \tab HACCOMBE. Now Haccombe with Combeinteignhead parish lying in the detached part of Wonford Hundred, but it was a tithing of Haytor Hundred (the successor to Kerswell Hundred) in the Middle Ages. The order of Exon suggests that it may well have been counted in Teignton (Teignbridge) Hundred in 1086; see 19,41 Buckland note. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 786, in a group of Haytor Hundred places, Stephen }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Haccumb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 16,110 Clifford note) holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Haccumb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 768; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 317, 349, 392 and Reichel, 'Haytor Hundred in 1244', p. 123.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,153\tab [Exon 311b2] \par \tab TEIGNGRACE. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taigne}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a parish in Teignbridge Hundred. The alternative name }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Teygnebruere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (1281) is probably derived from the 1086 subtenant, Ralph of Bruy\'e8re, or his descendants. Avicia }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de la Bruwere }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Teyng }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 82a, 90a; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 486 and Reichel, 'Teignbridge Hundred', p. 228.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,154\tab [Exon 311b3] \par \tab LANGSTONE. In Manaton parish, Teignbridge Hundred; see }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 482. It does not appear in the fee lists.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,155\tab [Exon 312a1] \par \tab ROGER [!1! SON OF PAYNE !1!].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Roger}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 fili}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pagani }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 here and for 34,12; compare 19,43 Ralph note. His byname is from Latin }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 paganus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'member of a }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pagus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (village or country district)', whence Modern French }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 paysan }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('peasant, countryman') and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pa\'efen }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('pagan'): the countryfolk remained heathen long after the townspeople had become Christians.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HENNOCK. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Teignbridge Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 786 Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Treimenet' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds from the Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 396; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 339 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 527, xi. no. 118. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 347 part of Hennock is held by the Abbot of Torre, and is named as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Blode in Hennock }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [ that is, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Flode}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 now Fludda SX8479, see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 471] in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 390; see Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 169, 179 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 153a.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,156\tab [Exon 312a2] \par \tab HERVEY [* OF HELL\'c9AN *]'S WIFE. See DEV 44 Hervey note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab NEADON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Benedone}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for the form see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 482. It lies in Manaton parish, Teignbridge Hundred. Descent from the wife of Hervey (of Hell\'e9an, see DEV 44 Hervey note) is to Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Hyliun }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 who holds in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nitheredune }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 786; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 348 and Reichel, 'Teignbridge Hundred', p. 229 note 11.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 PLOUGH, WHICH IS THERE ... SMALLHOLDERS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'She has 2 smallholders and has with them 1 plough and 1 slave'. Compare 16,144 villager note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,157\tab [Exon 312a3] \par \tab WHITEWAY. In Kingsteignton parish, Teignbridge Hundred. It seems that this land passed to the Honour of Plympton, being held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 790 by Nicholas }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Burdon }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and Martin }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de la Torre }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Whyteweye }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in a Teignbridge Hundred group; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 396; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 340, 390 and Reichel, 'Teignbridge Hundred', p. 228.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab OSFRITH . See 16,3 Osfrith note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,158\tab [Exon 312a4]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ROGO. The corresponding entry in Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rogro }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which is unusual: it ought to represent }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rogero}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 dative or ablative of the Latinized form of the personal name }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Roger }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (that is, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rogerus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -i}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 2nd declension), but the name here is obviously nominative in each of its three occurrences in this entry.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Meanwhile, Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rogo }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (on which see 16,76 Rogo note), is Latinized }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rogo}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rogonis }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (3rd declension). It is interesting that the name obviously caused the Exon scribe some problems because in its first occurrence in the entry he omitted, then interlined, the}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 first }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 o }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and likewise with the second }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 r}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the second occurrence. The Norman name }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Roger }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 was adopted into the Old English nominative form }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rogere }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and it is possible that at some stage in the Domesday Inquest this was written }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rog'e}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 where the ' represents an abbreviation for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 er}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 :}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 if the final }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 e }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 were miswritten or misread as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 o }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and if the abbreviation were inaccurately expanded to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 r}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 instead of to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 er}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 then the form }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rogro }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 would appear. That the man }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rogro }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 was in fact }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Roger }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is lent some support by the fact that in 16,170 (where Exon again has }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rogro }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for Domesday's }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rogo}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 his holding may be represent ed in the Tax Return for Colyton Hundred by the \'bd hide which }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rogerus de Roerico }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [holds] for which the king had no tax.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 There}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Roerico }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 would be 'from Roric/Roderick (Old German }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hrodric}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )';}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 it would seem that Exon and Domesday omitted a middle tenant of Baldwin's here.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CHEVITHORNE. In Tiverton parish, Tiverton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 786 William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Chivethorn' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Chivethorne }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 318, 369 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 527. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Estchavethorne }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 325 (see 34,43 Chevithorne note). In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 433 it is held of the manor of Holcombe Rogus (16,76) which had the same 1086 holder, Rogo; see Reichel, 'Tiverton Hundred', p. 22.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,159\tab [Exon 312b1] \par \tab CHETTISCOMBE. In Tiverton parish, Tiverton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 786 Alice }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Ros }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Certecumbe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 318; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 527, x. no. 46 and Reichel, 'Tiverton Hundred', p. 22.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab B[ALDWIN]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In the corresponding entry in Exon he is called B.}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uiceconsul}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 also for 16,165. Compare 15,7 count note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,160\tab [Exon 312b2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MANATON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Magnetone}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Despite attempts by }{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Whale and Reichel, \lquote Analysis of Exon. Domesday\rquote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 422 and Finn}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , \lquote Devonshire Domesdays\rquote , p. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 114, to connect this with Manley in Tiverton, it appears to be Manaton in Teignbridge Hundred; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 481. It will therefore be the late insertion of an omitted Teignton (Teignbridge) Hundred entry (see 16,152-157). In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 786 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Parva Maneton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held by the heirs of Hugh }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Langedene }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (from Langdon in North Bovey); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 339, 390 and Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 358.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,161\tab [Exon 312b3] \par \tab GOTSHELM [* BROTHER OF WALTER OF CLAVILLE *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SELLAKE. In Halberton parish, Halberton Hundred. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 786, it is held by Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Giffard }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Segh'lak }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 coupled with Payhembury (16,95 Payhembury note). There is also a separate mention of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Seghlak}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Oliva de Seghlak}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 368, 369, 383, 432 and Reichel, 'Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds', pp. 48, 54.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTMER . See 16,4 Brictmer note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,162\tab [Exon 312b4] \par \tab SPARKWELL. In Staverton parish, Haytor Hundred, the successor to Kerswell Hundred. It appears to have been alienated from the Church of Exeter (see DEV 2 Bishop note and 2,7 Staverton note). In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 786 Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Sparkewill' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sparkewill' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 768; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 318, 392 and Reichel, 'Haytor Hundred in 1244', p. 118.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,163\tab [Exon 313a1] \par \tab WOLBOROUGH. A parish in Haytor Hundred, the successor to Kerswell Hundred. This land formed part of the foundation grant for Torre Abbey (Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 169) and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 786 the Abbot of Torre holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wullebergh' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (so also }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 768). }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 72 b mentions that in the manor of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wolleburghe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is 'a new town (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 villa nova}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held by the Abbot of Torre'; this is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Niweton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 318 [Newton Abbot, SX8671]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 349; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 153a; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 361; Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 169, 172; Reichel, 'Haytor Hundred in 1244', p. 124 and 1,10 Kingsteignton note. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab A further Okehampton Honour holding in this Hundred, not named in Domesday and either}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 omitted, included under another manor or a post-Domesday acquisition, was }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Blakedune }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Blackaton in Widecombe-in-the-Moor, SX6977], held by John son of Richard in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 786; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 768; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 348, 392; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 325 and Reichel, 'Haytor Hundred in 1244', p. 120. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 768 the intermediate holder is Hugh }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Bollay}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 suggesting descent from Ralph of Pomeroy: Ralph holds 16,7, Bridestowe, which later passes to Muriel }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Bollay }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (16,7 Bridestowe note).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SIWARD . }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 On the name Siward and his possible identification, see 16,43 Siward note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'underwood (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 nemusculi}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,164\tab [Exon 313a2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MUSBURY. A parish in Axminster Hundred. In the Middle Ages 5 of its hides lay in Axmouth Hundred, 2 in Axminster (Reichel, 'Axminster and Axmouth Hundreds', pp. 138, 151, 179). In 1086 its 4 lordship hides seem to have been divided equally, 2 hides lordsh ip together with the 1 lordship hide of Thorncombe (16,165) accounting for the 3 hides allowed to Baldwin}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the Axminster Hundred Tax Return, while another 2 hides lordship together with \'bd hide each of the lordship of Stedcombe and Combpyne (16,169;171) accounting for his 3 hides of lordship in Axmouth Hundred. Hawise }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Curten' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Musbiri }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Axminster Hundred in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 264; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 319, 328 (where it is divided between the two hundreds) and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 31. It included }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Broclonde }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Bruckland, for another part see 34,53 Bruckland note] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Esse }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Chapel Ashe, ST2795 ], }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 71.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab A MILL ... WOODLAND. In the corresponding entry in Exon the woodland details precede rather than succeed the mill details, but in the Exon manuscript two commas have been placed beneath the two occurrences of }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 & }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 that begin the phrases to reverse their order. Ellis did not print these commas. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The Great Domesday scribe may have omitted the woodland details because in Exon they come before the mill, rather than after it (as in the entries for 16,163;166). Compare 1,4 woodland note; 3,81 woodland note and 32,5 woodland note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,165\tab [Exon 313a3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THORNCOMBE. A detached part of Axminster Hun dred, its lordship being accounted for in that hundred's Tax Return (see 16,164 Musbury note). Adeliza, daughter of Baldwin, granted it to Ford Abbey (established at Forde, ST3604, within this parish); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 299; Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 338 and Reichel, 'Axminster and Axmouth Hundreds', pp. 151-54. Thorncombe was finally transferred to Dorset in 1844.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab EDWARD HELD IT. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ten' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 originally written, but corrected to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 teneb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but without the abbreviation}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 sign above the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 n }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 being erased. Farley printed the abbreviation sign, but see 16,151 held note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,166\tab [Exon 313b1] \par \tab 'FORD'. Lost in Musbury parish, Axminster Hundred; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 646. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 785 Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de la Forde }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 La Forde}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 319, 366, 429 and Reichel, 'Axminster and Axmouth Hundreds', pp. 138, 154. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Forde }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 near Trill in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 325.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,167\tab [Exon 313b2] \par \tab "}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ALREFORD".}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Identified by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday Gazetteer}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with Aller in Upottery, by Reichel in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 466 note 1 with 'Allerford' in Axminster parish or Rosamondford in [East] Budleigh Hundred, by Reichel, 'Axminster and Axmouth Hundreds', p. 154 with 'Ford' (see 16,166 'Ford' note) and by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 634 with the site of Newenham Abbey in Axminster (see 1,11 Axminster note). Clinching evidence is lacking.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab "IUING". The }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday form is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Iuin}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Juin'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; as von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 300, is unsure what name is represented it has been decided to retain the Domesday form for the present edition. The Phillimore printed edition has Ifing, the Alecto edition Iuing. There is only one other occurrence of this name-form (as }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Iuing}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ) in Domesday: the predecessor of Edward of Salisbury in Somerset (SOM 40,2).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab R[ANULF] HAS \'bd PLOUGH. In the corresponding entry in Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably implied or omitted in error. Compare 20,9 plough note; 24,18 ploughs note; 42,21 plough note; 47,9 plough note and compare 1,34 lordship note on lordship ploughs in Exon being omitted by the Great Domesday scribe.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,168\tab [Exon 313b3] \par \tab SMALLICOMBE. It lies in Northleigh parish, Colyton Hundred, but it is regularly coupled with Trill (in Axminster parish) in feudal documents and seems to have been a detached part of Axminster Hundred in the Middle Ages. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 785 John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Tril }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Smalecumb' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tril }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Trill in Axminster, SY2995] ; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 319, 366, 429 and Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 365; Reichel, 'Axminster and Axmouth Hundreds', p. 154 and 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', p. 351.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 PLOUGH ... THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'R(oger) has 1 plough'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably implied or omitted in error.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,169\tab [Exon 313b4] \par \tab MORIN [* OF CAEN *]. Possibly Morin of Caen; see 16,173 Morin note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab STEDCOMBE. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stotecome}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Axmouth parish, formerly in Axmouth Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 785 Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Ver }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and Stephen }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Uffewille }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (from Offwell 16,172) hold in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Suttecumbe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (in error for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stuttecumbe}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Okehampton; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 328, 430; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 636 and Reichel, 'Axminster and Axmouth Hundreds', pp. 175, 180.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THE VILLAGERS [HAVE] 2 VIRGATES. No villagers are detailed, however, only}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 slaves. See 3,11 villagers note and 1,3 slaves note on the possibility that slaves held land.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,170\tab [Exon 314a1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ROGO. The corresponding entry in Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rogro}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see 16,158 Rogo note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab COLWELL. In Offwell parish, Colyton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 785 William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Coleivill' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Colewill' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 330, 428; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xi. no. 309, xii. no. 333; 51,10 Sutto n note and Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', p. 353.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,171\tab [Exon 314a2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab COMBPYNE. A parish, later in Axminster Hundred, formerly in Axmouth Hundred, where it can be identified from an analysis of the Tax Returns. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 785 Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Shete }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cumb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Okehampton; in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 328 (Axmouth Hundred) the holder is Thomas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Pin}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the manor being called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Comb Coffyn }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 429 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xi. no. 300; see Reichel, 'Axminster and Axmouth Hundreds', p. 180.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,172\tab [Exon 314a3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab OFFWELL. A parish in Colyton Hundred. Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Ver }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and Stephen }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Uffewill' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (on whom, see 16,169 Stedcombe note) hold in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Uffewill' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 785; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 330, 428 and Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', p. 352.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PERCHES. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pertica }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 perca}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a measure of length, usually reckoned at 5 \'bd yards, though a 20-foot perch was in use for measuring woodland until last century; see Zupko, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dictionary of English Weights and Measures}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 under }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 perch}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Devon both woodland and underwood are measured in perches, as here and in 17,10;16 and 33,2, but 1 perch of meadow is also recorded in 24,9, as also in DBY 8,2.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY 12d; VALUE NOW 13s. This is a large increase in value. It is possible, however, that 12d may be a scribal error for 12s, or 13s an error for 13d. See 48,1 value note and compare DOR 56,12 value note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,173\tab [Exon 314b1] \par \tab MORIN [* OF CAEN *]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Probably Morin of Caen; see 16,173 Wilmington note and compare 51,14 note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WILMINGTON. Both Wilmington and 'Beer' (16,174) lay in Offwell parish, Colyton Hundred. The Tax Return for Colyton Hundred records Morin of Caen not paying tax on \'bd hide of land, probab ly parts of one or other of these two holdings. Wilmington does not appear in the fee lists; see, Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', p. 338.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,174\tab [Exon 314b2] \par \tab MORIN [* OF CAEN *]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 16,173 Morin note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab `BEER'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Collebere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 survived as Culbe ar meadow (1708 Parish Account Book) and as Culley Bear, a field on the 1843 tithe map. It is now represented only by Beer Copse (on the Ordnance Survey six-inch map of 1890); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 629; Lysons, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Magna Britannia}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. pp. 142, 374; Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', p. 353.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Also }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see 16,173 Wilmington note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWOLD. The corresponding entry in Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Adeluuold}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Aethelwold'; see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 188; and 16,28 Alwold note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,175\tab [Exon 314b3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab W[***]. In the manuscript a space suitable for about 5 letters is left after }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 W}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 presumably for the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 scribe to complete the name when he could discover it. There is no }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 r }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 require }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'enquire' (see 11,1 ploughs note) in the margin. Exon merely has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .W. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with no space left; the scribe may have thought he had already written the name in full earlier in the entry (details of the 1086 holder generally occur after the plough estimate in Exon); no other people whose names begin with }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 W}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hold land from Baldwin on this folio. Tenants of Baldwin elsewhere in DEV 16 whose names begin with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 W }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are William (9 times), Walter (6 times) and William son of Wimund (once). The later descent of the manor does not help in ascertaining which }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 W}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was intended. Compare 16,131 Modbert note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ENGLEBOURNE. Englebourne Abbots in Harberton parish, Coleridge Hundred, the successor to Chuillington Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 786 the heir of William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Bykebir' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Engelburne}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 it was granted to the Abbot of Buckfast in 1244. See }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 350, 394; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. pp. 368-370 and Reichel}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , \lquote Coldridge Hundred\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 211.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTMER . See 16,4 Brictmer note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,176\tab [Exon 314b4] \par \tab [WEST] PRAWLE}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . West Prawle in East Portlemouth, Coleridge Hundred, the successor to Chillington Hundred, not East Prawle in Chivelstone, as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 319. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 786, Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Praulle }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Praulle }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Okehampton; it is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 West Praull }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 349; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 332, 394; Reichel, 'Coldridge Hundred', p. 211 and 52,53 Dodbrooke note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab OSFRITH . See 16,3 Osfrith note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE, 64 ACRES. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'pasture, 63 acres'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17\tab IUDHAEL OF TOTNES. }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The Domesday forms of this name - }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Iudhel}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (regularly abbreviated to }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Iu.} {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Devon), }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Iudhail}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Iudhellus}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Iuhel}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , } {\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Iuhell}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ], }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Idhel}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 - represent an alternative form of Old Breton }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Iudicael}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Judicael}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Domesday forms }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Iudichel}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Iudikellus}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 etc.), which was the name of a Breton king and of a seventh-century saint who was son of Iudhael, king of the area of north Brittany called }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dumnon\'e9e }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (a name transferred by Cornish migrants from Dumnonia, which was a Roman and sub-Roman province occupying the area that became Devon, Cornwall and part of Somerset); see Dauzat, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dictionnaire des Noms et Pr\'e9noms de France}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , under Juhel, J\'e9z\'e9quel; St\'e9phan, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tous Les Pr\'e9noms Bretons}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , under Jezekael. Reaney, }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dictionary of British Surnames}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , under Jekyll, makes }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Iudicael }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 an Old Cornish as well as an Old Breton name; see also }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ibidem}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , under Joel; he does not connect the two names, but says that both were common in Devon and Cornwall and in those areas where the Bretons settled after the Conquest. In the Phillimore printed edition the two names are separated, as they ar e in the present edition, and, for the most part in the Alecto edition. For the initial letter of the above forms Farley printed }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 J}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for the }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 I}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the manuscript (except in GLS W2), as he did regularly. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Both in the main Exon returns}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , he is simply called Iudhael (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Juhellus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ); 'of Totnes' is omitted, as also in the Cornwall section of Exon (334b2 = CON 6,1).}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Totnes was the chief seat of his fief in Devon and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 caput }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of the later Barony. He is also styled Iudhael of Barnst aple from his holding of that Barony and as such witnessed a charter of Henry I in 1123 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ii. no. 1391). He is sometimes called Iudhael son of Alfred; see the charters on Totnes and Barnstaple in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Anglicanum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , iv. p . 630 and v. p. 198. After Baldwin the sheriff (DEV 16) he was the largest landholder in Devon; he also held a manor in Cornwall (CON 6). He was dead by 1130 (in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pipe Roll}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 31 Henry I p. 153 his son Alfred appears as paying a relief on his father's lands).}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Iudhael was expelled from Totnes in 1087 and the barony granted by King William II to Roger I }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Nonant}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 although Iudhael himself was granted the Barony of Barnstaple (lands formerly held by the Bishop of Coutances, see Sanders, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 English Baronies}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 104 and DEV 3 Bishop note) some time between 1095 and 1100. The Barony of Totnes descended in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Nonant }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 family and in 1206, during the possession of Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Nonant}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 it was divided. One part, the Honour of Totton or Totnes, was granted to William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Braose}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 then descended to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Cantelou }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Cantilupe), then to Millicent who was married first to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Montalt }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 then to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de la Zouche}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The other part, usually called the Honour of Hurberton [now Harberton, a post-1086 subdivision of Chillington 1,34; see 1,34 Chillington note and Reichel, 'Coldridge Hundred', p. 205], was retained by Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Nonant }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 then acquired by Roger of Vautortes and descended in his family. It was divided in 1305 between Peter Corbet and Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Pomeroy}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 then reunited with the Totnes portion of the Barony shortly after 1315. See Reichel in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 558-560 and Sanders, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 English Baronies}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 89-90. Many of the lands of this barony appear in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Inquisitiones Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; see especially }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 63 (of Reginald }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Valle Torta}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ii. no. 17 (of George }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Cantilupo}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ii. no. 165 (of Walter }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Bathonia}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 iv. no. 296 (of Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de la Pomeray}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and xii. no. 119 (John }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Bello Campo}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ).}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab The Exon order of this chapter (apart from the placing of the Boroughs (17,1-2) at the end) is identical to that of Great Domesday. The hundredal arrangement seems to be:}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 17,3-14 Lifton Hundred \par \tab \tab 17,15-20 [Black] Torrington Hundred \par \tab \tab 17,21 Wonford Hundred \par \tab \tab 17,22 Teignbridge Hundred \par \tab \tab 17,23-31 Kerswell Hundred \par \tab \tab 17,32-47 Diptford Hundred \par \tab \tab 17,48-58 Chillington Hundred \par \tab \tab 17,59-68 Ermington}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hundred}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 17,69-82 Walkhampton Hundred \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 17,83-107 Plympton Hundred \par \tab \tab 17,1 Borough of Totnes \par \tab \tab 17,2 Borough of Exeter \par \tab It will be noted that the great majority of Iudhael's manors lay in the southernmost hundreds of the county.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,1\tab [Exon 334a3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TOTNES. Head of the later barony. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 98 Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 filius Comitis }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds the castle and borough of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Toton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 along with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cornewrth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Cornworthy, 17,48] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lodiswill' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Loddiswell, 17,32]. The Church of St Mary at Totnes, with the Chapel of St Peter, was given by Iudhael to the Church of St Sergius and St Bacchus at Angers: }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii. p. 50 no. 735a; see Reichel, 'Domesday Churches', p. 309. For 'Little' Totnes see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 650, vi. no. 710 and xi. no. 597.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Iudhael has both the king's two-thirds of the total revenues of}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Totnes and the third penny that had belonged to Earl Leofwin; see 1,55 and 1,55 borough note.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WHICH KING EDWARD HELD IN LORDSHIP. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which King Edward held in 1066'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BURGESSES ... 15 OUTSIDE THE BOROUGH WHO WORK THE LAND. Compare SHR 3h,1 where 2 burgesses (presum ably in Shrewsbury) work on the land and pay 3s, and WOR 19,12 (the manor of Wychbold) '13 burgesses in Droitwich who reap for 2 days in August and March'. See 1,1 burgesses note on the phrase 'burgesses ... outside the borough'.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY THEY PAID. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'when I(udhael) acquired it (Totnes), they paid'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THIS BOROUGH ... PAYS 40d IN TAX. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'This town (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uilla}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 only pays tax when Exeter pays and when it was accustomed (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 solebat}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to pay tax it paid (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddebat}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , in full) 40d'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The payment is, in effect, \'bc silver mark, which corresponds to 2 \'bd hides (see C4 mark note above). In Exon the past tense is used, as if the 40d payment no longer took place.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TOTNES, BARNSTAPLE AND LYDFORD, BETWEEN THEM, THEY PAY ... . This sentence is ungrammatical. In Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Barnestablam}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Totenais }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lidefordam }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are clearly in the accusative case dependent on }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 inter}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but the meaning obvi ously cannot be that 'if an expedition travels by land or sea between Barnstaple, Totnes and Lydford, they pay ...'. The Exon scribe should have written either }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Barnestabla}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Totenais & Lideforda inter se reddunt}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ...}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 inter Barnestablam }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ... }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tantum redditur seruitii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ...}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('among/between Barnstaple, Totnes and Lydford, as much service is paid (as Exeter pays)'). The Great Domesday scribe perpetuated the confused construction of the Exon (compare 20,13 land note). In C6 Barnstaple, Lydford and Totnes are stated to provide as much service as Exeter does, but the phrasing there (and in the corresponding Exon) is ambiguous and could be taken to mean that these Boroughs (individually) paid as much as Exeter (this meaning cannot be read into the statement in 17,1). H owever, grammar aside, the truth seems to have been that when an expedition took place, Barnstaple, Totnes and Lydford collectively paid as much as Exeter, that is they provided 1 man-at-arms (see C5 service note). No payment of any sort is mentioned unde r the entry relating to Barnstaple (1,1), but Lydford in 1,2 is said to pay as much service as Barnstaple or Totnes when an expedition goes out (see 1,2 service note). It may be relevant that Totnes' tax payment of 40d recorded in the previous sentence in 17,1 is half Exeter's tax of \'bd silver mark ( that is, 6s 8d) recorded in C4.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab For Barnstaple the manuscript has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Barnestaple}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Farley misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rarnestaple} {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,2\tab [Exon 334b1; Terrae Occupatae 505b10] \par \tab WHICH BEFORE 1066 PAID. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which pays ... before 1066'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddit }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is a scribal error for the past }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddebat }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddidit}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Compare 16,36 paid note. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has 'which paid 8d ... but he has kept them back'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,3\tab [Exon 316a1] \par \tab THRUSHELTON. A parish in Lifton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 776 Guy }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Brettevil' }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Thrysselthon' }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton); see }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 757, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 320, 406 and Reichel, 'Lifton Hundred in 1243', pp. 209-10.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IT PAID TAX. The corresponding entry in Exon has '... before 1066'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'when I(udhael) acquired it'. Similarly for the past values of 17,4-15;18-20;22-50;52-53;55-57;61-68;70-90;93-103;106-107.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,4\tab [Exon 316a2] \par \tab RADDON. In Marystow parish, Lifton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 795 John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Raddune }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Raddune }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aureford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Allerford, SX4285] from the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 757; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 320, 355, 405-406 and Reichel, 'Lifton Hundred in 1243', p. 211.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE NOW 100s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Value 105s a year'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 7}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 v }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is interlined, probably the reason for the Great Domesday scribe's missing it.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,5\tab [Exon 316a3; Terrae Occupatae 496a3] \par \tab BROADWOODWIDGER. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bradewode}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Lifton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 775 Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VeteriPonte }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (whence }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bradewode Vypund}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 French }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 vieux pont }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'old bridge'; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 179) holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brawod'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , [Broadwoodwidger]}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bradelegh }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [perhaps an error for Bradaford, 17,11, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bradeford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 756], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Middelcoth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Middlecott in Virginstow, SX3893, part of Bradaford 17,11] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 La More }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Moor, 17,10] from the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton). In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 321 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brawode }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held from the Honour of Hurberton by the heirs of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wiger}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 355, 405; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 265 and Reichel, 'Lifton Hundred in 1243', pp. 207-209. According to the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (496a3) a place called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bradeoda }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (probably Broadwoodwidger) owes a customary due in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Listona }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Lif ton, 1,25). The details are neither in the main Exon nor in Domesday; see 1,25 Lifton note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CYNESTAN . This name occurs four times in Domesday Book, twice as an antecessor of Reginald of Vautortes and twice as an antecessor of Iudhael of Tot nes. In each case the two holdings are within a mile or two of each other so it is probable that each pair was held by one individual. Whether it was the same individual in both Devon and Cornwall is less certain; but it is perhaps more likely than not gi ven the rarity of the name and the fact that less than 20 miles separate the two pairs of holdings (JP).}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,6\tab [Exon 316b1] \par \tab NORTON. In Broadwoodwidger parish, Lifton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 776 Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Baucan }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Northon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 757; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 321, 405; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 45 and Reichel, 'Lifton Hundred in 1243', p. 206.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,7\tab [Exon 316b2] \par \tab DOWNICARY. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Kari}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Broadwoodwidger parish, Lifton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 794, William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pipard }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cary }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 775, 1425; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 650; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 321, 403 and Reichel, 'Lifton Hundred in 1243', p. 187.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CYNESTAN . See 17,5 Cynestan note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,8\tab [Exon 317a1] \par \tab SYDENHAM. In Marystow parish, Lifton Hundred. This 'Little' Sydenham (1 virgate) is to be distinguished from Sydenham Damerel (\'bd hide) in the same hundred (17,14). In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 776, Maurice }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Sideham}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Parva Sideham}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton) of Reginald of Vautortes; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 757, 795 (the latter referring to a part held by the prior of Plympton from William de Ca ntilupe's Totnes Honour), also }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 321, 355, 405 and Reichel, 'Lifton Hundred in 1243', pp. 204-205.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,9\tab [Exon 317a2] \par \tab ASHLEIGH. In Lifton parish, Lifton Hundred. Nicholas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Eslegh'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Eslegh'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Totnes in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 795; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 756; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 321, 405 and and Reichel, Lifton Hundred in 1243', p. 203.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,10\tab [Exon 317a3] \par \tab MOOR. In Broadwoodwidger parish, Lifton Hundred and held with it in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 76 as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 La More}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Veteri Ponte}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 17,5 Broadwoodwidger note) of the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton). It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 More Veteris Pontis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iv. no. 296, p. 201 (see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 180) and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 More Malherbe}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 405. Another part of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 More}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held from from the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 795 by the Knights Hospitallers of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bokelaunde}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Buckland in Somerset]. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 More Fyz Estevene}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 355; and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 More Malherbe}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wydyamore}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Withymore, see 17,36 Huish note] held by the prior of the Hospital of St John in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 486; see Reichel, Lifton Hundred in 1243', p. 209.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,11\tab [Exon 317b1; Terrae Occupatae 500b3] \par \tab BRADAFORD. Bradaford and Middlecott in Virginstow parish, Lifton Hundred; see 17,5 Broadwoodwidger note and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 406.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 have : 'Iudhael has a manor called Bradaford which Saewin held. Another manor called Tillislow [17,12 ] has been added to it, which Saewin also held; he could go with his land to whichever lord he would in 1066. Nigel holds it from Iudhael. Value 10s a year; value when Iudhael acquired it, as much'. Neither the main Exon nor Domesday mentions the linking of these two manors (except by }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tenant); see 16,9 Lewtrenchard note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,12\tab [Exon 317b2; Terrae Occupatae 500b3] \par \tab TILLISLOW. In Virginstow parish, Lifton Hundred. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tullesle}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bikecote}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Beckett, SX4196, part of Tillislow, but in Broadwoodwidger parish] are held of the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 795; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 755 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 320. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Toleslo}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bykcote}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are held with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Thorne}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [North Thorne and Thorndon in Broadwoodwidger parish, both at SX4095] in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 405; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 486 and Reichel, 'Lifton Hundred in 1243', p. 188. \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab For the Link with Bradaford s}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ee 17,11 Bradaford note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 \'bd PLOUGHS THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 1 plough and 3 oxen; see \{Appendix: Lordship and Villagers' Table\}.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SAEWIN ... THESE LANDS. That is 17,11-12. \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The thane who held the two said manors could go with his land to whichever lord he would in 1066'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,13\tab [Exon 317b3; Terrae Occupatae 495a5] \par \tab [MARY] TAVY. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tavi}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . Now distinguished from Peter Tavy (39,21) by the dedication of the church. It is a parish in Lifton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 776 John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Alba Mara}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds one part of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tavy}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton) and another in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 794 from from the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 756. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tavy}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is coupled with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wagheffenne}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Warne, see 17,13 land note] in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 406; see 17,14 Sydenham note and Reichel, 'Lifton Hundred in 1243', p. 197. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tavy St Mary}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xii. no. 119 (of John de Bello Campo); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 789, vi. no. 486 and viii. no. 230.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTWY [!1! SON OF CAMM !1!].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 3,32 Brictric note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TO THIS MANOR. The c orresponding entry in Exon has 'With this manor Iudhael has the land of three thanes who did not belong to the above manor before 1066. One of these lands is called Warne which Aelfric held; another is called Burntown which Alwin held, and the third is ca lled Wringworthy which Aldwulf held. These three thanes could go to whichever lord they would with this land'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Abbreviated details of the three added lands are also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but there it is the manors which are said not to have belonged to Mary Tavy before 1066; also the three thanes held them jointly.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LAND OF THREE THANES. The corresponding entry in Exon (see 17,13 manor note) and the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 name their lands as }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wagesfella}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Warne, SX5079, see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 201], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Berna}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Burntown, SX5078] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wereingeurda}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Weringheorda}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Wringworthy, SX5077].}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THEY HELD THEM AS THREE MANORS AND COULD GO ... . In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p' iii man' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was probably interlined at the same time as the rest of the entry. However, the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 7 poterant ire quo voleb'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was done later, in smaller writing and in paler ink, possibly as a result of checking over the Exon manuscript, where this information comes after a more detailed account of the added lands (see 17,13 manor note). It is interesting that in 23,6 and 34,10 similar information is interlined in paler ink (and compare 40,5 Ansger note) suggesting, together with the repeated occurrence of marginal and interlined }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 par}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iter}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ] (see 15,47 jointly note) and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 lib}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 er}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 e}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (for example, 15,79 and compare 24,28-29 and 25,20), that the Great Domesday scribe decided late on that details of how a manor was held in 1066 were important.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \'bd PLOUGH THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Nigel holds this (added land) in lordship from Iudhael and has \'bd plough there'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE OF THESE THREE LANDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Value of these three villages'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,14\tab [Exon 318a1; Terrae Occupatae 495b1] \par \tab SYDENHAM [DAMEREL]. This is the 'Geater' Sydenham (see 17,8 Sydenham note), a parish in Lifton hundred. Descent is to John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Alba Mara}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (as 17,13) who holds }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sideham}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Waghefen}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Warne; see 17,13 Tavy note] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 776 from the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 756; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 321, 406; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 230 and Reichel, 'Lifton Hundred in 1243', p. 198. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'Iudhael has ... Sydenham (Damerel) ... to it have been added 3 manors which did not belong to this manor in 1066. Three thanes held them jointly in 1066. They paid tax for 1 virgate and 2 furlongs (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ferdinis}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ).}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 4 ploughs can plough them. Value of them 20s a year'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FOUR THANES HELD IT FREELY [AND] JOINTLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which 4 thanes held jointly';}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 there is }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 no mention of 'freely'.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,15\tab [Exon 318b1] \par \tab CLAWTON. A parish in [Black] Torrington Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 775 the constituents of Reginald }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Valletorta}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 's manor of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Clauton'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held of the the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton) are given as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Kymethorne}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Kempthorne, SX3497, in Clawton parish], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Fernhille}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Fernhill, SS3203, in Pyworthy], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Blakedone}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Blagdon, SX3696, in Tetcott], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tynacre}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Tinacre, SS3600, in Clawton], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Frenecoth'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Kennicott? in Clawton, SX3598], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Winescoth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Winscott, SS3301, in Pyworthy], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Loveworth }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Leworthy, SS3201, in Clawton] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Byestedone }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Eastdown, SX3499, in Clawton]. In addition, in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 357 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Clauton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is coupled with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cratesworth}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 y}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ['Crossworthy', }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 138]. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Between them these lands above will have accounted for the bulk of Iudhael's three lordship manors (17,15-17) in this hundred and this large unit of land interspersed with the manors of no other lord may have been mistaken as a separate Hundred of 'Clawton' by the compilers of the hundred returns (see \{Introduction: Hundreds); see also }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 327, 406, 409; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 165; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 335 and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', pp. 199, 229, 230.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LESS1 FURLONG. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uno ferling minus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 interlined in pale ink, probably later.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE, 1 LEAGUE; WOODLAND, 1 LEAGUE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'pasture, 1 league in length and width'; 'woodland, 1 league in length and width'. See 1,4 leagues note on the word used in this manner.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,16\tab [Exon 318b2] \par \tab 2 PIGMEN?. The corresponding entry in Exon has}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii porc'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The usual abbreviation for }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 porcarius }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('pigman') is}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 porcar' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (but see 17,7 villagers note where }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 porc' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 must abbreviate }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 porcarium }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 because of the plural }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 habent}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ).}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Here }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 porc' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 could abbreviate }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 porcos}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 though pigs are normally listed after, not before, cattle. It is not unusual for there to be no pigs on a manor where pigmen are recorded; see 1,18 pigs note.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MEADOW, 1 LEAGUE; PASTURE, 1 LEAGUE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'meadow, 1 league in length and width; pasture, 1 league in length and width'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'when he acquired it', most probably referring to Iudhael (see 2,14 formerly note and 16,88 formerly note). Similarly for the past values of 17,17;21;51;54;58-60;69;91;104.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,17\tab [Exon 319a1-2; Terrae Occupatae 495b4] \par \tab TETCOTT. A parish in [Black] Torrington Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 794, from the Honour of Totnes, William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pipard }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tetticot' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the manor of Clawton; see the Red Book of the Exchequer (Hall, ii. p. 558); }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 358, 409; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 650, ix. no. 137, xiv. no. 151, xv. no. 807, Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 231 and 17,15 Clawton note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP 1 PLOUGH. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'in lordship ... 1 plough and 2 oxen'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TO THIS MANOR ... 10s. Abbreviated details of this added furlong ('ferling') also}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 appear in the }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WHICH ALWIN HELD FREELY [AND] JOINTLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Alwin held jointly ... which}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 did not belong to the said manor'. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 495 b 4 have: 'which a thane held jointly ... and it did}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 not belong to the said manor'. No mention is made of 'freely' in either entry.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 VILLAGERS HAVE IT THERE. That is, the plough: the corresponding entry in Exon has 'I(udhael) has 1 villager and 1 pigman (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 porc'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 they have 1 plough'. See 1,6 pigmen note and compare 1,29 villagers note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,18\tab [Exon 319a3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab AIULF. Domesday and Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aiulf}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 represent Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'c6thelwulf}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab "LIDEMORE".}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The Exon form }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Liclemora}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which is more likely to be correct than the Domesday form }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lidemore }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 16,42 "Helescane" note), suggests 'Little Moor' and it is tempting to identify this place with the 'Moor' given as a member of Clawton in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 775 (17,15 Clawton note). But all the other lands forming that complex manor in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , are parts of Iudhael's lordship manors (17,15-17) in 1086, whereas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lidemore }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held by a subtenant Aiulf. Moreover, the identity of 'Moor' is uncertain for there is also a Moortown in Tettcott (SX3396), presumably the same place, where John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 atte More } {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 lived in the parish in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Devon (1332)}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 68; see Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 230.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LAND FOR 2 PLOUGHS, WHICH ARE THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has '2 \'bd ploughs can plough this ('ferling') and these ploughs are there'. No mention is made as to whether the ploughs belonged to the lordship or to the villagers; see also 1,11 ploughs note; 35,24 ploughs note; 45,3 ploughsnote and 52,9 ploughs note. Two di fferent Exon scribes wrote these entries, so it is likely that it was simply not known who had the ploughs on these manors, rather than a particular scribe's idiosyncrasy of formula.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE NOW 20s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'he (Aiulf) pays him (Iudhael) 20s a year for it (manor)'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,19\tab [Exon 319a4] \par \tab BRADFORD. Seemingly in Pyworthy parish in [Black] Torrington Hundred, though it is little evidenced in later documents; it went to the canons of St Stephen's at Launceston; see Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 231.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab AELEVA. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday and Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aileua }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 represent Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aethelgifu}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 feminine; von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 183.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,20\tab [Exon 319b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HENFORD. In Ashwater parish, [Black] Torrington Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 794 John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Hyndeford }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hyndeford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Totnes; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 358, 409 and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 231.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BROTHIR .}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The Domesday forms of this name - }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Broder}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brodre}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brodor}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brotho}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 - represent Old Danish }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brothir}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 208. The printed Phillimore edition has the forms Broder and Brother; these have now been standardized as Brothir. The Alecto edition has Brothir. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 This is the only occurrence of this name in Domesday Devon; he is probably the same as the Brothir who held land in the adjacent Cornish Hundred of Stratton (CON 5,5,5).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The name occurs seven times in Domesday Book and was probably borne by four individuals. The hol dings in Devon and Cornwall were reasonably close to each other; this and the rarity of the name makes it more likely than not that they were held by the same individual before 1066, despite devolving upon different tenants-in-chief (JP).}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 SMALLHOLDERS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '8 smallholders'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE, \'bd LEAGUE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'pasture, \'bd league in length and in width'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,21\tab [Exon 319b2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRIDFORD. A parish in Wonford Hundred; identifiable as lying in that hundred from an analysis of the Tax Returns. It is held from the Honour of Hurberton by the heirs of Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Waletort }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 316; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 84a; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 523 and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 339.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND 1 LEAGUE LONG AND 1 FURLONG WIDE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'woodland and underwood, 1 league in length and 1 furlong in width'. See 5,8 woodland note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,22\tab [Exon 320a1] \par \tab THORGISL. The Domesday forms of this name - }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Turgis}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ), }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Turgisus}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Turgisle}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 - represent Old Norse }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Thorgils}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , Old Danish }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Thorgisl}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 393. Thorgils appears in the Phillimore printed translations, but JRM regularly preferred the Old Danish name-forms to the Old Norse ones, and as the Domesday form }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Turgisle}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 occurs several times, including here in 17,2, it has been decided to change to Thorgisl. The Alecto edition has Thorgisl. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Devon the forms are }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Turgisus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Turgis }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Torgis }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Domesday) and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Turgisus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Turgin}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ]}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Torgic}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Exon). The name-forms are Norman variants, with loss of final }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 s}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 l }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 before }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 s}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and dissimulation of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 r-l }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 r-n}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab [NORTH] BOVEY. A parish in Teignbridge Hundred and identifiable as lying in that hundred from an analysis of the Tax Returns. William }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pipard }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nortbuvy }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes in }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 795; see }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 82a,b and 90a,b; }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 389; }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 650, xi. no. 597, xv. no. 807, xvi. no. 151, Reichel, 'Teignbridge Hundred', p. 229; 3,8 Bovey note and 17,49 Charleton note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,23\tab [Exon 320a2] \par \tab COMBE [FISHACRE].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cumbe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 lay in Haytor Hundred (the successor to Kerswell Hundred), although the individual identities of the two estates (17,23-24) are not entirely clear. The first is held by Ralph of Pomeroy in 1086, the second by an undifferentiated Ralph (see 17,24 Ralph note), and one holding is certainly Combe Fishacre in Ipplepen parish, held as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cumb ' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Punchardun }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 767, 795. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Come Fishacre}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held from Millicent }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Monte Alto}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 317, 392. Reichel,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \lquote Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 370, tentatively, then firmly in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 469 no. 10 and in }{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Haytor Hundred in 1244\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 116, followed by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday Gazetteer}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , identified the second 'Combe' with Longcombe in Berry Pomeroy, but evidence is lacking. These could simply be parts of the same vi llage separately listed by Domesday, as often, since they had different }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holders.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,24\tab [Exon 320a3] \par \tab RALPH [!1! OF POMEROY !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Although one would expect the scribe to have written 'Ralph also (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 idem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds' for this entry if he intended the same Ralph as in 17,23, Ralph here is probably}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ralph of Pomeroy because of his other holding in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cumbe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (17,23) \emdash if in fact both refer to Combe Fishacre (see 17,23 Combe note). Exon very rarely uses }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 idem }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 15,21 Bretel note) and has plain }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Radulf}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 here, though the entry is among a group of holdings of Ralph of Pomeroy (= 17,23;25-28) and it is interesting that }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de pomario }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is interlined above plain } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 R}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 adulfus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the next entry (= 17,25).}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab COMBE [FISHACRE]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 17,23 Combe note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,25\tab [Exon 320b1] \par \tab RALPH [!1! OF POMEROY !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ALSO HOLDS FROM IUDHAEL. Repeated at the beginning of 17,25-28 inclusive, though without Ralph's byname (which occurs in the Exon for each entry).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LITTLEHEMPSTON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hamestone}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Haytor Hundred, the successor to Kerswell Hund red; for Broadhempston, see 15,43. In }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 795 Guy }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Brianne }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and Jacob }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Vado }{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hold in }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hemmeston' }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes; it is }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hemeston' Chatard }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 767; see }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 349, 391 and Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 369; Reichel, \lquote Haytor Hundred in 1244\rquote , p. 115.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,26\tab [Exon 320b2] \par \tab RALPH [!1! OF POMEROY !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 17,25 Ralph note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LOVENTOR. In Berry Pomeroy parish, Haytor Hundred, the successor to Kerswell Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 795 John }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Arundel' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Luvenetor' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 768) holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Luventor }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 318 and Reichel, 'Haytor Hundred in 1244', p. 121.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 CATTLE IN A PLOUGH. Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii animalia in carr'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 these are almost certainly oxen, as also in 17,28;38-39;53;77. See 1,3 cattle note and 3,37 oxen note on the phrase }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in carr}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uca}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which occurs with the cattle in all the above entries except 17,53 (see 17,53 ploughs note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,27\tab [Exon 320b3] \par \tab RALPH [!1! OF POMEROY !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 17,25 Ralph note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab [SHIPHAY]}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 COLLATON. In Cockington parish, Haytor Hundred, the successor to Kerswell Hundred. Iudhael had three manors called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Coletone }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in 1086 (17,27;31;35). The first two fall in a group of Kerswel l (Haytor) Hundred places in the order of Exon and the last in a Diptford (Stanborough) Hundred group. The first of the two Kerswell Hundred places, held by Ralph of Pomeroy, was Shiphay Collaton, purchased by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Briwere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Pomeroy family and given to Torre Abbey; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 349; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 153a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 361; Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 174, 176; Reichel in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 470 note 3; Reichel}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , \lquote Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications\rquote ,}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 370; }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Haytor Hundred in 1244\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 126 note 1, and Watkin, }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 History of Totnes}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 797.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The second }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Coletone }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Haytor Hundred (17,31) lay in Brixham parish and was held by Warin in 1086 and by Martin }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Fisacre }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton) in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 769, 776, then by Matthew son of John of the Barony of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Almeton }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Yealmpton, see 1,18) in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 317 and as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Coleton Fysacre }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Stoke in Hamme in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 391; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 280, xvi. no. 875; Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 370;}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Haytor Hundred in 1244\rquote ,}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 126.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab A third Haytor Hundred }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Coletone }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 was part of Paignton (2,18) in 1086. See 1,34 Chillington note for Collaton in Halwell parish, Chillington (later Coleridge) Hundred.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,28\tab [Exon 320b4] \par \tab RALPH [!1! OF POMEROY !1!].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 17,25 Ralph note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LUPTON. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lochetone}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for the form see } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 508. It lies in Brixham parish, Haytor Hundred, the successor to Kerswell Hundred. Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Penilles }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lughetone }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 795; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 767; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 316, 391 and Reichel, 'Haytor Hundred in 1244', p. 112.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 PLOUGHS THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 1 plough and 6 cattle (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 animalia}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in a plough; see \{Appendix: Lordship and Villagers' Table\} and 17,26 cattle note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,29\tab [Exon 321a1] \par \tab BRIXHAM. A parish in Haytor Hundred, the successor to Kerswell Hundred; its lordship is identifiable from an analysis of the Tax Return for that hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 769 Reginald }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Valletorta }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds the manor of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brixham }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton); see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 72a, 89a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 523, vi. no. 318, ix. no. 109, xi. no. 35, xii. no. 163; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 378 and Reichel, 'Haytor Hundred in 1244', p. 128. A further part of this land was at }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hoo }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Hoodown, SX8852] ; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 348 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 165.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 15 VILLAGERS AND 12 SMALLHOLDERS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '5 cottagers (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cotarios}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )' added after the villagers and smallholders and before the slaves. There seems no reason for their omission in Domesday; compare 1,4 villagers note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,30\tab [Exon 321a2] \par \tab CHURSTON [FERRERS]}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . A parish in Haytor Hundred, the successor to Kerswell Hundred, and identifiable as lying in that hundred from an analysis of the Tax Returns. William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Buzun }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Churecheton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 776 from the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton). The holder in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 348 is Hugh }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Fereris}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 767; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 391 and Reichel, 'Haytor Hundred in 1244', p. 112.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 COTTAGERS. They are listed in an unu sual place before, rather than after, the villagers and smallholders; see 15,21 cottagers note. It is possible that the Great Domesday scribe intended them to be more closely linked with the slaves and the lordship, though it is more likely that they are m erely misplaced (as the smallholders appear to be in 17,56; see 17,56 smallholder note): in Exon they occur in their usual place between the smallholders and slaves. The Exon addition of the lordship land dictates their listing in this edition at the begi nning of the villagers' paragraph.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE ... 60s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Value 40s; when I(udhael) acquired it, as much'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,31\tab [Exon 321a3] \par \tab COLETON. In Brixham parish, Haytor Hundred, the successor to Kerswell Hundred; see 17,27 Collaton note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,32\tab [Exon 321a4] \par \tab LODDISWELL. A parish in Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred. The lordship land, together with that of Thurlestone (17,33), accounts for Iudhael's hidage in the Tax Return for Diptford Hundred. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 98 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lodiswill }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with Totnes (17,1) and Cornworthy (17,48) is held by Henry }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 filius Comitis }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 formerly by Reginald }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Brause}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Eva }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Breusa }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 1371 and William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Cantilupo }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 766; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 264; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 79b, 91b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 151a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , x. nos. 240, 384, 652; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 323 and Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred', p. 194. It is possible that }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hack' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Hatch in Loddiswell, SX7146] held by John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Arundel}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 777 (Honour of Hurberton) was part of this land; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 766; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 323, 396 and Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred', p. 191.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,33\tab [Exon 321b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THURLESTONE. A parish in Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred identifiable as lying in that hundred from an analysis of the Tax Returns; see 17,32 Loddiswell note. William }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Buzun }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Thurlestane }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 777 from the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 766; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 79b, 91b; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 323; Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred', p. 187 and 17,41 Soar note. Two other holdings from the Honour of Totnes, Buckland and possibly North Upton (17,36 Huish note), lay in this parish.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab A THANE HELD ... FROM JOHN. See 3,94 Alwin note; 15,33 Edmer note, 24,24 Brictric note and 15,39 note Ordwulf note, for other examples of the Great Domesday scribe 'pruning out' details of }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 subtenancies.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,34\tab [Exon 321b2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab OSBERN. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Osbert (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Osbertus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )';}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see 24,7 Osbern note and DEV 43 Osbern note and compare DOR 44,1 Hill note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BAGTON. In West Alvington parish, Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred. It is held from the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 795 as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Baggetone }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Beaumis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 766; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 323, 396 and Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred', p. 188.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,35\tab [Exon 322a1] \par \tab COLLATON. In Malborough parish, Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred, the name being derived from the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holder, Cola. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 777 Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Praulle }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Colethon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton). It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Coleton Pral }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xii. no. 119; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 765; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 323, 396; Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred', p. 183 and 17,27 Collaton note. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,36\tab [Exon 322a2] \par \tab [SOUTH] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 HUISH. A parish in Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred; for North Huish see 17,46 and 17,46 Huish note. Both South Huish and Galmpton (17,37) have the same 1086 holder (Ralph) and the same later holders. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 795 Gilbert son of Stephen holds 1 fee from the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gaumeton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Galmpton] and 1 fee in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hiwiss }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Boclaunde }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Buckland, now in Thurlestone, SX6743]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 766; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 323, 396 and Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred', p. 186. This Buckland may have been an outlying portion of Huish in 1086 or a later sub-infeudation of Iudhael's lord ship manor of Thurlestone (17,33) or the Buckland (in Thurlestone) added to the Count of Mortain's Bolberry (15,38). Adjacent also was }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Uppetone }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held by }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ada Bernard }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and the heirs of Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Uppetone }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 795; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 323, 397. This is either North Upton in Thurlestone [SX6844] or Upton in South Milton [SX7043]; see Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred', p. 189. A further holding was at }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wydyamore }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Withymore in South Huish, SX7040], associated with Moor (17,10) and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bokland Cammel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Buckland, see above] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 486.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,37\tab [Exon 322a3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab GALMPTON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Walementone}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 304. It lies in South Huish parish, Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred; see 17,36 Huish note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MEADOW, 2 ACRES. There is no obvious reason why the Great Domesday scribe omitted this information from Exon He also omits meadow details in 32,5. 36,12 and 47,3, though there may be a reason for thei r omission in 32,5 (see 32,5 woodland note).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE NOW 50s. The corresponding entry in Exon has '30s'. \par \tab \tab In the Domesady manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xl sol' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was originally written, but the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 x }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was scratched out to make }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 l sol'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 though it is still visible. The figure was never }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xxx sol' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as in Exon.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,38\tab [Exon 322b1] \par \tab FULCO. The Domesday forms of this name - }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Fulco}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Fulcho}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 - represent Old German }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Fulco}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{ \i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Folco}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 : Forssner, }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Continental-Germanic Personal Names in England}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 98. Some of the people named Fulco in the present edition ap pear as Fulk in some of the Phillimore printed translations; these have now been standardized as Fulco. The Alecto edition has Fulk in Devon.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab [WEST] PORTLEMOUTH.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Malborough parish, Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred. East Portlemouth was in Chillington (later Coleridge) Hundred and is wrongly identified by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 328 with the Domesday place (see 52,53 Dodbrooke note). In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 777}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Guy }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Brettevill' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Porlemue }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton); see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 766; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 323, 396 and Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred', p. 191.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,39\tab [Exon 322b2] \par \tab ILTON. Likewise in Malborough parish, Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred. It is held by Gerard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Spineto }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ydelthon' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton) in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 777; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 766, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 323, 396 and Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred', p. 192.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 PLOUGH THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 6 cattle in a plough; see \{Appendix: Lordship and Villagers' Table\} and 17,26 cattle note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,40\tab [Exon 322b3] \par \tab ALSTON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alwinestone}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 named from the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holder. This is Alston in Malborough parish, Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 776, from the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton), John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Rak' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Surlegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Sorley, 17,42], }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rak' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Rake, SX7247, adjacent to Sorley] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alwyneston'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 323 this holding at Alston is described as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alwyneston' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 La Herd }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Virga }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 351, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 La Eyrd }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 396, that is Yarde in Malborough, SX7140; see Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred', p. 181.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,41\tab [Exon 322b4] \par \tab SOAR. Also known as Sewer, in Malborough parish, Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 777 Robert }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Buzun }{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sure }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton). In }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 396 }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Soure }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is coupled with }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Thorleston' }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (17,33); see }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 765; }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 323 and Reichel, \lquote Stanborough Hundred\rquote , p. 183.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 240 SHEEP AND GOATS. Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ccxl inter oues & capras}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 that is, the sheep and goats together numbered 240; see 16,58 villagers note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab NINE MANORS ... LAID WASTE BY IRISHMEN. This additional information relating to this entry is given in the right margin of the Exon manuscript, in the same colour ink as the rest of the folio and apparently by the same scribe, so it is unlikely to have been added after the Great Domesday scribe used the manuscript. Perhaps he merely missed it because it was in the margin, or perh aps he did not think the information worth recording. See 17,41 manors note on these Irishmen. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p' irlandinos }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is in slightly darker ink and clearer with the letters spaced more widely apart as if the scribe were unfamiliar with the word and it was spelt out to him.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab \tab The nine manors are 17,33-41, all in Diptford (later Stanborough) Hundred in the extreme south of the county. They were probably laid}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 waste when two of Earl Harold's sons, who had taken refuge in Ireland, staged a series of raids on the south-west in 1069 and following years; Loyn, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Norman Conquest}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 105. See }{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , \lquote Irish Invasion of Devon\rquote .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 17,42\tab [Exon 323a1] \par \tab SORLEY.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 In Churchstow parish, Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred. Descent is with Alston, another of Fulk's lands, of which Rake was probably a sub-manor (see 17,40 Alston note). It seems that this was the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Swurdleage}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 3 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 perticae }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 granted by King Edgar to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aethel}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ...}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 e minister }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in 962 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 12 no. 38 = Sawyer, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 704).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,43\tab [Exon 323a2] \par \tab POULSTON. Now in Halwell parish, Coleridge Hundred, the successor to Chuillington Hundred, but it lies a djacent to the Stanborough Hundred boundary and was counted in the latter hundred (the successor to Diptford Hundred) in the Middle Ages. The order of Exon points to the same. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 776 Alan }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bughedon' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pollekeston' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 765; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 323, 395 and Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred', p. 182.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab LAND FOR 1 PLOUGH. The corresponding entry in Exon has '1 \'bd ploughs'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,44\tab [Exon 323a3] \par \tab CURTISKNOWLE. In Diptford parish, Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 795 John }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Alba Mara }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Curtescnolle }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes; a descendant is called William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Albemarle de Northiwis }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (from North Huish 17,46) in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 323; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 766; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 395; and Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred', p. 188.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,45\tab [Exon 323b1] \par \tab BROADLEY. In North Huish parish (see 17,46 Huish note), Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 795 William and Adam }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Bradelg' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 hold in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bradelg' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 766; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 324, 395 and Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred', p. 189.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 17,46\tab [Exon 323b2] \par \tab [NORTH] }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 HUISH. A parish in Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred. While the link with Galmpton established the 'Huish' of 17,36 as South Huish, this present entry is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hiwiss' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 held by John }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Alba Mara }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 795. It is }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Northywys }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 held by another John }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Daumarle }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 395. See }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 765; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 323-324; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 230, Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred', p. 181 and 17,44 Curtisknowle note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,47\tab [Exon 323b3]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WOOLSTON. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Vlsistone }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is in lower-case letters for some reason, instead of the capitals usual for the names of manors. Compare 17,98 Fernhill note. It is in West Alvington parish, Stanborough Hundred the successor to Diptford Hundred, and is held by Richard }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Crespin }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton) in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 777 as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wolsingthon'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 766; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 323, 396; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 462; Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred', p. 188 and DEV 5 Tavistock note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 17,48\tab [Exon 323b4] \par \tab CORNWORTHY.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 A parish in Coleridge Hundred, the successor to Chillington Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 795 Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Tiddewrth' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cornnewrth' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 393 this holding seems to be represented by \'bc fee held by the Prioress of Cornworthy in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Allelegh }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Allaleigh, SX8153] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Toriysfenne }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [unidentified] and \'bd fee held in Tyddeworth[y]}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Tideford, SX8254] by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Tyddeworth}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 y}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Torrington (an error for Totton or Totnes); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 335, Reichel, 'Coldridge Hundred', pp. 195, 214 and 17,1 Cornworthy note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab HELD IT. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ten}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ' corrected to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ten'b'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see 16,151 held note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,49\tab [Exon 324a1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab CHARLETON. This large holding presumably represents Charleton parish in Coleridge Hundred, the successor to Chillington Hundred; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 319; Reichel, 'Coldridge Hundred', p. 215 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , xi. no. 597 of Margery wife of William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pippard }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 who also held North Bovey (17,22). See also }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 650, ii. nos. 165, 470, iv. no. 31, xiv. no. 151 and xv. no. 807.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 11 SLAVES. The corresponding entry in Exon has '12 slaves'. In the Domesday manuscript the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xi }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is written over an erasure, but there is not enough room for the figure to have been }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xii }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as in Exon. It is interesting that there is a correction in Exon too, a }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 v }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 having been originally written before the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xii }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 but then erased.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,50\tab [Exon 324a2]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab LEIGH. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Lege}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 now East Leigh and West Leigh in Harberton parish, Coleridge Hundred, the successor to Chillington Hundred, so }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 472 note 8. Although there is no evidence to support the exact identification, it seems more likely than Dorsley (SX7760) where there were also Totnes Honour holdings. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 795, John }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Regni de Sumerset }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds a one-sixth fee in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Thurislgh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes and in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 777,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 le Bastard }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and Durand son of Richard each hold one-sixth fee there of the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 331, 394; Reichel, 'Coldridge Hundred', pp. 195, 216 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 325. But Dorsley (which is probably part of Harberton, 1,34 Chillington note), being derived from }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Dur }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Duri }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (an Anglo- Scandinavian personal name) should have appeared in compounded form in Domesday, not simply as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Lege}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The present 'Leigh' is possibly the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Leygh Duraunt }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , vii. no. 494.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE, 10 ACRES. The second of these two identical phrases is underlined for deletion in pale ink in the manuscript, though this underlining is not reproduced in the Ordnance Survey facsimile despite its being the same colour as the occurrences of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 7}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (= }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 et}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , 'and'), which often appear in paler ink. To complete the correction the scribe should have interlined the 1 acre of woodland which is written clearly in Exon}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 17,51\tab [Exon 324b1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab POOL. South Pool parish in Coleridge Hundred, the successor to Chillington Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 795 William }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 de la Pumeray }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Pole }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 from the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes. It is }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Suthpole }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 332;see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 392; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 151a; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , iii. no. 401, xi. nos. 35, 309, xii. no. 333; Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 371; Reichel, }{ \fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \lquote Coldridge Hundred\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 pp. 195, 216.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 40 SHEEP. In the corresponding entry in Exon, the manuscript has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xl xl oues }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in error; this entry is written by 2, possibly 3, scribes and the second (or third) scribe had just taken over; otherwise the entry is neat. Compare 1,50 villagers note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,52\tab [Exon 324b2] \par \tab COMBE. Presumably Combe in South Pool parish (17,51), Coleridge Hundred, the successor to Chillington Hundred; see Reichel, 'Coldridge Hundred', p. 195.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab ALRIC. Domesday and Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Alrist }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which is a scribal error; see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 151. See \{Introduction: Exon Extra Information and Discrepancies\} for other examples of scribal errors in both Domesday and Exon, suggesting direct copying of the one from the other.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 PLOUGHS ... THERE, IN LORDSHIP, AND \'bd HIDE.}{\b\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 In the corresponding entry in Exon the phrasing and order are unusual: 'W(illiam) has this \'bd hide and 6 villagers and 4 smallholders and 1 slave and 2 ploughs in lordship'. The phrase '2 ploughs in lordship' was originally omitted and then added out of place.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 17,53\tab [Exon 324b3] \par \tab [SOUTH]}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ALLINGTON. In Chivelstone parish, Coleridge Hundred, the successor to Chillington Hundred. There has been some confusion with East Allington (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 313) which was in Diptford Hundred, the precursor of Stanborough Hundred in 1086 and sometimes later; see 30,3 Allington note and \{Introduction: Hundreds\}. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 777 Gilbert }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Crespin }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (who also holds Stancombe (17,54), likewise held by Thorgils in 1086) has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aylington' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton). It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Alyngton Crispyn }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , xii. no. 119. Also in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 777, Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Crespin }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de la Pomeray }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 hold in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Burgh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Borough in Chivelstone, SX7937]. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 331 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Stancumb' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Stancombe, 17,54], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Alinton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Burge }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 are held together by John of Cirencester; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 393-394 and Reichel, 'Coldridge Hundred', p. 217.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 PLOUGHS ... THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 2 ploughs and, probably, 2 cattle; see \{Appendix: Lordship and Villagers' Table\}. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ii animl' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 are given between the villagers' ploughs and the list of population, not in the usual place for livestock which is between the population and the resources (where the '50 sheep' appear). Before }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 animl' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 there is an erased }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 c }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (perhaps for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 carr' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'plough'). As there are several occurrences of cattle in p loughs (see 1,3 cattle note and 17,26 cattle note), it would seem likely that the Great Domesday scribe just omitted the odd animals, as often happened (see 3,44 plough note), rather than that he did not believe the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 animalia}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 were oxen.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,54\tab [Exon 325a1] \par \tab STANCOMBE. In Sherford parish, Coleridge Hundred, the successor to Chillington Hundred. Gilbert }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Crespin }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Stonecumb' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 777 from the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 331, 393 and Reichel, 'Coldridge Hundred', p. 195.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,55\tab [Exon 325a2]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab MALSTON. Also in Sherford parish, Coleridge Hundred, the successor to Chillington Hundred. Aubrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Pynu }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Mallestone }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 795; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 332, 393; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , xvi. no. 875 and Reichel, 'Coldridge Hundred', p. 217.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,56\tab [Exon 325b1] \par \tab FORD. In Chivelstone parish, Coleridge Hundred, the successor to Chillington Hundred; see Reichel, 'Coldridge Hundred', p. 217 and 17,57 Chivelstone note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 SMALLHOLDER. Listed in an unusual position before, rather than after, the villagers, as also in 21,9. 36,7. 42,16. 52,3 and 52,38. It almost seems from the Latin that the smallholder here is linked with the lordship plough (the necessary addition of the lordship land from Exon somewhat obscures this), but it is possible that the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ii uill'i }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 should have been written }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ii uill'is }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ( that is, 'In lordship 1 plough, with 1 smallholder and 2 villagers with 2 ploughs') which is more normal. In Exon the smallholder appears after the villager, the lordship and villagers' ploughs (and land) being detailed in the previous sentence as usual. See 1,3 smallholders note on the smallholder.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,57\tab [Exon 325b2] \par \tab CHIVELSTONE. A parish in Coleridge Hundred, the successor to Chillington Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 795 William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Bykelg' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cheveleston' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Chevylston }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Forde }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Ford, 17,56] are coupled in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 349, 392; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 486 and Reichel, 'Coldridge Hundred', p. 217.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 SMALLHOLDERS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '5 smallholders'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 17,58\tab [Exon 325b3] \par \tab CLERICS OF ST MARY'S [* OF TOTNES *]. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'I(udhael) gave this (manor) to St Mary's for the queen's soul'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab FOLLATON. In Totnes parish, Coleridge Hundred, the successor to Chillington Hundred. It was bestowed by Iudhael on the Priory Church of St Mary of Totnes, a cell of the church of Saints Sergius and Bacchus at Angers; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 367; Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 238; Reichel, 'Domesday Churches', p. 285; Reichel, 'Coldridge Hundred', p. 218 and 17,1 Totnes note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VILLAGER [WITH] \'bd}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VIRGATE. The manuscript for for corresponding entry in Exon reads }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 uill' dim' uirg'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 it is not possible to tell whether the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 uill' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 abbreviates the singular }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 uillanus }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (in which case only the villager would have the \'bd virgate) or the plural }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 uillani }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which would mean that the slave might be included with the villager. See 3,57 villager note; 16,145villager note; 16,146 villager note; 19,9 smallholder note and 35,5 villager note and compare 3,79 plough note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,59\tab [Exon 326a1] \par \tab WORTHELE. In Ermington parish, Ermington Hundred. This and the next manor, Leigh (17,60), both held by Iudhael in lordship in 1086, can be identified from the 1 hide of lordship given for Iudhael in the Tax Return for "Alleriga"}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Ermington) Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 776, Herbert son of Matthew and Hugh }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Foresta }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 hold }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Worthyel }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 770; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 153; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 280, xvi. no. 875, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 398 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 317.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,60\tab [Exon 326a2] \par \tab LEIGH. In Modbury parish, Ermington Hundred. It can be identified by an analysis of the Tax Return for "Alleriga"}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Ermington) Hundred; see 17,59 Worthele note. Guy }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Brettevil'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (for whom see 17,3) holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Legh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 776 from the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton); see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 770. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Legh'Brytevyll}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Feudal Aids, i. p. 398; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 280 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 318.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,61\tab [Exon 326b1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab BUTTERFORD. In North Huish parish, Stanborough Hundred the successor to Diptford Hundred, but in the Middle Ages it was counted as part of Ermington Hundred, where it lies in Exon order. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 776, William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de la Pomeray }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (who later holds part of South Allington (17,53) which was also held by Thorgils in 1086) holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Buterford'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 769; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 351, 397; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , xii. no. 333 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 308.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 PLOUGHS THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 1 \'bd ploughs and 6 oxen; see \{Appendix: Lordship and Villagers' Table\}.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 17,62\tab [Exon 326b2] \par \tab BUTTERFORD. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 See 17,61 Butterford note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,63\tab [Exon 326b3] \par \tab STADBURY. In Aveton Giffard parish, Ermington Hundred. Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Stodbiri }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Stodbir' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 795 from the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 771; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 352, 400; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 740, vi. no. 486, viii. no. 230 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 325.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,64\tab [Exon 327a1] \par \tab RINGMORE. A parish in Ermington Hundred. It is held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 795 as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Redmore }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes by Gilbert son of Stephen (on whom see 17,36 note); see also }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 770; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 486 and 17,65 Okenbury note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,65\tab [Exon 327a2] \par \tab OKENBURY. In Ringmore parish, Ermington Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 397 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ridmore}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Ringmore, 17,64], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Woke nobeare}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Okenbury], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Merewild }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Marwell in Ringmore, SX6547] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Fuggeslangeston }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Langston or South Langston in Kingston, SX6448; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 279] are held from the Honour of Totnes. They are }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wokkenebiri}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Langeston }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Marlewille }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 486.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 17,66\tab [Exon 327a3] \par \tab BLACHFORD. In Cornwood parish, Ermington Hundred. In }{\i\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\insrsid8681605 , p. 795, Richard }{\i\insrsid8681605 Bauceyn }{\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\insrsid8681605 Uvereblachesuurthe }{\insrsid8681605 ('Over' Blachford) from the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes; see }{\i\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\insrsid8681605 , p. 771; }{\i\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 353, 399; }{\i\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 486; Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 325 and 29,5 Blachford note.}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 PLOUGHS ... THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 2 ploughs and 6 oxen; see \{Appendix: Lordship and Villagers' Table\}.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,67\tab [Exon 327b1] \par \tab LAMBSIDE. In Holbeton parish, Ermington Hundred. It is held as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Lamsede }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Alnetheston' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Alston, SX5848] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 795 by Gilbert }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Crespin }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 770; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 352, 398; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 153 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 315.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab MEADOW, 3 ACRES. The corresponding entry in Exon has '2 acres'. \par \tab \tab In the Domesday manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ii ac' p'ti }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 was originally written, but a final }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 was added in slightly paler ink which is smaller and does not reach down as far as the other }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ii}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 As Exon has '2 acres' with no sign of correction, this may suggest that the Great Domesday manuscript was corrected from other sources as well as against Exon.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 17,68\tab [Exon 327b2] \par \tab MEMBLAND. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 In Holbeton parish, Ermington Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 795, Walter }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Mimilaunde }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Mimilaunde }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes. The next }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , entry, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calsintone }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Caulston, SX5647] held by the heirs of Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 le Deneys}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is probably part of this land; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 770; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 352, 399 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', pp. 315-16.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 SMALLHOLDERS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '4 smallholders'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,69\tab [Exon 327b3] \par \tab EGGBUCKLAND. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bocheland}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the name of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holder Heca being prefixed. It is a parish in Roborough (Walkhampton) Hundred and can be identified by an analysis of the Tax Return for Walkhampton Hundred. Like Compton Gifford (17,78) and Hooe (17,106) it passed as a result of purchase by William }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Briwere }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 to the Honour of Plympton. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 789 the heir of Isabella }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Giffard }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds 2 fees in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Eckebocland'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Compton' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ho'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 401; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 92a; Maxwell Lyte, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Honour of Dunster} {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 56; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 354, 403; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 112, ii. nos. 306, 593; v. no. 527, vii. no. 347 and Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', pp. 123-24. \par \tab \tab It is possible that Leigham, associated in later lists with Manadon, was part of this land (17,75 Manadon note).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab TAX FOR 1 HIDE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'tax for 1 \'bd hides'; the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 7 dim' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 begins a new line in the Exon manuscript, probably the reason for its omiss ion in Domesday (see also 3,86 ploughs note and 34,25 tax note and compare DOR 1,13 value note and 55,35 tax note).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,70\tab [Exon 328a1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab MUTLEY. Now in Plymouth, Roborough (Walkhampton) Hundred; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 235.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 VILLAGERS HAVE IT THERE. The plough, as Exon states in the corresponding entry: 'O(do) has 2 villagers who have 1 plough'. See 1,29 villagers note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 17,71\tab [Exon 328a2] \par \tab MUTLEY. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 See 17,70 Mutley note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VIRGATE. Farley printed a capital }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 V }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Virg'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 but in the manuscript the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 v }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is not large but the normal size used when the scribe writes }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 v'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VILLAGER ... \'bd PLOUGH. In the corresponding entry in Exon no villagers' plough is mentioned. It seems likely that the Great Domesday scribe miscopied the lordship \'bd plough as the villagers' one. A similar thing occurs in 48,1 and in Domesday Somerset; see SOM 5,7 plough note; SOM 21,57 plough note and SOM 21,59 plough note. Compare 3,70 lordship note and 16,30 villagers note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,72\tab [Exon 328a3] \par \tab ODO ALSO HOLDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Odo holds' with no }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 idem }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for any of the entries 17,72-77, so not necessarily the same man as the Odo of 17,71 (which is what Domesday implies). See 15,21 Bretel note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab "LEURICESTONE".}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Formally, neither Leigham in Eggbuckl and .(Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 372 and Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', pp. 125-126, see 17,75 Manadon note) nor Laira (}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Whale and Reichel, \lquote Analysis of Exon. Domesday \rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 426 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday Gazetteer}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ) can be derived from the Domesday form; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 20, 228. The place certainly lay in Roborough (Walkhampton) Hundred according to the order of Exon, but the matter needs further research.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,73\tab [Exon 328a4]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab ODO ALSO HOLDS. The Scribe has omitted }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Ju. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'from Iu(dhael)' in error; it is in Exon as usual in the corresponding entry: 'from I(udhael)'; compare 15,22 holds note. }{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab WESTON [PEVERELL].}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 A parish in Roborough (Walkhampton) Hundred, now absorbed by Plymouth, the name being represented by the separate Weston Mill (SX4557) and Peverell (SX4756). In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 776 Hugh }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Peverel }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Weston' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 341, 403 and Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', p. 126.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP 2 PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '2 \'bd ploughs'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,74\tab [Exon 328b1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab ODO ALSO HOLDS. In the corresponding entry in Exon Odo is said to hold the manor 'from I(udhael)'; compare 15,22 holds note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab BURRINGTON. Burrington and Burraton (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 246) in Weston Peverel parish, Roborough (Walkhampton) Hundred. It does not appear in the fee lists; see Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', p. 126.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab HELD IT. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ten'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 corrected to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ten'b'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see 16,151 held note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,75\tab [Exon 328b2] \par \tab MANADON. Similarly in Weston Peverell parish, Roborough (Walkhampton) Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 776, William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Buzun }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Legham }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Leigham in Eggbuckland, SX5158, see 17,69Eggbuckland note; 17,72 "Leuricestone" note] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Manedone }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 404 and Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', p. 125. Leigham (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Legham Bozon }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 403) later forms a part of the Honour of Trematon.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,76\tab [Exon 328b3]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WHITLEIGH. In St Budeaux parish, Roborough (Walkhampton) Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 776, Peter }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Alnedeston' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (from Alston; see 17,67 Lambside note) holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Whytelegh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton). It appears as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Thorn }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [unidentified] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wytele }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 354 and as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Thorne }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Estwytelegh }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (though held from the Honour of Trematon) in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 404; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 341, Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', p. 126 and 28,15 Stoke note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,77\tab [Exon 329a1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab COLERIDGE. In Eggbuckland parish, Roborough (Walkhampton) Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 776, Augustine }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Courig }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Courig }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 341, 354, 403 and Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', p. 127.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 ANIMAL IN A PLOUGH. Here the Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 animal }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 must be an ox; compare '1 ox in a plough' in 17,98. See 1,3 cattle note and 2,22 animal note, also 17,26 cattle note.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab UNDERWOOD. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'woodland (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 nemor'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WASTE. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 uastata est}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 erat uastata}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see C3 destroyed note and compare 3,35 waste note and 16,124 waste note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 17,78\tab [Exon 329a2] \par \tab COMPTON [GIFFORD]}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . Compton or Compton Gifford (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 227), a parish in Roborough (Walkhampton) Hundred; see Reichel, 'South Molto n and Roborough Hundreds', pp. 123-24 and 17,69 Eggbuckland note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE ... 30s. So the manuscript; Farley misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xiii solid'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,79\tab [Exon 329b3]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab MEAVY. A parish in Roborough (Walkhampton) Hundred. It is difficult to relate these four Domesday holdings (17,79-82) exactly to later evidence. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 776 records four holdings: (1) }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Mewy}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , \'bd fee held by Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Mewy}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 402. (2) }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Godemewy }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Goodameavy, SX5364], \'bd fee held by Walter }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pomeray }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which must have descended from Thorgils (see 17,53 Allington note; 16,61 Butterford note); it is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Godmeuwaie Pomeray }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , xii. no. 119; see xii. no. 333 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 354, 403. (3) A fortieth fee held by Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Mewy}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 called }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hughemewy }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Hoo Meavy, SX5365] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 354, 404 where it is held by Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Giffard}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (4) }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Gropeton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Gratton, SX5267] also held by Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Mewy}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 then by John de }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Asshlegh }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 355, 404; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 153. All these are held from the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton). From the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes is held }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hugemewy }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Hoo Meavy, see above] by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Giffard }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Mewy }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 795.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab A portion of Goodameavy is called }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cadeworth}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Cadover SX5564] and is held by the prior of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 341, 403. A further land appears to be }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Brittenesworth}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 y}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Brisworthy, SX5565] held by Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Mewy }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Honour of Hurberton) in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 355, 403; see Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', pp. 127-129.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Part of Meavy (see also 29,9) appears to have been the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Maewi }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 granted as \'bd }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 mansa }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 by King Cnut to }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aetheric minister }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in 1031 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 58 p. 14 = Kemble, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Codex Diplomaticus}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 744 = Sawyer, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 963).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab UNDERWOOD, \'bd ACRE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'underwood, \'bd league'. Compare 1,38 woodland note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 17,80\tab [Exon 329b1] \par \tab MEAVY. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 See 17,79 Meavy note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 17,81\tab [Exon 329b2] \par \tab MEAVY. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 See 17,79 Meavy note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE, \'bd LEAGUE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'pasture, \'bd league in length and width'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 17,82\tab [Exon 329b3] \par \tab MEAVY. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 See 17,79 Meavy note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,83\tab [Exon 329b4]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab SHERFORD. East Sherford and West Sherford in Brixton parish, Plympton Hundred. Parts of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Shireford' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Sireford' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 are held both from the Canitlupe Honour of Totnes and the Honour of Hurberton by the prior of Plympton in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 776, 794; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 401 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 289.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab MOOR. Domesday and Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 mora}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Sherford is about 3 miles south of the present edge of Dartmoor, so the 'moor' here may have been a detached part of the manor. The only other reference to moorland in Devon is in 1,41.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,84\tab [Exon 330a1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WILLIAM ALSO HOLDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'William holds' with no }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 idem }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for any of the entries}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,84-89, so not necessarily the same man as the William of 17,83 (which is implied in Great Domesday). Similarly for 34,36-37. See 15,21 Bretel note.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In the Domesday manuscript after this statement is erased }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ten'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 though still visible. Farley did not indicate the gap thus caused, but see 1,60 ploughs note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab CHITTLEBURN. In Brixton parish, Plympton Hundred. Like Sherford (17,83), it is in later times held in two parts: }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Chychebergh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 held by Richard }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Cynnock' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton) and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Chicheburgh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 held by John }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Regni }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 335, 354, 401 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 290.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab It is odd that no population was recorded for this manor, although most of the manorial details are given, including resources. It was similarly omitted for 19,22. 23,25. 34,37;54. 35,23. 42,19 and 47,2. It is possible that Chittleburn was worked by some of the villagers from nearby manors, such as Sherford or Wollaton or Brixton (17,83;85-87); compare 19,22 population note; 23,25 population note; 34,37 Creedy note and 42,19 population note. In elev e n other entries (for example, 14,3-4. 17,18) no population is recorded but neither are any resources, though the plough estimates and sometimes the actual ploughs on the land are nonetheless given. See 3,10 slaves note on the occurrence of only slaves in some thirty manors, and compare 3,11 villagers note. There seems to be no obvious reason for the omission of the villagers from these manors.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,85\tab [Exon 330a2] \par \tab WOLLATON. In Brixton parish, Plympton Hundred. It is coupled with Brixton in later documents; see 17,86 Brixton note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 4 VILLAGERS. In the corresponding entry in Exon in the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 iiii uill' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 was originally written, but the last }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 has been erased, making '3 villagers'; the erasure may have been done later, after the manuscript had been used at Winchester, or the Great Domesday scribe may not have realised that this last }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 was erased (compare 23,15 pigs note).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE, 2 FURLONGS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'pasture, 2 furlongs in length and width'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,86\tab [Exon 330a3]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab BRIXTON. A parish in Plympton Hundred. A second place with the same modern name, Brixton Barton in Shaugh parish (17,91) is found in this Hundred, but the names have a different origin. The first, Domesday }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Brisestone}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is perhaps from the Celtic personal name }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Brioc }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 249), the second, Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Brictricestone}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is from the Old English personal name }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Beorhtric }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 258). These difference s in spelling are preserved in medieval documents, the two present holdings (17,86-87) being represented (1) by }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Brighton' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 794 by John }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Regni }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes, and (2) by }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Brigston' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 776 by Gilbert }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Anglicus }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton).}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The first, later known as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Brixton Regny}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 passes to Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Blakeford}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 being coupled with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Gorlowfenne }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Gorlofen, SX5652] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 334 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wolvyngton }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Wollaton 17,85; for the form see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 251] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 402; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 353. The second (17,87) is held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 334 by Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 le Engleys}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 353, 401 and, on both the holdings, Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', pp. 291-92.} {\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 17,87\tab [Exon 330b1] \par \tab BRIXTON. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 See 17,86 Brixton note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 17,88\tab [Exon 330b2] \par \tab DOWN [THOMAS].}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 In Wembury parish, Plympton Hundred. Thomas }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Joelis }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Dune }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 776 of the Honour of Totton (Hurberton); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 3 35, 401 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 292.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab AELFRIC. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aluric}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Alebric'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , here and in 17,89. It would appear from this equation (and see also CON 5,3,6 Aelfric note) that Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aelfric }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (see 3,35 Aelfric note) has been Latinized }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Albericus }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (usually Old German }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Alberic}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Old French }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aubri}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 whence English }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aubrey}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 compare Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 169-70); see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 180; Forssner, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Continental-Germanic Personal Names in England}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 19, under }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Albericus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 It is interesting that Domesday SOM 1,27 has }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aluric paruus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 whereas in the corresponding Exon 113a2 the scribe originally wrote }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Albric' paruus}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 but corrected the first name to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aluuric'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 It is quite likely that the various people called Aelfric and Aubrey who in 1066 held manors in the large group of Plympton Hundred places (17,83-107) were one and the same man. The 1066 tenant of 17,84, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Alric}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 may also be the same person; see 1,11 Alric note. For example, in 17,83-85;87 'Aubrey', 'Alric' and 'Aelfric' held in 1066 manors very close together which all passed in 1086 to a certain William.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,89\tab [Exon 330b3] \par \tab STADDISCOMBE. In Plymstock parish, Plympton Hundred. It is held by Guy }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 le Breth' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Stottecumb' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 776 from the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 335, 353, 401 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 292.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab AELFRIC. See 17,88 Aelfric note.}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 PLOUGH THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has \'bd plough; see \{Appendix: Lordship and Villagers' Table\}.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,90\tab [Exon 331a1] \par \tab STADDON. In Plymstock parish, Plympton Hundred. It is later divided between the Honour of Totnes and Hurberton, one-third of a fee being held of the latter and one-sixth of a fee of the former by Guy }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 le Bret }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Waleford }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Waleford }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ['Walford', 17,93] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Stoddune }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 776, 794; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 335, 401 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 292.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,91\tab [Exon 331a2]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab BRIXTON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Brictricestone}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 now Brixton Barton in Shaugh parish, Plympton Hundred; see 17,86 Brixton note. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Brigtrichest' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 held by Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Brigtricheston' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 794 of the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 335, 402; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 486 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 294.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,92\tab [Exon 331a3; Terrae Occupatae 505b3]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab RALPH ALSO HOLDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Ralph', with no }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 idem }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 so he is not necessarily the same as}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the Ralph of 17,91 (which Domesday implies). Similarly for 17,103-104. See 15,21 Bretel note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 'BACCAMOOR'. In Plympton St Mary parish, Plympton Hundred, an unfruitful and depopulated place, represented on Ordnance Survey six-inch maps by Baccamoor Waste. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 794 Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Stadbir' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Backemore }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hunelaunde }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Holland, 17,94] from the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 334, 402; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , vi no. 486 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 294.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab HELOISE. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Elous}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ealous}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 not explained by von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 247. In this form and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Alous }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 25,7 (Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aloiss}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 -us }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 probably represents an integral part of the name, not a Latin }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 -us }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 inflexion. The Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aloiss }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 indicates that the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 -ous }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 form also represents }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 -ouis }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 -oiis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for which we should seek personal names in the Old French (derived from Old German) feminine theme }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 -wis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 o}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 u}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for w (von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , \'a755 p. 76) and elision (or mere scribal omission?) of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 This might offer an alternative model to Old English }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 -gyth }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for Middle English feminine personal names ending in -}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 usa}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 -use }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (compare Reaney, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Dictionary of British Surnames}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , under }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aldous}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ).}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Elous }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 might well represent Old French }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Heloise}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Old German }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Helewis }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Forssner, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Continental-Germanic Personal Names in England}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 145), }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Heilwid}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 F\'f6rstemann,}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Personennamen}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , p. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 729). Compare }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Helewis}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in NFK 10,81. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Alous }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in 25,7 (Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aloiss}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 represents Middle English }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Halewise}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Old French }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Alweis }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Forssner, }{ \i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Continental-Germanic Personal Names in England}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 24), Old German }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Adalwid}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 F\'f6rstemann,}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Personennamen}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 180). The Exon spelling }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Eal- }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 may be an attempt to reflect some persistence of the diphthong of Old German }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Heil-}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or an anticipation of the diphthong in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 -ewis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or a spelling analogous with personal name forms in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 El-}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Eal- }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Eald- }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , \'a7 102.2(c) and p. 240) (JMcND).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 4 VILLAGERS ... 1 PLOUGH. The corresponding entry in Exon has '2 ploughs'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab ANOTHER [ESTATE CALLED] 'BACCAMOOR' HAS BEEN ADDED. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'To this manor has been added}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 another (manor) called 'Baccamoor' '. Similarly in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . This is another holding in 'Baccamoor', rather than another village called 'Baccamoor'; see 14,2 Anstey note . }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Alia }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 has a similar meaning in 17,105 and also elsewhere in Domesday (for example, with Seaborough in SOM 3,1; Franche and Ribbesford in WOR 1,2). Compare 1,23 Dinnaton note on }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 altera Dunitone}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab SIRIC HELD IT. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday and main Exon entry have }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Seric}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 );}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Siric}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ]; these}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 represent Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Sigeric}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry also has 'which Siric held jointly'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab THESE TWO LANDS TOGETHER. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'These 2 manors'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE 20s. The value of the added manor is given as 10s in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab In Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valent}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 plural, means the value of both the manors of 'Baccamoor'. Compare 17,105.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,93\tab [Exon 331b1] \par \tab 'WALFORD'. A lost place in Plympton St Mary parish, Plympton Hundred; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 254. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Waleford }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 776, 794 held with Staddon (17,90 Staddon note). Reichel identified it wrongly with Collaford, see editor's note in Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 286.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,94\tab [Exon 331b2] \par \tab HOLLAND. In Plympton St Mary parish, Plympton Hundred. In later documents it is coupled with 'Baccamoor' (17,92 'Baccamoor' note).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab AUBREY AND ALGAR. In the corresponding entry in Exon they are named and described as two thanes.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,95\tab [Exon 331b3]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab LANGDON. In Wembury parish, Plympton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 794 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Langedune }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 held by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pipard }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 335, 401; the Red Book of the Exchequer (Hall, ii. p. 558) and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 650, iii. no. 598, iv. no. 31, xi. no. 597, xiv. no. 151, xv. no. 807.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 17,96\tab [Exon 332a1] \par \tab LANGDON. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 See 17,95 Langdon note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,97\tab [Exon 332a2] \par \tab COLDSTONE. In Shaugh parish, Plympton Hundred; it is not found in later fee lists.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 17,98\tab [Exon 332a3] \par \tab THORGISL }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ALSO HOLDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Thorgils holds' with no }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 idem }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for any of the entries 17,98-101, so not necessarily the same man as the Thorgils of 17,97 (which Domesday implies). See 15,21 Bretel note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab FERNHILL. In the manuscript only the last two }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 E}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 s of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Fernehelle }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 are in capitals, the rest being in lower-case for some reason (compare 17,47 Woolston note); Farley misprinted two capital }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 L}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 s}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as well. It is in Shaugh parish, Plympton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 775 it is held of the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton) as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Fernhille }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 by Nicholas }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Fernhille}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 401; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , xii. no. 333 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 296.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VILLAGER ... PLOUGH. In the corresponding entry in Exon the villager's land holding is given in the usual place after the lordship land, but the plough detail is given after the villager.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 17,99\tab [Exon 332b1] \par \tab PETHILL. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 In Shaugh parish, Plympton Hundred; it does not appear in later lists of fees.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 17,100\tab [Exon 332b2] \par \tab SHAUGH [PRIOR].}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 A parish, sometimes simply Shaugh, in Plympton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 776, the prior of Plympton holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Saghe }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Totnes}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Hurberton); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 153; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 333, 400; Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 296; and 21,20 Buckland note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 17,101\tab [Exon 332b3] \par \tab SHAUGH [PRIOR]}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . See 17,100 Shaugh note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,102\tab [Exon 333a1] \par \tab RALPH ALSO HOLDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has plain 'Ralph'; see 17,92 Ralph note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab TORRIDGE. In Plympton St Mary parish, Plympton Hundred; see 15,50 Torridge note. This, the smaller of the two holdings, is 'Little' Torridge. It is held as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Parva Thorz }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Lughetorr' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Loughtor, 17,103] by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Le Abbe }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 794; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 333, 402 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 294.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,103\tab [Exon 333a2] \par \tab LOUGHTOR. In Plympton St Mary parish, Plympton Hundred, like the preceding entry, and held with it in later times (see 17,102 Torridge note).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,104\tab [Exon 333a3] \par \tab ELFORDLEIGH. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Lege}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 In Plympton Hundred, but the identity is not firmly established, although, since 17,102-3;5 are all in Plympton St Mary parish, Elfordleigh in the same parish is not unlikely; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 253. Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', pp. 265, 294, suggests Higher Leigh and Lower Leigh in Shaugh parish.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 17,105\tab [Exon 333b1; Terrae Occupatae 505b6] \par \tab RALPH [* OF POMEROY *]. See 17,105 Woodford note.}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODFORD. In Plympton St Mary parish, Plympton Hundred. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 794, Muriel }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Bolley }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wodeford }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Cantilupe Honour of Totnes; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 333, 400; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , vii. no. 708, viii. no. 230. The 1086 holder Ralph appears to be Ralph of Pomeroy, since Matilda }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Pomeray }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 before 1155 gave one third of Woodford to Plympton Priory; see Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 295.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab ANOTHER WOODFORD }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 HAS BEEN ADDED. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Another (manor) has been added called Woodford'. Similarly in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Thus the meaning is a}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 nother holding in Woodford; see 17,92 another note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE OF THESE TWO LANDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'manors'; the value of the added manor is given as 20s in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,106\tab [Exon 334a1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab HOOE. In Plymstock parish, Plympton Hundred. Like Compton Gifford and Eggbuckland (17,78;69) with which it is associated in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 789, it passed to the Honour of Plympton. The holding seems to have encompassed both }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Westhoe }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 335, 401) and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Estho }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 353); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 354; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , vii. no. 297 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 285.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab LAND FOR 2 PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '2 \'bd ploughs'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,107\tab [Exon 334a2] \par \tab HALWELL. In Brixton parish, Plympton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 776, from the Honour of Totnes (Hurberton), William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Haleghewelle }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Haleghewell'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 334, 401 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 293.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 18\tab WILLIAM OF MOHUN.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Moion}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Moione}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Although he came from}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Moyon in the d\'e9partement of Manche, France, he is rendered W illiam of Mohun in this series in deference to the more popular thirteenth century spelling of the English form of his surname. He was sheriff of Somerset from }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 1068 and he 'farmed' various royal manors there (see SOM 1,14 William note). Dunster in Somerset was the seat of his barony and his lands later formed the Honour of Dunster.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 18,1\tab [Exon 356a1] \par \tab CLAYHANGER. In Bampton Hundred; see }{\i\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 533. It does not appear in later fee lists. William appears to have held a part of Bampton (23,5 William note) unlawfully with this land.}{ \insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Value when W(illiam) acquired it'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 19\tab WILLIAM THE GOAT.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Chieure}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cheure}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 capra }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (not }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Chieure}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Chievre}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as Tengvik, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 360 states), Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 capra}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 :}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Old French }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 chievre }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Modern French }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ch\'e8vre}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from Latin }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 capra }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'a she-goat'. This is William's only holding in chief in Domesday. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Chievre}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is the origin of the English surname Cheever, which is used in the Phillimore printed edition as the surname for this man.}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Although neither Domesday nor Exon states in so many words that William's brother was Ralph of Pomeroy (DEV 34), the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (at 496b2) records that William the goat and his brother added William's manor in Instapl e (= Domesday 19,3) to the manor of Bradworthy (= 34,6, held by Ralph of Pomeroy); see19,3 Instaple note. Moreover, the Tax Return for Fremington Hundred states that Ralph of Pomeroy has \'bd hide lordship and his brother William has \'bd hide: these can be iden tified as 34,8 and, probably, 19,5-6. Moreover, their lands are held in virtually the same hundreds (see below and DEV 34 Ralph note) and follow the same hundredal order. Many villages were divided between the two men, such as West Putford (19,4 and 34,7) , Awliscombe}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (19,25-26;32 and 34,23;26), Weston (19,27 and 34,24), Rapshays (19,34 and 34,32) and Ivedon (19,42-43 and 34,45;47) and, according to Exon, Yowlestone was held jointly by William the goat and Ralph of Pomeroy (see 19,33 Yowlestone note). Even t he services of one villager were divided between the two men; see 19,43 villager note. Likewise, the lands of both men had previously been held by a number of the same tenants: for example, Alward son of Toki who appears only as a }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tenant in DEV 19 a nd DEV 34 (see 19,16 Alward note). Another example is Viking: most of the occurrences of this name, which is unusual in Domesday, are in Devon and again only in the fiefs of William and Ralph. A further example is Saemer, who had held the manor of Ivedon w hich was in 1086 divided between the two men (19,43 and 34,45). Yet another example is Aelmer, three of whose manors passed to Ralph's and William's sister Beatrix (19,40;46 and 34,43); see also the division of Ivedon and Weston between Warin and Rozelin (19,42 and 34,24 notes).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Other }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tenants of lands that passed to both William and Ralph include Brictmer, Edric, Edmer, Godric, Ulf, Alric, Wulfnoth, Aelfric, Edwin and Burgred, but theirs are common names and may not apply to the same man every time . However, one must not assume that because Domesday records a William holding in 1086 from Ralph or a Ralph holding from William, that the brother is meant, because, for example, Exon identifies Domesday's plain William (the subtenant of 34,27-28) as 'of Poitou', and in 19,43 the subtenant Ralph is called 'son of Payne' in Exon.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab It is possible that the fiefs of the brothers had been returned together (and then divided into two by the compilers of Exon); compare the fiefs of Walter of Claville and Gotshel m (also apparently brothers), DEV 24-25, which still form one section in Exon as they probably had done in the 'original returns'. \par \tab \tab William's estates fell to the Crown in the reign of Henry I and were granted by Henry to his own illegitimate son, William I }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Tracey}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 forming (with DEV 31 lands) the Honour of Braneys or Bradninch (from Bradninch, 19,31); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 560-63; Sanders, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 English Baronies}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 20. Most of these lands are found later in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Inquisitiones Post Mortem }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Bradninch or of the Earls of Cornwall; see, for example, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 604, xv. no. 166.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab The order of this chapter, with the exception of Exeter (19,1, placed by Exon as the final entry), is the same in both Exon and Great Dome sday. It should be noted that the Exon manuscript is misfoliated between the entries relating to Domesday 19,8 and 19,27 (see 19,8 meadow note; 19,20 lordship note and 19,27 holds note) and this disguises the correspondence between Exon and Domesday. The hundredal order, which seems to show a number of dislocations or later entries (see 19,21 entry note), is:}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 19,2-4 [Black] Torrington Hundred \par \tab \tab 19,5-6 Fremington Hundred \par \tab \tab 19,7-10 Exminster Hundred \par \tab \tab 19,11-14 Braunton Hundred \par \tab \tab 19,15-18 Shirwell Hundred \par \tab \tab 19,19 South Molton Hundred \par \tab \tab 19,20 'Cliston' Hundred \par \tab \tab 19,21-24 Silverton Hundred \par \tab \tab 19,25-27 Hemyock Hundred \par \tab \tab 19,28-30 Wonford Hundred \par \tab \tab 19,31 Silverton Hundred \par \tab \tab 19,32 Hemyock Hundred \par \tab \tab 19,33-34 Budleigh Hundred \par \tab \tab 19,35 Witheridege Hundred \par \tab \tab 19,36 Hemyock Hundred \par \tab \tab 19,37 Witheridge Hundred \par \tab \tab 19,38 Wonford Hundred \par \tab \tab 19,39-40 Witheridge Hundred \par \tab \tab 19,41 ?Teignbridge Hundred \par \tab \tab 19,42-43 Tiverton Hundred \par \tab \tab 19,44-45 Axminster Hundred \par \tab \tab 19,46 Colyton Hundred \par \tab \tab 19,1 Borough of Exeter}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,1\tab [Exon 406a1; Terrae Occupatae 505b9] \par \tab 2 HOUSES WHICH PAID 16d. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry has '2 houses ... paid 16d ... which W(illiam) has kept back since he has had the houses' (505 b 9).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,2\tab [Exon 399a1] \par \tab VIRWORTHY. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Fereurde}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 It is Virworthy in Pancraswee k parish, [Black] Torrington Hundred, like 24,32 (see 24,32 Virworthy note). William's three holdings in this hundred (19,2-4) seem to be represented in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 792 by }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Alfardesworth' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Alfardisworthy in Bradworthy, SS2911, close to Virworthy], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Sessecoth' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Sessacott, SS3516 in West Putford, 19,4], }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Scotteworth' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ['Scotworthy' in West Putford, 19,4, represented by John }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Scotteworth' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Devon (1332)}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 70] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hethestapele }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Instaple, 19,3], all held by Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Tyrel }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Bradninch; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 356, 409 and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 235.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when W(illiam) acquired it'. Similarly for the past value of 19,3-6; 10;25-26;28;33-34;41;44.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,3\tab [Exon 399a2; Terrae Occupatae 496b2] \par \tab INSTAPLE. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'William the goat has a manor called Instaple which he and his brother added to the manor called Bradworthy. A thane held it jointly in 1066. It did not belong to the said manor namely Bradworthy. Value 5s a year; when they acquired it, 7[s] '. His brother was Ralph of Pomeroy (see DEV 34 Ralph note) and Bradworthy was his manor (34,6); see 19,33 Yowlestone note for another manor held by both William and Ralph. See 16, 9 Lewtrenchard note for another instance of neither the main Exon nor Domesday recording the addition of one manor to another and compare 16,79 Ringcombe note. \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Instaple lay in Bradworthy parish, [Black] Torrington Hundred; see 19,2 Virworthy note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 19,4\tab [Exon 399a3] \par \tab [WEST] }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 PUTFORD. In the manuscript and Farley }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 POTEFORDE}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the Ordnance Survey facsimile the first }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 E }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 resembles an }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 S }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 because of the rubrication; see 1,63 Tawton note. It is a parish in [Black] Torrington Hundred, probably represented by Sessacot t and 'Scotworthy' in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; see 19,2 Virworthy note. William's brother Ralph holds another part, 34,7.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry has at 496 b 4: 'William the goat has a manor called (West) Putford, to which \'bd virgate of land has been added, whic h a thane held jointly in 1066. It did not belong to the said manor. Ansketel holds it from W(illiam). Value 3s 9d a year; value when W(illiam) acquired it, 10s'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab TWO THANES HELD IT JOINTLY. It is interesting that for the corresponding entry in Exon the manuscript has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 parit}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 er}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 interlined, probably by the same scribe as the rest of the entry. The thanes are named as Godric and Rewruin and each had \'bd virgate. For Rewruin (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rewruin'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 348.}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In the Domesday manuscript there is an erasure of about 5 letters between }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 taini}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 teneb'}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Farley did not indicate the gap caused, the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 teneb' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 being printed next to the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 taini }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with the result that there is a sizeable gap left after }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 teneb'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which is not ther e at all in the manuscript. See 1,60 ploughs note on Farley's varied treatment of manuscript erasures.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,5\tab [Exon 399a4]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab HUNTSHAW. A parish in Fremington Hundred: this entry must account for part of William's lordship total in the Tax Return for Fremington Hundred; see 19,6 Eastleigh note. In a series of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Welyngton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 family (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 177, ix. nos. 103, 218, xv. nos. 154, 866, 875), Huntshaw is held of the Honour of Bradninch, or of the Duc hy of Cornwall (which included Bradninch Honour); in the feudal lists, however, it appears to be held of the Honour of Okehampton (see 16,42 "Helescane" note), and to lie either in Shebbear Hundred (the successor to Merton Hundred) or in Fremington Hundre d. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 785, in a Shebbear Hundred group, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hunshaue }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is held by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 le Cornu }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Okehampton; Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cornu }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 412 in Shebbear Hundred; John }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Wylyngton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 358 (in Shebbear Hundred) and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 375 (in Fremington Hundred); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , (old series) iv. no. 63 (= }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Whale, 'Fees of Earl Hugh de Courtenay'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 330) and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 515.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWARD [* SON OF TOKI *]. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Probably Alward son of Toki; see 19,35 William note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,6\tab [Exon 399b1; Terrae Occupatae 506a8] \par \tab EASTLEIGH. In Westleigh parish, Fremington Hundred. William's \'bd virgate lordship here combines with his 1 virgate in Huntshaw (19,5) to form most of the \'bd hide of lordship land recorded for him in the Tax Return for Fremington Hundred; see also 19,6 tax note. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 792, Geoffrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Legh' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Estlegh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Bradninch; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 371, 412; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , xvi. no. 106 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 516.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWARD [* SON OF TOKI *]. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 See 19,5 Alward note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab TAX FOR \'bd HIDE. After the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the manuscript a }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .i.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is erased and its final dot made into a comma-type omission mark immediately below the interlined }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 dimid'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 both of which are in paler ink. Farley did not show the omission mark nor the gap caused by the erasure (see 1,60 ploughs note).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \'bd VIRGATE ... CONCEALED. The existence of the \'bd virgate was not revealed to the authorities. Compare the previously concealed virgate in Bulkworthy which is only recorded in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (see15,14 Bulkworthy note). See also DOR 27,10 and DOR 55,16 Puddle note where tax has been concealed on land with the result that the king had no tax from it; also BUC 18,3.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab TO THIS MANOR ... THE KING HAS NO TAX FROM IT. In the corresponding entry in Exon, this is interlined in the manuscript by a different scribe to the rest of the entry, possibly later. This information also appears in the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . \par \tab \tab The Tax Return for Fremington Hundred states that the king had (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 habuit}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 no tax from \'bd virgate that Ansketel holds from William the goat. The main Exon entry and the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry also have }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 habuit }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in full in this phrase, so it is quite possible that }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 hab' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 here abbreviates the past }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 habuit }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 rather than the present }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 habet }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and that the scribe only wrote }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 hab' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (which usually = }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 habet}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 because of lack of space on the line. Moreover, once the \'bd virgate had been 'discovered' by the Domesday Commissioners, the reason for the king's not having the tax (implied by the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ita quod }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 construction) would disappear.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,7\tab [Exon 399b2] \par \tab SHILLINGFORD. A parish in Exminster Hundred; this and the following two entries (for Exminster and Matford, 19,8-9) probably account for the lordship of 1 hide, 3 virgates and 1 furlong (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 fertinum}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 allowed William in the Tax Return for Exminster Hundred. The estate was later known as North Shillingford or Shillingford Abbot, being held by the Abbey of Torre, granted to it by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Briwere }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and purchased by him from William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Tracey}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 William the goat's successor; see Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pp. 169, 173; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 153a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 361; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 710, x. no. 390; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 503; Reichel, 'Exminster Hundred Manors', p. 229 and 49,1 Shillingford note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'when he acquired it', probably referring to William the goat (see 2,14 before note and 16,88 before note). Similarly for the past values of 19,8-9;11-15;17; 19-24,29-31;37-40;42;45-46.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,8\tab [Exon 399b3] \par \tab EXMINSTER. A parish in Exminster Hundred; see 19,7 Shillingford note. The holding was actually at }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Tuz Seinzton' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Higher Towsington and Lower Towsington, SX9387], held of Bradninch Honour in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 792 by Lucas }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Tuz Seinz }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and Lucas }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Barevil'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 506 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 346, 389.} {\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab VIKING . The name Viking occurs on eighteen holdings in Domesday Book, probably representing five or six ind ividuals. Eleven of these holdings are concentrated in south-east Devon, creating an initial presumption that they had been held by one individual. Although they devolved upon two tenants-in-chief, their holdings are cheek-by-jowl, each having properties in vills adjacent to the other throughout their fiefs. It is probable that all had been held by one individual in 1066 (JP). \par \tab \tab On the division between the two tenants-in-chief, see DEV 19 William note.}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab MEADOW, 6 ACRES. In the corresponding entry in Exon th e meadow details occur as the last words on folio 399b. The entry continues on folio 401a with the same scribe and in the same colour ink. The present foliation of the Exon manuscript is incorrect here: the folio numbered 400 should have been numbered 402 and folios 401-402 should have been numbered 400-401. Charles Lyttelton (Dean of Exeter 1748-1762) who had worked on the foliation of the Exon manuscript, writing on the manuscript itself the order of many of the pages, gave the correct order of these fol i os: for example, he wrote in the bottom margin of 399b 'go on to Page 497', this being the old numbering for the folio now numbered 401a, and in the top margin of 401a he wrote 'This follows 2nd side of Page 495' ( that is, of 399b). For some reason Barne s did not follow his advice (which he seems to have done elsewhere), and so misfoliated these pages. See 19,20 lordship note and 19,27 holds note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,9\tab [Exon 401a1] \par \tab MATFORD. In Exminster parish and Hundred; see 19,7 Shillingford note. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Matteford' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 held of the Honour of Bradninch in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 793; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 346, 389 and Reichel, 'Exminster Hundred Manors', p. 230.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab VIKING . See 19,8 Viking note.}{ \insrsid7095979 \par }{\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 SMALLHOLDER [WITH] \'bd FURLONG. The corresponding entry in Exon has }{\i\cf1\insrsid8681605 uill' dim' ferd'}{\cf1\insrsid8681605 . it is not possible to tell whether }{\i\cf1\insrsid8681605 uill' }{\cf1\insrsid8681605 should be extended to }{\i\cf1\insrsid8681605 uillanus}{\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\cf1\insrsid8681605 referring only to the smallholder (see 3,63 smallholders note), or to }{\i\cf1\insrsid8681605 uillani }{\cf1\insrsid8681605 in which case the slave may also have had a share in the land (see 1,3 slaves note on the slave ). See 3,57 villager note; 16,145 villager note; 16,146 villager note and 17,58 villager note and compare 3,79 plough note; 5,9 villager note; 16,6 slaves note; 28,16 slaves note and 35,5 villager note.}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,10\tab [Exon 401a2] \par \tab HACCOMBE. Now the parish of Hacco mbe with Combeinteignhead in a detached portion of Wonford Hundred. The order of Exon strongly points to a place lying in Exminster Hundred like the preceding entries. The next hundred group is then begun (19,11) with William's lordship manor of Woolacomb e. The land probably lay at }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Nithereton' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Netherton, SX8971], held by John }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 le Barun }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (on whom see 19,41 Buckland note) and Walter }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 le Tut }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Bradninch in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 792. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Nitherton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Nytherecote }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [an unidentified 'Nethercote'] in Exminster Hundred in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 346; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 388 and Reichel, 'Exminster Hundred Manors', p. 231. Netherton is now in Haccombe parish in the same detachment of Womford Hundred.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 SALT-HOUSE; 1 FISHERY. No doubt on the estuary of the River Teign.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,11\tab [Exon 401a3]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WOOLACOMBE. In Mortehoe parish, Braunton Hundred, although Woolacombe}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 itself was a tithing of Shirwell Hundred in the Middle Ages. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 792 Oliver }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Tracy }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wollecumb' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Bradninch; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 336, 416 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 486.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE ... \'a313. In the manuscript the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xiii lib' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 was originally }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 iii lib'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 It is interesting that in Exon the scribe seems to have written }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xiii}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 then erased the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 x}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 only to add another }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 x }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in front of it close up against the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ann' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (the result being }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ualet p' ann'x iii lib'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ):}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the Great Domesday scribe no doubt only saw the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 iii }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 at first glance because of the gap before it and the unusual closeness of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 x }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 to}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p' ann'}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 19,12\tab [Exon 401a4] \par \tab [NORTH] }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 BUCKLAND. There are two adjacent entries called }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bocheland}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (19,12-13). The first lies in Georgeham parish, the second in Braunton parish, both in Braunton Hundred. They are close together and may originally have been parts of the same 'Bookland'. The larger (19,12), 1 hide, is the \'bc fee (formerly a \'bd fee) held by the heirs of Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Bray }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bockland' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Bradninch in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 792; this is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bokelond Deneham }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 415; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 360; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 604 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 43. The smaller (19,13), 1 virgate, is presumably the 1 fee (\'bc fee in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i.) of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 792 held by Geoffrey }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Challo }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Incledene }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Incledon in Braunton, SS4738; see 3,43 Winsham note] and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bocland'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 later 'Little' Buckland in Braunton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 604, vi. no. 506, xiv. no. 325; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 359, 464; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 32 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 446-47.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 19,13\tab [Exon 401b1] \par \tab BUCKLAND. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 See 19,12, Buckland note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,14\tab [Exon 401b2]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab ASH. Apparently in Braunton parish, Braunton Hundred, later }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Asshroges }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Asshe Rogus }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 32). In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 792 Baldwin }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 le Flemeng }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Esse}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hakeston' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Haxton, 2,9] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Duntingthon' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Benton 2,10] of the Honour of Bradninch; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 437, 439 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 447-48.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWARD [* SON OF TOKI *]. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Probably Alward son of Toki; see 19,35 William note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,15\tab [Exon 401b3] \par \tab COUNTISBURY. A parish in Shirwell Hundred. It was granted with Lynton (19,16) }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .1200 to the Abbot of Ford by Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Tracy}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; see}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 299, Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 347 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 486-87. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cuntesbyr' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is held by the abbot in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 79a, 94b.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,16\tab [Exon 402a1; Terrae Occupatae 498b8] \par \tab LYNTON. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'William has a manor called Lynton which Alward son of Toki (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tochesone}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 held in 1066. To this manor has been added another called Ilkerton [19,17] which Algar held. W(illiam) holds these as one manor'. Ilkerton is described as an added manor in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , held by a thane (unnamed) jointly in 1066.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Lynton is a parish in Shirwell Hundred and Ilkerton (19,17) lies within it. Lynton itself was given with Countisbury (19,15, see 19,15 Countisbury note) to Ford Ab bey, but other portions of the Domesday holdings are accounted for in the fee lists: in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 792 three men (one of them Mauger }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Speranger}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 named from North Sparhanger and South Sparhanger, SS7146, and another }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Marioth' de Radespree}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 named from Radsbury, SS7145) hold }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hilcrinton' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Ilkerton] from the Honour of Bradninch. It is East Ilkerton and West Ilkerton in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 417. Other subdivisions are }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Welanger }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Woolhanger, SS6945] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Furshille }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Furzehill, SS7244]. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 337 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Welhanger }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is coupled with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Thorneworth' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Thornworthy, SS7145] and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 417 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Forshull }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is coupled with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Stock }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [South Stock, SS7145 and Stock Castle, SS7146]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 361; Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 487 and 20,2 Furze note.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab ILKERTON. Ilkerton is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Crintone }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Domesday, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Incrintona }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Exon; the latter is the more correct form, which in its turn may represent a Norman French modification of a hypothetical form }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ilcrintona}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The Great Domesday scribe obviously thought that the Exon scribe had mistakenly made one word out of two (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in crintona}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and so omitted the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as it was not needed in this phrase. For the descent, see 19,15 Lynton note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWARD [!1! SON OF TOKI !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The forms of this byname are }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Tochisone }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Domesday 19,35, and in Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tocheson}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 e}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ?)}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 here and for 19,19;39, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 toquisone }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for 19,35 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tochesona }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for 34,14 and, in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 filius Tochi }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for 19,35. See Tengvik, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 164, under }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Tokes sune}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and p. 200, under }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 filius Tochi}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Alward is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ailuuard}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the Exon for this entry and for 19,19; the name probably represents }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aethelweard }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (see 3,45 Alward note and compare 1,41 Alward note). Many, if not all, of the references to plain 'Alward' in DEV 19 and DEV 34 are probably to the son of Toki; see 19,35 William note and DEV 19 William note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE 2 FURLONGS LONG. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'pasture, 2 leagues in length ...'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY 35s; VALUE NOW \'a37. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Value of Lynton \'a34 a year and of Ilkerton \'a3 3; when he acquired them, the value of Lynton was 20s and of Ilkerton 15s'. These values of Ilkerton are also given in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,17\tab [Exon 402a2; Terrae Occupatae 499a1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab LYN. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry has at 499 a 1: 'William the goat has a manor called Lyn. A manor called 'Badgworthy' [19,17] has been added to it, which a thane held jointly in 1066. Fulcwy holds it from W(illiam). Value 10s a year; when he acquired it, it was waste (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 deuastata erat}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )'.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Lyn lay in Lynton parish, Shirwell Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 791 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Lyn }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is held of the Honour of Bradninch; it is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Estlyn }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Westlyn}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 coupled with }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Sperhangre }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Sparhanger, see 19,16 Lynton note], in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 417; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 361; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 79a and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 488.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 PIGMEN; THEY PAY. See 1,67 pigmen note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 19,18\tab [Exon 402b1] \par \tab FULCWALD. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Fulcwy' (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Fulcoidus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Fulcoius } {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 : Old German }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Fulcwig }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with loss of finals [von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , \'a7 133]; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 oi }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 wi }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , \'a755] and substitution of final }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 -g > -c > -t > -d }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , \'a7 133]). Fulcwald and Fulcwy may be related (kin-linked in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Fulc-w}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (JMcND).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 'BADGWORTHY'. In Brendon parish, Shirwell Hundred. The change of name (Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bicheordin}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bygworthy }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (1379), } {\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Baggeworth }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (twelfth century)) makes the identification less than secure; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 59. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 792 Hamelin }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Deudone }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bykeworth' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 La Fenne }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [unidentified] from the Honour of Bradninch; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 396; Maxwell Lyte, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Honour of Dunster}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 57; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 306, v. no. 527, vii. no. 297; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 337, 361, 417; Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 489 and 19,19 Radworthy note. The last settlement here, Badgworthy Cottage, is now abandoned; see 34,14 Combe note on 'Lank Combe'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab ADDED TO THE ABOVE MANOR OF LYN. See 19,17 Lyn note.}{ \insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab BEFORE 1066. Omitted from the corresponding entry in Exon but the past }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 reddidit }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is used. See 2,24 before 1066 note and 5,6 before 1066 note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IT WAS WASTE. Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 erat uastata}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see C3 destroyed note and compare 3,35 waste note; 20,2 waste note; 21,5 waste note and 36,17 waste note. 'Badgworthy' is on the edge of Exmoor, so there is no implication that it had been 'laid waste'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,19\tab [Exon 402b2]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab RADWORTHY. North Radworthy and South Radworthy in North Molton parish, later in South Molton Hundred; to be distinguished from 'Radworthy' in Challacombe (21,1 'Radworthy' note). In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 792, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Radeworth' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is held from the Honour of Bradninch by Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Rem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; Maurice }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Rotomago }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 396 from William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Briwere}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the same list of Fees, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Radewurh }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is connected with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bykewurth }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 La Fenne }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (see 19,18 'Badgeworthy' note). This Radworthy does not appear in subsequent feudal lists, but the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 792 entry cannot be 'Radworthy' in Challacombe in Shirwell Hundred (despite }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 60), since it is an isolated entry there between places in Haytor (earlier Kerswell) Hundred and Exminster Hundred, Shirwell Hundred places having been entered earlier; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 604 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Suthradeworth}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 v. no. 527 and }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote North Molton and Molland Hundreds\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 525.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,20\tab [Exon 402b3]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WHIMPLE. A parish in 'Cliston' Hundred. The Honour of Bradninch holding was at }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cobbewimple }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 792, now Cobden in Whimple (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 579), }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cobbeton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 332; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 367, 433 and Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', p. 379.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP. Exon folio 402b ends with the words 'R(alph) has in lordship 3', and the entry continues with the same scribe and in the same colour ink with the words 'virgates and 1 \'bd ploughs' on folio 400a. See 19,8 meadow note on the misfoliation here.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 VILLAGERS WITH 1 PLOUGH. The corresponding entry in Exon has '1 \'bd ploughs'. After the number of villagers is added '3 smallholders'. There is no reason for the omission in Domesday of the smallholders here or in 48,12. }{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 19,21\tab [Exon 400a1] \par \tab THIS ENTRY BEGINS a list of places whose basic sequence is: S}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ilverton Hundred (19,21-24), Hemyock Hundred (19,25-27), Wonford Hundred (19,28-30), Budleigh Hundred (19,33-34), Witheridge Hundred (19,35;37;39-40), Teignbridge Hundred (19,41), Tiverton Hundre d (19,42-43). This agrees well enough with the normal sequence within a fief (\{Introduction: Hundreds\}). It is complicated, however, by a number of late entries for hundreds previously entered: 19,31-32;36;38.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab PIRZWELL. In Kentisbeare parish, Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 792 Thomas }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Orweye }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pisewill' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Bradninch, and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 321 he holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Orweye }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Orway, see 38,2 Orway note] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Piseweyll}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 424 and Rei chel, 'Hairidge Hundred', p. 240.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 8 VILLAGERS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '7 villagers'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,22\tab [Exon 400a2] \par \tab HAIMO ALSO HOLDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Hamo holds', with no }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 idem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 so not necessarily the same man as the Hamo of 19,21. S ee 15,21 Bretel note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab "}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 HEWISE".}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The holding, apparently in Hayridge Hundred (the successor to Silverton Hundred) from the order of Exon, has not been identified. It can scarcely be Orway's Hayes (Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 361; Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', p. 240) or Hays Park (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday Gazetteer}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ), since }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hewise }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'Huish' (from Old English }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 hiwisc }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'household, hide') will not yield 'Hayes' (which is from Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 gehaeg }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 hege}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 meaning 'enclosure'). Orway and Pirzwell are both held later of the Honour of Bradninch (19,21 note); if Orway is not part of Pirzwell, it might be that Orway at a later stage came to stand for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hewise}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 but firm evidence is lacking.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab VIKING . See 19,8 Viking note.}{ \insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab ON THE LACK OF POPULATIO N see 17,84 Chittleburn note. It is possible that this manor was worked by some of the villagers in the nearby holding at Orway (38,2).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 19,23\tab [Exon 400a3] \par \tab MANFRED . The Domesday forms of this name - }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Mainfrid}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 ],}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Meinfrid}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 ] - represent Old German }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Manfred}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 : Forssner, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Continental-Germanic Personal Names in England}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , pp. 185-86. The printed Phillimore edition has the forms Manfred and Manfrid; these have now been standardized as Manfred. The Alecto edition has Mainfrid and Manfred. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 This is the o nly occurrence of this name in Domesday Devon.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Manfred is a rare name, occurring on only seven holdings in Domesday Book, four of them in the south-west. The very modest holding of the tenant of Colebrook, however, was probably too distant from those of William of Mohun's tenant some 30 miles away to have belonged to the same man (JP).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab COLEBROOK. In Cullompton parish, Hayridge Hundred (the successor to Silverton Hundred). It was given to Ford Abbey by Henry de }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Tracy}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; see Oliver, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 347; Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', p. 241 and DEV 5 Tavistock note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,24\tab [Exon 400a4] \par \tab CADELEIGH. A parish in Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred.. It is perhaps the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Parva Kidel }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 held by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Briwere }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 398, coupled with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Furesden }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Fursdon, SS9204 in Cadbury], called }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Little Cadelegh }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 604, but it does not otherwise appear in the fee lists; see Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', p. 241 and 51,5 Cadeleigh note.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWARD [* SON OF TOKI *]. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Probably Alward son of Toki; see 19,35 William note. For 19,25 the Domesday form is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ailuuard }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and the Exon is }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ailuard}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aethelweard}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see 3,45 Alward note and 1,41 Alward note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 COB. In the printed edition of Exon Ellis omitted the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 before }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 runcin' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in error.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 19,25\tab [Exon 400b1] \par \tab RALPH [* OF POMEROY *]. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Probably William's brother, Ralph of Pomeroy, who holds another part of Awliscombe himself in 34,23: in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 791-92 Roger }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Giffard }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds both parts.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab AWLISCOMBE. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aulescome}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 similarly for 19,26 and 25,14. In Hemyock Hundred. Other 1086 forms, to be added to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 608, are }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Orescome }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (19,36. 34,23;26), }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Holescome }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (19,43), }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Holescumbe }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (34,45) and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Horescome }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (19,32). Th ere were six holdings here in 1086 (19,25-26;32. 25,14. 34,23;26) and a number of lands added to Awliscombe (19,36;43. 34,45); the later position is also complex, with a number of lands called 'Awliscombe' in 1086 being represented by more particular name s in the locality. The present holding appears, like 19,9 and 19,33 (also held by a Ralph in 1086), to have passed to the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Spek }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Tremenet }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 families. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 792, Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Giffard' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aulescumb' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Bradninch; in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 338 Matthew }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Gyffard }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds from the heirs of Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Tremenet } {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and they from William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Spek}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; a later holder is Reginald }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Ashborn}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 :}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 367, 430. See }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 398 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aulescumbe Tremettes}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 527, ix. no. 288 and Reichel, 'Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds', p. 44.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWARD [* SON OF TOKI *]. See 19,16 Alward note.}{ \insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,26\tab [Exon 400b2]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab AWLISCOMBE. A parish in Hemyock Hundred; see 19,25 Awliscombe note. This second Awliscombe, held by Hamo in 1086, together with the third Awliscombe (of 19,32), are probably accounted for by (1) }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Godeford' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Godford, ST1302 in Awliscombe] held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 792 of the Honour of Bradninch by Reginald }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Albo Monasterio }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as one-eighth of a fee, later by Richard, then by Reginald }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Clifford }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 338, 367, 430 and Reichel, 'Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds', p. 44); and (2) another part of Awliscombe (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ouliscomb}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 held by the abbot of Dunkeswell of the Honour of Bradninch as \'bc fee (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 367, 430). That Reginald}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Clifford }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 also holds Combeinteignhead (19,28) held in 1086 by William, suggests that 19,32, the smaller Domesday holding, is Godford and this is borne out by the comparative size of the fees.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab VIKING . See 19,8 Viking note.}{ \insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,27\tab [Exon 400b3]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab LEVEL WITH THE FIRST LINE of this entry in the left margin of the manuscript is written }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 O}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 probably a checking mark similar to the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 O}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 -signs beside other occurrences of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Otri }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (see 10,1 margin note). The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 O-}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 sign appears to have been written first and then the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 X }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 added with a thinner, scratchier pen. Although there is no other mark exactly like this one in Devon, two other entries for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Otri }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 have both an }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 O }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and a }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 X }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 sign (see 19,43 level note and 23,18 level note) and compare 19,42 le vel note. Farley printed this mark, the one at 19,42 and part of the one at 19,43, although with the exception of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 O }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 at 19,34 he has not printed these checking marks. See the end of 10,1 margin note for the treatment of these marks in this edition.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WARIN HOLDS ... FROM WILLIAM. Exon folio 400b ends with these words and the entry continues with the same scribe and in the same colour ink on folio 403a, See 19,8 meadow note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab WESTON. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Otri}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 now Waringstone or Weston in Awliscombe parish, Hemyock Hu ndred, named from the 1086 holder; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 609. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 792 the heirs of Geoffrey son of William hold in } {\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Otery}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 this same place appearing as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Weringeston }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 338, 430; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 604, vii. no. 141 and viii. no. 238. A sub-infeudation is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 La Hokederis }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hokerigg }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Hookedrise in Dunkeswell, ST1207]. On Weston see Reichel, 'Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds', pp. 42, 44 and 34,24 Weston note. Weston went to Dunkeswell Abbey; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 152a and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 304.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE 12s. Written in paler ink completely in the central margin between the two columns; the 'gallows' sign is not as Farley printed it. In Exon it is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 x }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ii }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 interlined, but otherwise a clear, neat entry.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE WHEN W[ILLIAM] ACQUIRED IT. Or perhaps the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 W.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the corresponding entry in Exon}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 abbreviates }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Warinus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see 2,14 formerly note and 16,88 formerly note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,28\tab [Exon 403a1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab THE INNER EDGES OF THE EXON FOLIOS (403a-405b) corresponding to Domesday 19,28-48 appear to have had water spilt down most of their length or to have got very damp at some stage: they are faint and blurred, as are letters/words which are erased with water. Gall has been ap plied in many places; no one knows exactly when, but perhaps by Dean Lyttelton (see 19,8 meadow note). }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday Geography of South-West England}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 396 note 7 errs in attributing this damage to ink blots. This faintness and blurring occurs in the same place on each folio, from the eighth line on 403a. Gall is applied at the beginning of the second and fourth lines of 403a2, every line end of 403b2-4, from the eighth line (inner edges) on 404a,b, from the eleventh line on 405a and the ninth on 405b. Most of what Ellis printed can still be deciphered, but attention is drawn to these cases in the notes below. According to Ker}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Medieval Manuscripts in British Libraries}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. pp. 803, 805, folios 403-406 [406 has only 6 lines on it and so is not affected by the wat er, the damage beginning below it] formed a 'quire', which came at the end of one of the two volumes the manuscript was in before it was rebound in 1816. (There are worm-holes on these sheets, a couple of them reaching as far into the volume as folio 403, and the pinmark for the original binding is visible, clearly different from the worm-holes because of the pale greenish tinge round it from the metal pin used and the signs that the parchment was punctured.) This may be the reason for the damage.}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The fol ios preceding 403-406 in the old binding (415-418 new foliation = Domesday DEV 21) also show signs of dampness on their inner edges and the writing is faint (especially on 416a where the ink is now very pale), but almost every word can be deciphered (and w here one cannot be, it is obvious what it was); Ellis printed them all correctly with the exception of the pasture acres and present value in 416b3 (= 21,13; see 21,13 woodland note; 21,13 pasture note; 21,13 value note). The indentation of the pinmark ca n also be seen on these folios, gradually getting fainter.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab COMBEINTEIGNHEAD. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cumbe}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Now the parish of Haccombe with Combeinteignhead (from 'Ten Hides') in the detached part of Wonford Hundred lying south of the Teign estuary. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 316 Reginald }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Clyfford }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (on whom see 19,26 Awliscombe note) holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Comb in Tynhyde }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Earl of Cornwall; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids} {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 387 and }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Wonford Hundred Manors\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 341.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Combeinteignhead together with Rocombe (19,29), Tedburn St Mary (19,30) and Whipton (19,38), with a total lordship of 1 \'bd hides, 2 \'bd virgates and \'bd furlong ('ferling') represent William's lordship land of 1 \'bd hides 2 \'bd furlongs recorded in the Tax Return for Wonford Hundred.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab VILLAGER ... 1 PLOUGH. The corresponding entry in Exon has '2 ploughs'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,29\tab [Exon 403a2] \par \tab ROCOMBE. In Stokeinteignhead parish, in the detached part of Wonford Hundred (19). It can be identified from an analysis of the Tax Return for Wonford Hundred; see 19,28 Combeinteignhead note. Although the hol ding does not appear in later fee lists, whereas }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Haurig }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Horridge, SX7674 in that part of Ilsington parish that lay in Wonford Hundred], held of the Honour of Bradninch in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 792 (see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 316, 346, 387), does so and lacks a Do mesday counterpart, there is no other reason to connect the two; see Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 376 and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 341.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP ... \'bd [FURLONG?]. In the Exon manuscript, the beginning of the second and fourth lines of 403a2 are mostly illegible due to the water damage (see 19,28 folios note), but all can be read except for some such words as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ea die q' rex } {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 on line 2 and, probably, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ferl' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ('furlong') on line 4 here (which would then add up with the 1 \'bd virgates and 1 \'bd 'ferlings' to the \'bd hide tax total).}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 19,30\tab [Exon 403a3] \par \tab TEDBURN [ST MARY].}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 A parish in Wonford Hundred. It can be identified from an analysis of the Tax Return for Wonford Hundred; see 19,28 Combeinteignhead note. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Tetteburne }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 held by Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Alba Mara }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Bradninch in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 792, particularised as }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Fairewode }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Great Fairwood, SX8194] held by John }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Daumarle }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of the same Honour in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 316; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 346, 388 and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 342.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 19,31\tab [Exon 403b1] \par \tab BRADNINCH. A parish in Hayridge Hundred (the successor to Silverton Hundred), }{\i\insrsid8681605 caput }{\insrsid8681605 of the later Barony; see }{\i\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\insrsid8681605 , p. 1368; }{\i\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \insrsid8681605 , i. p. 321; }{\i\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 604; }{\i\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 555 and Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', p. 242.}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,32\tab [Exon 403b2] \par \tab AWLISCOMBE. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Horescome}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; see 19,25 Awliscombe note. This place is probably another part of Awliscombe , a parish in Hemyock Hundred, since entries for Wonford Hundred, Silverton Hundred and Hemyock Hundred entries are mingled at this point in the schedule (see 19,21entry note). It will probably have been at Godford (19,26 Awliscombe note). Reichel, 'Doubt ful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 361 and Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', p. 225 identifies Owlacombe in Bradninch, but see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 562 (Cullompton parish).}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 VILLAGERS HAVE 1 PLOUGH. For the state of Exon here, see 19,28 folios note. Ellis printed }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 h't ibi }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as the last words of line 1 of this entry and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i carr' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 at the beginning of the next. However, he does not print dots after the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 h't ibi}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 although there are several words still under the gall (see below) and although it is his practice to do so elsewhere in such cases (for example, on folios 404-405, but see 19,34 pasture note); he merely leaves a gap which could be construed as due to an erasure in the manuscript (as in 404a1; see 19,35 Aelmer note) and the sense is thus alter ed to William (not the villagers) having the plough. Meanwhile, it is just possible to read }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ii uill' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 under the gall after the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 h't ibi }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and some such words as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 q' h'nt }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'who have' probably follow.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 19,33\tab [Exon 403b3] \par \tab RALPH [* OF POMEROY *]}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 HOLDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'William the goat has a manor called Yowlestone (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aeldestan }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the Exon manuscript; Ellis misprinted } {\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Deidestan}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 though the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 A }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is a normal one) which Edsi held in 1066. It paid tax for 1 hide. William the goat has half of it and Ralph of Pomeroy the other half. 1 plough can plough William('s part: }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 & pa}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 rtem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is just visible under the gall). Ralph, a man-at-arms, holds it from W(illiam). R(alph) has 1 plough and 2 slaves ...'. A confused entry: it is not clear whether Ralph the man-at-arms is the subtenant of the whole manor or just of William's half, and it is uncertain which Ralph has the plough, slaves, livestock, meadow, etc. Compare 19,43 Ralph note. Thus the two occurrences of Ralph could refer to two different people.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab YOWLESTONE. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aedelstan}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aeldestan }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (see 19,33 holds note). It was in recent times in Puddington parish, Witheridge Hundred, but was a part of [West] Budleigh Hundred in the Middle Ages. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 793 Henry }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Yaldestane}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 who also has Coombe (19,39 Puddington note) similarly held by Ralph in 1086, is tenant of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Yaldestane }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Bradninch; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 763 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 362, 365, 419, 427. Reichel confuses the place with 'Yardlestone' in Tiverton; the latter is in fact Yearldstone and has a different derivation (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 546); see Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 292.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab HALF OF THIS LAND FROM WILLIAM. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de W. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is written into the right margin, perhaps a little later, though the colo ur of the ink is the same as for the rest of the entry. It may have been added in an attempt to clarify the confused details of this entry; see 19,33 holds note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 40 SHEEP. The corresponding entry in Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xl ou}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 then dark gall obscures the rest of the line, but there is room only for two or three letters (undoubtedly the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 -es }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 oues}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,34\tab [Exon 403b4]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab RAPSHAYS. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Otri}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 In Gittisham parish, [East] Budleigh Hundred. Although the order of Exon is not clear at this point, it is probable that this place lay in Budleigh Hundred in 1086 and is the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rappinghegh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 held by the Abbot of Dunkeswell in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 793 from the Honour of Bradninch; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 762; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 426; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 304; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon} {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 589; Reichel, }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \lquote Budleigh Hundred in 1244\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 311; 25,15 Gittisham note and 34,32 Rapshays note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTRIC HELD IT IN 1066. In the Exon manuscript part of this phrase occurs on the inner edges which were damaged by water or damp (see 19,28 folios note) . It is just possible that if this damage were done at a very early stage, this might be the reason for the omission of this detail in Domesday (compare 19,37 paid note). However, there is no other real indication that the Great Domesday scribe had diffic u lty in reading material on these folios which is now illegible due to this damage. Moreover, he omitted from the Exon details of several other 1066 tenants for some reason, see 2,7 Staverton note and compare 3,94 Alwin note. 15,33 Edmer note and 40,6 Godr ic note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND, 1 ACRE. In the manuscript the woodland is unusually abbreviated }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 sil' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 because it was written over an erasure, apparently of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p'ti }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'meadow'; in the Ordnance Survey facsimile the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 sil' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 resembles a capital }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 E }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 because of the erased }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 t }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p'ti.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE 1 FURLONG. In the corresponding entry in Exon it is just possible to read }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 & i }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 under the gall at the end of the third line of this entry in Exon; Ellis did not print it, nor dots to show that something has been omitted (see 19,32 villagers note).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 19,35\tab [Exon 404a1; Terrae Occupatae 501b5] \par \tab [CRUWYS] }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 MORCHARD. A parish in Witheridge Hundred. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Morceth' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 793 from the heirs of Alexander }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Crues }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from Bradninch Honour; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 758; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 342, 419; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 87b, 92a and Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', p. 418. It is possible that }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Northecote }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Northcote, SS8613 in Cruwys Morchard; see 3,73 Morchard note] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 342, was part of this holding.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab ALMER }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 HELD IT. Only the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry has '... jointly'. In the main Exon entry there is an erasure after the statement that Almer held it in 1066; Ellis left a gap.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab HE TOOK IT AWAY FROM. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Alward son of Toki (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aluuardus toquison}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 e?}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ])}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 took it away by force from him after King William held England'. In the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 501 b 5: 'Alward son of Toki (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aluuardus filius Tochi}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 took it away from Aelmer by force after King William held England'; }{\i\f720\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p' u\'ee}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 = per uim }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'by force') in the manuscript; Ellis misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p' in' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which is meaningless. This statement precedes the tax statement. See 19,35 Alward note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWARD SON OF TOKI. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 He was probably William's immediate predecessor (as also in several other manors; see 19,35 William note), as both the main Exon and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entries state (see 19,35 took note ), rather than the victim of Aelmer's rapacity. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aluuardo }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 here would thus be a scribal error for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aluuardus }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 It is possible, however, that the Great Domesday scribe was correcting the Exon, having received new information. The final phrase in the entry, that William holds this with A lward's land, would support the view that Aelmer had held the manor immediately before William, because only then would it have meaning: William was not automatically given Cruwys Morchard with Alward's other lands, but he added it to them because it had once been held by Alward. Compare the phrases after 15,31 and before 15,47 referring to manors held in 1066 by people other than Edmer Ator and Ordwulf, but added to these men's lands by the Count of Mortain (see 15,31 land note). However, Exon and the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 also have the phrase 'William holds it with the Honour of Alward', which would not be necessary if, as they both state, Alward took the manor from Aelmer (unless, of course, Aelmer had claimed the land and this phrase was stating William's cou nter-claim to it). See 19,16 Alward note on the form of Alward's name.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab A SMITH. Unlike in Domesday, the smith is not definitely excluded in the corresponding entry in Exon from a share in the ploughs; he occurs at the end of the list of 'villagers', but, as with the pigmen, salt-workers etc., it is not clear whether he is classed as one of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 uillani }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 when their ploughs and land are given; see 1,26 pigmen note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab MEADOW, 40 ACRES. The number of acres cannot be read in the Exon manuscript.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab [***] CATTLE. In the Exon manuscript the number of cattle cannot certainly be deciphered under the gall, but judging from the space and what can be seen it might be either }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xxii }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xxiii }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xvii }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xviii}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 505, reads }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xxiiii}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 although Ellis did not print the figure.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY 40s; VALUE NOW \'a36. In the Exon manuscript only }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 val' p' ann' vi}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ... }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 sol' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 can be read under the gall, which covers sufficient line space for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 l' 7 qn' recep' ualeb' xl }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 to have been written though rather abbreviated (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ualeb' xl }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 can just be made out).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WILLIAM HOLDS THIS WITH ALWARD'S LAND. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'William holds it with the Honour of Alward'; so also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . It is probable that many of the other men occurrences of Alward which are given as William's predecessors refer to Alward son of Toki and that, as he does not appear again in Domesday, all his lands passed to William and his brother Ralph of Pomeroy.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,36\tab [Exon 404a2; Terrae Occupatae 501b3]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IN EXON MUCH OF THE LEFT EDGE OF THIS ENTRY is illegible (see 19,28 folios note). All of what Ellis printed can still be deciphered, the most important part that he could not read being the name of the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tenant; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 505, however, has 'Almer', presumably by deduction from Great Domesday.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab MACKHAM. This place is left unidentified by }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday Gazetteer}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and assimilated to Woodscombe in Cruwys Morchard by Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred' p. 428 and in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 505 note 9) on the grounds of sequence (it lies be tween two Witheridge Hundred places). But it will be noted that entries for a number of hundreds are here intermixed (see 19,21 entry note). The fact that this land has been added to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Orescome }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Awliscombe, see 19,25 Awliscombe note] strongly suggests a plac e in Hemyock Hundred; Hamo will presumably have added it to his particular holding at Awliscombe (19,26). It further suggests that the land rightly belonged to another manor or another holder. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Madescame }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 does not descend to the Honour of Bradninch, but in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 590 (of Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Hydon}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 following an entry for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 yo}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 c }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Hemyock, 1,8] held by Richard, is one for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Meddesamele alias Madddescamele }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Maddeford}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 These places are Mackham and Madford [the latter at ST1411] in Hemyock parish; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. pp. 616, 618. They are not adjacent to Awliscombe, but it is possible that Hamo, having seized them, claimed them as a detached part of Awliscombe, his only manor in this hundred. The later descent of Mackham suggests that the alienation was temporary; see 1,8 Hemyock note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab ALMER }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 HELD IT. Only the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry has '... jointly'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VILLAGER ... LORDSHIP. It is very unusual for a villager - not the tenant - to hold land in lordship. See 3,91 lordship note for other examples of odd tenure of lordship land.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab THIS LAND ... AWLISCOMBE. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'William the goat has a manor called}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Awliscombe. A manor called Mackham has been added to it ...'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,37\tab [Exon 404a3-404b1; Terrae Occupatae 502a2]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab OAKFORD ... MILDON. Oakford is a parish, Mildon lying within it, in Witheridge Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 761, Herbert son of Matthew holds }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hakeford' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from Reginald }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Mohun' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 792 Roger }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Middeldon' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Middeldone}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 both from the Honour of Bradninch; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 759; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , v. nos. 213, 527, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 344, 421 and Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', p. 419. The Domesday form }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Alforde }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Alforda}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is an error for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Acforde}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 387. }{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTMER. On this name, see 16,4 Brictmer note.}{ \insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IT PAID TAX FOR 1 HIDE. Interlined in paler ink, probably later. Although in Exon part of the tax statement has been damaged by damp (see 19,28 folios note), it is}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 very unlikely that the manuscript was hard to read when the Great Domesday scribe used it (and for this reason the omitted tax was not discovered until later), because he had apparently no difficulties with deciphering other information which is now illegible; compare 19,34 Brictric note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP ... \'bd HIDE. In the Exon manuscript, under the gall (see 19,28 folios note) it is possible to decipher }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 W. dim' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 before }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 hid'}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with presumably }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ten' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 h't }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ('holds' or 'has') as the first word on the line. Ellis printed dots before }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 hid'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab VILLAGERS ... 9 PLOUGHS. For the corresponding Exon entry Ellis has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 iiii carr'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 but it is not now possible to decipher}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the number.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab A MILL. In the Exon manuscript before }{\i\f720\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 molendin\'fb }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 there is an }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 & }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and then probably a small ink blot, partially}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 hidden by the gall. Ellis printed dots.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab [***] CATTLE. In the Exon manuscript the number of cattle is obscured under the gall.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab MILDON ... 10s. Abbreviated details of this added manor are also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab EDITH HELD IT. Only the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry has '... jointly'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 8 VILLAGERS HAVE 2 PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'W(illiam) has 8 villagers and 2 ploughs'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,38\tab [Exon 404b2] \par \tab WHIPTON. In Heavitree parish, Wonford Hundred, apparently a late entry, out of order. It can be identified from an analysis of the Tax Return for Wonford Hundred; see 19,28 Combeinteignhead note. William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Tracy}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 a successor to William the goat, granted the bulk of the manor to Polsloe Priory; a portion not given to the priory was at }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ryngeswille }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Ringwell in Heavitree, SX955924], held of the Honour of Bradninch in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 316; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 346, 387 and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 342.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab VIKING . See 19,8 Viking note.}{ \insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab UNDERWOOD ... VALUE NOW \'a36. In the Ex on manuscript neither the details of the underwood nor the present value of the manor can be deciphered under the gall. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 506, gives the present value from Great Domesday with dots for the obscured underwood, though this could also have been added from Domesday.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,39\tab [Exon 404b3] \par \tab IN EXON PARTS OF THIS ENTRY which are covered in gall and so cannot be checked against Domesday include the smallholders and the woodland's measurement. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 506, prints both dots and then the Great Domesday version in brackets.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab PUDDINGTON. A parish in Witheridge Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 793 Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Sicca }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Villa}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds from the Honour of Bradninch in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Putiton}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 758; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 6, v. no. 148 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 342, 419. A portion of this holding may have been at }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cumb }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Coombe in Puddington, SS8411] held with }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Petinton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 342, probably the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Comb' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 connected with }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Olleston }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Oldeston }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Yowlestone, 19,33] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 362, 419. The Templars, then the Hospitalers, are said to hold a }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Come }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Bradninch in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 421, but this may be Coombe in Templeton (see 3,75 Coombe note).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,40\tab [Exon 404b4; Terrae Occupatae 502a7] \par \tab IN EXON PARTS OF THIS ENTRY which are covered in gall and so cannot be checked against Domesday include the number of ploughs that can plough the land.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab BEATRIX, [!1! WILLIAM'S SISTER !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The fact that she is his sister is only given in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab She also holds from William in 19,46 and probably from her other brother Ralph (of Pomeroy) in 34,43 (all three manors were held by an Almer in 1066). Ralph of Pomeroy also has his sister Beatrix as subtenant in SOM 30,1.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab BRADFORD. In Witheridge parish, Witheridge Hundred; the particular manor was Bradford}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Tracy [SS8116] which William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Tracy }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bradeford' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 792; see}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 759; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 342 and Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', p. 419.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 5 VILLAGERS. So the Exon manuscript, the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 v uill' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 not being affected by the water damage and gall. Ellis misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 vi uill'}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab "TOREDONE".}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The identification of this place, added to Bradford, with Thorne in}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rackenford, SS8417 (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Thorne }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Devon (1332)}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 30), or Downe in Witheridge,}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 SS8316, is not established.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Abbreviated details of this added manor also appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; Beatrix held }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Toredone }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as well as Bradford from her brother.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab AELFRIC [!1! COLLING !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aluric}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 colim}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 have }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aluric}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Colin}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pp. 141-42.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab HELD IT FREELY [AND] JOINTLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has' which Aelfric Colling held jointly'; the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pariter }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is interlined in the Exon manuscript, but appears to be by the scribe of the rest of the entry and is in the same colour ink. So also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , but }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pariter }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 forms part of the text. There is no mention of 'freely' in either entry.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,41\tab [Exon 405a1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IN EXON MUCH OF THIS ENTRY is illegible due to the gall (see 19,28 folios note), the more important parts being the name of the 1086 holder (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 R. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 only is given later on) and the villagers' land and ploughs and all but }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 sol' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of the present value; see also 19,41 3 note and 19,41 sheep note. Reichel in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 506, adds in brackets the 1086 holder and the present value from Great Domesday, but he also gives in brackets the villagers' land and ploughs which are not in Domesday and then has dots for the word(s) before the sheep.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab BUCKLAND. Buckland Barton in Haccombe-with-Combeinteignhead parish, in recent centuries in the outlying part of Wonford Hundred, but in 1086 it may well have lain, like part of Haccombe (16,152 Haccombe not e) in Teignbridge Hundred, being similarly a detached part of Haytor Hundred (the successor to Kerswell Hundred) later in the Middle Ages. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 792 John }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 le Barun }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bocland' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Bradninch; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 768; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 317, 349, 392 (all in Haytor Hundred) and Reichel, 'Haytor Hundred in 1244', p. 123. Robert's holding of Netherton (19,10 Haccombe note) will have been adjacent, but apparently in a different hundred.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 [***]. In the Exon manuscript, gall obscures some 8-9 letters' width of information; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 animalia & }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ('cattle and')}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 could be the reading or possibly }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 porcarios & }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ('pigmen and').}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 30? SHEEP. In the Exon manuscript Ellis read }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ix oues}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 but the number is greater than that, probably }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xxx}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,42\tab [Exon 405a2]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IN EXON ILLEGIBLE PORTIONS OF THIS ENTRY include the tenant-in-chief, the slave (though part of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 seruum }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is just visible) and the present value.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 LEVEL WITH THE FIRST LINE of this entry in Domesday in the left margin of the manuscript is written a sign, clearly visible in the Ordnance Survey facsimile, unlike any other in Devon; it is not as Farley printed it which would make it identical to the signs beside 19,27 (see 19,27 level note), although both manors were held in 1086 by Warin. From a study of the manuscript it would appear that this mark was done in two stages, the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 o }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 first and the other part added in a thinner pen, which suggests that the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 o }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 part is the same checking mark as those done against other places called }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Otri }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (see 10,1 Otterton note) ; the other part, however, does not resemble the crosses of 19,27;43 and 23,18.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IVEDON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Otri}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 In the Tax Return for Tiverton Hundred Warin and Rozelin are said to have failed to pay tax on 1 hide 3 \'bd virgates they hold from Ralph of Pomeroy. Roze lin is Ralph's tenant in 34,47, but Warin is a tenant not of Ralph but of Ralph's brother, William the goat, in several holdings in DEV 19. They do not hold jointly, but both hold a place or places called }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Otri}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Although the lordship size of the holdings is not given in Exon, the Tax Return clearly points to land in DEV 19 and DEV 34 lying in Tiverton Hundred. It must have been at Ivedon, which lies on the River Otter and in Awliscombe parish, but was a detached part of Tiverton Hundred in the Middle Ages. The present holding is probably the \'be fee at }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Yvedon' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 held by Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Stanton'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Bembyr }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [that is, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Membyr}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see 19,44 Membury note] and William }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Tracy }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Bradninch in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 792; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 369, 432; Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 358 and Reichel, 'Tiverton Hundred', p. 28. This is the expected place in Exon order for a Tiverton Hundred place (see \{Introduction: Hundreds\}.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 PLOUGH THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Warin has 1 plough'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 probably implied or omitted in error.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab AND 1 SLAVE. In the manuscript }{\i\f720\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 c\'fb i seruo }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 was originally written, then with a thinner pen an }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 7}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 was squashed in, half-covering the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\f720\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 c\'fb}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 obviously intended to replace it, as a }{\i\f720\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 c\'fb }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 had already been written before the villager. Farley misprinted }{\i\f720\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 7 c\'fb i seruo}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Compare 3,27 smallholder note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,43\tab [Exon 405a3; Terrae Occupatae 502b7]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab LEVEL WITH THE LAST LINE of 19,42 in the central margin of the manuscript is written an }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 o }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 sign, printed by Farley. It seems likely that this sign, together with the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 x}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 written with}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 a thinner pen at an angle 2 \'bd lines below and not printed by Farley, refers to the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Otri }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of 19,43 and that they are placed like this, rather than level with the first line (as apparently}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for 19,27 and 23,18), because of the presence in the central margin of the added value of 19,27 in the opposite column (which of course means they were written after the correction to the text). See 10,1 margin note; 19,27 level note and 23,18 level note. }{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab RALPH [!1! SON OF PAYNE !1!] HOLDS.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Radulf}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pagani filius}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see 16,155 Roger note.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Ralph son of Payne (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pagani}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds half this virgate from William'. The name of the manor is illegible under the gall. See 34,27 William note and compare 19,33 Yowlestone note and 23,22 Ludo note.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab As Ralph only holds half of Ivedon from William, the rest was presumably held by William himself; see 34,27 William note and compare 19,33 Yowlestone note and 23,22 Ludo note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IVEDON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Otri}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Following as it does the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Otri }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of 19,42 this might be expected to be a portion of the same place, a detached part of Tiverton Hundred. Saemer also held an }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Otri T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , similarly added to Awliscombe, but held by Ralph of Pomeroy in 1086 (34,45; see Ivedon note). The \'bd villager (see 19,43 villager note) makes it certain that 19,43 and 34,45 were parts of the same place; see Reichel, 'Doubtful and D isputed Domesday Identifications', pp. 358-59.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab TAX FOR 1 VIRGATE. In the Exon manuscript it is just possible to decipher }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p' i virg' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 under the gall here. Ellis}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 printed dots.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \'bd VILLAGER. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Dimidius uillanus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 For the other 'half' of this villageranother part of Ivedon (34,45). In other words, in the part of Ivedon held }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 by Saemer and added to Awliscombe, the services of one villager were divided between William the goat and his brother, Ralph of Pomeroy. Thirty-eight half-villagers (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 villani dimidii}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 occur in GLS (see GLS W1 half-villagers note) and in SHR 2,2, in which latter they are contrasted with 'whole' (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 integri}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 villagers. It is more likely, however, that these last-mentioned half-villagers were men who held half the normal holding of the average vi llager in the area, rather than that two lords shared their services.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Ralph has \'bd villager who has \'bd plough'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab HAS IT THERE. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 hanc }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 refers to the \'bd plough, as Exon states. See 1,29 villagers note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab ADDED TO AWLISCOMBE. Presumably the addition was to Awliscombe (19,25) also held by a Ralph. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'William added this manor to the manor called}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Awliscombe'. However, the entry in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 reverses the process adding }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Holescoma }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 to }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Otria}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 : 'To William the goat's manor of Ivedon has been}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 added another manor called Awliscombe'.}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 This may be an error although a similar reversal occurs in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for 34,45 and 39,16; see 34,45 plough note and 39,16 land note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,44\tab [Exon 405b1; Terrae Occupatae 503b7]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab MEMBURY. A parish in Axminster Hundred and locatable in that hundred by an analysis of its Tax Return. When Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Chandos }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 founded Goldcliff Priory in Monmouthshire (in 1113, see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Anglicanum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , vi. p. 1021;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 iii. p. 143 no. 373), his wife Isabella gave West Membury to St Mary of Bec-Hellouin, the mother house of Goldcliff. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Membyry }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is held by the prior of Goldcliff in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 384; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 152a and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 97. The other part of Membury, East Membury, was held by Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Rem }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Membyr' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Est Membyr' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Bradninch in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 792; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 320, 366, 429 and Reichel, 'Axminster and Axmouth Hundreds', p. 158. It went to Newenham Abbey; see Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 357.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab See 1,11 for details of a customary due unpaid by Membury.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab ALDHILD. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Eldille}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Eldillus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 241 under }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ealdhild}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .} {\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE. In the corresponding entry in Exon the word }{\i\f713\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pascu\'ea }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is either omitted in error (as in 21,19, see 21,19 pasture note, and see 1,46 woodland note) or misplaced (at the end of the measurements, rather than after }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 q'drag' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ) and so h idden under the gall (compare Exon 83a2 where }{\i\f713\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pascu\'ea }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 was originally written after the dimensions referring to it and then underlined for deletion and a new }{\i\f713\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pascu\'ea }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 interlined above its normal position).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE ... NOW 10s. In the Exon manuscript, the present value is illegible under the gall.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,45\tab [Exon 405b2]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IN EXON PARTS OF THIS ENTRY which are illegible due to the gall (see 19,28 folios note) include the 1066 holder, the amount of land on which tax was paid, who holds the 1 \'bd ploughs and the amount of the past value. However, in the blank in the middle of folio 406a is written in a 'modern' hand, probably that of Dean Lyttelton, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 quam tenuit Wichinus ea die }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with a }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 X}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 beside it corresponding to one beside }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Alseministra }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 opposite. Presumably this could be read when the gall had been newly applied.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab EDWULF HOLDS ... FROM WILLIAM. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Ulf (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Vlfus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds it from W(illiam) the count/ earl'. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 W }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is interlined above }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 comite }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which may be underlined fo r deletion, though it is impossible to be certain because of the gall; Ellis did not underline it, but this is no proof that it was not underlined in the manuscript; see \{Introduction: Ellis' Text of Exon and the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Translation}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \}}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . There are several p ossible explanations for the apparent difference of subtenants, Edwulf and Ulf. The Great Domesday scribe may have had access to other data informing him either that the Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Vlfus }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 was a scribal error for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Eddulfus }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or that the subtenant had changed. Or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Vlfus }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 may represent a short-form of the personal name }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Eddulfus }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or the basic name might be }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wulf}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ulf}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with a prefixed byname in one instance (Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Edda}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ).}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 It is also possible that the Great Domesday scribe misread the Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Et Vlfus }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as one word (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Etulfus }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 > }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Edulfus }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 >}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Eddulfus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Exon regularly has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Et- }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 E}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 a}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 d- }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 names). Although the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 V }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Vlfus }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Exon is slightly smaller than one would expect, there is the normal size gap after }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Et }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and the formula }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Et A}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tenet eam de B}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is a fairly common one in Exon. On the name Edwulf, see 16,60 Edwulf note.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab AXMINSTER. Axminster parish in Axminster Hundred. Stephen }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Haccumb' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Axeministre }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Bradninch in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 792; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 429 and Reichel, 'Axminster and Axmouth Hundreds', p. 159.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab VIKING . See 19,8 Viking note.}{ \insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 19,46\tab [Exon 405b3]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IN THE EXON MANUSCRIPT gall obscures half of the 1066 holder's name (only }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 El }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 there) and for the villagers' ploughs only }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ii }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 remains, which might be part of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 iii }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as in Domesday.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab SOUTHLEIGH. A parish in Colyton Hundred. John }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Legh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Suthlegh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 792; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 330, 428; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , xv. no. 967, xvi. no. 673 and Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', p. 357. Accord ing to the Tax Return for Colyton Hundred the king had no tax from 1 hide held there by Beatrix, sister of William the goat; probably the villagers' hide of Southleigh, as her only other holdings in Devon, 19,40 and 34,43, are in Witheridge Hundred and Ti verton Hundred respectively.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 20\tab WILLIAM OF FALAISE. He was married to the daughter of Serlo of Burcy (SOM 27,3). William's daughter Emma married William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Curcy}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Falaise (Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Faleise}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Falesia}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de faleisa}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is in the d\'e9partement of Calvados, France.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab William's lands later form the Honour of Dartington, which was joined to the Honour of Blagdon (Somerset) formed around the fief of his father-in-law, Serlo of Burcy. Many lands are held in the twelfth th and thirteenth centuries by the Martin fa mily, see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 565 and Sanders, English Baronies, p. 15. A part of the Domesday fief is found in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 710 (of William son of Martyn) and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions ad Quod Damnum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 193 (no. 4) = }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (old series) ii. (I Edward III no. 40 p. 10, of Nicholas }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Martyn}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ).}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab The Exon order of this chapter is followed by Great Domesday. The lands fall into hundredal groups as follows:}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 20,1-4 Braunton and Shirwell Hundreds}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 20,5-9 Witheridge Hundred \par \tab 20,10 Kerswell Hundred \par \tab 20,11-17 Diptford Hundred}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 20,1\tab [Exon 366a1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab THIS ESTATE and the following three (20,1-4) in Braunton Hundred or Shirwell Hundred, and 20,1;3-4 with a total lordship of 1 hide 1 virgate are no doubt accoun ted for by the same amount allowed to William of Falaise in the Tax Return for Braunton and Shirwell Hundred . It is}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 possible that Twitchen, also held by Brictwold before 1066, subsequently added to Arlington, should rightly be in this group of William's lands; see 38,1 Twitchen note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab COMBE [MARTIN]. A parish in Braunton Hundred. It is held as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Comb' Martin }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 by Nicholas son of Martin in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 66a, 95a and from the Honour of Blagdon in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 415. See }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 710, viii. nos. 396-397 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 399, 440.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTRIC AND EDWY HELD IT FREELY [AND] JOINTLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'jointly' only; 'freely'}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 is }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 omitted. Although William appears to have combined two manors for this holding, there is no mention of this in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which one would expect. See also 24,21 thanes note; 34,54 }{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 manors note }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and 36,1 thanes note, and for possible reasons for omissions from the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of entries of a type normally included there, see 3,32 before note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 W. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ('William' in full for 20,3;6-9) acquired it'. Similarly for the past values of 20,3-13;15-17.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 20,2\tab [Exon 366a2] \par \tab FURZE. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ferse }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 fyrs }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ('furze'). This holding seems to have left no trace in the fee lists, but is identified with Furze in West Buckland, Braunton Hundred, by Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 398 and by }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 35. Foss }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 alias }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Fairlinch (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 489 note 6) is phonologically unlikely and Furzehill in Lynton (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday Gazetteer}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ) is held of Bradninch Honour and so is probably part of William the goat's Lynto n (19,16, see 19,16 Lynton note).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IT IS WASTE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'It is completely waste (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 est penitus uastata}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ). In Domesday despite the use of the past participle and verb (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 est uastata}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the meaning is that Furze, as its name suggests, w as wasteland. See C3 destroyed note and compare 3,35 waste note; 19,18 waste note; 21,5 waste note and 36,17 waste note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 20,3\tab [Exon 366a3] \par \tab PARRACOMBE. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 A parish in Shirwell Hundred, held as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Parrecumb }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 by William son of Martin in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 335; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 174.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab NOW 40s. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xl solid'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Farley misprinted a capital }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 L }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xl}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 20,4\tab [Exon 366b1] \par \tab CHURCHILL. In East Down parish, Braunton Hundred. It is held as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Churchehille }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 among Dartington Honour fees in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 782; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 414 and 3,24 Pilland note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab HELD IT. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ten' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 corrected to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 teneb'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 but without the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 sign being removed; see 16,151 held note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 20,5\tab [Exon 366b2]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 'BEARE'. From Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 bearu }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'gro ve, wood'. If this place lay in Witheridge Hundred like those following, there is a Beara in Kings Nympton [SS6919] and one in Romansleigh [SS7219]. Reichel in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 489 note 9 identifies it as Bar }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 alias }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Beare in East Worlington. But Middle Bar, East Bar and West Bar of the first series Ordnance Survey one-inch map (sheet 26 of 1809, reprint sheet 82 of 1969) appear as Burrow on recent maps and are not derived from Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 bearu}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 402. Nor is it Mouseberry, which is not Mouse }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 bearu}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 but Mouse }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 burh}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 This place is most likely a lost 'Beare' in Worlington (see 20,7 Worlington note), with which it merged soon after 1086. In the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Inquisitio Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of Nicholas }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Martyn }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (cited in DEV 20 William note) it appears as the manor of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Beare }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wolrington }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 held from Dartington Honour; see Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', p. 419; }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Whale, \lquote Indices and Corrections\rquote ,}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 295.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 20,6\tab [Exon 367a1] \par \tab WASHFORD [PYNE].}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 A parish in Witheridge Hundred; this holding does not appear in the fee lists.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IT PAID TAX. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 geldb' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 at the end of the line; in the Ordnance Survey facsimile for no apparent reason the curve of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 b } {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is not reproduced.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 PLOUGH THERE ... 3 SMALLHOLDERS HAVE 1 FURLONG. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Peter has 3 furlongs (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 fertinos}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in lordship and 1 plough and his 3 smallholders have 1 furlong (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 fertinum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 '}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The second half of this statement is an unusual variation on the formula 'the villagers (have) so much land and so many ploughs'. Compare 3,63 smallholder s note on the Exon treatment of this where only smallholders (or smallholders and slaves) are recorded for a manor.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 20,7\tab [Exon 367a2; Terrae Occupatae 501b2] \par \tab HUGH [!1! OF DOL !1!].}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hugo de dol}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Dol (or Dol-de-Bretagne) is in the d\'e9partement of Ille-e t-Vilaine, France; see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 86.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WORLINGTON. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry has : 'William of Falaise has a manor called Worlington. \'bd furlong (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ferdinus}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of land has been added to it, which a thane held jointly in 1066. Value 5s'. \par \tab \tab Worlington is now a single parish in Witheridge Hundred, formerly East Worlington and West Worlington; see 3,81 Worlington note. For the Dartington Honour holding, see 20,5 'Beare'note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab TWO THANES HELD IT FREELY [AND] JOINTLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'jointly' only; 'freely' is omitted.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 VILLAGERS HAVE IT THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'His villagers have 1 plough on that land'; their number is given in the usual place after this statement.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Thus the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 hanc }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 refers to the plough. See 1,29 villagers note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 20,8\tab [Exon 367a3] \par \tab BRADFORD. That is, Bradford in Witheridge parish, Witheridge Hundred (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 398), rather than with an unidentified 'Bradford in Cruwys Morchard' (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 490 note 2), Both Bradford and Densham (20,9) were granted to the Prioress of Polsloe who in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 760-61, holds }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bradeford' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Munecheneland' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in alms. The latter is derived from Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 mynecena-land }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'nuns' estate' and is now Minchingdown from Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 mynecena-tun }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'nuns' farm' [SS8210 in Woolfardisworthy] adjacent to Densham, which it probably represents; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 400 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 152b.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 1VILLAGER HAS IT THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'William has 1 villager and he has 1 plough'; the subject of the second 'has' is not clear. Nonetheless, the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 hanc }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 probably refers to the plough despite the ambiguity in Exon; see 1,29 villagers note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 20,9\tab [Exon 367a4] \par \tab DENSHAM. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 In Woolfardisworthy parish, Witheridge Hundred. For its descent, see 20,8 Bradford note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab HE HAS ON IT 1 PLOUGH. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The Englishman'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 probably implied or omitted in error.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 20,10\tab [Exon 367b1; Terrae Occupatae 502b1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab COCKINGTON. A parish in Haytor Hundred, the successor to Kerswell Hundred; it can be identified as lying there by an analysis of the Tax}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Returns. As }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cokinthon' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 it is held from Nicholas son of Martin of the Honour of Dartington in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 768; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 781; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 317, 348, 392; 20,15 Dartington note and 51,12 Tormoham note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab OF THIS LAND ALRIC HELD. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Of the above 3 hides Alric also (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 idem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 held a manor called 'Dewdon' in 1066. It paid tax for 1 virgate'. Slightly abbreviated details of this added manor appear also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 where Alric (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 idem Alric'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is said to have held 'jointly'. \par \tab \tab Thus }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ten' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Domesday and Exon must abbreviate }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tenebat }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 rather than the present }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tenet}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 because in Exon Alric is described as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 idem }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (that is, the same man as the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holder of the main manor), and William holds it with Cockington.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 'DEWDON'. An outlying part of Cockington lying in Widecombe-in-the-Moor parish, which is itself isolated from the bulk of Haytor (earlier Kerswell) Hundred (see \{Introduction: Hundreds\} .). The name survived until at least 1737 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 527) but is said to have been merged with Blackslade farm, itself now an abandoned site (see 34,46 Dunstone note); see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 400; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 672 and }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Lineham, \lquote Deserted Sites on Dartmoor \rquote }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab It is probable that }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Deptone }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Depdona}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 came from an original }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Dewdone}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 deaw-dune }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'dewy upland') spelt with a runic wynn}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 w }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and that this was ' misread as a minuscule }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the reverse of the process observed in the case of Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wiltone }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Piltona}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for 3,25 (see 3,24 Pilland note); see also 3,38 Pilland note and 3,39 Pickwell note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 20,11\tab [Exon 367b2]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab THIS ENTRY begins a gr oup of manors (20,11-17) that lay in Diptford (later Stanborough Hundred. In the Tax Return for Diptford Hundred William of Falaise is allotted 3 hides 1 virgate of lordship land, 1 virgate less than the total lordship of these manors (see 20,17 Englebour n e note). A successor, William son of Martin, holds several manors in this hundred whose exact relation to the Domesday holdings has yet to be determined. They lay in the adjacent parishes of Dean Prior, South Brent, Rattery and Dartington and are here men tioned under the modern parishes in which they lie; see Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred', pp. 172-178.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab HOLNE. A parish in Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred. }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Northamme }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 ['North' Holne] is held by Nicholas son of Martin of the Honour of Dartington in }{ \i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , p. 766; see }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , p. 265; }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 710, viii. nos. 396-397 and }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 323. 'South' Holne was part of Harberton, then held by Buckfast Abbey (1,34 Chillington note).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE, 1 LEAGUE; WOODLAND, 1 LEAGUE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'pasture, 1 league in both length and width'; 'woodland, 1 league in length and another in width'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 20,12\tab [Exon 367b3] \par \tab WINEMAR . The name Winemar occurs on 35 holdings in Domesday Book and probably represents five individuals. It is unlikely that the 1086 tenant of Stoke was the same individual as the pre-Conquest Winemar who had held Woodbeare, there being no apparent links between the two modest holdings, which are some consider able distance apart, and held by different tenants-in-chief (JP).}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab STOKE. In Holne parish, Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 302.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 20,13\tab [Exon 368a1] \par \tab DEAN [PRIOR].}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 A parish in Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 764 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Uveredene }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ['Upper' Dean] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Nitheredene }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ['Lower' Dean; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 298] are both held from Nicholas son of Martin of the Barony of Dartington, the latter by the prior of Plympton whose holding named the parish; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 781; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 79b, 91b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 323, 394; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 153 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 375.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Walleworth' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Wallaford in Buckfastleigh, SX7265] of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 765, held from the Dartington Barony in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 324, 395, is adjacent to this holding and may have been part of it. Another part was held by Buckfast Abbey in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 395 (see DEV 6 Buckfast note).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab AS MUCH LAND AS PAYS 10s. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tantum terrae unde reddit x solidos}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The scribe obviously intended the subject of }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 reddit }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 to be the land, but he has confused two Latin constructions: }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tantum }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ... }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 quantum }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ('as much as') and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 aliquantum terrae unde reddit }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ('some land from which he (the English man) pays'). The Exon scribe made the same grammatical error and it would seem likely that the Great Domesday scribe copied it directly. Compare 17,1 Totnes note and 23,22 mill note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 20,14\tab [Exon 368a2]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab RATTERY. A parish in Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred. It is held in alms by the Abbot of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cameis }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [ that is, of St Dogmael's in Pembrokeshire, now Dyfed], a gift of the predecessors of Nicholas son of Martin in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 766; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 79b, 91b.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Morlegh }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Marley, SX7261] was a holding of Nicholas son of Martin in this parish, as was }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Whittekesdon' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [White Oxen manor, SX7261] also held by the Abbot of St Dogmael's in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 782; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 324, 395. Part of White Oxen lay in Dean Prior parish.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab MEADOW ... PASTURE. In the corresponding entry in Exon details of these (but not of the livestock) are given under the holdings of the 2 men-at-arms; no meadow or pasture details are given for the main holding. The livestock on the men-at-arms' holdin g comprises 19 cattle, 12 pigs, 111 sheep and 40 goats.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab AN ENGLISHMAN 1 VIRGATE OF LAND. In the corresponding entry in Exon no details of his holding are given, although}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 he is said to have held the virgate in 1066, but he could not separate (himself) from the}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 land.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP 2 PLOUGHS; 2 SLAVES; 8 VILLAGERS AND 7 SMALLHOLDERS [***].}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 In the corresponding entry in Exon all these details appear under the holding of the 2 men-at-arms, not of the Englishman}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as well (see 20,14 Englishman note).}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Domesday there is no dot after }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 bord' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and the remaining two-thirds of this line is blank in the manuscript, perhaps left by the scribe for some of the details of resources given in Exon, although he had already included them under the main manor. Compare 3,44 villager note.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE FORMERLY AND NOW \'a33 10s. In the corresponding entry in Exon the values are given separately for the}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holdings: the value of William's main holding is 40s in 1086 and the same when he}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 acquired it; the value of the men-at-arms' holding is 20s in 1086 and the same when}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 W(illiam) acquired it; the Englishman pays William 10s a year for his virgate (no 1066}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 value is given).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 20,15\tab [Exon 368b1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab DARTINGTON. A further parish in Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred. It was }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 caput }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of William son of Martin's Honour and is held in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 98 as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Dertint' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with various unnamed members, a grant said to originate from the Conquest (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de conquestu}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 );}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 264, 765; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 79b, 91b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 323, 350, 395 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 440, vi. no.}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 710, x. no. 494. The Church was conferred on Saints Sergius and Bacchus at Angers; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 } {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ii. p. 50 no. 735a.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Land at }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hode }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Hood manor, SX7763, part of which may have lain in Rattery parish] was probably part of this holding; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees} {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 765 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 324, 395. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Fenthon' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Venton, SX7560] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 350 was another part: a John }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Fenthon' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in the manor of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Derthingthon' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 765. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 324 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Lokinton'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 said to be in Haytor Hundred (the successor to Kerswell Hundred), is associated with Hood and with Wallaford and Marley (see 20,13 Dean note and 20,14 Rattery note). This is unli kely to be Lupton in Brixham (Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred', p. 177); it is more probably an error for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cokinton' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Cockington, 20,10] as in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 781.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 13 VILLAGERS ... 8 PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '8 \'bd ploughs'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 FISHERMEN . .. SALMON. In Exon this detail is interlined after the pigmen (though by the same scribe and in the same colour ink), possibly the reason for its omission in Domesday. These are the only fishermen mentioned in Devon, though no doubt more existed. See 1,4 fishery note on the fisheries recorded.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Next to this entry in Exon is a marginal note in a sixteenth century (or possibly later) hand }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Salmones in Darte fluvis }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (an error for either }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 fluvio}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , singular, or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 fluviis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 plural) meaning 'salmon on the Dart river(s)'.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 21 PIGS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '19 pigs' (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 x,}{\i\fs24\cf1\up6\insrsid8681605 i}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 x}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab BEFORE 1066 A THANE ... . The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 T}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 R}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 E}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 could well belong to the previous statement (that is, 'It paid tax for as much before 1066. A thane held it'), although in the corresponding entry in Exon the phrase}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 belongs to the statement about the thane:}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'Of the above virgate a thane held a manor called Luscombe before 1066 ... but he could not separate from the lord'.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 See DOR 55,23 thanes note for a similar }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ambiguity with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 T}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 R}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 E}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab LUSCOMBE}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . William appears to have held two places called 'Luscombe': one in Rattery parish, the other in Harberton (see 20,17 Englebourne note), both in Diptford Hundred in 1086, and later in its successor, Stanborough Hundred. The former, adjacent to Dartington, is probably the subject of the present entry, held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 765 from the Honour of Dartington as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Loscumb' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 by Jordan }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Barnage }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Loscumb Baruge }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 by the Abbey of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 St Doumelle }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [St Dogmael's, see 20,14 Rattery note] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 324; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 781; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 396 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 310.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 20,16\tab [Exon 368b2] \par \tab HARBOURNEFORD. In South Brent parish, Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred, held as }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Hurberne ford' }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 from the Barony of Dartington in }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 , pp. 765, 781; see }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 324, 395. It is }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Northhurberneford }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 ['North' Harbourneford] in }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids} {\fs24\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 350.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 20,17\tab [Exon 368b3] \par \tab ENGLEBOURNE. Later in Harberton parish, Coleridge Hundred (the successor to Chillington Hundred.). No lordship is, however, allowed William of Falaise in the Tax Return for Chillington Hundred, whereas there is a shortfall of 3 'ferlings' in that for Diptford Hundred, unless this land is included, although its inclusion makes a 1-virgate excess; see 20,11entry note. It may well have counted as a detachment of Diptford Hundred in 1086. It does not appear in the feudal lists but may well be represented by a second series (see 20,15) of entries for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Luscomb' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Luscombe in Harberton, SX7957] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 765; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 324, 396 and by }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Herneford }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Hernaford in Harberton, SX7855; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 326]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 324, 395 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , xiii. no. 99. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 350 Hernaford is coupled with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 La Wode }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 held by the Abbot of St Dogmael's, possibly the same place as }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Boys }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (from Medieval Latin }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 boscus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 French }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 bois }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'wood') that is Woodcourt, SX7755; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 327; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 765, 781.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 21\tab WILLIAM OF POILLEY. Poilley (Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Poilgi}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Poillgi}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Poilleio }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Poillei }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 interlined in the section heading, also }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Poileio}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Poilleio }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ) is in the d\'e9partement of Manche, France. See Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 107.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab William's lands later form part of the large Honour of Plympton, being granted to Richard I }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Redvers }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (died 1107), whose son Baldwin was created Earl of Devon in 1141; see Sanders, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 English Baronies}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 137 and 1,17 Plympton note. Other Domesday fiefs in Devon which contributed all their manors, or a large number, to this Honour are DEV 28, DEV 29, DEV 32, DEV 35, DEV 37, DEV 39, DEV 43, DE V 44, DEV 46, DEV 47, DEV 48, DEV 49. Many of the Domesday lands belonging to the Honour of Plympton can be found in the great }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Inquistio Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of Hugh }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Courtenay }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , (old series) iv. no. 63 (= }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Whale, \lquote Fees of Earl Hugh de Courtenay\rquote }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 321-326; see DEV 16 Baldwin note) and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , (new series) i. no. 564, xiv. no. 325.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In a grant of 1093 to the Abbey of St Martin at S\'e9es (Round, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Documents}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 France}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 661 p. 235), William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Polleio }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 grants tithes from a number of manors which can be closely compared with Domesday: }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bochelande }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Buckland Monachorum, 21,20]; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calcantone }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [perhaps Walkhampton, see 21,1 'Radworthy' note]; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Guichelia }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [?Bickleigh, 21,19, although the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 gu}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 might be an Old French substitute for Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 w}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ch }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 th}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and so represent an unidentified 'Whitleigh']; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Botteford }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Battisford, 21,17]; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cadeberia }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Cadbury, 21,7]; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Boeleia }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Bowley, 21,8]; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Blacaleva }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Blagrove, 21,9]; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pedeleiga }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Pedley, 21,10]; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Stoch }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Stoke Rivers, 21,3]; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Sirigvilla }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Shirwell, 21,2] and from 'the three manors of Ralph son of Jocelyn (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Goiscelin}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Sandfort }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the manor of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ascelin }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and the other manor held by him of William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Polleio}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , and the two manors of Herbert 'the seneschal' ', and from }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Orfadesora }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Woolfardisworthy, 21,12]. A man called Ralph holds Pedley (but this has already been mentioned above) and three other manors: Dart (21,6), Dart Raffe (21,13) and Worth (21,14), which are presumably the three intended by the grant. }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Sandfort }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is Sampford Spiney (21,21), held in Domesday by a Robert (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 by Brictmer). A Robert also holds Goosewell (21,18), and it is probable that these are the two manors of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ascelin}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Only one manor (Farwo od, 21,15) is held in Domesday by a Herbert. The only other manors not accounted for are 21,4;11 (21,5 is waste) and of these 21,11 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Assecote}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 being joined with Pedley to Blagrove, was probably counted with them in the above, which leaves 21,4, Beaworthy: it is possible that after 1086 Herbert became William's subtenant here.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Another grant (Round, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Documents}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 France}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 662 p. 235) records that William also gave (in 1096) to St Martin's of S\'e9es the tithe of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Leuga }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [probably Challonsleigh, 21,16] and also a manor called }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Baraberga }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Harrowbeer, SX5168; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 225], a member of Buckland Monachorum.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab Exon has the same order as Domesday, the hundredal groupings being:}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 21,1-3 Shirwell Hundred \par \tab \tab 21,4-5 [Black] Torrington Hundred \par \tab \tab 21,6-8 Silverton Hundred \par \tab \tab 21,9-13 Witheridge Hundred \par \tab \tab 21,14 Budleigh Hundred \par \tab \tab 21,15 Colyton Hundred \par \tab \tab 21,16-18 Plympton Hundred \par \tab \tab 21,19-21 Walkhampton Hundred}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 21,1\tab [Exon 415a1] \par \tab THIS ENTRY begins a group of places (21,1-3) which probably all lay in Shirwell Hundred. In the Tax Return for Braunton and Shirwell Hundred William of Poilley is allowed \'bd hide of lordship land, which can be accounted for by 21,2-3, leaving the \'bd virgate of 'Radworthy' (if it is in this hundred) as an excess.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 'RADWORTHY'. Perhaps in Challacombe parish, Shirwell Hundred, to be distinguished from Radworthy (19,19) in North Molton parish, now in South Molton Hundred. But it does not appear in fee lists and its identity, though not improbable, is not certain. Reichel bases his identification on the fact that }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calcantone }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of William's grant (DEV 21 William note) is Challacombe (}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 355 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 489). But }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calcantone }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is unlike early forms of Challacombe (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 60) and its position in the grant (which seems to be grouped by hundreds) suggests a corrupt form of Walkhampton (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Walkamtone }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 etc.; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 243 ) adjacent to Buckland Monachorum (see 1,19 Walkhampton note and 21,20 Buckland note). The site of 'Radworthy' is now abandoned, the name surviving in Radworthy Common.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when W(illiam) acquired it'. Similarly for the past values of 21,2-4;6;14;16-17;19-20.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 21,2\tab [Exon 415a2] \par \tab SHIRWELL. A parish in Shirwell Hundred of which it was the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 caput}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 A portion of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Schirewell }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 787 by Philip }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Bello Monte }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 564 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 335. The same man holds another part under Hugh of Courtenay; 16,65 Shirwell note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab OF THIS LAND. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Of the above 3 virgates'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab THEY ARE [INCLUDED] IN THE ABOVE VALUE. Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 sunt in predicto pretio}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; the use of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 sunt}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 plural, implies that the ploughs are included in the 40s value of the main manor, but the meaning was more likely to have been that the value of the 1 virgate subtenan cy was included in the 40s. See the corresponding Exon entry cited in 1,66 Irishcombe note where \'bd virgate of Irishcombe attached to Lapford is accounted for in the value of Lapford; compare SOM 9,3 market note. See also16,58 burgesses note where Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 isti sunt in supradicto pretio }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 referring to the 4s 5d of the burgesses' payment forming part of the manor's value.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 21,3\tab [Exon 415a3] \par \tab STOKE [RIVERS]}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . A parish in Shirwell Hundred. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Stokes }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 787 from the Honour of Plympton by Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Welinton' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Stoke Ryvers }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 336; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 361, 417; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ix. no. 103, x. no. 238, xv. nos. 154, 866 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 490. The additional name is said by }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 69, to be from the Redvers family, Earls of Devon and holders of Plympton Honour, but see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 110.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 SMALLHOLDERS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '3 smallholders'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 21,4\tab [Exon 415b1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab BEAWORTHY. Both Beaworthy and Melbury (21,5) lie in [Black] Torrington Hundred, Melbury}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 being in Beaworthy parish. The two places are held together from the Honour of Plympton in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 788 as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Beghworthy }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Mellebir'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 328, 357, 408 and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 214. It is probable that Beaworthy can be identified as lying in [Black] Torrington Hundred by an analysis of the Tax}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Returns.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 21,5\tab [Exon 415b2] \par \tab MELBURY. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 See 21,4 Beaworthy note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab THE WHOLE OF IT IS WASTE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'It is completely waste (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 est penitus uastata}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 '}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Vastata est tota}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 despite the past participle and verb (similarly in Exon) the meaning is that Melbury is waste land: it lies 5 miles from Dartmoo r, but there are still patches of uncultivated land there, reflected in such local names as Stoney and Bogtown. See C3 destroyed note on }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 uasta/ uastata }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and compare 3,35 waste note; 19,18 waste note; 20,2 waste note and 36,17 waste note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 21,6\tab [Exon 415b3]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab THIS ENTRY begins a group of places (21,6-8) that lay in Silverton (later Hayridge) Hundred. In the Tax Return for Silverton Hundred \'bd hide of lordship is allowed to William and probably represents the 1 virgate of Cadbury (21,7) combined with the 1 virgate of Bowley (21,8).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab RALPH [* SON OF JOCELYN *]. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Probably Ralph son of Jocelyn; see DEV 21 William note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab DART. Places of this name (see also 21,13. 36,24. 42,20) lie on the River Dart or Little Dart River. The first is a tributary of the River Exe, the latter of the River Taw. Both rivers rise in Witheridge Hundred; the Dart first divides Witheridge Hundred f rom Tiverton Hundred, then Tiverton from Silverton (later Hayridge) Hundred. The Little Dart for much of its length divides Witheridge from [North] Tawton Hundred. In 21,13 a place called Dart appears among places in Witheridge Hundred. It is likely there f ore that this present 'Dart', appearing earlier in the schedule, is in another hundred, probably Silverton (later Hayridge) Hundred, like the places 21,7-8. Since the RiverDart only briefly touches this hundred, in Cadeleigh parish, Dart Cottages have bee n assumed to be the likely location. For Reichel's identification with Welltown }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 alias }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Welesbere (Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', pp. 225, 243), see DEV 44 Hervey note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 21,7\tab [Exon 415b4] \par \tab CADBURY. A parish in Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred. It is held by Joana }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Brywere }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and Baldwin }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Wayford' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 794; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 322, 368, 425; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , xvi. no. 1085 and Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', p. 243.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it', probably referring to William (2,14 formerly note and 16,88 formerly note). Similarly for the past values of 21,8-10;12-13;15;21.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 21,8\tab [Exon 416a1] \par \tab BOWLEY. Apparently in Cadbury parish, Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred; see 21,6 entry note and 9,1 Cullompton note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 21,9\tab [Exon 416a2] \par \tab BLAGROVE. Like Pedley (21,10), Blagrove is in the parish of East Worlington in Witheridge Hundred (see 3,81 Worlington note); they are held, together with Woolfardisworthy (21,12) by John }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 le Despenser }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 787 as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wolfaresworth'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Piddelegh' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Blakegrave}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 758; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 362, 419 and Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', p. 420.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 21,10\tab [Exon 416a3] \par \tab PEDLEY. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 In the parish of East Worlington, Witheridge Hundred. For the descent, see 21,9 Blagrove note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 21,11\tab [Exon 416b1; Terrae Occupatae 502a5] \par \tab HILDWIN . }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Elduin}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Exon, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Holduin}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ).}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The spellings a re probably an early evidence for the evolution of an early Middle English form }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hold-wine}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hildwine}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 an Anglo-Norman treatment of}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hild- }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 producing (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 H}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ild- }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 then (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 H}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 eld- }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 then }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hold- }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (see von Feilitzen, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 119, 50, 78 and \'a7 \'a7 138, 12, 61). Compare the discussion by von Feilitzen , 'Unrecorded Old and Middle English Personal Names', p. 83, under }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Holdburh}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 feminine, Middle English, for which he suggests Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 hold }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'gracious, friendly', cites }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Holduine }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 twelfth century (}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Hyde Abbey Liber Vitae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Birch, p. 66) and Searle, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Onomasticon Anglo-Saxonum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 300) as the only other example, and refers to Forssner, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Continental-Germanic Personal Names in England}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 154, under }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Holdabrand}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Holdegrim}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Holdiard }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for instances of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 HoId- }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 representing Old German }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hild- }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hildebrand}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hildegrim}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hildegard}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 whence a possibility that names in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hold- }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 developed from forms from Old German or Old English names in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hild- }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with Anglo-Norman }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 -ol }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 developed from}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 -el}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 itself evolved from }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 -il }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in pretonic position (JMcND).}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 The name Hildwin occurs four times in Domesday Book. The tiny holding in Devon, remote from the Midland holdings of other Hildwins, is likely to have been the sole property of its tenant (JP).}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab "ASSECOTE". Unidentified but likely to be adjacent to Blagrove, Pedley and Woolfardisworthy (21,9-10;12) which were all in Witheridge Hundred. It is possibly a miscopying of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Affecote }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in one of the documents preceding Exon, and it might now be represented by Affeton Barton [SS7513] in East Worlington, 'Aeffa's Farm' (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 402) with substitution of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 -tun }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 -cote }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as in Warson (Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wadelescote}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 16,10) and Alminstone (Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Almerescote}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 42,3).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 787, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Alfeton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is held with North Tawton (1,3) by Iudhael }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Valletorta }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton: the same man also holds 21,13 Dart Raffe and 21,14 Worth. This same place is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Affeton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids} {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 422, but in both }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , it is regarded as a part of North Tawton.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab LAND FOR \'bd PLOUGH. The corresponding entry in Exon has '\'bd furlong (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ferd'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 can plough this (furlong: }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 hunc }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the manuscript;}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ellis misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 hanc}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )';}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ferd' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is no doubt a scribal error for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 carr' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'plough'. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 514, has 'This \'bd plough can till' with no note on the scribal error.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VILLAGER; HE PAYS 30d. It is unlikely that the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 redd' xxx denar' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Domesday refers to the manor's value, as Exon clearly states that the villager pays 30d. See 6,6 villager note on villagers 'farming' a manor and compare 28,14 where the villager's payment, also of 30d, forms the manor's value. See also 34,14 villager note and compare 52,48 villager note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab THESE TWO LANDS ... 12s 6d. In the corresponding entry in Exon details of these 2 added manors are written in the left margin of the manuscript, with transposition signs. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry at 502 a 5 has: 'William of Poilley has a manor called Blagrove. Two manors have been added to it, Pedley and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Assacota}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which two thanes held jointly in 1066. Value of them 12s 6d a year'.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Domesday, this statement is written two letters into the central margin in the manuscript; Farley did not show this. As it is not written below the bottom ruling, it is unlikely to have been a later addition. The villa ger's payment of 30d (see 21,11 villager note) seems to be added with the 10s present value of Pedley (21,10) to make the 12s 6d.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 21,12\tab [Exon 416b2] \par \tab WOOLFARDISWORTHY. A parish in Witheridge Hundred. For the descent, see 21,9 Blagrove note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WITH 1 SLAVE. In the manuscript the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 seru' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is written on top of an erasure and is very blurred and in paler ink; the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 before it is in darker ink.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 21,13\tab [Exon 416b3] \par \tab RALPH [* SON OF JOCELYN *]. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Probably Ralph son of Jocelyn as also 21,14; see DEV 21 William note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab DART [RAFFE]. In Witheridge parish, Witheridge Hundred and held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 787 from the Honour of Plympton as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Derth }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 by Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Berth'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 It is called }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Derte Rau }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 364, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Deterauf }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 421 either from the later Ralph or from the 1086 holder; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 760, where the intermediate holder is Iudhael }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Valletorta }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and 21,9 Blagrove note. See also 21,6 Dart note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND, 3 ACRES. The corresponding entry in Exon has '4 acres'; the first }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 iiii }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is oddly sha ped and is interlined before the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 iii}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the Great Domesday scribe could easily have missed it.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE, 20 ACRES. So in the Exon manuscript, although the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xx }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is rather faint, probably due to the manuscript being damp at some stage (see 19,28 folios note). Ellis misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ix}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE NOW 13s. In the Exon manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 iii sol' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with the oblique stroke of a letter crossed out (possibly an }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 x}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ), }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or perhaps a blot, before the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 iii}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 definitely not }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 vii sol' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as Ellis printed.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 21,14\tab [Exon 416b4] \par \tab RALPH [* SON OF JOCELYN *].}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 See 21,14 Ralph note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab WORTH.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 In Washfield parish, [West] Budleigh Hundred. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 La Worth' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 762 held from Iudhael }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Valletorta }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 790; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 364, 427; Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 284 and 21,9 Blagrove note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 21,15\tab [Exon 417a1] \par \tab HERBERT. Probably Herbert 'the Seneschal'; see DEV 21 William note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab FARWOOD. In Colyton parish, Colyton Hundred. There seem to have been two manors here, both later held by the Abbey of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Queraria }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Quarr, Isle of Wight], one from the fees of Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Tracy }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (see 3,85 Farway note), the other from the Earls of Devon, Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 68b, 94b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 152a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 366, 428; Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 364 and Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', pp. 339, 351. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , (old series) iv. no. 63 (= }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Whale, 'Fees of Earl Hugh de Courtenay'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 325) }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Forewode }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is coupled with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 La Hille }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ['Hill' unidentified] ; the latter is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 La Hille abbatis de Quarera }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 788, associated with Sutton (51,10). For the grant to Quarr, see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Anglicanum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , v, pp. 318-319 nos. viii, ix.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 21,16\tab [Exon 417a2] \par \tab CHALLONSLEIGH. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 In Plympton St Mary parish, Plympton Hundred. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Legh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is held by Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Chalun }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 789. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Leghe Chaluns }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 334; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 353, 400 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 283.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab OSFRITH . See 16,3 Osfrith note.}{ \insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 21,17\tab [Exon 417a3]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab BATTISFORD. In Plympton St Mary parish, Plympton Hundred; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 50 (of Baldwin of Redvers) and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 252. It cannot be 'Butless in Brixton'}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 283); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 250.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 21,18\tab [Exon 417a4] \par \tab ROBERT [* BASTARD *].}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 In view of the later descent of Goosewell (see 21,18 Goosewell next note), this Robert must}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 be Robert the bastard, tenant-in-chief of DEV 29.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab GOOSEWELL. In Plymstock parish, Plympton Hundred. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Gosewill' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is held by}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Nicholas }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 le Bastard }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 789; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 335, 353 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 283.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 21,19\tab [Exon 417b1] \par \tab BICKLEIGH. In Roborough (Walkhampton) Hundred; it can be deduced as lying in that hundred from an analysis of the Tax Return for Walkhampton Hundred. It is possibly the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Guichelia }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of William's grant (see DEV 21 William note); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 573; 21,20 Buckland note and 21,21 Sampford note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTMER. On this name, see 16,4 Brictmer note.}{ \insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab A FISHERY WHICH PAYS 5s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'A fishery whose value is 5s a year'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE. In the corresponding entry in Exon the }{\i\f713\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 word pascu\'ea }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is omitted, but the measurements are there (compare 19,44 pasture note). The Domesday scribe probably correctly supplied the corresponding Great Domesday word }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pastura}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as this is the usual place for it in Exon in the list of resources (see 1,53 pasture note). However, it is just possible that the measurements refer to the meado w which precedes them, making it measure 14 acres and 1 league in length and 4 furlongs in width (though one would expect the word }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 prati }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 to have then come at the end of the whole measurement, not in the middle); see 1,46 woodland note and 1,53 pasture note and compare 42,15 meadow note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 21,20\tab [Exon 417b2] \par \tab BUCKLAND [MONACHORUM].}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 A parish in Roborough (Walkhampton) Hundred; it can be identified as lying there by an analysis of the Tax Return for Walkhampton Hundred. An Abbey was founded here in 1278 and endo wed with various lands including }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Boclond }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bikelegh }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Bickleigh, 21,19] from the Honour of Plympton by Amice, mother of Isabella Countess of Devon. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Byekleght cum Shaght }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Shaugh Prior, 17,100-101] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 378; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 564; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 341; Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 383; Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', pp. 103, 117-118 and 1,19 Walkhampton note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTMER. On this name, see 16,4 Brictmer note.}{ \insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab A FI SHERY WHICH PAYS 10s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'A fishery whose value is 10s a year'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 21,21\tab [Exon 417b3] \par \tab SAMPFORD [SPINEY]}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . A parish in Roborough (Walkhampton) Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 789, Gerard }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Spineto }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Sanford' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton; it is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Sandford Spynee }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 354; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 398; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 340, 402. Touching the eastern edge of the parish is Sheepstor [SS5567] also held from the Honour of Plympton as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Sytelestorre }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the next entry in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , (p. 789) or as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Sychestorr }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 402; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 354. This was either a part of this holding or of Bickleigh (21,19) of which Sheepstor was a chapelry. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 378 the Abbey of Buckland Monachorum (see 21,20 Buckland note) holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Heyle }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Hele in Bickleigh, SX5262], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Shittistor' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rynmore }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Ringmoor in Sheepstor, SX5566].}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTMER. On this name, see 16,4 Brictmer note.}{ \insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 22\tab WILLIAM OF EU. William, Count of Eu (but see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Whitelock and others, p. 173 note 7) and Eyton, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Dorset Survey, }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 120 note 7), was the second son of Count Robert of Eu. More than half his fief lay in Wiltshire and Dorset. His first wife, Beatrice, was the sister and heir of Roger II of Bully (s on of Roger I of Bully, see DEV 27 Roger note) and his second wife was the sister of Earl Hugh of Chester; see Sanders, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 English Baronies}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 119-120. He rebelled against William Rufus in 1088 and in 1094 and was charged with treason in 1096, was blinded and castrated and probably died soon after; see Orderic Vitalis, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ecclesiastical History}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , (Chibnall, iv. pp. 284-85). According to Eyton, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Dorset }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Survey, p. 76, he was executed in 1096. On his death his fief was re-allotted. Both his Devonshire manors passed to the Earldom of Hereford. \par \tab \tab Eu (Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Ow}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Hou }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Ou}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is in the d\'e9partement of Seine-Maritime, France (see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 105).}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab His two holdings are entered in Exon under the heading of 'Lands of the French Men-at-Arms in Devonshire'. Also under this heading, which covers folios 456a-462b inclusive, appear the fiefs of landholders in DEV26-27;31-33;40-41;43;45-46, Morin's land at 51,14 and a manor of Flohere not recorded in Domesday (see below). See 40,1 Ansger note on the list. The lands are entered in Exon in hundredal order not grouped by fief (see below), and the Great Domesday scribe obviously thought this removal of individual landholders' fiefs from the large Exon section was useful and in keeping with the practi c e adopted elsewhere in Domesday. It is interesting that this practice was only carried out in Domesday Somerset with regard to the holdings of Ralph Paynel and Ralph of Limesy (SOM 31-32). The Great Domesday scribe detailed the landholders, thus excerpted , in order of importance, not, as in his treatment of another composite Exon section (DEV 47-50, see DEV 47 Godebold note), in the order in which they first appeared in the Exon (for example, the first entry in the Exon here is for Osbern of Sacey, but he was a relatively minor tenant, so he was placed well down the list at DEV 43).}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The Exon order and probable hundredal groupings of these chapters are:}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 43,1. 45,1 [South] Tawton 'Hundred' \par \tab \tab 45,2 [Black] Torrington Hundred \par \tab \tab 45,3 Hartland Hundred \par \tab \tab 40,2 Fremington Hundred \par \tab \tab 40,1 [North] Tawton Hundred \par \tab \tab 40,3 Merton Hundred \par \tab \tab 22,1. 32,1 Exminster Hundred \par \tab \tab 31,1-3 Braunton Hundred \par \tab \tab 43,2 'Cliston' Hundred \par \tab \tab 31,4 Braunton Hundred \par \tab \tab 43,3-4 Wonford Hundred \par \tab \tab 32,2-3 Silverton Hundred \par \tab \tab 32,4-5. 22,2 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Sotrebroc}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (see below) Wonford Hundred}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 46,1-2 Tiverton Hundred \par \tab \tab 40,4 Witheridge Hundred \par \tab \tab 26,1 Budleigh Hundred \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 43,5 32,6-7 Teignbridge }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hundred}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 32,8 Tiverton Hundred \par \tab \tab 32,9 Witheridge Hundred \par \tab \tab 27,1. 40,5-6.41,1-2 51,14 Halberton Hundred \par \tab \tab 32,10 Kerswell Hundred \par \tab \tab 40,7 [North] Tawton Hundred \par \tab \tab 33,1-2 Kerswell Hundred \par \tab \tab 43,6 Borough of Exeter \par \tab This order, while generally corresponding to the expected sequence, has a few dislocations and late entries (for example, for [North] Tawton Hundred 40 ,7), perhaps caused when the 'Lands of the French Men-at-Arms' were drawn from a mass of material arranged by hundreds. Moreover, at a later stage, in the process of abstracting individual fiefs from Exon to form separate chapters, the scribe appears to h ave missed a single manor held by Flohere (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Sotrebroc}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 found in Exon 459a3 between the entries corresponding to 22,2 Whitestone held by William of Eu and 46,1 [West] Manley held by Gerard (translated below)}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Exon 459a3: 'Flohere has a manor called }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Sotrebroc }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ['Shutbrook' or 'Floyers Hayes'] which Alfgeat held in 1066. It paid tax for \'bd virgate, which 4 oxen can plough. Value 2s a year'.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Two other entries were similarly omitted in another composite section in Exon, though these were later discovered and entered in the margin of Great Domesday (see 48,12 entry note and 49,7 entry note).}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab This manor of 'Shutbrook' was in Wonford Hundred in an area now absorbed by Exeter. The lost Exeter street-name 'Shutbrook Street' (named from a stream called the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Schutebroke}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 23) may have preserved the name. In later times this holding was called from the 1086 holder or his desc endants 'Floyers Hayes'. It was held under the Barony of Okehampton and}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 appears at SX917918 on Donn's map of the city of Exeter included in his }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Map of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; it is also pictured in Braun, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Civitates Orbis Terrarum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , Tome 3, Book 6 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Theatri praecipuarum totius mundi urbium Liber Sextus }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (1618) no. 1) and lay between Haven Road and Alphington Street near Williams Avenue. See }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , (new series) xiv. no. 325, (old series) iv. no. 63 (= }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Whale, 'Fees of Earl Hugh de Courtenay'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 327) where it is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Floyerslond iuxta Exham}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred', p. 298, F. Rose-Troup in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (1936) p. 168 and Floyer, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Annals of the Family of Floyer}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 505-524.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 22,1\tab [Exon 457a1; Terrae Occupatae 498a8]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab POWDERHAM. A parish in Exminster Hundred. It is held as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pouderham }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 347 from the Earl of Hereford; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ix. no. 65 and Reichel, 'Exminster Hundred Manors', p. 236.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab THURS. The Domesday form }{\i\insrsid8681605 Torsus}{ \insrsid8681605 (Exon }{\i\insrsid8681605 Torrss}{\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\insrsid8681605 us}{\insrsid8681605 ]) represents Old Norse }{\i\insrsid8681605 Thurs}{\insrsid8681605 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\insrsid8681605 , p. 397. This is the only occurrence of this name in Domesday Book.}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab UNDERWOOD, 4 ACRES. In the corresponding entry in Exon after the livestock details is written '1 league and 4 acres}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of underwood'. It is not clear whether the league refers to the underwood as well, is a}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 scribal error (there are several corrections here), or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 nemoris }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'woodland' was omitted}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 by mistake after it; details of the meadow and pasture follow, as in Domesday. See 1,46 woodland note}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 on the omission of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 nemoris }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and 1,53 pasture note on furlongs and acres being combined in a measurement. The Great Domesday scribe seems to have been perplexed about the phrase and omitted the first part, as probably at first in the similar phrase in 1,53 (see 1,53 pasture note).}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it', probably referring to William of Eu; see 2,14 formerly note and 16,88 formerly note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \'bd VIRGATE ... WHICH LAY IN EXMINSTER. See 1,4 William note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 22,2\tab [Exon 459a2]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab RANULF ALSO HOLDS ... FROM WILLIAM. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Ranulf, who holds the land from}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 W(illiam)'; an unusual formula. As there is no }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 idem }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with Ranulf, he is not necessarily the same man as the Ranulf of 22,1 (which is what Domesday implies). See 15,21 Bretel note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab WHITESTONE. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 A parish in Wonford Hundred. In the order of Exon it lies in a group of Wonford places and is held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 317 as }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Westeton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 by John }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Pouderham }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (see 22,1) from the Earl of Hereford; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ix. no. 65 and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 334.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab TOLI [* THOLF THE DANE *]. }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 The Domesday forms of this name - }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Toli}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Tholi}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 T olius}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Thole}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 - represent Old Norse/Old Danish }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Toli}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , p. 386. The Alecto edition has Toli. \par \tab \tab The Exon form here,}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Tolus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is a}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Latinized (second declension) form of Toli,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which must have developed from an Anglicized derivative }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Tol}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 See DOR 34,2 Tholf note on other forms of his name. He held many of William of Eu's lands before 1066, for example, in Dorset, Wiltshire and Hampshire, in which last county he is called Toli the Dane.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab [However, see now DOR 34,2 Tholf note.]}{ \insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 6 VILLAGERS HAVE IT THERE. 6 VILLAGERS HAVE IT THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Ranulf has ... 6 villagers, who have on it 2 ploughs'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Domesday, grammatically the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 hanc }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 refers to the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 terra }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (or possibly the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 una virgata}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 but in Exon the villagers have 2 ploughs on the land; the Exon phrase }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in ea }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'on it' (referring to the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 terra }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 that Ranulf holds) may have confused the Great Domesday scribe. See 1,29 villagers note on the phrase.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Value when William acquired it'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 23\tab WALTER OF DOUAI. He is sometimes referred to by his name 'Walter' (Old German }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Walt}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 h}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 er}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; see}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Forssner, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Continental-Germanic Personal Names in England}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 243), as in Great Domesday and some Exon entries here and in Domesday Surrey, Kent, Essex, Suffolk and in some entries in Domesday Somerset (see SOM 24 Walter note), and sometimes, as in Domesday Dorset and Wiltshire and in some entries in Somerset an d in some in the Exon for Devon, by 'Walscin', the nickname variant of it (not discussed by von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 or Ellis, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 General Introduction to Domesday Book}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 ; Searle, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Onomasticon Anglo-Saxonum}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 is }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 misleading). }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 This Walscin appears to be the Norman French version of an Old German hypothetical }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Walzin}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 sc}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 etc. for }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 z}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 ; see Zachrisson, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Norman Influence on English Place-Names}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , pp. 37-38; von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , pp. 110-11; Forssner, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Continental-Germanic Personal Names}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , p. 39 and compare his spellings for Azelin) which would be a double-diminutive pet-form of }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Walter}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 (an -}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 in}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 suffix derivative; see Forssner, }{ \i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Continental-Germanic Personal Names}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , pp. 278-79 - of the recorded -}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 z}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 suffix form Walz(e); see Bach, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Personennamen}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , I,i, paragraphs 97.1; 100.2) (JMcND). \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In the Exon for Devon his first name takes the form }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valscini }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (genitive) in the chapter heading, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Walteri}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the entry corresponding to 23,1, but for the rest of the time, including the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entries, the form is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Walscin}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Walcin}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ).}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 In the entry for 23,3 the Exon scribe originally wrote }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Walter' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 but}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 interlined }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 soin' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (presumably for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 scin'}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the first letter is not a capital as Ellis printed) above the last 4 letters to correct to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Walscin'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 an early change in the same colour ink, as two lines below the form }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Walscino }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (ablative) is used and repeated at the end of the entry. Whale,}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 'History of the Exon. "Domesday" ', }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 274 takes the interlined }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 soin' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as a byname of Walter, but this is very unlikely.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab After 23,1 in Great Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Walterius }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is abbreviated to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 W.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as is usually the case. In this translation the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 W. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 has been expanded into the form used by the Exon scribe, in keeping with the method adopted for the Somerset translation.}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Walter had apparently also another byname: Walter of Flanders in the Tax Return for Uffculme Hundred; see 23,9 holds note. He was married to the Edeva who was the 1066 tenant of 23,9 (see 23,9 Uffculme note). \par \tab \tab The descent of Walter's manors is not entirely clear. Most seem to have formed the Honour of Bampton and to have passed on his death }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .1107 to his son Robert who rebelled in 113 6, thence to Robert's daughter Juliana who was first married to Fulk Paynel (Sanders, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 English Baronies}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 5). The lands remained in the Paynel family and were held in 1242-43 (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 793) by Herbert son of Matthew. Other lands passed to the Honour of Marshwood (in Dorset) which had been granted by Henry I to Geoffrey I de Mandeville (see Sanders, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 English Baronies}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 64 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii no. 154). Some estates passed to other Honours, others are not found in the fee lists; see Reichel, 'Coldridge Hundred', p. 220; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 563-565 and H. M. Peskett in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , 32 p. 183.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Douai (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Dwai}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Duai}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Douuai }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Domesday; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 duaco }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Exon for Somerset and Devon) is in the d\'e9partement of Nord in France; see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 87.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab Exon has the same order as Domesday, the places apparently falling in the following hundreds:}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par \tab \tab 23,1-4 Braunton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hundred}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 23,5-9 Bampton Hundred \par \tab \tab 23,10-11 South Molton Hundred \par \tab \tab 23,12 Wonford Hundred \par \tab \tab 23,13-14 Witheridge Hundred \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 23,15 Teignbridge Hundred \par \tab \tab 23,16 Kerswell Hundred \par \tab \tab 23,17-21 Axminster }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hundred}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 23,22-26 Chillington Hundred \par \tab \tab 23,27 Borough of Exteter}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 23,1\tab [Exon 345a1] \par \tab HOLLACOMBE. Presumably the place in Kentisbury parish, Braunton Hundred; see Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 398 note 2, although a number of other hundreds normally precede Braunton in Exon order (see \{ Introduction: Hundreds\}). Both 23,1 Hollacombe, 34,11 Holcombe and 36,9 Hollowcombe are Domesday }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Holecome}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 from Old English }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 holh }{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 cumb }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 'hollow valley' and all apparently refer to different places, though in each case the identity is not completely certain. It is perhaps interesting that all three Great Domesday entries contain details that are not in E xon (a plough estimate here and the amount of tax paid for 34,11 and 36,9), as if additional information relating to a single village had come to light after the compilation of Exon, but it is possible that the Domesday scribe 'deduced' this extra informa tion; see 34,11 Holcombe note and 36,9 Hollowcombe note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWIN HELD IT BEFORE 1066. IT PAID TAX. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Alwin holds (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ten'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ) and it pays}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 reddit}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tax'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ten' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 regularly abbreviates both the present }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tenet }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and the past }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tenuit}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 especially the latter in this position, though usually only with some reference to date (the usual phrase 'on the day on which King Edward was alive and dead' is omitted); compare 1,71 held note. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 reddit }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 may also be a scribal error for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 redd'it }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (= }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 reddidit }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'paid'), as in}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 17,2 (see 17,2 paid note). }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 485, translates 'held' and 'paid' with no comment. However, Alwin is the person who is stated to have the villager, slave, livestock etc. (and probably}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the lordship too), which would not be the case if he were only the 1066 holder (but see DOR 47,10 thanes note). The statement about Alwin holding the manor occurs in Exon where the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holder is normally given, and this may have misled the Great Domesday scribe, especially as no }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holder is given for this entry.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab LAND FOR 1 PLOUGH. Omitted from the corresponding entry in Exon; the Great Domesday scribe may have deduced it from the lordship plough stated. See 3,51 land note and compare DOR 11,12 land note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 23,2\tab [Exon 345a2] \par \tab BERRYNARBOR. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hurtesberie}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'Heort's }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 burh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which simplified to 'Berry' before gaining the name of the thirteenth century holder }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Nerebert }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as a suffix; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 27. It is a parish in Braunton Hundred and can be deduced as lying in that hundred or in Shirwell Hundred in 1086 from an analysis of the Tax Return for Braunton and Shirwell Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 400, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bery}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 held by Philip }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Nerbert}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is a fee of William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Briwere}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 while in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 793, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Byri }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is held of the Honour of Bampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 414; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 527, xv. no. 628; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ii. p. 77 no. 866 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 438. In the first list of hundreds bound up with Exon Domesday (see \{Introduction: Hundreds\}) }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hertesberia }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 constitutes a separate 'hundred'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Value when }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 W}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Walscin}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for 23,5;12) acquired it'. Similarly for the past values of 23,4-5;10;12-14;16-20;23;25-26.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 23,3\tab [Exon 345a3; Terrae Occupatae 498b7]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab HAGGINTON. East Hagginton in Berrynarbor parish, Braunton Hundred. Hagginton had the same late twelfth/ early thirteenth century family holding it as Berrynarbor (William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Nerbert}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ).}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 He exchanged it and it is subsequently held of the Honour of Dartington; see Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 398, 439. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 782, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hakinton' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is held of the Barony of Dartington.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 It is }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Yesthagynton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [East Hagginton] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 414, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Westagynton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 360, the latter probably in error, as West Hagginton is in Ilfracombe (see 3,27 Hagginton note and 16,70 Hagginton note).}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'Walscin has a manor called Hagginton. A manor has been added to i t, which a thane held jointly in 1066. Value 10s a year'. From the value the thane would appear to be Godric; see 23,3 value note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY 15s; VALUE NOW 30s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Value (now) of the manor which Wulfmer held, 20s; value (now) of the other which Godric held, 10s; value when Walscin acquired them, 15s'.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 23,4\tab [Exon 345b1] \par \tab STOODLEIGH}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . It is not improbable that it is the place in West Buckland parish, Braunton Hundred, although it has not been positively identified: Exon order suggests a place either in Braunton Hundred or Bampton Hundred and the fact that there is a change of scribe after this entry inclines to the former. If it lay in West Buckland, Stoodleigh will have been shared with the Bishop of Coutances (3,53 Stoodleig h note), but it might have lain in the Stoodleigh that is now in Witheridge Hundred, but which probably lay in Bampton Hundred in 1086; see 3,77 Stoodleigh note. Reichel in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 486 note 1 suggests 'Stoodleigh' in Berrynarbor (which is not to be found). Alternative identifications, Slew (Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 367) or Sloley (Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 399) have a different etymology. Reichel's editor (in Reichel, 'Braunton, S hirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 399) accepts the place in West Buckland.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 SMALLHOLDERS AND 3 SLAVES. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'A(rnold) has ... 2 villagers who have \'bd plough and (he has) 2 smallholders and 3 slaves ...'. See 1,9 villagers note. The formula here appears to have confused the Great Domesday scribe into omitting the villagers altogether, as also happens in 49,3 (but compare 48,4 smallholders note); see 3,27 smallholder note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 23,5\tab [Exon 345b2]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab BAMPTON. A parish and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 caput }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of Bam pton Hundred. This large holding had been obtained by Walter in exchange for Ermington and Blackawton (see 1,23 Ermington note; 1,24 Blackawton note), having previously been the royal manor that named the hundred (see \{Introduction: Hundreds\} ). The manor was the head of the later barony of Bampton and had connections with Walter's Somerset manors of Huntspill and Horsey. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 793 lists its members as }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Deuval}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Duvale, SS9420]; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hele }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [?Hele in Clayhanger, ST0222]; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Doddescumb' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Doddiscombe, SS9823]; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hakeworth' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Hockworthy, 23,7]; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Havekareland }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [?Hawkerland in Colaton Raleigh, [East] Budleigh Hundred, SY0588; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 587 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 527] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Legh }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Lea Barton in Hockworthy, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 534, part of 23,7]. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 430-431 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Baunton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Of CoImp }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Uffculme 23,9] are coupled with the manor of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Honspill }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Somerset [Huntspill, SOM 24,28;34]; there also }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Duvale }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is connected with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Exebrigg }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [?Exbridge in Morebath, SS9320], }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Dodiscomb }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is said to be held from the Honour of Torrington (see Reichel, }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 'Bampton and Uffculme Hundreds', }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 439) and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hele }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Legh Poulet }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 are held from the manor of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Horsi }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Somerset [Horsey, SOM 24,25]. See }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 369; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 65a, 94a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 139, iv. no. 89, v. no. 530, xii. no. 220, xv. no. 733. Hawkerland subsequently went to Dunkeswell Abbey; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 304, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 152a.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 15 PIGMEN WHO PAY 106}{\fs24\cf1\up6\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \'bd PIGS. They probably paid 106 one year and 107 the next. Compare HEF 1,6 where freedmen paid 2 \'bd sheep with lambs.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab KING EDWARD HELD IT. The corresponding entry in Exon adds 'in 1066'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab THIS LAND HAS NEVER PAID TAX. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'We do not know (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 nescimus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 how many hides lie on this land because it has never paid tax'. See SOM 36,7 hide note; SOM 40,2 hides note and DOR 1,20 value note on the rare intrusion of the first person into the text. The scribe of this entry did not write the Somerset entries, but may have written the Dorset one.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP 2 PLOUGHS ... LAND FOR 4 PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'W(alscin) has land for 4 ploughs in lordship; he has 2 ploughs there'. It would appear that he had 4 carucates of lan d (since Bampton had not been hidated) and 2 ploughs in lordship; see 1,2 carucates note and 23,5 villagers note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab VILLAGERS ... 18 PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The villagers have land for 18 ploughs', that is, 18 carucates of land; no actual ploughs are mentioned. As the }{\i\f720\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 t'r\'e2}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is interlined (by the scribe of the rest of the entry and apparently at the same time), it could easily have been missed by the Great Domesday scribe who assumed the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xviii carr' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 was their actual plough holding rather than their land holding. A similar error occurs in 52,10 (see 52,10 lordship note).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab TO THIS MANOR. Unusually, the added 1 hide and the removed \'bd furlong do not appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , perhaps because they were part of Bampton when the king held it and so the addition was known to be legal (so Finn, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Liber Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 94), but this still leaves the detail of the \'bd furlong ('ferling') - presumably wrongfully acquired by William of Mohun after the exchange - which one would expect to be noted in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Compare 23,6 manors note.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab BEFORE 1066. Omitted from the corresponding entry in Exon; compare 2,24 before 1066 note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab RADEMAR ... ^[ANOTHER]^ RADEMAR. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 A Rademar, probably the same as one of these, is a frequent subtenant of Walter of Douai in SOM 24. According to Eyton, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Somerset Survey}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i. p. 62, he is Rademar the cleric, Walter's brother: in SOM 24,35 a Raimer (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Raimar}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the cleric is described in Exon as Walter's brother. Although }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Raimar }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 usually represents Old German }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ragimar }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Forssner, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Continental-Germanic Personal Names in England}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 207; }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 F\'f6rstemann,}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Personennamen}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 1235) and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rademar }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 usually represents Old German }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Radmer }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Forssner, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Continental-Germanic Personal Names in England}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 206; }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 F\'f6rstemann,}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Personennamen}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 1216), it is possible that }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rad}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 e}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 mar }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rag}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 e}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 mer }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 may have become confused: }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rademar/Radmer }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 could have lost its }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 d}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 producing a French variant }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ramer }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (compare }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rodbert}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 /}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Robert}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Leodmaer/Lemar}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , \'a7 103 p. 98) (JMcND).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The corresponding entry in Exon has}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Renuallus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rademar}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ].}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The first name in Exon should probably be rendered 'Reginwal' (Old German }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ragin-}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Reginwalch}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 :}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 F\'f6rstemann,}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Personennamen}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , p. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 1238). In Domesday Somerset a frequent subtenant of Walter of Douai is a man called }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Reneuualdus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Reneuuarus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 who would appear to be the same as this Reginwal in Devon (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 -uualdus }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 by epenthesis and analogy with Old German }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Raginwald}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 -uarus }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 by Anglo-Norman l/r interchange); in the Somerset edition in this series the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 -r- }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 spellings misled JMcND into adducing Old German }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Raginward}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 whence 'Rainward' by JRM's anglicizing process. As Rademar is also a frequent subtenant of Walter in both Devon and Somerset, the Great Domesday scribe probably wrote }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rademar }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 twice}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 by mistake for one }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Renuallus }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and one }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rademar }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (unless he had received other information to correct Exon); this can be seen also in SOM 24,27 where Domesday has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rademar }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holding from Walter while Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Reineuualus}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab GERARD. According to Eyton, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Somerset Survey}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i. p. 62, the Gerard who held Bratton Seymour (SOM 24,15) was Walter's steward (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 dapifer}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and was also his subtenant in Devon. There is no mention in either Domesday or Exon of Gerard as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 dapifer}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 VILLAGERS. In the corresponding entry in Exon there are 10 villagers altogether; see \{Appendix: Details Table\} . The Domesday scribe probably omitted Reginwal's 7 villagers: the (lordship) plough interlined above them may have been the cause. The Domesday scribe also omitted the woodland given in the same holding.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WILLIAM OF MOHUN ... \'bd FURLONG. He holds Clayhanger (18,1), adjacent to Bampton.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab DESPITE WALSCIN. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 super Walscinum }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in both Domesday and Exon; Latin }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 super }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ('over, against') is, difficult to render in this sense. The primary notion contained in the Latin word is that of a battle or contest, fair or unfair, in which William 'wins' and Walscin 'loses'. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Super }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 may, however, be a translation of Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ofer }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'despite, in spite of, contrary to'. The reality was probably that the land was taken, or encroa ched upon, against Walscin's wish or even without his knowledge. Compare DOR 55,23. CAM 3,5. NTT 20,7.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WITH ITS DEPENDENCIES. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'with this land', referring to the added 1 hide.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 23,6\tab [Exon 346a1] \par \tab DIPFORD. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 In Bampton paris h, Bampton Hundred. It was held from the Queen, and Walter's citation of the king suggests uncertainty about its tenure; see 23,6 calls note. It may be for this reason that it did not descend with the rest of Walter's lands. It passes in fact to the Honou r of Torrington (see DEV 36 Theobald note), being held as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Depeford' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 775; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 431 and Reichel, }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 'Bampton and Uffculme Hundreds', }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 440.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IT PAID TAX FOR \'bd HIDE. Written in very pale ink in the left margin of the manuscr ipt, surrounded on 3 sides by the same pale ink, but with no transposition signs. The distinctive ink colour is the same as that used in the additional entries on folio 117c (48,12 and 49,7) and in several other interlineations and corrections.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 6 VILLAGERS ... 6 PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '3 ploughs'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 ASSES. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ii asinos}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 very rarely recorded in Exon: apart from these two, there were three in Somerset and only one in Dorset; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday Geography of South-West England}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 206, 123.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it', probably referring to Walter/Walscin (see 2,14 formerly note and 16,88 formerly note). Similarly for the past values of 23,7;9;15;20-22.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab TWO THANES HELD IT JOINTLY AS TWO MANORS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Walscin holds two manors called Dipford, which two thanes held jointly in 1066'. No record of this combination appears in the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , probably because the king was involved in the tenure (see 23,6 calls note and compare 23,5 manor note).}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Domesday This sentence is squeezed in at the end of the line in the same very pale ink as the marginal tax assessment; the scribe appears to be the same as for the rest of the entry. See 17,13 held note.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab HE CALLS UPON THE KING [TO WARRANT] IT. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'He calls on the king as his guarantor for this (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 inde uocat rege' aduocatu' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )'.}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Domesday has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 inde regem aduocat}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 He calls upon the king to vouch that he holds the land lawfully; he could no longer call upon the Queen as she was dead. The Exon scribe puts it more fully and clearly with his use of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 advocatus }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in apposition to the king. An }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 advocatus }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in this sense would be someone, by no means always the king, though with his authority (for example, the B ishop of Bayeux in SUR1,5), who could 'guarantee' that the land was held lawfully and could protect the holder against claimants to it. Compare SOM 22,19 and DOR 54,8.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 23,7\tab [Exon 346a2]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab W[ALSCIN] HOLDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Walscin has ... Hockworthy ... and Gerard holds it from W(alscin)'. See 47,2 Godebold note and also 23,5 Gerard note. It is possible that since Exon had been compiled Gerard had given up his subtenancy of Hockworthy.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab HOCKWORTHY. A parish in Bampton Hundred, meaning 'Hocca's farm'; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 534. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hakeworth' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is held}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with other Bampton Honour places in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 793, including probably Lea Barton (see 23,5 Bampton note). The exact holding may have been at Hockford Waters [ST0220], the 'Waters' preserving Walter's name as in Bridgwater, Somerset; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pp. 369, 431 and Reichel, }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 'Bampton and Uffculme Hundreds', }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 443 note 9.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 23,8\tab [Exon 346a3] \par \tab GERARD. See 23,5 Gerard note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab KERSWELL. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cressewalde }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 caerse wielle }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'cress spring'; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 535. It lies in Holcombe Rogus parish, Bampton Hundred.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 23,9\tab [Exon 346b1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab W[ALSCIN] HOLDS. The Tax Return for Uffculme Hundred states that Walter of Flanders (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 flandrensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 has 5 hides of lordship land there, which corresponds to this holding. Douai is in Flanders.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab UFFCULME. Later in Bampton Hundred. Uffculme had its own Tax Return (see above 23,9 holds note) and continued as a separate hundred in later times; see \{Introduction: Hundreds\}. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 430-31 it is coupled with Bampton (see 23,5 Bampton note) and its members are given as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Stenhal }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Yundecote }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Stenhill, ST0610 and Yondercott, ST0712]; Stenhill is held as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Stenenhalle }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 782 from the Honour of Worle [SOM 24,1 held by Walterof Douai in 1086].}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Uffculme had belonged to Glastonbury Abbey (see DEV 4 Glastonbury note), being granted by King Aethelwulf (839-855) as 24 hides at }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Uffaculum }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 11 p. 9 = Sawyer, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 1697; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 15 no. 66). The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Glastonbury Cartulary}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Watkin, i. p. 126 no. 172) records its lease to Edeva (the 1066 holder), widow of Hemming, who married Walter of Douai. Domesday does not mention the Glastonbury tenure, the implication being that the land was confirmed on Walter by the}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Conqueror. It passed to Walter's son Robert and was restored to Glastonbury Abbey by}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 King Stephen in 1136 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Glaston bury Cartulary}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Watkin, i. p. 126 no. 172)), an act which led to a prolonged revolt by Robert and other nobles; see Hoskins and Finberg, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Devonshire Studies}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 59-77. It did not long remain in Glastonbury's possession, but reverted to Walter's heirs; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 139, iv. no. 89, v. no. 530, xii. no. 220 and xv. no. 733.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 PIGMEN ... PIGS. It is interesting that this statement is interlined in Exon, above the second line containing the livestock, but at the same time as the rest of the entry; this is probably the reason for its misplacement in Great Domesday. Compare 42,6 pigmen note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 23,10\tab [Exon 346b2] \par \tab KNOWSTONE. A parish in South Molton Hundred, represented in Domesday by four estates (23,10-11. 52,41;51). In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 793, the heir of Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Beupel }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cnuston' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Marshwood; in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 325, 418. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Knouston Beaupel }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is held by John }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Maundevill' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the same Honour. This manor is now represented by Beaples Barton, Beaples Hill and Beaples Moor in this parish. If the second Domesday entry (23,11) represents a separate manor, it may have been the Knowstone that passed to William }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Botreaux }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and was given by him to the Canons of Hartland in 1160 (Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 207; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 333; see Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', pp. 71, 89-90). But the descent of the other estates at Knowstone (52,41; 51) is also obscure.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 23,11\tab [Exon 346b3]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab ROLF ALSO. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Rolf' with no }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 idem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 so perhaps not the same man as the Rolf of 23,10. See 15,21 Bretel note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab KNOWSTONE. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 See 23,10 Knowstone note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 23,12\tab [Exon 347a1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IN EXON THIS ENT RY and the next five (23,12-17) are on folio 347 which the transcriber Ralph Barnes noted in 1810 had been cut out and 'no doubt stolen' (Exon folio 541), but which was discovered soon afterwards and sent to him (see }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Ellis, }{ \i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Domesday Book}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , iii. (}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Libri Censualis}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 327* note) and re-inserted among the manuscript folios. A transcription of it was prepared and printed for inclusion in subsequent bindings of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday Book iii.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as pp. 326*-327*.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab GERARD. See 23,5 note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab ALSI . On the name-form Al si, see 15,54 Alsi note. \par \tab \tab Alsi, one of the major predecessors of Walter of Douai, was a substantial west-country thane whose properties clustered around his large manor of Castle Cary in Somerset and around Mohuns Ottery in Devon, with single manors in Do rset and Wiltshire. In Devon, Alsi had an outlier across the Exe at Dunsford, just a couple of miles from the nearest of two adjacent holdings at Lowley and Doddiscombsleigh held by an Alsi who is probably the same individual. See also Clarke, }{ \i\insrsid8681605 English Nobility}{\insrsid8681605 , p. 240, who inexplicably omits the holding at Castle Raleigh (23,21) and includes Ottery twice. He also omits the holdings in Dorset and Wiltshire, perhaps because of their distance from the Somerset group. But Alsi is not a common name in either of these counties, occurring only once more in Dorset and twice for laymen in Wiltshire, so the antecessorial link through Walter of Douai is a persuasive one. The two manors were fairly substantial, similar in this respect to his holdings in Devon (JP).}{ \insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab WOO DLAND, 10 ACRES. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'woodland, 10 furlongs': }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 x agros nemoris}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 q}{\i\fs24\cf1\up6\insrsid8681605 u}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 drag'} {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 interlined above}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 agros }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which is underlined for deletion (though this was not shown by Ellis). The interlineation is in the same colour ink and by th e same scribe, so is very unlikely to be a correction done after the manuscript was seen and used by the compiler of Domesday. See 1,38 for another example of Domesday having acres for Exon's furlongs, though there is no obvious reason there for the chang e.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Compare 17,79 underwood note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 23,13\tab [Exon 347a2]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab LITTLE RACKENFORD. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Litelracheneford}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . It lay in Rackenford parish, Witheridge Hundred. Domesday unusually distinguish es this place from Rackenford (16,148). The other lands held by Ludo from Walter in 1086 (23,17-20;22) are later held of the Honour of Marshwood by the Mohun family of Dunster in Somerset; compare 25,23 Farway note. No such holding appears in the fee list s although the Mohuns hold the adjacent Nutcott (46,2) from the Honour of Plympton; see Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', p. 418; }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 357. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 761, Little Rackenford appears as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Parva Rakeneford' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 held by Robert of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Sideham }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (from Sydeham, 24,7), but held of the Honour of Gloucester. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Little Rakerneford }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Sidham }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 are associated in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , vii. no. 344.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 PLOUGH, WHICH IS THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'L(udo) has 1 plough'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 probably implied or omitted in error.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 23,14\tab [Exon 347a3] \par \tab SPURWAY. In Oakford parish, Witheridge Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 793. Ivo }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Servinton' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Spreweye} {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The place is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Westsprewey }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 held from John }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Mandevill }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Coker }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Coker in Somerset] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 343; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 759; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 154. For East Spurway, see 3,74.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid8681605 23,15\tab [Exon 347a4]}{\insrsid8681605 \par }{\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab ANSGER. Although the forms }{\i\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ansger }{\cf1\insrsid8681605 (for the}{\i\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\cf1\insrsid8681605 1086 holder) and }{\i\cf1\insrsid8681605 Asgar}{\cf1\insrsid8681605 (for the 1066 holder) can represent the same name (see 1,23 Esger note), it is unlikely that the same man held }{\i\cf1\insrsid8681605 Sutreworde }{\cf1\insrsid8681605 both in 1066 and 1086, as the formula one would expect in such a case would be 'Ansger holds ... He also held ...'.They are here treated as Ansger and Esger respoectively.}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab "SUTREWORDE".}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday Gazetteer}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 's identification of this place with Southbrook in North Bovey parish, Teignbridge Hundred, is over-hasty since }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 469 reports early forms of the latter as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Sudbroc}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Suthbroke}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Nonetheless, this entry is in the right place in the schedule for a Teignbridge Hundred place and it might be the place later called }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Leuestelegh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Lustleigh SX7881], otherwise unrepresented in Domesday, and which is held in that hundred in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 793 by the heirs of John }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Mandevill' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Marshwood; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. nos. 154, 236; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 339, 389; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 335, Reichel, 'Teignbridge Hundred', p. 236. But the connection has yet to be proved. For another view see }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Somers Cocks, \lquote Dartmoor and Domesday Book\rquote }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab ESGER [* THE CRAMPED *]. See 23,15 Ansger note and 1,23 Esger note.}{\insrsid7095979 \par }{\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Exon identifies the Esger who had held the substantial royal manors of Ermington and Blackawton (1,23-24) as Esger the cramped, and Domesday reveals that both manors had been exchanged for Bampton, held by Walter of Douai in 1086. Walter had also inherited all the remaining manors of an Esger in Devon and the single manor held }{ \i\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\insrsid8681605 by E sger in Somerset, all of them substantial properties. It is therefore probable that all had been held by Esger the cramped in 1066. The one remaining holding of an Esger in the south-west, at Calstock in Cornwall, had probably also belonged to the same ma n. This, too, was a substantial holding - among the top 20% of Cornish manors - and the meddling of the Count of Mortain in Ermington suggests another possible connection (JP).}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 11 VILLAGERS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '21 villagers'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 61 PIGS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '60 pigs', the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 lx }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 being written over the erasure of a longer figure (possibly }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xviii}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of which a final }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is still visible, hence, probably, the discrepancy with Domesday.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 5 BEEKEEPERS. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 v mellitarios}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 accusative, in stead of the usual nominative; probably the result of direct copying of Exon where the beekeepers (like the rest of the population) are the object of 'Ansger has'; compare 1,27 smiths note. Nine beekeepers are also recorded in WIL 1,16, a 'keeper of 12 be ehives' in HEF 1,47 and a beekeeper in SHR 7,5; these are the only occurrences in Domesday Book, although beehives are mentioned regularly in Little Domesday.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab SESTERS OF HONEY. The sester is a measure, sometimes of liquid, as here, sometimes dry (for example, it is used of salt in GLS 1,47-48 and of wheat, malt and oats in WIL 24p).}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 It was of uncertain and probably variable size (see GLS G1 sesters note; GLS G1 measure note and GLS 19,2 measure note). It was reckoned at 32 oz. for honey; see Zupko}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Dictiona ry of English Weights and Measures}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 155. Sometimes the sester payment was commuted: in WIL 24p Edward of Salisbury had, among other commodities as his annual payment as sheriff, '16 sesters of honey, or instead of honey, 16s'. Compare WAR B5 where the b orough of Warwick pays '6 sesters of honey, that is a sester at 15 pence'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE, 10 FURLONGS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'pasture, 10 furlongs in both length and width'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE ... \'a31.}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 So the Exon manuscript for this entry; Ellis misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 viii libras}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 23,16\tab [Exon 347b1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab GOODRINGTON. In Paignton parish, Haytor Hundred, the successor to Kerswell Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 767, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Goderington'}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ledwycheton' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [now Boohay in Brixham, SX8952; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 507], and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bruneston' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Brownstone in Brixham, SX9050] are held as one fee of Geoffrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Mandevl' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Marshwood; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 793; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 154 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 317, 348, 391.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab ESGER [* THE CRAMPED *]. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Esger}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Exon, in the corresponding entry, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ansgar}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ); see 1,23 Esger note. See also 23,15 Esger note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 23,17\tab [Exon 347b2] \par \tab LUDO. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 He is called Walscin's man-at-arms in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; see 23,20 manor note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab "HETFELLE".}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 It would not be unreasonable to suppose , from Exon order, that this place lay in Axminster Hundred along with 23,18-20. Moreover, there is a Heathfield in Honiton parish (at SY1599) and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday Gazetteer}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 identifies }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hetfelle }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with this place. But there are at least eleven other 'Heathfields' in Devon and convincing evidence for this identification is lacking. A holding of Ludo in 1086 normally passed to the Mohun family (see 23,13 Rackenford note) and they hold }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Holedich }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Holedych }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Holditch in Thorncombe, ST3402] otherwise unaccounted for in Domesday. But there is at present no evidence to connect }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hetfelle }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with Holditch; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 612, 793, 1263, 1423; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 319; Maxwell Lyte, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Honour of Dunster }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 passim}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. nos. 154, 306, 593, vi. no. 602, vii. no. 297 and Reichel, 'Axminster and Axmouth Hundreds', pp. 139, 159.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab ALSI . On the name-form Alsi, see 15,54 Alsi note. On the possible identification, see 23,12 Alsi note.}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 23,18\tab [Exon 348a1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab LEVEL WITH THE FIRST LINE of this entry in the left margin of the manuscript is an }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 0}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 sign and in the right margin a }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 +}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 sign, neither shown by Farley. The cross is in a thinner pen and possibly in paler ink than the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 0}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 though it is hard to be certain as the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 0 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is written on the darker parchment at the inner edge of the folio. See 10,1 margin note, 19,27 level note and 19,43 level note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab [MOHUNS]}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 OTTERY. This place lies in Luppitt parish, Axminster Hundred; Luppitt is the next entry in Domesday (23,19). Ludo's }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Otri }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 will have passed to the Mohuns, has the same 1066 and 1086 holders as Luppitt and occurs as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Oterymoun }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Loveput }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 429, held from John }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Mohun }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of Dunster. Earlier this place appears as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Otery }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 held by Reginald }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Mohun }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from Geoffrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Mandevil }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Marshwood and is also known as }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ottery Flemeng}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 319, 366; Maxwell Lyte, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Honour of Dunster}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 56; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. nos. 154, 306, 436, 593, iii. no. 415, vi. no. 478, vii. no. 297, xi. no. 30 0, xii. no. 436; Reichel, 'Axminster and Axmouth Hundreds', pp. 139, 160 and 23,21 Combe note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab ALSI . On the name-form Alsi, see 15,54 Alsi note. On the possible identification, see 23,12 Alsi note.}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\insrsid8681605 23,19\tab [Exon 348a2] \par \tab LUPPITT}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . See 23,18 Ottery note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab ALSI . On the name-form Alsi, see 15,54 Alsi note. On the possible identification, see 23,12 Alsi note.}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\insrsid8681605 23,20\tab [Exon 348a3; Terrae Occupatae 503b3] \par \tab GREENWAY}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . Also in Luppitt parish, Axminster Hundred, and with the same manorial descent as Luppitt; see Reichel, 'Axminster and Axmouth Hundreds', p. 163 and 23,18 Ottery note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab ALSI . On the name-form Alsi, see 15,54 Alsi note. On the possible identification, see 23,12 Alsi note.}{\insrsid7095979 \par }{\insrsid8681605 \tab TO THIS MANOR HAS BEEN ADDED. Abbreviated details of this added manor, which is also held by Ludo, appear twice in the }{\i\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\insrsid8681605 : in 503b3 and in 500a6, referring to 42,16 where Ludo is named and described as Walscin's man-at-arms and the value is stated to be '30s'.}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab SHA PCOMBE ... BROADHEMBURY. See 42,16 although the details do not tally, perhaps because they originated from two different returns.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 23,21\tab [Exon 348b1] \par \tab COMBE RALEIGH. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Otri}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 A parish in Axminster Hundred. This second 'Ottery' held by Walter in 1086 (the first is 23,18) is found in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 793 as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cumb' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 held by Matthew }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Banton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (from Bampton 23,5) of the Honour of Marshwood, later as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Otercomb }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 held by John }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ralegh }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Mohun }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Honour of Dunster}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 429). This is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Combe Banton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 319, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Combe Mathei de Bampton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Maxwell Lyte, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Honour of Dunster}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 57 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cumb Coffyn }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. nos. 306, 593, held by the heirs of Matthew }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Baunton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in } {\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii no. 154. It is now Combe Raleigh (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 638), although }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 489 says of the same land }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Otercombe alias dicta Uppeotery }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Upottery] ; see Reichel, 'Axminster and Axmouth Hundreds', pp. 140, 163 and Reichel in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 21, p. 201. 'Combe Bampton' went to Newenham Abbey, Oliver, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 357.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab ALSI . On the name-form Alsi, see 15,54 Alsi note. On the possible identification, see 23,12 Alsi note.}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 23,22\tab [Exon 348b2]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab LUDO HOLDS. In the corresponding entry in Exon Ludo only holds 4 of the 5 hides in Stoke (Fleming), the remaining hide being held by Ralph and a woman. Compare 19,33 Yowlestone note; 19,43 Ralph note and 34,27 William note. }{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab STOKE [FLEMING]. A parish in Coleridge Hundred, the successor to Chillington Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 793, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Stokes }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 is held by Reginald }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 de Mohun }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 of the Honour of Marshwood. It is }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Stok Flemeng }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 331. This manor or Townstall (23,26) also contained lands at Kinsgwear, Norton, Clifton, Dartmouth and 'Hardness'. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , xiv. no. 325, Hugh }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 de Courteney }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Norton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Norton, SX8551] by }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Stokeflemmyng}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Clyfton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Clifton, SX8850], }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Dertemuth }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Dartmouth, SX8751J and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Hardenesse }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 ['Hardness'; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 321]. Kingswear [SX8851] had also been part of this land before going to Torre Abbey (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , ii. p. 515; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , ii. p. 361). On the whole manor see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. pp. 350, 391-392; Maxwell Lyte, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Honour of Dunster}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 56; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , ii. nos. 306, 436, 593, iii. no. 415, vi. no. 478, vii. no. 297, xi. no. 300, xii. no. 436, xiii. no. 18, xvi. no. 959; Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 371; }{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , \lquote Coldridge Hundred \rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 pp. 197, 221-22.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ESGER [* THE CRAMPED *]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The corresponding entry in Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ansgar}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Ansger'; see 1,23 Esger note. See also 23,15 Esger note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab A MILL IN LORDSHIP WHICH RENDERS SERVICE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'A mill which only serves his}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 house (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 molendinum qui tantum modo seruit domui suae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )',}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the meaning being that the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 mill provides grain only for the lord's residence, not for the villagers. Compare 5,1 'a mill}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which serves the court'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 molinum in dominio seruiens}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 but Exon makes it clear that this is a mill that only serves the lord (of the manor). However, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 seruiens }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is an awkward addition to the set phrase }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in dominio}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (= 'a mill in lordship, serving'), whereas the Latin should read }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 molinum domui/domino}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 seruiens }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (= 'a mill serving the house/lord'), the verb }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 seruio }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 taking its object in the dative case. See 1,7 mills note and compare 17,1 Totnes note and 20,13 land note on oth er examples of bad construction of the Latin in Domesday Devon. \par \tab \tab In the Exon manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tantum }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with a slight space between, possibly intended as two words.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Although }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tantum }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 modo }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 each have several meanings, when brought together (whether}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as one word or two) they mean 'only'. }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 488, is wrong to translate 'only now'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab RALPH HOLDS \'bd HIDE. Probably at }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Northton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Norton, SX8551], a Marshwood fee in}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 793, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 331, 393, later joined to Townstall (23,26) which Ralph also held;}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see Reichel, 'Coldridge Hundred', p. 222.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab A WOMAN HOLDS \'bd}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 HIDE. The corresponding entry in Exon has '... which W(alscin) gave her in alms'. The Great Domesday scribe may have intentionally omitted this, because he thought it unimportant in a}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 su bholding.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 23,23\tab [Exon 349a1; Terrae Occupatae 504a1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab COLERIDGE. In Stockenham parish, Coleridge Hundred, the successor to Chillington Hundred.; see Reichel, 'Coldridge Hundred', p. 197.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BICCA HELD IT. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Biche}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bichus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 202.} {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Only the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry has 'which Bicca held jointly'; both the corresponding entry in Exon and Domesday describe the manner of Bicca's tenure in the last sentence.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ADDED TO ESGER [* THE CRAMPED *]'S LANDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Ansger's honour'; in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 : 'Ansger's honour which W(alscin) holds'. On Esger/Ansger representing the same name, see 1,23 Esger note. See also 23,15 Esger note. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The implication is that the addition was illegal, that}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Walter should not have annexed these lands, held freely in 1066, to those of Ansger/}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Esger whose holding he had (legally) acquired. Compare 15,31 land note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THE HOLDER ... WOULD. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'This manor belonged to a thane free to go where he would before 1066'. Similarly for 23,24. The (extended) Latin for both these entries (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 haec mansio fuit liberi tagni ad pergendum quocumque uoluit tempore regis Eduuardi}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 though slightly c ontorted and involving an unusual use of the gerund, is clear: }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 liberi }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is genitive and}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ad pergendum }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 depends on it (= 'free to go'). A different Exon. scribe to this one also attempted the use of the gerund in a similar phrase for Domesday 40,7, but his command of Latin was not good enough to carry it through; see 40,7 holder note. }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 488, translates the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tempore regis Eduuardi }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 phrase as describing the date at which the manor belonged to the thane, which alters the meaning. Although this is how Domesday puts it, it is unlikely here because of the position of the phrase at the end of the sentence.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 23,24\tab [Exon 349a2; Terrae Occupatae 504a2] \par \tab ALRIC }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 HOLDS ... FROM. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 teneb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('held') written originally, but corrected}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ten' de }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 d }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 covering the original }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 b}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 without the second }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 e }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 teneb' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 being erased.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODCOMBE?. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wodicome}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The order of Exon places it clearly in Chillington}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (later Coleridge) Hundred; it may well be the place in Chivelstone parish, although}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 neither this place nor the entries for Coleridge (23,23;25) are found in fee lists. It is}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 unlikely to be Widdicombe in Stockenham parish (Reichel, 'Coldridge Hundred', p. 197; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 333) which is derived from }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 withig }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'withy'. Moreover, the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , reference (p. 780)}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cited by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 actually relates to Withycombe Raleigh (24,3). The Domesday form points}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 rather to Woodcombe (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 320).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab EDRIC HELD IT. Only the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry (504a2) has 'which Edric held jointly'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 \'bd PLOUGHS THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Alric has 1 \'bd ploughs'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is probably implied or omitted in error.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ADDED TO ESGER [* THE CRAMPED *]'S LANDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Ansger's honour'; the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 has 'Ansger's Holding which W(alscin) holds'. See 1,23 Esger note on Esger/ Ansger. On the implication of this statement, see 23,23 added note. See also 23,15 Esger note.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THE HOLDER ... WOULD. See 23,23 holder note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 23,25\tab [Exon 349b1] \par \tab COLERIDGE. See 23,23 Coleridge note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 PLOUGH WHICH IS THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Aelfeva has 1 plough'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is probably implied or omitted in error.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ON THE LACK OF POPULATION recorded for this manor, see 17,84 Chittleburn note. It is possible}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 that the land was worked by some of the 3 smallholders recorded for the other manor in}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Coleridge (23,23).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 23,26\tab [Exon 349b2] \par \tab TOWNSTALL. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Dartmouth parish, Coleridge Hundred, the successor to Chillington Hundred.. After 1086 this manor}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was combined with Norton (23,22 Stoke note), but was later separated again and granted to}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Torre Abbey before 1346 when the Abbey is found holding }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tounstalle }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 393).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 361; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 153a; Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 169 and Reichel, 'Coldridge Hundred', p. 222.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ANSGER [* ESGER THE CRAMPED *]. On Ansger/Esger, see 1,23 Esger note. }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See also 23,15 Esger note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 23,27\tab [Exon 349b3; Terrae Occupatae 506b1] \par \tab ESGER [* THE CRAMPED *]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The corresponding entry in Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ansger}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ), 'Ansger'; see 1,23 Esger note. See also 23,15 Esger note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HE HAS ALSO ... KEPT BACK. This information is in the main Exon entry and also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 HOUSE IN PLEDGE FROM A BURGESS. Compare 5,15 and 5,15 house note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CUSTOMARY DUES. That is, 8d; see C1 dues note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24\tab WALTER OF CLAVILLE. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Clauile}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon entries corresponding to 24,1;3 have }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de clauilla }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (elsewhere in the section he is called plain Walter). Walter may have come from one of several places in France called Claville or Clasville: Claville near Evreux in the d\'e9partement of Eure or Claville-Motteville near Yvetot in the d\'e9 partement of Seine-Maritime or Clasville near Cany Barville also in Seine-Maritime (see }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dauzat and Rostaing, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dictionnaire des Noms de Lieux en France}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 under }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Clasville}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ).}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames} {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 82, seems to confuse both the d\'e9partements and the villages; see also Loyd, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Some Anglo-Norman Families}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 29. Walter also held land in chief in Dorset; see DOR 41,1 Walter note and compare 16,5 Bratton note and 24,8 Lowman here. On Gotshelm, who was probably Walter's brother, see DEV 25 Gotshelm note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Walter's lands later form a part of the Honour of Gloucester, other contributors being Gotshelm ( DEV 25), Ansger (DEV 40), Aiulf (DEV 41), Morin [of Caen] (51,14 Leonard note), Colwin (52,4 Woolfardisworthy note; 52,5 Dunsbeare note; 52,6 Allisland note), Godric (52,20 Bulworthy note; 52,21 Calverleigh note) and Godwin (52,9 Godwin note), in addition to the lands of Queen Matilda (1,57-72). The Honour of Gloucester lands reappear in a number of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Inquisitiones Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; see in particular that of Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Wylyngton } {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ix. no. 218).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab In Exon the holdings of Walter and Gotshelm (= DEV 25) are given under the heading of 'Lands of Gotshelm and Walter in Devonshire', folios 388a-397a inclusive. According to Galbraith, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Making of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 107, the two fiefs were combined in Exon bec ause the first entry to be written there (= Domesday 24,32) was held jointly by the two men, so the scribe wrote the joint heading and then continued. However, it is more likely that the returns of Walter and Gotshelm (who were apparently brothers; see DE V 25 Gotshelm note) came in together and were never separated, but retained in their original hundredal order; compare DEV 19 William note. The lands of Walter are entered for one hundred, then those of Gotshelm in the same hundred, then, for the next hund r ed, Gotshelm's holdings come first, Walter's second, and so on with only a couple of exceptions to this rule; see DEV 24 Walter note for the order and compare 24,8 estate note The Great Domesday scribe separated this Exon section into two chapters, as he d id with other composite Exon sections (see DEV 22 William note and DEV 47 Gotshelm note). However, instead of beginning his excerpting of Walter's land at Exon folio 388a, he began in the middle of the Exon section at folio 392a which coincides with the b eginning of the second of the three 'booklets' forming the section (quire 4d; see the list in }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ker, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Medieval Manuscripts in British Libraries}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 803). It would seem that the Great Domesday scribe inadvertently mislaid the first 'quire' and then came bac k to it when he had got to the end of the section; see 24,21 manuscript note for the space in the Domesday manuscript probably caused by this. Having recovered the first 'quire', he proceeded to excerpt Gotshelm's lands in the logical order, beginning wit h 25,1 on folio 388a. This is strong proof that the Great Domesday scribe used Exon in the form we have it now, rather than a copy; the odd order of excerpting Walter's lands can only be explained by the 'quire' division of Exon at this point (in a copy it would be unlikely that the scribe would use identical size booklets to his original; almost certainly he would use uniform 'booklets' throughout with no blanks). To explain this contradiction of the 'copy' view Finn, 'Devonshire Domesdays', p. 116) stated that some of the 'booklets' in the copy were apparently constructed in the same way as their originals.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab The lands of Walter of Claville and of Gotshelm (DEV 25) are entered together in Exon (see paragraph above) in the following order of hundreds:}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 24,32 [Black] Torrington Hundred}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 24,22. 25,1-2 Merton Hundred \par \tab \tab 25,3-4 Fremington Hundred \par \tab \tab 25,5-10. 24,23-25 [North] Tawton Hundred \par \tab \tab 24,26 Fremington Hundred \par \tab \tab 24,27-29. 25,11 [North]Tawton Hundred \par \tab \tab 24,30-31. 25,12 Bampton Hundred \par \tab \tab 25,13 Silverton Hundred \par \tab \tab 25,14. 24,1 Hemyock Hundred \par \tab \tab 24,2 Wonford Hundred \par \tab \tab 25,15 24,3-4 Budleigh Hundred \par \tab \tab 24,5-7 Witheridge Hundred \par \tab \tab 24,8-10. 25,16-19. 25,20-22. 24,11-16 Tiverton Hundred and Halberton Hundred \par \tab \tab 24,17. 25,23 Colyton Hundred \par \tab \tab 25,24-25. 24,18-19 Chillington Hundred \par \tab \tab 25,26. 24,20 Ermington Hundred}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 24,21 Diptford Hundred \par \tab \tab 25,27 (unknown) \par \tab \tab 25,28 'Cliston' Hundred}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,1\tab [Exon 392a1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BYWOOD. In Dunkeswell parish, Hemyock Hundred; it can be identified from an analysis of the Tax Return for that hundred. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Biuuode }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 338 by the Abbot of}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dunkeswell from John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Clavill }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and by him from the Honour of Gloucester; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 367, 430; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 151b; Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 396; Reichel, ' Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds', p. 43 and 24,16 Leonard note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when W. ('Walter' in full for 24,22) acquired it'. Similarly for the past values of 24,2-4;6-7;19;21-22;31.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,2\tab [Exon 392a2] \par \tab BRAMFORD [SPEKE]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Wonford Hundred; see 3,67 Bramford note and 16,123 Bramford note. This particular \'bd hide holding appears to be represented in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 779, by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Steveneston' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Stevenstone Barton in Upton Pyne, SX9199], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Couelegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Cowley in Upton Pyne, SX9096] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Yendecoth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Yendacott in Shobrooke, SS8900, see 24,4 Raddon note] held by Agnes }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Esford' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Gloucester; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 346, 387 and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred', p. 296.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PAID TAX. In the manuscript the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 g}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 geldb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 covers an }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 r}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 : the scribe probably began to write }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 redd' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddit gildum}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as in Exon, but realised his mistake.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,3\tab [Exon 392b1] \par \tab WITHYCOMBE [RALEIGH].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in [East] Budleigh Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 780, William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Clavill' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wydecumb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Gloucester; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 763; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 66b, 92b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 364, 427 and Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 288. A mill here was given to Canonsleigh Priory by a later Walter }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Claville}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Canonsleigh Cartulary}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , (London, no. 12 p. 2).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 VILLAGERS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '8 villagers'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,4\tab [Exon 392b2] \par \tab WALTER [!1! THE STEWARD !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon here and for 24,13 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 dapifer}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab [WEST] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 RADDON. In Shobrooke parish, [West] Budleigh Hundr ed; it is West Raddon to distinguish it from East Raddon (5,9. 51,6) in Thorverton parish, Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred.. It is probably represented in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 779 by Yendacott (in Shobrooke parish); see 24,2 Bramford note. Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', p. 421 Reichel,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \lquote Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications\rquote , }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 357, without evidence, identified the place with 'Fremanscot }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 alias }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Westyeo' in Witheridge; see 24,6 Drayford note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,5\tab [Exon 392b3; Terrae Occupatae 501b6] \par \tab WASHFORD [PYNE]}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . A parish in Witheridge Hundred. This holding can be identified from an analysis of the Tax Return for that Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 778 Herbert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Pinu }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wasford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sideham }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Sydeham, 24,7] ; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 758; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 419 and Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', p. 398.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it', probably referring to Walter (2,14 formerly note and 16,88 formerly note). Similarly for the past values of 24,8-10;13-17;23-30.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TO THIS MANOR ... 3s. Also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , where a thane is said to have held the added furlong (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferdinus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ) jointly in 1066.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,6\tab [Exon 393a1] \par \tab DRAYFORD. In Witheridge parish and Hundred and identifiable as lying in that hundred from an analysis of the Tax Returns. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 778, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dray ford' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held by John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Despenser }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Gloucester; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 758; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 419 and Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', p. 421. It maywell be that the next entry in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 778 was part of this holding, that is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Fremanescoth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ['Freemancott' lost in Witheridge; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 398]. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 342 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dray ford }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is coupled with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hille juxta Specthcote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [an unidentified 'Hill' near Speccot in Merton parish, Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred]. It is not clear to which holding of Walter this should be referred, unless it is the 1 virgate belonging to Iddesleigh (24,22).}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,7\tab [Exon 393a2] \par \tab OSBERN HOLDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Osbert holds'. See 17,34 Osbern note and DEV 43 Osbern note on Osbern/Osbert.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SYDEHAM. In Rackenford parish, Witheridge Hundred; see Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', p. 421, and 23,13 Rackenford note and 24,5 Washford note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,8\tab [Exon 393a3; Terrae Occupatae 502b3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THIS ESTATE and the next eight (24,8-16) lay in Tiverton Hundred or Halberton Hundred. It is difficult to reconcile their lordship with the Tax Returns, and the order of Exon with the later contents of these undreds, which are often counted as a joint hundred and where a number of boundary adjustments have been made. In Exon the places fall in the order 24,8-10. 25,16-22. 24,11-16. It seems likel y that, as he did with the other hundreds in DEV 24-25, the scribe first entered Walter's lands in Tiverton Hundred, then Gotshelm's lands in Tiverton Hundred followed by those in Halberton Hundred, then Walter's lands in Halberton Hundred, 25,20 being the first place in Halberton Hundred. See DEV 24 Walter note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab [CRAZE] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 LOWMAN ... 'KIDWELL'. Craze Lowman is earlier 'Claville's Lowman' from the family that held in 1086 and later under the Honour of Gloucester, 'Craze' being a corruption of Claville via the dissimilated hypothetical form }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Craville }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 542). It lies in Tiverton parish, Tiverton Hundred. 'Kidwell', now only represented by Kidwell Lane, is in Uplowman parish, Halberton Hundred. It was probably, like Uplowman itself, in Tiverton Hundred in 1086 as in the Middle Ages (see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Devon (1332)}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 36). In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 780 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lomene }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cadewill' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are held by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Clavill' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Gloucester; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 318, 433; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ix. nos. 326, 428 and Reichel, 'Tiverton Hundred', pp. 2, 24.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Abbreviated details of the added manor of Kidwell also appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALFRUN HELD IT FREELY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Alfrun held'; 'freely' is omitted. The }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has 'Alfrun held jointly' with again no mention of 'freely'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,9\tab [Exon 393b1] \par \tab WALTER [!1! THE WILD !1!].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Walteri}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 saluagi}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 siluestris }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 interlined above by the same scribe and in the same colour ink, apparently as a gloss, as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 saluagi}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is not underlined for deletion, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 siluestris }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is the word used in 24,10;31. The two words do not mean exactly the same, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 saluagius }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 deriving from Old French }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 salvage }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Modern French }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 sauvage}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Late Latin }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 salvaticus} {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 silvaticus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'wild, untamed' from }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 silva }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'wood' (Tengvik, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 355), while }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 siluestris }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is a Classical Latin word meaning 'of, from, belonging to, a wood'; see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 136. Compare Edric the Wild (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 saluage}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in HEF 9,3 (see HEF 9,3 Edric note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MURLEY. Both Murley and Combe (24,10) lie in Uplowman parish, finally in Halberton Hundred, but they were part of Tiverton Hundred in the Middle Ages and probably in 1086. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 780, John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lanc levee }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Avenel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hold in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cumb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Morlegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Gloucester; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 318 (Tiverton Hundred); }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 432 and Reichel, 'Tiverton Hundred', p. 25.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 PERCH. See 16,172 perches note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND, 8 ACRES. The corresponding entry in Exon has '9 acres'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,10\tab [Exon 393b2] \par \tab COOMBE. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 24,9 Murley note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 PLOUGHS, WHICH ARE THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 3 \'bd ploughs; see \{Appendix: Lordship and Villagers Table\}.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,11\tab [Exon 395a1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BOEHILL. In Sampford Peverell parish, Halberton Hundred, represented by two estates (24,11-12) in Domesday. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 780 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Behille }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Clavil' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Gloucester together with Appledore and Burlescombe; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 363 and 24,14 Appledore note and 24,30 Burlescombe note. The tithe of the rents of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Buelle }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was given to Canonsleigh Priory; see Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 228 and Reichel, 'Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds', p. 58. The Domesday division into two manors survived, reference to 'the two Boehills' being found in later documents.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Boehill and Ayshford (24,13) totalling 2 hides 1 virgate and 1 \'bd furlongs ('ferlings') in 1086 appear to be the 2 \'bd }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 mansae }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and 25 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 segetes }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 granted in 958 by King Edwy to Eadheah at }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \'c6scforda }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Byohylle}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 36 p. 12 = Birch, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cartularium Saxonicum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 1027 = Sawyer, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 653.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 4 SMALLHOLDERS HAVE IT THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'W(alter) has 4 smallholders'; no mention is made of their plough nor of their land. It is possible that the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hanc} {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of Great Domesday refers to the land, although in phrases such as this the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hanc }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 would normally refer to the plough; see 1,29 villagers note and compare 25,28 villagers note. As Exon records neither plough-team nor land holding for the smallholders it is possible that the Great Domesday scribe ha d access to information from another source.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,12\tab [Exon 395a2] \par \tab BOEHILL. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 24,11 Boehill note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IT PAYS 10s A YEAR. See 6,8 value note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,13\tab [Exon 395a3] \par \tab AYSHFORD}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . It lies in that part of Burlescombe parish that was always in Halberton Hundred. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Esford' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 780, by Agnes }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Esford' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Gloucester; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 338, 369, 432; Reichel, 'Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds', p. 58 and 24,11 Boehill note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,14\tab [Exon 395a4] \par \tab APPLEDORE. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Suraple}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It lies, like the preceding entry, in that part of Burlescombe parish that was always in Halberton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 780 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sureapeldor' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held with Burlescombe and Boehill (see 24,11 Boehill note and 24,30 Burlescombe note) by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Clavil' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Gloucester; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 338, 432; Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 224, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Canonsleigh Cartulary}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (London, no. 12 p. 2) and Reichel, 'Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds', p. 58.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WULFWY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Wufgeat': }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Olwiet }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Oluuiet}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ), which is Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wulfgeat}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . The Domesday form is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Vluui}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wulfwig}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ). It is possible that a mistake in the name of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T. R. E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tenant of Appledore was discovered after Exon was written and that the Great Domesday scribe is recording the correction, but it is equally likely that an error in transcription took place, the endings }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -wiet }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (= }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -geat}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -uui }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (= }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -wig}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 being easily confused (see von Feilitzen, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 412 note 2). As aWulfgeat (Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Vluiet}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Oluietus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tenant of Burlescombe (24,30) in which Appledore lies, and had also held Fenacre in Burlescombe tithing (25,12, held in 1086 by Walter's brother), it is very probable that the Domesday scribe was the one guilty of mistranscription, as he was with several personal names (see 28,1 Wulfeva note and 52,1 Oseva note) and place-names (see 3,24 Pilland note and 16,42 "Helescane" note).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THIS THANE ... WOULD. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'He could go to whichever lord he would'; 'thane' is not mentioned.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,15\tab [Exon 395b1] \par \tab CANONSLEIGH. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Leige}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It lay in that part of Burlescombe parish that was in Halberton Hundred and it can be accounted for in the Tax Return for that hundred. The second Walter of Claville gave 'all the land at Leigh' }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1170 to the priory for Augustinian Canons he established there; henceforth Leigh was called Canonsleigh. It was later a nunnery (Knowles and Hadcock, } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Medieval Religious Houses}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 132, 227); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xvi. no. 538; Oliver, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 228, Canonsleigh Cartulary, (London, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 passim}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 );}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Davis, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Medieval Cartularies}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 19; Reichel, 'Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds', p. 59 and 41,2 Westleigh note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,16\tab [Exon 395b2] \par \tab LEONARD. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lannor}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Halberton parish, Halberton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 780, the Abbot of Dunkeswell holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lynor }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Gloucester. It had been granted to the Abbey with Bywood (24,1) in 1206; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 338, 432; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 363; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 304; Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 396 and Reichel, 'Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds', p. 60.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 VILLAGERS AND 3 SMALLHOLDERS HAVE 1 PLOUGH. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'W(alter) has 3 villagers who hold 1 plough and (he has) 3 smallholders'. See 1,9 villagers note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,17\tab [Exon 395b3] \par \tab "BERE". It appears to have lain, like the next entry in Exon (Farway 25,23), in Colyton Hundred, since Walter of Claville is allowed 1 virgate of lordship in the Tax Return for that hundred. There was Claville land at Netherton [SX1895] in Farway parish, given by the second Walter of Claville to Canonsleigh Priory (see Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 228; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Canonsleigh Cartulary}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (London, no. 12 p. 2); Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 366; Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', pp. 338, 354 and 24,15 Canonsleigh note). Both }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday Gazetteer}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 identify }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as N etherton, but there is no evidence to connect the two.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WORDROU. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday and Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wordrou}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 417, where von Feilitzen suggests this may be based on the Old Breton personal name }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Woret}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The second element }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -rou }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 may represent an unidentified byname; hence the name may be }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Woret 'Rou' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (JMcND).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IT PAID }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 TAX FOR \'bd HIDE. In the corresponding entry in Exon the manuscript has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 gild\'fb p' i'ii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'tax for 3(?) ...' with an erasure of 3-4 letters after the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i'ii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 if that is in fact what it is (so Ellis printed it). The last two minims of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i'ii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are close together and the abbreviation sign is out of place over a number; it is possible that the scribe wrote }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 dim' hida}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for which there is room, erasing only the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 d }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and the last minim of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 m }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for some reason and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hida}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; a dot at the end of the erasure, before }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hanc}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is visible. In any case it would seem that the Great Domesday scribe either had access to other information on the taxability of this manor, or deduced it f rom the lordship and villagers' land, though this is not a foolproof method because of the number of discrepancies in Devon between the detail and tax total; see 1,4 hide note. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 500, has 'it paid geld for 3 virgates', with no comment on the lack of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 virgis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,18\tab [Exon 396b1; Terrae Occupatae 504a5]}{ \cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BUCKLAND [TOUT SAINTS]. A parish in Coleridge Hundred, the successor to Chillington Hundred; it takes its second name from the thirteenth century holder of Gotshelm's manor here (see 25,25 Buckla nd note), This particular land was at }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wodemaneston' }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held in }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 780 by Thomas }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Wodemaneston' }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Gloucester; see }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 393. Formerly 'Woodmanstone', named from Woodman, the 1066 holder, the place is now Bearscombe [SX7544]; see }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 318 and Reichel, 'Coldridge Hundred', p. 224.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODMAN HELD IT. Only the entry in the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 has 'which Woodman held jointly'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab W[ALTER] HAS 1 \'bd PLOUGHS. In the corresponding entry in Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is probably implied or omitted in error.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IT PAYS 10s. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reddit }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 here may perhaps be the result of a too close copying of Exon, as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 valet }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is used elsewhere in DEV 24; see 3,82 pays note and 15,53 pays note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THIS LAND HAS BEEN ADDED TO BRICTRIC [* SON OF ALGAR *]'S LANDS. Here and in 24,19, Brictric is most probably Brictric son of Algar, on whom see 24,21 Brictric note. According to the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry this addition of Buckland Tout Saints to those held, apparently legally, by Walter as being part of Br ictric's fief, was done 'wrongfully'; Domesday hints at this by stating that it was free before 1086. Walter's brother Gotshelm also seems to have indulged in this method of acquiring lands; see 25,20 land note and compare 15,31 land note. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab See also 1,60 Brictric note}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 (JP).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,19\tab [Exon 396b2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab POOL. North Pool in South Pool parish, Coleridge Hundred, the successor to Chillington Hundred.. William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Bykelegh'}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Northpole }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Colemore }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Colmer, see 24,20 Lupridge note] in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 780 from the Honour of Gloucester; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 332, 393; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 273, xiv. no. 325 and Reichel, 'Coldridge Hundred', p. 225.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTRIC [* SON OF ALGAR *]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 24,18 Brictric note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab See also 1,60 Brictric note}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (JP).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP 1 PLOUGH. The corresponding entry in Exon has '1 \'bd ploughs'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,20\tab [Exon 397a2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LUPRIDGE. Later in North Huish parish, Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred, but it appears to have lain in Ermington Hundred i n the Middle Ages and was probably in that same hundred in 1086 (see 15,27 Lupridge note). This particular holding seems to have been at }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Colemore }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Colmer, SX7053], held in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 780, from the Honour of Gloucester with North Pool (24,19). Colmer appears to have been named from Cola, the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holder; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 400; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 303 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 327.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WITH 1 BURGESS. Totnes is the nearest borough to Lupridge and so it is likely that the burgess was there (Walter had no property in Exeter). However, Finberg (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tavistock Abbey }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 75) thinks that }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c\'fb i burg}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 en}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 si }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 here is a slip for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c\'fb i bord}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ario}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ],}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'with 1 smallholder'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE, 1 FURLONG. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Pasture, 1 furlong in length and width'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IT WAS WASTE. Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 erat uastata}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the past participle }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uastata }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably means the same as the adjective }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uasta}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see C3 destroyed note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,21\tab [Exon 397a3] \par \tab IN THE MANUSCRIPT there is a gap of a line between this and the following entry (24,22) (not shown by Farley), and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Walterius }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is written in capitals and is rubricated, treatment usually reserved for the first entry in a chapter or, as in DEV 51, for a change in holder in a chapter devoted to several holders. This later confused t he scribe when he came to write the Landholders' List; see L25 Walter note. There is no evidence, however, that the Walter of 24,22-32 is a different man from Walter of Claville. Individual manors throughout DEV 24 descend to the Claville family. The reas o n for this gap and the capitals may lie in the fact that after 24,21 the scribe moved from the end to the beginning of the section in Exon dealing with the fiefs of Walter and Gotshelm, perhaps because he had originally mislaid the quire containing the fi rst part of the Exon section (see DEV 24 Walter note). Compare 24,32 gap note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LEIGH. In Churchstow parish, Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred; it can be identified from an analysis of the Tax Return for Diptford Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 780, Geoffrey }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Insula }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Legh' }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Gloucester; see }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 765; }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 350, 395; }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 413. It is sometimes known as All Hallowsleigh or Leigh All Saints; see }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 296 and Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 372; Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred', p. 179.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TWO THANES HELD IT FROM BRICTRIC SON OF ALGAR. The corresponding entry in Exon has '... they could not be separated from him'. There is no entry in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , although the manor was combined (see last statement in the translation), perhaps because the two thanes held it from Brictric, rather than from the king (so Whale, }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Whale, 'History of the Exon. "Domesday" ', }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 272). But see 20,1 held note on other omissions from the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of information one would expect to find there.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Brictric son of Algar was a great English thane who had held much land in the west. Although Brictric is only given his f ull name here and in GLS and WOR, many of the references to plain Brictric in Somerset, Cornwall, Dorset, Wiltshire, and Herefordshire, as well as in Devon, are undoubtedly to the son of Algar (see, for example, 13,1 Brictric note). In CON 1,19 a Brictric was also the predecessor of land held by Walter of Claville.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Many of Brictric's lands passed to Queen Matilda before going to the king on her death in 1083 (see 1,57 Brictric note). A romantic tale told by the Continuator of Wace and others (Freeman, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 History of the Norman Conquest}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iv. Appendix Note 0) alleges that Matilda had seized his lands because in youth he had spurned her hand. See 27,1 and 27,1 Brictric note; 27,1 Matilda note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab W[ALTER] HOLDS THESE. In Exon the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 has }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably refers to the two 1066 manors of Leigh which Walter has combined, though according to Whale,}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'History of the Exon. "Domesday"', }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 272. it refers to the preceding manor Lupridge and the present one Leigh. Compare 34,54 manors note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,22\tab [Exon 388a2] \par \tab 1 VIRGATE ... IDDESLEIGH. The king's manor is 1,63 in Merton (later Shebbear) Hundred. Iddesleigh itself also passed to the Honour of Gloucester and this virgate may well be one of the members named in the fee lists (1,63 Iddesleigh note); see 24,6 Drayford note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab AELFEVA THIEF. Domesday }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aleuesdef}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aleuesclef }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with a slight gap between }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aleues }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 clef }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cl }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 being a scribal error for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 d}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ).}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The first part, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aleues}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 represents Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aelfgifu}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 feminine (von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 173; see 16,40 Aelfeva note), the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -s }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 being an inorganic composition suffix (see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , \'a7 112). The second part is a byname from Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 theof}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('thief ); see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 375. Compare 25,1 Edlufu note. See 1,63 Alware note (JMcND).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SEPARATED FROM THE KING'S MANOR. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'separated from the manor', no mention of 'king's', but this is probably implied from the previous description of Iddesleigh.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 PLOUGHS ... THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'William has 1 plough in lordship' (see \{Appendix: Lordship and Villagers' Table\} for the villagers' ploughs): presumably }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Willelm}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is a scribal error for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Walter}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as there is no mention elsewhere in the entry of a subtenant of Walter.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 SMALLHOLDERS. So Ellis in the printed version of Exon; but in the Exon manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iii bord' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 appears; the last }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is faint and obviously the Great Domesday scribe and Ralph Barnes tho ught it had been erased, though there is no sign of erasure by water and the top part of the minim is quite dark: possibly the parchment was greasy here and not all of the ink 'took'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,23\tab [Exon 390a1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THE RUBRICATED TRANSPOSITION SIGNS in the left margin beside this entry and that for 24,25}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are probably intended to indicate that the virgate in Dowland 24,25 is part of the main manor there in 24,23, rather than a separate manor of Dowland. In Exon the order of the entries is as in Domesday, but the scribe there makes it clear that the virgate is a subholding of the main manor of Dowland.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab DOWLAND. A parish in [North] Tawton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 778, Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Nuny }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and his wife Matilda hold in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dugheland' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Gloucester; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 370, 422 and Reichel, 'North Tawton Hundred', p. 251. The church and \'bd furlong ('ferling') were given to Canonsleigh Priory (see 24,15 Canonsleigh note) by the second Walter of Claville, see Oliver, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 224 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Canonsleigh Cartulary}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , (London, no. 12 p. 2).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWARD [!1! MART !1!].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Auuard 'merta}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , \'a764 on the loss of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 l}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Auuard' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 323 on Mart being 'a short, s tumpy person'. See also 24,28 Wolfin note on his naming one of the 'Nymets'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HE COULD GO WHERE HE WOULD. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'This Alward could go with his land to whichever lord he would'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,24\tab [Exon 390a2; Terrae Occupatae 498a1] \par \tab LOOSEDON. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'Walter of Claville has a manor called Loosedon which was (part) of Brictric's land. A manor called Dowland has been added to it, which 2 thanes held jointly. It did not belong to the said manor in 1066. Value 12s 6d a year; value when W(alter ) acquired it, as much'. See 24,25 Dowland note. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Loosedon lay in Winkleigh parish, [North] Tawton Hundred. Another part was held by Gotshelm (25,6) in 1086 and it is possible that the two lands were combined under the same later lord, or that one of these estates called Loosedons descended with Winkleigh (1,64) which also went to the Honour of Gloucester. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 778, Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cole }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds \'bd fee and one-eighth of a fee in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Lullardeston' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Gloucester; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 423 and Re ichel, 'North Tawton Hundred', p. 251.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTRIC [* SON OF ALGAR *]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Most probably Brictric son of Algar, on whom see 24,21 Brictric note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab See also 1,60 Brictric note}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (JP).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HELD IT. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Alward Mart (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 merta}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held from Brictric'; see 3,94 Alwin note and 15,33 Edmer note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VILLAGERS ... 2 \'bd PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'W(alter) has 5 villagers and 3 smallholders and 2 \'bd ploughs'. Because of the position of the 2 \'bd ploughs it is unlikely that they were i n lordship. Compare 25,10 villagers note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 SMALLHOLDERS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '3 smallholders'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,25\tab [Exon 390a3; Terrae Occupatae 498a2] \par \tab ON THE RUBRICATED TRANSPOSITION SIGN, see 24,23 signs note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN DOWLAND 1 VIRGATE OF LAND. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'in the above manor called Dowland [= Domesday 24,23] Walter has 1 virgate of land'. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has : 'In the above Dowland Walter has 1 virgate of land which 2 thanes held jointly in 1066 [and] which did not bel ong to this said manor. Value 12s 6d; value when he acquired it, as much'. It will be noticed that the second half of this entry is virtually the same as for the preceding }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry (498a1; see 24,24 Loosedon note) and that the 'above (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 supradicta}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dowland' must be the Dowland of 498a1, not the main holding at Dowland, 24,23, which the main Exon entry implies, but which is not mentioned in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . Moreover, 'this said manor'}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to which the virgate did not belong, must be Loosedon, no t Dowland. The scribe and ink colour of 498a1-2 are the same, though the pen used for 498a2 is slightly thinner and the writing smaller and neater. It is interesting that in both 498a1 and 498a2 the value was originally written }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xii sol' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and then the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 & vi den' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was interlined, probably at the same time to both entries; also that in 498a1 the scribe originally wrote '1 thane' (which would fit in with the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holder of 24,23) and corrected it to '2 thanes' to agree with 498a2.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab For the entry in Domesday see 24,23 Dowland note and 24,23 signs note. Since, according to the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry, this land was added to Loosedon after 1066; (see 24,24 Loosedon note) it may be that Walter 'acquired' the main manor of Dowland (24,23) by the well-known expedient o f having part of it attached to a manor which had fallen to him with other of the 1066 holder's lands (in this case Brictric's manor of Loosedon); compare 15,31 land note. However, it is just possible that Brictric did in fact hold the main manor of Dowla nd in 1066, because Alward Mart, the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tenant given there (though said to have been free), held Loosedon from Brictric, according to Exon.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VIRGATE ... IT PAID TAX FOR AS MUCH. Elsewhere in Devon when the hidage of a holding is given, the tax is not mentioned (for example, in 24,22), as it is generally thought to be the same in Devon; see 1,4 hide note. See also 34,32 before note and 34,11 Holcombe note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TWO THANES. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 One of them may have been Alward Mart who had held the main manor of Dowland in 1066 and was a thane (see 52,30).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,26\tab [Exon 390b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab INSTOW. In the manuscript the first letter resembles a capital }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 I}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , rather than the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 L }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Farley printed (compare the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 I }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 IWESLEI}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,22). See 16,115 Edwulf note and 34,14 Combe note. It is called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Iohannestou }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the dedication of the church to St John the Baptist; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 117. Though it certainly lay in Fremington Hundred, it is entered in the order of Ex on among places in [North] Tawton Hundred (see DEV 24 Walter note), having perhaps been missed when the Fremington Hundred lands of Gotshelm (25,3-4) were being entered earlier. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 779 John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Sancto Johanne }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Jonestowe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Gloucester; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 371, 413 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 514. See 42,6 frenchmen note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab A PRIEST. This is the only occurrence in Devon of a priest being listed with the 'villagers' rather than as holding a separate piece of land.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,27\tab [Exon 390b2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab "CHETELESCOTE".}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Identified by Reichel as Gillscott in Coldridge parish, [North] Tawton Hundred; see Reichel, 'North Tawton Hundred', p. 251; }{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 356 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 496 note 10. But although }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Chetelescote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is clearly named from Ketel the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holder, Gillscott has a different origin; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 85, ii. p. 365.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,28\tab [Exon 390b3; Terrae Occupatae 498a5]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WALTER HOLDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Walter holds it from W(alter)'. No subtenant of Walter of Claville is mentioned in the corresponding }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry, which merely states that 'Walter of Claville has a manor called Wolfin, which Alward a thane hel d who could go with his land to whichever lord he would in 1066' and gives the two values. The fact that this is included in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 implies that some illegality was being practised and this is strengthened by the statement that Alward was a thane and he and his holding were not bound to anyone. The same is probably true of the next entry in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (= Domesday 24,29, see 24,29 Shobrooke note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Domesday the formula 'Walter holds' is repeated at the beginning of 24,28-31 inclus ive. This implies that Walter of Claville held these four manors himself, but Exon (see above) states that he had subtenants, also called Walter, for 24,28-29;31 (called Walter the Wild for 24,31). This subtenant Walter may be the Walter 'the man of Walte r of Claville' whom the Tax Return for Tawton Hundred states collected the king's tax on 1 hide (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 accepit Gildum regis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 but 12d remained from this 1 hide which the king had not had. Unless the Great Domesday scribe had received contrary information, it is li kely that he was confused by the subtenants here in Exon having the same name as the tenant-in-chief. Compare 34,14 Ralph note; 47,2 Godebold note and 48,8 Nicholas note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOLFIN. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nymet}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 named like 25,8-9 from the river 'Nymet' now the Yeo; see \{Introduction: Places named from Rivers\}. This particular holding lay in Down St Mary parish, [North] Tawton Hundred. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holder, Alward Mart, seems to have given his name to the place which is called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Merdesnymeth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 778, held with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bradeford' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Bradiford, SS7306, in the same parish] of the Honour of Gloucester by Walter }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Lou}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Walter's byname is derived from Latin }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 lupus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'wolf, Old French }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le lou}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le leu}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and he named this place }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wolvysnymet }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (in 1359, see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 368). It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wellek Nymet } {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 370 held with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bradeford}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wolvesnymet }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held by Richard Wolf in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiii. no. 153; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , x. no. 412 and Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', pp. 356-57.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWARD [!1! MART !1!], }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A FREE MAN. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'This Alward could go with his land to whichever lord he would', added at the end of the entry. Similarly in the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 498 a 5.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,29\tab [Exon 391a1; Terrae Occupatae 498a6]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WALTER HOLDS}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In the corresponding entry in Exon it is also held in 1086 by a Walter from Walter. No subtenant of Walter of Claville is mentioned in the corresponding }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry, which, like the preceding entry (= Domesday 24,28, see 24,28 Walter note), merely states that Walter has a manor called Shobrooke which Brictric held who could go to whichever lord he would with his land in 1066, and gives the value. It would seem that Walter's claim to the manor was no t watertight.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SHOBROOKE. Later in Morchard Bishop parish, Crediton Hundred, but like Wolfin (24,28) and Morchard Bishop itself (1,68) it appears to have been in [North] Tawton Hundred (12) in 1086; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 409 and Reichel, 'North Tawton Hundred', p. 252.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTRIC [* SON OF ALGAR *], }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A FREE MAN. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Brictric could go with his land where he would', added at the end of the entry. So also in the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab See also 1,60 Brictric note}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 (JP).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 4 VILLAGERS ... HAVE THESE (PLOUGHS) THERE. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Has habent ibi}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ...,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a regular}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab formula, the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 has }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 referring to the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ii carucas }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the preceding sentence. However, the addition of the lordship land from Exon breaks the syntax of Domesday, hence the need for the bracketed ploughs. Compare 'another (plough)' in 3,52.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,30\tab [Exon 391a3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WALTER HOLDS}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In the corresponding entry in Exon no subtenant of Walter's is mentioned.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BURLESCOMBE. Much of the parish was in Halberton Hundred, but Burlescombe itself is a tithing of Bampton Hundred; see \{Introduction: Tithings\} . This holding can be accounted for in the Tax Return for Bampton Hundred, where Walter is allowed 3 virgates less \'bd furlong (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 fertinum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of lordship; this seems to be made up of the 2 virgates 1 furlong (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferdinum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 lordship of Burlescombe together with the unspecified lordship of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ciclet }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (24,31). In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 780, William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Clavil' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bordlescumb'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sureapeldor' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Appledore, 24,14] and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Behille }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Boehill, 24,11-12]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 64a, 94a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 431; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 371, v. no. 538, ix. nos. 326, 428, xvi. no. 538 and Reichel, }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Bampton and Uffculme Hundreds', }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 439, 444.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The Church of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Burwoldescumbe }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with \'bd virgate at }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Byestebrok }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Eastbrook, ST0817]; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 548] and 1 virgate in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rukeknolle }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Rocknell, ST0516] was granted to Canonsleigh (see 24,15 Canonsleigh note) by the second Walter of Claville; see Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 224, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Canonsleigh Cartulary}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (London, no. 12 p. 2).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 4 SMALLHOLDERS. In the corresponding entry in Exon, in the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 v b'ordar' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iiii. }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 interlined above the}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 v }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; as the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 v }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is not underlined for deletion, the number would appear to be }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 viiii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 :}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the scribe of this entry elsewhere w rites '9' as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 viiii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 rather than as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ix }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (for example, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xviiii }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 '19' in Exon 110b2 = Domesday 1,35). }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 497, translates '4 bordars'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,31\tab [Exon 391b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WALTER HOLDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Walter the wild (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 siluestris}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds it from W(alter)'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab "CICLET".}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Unidentified, but apparently in Bampton Hundred in 1086 since its hidage can be identified in that hundred by an analysis of theTax Return (see 24,30 Burlescombe note). The order of Exon supports this.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab GUNNAR . }{ \cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The name G unnar occurs on almost 20 holdings in Domesday Book, distributed between Cornwall and Yorkshire and acquired by or held from eleven tenants-in-chief. The small Devonshire property was the only one to devolve upon its tenant-in-chief and was more than 100 miles from the nearest other holdings, in Berkshire and Cornwall; it was probably the sole possession of this Gunnar (JP).}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 4 VILLAGERS AND 3 SMALLHOLDERS HAVE 2 PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'W(alter) has 4 villagers who have 2 ploughs and (he has) 3 smallholders'. See 1,9 villagers note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 24,32\tab [Exon 388a1] \par \tab THERE IS A GAP of 1 line before this entry in the manuscript and the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 W }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Walter' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is large and ornate, like the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 W }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Walterius }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in 24,1 and 24,22 and other occurences of }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 W }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 at the beginning of chapters. The scribe probably thought it important to draw attention to the joint tenure of Walter and Gotshelm in 24,32, linking, as it were, the fiefs of the two men. It is noteworthy that he adds the phrase }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de rege }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'from the king', t reatment usually reserved for the first entry or two in a chapter (compare 25,28 Gotshelm note). The fact that after writing 24,31 the scribe had to turn back several folios in Exon to where this entry is described, may have been a contributory factor in causing the gap, as seems to have been the case for the space between 24,21 and 24,22 (see 24,21 manuscript note).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VIRWORTHY. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Fereordin}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see 19,2 Virworthy note. It lies in Pancrasweek parish, [Black] Torrington Hundred, and appears in the fee lis ts associated with Stevenstone (40,2 Torrington note). It is wrongly identified by Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 201 as 'Farworthy an outlier of Sutcombe'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Value when they acquired it', referring to Walter and Gotshelm.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 25\tab GOTSHELM [* BROTHER OF WALTER OF CLAVILLE *]}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Goscelmus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Goscelm}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gotselm}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Goscem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Goselm}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 represent Old French }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Goscelm}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old German }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gozhelm}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 He was the brother of Walter of Claville (see DEV 24) according to Finn, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Liber Exoniensis,}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 79, and Finn, 'Devonshire Domesdays', p. 118; this would explain the intertwining of their manors in Exon (DEV 24 Walter note). As in the fiefs of William the goat and his brother Ralph of Pomeroy (DEV 19, DEV 34; see DEV 19 William note), several manors in both DEV 24 and DEV 25 had been held by the same person before 1066; for example, Brictric (son of Algar, see 24,18 lands note and 25,20 land note), Aelfeva (who may be the Aelfeva Thief of 24,22 and see 25,1 Edlufu not e ), Alward (who was perhaps Alward Mart, Walter's subtenant in three manors), Wulfgeat (who had held the adjacent holdings of Appledore and Burlescombe in 24,14;30 and Fenacre in 25,12) and Alnoth (though this is a common name in Domesday and more than one person may be involved). Moreover, both Walter and Gotshelm hold part of Buckland Tout Saints (24,18 and 25,25) and Lupridge (24,20 and 25,26) and they hold Virworthy (24,32) together. See 25,28 Gotshelm note on Gotshelm of Exeter.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Gotshelm's lands, like those of Walter of Claville, descend to the Honour of Gloucester; see DEV 24 Walter note. On Gotshelm of Exeter, see 25,28 Gotshelm note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab For the Exon order of this chapter, see DEV 24 Walter note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 25,1\tab [Exon 388a3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VILLAVIN. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Fedaven}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Later in Roborough parish, Fremington Hundred, but it seems, like the nearby Barlington (3,15 Barlington note) and Owlacombe (36,7 Owlacombe note), to have been in Shebbear Hundred (the successor to Merton Hundred) in the Middle Ages. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 779, in a group of Shebbear Hundred places, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feldefen }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held of the Honour of Gloucester; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 359, 411; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 710 and Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', pp. 544, 563.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab EDLUFU THIEF. Domesday and Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Edlouedief }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 represents Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Eadlufu}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 feminine, with a byname, Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 theof }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('thief'); see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 245 and Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 375. The Exon entry immediately succeeds the one for Domesday 24,22 where the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tenant is Aelfeva Thief (see 24,22 Aelfeva note); it may be that the two women were related (their holdings are only 5 miles apart and had passed to the brothers Walter and Gotshelm) with names in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ead-l- }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and with the same byname.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE, \'bd LEAGUE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'pasture, \'bd}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 league in length and width'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY 100s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'When G(otshelm) acquired it'. Similarly 'when }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 G}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 acquired it' ('Gotshelm' in full for 25,27) for the past values of 25,3-4;11-15;23-24;27.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WALTER OF BURGUNDY. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Walter}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 borgundiensis }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 here, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Walter}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 borgoin }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for 25,3-4; see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 133, 127.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 25,2\tab [Exon 388b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HUISH. A parish in Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred. The holding is probably represented by}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lovelleston }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Lovistone, SS5410] held by Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pollard' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Gloucester in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 779; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 359, 412; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ix. no. 218 and Reichel}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , 'Shebbear Hundred', }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 544, 563.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWY. }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The Domesday forms of the name-form Alwy - }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluui}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluuius}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Eluui}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aeluui}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ) - could represent Old English }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'c6lfwig}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , Old English }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'c6thelwig}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or Old English }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ealdwig}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 157-58, under }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Al-wig}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , and see also p. 142, under }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Al-}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . JRM followed von Feilitzen in keeping to the base form, but preferred the second element -wy for Old English }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -wig}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as it reflected the spelling in Domesday. Some of the people called Alwy in the present edition appear under Alfwy in the Phillimore printed translations. The Alecto edition has Alwig for those appearing under }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Al-wig}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . Some of those called Alwy in the present edition appear under Old English }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'c6thelwig}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in von Feilitzen, }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 189-90, followed by Alecto, but the Domesday forms (}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ailwius}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ailuuin}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ), }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ailuin}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ), }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aelwi}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ], }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aeluuin}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ], }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluui}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluui}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ], }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluuin}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ) etc.) lack the medial }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -d-}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -g-}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 that JRM thought was necessary for inclusion under that name. On the confusion between the second elements }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -wig}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -wine}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , \'a7 148.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP, AND THE WHOLE LAND. See 16,147 for another example of all the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 land in a manor being in lordship, and compare 3,12 Drogo note; 19,36 lordship note and 34,13 whole note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it', probably referring to Gotshelm (see 2,14 formerly note and 16,88 formerly note). Similarly for the past values of 25,5-10;16-22.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 25,3\tab [Exon 388b2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab NEWTON [TRACEY]. A parish in Fremington Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 779, Henry}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Tracy }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nywethon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Gloucester; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 371 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 513. It is possible that the neighbouring Gloucester Honour fee at }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Heyscote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 413 [Hiscott, SS5426 in Tawstock parish; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 121] was part of}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 this holding; see 40,2 Torrington note. See also 42,6 Frenchmen note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab KOLSVEINN. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In the Exon manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Colsuen' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 clearly corrected from }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Golsuen'}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ellis misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Golsuen'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HAS TAKEN AWAY ... THE COMMON PASTURE. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aufert}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 present, both in Exon and in Domesday, meaning 'is taking}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 away', instead of the more usual perfect }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 abstulit }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'has taken away' (for example, in 16,92). The}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 present tense was probably influenced by the scribe's thought that Colswein was at that}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 moment still in illegal possession of the common pasture.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The nearest holding of the Bishop of Coutances}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is Horwood (3,17).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WHICH WAS ATTACHED TO IT ... . The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which belonged to the village before 1066 and after King William had [England?] Gotshelm had it undisturbed for 5 years': the (extended) Latin is }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 quae pertinebat uillae tempore regis Eduuardi et postquam Willelmus rex habui t}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ... }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -licam}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ?}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 habuit eam Goscelmus quietam per v annos}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . Regarding }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 quietam}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , 'undisturbed', 'peaceful' is its normal meaning,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but in Dom esday it regularly means 'exempt (from dues)', though it is more likely that the meaning here is that no one interfered with, or made a claim on, Gotshelm's tenure of the pasture. See 3,2 exempt note on }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 quietus}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The whole of this statement on the removal of the common pasture has been added in 1 \'bd lines in the space between the penultimate and last lines of the entry, extending from one edge of the parchment to the other; the ink is paler than that of the rest of the entry, but the scribe is the same, so it is unlikely to be a late addition to the Exon manuscript. The second line begins with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 -lic\'e2 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which would seem to be part of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Anglica }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ('English' with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 terram }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'land' presumably understood), the first 3 letters apparently being cut or torn off at some stage (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 may also have disappeared before the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 hac mansione }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the line above, though the preposition is not absolutely necessary); compare 36,18 manor note, although the manuscript there shows definite signs of being cut. The first visible letters in both lines are faint. Although the end of the word on the second line is probably }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 c\'e2}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the letters are joined together so that they rather resemble an } {\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 m}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with an abbreviation line over it}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (making }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 -lim' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ?) and there is an odd dot immediately to the left of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 c\'e2 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 m'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which may or may not be relevant. Ellis printed }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 -dic\'e2 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 but there is definitely not a }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 d }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 visible, though part of a letter can be seen before the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 lic\'e2 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which might be part of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 g }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Anglic\'e2}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 anyway it is hard to see what word could end }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 -dic, }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which would fit the context. Both }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 495, and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday Geography of South-West England}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 268 have}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Anglicam }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with no comment and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. translates it as 'England'. There is no record in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of this removal of pasture, though this may have been intentional as being unworthy of note in such a document.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 25,4\tab [Exon 388b3] \par \tab DODSCOTT. In St Giles-in-the-Wood parish, Fremington Hundred, named from the 1066 holder Doda. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 779, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Duddecoth' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held from the Honour of Gloucester by Simon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Bosco }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 371 by the heirs of Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Tracy}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 513. Another portion of Dodscott was held of the Honour of Torrington, see 42,6 Torrington note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 25,5\tab [Exon 389a1] \par \tab RIDDLECOMBE. In Ashreigney parish, [North] Tawton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 778, Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Lumene }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (on whom see 25,16 Uplowman note) holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ridelcumb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Northecot' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Northcott, SS5914]; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 423; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 540, viii. no. 176, ix. no. 103, x. no. 238 and Reichel, 'North Tawton Hundred', p. 252.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 25,6\tab [Exon 389a2] \par \tab LOOSEDON. In Winkleigh parish, [North] Tawton Hundred; see 24,24 Loosedon note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 25,7\tab [Exon 389a3] \par \tab BRUSHFORD. A parish in [North] Tawton Hundred. It is coupled in feudal documents with Woodbeare (25,13) and Ash Thomas (25,20) and included 'Titterton' (see 1,64 Winkleigh note); see Reichel, 'North Tawton Hundred', p. 252 and 25,13 Woodbeare note.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWEIS. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alous}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aloiss}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see 17,92 Heloise note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 25,8\tab [Exon 389b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HAMPSON. Both this and the next entry (25,8) are plain }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nimet}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Domesday; see 24,28 Wolfin note and \{Introduction: Places named from Rivers\} . Hampson lies in Nymet Tracey (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 alias }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bow) parish, in [North] Tawton Hundred. Hermer's holding, the smaller of these two places called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nimet}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , appears to have been at Hampson, named after him (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 360). In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 370 the heirs of Walter }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Wasshborn }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (from Washbourne 25,24, also held in 1086 by Hermer) hold in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hermaneston }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Assh}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 These places occur as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Choldasshe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [unidentified] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hermeston }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 422; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ix. no. 218.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab On the identity of this and the next 'Nymet' (25,9) see Reichel, 'North Tawton Hundred', pp. 252-53 and }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Carbonel, \lquote Nymet Tracy\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 301.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \'bd FURLONG. In the manuscript a not very well written }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferling }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is interlined in paler ink and with a thicker pen with the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 f}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (not a hair-line as Farley printed) extending down after the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 dim' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to show its position.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 25,9\tab [Exon 389b2] \par \tab [NICHOLS] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 NYMET. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nimet}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , as the previous entry (25,8; see 25,8 Hampson note). This estate lay in North Tawton parish, in [North] Tawton Hundred. This, the larger of the these two places called 'Nymet' will probably have been }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nymet Nicole }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lampre }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 370; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 422; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ix. no. 218. The same family held Fenacre (25,12) which was also a tenancy of Osmund in 1086. Simon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lamperie }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Burnellus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 also hold in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Notteston' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Natson, SS7100, in Bow] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 778, but this is probably the holding of Godwin in 1086 (see 52,9 Natson note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab On the identity of this and the previous 'Nymet' (25,8), see Reichel, 'North Tawton Hundred', pp. 252-53 and }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Carbonel, \lquote Nymet Tracy\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 301.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 25,10\tab [Exon 389b3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab NEWTON. Presumably the place in Zeal Monachorum parish, [North] Tawton Hundred. Simon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lamprey }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (on whom see 25,9 N ymet note) sold some land here to the Abbot of Buckfast in 1225; see Brooking Rowe}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , \lquote Buckfast Abbey\rquote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 820; Reichel, 'North Tawton Hundred', p. 253 and 47,4 Newton note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 VILLAGERS HAVE \'bd PLOUGH. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'O(smund) has 2 villagers and \'bd plough'; it is unlikely that the \'bd plough is in lordship. Compare 24,24 ploughs note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 25,11\tab [Exon 391a2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab GOODCOTT. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Godevecote}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 named from the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holder. It lies in Ashreigney parish, [North] Tawton Hundred; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 355 and Reichel, }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Bampton and Uffculme Hundreds', }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 449. The indexer of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , wrongly identifies it with the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Godwynescoth }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 778; see Reichel, }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Bampton and Uffculme Hundreds', }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 449 and 52,9 Natson note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 25,12\tab [Exon 391b2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FENACRE. It lies in Burlescombe tithing of Bampton Hundred, most of Burlescombe parish being in Halberton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 780, Simon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lamperee}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (on whom see 25,9 Nymet note) holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Fenacre }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Gloucester; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 431 and Reichel, }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Bampton and Uffculme Hundreds', }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 439, 445.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE, 5 ACRES; [***]. In the manuscript the rest of the line is left blank (space for some 12}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 letters) after }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pastur\'ea}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which has no dot after it. Exon includes underwood among the r esources (in its usual place before the meadow and pasture) and there is no obvious reason why the Great Domesday scribe should have omitted it, unless perhaps he wanted to check it. See 11,1 pasture note and compare 3,44 villager note and 20,14 villagers note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 25,13\tab [Exon 391b3] \par \tab WOODBEARE. In Plymtree parish, Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 779, William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Wodebere }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wodebere}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Esse }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Ash Thomas, 25,20] and in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brigeford' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Brushford, 25,7] from the Honour of Gloucester. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 368, Juliana }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Wodebur}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 y}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in '}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wodebur}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 y}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ],}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tare }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [unidentified] and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Esse }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Halberton Hundred, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Toyterton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in [North] Tawton Hundred [Titterton', SS6605 in Coldridge (see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 365) no doubt part of Brushford 25,7] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Britteford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the Hundred of Winkleigh [Brushford, 25,7] '; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 322, 425; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ix. no. 218 and Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', p. 240.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WINEMAR . The name Winemar occurs on 35 holdings in Domesday Book and probably represents five individuals, the Winemar who had held Woodbeare being the only pre-Conquest individual of that name and this, therefore, probably being his only property (JP).}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 25,14\tab [Exon 391b4] \par \tab AWLISCOMBE. A parish in Hemyock Hundred; see 19,25 Awliscombe note and 19,26 Awliscombe note. This particular holding seems to have been at }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Marlecumb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Marlcombe, ST1103], held by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Colehegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Gloucester in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 780. It passed to Dunkeswell Abbey being known then as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Colehey }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Colhays, ST1299]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 338. Another part was }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wolveston }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Wolverstone in Awliscombe, ST1204]; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ix. no. 218. See }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 367, 430; Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 362; Reichel, 'Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds', pp. 36, 43; 25,16 Uplowman note and 25,21 Manley note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 25,15\tab [Exon 392a3] \par \tab GITTISHAM. A parish in [East] Budleigh Hundred. In }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 762 (Budleigh Hundred) Richard }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Lumene }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Giddesham }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from Ralph }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Wylingthon' }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and he from the Honour of Gloucester; see }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 66b, 92b; }{ \i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 426; }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vii. no. 26 and Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 285. It is possible that a part of this holding was at Rapshays, }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rapelyngheyes }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ix. no. 218 (of Henry }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Wylyngton}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ); see 19,34 Rapshays note and 34,32 Rapshays note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 25,16\tab [Exon 394a1] \par \tab THIS ESTATE and the next six (25, 17-22) lay in Tiverton and Halberton Hundreds; see 24,8 estate note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab UPLOWMAN. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lonmine}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a settlement named from the River Lowman. Although Domesday seems to distinguish this 'Lowman' held by Gotshelm himself in 1086 from }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Oplomie }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Uplowman, 25,19] held by Aelmer the priest, the present land appears to have been part of Uplowman. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 780 Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Lomene }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lumene }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Whytenech' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Whitnage, 25,22] from the Honour of Gloucester. This same land is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lumene Ricardi }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 318 in Tiverton Hundred, but }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Uplomene}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Beden }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [unidentified], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Manelegh } {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [East Manley, 25,21] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Marlcomb }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Marlcombe, 25,14 note] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 370, and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Uplomene}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wytenishe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Manalegh }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 433. It will be noted that }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lonmine}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Manley, Marlcombe and Whitnage are all held by Gotshelm himself in 1086, and have the same manorial descent. Since 'Lowman' is later replaced by Uplowman in this group, it is likely that Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lonmine }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is in fact Uplowman; this is more likely than that Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Oplomie }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (25,19) held by Aelmer in 1086 came to descend with lands held by Gotshelm in chief. The forms given by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 552, fluctuate between }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lomene}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lumene }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Uplomene}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Uplowman is generally counted as a parish in Halberton Hundred, but was a medieval tithing in Tiverton Hundred. Reichel in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 499 note 3 identified Chieflowman but that appears to have been a part of the royal manor of Halberton (1,70 Halberton note); see Reichel, 'Tiverton Hundred', p. 27.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 25,17\tab [Exon 394a2] \par \tab COOMBE. Presumably the Coombe in Uplowman parish, locally in Halberton Hundred but a tithing of Tiverton Hundred; see Reichel, 'Tiverton Hundred', p. 25 and 24,9 Murley note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 25,18\tab [Exon 394a3; Terrae Occupatae 504a5] \par \tab "LOTELANDE".}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 An unidentified place, presumably in Tiverton Hundred according to the order of Exon; see Reichel, 'Tiverton Hundred', p. 8.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VILLAGER HAS V4 PLOUGH. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Gotshelm has in lordship 1 villager and \'bd plough'; the explicit inclusion of the villager in the lordship is most unusual.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 25,19\tab [Exon 394a4] \par \tab UPLOWMAN. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Oplomie}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 25,16 Uplowman note. If the identification there proposed is correct, this holding does not appear in later fee lists; see Reichel, 'Tiverton Hundred', p. 25.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HE HELD IT HIMSELF. In the corresponding entry in Exon it is not absolutely clear whether Aelmer the priest is the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tenant: }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Elmerus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 appears first in the Exon entry as the 1066 holder with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Almerus presbiter }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as the 1086 tenant. }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Elmerus/Almerus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 represent the Old English personal name }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aelfmaer/ Aethelmaer}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see 3,47 Aelmer note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE 4s. So Exon manuscript for this entry; Ellis misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iii sol'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 25,20\tab [Exon 394b1; Terrae Occupatae 502b6]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ASH [THOMAS]. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'Gotshelm holds \'bd hide of land which has been added to Brictric's lands. A woman held this \'bd hide freely in 1066. Value 10s a year'. The \'bd hide apparently refers to Ash (Thomas).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Domesday the name-form for 'Ash' is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 DISA}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; in Exon probably }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aisa}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 though the first letter is oddly shaped: neither like the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 A }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aiseforda }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in 395a3 (= Domesday 24,13) nor like a }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 D}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which is invariably less round and has no central cross-line. The Exon scribe seems to have begun with a capital }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 O }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and then added the hooks at the top and bottom and the line in the middle, intending it as a capital }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 A}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The Great Domesday scribe, however, read it as a }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 D}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as did Ralph Barnes. Compare 16,27 Honeychurch note; 16,44 Dolton note; 19,33 Yowlestone note and 52,20 Bulworthy note. Ash Thomas is in Halberton parish, Halberton Hundred. It is held with Woodbeare (25,13) in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 779 and later; see 25,13 Woodbeare note and Reichel, 'Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds', p. 58.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THIS LAND ... ADDED TO BRICTRIC'S LANDS. Probably Brictric son of Algar. See 15,31 land note on this method of obtaining lands by attaching them to a fief which has been legally transferred. In the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for 25,25 (see 25,25 lands note) the land there is said to have been added 'wrongfully' (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iniuste}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to Brictric's lands and note the statement here that the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holder was 'free', as also in the similar statement in 25,25 and compare 25,27. Gotshelm's brother also acquired lands in this way; see 24,18 lands note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 25,21\tab [Exon 394b2] \par \tab [EAST] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 MANLEY. In the manuscript and Farley }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 MAENELEGE}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the Ordnance Survey facsimile the first }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 E }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 resembles a }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 G }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 because of the rubrication. See 1,63 Tawton note. East Manley is in Halberton parish, Halberton Hundred; for West Manley, see 46,1. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 780, William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Manelegh' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Manelegh'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 '. It is similarly }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Manelegh }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 coupled with }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Colehaye }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Colhays, see 25,14 Awliscombe note] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 338 and is associated with Uplowman and Marlcombe in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 370; see Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 362; Reichel, 'Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds', p. 57 and 25,16 Uplowman note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab AND \'bd VIRGATE OF LAND. Interlined in rather paler ink than the rest of the entry. It is not marked for erasure as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 499 note 7 states; the abbreviation sign over the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T'ra }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (which Farley omitted) has become part of the } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 dim'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and this and the top stroke of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and the abbreviation line over the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 e }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the same phrase may have misled Reichel. It may have been added when a check was made of Exon where it is perfectly clear.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 25,22\tab [Exon 394b3] \par \tab WHITNAGE. In Uplowman parish, Halberton Hundred. It was a tithing of that hundred in the Middle Ages, while most of the parish was in Tiverton Hundred; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Devon (1332)}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 40; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 383 and \{Introduction: Tithings\}. For the descent, see Reichel, 'Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds', p. 58 and 25,16 Uplowman note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 25,23\tab [Exon 396a1] \par \tab FARWAY. A parish in Colyton Hundred, held by Ludo in 1086. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 779, Reginald }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Mohun }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (compare 23,13 Rackenford note) holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Fareweye }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Gloucester; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 330, 366, 428; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 306, xv. no. 967, xvi. no. 673 and Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', p. 353.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 25,24\tab [Exon 396a2] \par \tab WASHBOURNE.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Harwell parish, Coleridge Hundred, the successor to Chillington Hundred; see 1,34 Chillington note and Reichel, 'Coldridge Hundred', p. 219.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 25,25\tab [Exon 396a3; Terrae Occupatae 504a4] \par \tab BUCKLAND [TOUT SAINTS]}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . A parish in Coleridge Hundred, the successor to Chillington Hundred.. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 780, William }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Tuz Seynts }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bocland'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The same man holds Lupridge (25,26); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 332, 393; Reichel, 'Coldridge Hundred', p. 224 and 24,18 Buckland note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab AELFRIC HELD IT. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has 'which Aelfric held jointly'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ADDED TO BRICTRIC'S LANDS. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has '... wrongfully'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THE HOLDER ... FREE MAN. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'a thane held this manor as free'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 25,26\tab [Exon 397a1] \par \tab LUPRIDGE. Later in North Huish parish, Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred, but it probably lay in Ermington Hundred in 1086 as it did later in the Middle Ages; see 15,27 Lupridge note and 24,20 Lupridge note. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 780, William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Tuz Seynts }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (who holds Buckland Tout Saints, 25,25) holds in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Loperig'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 769; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 351, 397 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 309.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SNOTTA. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Snode}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Estnota}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 368.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 PLOUGH THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'In it (manor) B(aldwin) has 1 plough'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably implied or omitted in error.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND, AS MUCH. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 silu\'ea }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 appears to have been added: it is compressed and written at an angle and is blurred and in slightly paler ink, as if it were written over an erasure. It is perhaps interesting that in the corresponding entry in Exon it is not woodland, but underwood (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 nemusculus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which in Domesday is normally rendered by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 silua minuta }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and for which there would have been even less room. Compare 1,46 woodland note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 25,27\tab [Exon 397a4] \par \tab "ULESTANECOTE".}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Standing for Old English hypothetical}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wulfstanescote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('Wulfstan's }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cote}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ')}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Unless this is a late entry of land whose hundred has been included earlier, this place, named from the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holder, ought to lie in Roborough Hundred or Plympton Hundred. Evidence is lacking however; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday Gazetteer}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 's Woolston Green in Staverton (in Haytor Hundred, the successor to Kerw ell Hundred), is out of sequence and has no evidence to connect it with Gotshelm or the Honour of Gloucester. Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 362 and Reichel, 'Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds', p. 36 identifies Wolverstone in Awliscombe, the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ulverston }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 338. But Wolverstone is not derived from the personal name }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wulfstan }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but from }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wulf }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 609), although this may be a short-form for Wulfstan, and it appears to have been part of Marlcombe or of Colhays (see 25,14 Awliscombe note). The problem needs further study.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WULFSTAN HELD IT. In the corresponding entry in Exon it was originally }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 bristri' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (= 'Brictric'), but it is underlined (not shown by Ellis) and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Vlestan' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is interlined in correction, an early correction done by the scribe of the rest of the entry in the same colour ink. Compare 16,76 Siward note and 34,6 Tovi note}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THE HOLDER BEFORE 1066 ... BRICTRIC [* SON OF ALGAR *]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The corresponding entry in Exon has 'This thane held his land freely from Brictric before 1066 (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tempore regis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the scribe omitted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Eduuardi}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 );}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 he could not be separated from Brictric's lands'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab See also 1,60 Brictric note}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 (JP).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 25,28\tab [Exon 398a1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN EXON THIS ENTRY is the only one on folio 398a and is separated from the holdings of Gotshelm and Walter by Gotshelm's land in Cornwall (on folio 397b) though in the same 'quire' (}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ker, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Medieval Manuscripts in British L ibraries}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 803, 805). It appears under the heading of 'Land of Gotshelm of Exeter'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab GOTSHELM OF EXETER. It is possible that he is a different person to the Gotshelm of the rest of DEV 25. The inclusion of the phrase }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de rege }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'from the king' may indicate this: it is normally reserved for the first entry or so in a chapter, though there are exceptions (compare 24,32). In Exon his holding is separate from those of Walter of Claville and his brother Gotshelm; however, as the entry is the only one on the folio, details of it may have been late coming in and hence were separated from the rest; s e e 25,28 entry note. In the Domesday manuscript there is a slightly larger gap between this entry and 25,27 than is normal between entries, but not as large as between 24,21 and 24,22 and between 24,31 and 24,32 (see 24,21 manuscript note and 24,32 gap not e). See 25,28 "Herstanhaia" note for the possibility that Gotshelm was one of the canons of Exeter.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab "HERSTANHAIA".}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Perhaps representing the Old English personal name }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Heorstan }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ge}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 haeg}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or from }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hierra Stanhaia }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Higher Stanhay', though this would imply the existence of a }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 nidera}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stanhaia }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Lower Stanhay' and no places of this or similar name have been found in the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 expected locality. The land seems to have lain in 'Cliston' Hundred. The Tax Return for 'Cliston' Hundred states that }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gotselin}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the Canon had \'bd hide of lordship land there. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gotselinus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 usually represents Old German }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gautselin }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Jocelyn' (see 16,148 Jocelyn note), but it is likely that }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gotselinus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is a scribal error for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Goscelmus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 :}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the same scribe as wrote this Tax Return also wrote parts of the Exon section corresponding to Domesday DEV 24-25 where he used the form }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gotselm}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for 'Gotshelm' (see DEV 25 Gotshelm note), so a mere mistake in the joining up of the minims (that is, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 m }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 became }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in} {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ) would account for the apparent change in name. (It is less li kely that both the main Exon and Domesday made a mistake in the man's name.) There is no obvious holding in Domesday of a Gotshelm (or of a Jocelyn) in this hundred and, of the unidentified places held by either, the only candidate in terms of size is thi s entry; unfortunately Exon does not clinch the matter by giving the lordship land here. Gotshelm might thus be one of the canons of Exeter Cathedral.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Identifications such as ''Cliston' Hayes' (Pole, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Description of the County of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 172, followed by Reichel in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 501 note 7 and Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', p. 383) and Blue Hayes (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday Gazetteer}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ) appear to be conjectures. Since this entry in Exon might appear to represent a different fief or be the land of Gotshelm in a different county, it has been thought (by Whale, }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 'History of the Exon. "Domesday"', }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pp. 249-50) that the place might be in Dorset, there being a }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Herstanesheia}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 now Hursey in Burstock parish, in Whitchurch Canonicorum Hundred (see F\'e4gersten, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place Names of Dorset}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 284). But Dorset lands in the surviving portion of Exon form a single block and are not intermingled with those of Devon, Cornwall and Somerset.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HE COULD GO WHERE HE WOULD. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'he could go to whichever lord he would'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 6 VILLAGERS HAVE THEM THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'G(otshelm) has 6 villagers who have these 1 \'bd hides and 3 ploughs at a revenue (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ad firmam}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )'.}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A clear example of villagers 'farming' the land; see 6,6 villager note. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Domesday the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 has }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 probably refers to the 3 ploughs, as it usually does; see 1,29 villagers note. However, since Exon states that the villager had the 1 \'bd hides as well as the 3 ploughs, it is possible that here the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 has }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 refers to the 1 \'bd hides in the tax statement. Compare 24,11 smallholders note and DOR 3,14 woman note and DOR 13,7 villagers note. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IT PAYS 20s. See 2,2 value note for Domesday's }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddit }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 perhaps indicating that a manor was being 'farmed' (in this case by the villagers; see 25,28 villagers note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN EXON AFTER THIS ENTRY there appears in the manuscript, in very pale ink and small script and by a different scribe to 398a1, the words }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Eduuard' tenet iii hidas t'r\'ea}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 preceded by a gallows sign. They are not printed by Ellis, no doubt because begun in the wr ong place. The only 1086 holding of 3 hides by an Edward in the south-west counties is that of Witherington in WIL 67,54 by Edward a thane, although that of Shrewton (WIL 24,7) held by Edward of Salisbury is a possibility. In two other instances in Wiltsh ire (WIL 15,2 and WIL 41,10) an Edward holds 3 hides but he is a subtenant and the Exon scribe would not have begun the entry thus with him. The Exon folios for Wiltshire have not survived, so it cannot be checked where the full entry occurs there.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 26\tab RICHARD SON OF COUNT GILBERT. The elder son of Count Gilbert of Brionne}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (in the d\'e9 partement of Eure, France) and brother of Baldwin the sheriff (DEV 16); see Orderic Vitalis, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ecclesiastical Histor}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 y (Chibnall, ii pp. 140-43). In 1086, he also held land in K ent, Wiltshire, Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire etc. and his wife Rohais held in Domesday Hertfordshire and Huntingdonshire. He was also called Richard of Tonbridge (KEN 11).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Exon his holding appears under the heading of 'Lands of the French Men-at-Arms in Devonshire'. For the Exon order of this chapter, see DEV 22 William note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 26,1\tab [Exon 460a1] \par \tab LYMPSTONE. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in [East] Budleigh Hundred. In later times it was a}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 serjeanty, held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 764, as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Leveneston' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by Reginald }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Albamara }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from Muriel }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Bollay}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; see}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 66b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 325;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 271, vii. no. 672 and Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 299. Part of the manor lay at }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Southedon }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Sowden, SX9983]: }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 753.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 10 VILLAGERS ... \'a38. The corresponding entry in Exon has '10 villagers, 6 smallholders and 2 slaves pay from this (manor)}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'a3 8 to William in revenue (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ad firmam Willelmo}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and when Richard [acquired] this manor the value was \'a3 10'. See 6,6 villagers note on villagers 'farming' land. It is noteworthy that the slaves are included here in the transaction.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY \'a310. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'When Richard [acquired] this manor, the value was \'a310'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE NOW, IT PAYS \'a38. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 redd' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('pays') is interlined above }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ual' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 r}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 extending down before }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ual' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 act as an omission sign (Farley printed a separate hair-line, as he did on several occasions, for example, 25,8); }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ual' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is not underline d for deletion. The colour of the ink is the same, so it does not appear to be a later correction. There are two possible explanations for the double verb. Firstly, the Domesday scribe may have re-read the Exon entry which has the villagers etc. paying (} {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddunt}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 William \'a38 in revenue, and half-heartedly 'corrected' his version, omitting to delete the superfluous }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ual'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 This would imply a difference in meaning between }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddit }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 valet }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which their use elsewhere in Domesday and Exon does not seem to support; se e 2,2 value note. Secondly, the Great Domesday scribe may have interlined the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 redd' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the wrong place: in 26,1 instead of in the similar value statement in 28,1 which lacks a verb, although there is plenty of room for one.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 27\tab ROGER OF BULLY. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Busli}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Busleio}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is perhaps Bully-en-Brai in the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 d\'e9 partement of Seine-Maritime, France; see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 78. His main holdings, which were}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 considerable, were in the north.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab This fief appears in Exon under the heading of 'Lands of the French Men-at-Arms in Devonshire'. For the Exon order of this chapter, see DEV 22 William note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 27,1\tab [Exon 460b3] \par \tab SAMPFORD [PEVERELL]}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . Later a parish in Halberton Hundred, but in 1086 it}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 seems to have been divided between Tiverton Hundred and Halberton Hundreds, since in the Tax Return for Halberton Hundred \'bd hide lordship (only part of the 1 \'bd hides \'bd furlong (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 fertinum}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 lordship of this holding) is recorded for Roger of Bully, while the T ax Return for Tiverton Hundred states that the king had no tax on the 1 hide held by Roger (this would be part of the villagers' 2 hides less \'bd furlong (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 fertinum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which was taxable.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Roger's land passed to the Peverel family, Hugh }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Peverel }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holding }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Sanford}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Haur }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Aller, 32,3] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Carswill }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Kerswell, 32,2] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 96; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 782; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 71b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 338; Maxwell Lyte and others, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bruton and Montacute Cartularies}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 9 p. 126; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 599, viii. nos. 49, 363, ix. no. 663; Reichel, 'Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds', p. 52 and 1,23 Ermington note. Sampford Peverell itself (so called to distinguish it from Sampford Arundel just over the border in Somerset) went to Kerswe ll Priory, a cell of Montacute; see Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 312.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTRIC [* SON OF ALGAR *]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 No doubt Brictric son of Algar (on whom see 24,21 Brictric note); see GLS 1,37 (Clifford Chambers) which had belonged to him and which Queen M atilda, his successor, also gave to Roger of Bully.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab See also 1,60 Brictric note}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (JP).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 9 PLOUGHS. So Exon manuscript for this entry; Ellis misprinted '8'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY 100s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'When he acquired it, it paid 100s'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab QUEEN [!1! MATILDA !1!] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 GAVE IT TO ROGER WITH HIS WIFE. Her name was Muriel: she and her husband were co-founders of the Benedictine Priory of Blythe (Nottsinghamshire) in 1088; for the charter see British Library Harleian manuscript 3759 f. 106a (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Anglicanum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iv. p. 623 no. 1). Muriel may have been the daughter of Eudo }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dapifer }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('the steward') whose wife (also called Muriel) was King William's half-sister; Ellis, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Yorkshire Tenants in Domesday Book I}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 143. See 27,1 Brictric note on Matilda's other gift to Roger.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 28\tab ROBERT OF AUMALE. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Albemarle}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Albamarla}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Albamarula }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (not plain }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alba Marula }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 126 states). Aumale is in the d\'e9partement of Seine-Maritime, France; seeTengvik, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 66-67. The majority of Robert's lands went on to form part of the large Honour of Plympton; see DEV 21 William note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab The Exon order of this chapter, with the probable hundreds, is:}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 28,2 Lifton Hundred \par \tab \tab 28,1 ;3-5 [Black] Torrington Hundred \par \tab \tab 28,6 Fremington Hundred \par \tab \tab 28,7-9 Braunton Hundred \par \tab \tab 28,10 Witheridge Hundred \par \tab \tab 28,11 Ermington Hundred \par \tab \tab 28,12-14 Diptford Hundred \par \tab \tab 28,15-16 Walkhampton Hundred \par \tab \tab 28,17 Borough of Barnstaple}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 28,1\tab [Exon 419a2] \par \tab MILTON [DAMEREL].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in [Black] Torrington Hundred; the added name is from the 1086 holder or his descendants. The land can be identified in the Tax Return for [Black] Torrington Hundred. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 327 John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Albemarle }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Middelton }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from Isabella, Countess }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Albemarlie }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (of Devon), from the Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 374; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , x. no. 240 and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 215.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WULFEVA. The corresponding entry in Exon has}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wlwena}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 n}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 u }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by scribal error (so von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 174 note 3}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and compare 37,1 Aelfeva note). A Wulfwen (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Vlwena}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Oluuena}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 occurs twice in Devon as a }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holder, so it is possible it was the Great Domesday scribe who made the error in transcription}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (as also probably in 24,14; see 24,14 Wulfwy note).}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP 1 PLOUGH. The corresponding entry in Exon has '2 ploughs'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 7 SLAVES. The corresponding entry in Exon has '7 smallholders'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 bordarios }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 repeated in error, the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xi bordarios }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 being written}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 immediately before.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \'bd LEAGUE WIDE. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 lata }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with a line over the first }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 not shown by Farley, left from an original, erased, word (probably }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 lg'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab [VALUE] FORMERLY, The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 R}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotbertus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in full for 28,3-5;15 and with his}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 byname for 28,10) acquired it'. Similarly for the past values of 28,3-15.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 26,1 note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 28,2\tab [Exon 419a1; Terrae Occupatae 495a4] \par \tab ROBERT ... THREE THANES ... FOUR MANORS. In the corresponding Exon entry }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Robert has land in 3 villages which 3 thanes held as 4 manors'; then at the end of the entry the manors and thanes are named: Oslac and Burgred held 'one of these manors called Ottery; Oslac held 'the third called Collacombe' and Burgred held 'the fourth manor called Willestrew'. There were, hdwever, two manors in Ottery and the }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Una }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is obviously a mistake for }{ \i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Duae }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 because of the }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tertius }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (for }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tertia}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 quarta }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 following (it is perhaps relevant that the }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and possibly the }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 n}{ \cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Una }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are squashed in). There seems to be some confusion as to the number of thanes holding the 4 manors in 1066: the }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae} {\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry gives 2 thanes (presumably Oslac and Burgred) for part of Ottery and all of Collaco mbe and Willestrew, whereas the main Exon entry by mentioning 3 thanes for the 3 villages suggests there were either two Burgreds or two Oslacs. The first four lines of the main entry are written over an erasure, but the }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hi tagni }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are clear enough, though possibly a scribal error for }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (because of the }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hi }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hi uillis }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 before it) which Great Domesday perpetuates.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab OTTERY. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'Robert of Aumale has a manor called Ottery. To this manor have been added three other manors which 2 thanes held jointly in 1066. Value of them 50s a year'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Ottery lay in Lamerton parish, Lifton Hundred. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Odetrev }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ('Odda's tree'; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 186) is to be distinguished from the many places called 'Ottery' (Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Otri }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 etc.) from the River Otter. The two manors called Ottery that are m entioned in the corresponding Exon entry together with Collacombe and Willestrew(see above) can be identified in the Tax Return for Lifton Hundred as they account for the \'bd virgate lordship of Robert of Aumale there. Ottery is held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 757, by the Abbot of Tavistock (see DEV 5 Tavistock note and 5,3 Liddaton note) as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Oddetrewe}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 a gift of the predecessors of Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Alba Mara }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (Honour of Plympton); see Reichel, 'Lifton Hundre d in 1243', p. 219. The customary dues of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Oddetriwe }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 had already been granted to Tavistock by Queen Matilda, see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ii. p. 29 no. 632.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab COLLACOMBE AND WILLESTREW. Held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 789 from the Honour of Plympton as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Collecumb' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Willestre'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp.}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 320, 355, 405 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 325.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THREE THANES. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Oslac and Burgred and either a second Oslac or a second Burgred; see 28,2 Robert note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FOUR MANORS. That is, Collacombe, Willestrew and the two manors in Ottery which had been held by Burgred and Oslac; see28,2 Ottery note and 28,2 Robert note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND ... . Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iiii q}{\i\fs24\cf1\up6\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 u}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 drag' & xx agros nemoris in long' & ii in lat'}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 followed by the details of the meadow and pasture. It may be that }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 nemusculi }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was omitted in error after the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iiii q}{\i\fs24\cf1\up6\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 u}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 drag' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (= 'underwood, 4 furlongs; woodland, 20 acres in length and 2 in width') though details of underwood in Exon usually succeed rather than precede those of woodland; see 1,46 woodland note for other entries where the Exon scribe has omitted to state what is being measured. Woodland and underwood occur together in several entries in Domesday and Exon (for example, 1,3. 3,81. 12,1 etc.). Or the meaning may be 'woodland, 4 furlongs and 20 acres i n length and 2 in width'; see 1,53 pasture note on the combining of furlongs and acres in one measurement. However, it is more probable that there were two stretches of woodland, one of 4 furlongs (by 4 furlongs) and the other measuring 20 acres by 2 acres (see 1,35 woodland note and 1,53 pasture note). The Great Domesday scribe may have been unsure of the meaning, so omitted all reference to the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iiii q}{\i\fs24\cf1\up6\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 u}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 drag'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 although he included similar phrases that are equally ambiguous in Exon (for example, 1,35).}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE 60s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Value of two of the manors, 20s; value of the other two, 40s'; the names of the manors are not mentioned. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry (see 28,2 Ottery note) states that the value of the 3 manors added to Otter y ( that is, the other manor in Ottery, and Collacombe and Willestrew) is 50s. So, as 2 manors in a village that have been combined in 1086 regularly (according to the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ) have the same value (for example, 17,92;105. 47,14, but compare 23,3 value note), it seems likely that the 20s refers to the two manors in Ottery (10s each) and the 40s to those in Collacombe and Willestrew.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 28,3\tab [Exon 419b1] \par \tab [COOKBURY] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 WICK. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wiche}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lying in Cookbury parish, [Black] Torrington Hundred, the manor consisted of a number of members, given in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788 as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cukebyr' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Cookbury, SS4005], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stapeldon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Stapledon, SS3804], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Fagelefenne }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Vaglefield, SS3606], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Uppecoth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Upcott, SS3804] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Halesdone }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Halsdon Barton, SS3805], all in Cookbury parish and all held by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Avenel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 356, 407; Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', pp. 204, 215 and 16,22 Kigbeare note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WULFRUN, A FREE WOMAN. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'A woman, Wulfrun; she could go to whichever lord}{\b\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 she would'.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 28,4\tab [Exon 419b2] \par \tab FRANK . The name Frank occurs eight times in Domesday Book, representing three, or possibly only two individuals. No other Frank held land within 200 miles of the Devonshire holding which was p robably therefore the sole possession of its tenant; but see }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Keats Rohan, }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday People}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 199, who identifies this Frank as Frank of Falconberg (JP)}{ \cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THUBOROUGH. In Sutcombe parish, [Black] Torrington Hundred. From the Honour of Plympton in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 787, Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Alba Mara }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Thefebergh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Kystemeldon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Kismeldon in West Putford, SS3416; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 161]; see also }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 356, 407. Kismeldon is not adjacent to Thuborough and may either have been a detached part or a portion of another Honour of Plympton land, such as West Putford (35,9). See Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 215.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND. The corresponding Exon entry has 'underwood' (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 nemusculi}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 28,5\tab [Exon 419b3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab GIDCOTT. In Milton Damerel parish, [Black] Torrington Hundred. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gildescote}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gildescota}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is probably an error by the Exon scribe for }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Giddescote}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 that is, Gydda's }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cote}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; see}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 153. It is held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788, of the Honour of Plympton as }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Giddecoth'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 356, 407; } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xvi. no. 113 and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 216.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP 1 PLOUGH. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Gilbert has 1 plough'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably implied or omitted in error.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 SLAVES; 2 VILLAGERS WITH 1 PLOUGH. The corresponding entry in Exon has '(Gilbert has) 2 villagers and 2 slaves who have another plou gh'. See 28,16 slaves note, 1,3 slaves note on slaves; compare 34,13 smallholders note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 28,6\tab [Exon 420a1] \par \tab WESTLEIGH. Domesday }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Weslege}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a parish in Fremington Hundred; it can be identified from an analysis of the Tax Return for Fremington Hundred. Ralph }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Alba Mara }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Westlegh'}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788, from the Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 371, 412 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 517.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 SLAVES. The corresponding entry in Exon has '4 slaves'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 28,7\tab [Exon 420a2] \par \tab GOODLEIGH. A parish in Braunton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 787, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Godelegh }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held from the Honour of Plympton by Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Giffard}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the Prioress of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cantingthon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Cannington in Somerset] and the heir of William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Daubernun}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 400; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 415; Maxwell Lyte, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Honour of Dunster}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 56; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. nos. 306, 593, v. no. 527, vii. no. 297, xi. no. 118 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 450.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 28,8\tab [Exon 420a3] \par \tab MARWOOD. A parish in Braunton Hundred. The land was at Church Marwood, held as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Churimerwod }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 787 from the Honour of Plympton by Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Tracy }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and the prior of Pilton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 360, 414 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 401, 452.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TAX FOR 1 VIRGATE ... \'bd VIRGATE ... \'bd HIDE. It is possible that the '\'bd hide' of villagers' land in Exon is a mistake for '\'bd virgate', although it is clearly written and the entry is neat. However, there are other examples of the lordship and villagers' land holding exceeding the taxed land; see 1,4 hide note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 28,9\tab [Exon 420b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WHITEFIELD. In Marwood parish, Braunton Hundred. It is held from the Honour of Plympton as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Whytefeld' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 787; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 414 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 453.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 28,10\tab [Exon 420b2] \par \tab ROBERT [!1! OF `HEREFORD' !1!]}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Herrefort}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tengvik, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 44 has 'of Hereford'. However, it is more likely that he is Robert of Harford (15,45), of which the Domesday form is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hereford}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hereforda}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Compare }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 275. The spelling in the surname shows an early Middle English doubling of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 r }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 after the short vowel, and unvoicing of the final }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 d}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BICKHAM. In Oakford parish, Witheridge Hundred. Bickham is coupled with Flete (28,11) in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 770 (Ermington Hundred) where John }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Alba Mara }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds from Ralph of the same byname of the Honour of Plympton in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Flethe et in Bikecumb' et in Wardeslegh' quae sunt in Hundredo de Wyrig}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 789 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 352, 398. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wardeslegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is thus clearly in Witheridge Hundred and is not likely to be Warleigh in Tamerton Foliot, Roborough Hundred, despite }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 242. It might be a misspelling of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Warbeslegh'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , that is}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Waspley }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (52,43) in Stoodleigh parish (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 394 under }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Warbrightsleigh}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ). See Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', p. 421.}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TAX FOR 4 VIRGATES. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iii v' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 clearly corrected to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iiii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by the addition of a final }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (under which can be seen the original dot after the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the reason for the scribe's not writing '1 hide'. It is very interesting that in Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iii uirgis }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 has also been corrected to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iiii uirgis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Compare 2,24 cottagers note; 3,68 value note; 16,108 vill agers note and 32,10 hides note. See also 31,1 virgates note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 VILLAGERS ... \'bd PLOUGH. The corresponding entry in Exon has '4 oxen for a plough (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ad carrucam}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 28,11\tab [Exon 421a1] \par \tab FLETE. In Holbeton parish, Ermington Hundred. It can probably be identified in the analysis of Tax Return for}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 "Alleriga"}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Ermington) Hundred. Flete is }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Fluto Daumarll }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 352; see }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 276; }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 789, viii. no. 230, xiv. no. 325 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 314}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTWOLD. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brictualdes }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with a badly formed }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 u }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 interlined at an angle over the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 e}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 e }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 has a deletion dot under it, which Farley failed to print. In Exon the form is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bristualdus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'underwood (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 nemusculi}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 28,12\tab [Exon 421a2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BEENLEIGH. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Beuleie}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Benleia}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; the}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Great Domesday scribe merely misread the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 n}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as a }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 u}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . As with the other examples quoted in 16,42 "Helescane" note, the Exon form is correct, but could, at a distance or in poor light, be misread as the Great Domesday scribe did.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The place lies in Diptford parish, Stanborough Hundred (the successor to Diptford Hundred) and is held from Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Alba Mara }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Plympton as }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Benlegh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 766; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 790. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 324 it is coupled with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Lenercombe }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (probably for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Levercombe }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 that is Larcombe in Diptford, SX7457; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 301) and can thus be distinguished from Beenleigh in Harberton parish, Coleridge Hundred (the successor to Chillington Hundred); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 325; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 350, 395; Reichel in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 516 note 9 and in Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred', p. 190.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWARD. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday and Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ailuuard}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aethelweard}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see 3,45 Alward note and 1,41 Alward note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FOR \'bd HIDE. Squeezed into the right margin of the manuscript, outside the side ruling; an early addition because it is in the same colour ink as the res t of the entry, though the pen looks thinner and the script is smaller.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 28,13\tab [Exon 421a3] \par \tab WOODLEIGH}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . A parish in Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred. It is held as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wodelegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by Ralph }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Alba Mara }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Plympton in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 765; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees} {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 790; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 323, 351, 396 and Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred', p. 179.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab AELFRIC PIKE. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alurix pic}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 326-27.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND, 100 ACRES. Apparently added, half in the right margin of the manuscript, in}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the same smaller script with thinner pen as the tax in 28,12 and the plough estimate in}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 28,14; see 28,12 hide note and 28,14 land note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab A FISHERY. In Exon the word }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 piscatori\'e2 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 spans two lines at the top of 421b, possibly}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab the reason for its omission by the Great Domesday scribe.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 28,14\tab [Exon 421b1] \par \tab 'HALSTOW'. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Haletrev}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Haletrou}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In view of the preceding entry, it seems natural to connect this place with the lost }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Halestowe}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Halstowe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Woodleigh parish, the Domesday for m being either a faulty transcription (compare 28,12 Beenleigh note) or the representation of an earlier name, with Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 treow }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'tree', later replaced by Old English }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 stow }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'place of resort or assembly; religious establishment'; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 313 and Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred', p. 201.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VILLAGER WHO PAYS 30d. VALUE FORMERLY 5s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'R(obert) has 1 villager who pays 30d a year and when R(obert) acquired it, it (or possibly 'he' referring to the villager) paid 5s'. \par \tab \tab In Domesday, as only the past value of the manor is given, it would seem that the villager's payment here formed the present value. See 6,6 villager note on villagers 'farming' land.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LAND FOR 1 PLOUGH. Added outside the side ruling of th e right margin of the manuscript; like the tax in 28,12 and the woodland in 28,13 it is written in the same colour ink as the rest of the entry, but with a slightly thinner pen.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 28,15\tab [Exon 421b2] \par \tab STOKE. A place in Roborough hundred, the successor to Walkhampton Hundred. Stoke, now in Devonport, was formerly the parish of Stoke Damerel (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 240). In } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 789 Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Alba Mara }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds of the Honour of Plympton }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stokes}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Whytelegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Whitleigh, 28,16]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wythy}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Widey, 28,26]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 340-341, 354, 403, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiv no. 325, Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', pp. 103, 120.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTMER. On this name, see 16,4 Brictmer note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 28,16\tab [Exon 421b3; Terrae Occupatae 505a3] \par \tab WIDEY. in Eggbuckland parish, in Roborough Hundred, the successor to Walkhampton Hundred. For the descent within the Honour of Plympton, see 28,15 Stoke note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WADILO. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 15,49 Wado note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP ... 3 SLAVES, WITH 1 VILLAGER HAVE \'bd PLOUGH. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The villagers (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uillani}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in full) have ... \'bd plough. Oswulf has 1 villager and 3 slaves'. Here it would seem that the slaves}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 were counted as 'villagers' with a share in their land and plough, unless the scribe used the term }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uillani }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 when giving their land and plough without checking whether there was}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 more than one 'villager'. See 3,79 plough note; 5,9 villager note and 34,56 carucates note and compare 3,57 villager note; 16,6slaves note}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 16,145 villager note; 16,146 villager note; 17,58 villager note 19,9 smallholder note and 35,5 villager note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Domesday, unless }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 h'nt }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 habent}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is a mistake for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 h'nte }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 habente}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ablative after }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 cum}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'having', referring only to the villager), then it would seem that, despite the two main verbs (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 est }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 habent}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the sentence, the slaves in this manor had a share in the ploughs. The Exon may also be stating this; see above and compare 28,5 slaves note. See 1,3 slaves note on slaves generally. Compare WIL 67,39 and WIL 67,39 lordship note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND ... 4 FURLONGS WIDE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'woodland ... 3 furlongs wide'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In the Domesday manuscript the first }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iiii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is blurred and appears to have been attacked with water; as Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 it is possible that (when a check was}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 made against it) the Domesday scribe tried, not very successfully, to erase the first }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to make}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iii}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Farley printed }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iiii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WHITLEIGH. In St Budeaux parish, in Roborough Hundred, the successor to Walkhampton Hundred. For the descent within the Honour of Plympton, see 28,15 Stoke note. See also 17,76 Whitleigh note.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In the corresponding entry in Exon no mention is made of this added manor: folio}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 421b ends with the value of the main manor of Widey. It would seem that the folios}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 containing the details of Whitleigh (and also 28,17 and DEV 29-30; see DEV 29 Robert note; DEV 30 Richard note) have not survived; some of these folios may have formed the 'missing 3 leaves' of the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 6 leaf quire ('quire') that began on folio 419 (see Ker,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Medieval Manuscripts in British L ibraries}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 803, 805). Abbreviated}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 details of Whitleigh's addition to Widey appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , as would be}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 expected.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WADEL HELD IT FREELY [AND] JOINTLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Waddell held jointly' in}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 505 a 3 there is no mention of 'freely'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 28,17\tab }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 NO CORRESPONDING EXON MATERIAL survives for this entry. See 28,16 Whitleigh note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 29\tab ROBERT THE BASTARD. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bastard}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bastardus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 no Exon surviving, from Old French }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 bastard }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'bastard'; see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 373. He only held land in chief in Devon, but he seems to have been a tenant of William of Poilley; see 21,18 Robert note. His estates continue in his family and form part of the Honour of Plympton (see DEV 21 William note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab There are no corresponding Exon folios surviving for this chapter but its hundredal order in the Great Domesday version appears to be regular:}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 29,1Witheridge Hundred \par \tab \tab 29,2-3 Diptford Hundred \par \tab \tab 29,4-5 Ermington Hundred \par \tab \tab 29,6-10 Walkhampton and Plympton Hundreds}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 29,1\tab BACKSTONE}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . In Rackenford parish, Witheridge Hundred. }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Baggestane }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is a fee of Nicholas }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Bastard'}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Honour of Plympton, in }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 759 in Witheridge Hundred; see }{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 787; }{ \i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 343 and Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', pp. 403, 421.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 29,2\tab HAZARD. Finally in Harberton parish, Coleridge Hundred (the successor to Chillington Hundred), but it lay in Stanborough Hundred (the successor to Diptford Hundred) in the Middle Ages. Nicholas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Bastard' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Herewaldeshore }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 765; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 790; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 350, 395 and Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred', p. 178.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VIRGATE OF LAND. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uirg' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is interlined above }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 v' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the same colour ink and almost certainly by the same scribe, though the letters are smaller. See 29,8. 34,2;4 and 47,8 for other corrections of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 v' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 virg'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 v'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is a standard abbreviation for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uirga}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ( }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ta}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and the Domesday scribe uses it regularly in Devon without attempts at correction.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 29,3\tab COMBE [ROYAL].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Churchstow parish, Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred. The additional name is derived not from a royal holding, but from William }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ro el }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 who is stated to have held it in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 396. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 766, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cumb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Stanborough Hundred is held from Nicholas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bastard' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 who holds from the Honour of Plympton; it is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cumb Ruel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 351 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Comb Regis }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 396; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 790; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 324 and Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred', p. 190. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xii. no. 143, it is described as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Combe Royel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 within the manor of }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dodebrok }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Dodbrooke, 52,53].}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 29,4\tab DUNSTONE. With Blachford (29,5) this entry can be identified from an analysis of the Tax Return for "Alleriga"}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Ermington) Hundred. It is now part of Yealmpton parish, Plympton Hundred, and is not to be confused with Dunstone in Stockenham in Coleridge Hundred (the successor to Chillington Hundred) with which it is identified by Reichel, 'Coldridge Hundred', p. 19 9, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday Gazetteer}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 332. See }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Devon (1332)}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 97; }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll (1334)}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 64 and 52,42 Dunstone note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWY. On this name-form, see 25,2 Alwy note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 29,5\tab BLACHFORD. In Cornwood parish, Ermington Hundred ; see 29,4 Dunstone note. It is held as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nythereblachesworth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ['Nether' or 'Lower' Blachford] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 771, in Ermington Hundred by Walter }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tremeneth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from Nicholas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Bastard' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Plympton; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 789; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p p. 353, 399; Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 374 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermin gton Hundreds', p. 325. 'Over' Blachford was held from Iudhael (17,66), but the separate settlement names have not survived.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 29,6\tab EFFORD. In Egg buckland parish, Roborough Hundred, the successor to Walkhampton Hundred. It can be identified by an analysis of theTax Return for Walkhampton Hundred. In }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 789, Nicholas }{ \i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Bastard' }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Eppeford }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 340, 403 and Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', p. 120.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 29,7\tab STONEHOUSE. In the manuscript and Farley }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 STANEHUS}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; in the Ordnance Survey facsimile the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 E }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 resembles a }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 B}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably due to the rubrication; see 1,63 Tawton note. Stonehous e is in St Andrew's parish, Plymouth, Roborough Hundred (the successor to Walkhampton Hundred). It followed the same descent as Efford (29,6), being held with it in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 493; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 461; Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 130 and Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', p. 121.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VILLAGER WHO PAYS 5s. See 6,6 villager note on villagers 'farming' land.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 29,8\tab BICKFORD. In Plympton St Mary parish, Plympton Hundred. It is identifiable as lying in that Hundred by an analysis of the Tax Return. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788, Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Bykeford' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds an unnamed place, clearly this land, from the Honour of Plympton: William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Bikeford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bikeford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from Baldwin }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Bastard }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 334. See Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 284. For another part of Bickford, see 52,28.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VIRGATE. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 v' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 corrected immediately to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 virg' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 29,2 virgate note), but without the first }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 '}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 sign being erased; Farley omitted this superfluous sign, as he often does (for example, in 16,151. 34,2. 36,18. 47,8).}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 29,9\tab MEAVY. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Metwi}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Roborough Hundred the successor to Walkhampton Hundred. A number of Domesday places, later differentiated, share this same basic river name; see 17,79 Meavy note. This holding is to be identified with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lovyeton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Lovaton in Meavy, SX5466], held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 789 by Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Cilterne }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton. It is held by Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Meuwy }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Loviaton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from Baldwin }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Bastard }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 341 and is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Loveton Bastard }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 354; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 403 and Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', pp. 104, 121.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 29,10\tab LAND OF ST PETER'S OF PLYMPTON. Unnamed, but lying in Plympton Hundred; see 1,17 canons note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THEY PAY 5s. That is, the villagers; presumably another example of villagers holding land for a money-rent (see 6,6 villager note).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 30\tab LAND OF RICHARD SON OF TUROLF. He is Richard son of Turold (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 filius Turoldi}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ) in this chapter headin g, but in 30,1 and in the Landholders' List on folio 100a he is Richard son of Turolf (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 filius Torulf}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ) and in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for 30,4 the form is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 filius Turulfi}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 30,4 Richard note). In Cornwall, the only other county in which he held land, he is c alled plain Richard, but is identified as the son of Turolf (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 filius Turolfi}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ) in the Exon corresponding to CON 5,3,1 (Exon 224b3); see CON 5,3 Richard note, and, on the form }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 filius turol}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 there for the subtenant of the Bishop of Exterer, see CON 2,5 Richard note. (Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 202, mistakenly includes under Richard son of Turold references to Gloucestershire and Worcestershire which in fact belong to Gilbert son of Turold.)}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab What might have happened is that in Exon heading (corresponding to DEV 30) for this section (which has not survived), Richard's father was written }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 turol }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which can represent either Turold or Turolf, and that the Great Domesday scribe expanded it to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Turoldi }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 instead of to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Turolfi}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (In 30,1 the Great Domesday scribe either expanded it correctly or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Torulf }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 was how the name was written in Exon.) However, as the rubricated chapter headings in Domesday were done after the main text had been written, it is very odd that the Great Domesday scribe did not take the form of the name given in 30,1 or in the Landholders' List (that is, Turolf). Thus it would seem that the form }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Turoldi }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is a mere scribal error for }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Turolfi}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . It is interesting that in the Tax Return for Kerswell Hundred a Richard son of Turold (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 filius turoldi}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds 1 hide in lordship which seems to refer to the holdings of Richard son of Turolf in 30,1-2; likewise in the Tax Return for Diptford Hundred a Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 filius turoldi }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds 1 hide in lordship which seems to refer to the holding in 30,3. The Exon for 15,42 and 16,115 give Domesday's plain Richard the byname of}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 filius Torolui }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 'son of Turolf' (see Tengvik, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 201, under }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Torulf}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ).}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 And the descent of the 15,42 holding is the same as for 30,1-2 (see 15,42 St Marychurch note). But again, the Tax Return for Wonford Hundred states that the king has no tax from 1 virgate held by Richard son of Turold (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 filius turaldi}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which seems to refer to 16,115 (see 16,115 Martin note).}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab It seems to be generally accepted that Richard son of Turolf was the same person as Richard son of Turold; see Sanders, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 English Baronies}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 110;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Soulsby, 'Richard Fitz Turold, Lord of Penhallam, Cornwall'; Soulsby, 'Introduction', }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cornwall Domesday}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 15; Keats-Rohan, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday People}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 364-65. The Domesday evidence certainly suggests this: in DEV 30 heading he is Richard son of Turold (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 filius Turoldi}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ), but in 30,1 and in the Devon Landholders' List on folio 100a he is Richard son of Turolf (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 filius Torulf}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ). The evidence from Exon is similarly confusing with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 filius Torolui}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 filius Turoldi}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 filius Turaldi}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 filius}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Turolfi}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 filius Turol}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 all apparently referring to the same person; see DEV 30 Richard note. The charter evidence is in favour of Richard son o f Turolf; see Round, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Documents, France}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , nos. 716, 1210; Hull, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cartulary of St Michael's Mount}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , nos. 1- 3, Appendix II; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 680 etc. It is thus more likely that Richard's father was called Turolf and that the forms }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 filius Turoldi}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 /}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Turaldi }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 were the result of the incorrect extension of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Torul'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 /}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Turol'}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 at some stage in the Domesday process. The fact that there were more people in Domesday called }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Turoldus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 than }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Turolfus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 probably played a part.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Nothing, however, seems to have been said about the name represented by the various name-forms. The forms }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Turoldus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Turaldus}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Turold}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Toroldus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 etc. when given to a 1066 holder represent Old Norse }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Thoraldr}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , Old Swedish }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Thorald}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 390), while }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Turolfus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Torolf}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Turulf}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Turolf}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Torul}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 etc. represent Old Norse }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Thorolfr}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , Old Danish/Old Swedish }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Thorulf}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holders (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ibidem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 396). For 1086 holders the forms }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Turoldus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Turaldus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 etc. }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 are a Latinization of the Old Norse }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Thorvald}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , which gave rise to the French names }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 T}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 h}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 ouroude}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Troude}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 etc: Dauzat, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Dictionnaire des Noms et Pr\'e9 noms de France}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 ; see also Fellows Jensen, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Scandinavian Personal Names}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , pp. 296-300; Reaney, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Dictionary of British Surnames}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , under Thorold. It is not clear whether the name-forms }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Turolfus}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Torolf}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 etc. were similarly found in Normandy, but it seems likely and for the present edition the form Turolf is used in place of the Thorulf in the Phillimore printed edition, as it is in the Alecto edition for L30 and 30,1. It is possible, though unlikely, that Richard's father had a Scandinavian name, as stated by Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , pp. 201, 202. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Richard son of Turolf seems to have been the Count of Mortain's steward; see Mason, 'Barons and their Officials in the Later Eleventh Century', p. 246. He was }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 also known as Richard of Cornwall. His place of origin is unknown, but, despite the difficulty in identifying his father's name, he was probably a Norman. He founded Tywardreth Priory (Cornwall) as a cell of Saints Serge and Bacchus of Angers }{ \i\fs24\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 . 1088; see Knowles and Hadcock, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Medieval Religious Houses}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , pp. 57, 79; Oliver, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , pp. 37, 41). His successor was his son William and his lands formed the honour or barony of Cardinham (Cornwall); see Sanders, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 English Baronies}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , p. 110; Keats-Rohan, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Domesday People}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , p. 364.}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The lands he held as a subtenant in Devon also seem to have had the same descent; see 15,42 St Marychurch note and, for 16,115, see Reic hel, 'Wonford Hundred', p. 331.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab This chapter has no corresponding entries in the surviving portion of Exon. Its hundredal order is:}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 30,1-2 Kerswell Hundred}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 30,3 Diptford Hundred \par \tab \tab 30,4 Borough of Exeter}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 30,1\tab WOODHUISH. In Brixham parish, Hay tor Hundred, the successor to Kerswell Hundred. Woodhuish's hidage can be accounted for in the Tax Return for Kerswell Hundred; see DEV 30 Richard note. In }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 796, held from the Honour of Cardinan, are }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wodhywisse}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reftercumb' }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Raddicombe in Brixham adjacent to Woodhuish, SX9053; see }{ \i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 508] and }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nottesworth' }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Natsworthy, 30,2];}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{ \i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 767, 768; }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 316, 348, 391-392; }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 401, iv. no. 44, vi. no. 710, vii. no. 462, xii. no. 333 and Reichel, 'Haytor Hundred in 1244', p. 111.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ORDWULF . See 1,56 Ordwulf note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 30,2\tab NATSWORTHY.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Widecombe-in-the-Moor parish, Haytor Hundred, the successor to Kerswell Hun dred. The hidage of Natsworthy can be accounted for in the Tax Return for Kerswell Hundred. For the descent within the Honour of Cardinan, see 30,1 Woodhuish note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 30,3\tab [EAST] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ALLINGTON. A parish in Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred, although it was}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 sometimes counted in Coleridge Hundred (the successor to Chillington Hundred). This holding accounted for in Diptford Hundred by an analysis of the Tax Return; see DEV 30 Richard note. It is held as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Allyngthon' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 766, from the Barony of Cardinan, then as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alinton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 324 from the Earl of Cornwall; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iv. no. 44, vii. no. 462, Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred', p. 194 and 17,53 Allington note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 30,4\tab [Terrae Occupatae 506a13] \par \tab RICHARD. The entry in the }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 gives his byname as }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 filius turulfi}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 31\tab RALPH OF LIMESY. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ralph held much land in Somerset, Nottinghamshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Gloucestershire, Warwickshire and Northamtonshire. Three of his four manors in Devon passed to the Honour of Bradninch (see DEV 19 William note). Lim\'e9 sy is in the d\'e9partement of Seine-Maritime, France.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab His holdings appear in Exon under the heading of 'Lands of the French Men-at-Arms in Devonshire'. For the Exon order of this chapter, see DEV 22 William note. All four manors in this fief (31,1-4) }{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 between }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 them more than account for the 1 hide \'bd virgate lordship allowed to Ralph in the Tax Return for Braunton and Shirwell Hundred.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 31,1\tab [Exon 457a3] \par \tab [EAST] DOWN. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Braunton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 794, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bradewill' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Bradwell, 31,2] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dune }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are fees of the Honour of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Odingeseles }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (or }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Doddynghele }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 414), held respectively by Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Pinu }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Dune}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Philip }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Doune }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Estdoune }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 360 (see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 414), while }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bradewill }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 415 by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pyn }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Bradninch (see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 411 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 402, 454).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 5 VIRGATES. It is interesting that Exon also has '5 virgates', instead of 1 hide 1 virgate,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for the tax. Compare '4 virgates' in both Exon and Domesday for 28,10 (see virgates note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 10 SLAVES. In the corresponding entry in the Exon manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ix}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but only part of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is there, either because it was}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 written on greasy parchment or, as the Great Domesday scribe may have thought, an attempt}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 had been made to erase it. Compare 7,4 vilagers note and 15,23 pays note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'when R(alph) acquired it'. Similarly for the past value of 31,2;4.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 31,2\tab [Exon 457b1] \par \tab BRADWELL. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In West Down parish, Braunton Hundred. For its descent, see 31,1 Down note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 31,3\tab [Exon 457b2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ROADWAY. In Mortehoe parish, Braunton Hundred. For Mortehoe, see 31,4. Roadway passes to the Honour of Bradninch, being held as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Radeweye }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Settesbergh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Shaftsboro, SS4845] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 792; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 360. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Burgh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Borough, SS4844], the next entry in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,, m ay well have been part of this holding. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Radehide }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Red Hide' is presumably a corrupt form; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 53.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Morteho }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 771, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 415) passes to the Honour of Barnstaple; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , iv no. 710 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 428, 449, 454.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE 30d. In the manuscript the number looks like }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xxxi}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , but the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is in fa ct an offset from an ink blot from the folio opposite (on the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 o}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of Godric}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in 34,32). The Phillimore printed edition has 31d(?), but a further study of the manuscript has proved that the figure was never }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xxxi}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 31,4\tab [Exon 458a1] \par \tab MORTEHOE. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Braunton Hundred. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Morteho }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 771, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 415) passes to the Honour of Barnstaple; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iv. no. 710 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 428, 449, 454.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 32\tab RALPH PAYNEL. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pagenel}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , Exon}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 paganus }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for 32,1;3;6;8;10,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 paganell}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 32,2;5, but plain }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Radulfus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for 32,4, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Idem Radulfus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for 32,7 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Radulfus predictus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 32,9 . Although }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 paganellus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is a diminutive of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 paganus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which is rendered 'Payne' in this edition (see 16,155 Roger note on Payne), both the Exon byname forms refer to the same person (see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 223 and compare GLS 44 Ralph note and GLS 44,2 Ralph note). Ralph Paynel's lands lay mainly in Lincolnshire but he also held in Yorkshire, De von, Somerset, Gloucestershire and Northamptonshire. With the exception of his manor at Edginswell (32,10), all Ralph's Devonshire lands lay within 15 miles of Exeter, although in seven hundreds. Ralph was sheriff of Yorkshire in 1088 and an enthusiastic supporter of William Rufus. See 32,1 Merleswein note on his predecessor.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Many of Ralph Paynel's estates pass subsequently to the Honour of Plympton; see DEV 21 William note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab His holdings appear in Exon under the heading of 'Lands of the French Men-at-Arms in Devonshire'. For the Exon order of this chapter, see DEV 22 William note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 32,1\tab [Exon 457a2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab DUNCHIDEOCK. A parish in Exminster Hundred, perhaps identifiable by analysis of the Tax Return for that hundred. It is probably the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Donnsidiock }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held by Plympton Priory in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 153; see Reichel, 'Exminster Hundred Manors', p. 213.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MERLESWEIN [* THE SHERIFF *]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 He may be the important English thane in King Edward's reign who was sheriff of Lincolnshire at some stage during King William's reign (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Regesta}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 216 pp. 686-88) until he joined the Danes in 1069 in their attack on York (the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, version D, for 1068 [1069]). All of Ralph Paynel's lands in Devon, Somerset and Yorkshire and almost all his others in Gloucestershire and Lincolnshire had been held by Merleswein in 1066. Of this thane's other estates, four in Somerset passed to Walter of Douai and one to the king and o ne in Yorkshire passed to Count Alan. In Cornwall all the lands held }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by a Merleswein were held in 1086 by the Count of Mortain, three in lordship, six from his men, but although there is no definite proof that this was the same Merleswein and that he was the sheriff of Lincolnshire it is likely: }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Somerset}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 418. Frequently in Domesday all the lands of an Anglo-Saxon in a given area passed to one Norman, as with Merleswein's lands in Devon, Gloucestershire and Lincolnshire (see the statement at the end of 32,10 here and the similar one at the end of Ralph's fief in SOM 31).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Identified as sheriff and official predecessor of Ralph Paynel in the }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Clamores}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 for Lincolnshire (CW12. CK31), Merleswein was among the ten wealthiest Anglo-Saxon magnates a fter the great earls. He is usually described as sheriff of Lincolnshire, being named as a sheriff in the Lincolnshire folios; but it would make more sense if he were sheriff of Yorkshire, where the political weight of a magnate-sheriff - the only such on e in Anglo-Saxon England - would have been needed. A late tradition states that Merleswein was given an official position in the north by Harold in the aftermath of Stamford Bridge: Walker, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Harold}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , p. 142 (JP). \par \tab \tab Merleswein provides the classic case of an a ntecessor supplying title to a Norman baron. Virtually the entire fief of Ralph Paynel came to him from his officially designated predecessor, Merleswein; and the apparent exceptions can be explained. Ralph's holding at Sandburn was illegally acquired acc o rding to the Canons of York (YKS C25), while those at Broughton and Scawby (LIN 35,2;16), previously held by Grimkel, had in fact been in Merleswein's possession in 1066, granted to him by Grimkel in an attempt to evade forfeiture (LIN CW12). Ralph's only other holding was at East Carlton (NTH 31,1), where his predecessor was a Thorkil. This may have been the exception proving the rule; but it is also possible that Merleswein was Grimkel's overlord, these not normally being recorded in the circuit (4) in w hich Northamptonshire lay (JP). \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The only holdings of Merleswein which did not devolve upon Ralph Paynel were those which would have intruded into the territorial blocks allocated to others: the Count of Mortain's Cornish fiefdom, Count Alan's honour of Ri chmond, and the royal manor of South Petherton. There is no reason to doubt that the Merleswein's who had held parts of these territories was the sheriff, Merleswein, the only man to bear that name in Domesday Book. See also Clarke, }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 English Nobility}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 322-24, whose list omits CON 5,2,18. 5,4,5 and GLS 44,1 (JP).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 R}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('Ralph' in full for 32,8) acquired it'. Similarly for the past values of 32,5;7-10.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 32,2\tab [Exon 458b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab GUNTER. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gonther}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gonher}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 );}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 276 note 4.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab KERSWELL. In Broadhembury parish, Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred. The land passed to the Peverel family, Hugh }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Peverel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holding }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Carswill }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Haure }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Aller, 32,3] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sanford }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Sampford Peverell,27,1 ] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 96. Kerswell was granted to Montacute Priory by Matilda }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Peverel }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and became a cell of it; see Maxwell Lyte and others, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bruton and Montacute Cartularies}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , nos. 141-142, 150 pp. 171-172, 177; Oliver, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 313 and Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', pp. 226, 244.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it' for each entry, probably referring to Ralph; see 2,14 formerly note and 16,88 formerly note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MERLESWEIN [* THE SHERIFF *] ... }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1066. See 32,1 Merleswein note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 32,3\tab [Exon 458b2] \par \tab ALLER. In Cullompton parish, Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred. It can be positively identified by an analysis of the Tax Return for Silverton Hundred. The descent is similar to Kerswell (32,2, see 32,2 Kerswell note), }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aure }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 being held with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sanford' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Sampford Peverell, 27,1] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 782; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 96; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 70b; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 363; Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', p. 245 and 16,103 Aller note. It also went to Montacute Priory. Places called }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wytehethfeld }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Whiteheathfield Barton, ST0103] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Frieland }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [unidentified] lay within this manor; see Max well Lyte and others, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bruton and Montacute Cartularies}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 148 p. 176; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 590. Bolealler [ST0204] might have been part of this land, but (despite Reichel in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 519 note 8) is not derived from 'Peverel's Aller'; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 562.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MERLESWEIN [* THE SHERIFF *]. }{ \cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 32,1 Merleswein note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it' for each entry, probably referring to Ralph; see 2,14 formerly note and 16,88 formerly note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 32,4\tab [Exon 458b3] \par \tab THROWLEIGH. A parish in Wonford Hundred. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Throulegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held from the Honour of Plympton in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788 by Fulk }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Ferers}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 85a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 564; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 313, 345, 386 and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred', p. 317. It is probably the land mentioned in a notification of King Cnut to Burhwold, Bishop of St German's, concerning an exchange of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Thrulea }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for lands in Cornwall (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 14 no. 53 = Kemble, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Codex Diplomaticus}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 728 = Sawyer, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 951).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MERLESWEIN [* THE SHERIFF *]. }{ \cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 32,1 Merleswein note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 32,5\tab [Exon 459a1] \par \tab CHAGFORD. A parish in Wonford Hundred; see Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred', p. 298; Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 318.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MERLESWEIN [* THE SHERIFF *]. }{ \cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 32,1 Merleswein note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND ... MEADOW ... PASTURE. Details of these occupy exactly one line in Exon and it would seem likely that in copying from there the Great Domesday scribe skipped the line by mistake, his eye travelling from the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 7} {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 before the woodland to the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 7}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 immediately below before the value. Compare 1,4 woodland note, 3,81 woodland note an d 16,164 woodland note on the omission of woodland, 17,37 meadow note on the omission of meadow and 16,42 pasture note on the omission of pasture.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 32,6\tab [Exon 460a3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ILSINGTON. A parish containing Ingsdon (32,7), both in Teignbridge Hundred. Both Ilsington and Ingsdon are identifiable from an analysis of the Tax Return for Teignton Hundred, the alternative name for Teignbridge Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 790, the Earl of Devon holds }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aylekesdon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Ingsdon, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 476] and Philip }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Bell o Monte }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ilstinthon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 82a, 90a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 150a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 339, 347, 390; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 564, iii. no. 532, vii. no. 462.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In later times there is a Plympton Honour one-third fee at }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Holrig }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Horridge in Ilsington, SX7674] in Teignbridge Hundred, held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 790 by the heirs of David }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Holrig}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , then (in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 347, 390) by the Abbot of Torre; see Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 175 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 153a. It is not clear to which Domesday holding this belongs; it could have been a part of the present holding which is in Teignbridge Hundred, whereas other adjacent Plympton Honour places (Sigford (35,23) and Bagtor (48,7)) are in Wonford Hundred, as is another part of Horridge (see 19,29 Rocombe note); see Reichel, 'Teignbridge Hundred', p. 240.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE ... WIDTH. The corresponding entry in Exon has '2 leagues of pasture and 8 furlongs in both length and width', that is, the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pascu\'ea }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is written immediately after the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii leugas}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 rather than after the furlongs. Although the 8 furlongs are probably also measurements of the pasture (which is how the Great Domesday scribe took them), it is possible that the Exon scribe omitted 'underwood' after the furlongs (though the underwood would then be out of place; see 1,53 pasture note) and that the reading shoul d be 'pasture, 2 leagues; underwood, 8 furlongs in both length and width'. See 1,46 woodland note and also 1,35 woodland note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN EXETER ... 10s. This statement is compressed and in paler ink. It is interesting that}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Exon the statement is interlined (tho ugh by the same scribe and at the same time as the rest of the entry), suggesting that the Great Domesday scribe originally missed the interlineation and added it later. In Exon there is a }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 omission mark after the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xxii uill' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (not printed by Ellis) corresp onding to one before the interlineation (see 1,40 Exeter note), though usually in Exon details of houses appear either in a separate section or, as in 2,4, with the resources. 10s as a payment for 1 house is far higher than normal, 8d being the usual cust omary due for a house in Exeter (see C1 dues note). Although there is no mention of this being a customary due, it is likely that it was, and possible that }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 sol' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is an error for }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 den'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 bringing the payment more into line with the others. However, see HEF 1,44 where a house in Worcester paid 1 silver mark (13s 4d), whereas the normal rate there seems to have been 7 \'bd d (HEF C3). See }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 397 for a different view of the 10s payment.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MERLESWEIN [* THE SHERIFF *]. }{ \cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 32,1 Merleswein note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 32,7\tab [Exon 460a4] \par \tab INGSDON. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 For the identification and descent, see 32,6 Ilsington note. See also 43,5 Ingsdon note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MERLESWEIN [* THE SHERIFF *]. }{ \cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 32,1 Merleswein note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 32,8\tab [Exon 460b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab GERARD. Perhaps Gerard the tenant-in-chief of DEV 46; see DEV 46 Gerard note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TIVERTON. In Tiverton Hundred. The only evidence for Reichel's more precise identification with Little Tiverton }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 alias }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 West Exe (Reichel, 'Extracts from the Pipe Rolls', p. 495; Reichel in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 520 note 12 and Reichel, 'Tiverton Hundred', pp. 9, 18) is that Robert }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Bykelege }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 who also held 'Little Washfield' (32,9) was holder in the thirteenth century; see Whale, 'Extracts', p. 398. Tiverton itself went to the Honour of Plympton and this small manor was probably numbered among its several members; see 1,35 Tiverton note.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MERLESWEIN [* THE SHERIFF *]. }{ \cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 32,1 Merleswein note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 32,9\tab [Exon 460b2] \par \tab GERARD. See 32,8 Gerard note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab `[LITTLE] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 WASHFIELD'. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Wasfelte}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Washfield parish was a triangular outlier of [West] Budleigh Hundred, closed on two sides by Tiverton Hundred and on its northern edge by Witheridge Hundred. The main Washfield holding is land of Ralph of Pomeroy (34,39), but a part of Washfield, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Parva Wassefeld' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [an unlocated 'Little Washfield', presumably this holding], lay in Witheridge Hundred and appears to be the land held in socage in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 761 by Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 de Bykelegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 from the heirs of William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Brywerre }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 of the Honour of Plympton; see Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', p. 408; }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , \lquote Budleigh Hundred in 1244\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 p. 313; }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , \lquote Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications\rquote , }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 pp. 357-58; Reichel in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 521 note 1 and Whale 'Extracts', pp. 397-98.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab MERLESWEIN [* THE SHERIFF *]. }{\cf1\insrsid8681605 See 32,1 Merleswein note.}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 32,10\tab [Exon 461b3] \par \tab EDGINSWELL. In Cockington parish, Haytor Hundred, the successor to Kerswell Hundred. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Welles }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is held by Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Folioth' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 768; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 790. Fulk }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Ferariis }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (on whom see 32,4 Throwleigh note) holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wille Eggelf }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 317; it is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Eggereswill }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 349; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 511.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab MERLESWEIN [* THE SHERIFF *]. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 See 32,1 Merleswein note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Exon this is added in the usual place in each of the entries corresponding}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 to 32,2-10.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab TAX FOR 2 HIDES. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i hida }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 originally written, but corrected to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ii hid' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (the original dot can be seen under the added }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ); there are signs in the Exon manuscript that there the hidage was originally }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and corrected to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ii}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Compare 2,24 cottagers note; 3,68 value note; 16,108 villagers note and 28,10 virgates note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 33\tab RALPH OF FEUG\'c8RES.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Radulfus de Felgheres}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Felgeres}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de felgeriis }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (but plain }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Radulfus }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for 33,2); he may be surnamed from Feug\'e8 res, in the French d\'e9partement of Manche, France, as mentioned in Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 88, a suggestion taken up by JRM and followed in some of the Phillimore p rinted volumes. A fuller reading of Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 88-89, would indicate the stronger likelihood of derivation from Foug\'e8res (d\'e9 partement of Ille-et-Vilaine, France), the name adopted in the Phillimore printed edition of Norfolk. The problem is that the old spellings would represent either place-name, but Tengvik's philological arguments for Foug\'e8res (Tengvik, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 88-89, where the reference to Mawer should be p. 90), are strong (JMcND). The fact that part of Ipplepen went to the Canons of Foug\'e8 res (33,1 Ipplepen note) may possibly support the derivation from Foug\'e8res.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab His holdings appear in Exon under the heading of 'Lands of the French Men-at-Arms in Devonshire'. For the Exon order of this chapter, see DEV 22 William note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 33,1\tab [Exon 462a2]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IPPLEPEN. A parish in Haytor Hundred (the successor to Kerswell Hundred). It can be identified as lying in Kerswell Hundred by an analysis of the Tax Returns. After Ralph of Feug\'e8res (also known as Ralph }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Meulent }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [of Meulan]), Ipplepen and Galmpton (33,2) continued with his heirs then was successively granted to Henry, son of Earl Reginald, to Nicholas }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Lestre }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and to Amaric }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de St Armand}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Sancto Armando }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ipelepenne }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Gaumeton' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Galmpton] from the king in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 782; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 97,612, 768, 1262, 1372; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 72a, 89a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 317-318, 348, 391; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. nos. 306, 436, 593, iii. no. 415, vi. no. 478, xi. no. 300, xii. no. 436, xv . no. 581, Reichel, 'Haytor Hundred in 1244', p. 116; Reichel,}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \lquote Extracts from the Hundred Rolls of 3 Edward I\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 360 and 7,2 Abbotskerswell note. Part of Ipplepen went to the Canons of Foug \'e8res; see Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 300.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab [* COUNTESS *] }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 GODA. Probably Countess Goda who had held one of the two manors comprising Ralph's fiefs both in Buckinghamshire and in Surrey in 1086. She was the sister of King Edward (GLS 24,1) and the wife first of Count Drogo of Mantes and then the first wif e of Count Eustace of Boulogne; she died }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . 1056.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par \tab \tab She was the mother of Earl Ralph of Hereford; see Williams, 'The King's Nephew', pp. 327-43, for her lands and family (JP).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab UNDERWOOD, \'bd LEAGUE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'underwood, \'bd league in length and width'.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE, 10 ACRES. In the manuscript the remaining three-quarters of the line is blank}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 after }{\i\f713\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pastur\'ea}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which surprisingly has no dot after it. The value of this manor is given at the end of 33,2 together with that manor's value. It is interesting that in Exon the joint value of these manors is also given at the end of the entry for Galmpton, though in slig htly different wording. Compare 40,4 pasture note on a similar gap left and also 11,1 pasture note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 33,2\tab [Exon 462a3] \par \tab GALMPTON. In Churston Ferrers parish, Haytor Hundred (the successor to Kerswell Hundred). It can be identified as lying in Kerswell Hundred by an analysis of the Tax Returns. For the descent, see 33,1 Ipplepen note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab [* COUNTESS *] GODA. }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 See 33,1 Goda note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab 14 VILLAGERS ... 5 \'bd PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '... 5 ploughs and 4 oxen'. \par \tab \tab In the Domesday manuscript and Farley }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xiiii uill'i}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ('14 villagers');}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the Ordnance Survey facsimile the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xii }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 at the beginning}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of the number are poorly reproduced and the figure resembles }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 xxiii}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 34\tab RALPH OF POMEROY. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Pomerei}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Pomaria}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pomeria}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 107 and Loyd, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Some Anglo-Norman Families}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 78-79. Ralph also held land in chief in Somerset (SOM 30). He was brother of William the goat; see DEV 19 William note. See also 19,40 Beatrix noteon his sister.}{ \fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Several entries in Devon suggest that Ralph was a rapacious man: he had seized Ash (34,5) and the case went to court, he 'took, possession of Aunk and "Heppastebe"}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (34,34), he had appropriated Panson before exchanging it for three manors (34,54 exchange note) and, like many of the noblemen, he wi thheld customary dues on houses in Exeter (34,58). It is interesting that his manor of Dunsdon (34,2) had lost a virgate to that other great land-thief, the Count of Mortain.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Ralph's estates later formed the Honour of Berry, named from Berry Pomeroy (34,48); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 561 and Sanders, English Baronies', p. 106. Many of these lands are found in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Inquisitio Post-Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de la Pomeray}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 : }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , iv. no. 296.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab The Exon order of this chapter is followed almost exactly by Domesday; the sequence of hundreds is very similar to that of Ch. 19 (see note), the latter part of the order similarly being disrupted by late entries for hundreds already included. The order is:}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 34,3;1 Lifton Hundred}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 34,2 ;4-7 [Black] TorringtonHundred \par \tab \tab 34,8-9 Fremington Hundred \par \tab \tab 34,10-13 Exminster Hundred \par \tab \tab 34,14-17 Shirwell Hundred \par \tab \tab 34,18 'Cliston' Hundred \par \tab \tab 34,19-22 Silverton Hundred \par \tab \tab 34,23-26 Hemyock Hundred \par \tab \tab 34,27-29 Wonford Hundred \par \tab \tab 34,30-39 Budleigh Hundred \par \tab \tab 34,40-42 Witheridge Hundred \par \tab \tab 34,43 Tiverton Hundred \par \tab \tab 34,44 Teignbridge Hundred \par \tab \tab 34,45 Tiverton Hundred \par \tab \tab 34,46 Kerswell Hundred \par \tab \tab 34,47 Tiverton Hundred \par \tab \tab 34,48-49 Kerswell Hundred \par \tab \tab 34,50-53 Axminster Hundred \par \tab \tab 34,54 Colyton Hundred \par \tab \tab 34,55 Chillington Hundred \par \tab \tab 34,56 Wonford Hundred \par \tab \tab 34,57 Axminster Hundred \par \tab \tab 34,58 Borough of Exeter}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 34,1\tab [Exon 335a2]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IN THE LEFT MARGIN of the manuscript beside this entry is written an }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 0 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 mark, not printed by Farley. It resembles other contemporary checking signs in De von (see 1,65 level note and 10,1 margin note), but is the only one found beside a }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wiche }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 here.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab SOUTHWEEK. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wiche}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 In Germansweek parish, Lifton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees} {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 791 the heirs of Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 le Deneys }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 hold in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Sudthwik' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Berry; see}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 399, 756; Maxwell Lyte, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Honour of Dunster}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 56; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 321, 355; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. nos. 306, 593,}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 v. no. 527, vii. no. 297; Reichel, 'Lifton Hundred in 1243', p. 189 and 16,8 Germansweek note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWARD [* SON OF TOKI *].}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Alward here and in 34,8 is probably the son of Toki, who is Ralph's}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 predecessor in 34,14 and Ralph's brother's predecessor several times in DEV 19; see 19,35 William note and DEV 19 William note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY ... 50s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 R}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ('Ralph' in full for 34,2; 18) acquired it'. Similarly for the past values of 34,2;8-9;12-13;18;23-24;31-33;35-40;44;48-52. \par \tab \tab In the Domesday manuscript the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 O }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Olim }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is oddly shaped: the scribe appears to}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 have written }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 I}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 first (perhaps the first letter of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ipse }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for a new entry?).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 34,2\tab [Exon 335a3; Terrae Occupatae 496b5]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab DUNSDON. In Pancrasweek parish, [Black] Torrington Hundred. This holding seems to have included a number of places that lay in the later parish and which are named in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 791 as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pankardeswik' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wykepranhard }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 328) that is Pancrasweek, SS2905; see 34,6 Bradworthy note; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Decnesbere }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Dexbeer, SS2909]; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Huttesdon' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Hudson, also SS2909] and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Heremannesworth' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Hamsworthy, SS3108]. This last was probably held by the Bishop of Coutances in 1086 (3,10 Hamsworthy note); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 396, 399; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 328, 357, 407; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 306, v. no. 527, xi. nos. 118, 299 and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', pp. 232-233.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP ... VILLAGERS ... MEADOW ... GOATS. In the corresponding entry in Exon these details only refer to the 2 virgates left in Dunsdon.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE 100s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Value of this manor, 100s a year with the exception of the virgate which the Count of Mortain has'. The value of the removed virgate is given as 30s in the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry (496 b 5). It is not clear whether the former value (when Ralph acquired the manor) was for all 3 virgates.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab FROM THESE 3 VIRGATES ... PLOUGHS. Also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in abbreviated form.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab TAKEN AWAY 1 VIRGATE. Here and in 34,4 (\'bd virgate) }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 v' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 has been changed to }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 virg'}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and } {\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 virga }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 respectively (see 29,2 virgate note). }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 virga }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 instead of the usual Great Domesday form }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 virgata }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is no doubt the result of copying Exon too closely; compare 1,22 manor note.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 In the case of the present 1 virgate, the original }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 over the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 v }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 has not been erased, but Farley did not print it (as also in 29,8; see 29,8 virgate note).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab There is no sign of the 1 virgate of 34,2 in the Count of Mortain's lands either in Devon or in Cornwall.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 34,3\tab [Exon 335a1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab LYDFORD. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 TIDEFORD}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 lidefort}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 l}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the Exon has a smudge running from the top towards the left, outside the side marginal ruling, which probably misled the Great Domesday scribe into thinking it was a }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 T }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (though without the right-hand part of the cross-bar). See 16,42 "Helescane" note for a list of other misreadings of Exon by the Great Domesday scribe.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Lydford is a parish in Lifton Hundred; see 1,2 Lydford note for the borough of Lydford. See Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 350.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 34,4\tab [Exon 335b1]}{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab "ALWINECLANCAVELE".}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 It clearly lay in a group of [Black] Torrington Hundred places, but is so far unidentified. There is no reason to agree with Reichel's 'East Youlstone in Bradworthy' (Reichel, 'Lifton Hundred', p. 465 note 5; Reichel, }{ \fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \lquote Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 p. 351; Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 235) even though one of the members of Bradworthy (see 34,6 Bradworthy note) may account for it.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \'bd VIRGATE. see 34,2 virgate note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,5\tab [Exon 335b2; Terrae Occupatae 497a3] \par \tab ASH. In Bradworthy parish, [Black] Torrington Hundred. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Esse }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 791 held of the Honour of Berry; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 400; 52,31 Meddon note and 34,6 Bradworthy note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LEODMER .}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The Domesday forms of this name - }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ledmar}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ), }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ledmer}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{ \i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lemar}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ), }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Leimar}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{ \i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Leodmaer}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ledmaer}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Leimer}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lemer}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 - represent Old English }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Leodm\'e6r}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 310. JRM preferred the second element -mer for Old English }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -m\'e6r}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , as it reflected more closely the Domesday spellings. The Phillimore printed edition has Ledmer. The Alecto edition has Leodm\'e6 r. The}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 only other occurrence of this name in Domesday Devon is in 34,7.}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired ', probably referring to Ralph (see 2,14 formerly note and 16,88 formerly note). Similarly for the past values of 34,5-7;10;14-16;19-20;22;25-30;41;43; 54-55.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab RALPH SEIZED IT. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has 'Ralph also appropriated (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 occupauit}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a manor called Ash which a thane held jointly in 1066. Value 10s a year; value when he appropriated it, 20s'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FRENCH AND ENGLISH TESTIFY. According to the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Inquisitio Comitatus Cantabrigiensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see CAM \{Introduction: Related or 'Satellite' Texts\}) there were 4 French and 4 English jurors for each Hundred in the shire court. Compare 2,2 barons note and 16,74 men note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LEODMER WAS A FREE MAN. In the corresponding entry in Exon this is omitted in that exact form, but 'he could go to whichever lord he would'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,6\tab [Exon 335b3] \par \tab BRADWORTHY. A parish in [Black] Torrington Hundred. The various members of this large manor, which seems to have included Ash (34,5) and West Putford (34,7), are given in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 791 (Honour of Berry) as: }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Worthy }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Worden, SS3013; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 135], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Putteford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [West Putford, 34,7], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Atteworth }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Atworthy, SS3117], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stane}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stoneford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 358, [Stowford, SS2913], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Esse }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Ash, 34,5], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dune }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [probably West Down, SS2914; Reichel's }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Berridon }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 234) is not derived from the Honour of Berry but from Old English }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 bearu}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ],}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lewenescoth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Lymscott, SS2912], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brighteneswych'}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brictenestworth}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 y}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 388, [Brexworthy, SS2813; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 133], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dunneworth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Dimworthy, SS3115] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Braworth' } {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Bradworthy]. All these lie in Bradworthy parish except for West Putford; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 396; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 326, 356, 358, 407, 409; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. nos. 3 06, 593, v. no. 527; Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', pp. 232-234 and 19,3 Instaple note. A mill at }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bradeworthi }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and the chapel of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pankardeswike' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Pancrasweek, see 34,2] were given to Torre Abbey; see Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 169; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 361. See 19,3 Instaple note for the statement in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 that Ralph and his brother added Instaple (19,3) to Bradworthy.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TOVI. In the Exon manuscript for the corresponding entry, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tovi }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is written, probably by a different scribe, above }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluuard' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (= Alward) which is underlined for deletion, though Ellis omitted to show this. Compare 6,76 Siward note and 25,27 Wulfstan note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,7\tab [Exon 336a1] \par \tab [WEST] PUTFORD.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in [Black] Torrington Hundred; East Putford lies in Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred. See 19,4 Putford note and 34,6 Bradworthy note. This holding appears as }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Puteford Henrici }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 398.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab See 1,37 Putford note for a customary due Ralph did not pay from this}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 manor to the king's manor of [Black] Torrington.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LEODMER . See 34,5 Leodmer note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,8\tab [Exon 336a2] \par \tab HORWOOD. A parish in Fremington Hundred. The Honour of Berry lands lay at }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Esthorewod' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [?East Barton, SS5127; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 115] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pinhorwod' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Penhorwood, SS5028] held by Jocelyn de }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lancell' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 791 and at }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lovenescote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Lovacott, SS5227 in Fremington parish] in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 371; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 400; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 412-413; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 v. n o. 527; Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 511 and 3,17 Horwood note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWARD [* SON OF TOKI *]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 34,1 Alward note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,9\tab [Exon 336a3] \par \tab [GREAT] TORRINGTON?.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Torilande}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 There are two adjacent places called Torrington (see 1 ,31 Torrington note; 15,16 Torrington note and 16,34 Torrington note): Great Torrington lay in Fremington Hundred, Little Torrington in Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred. Little Torrington in 15,16 is separately specified in Domesday as }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Liteltorelande}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Toritone }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 also seems to account for Little Torrington (1,31) as well as for Great Torrington (40,2. 42,5-6). }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Torilande }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 here (with substitution of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -lande }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -tun}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see 15,16 Torrington note) may, in the same way, be assumed to stand for Great Torrington or Little Torrington. Since merton Hundred places are consistently entered before those for Fremington Hundred in Exon order (see \{Introduction: Hundreds\} ), this land, partly unidentified but following Horwood, a place in Fremington Hundred, will probably have lain in the latter hundred; see Reichel in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 480 note 3; Reichel, }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \lquote Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications\rquote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 351 and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 579. But land just over the river in Shebbear Hu ndred was held of the Honour of Berry, called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Magdalene }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 358, that is 'Magdalene Hospital' (SS487186) in Taddiport, Little Torrington.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 PLOUGH, WHICH IS THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Roger and his men have 1 plough'; only Roger 'has' the smallholders and slave.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,10\tab [Exon 336a4; Terrae Occupatae 498a9] \par \tab ASHCOMBE. A parish in Exminster Hundred. The \'bd hide of lordship land here together with the \'bd virgate of lordship in Peamore (34,12) plus the 1 \'bd virgates lordship of Ralph's subtenancy at 16,63 probably account for his allowance of 1 hide in the Tax Return for Exminster Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 1308, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Assecomb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held by Nicholas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Kirkham }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Pomeray}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The place appears as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alleston }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held by Baldwin }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Countevill }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 346, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alychyston alias dicta Ayshcombe }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 389, 487; see Reichel, 'Exminster Hundred Manors', p. 226.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab AELFRIC [!1! PIG !1]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluric' piga}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 364.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THREE LANDS HAVE BEEN ADDED TO IT.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Abbreviated details of the three added manors appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , which states that they did not belong to Ashcombe before 1066 and that their (1086) value is \'a37 10s.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WHICH THREE THANES HELD FREELY [AND] JOINTLY. In the corresponding entry in Exon 'freely' is omitted; likewise omitted in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FOUR LANDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'four manors'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TAX FOR 2 HIDES. The details total only 1 hide, but it is interesting that in Exon the tax was originally written }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i hid'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but a second }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was interlined in slightly darker ink to make }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; perhaps the Exon scribe meant to change the lordship and/or villagers' land holding too. (There are numerous corrections in this Exon entry, including the villagers'}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ploughs.) See 1,4 hide note and 1,57 tax note on other cases of the tax figure being altered and then disagreeing with the sum of the details.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab JOINTLY AS THREE MANORS. Interlined in very pale ink and with a thicker pen than the rest of the entry; see 17,13 held note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,11\tab [Exon 336b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HOLCOMBE. It lies between two Exminster Hundred places in Exon order and is presumably a part of Holcombe, in Dawlish parish, Exmin ster Hundred, that was not held by the Church of Exeter, despite Reichel, 'Exminster Hundred Manors', p. 227; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 398; 2,4 Bishopsteignton note and 23,1 Hollacombe note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IT PAID TAX FOR 1 VIRGATE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Ralp h has 1 virgate of land called Holcombe'; no mention is made of tax. The Great Domesday scribe probably thought it was implied in the Exon statement, as land regularly paid tax on its full extent in Devon (see 1,4 hide note), or he could have had access t o other information. See 36,9 Hollowcombe note on an entry perhaps by the same scribe as this one; also DOR 55,7 tax note and SOM 19,83 thanes note and SOM 24,16 tax note. Compare 24,25 virgate note and 34,32 before note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 4 SALT-WORKERS WHO PAY. Their payment seems to form the manor's value; see 6,6 villager note and compare 36,9, Hollowcombe, where the salt-workers' payment also appears to take the place of the value statement.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,12\tab [Exon 336b2] \par \tab PEAMORE. In Exminster parish, Exminster Hundred; see 34,10 Ashcombe note. It passed to the Honour of Lancaster; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 346, 389; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 527 and Reichel, 'Exminster Hundred Manors', p. 228.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VIKING . See 19,8 Viking note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,13\tab [Exon 336b3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MOWLISH. Domesday and Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bolewis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Despite the form, taken by }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday Gazetteer}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as pointing to Bowlish in Whitestone parish, Wonford Hundred, the order of entries requires a place in Exminster Hundred. The Exon scribe no doubt wrote }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 B }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 M }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (compare 19,42 Ivedon note) and the Great Domesday scribe copied his mistake (compare 16,57 Wembworthy note and 52,10 Chittlehampton note), since later evidence points to Mowlish in Kenton parish. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Molehywisse }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held from the Honour of Berry in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 791; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 347 and Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 368; Reichel, 'Exminster Hundred', p. 228.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab RI[CHARD] HAS ... . The Exon manuscript for the corresponding entry has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ri }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ricardus}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ellis misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 R}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THE WHOLE OF THIS [MANOR]. Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hanc totam}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 possibly to be translated 'the whole of this (virgate)', as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 virga }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is also feminine. Of the preceding two occurrences of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hanc }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the Exon entry, the first refers to either }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 virga }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 terra }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 understood and the se cond to the manor. See 16,147 land note and 25,2 lordship note for cases where the whole of a manor's land was in lordship and compare 3,12 manor note and 19,36 lordship note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 SMALLHOLDERS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '2 slaves'; no smallholders mentioned. Exon is explicit in stating that the slaves as well as the villagers have the furlong ('ferling'). Compare 28,5 slaves note.} {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,14\tab [Exon 337a1; Terrae Occupatae 499a2] \par \tab RALPH HIMSELF HOLDS. Repeated at the beginning of 34,14-23 inclusive. Howev er, according to the Exon he has a subtenant, Helgot, for 34,16 (see 34,16 holds note), probably the same man as Ralph's subtenant in 34,26. See 24,28 Walter note 47,2 Godebold note and 48,8 Nicholas note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRENDON. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Shirwell Hundred. It passed to Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Beaupeyl}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 79a, 94b and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 482.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWARD [!1! SON OF TOKI !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 34,1 Alward note and 19,16 Alward note on the form of his name.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 'LANK COMBE'. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 lacome }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Farley misprinted a capital }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 L}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 compare 16,115 Edwulf note and 24,26 Instow note), Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lancoma}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The Domesday form appears either to have a nunnation mark omitted or is a mistaken attempt to resolve the place-name into }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Combe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with the French feminine definite article 'la' (this would suggest that the use of the lower-case }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 l }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was intentional); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 59. The place, if correctly identified, lies in Brendon parish, Shirwell Hundred; the site is now abandoned, like 'Badgworthy' (19,18) which is nearby.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The information about 'Lank Combe' is also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in abbreviated form.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VILLAGER WHO PAYS 3s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'There is a villager who pays 3s a year'. But in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the value of 'Lank Combe' is given as 3s, no mention being made of the villager's payment (villagers are not usually mentioned in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , though see 1,11 'Deneworthy' note for the few examples of population recorded there). This may be because the villager's payment dated from a different time to that at which the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 were written or it may indicate that the villager's payment formed the manor's value as on several other occasions; see 6,6 villager note on villagers holding land for a money-rent. In the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for 21,11 the value of 21,10-11 is given as 12s 6d, but this value seems to include the 30d payment of the villager in 21,11, as it does in Domesday (see 21,11 villager note).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,15\tab [Exon 337a2] \par \tab CHERITON. In Brendon parish, Shirwell Hundred; see Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 482.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,16\tab [Exon 337a3] \par \tab RALPH HOLDS. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In the corresponding entry in Exon Helgot holds it from Ralph.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab [CAFFYNS] HEANTON.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Lynton parish, Shirwell Hundred. Hugh }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Coffin }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Yanton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 791 of the Honour of Berry. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Heanton Coffyn }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xv. no. 197 and is called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hanton Coffyn }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held with }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 La Worth}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Kynetete }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 la Brunthuchene }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [all unidentified] from the heirs of Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de la Pomeray }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 336; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 396; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 361, 417 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 483. }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,17\tab [Exon 337b1] \par \tab "STANDONE".}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Apparently in Braunton or Shirwell Hundreds, it has not been satisfactorily identified. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday Gazetteer}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 's 'Eastanton' drawn from Whale in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 481 note 1 seems to be a mere extrapolation of the Domesday form; see Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 465.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,18\tab [Exon 337b2; Terrae Occupatae 501a5] \par \tab AUNK. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hanc}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It lies in Clyst Hydon parish, 'Cliston' Hundred, and can be identified as lying in that hundred from an analysis of the Tax Return. On the descent, see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 333, 367, 433 and Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', p. 378.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,19\tab [Exon 337b3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SHELDON. A parish in Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Seldene }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was a gift of the Pomeroys to Gloucester Abbey; see }{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the Gloucester History and Cartulary (Hart,}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i. pp. 88, 113, 123, ii pp. 125-126) and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii. p. 113 no. 1041. It seems later to have been in the hands of Dunkeswell Abbey; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 152a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 304.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,20\tab [Exon 337b4]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BLACKBOROUGH. In Kentisbeare parish, Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 791 the heir of Hugh }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Bollay }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Blakebergh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Berry. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vii. no. 708 (of John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Cobeham}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Blakeburgh }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held of John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Bello Campo }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as of his manor of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bokerel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Buckerell, see 34,23 Awliscombe note]. See }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 345; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xvi. nos. 670-671 and Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', p. 237. Allhallows farm [ST0910; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 564] marks the site of the manor. Compare 51,7 Blackborough note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,21\tab [Exon 338a1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TALE. In Payhembury parish, Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred. Geoffrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de la Pomeray}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 descendant of Ralph, gave land here to Ford Abbey; see Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 346; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 299 and Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', p. 238. }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE 20s. Added later in very pale ink; see 16,27 value note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,22\tab [Exon 338a2] \par \tab TALE. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 34,21 Tale note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BURGRED. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Borgaret }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but a diphthong squiggle was added to the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a} {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably later though the colour of the ink is the same, making it }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Borgaeret}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Farley misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Borgaret}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The form in Exon is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Borgaret}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,23\tab [Exon 338b1] \par \tab AWLISCOMBE. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Orescome}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Hemyock Hundred; for the form, see 19,25 Awliscombe note. A Ralph holds another portion of Awliscombe under William the goat in 19,25 (see 19,25 Ralph note). Both parts seem to have passed to Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Giffard } {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 who holds this }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aulescumb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Berry in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 791; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 338. It was subsequently given to the Abbot of Dunkeswell: }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 367, 430; see Reichel, 'Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds', p. 42. Part of Pomeroy's holding at Awliscombe must have included }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bokerel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Buckerell, ST1200] now an adjacent parish; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 400, 1308, 1443; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ix. no. 288; 34,20 Blackborough note and 52,31 Meddon note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \'bd MILL. The other manor which shared the use of this mill with Awliscombe is not mentioned in Domesday. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 400 states that it is Feniton (15,34), but there is no record there of \'bd mill and, though adjacent to Buckerell (accounted for in Domesday under Awliscombe, see 34,23 Awliscombe note), Feniton is in a different Hundred. See 1,7 mills note.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,24\tab [Exon 338b2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WESTON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Otri}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held by Rozelin. The modern place-name is from Warin, the 1086 holder of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Otri }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of 19,27; it is Warinstone or Weston in Awliscombe parish, Hemyock Hundred. Warin and Rozelin also share Ivedon (19,42. 34,47). In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 791, the Abbey of Dunkeswell holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Otery}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; this same land is called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Weryngyston }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 430; see Reichel, 'Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds', p. 42.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Another Pomeroy estate in this hundred, possibly a subordinate part of Weston, was at }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Trilbehegh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [unidentified, unlikely to be Trebblehayes in Membury, ST2606] held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 791, by William and Alexander, later given to the prior of Taunton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 430 and Reichel, 'Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds', p. 42.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 PLOUGH THERE AND 1 \'bd VIRGATES. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'R(ozelin) has 1 \'bd virgates and 1 plough'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably implied or omitted in error.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,25\tab [Exon 338b3] \par \tab DUNKESWELL. A parish in Hemyock Hundred. It passed to William }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Briwere }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and was given by him in 1201 as part of the foundation of Dunkeswell Abbey; see }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xi. nos. 118, 299; Oliver, }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 395, and Reichel, 'Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds', p. 42. It included }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bourehays }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Bowerhayes, ST1408] in }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 304, }{ \i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Burhei }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Steintewode }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Stentwood, ST1309] in }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 151b.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TAX FOR 1 \'bd HIDES. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'tax for 1 \'bd hides and 1 virgate', which agrees with the details; the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 & i virg }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is on the next line in the Exon manuscript, probably the reason for its omission in Domesday; compare 3,86 ploughs note and 17,69 tax note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 SLAVES ... 11 VILLAGERS. In the corresponding entry in Exon these are unusually given after the livestock, rather than before.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,26\tab [Exon 338b4] \par \tab HELGOT.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Helgot}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hegotus}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , \'a7 61 for the vocalised }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 l }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 before th}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 e g}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab AWLISCOMBE. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Hemyock Hundred; see 34,23 Awliscombe note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,27\tab [Exon 339a1] \par \tab WILLIAM OF POITOU. Poitou (Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pitauensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pictauensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is in the central west of France; see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 134-35. He also held some land in Kent (KEN M15). \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In the corresponding entry in Exon two subtenants are mentioned: William of Poitou who has 2 virgates and Robert who has 1 virgate and of whom there is no mention in Domesday. The details of villagers, resources and value given in Domesday do not tally exactly with either of the two holdings, though they are closer to William's; see \{Appendix: Details Table\} . See 19,43 Ralph note, DOR 47,7 R alph note and SOM 36,7 Bernard note for similar examples of the Great Domesday scribe giving as 1086 holder of the whole of a manor someone who held only a part of it according to Exon. Compare 19,33 Ralph note and 23,22 Ludo note.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab OGWELL. East Ogwell and West Ogwell in a detached part of Wonford Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 791, Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 le Peytevin }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 (from Poitou) holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Cridie }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Lower Creedy 34,35], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Denescumb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [Dunscombe, 34,33] and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Westwogewill' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Estwogewill' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 from the Honour of Berry. See }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. pp. 316, 345, 388; Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 375; Reichel, }{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \lquote Wonford Hundred Manors\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 p. 340.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MEADOW, 1 ACRE; [***] PASTURE. In the manuscript there is a plain gap of about 16 letters' width after the meadow details. There is a faint }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 7}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 visible after the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p'ti}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but no other sign of erasure. Exon attributes 12 acres of underwood, as well as the meadow and pasture, to William's holding (see \{Appendix: Details Table\}). The different treatment of the tena ncy of this entry (see 34,27 William note) may be the reason for the space left.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE NOW 30s. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xx solid' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was originally written, perhaps as a result of the scribe copying the value only of William's holding in Exon (see \{Appendix: Details Table\}), then corrected to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xxx}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the final }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 x }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 being added in paler ink and at an angle to fit in.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,28\tab [Exon 339a2] \par \tab WILLIAM [!1! OF POITOU !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 34,27 William note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab OGWELL. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 34,27 Ogwell note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,29\tab [Exon 339b1] \par \tab ROGER [!1! BLUNT !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Probably Roger Blunt; the Tax Return for Wonford Hundred in which Huxham lies, states that Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 flavus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see Tengvik, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 313) has \'bd hide in lordship there. This is the only holding of a Roger in this hundred in Domesday.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HUXHAM. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Wonford Hundred; see 34,20 Roger note. The place is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hokesham }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held from the Honour of Berry in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 791; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 396; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 316, 387; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 352, v. no. 527 and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 340.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VIKING . See 19,8 Viking note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab A MILL WHICH PAYS 6s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'A mill whose value is 5s a year'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,30\tab [Exon 339b2] \par \tab CLYST [ST GEORGE].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Chisewic}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 now a parish in [East] B udleigh Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 764, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Clistwyk }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held of the Honour of Bradninch (descent from William the goat, see DEV 19 William note; an error for Honour of Berry) from Geoffrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de la Pomeraye}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Clist }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held of Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de la Pomeraye }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of his manor of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bukerel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (34,23 Awliscombe note) in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iv. no. 312 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Clystwik S'ci Georgii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in 1327 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 585); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 365 and Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 299. The lordship land of this manor with that of 34,31;39 probably accounts for Ralph's allowance of 1 hide in the Budleigh Hundred Tax Return.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 One }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 mansa }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 at }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Clystwicon }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 was given by King Edgar to Aethelnoth }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 961, see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 12 no. 37 = Birch, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cartularium Saxonicum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 1103 = Sawyer, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , no. 669.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VIKING . See 19,8 Viking note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,31\tab [Exon 339b3] \par \tab STOCKLEIGH [POMEROY].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in [West] Budleigh Hundred; see 34,30 Clyst note. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 764 the heirs of Henry }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de la Pomeraye }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hold in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stokkelegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Berry; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 1314; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 325; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xii. no. 163; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 66a; }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, 'Berry Pomeroy and Stockleigh Pomeroy';}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 295 and 15,17 Stockleigh note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,32\tab [Exon 340a1] \par \tab RAPSHAYS. In Gittisham parish, [East] Budleigh Hundred; see 19,34 Rapshays note and 25,15 Gittisham note. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 791, Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Poer }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rappinghegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Berry; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 762; } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 364, 426 and Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 286. Ralph's holding here is probably remembered in Pomeroy at SY1398.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BEFORE 1066. [***]. In the manuscript there is a gap of about 11 letters' width after }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; the parchment appears to be very slightly scraped, but nothing is visible. It is possible that the scribe originally wrote the tax liability, though there is scarcely room for it and in any case it would not have been necessary as the hidage had already been given (but see 24,25 and 24,25 virgate note and also DOR 27,6 where 3 hides attached to Clifton Maybank are stated to have paid tax for 3 hides, and see also DOR 55,15 hide note). Exon does not state the tax paid. Compare 34 ,37 before note and 34,11 paid note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \'bd PLOUGH. The corresponding entry in Exon has '3 oxen in a plough'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,33\tab [Exon 340a2] \par \tab WILLIAM [* OF POITOU *]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Perhaps William of Poitou because the descent of these manors to Robert of Poitou is the same as that for 34,27-28 (see 34,27 William note), which are held by William of Poitou in 1086.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab DUNSCOMBE. In Cheriton Fitzpaine parish, [West] Budleigh Hundred. It is held with the places called Ogwell (34,27-28; see 34,27 Ogwell note) in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 791; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 364, 426 and Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 281.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE ... 30s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Value ... 20s'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,34\tab [Exon 340a3; Terrae Occupatae 501a5] \par \tab "HEPPASTEBE".}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In the order of Exon, it lies among places in Budleigh Hundred (later divided into [East] Budleigh Hundred and [West] Budleigh Hundred), but has not been identified. Among Berry Honour fees in this hundred are }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hille }{ \cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [?Hill farm in Farringdon, SY0090] and }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Eston' }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exton' }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Exton in Woodbury, SX9886] in }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 763, 791. These two lands do not seem to be accounted for by another Domesday holding, but the connection with }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Heppastebe }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 has not been established; see }{ \i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 365, 427 and Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 291.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab RALPH ... AUNK. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'Ralph has a manor called Aunk. A manor called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Heppasteba }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 has been added to it, which a thane held who could go with his land to whichever lord he would in 1066. Value 5s a year'. For Aunk, see 34,18.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,35\tab [Exon 340a4] \par \tab WILLIAM [* OF POITOU *]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Perhaps William of Poitou; see 34,33 William note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab [LOWER] CREEDY.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Upton Hellions parish, [West] Budleigh Hundred. Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Peytevin }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cridie }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 791; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 265; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 426; Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 281 and 34,27 William note. North Creedy lay in Sandford parish, Crediton Hundred.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 PLOUGHS THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 2 ploughs and 7 oxen; see \{Appendix: Lordship and Villagers' Table\}. See 3,37 oxen note and 3,44 plough note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,36\tab [Exon 340b1] \par \tab WILLIAM [* OF POITOU *] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ALSO HOLDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'William holds'; see 17,84 William note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab YEADBURY. Later in Cruwys Morchard parish, Witheridge Hundred, but it was a tithing of Budleigh Hundred in the Middle Ages. The order of Exon suggests that it also lay there in 1086. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 762, 791, Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Horthon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Addebyr' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Berry; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 66b, 92b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 426 and Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 283.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,37\tab [Exon 340b2] \par \tab WILLIAM [* OF POITOU *] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ALSO HOLDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'William holds'; see 17,84 William note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab [LOWER] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 CREEDY. Presumably this 1 furlong (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferling}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 having a different }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holder from }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cridie }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (34,35), but the same 1086 tenant, was later combined with it. It would seem that as no population was recor ded for this holding, the land here was worked by some of the smallholders and slaves at the larger manor in Lower Creedy; see 17,84 Chittleburn note and compare 23,25 population note. See Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 362; Reichel, 'Crediton Hundred', p. 173.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BEFORE 1066. [***]. In the manuscript there is a gap of about 11 letters' width after }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 possibly due to an erasure of at least 6 letters; an }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 7 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and part of a }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 d }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and a }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 b }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 can be seen, suggesting }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 7 geldb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 may have been originally written. Compare 34,32 before note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE 2s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'The rest of the land (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 alia terra}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is so wasted that (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ita uastata quod}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 value is only 2s'. This sentence comes immediately after the 1 acre of meadow, implying that the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 alia terra }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is the whole of the furlong ('ferling') apart from the 1 acre. On }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uastata/ uasta }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see C3 destroyed note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,38\tab [Exon 340b3] \par \tab STRETE [RALEGH].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Now in Whimple parish in 'Cliston' Hundred, but it was in [East] Budleigh in the Middle Ages and seems to have been so included in 1086 by the order of Exon. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 792, Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Ralegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Strethe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Berry; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 763, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 427 and Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 293.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,39\tab [Exon 341a1] \par \tab WASHFIELD. A parish in [West] Budleigh Hundred; see 32,9 Washfield note. This holding is identifiable in the Tax Return for Budleigh Hundred; see 34,30 Clyst note. In an unfinished entry in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 762, William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Le Abbe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wassefeld' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from Muriel }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Bollay}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Although the Honour is not stated and it is from the Honour of Totnes (DEV 17 Judhael note) that Walter }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Abbot }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 427, these entries appear to refer to this holding; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 365 and Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 284.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,40\tab [Exon 341a2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab STOODLEIGH. West Stoodleigh in Stoodleigh parish, Witheridge Hundred (7). In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 791 Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Campellis }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Weststodlegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Berry; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 398, 760; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 344, 421; Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', pp. 404, 421 and 3,77 Stoodleigh note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Stoodleigh and Highleigh (34,41) were placed by Reichel, }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 'Bampton and Uffculme Hundreds', }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 455, in Bampton Hundred. While it is true that Bampton Hundred seems to have been larger in 1086 than later and to have included a number of places that were afterwards in Witheridge Hundred, if these two particular lands lay in Bampton in 1086, they s hould have been entered at an earlier point in the schedule; see \{Introduction: Hundreds\} and 16,150 Tapps note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,41\tab [Exon 341a3] \par \tab HIGHLEIGH. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Henlei}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Apparently Highleigh in Oakford parish, Witheridge Hundred, for which }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 388 only quotes the form }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Heghelegh }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (1325). It was given by Henry }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de la Pomeray }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to the Priory of St Mary at Pilton and is called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hellegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 152b and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Seyntemarilegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 761; see Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 247 and Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', p. 422. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab For the hundred in which Highleigh lay, see 34,40 Stoodleigh note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTMER. On this name, see 16,4 Brictmer note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,42\tab [Exon 341a4] \par \tab ADWORTHY.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Witheridge parish and Hundred. It is held as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Oddeworth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honourof Berry in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 761. Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', p. 422 and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 483 note 7 identifies Woodford in Thelbridge, but see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 398.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SAERIC. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Seric}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Seric}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 could represent Old English }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sigeric}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 rather than Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Saeric}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 352 under }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sae- }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and p. 354 under }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Saeric}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \'bd PLOUGH, WHICH IS THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'W(illiam) has \'bd plough'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably implied or omitted in error.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,43\tab [Exon 341b1; Terrae Occupatae 502b2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab [HOLDS]. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ten' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 omitted in error.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CHEVITHORNE. Chevithorne is in Tiverton parish, Tiverton Hundred; Uplowman, the added land was later counted in Halberton Hundred, but was a tithing of Tiverton Hundred in the Middle Ages; see 25,16 Uplowman note and, for example, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Devon (1332) }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 36. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 791, Alice }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Ros }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Chyfeihorn' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Berry. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Westchyvethorne }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 16,158) in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 370, 433, having passed into the king's hands by 1303 and being granted to Edmund of Woodstock, Earl of Kent; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 396; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (old series), iv. no. 63 (=}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Whale, 'Fees of Earl Hugh de Courtenay'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 326) and Reichel, 'Tiverton Hundred', p. 23.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab UPLOWMAN. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Slightly abbreviated details of the added manor of Uplowman also appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . See 34,43 Chevithorne note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWIN HELD IT. Only the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 has}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 '... jointly'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,44\tab [Exon 341b2; Terrae Occupatae 502b4]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab GAPPAH. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has 'Ralph of Pomeroy has a manor called Gappah. The lands of 4 thanes have been added to it, who held them jointly in 1066. Value of them, 24s a year'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Gappah lay in Kingsteignton parish, Teignbridge Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 791 the land seems to have had three parts: (1) }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Gatepath' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 held by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Beldemerse}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 called }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Gatepath }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bealdemerse }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Bellamarsh, SX8577] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 339; (2) another }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Gatepath' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 held by the heirs of Hugh }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Bollay}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; and (3) }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Babbecumb' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Babcombe, SX8677] held by John }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Babbecumb'}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. nos. 306, 593, vii. no. 297; Maxwell Lyte, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Honour of Dunster}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 56; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 347, 390; Reichel, 'Teignbridge Hundred', pp. 239, 241; }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications\rquote ,}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 368.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FIVE THANES HELD IT JOINTLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'and they could go to whichever lord they would'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,45\tab [Exon 342a1; Terrae Occupatae 502b8] \par \tab IVEDON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Otrie}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Later in Awliscombe parish, Hemyock Hundred, but this entry appears to be a delayed part of Tiverton Hundred, places in Teignbridge Hundred and Tiverton Hundred being intermixed at this po int in the schedule as in 16,152-160; see 34,43 Chevithorne note and 34,43 Uplowman note. Ivedon was a detached part of Tiverton Hundred in the Middle Ages and this particular holding, whose }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tenant was Saemar, was split after the Conquest between William the goat (who holds the other part and a \'bd villager; see 19,43 villager note) and Ralph of Pomeroy. Both of these parts of Ivedon are recorded as being added to Awliscombe. The 19,43 holding was probably added to 19,25; in the present case Ivedon was probably added to the Awliscombe of 34,23 also held by Ralph himself, whereas the Awliscombe of 34,26 has Helgot as subtenant. It is interesting that in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entries for 19,43 and 34,45 Awliscombe is stated to have been added to Ivedon, the reverse of what the main Exon and Great Domesday entries state; see 34,45 Awliscombe note. Compare 39,16 land note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \'bd VILLAGER. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uill'o }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 corrected from }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uill'i }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (nominative plural); the scribe also appears to have written a }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as the first letter and corrected it to a }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 v}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 For the other half of the villager, see 19,43 and 19,43 villager note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 PLOUGH, WHICH IS THERE, WITH \'bd VILLAGER. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Ralph has \'bd villager who has 1 plough'. After this in the Exon manuscript is written }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Et hanc mans' addidit Radulf' ad mans' q' uocat' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Otria }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 interlined; the words have been scored through for deletion, with the exception of }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Otria }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (which should have been also). After the value (which comes next) is written 'Ralph added this manor to the manor called Awliscombe'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holesc\'f4 ba }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is interlined over another }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Otria }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which has been erased but is still visible.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE 30d. RALPH ... AWLISCOMBE. The }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'To the manor called Ivedon Ralph of Pomeroy has added a manor called Awliscombe; it pays 30d a year'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,46\tab [Exon 342a2-3; Terrae Occupatae 502b9]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ROGER HOLDS ... FROM RALPH. For the corresponding entry the Exon manuscript has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hanc tenet Rogerius Radulfus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Radulfus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is probably a scribal error for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Radulfo }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'from Ralph' (which is otherwise omitted), as a Roger is given as Ralph's subtenant some eleven times, rather than a byname (= 'Roger Ralph holds it'). However, a Roger son of Ralph is a su btenant of the Bishop of Coutances in Domesday Somerset and a tenant-in-chief in Domesday Glos. and it is possible that this person was intended (see GLS G4, and GLS G4 Baderon note and HEF 1,8 William note, on the accidental omission of }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 filius}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab DUNSTONE . Both Dunstone and 'Blackslade' (the added manor; see 34,46 'Blackslade' note) lay in Widecombe-in-the-Moor, a detached part of Haytor Hundred, the successor to Kerswell Hundred. On the Domesday form of 'Blackslade' see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 526. If this holding is later represented by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Widecumb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Widecombe-in-the-Moor], held by Richard son of Ralph in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 768 (see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 790, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 318, 349, 392), then the overlordship early passed to the Honour of Plympton; see Reichel, 'Haytor Hundred in 1244', p. 124. 'Blackslade farm' (SX736754) is now represented only by 'Blackslade Down';}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 French and Lineham, \lquote Widecombe in the Moor\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 especially p. 175.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab EDWIN HELD IT. Only the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 '... jointly'.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE, 30 ACRES. The scribe originally wrote }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xxx ac' p'ti }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'meadow, 30 acres', then corrected the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p'ti }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p'st\'e7}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p'st\'e7 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is squashed in and the first abbreviation sign is very faint (it is not reproduced in the Ordnance Survey facsimile). The whole word is written in such pale ink}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (like some of the other corrections and additions) that one could almost think it had been erased, especially }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as pti }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is still visible underneath, but in the same dark ink as the rest of the entry. However, the compression of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the p'st\'e7 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and the obvious need for a correction to the}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p'ti }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (to avoid two sets of details for meadow; compare 17,50) contradict this notion. The Exon entry is neat and clear.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\up6\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab '}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 BLACKSLADE'. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'With this manor [Dunstone] Ralph has}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a manor called 'Blackslade' '. Abbreviated details of this added manor also appear in the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 VILLAGERS AND 3 SMALLHOLDERS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'On it (the virgate) are 2 villagers and 3}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 smallholders'; an unusual variation on the normal Exon formula 'B (1086 tenant)}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 has ...'. It also occurs in Devon for 34,57. 52,9 and 52,48 and it is interesting that these}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 four entries are all by the same scribe. Compare 3,86 villagers note on a similar variation, though this is}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by a different scribe.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,47\tab [Exon 342a4] \par \tab IVEDON. Later in Awliscombe parish, Hemyock Hundred, but long a tithing of Tiverton Hundred; see 19,42 Ivedon note; 19,43 Ivedon note and 34,45 Ivedon note. This holding can be identified as lying in Tiverton Hundred from the Tax Return: Rozelin, Ralph's tenant here (in Exon), has failed to pay tax on land held with Warin (the tenant of another part of Ivedon under Ralph's brother William the goat, 19,42). This holding does not appear in l ater lists, but it may have been coupled with the Ivedon held of Bradninch Honour; see Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', pp. 358, 362 and Reichel, 'Tiverton Hundred', p. 28.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 PLOUGH, WHICH IS THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'R(ozelin) has 1 plough'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably implied or omitted in error.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,48\tab [Exon 342a5] \par \tab BERRY [POMEROY].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Haytor Hundred, the successor to Kerswell Hundred; it is identifiable as lying in Kerswell Hundred from an analysis of the Tax Return for that hundred. It is }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 caput }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the later Honour of Berry. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 769 the heirs of Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de la Pomeraye }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hold }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Beri}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 72a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 1307; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xii. no. 163; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 318, 349; Reichel, 'Haytor Hundred in 1244', p. 129; Reichel}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , \lquote Extracts from the Hundred Rolls of 3 Edward I',}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 365. Tithes and various renders from }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bercium }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Otrevum }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Berry and one of Ralph's holdings named from the River Otter (34,24;32;45;47;50)] were granted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1125 by Jocelyn }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Pomeria }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to the Abbey of Sainte-Marie du Val in the Diocese of Bayeux; see Round, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Documents}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 France}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 536 no. 1455.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,49\tab [Exon 342b1; Terrae Occupatae 503b5] \par \tab AFTON. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Berry Pomeroy parish, Haytor Hundred the successor to Kerswell Hundred; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 1311.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 6 VILLAGERS ... 1 \'bd VIRGATES. The corresponding entry in Exon actually says 'the villagers (have) as much'; as this statement comes as usual straight after the 1 \'bd virgates in lordship t he meaning is clear there, but would be less so in the position dictated by this edition.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VIRGATE ... 5s. Abbreviated details of this added land also appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab A WOMAN HELD IT FREELY [AND] JOINTLY BEFORE 1066. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which a woman held jointly in 1066; she could go to whichever lord she would'. In the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 she is said to have held 'jointly', but no mention is made of 'freely'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab A VILLAGER. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'R(alph) has 1 villager'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,50\tab [Exon 342b2] \par \tab UPOTTERY. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Otri}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Axminster Hundred. This holding can be identified as lying in that hundred by an analysis of the Axminster Hundred Tax Return. For the descent see Reichel, 'Axminster and Axmouth Hundreds', p. 155. It included }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Fayrook }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Fair Oak, ST1808] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xvi. no. 1027; see vol. vi. no. 753.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,51\tab [Exon 343a1; Terrae Occupatae 503b6] \par \tab SMALLRIDGE. In Axminster parish, Axminster Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 791 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wymundus de Ralegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Smalerig' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Berry; see Maxwell Lyte, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Honour of Dunster}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 56; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. nos. 306, 593, vii. no. 297; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 320, 366, 429 and Reichel, 'Axminster and Axmouth Hundre ds', p. 157. Both Smallridge and Weycroft (34,52) went to Newenham Abbey (see 1,11 Axminster note); see Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 357. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab See 1,11 for details of a customary due owing from this manor.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,52\tab [Exon 343a2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ROGER. Possibly Roger of Courseulles. The Tax Return for Axminster Hundred states that the king had no tax from \'bd hide which Robert holds from Roger of Courseulles: this is the only holding of a Roger in this hundred in Domesday (Roger of Courseulles is not a tenant-in-chief in Devon). Lower layers of subtenancy are often omitted in Exon and Domesday (see 3,70 Humphrey note), though it is possible that a change had taken place in the subtenancy of Weycroft between the compilation of the Tax Returns and of Exon.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WEYCROFT. Also in Axminster parish, Axminster Hundred (17). Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gobaud' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wicrofte }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 791 from the Honour of Berry; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 320, 366, 429, Reichel, 'Axminster and Axmouth Hundreds', p. 157 and 34,51 Smallridge note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VIKING . See 19,8 Viking note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,53\tab [Exon 343a3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRUCKLAND. In Axmouth parish, once in Axmouth Hundred, but later in Axminster Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 791, John }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Tryl }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds from the Honour of Berry in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brocland' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Borcumb' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ['Radish'; see 34,54 'Radish' note]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 328, 430; Reichel, 'Axminster and Axmouth Hundreds', p. 181 and 16,164 Musbury note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab AELHARD [!1! THE MONK !1!].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday and Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ailard}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 monac}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ].}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 These forms and also }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aelard}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (SUS 11,8), may represent the Old English personal name }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'c6thelheard}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 184. JRM did not accept that these forms represented that name because they lacked medial }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -d-}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -g-}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; he also preferred the second element -hard for Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -heard}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . The Phillimore printed edition has Aethelhard; the Alecto edition has \'c6thelheard. }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,54\tab [Exon 343b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 'RADISH'. In Southleigh parish, Colyton Hundred; it is identifiable as lying in that hundred by an analysis of the Tax Return and is now represented only by 'Radish Plantation'. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 791 it appears to be }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Borcumb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Borcombe lying adjacent, also in Southleigh parish, SY1991], held by John de }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tryl }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with Bruckland (34,53); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 331, 428; Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 366 and Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', p. 356.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ON THE LACK OF POPULATION recorded for this manor, see 17,84 Chittleburn note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THESE THREE MANORS. That is, Bruckland and the two }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 manors of 'Radish'. See 35,4 and 35,4 holds note. It is odd that there is no }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry concerning the fact that there were two manors in Radish in 1066 which were combined in 1086. See 20,1 held note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab GIVEN TO RALPH IN EXCHANGE FOR ONE MANOR OF 1 VIRGATE. The manor was Panson (35,4), 'given' to Roald Dubbed. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry there (see 35,4 holds note), by stating that Ralph had appropriated Panson, suggests a reason why he was keen to exchange it. Apart from ridding himself of a manor to which he was not legally entitled, Ralph gained lands of larger extent though worth only a fifth of the value of Panson in 1086.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,55\tab [Exon 343b2-3; Terrae Occupatae 504a6]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab KEYNEDON. In Sherford parish, Coleridge Hundred, the successor to Chillington Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 792, Roger }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Praulle }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Kynedon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ernecumb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [said to be 'Yarnscombe' in Stockenham, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 333] from the Honour of Berry; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 332, 350, 393; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xvi. no. 875 and Reichel, 'Coldridge Hundred', p. 196.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab POOL. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Presumably part of North Pool in South Pool parish, adjacent to Keynedon in Coleridge Hundred, the successor to Chillington Hundred.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Abbreviated details of this added manor also appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . In both the main Exon entry and in the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Roger is said to hold the added manor from Ralph. The same scribe wrote both the main entry and the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab EDWY HELD IT FREELY [AND] JOINTLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Edwy also (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 idem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held jointly' as also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; 'freely' omitted in both entries.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,56\tab [Exon 343b4] \par \tab HEAVITREE. DEV 34.56 HEAVITREE. A parish in Wonford Hundred, now incorporated in Exeter. In }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 791, William }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Kelly }{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hevetre }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Berry; see }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 316, 387; }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 527 and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 341.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VIKING . See 19,8 Viking note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 CARUCATES. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'On it (manor) are 2 carucates of land and}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ploughs; 1 is (part) of R(oger)'s lordship, the other is the villagers' (... }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii carrucat\'ea t'r\'ea}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 7 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii carr' .i. d'nica \'e7 R. }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 7 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 alia uillano' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .)'. It is not clear whether it is the carucates or the ploughs which are divided thus. The use of the plural }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uillanorum }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is noteworthy, apparently implying that the slaves, as well as the villager, had a share in either the carucates or ploughs. See 3,79 plough note; 5,9 villager note and 28,16 slaves note. On carucates, see 1,2 carucates note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 PLOUGHS. In the manuscript and Farley clearly }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii caruc\'ea}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the Ordnance Survey facsimile only the bottom}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 half of the first }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is reproduced for some reason.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,57\tab [Exon 343b5; Terrae Occupatae 505b2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ROGER HAS \'bd VIRGATE. The corresponding entry in Exon has '... from R(alph)'; compare 15,22 holds note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Domesday t}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 he scribe has omitted }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Ra. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'from Ra(lph)', probably in error.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VILLAGER. A MILL WHICH PAYS 30d. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'On it (the \'bd virgate) is a villager and a mill; value 30d a year'. See 34,46 villagers note on the formula. As in Great Domesday, it is not absolutely clear whether the value of the mill or of the whole \'bd virgate is 30d. However, the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has '... \'bd virgate of land whose value is (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ualet}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 30d a year'. Ellis printed }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xx}{\i\fs24\cf1\up6\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 den' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for the value in the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry, but the parchment of the manuscript is merely rubbed between the last }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 x }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xxx }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and the dot, possibly when an ink blot was erased there.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday has}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 molin' redd' xxx den'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 It is possible that the Great Domesday scribe omitted an }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 7}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 between }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 molin' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 redd' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or} {\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 some form of punctuation after }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 molin' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or a capital }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 R }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 redd'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 to make the reading 'A mill. It (the manor) pays 30d'.The main Exon is almost as ambiguous as to what the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 valet per annum xxx den' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 refers, but the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry clearly makes the \'bd virgate worth 30d. However, one would have expected the Great Domesday scribe to have used }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 valet }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 here if he meant it for the \'bd virgate, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 redd' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Devon being used almost entirely in the Value statements of royal manors (see 1,32 value note and compare 3,82 pays note; 15,53 pays note and 24,18 pay s note), though in Devon the two words probably meant the same (see 2,2 value note). Compare 52,48 villager note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab AELFRIC HELD IT JOINTLY. The marginal }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 par' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 obviously belongs here with the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holder, despite its being written level with the first line of the entry. Without exception, these occurrences of marginal }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 par' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 15,47 jointly note) refer to the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tenants, who are normally written on the first line. Presumably the scribe adding }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 par'}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in these cases did not read the entries or he would have noticed that here the details of the 1066 holder were misplaced (as they are in Exon).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IT HAS BEEN ADDED TO WEYCROFT. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'It has been added to Ralph's manor called Weycroft'. So also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . For Weycroft see}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,52.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 34,58\tab [Exon 344a1; Terrae Occupatae 506a1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HOUSES ... 3s 4d. As the rate of payment of customary dues is given as 8d a house in almost every other instance in Devon (see C1 dues note), it is possible that }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 vi domos }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 here is a scribal error for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 v domos }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ( that is, 5 x 8d = 40d or 3s 4d). In the manuscript the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 vi }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is in darker ink, but this may be incidental (the scribe may have merely dipped his pen into the ink again), as the distance between the figure and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 domos }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 does not suggest an addition to the figure. There is no sign of correction in the Exon manuscript.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FROM WHICH HE HAS KEPT BACK. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry (506 a 1) has '... since he has had them (the houses)'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 35\tab ROALD DUBBED. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Adobed}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Adobatus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 represent Old French }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 adobed }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 adub \'e9}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the past participle of the verb }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 aduber/adouber/adubber }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'to equip a knight, to array'. Compare Modern English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 adub }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'to invest with the insignia of knighthood, to dub'; see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 373.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The majority of Roald's holdings later form part of the great Honour of Plympton (see DEV 21 William note), many being held by the Giffard family. On the descent of Roald's lands, see }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Halsbury, \lquote Devolution of Ruald's Fief\rquote }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab The estates fall in the following hundredal groupings, the order being the same in Domesday as in Exon, except that the Exon entries corresponding to 35,26-31 have not survived:}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 35,1 Lifton Hundred \par \tab \tab 35,2-9 [Black] Torrington Hundred \par \tab \tab 35,10-19 Merton Hundred \par \tab \tab 35,20 Braunton Hundred \par \tab \tab 35,21 Wonford Hundred \par \tab \tab 35,22 South Molton Hundred \par \tab \tab 35,23 Wonford Hundred \par \tab \tab 35,24 Budleigh Hundred \par \tab \tab 35,25 Witheridge Hundred \par \tab \tab 35,26 Ermington Hundred \par \tab \tab 35,27-28 Plympton Hundred \par \tab \tab 35,29-30 Walkhampton Hundred \par \tab \tab 35,31 Borough of Exeter}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 35,1\tab [Exon 411a1] \par \tab LAMERTON. A parish in Lifton Hundred. Walter }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Giffard }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lamerthon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 789; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 756; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 321, 355, 405; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xv. no. 597 and Reichel, 'Lifton Hundred in 1243', p. 199.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ORDWULF . See 1,56 Ordwulf note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 R}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('Roald' in full for 35,23-24) acquired it'. Similarly for}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the past values of 35,2-15;19-21;23-24.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 35,2\tab [Exon 411a2] \par \tab BRIDGERULE.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brige }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with Roald's name affixed. It is a parish in [Black] Torrington Hundred, positively identifiable as lying in that hundred by an analysis of the Tax Return. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 787, Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Dune }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bruge Ruardi }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 327, 406 and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 213.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FRAWIN [* OF CORNWALL *]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 He is perhaps to be identified with the Frawin of Cornwall who occurs in Pipe Roll 31 Henry I, p. 160 (Keats-Rohan, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday People}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 199), unless that person was his son. He may also be the same as the Frawin who held 1 hide in Alton in WIL 68,18: WIL 68 contains the miscellaneous holdings of the king's sergeants, though Frawin as a subholder may not be one.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Frawin occurs on seven holdings distributed between Cornwall and Sussex, and on an eighth occasion as Frawin of Kirtling among a list of Cambridgeshire jurors. Despite the dispersed nature of these references, it is likely that seven, if not all eight, refer to one individual. A Frawin appears both as a thane with a modest holding on one of the Count of Mortain's manors in Devon in 1066 (15,47 thanes note) and as one of his tenants in Cornwall in 1086 (5,24,21). Given the rarity of the name, it is improbable that two individual s are involved, a significant point since it establishes the likelihood that the Frawins of 1066 and 1086 do, in fact, represent the same name. This makes it likely that the Frawin with a modest holding in Wiltshire in 1086 (WIL 68,18) is the same man sinc e two survivors with such a rare name is an implausible scenario. It is perhaps relevant that this holding is adjacent to two of the properties of the Count of Mortain (WIL 20,1-2). If these deductions are correct, then the three remaining holdings of Fraw in in 1066 are likely to have been held by the same individual. It is perhaps unlikely that a man who may have become sheriff of Cornwall in the reign of Henry I (Keats Rohan, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday People}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 199) was also a juror in Cambridgeshire in 1086; but even thi s cannot be confidently ruled out since, as already noted, the survival of two Anglo-Saxons with a rare name is statistically improbable, the survival of three such even more so. Moreover, a man who lost one inheritance, built the nucleus of another in tw o different and widely separated areas, and prospered to the extent that he or his descendant could offer 300 gold marks for the recovery of his lands, was clearly a man who himself about (JP)}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 35,3\tab [Exon 411b1] \par \tab WALTER [!1! OF OMONVILLE !1!].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Osmundi uilla}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 104.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WONFORD. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Thornbury parish, [Black] Torrington Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wanford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held by Alexander }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Heremanesdon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (from Hemerdon, 35,28); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 357 and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 212.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE, 2 FURLONGS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'pasture, 2 furlongs in length and width'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 35,4\tab [Exon 411b2; Terrae Occupatae 497a2] \par \tab ALFRED [!1! THE BRETON !1!].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alured}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluid}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 brito}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The personal name is Old Breton }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alfrit}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alfred}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 not Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'c6lfred}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 although of course the English would identify it with their name. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluid}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 form represents Old Breton }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alfrid }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with loss of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 r}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . See von Feilitzen, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 176 and note 3. On }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 brito}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 133.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PANSON. In St Giles-in-the-Heath parish, [Black] Torrington Hundred. Panson}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab had been given to Tavistock Abbey before the Conquest (DEV 5 Tavistock note) and was also held}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by it in l ater times. This entry may refer to a temporary alienation or to another part;}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 213.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRUCKLAND AND 'RADISH'. See 34,53-54, exchanged with Ralph of Pomeroy for \par \tab Panson.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ROALD HOLDS ... 'RADISH'. The }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'Ralph of Pomeroy appropriated (}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 occupauit}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a manor called Panson and gave it to Roald in exchange for Bruckland and 'Radish' (Domesday 34,53-54). Value 20s a year; value when R(oald) acquired it, 30s'.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 35,5\tab [Exon 411b3; Terrae Occupatae 496a4] \par \tab "TAMERLANDE".}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'Roald has a manor called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tamerlanda}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Another manor called Peeke [35,6] has been added to it, which did not belong to this manor in 1066. Value 5s a year; value when R(oald) acquired it, 10[s] '. Neither th e main Exon nor Domesday mentions the linking of these two manors; see 16,9 Lewtrenchard note. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab "Tamerlande" is named from the River Tamar, this holding of Roald clearly lies in [Black] Torrington Hundred and must have been adjacent to Peeke (35,6) since the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry records that it has been added to Peeke. Neither }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Tamerlande }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 nor Peeke appears in fee lists, but one of them must be represented by the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Leghyngecoth' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 787, held from the Honour of Plympton. It appears as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Loghingecote }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Luffincott, SX3394, the parish in which Peeke lay] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 327; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pp. 358, 409. The other could well be the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Northcote }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 by }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Loghincote }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Northcott, SX3492] of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 325; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (old series), iv. no. 63 (= }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Whale, 'Fees of Earl Hugh de Courtenay'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 324) and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 213.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VILLAGER; 1 PLOUGH AND 3 FURLONGS. The corresponding entry in Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uill' iii ferdin' & i carr'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 it is not clear whether }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uill' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 abbreviates }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uillanus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and refers only to the 1 villager or abbreviates the more usual }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uillani}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in which case the slave might have had a share in the plough and land. Compare 3,57 villager note; 3,79 plough note; 5,9 villager note; 16,6 slaves note; 16,145 villager note; 16,146 villager note 17,58 villager note; 19,9 smallholder note; 28,16 slaves note; 34,56 carucates note and see 1,3 slaves note on slaves. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Domesday it is not clear whether }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i car }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is in the ablative after }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 cum }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ( that is, 'In lordship ... with 1 slave and 1 villager and 1 plough ...'). However, Exon makes it clear that the villager (or 'villagers') has the plough and furlongs ('ferlings').}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 35,6\tab [Exon 412a1] \par \tab PEEKE. East Peeke and West Peeke in Luffincott parish, [Black] Torrington Hundred; see 35,5 "Tamerlande" note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab JOINTLY. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 par' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was originally interlined, but corrected at an early stage to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in paragio }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but without the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 '}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 abbreviation sign being erased (Farley did not print it); all of the interlineation is in pale ink.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \'bd VIRGATE OF LAND. [***]. It is very likely that in the corresponding entry the Exon scribe mistakenly omitted to give details of how many ploughs could plough the \'bd virgate (and the Great Domesday scribe was forced als o to omit them). It is interesting that in the next entry (= 35,7) the scribe also originally omitted these details, but then interlined them; perhaps he had intended to interline them for this entry too. Both entries have much interlined material. \par \tab \tab In the Domesday manuscript there is a plain gap of about 11 letters' width after }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 t'rae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('land'), probably left for}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the plough estimate (which is also absent in Exon); or possibly because there was a query about the lordship land given in Exon (though Great Domesday only includes the lordship land for two entries in Devon; see 2,2 lordship note).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 35,7\tab [Exon 412a2; Terrae Occupatae 496a6] \par \tab ROGER [!1! OF FLANDERS !1!].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Roger}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 flandrensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 133-34.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab KIMBER. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'Roald has a manor called Kimber. A manor called Rutleigh has been added to it, which a thane held jointly in 1066. It did not belong to the said manor. Value 5s a year'. Neither the main Exon nor Domesday records the link betwe en these two manors; see 16,9 Lewtrenchard note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab East Kimber and West Kimber in Northlew parish, [Black] Torrington Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 788, the heir of Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 le Brok' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and the priest (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 persona}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Lyu }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 hold in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Kemppebere }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 357, 409 and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 212. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Grendon }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Greendown, SX4899 in Northlew] has the same later holders as Kimber (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 408) and was probably part of it.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 PLOUGH THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 1 plough and 3 oxen; see \{Appendix: Lordship and Villagers' Table\}.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 35,8\tab [Exon 412a3] \par \tab ROGER [!1! OF FLANDERS !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 35,7 Roger note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab RUTLEIGH. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Radeclive}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Great Rutleigh, in Northlew parish, [Black] Torrington Hundred; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 155. Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Brok' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (on whom see 35,7 Kimber note) holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Radeclive }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 357, 408 and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 213.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALRIC HELD IT FREELY [AND] JOINTLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Alric held jointly'; no mention of 'freely'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 35,9\tab [Exon 412b1; Terrae Occupatae 496b3] \par \tab [WEST] PUTFORD}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'Roald has a manor called (West) Putford. \'bd}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 virgate of land has been added to it, which a thane held jointly in 1066. It did not belong to the said manor. Reginald holds it from Roald. Value 10s a year; value when he acquired it, 5[s] '.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab West Putford is a parish in [Black] Torrington Hundred. It is held by Walter }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Morthon' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Churiputteford' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ['Church' Putford] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 787 from the Honour of Plympton, is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Westpoteford }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 327 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Churche Poteford }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 407 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 325, probably now Julian and Chollaton SS3614, 3714; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 161, Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 214 and 28,4 Thuborough note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TWO THANES HELD. The corresponding entry in Exon has '... One of them, Alwold, had \'bd hide; the other, Leofwin, \'bd virgate'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 35,10\tab [Exon 412b2-3; Terrae Occupatae 505b7] \par \tab WEARE [GIFFARD].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Shebbear Hundred (the successor to Merton Hundred) named from the fish-weir or fishery there. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788 Walter }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Giffard }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds 1 fee in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Were}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Holnam }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Hollam, 35,12] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Polam }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Pulham, 35,22]; this last is said to be in North Molton Hundred in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 358. See }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 329, 411; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 325 and Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', pp. 545, 555.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ORDWULF . }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Farley misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ordulf }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in capitals; it is in lower-case as usual in the manuscript}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (but compare 16,1 Edward note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab On the possible identification of Ordwulf, }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 see 1,56 Ordwulf note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 16 VILLAGERS ... 5 \'bd PLOUGHS AND 2 [ \'bd ?] VIRGATES. The Exon manuscript for the corresponding entry has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uill' ii uirg' & v carr' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 & dimid' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 interlined midway between the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uirg' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 v}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with no indication as to which it was to be added to. The Domesday scribe obviously thought that 5 \'bd ploughs were meant, but 2 \'bd virgates adds up with the 1 virgate lordship and \'bd virgate held by the Count of Mortain to the 1 hide tax.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \'bd FISHERY WHICH PAYS 40d. The corresponding entry in Exon has '\'bd fishery whose value is 40d a year'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 There is no record in Dome sday Devon of which other manor shared this fishery}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 on the River Torridge.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THE }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 COUNT OF MORTAIN HOLDS \'bd VIRGATE. He may hold it as part of his manor of}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Culleigh (15,11) which is a couple of miles away on the other side of the River Torridge}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and is also held by Erchenbald from the count in 1086.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Abbreviated details of this \'bd virgate also appear in}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ERCHENBALD [* THE FLEMING *] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 HOLDS FROM HIM. The Great Domesday scribe probably deliberately}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 omitted this detail of a subtenancy of a subholding; compare 3,70 Humphrey note and 3,94 Alwin note. On the identification with Erchenbald the Fleming, see 15,11 Erchenbald note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 35,11\tab [Exon 412b4] \par \tab HUXHILL. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Weare Giffard parish, Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred; see Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 555.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 35,12\tab [Exon 413a1] \par \tab HOLLAM. In Little Torrington parish, Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred; in later lists it is associated with Weare Giffard and Pulham (35,10; see 35,10 Weare note).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 35,13\tab [Exon 413a2] \par \tab [PETERS] MARLAND.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Shebbear Hundred (the successor to Merton Hundred), 'Peters' from the dedication of the church. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788 Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Mareschal }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Petermerland }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 359, 412 and Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 556. For Little Marland see 36,6.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 35,14\tab [Exon 413a3] \par \tab TWIGBEARE. In Peters Marland parish, Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788 William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 del Chenne }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Twykkebere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 329, 359, 411 and Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 557.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALSI. On this name-form, see 15,54 Alsi note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 4 SLAVES. The corresponding entry in Exon has '3 slaves'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 35,15\tab [Exon 413b1] \par \tab WINSCOTT. Also in Peters Marland parish, Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 359 Philip }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Cruce }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Twykkebere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Twigbeare, 35,14;18] and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wynescote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wyneslegh }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [unidentified] ; see Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 557.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 35,16\tab [Exon 413b2] \par \tab WINSWELL. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 WIFLESWILLE}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Farley the second }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 I}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 appears only as a dot. It is now represented by Willeswell Moor and Winswell, the latter influenced by Winscott (35,15). Both are in Peters Marland parish, Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 98 and Reichel, 'Tiverton Hundred', p. 557.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IT PAID TAX. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 7}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 geldb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is written twice in the same colour ink, at the end of the first line and at the beginning of the second, with no attempt at erasure of the error or application of deletion dots.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it' for each of these entries, presumably referring}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to Roald as there are no subtenants; see 2,14 formerly note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 35,17\tab [Exon 413b3] \par \tab LOVACOTT. In Shebbear parish Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred, it is named from the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holder; see Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', pp. 546, 557.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it' for each of these entries, presumably referring}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to Roald as there are no subtenants; see 2,14 formerly note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 35,18\tab [Exon 413b4] \par \tab TWIGBEARE. See 35,14 Twigbeare note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it' for each of these entries, presumably referring}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to Roald as there are no subtenants; see 2,14 formerly note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 35,19\tab [Exon 414a1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HANKFORD. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Roald has a manor called Hankford. R. wrote up to this point'. Ellis printed }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ruald' h't i. mans q' uocat' usq}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 huc scripsit R: Hanecheforda}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but in the Exon manuscript the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 usq}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 huc scripsit R. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [not }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 R}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 :}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as in Ellis] is clearly written in the right margin level with the first line of the entry. It does not appear to be written by the scri be of the main entry and is in paler ink and with a sign in the same colour ink before }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hanecheforda }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 indicating presumably how far the scribe }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 R}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 had written. However, the scribe of the entry does not appear to change after this sign, nor does the colour of the ink. See 17,5 folio note for two similar statements and their possible implication.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Hankford lay in Bulkworthy parish, Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred; see Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 557.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VILLAGER HAS IT THERE, WITH 1 SMALLHOLDER. The corresponding entry in Exon has'Reginald) has 1 villager and 1 smallholder who have 1 plough'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Domesday the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hanc }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably refers to the plough; see 1,29 villagers note. Since Exon states that the villag er and the smallholder had the plough, there seems to be no reason for the Great Domesday wording 'with 1 smallholder'; compare 3,27 smallholder note and 14,1 smallholder note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 35,20\tab [Exon 414a2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LOBB. In Braunton parish, Braunton Hundred. Philip }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Lobbe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lobbe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 787 of the Honour of Plympton. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lob Phelip }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 375; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 359, 414 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 450.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 4 VILLAGERS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '3 villagers'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 SALT-HOUSE. The Great Domesday scribe probably missed this in the Exon because it was unusually sandwiched between the smallholders and the slaves and written in the right margin (though by the same scribe as the rest of the entry, so not added after Exon had been used at Winchester).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 35,21\tab [Exon 414a3] \par \tab REGINALD ALSO. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Reginald' with no }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 idem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 so perhaps he was not the same man as the Reginald of 35,20 (which Domesday implies); compare 15,27 Reginald note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CROKERNWELL. In Cheriton Bishop parish, Wonford Hundred; see Reichel}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , \lquote Wonford Hundred Manors\rquote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 321.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 35,22\tab [Exon 414b1; Terrae Occupatae 499b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab REGINALD ALSO. Like the previous entry (for 35,21) the corresponding entry in Exon has 'Reginald' with no }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 idem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 so perhaps not the same man as the Reginald of 35,20 or of 35,21 (which Domesday implies); compare 15,27 Reginald note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PULHAM ... PRAUNSLEY. Both lay latterly in Twitchen parish, South Molton Hundred, but Pulham was in North Molton Hundred in the Middle Ages; see \{Introduction: Hundreds\} ; 35,10 Weare note and Reichel, 'North Molton and Molland Hundreds', p. 522.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TWO THANES HELD IT FREELY [AND] JOINTLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has has 'which 2 thanes held jointly'; there is no mention of 'freely'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THIS [LAND] ... 3s. This confused statement is almost identically phrased in the main corresponding Exon entry, but is clarified in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 where the \'bd virgate called Praunsley is}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 said to have been added to Roald's manor of Pulham. A thane held the land jointly in 1066 and Reginald holds it from Roald. However, the scribe of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 also seems to have had problems with his source, because both the phrases 'this (land) is called Praunsley' and '\'bd virgate' are interlined above the phrase 'to it has been added the land of 1 thane', apparently at the same }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid13656858 time because of the ink colour. \par \tab }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab The almost exact similarity of this statement in the main Exon entry and in Domesday suggests direct copying of it by the Great Domesday scribe. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 q' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (with a squiggle attached) would seem to abbreviate }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 quae }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 referring to the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 illa }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which in turn refers to an understood }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 terra }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or perhaps }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 mansio}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 However, the subject of the common phrase }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 poterat ire ad quemlibet dominum }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is almost invariably in Devon the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holder, and the phrase often seems included to suggest that a manor was wrongfully taken over (as, for example, in 40,7 and see 1,15 freely note). The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry, itself corrected, explains that Praunsley was added to Pulham, using the normal formulae for cases where two or more manors held freely in 1066 (often by thanes) had been combined by a 1086 holder; the surrounding } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entries are all of this sort. The Exon scribe, followed by the Domesday scribe, for some reason omitted the vital information of Praunsley being added.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 35,23\tab [Exon 414b2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SIGFORD. Later in Ilsington parish, Teignbridge Hundred, but in the Middle Ages it was a detached part of Wonford Hu ndred; the order of Exon, interrupted though it is by Pulham (35,22), suggests a place in Wonford Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788, in a Wonford Hundred group, Joel }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Bukethon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sygeford' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 85a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 313, 345; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , x. no. 241; Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 321 and 32,6 Ilsington note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \'bd PLOUGH THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has has 'On it (manor) Solomon has 4 oxen'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 perhaps omitted in error. The oxen may possibly form part of the livestock list which succeeds this statement, though oxen are not normally included in this list.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ON THE LACK OF POPULATION recorded for this manor, see 17,84 Chittleburn note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 35,24\tab [Exon 414b3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab POUGHILL. A parish in [West] Budleigh Hundred. The church was given by Roald to St Nicholas' Priory; see Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 119; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 152a. The holding may have been at, or included, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Braderig }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Broadridge, SS8508], held with Langley (see 1,9 Budleigh note) in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 761 of the Honour of Plympton; see Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', pp. 280, 312.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LAND FOR 2 PLOUGHS, WHICH ARE THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has '2 ploughs can plough it (the manor). On it are the ploughs'; the actual number of teams there is not given nor whether they were lordship or villagers' ploughs. Compare 17,18 ploughs note; 45,3 ploughs note and 52,9 ploughs note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 35,25\tab [Exon 414b4] \par \tab WALTER HOLDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '... from him (Roald)'. The scribe of Domesday has omitted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Ru. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'from Roald', no doubt by mistake. See 15,22 holds note.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab DOCKWORTHY. In Chawleigh parish, [North] Tawton Hundred, but it lies geographically on the Witheridge Hundred s ide of the Little Dart river and was in that hundred in the Middle Ages, as also apparently in 1086, this point in the schedule being too late for a place in [North] Tawton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 787, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dockeworth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held from the Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 759 and Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', p. 422.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALFLED}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alflet}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alfleta}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 represent either Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'c6lflaed }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'c6thelfl\'e6d}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 feminine; von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 144.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE, 1 FURLONG LONG ... . Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 una q' pasturae l'g }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ...}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 q'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 = }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 quarentena}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 );}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 one would normally expect either }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in longitudine }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with this phrase (as in 16,78) or the nominative }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pastura }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 preceding the measurement (as in 35,29). Perhaps the Great Domesday scribe was copying the Exon too closely, as in 1,57 (see 1,57 pasture note), but this cannot be checked as the pasture details are on the missing Exon folios; see 35,25 entry note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN EXON THE CORRESPONDING ENTRY, which occurs at the foot of folio 414b breaks off after 3 \'bd lines with the words 'W(alter) has 1 furlong (}{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferlinum}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and 1', presumably referring to 1 plough and 1 furlong in lordship. It would appear that at least one folio is missing here, which contained the rest of this entry and those correspo nding to DEV 35,26-31. At the bottom of folio 414b Charles Lyttelton (see 19,8 meadow note) wrote 'These lands are imperfect'. Folio 415a begins a new quire with the land of William of Poilley in Devon (see DEV 21 William note).}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 35,26\tab AVETON [GIFFORD].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A p arish in Ermington Hundred, this holding probably being identifiable as lying in that hundred by an analysis of the Tax Return for "Alleriga"}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hundred, an alternative name for Ermington Hundred. Roald is recorded as having 1 hide of lordship there, but, as there is no Exon surviving for this entry, this cannot be checked, though it is likely, being his only holding in this hundred). In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 789, Walter }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Giffard }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aveton' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 351 the prior of Plympton holds}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a part of }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aveton Giffard }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tottewill }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Titwell, SX6849] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cumb }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Combe and Challons Combe SX6748]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 149, 153; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 69b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 769; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 397; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 205, viii. no. 230, xiv. no. 325 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 309.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 35,27\tab TRAIN. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alfelmestone}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 apparently 'Aelfhelm's }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tun}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 '.}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It is identified by Reichel in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i., by Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 282), by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 254) and by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday Gazetteer}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as Yealmpstone in Plympton St Mary parish, Plympton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788, William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Le Abbe }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alfamescoth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton; it is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alfemeston }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 334, held from Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Dynham }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 who holds from the Countess }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Albemarlie}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 353, 402. The manor}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is described as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alphameston juxta Wenbury }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Wembury, SX5148] in 1318 and is thus unlikely to have been Yealmpstone which is some distance from Wembury. Moreover, in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Devon (1332)}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 12 the tenants of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alfameston'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 John atte Treawen}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Thomas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Nytheretreawen}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Sprirewille }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and Elias }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 atte Forde}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 These places are all in Wembury parish, being now Train, 'Nether Train', Spirewell and Ford. The manor is described as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alphemeston }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 otherwise }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Treawyn }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in 1561-1562. Its modern representative is thus Train in Wembury, now Train, Train Wood, Train Brake and Higher Train; see the editorial comment in Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 282; Prideaux 'Alfelmestone Manor'; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 261 and Rowland 'Traine Farm, Wembury, Devonshire'. Train is from Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 treowum }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'at the trees'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab OSFRITH . See 16,3 Osfrith note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 35,28\tab HEMERDON. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Plympton St Mary parish, Plympton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788, Alexander }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Heremannesdon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Heremannedon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 334, 400 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 283.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 35,29\tab WHITCHURCH . A parish in Roborough Hundred. Since the corresponding Exon entry is missing, there is no record of the proportion of this 1 hide holding that was lordship land, but the Tax Return for Walkhampton (Roborough) Hundred allows Roald 1 virgate of lordship w hich must apply to this holding, his only one in this hundred. Walter }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Giffard }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Whytechurch' }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton in }{ \i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 789; see }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 340, 354, 402; }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xv. no. 597 and Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', p. 119.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 35,30\tab MONKSWELL. Domesday }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Macheswelle}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Sampford Spiney parish, Roborough Hundred, long unidentified, but see the editorial note in Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 328. The place was }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Mankeswill}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 e}{ \cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in 1340; see }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 238.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 35,31\tab [Terrae Occupatae 506a2]}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THE ONLY EXON INFORMATION that survives for this entry occurs in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 : 'Roald Dubbed has a house in Exeter which paid 8d in custom ary dues before 1066, which King William has never had'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 HOUSE ... CUSTOMARY DUES. That is, 8d; see 35,31 information note and C1 due note .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 36\tab THEOBALD SON OF BERNER. He is the Theobald who is the father-in-law of Odo son of Gamelin (DEV 42) who is described in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry relating to 42,4 as having (joined) an appropriated furlong (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferdinum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of land to Odo's manor of Huish. It is interesting that both Theobald and Odo have in common a number of predecessors in their manors, for example, a Vitalis, a Norman, an Aelmer, a Leofgar, a Brictric, an Edmer, a Saewin, an Alwold (although most of these are common names and could refer to more than one person); compare the 'shared' 1066 tenants in the fiefs of other related tenants-in-chief (see D EV 19 William note and DEV 25 Gotshelm note). They may also have shared the holding of 'Dart' (36,24 and 42,20).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Both Theobald's and Odo's lands later form the Honour of (Great) Torrington; see Sanders, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 English Baronies}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 48 and DEV 50 Haimeric note. Ma ny of these lands are found in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Inquisition Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Merton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , xiii. no. 268).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab In Exon these places fall in the same order as in Great Domesday.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Their hundredal groupings are:}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 36,1-4 Hartland Hundred \par \tab \tab 36,5-7 Merton Hundred \par \tab \tab 36,8-9 Fremington Hundred \par \tab \tab 36,10-16 Braunton and Shirwell Hundred \par \tab \tab 36,17 South Molton Hundred \par \tab \tab 36,18 Hemyock Hundred \par \tab \tab 36,19-20 Budleigh Hundred \par \tab \tab 36,21-25 Witheridge Hundred \par \tab \tab 36,26-27 Colyton Hundred}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 36,1\tab [Exon 407a1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab YARNSCOMBE. A detached parish of Hartland Hundred; it can be identified in the Tax Return for that hundred where the king has not had his tax from \'bd virgate 1 furlong (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 fertinum} {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held by Theobald there, which corresponds to the 3 furlongs (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferlinos}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of villagers' land that paid tax in this entry). It is held as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Muchelaerneston }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ['Much' Yarnscombe, contrasting with 'Little' Yarnscombe, 16,32] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 342 from John}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Umfravill' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 who is elsewhere a tenant of the Honour of Torrington (36,26 Widworthy note); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 89b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii no. 599; viii no. 363; ix. no. 663.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TWO THANES HELD IT JOINTLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has '... and they could go with their land to whichever lord they would'. There is no mention of this manor in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , unusually for a combined manor, though there is for the almost identical 1066 tenure of 36,2. See 20,1 held note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 8 VILLAGERS. In the Exon manuscript for the corresponding entry }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , the first figure before it being neither }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 v }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (as the Domesday scribe presumably read it) nor an }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 l }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Ellis printed }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 liii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 '53') nor an added }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to make the figure }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iiii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .} {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it', probably referring to Theobald; see 2,14 formerly note and 16,88 formerly note. Similarly for the past values of 36,10;12-16;21.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 36,2\tab [Exon 407a2; Terrae Occupatae 497a5]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BUCKS [CROSS]. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'Theobald has a manor called Bucks (Cross). 1 virgate of land has been added to it, which 2 thanes held jointly in 1066. It did not belong to the said manor. Value 6s 3d a year'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Bucks Cross lay in Woolfardisworthy parish, Hartland Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 710 (of William son of William son of Martyn), John }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Morton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds as one fee }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ailmer}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 sdon}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ], that is}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Alminstone (42,3), }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Buckish }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Lane }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Lane Mill and Lane Barton, SS3420, part of Alminstone in 1086]. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Bochewis }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is found on Greenwood's map of 1827 in the forms West Buckish in Hartland Hundred and East Buckish just in Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred; the boundary be tween these two hundreds seems to have been altered in the Middle Ages; see 42,4 Huish note. The name is now represented by Bucks Mills and Bucks Cross; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 81.}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THREE THANES HELD IT JOINTLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has '... and they could go with their land to whichever lord they would'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when Theobald acquired it'. Similarly for the past values of 36,3-9;17-20;22;24;26.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 36,3\tab [Exon 407a3] \par \tab [SOUTH] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 HOLE. Both South Hole and Milford (36,4), the next entry, lie in Hartland parish, hartland Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 775, Reginald }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Beupel}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Roger }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Giffard' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and the prior of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Frythelarestok' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Frithelstock, see 15,10 Frithelstock note] hold from the Honour of Torrington in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Melleford' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Milford, 36,4],}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hole}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Herdeswik }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Hardisworthy, SS2220, near South Hole]. These places are }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hele Beaupel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and Herdesworth[}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 342 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hole}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Herdesworthe}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Millford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Mannesleghe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Mansley, SS2221] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 710; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 410; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 527, xi. no. 118, xvi. no. 258. These places form a unit in the south-west of the parish; North Hole is at its northern end.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 36,4\tab [Exon 407a4]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab GOSBERT ALSO. The corresponding entry in Exon has plain 'Gosbert' for this and the next two entries (36,5-6); no }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 idem }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 so not necessarily the same man as the Gosbert of 36,3 which Domesday implies. See 15,21 Bretel note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MILFORD. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 36,3 Hole note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 36,5\tab [Exon 407b1] \par \tab GOSBERT ALSO. See 36,4 Gosbert note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SPECCOTT. In Merton parish, Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Spekcoth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held from Torrington Honour in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 775; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 411; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 710 and Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 574.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ELAF . The Domesday name-forms }{ \i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Elaf}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Eilaf}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ailof}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Airaf}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , represent Old Danish and Old Swedish }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Elaf}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 246. \par }{\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Elaf is an uncommon name , occurring on nine holdings in seven counties, all but one of them held from different tenants-in-chief. This small holding, remote from any other Elaf and without tenurial or other associations with them, is likely to have been the sole property of this individual (JP).}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 36,6\tab [Exon 407b2] \par \tab GOSBERT ALSO. See 36,4 Gosbert note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab [LITTLE] MARLAND.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Petrockstowe parish, Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred. The basic name is also found in Peters Marland parish (35,13). It is }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Merlond Pye }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 359; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 710; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 106 and Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 575.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 36,7\tab [Exon 407b3] \par \tab GOTSHELM [* BROTHER OF WALTER OF CLAVILLE *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab OWLACOMBE. Latter ly in Roborough parish, Fremington Hundred, but it lay in Shebbear Hundred (the successor to Merton Hundred) in the Middle Ages. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 775 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ullecumb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Owlacombe], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Blythemesham }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Blinsham in Beaford, SS5116, perhaps carved out of Beaford, 1,51] and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wollecumb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Woolacombe, 36,15, in Shirwell Hundred] are held by Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 filius Pagani }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and his wife Nesta from the Honour of Torrington; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 710, Feudal Aids, i. pp. 359, 412 and Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 575.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 PLOUGHS THERE. The villagers' 2 ploughs (see \{Appendix: Lordship and Villagers' Table\} ) seem rather too many for the people recorded. It is possible that the teams were shared with the adjacent manor of Barlington (3,15) which has 3 villagers an d 2 smallholders and no recorded ploughs; though, as this Barlington seems to have been part of, or connected with, that added to Roborough (3,19), despite the difference in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holder, the lack of teams there may have been supplied by Roborough itself.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 36,8\tab [Exon 407b4]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BICKLETON. In Instow parish, Fremington Hundred. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bykanthon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 774, from the Honour of Torrington; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 371; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 519, Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 513, and, for the Domesday form of Bickleton, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 117.} {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 PLOUGH THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Bernard has 1 plough'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably implied or omitted in error.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 36,9\tab [Exon 408a1] \par \tab HOLLOWCOMBE. In Fremington parish, Fremington Hundred. See Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 499, 513 and 23,1 Hollacombe note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HOLLOWCOMBE ... TAX FOR 1 VIRGATE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Theobald has 1 virgate of land called Hollowcombe'; no mention is made of the tax payment. See 34,11 Holcombe note.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 SALT-WORKERS [WHO] PAY. See 6,6 villager note on villagers 'farming' manors and compare 34,11 pay note. As there are two main verbs in this sentence, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 sunt }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddunt}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 it seems likely that the scribe mistakenly omitted a }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 qui }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 before }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddunt}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon has one there.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 36,10\tab [Exon 408a2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SAUNTON. In Braunton parish, Braunton Hundred. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Santon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 774, from the Honour of Torrington; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 414; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 519, viii. no. 390; Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 413.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 36,11\tab [Exon 408a3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HOLE. North Hole and South Hole in Georgeham parish, a detachment of Shirwell Hundred in the Middle Ages. Georgeham itself is the next entry (36,12)}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 774, in two consecutive entries, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hamme }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Georgeham]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held by Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Edinthon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Torrington and with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sprecumb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Spreacombe] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hole }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Thaungelegh }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Thongsleigh in Budleigh Hundred, see 36,20 Coombe note] from the same Honour. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 360, Mauger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Sancto Albino }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hamme }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Braunton (Hundred), in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Spreycomb }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Southole }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Shirwell (Hundred)and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Twangeslegh }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Thongsleigh] in Budleigh [Hundred]. In the same schedule (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 361) he holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pydekewill }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Pickwell], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gratton }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Gratton], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Northole}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Strodeton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [see Stourton 36,21 Washford note] and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Estwere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [unidentified], the first two being held by the Bishop of Coutances in 1086; see 3,39 Pickwell note. Georgeham is so called from the dedication of the church; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 43. On these holdings see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiii. no. 268 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 444, 485. 36,11}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 VILLAGERS ... PAY 5s. See 6,6 villager note on villagers 'farming' land.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 36,12\tab [Exon 408a4] \par \tab GEORGEHAM. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Braunton Hundred. On the descent, see 36,11 Hole note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 36,13\tab [Exon 408a5] \par \tab SPREACOMBE. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Mortehoe parish, which with Woolacombe (36,15) in the same parish was a detachment of Shirwell Hundred in the Middle Ages, although Mortehoe itself was in Braunton Hundred. On the descent, see 36,11 Hole note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VITALIS. In Devon the forms of this Latin name, meaning 'vital', 'full of life', 'lively' (whence Old French }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Vit}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 t}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 el}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Middle English }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Vidal}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Vitalis }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Domesday and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Vitalis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Fitellus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Vithel&}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Vital}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Exon. See von Feilitzen, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 405-406.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 36,14\tab [Exon 408b1] \par \tab OSSABOROUGH. In Mortehoe parish, Braunton Hundred. It does not appear in the fee lists but may well have been a detached part of Shirwell Hundred in the Middle Ages; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 53 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 389.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 36,15\tab [Exon 408b2] \par \tab WOOLACOMBE. In Mortehoe parish, Braunton Hundred, but it was a detachment of Shirwell Hundred in the Middle Ages. It is accounted for in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 775, with Owlacombe (see 36,7 Owlacombe note), is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wollecombe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'in the Hundred of Shirwell' in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 359 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Overewellecumb }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [now Over Woolacombe Barton, SS4643] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 336; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 416 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 467, 485.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTGYTH.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The Domesday form }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brisid}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brisid}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ])}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 represents Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Beorhtgyth}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 feminine; von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 194. JRM preferred the first element Brict-}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for the Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Beorht-}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as it reflected the Domesday spellings. The Phillimore printed edition has Brictith, but for the present edition this has been brought into line with the other names with these two elements. The Alecto edition has Beorhtgyth. Th is is the only occurrence of this name in Domesday Book.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 36,16\tab [Exon 408b3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MARWOOD. A parish in Braunton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 774, this holding is particularised as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Westecoth' } {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Westcott Barton, SS5338] held by Eustace }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Merewod' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Torrington. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 360 the same land is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Westecote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Patford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Patsford, SS5339]; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 414; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (old series, iv. no. 63 (= }{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Whale, 'Fees of Earl Hugh de Courtenay'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 330) and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 401.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 36,17\tab [Exon 409a1] \par \tab MOLLAND. In North Molton parish, South Molton Hundred, distinct from the Molland (1,41. 3,61) that was a separate hundred in 1086 and was later a parish in South Molton Hundred. For the 'hundred' of North Molton, see \{Introduction: Hundreds\}. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 775, Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sarazenus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Molland' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Torrington. A Thomas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sarazin }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is an assessor in the later North Molton Hundred in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll} {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Devon (1332)}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 109; see Reichel, 'North Molton and Molland Hundreds', p. 522.} {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab NORTHMANN. See 15,65 Northmann note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WHOLE ... IS WASTE. Exon }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 est tota uastata}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; Molland is close to the south-west edge}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab of Exmoor. See C3 destroyed note and compare 3,35 waste note; 19,18 waste note; 20,2 waste note and 21,5 waste note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 36,18\tab [Exon 409a2-3; Terrae Occupatae 500b4] \par \tab CULM [DAVY].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cumbe}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Hemyock parish, Hemyock Hundred. It is called Culm 'Davy' and sometimes }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cumbe Wydeworth }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 367) from David }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Wydworth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [from Widworthy, 36,26] who held }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cumb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 775, from the Honour of Torrington. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Combe Davi }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 339; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 430 and Reichel, 'Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds', p. 45. The modern form has bee n influenced by the nearby river Culm. See 2,12 Culmstock note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab KOLBRAND HE}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 LD. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ten' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 originally written, then corrected to }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 teneb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but without the abbreviation sign being erased. Farley did not print the abbreviation sign; see 16,151 held note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab On the identification, see 16,77 Kolbrand note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WITH THIS MANOR ... 10s. In the corresponding entry in the Exon manuscript, details of this added manor are written in the right margin, probably by a different scribe to the main Cul m (Davy) entry. Several letters are missing from the right hand edge, the parchment of this folio being cut in a wavy line at some stage (which is not clear in Ellis' edition), but the content appears to be the same as in Domesday, although the name of Go rwell is missing in it. Kolbrand is the same man as the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holder of the main manor of Culm (Davy). Slightly abbreviated details also appear in the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 at 500 b 4 which confirms the statement, partly legible in the main entry, that Gorwell did not belong to Culm (Davy) in 1066. Ellis misprinted }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tedehat }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for the manuscript's }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tenebat}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab OLIVER HOLDS GORWELL ... \'bd VIRGATE. According to the Tax Return for Hemyock Hundred, the king had no tax from \'bd virgate that Oliver held from Theobald son of Ber ner; this is Oliver's only holding of the right size in this hundred.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab KOLBRAND . See 16,77 Kolbrand note. }{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 36,19\tab [Exon 409a4] \par \tab CHERITON [FITZPAINE].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in [West] Budleigh Hundred and identifiable from an analysis of the Budleigh Hundred Tax Return. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 775, Thomas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Santon }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (from Saunton, 36,10) holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Churiton'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 762; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 426; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 519 and Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 283. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 761, Baldwin }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Raddun' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (who also held West Raddon, 15,5) holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 La Furse }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Furze, SS8800, in Shobrooke] from the Honour of Torrington. It may have been part of this land; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 775; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 426 and Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 281.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND, 6 ACRES. In the corresponding entry in Exon}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 vi agro }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 only remains on the edge of the parchment, the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -s }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and possibly }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 nemoris }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 too having been cut off (see 36,18 manor note). Even if the Great Domesday scribe saw the Exo n manuscript in the same state here as it is now, he could have deduced that the '6 acres' referred to woodland, as the woodland details invariably precede those for the meadow (and pasture) in Exon; see 1,53 pasture note. It is very unlikely that the Exo n scribe intended the meaning to be '6 + 3 acres of meadow'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 36,20\tab [Exon 409b1] \par \tab JAGELIN. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Jagelin}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; Farley printed }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Iagelin}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but the first letter has a pronounced 'tail', and no 'foot' like an }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 I}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . In Exon it is }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Iagelin}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ].}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab COOMBE. Probably in Cheriton Fitzpaine parish, Budleigh Hundred. It does not, however, appear under this name in the fee lists, but it may well be represented by the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Thaungelegh' } {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 774, coupled with Georgeham, Spreacombe and Hole (see 36,11 Hole note). Th is place is Thongsleigh (SS9011) in that part of Cruwys Morchard parish that lay in Budleigh Hundred. There is a further entry for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Twangeslegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 775; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 426. If this is so, the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cumbe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of Domesday could have been, or in cluded, Coombeland (SS9010 in Cruwys Morchard parish) which lies between Coombe and Thongsleigh and refers to a different valley, though one rising to the same ridge. Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 283 counts Thongsleigh as a part of Cheriton Fit zpaine (36,19).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 36,21\tab [Exon 409b2; Terrae Occupatae 501b4] \par \tab WASHFORD [PYNE].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The parish of Washford Pyne in Witheridge Hundred. The Domesday name seems to have covered a number of separate places. One was probably }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stordethon' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 760, 774 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stordeton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 421 [Stourton in Thelbridge, SS8012, see 3,39 Pickwell note and 36,11 Hole note] held from the Honour of Torrington. Other parts are represented by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wasford'}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Westecoth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Westcott, SS8011] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dertth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ['Dart', 36,24] held by the prior of Barnstaple and Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Horthon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 760, 774; and by }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wafford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Washford]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held by Herbert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Pin}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stretthe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Stretch, SS8113; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 396], }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Derte}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Uppecote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Upcott, SS8212] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Westcote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 344; and by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wasseford}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Strath}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Westecote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Derte }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 421. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 519 includes }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dupeford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Deptford, SS8412, in Cruwys Morchard] with several of these places. On these manors see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiii. no. 268 and Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', p. 405; } {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 347.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 VILLAGERS AND 2 SMALLHOLDERS HAVE \'bd PLOUGH. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Theobald has 2 villagers who have \'bd}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 plough on it (manor) and (he has) 2 smallholders'. See 1,9 villagers note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 36,22\tab [Exon 409b3; Terrae Occupatae 501b4] \par \tab WASHFORD [PYNE]. S}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ee 36,21 Washford note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FOUR THANES.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Duo taini }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 originally written, but with the first 3 letters altered to }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Qua }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 followed by a comma to indicate the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ttuor }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 interlined.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 PLOUGH THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'T(heobald) has 1 plough'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably implied or omitted in error.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 36,23\tab [Exon 409b4; Terrae Occupatae 501b4] \par \tab ALWOLD. On this name-form, see 16,28 Alwold note. In the present entry the Domesday form is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluuold}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ] and in the}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon main entry it is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluualdus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 it is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluuard}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ].}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 form probably represents Anglo-Norman dissimulation of }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 l-r }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 155 and \'a760), rather than a discrepant name } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alward }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 1,41 Alward note). See also 36,24 Alwold note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WASHFORD [PYNE]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 36,21 Washford note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THEOBALD HOLDS THESE THREE MANORS AS ONE MANOR. That is, the three manors of Washford Pyne (36,21-23). \par \tab \tab The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'Theobald has a manor called Washford Pyne (Domesday 36,21) which Colbert held. Another manor called Washford Pyne (Dom esday 36,22) has been added to it, which 4 thanes held jointly in 1066; value 5s. With this above-mentioned Washford Pyne Theobald has a manor likewise called Washford Pyne which Wulfmer held jointly in 1066; Alwold (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluuardus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see 36,23 Alwold note) holds it from Theobald; value 12s 6d a year. T(heobald) holds these as one manor'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SIX THANES HELD THEM FREELY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'six thanes held them jointly before 1066'; no mention is made of 'freely'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 36,24\tab [Exon 410a1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWOLD ALSO. On this name-form, see 16,28 Alwold note. The forms in the present entry are }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluuald}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ] (Domesday), but in}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon, in the corresponding entry, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluualdus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for the 1066 holder and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 predictus Aluuardus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for the 1086 tenant; see 36,23 Alwold note on }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 l-r }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 interchange in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluualdus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluuardus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 'DART'. There are three holdings (21,13. 36,24. 42,20) in Witheridge Hundred named from the Little Dart River; see 21,6 Dart note. The first of these can be positively identified with Dart Raffe; see 21,13 Dart note. Theobald' s holding falling after the three entries for Washford Pyne is probably the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Derte }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 associated with it (and so perhaps adjacent to it) in feudal documents (36,21 Washford note), in particular called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Estderte }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiii. no. 268. Identified by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 509 note 6 with Queen Dart (followed by }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 399: Queen unknown) and said by the Indexer of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , to be in Thelbridge, it awaits positive identification and location. The places associate d with it lie in a compact area south of the Little Dart river in Thelbridge and Washford Pyne parishes; see Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', pp. 404, 422 and Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 202.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 36,25\tab [Exon 410a2; Terrae Occupatae 501b7]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab RIFTON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Restone }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from Old English (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ge}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 refantun}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'reeve's farm'; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 393. It was latterly in Stoodleigh parish, Witheridge Hundred, but might have lain in Bampton Hundred in 1086 (see \{Introduction: Hundreds\}). }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Refthon' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held from the Honour of Torrington (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 760, 774) but seems to have passed to the Honour of Berry (on which, see DEV 34 Ralph note); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 363, 421 and Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', p. 423.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TO THIS MANOR ... 4s. Details of this added virgate also appear in full in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WHICH A THANE HELD FREELY BEFORE 1066. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which a thane held who could go with his land to whichever lord he would'. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry 501 b 7 has: 'which a thane held jointly in 1066'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 36,26\tab [Exon 410a3; Terrae Occupatae 503a5] \par \tab WIDWORTHY. Widworthy is a parish in Colyton Hundred; Wilmington, the added estate, is now in Widworthy parish but was formerly in Offwell parish, in the s ame hundred. One of these manors must account for the arrears of tax on 1 virgate held by Oliver from Theobald recorded in the Tax Return for Colyton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 775, } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wideworth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held of John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Humframvill }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Torrington; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 330, 428 and Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', pp. 339, 354-355.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab A MILL WHICH PAYS 5s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'A mill at 5s (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 molendinum v}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 solidorum}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND, 160 ACRES. The corresponding entry in Exon has '155 acres'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WILMINGTON. Details of this added manor also appear, slightly abbreviated, in \par \tab the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWARD HELD IT. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has 'which Alward held jointly'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 36,27\tab [Exon 410b1; Terrae Occupatae 506a6]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WHICH PAYS 8d TO THE KING IN CUSTOMARY DUES. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which before 1066 paid 8d a year in customary dues'. Similarly in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with the addition of 'which (the 8d) he keeps back'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Domesday the translation 'which paid 8d' is possible, as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 redd' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 can abbreviate the past }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 reddebat }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as well as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 reddit }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (see 1,7 pays note; 1,37 Putford note). Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 reddebat}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as has also the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry. However, the Great Domesday scribe may have had access to the information that he was in fact now paying his dues. Compare 39,22 pays note.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 37\tab "TURSTIN" SON OF ROLF.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 He is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 filius Rolf }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Domesday, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 filius Rofi }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Exon; the Exon form is not mentioned in Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 196, though it also occurs in the heading for his Somerset lands (Exon 382b1). "Turstin" may have been the standard bearer at Hastings (see Ellis, \lquote Landholders of Gloucestershire\rquote , pp. 186-187) who was rewarded with fiefs in Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Somerset, Herefordshire, Berkshire, Dorset.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 37,1\tab [Exon 382a1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CHURCHSTANTON. A parish in Hemyock Hundred, transferred to Somerset in}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1896. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 794, John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Tuddeham }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stanton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a \'bd fee of the Honour of }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Kerlihun }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Caerleon] of Nicholas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Molis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It was also known as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Churystanton Todeham}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 338, 366, 430; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , viii. no. 69 and Reichel, 'Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds', p. 43.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab GERO. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Geron}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gereon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , represent Old German }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gero}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , a personal name of uncertain origin (Forssner, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Continental-Germanic Personal Names in England}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 108).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab AELFEVA HELD IT. The corresponding entry in Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alwena}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 n }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 u }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by scribal error; see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 174}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 note 3. Compare 28,1 Wulfeva note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when T(hurstan) acquired it'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 38\tab ALFRED OF 'SPAIN'. The forms }{ \i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Ispania}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the Landholders' List (folio 100a), in this chapter heading and 38,1 and in the }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , and }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ispaniensis}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the main Exon section heading, are a kind of word-play. Alfred came from \'c9paignes in the French d\'e9partement of Eure (Tengvik, }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 92, 134; see Loyd, Some Anglo-Norman Families, pp. 51-52) and he held land also in Dorset, Somerset, Wiltshire, Gloucestershire and Herefordshire. Alfred's lands passed to the Honour of Stowey (in Somerset) then to the Chandos and Columbi\'e8 res families.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab The Exon order of this chapter is the same as in Domesday and the two places will have lain in Shirwell Hundred and Silverton (later Hayridge) Hundred respectively in 1086.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 38,1\tab [Exon 371a1-2; Terrae Occupatae 499a8] \par \tab ARLINGTON. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Shirwell Hundred. It is held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 782, as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Auvrington' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Ralegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from Philip }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Culumbers}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 336, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 281 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 465, 484.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWY [* SON OF BANNA *].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 On the name-form Alwy, see 25,2 Alwy note. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 This Alwy is undoubtedly the same as Alfred's predecessor }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluui }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in his lands in Somerset, Dorset and Wiltshire, who on several occasions in the Exon for Somerset is called Alwy son of Banna and who may also have been Alwy the king's reeve; see SOM 35,1 reeve note and SOM 35,24 Alwy note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab A wealthy magnate in the south-west, named in the Exon Domesday on several occasions (SOM 6,9 [but see SOM 6,9 Alwy note]. 35,13-14;16;24 [but see SOM 35,24 Alwy note]), predecessor of Alfred of 'Spain' for almost the w hole of his honour (not SOM 35,6-9;11) apart from two holdings he stole and two others in Herefordshire. The scribe emphasized Alwy's status as designated predecessor by noting that the stolen manors had been 'added' to Alwy's lands (35,12;14). See also C larke, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 English Nobility}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , pp. 221-22, who failed to note that Exon recorded Alwy's byname and omitted the entries for SOM 35,1-5, perhaps in the belief that they had been held by a different Alwy (JP).}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE, \'bd LEAGUE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'pasture, \'bd league in length and width'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'when A(lfred) acquired it'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TWITCHEN. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tuichel}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tuchel} {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 accepted by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 57. It lies in Arlington}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 parish, Shirwell Hundred, and was probably alienated from William of Falaise's fief (20,1 Combe note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Abbreviated details of this added manor also appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTWOLD HELD IT FREELY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Brictwold held'. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has 'which a thane held jointly'. There is no mention of 'freely' in either entry.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 38,2\tab [Exon 371a3] \par \tab ORWAY. In Kentisbeare parish, Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred. It is held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 782, as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Orweye }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by Thomas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Orweye}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from Philip }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Culumbers}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 322, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 281 and Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', p. 238.}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Thomas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Orweye }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds another part of Orway of the Honour of Bradninch (19,21 note).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWY [* SON OF BANNA *]. On the name-form Alwy, see 25,2 Alwy note. On his identification, see 38,1 Alwy note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it', presumably referring to Alfred, as there is no subtenant (see 2,14 formerly note).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 39\tab ALFRED THE BRETON. See 35,4 Alfred note on his name. His manors pass to the Honour of Plympton (DEV 21 William note).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab The folios in the main Exon Book containing}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 details of this fief have not survived. A few entries, however, appear in abbreviated form in the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . The}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hundredal order is what would be expected in Exon:}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 39,1-2 Lifton Hundred}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 39,3 (uncertain)}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 39,4-7 [Black] Torrington Hundred \par \tab \tab 39,8 Merton Hundred \par \tab \tab 39,9 Braunton Hundred \par \tab \tab 39,10 'Cliston' Hundred \par \tab \tab 39,11 Kerswell Hundred \par \tab \tab 39,12-13 Chillington Hundred \par \tab \tab 39,14-17 Ermington Hundred and Diptford Hundred \par \tab \tab 39,18-21 Walkhampton Hundred \par \tab \tab 39,22 Borough of Exeter}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 39,1\tab WILLSWORTHY. Now in Peter Tavy parish, Roborough Hundred (the successor to Walkhampton Hundred), but it formerly lay in Lifton Hundred and can be identified by an analysis of the Tax Return for the latter Hundred.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 756, 789, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wyvelesworth'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stondon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Standon, SX5481] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Burydon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Beardon, SX5184] are held from Geoffrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Mandevil' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Plympton in a Lifton Hundred group; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 320, 355, 406; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 154, xiv. no. 325 and Reichel, 'Lifton Hundred in 1243', p. 196.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SIWARD. On this name, see 16,43 Siward note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 39,2\tab WIHENOC. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wihuenech }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 here, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wihuenec }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in 39,7, are poor spellings of the Breton personal name }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wihenoc}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 seen also in GLS 32,9 (see GLS 32,9 Wihenoc note) and NFK 21,1. He was the founder of Monmouth Priory; when he became a monk his Devonshire lands largely passed to William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Poer }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 son of his brother Baderon; see Reichel, 'Lifton Hundred in 1243', p. 215.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SPRYTOWN. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Stowford parish, Lifton Hundred. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Spree }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held of the Honour of Plympton by John }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Sicca Villa }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Poure }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and by William ultimately from Geoffrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Mandevil' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Lifton Hundred in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 757; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 789; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 321, 356, 406; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 154; Reichel, 'Lifton Hundred in 1243', p. 215 and 39,8 Hele note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 39,3\tab "FERDING".}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'A ferding/ferling/furlong of land'. The place-name has disappeared, if it really was one, a nd the hundred is uncertain. There is no evidence to connect it with Willsworthy (39,1) as stated by Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 351, and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 535 note 2.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 39,4\tab INGLEIGH. In Broadwood Kelly parish, [Black] Torrington Hundred. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Genelie }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is also represented by Yenne Park and Copse [SS619068] to the east of Ingleigh; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 137. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Jonelegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held by Matthew }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Bello Monte }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 408; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 564, iii. no. 309 and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 216.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 39,5\tab EXBOURNE. A parish in [Black] Torrington Hundred. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Yekkesburne }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 789, held by Alan }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Buddekeshyde }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (named from Budshead, 39,18) from the Honour of}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Plympton. The land included }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cokeswell }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Coxwell, SS6003]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 325; Reichel in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 535 note 4; Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', pp. 205, 216 and 39,6 Curworthy note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 39,6\tab [Terrae Occupatae 496a5]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CURWORTHY ... THREE MANORS. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has 'Alfred the Breton has a manor called Curworthy.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Two other manors have been added to it, which did not belong to this manor in 1066. One of them is called Curworthy and the other is called Widefield (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Witefelda}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ).}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Value of them 7s 6d a year. Two thanes held them jointly'. Widefield is not mentioned by name in Great Domesday, but is presumably one of the original 'three manors' that comprised the 1086 manor of Curworthy.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The Domesday form is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Corneurde}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The place li es in Inwardleigh parish, [Black] Torrington Hundred. The other two manors are named in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Corneorda }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [a second holding in Curworthy] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Witefelda }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Widefield, SX5596]. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 789, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Whitefeud' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cureworth' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 are coupled with Exbourne (39,5) held by }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Alan de Buddekeshyde }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (from Budshead, 39,18) from the Honour of Plympton. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 328 in [Black] Torrington Hundred, Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Cokeswell }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (from Coxwell, see 39,5 Exbourne note) holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Widefeld }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Countess }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Albemarle}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 374; Reichel in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 537 note 13 and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', pp. 206, 216.}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 39,7\tab ASHBURY. A parish in [Black] Torrington Hundred. It is represented by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aysbyri }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aysbery }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Scobbechestre }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Scobchester, SX5196, in Ashbury] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 328, 408-409, held of the Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 154; Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', pp. 206, 216 and 39,8 Hele note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 39,8\tab HELE. Earlier identifications with 'Luttocks Hele' in Cullompton (39,9 Roadway note) or Hele in Bradninch have been replaced by the certainty that it is Hele }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Poer }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 39,2 Wihenoc note) in Meeth parish in Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 325 (of Hugh }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Courteney}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hele Poure}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Spry }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Sprytown, 39,2] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Asshebury }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Ashbury, 39,7], all held by Wihenoc in 1086, are held together of the Honour of Plympton. This }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hele }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788, from the Honour of Plympton by Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Giffard}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lampree }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and Thomas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Aureford' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and is now Giffords Hele in Meeth; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 154; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 99; Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', p. 233; }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Tavistock Hundred\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 221; Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', pp. 548, 558 and 15,47 Hele note; 16,42 "Helescane" note and 47,1 Hele note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 39,9\tab ROADWAY?. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Radewei }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('red road'), possibly the place in Mortehoe parish, Braunton Hundred; see 31,3 R oadway note. The earlier identification of this place with Rudway in Rewe was affected by that of Hele (39,8), once thought to be 'Luttocks Hele' in Cullompton, Hayridge Hundred (the successor to Silverton Hundred); see Reichel, 'Lifton Hundred', p. 477; Reichel, 'North Tawton Hundred, p. 265; }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 361; Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', pp. 227, 248 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 445. Rewe is in Wonford Hundred, but Rudway, like Up Exe (3,70), could well have been in Silverton Hundred. But Silverton Hundred places are consistently entered after those for 'Cliston' Hundred, so Rudway would be expected after Larkbeare (39,10). If, however, Alfred held land in Braunton or Shirwell Hundreds, it would have be en entered here, so this place could be Roadway in Mortehoe, which has the same derivation as Rudway; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 53.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 39,10\tab [Terrae Occupatae 499b11] \par \tab LARKBEARE. Part now lies in Talaton parish, Hayridge Hundred (the successor to Silverton Hundred), part in Whimple parish, 'Cliston' Hundred. Alfred the Breton is allowed 1 virgate of lordship land in the Tax Return for Silverton Hundred and \'bd hide lordship in that for 'Cliston' Hundred. There is no corresponding Exon entry for this manor to supply the lordship detail that Great Domesday omits, but it is likely that the 'Cliston' Tax Return entry stands for the present land (\'bd hide plus the added \'bd hide being sufficient to allow \'bd hide lordship), as there is no other holding in this hundred of either Alfred the Breton or a plain Alfred; meanwhile, the lordship in the Silverton Tax Return may well be the 1 \'bd virgates an unspecified Alfred held at Chitterley under the Count of Mortain (15,60). For the descent of Larkbeare in the Pipard family, see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 367, 434; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 650, ix. no. 137 and Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', pp. 366, 383.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TO THIS MANOR ... 5s. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has 'Alfred the Breton holds \'bd hide of land called Larkbeare, which rightly belongs to Baldwin's manor called Whimple. Value 5s'. See 16,94 hide note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WHIMPLE, BALDWIN'S MANOR. See 16,94 for Baldwin the sheriff's manor of Whimple and further details of this \'bd hide.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 39,11\tab BATTLEFORD. In Ipplepen parish, Haytor Hundred, the successor to Kerswell Hundred. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bakeleford' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bakeford' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held from the Honour of Plympton in Haytor Hundred in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 767, 790; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 317, 348, 391. The holder in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 317 is Peter }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Fishacre }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 who also holds Grimpstone (39,12) in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 332, Grimpstonleigh (39,13 Grimpstonleigh note) and Moreleigh (39,16) in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 324; see Reichel, 'Haytor Hundred in 1244', p. 115.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 39,12\tab GRIMPSTONE. In Blackawton parish, Coleridge Hundred, the successor to Chillington Hundred. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Grimeston' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held from the Honour of Plympton by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Morlegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (from Moreleigh, 39,16) in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 790; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 332, 350, 394; Reichel, 'Coldridge Hundred', p. 226 and 39,11 Battleford note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP, HOWEVER, 1 PLOUGH. The }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tamen }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was included to indicate that the lordship plough, when added to the villagers' ploughs, exceeded the plough estimate; see 1,3 land note and compare 49,1 ploughs note and 40,4 lordship note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 39,13\tab GRIMPSTONLEIGH. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lege}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . Latterly}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Woodleigh parish, Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred, but, as its modern name suggests, it was long associated with Grimpstone (39,12), being coupled with it in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll (1334)}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 64 as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Grymeston' cum Legh}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; see}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Devon (1332)}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 95. Both in Domesday and in the Middle Ages it seems to have been a detachment of Chillington (later Coleridge) Hundred, . }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Legh Artour }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Grymeston }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are adjacent entries in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (new series), xiv. no. 325 and (old series) iv. no. 63 (=}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Whale, 'Fees of Earl Hugh de Courtenay'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 322); see Reichel in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 535 note 12 and }{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Coldridge Hundred\rquote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 199, 226.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 39,14\tab [Terrae Occupatae 504b4]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BATTISBOROUGH. In Holbeton parish, Ermington Hundred. Together with 39,17 (Ugborough), this holding probably accounts for the 2 hides lordship recorded for Alfred in the Tax Return for}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 "Alleriga"}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hundred, an alternative name for Ermington Hundred. The land passed t o the Abbot of Buckfast and is held as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Battekesbergh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 771, with 'Abbots Ash' and Heathfield (6,7-8); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 153a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 90b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 353 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 327.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CREACOMBE ... 10s. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entryhas: 'Alfred the Breton has a manor called Battisborough which Aelmer held. Another manor called Creacombe has been added to it, which Aelmer held jointly in 1066. Alfred has these as one manor. Value of this (manor) 10s a year'.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Creacombe lay in Newton Ferrers parish, Ermington Hundred; see }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 283.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 39,15\tab [Terrae Occupatae 504b7] \par \tab [SOUTH] MILTON.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred. The 2 hides of the tax assessment will no doubt have included the 1 hide of Alfred's lordship allowed in the Tax Return for Diptford Hundred, there being no other holdings in Domesday of an Alfred in this hundred. This holding appears as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Middelton }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 324 in Stanborough Hundred and probably included }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nyweton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Osborne Newton in Churchstow, SX6945] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Horswyll }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Horswell, SX6942]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 351, 396. It represents the unnamed lands of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 766, 790 held by Baldwin }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Wayford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Le Abbe}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred', p. 185.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry has 'To Alfred the Breton's manor called (South) Milton have been added \'bd hide and \'bd virgate which a thane held jointly in 1066, Alfred now holds these two as one manor. Value 20s a year; when Alfred acquired them, as much'. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valet}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 singular, refers just to the added land, as usual.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In using }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cum mansione }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ... }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 addita est }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ('With the manor ... has been added')}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the scribe has mixed his Latin constructions: he should either have written }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 cum mansione }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ... }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 iuncta est }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ('with this manor has been joined') or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ad mansionem }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ... }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 addita est}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the construction he used in the preceding entry (see 39,16 land note) or }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 mansioni }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (dative) ... }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 addita est}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 . Compare 42,21 virgates note. Throughout the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 there is much evidence that the scribes liked to ring the changes in formulae and sometimes, as here, their enthusiasm for this did not match their command of Latin grammar.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LAND FOR 12 PLOUGHS. In the manuscript and Farley }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xii car'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the Ordnance Survey facsimile the first }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is blurred (probably because it is written over an erasure) making it resemble an }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 x}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 There are several erasures and corrections in this entry.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 39,16\tab [Terrae Occupatae 504b6] \par \tab MORELEIGH. A parish in Stanborough Hundred, the successor to Diptford Hundred . It is held from the Honour of Plympton in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 765, 790, as }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Moriegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and included }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Starig' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Storridge, SX738532]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 324, 351, 396; Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred', p. 180; 39,11 Battleford note and 39,12 Grimpstone note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THIS LAND ... GRIMPSTONLEIGH. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'To Alfred the Breton's manor called Moreleigh has been added another manor call ed Grimpstonleigh, which}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alwold held jointly in 1066; it paid tax for \'bd}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hide; value 20s a year': }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ad mansionem aluuredi britonis quae uocatur Morleia est addita est alia mansio quae uocatur lega quam tenuit aluualdus pariter ea die }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ...}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 et reddidit gildum pro dimidia hida et ualet per annum xx solidos}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The subject of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddidit gildum }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ought grammatically to be }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 alia mansio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ... }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 lega}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 that is, Grimpstonleigh (39,13), but in fact it is Moreleigh that paid tax for \'bd hide. However, the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tenant mentioned (Alwold ) is different from that given in Domesday for Moreleigh (Aelfric). This could merely be a result of scribal error or of a discrepancy between Domesday and the main Exon (from which it is possible that the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 were compiled) due to newer information being available to the Great Domesday scribe. However, it is possible that the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluuald}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is the result of a series of scribal errors for Alnoth, the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tenant of Grimpstonleigh (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alnodus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 > }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluodus > Aluuodus > Aluuoldus > Aluualdus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and that the phrase }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 quam tenuit Aluualdus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 correctly refers to Grimpstonleigh. (It is very probable that the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holder given by the Domesday scribe for 39,13'(Alnoth) is the correct one, because of the link between that manor and Grimpstonleigh, 39,12, which was also held by Alnoth; see 39,13Grimpstonleigh note) The rest of the sentence then seems to be loosely constructed, the occurrences of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 7}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 et}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ) before the tax and value not joining statements that are governed by the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 alia mansio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 phrase. Compare }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 502b9 (= 34,46) where the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 7}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ualet }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 phrase is, however, governed by the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 addita est alia mansio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 phrase.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab It is interesting that the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 state that Grimpstonleigh has been added to Moreleigh, whereas Domesday (and probably the main Exon) has Moreleigh being added to Grimpstonleigh; this also happens with the addition of Ivedon to Awliscombe (see 19,43 Awliscombe note and 34,45 Ivedon note and compare 34,34 Aunk note).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 39,17\tab UGBOROUGH. A parish in Ermington Hundred; see 39,14 Battisborough note. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 771, 789, Alice }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Mohun }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Uggebergh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 399; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. nos. 306, 436, vii. no. 297; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 69b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 149b and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 324. One }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferling }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Uggeburgh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was given to Torre Abbey; see Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 169.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 39,18\tab BUDSHEAD. In St Budeaux parish, Roborough (Walkhampton) Hundred. The Domesday form }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bucheside }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 indicates a hide of land belonging to the Celtic saint, St Budoc, who named the parish; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 236-237. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Buddekeshid' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 789, from the Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 564,; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 341, 403; Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', pp. 104, 123 and 39,5 Exbourne note.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 39,19\tab TAMERTON [FOLIOT].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Roborough (Walkhampton) Hundred. Blaxton (39,20) was in this parish. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 789 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tamerton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Blakestane }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are held of the Honour of Plympton by Robert }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Folioth'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 403 (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tamerton Folyet}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 );}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 340; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 564, iii. no. 231, iv. no. 295, xiv. no. 325 and Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', pp. 121-22. According to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 153, part of this land was held by Plympton Priory in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tarnton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Martinescube }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Martynstowe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 376), that is Maristow, SX4764; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 242.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 39,20\tab BLAXTON. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Tamerton Foliot parish, Roborough (Walkhampton) Hundred; see 39,19 Tamerton note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 39,21\tab [PETER] TAVY}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . A parish in Roborough (Walkhampton) Hundred. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tawy }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held by Robert }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Folioth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 789, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Peterstavy }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 340 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tavifolys }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 402; see Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', p. 122. For Mary Tavy, see 17,13.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SIWARD. On this name, see 16,43 Siward note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 39,22\tab [Terrae Occupatae 505b11] \par \tab 1 HOUSE.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has 'Alfred the Breton has a house in Exeter which before 1066 paid 8d a year in customary dues. S ince he has had it, he has kept back these (pence)'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WHICH PAYS 8d. Or perhaps 'which paid 8d', as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 redd' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 can abbreviate the past }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddebat }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as well as the present }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddit }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 1,7 pays note; 1,37 Putford note). The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddidit}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . However, the Great Domesday scribe may have been told that he was now paying his due. Compare 36,27 pays note.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 40\tab WHEN HE REACHED THIS CHAPTER in the manuscript when rubricating the main scribe of Great Domesday appears to have checked the numbering in the Landh olders' List and, seeing that Ansger was numbered XLI there, decided to make the numbers tally once again (see L25 Walter note) by giving him the same number in the text. This led to there being no DEV 40 in the text, so for the Phillimore printed edition the present editors thought it best to renumber DEV 41-53 inclusive as DEV 40-52, to avoid misleading the reader into thinking that there were 53 chapters in Devon, instead of 52. This numbering has been retained for the present edition. However, this doe s mean that the chapter numbers no longer tally with those of the Landholders' List.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ANSGER ^[ OF MONTACUTE ]^. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 He is called Ansger of Montacute in 40,1 and Ansger of Senarpont (d\'e9partement of Somme, France) in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae} {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entries for 40,4-7 and in the Tax Return for Tawton Hundred; see 40,1 Ansger note. He is apparently the same man as Ansger the Breton (see 15,12 Ansger note); }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Somerset}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 412. His holdings later form part of the Honour of Gloucester (DEV 24 Walter note).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab In Exon his holding appears under the heading of 'Lands of the French Men-at-Arms in Devonshire'. For the Exon order of this chapter, see DEV 22 William note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 40,1\tab [Exon 456b2; Terrae Occupatae 498b3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ANSGER OF MONTACUTE. In the corresponding main entry in Exon for this and the following estate (40,2) he is plain Ansger, but in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 corresponding to 40,4-7, he is called both plain Ansger and Ansger of Senarpont. He is also Ansger of Senarpont in the Tax Return for Tawton Hundred (in which hundred lie the manors of 40,1;3;7).}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab At the foot of folio 456a in the Exon manuscript is written, in one line in paler, browner ink than the rest of 456a but apparently contemporary with the entries, a partial list of the men-at-arms 'in Devonshire' dea lt with in the section; Ellis did not print it. After 'Osbern', 'Gerald', 'R(alph) Paynel' and 'William of Eu' is written as the last name }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Ansger}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 us}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de monte acuto}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 The Great Domesday scribe probably got Ansger's title from this list, though he may have known it already.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab STAFFORD. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'Ansger has a manor called Stafford which did not}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 belong before 1066 to Brictric's lands which he holds. A thane held it jointly in 1066. Value 12s 6d a year; value when A(nsger) acquired it, 7s 6d'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Stafford lay in Dolton parish, [North] Tawton Hundred. Stafford will account for the 1 furlong (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 fertinum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of lordship land allowed to Ansger (of Senarpont, see DEV 40 Ansger note) in the [North] Tawton Hundred Tax Return.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab AELFRIC HELD IT. The corresponding entry in Exon has '... and he could go with this land to whichever lord he would'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LAND FOR 1 PLOUGH. The corresponding entry in Exon has '1 \'bd ploughs'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 acquired it'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 40,2\tab [Exon 456b1] \par \tab ANSGER. See 40,1 Ansger note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab [GREAT] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 TORRINGTON. A parish in Fremington Hundred. This holding does not occur under its own name in the feodaries, but there are a numb er of Honour of Gloucester holdings that could account for it and for the 3 virgates held by the three Frenchmen, Gotshelm, Walter and Ansger, in Great Torrington (see 42,6 Frenchmen note). In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 779, Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Whyteslegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Whytefeld }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [unidentified], called }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wyteslegh }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 371, 413 [Whitsleigh, in St Giles-in-the-Wood parish, SS5517]. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 413 the heir of William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Wyteslegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds an unidentified }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Als }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (apparently the same as}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Assh }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held by Simon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Wybbery }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 371). Another Gloucester Honour fee is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Steveneston' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Stevenstone, SS5219] in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 779. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 371, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Steveneston }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is associated with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Viraworth}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 y}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Virworthy, 24,32] ; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 413. Hiscott, a further Gloucester fee, may be part of Newton Tracey (25,3 Newton note). On all this, see Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 513-14.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when Ansger}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 acquired it'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 40,3\tab [Exon 456b3; Terrae Occupatae 498b4]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRIMBLECOMBE. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry at 498 b 4 has: 'Ansger also (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 idem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ) }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 has a manor called}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brimblecombe which before 1066 did not belong to Brictric's lands which he holds. A thane held it jointly in 1066. Value 7s 6d a year'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Brimblecombe now lies in Iddesleigh parish, Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred (see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 94), but is close to the boundary of [North] Tawton Hundred where Stafford (40,1, the previous entry in Exon) lies. Part of Iddesleigh (1,63) also lay in [North] Tawton Hundred in 1086. In later times the Honour of Gloucester held Iddesleigh manor and it is probable that Brimblecombe is included in one of its members enumerated in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 779 (see 1,63 Idesleigh note). It is not well evidenced in later documents, but a William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Bremylcomb' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is found in Iddesleigh parish, Shebbear Hundred, in 1332 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll, Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (1332)}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 19).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALCHERE HELD IT. The corresponding entry in Exon has '... and he could go with his land to whichever lord he would'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab For the name Domesday has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alcher}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 here and for 47,7;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon has }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Algher}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alger}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 respectively. See von Feilitzen, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 242 under Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ealhhere}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 SMALLHOLDERS. In the corresponding entry in Exon in the manuscript the parchment is torn almost completely down its left hand edge and has been stitched together. It is not possible to tell whether Ansger had 3 smallholders on the manor, as only }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with no dot before the number survives; Ellis read }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but includes a dot in error.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it', presumably referring to}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ansger as there are no subtenants (see 2,14 formerly note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 40,4\tab [Exon 459b2; Terrae Occupatae 502a8]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CHELDON. A parish in Witheridge Hundred. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Chedeldun' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held from the Honour of Gloucester in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 778 by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calleweye}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 758; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 419; 16,147 Cheldon note and 40,7 Dolton note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP, HOWEVER, 1 PLOUGH. The scribe usually writes }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tamen }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 only when, as in 40,6, the ploughs actually on the land exceed the estimate (and by no means always then; see 1,3 land note). Here, however, because for some reason he omitted the villagers' 2 ploughs, the }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tamen }{ \cgrid0\insrsid8681605 makes no sense; no doubt he intended to add them when he wrote the }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tamen}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as he did in the similar 39,12 and 49,1. Although in the Exon there is an erasure under most of the sentence on the lordship and villagers' land and ploughs and the villagers' ploughs themselves are corrected from }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i }{ \cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the Great Domesday scribe must have seen the entry in its corrected state because of his use of }{ \i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tamen}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 it is possible he had a break after he wrote the word.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE, 10 ACRES. In the manuscrip t the remaining two-thirds of this line is blank after }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pasture }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which surprisingly has no dot after it. As in 33,1 (see 33,1 pasture note) the value of the manor comes later. Compare 11,1 pasture note on other spaces left in entries.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TO THIS MANOR HAVE BEEN ADDED ... AS A MANOR. Slightly abbreviated details of this added manor also appear in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 where Ansger is called Ansger of Senarpont (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Senarpont}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 114) and the value of the added land is given as 25s. Both in the main entry and in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the added manor is called Cheldon (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Chadeledona}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Chaldeldona}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 respectively) and the tax is on \'bd virgate and \'bd furlong.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It is possible that it was subtracted from Chulmleigh (16,140) which is adjacent and was held by a Brictmer }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTMER HELD THEM. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has 'which Brictmer held jointly'. }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 On this name, see 16,4 Brictmer note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THESE TWO LANDS PAY 50s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'And they pay 50s a year', added immediately after}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the details of the added land. However, the plural }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddunt }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cannot refer only to the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 added \'bd virgate and \'bd furlong ('ferling'), as they are only described in Exon by the singular }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 mansio}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 40,4 Brictmer note) gives the value of the added land as 25s.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Thus t}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 he main manor of Cheldon must pay 25s, as the value of the added land is given as 25s in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 40,5\tab [Exon 461a1; Terrae Occupatae 502b10]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MUXBERE. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'Ansger of Senarpont (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Senarpont}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ) }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds the lands of 5 thanes in a manor called Muxbere; value 30s a year'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Both Muxbere and Sutton (40,6) lie in Halberton parish, Halberton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 780 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Mukelebere }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Sweteton' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Sutton] are held from the Earl of Gloucester; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 338, 369, 432 and Reichel, 'Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds', p. 61. Sutton is 'Sweta's }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tun}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 '}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 550) assimilated to Sutton ('south }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 tun}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 );}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see 41,1 Sutton note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FIVE THANES HELD IT FREELY [AND] JOINTLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which 5 thanes held jointly from Brictric; they could not be separated from him'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTRIC [* SON OF ALGAR *]. Probably Brictric son of Algar (on whom see 24,21 Brictric note); compare 40,6 wrongfully note. \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab See also 1,60 Brictric note}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (JP).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it' presumably referring to}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ansger as there are no subtenants (see 2,14 formerly note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ANSGER HOLDS IT AS ONE MANOR. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Ansger holds these lands of the said 5 thanes ...'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Domesday this sentence is written at a slant in the manuscript, the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 being \'bd line higher than the preceding }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xxx solid'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 so that it resembles a capital, but with the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ansger }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 somewhat below the line. It was probably added, though it is in the same colour ink as the rest of the entry. It occurs at the end of the Exon entry and the Great Domesday scribe could have briefly missed it. Compare 17,13 held note; 23,6 paid note and 34,10 jointly note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 40,6\tab [Exon 461a2; Terrae Occupatae 503a1] \par \tab SUTTON. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'Ansger of Senarpont (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Senarp\'f4t }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the manuscript; Ellis misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Senarpot'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 has a manor called Sutton which 2 thanes held jointly in 1066. This manor has been wrongfully added to Brictric's lands. Value 10s a year'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Sutton lay in Halberton parish, Halberton Hundred. For the descent see 40,5 Muxbere note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab GODRIC HELD IT. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which Godric held', then 'Godric held the said land jointly and his brother' added after the value statement, though in the same colour ink and by the same scribe. It would seem from the two than es mentioned as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holders in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry that Godric and his brother were joint holders (compare GLS 53,10 where Godric and his brother Edric held 'Sheriffs' Haresfield in 1066), and that the Great Domesday scribe somehow missed the sta tement, though he included the information about the land being wrongfully added to Brictric's lands, which comes immediately afterwards (there is no gap such as Ellis printed).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WRONGFULLY ADDED TO BRICTRIC'S LANDS. That is, Ansger legally acquired}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 some o f Brictric's lands (only 40,5 in Devon), but neither Sutton nor Dolton (40,7) where the same phrase occurs, was among them. See 15,31 land note and compare 23,23 added note, 24,18 lands note and 25,20 land note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 40,7\tab [Exon 462a1; Terrae Occupatae 503b4] \par \tab DOLTON. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'Ansger of Senarpont (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Senardi ponte}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 has a manor called Dolton which Brictric (not Edric) held in 1066; it has been added to Brictric's lands. Value 50s a year'. The first Brictric (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bristritius}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is most probably a scribal error for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Edric}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 it is just possible that a different Brictric to the second one is intended, but the manor was called 'Edric's }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cote' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the early thirteenth century. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Dolton was a parish in [North] Tawton Hundred; it is not clear why the entry is out of sequence in Exon order (see DEV 22 William note). The land actually lay at Iddlecott [SS5712] held as}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Aderichescote }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 98, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Yedescoth' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 778, where it is held with Cheldon (40,4) by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calleweye }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Gloucester; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 758 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 419, 422 where the former holder is named as Philip }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Stafford }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (named from 40,1 Stafford). The name 'Edric's }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 cote' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is derived from the 1066 holder; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 367.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WRONGFULLY ADDED TO BRICTRIC'S LANDS. The corresponding entry in Exon omits 'wrongfully', as also the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . See 40,6 wrongfully note and 15,31 land note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THE HOLDER ... WHERE HE WOULD, The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which a thane held, able to go to whichever lord he would': the Latin (extended) is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 quam tenuit quidam tegnus potens eundi ad quem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 umque uoluisset dominum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The manuscript reads }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ad quem 'ou q'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which is a scribal error for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ad quemcu'q'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;(although the abbreviation sign for an }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 m }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 omitted is unusual; see 16,36 paid note).Apart from this, the meaning is clear, but a clear expression of it in Latin seems to have been beyond the ability of the scribe: }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 potens eundi }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'powerful of going', 'master of going', is a strange dependence of a gerund on }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 potens }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which is scarcely ever used as the present participle of the verb }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 possum }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('I am able'); the phrase is meant to be equivalent to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 qui potuit ire }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('who could go'). Compare 23,23 holder note for a similar unusual phrase in 23,23-24, though these entries are by a different scribe.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 41\tab AIULF [* THE CHAMBERLAIN *]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Probably Aiulf the sheriff; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 521 note 5. He had succeeded Hugh son of Grip as sheriff of Dorset by 1082/84 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i. no. 204; Round, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Documents}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 France}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 1206 p. 435) and was sheriff of Somerset by 1091 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i. no. 315) holding both offices in the reign of Henry I and perhaps until 1120. He is called Aiulf the Chamberlain in the chapter heading for DOR 49 (Aiulf the sheriff in the Dorset Landholders' List), and was the brother of Humphrey the Chamberlain (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Somerset}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 416). He was probably also at court a deputy to Robert Malet, the king's great Chamberlain; see }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Morris, \lquote Office of Sheriff\rquote ,}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 151 note 48. He held land in Wiltshire as well. On the form }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aiulf}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see 17,18 Aiulf note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Aiulf's lands descend to the Honour of Gloucester (see Ch. 24 note).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab In Exon his holding appears under the heading of 'Lands of the French Men-at-Arms in Devonshire'. For the Exon order of this chapter, see DEV 22 William note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 41,1\tab [Exon 461a3] \par \tab SUTTON. In Halberton parish, Halberton Hundred. In Exon this }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Suetetona }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 comes directly after the entry for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Suetatona }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (40,6); see Reichel, 'Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds', pp. 51, 61.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FLOHERE. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 155 and Forssner, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Continental-Germanic Personal Names in England}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 284. Another holding of his in Devon, not recorded by Domesday, appears in Exon 459a3; see DEV 22 William note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab No obvious reason emerges from a study of the Exon manuscript as to why the Great Domesday scribe omitted Flohere and the lordship and villagers' ploughs for this entry. These details occupy the last line on folio 461a and the first three-quarters of a line on the reverse, but the writing is neat and by the scribe of the rest of the entry, and the Domesday scribe obviously saw and copied the remainder of this manor's details.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it', presumably referring to Aiulf (see 2,14 formerly note and 16,88 formerly note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 41,2\tab [Exon 461b1] \par \tab WESTLEIGH. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lege}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It is in that part of Burlescombe parish that lay in Halberton Hu ndred; see 24,30 Burlescombe note and \{Introduction: Hundreds\}. In Exon order it falls in a group of Halberton Hundred places. Reichel in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 521 note 7 identifies it as 'Leigh Boty }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 alias }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Besley in Holcombe Rogus, Halberton Hundred', but this is confused. Holcombe Rogus (16,76) is in Bampton Hundred, and Besley (wrongly mapped by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday Gazetteer}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the north of the parish), earlier }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Beasselegh }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 535), is not connected with 'Leigh Boty'. But }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Legh' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held in a Halberton Hundred group by Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Buty }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 780 from the Honour of Gloucester. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 338 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Botislegh }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is shared between John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Asford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and the Abbess of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Legh }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Canonsleigh] via several middle lords from the Earl of Gloucester. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 383 it is associated with Sampford Peverell and Ayshford (27,1. 24,13); see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 369, 432. Despite the absence of a mention in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 547, there is little doubt that 'Leigh Boty' is the manor later known as Westleigh. This }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lege }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was held in two parts in Domesday, the other holder being Walter of Claville (24,15; see 24,15 Canonsleigh note) whose portion was }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . 1170 granted to 'Leigh' Abbey which was at first for canons (whence it was called Canonsleigh) then for canonesses. Half of Aiulf's manor of Westleigh was later granted to Canonsleigh; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Devon (1332)}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 40; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll (1334)} {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 56 and Reichel, 'Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds', pp. 51, 59.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 42\tab ODO SON OF GAMELIN. He also held a manor in Somerset (SOM 38). According to the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry for 42,4 (see 42,4 held note), his father-in-law was called Theobald, that is Theobald son of Berner (see DEV 36 Theobald note). Odo's son William was a Constable; see White, 'Household of the Norman Kings', p. 151 and Round }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal England}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 487. Odo's Devonshire lands later form part of the Honour of Torrington; see DEV 36 Theobald note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab The order of entries in Exon with their probable hundredal groupings is:}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 42,2 Lifton Hundred \par \tab \tab 42,1;3 Hartland Hundred \par \tab \tab 42,4 Merton Hundred \par \tab \tab 42,5-6 Fremington Hundred \par \tab \tab 42,7 [North] Tawton Hundred \par \tab \tab 42,8-9 Braunton and Shirwell Hundreds \par \tab \tab 42,10-13 South Molton Hundred \par \tab \tab 42,14 Bampton Hundred \par \tab \tab 42,15 Braunton Hundred \par \tab \tab 42,16-18 Silverton Hundred \par \tab \tab 42,19-21 Witheridge Hundred \par \tab \tab 42,22 Budleigh Hundred \par \tab \tab 42,23 Tiverton Hundred \par \tab \tab 42,24 Halberton Hundred}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 42,1\tab [Exon 376a2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab DELLEY. In Yarnscombe parish, Hartland Hundred. The first element of the name, the Old English personal name }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dealla}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is also present in Delworthy [SS5423]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 82. The \'bd virgate of lordship land here, together with the 1 furlong (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferlinum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 lordship in 42,3 (Alminstone), probably account for most of the 1 virgate lordship recorded for Odo in the Tax Return for Hartland Hundred.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTRIC [* SON OF ALGAR *] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 HELD IT BEFORE 1066. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brictric teneb' T. T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The first }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 comes at the end of the first line in the central margin. The scribe, realizing he had}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 overrun the line limit, wrote }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 on the next line, but failed to delete the first }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab See also 1,60 Brictric note}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 (JP).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 O. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('Odo' in full for 42,11) acquired it'. Similarly for the past values of 42,2-3;6;10-11;13;20;22.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 42,2\tab [Exon 376a1] \par \tab RALPH [!1! VITALIS !1!]}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Radulfus uitalis }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 here and in 42,4; see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 226. See 36,13 Vitalis note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 4 PLOUGHS THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 4 ploughs and 3 oxen; see \{Appendix: Lordship and Villagers' Table\}.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 42,3\tab [Exon 376a3] \par \tab COLWIN [* THE REEVE *]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Probably Colwin the reeve who according to the Tax Return for Hartland Hundred held \'bd virgate in lordship; the remaining 1 furlong ('ferling') of this \'bd virgate was probably his lordship of Woolfardisworthy (52,4).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALMINSTONE. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Almerescote}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Aelfmaer's }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cote' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with a later substitution of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -tun }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -cote}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; compare 16,9 Lewtrenchard note and 21,11 "Assecote" note. It lies in Woolfardisworthy parish, Hartland Hundred, and can be identified from an analysis of that hundred's Tax Return; see 42,3 Colwin note and 42,1 Delley note. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 775, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Almereston }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'with members' is held from the Honour of Torrington; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 342. One of the members will probably have been Lane and another, Walland; see 36,2 Bucks note and 42,4 Huish note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 42,4\tab [Exon 376b1; Terrae Occupatae 497a7]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HUISH. A parish in Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred. This holding can be identified from an analysis of the Tax Return for Merton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 775, William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Hywis }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hywis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wyddene }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Whiddon, 42,8] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 La Walle }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Torrington; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 359, 411; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. nos. 413, 519 and Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', pp. 543, 574. The entry in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 359 makes it clear that }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 La Wallen }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is in Shebbear Hundred; it is thus not in Shirwell Hundred and it is certainly not Woolley in that hundred (Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 574) which is formally impossible. It may well be Walland in Woolfardisworthy (SS3522) and have formed a part of Alminstone (42,3) in 1086. The boundary between Shebbear Hundred and Hartland Hundred seems to have been redrawn in this area in the Middle Ages; see 36,2 Bucks note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab It is less likely to be Waldons [SS5706] in Iddesleigh parish in Shebbear Hundred; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 94.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Value when Ralph (interlined) acquired it'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab A THANE. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A THANE HELD 1 FURLONG ... WOULD. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'A thane held the said furlong (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 fertinum}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in 1066; he could be separated with the said furlong from Saewin'. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry at 497 a 7has: 'Odo has a manor called Huish; his father-in-law Theobald appropriated 1 furlong of land which a thane held jointly in 1066. Value 15s a year; value when T(heobald) appropriated it, 10[s] ': the Latin (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Odo habet i mansionem }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ... }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cum qua Tebaldus socer eius occupauit i ferdinum terrae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ...)}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is compressed; the scribe should have written either }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cum qua }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ... }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iunxit i ferdinum quem occupavit }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('(manor) with which ... (he) joined 1 furlong which he appropriated') or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cum qua }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ... }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i ferdinum occupatum iunxit }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('(manor) with which ... (he) joined 1 furlong (he had) appropriated'). For a possible identification of this Theobald, see DEV 36 Theobald note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 42,5\tab [Exon 376b2] \par \tab LITTLE WEARE. Now part of Weare Giff ard parish, in that portion of Shebbear Hundred (the successor to Merton Hundred) that lies on the east, or Fremington Hundred side, of the River Torridge. Domesday makes it plain that it lay in (Great) Torrington (42,6) and thus in Fremington Hundred; se e Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 544 and 15,39 Alverdiscott note.}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTRIC [* SON OF ALGAR *]. }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 1,60 Brictric note}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (JP).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 SMALLHOLDERS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '2 smallholders'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it', probably referring to Odo (see 2,14 formerly note and 16,88 formerly note). Similarly for the past values of 42,7-8;16-19;21;23-24.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 42,6\tab [Exon 376b3] \par \tab [GREAT] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 TORRINGTON. In Fremington Hundred; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 caput }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the later Barony. It is positiv ely identifiable as lying in that hundred from an analysis of the Tax Return; see also 42,6 villagers note. This large holding probably extended into the modern parish of St Giles-in-the-Wood and included a part of Dodscott [SS5419], named from Doda the } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holder of another portion (25,4). }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Doddelescoth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 774, from the Honour of Torrington; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 371, 413; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 519, iv. no. 428 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', pp. 498,512.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTRIC [* SON OF ALGAR *]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 1,60 Brictric note}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (JP).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VILLAGERS ... 2 HIDES. The Tax Return for Fremington Hundred states that}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the king had no tax from 1 hide which the villagers of Odo son of Gamelin hold. This}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is the only villagers' holding of sufficient size in this hundred in DEV 42.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 25 PIGMEN ... 110 PIGS. In Exon this statement is also misplaced, after, instead of}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 before, the resources. Compare 23,9 and 23,9 pigmen note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE NOW \'a320. The corresponding entry in Exon has'Value \'a315'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xx }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 appears to have been written originally, but corrected to }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xv}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The Great Domesday scribe may have misread the correction as in 20,15 and 21,13; according to Finn, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Devonshire Domesdays}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 116) the correction to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xv }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 came after t he 'copy' of Exon had been made for Exchequer use, though there is no sign in the manuscript that this was a late correction.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THREE FRENCHMEN ... 45s. In the corresponding entry in Exon their names, holding and its value are given: 'Gotshelm holds 1 virgate; value 15s a year. Walter has another virgate; value 15s. Ansger has a third}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 virgate; value 15s a year'. Their holdings are 'of the above 3 \'bd hides'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 If they are}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the Gotshelm, his brother Walter of Claville and Ansger of Montacute/Senarpont who are tenants-in-chief of DEV 25, DEV 24, and DEV 40, then they held land at Newton Tracey (25,3),}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dodscott (25,4), Instow (24,26) and Great Torrington (40,2) in this hundred. Their}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 subtenancies in Odo's Torrington may well have passed to the Honour of Gloucester;}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 514 and 40,2 Torrington note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 42,7\tab [Exon 377a1] \par \tab ALMER HOLDS. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Alfgeat (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluietus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds'. }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BUCKLAND. In Dolton parish, [North] Tawton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 774, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bokland' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held of the Honour of Torrington and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 370, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Boclond }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is associated with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Halgheston }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Halsdon, SS5512, also in Dolton] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 La Wode }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ['Wood' unidentified, but there is a William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 at Wode }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Dolton parish in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Devon (1332)}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 76; adjacent in Merton parish, Shebbear Hundred, is Great Wood, SS5414]; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 422; Reichel, 'North Tawton Hundred', p. 253.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 42,8\tab [Exon 377a2] \par \tab WHIDDON. In Marwood parish, Braunton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 359 Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Hywysh }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wydedon }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'in the Hundred of Braunton', with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hywysh }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Huish, 42,4] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 La Wallen }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 42,4 Huish note).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab NORTHMANN. See 15,65 Northmann note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 42,9\tab [Exon 377a3] \par \tab SHIRWELL. A parish in Shirwell Hundred. This particular holding seems to have been named }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Fytelecoth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [unidentified] after the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holder. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Fytelcote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the tithing of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Shirewell' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 281 and so is unlikely to be Fiddlecott in Chawleigh parish, [North] Tawton Hundred: }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 364. It is held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 774, by the heir of Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Beupel' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Torrington and is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Vyttelecote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 417; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 361 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 466.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VITALIS HELD. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tenant Vitalis here and in 42,13 is probably the same man as}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the 1066 holder of Odo's manor of Luccombe in SOM 38,1, who also held it in}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1086 (see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 405 note 8); Odo's subtenant Vitalis in 42,24 may also be the same}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 person.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 42,10\tab [Exon 377a4; Terrae Occupatae 499b5] \par \tab [GEORGE] NYMPTON}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has 'Odo son of Gamelin has a manor}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 called [George] Nympton which 4 thanes held jointly in 1066. Value 40s a year'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Although there is no obvious sign of illegality in this statement, it is possible, as in the}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry referring to Domesday 2,15 (see 2,25 Sidbury note), that Odo's holding consisted of several manors}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in 1066 which he had combined. See also 1,11 hide note; 2,2 Crediton note and 13a,2 Swimbridge note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab George Nympton is a parish in South Molton Hundred, its lordship being identifiable in the Tax Return for that Hundred; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 76, iv. no. 428, v. no. 143, vi. no. 710, viii. nos. 396-397, xvi. no. 1067; Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', pp. 71, 88.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FOUR THANES HELD IT FREELY [AND] JOINTLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which 4 thanes held jointly';}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 so also in the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 499 b 5. There is no mention of 'freely' in either entry.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 42,11\tab [Exon 377b1] \par \tab HONITON. In South Molton parish and Hundred (6); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 347 and Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', p. 88.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 42,12\tab [Exon 377b2; Terrae Occupatae 499b8]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALLER. Both Aller and Hacche (42,13) lay in South Molton parish, South Molton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 774, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aure }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hack' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are held from the Honour of Torrington by Hawisia }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Aure }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Wolvrinton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (from Worlington, 42,21) respectively. Alwy was Odo's subtenant at Hacche in 1086 and it will be noted that he also held Worlington which likewise descended to William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Wolvrington'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .} {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 From }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 326 it is apparent that the first is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Northalle }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [North Aller, SS6928] held by John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Aur}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 418; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 740, vi. no. 710, and Reichel, ' South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', pp. 71, 88-89. For South Aller, see 3,56 Bremridge note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab EDDA HELD 1 FURLONG. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 this furlong (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferdinus}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is stated to have been}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 added to Aller and 'a certain woman held (it) jointly'.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab GO WHERE SHE WOULD. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The corresponding entry in Exon has 'go with her land to whichever lord she would'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE 12d A YEAR. Only in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 42,13\tab [Exon 377b3] \par \tab ALWY. On this name-form, see 25,2 Alwy note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HACCHE. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 For the descent, see 42,12 Aller note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VITALIS. See 42,9 Vitalis note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 42,14\tab [Exon 378a1] \par \tab STALLENGE [THORNE].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Hockworthy parish, Bampton Hundred. It is positively identifiable from an analysis of the Bampton Hundred Tax Return; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 381.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HIS MANOR OF HUNTSHAM. That is 42,23. It is less than 2 miles away, just inside Tiverton Hundred. There was an outlying part of Huntsham parish adjacent to this holding; see Reichel, }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Bampton and Uffculme Hundreds', }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 446 note 14.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 42,15\tab [Exon 378a2] \par \tab BRAYLEY. In East Buckland parish, Braunton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 774 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Braylegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held by Philip }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pulayn }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Torrington; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 414 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 443.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MEADOW, 2 ACRES. In the corresponding entry in Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 prati}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 omitted, but likely because of the position in the list of resources; see 1,46 woodland note. It is possible, however, that the Exon scribe meant the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii agros }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to go with the \'bd league of pasture which succeeds it; see 1,53 pasture note on the combining of acres and furlongs/leagues in measurements. Compare 21,19 pasture note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 42,16\tab [Exon 378a3; Terrae Occupatae 500a6] \par \tab BROADHEMBURY.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Hayridge Hundred (the successor to Silverton Hundred) and identifiable as lying in that hundred from an analysis of the Silverton Hundred Tax Return. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 1263, records how }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brodehambur' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 had been held by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Thorinton' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Barony of Torrington and was given to William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bruere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Briwere) who in turn gave it to the Abbot of Dunkeswell; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 70b, 95a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xi. nos. 118, 299; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 152a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 304 and Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', pp. 223, 238.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTRIC [* SON OF ALGAR *]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 1,60 Brictric note}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (JP).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LAND FOR 14 PLOUGHS. For the corresponding entry, the Exon manuscript has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 x\\iii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the second figure being either half an }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 x }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (making }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xxiii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or half a }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 v }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (making }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xviii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which is what Ellis printed) or a badly written }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (making }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xiiii}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as the Great Domesday scribe presumably read).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PIGMEN ... SLAVES. See 16,44 pigmen note on the order.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 HIDE IN. Farley printed a capital }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 I}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but in the manuscript it is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with a long 'tail' extending down after }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 adiaceb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to show the position of the interlineation.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 HIDE IN SHAPCOMBE ... WITH WALTER'S LAND. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'Ludo, a man-at-arms of Walscin's, has 1 hide of land called Shapcombe which rightly belongs to Odo son of Gamelin's manor call ed Broadhembury. Value 30s a year'. This information is duplicated (though with several different details) in 23,20 and also appears a second time in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 at 503b3 where the value is said to be 20s a year.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In the Domesday manuscript and in Farley the name-form is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 COBECUME}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in the Ordnance Survey facsimile the first }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 E }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 resembles a }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 B }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 because of the rubrication. See 1,63 Tawton note. 'Walter's land' is Walter of Douai's manor of Greenway (23,20), although the details to not agree, perhaps beca use they originated from two different returns. Like Broadhembury, Shapcombe went to Dunkeswell Abbey, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 304.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 42,17\tab [Exon 378b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PLYMTREE. A parish in Hayridge Hundred (the successor to Silverton Hundred); it is identifiable as lying in that hundred from an analysis of theTax Return. In 1095 Plymtree was given to St Peter's, Gloucester, by Odo (the }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gloucester History and Cartulary: Hart,}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i. p. 74); see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii. p. 410) and was thence acquired by Nicholas the bowman }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 alias }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nicholas de la Pole (see DEV 48 Nicholas note) in exchange for Ailstone in Warwickshire (WAR 40,1; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Warwickshire}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 280). There\-after it is counted among Plympton Honour lands. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Plimtre }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 264; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 322, 368, 425; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xii. no. 333 and Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', p. 239.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTRIC [* SON OF ALGAR *]. }{ \cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 1,60 Brictric note}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (JP).}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 42,18\tab [Exon 378b2] \par \tab HILLERSDON. In Cullompton parish, Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hilderesdon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held of the Honour of Torrington in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 775, as are both }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Esthillerysdon }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Westhillerysdon }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 425; see Reichel in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , 6 (pt. i) p. 22.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SHEERWOLD . }{ \cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The name Sheerwold occurs 14 times in Domesday Book or Exon, four times as the predecessor of the Count of Mortain in Cornwall (5,24,10), Dorset (DOR 26,14;54), and Somerset (SOM 19 ,1). In 1086 he continued to hold Gothers from the count. The Mortain manor in Somerset is adjacent to William of Mohun's manor of Leigh, held by Sheerwold in 1066; and the two Devon manors of Sheerwold held by Haimeric of Arques and Odo son of Gamelin in 1086 lay on the route from Gothers to the Mortain manors in Somerset and Dorset. It seems likely that all these properties had been held by one individual in 1066. There are no apparent links with the remaining holdings in Somerset, Gloucestershire and Wi ltshire; but given the rarity of the name and its restricted distribution, it is possible that all were held by the same individual in 1066. }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See also Keats-Rohan, }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday People}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 421 (JP).}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 PLOUGH THERE AND 1 VIRGATE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'R(eginald) has 1 virgate and 1 plough'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably is omitted in error or implied.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 42,19\tab [Exon 378b3] \par \tab ESSEBEARE. In Witheridge parish, Witheridge Hundred, presumably the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Beare }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rowedon }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Rowden in Witheridge, SS8016] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Grenedon }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Grendon in Witheridge, SS8017] by the prior of Barnstaple from Thomas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Merton }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (one of the co-heirs of the Barony of Torrington) in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 344; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiii. no. 268 and Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', p. 429.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \'bd PLOUGH, WHICH IS THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'H(ubert) has \'bd plough'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably implied or omitted in error.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ON THE LACK OF POPULATION recorded for this manor, see 17,84 Chittleburn note. It is possible that Essebeare was worked by some of the villagers on the nearby manor of 'Dart' (42,20).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 42,20\tab [Exon 378b4]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 'DART'. Exon order places this in a Witheridge Hundred group; see 21,6 Dart note. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 760, 774, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Derth }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ' is held of the Honour of Torrington by Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Dune}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The same holding is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Derte Tracy }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 344 held by Thomas }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Merton}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Like the 'Dart'}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of 36,24 held of the same honour and similarly named from the Little Dart river (see 36,24 'Dart' note), this 'Dart' has not been positively located; there was an }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Overederta }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ['Upper Dart' in Witheridge] in 1332 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll, Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (1332)}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 29) and a Queen Dart (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 399), the latter poorly represented in the records.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTRIC [* SON OF ALGAR *]. }{ \cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 1,60 Brictric note}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (JP).}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 42,21\tab [Exon 379a1; Terrae Occupatae 501a4] \par \tab ALWY. On this name-form, see 25,2 Alwy note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WORLINGTON. E ast Worlington and West Worlington were adjacent parishes in Witheridge Hundred, now combined into the single parish of East Worlington. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 758, 774, William }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Wolvrington' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wolvringthon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wevezston' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Wilson, SS7814, in East Worlington; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 401; 16,146 Wilson note]. This same holding is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Westwolryngton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 419; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , x. no. 241.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Worlington descended from Alwy to William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Wolvrington' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 as did Hacche (42,13; see 42,12 Aller note). In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 775, William also holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Baddekesworth' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Torrington; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 433. This place lay in Tiverton Hundred and from the names of the tenants in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Devon (1332)}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 37 - Walter }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Netelworthi }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (from Nettleford SS8018) and Walter }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Dichyet }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (from Ditchett SS8119) - this place is unquestionably Batsworthy [SS8219], now in Creacombe parish, Witheridge Hundred , but a detached part of Tiverton Hundred (like Nutcott, 46,2) i n the Middle Ages. It is possibly one of the lands added to Worlington; see editor's note in Reichel, 'Tiverton Hundred', p. 24.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab A[LWY] HAS \'bd PLOUGH. In the corresponding entry in Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is probably implied or omitted in error.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TO THIS MANOR HAS BEEN ADDED THE LAND OF NINE THANES WHICH THEY}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 HELD FREELY [AND] JOINTLY ... . The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Nine thanes, who held their land jointly in 1066,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 have been added to this manor'. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has '... The lands of 9 thanes have}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 been added to it; they could go with their lands to whichever lord they would in 1066 ...'}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pot'ant}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 poterant}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'could' in the Exon manuscript; Ellis misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 potant }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'they drink').}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWY HAS 3 \'bd PLOUGHS THERE. In the corresponding entry in Exon the total of the (lordship) and villagers' ploughs is}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 3 \'bd ; see \{ Appendix: Lordship and Villagers' Table\}.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 On the name-form Alwy, see 25,2 Alwy note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab UNDERWOOD, 5 ACRES. For the corresponding entry, the Exon manuscript has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with a dot under the second }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (which}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ellis did not print) and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 v }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 interlined; either there should have been a deletion dot under}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 both minim strokes or the intended measurement is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iv ag' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or possibly }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 vi ag'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 494}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 translates the number as '7'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 VIRGATES ... TWO MANORS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'With these have been joined 2 other manors which 2 thanes held jointly in 1066; they paid tax for 2 virgates'. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has 'To these have been added 2 other manors which 2 thanes held who could go with their lands to whichever lord they would in 1066'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid13656858 \par \tab }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The Latin here, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cum istis sunt additae }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (' with these are added') is}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a mixed construction: the scribe should either have written }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cum istis sunt }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 con}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iunctae }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (as the scribe of the main Exon entry did) or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ad}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 istas sunt additae }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or omitted the preposition altogether and used the dative }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 istis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Compare 39,15 Milton note (though the scribe is not the same).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 42,22\tab [Exon 379a2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CHILTON. In Cheriton Fitzpaine parish, [West] Budleigh Hundred. Since the place does not appear in the fee lists, the identity is not certain. It cannot, however, be Kyllon Barton in Holcombe Rogus, Bampton Hundred (Reichel, }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Bampton and Uffculme Hundreds',}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 446) which is philologically impossible; moreover, Bampton Hundred places have already been entered in the schedule. If this is Chilton (so }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 414) it may have been combined with Thomas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Santon's }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 fee in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Churiton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held of the same Honour (see 36,19 Cheriton note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The final sentence of the fief of Hervey of Helle'an's wife (after 44,2 Hackworthy) reads 'Hervey's wife holds these lands in exchange for Chilton'. No other Chilton is mentioned in Domesday and the identification of the 44,2 Chilton with this Chilton is lent some support by the fact that in 1066 an Aelmer held both 44,1 Ashton and 42,22 Chilton, suggesting that they may once have been part of the same fief; see 44,2 Chilton note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 42,23\tab [Exon 379b1] \par \tab HUNTSHAM. A parish in Tiverton Hundred; it is positively identifiable from an analysis of the Tax Return for that Hundred, where Odo son of Gamelin is recorded as having 1 virgate of lordship and where tax is owed on 2 furlongs (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 fertinis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held from Odo son of Gamelin by Alfgeat (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluiet' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the manuscript; Ellis misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aliuet'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a subtenant who is not mentioned in connection with Huntsham in Domesday but who is the 1086 holder of Buckland (42,7) in another hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 775 Thomas de }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Santon }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (from Saunton, 36,10) holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Honesham }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Torrington; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp, 318, 432; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 144a and Reichel, 'Tiverton Hundred', p. 24.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 42,24\tab [Exon 379b2] \par \tab VITALIS HOLDS. Perhaps the same man as the 1086 subtenant of Odo's manor of Luccombe in Somerset (SOM 38,1); see also 42,9 note Vitalis above.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WILLAND. A parish in Halberton Hundred. It was given to Taunton Priory (hence called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wildelonde Prior }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 383) by William son of Odo: }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Anglicanum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi. p. 166 no. II; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 338, 432 and Reichel, 'Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds', p. 54.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MEADOW. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'meadows': }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pratorum}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 genitive plural, possibly a scribal error for }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 prati}{ \cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 genitive singular, but the plural also occurs in a similar phrase in the Exon for DOR 48,1, an entry written by a different scribe (see DOR 48,1 meadow note).}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 43\tab OSBERN OF SACEY. In Exon his holding appears under the heading of 'Lands of the French Men-at-Arms in Devonshire'; see DEV 22 William note. He is called Osbern of Sacey for 43,1;3;6, Osbert of Sacey for 43,4-5 and in the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for 43,3, plain Osbern for 43,2 and plain Osbert in the value of 43,3. What may have happened here (as also in 17,34 and 24,7 and compare DOR 44,1 Hill note and CAM 14,41 Thorbiorn note) is the result of the Norman tendency to drop the final n and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 t }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 after r (von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , \'a7\'a778, 100), causing confusion of }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Osber}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 t}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Old English }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Osbeorht}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Osber}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 n}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Osbeorn }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (< Old Norse }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Asbiorn}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or Old German }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Osbern}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ).}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The Domesday scribe probably corrected the Exon 'Osbert' forms in each case.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Sacey (in Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Salceid}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Salciet}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Salceio}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Salceit}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Salcet}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is in the d\'e9parternent of Manche, France, but see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 112 for other places that are possibly the origin of the byname. This is Osbern's only fief in Domesday; Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , errs when referring to him in the Exon sections relating to Somerset. A Ralph of Sacey, probably a relative, is recorded in Herefordshire (HEF 1,61.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Most of Osbern's manors in Devon later form part of the Honour of Plympton (see DEV 21 William note).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab For the Exon order of this chapter, see DEV 22 William note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 43,1\tab [Exon 456a1; Terrae Occupatae 496a1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PARFORD. For the form, Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Patford}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 432. It lies in Drewsteignton}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 parish, Wonford Hundred. Being the first entry in the 'Lands of the French Men-at-Arms' in Exon (see DEV 22 William note), it and Shapley? (45,1) are unexpectedly early for a Wonford Hundred group in the schedule of lands, so it is possible that, although Parford lay in Wonford Hundred according to an analysis of Tax Returns, it was returned with South Tawton (1,29), to which it paid a customary due, and thus like Shapley?, Gidleigh (15,7) and Taw Green (51,2) it came into the scribes' hands on a separate list; see \{Introduction: Hundreds\} . Shilstone (43,3), which is geographically close, occurs in the correct place for a Wonford Hundred group in the schedule; see Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 377 and Reichel,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \lquote South Tawton Hundred\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 350. Parford does not appear in the fee lists;the citation of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 769 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 432, refers in fact to Combe Pafford (see 2,7 Staverton note).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab GODRIC HELD IT. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'which a thane held jointly'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when O(sbern) acquired it'. Similarly with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Osbertus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in full for 43,3 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 O}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 sbert'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ?)}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for the past values of 43,4-5 (see DEV 43 Osbern note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab OWES. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has 'it paid ... but since Osbern has had it, the king has not had his customary due'}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 OX OR 30d. A common customary due; see 51,2 and CON 1,15.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab [SOUTH] TAWTON. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 1,29 Tawton note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab KING'S MANOR. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'king's lordship manor'; so also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 43,2\tab [Exon 457b3] \par \tab CLYST [GERRED]. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Clist}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It lies in Broad Clyst parish, 'Clis ton' Hundred, and can be positively identified from an analysis of the Tax Return for that Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 789, William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Clist }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Clist }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brighteneston' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 333 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Clist Giraud }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held from Simon of Montacute who holds from Walter }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Deneys }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 who holds from John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Maundevil' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 434; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 154, vi. no. 238, xiv. no. 325 and Reichel in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 553 and Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', pp. 366, 379-80. \par }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Brighteneston' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ('Beorhtwine's farm') is a tithing of 'Cliston' Hundred (see, for example, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll (1334)}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 p. 56) and is not the same place as another lost 'Brightston' ('at Beorhtric's stone', }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 584; 2,15 Sidbury note) which is in, or the same as, Clyst Honiton parish, Budleigh Hundred; see also 1,56 Broadclyst note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 VILLAGERS ... 6 PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '3 ploughs'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it', presumably referring to Osbern (see 2,14 formerly note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 43,3\tab [Exon 458a2; Terrae Occupatae 500a8]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SHILSTONE. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Selvestan}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 433. It lies in Drewsteignton parish in Wonford Hundred and can be identified as lying in that hundred from an analysis of the Tax Return; see 43,1 Parford note. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Silvestane }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held of the Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 1371; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 345; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 564 and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 317. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 312, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Schilston }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Toppysham }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rohorn }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 1,44 Topsham note) and in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 388, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Shilston}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 L amford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (43,4). See 1,26 Kenton note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VIRGATE ... 3s. Also in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in abbreviated form.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 VILLAGERS THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has '2 villagers live (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 manent}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 on it'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 43,4\tab [Exon 458a3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LAMBERT. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lanford}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for the form see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 428. It lies in Cheriton Bishop parish, Wonford Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Parva Lampford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held by the prior of Plympton from the Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 153; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 345, Reichel, }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Wonford Hundred Manors'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 318 and 52,11 Cheriton note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 43,5\tab [Exon 460a2] \par \tab INGSDON. In Ilsington parish, Teignbridge Hundred, alternatively known as Teignton Hundred in 1086. It can be positively identified from an analysis of the Tax Return for Teignton Hundred and with 32,6-7 forms a Teignton (Teignbridge) Hundred group in the order of Exon The Ingsdon of 32,7 also passes to the Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 564 and Reichel, 'Teignbridge Hundred', p. 229.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FRAWIN [* OF CORNWALL *]. See 35,2 Frawin note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 SMALLHOLDERS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '4 smallholders'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 125 WETHERS. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Berbices}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 :}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 male sheep kept for mutton. There is only one other occurrence of them in the Exon for Devon (30 in 52,26); probably more manors had them, but they were not recorded there.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 43,6\tab [Exon 462b1; Terrae Occupatae 506a5] \par \tab FROM WHICH ... 8d. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which paid 8d a year in customary dues before 1066; Osbern keeps it back'. Similarly in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 44\tab ^[ WIFE OF ]^ HERVEY OF HELL\'c9AN.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The Landholders' List (folio 100a) and the entries in this chapter indicate that it is the fief of Hervey of Hell\'e9 an's wife (or, rather, widow), the word }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uxoris }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 being omitted after }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terra }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in this chapter heading. DOR 55 heading (} {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terra Uxoris Hugonis Filii Grip}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ).}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 She may have been called Emma. Although the wife of Baldwin the sheriff was also called Emma, she was not a widow and her holdings at 16,94;128 are in different hundreds. The Tax Return for Exminster Hundred states that Emma a widow (presumably Hervey's wife) has 1 hide 1 virgate lordship there, and this seems to represent the whole of her holding at Ashton, (44,1); see also below for the evidence of the Colyton Hundred Tax Return. She only holds lands in Devon: Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 91 mistakenly includes under references to Hervey of Hell\'e9 an in Norfolk which in fact belong to Tihel of Hell\'e9an (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 alias }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tihel the Breton) who also held in Essex and was perhaps some relative. Hell\'e9an is in the d\'e9 partement of Morbihan, France.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The wife of Hervey's lands passed to the Honour of Plympton (see DEV 21 William note). Her fief, which is not in the surviving portion of Exon, included Ashton in Exminster Hundred and Hackworthy in Wonford Hundred (44,1-2), but seems to have been more extensive in 1086 than is recorded in Great Domesday. These other lands may have been accidentally omitted in the compilation of Exon (hence their omission in Great Domesday) or the deta ils arrived too late for inclusion. However, there are 3 entries in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 : one dealing with the lands added to Ashton (44,1) and two for other manors not in Domesday (so apparently not in the main Exon returns) which run as follows:}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Exon 501b1: 'Hervey's wife has a manor called }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Esseorda}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 From this manor has been taken away \'bd furlong ( }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ferdinus}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 of land which lay there in 1066; it has been added to the king's manor called Silverton. Value 5s a year'. Silverton appears as 1,7 in Domesday, but no mention is made there of the added \'bd furlong ('ferling'). }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Esseorda }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ('ash-tree enclosure', Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 aesc}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 worth}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ), is}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 unidentified, but probably lay in Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 503a9: 'Hervey's wife has a manor called Whitley (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Witeleia}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 to which \'bd hide of land has been added, which Edmer held jointly in 1066. Value 7s a year'. The Tax Return for Colyton Hundred states that Emma a widow has \'bd hide and \'bd virgate lordship there whi ch probably corresponds to this }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry. In the Latin }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ima uidua}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ima }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is probably a miscopying of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ima }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (= }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Imma}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 an alternative form of }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Emma}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ; see}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 247; in the Exminster Hundred Tax Return the same scribe wrote }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Imma }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 first then corrected the first letter to an }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 E}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ), as Emma was apparently the name of Hervey's wife, rather than a scribal error for }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 una }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 used as the indefinite article (= 'a widow') due to a misreading of the minims in the original. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 788, Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Helyhun' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Whytelegh'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 it is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Whitelegh }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 by }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Fareweye}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 coupled}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Wydecomb }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (see 48,12 Northleigh? note), in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 325, and the holder in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 428 (in Colyton Hundred) is Hugh }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Proutz}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 see 44,1 Ashton note; 44,2 Hackworthy note; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 366 and Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', p. 350.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab A reason for there being no mention of these two manors in Domesday may be that information on them did not come to light until after the main Exon had been written (and copied by the Great Domesday scribe). Compare the other entries in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 which record information not in the main Exon: see 1,25 Lifton note; 1,66 Lapford note; 2,2 Crediton note; 15,14 Bulkworthy note and \{Introduction: Scope of the Notes concerning Exon\} for whole entries, and 1,25 Lifton note; 1,41 virgate note for part entries, 16,9Lewtrenchard note; 17,11 Broadaford note; 19,3 Instaple note; 35,5 "Tamerlande" note; 35 ,7 Kimber note on the linking of manors,1,4 value note; 3,92 hide note and 42,12 Edda note on the value of subholdings and notes to 5,9 William note and 19,40 Beatrix note on bynames supplied. \par \tab \tab Further, the Tax Return for Budleigh Hundred allows the wife of Hervey \'bd hide and \'bd virgate lordship. Later evidence suggests that this land lay at Clyst St Mary [SX9790] and Lower Creedy [SS8402], both in Budleigh Hundred, since in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 763, the heirs of Gilbert }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 le Blund }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 hold in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Clist Sancte Marie }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Helihun' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 who holds from the Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 364, 427. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Crye }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 is held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 790, by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Helihun' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Helihun' }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton and occurs as }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Crydihelyhun }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 762; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 364, 426. }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Assherton }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Ashton 44,1], }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Clyst St Mary}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hakeworthi }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Hackworthy 44,2] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Cridie Hilion }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 are coupled together in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 325; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 564. 'Creedy Hellions' was one of the medieval manors in Lower Creedy (3,72. 34,35;37 were others) and has given its name to the parish Upton Hellions; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 419.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab It is possible that other lands were involved in this fief. For example, in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 789, from the Honour of Plympton, Peter }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Hakeworthi }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (from Hackworthy, 44,2) holds land called }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Welebere }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Welsbere in Poughill, SS8408, in [West] Budleigh Hundred; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 416]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 345, 368, 382 and 21,6 Dart note. This may be the same as the land called }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Fenne }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 by }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Poghull }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Venn Channing in Poughill] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , xiv no. 325.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 44,1\tab [Terrae Occupatae 498b2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ASHTON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Essestone }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Aeschere's }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tun}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ';}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 487 and 6,6 Ashton note. It is a parish in Exminster Hundred. William }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Prouz }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aysseriston }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Exminster Hundred in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 346; see Reichel, 'Exminster Hundred Manors', p. 216 and DEV 44 Hervey note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 VIRGATES OF LAND.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Hervey's wife has a manor called Ashton. Two other manors, which did not belong to the said manor before 1066, have been added to it. Two thanes held them jointly in 1066. Value of them 20s a year'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THESE THREE LANDS. That is, the main manor of Ashton held by Aelmer and the two added manors of the two thanes.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 44,2\tab HACKWORTHY}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . In Tedburn St Mary parish, Wonford Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hakeworth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held from the Honour of Plympton and is held from Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Prouz }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 313; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 85a and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 321.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CHILTON. The only place of this name mentioned elsewhere in Domesd ay is Chilton in Cheriton Fitzpaine parish, [West] Budleigh Hundred, in the fief of Odo son of Gamelin (42,22). This land would have touched the eastern edge of Hervey's holding at Lower Creedy (see DEV 44 hervey note), but the exchange, if it is for 44,1 -2, will have been rather unequal, as Odo's Chilton is rated at only \'bd virgate as against the almost 2 hides of 44,1-2 which are also worth four times as much; see 42,22 Chilton note. Chilton is Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cillitone}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably 'Cilla's farm' (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 414); it is therefore not possible to identify it with the Chilton in Thorverton (1,7 Silverton note) which is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Childetun }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 96, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Chilleton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 425, probably from Old English }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 cild }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tun}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('child's farm').}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 45\tab GERALD THE CHAPLAIN.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 His holding appears in Exon under the heading of 'Lands of the French Men-at-Arms in Devonshire'; see DEV 22 William note. He is called Gerald the Chaplain for 45,1-2, but plain Gerald for 45,3. This seems to be his only holding in Domesday.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab For the Exon order of this chapter, see DEV 22 William note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 45,1\tab [Exon 456a2; Terrae Occupatae 496a2] \par \tab SHAPLEY?. This may well be part of the Shapley that latterly lay in Chagford parish, Wonford Hundred other portions being 16,61-62;64. If so, its treatment in Exon is different from that of the other parts. It is second in the list of 'Lands of the French Men-at-Arms' (see DEV 22 William note) which suggests that, together with the first entry (43,1 Parford), it came into the scribes' hands with a return originating in South Tawton (1,29); see the \{Introduction: Hundreds\}. The other parts of Shapley were in Exminster Hundred in 1086, later in Wonford Hundred; see Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 377 and 44 p. 350.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab A THANE HELD IT BEFORE 1066 ... THIS LAND OWES. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has 'which a thane held jointly in 1066; however, it (or perhaps 'he') paid 10s a year ... since G(erald) has had it the king has not had his customary due from it'. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 sed tamen }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (literally 'but however') is unusual; compare SOM 1,27 where 2 thanes held 2 of the 3 hides added to Martock 'jointly ... but (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 sed tamen}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 they paid 40d in customary dues to Martock'; see SOM 1,27 manor note. The implication might be that if a land was held joint ly, it should not have to pay dues, or perhaps that a thane did not normally have to pay customary dues. It is possible, however, in this entry anyway, that the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 sed tamen }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is pointing up the payment to South Tawton rather than the fact of payment itself.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab KING'S MANOR. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'king's lordship manor'; so also the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 45,2\tab [Exon 456a3] \par \tab [ABBOTS] BICKINGTON.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bichetone}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a parish in [Black] Torrington Hundred. It was granted by Geoffrey, son of Oliver }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Dynham }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (who later held Hartland, 1,30), to the Canons of Stoke St Nectan (that is, Hartland Abbey) some time before 1189: Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 207; see Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', pp. 204, 210 and 45,3 Stoke note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 PARTS OF 1 VIRGATE. That is, two-thirds of a virgate; see 15,19 parts note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IT PAYS 20s ... AS MUCH. See 6,8 value note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 45,3\tab [Exon 456a4]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab STOKE. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nistenestoch}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 known from the thirteenth century as 'Stoke St Nectan' doubtless after the Irish saint. It lies in Hartland parish, Hartland Hundred. Held in 1086 by the Canons of Hartland Abbey, it remained with the Church; see Oliver, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 204; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 75 and Reichel, 'Hartland Hundred', p. 416; Reichel, 'Domesday Churches', p. 288.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CANONS }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 OF THIS PLACE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'canons of this manor'; there were 12 of them. The canons}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of Hartland Abbey which had St Nectan as its patron saint (Stoke was earlier called 'Stoke St Nectan'). Hartland was a college of secular canons, perhaps founded by Countess Gytha, mother of 'Earl' Harold; see Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 204.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 12 PLOUGHS; AS MANY THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has '12 ploughs which are there'; unusually Exon does}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 not detail how many were in lordship and how many the villagers hold. See 17,18 ploughs note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE TO GERALD. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'They pay to G(erald) himself'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 46\tab GERARD. His holding appears in Exon under the heading of 'Lands of the French Men-at-Arms in Devonshire'; see DEV 22 William note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Both his lands lay in Tiverton Hundred and passed to the Honour of Plympton. In view of the location and descent of these lands, Tiverton and '(Little) Washfield' (32,8-9) may also have been held by this Gerard but under Ralph Paynel. \par \tab \tab For the Exon order of this chapter, see DEV 22 William note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 46,1\tab [Exon 459a4] \par \tab [WEST] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 MANLEY. It lies in Tiverton parish, Tiverton Hundred; the Exon order (see DEV 22 William note) strongly points to a place in Tiverton Hundred rather than to one in Halberton}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hundred (East Manley; see 25,21 Manley note). It does not appear in the fee lists under its own name, but the Honour of Plympton holds Tiverton (1,35) and a number of sub-manors. Of these Pool Anthony [SS9712] is adjacent to West Manley and like Nutcott (46,2) had been held in the early thirteenth century by William }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Briwere}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pole }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 399; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 La Pole }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 789 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 319, 370; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pole Antony }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 433; see Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 364 and Reichel, 'Tiverton hundred', p. 17.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALSTAN [!1! TILLEY !1!].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alestan}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alestantilia }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alestilla}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for 46,1 and 46,2 respectively. Tilley}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 means 'tiller', 'cultivator'. This instance of the byname antedates the thirteenth-century record in Reaney, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dictionary of British Surnames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,' under }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tilley }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (ii); it is Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tilia }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'one who tills' (Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tilian }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'to till, to cultivate'). It is not explained in von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 152-53; nor contained in Tengvik, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,, where compare }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Til}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p . 356 (Redin, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Uncompounded Personal Names in Old English}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 55 under }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tila}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 til }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'good', forbidden here by the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -ia }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 form. }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alestilla }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 would be a mistake for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alest'tilia }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (JMcND).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'when he acquired it' for each entry, presumably referring to Gerard (see 2,14 formerly note).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 46,2\tab [Exon 459b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab NUTCOTT. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nochecote}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 This place, which has proved difficult to identify (andwhose name is not well explained in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 390, JMcND) , lies now in Rackenford parish, Witheridge Hundred, but was a tithing of Tiverton Hundred in the Middle Ages. It was among the estates of William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Briwere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the early thirteenth century, passing at the division of the lands to Alice }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Mohun}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 789, it is held as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nochecote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Mauduth' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Plympton; in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 319 it is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nouchecote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held by the heirs of John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Mohun }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Countess }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Albemarlie}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the same place is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Neutecote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Maxwell Lyte, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Honour of Dunster}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 56, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Noggecote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nuggecote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 370, 433, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nuchecote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 306 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nettecote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vii. no. 297. All these forms point to Nutcott in Rackenford parish despite the shortage of examples cited in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 390. The form }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Neatecote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 given there is either a development of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nettecote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (above) or belongs under another place. Nu tcott appears as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nuthecote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll (1334)}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 55) and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nuchecote }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Reichel and Mugford, '}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old Exeter Manuscript (1384)', }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 21) where it is a tithing of Tiverton Hundred; it probably lay in that hundred in 1086. These early forms make it unlikely to be Neddycott in Uplowman (for which }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 553 gives only }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nythecott alias Newcott}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or Northcote in Tiverton (Reichel, 'Tiverton Hundred', pp. 2, 9, 18); see Reichel's editor in Reichel, 'Tiverton Hundred', p. 18 note 11 and 23,13 Rac kenford note. Another medieval detachment of Tiverton Hundred, Batsworthy (see 42,21 Worlington note), lay in the same area.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALSTAN [!1! TILLEY !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 46,1 Alstan note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'when he acquired it' for each entry, presumably referring to Gerard (see 2,14 formerly note).}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 47\tab GODEBOLD [* THE BOWMAN *]. }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 His holding appears in Exon under the heading of 'Land of Nicholas the Bowman in Devonshire', folios 468a-473a inclusive; see also 51,1 William note. As with the large section French Men-at-Arms (see DEV 22 William note) and the combined holdings of Walter and Gotshelm (see DEV 24-25) this Exon section is arranged by hundred, not tenant. The Great Domesday scribe worked through the Exon here excerpting the individual h oldings and listed the tenants in the order in which they first occurred.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Godebold is called Godebold the bowman (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 archibalistari}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry for 47,14, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 arbalestari}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for 47,2 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 arbalistari}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for 47,15), but plain Godebold for 47,1;3;5-15 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Idem Godbold }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('the same Godebold') for 47,4. See DEV 48 Nicholas note on the meaning of }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 archibalistarius }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 etc. A possible reason why Godebold is only described as 'the bowman' for the one entry in the main Exon may be that that entry succeeded one in which Nicholas is also called 'the bowman' (48,1) though it is by a different scribe, whereas the entries preceding the other mentions of Godebold only have simple names (although the entry for 47,13 is preceded by Fulcher the bowman's manor of 49,7, it is on the reverse of the folio and by a different scribe). Compare the similar naming in DEV 49 (see DEV 49 Fulcher note)}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab This man is probably the same as the Godebold who holds one manor in Somerset (SOM 43). Most of his lands here later form part of the Honour of Plympton (see DEV 21 William note).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab In Exon the entries of this chapter are grouped under the heading 'Land of Nicholas the Bowman in Devonshire' together with those for DEV 48-50 and the first entry of DEV 51. The hundredal arrangement is:}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 47,1 Merton Hundred \par \tab \tab 48,1 Fremington Hundred \par \tab \tab 47,2-4 [North] Tawton Hundred \par \tab \tab 47,5-6. 49,1 Exminster Hundred \par \tab \tab 47,7 Braunton Hundred \par \tab \tab 47,8 South Molton Hundred \par \tab \tab 49,2-3 'Cliston' Hundred \par \tab \tab 47,9-10. 48,2 Silverton Hundred \par \tab \tab 50,1..47,11-12..49,4. 48,3-7. 49,7 Wonford Hundred \par \tab \tab 47,13. 50,2-4 Witheridge Hundred \par \tab \tab 49,5. 51,1 Budleigh Hundred \par \tab \tab 48,8-10. 47,14 Teignbridge Hundred \par \tab \tab 50,5. 49,6 Tiverton Hundred \par \tab \tab 48,11 Kerswell Hundred \par \tab \tab 48,12 Colyton Hundred \par \tab \tab 47,15 Borough of Exeter}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 47,1\tab [Exon 468a1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HELE. In Petrockstowe parish, Shebbear Hundred (the succes sor to Merton Hundred), one of two 'Heles' that passed to the Honour of Plympton (see 39,8 Hele note). It can be identified from an analysis of the Tax Return for Merton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788, John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Goding }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hele }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Plympton. It is }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hele Godyng }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 359; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 411; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiv no. 325; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 105; Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 558; 15,47 Hele note and 16,42 "helescane" note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 47,2\tab [Exon 468a3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab GODEBOLD HIMSELF HOLDS. Repeated at the beginning of 47,2-12 inclusive. However, according to Exon, Godebold has a subtenant at 47,10; see 24,28 Walter note; 34,14 Ralph note and 48,8 Nicholas note. Compare 23,7 where Domesday has Walter (of Douai) holdi ng Hockworthy 'himself' and Exon gives him a subtenant, and similarly for 49,7. In none of these cases are the details of the subtenant added in Exon.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HOOK. In Ashreigney parish,[North] Tawton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 787 the heir of Miles }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Corbyn }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Brigeford'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Brushford, 47,3],}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hoke}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nyweton'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Newton, 47,4]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Foldehegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Foldhay, SS7004, in Zeal Monachorum, part of Newton in 1086] of the Honour of Plympton. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 422 an entry for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Mileston }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (named from Miles }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Corbyn}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 that is Mill some, SS6605, has apparently replaced Brushford; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 370; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 325 and Reichel, 'North Tawton Hundred', pp. 253, 263.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ON THE LACK OF POPULATION recorded for this manor, see 17,84 Chittleburn note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 G}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('Godebold' in full for 47,7) acquired it'. Similarly for}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the past values of 47,3-4;7;14.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 47,3\tab [Exon 468a4] \par \tab BRUSHFORD. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in [North] Tawton Hundred. For the descent, see 47,2 Hook note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 47,4\tab [Exon 468a5] \par \tab NEWTON. In Zeal Monachorum parish, [North] Tawton Hundred. For the descent, see 47,2 Hook note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 47,5\tab [Exon 468b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab DODDISCOMBSLEIGH. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Leuge}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It is a parish in Exminster Hundred this and}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the next entry being identifiable from an analysis of the Tax Return for Exminster Hundred. The thirteenth century forms of the name, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Leghe Gobol }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Guobol}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gobaldeslegh}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 go back to the 1086 holder or his successors; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 494. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 346, John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Dodescomb }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hugh }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gubbewolt }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hold in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Legh }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lowedoum }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Lowton, 47,14] from the Honour of Plympton. The same place is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Legh Doddyscomb }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (old series), iv. no. 63 (=}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hale, 'Fees of Earl Hugh de Courtenay'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 322); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (new series), i. no. 564; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 388 and Reichel, 'Exminster Hundred Manors', p. 213.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALSI . }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 For the corresponding entry, the Exon manuscript has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alsius}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ellis misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alstus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 possibly because the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 curves slightly to}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the right, though it does not in the least resemble this scribe's }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 t}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab On the name-form Alsi, see 15,54 Alsi note. On the possible identification, see 23,12 Alsi note.}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The correspon ding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it', probably referring to Godebold (see 2,14 formerly note and 16,88 formerly note). Similarly for the past values of 47,6;8;11-13.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 47,6\tab [Exon 468b2] \par \tab LOWLEY. In Doddiscombsleigh parish, Exminster Hundred; it does not appear in later fee lists, but may have followed the same descent as Doddiscombsleigh (see 47,5 Doddiscombeleigh note).}{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALSI . On the name-form Alsi, see 15,54 Alsi note. On the possible identification, see 23,12 Alsi note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab UNDERWOOD, 1 FURLONG. The use of }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferling }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Domesday; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferd}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 inum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ], accusative, in Exon) as a measure of underwood (or of any other 'resource') is extremely rare. It is almost invariably used in Devon, together with the hide and virgate, in the tax statement a nd in measuring the lordship and villagers' land holding; see 1,4 furlong note. It is possible that the Exon scribe wrote }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferd' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by mistake for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 quadrag}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 enariam}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'furlong' (see 1,4 furlongs note) and the Great Domesday scribe followed suit, but it is odd that one furlong ('ferling') is needed to add up with the 1 furlong and \'bd virgate of lordship and villagers' land (see \{ Appendix: Lordship and Villagers' Table\}) to make up the 1 virgate tax payment. It is also interesting that both hide and virgate are occasionally in Devon used to measure resources; see 10,1 pasture note; 10,2 woodland note and 15,79 pasture note.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 47,7\tab [Exon 469a1; Terrae Occupatae 498b5] \par \tab MULLACOTT. In Ilfracombe parish, Braunton Hundred, and positively identifiable from an analysis of the Tax Return for Braunton and Shirwell Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 787, Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Mullecoth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Mullecoth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton. It is }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Mollecote Corbyn }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 325; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 360 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 453.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab A THANE.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'Godebold has a manor called Mullacott. 1 furlong}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferdinus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 has been added to it, which did not belong to the said manor in 1066. A thane held it jointly. It is completely waste (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 penitus uastata est}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )'.}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab OF THIS LAND. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Of the above \'bd hide'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab REST OF THE LAND IS LYING WASTE [AND IS USED] FOR PASTURE. Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 et alia terra iacet uastata ad pasturam}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 written at the end of the entry immediately after the smallholder, but with no change in scribe or ink colour. It is an unusual phrase; the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 alia terra }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 would seem to refer to the remainder of the furlong ('ferling') which the smallholder was presumably not cultivating. It cannot refer to the rest of the \'bd hide, as that has already been fully described (see Appendix: Lordship and Villagers' Table). Meanwhile, the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry (47,7 th ane note) omits reference to the smallholder (as one would expect, but see Exon Notes 1,11 'Deneworthy' note) and states that 1 furlong (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferdinus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 added to Mullacott is completely waste (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 penitus uastata est}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ).}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Compare 34,37 value note where the phrase }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 alia terra est ita uastata }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 seems to refer to all the manor apart from 1 acre of meadow.)}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 47,8\tab [Exon 469a2] \par \tab SATTERLEIGH. A joint parish with Warkleigh in South Molton Hundred; it is positively identifiable from an analysis of the Tax Return for the sa me hundred. It appears to have descended with Warkleigh (1,41 Blackpool note); see Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', p. 94.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VIRGATE. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 v' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 altered to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 virg'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The first abbreviation}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 sign is not erased, though it is not entirel y there; Farley did not print it. See 29,2 virgate note and 29,8 virgate note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 47,9\tab [Exon 469b2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BURN. In Silverton parish, Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 789, Nicholas }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Burne }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Burne }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton; it is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Borne }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Silferton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 325 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Borne }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dowrygge }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Dorweeke? in Silverton, SS9506] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (old series) iv. no. 63 (= }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Whale, 'Fees of Earl Hugh de Courtenay'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 326); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 368 and Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', p. 245.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab G[ODEBOLD] HAS \'bd PLOUGH. In the corresponding entry in Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably implied or omitted in error.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 47,10\tab [Exon 469b3] \par \tab GODEBOLD HOLDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Richard holds it from G[odebold]'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab YARD. Probably in Silverton parish, Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred.. It may be the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Yurdon }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Yard Down] held with Greenslinch (48,2) of the Honour of Plympton in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 368, 425; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 325 and Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', p. 245.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 VILLAGERS HAVE IT THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'R(ichard) has 2 villagers who have \'bd plough'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Thus the}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hanc }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 refers to the \'bd plough. Compare 1,29 villagers note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 47,11\tab [Exon 470a1] \par \tab CLIFFORD. Both Clifford and Halstow (47,12) lie in Dunsford parish, Wonford Hundred, and both are positively identifiable from an analysis of the Tax Return for Wonford Hundred. In }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 312, }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Clyfford }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Halftouwe }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are held from the heirs of Ralph }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Dodescomb' }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 47,5) by Geoffrey }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Radeweye}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Clifford is }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Clyfforde Corbeyn }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (new series), xiv. no. 325 and (old series), no. 63 (= Whale, 'Fees of Earl Hugh de Courtenay', p. 321); see }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 85a, } {\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 346, 388 and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred', p. 299; Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 321.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 47,12\tab [Exon 470a2] \par \tab HALSTOW. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 47,11 Clifford note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 47,13\tab [Exon 471b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab JAGELIN. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lachelin}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ],}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 lachelin}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ];}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ellis misprinted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Iachelin'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which is in fact the more correct form. See Forssner, } {\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Continental-Germanic Personal Names in England}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 170: a diminutive of Breton, Cornish, Welsh }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Iago}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Jago}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reaney, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dictionary of British Surnames} {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , under }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Jacklin }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 overlooks a possibility (JMcND). The initial }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 L}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 though very clear in the Great Domesday manuscript, is due to the original misreading by the Exon scribe of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 I }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 l}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab [WEST] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 WHITNOLE. In Stoodleigh parish, Witheridge Hundred; it is included in Bampton Hundred by Reichel, }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Bampton and Uffculme Hundreds', }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 454 (see \{Introduction: Hundreds\}). In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 760, Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dacastre }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Warebrigthelegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Waspley, 52,43 Waspley note), }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Blackesworth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Blatchworthy, SS8817, probably part of West Whitnole] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Whytecnolle }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Geoffrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Mandevil' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 who holds from Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Doddescumb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 47,5) of the Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 787; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 343, 421 and Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', pp. 404, 424.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 4 SMALLHOLDERS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '3 smallholders'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 47,14\tab [Exon 472b2; Terrae Occupatae 502a6] \par \tab LOWTON. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'Godebold the bowman has a manor called Lowton.1 virgate of land has been added to it, which a thane held jointly in 1066. Rainer holds it from G(odebold). Value 5s a year'. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Lowton lay in Moretonhampstead parish, Teignbridge Hundred; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 484. It can hardly be Lowton in Bridford (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Domesday Gazetteer}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ) which is in the wrong hundred (Wonford Hundred), nor is it Liverton in Ilsington (Reichel, 'Teignbridge Hundred', p. 229) which has a different derivation. It has the same medieval holders as Doddiscombsleigh (47,5): in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 390 Cecilia }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Dodiscom}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 b}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Lughedon }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Teignbridge Hundred from the Honour of Plympton. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Lowedon Peverel }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 348. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 790, and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 346 it is included in Exminster Hundred probably because }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Lowedoum }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Legh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Doddiscombsleigh 47,5, in Exminster Hundred] are associated. But there was a detached portion of Exminster Hundred adjacent at Shapley; see 16,61 Shapley note and \{Introduction: Hundreds\}. On the descent of the manor, see Reichel, 'Exminster Hundred Manors', p. 213.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 47,15\tab [Exon 473a4; Terrae Occupatae 506a3] \par \tab TWO HOUSES WHICH PAID 16d IN CUSTOMARY DUES BEFORE 1066. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which were among King Edward's customary dues in 1066, paying 16d a year'. The (extended) Latin for this is (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii domus in Essecestra}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 quae fuerunt in consuetudine Eduuardi regis ea die qua ipse fuit uiuus et mortuus reddentes xvi denarios per annum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddentes }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is interlined above an erasure. The beginning of this sentence is either careless or compressed; if the latter, it should be expanded to some such phrase as (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii domus in Essecestra}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 quorum redditus fuerunt in consuetudine Eduuardi regis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ...}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('2 houses in Exeter whose revenues were in/ part of / belonged to King Edward's customary dues ...'). The sentence became further complicated when the scribe decided to include the actual revenue, which necessitated his linking it with what he h ad previously written by a rather loose }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddentes }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'paying'. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 entry at 506 a 3 has: 'which paid 16d a year in customary dues before 1066, which King William has never had'.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 48\tab NICHOLAS THE BOWMAN. His holding appears in Exon apparently correctly under the heading of 'Land of Nicholas the Bowman in Devonshire', folios 468a-473a inclusive, but it is really part of a composite section; see DEV 47 Godebold note, also 51,1 William n ote. \par \tab \tab He is called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Balistarius }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Domesday, but in Exon he is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Archibalistarius }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 48,1;4-7; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 arbalestari}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for the heading and for 48,8;11 and plain Nicholas for 48,2-3; 9-10. The Latin word }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ballista }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 covered all missile-throwing weapons, from cross-bow t o large artillery piece. The English word 'gun' was used of such weapons before the introduction of gun-powder. In some, early volumes in the printed Phillimore series the translation 'Gunner' was used, but it was decided that the modern reader might thin k it implied the use of firearms, hence the change to 'bowman'. According to Ellis, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Yorkshire Tenants in Domesday Book}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 I}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 245-246 the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 balistarius }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was 'the captain or officer in charge of the stone-and-missile-discharging engines used in sieges ... it was probably the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 balistarii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 who planned and superintended the works of military engineering as well'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Nicholas also had the byname 'de la Pole': some time between 1095 and 1100 Abbot Serlo of St Peter's, Gloucester, exchanged the manor of Ailstone belongi ng in 1086 to Nicholas the bowman (WAR 40,1) with Plymtree (42,17; see 42,17 Plymtree note) and in }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 Gloucester History and Cartulary (Hart,}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 i. p. 74, ii. pp. 125-26) the holder of Ailstone is given as Nicholas de la Pole. See }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Warwickshire}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i p. 280. Mos t of Nicholas' Devon manors are later held of the Honour of Plympton (see DEV 21 William note).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab For the Exon order of this chapter, see DEV 47 Godebold note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 48,1\tab [Exon 468a2] \par \tab WEBBERY. In Alverdiscott parish, Fremington Hundred; the land seems to be ide ntifiable from an analysis of the Tax Return for Fremington Hundred. It appears to have passed to the Honour of Launceston (see DEV 15 count note), being held of it by Baldwin }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Flemeng }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wybbebeyre Nicholai Pulain }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 795; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 371, 413 and Reichel, 'Braunton, Shirwell and Fremington Hundreds', p. 510.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 4 SMALLHOLDERS HAVE 1 PLOUGH. Their plough is not mentioned in Exon. It}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 seems likely that the Domesday scribe transferred the lordship plough to the smallholders by mistake; this also occurs in 17,71 (see 17,71 villager note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY 12d; VALUE NOW 15s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 N. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('Nicholas' in full for 48,3;6-7) acquired it'. Similarly for the past values of 48,3-4;6-l 1.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab This is a large increase in value; it is possible that the Exon scribe (whom the Great Domesday scribe then copied) made a mistake in either the }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 den }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 or the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 sol' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and the reading should be either 'Formerly 12s; value now 15s' or 'Formerly 12d; value now 15d' . See 16,172 value note for a probable error of the same sort and compare15,22 formerly . (Elsewhere in Devon the largest increase in value seems to be of the manor of Alminstone (42,3) where it is almost sevenfold, less than half the increase here.)}{ \fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ROGE R GOAD ... NICHOLAS. In the corresponding entry in Exon this is interlined, possibly the reason for its being missed by the Domesday scribe. The Exon scribe obviously wrote the whole entry, then added the subtenant, because }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nicholaus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is corrected to }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 R. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (for Roger) when his lordship land and plough are given, but }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 N. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is not similarly so corrected in the phrase }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ibi h't N. iiii}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 bordarios }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ...}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . However, the Domesday scribe includes the details of a subtenant, similarly}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 interlined and by the same scribe, for 48,4;6-7.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The form of the name in Exon is }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Reger}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 aculeus }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 here, }{ \i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Roger}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 aculeus }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 for 48,6, the first }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 e }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Reger}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 obviously being a scribal error for }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 o}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 See Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 , pp. 372-73, on this byname.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 48,2\tab [Exon 469b4]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab GREENSLINCH. In Silverton parish, Hayridge Hundred (the successor to Silverton Hundred); it is positively identifiable from an analysis of the Tax Return for that hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 789, Nicholas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Greneslingh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Greneslinch' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 368 William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Thorlock }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Grenelinch}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Northwill }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [unidentified] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Yurdon }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Yard Down, see 47,10 yard note]; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 322, 425 and Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', p. 245.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TAX FOR 3 VIRGATES. The corresponding entry in Exon has '2 virgates', but the detail (see \{Appendix: Lordship and Villagers' Table\})}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 t}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 otals 3 virgates, so }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is probably a scribal error for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it', presumably referring to}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nicholas (see 2,14 formerly note).}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab NICHOLAS HAS THIS MANOR BY EXCHANGE. Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pro escanbiis }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 literally 'in place of exchanges', that is, more than one land was exchanged with Greenslinch. According to Round in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Essex}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 386 a met hod often adopted to conceal a defective title to a piece of land was to state that it had been 'exchanged'. It would seem particularly likely that some legal fiction was being practised when, as here, there is no mention in Exon or Domesday of which mano rs formed the other half of the exchange (presumably because they did not exist). In the Exon manuscript 1 \'bd lines have been left blank at the end of this entry (not shown by Ellis), possibly for the later inclusion of details of the lands exchanged (if the y could be found). Compare 48,12 exchange note; 51,3 exchange note and 51,10 manors note and see also 2,10 count note on the Count of Mortain's 'exchanges'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 48,3\tab [Exon 470b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab STOKEINTEIGNHEAD. A parish in the detached part of Wonford Hundred that lay south of the estuary of the River Teign. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788, the heir of Roger Fitzpayne holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stokes }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with two manors called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gabewill' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Higher Gabwell and Lower Gabwell in the parish, SX9169, SX9269]. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stoke in Tynhyde }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held with Staplehill (48,9) in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 313. It is}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stok cum Nytheregabewill }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 345, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stoke in Tynehide }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'with both }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gabewilles' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 325; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 386; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 84a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 1370; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 403, v. no. 607; and 16,117 Teignharvey note. The modern place-name is influenced by the proximity of the parish to the River Teign, but in fact it refers to 'ten hides', presumably the original extent of the Wonford Hundred detachment.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 48,4\tab [Exon 470b2] \par \tab ROCOMBE. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Stokeinteignhead parish in the detached part of Wonford Hundred; see 48,3 Stokeinteignhead note. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788, Reginald }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Albo Monasterio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Racumb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton; it is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rocombe Blaumoster }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Old French }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 blanc moutier }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'white monastery', a translation of the Latin) in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 345, 388, see Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 320. Charlecombe (see 48,10 Buckland note) may have been part of this holding.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 SMALLHOLDERS. In the corresponding entry in Exon '2 villagers' are added before them. There is no obvious reason here for}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the omission of the villagers in Domesday, as there seems to be for their omission on the two other instances in Devon (see 23,4 smallholders note and 49,3 plough note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 48,5\tab [Exon 470b3] \par \tab OGWELL. East Ogwell. A parish in the detached 'Teignhead' section of Wonford Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788, Humphrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Dune }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Estwogewill' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton; in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p . 345 the holder of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Estwogwyll }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Malleston }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Malston, 17,55] is Thomas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Peytevyn}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ogwell is said to be held from }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stoke in Tynhid }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (48,3) in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 386; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 313 and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 319.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it', presumably referring to}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nicholas (see 2,14 formerly note).}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 48,6\tab [Exon 471a1] \par \tab HOLBEAM. In Ogwell parish, Wonford Hundred. William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Holebem }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Holebem }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788, from the Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 85a, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 313, 345 and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 319. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 386 it is held from the manor of Stokeinteignhead (48,3).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MEADOW, 1 ACRE; WOODLAND, 10 ACRES. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'woodland, 10 acres; woodland, 1 acre', the second }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 nemoris }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 no doubt being a scribal error for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 prati }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'meadow', which normally follows the woodland details; the Great Domesday scribe presumably corrected it.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 48,7\tab [Exon 471a2] \par \tab BAGTOR. In Ilsington parish, and latterly in Teignbridge Hundred, but it lay in that part of the parish that was a detachment of Wonford Hundred in the Middle Ages; Bagtor seems to have been in Wonford Hundred in 1086 according to the order of Exon In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788, William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Baggetorre }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Baggetorre }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Plympton in a Wonford Hundred group; in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 345, it is connected with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aure }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Haytor Hundred [Aller, 48,11] ; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 313, 388; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 85a; Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 319 and 32,6 Ilsington note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 48,8\tab [Exon 472a2] \par \tab NICHOLAS HIMSELF HOLDS. Repeated at the beginning of 48,8-12 inclusive. However, Exon gives him a subtenant for 48,11. See 24,28 Walter note; 34,14 Ralph note and 47,2 Godebold note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IDEFORD. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ludeford}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 though the first letter may be an }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 I }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as the 'foot' is very short (it is certainly not a }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Y }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday Gazetteer}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 474); the initial letter of the Exon form is not }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 L }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (as Ellis printed) but probably }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 I }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or possibly }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 l}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; see 16,115 Edwulf note on the similarity of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 L}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 I }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 l}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , and compare 24,26 Instow not 34,14 Combe note. Ideford is a parish in Teignbridge Hundred a nd positively identifiable (with Staplehill 48,9) from an analysis of the Teignton Hundred Tax Return (in 1086 Teignton and Teignbridge are alternative names ogf the hundred). In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 790, Aubrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Boterellis }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ioweford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hiddeford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 339; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Yuddeford }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 82a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Jorford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 264; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Yudesford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 390; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , x. nos. 240, 384, 652 and Reichel, 'Teignbridge Hundred', p. 229.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab [ACRES]. In the manuscript }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ac' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 either omitted in error or implied after the 'acres' of meadow. Exon has 'acres'. Compare 48,12 [acres] note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 48,9\tab [Exon 472a3] \par \tab STAPLEHILL. In Ilsington parish, Teignbridge Hundred; it is positively id entifiable (with Ideford 48,8) from an analysis of the Tax Return for Teignton Hundred (in 1086 Teignton and Teignbridge are alternative names ogf the hundred). It seems in the Middle Ages to have been absorbed by the outlying portion of Wonford Hundred t hat formed part of Ilsington parish; thus in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788, among a group of Wonford Hundred places, Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Stapelhille }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stapelhille }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 313, 345, 386 (all Wonford Hundred) and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred', p. 300; Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 319.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 VILLAGERS ... \'bd PLOUGH. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'villagers ... 3 oxen in a plough'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 48,10\tab [Exon 472b1] \par \tab BUCKLAND[-IN-THE-MOOR]. It is now a parish in the moorland detachment of Haytor Hundred (the successor to Kerswell Hundred). Exon order (see DEV 47 Godebold note) suggests that it was in Teignton (Teignbridge) Hundred in 1086. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 790, in a group of Haytor Hundred places, Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Bokland' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds from the Honour of Plympton in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bocland' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cherlecumb'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 This latter place is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cherleton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 768, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Therlecumbe }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 318 and is probably Charlecombe in Stokeinteignhead parish, Wonford Hundred (SX9070) possibly part of Rocombe 48,4 or a dependency of Buckland-in-the-Moor. It is called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Churleton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bukelond in la More }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 325; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 318, 348, 392 and Reichel, 'Haytor Hundred in 1244', p. 120.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALSI. On this name-form, see 15,54 Alsi note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 \'bd PLOUGHS THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 2 \'bd ploughs; see \{Appendix: Lordship and Villagers' Table\}.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab OF THIS LAND ... 1 VIRGATE. In the corresponding entry in Exon 'Of this land' is omitted; the 1 virgate appears from Exon to be additional to the 3 virgates which are accounted for in the detail (see \{ Appendix: Lordship and Villagers' Table\}), making 1 hide total for Buckland.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 48,11\tab [Exon 473a2] \par \tab NICHOLAS HOLDS.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In the corresponding entry in Exon John holds it from Nicholas.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALLER. In Abbotskerswell parish, Haytor Hundred, the successor to Kerswell Hundred. In }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 790, William }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Baggetorre }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 48,7) holds in }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aure }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton. It is }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alre juxta Carswill }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (old series) iv. no. 63 (= Whale, 'Fees of Earl Hugh de Courtenay', p. 322); see }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 318, 345, 349; }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 768 and Reichel, 'Haytor Hundred in 1244', p. 125.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 OXEN. The corresponding entry in Exon has '2 oxen in a plough'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 48,12\tab [Exon 473a3] \par \tab THIS ENTRY IS WRITTEN in the left margin of the manuscript in very pale ink and with a thicker pen, suggesting a later addition; it is not rubricated and has no transposition signs to show its correct position. In Ex on, however, it occurs after the entry corresponding to 48,11 and there is no sign of its being added later there, the scribe being the same as for the preceding entry. Almost certainly the main scribe of Great Domesday missed it when he first went throug h this Exon section; a second check revealed the omission. Compare 49,7 entry note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab NORTHLEIGH?.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lege}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It seems to have lain in Colyton Hundred, since Nicholas is allowed 1 virgate of lordship land in the Tax Return for that hundred. There are at least two places called 'Leighs' in the hundred, Northleigh and Southleigh, both with Domesday representatives. This land may have been at }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wydecumb }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Widcombe Barton farm in Farway parish, SY 1894, adjacent to Northleigh], which in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 330 is an Honour of Plympton holding by Hugh }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Pruz }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Despensar }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from Baldwin }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Specote}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see DEV 44 Hervey note. The descent of this holding needs further investigation; Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', pp. 340, 350, without supporting evid ence, identifies 'Bramleigh in Farway'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SUMARLITHI . The Domesday forms of this name - }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sum}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 m}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 erled}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sum}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 m}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 erlede}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sumerlet}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sum}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 m}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 erde}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sum}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 m}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 erdi }{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (genitive) - represent Old Norse }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sumarlithr}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sumarlithi}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 : von Feilitzen, }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 377-78; Fellows Jensen, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Scandinavian Personal Names in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 270-71. The forms Summerled and Sumarlithi appear in the Phillimore printed edition; these have now been standardized as Sumarlithi. The Alecto edition has Sumarlithr generally.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 This is the only occurrence of this name in Domesday Devon.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Outside Lincolnshire, Sumarlithi is a rare name, occurring on only single holdings in Devon, Suffolk, and Yorkshire, all of them tiny, remote from each other, and without tenurial associations, each of them therefore likely to have been the sole property of its holder (JP).}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 SMALLHOLDER. There is no reason for the omission in Domesday of the smallholder detailed in Exon. See also 19,20 villagers note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE 20 [ACRES]; MEADOW 2 [ACRES].. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'meadow, 1 \'bd acres'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The words }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 acrae }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 were no do ubt omitted by the Great Domesday scribe before the pasture and meadow through lack of space; they are in Exon as usual. However, it is possible that he thought the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ac' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 given before the woodland would cover for the other measurements; compare 1,3 meadow note; 16,75 woodland note and 48,8 [acres] note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab [PART] OF NICHOLAS' [LANDS ACQUIRED BY] EXCHANGE. Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de escanbiis nicholai}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 48,2 exchange note and compare 51,3 exchange note and 51,10 manors note. The Exon scribe hopefully left the rest of the line after }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 nicholai }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 blank, with no dot after it, in case details of the exchanged manor(s) were forthcoming.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 49\tab FULCHER [!1! THE BOWMAN !1!]}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . His holding appears in Exon under the heading of 'Land of Nicholas the Bowman in Devonshire', folios 468a-473a inclusive ; see DEV 47 Godebold note, also 51,1 William note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Exon he is called plain Fulcher except for the entry for 49,7 where he is Fulcher the bowman (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 archibalistarius}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 both in the main entry and in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . The Tax Return for 'Cliston' Hundre d states that Fulcher the bowman (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 archibalistarius }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 also) has \'bd hide and 1 furlong (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 fertinum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 lordship there, which more or less corresponds to his holdings in 49,2-3. On the term }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 archibalistarius}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , see DEV 48 Nicholas note. A possible reason why Fulcher is only styled 'the bowman' in this one entry in the main Exon may be that the preceding 4 entries were concerned with Nicholas the bowman, whereas in the entries preceding the details of his other manors in Devon, the tenants -in-chief are not given their occupations (although Haimeric is styled 'of Arques' in the entry preceding 49,6, it is not an occupation and in any case is on a different folio). It is unlikely, in view of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and Tax Return evidence, that the Exon scribe made a mistake in including a title for Fulcher. Compare DEV 47 Godebold note on the similar naming of Godebold as the bowman in just one entry.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Most of his lands in this chapter are later held of}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 the Honour of Plympton (see DEV 21 William note).}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab For the Exon order of this chapter, see DEV 47 Godebold note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 49,1\tab [Exon 468b3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SHILLINGFORD. A parish in Exminster Hundred, this holding being positively identifiable from an analysis of the Tax Return for that hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 790, Richard son of Ralph holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sillingeford' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton. William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Briwere }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sullingford' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ferendon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Farringdon, 49,5] in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 399 and was possibly an earlier holder of this land; he also held another part of Shillingford (19,7 Shillingford note). On the descent of the manor, see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 346, 389; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 129, v. no. 527, xi. no. 118, and Reichel, 'Exminster Hundred Manors', p. 214.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTMER. On this name, see 16,4 Brictmer note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 PLOUGHS THERE, HOWEVER. The scribe wrote the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tamen }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 because the 2 lordship ploughs, when added to the 3 \'bd villagers' ploughs, exceed the plough estimate; see 1,3 land note and compare 39,12 lordship note and 40,4 lordship note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it', probably referring to Fulcher, as in 49,7; see 2,14 formerly note and 16,88 formerly note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 49,2\tab [Exon 469a3] \par \tab COLUMBJOHN. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Colum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Named from the River Culm, it lies in Broad Clyst parish in 'C liston' Hundred. It can be identified from an analysis of the Tax Return for that Hundred; see DEV 49 Fulcher note. John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Culum }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Culum }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Briwere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 396; the same man holds }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Colm }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Plympton in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 789. See }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 333, 367, 433; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 527, xi. nos. 118, 299, xiv. no. 325, and Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', p. 381.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTMER. On this name, see 16,4 Brictmer note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it', probably referring to Fulcher, as in 49,7; see 2,14 formerly note and 16,88 formerly note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 49,3\tab [Exon 469b1] \par \tab 'EVELEIGH'. This holding can be identified from an analysis of the Tax Return for 'Cliston' Hundred (see DEV 49 Fulcher note) and is said to have lain in Broad Clyst parish; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 574. There is an 'Eveleigh' in the adjacent parish of Sowton, Wonford Hundred, marked on the first series Ordnance Surve y one-inch map (sheet 22 of 1809, reprint sheet 91 of 1970) at SS986927 where Dymonds farm now is. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Yevelegh }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Colome Johan }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (49,2) in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xi. no. 299, xiv. no. 325; see Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', p. 381. An approximate location for 'Eveleigh' in Broad Clyst parish is given by the fact that Comberoy farm [ST 0100] is an }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 alias }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of 'East Eveleigh'; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 576.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTMER. On this name, see 16,4 Brictmer note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 PLOUGH, WHICH IS THERE, WITH 3 SMALLHOLDERS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Fulcher has 2 villagers who have 1 plough, and (he has) 3 smallholders'. This separation of the villagers who had the plough is probably the reason for their omission in Domesday, as also ha ppens in 23,4. See 1,9 villagers note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it', probably referring to Fulcher, as in 49,7; see 2,14 formerly note and 16,88 formerly note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 49,4\tab [Exon 470a3] \par \tab CULM [VALE]?.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The order of Exon points to a place in Wonford Hundred, the place-name points to the River Culm. It might be Culm Vale in Stoke Canon parish. Successors to Fulcher held Whiteheathfield in Cullompton parish, Hayridge Hundred (the successor to Silverton Hundred), but there i s no proof that this land represents Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Colun}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', pp. 359-360 and Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', p. 226.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VILLAGER WHO PAYS 10s. The corresponding entry in Exon has '1 villager who pays him 10s a year'. See 6,6 villager note on villagers 'farming' land.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 49,5\tab [Exon 471b5]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FARRINGDON. A parish in [East] Budleigh Hundred, identifiable from an analysis of the Tax Return for Budleigh Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 790, Richard son of Ralph holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ferndon }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 763, makes it clear that Richard holds from the heirs of William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de la Bruere}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 129, v. no. 527; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 399 and 49,1 Shillingford note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The next entry in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 790 (see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 763 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 427), }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 La Ford'}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 may be part ofthis land as it has the same holders; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 325. It is perhaps Rosamondford [SY0291] in Aylesbeare parish, adjacent to Farringdon.}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Part of Farringdon was given to Exeter Church and it is possible that }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Storsan }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Whythen }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 [Within Furze and Within SY 0290] held by the Dean and Chapter of Exeter in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , xi. no. 118 were part of this gift; see Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', pp. 290-91.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it', probably referring to Fulcher, as in 49,7; see 2,14 formerly note and 16,88 formerly note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 49,6\tab [Exon 473a1] \par \tab LEIGH. In Loxbeare parish, Tiverton Hundred. In }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 759, Robert }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Legh' }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Legh' }{ \cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton. It is }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Legh' Roberd }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 527 and had been a fee of William }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Briwere}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 :}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 396; see }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 319, 433, Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 313 and Reichel, 'Tiverton Hundred', p. 19.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it', probably referring to Fulcher, as in 49,7; see 2,14 formerly note and 16,88 formerly note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 49,7\tab [Exon 471a3; Terrae Occupatae 500a9] \par \tab THIS ENTRY IS WRITTEN in the same very pale ink as 48,12 some 12 letters into the left margin of the manuscript be low the bottom marginal ruling of folio 117c; it is not rubricated. It seems likely that the scribe simply failed initially to abstract this entry (like 48,12) from the Exon section dealing with Godebold, Nicholas the bowman, Fulcher and Haimeric (see DEV 47 Godebold note), rather than that details of the holding came in late (there is no sign of this in Exon). Compare his failure to abstract Flohere's manor of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sotrebroc }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Exon section on French men-at-arms (see DEV 22 William note).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FULCHER ... HOLDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Helgot holds it now from Fulcher'. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has 'Fulcher the bowman has a manor called Huish. 1 virgate and 1 furlong (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferdinus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 have been added to it, which a thane held jointly in 1066. Helgot holds it now from F(ulcher). Value 15s a year'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HUISH. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Chiwartiwis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably for Old English hypothetical }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cyneweard-hiwisc }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'the Cyneweard estate' (JMcND). Apparently Great Huish and East Huish in Tedburn St Mary parish, Wonford Hundred, although }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pl ace-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 452 does not give the Domesday reference. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788 Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tremeneth' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hywisse }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 313, 345, 388; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 85a; Maxwell Lyte, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Honour of Dunster}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 56; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. nos. 306, 593, vii. no. 297, and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 320.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 SMALLHOLDERS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '4 smallholders'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab [VALUE] FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when Fulcher acquired it'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 50\tab HAIMERIC [* OF ARQUES *]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 His holding appears in Exon under the heading of 'Land of Nicholas the bowman in Devonshire', folios 468a-473a inclusive; see DEV 47 Godebold note, also 51,1 William note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Exon he is called Haimeric of Arques for 50,1-2 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 arcis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ) and 50,5}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de archa}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but plain Haimeric for 50,3-4. The Tax Return for Tiverton Hundred states that Haimeric of Arques (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de arcis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 has \'bd virgate lordship there, which points to his holding at 50,5. See Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 68-69 on the byname.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Arques is in the d\'e9partement of Pas-de-Calais, France. One of his manors in Devon passes to the Honour of Plympton (DEV 21 William note), others to Torrington (DEV 36 Theobald note).}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab For the Exon order of this chapter, see DEV 47 Godebold note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 50,1\tab [Exon 469b5; Terrae Occupatae 500a7]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab POLTIMORE. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry has: 'Haimeric of Arques (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de arcis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 has a manor called Poltimore. 1 \'bd hides and 3 furlongs (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 fertini}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 have been added to it; value of them, 30s a year'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Poltimore is a parish in Wonford Hundred. The Tax Return for Wonford Hundred states that Haimeric has 1 \'bd hides, 2 \'bd furlongs (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 fertinos}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in lordship there, which agrees with the lordship given in Exon. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 788, Bartholomew }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Pultimor } {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Pultimor }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 85b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , xiii. no. 268; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 313, 386 and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred', p. 299; Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 320. It is associated with }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hille }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in Witheridge Hundred [Hill, 50,3] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 345.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTRIC [* SON OF ALGAR *]. }{ \cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 1,60 Brictric note}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (JP).}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SHEERWOLD . See 42,18 Sheerwold note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding en try in Exon has 'value when he acquired it', presumably referring to Haimeric, as in 50,5; see 2,14 formerly note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 50,2\tab [Exon 471b2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab RUCKHAM. Both Ruckham and Hill (50,3) lie in Cruwys Morchard parish, Witheridge Hundred; see}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 380 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-names of the East Riding of Yorkshire, and York}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. lii. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 760, John }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Despenser }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hille }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Throucumb'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,} {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 together with 1 furlong (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferlingo}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bradelegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Bradley, 50,5] 'which is in the Hundred of Tiverton', from Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dacastre }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 who holds ultimately from the Honour of Torrington; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 774; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 344, 364, 421; Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', pp. 406, 424 and 50,1 Poltimore note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 PLOUGH, WHICH IS THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Haimeric has 1 plough'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is probably implied or omitted in error. }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 dim}{\i\fs24\cf1\up6\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 1}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WITH 1 [***] SLAVE. In the manuscript there is a gap of about 9 letters' width between }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c\'fb i }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 seruo}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 due to an erasure. Under ultra-violet light an }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 7}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is visible with a gap for a number immediately before the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 seruo }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and part of a }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 d }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 can be seen before the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 7}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . It is possible that the scribe originally wrote }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c\'fb i bord' 7}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i seruo}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , though there is no mention of a smallholder in the corresponding Exon entry.}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Farley showed the gap caused by the erasure, though he did not always do so; see 1,60 ploughs note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 50,3\tab [Exon 471b3] \par \tab HILL. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Cruwys Morchard parish, Witheridge Hundred; see 50,2 Ruckham note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TAX FOR \'bd FURLONG. For the corresponding entry, the Exon manuscript has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .i.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ferdino}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 dim'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 interlined above the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; it is not absolutely clear whether 1 \'bd furlongs ('ferlings') or one \'bd furlong is meant. Compare 16,92 tax note. The comma below the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 rather suggests the former as it is often used as an omission sign; also there is no underlining for deletion which one would expect if the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 dim' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 were to replace the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as the Great Domesday scribe apparently took it.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \'bd PLOUGH THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'H(aimeric) has \'bd plough'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is probably implied or}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 omitted in error. Similarly for 50,4.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 50,4\tab [Exon 471b4] \par \tab COOMBE. Exon order (see DEV 47 Godebold note) suggests that it lay in Witheridge Hundred, but it does not appear in feudal lists; if it lay in Cruwys Morchard parish, it would form a unit with Ruckham and Hill (50,2-3).. There is another Coombe close by [SS8411] and a Woodscombe [SS8312] both in Puddington parish. There are also two places named Coombe in Witheridge parish.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 50,5\tab [Exon 472b3] \par \tab BRADLEY. 'East' Bradley in Tiverton parish, Tiverton Hundred. It can be identified in the Tax Return for Tiverton Hundred; see DEV 50 Haimeric note. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 760, 744, it is held with Ruckham and Hill (see 50,2 Ruckham note) as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bradelegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Estbradelegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [probably the village now known as Great Bradley] of the Honour of Torrington; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 319, 370, 433 and Reichel, 'Tiverton Hundred', p. 9.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'when Ha(imeric) acquired it'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 51\tab ?[51]? LANDS OF THE KING'S SERVANTS}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . Only the holders of 51,1-13 can really be described as 'servants', that is, people who held land by serjeanty, the rest of the chapter being filled with holders who did not fit in under any of the other chapter headings of Great Domesday; see 51,14 holding note; 51,15 holding note and 51,16 holding note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab In Exon the bulk of this chapter is under the heading 'Lands of the King's Servants in Devonshire', in the following hundredal order: \par \tab \tab 51,2 Wonford Hundred \par \tab \tab 51,3-4 [North] Tawton Hundred \par \tab \tab 51,5-7 Silverton Hundred \par \tab \tab 51,11 Witheridge Hundred \par \tab \tab 51,8 Tiverton Hundred \par \tab \tab 51,12;9 Kerswell Hundred \par \tab \tab 51,10;13 Colyton Hundred \par \tab The first entry in the chapter is included in Exon under 'Land of Nicholas the Bowman' (see DEV 47 Go debold note); 51,14 is among 'Lands of the French Men-at-Arms in Devonshire' (see DEV 22 William note) and 51,15-16 are in 'Lands of English Thanes in Devonshire' (see DEV 52 thanes note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 51,1\tab [Exon 472a1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WILLIAM THE PORTER. In Exon his holding does not appear with 51,2-13 under the heading of 'Lands of the King's Servants in Devonshire' (folios 475a-476b inclusive), but under the heading of 'Land of Nicholas the Bowman in Devonshire' (see DEV 47 Nicholas note), appearing between entries corresponding t o Domesday 49,5 and 48,8. The Domesday scribe may have included William's land here because the single entry did not justify a separate chapter, as apparently did those of Godebold, Nicholas, Fulcher and Haimeric (DEV 47-50). Moreover, William's byname sug gests, like those of 51,2-13, that he held this manor as a 'reward' for a particular local service, rather than for performing general military service. The Exon scribe may simply have misplaced his holding and the Great Domesday scribe corrected this.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab For the byname Domesday has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 porto' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 port}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 it}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 o}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 r}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (although when the scribe added the abbreviation sign }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 '}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which is in paler ink, he should have added a final }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 r}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ); Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 portitor }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and in the Tax Return for Budleigh Hundred, in which Bicton lies, he is William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 portarius }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with \'bd hide 1 virgate lordship. On the byname, Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 129 is irrelevant, p. 265 pertinent. William seems to have held Bicton by service of guarding the gate of Exeter Castle (Round, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 King's Serjeants}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 14), and prob ably also Exeter jail as his successors did (see the quote from }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 96 in 51,1 Bicton note), hence his byname describes his occupation rather than that of a predecessor; compare 1,64 Norman note on 'Norman Parker' and DOR 57,17 Osmund note on 'Osmund the baker'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BICTON. A parish in [East] Budleigh Hundred. This entry can be identified from an analysis of the Tax Return for Budleigh Hundred; see 51,1 William note. It later forms a serjeanty involving the gate of Exeter Castle and the jail: in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 96 John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Janitor }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (from Latin }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ianua }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'door') holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bukint' cum pertinenciis de domino rege per sergenteriam custodiendi januam castri Exonie et gaiolam prisonum }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('Bicton with dependencies from his lord, the king, by a serjeanty of guarding the gate of Exeter Castle and the prisoners' jail') by gift of King Henry I to his predecessors for the same service. The holder in the Red Book of the Exchequer (Hall, ii. p. 452) is Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Portarius }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (from Latin }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 porta }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'gate'); in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 66 b, 92b the holder is Reginald }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Arbelestr'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 764, 1368, 1424, Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Balistarius }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 325 Geoffrey }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Arblaster}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The place is called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Estbuketon }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , x. no. 241 to distinguish it from Bickington (see 2,19 Ashburton note); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 342; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 6, ix. no. 38; }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Budleigh Hundred in 1244\rquote , } {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 298 and 1,9 Budleigh note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALSI. On this name-form, see 15,54 Alsi note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'when W(illiam) acquired it'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 51,2\tab [Exon 475a1; Terrae Occupatae 495b5]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WILLIAM THE USHER. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hostiarius}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hostiarius }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and perhaps }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hestiarius}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Latin for 'usher', 'door-keeper'; see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 255. He also holds land in NTT 29 and his son Robert holds in LEC 43,9-11. William's Devonshire manors are later held by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Briwere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 396-401), then by the Mohuns (of Dunster in Somerset) either in chief from the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Honour of Dunster}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or from the Honour of Plympton (see DEV 21 William note). Many reappear in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Mohuns; see, for example, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vii. no. 297.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TAW [GREEN]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tauelande}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The Domesday place was nam ed from the River Taw and, if correctly identified, it lay in South Tawton parish, now in Wonford Hundred, but its position at the head of 'Lands of the King's Servants in Devonshire' in Exon (475a1) suggests that it may have been contained in a return or iginating from South Tawton royal manor in 1086; see 1,29 Tawton note; 15,7 Gidleigh note; 43,1 Parford note and 45,1 Shapley? note. The holding probably included the adjacent Cocktree [SX6698], held as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Coketrewe }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Burnel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in 1303 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 356), a member of the same family which held Crooke Burnell (51,3); see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. nos. 306, 593, vii. no. 297, and }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Devonshire Domesday and the Geld Roll\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 198 note 55 and }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote South Tawton Hundred\rquote ,}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 345, 351.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab GODRIC HELD IT. The }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entry at 495 b 5 has 'which a thane held jointly'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has'value when W(illiam) acquired it'. Similarly for the past value of 51,9; 12.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THIS MANOR OWES. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'This manor paid to the king's lordship manor called (South) Tawton either 1 ox or 30d a year in customary dues'. Similarly in the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with the addition of 'and since W(illiam) the usher has held it, the king has not had this customary due from it'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 OX OR 30d. See 43,1 ox note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab [SOUTH] TAWTON}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , THE KING'S MANOR. See 1,29 Tawton note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 51,3\tab [Exon 475a2] \par \tab WILLIAM ^[ THE USHER ]^.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Almost certainly William the usher; the Exon scribe no doubt did not feel it necessary to repeat h is byname after the first entry on folio 475a (though it is repeated on folios 475b-476b, but these entries show signs of being added at different times). Also all of this section in Exon, with the exception of the last entry on Ansger the king's servant (= DEV 51,13), is on William the usher. Moreover, 51,3 descends to the same family of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Burnel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as 51,2 and 51,5 (see 51,5 William note on William there being William the usher).}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CROOKE [BURNELL].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In [North] Tawton parish, North Tawton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 787, Robert }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Burnel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cruk' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 400; Maxwell Lyte, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Honour of Dunster}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 56; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. nos. 306, 593, vii. no. 297; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 370, 422 and Reichel, 'North Tawton Hundred', p. 253.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALWARD. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aluuard}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ailuuard}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 );}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see 3,45 Alward note and compare 1,41 Alward note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'when he acquired it', probably referring to William, as in 51,2 (see 2,14 formerly note and 16,88 formerly note). Similarly for the past values of 51,5-8;10-11.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN EXCHANGE FOR [SOME OF] WILLIAM'S LANDS. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de excambio terrarum Willelmi}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 William told the Domesday Commissioners that he acquired Taw Green and Crooke Burnell by exchang ing them for some other of the manors originally granted to him. The fact that he did not apparently name the manors suggests that they may not have existed; see 48,2 exchange note; 48,12 exchange note and 51,10 manors note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 51,4\tab [Exon 475a3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VIRGATE. This entry has not been identified or even located in a hundred; see Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 357 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 526 note 10 for speculation. It is not part of the previous entry in the Domesday manuscript since the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 R }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Radulf' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is rubricated in a similar fashion to the initial letters of other sections. Moreover, 1 virgate is not needed in 51,3 to make the lordship and villagers' land add up to the amount of taxed land. This latter is not definitive proof, but the equation of taxed land = the total of lordship and villagers' land works out for the majority of entries (see 1,4 hide note). This land also forms a separate entry in Exon Compare 3,32 before note and 3,71 hide note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 FEMALE SLAVE. This is the only occurrence of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ancilla }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Devon, though female slaves were commonly specified in other Domesday counties, such as Gloucestershire. Their almost complete absence from Devon does not mean that they did not exist, merely that, like much of the female population, th ey were not counted, or that they were included among the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 serui }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as a class.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 51,5\tab [Exon 475a4] \par \tab WILLIAM ^[ THE USHER ]^.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 William the usher; the Tax Return for Silverton (later Hayridge) Hundred states that he had \'bd hide lordship there, which seems to corres pond to his 1 virgate lordship in this entry and his 1 virgate in Raddon, 51,6, where Exon supplies his byname.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CADELEIGH. A parish in Hayridge Hundred (the successor to Silverton Hundred), identifiable from an analysis of the Tax Return for Silverton Hundred; see 51,5 William note. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cakelee }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held by John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Burnell }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 51,3 William note) in Maxwell Lyte, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Honour of Dunster}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 56. from the Mohun family; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 70b, 95a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. nos. 306, 436, vii. no. 297, viii. no. 273, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 321, 367, 424 and Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', p. 246. For 'Little' Cadeleigh see 19,24 Cadeleigh note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TWO THANES HELD IT FREELY [AND] JOINTLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'which two thanes held jointly';}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 there is }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 no mention of 'freely'.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 51,6\tab [Exon 475b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab RADDON. In Thorverton parish, Hayridge Hundred (the successor to Silverton Hundred), and identifiable from an analysis of the Tax Return for Silverton Hundred; see 51,5 William note. It is held in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 368, by the heir of Augustine }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Bathonia }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Estroddon }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ['East' Raddon; for West Raddon see 15,5 and 24,4] and from the Honour of Plympton in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 425; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 165; Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', p. 246 and 5,9 Raddon note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 51,7\tab [Exon 475b2] \par \tab RALPH [!1! BOTIN !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Radulf}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Botin}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ].}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The byname is parallel with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bodin }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Forssner, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Continental-Germanic Personal Names in England}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 50), but a distinct name, although rare. This is an Old German or Old French formation with the diminutive suffix }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -in}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 derived from the Old German personal name stem }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Boto}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 alternative to Old German}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bod- }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 F\'f6rstemann,}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Personennamen}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 219-323, see also Bach}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Personennamen}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'a7203, para. 2) (JMcND).}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BLACKBOROUGH. In Kentisbeare parish, Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred. There were two manors here in 1086, the other being Allhallows farm (see 34,20 Blackborough note). This manor was }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Blakeburu' Boydin }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 398, held by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Briwere}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Blakebergh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 794, by Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Buty }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (presumably a descendant of the 1086 holder Ralph Botin) from the Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 368, 425 and Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', p. 247. An eighth part of the manor lay in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ashforde }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [unidentified]; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , (old series) iv. no. 63 (=}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Whale, 'Fees of Earl Hugh de Courtenay'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 326).}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LEOFWIN [!1! SOCK !1!]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Leuuin}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 socca}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 371.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 9 VILLAGERS AND 2 SLAVES [HAVE] \'bd HIDE AND \'bd VIRGATE. Exon merely states that the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uill}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ani}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 have the \'bd hide and \'bd virgate; see the last paragraph in 1,3 slaves note on the question of slaves having land, and com pare 3,57 villager note; 16,145 villager note; 17,58 villager and 19,9smallholder note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 51,8\tab [Exon 476a1] \par \tab BOLHAM.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Tiverton parish, Tiverton Hundred, and positively identifiable as lying in that hundred from an analysis of the Tax Return. It passed to the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Honour of Dunster}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and was held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 319, by Hugh }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ralegh }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bolleham }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the heirs of John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Moun}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see Maxwell Lyte, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Honour of Dunster}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 39 and Reichel, 'Tiverton Hundred', p. 29.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 51,9\tab [Exon 476a3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ILSHAM. In St Marychurch parish, Haytor Hundred (the successor to Kerswell Hundred); either this holding or Tormoham (51,12) accounts for the lordship of \'bd (hide? just }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 dim' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the Exon manuscript, though }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hida }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is probably implied from the previous lordship statements) that is allowed to Wil liam the usher in the Tax Return for Kerswell Hundred. Ilsham seems to have been regarded as a part of Tormoham in later times and to have had the same descent, being held with it by Torre Abbey; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 153a; Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 170, 173; Reichel, 'Haytor Hundred in 1244', p. 127 and }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Extracts from the Hundred Rolls of 3 Edward I\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 372.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 51,10\tab [Exon 476b1] \par \tab SUTTON. In Widworthy parish, Colyton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788, (Honour of Plympton) Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Bulkeworth' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sutthon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 together with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 La Hille abbatis de Quarera }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [an unidentified 'Hill' held by the Abbot of Quarr (Isle of Wight), see 21,15 Farwood note]. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Moricius de Lucy }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sutton }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 366; it is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sutton Lucy }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 coupled with }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Colewill }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Colwell, 16,170] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xii. no. 333. See also }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 330, 366, 428 and Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', pp. 340, 350.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WULFWIN . The Domesday forms of this name - }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wluuin}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ), }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Vluuin}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{ \i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ), }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Vluin}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , Oluuin}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{ \i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ], }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Vlfuuin}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ], }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wluuine}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{ \i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wluin}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ] etc. - represent Old English }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wulfwine}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 427-28. JRM preferred the second element -win for the Old English }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -wine}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . The print ed Phillimore edition has the forms Wulfwin and, in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, Wulfwine; these have now been standardized as Wulfwin. The Alecto edition has Wulfwine. The }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 only occurrence of this name in Domesday Devon is in 52,36, one of the king's thanes who had held Bray.}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The name Wulfwin occurs ten times in the south-western counties and may represent five or six individuals. The holding at Sutton in south Devon had changed hands since the Conquest so its antecedents are lost from view; but its modest value and comparative isolation suggests it may have been the sole property of this Wulfwin (JP).}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THE ABOVE MANORS ... EXCHANGE. In Exon this information is added at the end of each entry corresponding to 51,4-10 in the form (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hec mansio}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 est de escangiis/ escanbiis/ excambio W}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 illelmi}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ).}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The Latin form }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 escangiis }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is affected by the spelling and pronunci\-ation of Old French }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 esc}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 h}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ange }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Modern French }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'e9change}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which is itself derived from Medieval Latin }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 escambium}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Although Exon refers to 51,4-10, of course the same was true of 51,2-3 (see the statement at the end of 51,3). The idea that William may have stated that these manors were exchanges to cover the}{\fs24\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 fact that he had acquired some at least of them illegally (see 48,2 exchange note) may be strengthened by the fact that a priest had held Raddon (51,6) in 1066 (so }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 381), though William was a subtenant of Tavistock Abbey's holding at Raddon (5,9). The Exon scribe may have left 1 \'be lines blank at the e nd of 476b1 (= 51,10), for the later inclusion of the manor(s) exchanged. Compare 48,12 exchange note and 51,3 exchange note.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 51,11\tab [Exon 475b3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MARIANS LEIGH. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lege}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Witheridge Hundred and positively identifiable from an analysis of its Tax Return. It is so called from the dedication of the church, now to St Mary, perhaps formerly to St Marina; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 382. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 761, William}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Mohun }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Marinelegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from Reginald }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Mohun }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 who holds from the Hon our of Plympton; see Maxwell Lyte, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Honour of Dunster}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 56; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 306, vii. no. 297, and Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', pp. 408, 424.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE, 25 ACRES. The corresponding entry in Exon has '30 acres'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 51,12\tab [Exon 476a2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TORMOHAM. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Torre}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It is a parish in Hay tor Hundred (the successor to Kerswell Hundred), containing both Torre and Torquay; the second element is a corruption of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Mohun}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 523. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 769, William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Mohun }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Torre Brywere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (named from William }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Briwere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to whom these manors descend; see 51,2 William note) from Alice }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Mohun }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Plympton; see Maxwell Lyte, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Honour of Dunster}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 39; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 318 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 564, ii. no. 306. Part of the manor was granted by William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Briwere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in 1196 for the foundation of the Abbey of Torre; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vii. no. 297; Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 172 and Reichel, 'Haytor Hundred in 1244', p. 127; }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel. \lquote Extracts from the Hundred Rolls of 3 Edward I \rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 372. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Torre Mohun cum capella de Cokyngton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('... with the chapel of Cockington', see 20,10) in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 361.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 51,13\tab [Exon 476b2] \par \tab ANSGER, THE KING'S SERVANT. Perhaps either Ansger (the) Cook (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 coquus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or Ansger Fower (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 fouuer}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 focarius}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'the hearth-keeper'), both of whom appear in the chapter devoted to the king's servants in Domesday for Somerset (SOM 46,16 and SOM 46,12-15 respectively), althoug h none of their holdings descends to the Honour of Berry (see 51,13 Gatcombe note). Ansger Cook also held land in Wiltshire in 1086 (WIL 66,3, as one of the King's Servants) and in Essex (ESS 75, as a tenant-in-chief).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab GATCOMBE. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Colyton parish, Colyton Hundred. The land passed to the Honour of Berry, Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Helihun }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holding }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gatecumb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 791; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 330, 365, 428 and Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', p. 355.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when Ansger acquired it'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 51,14\tab [Exon 461b2] \par \tab MORIN [* OF CAEN *] HOLDS ... }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 FROM THE KING. In Exon, Morin's holding appears under the heading of 'Lands of the French Men-at- Arms in Devonshire'; see DEV 22 William note. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Now Morin holds this (manor) from the king'}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 added at the end of the entry. It is unusual for Exon to state that the 1086 tenant held}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'from the king', but see 52,5 Colwin note; 52,40 Ulf note; also DEV 8 Cranborne note and 1,11 Edward note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab On the name, Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Morin}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ],}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 maurin}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 us}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ],}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see Reaney, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dictionary of British Surnames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , under }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Morin}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 He is probably Morin of Caen (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Cadomo}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 79) who has 1 virgate in lordship in the Halberton Hundred Tax Return. See 16,173 Wilmington note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LEONARD. In Exon this entry lies among the 'Lands of the French Men-at-Arms in Devonshire' at the end of a group of places in Halberton Hundred; see DEV 22 William note. Leonard lies in Halberton parish, Halberton Hundred and is id entifiable as lying in that hundred from an analysis of the Tax Return; see 51,14 Morin note. It is probably represented by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Moriston' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Moorstone Barton ST 0109] in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 780 held by Geoffrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Gambun }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the part of the Honour of Gloucester held by Earl Richard. }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Moriston' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is probably derived from Morin, the 1086 holder; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 549. See }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 338, 349, 432 and Reichel, 'Hemyock and Halberton Hundreds', pp. 51, 60.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FRAWIN [* OF CORNWALL *]. See 35,2 Frawin note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 PLOUGH THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'M(orin) has on it 1 plough'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is probably implied or}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 omitted in error.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab [VALUE] FORMERLY... 15s. In Domesday this last line is written in paler ink and probably by a different scribe to the rest of the entry. See 16,27 value note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par \tab \tab }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it', presumably referring to Morin,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as there is no subtenant (see 2,14 formerly note).} {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 51,15\tab [Exon 481b3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN EXON THIS HOLDING appears under the heading of 'Lands of English Thanes in}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Devonshire'; see DEV 52 thanes note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PRIESTS OF BODMIN. Of St Petroc's, Bodmin. See CON 4,3-22 for this priory's holdings in that county, most of them with the Count of Mortain as subtenant; see also CON 4,3 St Petroc's note. See }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Anglicanum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. pp. 459-460 for St Petroc's chequered history.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HOLLACOMBE. A parish in [Black] Torrington Hundred. In the Tax Return for that hundred, the clergy of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Holecoma }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 have failed to pay tax on 1 virgate, that is on the whole of their holding here (including their \'bd virgate lordship land detailed in Exon, which does not pay tax). These clergy were dependent on St Petroc's of Bodmin (see 51,14 priests note) which continued to hold the land: in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 1264 the prior }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Bonne }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Bodmin] holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Slecumbe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [an error for Hollacombe] 'by gift of some ancient king'. The king may well have been Athelstan who was a great benefactor of the priory (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Anglicanum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. pp. 459-460). See }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 327 and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', pp. 205, 211.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 51,16\tab [Exon 483a2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN EXON THIS HOLDING appears under the heading of 'Lands of English Thanes in}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Devonshire'; see DEV 52 thanes note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab NEWTON [ST PETROCK]. A parish in Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred. In the Tax Return for Merton Hundred the priests of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Niuuetona }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 have failed to pay tax on 1 hide of land, that is on the whole of their holding here (including, apparently, the non-taxable lordship land; compare 51, 15 Hollacombe note). These priests, like their brethren at Hollacombe (51,15), were subject to St Petroc's of Bodmin. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 93b, the prior of Bodmin holds }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Niweton}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; see}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 146b and Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p . 552. The land was granted to the priory by King Eadred between 946 and 955; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 10 no. 25 (= Birch, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cartularium Saxonicum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 725 = Sawyer, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Anglo-Saxon Charters}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , no. 388); }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 12 no. 32; Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 411 and 1,39 Shebbear note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WHICH PAYS TAX. Although }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 geld' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 can abbreviate the past}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 geldabat }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as well as the present }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 geldat }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 1,7 pays note) and although }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 geldabat }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is the usual word in the tax payment}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 formula, Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 reddit gildum }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in full, probably because of the lack of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holder for}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the manor (which means that the tax statement immediately succeeds the statement that}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the priests of Bodmin have a manor called Newton St Petrock) and this statement is in the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 present tense. Compare 2,2 pays note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52\tab LANDS OF THE KING'S THANES. Entered in Exon under the heading of 'Lands of}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 English Thanes in Devonshire', folios 481a-490a3 inclusive (folios 485b and 486a are blank); this section also contains}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 entries corresponding to Domesday 51,15-16. The Great Domesday scribe worked through the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon section excerpting the lands of individuals and put these together. On thanes, see 1,32 thanes note.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab In Exon the order of hundreds is:}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 52,26;29;1-3.51,15 [Black] Torrington Hundred \par \tab \tab 52,4;31 Hartland Hundred \par \tab \tab 52,5-8;32-33.51,16 Merton Hundred \par \tab \tab 52,30;9 Tawton Hundred \par \tab \tab 52,34 Crediton Hundred \par \tab \tab 52,36 South Molton Hundred \par \tab \tab 52,37 Wonford Hundred \par \tab \tab 52,38 'Cliston' Hundred \par \tab \tab 52,10 South Molton Hundred \par \tab \tab 52,11-15 Wonford Hundred \par \tab \tab 52,16 Teignbridge Hundred \par \tab \tab 52,40 South Molton Hundred \par \tab \tab 52,17;22 Silverton Hundred \par \tab \tab 52,23 Budleigh Hundred \par \tab \tab 52,39 Silverton Hundred \par \tab \tab 52,50 Wonford Hundred \par \tab \tab 52,41;51 South Molton \par \tab \tab 52,20 Witheridge Hundred \par \tab \tab 52,35;18 Budleigh Hundred \par \tab \tab 52,43 Witheridge Hundred \par \tab \tab 52,21 Tiverton Hundred \par \tab \tab 52,44 Teignton Hundred \par \tab \tab 52,27 ?Exminster Hundred \par \tab \tab 52,46 Teignton Hundred \par \tab \tab 52,52 Kerswell Hundred \par \tab \tab 52,28 Plympton Hundred \par \tab \tab 52,24;19;25 Axminster Hundred and Axmouth Hundred \par \tab \tab 52,53 Chillington Hundred \par \tab \tab 52,42 Ermington Hundred \par \tab \tab 52,45 Diptford Hundred \par \tab \tab 52,47 Wonford Hundred \par \tab \tab 52,48-49 Exminster Hundred \par \tab These last three entries (52,47-49) appear to be late entries, out of sequence.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab Great Domesday arranges the chapter not by hundreds but by 1086 holders, thus:}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 52,1-8 Colwin \par \tab \tab 52,9-19 Godwin \par \tab \tab 52,20-21 Godric \par \tab \tab 52,22-25 Odo \par \tab \tab 52,26-28 Aldred \par \tab \tab 52,29-30 Alward (Mart) \par \tab \tab 52,31-33 Ansgot}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab 52,34-35 Dunn \par \tab \tab 52,36 Alnoth \par \tab \tab 52,37 Alwin \par \tab \tab 52,38-39 Edwin \par \tab \tab 52,40 Ulf \par \tab \tab 52,41-42 Algar \par \tab \tab 52,43-45 Alric \par \tab \tab 52,46 Leofric \par \tab \tab 52,47-49 Saewulf \par \tab \tab 52,50 Aelfeva \par \tab \tab 52,51 Alfhild \par \tab \tab 52,52-53 Godiva}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,1\tab [Exon 481a3] \par \tab COLWIN [* THE REEVE *].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Colwin here and in 52,2-8 is perhaps Colwin the reeve who, according to the Tax Return for Hartland Hundred, seems to have held 52,4; see 42,3 Colwin note. See C2 Colwin note on Colwin the reeve.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CHILSWORTHY. In Holsworthy parish, [Black] Torrington Hundred. Like Culsworthy (52,3), Chilsworthy (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cheleswrth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Chulaworth}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 belonged to Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Sancto Dionisio}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 then to William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Arderne }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 also known as William }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Sauser }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 because he had been a }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 salsarius }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (an officer of the king's saucery), before it escheated to the king; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 815; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 265, 613, 1369, 1426; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 64b and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', pp. 204, 211.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab OSEVA.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Odeua}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Oseua}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 represent Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Osgifu}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 334, the Domesday form is supposed erroneous and it is identified with a quite different name, Old German feminine }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Odgiva}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Forssner, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Continental-Germanic Personal Names in England}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 196. The spellings can only be reconciled with each other as representatives of Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Osgifu }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 if we suppose a most intricate and hypothetical manipulation of phonetics (JMcND). Clerical error seems more likely. For the other cases where the Great Domesday scribe seems}{\fs24\cf1\up6\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to have miscopied Exon, see 24,14 Wulfwy note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,2\tab [Exon 481b1] \par \tab COLWIN [* THE REEVE *] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ALSO HOLDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Colwin has', with no }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 idem }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as Domesday has, though no doubt the same man as the Colwin of 52,1 is intended. See 15,21 Bretel note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BREXWORTHY. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bristelesworde}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It lies in Bradworthy parish, [Black] Torrington Hundred; see Place-Names of Devon, i. p. 133; Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 351; Reichel, ' Black Torrington Hundred, pp. 191, 204, 211 and 34,6 Bradworthy note.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 SLAVES, WITH 1 VILLAGER. In the manuscript both }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 serui }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 uill'o }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are written over erasures; as the order in Exon is the normal one ('1 villager and 3 slaves'), it is possible that the Great Domesday scribe originally wrote }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iii uill'i c\'fb i seruo }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by mistake.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,3\tab [Exon 481b2] \par \tab COLWIN [* THE REEVE *]. See 52,1 Colwin note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CULSWORTHY}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . In Abbots Bickington parish, [Black] Torrington Hundred; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 125. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 1426 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Colteswurth'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 had belonged to Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Sancto Dionisio }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 52,1 Chilsworthy note), then to Maurice }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Culteswurth'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 then to Ralph }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Sicca Villa }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 before being held by Gervase }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Horton'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 1369. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 797, Maurice }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Coltesuurth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is said to hold from an unknown Honour; subsequently the land appears under the Honour of Okehampton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 357, 408 and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', p. 205.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab THE THIRD PART OF 1 FURLONG. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'the third part of another furlong (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 alio ferdino}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )'.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,4\tab [Exon 481b4] \par \tab COLWIN [* THE REEVE *]. See 52,1 Colwin note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOOLFARDISWORTHY. Domesday }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Olvereword}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It is a parish in Hartland Hundred and this holding is identifiable from an analysis of the Tax Return fo r that Hundred; see 52,1 Colwin note. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 780, William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Hamptenesford' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wolfarysworth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Gloucester. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Est Wolfordisworth}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 y}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 371 and it is held with }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dynnesber' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Dunsbeare, 52,5] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 371 and xvi. no. 538; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 342, 410, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ix. no. 428 and Reichel, 'Hartland Hundred', p. 417. Its church went to Hartland Abbey; see Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 204 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 333.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when C(olwin) acquired it'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,5\tab [Exon 482a2] \par \tab COLWIN [* THE REEVE *] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 HOLDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Colwin holds it from the king'. See 51,14 Morin note. }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See also 52,1 Colwin note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab DUNSBEARE. In Merton parish, Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 779, William }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Hampteneford' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 52,4 Woolfardisworthy note) holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Haleyslond'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Allisland, 52,6],}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dynesbere }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Childedon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Chelsdon, SS4810, in Petrockstowe] from the Honour of Gloucester. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 411 William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Hauttysford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Allyslond}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wynesbear }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [that is, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dynesbear}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Chillesdon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 formerly held by Richard }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Hauttysford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and David }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Servyngton}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 This latter may be the man who named }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dainesheaunton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 or }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Davysheanton}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 otherwise West Heanton in Buckland Filleigh parish (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 91); this suggests that West Heanton (52,8), also held by Colwin, had the same descent. If C helsdon is not a part of Allisland, which is adjacent, it might stand for West Heanton which is also close by but in the next parish; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 359; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 538, ix. no. 428 and Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', pp. 547, 563.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. 'when he acquired it', presumably referring to Colwin,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as there is no subtenant (see 2,14 formerly note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,6\tab [Exon 482a3] \par \tab COLWIN [* THE REEVE *]. See 52,1 Colwin note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALLISLAND. In Petrockstowe parish, Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred. For the descent, see 52,5 Dunsbeare note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. 'when he acquired it', presumably referring to Colwin,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as there is no subtenant (see 2,14 formerly note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,7\tab [Exon 482b1] \par \tab COLWIN [* THE REEVE *]. See 52,1 Colwin note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 'HAME'.}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It clearly lay in Shebbear Hundred (the successor to Merton Hundred) and was probably close to Colwin's other holdings (52,5-6;8) in that hundred, but it has not been positively identified, since identifications with Embury or Galmington, both in Buck land Filleigh parish, are unsupported by evidence; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 91; Reichel in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 529 note 3; Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', pp. 547, 563.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,8\tab [Exon 482b2] \par \tab COLWIN [* THE REEVE *]. See 52,1 Colwin note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab [WEST] HEANTON.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In B uckland Filleigh parish, Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred. It is not found in the fee lists unless it is represented by Chelsdon, see 52,5 Dunsbear note and Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', pp. 547, 563.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTEVA . The Domesday fo rms of this name - }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bricteua}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Britheue}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bristiue}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Briteua}{ \cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bricteua}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 m}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ] (accusative), and, for the 1086 holders, }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bristeua}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 - represent the feminine Old English }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Beorhtgifu}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 194. JRM preferred the first element Brict- for Old English }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Beorht-}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and the second element -eva}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for Old English}{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 -gifu}{ \cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , as they reflected the Domesday forms. However, the Phillimore printed edition of Lincolnshire has Beorhtgifu; this has now been stan dardized as Bricteva. The Alecto edition has Beorhtgifu. This is the only occurrence of this name in Domesday Devon. \par }{\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,9\tab [Exon 483a4] \par \tab GODWIN [* OF CHITTLEHAMPTON *] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 HOLDS. The men called Godwin in 52,9-19 may be Godwin of Chit tlehampton; see 52,17 Combe note and 52,19 Godwin note. He is called plain Godwin, however, in the Tax Return for Wonford Hundred which refers to 52,11-15 (see 52,11 Cheriton note), and in that for Teignton (later Teignbridge) Hundred which refers to 52,1 6 and in that for Budleigh Hundred which refers to 52,18. But the Tax Returns do not always give a man his full name: for example, in the Return for [Black] Torrington Hundred, plain Roald's \'bd virgate of lordship is clearly the \'bd virgate lordship detailed for Roald Dubbed in 35,2.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The likelihood that a single Godwin is involved is increased by the fact that these lands are later held of the Honour of Gloucester, the holders in the late thirteenth century being the Umfravilles.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab NATSON. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Limete}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The sequence of entries in Exon points to a place in [North] Tawton Hundred, one of several designated from an earlier name of the River Yeo; see \{Introduction: Places named from Rivers\} ). This 'Nymet' should be looked for among one of the fees of the Honour of Gloucester in [North] Tawton Hundred; see 52,9 Godwin note. It is tempting to identify it with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Godwynescoth' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held of that Honour in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 778, by Baldwin }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lovel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pollard }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and possibly called after the 1086 holder of 'Nymet'. But the place has not been located (it is wrongly identified with Goodcot in Ashreigney (Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Godevecote }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 25,11) by the indexer of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,). A clear identification is Natson in Bow parish, held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 778, by John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Burnellus }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and Simon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lamperie }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Notteston' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Gloucester (see 25,9 Nymet note). See 52,11 Cheriton note; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 346, 371, 423 and Reichel, 'North Tawton Hundred', p. 253.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 PLOUGHS, WHICH ARE THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'On it (manor) are 2 ploughs, 2 villagers ...'. See}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 17,18 ploughs note on the lack of detail given on the ploughs and 34,46 villagers note on the unusual}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 formula.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,10\tab [Exon 484a1] \par \tab GODWIN [* OF CHITTLEHAMPTON *]. See 52,9 Godwin note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CHITTLEHAMPTON. The Exon form is }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Curemetona }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (not }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Citremetona }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as Ellis printed, although this was probably its correct form and the Exon scribe misread his original); by writing }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Curemtone }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the Great Domesday scribe perpetuated the Exon mistake, as in 16,57 and 34,13. Chittlehampton is a parish in South Molton Hundred. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 778, Herbert son of Matthew holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Chedelhampton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Gloucester; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ix. no. 428 makes it clear that }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Chitelhamholte }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Chittlehamholt, SS6421, a separate parish since 1885] was the woodland belonging to the manor; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 80b, 93a; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 326, 418; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii, no. 371, iv, no. 434, v, no. 538, x, no. 88,}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xiv, no. 209, xvi, no. 1067; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 337 and Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', p. 79.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN LORDSHIP 5 PLOUGHS. The corresponding entry in Exon has '3 ploughs'; the Great Domesday scribe probably mistook the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 v carrucatas }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for the ploughs, which are on the next line. Compare 23,5 villagers note for a similar mistake.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 5 CARUCATES. It is unusual to have carucates used when land has been hidated; see 1,2 carucates note and compare 1,3;5.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 7 VILLAGERS WITH 10 PLOUGHS. In the corresponding entry in Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 x carr' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably abbreviates }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 carrucas}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 rather than }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 carrucatas}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the villagers' land holding being omitted as for 52,11-14 and on numerous occasions in Exon for Devon when the lordship land is nevertheless given; see 1,4 hide note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,11\tab [Exon 484a2] \par \tab GODWIN [* OF CHITTLEHAMPTON *]. See 52,9 Godwin note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CHERITON [BISHOP]}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . A parish in Wonford Hundred. This holding is identifiable as lying in that hundred in 1086 because in the Tax Return for that hundred Godwin's 3 \'bd virgates of lordship correspond to the sum of his lordship in 52,11-15.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab This holding appears to be represented in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 779 (Honour of Gloucester), by: (1) }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Churiton' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wolgareston' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Wolfgar farm or Wilson, SX7595; see Place-Names of Devon, ii. p. 429] held by John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Melewis}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Simon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lamperee }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (on whom see 52,9 Natson note) and Hugh }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Loges}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (2) }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tryfebel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Treable farm, SX7192] held by Eleanor }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de House}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and (3) }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alricheston' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Easton Barton, SX7293; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 428] held by the heirs of William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Barun}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 All these are held from John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Umfravile }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 315 with the addition of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 La Mille }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ['Mill farm', SX7694 on the first series Ordnance Survey one-inch map, sheet no. 26 of 1809, reprint sheet no. 82 of 1969] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Stoddon }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Staddon, SX7594]. In }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 345-46, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nithereparkyng }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Partridge, SX7393] is said to be part of Treable, while }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aereston }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Easton] is coupled with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Somerton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [unidentified] 'in Shebbear Hundred' and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Churiton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is associated with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Notteston }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Natson, see 52,9] 'in the Hundred of [North] Tawton'; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 387-388; Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 376; }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Wonford Hundred Manors\rquote , }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 pp. 334-335.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab Cheriton was a lay holding in 1086, later called 'Cheriton Bishop' from a holding of the Bishop of Exeter which he acquired in the late thirteenth century; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 427. Much earlier, Cheriton seems to have been part of a grant by Edward the Martyr to Aelfsige in 976 of 1 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 pertica }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 at }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Hyples eald land} {\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 this appears in Domesday divided into six portions: Eggbeer (16,130), Lambert (43,4), Cheriton Bishop (52,11), Lambert (52,12), Medland (52,13) and Coombe (52,15); see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Early Charters of Devon and Cornwall}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , pp. 20-31 and no. 42 p. 13.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it', presumably referring to Godwin, as in 52,12 (see 2,14 formerly note).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 20s; VALUE NOW 10s. For the corresponding entry in the Exon manuscript, before the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xx }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the past value, a }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 v } {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is visible, erased badly, and the present value appears as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xiii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 apparently erased, even less}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 well.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,12\tab [Exon 484a3] \par \tab GODWIN [* OF CHITTLEHAMPTON *]. See 52,9 Godwin note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LAMBERT. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lanford}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 428. It is in Cheriton Bishop parish, Wonford Hundred; see 52,11 Cheriton note. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 315, Baldwin }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Specote }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lamford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Umfravile }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 who holds from the Honour of Gloucester; see } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 345, 386 and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 336.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'when G[odwin] acquired it'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,13\tab [Exon 484b1] \par \tab GODWIN [* OF CHITTLEHAMPTON *]. S}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ee 52,9 Godwin note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Godwin has', with no }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 idem }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as in Domesday, but probably the same man as the Godwin of the preceding Domesday entries. See 15,21 Bretel note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MEDLAND. Like 52,11-12 it lay in Cheriton Bishop parish, Wonford Hundred (see 52,11 Cheriton note). }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Middellond }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 315, from the Earl of Gloucester and was given to the Abbot of Tewkesbury (in Gloucestershire) by Robert son of Hamon: }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Anglicanum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii p. 65; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 356 and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 337.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'when G[odwin] acquired it'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,14\tab [Exon 484b2] \par \tab GODWIN [* OF CHITTLEHAMPTON *]. See 52,9 Godwin note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab OGWELL. A parish in the detached 'Ten Hide' or 'Teignhead' section of Wonford Hundred; see \{Introduction: Hundreds\}. William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Boyvil' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and Anastasia his wife hold in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wogewill' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Gloucester in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 779; it is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Westwoggewill }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [West Ogwell] held from John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Umfravile }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 315; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 387 and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 335.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'when G[odwin] acquired it'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,15\tab [Exon 484b3] \par \tab GODWIN [* OF CHITTLEHAMPTON *]. See 52,9 Godwin note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab COOMBE. In Drewsteignton parish, Wonford Hundred; see 52,11 Cheriton note. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 315, it seems to be represented by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Burgh' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Burrough farm, just to the east of Coombe, SX7491], held from John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Umfravile}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 376; }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Reichel, \lquote Wonford Hundred Manors\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 337.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 PLOUGH THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Godwin has 1 plough on it'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 probably implied or omitted in error.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'when G(odwin) acquired it'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,16\tab [Exon 485a1] \par \tab GODWIN [* OF CHITTLEHAMPTON *]. See 52,9 Godwin note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WRAY. In Moretonhampstead parish, Teignbridge Hundred. It can be identified from an analysis of the Tax Return for Teignton (later Teignbridge) Hundred; see 52,9 Godwin. }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wrey }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held from John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Humfravill }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Honour of Gloucester) in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 339.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'when G[odwin] acquired it'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,17\tab [Exon 486b2] \par \tab GODWIN [* OF CHITTLEHAMPTON *]. See 52,9 Godwin note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab `COMBE [SACKVILLE]'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Colun}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 named from the River Culm. The manor corresponds to what is now Silverton park in Silverton parish, Hayridge Hundred (the successor to Silverton Hundred), the remains of a manor house being marked as an antiquity on Ordnance Survey maps; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 570. In the Tax Return for Silverton Hundred, Godwin of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cillemetona }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (from Chittlehampton, 52,10) has 1 virgate of lordship which probably refers to this land, the only holding of a Godwin in this hundred in Domesday; see 52,9 Godwin note and 52,19 Godwin note. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 779, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Colm Reyngny }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held by Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Sicca Villa }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Gloucester, while in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 322 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Culm Reng}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 n}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 y }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is held from John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Humfravill}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 368, 425; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vii i. no. 595; Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', pp. 227, 247.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'when [he acquired it] '; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 recepit }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 omitted in error.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,18\tab [Exon 487b3] \par \tab GODWIN [* OF CHITTLEHAMPTON *]. See 52,9 Godwin note.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab HOLBROOK. In Clyst Honiton parish, [East] Budleigh Hundred. It can be positively accounted for in an analysis of the Tax Return for Budleigh Hundred; see 52,9 Godwin note. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 763, Henry }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Holebrok' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Holebrok' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from Gilbert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Unfranvil' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 who holds from the Honour of Gloucester; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 780; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 365, 427 and Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 290.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,19\tab [Exon 489a2] \par \tab GODWIN [* OF CHITTLEHAMPTON *].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Probably Godwin of Chittlehampton (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de cicemetona}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 39), who, according to the Tax Return for Axmouth Hundred, has \'bd hide lordship there: this is the only holding of a Godwin in this hundred in Domesday. See 52, 9 Godwin note and 52,17 Combe note.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab `DOWN [UMFRAVILLE]'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dune}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Down' is the name of a hill lying between Axmouth and Lyme Regis from which Rousdon (52,25) and Dowlands (in Axmouth}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 parish, not in Domesday) are also named. The present holding lay in Axmouth Hundred in 1086; see 52,19 Godwin note. 'Down Umfraville' cannot now be precisely located, but was probably adjacent to Rousdon, the two places being called }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Estdon }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Westdon }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and associated with Musbury and Combpyne in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 384 (the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nomina Villarum }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of 1316). In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 328, John }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Humfravill }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Done }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Earl of Gloucester; Gilbert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Umfrevil }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Doune Sancti Leonardi }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 366, the additional name deriving from a chapel there dedicated to St Leonard which was given with 16 acres of land to Montebourg Abbey by Gilbert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Hunfrancvilla }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Round, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Documents}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 France}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 318, no. 893). See also }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 429; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lay Subsidy Roll (1334)}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 57 (where }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Doune Umframvill }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is associated with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Comb Pyn}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 );}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pole, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Description of the County of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 126 and Reichel, 'Axminster and Axmouth Hundreds', pp. 176, 182. Reichel's identification with Charton in Axmouth is unfounded.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab DEV 52,19 WOODLAND. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'underwood (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 nemusculi}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,20\tab [Exon 487b1] \par \tab IN EXON gall has been applied over all of the corresponding entry (except for the first line) because it is faint, but most of what Ellis printed can still be deciphered; see 52,20 land note, 52,20 slaves note, 52,20 woodland note and 52,20 sheep note.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab GO DRIC [* OF CALVERLEIGH *]. The Godric in the next entry is probably Godric of Chittlehampton (see 52,21 Godric note), and the use of }{\i\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 idem}{\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 there implies that this is the same man.}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BULWORTHY. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Boleborde}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bolehorda}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the Great Domesday scribe no doubt mistook the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 h }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 for a }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 b }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (it is rather 'hooked' and the ink may have been as pale in 1086 as it is today); see 16,42 "Helescane" note on other misreadings of Exon by the Domesday scribe.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 \tab \tab The place lies in Rackenford parish, Witheridge Hundred, and has the same later descent as Calverleigh (52,21) that is to the Honour of Gloucester: in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , p. 779 }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Boleworth' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Coldethorn }{ \fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 [unidentified] are held from that Honour 'from the part of Earl Richard'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Boleworthi }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 is held by Ralph }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 de Calwodelegh' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , i. p. 342; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , v. no. 538, ix. no. 428, xvi. no. 538; Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', pp. 424, 430; }{\fs24\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 , \lquote Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605\charrsid7095979 p. 357.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979\charrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab LAND FOR 3 PLOUGHS. In his transcription of Exon Ellis printed '2 ploughs', but }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 iii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 can just be made out under the gall and the dots at the beginning and end of the figure are clearly visible, thus determining its length.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 SLAVES. In his transcription of Exon Ellis printed '2 slaves'; it is impossible to tell as the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 comes right on the inner edge of the parchment and is covered in gall.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND, 1 ACRE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'underwood (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 nemusculi}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )'}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with no room for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 una ac' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 before it, but the gall prevents the words being checked.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 24? SHEEP. So Ellis printed in his transcription of Exon, but it may be '34 sheep', as there seems to be too much room under the gall for }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xxiiii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .} {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it', presumably referring to Godric (see 2,14 formerly note).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,21\tab [Exon 488a2] \par \tab GODRIC [* OF CALVERLEIGH *]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 No doubt Godric of Calverleigh (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de calodeleia}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 39), who in the Tax Return for Tiverton Hundred holds \'bd virgate lordship (see Appendix: Lordship and Villagers' Table).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CALVERLEIGH. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calodelie}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish, now united with Loxbeare, in Tiverton Hundred. It is clearly identifiable from an analysis of the Tax Return for that Hundred; see 52,21 Godric note. Ralph }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Kalewodel}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 egh}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Kalewodel}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 egh}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Earl of Gloucester in }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 316; see }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 342, 370, 433; }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 371 and Reichel, 'Tiverton Hundred', p. 27.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it', presumably referring to Godric (see 2,14 formerly note).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,22\tab [Exon 486b3] \par \tab ODO [* SON OF EDRIC *].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The Great Domesday scribe, by removing these four entries of Odo from the large}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon section (see D EV 52 thanes note) and putting them together, implies that the same man holds these four manors. In the Tax Returns are references both to Odo son of Edric and to Odo the Englishman, which probably refer to these holdings, the former to 52,22-23;25 and th e latter to 52,24; see 52,22 Payhembury note, 52,23 Coddiford note, 52,24 Wyke note and 52, 25 Rousdon note . There is no reason why Odo son of Edric could not also have had the byname 'the Englishman'. (Odo, as an Englishman, would really have been called }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Odda}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 at some stage this Old English personal name probably became confused with Continental Germanic }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Odo}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; JMcND.) In later times Odo's estates are held of the Honour of Plympton (see DEV 21 William note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PAYHEMBURY. A parish in Hayridge Hundred, the successor to Silverton Hundred. The 3 virgates of this holding must account for the major part of the 3 virgates 1 furlong (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 fertinum}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 lordship of Odo son of Edric in the Tax Return for Silverton Hundred; see 52,23 Coddiford note for the likely remainder. The land seems to have lain at }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hugeton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Uggaton farm, ST0903 in Payhembury] held with Wyke Green and Rousdon (52,24-25) by Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Dune }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 141. It was given by Thomas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Doune }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 together with Coddiford (52,23) to Dunkeswell Abbey: Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 396; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Valor Ecclesiasticus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 304, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Taxatio Ecclesiastica}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 152a; Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', pp. 227, 248; Reichel, 'Axminster and Axmouth Hundreds, p. 184.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it', presumably referring to Odo (see 2,14 formerly note).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,23\tab [Exon 486b4] \par \tab ODO [* SON OF EDRIC *] }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ALSO HOLDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Odo has' with no }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 idem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but he is probably the same man as the Odo of 52,22; see 52,22 Odo note. See also 15,21 Bretel note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CODDIFORD. The sequence of Exon suggests that this place lay in Silverton (later Hayridge) Hundred; its lordship may well be accounted for in the Tax Retu rn for Silverton Hundred; see 52,22 Payhembury note. Moreover, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Codeford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was closely connected with Uggaton in Payhembury (52,22) and given with it to Dunkeswell Abbey: a charter of King John, printed in Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 396, confirms the grant by Thomas}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Cumba Duna }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 totam terram quam habuit in Uggatona cum toto tenemento suo in Codeford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('all the land he had in Uggaton with his whole holding in Coddiford'). There appears, however, to be no place of this or similar name either in Payhembury or in Hayridge Hundred; Coddiford in Cheriton Fitzpaine in [West] Budleigh Hundred (}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 414) may well be the correct identification. If this is so, Coddiford will apparently have been an outlying part of Hayridge Hundr ed because it was a sub-manor of Uggaton, just as Smallicombe (16,168, see 16,168 Smallicombe note), by virtue of its association with Trill, was a detachment of Axminster Hundred; see Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', p. 248.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it', presumably referring to Odo (see 2,14 formerly note).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,24\tab [Exon 489a1] \par \tab ODO [* THE ENGLISHMAN *]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 52,22 Odo note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WYKE [GREEN]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Axminster parish, Axminster Hundred. It seems likely that this is the land implied by the Tax Return for Axminster Hundred in which Odo the Englishman has \'bd virgate of lordship land; see 52,22 Odo note. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788, Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Dune }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (from Rousdon 52,25, another of Odo's lands) holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wyk' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of Plympton; see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 319, 366, 429; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 141; Reichel, 'Axminster and Axmouth Hundreds', pp. 141, 149 and 52,22 Odo note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 PLOUGH, WHICH IS THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Odo has 1 plough'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is probably implied or omitted in error.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it', presumably referring to Odo (see 2,14 formerly note).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,25\tab [Exon 489a3] \par \tab ODO [* SON OF EDRIC *]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 52,22 Odo note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ROUSDON. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Done}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 which is also found as the basic element in Down Ralph (the site of Allhallows School), originally an alternative name for Rousdon. It is one of two places called 'Down' in this chapter, both lying in Axmouth Hundred (which was late r absorbed into Axminster Hundred; see \{Introduction: Hundreds\} and 52,19 Down note. This particular holding seems to be represented by the 3 furlongs (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 fertinos}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of lordship land allowed to Odo son of Edric in the Tax Return for Axmouth Hundred. Odo's 'Down' passed to the Honour of Plympton, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dune }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 being held by Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Dune }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (whence Rousdon and Down Ralph) in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 788. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 328 another Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Done }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rawesdon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 141; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 366, 429. The chapel of Rousdon was dedicated to St Pancras and was given }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 c}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . 1155 by Alfred }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Douna }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 to the Abbey of Montebourg: Round, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Documents}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 France}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 319-320 nos. 898-900; see Hoskins, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 375; Reichel, 'Axminster and Axmouth Hundreds', pp. 176, 182.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it', presumably referring to Odo (see 2,14 formerly note).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,26\tab [Exon 481a1] \par \tab ALDRED [* BROTHER OF ODO *].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday Eldred}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 AIdretus}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see 16,61 Aldred note. See also 52,28 Edred note. He may have been Aethelred/ Aldred the forester; see 52,27 Manaton note. Round (in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Somerset}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 417, and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VCH Hampshire}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 427) maintains that the Aldred here is the same man as the Aldred of SOM 45,16-17 (who also held }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ), the Aldred of WIL 67,34-38 (who held two of the five manors }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ), and the Aldred brother of Odo of HAM 69,45. HAM 6,16 and HAM 53,2 (who held two out of the three }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; his wife had held the third); this Odo is called Odo of Winchester in the Landholders' List to Sussex, in which county he shares a chapter with Aldred (his brother). As to the Aldred of Domesday Wiltshire, the three Tax Returns for the Wiltshire Hundred of Blagrove (Exon 3a6, 9b1 and 16a4) state that Aldred brother of Odo has 8 hides lordship, which probably refer to Aldred's holding in WIL 67,38.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WEEK?. This land is the first entry in the Exon section entitled 'Lands of English Thanes in Devonshire'. The following five places lay in [Black] Torrington Hundred and it is not unlikely that this holding also lay there. It may have been at Week in Thornbury parish, known as Lashbrook Week on the Ordnance Survey first series 6-inch map and as North Week on the first series one-inch map (sheet 26 of 1809, reprint sheet 82 of 1969); see Reichel}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , \lquote Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications\rquote , }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 352 and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', pp. 191, 204, 211.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab [***] BEFORE 1066. In the manuscript a plain gap of about 15 letters has been left for the 1066 holder's name and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 teneb'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 There is nothing in the margin such as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 r }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (= }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 require }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'ask'; see 11,1 ploughs note) to remind the scribe to fill it in. In Exon there is no sign of the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holder, nor any space left for one to be added. Aldred may have held this manor }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , as well as 52,27-28.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TAX FOR 1 VIRGATE. The corresponding entry in Exon has '\'bd virgate', which agrees with the total of 2 furlongs ('ferlings') for lordship and villagers' land.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,27\tab [Exon 488b1] \par \tab ALDRED [* BROTHER OF ODO *]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 52,26 Aldred note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MANATON. A parish in Teignbridge Hundred, known both as Teignton Hundred or Teignbridge Hundred in 1086. In the order of Exon this entry lies between two (52,44;46) relating to places that lay in Teignbridge, the first proba bly, the second certainly; moreover, another part of Manaton (16,160) probably lay in Teignbridge Hundred where the place consistently belongs in later documents. In the Tax Return for Exminster Hundred however, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aderet} {\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (= Aethelred/ Aldred) }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 foristarius }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('the Forester') has \'bd virgate of lordship land which is most likely to refer to this holding. It may be that this land was regarded as an outlying part of some manor in the main body of Exminster Hundred (see Reichel, 'Exminster Hundred Manors', p. 217) or a s forming an outlying portion of the Hundred with Beetor and the estates at Shapley in Chagford (see 16,61 Shapley note). The only other possible explanation of the Tax Return entry is that it refers to the land at Shapley (16,61) of which, according to D omesday, an Aldred was the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holder and Robert the 1086 holder, but it could be that at the time the Returns were compiled Aldred might also have held Shapley for he held both Manaton and Bickford (52,28) before and after 1066.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab This land passed to William }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Briwere }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 399), then to the Honour of Berry, Gervase }{ \i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 de Horthon' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 holding }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Manethon' }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 791; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 339, 390; Reichel, 'Teignbridge Hundred', pp. 238, 241; Reichel, 'Exminster Hundred', p. 208; Reichel, 'Exminster Hundred Manors', pp. 217-18.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,28\tab [Exon 488b4] \par \tab EDRED [* ALDRED BROTHER OF ODO *]. The Domesday form }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Edred }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Adret}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in Exon) represents Old English }{ \i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Eadr\'e6d}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 233. JRM preferred the form Edred as it reflected the Domesday spelling. However it is possible that at some stage an }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 l}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 was omitted before the }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 d}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , which would give the form representing Old English }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ealdr\'e6d}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ibidem}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 241) and that the same person as in 52,26-27 was intended; see}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,26 Aldred note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BICKFORD. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Plympton St Mary parish, Plympton Hundred; see also 29,8. This holding does not appear in the fee lists; see Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', pp. 267, 284.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,29\tab [Exon 481a2] \par \tab ALWARD [* MART *].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Probably Alward Mart, as he holds 52,30 and appears as a }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 T.R.E.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 tenant in DEV 24 as he does here.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab COLSCOTT. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Colsovenescote}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 If the identif ication with Colscott in West Putford parish, [Black] Torrington Hundred, is correct, the Domesday form has been drastically reduced; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 160 and Reichel, 'Black Torrington Hundred', pp. 204, 211.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE 5s. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Value 10s a year'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,30\tab [Exon 483a3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \'bd VIRGATE OF LAND [***]. In the manuscript there is a plain gap of about 15 letters' width after the land holding, probably for the name of the village in which the \'bd virgate lay.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 There is nothing in the margin and Exon adds nothing to the entry. The \'bd}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 virgate may have lain in Merton Hundred (the predecessor of Shebbear Hundred), the handwriting in Exon being the same as for the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 previous entry (= 51,16). But there is \'bd virgate 'missing' from Ashreigney (1,65), held by Queen Matilda until 1083. This second identification is given further support by the fact that Alward Mart was a subtenant of Brictric (son of Algar) in 1086 (see 24,24 Brictric note) and Brictric's lands passed to Queen Matilda (see 1,57 Brictric note).}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN ALMS. In the manuscript and Farley clearly }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in elemosina}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in the Ordnance Survey facsimile only half of the }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 n }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is reproduced for some reason.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,31\tab [Exon 482a1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MEDDON. In Hartland parish and Hundred and clearly identifiable from an analysis of the Tax Return for that hundred. It appears to have passed to William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Briwere}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 being held of him in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 400, as}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Meddon' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Aurescumb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Esse }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Awliscombe, 34,23;26 and Ash, 34,5] by Jordan }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Speciarius}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It then went to the Honour of Berry, Jordan }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Esse }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holding in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Mededon }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dupeford' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Deptford in Hartland, SS2618] in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 791; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 342, 410 and }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 306, v. no. 527.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,32\tab [Exon 482b3] \par \tab VARLEYS. In Petrockstowe parish, Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred; see Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 354; Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 580.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,33\tab [Exon 482b4-483a1] \par \tab SEDBOROUGH. In Parkham parish, Shebbear Hundred, the successor to Merton Hundred; see Reichel, 'Shebbear Hundred', p. 568.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRICTMER. On this name, see 16,4 Brictmer note.}{ \cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SEDBOROUGH BELONGED TO. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Sedborough lay (in)'. There is no entry in the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Terrae Occupatae}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 on this, possibly because, as can be seen from the corresponding entry under Baldwin's fief (see 16,33 Brictmer note), details of this former attachment of Sedborough to Parkham came in late, though they are not ad ded late under the other details of Sedborough in the main Exon for 52,33.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PARKHAM, BALDWIN THE SHERIFF'S MANOR. See 16,33.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,34\tab [Exon 483a5] \par \tab NEWTON [ST CYRES].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Niwetone}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 the added name being from the dedication of the church to St Ciricius. Th e place lay in Crediton Hundred and can be identified as lying in that hundred from an analysis of the Tax Return. Crediton was an ecclesiastical hundred and this land had been alienated from the Church of Exeter: Dunn's claim to hold and to have held fro m the king is stated here; the Bishop's claim is stated in 2,2 (see 2,2 Bishop note).}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,35\tab [Exon 487b2] \par \tab NUTWELL. In Woodbury parish, [East] Budleigh Hundred, and identifiable from an analysis of that hundred's Tax Return. Together with Harpford (part of Budleigh in 1086, see 1,9 Budleigh note), Nutwell was confirmed by Henry I on Oliver }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Dinant }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [from Dinan in the d\'e9partement of Ille-et-Vilaine]. Harpford had been granted to Oliver's predecessors by William I (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 96); Oliver gave both places to a priory established near Dinan that was a daughter house of Marmoutier (Tours). In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 96, the monks of Dinan hold }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Herpeford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 764 the prior of }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dynam }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Harepeford' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Nutewill' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 f rom Geoffrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Dinam}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 92b; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 325, 365; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , iii. no. 532, iv. no. 44, and Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 297.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,36\tab [Exon 483b1] \par \tab ALNOTH [* OF BRAY *].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 No doubt the Alnoth of Bray (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de braio}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 38), from whom the king had no tax on \'bd virgate he held in the Tax Return for South Molton Hundred. This \'bd virgate would have been part of the villagers' land holding (not given in the main Exon en try), as the lordship land (1/2 virgate; see \{Appendix: Lordship and Villagers' Table\} does not pay tax.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BRAY. One of several places called 'Bray' in South Molton parish, South Molton Hundred; see 3,45 Bray note. This land can be identified in the Tax Ret urn for South Molton Hundred; see 52,36 Alnoth note. It seems most likely to have been 'West' Bray held in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 794, by Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Cantelo }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Richard son of John and Walter }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Ralegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Westbray}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 a fee of John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Nevil'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 that is of the Honour of Stoke Courcy [Stogursey, Somerset]. It thus seems to have followed the same descent as Blackpool 1,41 (see 1,41 blackpool note); see }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 326, 362, 376, 418 and Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', pp. 72, 92.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WULFWIN . On the name Wulfwin, see 51,10 Wulfwin note. \par \tab \tab }{\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The name Wulfwin occurs ten times in the south-western counties and may represent five or six individuals. The group in north Somerset acquired by Roger of Courseulles are likely to have been held before th e Conquest by a single individual who may also have had the two properties at Bray and Cheddon Fitzpaine which flanked this group (JP).}{\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs20\lang2057\langfe2057\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp2057 {\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab PASTURE \'bd LEAGUE LONG. The corresponding entry in Exon has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 dim' leug\'e2 pascu\'e6 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ...; the scribe omitted }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in longitudine }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ('in length') in error.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND 3 FURLONGS LONG AND 1 FURLONG WIDE. For the corresponding entry, the Exon manuscript has }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii quadragenarias nemoris \'ee long'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 with an oddly-looking figure before the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ii}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 : not an }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 x }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as Ellis printed (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 xii}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ),}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 but an oddly written }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 i }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (probably crossed through, 2 furlongs being intended for the length). The width in Exon is 1 \'bd furlongs.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,37\tab [Exon 483b2] \par \tab MIDDLECOTT. It may well have lain in Chagford parish, Wonford Hundred; see Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications ', p. 376. No clue to its 1086 Hundred is, however, given by the order of Exon, although it is entered too late to have been a member or a dependency of South Tawton; see Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred', p. 300; Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', pp. 346, 352 and \{Introduction: Hundreds\}.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 PLOUGH, WHICH IS THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Alwin has on it 1 plough'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is probably implied or omitted in error.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab UNDERWOOD, 2 ACRES. The corresponding entry in Exon has '3 acres'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,38\tab [Exon 483b3] \par \tab EDWIN [* OF BUTTERLEIGH *].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Probably Edwin of Butterleigh; see 52,39 Edwin note on the Tax Return evidence and 52,38 Butterleigh note on a likely descendant with the same family name.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab BUTTERLEIGH. A parish in 'Cliston' Hundred; it can be positively identified from an analysis of the Tax Return for that Hundred. A Brian }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Boterlegh' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 gave the church of this manor to St Nicholas' Priory, Exeter, between 1161 and 1184 (Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 114); in 1258 the holder was Joel de }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Grenelinche }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 1263) and in 1285 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 333) Thomas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Poleyn }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds from the Honour of Plympton. See }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 367, 434 and Reichel, 'Colyton and Clyston Hundreds', pp. 366, 383.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,39\tab [Exon 487a1] \par \tab EDWIN [* OF BUTTERLEIGH *]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Probably Edwin of Butterleigh (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de buterleio}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 :Tengvik, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Old English Bynames}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 38 and see 52,38) who has 2 furlongs (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 fertinos}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of lordship in the Tax Return for Silverton (later Hayridge) Hundred. The only other Edwin in Domesday, holding in 1086, is in 52,3 8 and his lordship land is already identified in the Tax Returns (see 52,38 Edwin note), though it is likely, since he held Butterleigh, that he is the same man as this Edwin.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab CLYST [WILLIAM].}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In Plymtree parish, Hayridge Hundred (the successor to Silverton Hundred); the added name is from Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 aewielm }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'source' (of the river Clist); compare Toller Whelme in Dorset. This estate}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 seems to be identifiable in the Tax Return for Silverton Hundred; see 52,39 Edwin note. Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ryvel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Clist Ewelme }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 782, from Nicholas }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Mereyeth'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see Reichel, 'Hairidge Hundred', pp. 227, 248.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,40\tab [Exon 486b1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ULF HOLDS. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Ulf has ... Wadham ... now he holds it from the king'. See}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 51,14 Morin note.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WADHAM. In Knowstone parish, South Molton Hundred; it can probably be identified as lying in that hundred from an analysis of the Tax Return. See Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', pp. 72, 91.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,41\tab [Exon 487a3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab KNOWSTONE. A parish in South Molton Hundr ed; see 23,10 Knowstone note. This holding does not appear in later fee lists. Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', pp. 73, 90) offers no evidence for his identification with Shapcot; compare 52,51 Knowstone note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,42\tab [Exon 489b2] \par \tab DUNSTONE. Now in Yealmpton parish, Plympton Hundred, but in the Tax Returns it was clearly included in "Alleriga"}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (Ermington) Hundred where Algar has 1 virgate of lordship land. Dunstone is close to the Ermington Hundred border; see Reichel, 'Budleigh Hundred in 1244', p. 709 and Reichel, 'Plympton and Ermington Hundreds', p. 328, also 29,4 Dunstone note.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,43\tab [Exon 488a1]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN EXON gall has been applied over all this entry, but most of what Ellis printed can}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 be deciphered now and where he printed dots nothing more can be}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 made out in the manuscript; see 52,43 smallholders note, 52,43 woodland note, 52,43 sheep note and 52,43 now note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WASPLEY. Earlier Warbrightsleigh, Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Wasberlege}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ; see}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 394. It lies in Stoodleigh parish, Witheridge Hundred, and appears to be a late entry for that hundred (see 52,20) rather than being a part of Bampton Hundred as suggested by Reichel, }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'Bampton and Uffculme Hundreds', }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 454; see \{Introduction: Hundreds\}. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 612, Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Acastr' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Warbritteslegh' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and a half of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Cumbe }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Coombe, 3,75;78; see 3,75 Coombe note] formerly belonging to Henry }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Tylly}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by gift of Robert }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Mandevill'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 760, Roger } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dacastre }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Warebrigthelegh'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Blackesworth' }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Blatchworthy, see 47,13 Whitnole note] and in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Whytecnolle }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [West Whitnole, see 47,13 Whitnole note] from Geoffrey }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Mandevil' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 who holds from Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Doddescumb' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 of the Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 787; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 343, 421; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 154 and Reichel, 'Witheridge Hundred', pp. 404, 425.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 3 SMALLHOLDERS. In his transcription of Exon, Ellis printed '2 smallholders', but the gall is too dark here to be}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 able to check this.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab WOODLAND, 6 ACRES. In the corresponding entry in Exon it is only possible to read }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 vi ag' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 under the gall, but }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 nemoris }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 fits the space and usually comes in this position.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab [***] SHEEP. In the corresponding entry in Exon, the number cannot be made out; Ellis printed dots.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE FORMERLY. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'value when he acquired it', presumably referring to Alric (see}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 2,14 formerly note).}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab NOW 20s. In the corresponding entry in Exon, none of the 1086 value statement can be deciphered under the}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 gall; Ellis printed dots.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,44\tab [Exon 488a3]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab SHAPLEY. The five places called 'Shapley' in Domesday now lie in two parishes, Chagford and North Bovey, and in different hundreds (Wonford Hundred and Teignbridge Hundred respectively); see 16,61 Shapley note and 45,1 Shapley note. Like the following ent ry for Skerraton (52,45), also held by Aelfric, this land later formed a serjeanty, that of supplying two arrows for the king when he hunted on Dartmoor. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 98, David } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Scyredun' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds 1 virgate in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Scyredun' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Skerraton, 52,45] and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sappeleg'}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 said to have been held by his predecessors since the Conquest. Shapley has the same descent as Skerraton, but in later documents the name is displaced by the adjacent Hookney [SX7182] and Kendon [SX7181], both in North Bovey parish; in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 81b in Teignbridge Hundred the manors of }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Kingdon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Sekiredon }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Hokneton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 are held together by Roger }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Mirabel}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 then by Walter }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Skiredon'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 then by John }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Bovyle}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ;}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 90a and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i no. 165. Two 'ferlings' of Kendon went to Buckfast Abbey; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 79a.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab All this points to an identification with the Shapley that lies in North Bovey parish, Teignbridge Hundred, where it is placed in }{\i\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 , p. 264. This is the anticipated place in Exon order for a Teignton (Teignbridge) Hundred holding (see \{Introduction: Hundreds\} ) and 52,46 (the next entry but one in Exon) was in this hundred, but 52,27 (the next entry), although later in Teignbridge Hundred, may be identifiable i n the Tax Return for Exminster Hundred in which the other estates called Shapley lay (16,61-62;64 and 45,1; see 16,61 Shapley note and 45,1 Shapley note). All the Exminster Hundred entries (see also 52,48-49) are out of order in this section of Exon: in o ther fiefs, Exminster Hundred places are entered after those for [North] Tawton Hundred and Crediton Hundred; see Reichel, 'Doubtful and Disputed Domesday Identifications', p. 368.}{\fs24\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,45\tab [Exon 489b3] \par \tab SKERRATON}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 . In Dean Prior parish, Stanborough Hundred, th e successor to Diptford Hundred. Like Shapley (52,44), also held by Aelfric in 1086, this land later formed a serjeanty, in this case of providing three arrows for the king's hunt in Dartmoor Forest. David }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Scyredun' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 held in 1212 (see 52,44 Shapley note), then Robert }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Scyredon'}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 then Roger }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Mirabel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 who forfeited it for murder. It was given by Henry III to Walter }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 le Deveneys}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 then passed to John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Boyville }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and to his son William who died in 1320; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , pp. 98, 264, 1188, 1250, 1371, 1425; the Red Book of the Exchequer (Hall, ii. p. 560); }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 79a, 91b; }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 165, vi. no. 230, xii. no. 211; Reichel, 'Stanborough Hundred: a Supplement to the Testa de Nevil', p. 200.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,46\tab [Exon 488b2] \par \tab TWINYEO. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Betunie }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 betweon }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ea }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 'between the rivers', the farm lying at the confluence of the River Bovey and the River Teign in Kingsteignton parish, Teignbridge Hundred; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 479 and 52,44 Shapley note. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 790, Richard son of Ralph holds in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Twyneya }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from the Honour of Plympton; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 347, 390, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. no. 564, xiv no. 325; Reichel. 'Twyney' (see Pearse Chope, 'Twyney'); Reichel, 'Teignbridge Hundred', p. 239.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 2 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 VILLAGERS ...}{\fs24\cf1\up6\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'bd PLOUGH. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'villagers ... 3 oxen in a plough'.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab VALUE 20d. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Value 30d'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,47\tab [Exon 490a1] \par \tab DUNSFORD. A parish in Wonford Hundred. In the Middle Ages it had the same middle lords as Dunsford (23,12) but while the latter (like many DEV 23 lands) was held of the Honour of Marshwood, the former seems to have been held of Okehampton Honour, even though Saewulf's land at Mowlish (52,49) passes to the Honour of Marshwood. Dunsford is sometimes replaced by Sowton [SX8388] in later lists. In }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 785, John }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Nevile }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Dunesford}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 while in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 314, William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Servyngton }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Suttheton }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Sowton] from John }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Mandevile }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 who holds from Hugh }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Courtenay}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The Abbess of Leigh (Canonsleigh) holds }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Donysford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 from Okehampton Honour in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 345, the prioress of Canonsleigh in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 385; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 85b; Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred', p. 300; Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', pp. 323, 332; and 23,12 Dunsford note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,48\tab [Exon 490a2] \par \tab HE ^[ SAEWULF ]^ ALSO. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Saewulf'.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MAMHEAD. A parish in Exminster Hundred; both this and the follo wing entry probably account for the 1 virgate of lordship allowed to Saewulf in the Tax Return for that hundred. It passed to the Honour of Plympton and was known as 'Ashford'; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 501. William }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Molehywis }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (see 52,49) and Ralph }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Bonvallet }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hold in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Esseford' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 790. It is }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Ay}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 s}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ]}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 hford Peverel }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 389, }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Assheford }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Mammeshed }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xiv. no. 325; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 347; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , v. no. 527; Reichel, 'Exminster Hundred', p. 206; Reichel, 'Exminster Hundred Manors', p. 215; and 52,44 Shapley note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 VILLAGER. IT PAYS 45d. Or perhaps '1 villager; he pays 45d', in other words he held Mamhead for a money-rent (see 6,6 villager note on villagers 'farming' manors). The Latin of the Exon is equally ambiguous: }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 In ea }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 (}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 mansione}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 )}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 est i uillanus et reddit per annum xlv denarios}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Compare 3,82 and 3,82 pays note (though the Latin of Great Domesday, by omitting the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 7 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 before the }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Redd' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 there, is less ambiguous, and also 1,32 villagers note and 21,11 villager note (but there the Exon is clear). Compare also 34,57 mill note. \par }{\fs24\cf1\insrsid8681605 \tab \tab For the unusual formula in Exon has ('On it (the manor) is 1 villager'), see 34,46 villagers note.}{\fs24\cf1\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,49\tab [Exon 490a3] \par \tab HE ^[ SAEWULF ]^ ALSO. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Saewulf'.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab MOWLISH. In Kenton parish, Exminster Hundred; see 52,48 Mamhead note. It passed to the Honour of Marshwood, being held as }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Molehiwis }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by Robert }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Molehiwis }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 793; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 389; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. no. 154; Reichel, 'Exminster Hundred', p. 207; Reichel, 'Exminster Hundred Manors', p. 229.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,50\tab [Exon 487a2]}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab IN THE MANUSCRIPT there is a space of 1 line before this and the next three holdings (52,51-53), possibly indicating that these three women were to be regarded as separate from the rest of the 'King's Thanes'. However, women were often classed as 'thanes' in Domesday; see, for example, SOM 5,65 thanes note; 19,72 thanes note and 37,8 tha n es note. Moreover, in several counties in Domesday women appear in the chapter devoted to king's thanes and their holdings are not 'tacked on' at the end of these chapters; see WIL 67,25;48;80;83;87-88;90; DOR 56,23; GLS 78,7-8; HAM 69,34, STS 17,20 etc. The space left and}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alueva }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in 52,50 being written in capitals and lined through in red, rather resemble the treatment in DEV 51 when there is a new tenant, especially 51,12-15.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ST JAMES CHURCH. In Heavitree parish, Wonford Hundred; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 441. It was held as the }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 villam de Sancto Jacobo }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 by the prior of St James in alms from the Barony of Plympton in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 312; see } {\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Rotuli Hundredorum}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. p. 85a; Oliver, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 p. 193; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 41 and Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred', p. 301; Reichel, 'Wonford Hundred Manors', p. 317.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab 1 PLOUGH, WHICH IS THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Aelfeva has 1 plough on it'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is probably implied or omitted in error.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,51\tab [Exon 487a4] \par \tab FOR THE GAP IN THE MANUSCRIPT preceding this entry, see 52,50 manuscript note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab ALFHILD.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alfhilla}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Exon}{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Alfilla}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , represent Old English }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \'c6lfhild}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 ,}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 feminine; see von Feilitzen, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 175.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab KNOWS TONE. A parish in South Molton Hundred; see 23,10 Knowstone note. Reichel, 'South Molton and Roborough Hundreds', pp. 73, 90, identifies Harpson in Knowstone on the grounds that that name is derived from Alfhild the 1086 holder. But Harpson is 'Herbert's tun; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Place-Names of Devon}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , ii. p. 340.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab \'bd}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 PLOUGH THERE. The corresponding entry in Exon has 'Alfhild has \'bd}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 plough'; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 in dominio }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 is probably implied or omitted in error.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,52\tab [Exon 488b3] \par \tab FOR THE GAP IN THE MANUSCRIPT preceding this entry, see 52,50 manuscript note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab GODIVA [* WIFE OF BRICTRIC *]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 It is just possible that Godiva had other land in Devon, not recorded by Exon or Great Domesday. The Tax Return for Teignton (also known as Teignbridge) Hundred states that Godiva wife of Brictric has \'bd hide of lordship land there. But the present entry and the next one (52,53) are her only holdings recorded in Devon Domesday and they are dealt with in the Tax Returns for Kerswell (later Haytor) Hundred and Chillington (later Coleridge) Hundred respectively, un der the name of plain Godiva, with her lordship land there agreeing with that given by the main Exon entries.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab TORBRYAN. Domesday }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Torre}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 .}{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 A parish in Haytor Hundred (the successor to Kerswell Hundred), and accountable in Kerswell Hundred from an analysis of the Tax Return; see 52,52 Godiva note. It passed to the Honour of Okehampton, being held by Guy }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 de Brionne }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 as 1 fee in }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Torre }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Weston' }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [Weston? in Staverton, SX7564] in }{ \i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 768; see }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 786; }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 317, 348, 391, }{\i\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , xvi no. 959; Reichel, 'Haytor Hundred in 1244', p. 117, 50 p. 374.}{ \fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 52,53\tab [Exon 489b1] \par \tab FOR THE GAP IN THE MANUSCRIPT preceding this entry, see 52,50 manuscript note.}{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab GODIVA [* WIFE OF BRICTRIC *]. }{\fs24\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 See 52,52 Godiva note.}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \tab DODBROOKE. Now combined with Kingsbridge parish, Stanborough Hundred (the successor to Diptford Hundred), but it was formerly in Coleridge Hundred (the successor to Chillington Hundred). It is identifiable from an analysis of the Tax Return for Chillingt on Hundred; see 52,52 Godiva note. This holding passed to the Honour of Okehampton; in }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Book of Fees}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , p. 786 Richard son of Alan holds in }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Doddebrok' }{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 and }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Porlemue }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [East ? Portlemouth, perhaps part of Prawle, 16,176] and in }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Lamsede }{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 [unidentified] ; see } {\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Feudal Aids}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , i. pp. 332, 393; }{\i\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem}{\fs24\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 , vi. no. 180 and Reichel, 'Coldridge Hundred', pp. 199, 225.}{ \fs24\cgrid0\insrsid7095979 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid7095979 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cgrid0\insrsid8681605 \par }}