{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\uc1\deff0\stshfdbch0\stshfloch0\stshfhich0\stshfbi0\deflang1033\deflangfe1033{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}Times New Roman{\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f1\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604020202020204}Arial;}{\f2\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1{\*\panose 02070309020205020404}Courier New;}{\f3\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05050102010706020507}Symbol;} {\f4\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604020202020204}Helvetica;}{\f5\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1{\*\panose 02070409020205020404}Courier{\*\falt Courier New};}{\f6\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603040505020304}Tms Rmn;} {\f7\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604020202030204}Helv;}{\f8\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040503060506020304}New York;}{\f9\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}System;} {\f10\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05000000000000000000}Wingdings;}{\f11\fmodern\fcharset128\fprq1{\*\panose 02020609040205080304}MS Mincho{\*\falt ?l?r ??\'81\'66c};} {\f12\froman\fcharset129\fprq2{\*\panose 02030600000101010101}Batang{\*\falt \'a9\'f6UAA};}{\f13\fnil\fcharset134\fprq2{\*\panose 02010600030101010101}SimSun{\*\falt ??\'a8\'ac?};} {\f14\fnil\fcharset136\fprq2{\*\panose 02010601000101010101}PMingLiU{\*\falt \'a1\'50s2OcuAe};}{\f15\fmodern\fcharset128\fprq1{\*\panose 020b0609070205080204}MS Gothic{\*\falt ?l?r ?S?V?b?N};} {\f16\fmodern\fcharset129\fprq1{\*\panose 020b0600000101010101}Dotum{\*\falt \'a5\'ec\'a2\'ac\'a2\'afo};}{\f17\fmodern\fcharset134\fprq1{\*\panose 02010600030101010101}SimHei{\*\falt o\'a8\'b2\'a8\'ac?};} {\f18\fmodern\fcharset136\fprq1{\*\panose 02010609000101010101}MingLiU{\*\falt 2OcuAe};}{\f19\froman\fcharset128\fprq1{\*\panose 02020609040305080305}Mincho{\*\falt ??\'81\'66c};} {\f20\froman\fcharset129\fprq1{\*\panose 020b0600000101010101}Gulim{\*\falt \'a1\'be\'a8\'f9\'a2\'ac\'a9\'f7};}{\f21\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040604050505020304}Century;}{\f22\froman\fcharset222\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}Angsana New;} {\f23\froman\fcharset222\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0304020202020204}Cordia New;}{\f24\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Mangal;}{\f25\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Latha;} {\f26\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 010a0502050306030303}Sylfaen;}{\f27\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 01010600010101010101}Vrinda;}{\f28\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Raavi;} {\f29\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Shruti;}{\f30\froman\fcharset1\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Sendnya;}{\f31\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Gautami;} {\f32\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Tunga;}{\f33\froman\fcharset1\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Estrangella Edessa;}{\f34\fswiss\fcharset128\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604020202020204}Arial Unicode MS;} {\f35\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604030504040204}Tahoma;}{\f36\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}DejaVu Sans;}{\f37\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603060405020304}Times{\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f38\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Marlett;}{\f39\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1{\*\panose 020b0609040504020204}Lucida Console;}{\f40\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604030504040204}Verdana;} {\f41\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0a04020102020204}Arial Black;}{\f42\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 030f0702030302020204}Comic Sans MS;}{\f43\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0806030902050204}Impact;} {\f44\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040502050405020303}Georgia;}{\f45\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603020102020204}Franklin Gothic Medium;}{\f46\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040502050505030304}Palatino Linotype;} {\f47\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603020202020204}Trebuchet MS;}{\f48\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05030102010509060703}Webdings;}{\f49\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2 Estrangelo Edessa;}{\f50\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2 MV Boli;} {\f51\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604020202020204}Microsoft Sans Serif;}{\f52\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Alba;}{\f53\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Alba Matter;} {\f54\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Alba Super;}{\f55\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Baby Kruffy;}{\f56\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000900000000000000}Chick;} {\f57\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Croobie;}{\f58\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Fat;}{\f59\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Freshbot;} {\f60\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Frosty;}{\f61\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}GlooGun;}{\f62\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Jenkins v2.0;} {\f63\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Jokewood;}{\f64\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Poornut;}{\f65\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000900000000000000}Porky's;} {\f66\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Pussycat;}{\f67\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Weltron Urban;}{\f68\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03090702030407020403}Mistral;} {\f69\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0602030504020204}Lucida Sans Unicode;}{\f70\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04020505051007020d02}Blackadder ITC;}{\f71\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03070402050302030203}Bradley Hand ITC;} {\f72\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020e0705020206020404}Copperplate Gothic Bold;}{\f73\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020e0507020206020404}Copperplate Gothic Light;}{\f74\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04040404050702020202}Curlz MT;} {\f75\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 030303020407070d0804}Edwardian Script ITC;}{\f76\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02090707080505020304}Engravers MT;}{\f77\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0805030504020804}Eras Demi ITC;} {\f78\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0402030504020804}Eras Light ITC;}{\f79\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0504020202050204}Eurostile;}{\f80\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04060505060202020a04}Felix Titling;} {\f81\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0503020102020204}Franklin Gothic Book;}{\f82\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0703020102020204}Franklin Gothic Demi;}{\f83\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0606030402020204}Franklin Gothic Medium Cond;} {\f84\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03020402040607040605}French Script MT;}{\f85\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0502020202020204}Century Gothic;}{\f86\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03050502040202030202}Kristen ITC;} {\f87\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0602030504020204}Lucida Sans;}{\f88\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020e0502030308020204}Maiandra GD;}{\f89\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04040403030d02020704}Matisse ITC;} {\f90\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03070502060502030205}Papyrus;}{\f91\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020502060401020303}Perpetua;}{\f92\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02060903040505020403}Rockwell Extra Bold;} {\f93\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04020404030d07020202}Tempus Sans ITC;}{\f94\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03020602050506090804}Vivaldi;}{\f95\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05020102010507070707}Wingdings 2;} {\f96\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05040102010807070707}Wingdings 3;}{\f97\fswiss\fcharset128\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604020202020204}@Arial Unicode MS;}{\f98\froman\fcharset129\fprq2{\*\panose 02030600000101010101}@Batang;} {\f99\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040602050305030304}Book Antiqua;}{\f100\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02050604050505020204}Bookman Old Style;}{\f101\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020404030301010803}Garamond;} {\f102\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0706040902060204}Haettenschweiler;}{\f103\fmodern\fcharset128\fprq1{\*\panose 02020609040205080304}@MS Mincho;}{\f104\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05000000000000000000}MS Outlook;} {\f105\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03010101010201010101}Monotype Corsiva;}{\f106\fnil\fcharset134\fprq2{\*\panose 02010600030101010101}@SimSun;}{\f107\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05020603050405020304}Times New Roman Special G2;} {\f108\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0506020202030204}Arial Narrow;}{\f109\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 050b0604020202020204}Arial Special G2;}{\f110\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 050b0604020202020204}Arial Special G1;} {\f111\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 050b0506020202030204}Arial Narrow Special G1;}{\f112\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 050b0506020202030204}Arial Narrow Special G2;} {\f113\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05020603050405020304}Times New Roman Special G1;}{\f114\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020503030404060203}Kartika;}{\f115\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020e0602030304020304}Albertus Medium;} {\f116\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020e0702040304020204}Albertus;}{\f117\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020e0802040304020204}Albertus Extra Bold;}{\f118\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0602020202020204}ITC Avant Garde Gothic;} {\f119\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0802020202020204}ITC Avant Garde Gothic Demi;}{\f120\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02050604050505020204}ITC Bookman Light;}{\f121\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02050804040505020204}ITC Bookman Demi;} {\f122\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0502050508020304}CG Omega;}{\f123\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}CG Times;}{\f124\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03020702040403080804}ITC Zapf Chancery;} {\f125\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040604040505020204}Clarendon;}{\f126\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040706040705040204}Clarendon Condensed;}{\f127\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040805050505020204}Clarendon Extended;} {\f128\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03030502040406070605}Coronet;}{\f129\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1{\*\panose 02070609020205020404}CourierPS;}{\f130\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05020102010704020609}ITC Zapf Dingbats;} {\f131\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0606020202030204}Helvetica Narrow;}{\f132\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1{\*\panose 020b0409020202030204}Letter Gothic;}{\f133\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03020702040402020504}Marigold;} {\f134\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040603050705020304}New Century Schoolbook;}{\f135\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603020204030204}Antique Olive;}{\f136\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0904030504030204}Antique Olive Compact;} {\f137\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040502050505030304}Palatino{\*\falt Book Antiqua};}{\f138\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05050102010607020607}SymbolPS;}{\f139\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603020202030204}Univers;} {\f140\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0606020202060204}Univers Condensed;}{\f141\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05050102010205020202}MT Extra;}{\f142\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}???????????????????????????????;} {\f143\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times New (W1){\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f144\fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Microsoft Sans Serif (Vietnames;} {\f145\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Franklin Gothic Medium Cond Gre;}{\f146\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Franklin Gothic Medium Cond Bal;} {\f147\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}ITC Avant Garde Gothic Demi Bal;}{\f148\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604030504040204}MS Reference Sans Serif;} {\f149\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05000500000000000000}MS Reference Specialty;}{\f150\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05010101010101010101}Bookshelf Symbol 7;}{\f151\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0504020104020203}Andale Mono IPA;} {\f152\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040502050405020303}MS Reference Serif;}{\f153\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604030504040204}Verdana Ref;}{\f154\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040502050405020303}Georgia Ref;} {\f155\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05000000000000000000}MS Reference 1;}{\f156\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Reference 2;}{\f157\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 02000500000000000000}RefSpecialty;} {\f158\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0506030101010103}Abadi MT Condensed;}{\f159\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0a06030101010103}Abadi MT Condensed Extra Bold;} {\f160\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0306030101010103}Abadi MT Condensed Light;}{\f161\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0503020202020204}Agency FB;}{\f162\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04020705040a02060702}Algerian;} {\f163\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03080602030302030203}Andy;}{\f164\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020f0704030504030204}Arial Rounded MT Bold;}{\f165\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020602080505020303}Baskerville Old Face;} {\f166\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04030905020b02020c02}Bauhaus 93;}{\f167\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04040a05050d02020502}Beesknees ITC;}{\f168\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02050806060905020404}Bernard MT Condensed;} {\f169\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 030202020406070a0903}Bickley Script;}{\f170\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04030b070d0b02020403}Braggadocio;}{\f171\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0903060703020204}Britannic Bold;} {\f172\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04040905080b02020502}Broadway;}{\f173\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03060802040406070304}Brush Script MT;}{\f174\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040603050505030304}Calisto MT;} {\f175\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020a0402060406010301}Castellar;}{\f176\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04020404031007020602}Chiller;}{\f177\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 0208090404030b020404}Cooper Black;} {\f178\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04020505060803040902}Edda;}{\f179\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020904090505020303}Elephant;}{\f180\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04030405020f02020502}Enviro;} {\f181\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03060602040506080206}Fine Hand;}{\f182\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 030804020302050b0404}Freestyle Script;}{\f183\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04040504061007020d02}Gigi;} {\f184\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0502020104020203}Gill Sans MT;}{\f185\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0506020104020203}Gill Sans MT Condensed;}{\f186\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0a02020104020203}Gill Sans Ultra Bold;} {\f187\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020502050305020303}Goudy Old Style;}{\f188\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 0202090407030b020401}Goudy Stout;}{\f189\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04030604020f02020d02}Harlow Solid Italic;} {\f190\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04040505050a02020702}Harrington;}{\f191\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04020605060303030202}Imprint MT Shadow;}{\f192\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 030604020304060b0204}Informal Roman;} {\f193\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04090605060d06020702}Jokerman;}{\f194\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04040403040a02020202}Juice ITC;}{\f195\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 040307050d0c02020703}Kino MT;} {\f196\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 030304020206070d0d06}Kunstler Script;}{\f197\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020a0a07050505020404}Wide Latin;}{\f198\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03010101010101010101}Lucida Calligraphy;} {\f199\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03010101010101010101}Lucida Handwriting;}{\f200\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03020802060602070202}Matura MT Script Capitals;}{\f201\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02070704070505020303}Modern No. 20;} {\f202\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1{\*\panose 020b0609020202020204}OCRB;}{\f203\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03040902040508030806}Old English Text MT;}{\f204\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04050602080702020203}Onyx;} {\f205\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 030303020206070c0b05}Palace Script MT;}{\f206\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03080702040402020b04}Parade;}{\f207\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03040602040708040804}Parchment;} {\f208\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03060402040502070804}Pepita MT;}{\f209\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020502060505020804}Perpetua Titling MT;}{\f210\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0606030402050204}Placard Condensed;} {\f211\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 040506030a0602020202}Playbill;}{\f212\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02080502050505020702}Poor Richard;}{\f213\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03060402040406080204}Pristina;} {\f214\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03070502040507070304}Rage Italic;}{\f215\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02060603020205020403}Rockwell;}{\f216\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020a0606050403050204}Runic MT Condensed;} {\f217\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03040602040607080904}Script MT Bold;}{\f218\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04040a07060a02020202}Snap ITC;}{\f219\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03070502030502020203}Viner Hand ITC;} {\f220\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03050402040407070305}Vladimir Script;}{\f221\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}normal verdana;}{\f222\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}IAGB5 Symbol;} {\f223\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0706030402020204}Franklin Gothic Demi Cond;}{\f224\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0903020102020204}Franklin Gothic Heavy;}{\f225\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02010509020102010303}OCR A Extended;} {\f226\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03020802040602020201}American Uncial;}{\f227\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04060505051002080904}Augsburger Initials;}{\f228\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04020505020e03040504}Desdemona;} {\f229\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03060902040502070203}Forte;}{\f230\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03080302020302020206}Gradl;}{\f231\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 01010101010101010101}Mercurius Script MT Bold;} {\f232\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 01010601010101010101}Monotype Sorts;}{\f233\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05020102010208020808}Monotype Sorts 2;}{\f234\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 040c0101020201010102}Ransom;} {\f235\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 040409050d0802020404}Stencil;}{\f236\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04030805020b02020404}Stop;}{\f237\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020503060305020303}Bell MT;} {\f238\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 0207040306080b030204}Californian FB;}{\f239\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 0204060206030a020304}Footlight MT Light;}{\f240\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040502050506030303}High Tower Text;} {\f241\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04040805050809020602}Ravie;}{\f242\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04020904020102020604}Showcard Gothic;}{\f243\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 050b0604020202020204}Bookshelf Symbol 1;} {\f244\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05050102010706020507}Bookshelf Symbol 3;}{\f245\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 050b0604020202020204}Bookshelf Symbol 4;}{\f246\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05010101010101010101}Bookshelf Symbol 5;} {\f247\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Franklin Gothic Demi Cond CE;}{\f248\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Franklin Gothic Demi Cond Cyr;} {\f249\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Franklin Gothic Demi Cond Greek;}{\f250\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Franklin Gothic Demi Cond Tur;} {\f251\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Franklin Gothic Demi Cond Balti;}{\f252\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Franklin Gothic Heavy CE;} {\f253\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Franklin Gothic Heavy Cyr;}{\f254\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Franklin Gothic Heavy Greek;} {\f255\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Franklin Gothic Heavy Tur;}{\f256\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Franklin Gothic Heavy Baltic;} {\f257\fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Reference Sans Serif (Vietna;}{\f258\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}BR-01T;}{\f259\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}BR-05B;} {\f260\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Brougham;}{\f261\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}BR-11U;}{\f262\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Albertville;} {\f263\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Albertville Extrabold;}{\f264\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Antique Oakland;}{\f265\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}BR Symbol;} {\f266\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}PC Brussels Demi;}{\f267\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}PC Brussels Light;}{\f268\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Cleveland Condensed;} {\f269\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Conneticut;}{\f270\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Guatemala Antique;}{\f271\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Helsinki;} {\f272\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Maryland;}{\f273\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Oklahoma;}{\f274\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}PC Tennessee Roman;} {\f275\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Tennessee Roman;}{\f276\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Utah;}{\f277\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Utah Condensed;} {\f278\fdecor\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}W Dingbats;}{\f279\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Courier (W1);}{\f280\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02000702030000020004}Twentieth Century Poster1;} {\f281\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04010502060101010303}Creepy;}{\f282\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020c0804040000000001}EraserDust;}{\f283\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 01010101010101010101}Figaro MT;} {\f284\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 01010101010101010101}KidTYPEPaint;}{\f285\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03010101010101010101}Mistral AV;}{\f286\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0904020202020204}Plump MT;} {\f287\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02000509000000000005}Space Toaster;}{\f288\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02000800000000000004}Team MT;}{\f289\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0504020203020204}News Gothic MT;} {\f290\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04040506030f02020702}Westminster;}{\f291\fmodern\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0809000000000003}Arial Alternative;}{\f292\fmodern\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0809000000000003}Arial Alternative Symbol;} {\f293\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0606020104020203}Tw Cen MT Condensed;}{\f294\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0803020000000004}Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold;}{\f295\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1{\*\panose 020b0509000000000004}Andale Mono;} {\f296\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Uncial ATT;}{\f297\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold ;}{\f298\fnil\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Uncial ATT CE;} {\f299\fnil\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Uncial ATT Tur;}{\f300\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Arial (W1){\*\falt Arial};}{\f301\fnil\fcharset255\fprq3{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Roman;} {\f302\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Arial (W1) CE;}{\f303\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Arial (W1) Cyr;}{\f304\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Arial (W1) Greek;} {\f305\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Arial (W1) Tur;}{\f306\fswiss\fcharset177\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Arial (W1) (Hebrew);}{\f307\fswiss\fcharset178\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Arial (W1) (Arabic);} {\f308\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Arial (W1) Baltic;}{\f309\fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Arial (W1) (Vietnamese);} {\f310\froman\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times New (W1) CE{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f311\froman\fcharset204\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times New (W1) Cyr{\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f312\froman\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times New (W1) Greek{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f313\froman\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times New (W1) Tur{\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f314\froman\fcharset177\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times New (W1) (Hebrew){\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f315\froman\fcharset178\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times New (W1) (Arabic){\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f316\froman\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times New (W1) Baltic{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f317\froman\fcharset163\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times New (W1) (Vietnamese){\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f318\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0402020202020204}AvantGarde Bk BT;}{\f319\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04030205020b02020502}BernhardFashion BT;}{\f320\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Boink LET;} {\f321\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02050604050505020204}BookmanITC Lt BT;}{\f322\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03060802040406070304}BrushScript BT;}{\f323\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0904040702060204}Compacta Blk BT;} {\f324\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0508030702060204}Compacta Lt BT;}{\f325\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 0208060305030b020404}Cooper Md BT;}{\f326\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020e0605020203020404}CopprplGoth BT;} {\f327\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 0204050203030b020204}Dauphin;}{\f328\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03060902030202020203}DomBold BT;}{\f329\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03060902030302020204}DomCasual BT;} {\f330\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 030306020406070f0b05}English111 Presto BT;}{\f331\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03030702030607090b03}English111 Vivace BT;}{\f332\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04040805071002020d02}FlamencoD;} {\f333\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0806020204020204}Futura XBlkCn BT;}{\f334\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0602020204020303}Futura Md BT;}{\f335\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0506020204030204}Humanst521 Cn BT;} {\f336\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03050502040202020203}Kids;}{\f337\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020602070506020304}NewBskvll BT;}{\f338\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03030602040405080b03}Nuptial BT;} {\f339\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Scruff LET;}{\f340\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03050502040202020b03}Technical;}{\f341\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020f0702020204020204}VAGRounded BT;} {\f342\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03010101010101010101}VivaldiD;}{\f343\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05000000000000000000}Animals 1;}{\f344\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05000000000000000000}Animals 2;} {\f345\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603050302020204}Arrows2;}{\f346\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603050302020204}Balloons;}{\f347\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603050302020204}Buildings;} {\f348\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603050302020204}CommonBullets;}{\f349\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603050302020204}Computers;}{\f350\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}DF Calligraphic Ornaments LET;} {\f351\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}DF Diversions LET;}{\f352\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}DF Diversities LET;}{\f353\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603050302020204}Festive;} {\f354\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603050302020204}Food;}{\f355\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603050302020204}Household;}{\f356\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603050302020204}Hygiene;} {\f357\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05000000000000000000}Kidnap;}{\f358\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05000000000000000000}Music;}{\f359\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603050302020204}Plants;} {\f360\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603050302020204}SportsFigures;}{\f361\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603050302020204}Transportation;}{\f362\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603050302020204}Weather;} {\f363\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040603050705020303}CentSchbook BT;}{\f364\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03080402030202060204}Van Dijk;}{\f365\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 040b0500000000000000}Lithograph;} {\f366\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 01010101010101010101}Adolescence;}{\f367\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0803020204040204}AntigoniBd;}{\f368\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0406020204020204}Antigoni Light;} {\f369\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0703020204030204}Antigoni Med;}{\f370\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0603020204030204}Antigoni;}{\f371\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020e0806020206070204}MGI Archon;} {\f372\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020d0802060808030204}AucoinExtBol;}{\f373\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020d0602050304030204}AucoinLight;}{\f374\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0804040403020303}Banjoman Open Bold;} {\f375\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020e0803080505070304}Bedini;}{\f376\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02000503000000000004}Bermuda Solid;}{\f377\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0900020202060204}Eurostar Black Extended;} {\f378\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0504020202050204}Eurostar;}{\f379\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0507020202060204}Eurostar Regular Extended;}{\f380\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02000507000000000004}Falstaff Festival MT;} {\f381\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020e0602060706020304}Gourmand;}{\f382\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0704030103070804}Metro Nouveau;}{\f383\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02000504000000000003}Orbus Multiserif;} {\f384\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02000306050000000002}Palace Script MT Semi Bold;}{\f385\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02090502050106070304}Palladius;}{\f386\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020e0702050806020304}Peinaud;} {\f387\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020e0302020206020904}Schindler;}{\f388\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020e0402020206020904}Schindler Small Caps;}{\f389\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03010101010101010101}Wendy Medium;} {\f390\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03020602050506090804}Vianta;}{\f391\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04040604020b02020304}LcdD;}{\f392\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020502060200020303}GiovanniITCTT;} {\f393\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00050102010706020507}Map Symbols;}{\f394\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Eurostar Regular Extended Balti;}{\f395\fdecor\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Creepy CE;} {\f396\fdecor\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Creepy Tur;}{\f397\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}EraserDust CE;}{\f398\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}EraserDust Tur;} {\f399\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Tw Cen MT Condensed CE;}{\f400\fmodern\fcharset238\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Andale Mono CE;}{\f401\fmodern\fcharset204\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Andale Mono Cyr;} {\f402\fmodern\fcharset161\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Andale Mono Greek;}{\f403\fmodern\fcharset162\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Andale Mono Tur;}{\f404\fmodern\fcharset186\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Andale Mono Baltic;} {\f405\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}AvantGarde Bk BT CE;}{\f406\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}AvantGarde Bk BT Greek;} {\f407\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}AvantGarde Bk BT Tur;}{\f408\fdecor\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}BernhardFashion BT CE;} {\f409\fdecor\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}BernhardFashion BT Greek;}{\f410\fdecor\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}BernhardFashion BT Tur;}{\f411\fnil\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Boink LET Greek;} {\f412\froman\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}BookmanITC Lt BT CE;}{\f413\froman\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}BookmanITC Lt BT Greek;} {\f414\froman\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}BookmanITC Lt BT Tur;}{\f415\fscript\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}BrushScript BT CE;}{\f416\fscript\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}BrushScript BT Greek;} {\f417\fscript\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}BrushScript BT Tur;}{\f418\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Compacta Blk BT CE;}{\f419\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Compacta Blk BT Greek;} {\f420\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Compacta Blk BT Tur;}{\f421\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Compacta Lt BT CE;}{\f422\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Compacta Lt BT Greek;} {\f423\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Compacta Lt BT Tur;}{\f424\froman\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Cooper Md BT CE;}{\f425\froman\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Cooper Md BT Greek;} {\f426\froman\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Cooper Md BT Tur;}{\f427\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}CopprplGoth BT CE;}{\f428\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}CopprplGoth BT Greek;} {\f429\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}CopprplGoth BT Tur;}{\f430\fscript\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}DomBold BT CE;}{\f431\fscript\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}DomBold BT Greek;} {\f432\fscript\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}DomBold BT Tur;}{\f433\fscript\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}DomCasual BT CE;}{\f434\fscript\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}DomCasual BT Greek;} {\f435\fscript\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}DomCasual BT Tur;}{\f436\fscript\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}English111 Presto BT CE;} {\f437\fscript\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}English111 Presto BT Greek;}{\f438\fscript\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}English111 Presto BT Tur;} {\f439\fscript\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}English111 Vivace BT CE;}{\f440\fscript\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}English111 Vivace BT Greek;} {\f441\fscript\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}English111 Vivace BT Tur;}{\f442\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Futura XBlkCn BT CE;} {\f443\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Futura XBlkCn BT Greek;}{\f444\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Futura XBlkCn BT Tur;}{\f445\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Futura Md BT CE;} {\f446\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Futura Md BT Greek;}{\f447\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Futura Md BT Tur;}{\f448\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Humanst521 Cn BT CE;} {\f449\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Humanst521 Cn BT Greek;}{\f450\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Humanst521 Cn BT Tur;}{\f451\froman\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}NewBskvll BT CE;} {\f452\froman\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}NewBskvll BT Greek;}{\f453\froman\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}NewBskvll BT Tur;}{\f454\fscript\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Nuptial BT CE;} {\f455\fscript\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Nuptial BT Greek;}{\f456\fscript\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Nuptial BT Tur;}{\f457\fnil\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Scruff LET Greek;} {\f458\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}VAGRounded BT CE;}{\f459\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}VAGRounded BT Greek;}{\f460\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}VAGRounded BT Tur;} {\f461\fscript\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}VivaldiD CE;}{\f462\fscript\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}VivaldiD Tur;}{\f463\froman\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}CentSchbook BT CE;} {\f464\froman\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}CentSchbook BT Greek;}{\f465\froman\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}CentSchbook BT Tur;}{\f466\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}AntigoniBd CE;} {\f467\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}AntigoniBd Greek;}{\f468\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}AntigoniBd Tur;}{\f469\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}AntigoniBd Baltic;} {\f470\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Antigoni Light CE;}{\f471\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Antigoni Light Greek;}{\f472\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Antigoni Light Tur;} {\f473\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Antigoni Light Baltic;}{\f474\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Antigoni Med CE;}{\f475\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Antigoni Med Greek;} {\f476\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Antigoni Med Tur;}{\f477\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Antigoni Med Baltic;}{\f478\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Antigoni CE;} {\f479\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Antigoni Greek;}{\f480\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Antigoni Tur;}{\f481\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Antigoni Baltic;} {\f482\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MGI Archon CE;}{\f483\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MGI Archon Greek;}{\f484\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MGI Archon Tur;} {\f485\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MGI Archon Baltic;}{\f486\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}AucoinExtBol CE;}{\f487\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}AucoinExtBol Greek;} {\f488\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}AucoinExtBol Tur;}{\f489\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}AucoinExtBol Baltic;}{\f490\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}AucoinLight CE;} {\f491\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}AucoinLight Greek;}{\f492\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}AucoinLight Tur;}{\f493\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}AucoinLight Baltic;} {\f494\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Bedini CE;}{\f495\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Bedini Greek;}{\f496\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Bedini Tur;} {\f497\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Bedini Baltic;}{\f498\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Eurostar Black Extended CE;} {\f499\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Eurostar Black Extended Greek;}{\f500\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Eurostar Black Extended Tur;} {\f501\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Eurostar Black Extended Baltic;}{\f502\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Eurostar CE;}{\f503\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Eurostar Greek;} {\f504\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Eurostar Tur;}{\f505\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Eurostar Baltic;}{\f506\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Eurostar Regular Extended CE;} {\f507\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Eurostar Regular Extended Greek;}{\f508\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Eurostar Regular Extended Tur;} {\f509\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Gourmand CE;}{\f510\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Gourmand Greek;}{\f511\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Gourmand Tur;} {\f512\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Gourmand Baltic;}{\f513\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Metro Nouveau CE;}{\f514\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Metro Nouveau Greek;} {\f515\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Metro Nouveau Tur;}{\f516\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Metro Nouveau Baltic;}{\f517\froman\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Palladius CE;} {\f518\froman\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Palladius Greek;}{\f519\froman\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Palladius Tur;}{\f520\froman\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Palladius Baltic;} {\f521\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Peinaud CE;}{\f522\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Peinaud Greek;}{\f523\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Peinaud Tur;} {\f524\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Peinaud Baltic;}{\f525\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Schindler CE;}{\f526\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Schindler Greek;} {\f527\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Schindler Tur;}{\f528\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Schindler Baltic;}{\f529\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Schindler Small Caps CE;} {\f530\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Schindler Small Caps Greek;}{\f531\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Schindler Small Caps Tur;} {\f532\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Schindler Small Caps Baltic;}{\f533\fscript\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Vianta Greek;}{\f534\fdecor\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}LcdD CE;} {\f535\fdecor\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}LcdD Tur;}{\f536\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}????????????????????????\'a8\'ac?????;} {\f537\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}??????????????????????\'a8\'ac???????;}{\f538\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}?????????????????????????\'a1\'ec????;} {\f539\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}??????????????????????????????\'a8;}{\f540\froman\fcharset0\fprq2 Times New Roman CYR;}{\f541\froman\fcharset0\fprq2 Times New Roman TUR;}{\f542\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2 Arial CYR;} {\f543\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2 Arial TUR;}{\f544\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1 Courier New CYR;}{\f545\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1 Courier New TUR;}{\f546\fnil\fcharset178\fprq2{\*\panose 02010000000000000000}Traditional Arabic;} {\f547\fnil\fcharset178\fprq2{\*\panose 02010000000000000000}Arabic Transparent;}{\f548\fnil\fcharset178\fprq2{\*\panose 02010000000000000000}Andalus;}{\f549\fnil\fcharset178\fprq2{\*\panose 02010000000000000000}Simplified Arabic;} {\f550\fmodern\fcharset178\fprq1{\*\panose 02010009000000000000}Simplified Arabic Fixed;}{\f551\fmodern\fcharset134\fprq1{\*\panose 02010609030101010101}NSimSun;}{\f552\fmodern\fcharset134\fprq1{\*\panose 02010609030101010101}@NSimSun;} {\f553\fnil\fcharset134\fprq2{\*\panose 02010600030101010101}@SimHei;}{\f554\froman\fcharset128\fprq2{\*\panose 02020600040205080304}MS PMincho;}{\f555\froman\fcharset128\fprq2{\*\panose 02020600040205080304}@MS PMincho;} {\f556\fmodern\fcharset128\fprq1{\*\panose 020b0609070205080204}@MS Gothic;}{\f557\fswiss\fcharset128\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0600070205080204}MS PGothic;}{\f558\fswiss\fcharset128\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0600070205080204}@MS PGothic;} {\f559\fswiss\fcharset128\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0600070205080204}MS UI Gothic;}{\f560\fswiss\fcharset128\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0600070205080204}@MS UI Gothic;}{\f561\froman\fcharset222\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}AngsanaUPC;} {\f562\fswiss\fcharset222\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604020202020204}BrowalliaUPC;}{\f563\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604020202020204}Browallia New;}{\f564\fswiss\fcharset222\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0304020202020204}CordiaUPC;} {\f565\froman\fcharset222\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}DilleniaUPC;}{\f566\froman\fcharset222\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}EucrosiaUPC;}{\f567\fswiss\fcharset222\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604020202020204}FreesiaUPC;} {\f568\fswiss\fcharset222\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604020202020204}IrisUPC;}{\f569\froman\fcharset222\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}JasmineUPC;}{\f570\froman\fcharset222\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}KodchiangUPC;} {\f571\fswiss\fcharset222\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604020202020204}LilyUPC;}{\f572\fswiss\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 050b0604020202020204}Typographic Ext;}{\f573\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05000000000000000000}Iconic Symbols Ext;} {\f574\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05000000000000000000}Math Ext;}{\f575\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05020603050405020304}Multinational Ext;}{\f576\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05020603050405020304}Greek Symbols;} {\f577\fnil\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}SPSS Marker Set;}{\f578\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05050102010607020607}MapInfo Cartographic;}{\f579\fmodern\fcharset136\fprq1{\*\panose 02020309000000000000}@MingLiU;} {\f580\froman\fcharset136\fprq2{\*\panose 02020300000000000000}@PMingLiU;}{\f581\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}(Use Asian text font){\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f582\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}PMingLiU Western{\*\falt !Ps2OcuAe};}{\f583\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Gothic Western{\*\falt ?l?r ?S?V?b?N};} {\f584\fmodern\fcharset238\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Gothic CE{\*\falt ?l?r ?S?V?b?N};}{\f585\fmodern\fcharset204\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Gothic Cyr{\*\falt ?l?r ?S?V?b?N};} {\f586\fmodern\fcharset161\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Gothic Greek{\*\falt ?l?r ?S?V?b?N};}{\f587\fmodern\fcharset162\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Gothic Tur{\*\falt ?l?r ?S?V?b?N};} {\f588\fmodern\fcharset186\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Gothic Baltic{\*\falt ?l?r ?S?V?b?N};}{\f589\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MingLiU Western{\*\falt 2OcuAe};} {\f590\froman\fcharset163\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times New Roman CYR (Vietnamese;}{\f591\froman\fcharset0\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek;}{\f592\froman\fcharset163\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times New Roman Greek (Vietname;} {\f593\froman\fcharset163\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times New Roman TUR (Vietnamese;}{\f594\froman\fcharset0\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic;}{\f595\froman\fcharset163\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times New Roman Baltic (Vietnam;} {\f596\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}NSimSun Western;}{\f597\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@NSimSun Western;}{\f598\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS PMincho Western;} {\f599\froman\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS PMincho CE;}{\f600\froman\fcharset204\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS PMincho Cyr;}{\f601\froman\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS PMincho Greek;} {\f602\froman\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS PMincho Tur;}{\f603\froman\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS PMincho Baltic;}{\f604\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS PMincho Western;} {\f605\froman\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS PMincho CE;}{\f606\froman\fcharset204\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS PMincho Cyr;}{\f607\froman\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS PMincho Greek;} {\f608\froman\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS PMincho Tur;}{\f609\froman\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS PMincho Baltic;}{\f610\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS Gothic Western;} {\f611\fmodern\fcharset238\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS Gothic CE;}{\f612\fmodern\fcharset204\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS Gothic Cyr;}{\f613\fmodern\fcharset161\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS Gothic Greek;} {\f614\fmodern\fcharset162\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS Gothic Tur;}{\f615\fmodern\fcharset186\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS Gothic Baltic;}{\f616\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS PGothic Western;} {\f617\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS PGothic CE;}{\f618\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS PGothic Cyr;}{\f619\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS PGothic Greek;} {\f620\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS PGothic Tur;}{\f621\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS PGothic Baltic;}{\f622\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS PGothic Western;} {\f623\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS PGothic CE;}{\f624\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS PGothic Cyr;}{\f625\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS PGothic Greek;} {\f626\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS PGothic Tur;}{\f627\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS PGothic Baltic;}{\f628\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS UI Gothic Western;} {\f629\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS UI Gothic CE;}{\f630\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS UI Gothic Cyr;}{\f631\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS UI Gothic Greek;} {\f632\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS UI Gothic Tur;}{\f633\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS UI Gothic Baltic;}{\f634\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS UI Gothic Western;} {\f635\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS UI Gothic CE;}{\f636\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS UI Gothic Cyr;}{\f637\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS UI Gothic Greek;} {\f638\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS UI Gothic Tur;}{\f639\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS UI Gothic Baltic;}{\f640\fswiss\fcharset222\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Browallia New (Thai);} {\f641\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MingLiU Western;}{\f642\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@PMingLiU Western;} {\f643\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}????????????????????\'a1\'a7?????????;}{\f644\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Sans Serif{\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f645\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0502040204020203}Segoe Media Center;}{\f646\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0702040200020203}Segoe Media Center Semibold;}{\f647\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0804030504040204}Tahoma Small Cap;} {\f648\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Elite{\*\falt Arial};}{\f649\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}GothicPS{\*\falt Arial};} {\f650\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}????????????\'a1\'a7???????;}{\f651\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}??????????????????\'a8\'ac?????????;} {\f652\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}????????????????????????\'a1\'a7?????;}{\f653\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}??????????????????????\'a1\'a7???????;} {\f654\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}CG Times (W1){\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f655\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}CG Times 12pt;} {\f656\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}????????????????????\'a8\'ac?????????;}{\f657\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}?????\'a1\'ec???;} {\f658\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}????\'a1\'a7???;}{\f659\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Prestige;}{\f660\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}?????????????????\'a1\'ec?????????;} {\f661\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}??????????????????\'a1\'a7??????????;}{\f662\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}o{\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f663\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}ome{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f664\fnil\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Times Roman{\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f665\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Plain text{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f666\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}boscombe{\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f667\froman\fcharset0\fprq0{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}??????????????????????????\'a8\'ac???;}{\f668\froman\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Rockwell CE;} {\f669\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Reference Sans Serif CE;}{\f670\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Reference Sans Serif Cyr;} {\f671\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Reference Sans Serif Greek;}{\f672\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Reference Sans Serif Tur;} {\f673\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Reference Sans Serif Baltic;}{\f674\froman\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Reference Serif CE;} {\f675\froman\fcharset204\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Reference Serif Cyr;}{\f676\froman\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Reference Serif Greek;} {\f677\froman\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Reference Serif Tur;}{\f678\froman\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Reference Serif Baltic;} {\f679\froman\fcharset163\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}MS Reference Serif (Vietnamese);}{\f680\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Verdana Ref CE;}{\f681\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Verdana Ref Cyr;} {\f682\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Verdana Ref Greek;}{\f683\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Verdana Ref Tur;}{\f684\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Verdana Ref Baltic;} {\f685\fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Verdana Ref (Vietnamese);}{\f686\froman\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Georgia Ref CE;}{\f687\froman\fcharset204\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Georgia Ref Cyr;} {\f688\froman\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Georgia Ref Greek;}{\f689\froman\fcharset162\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Georgia Ref Tur;}{\f690\froman\fcharset186\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Georgia Ref Baltic;} {\f691\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Gill Sans MT CE;}{\f692\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Gill Sans MT Condensed CE;} {\f693\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Gill Sans Ultra Bold CE;}{\f694\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Sydnie;}{\f695\fnil\fcharset161\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Sydnie Greek;} {\f696\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2 Arial Baltic;}{\f697\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1 Courier New Baltic;}{\f698\froman\fcharset0\fprq2 Times New Roman CE;}{\f699\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2 Arial CE;}{\f700\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2 Arial Greek;} {\f701\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1 Courier New CE;}{\f702\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1 Courier New Greek;}{\f703\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Times New Roman CE{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f704\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Times New Roman Cyr{\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f706\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f707\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Times New Roman Tur{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f708\froman\fcharset177\fprq2 Times New Roman (Hebrew){\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f709\froman\fcharset178\fprq2 Times New Roman (Arabic){\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f710\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f711\froman\fcharset163\fprq2 Times New Roman (Vietnamese){\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f713\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Arial CE;}{\f714\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Arial Cyr;}{\f716\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Arial Greek;}{\f717\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Arial Tur;}{\f718\fswiss\fcharset177\fprq2 Arial (Hebrew);} {\f719\fswiss\fcharset178\fprq2 Arial (Arabic);}{\f720\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Arial Baltic;}{\f721\fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2 Arial (Vietnamese);}{\f723\fmodern\fcharset238\fprq1 Courier New CE;}{\f724\fmodern\fcharset204\fprq1 Courier New Cyr;} {\f726\fmodern\fcharset161\fprq1 Courier New Greek;}{\f727\fmodern\fcharset162\fprq1 Courier New Tur;}{\f728\fmodern\fcharset177\fprq1 Courier New (Hebrew);}{\f729\fmodern\fcharset178\fprq1 Courier New (Arabic);} {\f730\fmodern\fcharset186\fprq1 Courier New Baltic;}{\f731\fmodern\fcharset163\fprq1 Courier New (Vietnamese);}{\f743\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Helvetica CE;}{\f744\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Helvetica Cyr;}{\f746\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Helvetica Greek;} {\f747\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Helvetica Tur;}{\f748\fswiss\fcharset177\fprq2 Helvetica (Hebrew);}{\f749\fswiss\fcharset178\fprq2 Helvetica (Arabic);}{\f750\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Helvetica Baltic;} {\f751\fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2 Helvetica (Vietnamese);}{\f815\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1 MS Mincho Western{\*\falt ?l?r ??\'81\'66c};}{\f813\fmodern\fcharset238\fprq1 MS Mincho CE{\*\falt ?l?r ??\'81\'66c};} {\f814\fmodern\fcharset204\fprq1 MS Mincho Cyr{\*\falt ?l?r ??\'81\'66c};}{\f816\fmodern\fcharset161\fprq1 MS Mincho Greek{\*\falt ?l?r ??\'81\'66c};}{\f817\fmodern\fcharset162\fprq1 MS Mincho Tur{\*\falt ?l?r ??\'81\'66c};} {\f820\fmodern\fcharset186\fprq1 MS Mincho Baltic{\*\falt ?l?r ??\'81\'66c};}{\f825\froman\fcharset0\fprq2 Batang Western{\*\falt \'a9\'f6UAA};}{\f823\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Batang CE{\*\falt \'a9\'f6UAA};} {\f824\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Batang Cyr{\*\falt \'a9\'f6UAA};}{\f826\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Batang Greek{\*\falt \'a9\'f6UAA};}{\f827\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Batang Tur{\*\falt \'a9\'f6UAA};} {\f830\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Batang Baltic{\*\falt \'a9\'f6UAA};}{\f835\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2 SimSun Western{\*\falt ??\'a8\'ac?};}{\f913\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Century CE;}{\f914\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Century Cyr;} {\f916\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Century Greek;}{\f917\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Century Tur;}{\f920\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Century Baltic;}{\f925\froman\fcharset0\fprq2 Angsana New;}{\f935\froman\fcharset0\fprq2 Cordia New;} {\f963\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Sylfaen CE;}{\f964\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Sylfaen Cyr;}{\f966\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Sylfaen Greek;}{\f967\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Sylfaen Tur;}{\f970\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Sylfaen Baltic;} {\f1045\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2 Arial Unicode MS Western;}{\f1043\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Arial Unicode MS CE;}{\f1044\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Arial Unicode MS Cyr;}{\f1046\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Arial Unicode MS Greek;} {\f1047\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Arial Unicode MS Tur;}{\f1048\fswiss\fcharset177\fprq2 Arial Unicode MS (Hebrew);}{\f1049\fswiss\fcharset178\fprq2 Arial Unicode MS (Arabic);}{\f1050\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Arial Unicode MS Baltic;} {\f1051\fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2 Arial Unicode MS (Vietnamese);}{\f1052\fswiss\fcharset222\fprq2 Arial Unicode MS (Thai);}{\f1053\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Tahoma CE;}{\f1054\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Tahoma Cyr;} {\f1056\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Tahoma Greek;}{\f1057\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Tahoma Tur;}{\f1058\fswiss\fcharset177\fprq2 Tahoma (Hebrew);}{\f1059\fswiss\fcharset178\fprq2 Tahoma (Arabic);}{\f1060\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Tahoma Baltic;} {\f1061\fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2 Tahoma (Vietnamese);}{\f1062\fswiss\fcharset222\fprq2 Tahoma (Thai);}{\f1073\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Times CE{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f1074\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Times Cyr{\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f1076\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Times Greek{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f1077\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Times Tur{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f1078\froman\fcharset177\fprq2 Times (Hebrew){\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f1079\froman\fcharset178\fprq2 Times (Arabic){\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f1080\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Times Baltic{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f1081\froman\fcharset163\fprq2 Times (Vietnamese){\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\f1093\fmodern\fcharset238\fprq1 Lucida Console CE;}{\f1094\fmodern\fcharset204\fprq1 Lucida Console Cyr;}{\f1096\fmodern\fcharset161\fprq1 Lucida Console Greek;}{\f1097\fmodern\fcharset162\fprq1 Lucida Console Tur;} {\f1103\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Verdana CE;}{\f1104\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Verdana Cyr;}{\f1106\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Verdana Greek;}{\f1107\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Verdana Tur;}{\f1110\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Verdana Baltic;} {\f1111\fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2 Verdana (Vietnamese);}{\f1113\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Arial Black CE;}{\f1114\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Arial Black Cyr;}{\f1116\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Arial Black Greek;} {\f1117\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Arial Black Tur;}{\f1120\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Arial Black Baltic;}{\f1123\fscript\fcharset238\fprq2 Comic Sans MS CE;}{\f1124\fscript\fcharset204\fprq2 Comic Sans MS Cyr;} {\f1126\fscript\fcharset161\fprq2 Comic Sans MS Greek;}{\f1127\fscript\fcharset162\fprq2 Comic Sans MS Tur;}{\f1130\fscript\fcharset186\fprq2 Comic Sans MS Baltic;}{\f1133\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Impact CE;}{\f1134\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Impact Cyr;} {\f1136\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Impact Greek;}{\f1137\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Impact Tur;}{\f1140\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Impact Baltic;}{\f1143\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Georgia CE;}{\f1144\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Georgia Cyr;} {\f1146\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Georgia Greek;}{\f1147\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Georgia Tur;}{\f1150\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Georgia Baltic;}{\f1153\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Medium CE;} {\f1154\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Medium Cyr;}{\f1156\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Medium Greek;}{\f1157\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Medium Tur;}{\f1160\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Medium Baltic;} {\f1163\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Palatino Linotype CE;}{\f1164\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Palatino Linotype Cyr;}{\f1166\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Palatino Linotype Greek;}{\f1167\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Palatino Linotype Tur;} {\f1170\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Palatino Linotype Baltic;}{\f1171\froman\fcharset163\fprq2 Palatino Linotype (Vietnamese);}{\f1173\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Trebuchet MS CE;}{\f1174\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Trebuchet MS Cyr;} {\f1176\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Trebuchet MS Greek;}{\f1177\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Trebuchet MS Tur;}{\f1180\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Trebuchet MS Baltic;}{\f1213\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Microsoft Sans Serif CE;} {\f1214\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Microsoft Sans Serif Cyr;}{\f1216\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Microsoft Sans Serif Greek;}{\f1217\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Microsoft Sans Serif Tur;}{\f1218\fswiss\fcharset177\fprq2 Microsoft Sans Serif (Hebrew);} {\f1219\fswiss\fcharset178\fprq2 Microsoft Sans Serif (Arabic);}{\f1220\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Microsoft Sans Serif Baltic;}{\f1221\fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2 Microsoft Sans Serif (Vietnamese);} {\f1222\fswiss\fcharset222\fprq2 Microsoft Sans Serif (Thai);}{\f1226\fnil\fcharset161\fprq2 Alba Greek;}{\f1236\fnil\fcharset161\fprq2 Alba Matter Greek;}{\f1246\fnil\fcharset161\fprq2 Alba Super Greek;}{\f1256\fnil\fcharset161\fprq2 Baby Kruffy Greek;} {\f1266\fnil\fcharset161\fprq2 Chick Greek;}{\f1276\fnil\fcharset161\fprq2 Croobie Greek;}{\f1296\fnil\fcharset161\fprq2 Freshbot Greek;}{\f1306\fnil\fcharset161\fprq2 Frosty Greek;}{\f1316\fnil\fcharset161\fprq2 GlooGun Greek;} {\f1326\fnil\fcharset161\fprq2 Jenkins v2.0 Greek;}{\f1366\fnil\fcharset161\fprq2 Pussycat Greek;}{\f1376\fnil\fcharset161\fprq2 Weltron Urban Greek;}{\f1383\fscript\fcharset238\fprq2 Mistral CE;}{\f1384\fscript\fcharset204\fprq2 Mistral Cyr;} {\f1386\fscript\fcharset161\fprq2 Mistral Greek;}{\f1387\fscript\fcharset162\fprq2 Mistral Tur;}{\f1390\fscript\fcharset186\fprq2 Mistral Baltic;}{\f1393\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Lucida Sans Unicode CE;} {\f1394\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Lucida Sans Unicode Cyr;}{\f1396\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Lucida Sans Unicode Greek;}{\f1397\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Lucida Sans Unicode Tur;}{\f1398\fswiss\fcharset177\fprq2 Lucida Sans Unicode (Hebrew);} {\f1513\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Book CE;}{\f1514\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Book Cyr;}{\f1516\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Book Greek;}{\f1517\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Book Tur;} {\f1520\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Book Baltic;}{\f1523\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Demi CE;}{\f1524\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Demi Cyr;}{\f1526\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Demi Greek;} {\f1527\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Demi Tur;}{\f1530\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Demi Baltic;}{\f1533\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Medium Cond CE;}{\f1534\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Medium Cond Cyr;} {\f1536\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Medium Cond Greek;}{\f1537\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Medium Cond Tur;}{\f1540\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Franklin Gothic Medium Cond Baltic;}{\f1553\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Century Gothic CE;} {\f1554\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Century Gothic Cyr;}{\f1556\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Century Gothic Greek;}{\f1557\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Century Gothic Tur;}{\f1560\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Century Gothic Baltic;} {\f1675\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2 @Arial Unicode MS Western;}{\f1673\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 @Arial Unicode MS CE;}{\f1674\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 @Arial Unicode MS Cyr;}{\f1676\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 @Arial Unicode MS Greek;} {\f1677\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 @Arial Unicode MS Tur;}{\f1678\fswiss\fcharset177\fprq2 @Arial Unicode MS (Hebrew);}{\f1679\fswiss\fcharset178\fprq2 @Arial Unicode MS (Arabic);}{\f1680\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 @Arial Unicode MS Baltic;} {\f1681\fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2 @Arial Unicode MS (Vietnamese);}{\f1682\fswiss\fcharset222\fprq2 @Arial Unicode MS (Thai);}{\f1685\froman\fcharset0\fprq2 @Batang Western;}{\f1683\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 @Batang CE;} {\f1684\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 @Batang Cyr;}{\f1686\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 @Batang Greek;}{\f1687\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 @Batang Tur;}{\f1690\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 @Batang Baltic;}{\f1693\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Book Antiqua CE;} {\f1694\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Book Antiqua Cyr;}{\f1696\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Book Antiqua Greek;}{\f1697\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Book Antiqua Tur;}{\f1700\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Book Antiqua Baltic;} {\f1703\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Bookman Old Style CE;}{\f1704\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Bookman Old Style Cyr;}{\f1706\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Bookman Old Style Greek;}{\f1707\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Bookman Old Style Tur;} {\f1710\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Bookman Old Style Baltic;}{\f1713\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Garamond CE;}{\f1714\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Garamond Cyr;}{\f1716\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Garamond Greek;}{\f1717\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Garamond Tur;} {\f1720\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Garamond Baltic;}{\f1723\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Haettenschweiler CE;}{\f1724\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Haettenschweiler Cyr;}{\f1726\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Haettenschweiler Greek;} {\f1727\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Haettenschweiler Tur;}{\f1730\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Haettenschweiler Baltic;}{\f1735\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1 @MS Mincho Western;}{\f1733\fmodern\fcharset238\fprq1 @MS Mincho CE;} {\f1734\fmodern\fcharset204\fprq1 @MS Mincho Cyr;}{\f1736\fmodern\fcharset161\fprq1 @MS Mincho Greek;}{\f1737\fmodern\fcharset162\fprq1 @MS Mincho Tur;}{\f1740\fmodern\fcharset186\fprq1 @MS Mincho Baltic;} {\f1753\fscript\fcharset238\fprq2 Monotype Corsiva CE;}{\f1754\fscript\fcharset204\fprq2 Monotype Corsiva Cyr;}{\f1756\fscript\fcharset161\fprq2 Monotype Corsiva Greek;}{\f1757\fscript\fcharset162\fprq2 Monotype Corsiva Tur;} {\f1760\fscript\fcharset186\fprq2 Monotype Corsiva Baltic;}{\f1765\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2 @SimSun Western;}{\f1783\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Arial Narrow CE;}{\f1784\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Arial Narrow Cyr;} {\f1786\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Arial Narrow Greek;}{\f1787\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Arial Narrow Tur;}{\f1790\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Arial Narrow Baltic;}{\f1853\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Albertus Medium CE;} {\f1857\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Albertus Medium Tur;}{\f1860\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Albertus Medium Baltic;}{\f1863\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Albertus CE;}{\f1867\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Albertus Tur;}{\f1870\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Albertus Baltic;} {\f1873\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Albertus Extra Bold CE;}{\f1877\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Albertus Extra Bold Tur;}{\f1880\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Albertus Extra Bold Baltic;}{\f1883\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 ITC Avant Garde Gothic CE;} {\f1887\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 ITC Avant Garde Gothic Tur;}{\f1890\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 ITC Avant Garde Gothic Baltic;}{\f1893\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 ITC Avant Garde Gothic Demi CE;} {\f1897\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 ITC Avant Garde Gothic Demi Tur;}{\f1900\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 ITC Avant Garde Gothic Demi Baltic;}{\f1903\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 ITC Bookman Light CE;}{\f1907\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 ITC Bookman Light Tur;} {\f1910\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 ITC Bookman Light Baltic;}{\f1913\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 ITC Bookman Demi CE;}{\f1917\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 ITC Bookman Demi Tur;}{\f1920\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 ITC Bookman Demi Baltic;} {\f1923\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 CG Omega CE;}{\f1927\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 CG Omega Tur;}{\f1930\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 CG Omega Baltic;}{\f1933\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 CG Times CE;}{\f1937\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 CG Times Tur;} {\f1940\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 CG Times Baltic;}{\f1943\fscript\fcharset238\fprq2 ITC Zapf Chancery CE;}{\f1947\fscript\fcharset162\fprq2 ITC Zapf Chancery Tur;}{\f1950\fscript\fcharset186\fprq2 ITC Zapf Chancery Baltic;} {\f1953\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Clarendon CE;}{\f1957\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Clarendon Tur;}{\f1960\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Clarendon Baltic;}{\f1963\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Clarendon Condensed CE;} {\f1967\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Clarendon Condensed Tur;}{\f1970\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Clarendon Condensed Baltic;}{\f1973\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Clarendon Extended CE;}{\f1977\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Clarendon Extended Tur;} {\f1980\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Clarendon Extended Baltic;}{\f1983\fscript\fcharset238\fprq2 Coronet CE;}{\f1987\fscript\fcharset162\fprq2 Coronet Tur;}{\f1990\fscript\fcharset186\fprq2 Coronet Baltic;}{\f1993\fmodern\fcharset238\fprq1 CourierPS CE;} {\f1997\fmodern\fcharset162\fprq1 CourierPS Tur;}{\f2000\fmodern\fcharset186\fprq1 CourierPS Baltic;}{\f2013\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Helvetica Narrow CE;}{\f2017\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Helvetica Narrow Tur;} {\f2020\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Helvetica Narrow Baltic;}{\f2023\fmodern\fcharset238\fprq1 Letter Gothic CE;}{\f2027\fmodern\fcharset162\fprq1 Letter Gothic Tur;}{\f2030\fmodern\fcharset186\fprq1 Letter Gothic Baltic;} {\f2033\fscript\fcharset238\fprq2 Marigold CE;}{\f2037\fscript\fcharset162\fprq2 Marigold Tur;}{\f2040\fscript\fcharset186\fprq2 Marigold Baltic;}{\f2043\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 New Century Schoolbook CE;} {\f2047\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 New Century Schoolbook Tur;}{\f2050\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 New Century Schoolbook Baltic;}{\f2053\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Antique Olive CE;}{\f2057\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Antique Olive Tur;} {\f2060\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Antique Olive Baltic;}{\f2063\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Antique Olive Compact CE;}{\f2067\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Antique Olive Compact Tur;}{\f2070\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Antique Olive Compact Baltic;} {\f2073\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Palatino CE{\*\falt Book Antiqua};}{\f2077\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Palatino Tur{\*\falt Book Antiqua};}{\f2080\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Palatino Baltic{\*\falt Book Antiqua};}{\f2093\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Univers CE;} {\f2097\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Univers Tur;}{\f2100\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Univers Baltic;}{\f2103\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Univers Condensed CE;}{\f2107\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Univers Condensed Tur;} {\f2110\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Univers Condensed Baltic;}{\f6103\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Times New Roman CYR CE;}{\f6104\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Times New Roman CYR Cyr;}{\f6106\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Times New Roman CYR Greek;} {\f6107\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Times New Roman CYR Tur;}{\f6108\froman\fcharset177\fprq2 Times New Roman CYR (Hebrew);}{\f6109\froman\fcharset178\fprq2 Times New Roman CYR (Arabic);}{\f6110\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Times New Roman CYR Baltic;} {\f6111\froman\fcharset163\fprq2 Times New Roman CYR (Vietnamese);}{\f6113\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Times New Roman TUR CE;}{\f6114\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Times New Roman TUR Cyr;}{\f6116\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Times New Roman TUR Greek;} {\f6117\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Times New Roman TUR Tur;}{\f6118\froman\fcharset177\fprq2 Times New Roman TUR (Hebrew);}{\f6119\froman\fcharset178\fprq2 Times New Roman TUR (Arabic);}{\f6120\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Times New Roman TUR Baltic;} {\f6121\froman\fcharset163\fprq2 Times New Roman TUR (Vietnamese);}{\f6123\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Arial CYR CE;}{\f6124\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Arial CYR Cyr;}{\f6126\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Arial CYR Greek;} {\f6127\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Arial CYR Tur;}{\f6128\fswiss\fcharset177\fprq2 Arial CYR (Hebrew);}{\f6129\fswiss\fcharset178\fprq2 Arial CYR (Arabic);}{\f6130\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Arial CYR Baltic;} {\f6131\fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2 Arial CYR (Vietnamese);}{\f6133\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Arial TUR CE;}{\f6134\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Arial TUR Cyr;}{\f6136\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Arial TUR Greek;}{\f6137\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Arial TUR Tur;} {\f6138\fswiss\fcharset177\fprq2 Arial TUR (Hebrew);}{\f6139\fswiss\fcharset178\fprq2 Arial TUR (Arabic);}{\f6140\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Arial TUR Baltic;}{\f6141\fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2 Arial TUR (Vietnamese);} {\f6143\fmodern\fcharset238\fprq1 Courier New CYR CE;}{\f6144\fmodern\fcharset204\fprq1 Courier New CYR Cyr;}{\f6146\fmodern\fcharset161\fprq1 Courier New CYR Greek;}{\f6147\fmodern\fcharset162\fprq1 Courier New CYR Tur;} {\f6148\fmodern\fcharset177\fprq1 Courier New CYR (Hebrew);}{\f6149\fmodern\fcharset178\fprq1 Courier New CYR (Arabic);}{\f6150\fmodern\fcharset186\fprq1 Courier New CYR Baltic;}{\f6151\fmodern\fcharset163\fprq1 Courier New CYR (Vietnamese);} {\f6153\fmodern\fcharset238\fprq1 Courier New TUR CE;}{\f6154\fmodern\fcharset204\fprq1 Courier New TUR Cyr;}{\f6156\fmodern\fcharset161\fprq1 Courier New TUR Greek;}{\f6157\fmodern\fcharset162\fprq1 Courier New TUR Tur;} {\f6158\fmodern\fcharset177\fprq1 Courier New TUR (Hebrew);}{\f6159\fmodern\fcharset178\fprq1 Courier New TUR (Arabic);}{\f6160\fmodern\fcharset186\fprq1 Courier New TUR Baltic;}{\f6161\fmodern\fcharset163\fprq1 Courier New TUR (Vietnamese);} {\f6613\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek CE;}{\f6614\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek Cyr;}{\f6616\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek Greek;}{\f6617\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek Tur;} {\f6618\froman\fcharset177\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek (Hebrew);}{\f6619\froman\fcharset178\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek (Arabic);}{\f6620\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek Baltic;} {\f6621\froman\fcharset163\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek (Vietnamese);}{\f6643\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic CE;}{\f6644\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic Cyr;}{\f6646\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic Greek;} {\f6647\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic Tur;}{\f6648\froman\fcharset177\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic (Hebrew);}{\f6649\froman\fcharset178\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic (Arabic);} {\f6650\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic Baltic;}{\f6651\froman\fcharset163\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic (Vietnamese);}{\f7663\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Arial Baltic CE;}{\f7664\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Arial Baltic Cyr;} {\f7666\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Arial Baltic Greek;}{\f7667\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Arial Baltic Tur;}{\f7668\fswiss\fcharset177\fprq2 Arial Baltic (Hebrew);}{\f7669\fswiss\fcharset178\fprq2 Arial Baltic (Arabic);} {\f7670\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Arial Baltic Baltic;}{\f7671\fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2 Arial Baltic (Vietnamese);}{\f7673\fmodern\fcharset238\fprq1 Courier New Baltic CE;}{\f7674\fmodern\fcharset204\fprq1 Courier New Baltic Cyr;} {\f7676\fmodern\fcharset161\fprq1 Courier New Baltic Greek;}{\f7677\fmodern\fcharset162\fprq1 Courier New Baltic Tur;}{\f7678\fmodern\fcharset177\fprq1 Courier New Baltic (Hebrew);}{\f7679\fmodern\fcharset178\fprq1 Courier New Baltic (Arabic);} {\f7680\fmodern\fcharset186\fprq1 Courier New Baltic Baltic;}{\f7681\fmodern\fcharset163\fprq1 Courier New Baltic (Vietnamese);}{\f7683\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Times New Roman CE CE;}{\f7684\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Times New Roman CE Cyr;} {\f7686\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Times New Roman CE Greek;}{\f7687\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Times New Roman CE Tur;}{\f7688\froman\fcharset177\fprq2 Times New Roman CE (Hebrew);}{\f7689\froman\fcharset178\fprq2 Times New Roman CE (Arabic);} {\f7690\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Times New Roman CE Baltic;}{\f7691\froman\fcharset163\fprq2 Times New Roman CE (Vietnamese);}{\f7693\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Arial CE CE;}{\f7694\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Arial CE Cyr;} {\f7696\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Arial CE Greek;}{\f7697\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Arial CE Tur;}{\f7698\fswiss\fcharset177\fprq2 Arial CE (Hebrew);}{\f7699\fswiss\fcharset178\fprq2 Arial CE (Arabic);}{\f7700\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Arial CE Baltic;} {\f7701\fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2 Arial CE (Vietnamese);}{\f7703\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Arial Greek CE;}{\f7704\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Arial Greek Cyr;}{\f7706\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Arial Greek Greek;} {\f7707\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Arial Greek Tur;}{\f7708\fswiss\fcharset177\fprq2 Arial Greek (Hebrew);}{\f7709\fswiss\fcharset178\fprq2 Arial Greek (Arabic);}{\f7710\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Arial Greek Baltic;} {\f7711\fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2 Arial Greek (Vietnamese);}{\f7713\fmodern\fcharset238\fprq1 Courier New CE CE;}{\f7714\fmodern\fcharset204\fprq1 Courier New CE Cyr;}{\f7716\fmodern\fcharset161\fprq1 Courier New CE Greek;} {\f7717\fmodern\fcharset162\fprq1 Courier New CE Tur;}{\f7718\fmodern\fcharset177\fprq1 Courier New CE (Hebrew);}{\f7719\fmodern\fcharset178\fprq1 Courier New CE (Arabic);}{\f7720\fmodern\fcharset186\fprq1 Courier New CE Baltic;} {\f7721\fmodern\fcharset163\fprq1 Courier New CE (Vietnamese);}{\f7723\fmodern\fcharset238\fprq1 Courier New Greek CE;}{\f7724\fmodern\fcharset204\fprq1 Courier New Greek Cyr;}{\f7726\fmodern\fcharset161\fprq1 Courier New Greek Greek;} {\f7727\fmodern\fcharset162\fprq1 Courier New Greek Tur;}{\f7728\fmodern\fcharset177\fprq1 Courier New Greek (Hebrew);}{\f7729\fmodern\fcharset178\fprq1 Courier New Greek (Arabic);}{\f7730\fmodern\fcharset186\fprq1 Courier New Greek Baltic;} {\f7731\fmodern\fcharset163\fprq1 Courier New Greek (Vietnamese);}}{\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;\red0\green255\blue255;\red0\green255\blue0;\red255\green0\blue255;\red255\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255; \red0\green0\blue128;\red0\green128\blue128;\red0\green128\blue0;\red128\green0\blue128;\red128\green0\blue0;\red128\green128\blue0;\red128\green128\blue128;\red192\green192\blue192;}{\stylesheet{ \ql \li0\ri0\nowidctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 \snext0 Normal;}{\*\cs10 \additive \ssemihidden Default Paragraph Font;}{\* \ts11\tsrowd\trftsWidthB3\trpaddl108\trpaddr108\trpaddfl3\trpaddft3\trpaddfb3\trpaddfr3\tscellwidthfts0\tsvertalt\tsbrdrt\tsbrdrl\tsbrdrb\tsbrdrr\tsbrdrdgl\tsbrdrdgr\tsbrdrh\tsbrdrv \ql \li0\ri0\widctlpar\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 \fs20\lang1024\langfe1024\cgrid\langnp1024\langfenp1024 \snext11 \ssemihidden Normal Table;}{\s15\ql \li0\ri0\sb240\sa120\keepn\nowidctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 \f4\fs28\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 \sbasedon0 \snext16 Heading;}{\s16\ql \li0\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx360\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 \sbasedon0 \snext16 Body Text;}{ \s17\ql \li0\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx360\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 \f37\fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 \sbasedon16 \snext17 List;}{\s18\ql \li0\ri0\sb120\sa120\nowidctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 \i\f37\fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 \sbasedon0 \snext18 \ssemihidden caption;}{\s19\ql \li0\ri0\nowidctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 \f37\fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 \sbasedon0 \snext19 Index;}{\s20\ql \li0\ri0\nowidctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 \sbasedon0 \snext20 Plain Text;}{\s21\ql \fi-1134\li1134\ri0\nowidctlpar \tx1134\tx1418\tx9781\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1134\itap0 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 \sbasedon0 \snext21 dday;}{\*\cs22 \additive \f3 RTF_Num 2 1;}{\*\cs23 \additive RTF_Num 2 2;}{\*\cs24 \additive RTF_Num 2 3;}{\*\cs25 \additive RTF_Num 2 4;}{\*\cs26 \additive RTF_Num 2 5;}{\*\cs27 \additive RTF_Num 2 6;}{\*\cs28 \additive RTF_Num 2 7;}{\*\cs29 \additive RTF_Num 2 8;}{\*\cs30 \additive RTF_Num 2 9;}{\*\cs31 \additive \ul\cf2 \sbasedon10 Internet link;}}{\*\revtbl {Unknown;}}{\*\pgptbl {\pgp\ipgp0\itap0\li0\ri0\sb0\sa0}}{\*\rsidtbl \rsid674425\rsid6037987\rsid15153783}{\*\generator Microsoft Word 10.0.6612;}{\info{\author matt}{\operator John Palmer}{\creatim\yr2007\mo7\dy21\hr20\min55}{\revtim\yr2007\mo7\dy30\hr19\min41} {\printim\yr2113\mo1\dy1}{\version3}{\edmins4}{\nofpages78}{\nofwords40242}{\nofchars229380}{\*\company University of Hull}{\nofcharsws269084}{\vern16389}}\paperw11909\paperh16834\margl1153\margr1154 \deftab1080\widowctrl\ftnbj\aenddoc\makebackup\noxlattoyen\expshrtn\noultrlspc\dntblnsbdb\nospaceforul\hyphcaps0\horzdoc\dghspace120\dgvspace120\dghorigin1701\dgvorigin1984\dghshow0\dgvshow3\jcompress\viewkind4\viewscale100\nolnhtadjtbl\rsidroot674425 \fet0\sectd \sbknone\linex0\sectdefaultcl\sftnbj {\*\pnseclvl1\pnucrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl2\pnucltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl3\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl4 \pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl5\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl6\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl7\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxtb (} {\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl8\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl9\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}\pard\plain \s21\qc \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar \tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\b\insrsid674425 NOTES \par }{\insrsid674425 (version 1a)}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard \s21\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faauto\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 {\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \li0\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 The manuscript is written on either side of leaves, or folios, of parchment (sheep-skin) measuring about 15 inches by 11 inches (38 centimetres by 28 centimetres). On each side, or page, are two columns, making four to each folio. The folios were numbered in the seventeenth century, and the four columns of each are here lettered a, b, c, d. Red ink was used to emphasize words and to distinguish most chapters and sections. Underlining was generally used to indicate deletion.}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 LINCOLNSHIRE. }{\insrsid674425 The main scribe of Great Domesday wrote the running title }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 LINCOLESCIRE.}{\insrsid674425 in vermilion capitals across the top of folios }{\cf1\insrsid674425 337cd and 339cd, }{ \insrsid674425 centred above both columns,}{\cf1\insrsid674425 and thereafter across the top of the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 verso }{\cf1\insrsid674425 of every folio to folio 370cd}{\insrsid674425 . Likewise he wrote}{\cf1\insrsid674425 }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 LINDESIG.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 in vermilion capitals across the top of folios 338ab and 340ab, }{\insrsid674425 centred above both columns,}{\cf1\insrsid674425 and thereafter above the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 recto}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 of every folio to folio 371ab, and then above folio 371cd. }{\insrsid674425 There are no running titles on}{\cf1\insrsid674425 folios 336abcd (containing th e sections on the City of Lincoln and the Borough of Stamford), on folio 337ab (containing the section on the Borough of Torksey and the Landholders' List), on folios 338cd and 339ab (the second half of the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Terra Regis}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 ), nor above folios 375 to 377 inclusive (the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Clamores}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ) (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 {\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 C1\tab ENGLISH METHOD. A decimal system, unlike the duodecimal system common in}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 the Anglo-Scandinavian counties. The figures given here do not tally with the addition}{\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 at C19 (PM-CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 C2\tab 12 LAWMEN. Burgesses who propounded the law in the borough-court (PM-CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab ULF'S SON SWARTBRAND. }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Vlf filius Suertebrand }{\cf1\insrsid674425 would normally be translated}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 'Ulf son of Swartbrand' (so }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{ \i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 , p. 3, }{\cf1\insrsid674425 and Stenton in }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 , p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 xxix, but}{\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 see p. xxxii), as the preceding }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Suartin f}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 gri}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 m}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 boldi }{\cf1\insrsid674425 is definitely Swarting son of}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Grimbald. However, Ulf was definitely the father, as stated in C3;13. CK18;29 (PM-CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab WALRAVEN ^[FATHER OF AGHMUND]^. The Phillimore printed translation has Valhraven with the following note:}{\cf1\insrsid674425 A Scandinavianised version of the Continental Germanic personal name }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Wal}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 a}{\cf1\insrsid674425 )}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ram}{\insrsid674425 : }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Fellows Jensen, }{\i\insrsid674425 Scandinavian Personal Names in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire}{\insrsid674425 , p.}{ \i\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 330 (PM). As explained in the \{Introduction: State of Revision\} for the present edit ion, this name, like many of the name-forms used in the Lincolnshire and Yorkshire Phillimore printed editions, has been brought into line either with the name-forms used in other counties in that series or with what the current editors believe to have be en the form in use in 1086 and which follows JRM's principles as far as possible. See von Feilitzen, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , pp. 409-10.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 C3\tab BURGWALD. The Old English masculine personal name }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Burgweald}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 not discussed by }{\insrsid674425 von Feilitzen (}{\i\insrsid674425 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\insrsid674425 ) }{\cf1\insrsid674425 or Forssner}{\insrsid674425 (C}{\i\insrsid674425 ontinental-Germanic Personal Names in England}{\insrsid674425 ) }{\cf1\insrsid674425 is illustrated by von Feilitzen, \lquote Personal Names of the Winton Domesday', p. 152 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab RAVEN.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 The manuscript has }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 rauene}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ;}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Farley misprinted }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 reuene}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 C4\tab 30 MESSUAGES. Probably between the walls and the River Witham in the area of the}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Stonebow: Hill, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Medieval Lincoln}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 132 }{\insrsid674425 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab 2 \'bd CHURCHES. Including perhaps St Peter at Arches: Hill, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Medieval Lincoln}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , pp. 132-33 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab 1d. Domesday uses the old English currency system, which lasted for a thousand years until}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 1971. The pound contained 20 shillings, each of 12 pence, abbreviated respectively}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 as \'a3[ibrae], s[olidi], d[enarii]. Note however that, in common with other medieval}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 records, Domesday frequently omits to convert quantities of pence into shillings and of}{\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 shillings into pounds, as in C14 ('40s') and 1,34 ('16d') (PM-CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab LAND TRIBUTE. A universal tax of one penny paid to the king in the boroughs except, as here and at C8, where delegated to a lesser lord (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab UNDERGO ORDEAL. The Latin }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 offert se portaturum iudicium }{\cf1\insrsid674425 literally means 'offers}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 himself to be going to bear judgement/trial'. Latin }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 ferrum }{\cf1\insrsid674425 is a possible substitute for}{\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 iudicium }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in this phrase (}{\i\insrsid674425 Revised Medieval Latin Word List}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\cf1\insrsid674425 under }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 porto}{\cf1\insrsid674425 )}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 and refers to the ordeal of carrying a piece}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 of heated metal (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 C5\tab MERLESWEIN [* THE SHERIFF *]. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 He may be the important English thane in King Edward's reign who was sheriff of Lincolnshire at some stage during King William's reign (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Regesta}{\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , no. 216 pp. 686-88) until he joined the Danes in 1069 in their attack on York (the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, version D, for 1068 [1069]). All of Ralph Paynel's lands in Devon, Somerset and Yorkshire and almost all his others in Gloucest ershire and Lincolnshire had been held by Merleswein in 1066. Of this thane's other estates, four in Somerset passed to Walter of Douai and one to the king and one in Yorkshire passed to Count Alan. In Cornwall all the lands held }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 T.R.E.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 by a Merleswein wer e held in 1086 by the Count of Mortain, three in lordship, six from his men, but although there is no definite proof that this was the same Merleswein and that he was the sheriff of Lincolnshire it is likely: }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 VCH Somerset}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 , i. p. 418. Frequently in Domesday all the lands of an Anglo-Saxon in a given area passed to one Norman, as with Merleswein's lands in Devon, Gloucestershire and Lincolnshire.}{\insrsid674425 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab \tab Identified as sheriff and official predecessor of Ralph Paynel in the }{\i\insrsid674425 Clamores}{\insrsid674425 for Lincolnshire (CW12. CK31), Me rleswein was among the ten wealthiest Anglo-Saxon magnates after the great earls. He is usually described as sheriff of Lincolnshire, being named as a sheriff in the Lincolnshire folios; but it would make more sense if he were sheriff of Yorkshire, where the political weight of a magnate-sheriff - the only such one in Anglo-Saxon England - would have been needed. A late tradition states that Merleswein was given an official position in the north by Harold in the aftermath of Stamford Bridge: Walker, }{ \i\insrsid674425 Harold}{\insrsid674425 , p. 142 (JP). \par \tab \tab Merleswein provides }{\i\insrsid674425 the}{\insrsid674425 classic case of an }{\i\insrsid674425 antecessor}{\insrsid674425 supplying title to a Norman baron. Virtually the entire fief of Ralph Paynel came to him from his officially designated predecessor, Merleswein; and the apparent exceptions can be explai ned. Ralph's holding at Sandburn was illegally acquired according to the Canons of York (YKS C25), while those at Broughton and Scawby (35,2;16), previously held by Grimkel, had in fact been in Merleswein's possession in 1066, granted to him by Grimkel in an attempt to evade forfeiture (CW12). Ralph's only other holding was at East Carlton (NTH 31,1), where his predecessor was a Thorkil. This may have been the exception proving the rule; but it is also possible that Merleswein was Grimkel's overlord, these not normally being recorded in the circuit (4) in which Northamptonshire lay (JP). \par \tab \tab The only holdings of Merleswein which did not devolve upon Ralph Paynel were those which would have intruded into the territorial blocks allocated to others: the Count of Mortain's Cornish fiefdom, Count Alan's honour of Richmond, and the royal manor of South Petherton. There is no reason to doubt that the Merleswein's who had held parts of these territories was the sheriff, Merleswein, the only man to bear that name in Do mesday Book. See also Clarke, }{\i\insrsid674425 English Nobility}{\insrsid674425 , pp. 322-24, whose list omits CON 5,2,18. 5,4,5 and GLS 44,1 (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 C7\tab ULF. Perhaps Ulf Fenman, Gilbert's predecessor elsewhere: Hill, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Medieval Lincoln}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 46 (PM).}{\insrsid674425 See HUN 21,1 Ulf note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 C10\tab STORI . The name Stori occurs on 47 holdings in Domesday Book, probably representing no more than four, possibly only two or three individuals. The bulk of the Lincolnshire holdings devolved the same tenant-in-chief, Ivo Tallboys, tightly-clustered arou n d the two valuable manors of Bolingbroke and Belchford; and Stori's holding in the city of Lincoln connects Tallboys with Countess Judith, the successor to the only other Lincolnshire holding of a Stori, evidently the same man. Countess Judith's holding i s almost exactly midway between the remaining Lincolnshire holdings and the two clusters of moderately substantial properties held by a Stori in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. The Stori's of both Lincolnshire and Derbyshire had urban interests and full ju r isdictional rights; they are therefore likely to have been lords of other men though such information is not, of course, recorded for the counties of circuit VI. What makes a linkage between the holdings in these three counties a little more probable is t h e modest holdings of the Stori of Bedfordshire, where he is described as a man of Earl Tosti and was himself a lord of men. Yet his Bedfordshire holdings were extremely modest for such status. Earl Waltheof and his wife Countess Judith succeeded Earl Tost i on many holdings, and perhaps in his earldom; they also succeeded Stori of Bolingbroke on two of his Lincolnshire holdings. See also Clarke, }{\i\insrsid674425 English Nobility}{\insrsid674425 , pp. 343-44, who assigns only the Lincolnshire holdings to this Stori (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 C11\tab 1 SMALL MANOR. This seems to have been an estate known as 'Willingthorpe' in}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 twelfth-century charters. It appears to have lain to the west of the city: Hill, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Medieval Lincoln}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , pp. 328-29 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab 2 CHURCHES. Perhaps St Lawrence and St Martin which had been granted to Bishop}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Remigius by King William: Lincoln Cathedral}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Registrum Antiquissimum}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (Foster,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 i. p. 3) (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 C12\tab IN THE FIELDS OF LINCOLN. These lay to the north of the Foss Dyke and River}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Witham, in a semi-circle to the east, west and north of the city: Hill, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Medieval Lincoln} {\cf1\insrsid674425 , pp. 331-32 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab THE SHIP. In the manuscript }{\i\f710\insrsid674425 nau \'ee}{\insrsid674425 ; Farley misprinted }{\i\f710\insrsid674425 uau\'ee}{\insrsid674425 , though he correctly printed it in the previous line (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab HAVE 231 ACRES. Latin }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 h't }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 =habet}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ) is}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 singular, although the subject is plural (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 C16\tab CHURCH OF ALL SAINTS. It lay in Eastgate. The church does not now survive. The site was}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 at the rear of the modern number seven Eastgate: }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Survey of Ancient Houses in} {\i\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Lincoln}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , I, p. 3 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab PETERBOROUGH ... PRIEST. In the manuscript there is an erasure after }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Burg }{\cf1\insrsid674425 and a small}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 space after }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 p'b'r }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 C17\tab ST MARY'S OF LINCOLN. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 The bishopric was moved from Dorchester-on-Thames to Lincoln}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in 1072. The reference to a church of St Mary of Lincoln, here and at CS5, which}{ \insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 held land }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 T}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 R}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 E}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 is probably to a lost parish: Owen, 'Norman Cathedral at}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Lincoln', p. 195 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 C20\tab KETILBIORN . The name Ketilbiorn occurs on more than two dozen holdings in Domesday Book, probably representing four or five individuals, of whom the most significant was the Ketilbiorn , one of the manors held }{\i\insrsid674425 T.R.E. } {\insrsid674425 by Ketilbiorn (4,23). Although some of his holdings were held at different dates, lay in three counties, and were held from or devolved upon three tenants-in-chief, there are sufficient links between them to indicate that they had all belonged to a single individual. The pre- C onquest holdings in Lincolnshire, which devolved upon the Bishop of Bayeux and Osbern the priest, were intermingled with those acquired by the 1086 tenant of the same name, suggesting a common identity; and the Yorkshire holding of Worsborough was shared with one Gamal in 1086, as Nettleton had been in 1066, providing another link between Lincolnshire and Yorkshire and between the 1066 and 1086 Ketilbiorns. The form of the name at Worsborough, }{\i\insrsid674425 Chetelber}{\insrsid674425 , occurs also in three adjacent holdings, all likely to have been held by the same man. The Nottinghamshire property, held by Ketilbiorn at both dates, lay midway between those in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, providing another link between the two counties and the 1066 and 1086 Ketilbiorns (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 C21\tab 3 \'bd MARK S OF SILVER. That is, 46s 8d at 13s 4d for a silver mark. The gold mark}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 was worth \'a36 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 C22\tab KOLSVEINN [* OF LINCOLN *]. Note to be supplied (JP). }{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab HIS NEPHEW COLA. See 26,7 Cola note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab 36 HOUSES AND 2 CHURCHES. Domesday is here recording the establishment of a new}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 suburb in Lincoln, traditionally identified as Wigford where there are two Anglo-Saxon}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 churches. Kolsveinn's estate, however, seems to have been located to the east of the}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 city. One of the churches was St Peter at Welles, the other perhaps St Augustine: Hill, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Medieval Lincoln}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 134 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 C23\tab ALFRED, TUROLD'S NEPHEW. It is possible that this Alfred is the son of Alfred of Lincoln (LIN 27), whose wife's sister was married to Turold the sheriff of Lincolnshire; see RUT 2a Alfred note; Keats-Rohan, }{\i\insrsid674425 Domesday People}{ \insrsid674425 , p. 143.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 C24\tab EDSTAN. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 The manuscript has }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 Edstan}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 Von Feilitzen, }{\i\insrsid674425 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday}{\insrsid674425 , p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 236, interprets as Old English }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 Eadstan}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 but the more likely}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 possibility is a variant from }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Adestan}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , that is, from Old English }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Aethelstan}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ; see }{\insrsid674425 von Feilitzen, }{\i\insrsid674425 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\insrsid674425 , p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 188; Fellows Jensen, \lquote Domesday Tenants in Lincolnshire\rquote , p. 32. See 57,48 Alstan note. The \'bd messuage was part of Aethelstan's total holding of land,}{\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 terra }{\cf1\insrsid674425 here meaning the same as }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 feudum }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('Holding') (PM-CT). For the present edition this name has been changed to Edstan, the form chosen by JRM for Old English }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Eadstan}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , as it reflects the Domesday forms.}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 C25\tab AFTER THIS ENTRY there is a one-line gap in the manuscript (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 C26\tab THE CASTLE. Founded by William in 1068 on his march south from York (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab AFTER THIS ENTRY there is a one-line gap in the manuscript (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 C27\tab AFTER THIS ENTRY there is a one-line gap in the manuscript (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 C28\tab THE CUSTOMARY DUES ... IN SOUTH LINCOLN[SH IRE]. South Lincoln(shire) is a reference to Kesteven and Holland. The sum is equal to that rendered by Stamford at S16, suggesting that this represents the territory of the Anglo-Scandinavian borough of Stamford; see Roffe and Mahany, 'Stamford', p. 214; and \{Introduction: Districts and Ridings\} (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 C31\tab AFTER THIS ENTRY there is a two-line gap in the manuscript (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 C32\tab EACH HUNDRED [OF "ORAE"] RENDERS \'a3 8. The note in the Phillimore printed edition reads: 'The reference is to a long hundred, that is one hundred}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 hundreds, each paying an "ora"}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 of 16d. On the Lincolnshire hundreds, see \{Introduction: Hundreds\} (PM)'. However, further research on the meaning of this entry and of similar ones in Domesday Nottinghamshire and Yorkshire has suggested that th e 'hundreds' are not territorial hundreds, but 'hundreds of "orae" ', and the translation has been altered for the present edition to reflect this; see NTT S1 hundreds note and NTT S1 paid note.}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 C33\tab AFTER THIS ENTRY the rest of column 336c, 10 ruled lines, has been left blank, possibly}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 for more details of the Lincoln customs to be added when and if available; compare 1,106 entry note (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 S1\tab ACROSS THE BRIDGE. A reference to the suburb south of the River Welland in}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Northamptonshire, later known as Stamford Baron (PM-CT).}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 It lay in Upton Hundred, which was a soke of the Abbot of Peterborough.}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 S2\tab THE CASTLE. The reference to the loss of 5 messuages as a result of the construction}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 of the castle, which was possibly contemporary with that of Lincoln, contrasts with the}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 account of Lincoln (C26) where 166 messuages were destroyed. The section refers}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 to the loss of messuages which paid customary dues. Topographically the castle lay}{\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 mostly within the manor of Queen Edith which did not render customary dues to the}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 king; see S9; and Mahany and Roffe, 'Stamford', p. 215 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 S5\tab 40 "ORAE". An "ora" was literally an ounce, in Scandinavia a monetary unit and coin still in use; in Domesday}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 valued at 16 (assayed) or 20 (unassayed) pence; see Harvey, 'Royal Revenue and} {\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Domesday Terminology' (PM-CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 S6\tab 2 CHURCHES. Possibly St Clement in Scotgate and All Saints by the Water: Mahany and Roffe, 'Stamford', p. 207; Roffe, 'Rural Manors and Stamford', pp. 12-13 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 S9\tab EXCEPT THE BAKERS'. Latin }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 panificis }{\cf1\insrsid674425 could be the genitive }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 of panifex}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 third declension,}{ \insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 meaning '[the customary due] of the baker' with }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 consuetudine }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (ablative after }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 sine}{\cf1\insrsid674425 )}{\insrsid674425 u}{\cf1\insrsid674425 nderstood. But it is more likely to be the ablative plural of the adjective }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 panificus }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 consuetudinibus}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 understood from the previous phrase): 'except for the dues pertaining to bakers/bread-making'. Perhaps these were fines for baking bad bread or the right of the lord to make his tenants}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 bake their bread in his oven; see Stenton in }{ \insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 , p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 xxxv (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 S11\tab ALFRED [* OF LINCOLN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 S13\tab ALBERT ^[OF LORRAINE]^ [HAS?]. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Albert the cleric, also known as Albert of Lorraine; see RUT 7 Albert note. The tense of the}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 omitted verb is not apparent, though elsewhere Albert is said to be holding the church}{\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 at the time of Domesday; see RUT 7 Albert note (PM-CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab ST PETER'S. The church does not survive. Its site is represented by a grassy knoll}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 to the west of the castle motte (PM).}{\insrsid674425 S}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ee RUT 7,21 St Peter note.}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 T1\tab IN THIS TOWN. Domesday }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 uilla}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 seemed genuinely unclear as to how to describe this}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 place. He called it a }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 uilla }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('vill', 'village' or 'town') twice in this entry as well as a }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 vicus} {\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 'quarter or suburb of a town'. In T2 he again uses }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 uilla}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 and }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 suburbium }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (here probably}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 'a small town, something less than a city') and }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 urbem }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('city'). The fact that Torksey has}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 burgesses means that it is really a }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 burgus }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('borough') (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab KNOWLEDGE AND PERMISSION OF THE REEVE. See HEF C2 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 T3\tab [* EARL *] MORCAR. Although the name Morcar occurs over 150 times in Domesday Book, it probably represents only eight individuals, which makes the task of identifying the earl where his title has been omitted easier than it is for his brother [Earl Edwin]. As no other Morc a r is recorded as a lord of men, the Morcar of BUK 12,31 is likely to have been the earl even though the holding is close to those of Morcar . The Morcar holdings in Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire all devolved upon Roger of Bull y which makes it probable that they had been held by one individual, almost certainly the earl in view of the value (\'a3 15) of the handsome manor of Gunthorpe (NTT 9,74), one of the half-dozen most valuable manors in the county, and barely 10 miles from the e arl's manor of 'Newbold' (NTT 1,58). In Yorkshire, there can scarcely be any doubt that the Morcar who had held the royal manors, or those (whose values suggest most had been royal) which devolved upon Drogo of la Beuvri\'e8 re, or the Bishop of Durham. Probab ly, though less certainly, the large manors acquired by Count Alan of Brittany had also been held by the earl. Apart from the holdings held by Morcar , the remaining Yorkshire properties were all connected to one or more of these holdings attr ibuted to the earl. In Lincolnshire as in Yorkshire, Earl Morcar was evidently the predecessor of Drogo of la Beuvri\'e8 re (LIN 30), several of whose manors cluster around Skillington (2,37) and Sempringham (27,57) to which they had been connected in the past, making it likely that the Morcar on those holdings and others in the same fiefs was the earl: }{\i\insrsid674425 Anglo-Saxon Wills}{\insrsid674425 , edited by Dorothy Whitelock, no. 39, pp. 95-97;207-12. The remaining Lincolnshire holdings (56,9-10) were close to his manors of Bassingham (3 0,27) and Carlton (1,26), and substantial enough to please an earl. See also Clarke, }{\i\insrsid674425 English Nobility}{\insrsid674425 , pp. 215-217, whose list omits the dependencies of manors and BUK 12,31. 23,2. CHS 2,21. YKS 6W2;5-6. 6N162. (6E1) (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 T5\tab THIS ENTRY is not really part of the Torksey customs at all, being in fact a list of the}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 major }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 T}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 R}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 E}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 landholders in Lincolnshire (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab MERLESWEIN [* THE SHERIFF *]. See C5 Merleswein note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab THORGOT LAG. The main scribe of Great Domesday interlined }{\i\insrsid674425 lag}{\insrsid674425 above }{\i\insrsid674425 Turgot}{\insrsid674425 ; it is visible under the gall in the manuscript, but Farley did not print it and there is no mention of it in Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 .}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 Thorgot is given the byname }{ \i\insrsid674425 lag}{\insrsid674425 in 18,1;7;13;29. 59,6; it was erroneously spelt Lagr in the Phillimore printed edition. See Tengvik, }{\i\insrsid674425 Old English Bynames}{\insrsid674425 , p. 320.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab STORI . See C10 Stori note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab RALPH THE CONSTABLE. In the manuscript }{\i\insrsid674425 stalre}{\insrsid674425 is interlined above }{\i\insrsid674425 Radulfus}{\insrsid674425 ; Farley misprinted }{\i\insrsid674425 stalrel}{\insrsid674425 , mistaking the rather extended 'tail' of the }{\i\insrsid674425 f}{\insrsid674425 in }{\i\insrsid674425 Vlf }{\insrsid674425 in the line above as part of the byname (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab ROTHULFR SON OF SKJALDVOR.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 Skjaldvor is a female name: Fellows Jensen, }{\i\insrsid674425 Scandinavian Personal Names}{\insrsid674425 }{\i\insrsid674425 in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire}{\insrsid674425 , p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 250 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab AZUR SON OF SVALA. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Svala is a female name: Fellows Jensen, }{\i\insrsid674425 Scandinavian Personal Names}{\insrsid674425 }{\i\insrsid674425 in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire}{\insrsid674425 , p.}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 273 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab AELRIC SON OF MERGEAT. See LEC 16,9 Aelric note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab AETHELSTAN SON OF GODRAM. See 57,10 Aethelstan note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab AZUR SON OF BURG. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 A difficult personal name to explain: }{\insrsid674425 von Feilitzen, }{\i\insrsid674425 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\insrsid674425 , p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 211. The manuscript has }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Burgi}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ;}{ \insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Farley misprinted }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Burg}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (PM-CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab BARTHI . }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Barthi had held all the lands of the Bishop of Lincoln in Northamptonshire (NTH 5) and one of his in Leicestershire (LEC 3,11), as well as four of his in Lincolnshire (7,38-39;43;48).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab \tab }{\insrsid674425 All estates held by a Barthi in Domesday Book devolved upon the Bishop of Lincoln, plausibly identifying all Barthis as one individual. Sleaford (7,43) was his largest estate }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (JP).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 L68\tab SWARTBRAND. In the manu script the name is written on a separate}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 line, to which the scribe gave a separate chapter number. Swartbrand (L68), Ketilbiorn (L69) and others of the king's thanes (L70) appear in one}{\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 chapter in the text; see LIN 68 thanes note (PM-CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 L69\tab KETILBIORN. In the manuscript the name is written on a separate}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 line, to which the main scribe of Great Domesday gave a separate chapter number. Swartbrand (L68), Ketilbiorn (L69) and others of the king's thanes (L70) appear in one}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 chapter in the text; see LIN 68 thanes note (CT). }{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 L70\tab OF THE KING'S THANES. In the manuscript }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Tainorum regis}{\cf1\insrsid674425 is written on a separate}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 line, to which the scribe gave a separate chapter number. Swartbrand (L68), Ketilbiorn (L69) and others of the king's thanes (L70) appear in one}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 chapter in the text; see LIN 68 thanes note (PM-CT).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 1\tab THE MAIN SCRIBE of Great Domesday omitted the }{ \i\insrsid674425 I }{\insrsid674425 beside this chapter when he rubricated this county; this error occurs in several other counties (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 1,1\tab FREEMEN ... VILLAGERS ... SMALLHOLDERS. It is not clear whether the Latin}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 should be extended to the accusative as the objects of 'the king has' in the line above.}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Such ambiguity occurs in almost every entry which has }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 habet }{\cf1\insrsid674425 with the 1086 holder's}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (lordship) ploughs (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab [WITH 2] PLOUGHS [AND]. In the manuscript }{\i\f710\cf1\insrsid674425 c\'fb .ii. car' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 can just be deciphered under the gall, which was applied because the parchment is rubbed here; the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .ii.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 is the clearest part. Farley printed three dots at these points (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab WEIGHED AND ASSAYED. Latin }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 cum pondere et arsione}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 literally 'with weight and}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 assaying'. See }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 ad pondus }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('by weight') in 1,9. The money was weighed to avoid losses due to clipping of coins or wear, and assayed, that is tested by fire for the presence of alloy, a similar process to blanching (see DOR 1,1 blanched note). Any deficiency was then made good. Sometimes the coins were not actually melted down, but an extra number of pence were required to be paid in compensation for any loss; this was achieved by using an "ora"}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 of 20d instead of the normal "ora"}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 of 16d (see S5 "ora e" note). Payment made in coin that had been subjected to these methods was the opposite of payment 'at face value'; see Harvey, 'Royal Revenue and Domesday Terminology' (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 1,3\tab AUSTHORPE. In the Phillimore printed edition, the place was identified as East Thorpe with the note: 'The manuscript has }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Oustorp}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Austr}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 'east'. The modern name is Ewerby Thorpe. The settlement lies to the east of Ewerby; see Fellows Jensen, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Scandinavian Settlement Names in the East}{\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Midlands}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 109' (PM). The settlement Austhorpe in Ewerby Thorpe is the successor of the Domesday name.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 1,4\tab PASTURABLE WOODLAND IN [VARIOUS] PLACES, 210 ACRES. The Phillimore printed edition has 'woodland, pasture in places' with the following note: \par \tab \tab 'This phrase occurs about 50 times in Domesday Lincolnshire, and means that part of the woodland was available for pasturage (there were probably clearings): see 38,10 where about half of the woodland is pasturable and 56,16 where of the }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 silua pastilis }{\cf1\insrsid674425 half is pastureland, the other half underwood. It seems to convey the same information as }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 silua pastilis }{\cf1\insrsid674425 because of the correspondence between the two phrases in Lincolnshire, and "Roteland"; for example, RUT 2,7;13 have 'woodland, pasture in places', while for the same manors LIN 56,11;18}{\b\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 have 'woodland p asture'); the scribe merely omitted the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 per loca }{\cf1\insrsid674425 as apparently superfluous, the aim of the finished Domesday being to abbreviate as far as possible. The phrase }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 per loca }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 therefore does not appear to mean that the woodland pasture is scattered over several parts of the vill but that parts of the woodland were pasture: the word order in 13,44}{\b\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 siluae per loca pastilis }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (as also in RUT 1,5;20. 2,12-13. 5,15 makes this perfectly clear (CT)'.}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab \tab As a result of further work on all the occurrences of this phrase in Domesday and of the use of }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 per loca}{\cf1\insrsid674425 with other resources, the present editors have decided that it does in fact mean pasturable woodland in various parts of the estate, rather than as one block, and the translation has been changed throughout Domesday; see DBY 1,12 woodland note.}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 1,5\tab 11 FREEMEN WITH 3 CARUCATES. Latin }{\i\insrsid674425 de }{\insrsid674425 normally means 'of or 'from', though in Domesday it also has the meaning of 'at' in a phrase such as }{\i\insrsid674425 ii}{\insrsid674425 }{ \i\insrsid674425 molini de xxxii den}{\insrsid674425 [}{\i\insrsid674425 ariis}{\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 ('2 mills at 32d'). Here, however, the precise sense of }{\i\insrsid674425 de }{\insrsid674425 is unclear; it is possibly elliptical for '11 Freemen with a holding consisting of/assessed at 3 carucates'. Nonetheless the easiest translation is 'with', even though this now is the same translation as that of }{\i\insrsid674425 cum}{\insrsid674425 as in the phrase 'Freemen with }{\i\insrsid674425 x }{\insrsid674425 ploug hs'. Here, of the 8 carucates of Boothby Graffoe the Freemen were responsible for 3 carucates (these are fiscal carucates and may or may not have borne any relationship to the actual size of their holding). On the extents of their holdings and their ploug h-teams, see Lennard, 'Economic Position of the Domesday Sokemen'. In the Phillimore printed edition }{\i\insrsid674425 de }{\insrsid674425 was translated as 'on' in this phrase, but it has been altered to 'with' to bring it into line with the translations in other counties, such as Nottinghamshire.}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 1,6\tab [* EARL *] MORCAR. See T3 Morcar note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab LAND FOR AS MANY PLOUGHS. That is, 18 ploughs, as many as the carucates (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab ST. PETER'S CHURCH IN LINCOLN. St Peter at Pleas. The church does not now survive: Hill, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Medieval Lincoln}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 130 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 1,8\tab 8 PLOUGHS. The main scribe of Great Domesday originally wrote }{\i\insrsid674425 .ix. car'}{\insrsid674425 , but then began to correct the number to }{\i\insrsid674425 .viii.}{\insrsid674425 , then gave up and interlined }{\i\insrsid674425 viii}{ \insrsid674425 but forgot to underline the }{\i\insrsid674425 ix}{\insrsid674425 for deletion (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 1,9\tab THIS ENTRY is written closer together and i n a smaller script than others on this folio.}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Although, as elsewhere in Domesday Lincolnshire, lines were originally scored for the main scribe of Great Domesday to write on, he does not seem to have kept to them in this entry: the lines are not in fact vi sible at this point (as often on the reverse of a folio), but the 13 lines here occupy the space of some 10 lines in the opposite column (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab 111 BURGESSES [AND?] 80, LESS 3, PLOTS OF THE FREEMEN OF THE THANES. An awkward statement. The case of }{\i\insrsid674425 burgenses}{\insrsid674425 is unclear, there is no }{\i\insrsid674425 7}{\insrsid674425 to link the burgesses with the plots, and the phrase }{\i\insrsid674425 socchemannorum teignorum}{\insrsid674425 is very rare in Domesday (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab IVO FOUND 1 PLOUGH. Or possibly 'Ivo found 1 carucate', as }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 car' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 can abbreviate both }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 caruca }{\cf1\insrsid674425 and }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 carucata}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 as in 1,91 where it means both words in successive lines. However, there the scribe clarified the meaning by including }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 t}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\f703\cf1\insrsid674425 er]r\'ea}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 ('of land') after the first }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 car'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , as he did most of the time when }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 car'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 meant 'carucates'. The phrase means that when Ivo (Tallboys, the sheriff) took over the running of this manor for the king, he found there 1 plough (or carucate), 72 smallholders, a church etc. (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 1,12\tab SOUTH STOKE [* STOKE [ROCHFORD] *] ... 'NORTH STOKE'.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [Domesday unusually distinguishes North Stoke from South Stoke]. The latter was later Stoke Rochford. The vill appears to have occupied the area}{ \insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 close to the present parish church; 'North Stoke' lay to the north, close to Stoke Rochford Hall (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab MEADOW ... AND 20 ACRES. The Latin is }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 P'ti .ix. q' l'g' 7 iii. lat' 7 xx. ac's}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . This needs emending on several counts. Firstly, it is likely that }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 p'ti}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 (= }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 prati}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 genitive) is a scribal error for the nominative }{\i\f710\cf1\insrsid674425 p't\'fb}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (= }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 pratum }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ), as the genitive case is not correct when two dimensions are given, though it would be correct if the scribe had included }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 in}{\cf1\insrsid674425 before }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 l'g' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 and }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 lat'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (making the meaning '9 furlongs of meadow in length and 3 in width'). The case of }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ac's }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (= }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 acras}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , accusative) is unexpected. As the scribe started a new sentence for the details of the meadow, it is unlikely that the acres are accusative because they are the object of 'the king has' two lines above (the case of the int ervening villagers, Freemen and mills is not known). It could be an accusative of extent, but only if the meaning were 'meadow 9 furlongs long and 3 [furlongs] and 20 acres wide' (as this accusative is dependent on the adjectives }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 longum }{\cf1\insrsid674425 and}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 latum}{\ul\cf1\insrsid674425 )}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ; the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 q'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 would thus abbreviate }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 quarentinas}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , accusative, though the scribe also uses the nominative is such cases (see DOR 26,40 woodland note). Such a combination of furlongs and acres in a measurement does occur several times in Domesday (see DOR 5,1 woodland note ), but not apparently in Lincolnshire. However, scribal error for the nominative }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ac' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (= }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 acrae}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ) is the most likely explanation. If so, the 20 acres could be describing a separate piece of meadow: the scribe would have found it difficult to combine an existi ng square measure with a rectangle described by two linear measurements which was probably made up of a number of small parcels of meadow (see 1,4 woodland note), and so he tacked the 20 acres on afterwards. Alternatively, the 20 acres might refer to anot her resource which the scribe omitted in error, perhaps 'woodland' or 'spinney' which regularly succeed the meadow details in Domesday Lincolnshire (as in the previous entry: 1,11). See DEV 1,53 pasture note.}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 1,13\tab "NONGTONE".}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 An unidentified place. It appears as }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Nongetune }{\cf1\insrsid674425 at 5,2. Canon Foster argued that this represented Spittlegate in Grantham: }{ \insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 pp. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 lxi-lxii (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 1,14\tab A JURISDICTION OF GRANTHAM. Latin }{ \i\insrsid674425 soca }{\insrsid674425 can theoretically have an abstract or a concrete sense so }{\i\f710\insrsid674425 Soca in Gr\'e2h\'e2}{\insrsid674425 used of "Nongtone" in the previous entry could either stand for }{\i\f710\insrsid674425 Soca est in Gr\'e2h\'e2}{\insrsid674425 meaning 'Jurisdiction of it is in Grantham' (that is, Grantham has the jurisdiction (soke) over it) or }{\i\f710\insrsid674425 est soca iacens in Gr\'e2h\'e2}{\insrsid674425 ['it is a jurisdiction (sokeland ) lying in (that is, 'belonging to') Grantham']. The meaning of the present example has to be concrete, because of the }{\i\insrsid674425 Nunc est haec terra}{\insrsid674425 :}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 'This land is now a jurisdiction of Grantham'. In many other cases, }{\i\insrsid674425 soca in }{\insrsid674425 ['a jurisdiction in'] appears to be idiomatic for }{\i\insrsid674425 soca de}{\insrsid674425 ['a jurisdiction of']; see DBY 1,26 jurisdiction note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 1,15\tab THE WHOLE OF THIS LAND IS IN 'ASWARDHURN' WAPENTAKE. Possibly in error. Most of these places were later in 'Threo' Wapentake (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 1,16\tab \{\{}{\cf1\insrsid674425 2 \'bd}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CARUCATES AND 2 BOVATES}{\insrsid674425 \}\}}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . The main scribe of Great Domesday interlined }{\i\f710\cf1\insrsid674425 7 ii. b\'f4}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 , but then lined through the whole of the carucage for deletion, presumably when he realized that he had already given this information in 1,15, albeit as 2 carucates and 2 bovates (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 1,21\tab `DUNSTHORPE'. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Lost in Grantham at approximately SK925358 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 1,23\tab THEIR JURISDICTION [IS] IN GRANTHAM. Canon Foster argues that this refers to the 2 mills}{\insrsid674425 : Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 18 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 1,31\tab [IT IS] 20 FURLONGS LONG AND 12 WIDE. This seems to be the measurement}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 of the whole manor; compare the phrases }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 totum m}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 anerium}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 with similar measurements in}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 7,10 and 14,83 and plain }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 totum }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in 1,26;35. 4,17. 8,1. 12,21 etc. (CT). }{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 1,33\tab 5 CARUCATES ... }{\cf1\insrsid674425 WHICH COUNT ALAN HELD. The 5 carucates are described at 12,84 where the scribe observed that they are adjudged for the king's use (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 1,34\tab 2 SALT-HOUSES. Latin }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 salinas }{\cf1\insrsid674425 is accusative after }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 h}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 abe}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 t rex }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 in the line above; the Latin for the villagers and fishery should probably be extended to the accusative case. The term }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 salina }{\cf1\insrsid674425 comprehends all kinds of salt-workings from the coastal pans (as in the marshland of Lincolnshire) to the boilers of Worcestershire and Cheshire with their associated sheds and buildings: 'salt-house' is the most comprehens ive term. See WOR 1,3a brine-pits note on salt extraction. The number of salt-houses per entry in Lincolnshire ranges from 1 to 26 + 15 in 12,64; Count Alan had the most on his lands. Normally their render is stated (always in money, never in kind) and th is seems in a great many cases to have been based on the "ora"}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 of 16d (for example, the 4 salt-houses in 11,6 pay 5s 4d, or 4 "orae";}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 the 9 in 12,61 pay 12s, or 9 "orae"; the 15 in 12,70 pay 20s, or 15 "orae"),}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 though 12d was also a common rate (for example, in 12,19;39. 38,14 etc.). A salt-house in Bicker (2,30) was waste (CT).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab AFTER THIS ENTRY 10 \'bd lines - at least two full entries - have been erased, mostly neatly; the resultant large space is thus not to mark 'the passage from Holland to Lindsey', as stated in Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 , p. 18 note 3 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 1,36\tab OF THIS LAND }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ODO THE CROSSBOWMAN HAS 2 \'bd CARUCATES. See 48,16, though the figures differ (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 1,37\tab THIS ENTRY was added by the main scribe of Great Domesday, probably in a spac e originally left by him after Nettleham and its jurisdiction; the pen used is much thinner and the script is of a more 'upright' nature compared to the surrounding entries. See 56,23 entry note for another entry which seems to have been written at the sa me time as this one }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 1,39\tab MORTON, 9 BOVATES. This was written by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 in slightly paler ink outside the marginal ruling;}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 there is no sign as to where exactly in the list of jurisdictions he intended it to fit (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab 59 CARUCATES OF LAND TAXABLE. The addition is 61 carucates and 2 \u8532\'3f}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 bovates (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 1,40\tab GLENTWORTH.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 This and the following estates (1,40-63) are entered in the order in which they are named in 1,39, though no information is given for Morton which was a}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ma rginal addition (PM-CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 1,48\tab HEAPHAM. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 In the manuscript the name appears clearly as }{\i\f710\cf1\insrsid674425 Iopeh\'e2}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ;}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Farley misprinted }{\i\f710\cf1\insrsid674425 Lopeh\'e2}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . The name occurs as }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Iopeham }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 1,39 (not }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Jopeham}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 as Farley printed) and in 12,5 (where Farley also put }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 L }{\cf1\insrsid674425 for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 I}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ; see 12,5 Heapham note). Compare 1,61 Yaddlethorpe note, 16,26 Yawthorpe note, 24,38 Ewerby note, 31,18 'Langoe' note, 32,25 'Langoe' note, 68,20 Lobthorpe note and 68,37 Yaddlethorpe note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 1,61\tab YADDLETHORPE. The manuscript has }{\i\insrsid674425 Iadulftorp}{\insrsid674425 ;}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 Farley misprinted }{\i\insrsid674425 Ladulftorp}{\insrsid674425 , as he also did for the same name in 68,37.}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 Compare 1,48 Heapham note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 1,63\tab 223 FREEMEN, 16 SMALLHOLDERS AND 15 VILLAGERS WITH 50 PLOUGHS. Although the number of the Freemen in 1,40-63 totals 223, the smallholders total 18 and the villagers 31 and between them they had 52 \'bd ploughs and 14 oxen (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 1,64\tab THIS ENTRY appears to qualify or correct information given in the previous entries. Hibaldstow is earlier listed in the jurisdiction of Kirton-in-Lindsey (1,39), but here noted to be an outlier; whilst }{\i\insrsid674425 inland }{\insrsid674425 at Grayingham and Springthorpe, not listed earlier (1,39), is now given separately (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 1,65\tab A CHURCH. That at Caistor. The success of the bishop's claim is noted at CN6 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 1,77\tab NEWSHAM.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 The manuscript has }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Neuhuse}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ; it is}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Neosum }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in the Lindsey Survey (Foster and Longley, 11/2 p. 250), the latter preserving the dative case from which the modern place-name form results (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 1,80\tab ALTOGETHER 28 CARUCATES OF LAND AND 1 BOVATE. The total of carucates and bovates in 1,67-80 comes to 29 \'bd carucates and three and one-sixth bovates, but only the 15 bovates in 1,78 are actually said to be taxable. The totals of the Freemen and villagers are accurate, but there are in fact 31, not 28, smallholders (the 3 in 1,78 were pro bably omitted) and the ploughs they had amount to 31 \'bd with 3 oxen, not 30 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 1,90\tab ALTOGETHER 25 \'bd CARUCATES, 1 BOVATE AND THE THIRD PART OF A}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 BOVATE. In fact the total of 1,82-90 comes to }{\scaps\cf1\insrsid674425 24 \'bd }{\cf1\insrsid674425 carucates, 1 bovate and the third part of a bovate. The numbers of Freemen, villagers and smallholders are correctly totalled, but their ploughs add up to 35, not 34: the two half}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 -}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ploughs in 1,89-90 may not have been counted (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 1,92\tab 4 CARUCATES OF LAND. The rest of this line has been erased (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 1,93\tab TOYNTON. The main scribe of Great Domesday wrote }{\i\insrsid674425 Todintune}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 with [}{\i\insrsid674425 ve}{\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\insrsid674425 l Ti }{\insrsid674425 interlined above the }{\i\insrsid674425 in}{\insrsid674425 of }{\i\insrsid674425 Todintune}{\insrsid674425 . As there was no room for him to write the [}{\i\insrsid674425 ve}{\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\insrsid674425 l Ti}{\insrsid674425 above the }{ \i\insrsid674425 To}{\insrsid674425 , he may have intended the reading to be [}{\i\insrsid674425 ve}{\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\insrsid674425 l Ti}{\insrsid674425 [}{\i\insrsid674425 ntune}{\insrsid674425 ], as understood by Foster and Longley, }{ \i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. 24. However, }{\i\insrsid674425 Totintune }{\insrsid674425 is the form used at 3,26, so, despite the capital }{\i\insrsid674425 T}{\insrsid674425 ,}{ \i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 he may intended the }{\i\insrsid674425 Ti}{\insrsid674425 as a possible replacement of the }{\i\insrsid674425 do}{\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 1,94\tab "TORP".}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 An unidentified place, associated here and at 4,51 with Langton. Canon Foster tentatively identified it as Langton Thorpe, that is, the 'outlying farm' of Langton. In the Lindsey Survey (Foster and Longley, 19/8 p. 260) the holding at 4,51 appears to be represented by 'Buckland' in Woodhall to the west of Lan gton; see }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 li (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 1,102\tab MAREHAM[-LE-FEN]. Distinguished in early sources, by the form }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Marum}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 from Mareham[-on-the-Hill] which appears as }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Meringhe}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ; see}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 Ekwall, }{\i\insrsid674425 Dictionary of English Placenames}{\insrsid674425 , p.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 299 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 1,106\tab IN TOTAL, 42 CARUCATES. In fact the total of 1,92-106 comes to 41 \'bd carucates and 1 bovate. The Freemen and smallholders are added up correctly, but there are 65, not 66, villagers, and 53 \'bd , not 55, ploughs (CT).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab AFTER THIS ENTRY the rest of the column, 37 ruled lines, has been left blank,}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 probably for further details of the king's land to be added when and if available. Similar spaces occur at the end of the first chapter in other Domesday counties: for example, Nottinghamshire, Kent, Yorkshire. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 seems to have begun writing up Lincolnshire before all the material for many of the fiefs was to hand, because he also left large amounts of space after chapters 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 27, 63 and smaller amounts after c hapters 2, 8, 11, 17, 18, 28, 33, 34, 37, 39, 42, 46, 48, 52, 54. The number of late-added entries also suggests this (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 2,2\tab BARKWITH. Domesday does not distinguish between East and West Barkwith, though there}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 were two discrete settlements in the twel fth century; see Stenton, 'Documents Illustrative of the History of}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 the Danelaw', p. 66. Canon Foster identified the holding at 16,17 as West Barkwith: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 92 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 2,6\tab HERBERT [* SON OF AUBREY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 2,7\tab `THRUNSCOE'.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 Lost in Cleethorpes at TA311077 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab HERBERT [* SON OF AUBREY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 2,11\tab HERBERT [* SON OF AUBREY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 2,12\tab HERBERT [* SON OF AUBREY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 2,13\tab HERBERT [* SON OF AUBREY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 2,14\tab HERBERT [* SON OF AUBREY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 2,15\tab HERBERT [* SON OF AUBREY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 2,18\tab HERBERT [* SON OF AUBREY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 2,19\tab TRUSTHORPE. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 The manuscript has }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 Dreuistor }{\cf1\insrsid674425 corrected to }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Dreuistorp}{\cf1\insrsid674425 by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab HERBERT [* SON OF AUBREY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 2,20\tab "TATEBI".}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 Lost in Ulceby at approximately}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 TF420740: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 lxviii (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab UNDER[WOOD]. The manuscript has }{\i\f703\cf1\insrsid674425 minut\'ea }{\cf1\insrsid674425 with }{\i\f703\cf1\insrsid674425 silu\'ea }{\cf1\insrsid674425 omitted in error (PM-CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab 20 ACRES. In the manuscript }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 xx }{\cf1\insrsid674425 has been corrected from }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 xl}{\cf1\insrsid674425 by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 though it is possible that the alteration could have been from }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 xx }{\cf1\insrsid674425 to }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 xl }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab HERBERT [* SON OF AUBREY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 2,23\tab "TORP".}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 An unidentified place associated with Langton-by-Wragby at CS22. Canon Foster suggested that this might represent Low Langton at TF155760: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 } {\insrsid674425 p.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 211 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 2,25\tab \'bd WOOL-HOUSE. In the manuscript }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 lanina }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (not a capital }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 L }{\cf1\insrsid674425 as Farley prints): a word which is not found in Classical Latin, nor does it appear in the }{\i\insrsid674425 Revised Medieval Latin Word List}{\insrsid674425 , the }{\i\insrsid674425 Dictionary of Medieval Latin}{\insrsid674425 , n}{\cf1\insrsid674425 or several other medieval glossaries, but which has obviously got something to do with }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 lana }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('wool'), constructed on the same lines as }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 salina }{\cf1\insrsid674425 'salt-house' is from }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 sal}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Perhaps, as Stallingborough stands near several minor streams feeding into the Humber estuary, the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 lanina }{\cf1\insrsid674425 was a place where the wool was washed. }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 28, translate it as 'slaughter-house', perhaps confusing}{ \insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 lanina }{\cf1\insrsid674425 with }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 laniena }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('a butcher's stall', from }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 lanio }{\cf1\insrsid674425 'to tear'). }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Domesday Geography of Eastern England}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 85, calls it a shearing house. There is no mention of the other half. It is just possible, however, that at some stage in the Domesday Enquiry }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 salina }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 was miscopied as }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 lanina }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 l }{\cf1\insrsid674425 and long }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 s }{\cf1\insrsid674425 can look very similar in the Carolingian minuscule script), as there is mention of 2 \'bd }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 salinae }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in another entry for Stallingborough (25,7) (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 2,26\tab WHICH BELONG TO LANEHAM. The archbishop's manor in Nottinghamshire (NTT 5,4) (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 2,31\tab GRABY. A single settlement called Graby still exists (at TF1029), but there were formerly two settlements: 'East Graby' was in Dowsby parish, 'West Graby' in Aslackby. It is likely therefore that this entry, a jurisdiction of Dowsby, refers to 'East Graby', whereas the holding of Robert of Tosny (18,17), who held Aslackby, refer s to 'West Graby' (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 2,32\tab VALUE 10s. This was added partly in the 'tramlines' and partly in the central margin, in slightly darker ink and with a sharper pen (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 2,33\tab WALTER [* OF AINCOURT *]. Note to be supplied (JP).} {\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 2,34\tab MARGINAL }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 M}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 . In this entry the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 added a marginal }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 M}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 anerium}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 against the holding of both Baca and Wulfwin. At the same time the initial }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 I}{\cf1\insrsid674425 was changed from a rustic to a 'square' capital, indicating the manorial status (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab [NORTH] WITHAM. Identified by the reference to a jurisdiction of North Witham in 2,35 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 2,35\tab 'TWYFORD'. The name survives in Twyford Wood at SK950230 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 2,36\tab "WARNODE". In Domesday the word is found in Lincolnshire of seven places in the south of Kesteven. It is used only of areas of woodland, or meadow, usually of 40 or 60 acres, with one exception, the claim for Uffington (CK2). There the wording seems to include with the 48 acres of meadow, '60 acres of land', held without tax (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 sine geldo}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 ),}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 unstocked, but worked from the adjacent manor of Belmesthorpe. The wording varies. On six occasions the acres are }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 in Warnode }{\cf1\insrsid674425 of a named landholder; twice the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Warnode }{\cf1\insrsid674425 'lies in' or 'belongs to' (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 iacet in }{\cf1\insrsid674425 or }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 pertinet}{\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ad}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 )}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 a particular manor; once the landholder }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 in silua Westbitham }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ... }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 habet xl acras pro viii den' Warnode}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,} {\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 and once he withheld }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Warnode de x acris prati in eadem Beltone}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Here two figures are given, 8d for 40 acres, and 4d for 60 acres, both of woodland. The phrasing suggests a payment made to, or through, a manor or lord. }{\insrsid674425 Stenton (in Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{ \insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 xxxviii) noted that in later times the sum was increased if payment was delayed, and describes it as 'rent'. See Du Cange, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Glossarium}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , under }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Warnode}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 quoting a plea roll of 33 Ed I. }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{ \insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 29, translated 'for the purpose of defence against the geld'. Maitland, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Domesday Book and Beyond}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 123, suggested }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 War- }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (presumably intending 'defence obligation'; from Old English }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 wara}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 genitive }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ware- }{\cf1\insrsid674425 'defence, watch') and Old English suffix }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 -notu }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('business', 'office'). Finn, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Introduction to Domesday Book}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 p.}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 259, links }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Warnode }{\cf1\insrsid674425 with }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 wara }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('war') and the better known }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 warland }{\cf1\insrsid674425 which he contrasts with }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 inland}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 An example not cited by Finn is }{\i\insrsid674425 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 iii. pp. 192-93, which mentions two hides near Cirencester (Gloucestershire) in 1152-1153, one in lordship, the other }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 de warlande quam iiii}{\i\cf1\up6\insrsid674425 or}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 villani tenuerunt}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 An alternative possibility is an Old English hypothetical }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 warnodh }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('a warning, an admonition') from Old English }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 war}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 e}{\cf1\insrsid674425 )}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 nian }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (}{\cf1\up6\insrsid674425 '}{\cf1\insrsid674425 to beware', 'to take heed'; 'to put on guard', 'to warn'; 'to see to something'); see Bosworth and Toller,}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 Anglo-Saxon Dictionary}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ; and compare Domesday }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 monere }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('warn', 'summon for military or other duty'). However, since the word is r estricted to a small area which had probably once been attached to the maintenance of the Danish borough of Stamford, it may be of Scandinavian origin and could be a usage of the recorded cognates, early Danish }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 vaerned }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 ('assurance', 'pledge') or the Norwegian-Icelandic }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 varnadhr }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('protection', 'warning', 'caution'); see Cleasby and Vigfusson, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Icelandic-English Dictionary}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 2,37\tab FREE JURISDICTION. Thus Stenton, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Types of Manorial Structure}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , pp. 40-42, who argued that this represents the ability to withdra w jurisdiction at will. It appears in eight entries in Lincolnshire, but is not otherwise found in Domesday (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 2,42\tab LENTON. Formerly 'Lavington' (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab ULF. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 He is Ulf son of Topi in CK10 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 3,1\tab KOLSVEINN [* OF LINCOLN *] ... HAS ... IT. See 26,1 (PM). }{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 3,2\tab KOLSVEINN [* OF LINCOLN *]. Note to be supplied (JP). }{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 3,3\tab KOLSVEINN [* OF LINCOLN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 3,4\tab \'bd CHURCH ... JOCELYN SON OF LAMBERT. There is no mention of a church in Jocelyn's holding in Blyborough at 28,1, though with out mention of the church. The other half of the church would seem to be in the holding there of Geoffrey of la Guerche at 63,1 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 3,6\tab WALBERT . Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 3,7\tab WALBERT . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab A HALL WITH A PLOT AND FULL JURISDICTION. An addition by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 at the end of the entry, the final phrase interlined (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 3,8\tab IN BULLINGTON. This holding may perhaps be represented by Goltho, a deserted village and the site of a motte and b ailey castle contemporary with Domesday: Beresford, 'Goltho Manor, Lincolnshire'. The identification of the Goltho site with this entry, as distinct from one of the other two Bullington manors at 13,26 and 14,58, is, however, problematic. See also CS32 Ap ley note (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 3,9\tab `HARDWICK'.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 Lost at approximately TF175790 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 3,10\tab LANGTON[-BY-WRAGBY]. The main scribe of Great Domesday wrote }{\i\insrsid674425 Langetone}{\insrsid674425 , then corrected it to }{\i\insrsid674425 Langetona}{\insrsid674425 ; Farley misprinted }{\i\insrsid674425 Langetone}{\insrsid674425 .}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab '[LITTLE] STURTON'. Lost in Baumber at TF21575 5, now represented by Stourton Hall: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 lxvii. The lands here were shared between Eudo son of Spirewic and the Bishop of Durham (see 29,1;6-7). Hugh son of Eudo is shown holding land in Sturton in Horncastle Wapen take in the Lindsey Survey (Foster and Longley, 19/10 p. 260) making it probable that the place referred to is [Little] Sturton (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 3,11\tab IN WISPINGTON. In the manuscript the initial }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 I}{\cf1\insrsid674425 is 'square', with the place-name rubricated (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab 4 PLOUGHS. The first minim of the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 iiii }{\cf1\insrsid674425 is not meant to be cancelled (}{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 } {\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 31 note 4), but seems to have been slightly malformed; it is thicker than the others because the scribe went over it twice and then interlined }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 or }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (for }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 quattuor}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , '4')}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 to emphasize the number (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 3,12\tab IN WADDINGWORTH. In the manuscript the initial }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 I}{\cf1\insrsid674425 is 'square' (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 3,13\tab HAROLD [* BROTHER OF AELFRIC AND GUTHFRITHR *]. The }{\i\insrsid674425 Clamores}{\insrsid674425 (CS21-22) reveal that the Harold of Tattershall Thorpe (3,15), a dependency of Kirkby[-on-Bain], was almost certainly the brother of Aelfric and Guthfrithr; and since the name Harold was sufficiently uncommon for it to be unlikely that any tenant-in-chief had two predecessors of that name, it is likely that this Harold also held Keddington and its dependencies (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 3,14\tab HAROLD [* BROTHER OF AELFRIC AND GUTHFRITHR *]. See 3,13 Harold note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 3,15\tab MARGINAL }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 K}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 . Here and against 16 other entries in Domesday Lincolnshire, for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 kalum}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 p}{\cf1\insrsid674425 )}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 nia}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 (}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 'claim'), drawing attention to a claim against the land. In six cases the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 noted, either in the text, as here, or in the margin, who was making the claim (CT).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab EUDO [* SON OF SPIREWIC *]. Eudo son of Spirewic, whose holding here appears at 29,34. This entry is apparently duplicated at 4,55 and 29,34, though the detail is not identical. The division of Tattershall Thorpe between Eudo and the bishop is noted at 29,8 (PM). \par \tab \tab The }{\i\insrsid674425 Clamores}{\insrsid674425 for the South Riding (CS21-22) reveal that the Eudo with whom the Bishop of Durham was in dispute was Eudo son of Spirewic, who is also likely the be the tenant of the Bishop of Bayeux at Tattershall Thorpe (4,55), where he held two-thirds of the vill; see 29,8 (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab HAROLD [* BROTHER OF AELFRIC AND GUTHFRITHR *]. See 3,13 Harold note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 3,16\tab [* ABBEY OF *] SAINT-CALAIS. This abbey was situated in what is now the commune of Saint-Calais in the French d\'e9partement of Sarthe (arrondissement Le Mans), and is sometimes known in England as Saint Carilef's. It is the }{ \i\insrsid674425 monasterium Sancti Karilephi}{\insrsid674425 in a ninth-century document, being called after St Carilephus, a sixth-century anchorite who came from the Auvergne; see Dauzat and Rostaing, }{\i\insrsid674425 Dictionnaire des Noms de Lieux en France}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 under St-Calais. The Bishop of Durham, William of Saint-Calais, had been Abbot of Saint-Calais.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 3,17\tab THIS ENTRY and the next (3,18) were written at the bottom of folio 340d, but on the ruled lines (with the exception of the last part-line of 3,18). They were not later additions, merely misplaced, and a pair of transposition signs indicate their correct position in the text of the column above (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab [* ABBEY OF *] SAINT-CALAIS. See 3,16 Saint-Calais note. }{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 3,18\tab FOR THIS MISPLACED ENTRY, see 3,17 entry note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab 'LOUTHESK' WAPENTAKE. Entered mostly in the central margin thus beginning the wapentake rubrication which continues in the rest of this chapter (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 3,19\tab [LITTLE] GRIMSBY. This estate lay in Ludborough Hundred, as did Covenham (3,16). This is obscured by the intrusion of the misplaced entries 3,17-18 (3,17 entry note).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab JU RISDICTION OF THIS MANOR. That is, of Covenham [3,16, the preceding entry in the manuscript] (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 3,20\tab SUMARLITHI. The Domesday forms of this name - }{ \i\insrsid674425 Sum}{\insrsid674425 [}{\i\insrsid674425 m}{\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\insrsid674425 erled}{\insrsid674425 , }{\i\insrsid674425 Sum}{\insrsid674425 [}{\i\insrsid674425 m}{\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\insrsid674425 erlede}{\insrsid674425 , }{ \i\insrsid674425 Sumerlet}{\insrsid674425 , }{\i\insrsid674425 Sum}{\insrsid674425 [}{\i\insrsid674425 m}{\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\insrsid674425 erde}{\insrsid674425 , }{\i\insrsid674425 Sum}{\insrsid674425 [}{\i\insrsid674425 m}{\insrsid674425 ]}{ \i\insrsid674425 erdi }{\insrsid674425 (genitive) - represent Old Norse }{\i\insrsid674425 Sumarlithr}{\insrsid674425 , }{\i\insrsid674425 Sumarlithi}{\insrsid674425 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\insrsid674425 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{ \insrsid674425 , pp. 377-78; Fellows Jensen, }{\i\insrsid674425 Scandinavian Personal Names in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire}{\insrsid674425 , pp. 270-71. The forms Summerled and Sumarlithi appear in the Phillimore printed edition; these ha ve now been standardized as Sumarlithi. The Alecto edition has Sumarlithr generally. Compare 4,19 "Summerlede" note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 3,22\tab EUDO ^[SON OF SPIREWIC]^}{\cf1\insrsid674425 CLAIMS IT. This was added in the right margin by the main scribe of Great Domesday. A marginal }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 k}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 kalum}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 p}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ]}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 nia}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , 'claim')}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in the central}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 margin calls attention to the claim in CN30, where Eudo is the son of Spirewic. See 3,15 marginal note (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 3,24\tab THIS ENTRY is written in the central margin, but with no transposition signs to indicate where it belongs in the text. The main scribe of Great Domesday used a thinner pen than he did for the rest of this folio, but the ink colour is the same (CT).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 3,25\tab EUDO [* SON OF SPIREWIC *]. See 3,15 Eudo note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 3,27\tab HAROLD [* BROTHER OF AELFRIC AND GUTHFRITHR *]. See 3,13 Harold note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 3,28\tab HAROLD [* BROTHER OF AELFRIC AND GUTHFRITHR *]. See 3,13 Harold note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 3,29\tab THIS ENTRY was added by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 below the last ruling of folio 341b, in the middle of the entry for '[South] Cadeby' (3,48); the re is no rubrication. A pair of transposition signs indicate its correct position within the text on folio 341a (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab HAROLD [* BROTHER OF AELFRIC AND GUTHFRITHR *]. See 3,13 Harold note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 3,30\tab HAROLD [* BROTHER OF AELFRIC AND GUTHFRITHR *]. See 3,13 Harold note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 3,31\tab GONERBY. In the manuscript the place-name is not rubricated. The place is represented by Great Gonerby and 'Little Gonerby'. Canon Foster identified 67,24 as Little Gonerby}{\insrsid674425 [Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{ \insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. 199 no. 67/24}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ], the remaining entries [with more or less certainty, according to their Index] as Great Gonerby; see }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 pp. 16, 33, 47, 143, 182, 227 nos. 1/10. 3/31. 5/3. 31/2. 57/26. 72/21}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ) (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 3,32\tab IN NEWTON. In the manuscript the initial }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 I}{\cf1\insrsid674425 is 'square', with the place-name rubricated (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab WULFGEAT AND HIS WIFE HAVE THE OTHER [HALF]. See 67,10 (PM)}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 3,35\tab ALMOD [* THE ARCHDEACON *]. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 The Domesday form here and in 3,37 is }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Almod}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . Searle, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Onomasticon Anglo-Saxonum}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , under }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 Almodus}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , cites Ellis, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 General Introduction to Domesday Book}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 282, and cross-refers to }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 \'c6lfmod }{\cf1\insrsid674425 where, under the heading } {\i\cf1\insrsid674425 \'c6lfmod}{\cf1\insrsid674425 and }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Elemod}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , he mentions a moneyer active under King Ethelred II. Keats-Rohan, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Domesday People}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , pp. 136-37, identifies the Bishop of Durham's tenant here and in 3,37 as Almod the archdeacon. A man of that name occurs in a Northamptonshire charter, probably dating from 1112 x 1113: Stenton, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Early Charters from Northamptonshire}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 15 no. 3(b) (= }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , ii. p. 111 no. 1033). However, the connection with the Domesday }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Almod}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 is not made there. The name }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Almod}{\cf1\insrsid674425 also occurs in a charter, possibly spurious, dating from 1095 (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , i. p. 93 no. 363); among the signatories are William son of}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Almod}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , and }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Alimod }{\cf1\insrsid674425 son of Makod and }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Alimold}{\cf1\insrsid674425 son of Agulf. Keats-Rohan also mentions two abbots called }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Almodus}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , one of Mont-Saint-Michel, subsequently of C\'e9 risy (Normandy), and the other of Redon (Brittany). This slender evidence appears to suggest that }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Almod}{\cf1\insrsid674425 and variants is a name in its own right and not a scribal error for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Alnod}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 , }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Alnoth}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (as in the note by PM in the Phillimore printed edition). }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Almod}{\cf1\insrsid674425 could well have originated as a simplified form of the Old English name }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 \'c6thelmoth}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , just as }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Alnod}{\cf1\insrsid674425 derives from }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 \'c6thelnoth}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\insrsid674425 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab \tab The Phillimore printed translation has Alnoth and the Alecto edition has Almod.}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab BISHOP R[EMIGIUS]. Bishop of Lincoln. In the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Clamores }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CK13) it is noted that Remigius and the Bishop of Durham shared Arnketil's land. The phrase here 'the bishop has the j urisdiction' may therefore refer to Remigius and not to the Bishop of Durham (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 3,36\tab EVEDON. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Later in 'Aswardhurn' Wapentake, and so entered in other entries, but here entered in 'Flaxwell' Wapentake as again at 64,10 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab KOLSVEINN [* OF LINCOLN *].}{\cf1\insrsid674425 See 4,2 Kolsveinn note (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 3,37\tab RAUCEBY ... AND THE OTHER RAUCEBY. North Rauceby and South Rauceby were in existence by 1086, but it has not proved possible to distinguish them in the Domesday entries (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab ALMOD [* THE ARCHDEACON *]. See 3,35 Almod note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 3,40\tab RAVENDALE. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Both East Ravendale and West Ravendale were in existence by 1086 but it has not proved possible to distinguish them in the Domesday entries (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab WALBERT . Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 3,41\tab HIS TWO BROTHERS. Or perhaps 'two brothers of his' (as in }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ii homines episcopi }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in the next line), as Godric may have had more than two brothers. See also in 12,4;31. 26,25. 31,17 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab LAND FOR 6 PLOUGHS. Added in the right margin in paler ink and with a different pen. (CT)}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 3,42\tab [TATTERSHALL] THORPE. The bishop's holding was a third of the village; see 29,8 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 3,47\tab IN WAINFLEET. In the manuscript the initial }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 I}{\cf1\insrsid674425 is 'square', with the place-name rubricated (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab 3 BROTHERS. Perhaps Alnoth, Fenkell and Eskil, to whose lands the Bishop of Durham succeeded; see CN30 brothers note (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab 2 OXEN; [***]. There is an erasure after the 2 oxen; it is not a 'blank space' as stated in Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 , p. 36 note 1 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 3,48\tab `[SOUTH] CADEBY'.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 Lost in Grimblethorpe: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 pp. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 lii-liii). The site of the vill lay to the north-east of Grimblethorpe Hall at TF244877 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 3,52\tab SLOOTHBY. In the manuscript the place-name is rubricated (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 3,55\tab IN THREEKINGHAM. In the manuscript the initial }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 I }{\cf1\insrsid674425 was changed from 'square' to rustic, and the place-name rubricated. This entry duplicates that at 67,11 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 3,56\tab PARTS OF CHURCHES, PLOUGHS AND MEN. The manuscript has }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ho}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 min}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 um}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 genitive plural in error for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ho}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 min}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 es}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 accusative plur al, because the bishop had no 'parts' of men, as he had of churches and ploughs (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab THEY DIVIDE NEWTON. See 3,32 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab AFTER THIS ENTRY the main scribe of Great Domesday left blank the remaining 15 ruled lines of this column and all of folio 341d (als o ruled), perhaps for the later inclusion, if necessary, of more of the bishop's lands (see 3,56 scribe note). On other such spaces, see 1,106 entry note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab THE MAIN SCRIBE}{\insrsid674425 of Great Domesday}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 wrote}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 BRUNETORP}{\cf1\insrsid674425 in the left margin of the manuscript, in ver y pale ink, below the final line of this entry. It is not reproduced by Farley. This is the place-name Bonthorpe and may have been intended as a reminder to himself to add a holding of the bishop there. An attempt may perhaps have been made to erase it, t h ough it is still legible; if so, this may be because he discovered that he had already entered the bishop's holding in Bonthorpe at 3,51. Alternatively, the memorandum may have been written during checking when he saw the entry there. For other marginal n otes, see 24,90 scribe note and 38,12 scribe note, and Thorn, 'Marginal Notes and Signs', pp. 126-28 (= Erskine and Williams, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 The Story of Domesday Book}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , pp. 191-93) (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 4,1\tab EALDORMANN. The Domesday form }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Aldreman}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , which only occurs here as a personal name, represents the hypothetical Old English }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Ealdormann}{\cf1\insrsid674425 from the Old English word for 'alderman', 'ruler', 'chief officer': von Feilitzen, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 241.}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab BY THE BISHOP OF BAYEUX'S SEAL. That is, by a sealed document or charter (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 4,2\tab KOLSVEINN [* OF LINCOLN *]. This is the Kolsveinn who held land as a tenant-in-chief in LIN 26 and who is identical with the man in 3,36. 8,13. 24,2. 28,3. 40,2. The lands mentioned here passed to the de La Haye family (DR).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab WADARD . The name Wadard occurs on some 50 holdings in Domesday Book, all probably held by one individual. All but a couple of properties in Kent were held as a tenant of the Bishop of Bayeux, the exceptions being held from St Augustine's Abbey which ac commodated other of Odo's tenants. This singular distribution proves Wadard's identity, confirmed by the descent of his holdings to form the core of the barony of Cogges: Sanders, }{\i\insrsid674425 English Baronies}{\insrsid674425 , pp. 36-37; Keats-Rohan, }{\i\insrsid674425 Domesday People}{\insrsid674425 , p. 444 (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 4,6\tab THIS ENTRY was written by the main scribe of Great Domesday in the opposite column (folio 342b) after the entry for Kingerby (4,21) and directed by transposition signs to its correct position on folio 342a after the manor of Ingham, of which it was an outlier. It was not a later addition to the text.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab IN COATES. In the manuscript the place-name is manorial (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab [WHO] HAVE. In the manuscript }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 h}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 abe}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 nt }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (third person plural present indicative) would seem to be a mistake for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 h}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 abe}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ntes }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (present participle ) because there is already a main verb in the sentence (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 habet}{\cf1\insrsid674425 );}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 it is very unlikely that the meaning is 'Ilbert has 3 villagers; 2 smallholders have 1 plough'. Compare WIL 67,39 lordship note and DEV 28,16 lordship note (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 4,7\tab MARGINAL }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 S}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . In the manuscript }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 M'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 was corrected to }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 S'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday using }{\cf1\insrsid674425 a darker ink. Farley misprinted as }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 M'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , probably because the bottom of the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 S'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 is obscured by a crease in the parchment below the original }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 M'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab "ESTAN" . Apart from t he Bishop of Hereford, the name }{\i\insrsid674425 Estan}{\insrsid674425 occurs on 15 holdings in Domesday Book, probably representing seven or eight individuals. Despite the distance separating these two properties, they were probably held by the same individual since they not only devolve d upon one tenant-in-chief but both were subinfeudated to the same tenant, Wadard (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab WADARD . See 4,2 Wadard note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab 20 [***]. The scribe probably omitted in error what measured 20 (acres), though he may have intended the meadow to be 30+20 acres, perhaps indicating two stretches of meadow. This latter was the interpretation of }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{ \i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 38 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 4,9\tab WADARD . See 4,2 Wadard note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab AND 1? FREEMAN. The manuscript has }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 7 7i soch'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 It is possible that the second }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 7}{\cf1\insrsid674425 was meant to be a}{\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 i}{\cf1\insrsid674425 to which Farley corrected it (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 4,11\tab FIRSBY. Now represented by East Firsby and 'West Firsby', the latter a deserted village at SK991853 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 4,12\tab THIS ENTRY was written by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday }{\cf1\insrsid674425 at the bottom of folio 324b, but not below the last ruling, so its omission was discovered by him after he had written the entry for Rothwell (4,25) before he turned the folio over. He directed it to its correct position in the text by a transpositi on sign, though he wrote the corresponding sign above the manorial name Firsby on folio 342a, rather than at the end of the entry for that manor on folio 342b, which is the normal place for jurisdictions to be described (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab NEWTON[-BY-TOFT]. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 In the manu script the place-name }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Neutone}{\cf1\insrsid674425 is rubricated (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 4,15\tab ILBERT, THE BISHOP'S MAN, HAS 1 PLOUGH THERE HIMSELF. Or perhaps 'Ilbert, the bishop's man, has (them, that is, the 6 bovates) there; he (has) 1 plough himself'. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday extended the }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 initial letter of the interlineation }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ipse .i. car'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('himself 1 plough') down to the line below to indicate that it belonged after }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ibi}{\cf1\insrsid674425 and before }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 .vi. uill'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . Farley printed a capital }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 I }{\cf1\insrsid674425 and a separate insertion line, as he often did, though this implies that the interlineation is a separate sentence (CT).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 4,16\tab KETILBIORN . Note to be supplied (JP). }{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab NOW 11[?]s. It is very hard to tell in the manuscript what the number of shillings is; it}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 resembles }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 xv }{\cf1\insrsid674425 but with the right-hand part of the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 v. }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 scraped, though not enough to make}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 it look like }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 xi}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . However, Farley printed }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 xi}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 4,17\tab TOSTI . }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Apart from the earl, Harold's brother, the name Tosti is not particularly common, occurring on twenty holdings between Sussex and Lincolnshir e. Lincolnshire has the only concentration, and all these devolved upon the Bishop of Bayeux, making it likely that they had been held by the individual who can be identified as Tosti, 'one of King Edward's barons', according to the Ramsey Chronicle; see HUN 29,3 Erik note (JP). See also HUN D27 Tosti note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 4,18\tab TOSTI . See 4,17 Tosti note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 4,19\tab IN "SUMMERLEDE" [* OSGODBY *].}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 The Domesday }{\i\f710\cf1\insrsid674425 S\'fbmerlede}{\cf1\insrsid674425 would appear to be the personal name Sumarlithi (3,20 Sumarlithi note) which the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 mistakenly wrote as a place-name. This entry may refer to Osgodby, entered after the misplaced entry for Coates (see 4,6 entry note) after the other jurisdictions of Audleby (4,20-21): the details of the two entries are almost the same. A sim ilar error occurs at 28,22 with the same name, and see 24,26 "Offran" note and CN28 "Schemin" note (PM-CT). Compare SHR 6,3 "Lel" note.}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 4,20\tab TOSTI . See 4,17 Tosti note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 4,21\tab TOSTI . }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Apart from the earl, Harold's brother, the name Tosti is not particularly common, occurring on twenty holdings between Sussex and Lincolnshire. Lincolnshire has the only concentration, and all these devolved upon the Bishop of Bayeux, making it likely that they had been held by the individual who can b e identified as Tosti, 'one of King Edward's barons', according to the Ramsey Chronicle; see also HUN 29,3 Erik note (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 4,22\tab OSGODBY. See 4,19 "Summerlede" note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 4,23\tab KETILBIORN . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab ERNEIS [* OF BURON *]. Although the name Erneis occurs fairly frequently in Domesday Book, the number of individuals who held the name was probably only four, the most important of whom was Erneis of Buron, tenant-in-chief in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire, in which counties all other hold ings of an Erneis also belonged to him, as testified by their descent: }{\i\insrsid674425 VCH Yorkshire}{\insrsid674425 , ii. pp. 179-81. See also Keats-Rohan, }{\i\insrsid674425 Domesday People}{\insrsid674425 , p. 191 (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab WADARD . See 4,2 Wadard note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 4,24\tab `AUTBY'.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 A deserted village, now represented by Autby Farm in the parish of North}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Thoresby: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 xlviii (PM). The Phillimore printed edition has 'Audby'.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab KETILBIORN . Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab ERNEIS [* OF BURON *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab WADARD . See 4,2 Wadard note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 4,25\tab KETILBIORN . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab ERNEIS [* OF BURON *]. See 4,23 Erneis note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab WADARD . See 4,2 Wadard note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 4,28\tab WADARD . Wadard is n}{\cf1\insrsid674425 amed and depicted on the Bayeux Tapestry; see KEN D8 Wadard note (PM).}{\insrsid674425 On his identification, see 4,2 Wadard note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 4,29\tab THIS ENTRY was added by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , squeezed into a small space left at the end of the entry for Keelby (4,28). He used a thinner pen and wrote smaller to make it fit.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab "WENFLET". The place-name form is the equivalent of Wainfleet which is, however, improbably distant. Canon Foster suggested a scribal error for the lost }{\i\insrsid674425 Houflet }{\insrsid674425 at approximately TA238130 (Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. lviii), though palaeographically it is difficult to propose a likely error in transcription (PM).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab WADARD . See 4,2 Wadard note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 4,30\tab \{\{JURISDICTION\}\} "INLAND". The main scribe of Great Domesday originally wrote }{\i\insrsid674425 soca}{\insrsid674425 and then corrected it by interlining }{\i\insrsid674425 inland}{\insrsid674425 above it, extending the }{ \i\insrsid674425 i}{\insrsid674425 down to cover the }{\i\insrsid674425 s}{\insrsid674425 of }{\i\insrsid674425 soca}{\insrsid674425 and underlining that word for deletion. Farley printed a separate insertion mark below the }{\i\insrsid674425 inland}{ \insrsid674425 and put a capital }{\i\insrsid674425 I}{\insrsid674425 for the first letter.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab WADARD . See 4,2 Wadard note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 4,31\tab WADARD . See 4,2 Wadard note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 4,32\tab WADARD . See 4,2 Wadard note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 4,33\tab WADARD . See 4,2 Wadard note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 4,34\tab 'SOUTH COATES' [* [LITTLE] COATES *]. }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 Domesday distinguishes two adjacent settlements as }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Sudcotes }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (here and in 4,35. 30,13) and }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Cotes }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (4,35. 12,16. 27,3-4. 32,5. 44,8. CN12). 'South Coates' was later Little Coates and Coates was [Great] Coates.}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 4,35\tab 'SOUTH COTES' [* [LITTLE] COATES *]. See 4,34 Coates note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 4,37\tab `ITTERBY'.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 A hamlet in Cleethorpes, Seaview Street representing the former High Street of the vill (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 4,38\tab 2 PARTS. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday corrected an original}{\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 iii. partes}{\cf1\insrsid674425 to }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ii }{\cf1\insrsid674425 by the erasure of the last minim; a new dot after the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ii }{\cf1\insrsid674425 has been added. Farley misprinted }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 iii. partes}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 4,39\tab BROKLAUSS. The manuscript has }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Broclos}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . Farley misprinted }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Brodos}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab WADARD . See 4,2 Wadard note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 4,40\tab WADARD . See 4,2 Wadard note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 4,42\tab 5 OXEN. The main scribe of Great Domesday corrected the number of oxen by joining together the two minims of his original }{\i\insrsid674425 ii.}{\insrsid674425 to make }{\i\insrsid674425 v. }{\insrsid674425 (CT).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab TURF-LAND. Domesday }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 toruelande }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 here and at 12,20 represents either Old English hypothetical }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 turf-land }{\cf1\insrsid674425 or}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Old Norse hypothetical }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 torf-land}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 the unrecorded predecessors of Modern English }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 turf-land }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (eighteenth century, according to the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Oxford English Dictionary}{\cf1\insrsid674425 )}{ \insrsid674425 meaning }{\cf1\insrsid674425 'land where peat is cut' (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab [* YOUNG *] EDWARD. There is a repaired hole in the manuscript after the personal name; it is not a blank 'intended for a name' as}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 suggested by }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{ \i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 42 note 1. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday wrote round this hole, the }{\i\insrsid674425 ep'o baioc'.}{\insrsid674425 being the other side of it. Farley did not indicate this (CT). \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab \tab }{\insrsid674425 Young Edward is named as holding land in three counties, as the predecess or of the Count of Mortain and Walter Giffard in Buckinghamshire and of Countess Judith in Lincolnshire and Northamptonshire. There are few unidentified Edwards in those three counties and is possible, even likely, that all were this man. The substantial m anor of Broughton (BUK 15,1) acquired by William of Warenne was less than 10 miles from Young Edward's principal manor of Wing (BUK 12,7) and even closer to another of his holdings, at Crafton (BUK 12,8). This, the status of the holding, and the paucity o f unidentified Edwards makes it likely that Warenne's predecessor was Young Edward here and at Caversfield (BUK 15,2), even though the Edward on that holding was described as a thane of Earl Tosti: Warenne is unlikely to have had two predecessors named Edw a rd. In Lincolnshire, the unidentified Edward at Bytham (30,31) was encircled by Judith's holdings; and the Edward who exchanged the substantial manor of Thoresby (4,42) with the Bishop of Bayeux can only have been someone of the status of Young Edward. If he were that man, then he had probably also held the nearby holding at Binbrook. Finally, in Northamptonshire, apart from the predecessor of Countess Judith, the one unidentified Edward held Empingham, just three miles from her manor of Tickencote. See al so Clarke, }{\i\insrsid674425 English Nobility}{\insrsid674425 , p. 306, who accidentally assigns the Buckinghamshire holdings to Hertfordshire and whose list omits BUK 15,1-2 and NTH 35,9; he includes Binbrook but not Thoresby, which was not explicitly stated to be in Edward's possession in 1066 (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 4,45\tab `BURRETH'. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Lost in Tupholme at TF152697: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 lii (PM).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 4,47\tab THIS ENTRY was added by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday }{\cf1\insrsid674425 below the last ruled line on folio 342d, the initial letters being}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 written in the 'tramlines'. It thus interrupted the account of Langton (4,51) which continued on folio 343a. He used transposition signs to indicate its correct position on folio 342d after the manor of Hainton (4,46).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab IN SOUTHREY. In the manuscript the place-name is rubricated (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 4,51\tab LANGTON AND "TORP". In the manuscript the form of the initial }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 I}{\cf1\insrsid674425 of }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 In}{\cf1\insrsid674425 is 'square' and }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Langton }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 is manorial. }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Torp }{\cf1\insrsid674425 is}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 rubricated (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 4,53\tab WADARD . See 4,2 Wadard note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 4,55\tab THIS ENTRY was added by the main s cribe of Great Domesday below the last ruled line on folio 343a, the initial letters being in the 'tramlines'. It thus interrupted the entry for Ailby (4,63) which continued onto folio 343b. He wrote in a smaller script and did not rubricate the place-nam e }{\i\insrsid674425 TORP}{\insrsid674425 , so this addition was made at a late stage, after the county had been rubricated. The scribe used transposition signs to indicate its correct position in the column above after the manor of Kirkby-on-Bain.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab EUDO [* SON OF SPIREWIC *]. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Eudo son of Spirewic; see 29,8;28;34; the information in the last is duplicated here}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in a somewhat fuller version (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 4,57\tab COCKERINGTON. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Now represented by North Cockerington and South Cockerington, but a formal identification}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 has not proved possible (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 4,59\tab WADARD . See 4,2 Wadard note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 4,60\tab WADARD . See 4,2 Wadard note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 4,61\tab VALUE BEFORE 1066, 60s. The main scribe of Great Domesday corrected the number of shillings from an original }{\i\insrsid674425 xx}{\insrsid674425 , or possibly }{\i\insrsid674425 xi}{\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 4,65\tab OTHENKAR . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 4,66\tab 14 FREEMEN. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday originally wrote}{\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .xiii.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , then he joined the last two minims together to make a }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 v}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , giving the number }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 xiv}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Farley misprinted }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .xiii. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab OTHENKAR . Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 4,69\tab ERIK . The name Erik occurs on ten holdings in Domesday Book. There are sufficient links between them to suggest that they refer to a single individual, despite being spread between three counties and devolving upon several tenan ts-in-chief. The present entry and its dependencies, held }{\i\insrsid674425 T.R.E.}{\insrsid674425 by Swein, Erik and Tosti, is connected to another group held by Erik centred on Tealby (28,20-24) by the intermediate tenure of one Rainer the deacon (CN13;18), the Tealby group in turn being connected to another holding of Erik (14,7) by soke in Willingham. Keelby (47,3), the final holding in Lincolnshire held by Erik, is just a few miles away from the main group of his properties. Thistleton [RUT 2,8], by contrast, is some distance from the Lincolnshire holdings; and Catworth and Sawtry in Huntingdonshire (HUN 29,3. 19,1. D27) even more so. But Sawtry provides a possible link between the three counties. The claims for Huntingdonshire state that the Tosti who had held Sawtry was the brother o f Erik, a claim confirmed by the Ramsey Chronicle (}{\i\insrsid674425 Early Charters of Eastern England}{\insrsid674425 , p. 235 no. 323). As already noted, the main group of Erik's holdings in Lincolnshire were entered under the names of Erik, Tosti and Swein. It seems probable that this Eri k and Tosti were the same men as the Huntingdonshire brothers. Their extensive properties (and this Tosti may have been the Tosti holding several other Lincolnshire holdings) makes the Ramsey Chronicle's description of Tosti as }{\i\insrsid674425 unus ex baronibus regis Edwardi}{\insrsid674425 ('one of King Edward's barons') comprehensible. Thistleton is almost midway between the Huntingdonshire and Lincolnshire holdings and would have provided a useful staging point (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab TOSTI . See 4,17 Tosti note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 4,70\tab CUSTOMARY DUES AND THE FERRY. The ferry is also referred to in Ralph of}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Mortimer's holding at 36,1. He apparently held it jointly with the bishop; see CN14 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab VALUE. In the context the clause probably refers to the three manors of}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Laceby, Bradley and Scartho (4,69). The reference to the ferry at Grimsby does}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 not constitute a separate entry, though rendered as such by Farley and retained here (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab ERIK . See 4,69 Erik note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab TOSTI . See 4,17 Tosti note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 4,71\tab ERIK . See 4,69 Erik note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab TOSTI . See 4,17 Tosti note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 4,72\tab LESS THE THIRD PART OF 1 BOVATE. Added by the }{ \insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ; he began the phrase in the}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 right-hand margin and wrote the rest over an erasure (of something shorter, hence the compression) at the beg inning of the next line (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 4,74\tab 2 CARUCATES. In the manuscript there is no sign that the }{\i\insrsid674425 .ii. car'}{\insrsid674425 has been corrected, as suggested by Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 , p. 45 note 6. There are merely some tiny ink blots surrounding the }{\i\insrsid674425 .ii.}{\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab WADARD . See 4,2 Wadard note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 4,75\tab IN THORGANBY. In the manuscript the initial }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 I }{\cf1\insrsid674425 is 'square', altered from a rustic form (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 4,76\tab GLADWIN . The small holding at Doddington was over 30 miles from any other Gladwin and without tenurial associations with any of them. It was probably the sole property of this man (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 4,78\tab CASTHORPE. There was once a village here, now lost in Barrowby, the name commemorated by Casthorpe Lodge and}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Casthorpe House at SK863350: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{ \insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 liii (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab NOW 30[s]. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 probably omitted }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 sol' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 here because of lack of room, as in several other cases, but he also omitted it, and }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 lib' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 for \'a3, on numerous occasions when there was no shortage of space: no doubt he thought that the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 sol' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 and }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 lib' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in the previous statements would do service for the succeeding number (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 4,80\tab IN CANWICK. In the manuscript the form of the initial }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 I}{\cf1\insrsid674425 of }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 In}{\cf1\insrsid674425 is 'square' and the place-name manorial (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab 2 [***]. After the }{\i\insrsid674425 ii.}{ \insrsid674425 one or two letters were erased; the resultant space is rather small for the later inclusion of }{\i\insrsid674425 uill'}{\insrsid674425 (for 'villagers') or }{\i\insrsid674425 soch' }{\insrsid674425 (for 'Freemen'). Farley printed a much larger space, which is misleading (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 4,81\tab WADARD . See 4,2 Wadard note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab AFTER THIS ENTRY the remaining 22 ruled lines of folio 343c were left blank by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , probably for the later addition, if necessary, of more of the bishop's land; see 1,106 entry note (CT). }{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 5,1\tab IN LONDONTHORPE. In the manuscript the form of the initial }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 I}{\cf1\insrsid674425 of }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 In}{\cf1\insrsid674425 is 'square' and the place-name manorial (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab CHURCH OF GRANTHAM. S}{\cf1\insrsid674425 t Wulfram's, the parish church, then held by Bishop Osmund of Salisbury (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 5,2\tab "NONGETUNE".}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 See 1,13 "Nongtone" note (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 5,3\tab VALUE OF THIS LAND. The value probably refers to 5,1-3. Grantham church is valued at 1,9 (PM-CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 6,1\tab AFTER THIS ENTRY the remainder of folio 343d, 26 ruled lines, was left blank by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 probably for the later inclusion, if necessary, of other lands of the Bishop of Coutances. See 1,106 entry (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 7,1\tab A CHURCH. The Benedictine monastery of Stow founded by Bishop Eadnoth of Dorchester-on-Thames}{\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 c}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . 1016, and endowed by Earl Leofric and (Lady) Godiva in 1055-1057. It was re-established by William II }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 c}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . 1091, but became the parish church at the restoration of Eynsham Abbey in 1109; see Hill, }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 Medieval Lincoln}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , pp. 75-76; Knowles and Hadcock, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Medieval Religious Houses}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 78. See 7,55 for a reference to a monk of the house, perhaps a survivor of Leofric's endowment (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 7,7\tab \{\{}{\cf1\insrsid674425 AND 6 BOVATES}{\insrsid674425 \}\}}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . This phrase was lined through for deletion in the manuscript. (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 7,8\tab 6 CANONS OF LINCOLN. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Welton had been granted to Lincoln as a prebend by William: the Lincoln Cathedral}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Registrum Antiquissimum}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (Foster,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 i. p. 25); see Hill, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Medieval Lincoln}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 107 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 7,11\tab KNAITH. In the manuscript the place-name is rubricated (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 7,12\tab STOW. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 In the manuscript the place-name is rubricated (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 7,13\tab THIS ENTRY was added in a smaller script by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in the bottom margin below the last ruled line of folio 344a. This is probably part of the land referred to in CS5 held by Alsi and Wulfgrim and claimed by Bishop Remigius (PM-CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 7,14\tab THE MARGINAL }{\i\f703\cf1\insrsid674425 f\'f0 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 written beside this entry and the nine others in this fief on folios 344 and 345 (7,14-15;17;20;22-24;29;48;54) may be some form of checking mark. It is impossible to tell whether the }{\i\f703\cf1\insrsid674425 \'f0 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 is the Anglo-Saxon letter for }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 th}{\cf1\insrsid674425 or the ordinary letter }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 d }{\cf1\insrsid674425 with an abbreviation line through it. If the latter, it may abbreviate }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 feudum }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('holding' or 'fee'). These occurrences of }{\i\f703\cf1\insrsid674425 f\'f0}{\cf1\insrsid674425 are probably, though not necessarily, linked with the occurrence of marginal }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 f }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (on which see 8,14 marginal note). See Thorn, 'Marginal Notes and Signs', pp. 129-31 (=}{\insrsid674425 Erskine and Williams, }{\i\insrsid674425 The Story of Domesday Book}{\insrsid674425 , pp.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 195-97) (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 7,15\tab FOR THE MARGINAL }{\i\f703\cf1\insrsid674425 f\'f0}{ \insrsid674425 beside this entry in the manuscript, see 7,14 marginal note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 7,16\tab GRAYINGHAM. In the manuscript the place-name is not rubricated (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab HEALFDENE [* SON OF TOPI *]. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 He was the predecessor of Bishop Remigius in many places, identified as Healfdene [son of] Topi at 7,18. The circumstances are described in CK45 Healfdene note (PM).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 7,17\tab FOR THE MARGINAL }{\i\f703\cf1\insrsid674425 f\'f0}{ \insrsid674425 beside this entry in the manuscript, see 7,14 marginal note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 7,18\tab EXACTIONS 10s. This phrase may have been added by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , as it extends into the right margin of the manuscript, but if so, it was probably an early addition as the ink is the same colour as the adjacent text}{\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 7,19\tab EXACTIONS 10s. This phrase may have been added by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , as it extends into the right margin of the manuscript, but if so, it was probably an early addition as the ink is the same colour as the adjacent text}{\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 7,20\tab FOR THE MARGINAL }{\i\f703\cf1\insrsid674425 f\'f0}{ \insrsid674425 beside this entry in the manuscript, see 7,14 marginal note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab WORLABY. In the manuscript the place-name is not rubricated (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab HEALFDENE [* SON OF TOPI *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 7,22\tab FOR THE MARGINAL }{\i\f703\cf1\insrsid674425 f\'f0}{\insrsid674425 beside this entry in the manuscript, see 7,14 marginal note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab HEALFDENE [* SON OF TOPI *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 7,23\tab FOR THE MARGINAL }{\i\f703\cf1\insrsid674425 f\'f0}{\insrsid674425 beside this entry in the manuscript, see 7,14 marginal note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 7,24\tab FOR THE MARGINAL }{\i\f703\cf1\insrsid674425 f\'f0}{\insrsid674425 beside this entry in the manuscript, see 7,14 marginal note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 7,25\tab IN [NORTH] ORMSBY. In the manuscript the initial }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 I }{\cf1\insrsid674425 of }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 In }{\cf1\insrsid674425 was changed from a 'square' capital to a rustic one (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 7,27\tab HEALFDENE [* SON OF TOPI *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 7,29\tab FOR THE MARGINAL }{\i\f703\cf1\insrsid674425 f\'f0}{\insrsid674425 beside this entry in the manuscript, see 7,14 marginal note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab IN SOUTHREY. In the manuscript the 'square' initial }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 I}{\cf1\insrsid674425 has been changed to a rustic one; the place-name is rubricated (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 7,30\tab DUNSBY.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 See CK45 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab HEALFDENE [* SON OF TOPI *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab RALPH . }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Keats-Rohan (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Domesday People}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 345) suggests that this Ralph ['the bishop's man'] here and in 7,53 might be the same as the Bishop of Lincoln's subtenant on seven estates in Leicestershire (LEC 3,5-10;14), one of which was Kimcote.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 7,31\tab HACONBY. In the manuscript the place-name is half rubricated (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab HEALFDENE [* SON OF TOPI *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab RALPH . See 7,30 Ralph note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 7,32\tab `RINGSTONE'.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 Lost in Rippingale at approximately TF094268: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 lxiii (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab HEALFDENE [* SON OF TOPI *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 7,33\tab HEALFDENE [* SON OF TOPI *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 7,34\tab ITS VALUATION IS [INCLUDED] IN GOSBERTON. At 7,36 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 7,36\tab IN GOSBERTON. In the manuscript the place-name is }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Gozeberdecherca}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , literally 'Gosbert's church', though no church}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 is mentioned (PM). The 'church' element also occurs in 12,76 (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Gosebertechirche}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ) and in the associated entry in the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Clamores }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CK69).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 7,37\tab THIS ENTRY was added by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday,}{\cf1\insrsid674425 compressed into the space left after the value of 7,36 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 7,38\tab BARTHI . See T5 Barthi note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 7,39\tab BARTHI . See T5 Barthi note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab 17 VILLAGERS. Repeated in error at the top of folio 344d (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 7,40\tab NOW 20s. It is possible that this superfluous 1086 value should have been 'exactions 20s': }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Tailla}{\cf1\insrsid674425 in place of }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 m}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 od }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 o}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , as perhaps also in 14,93 (14,93 now note). See 7,44 entry note (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab BARTHI . Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 7,41\tab BARTHI . See T5 Barthi note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 7,42\tab BARTHI . See T5 Barthi note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 7,43\tab BARTHI . See T5 Barthi note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 7,44\tab THIS ENTRY was inserted by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday }{\cf1\insrsid674425 into the gap remaining at the end of the entry for Sleaford (7,43), though}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 the ink colour i s the same as in the surrounding entries. It is not rubricated. Canon Foster suggested that the superfluous 'now 20s' at the end of the value statement for Bitchfield (7,40: 7,40 now note) belonged with the present entry as 'no figure is given for the pre sent value': }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 , p. 52 note 2. However, }{\i\insrsid674425 Val'}{\insrsid674425 in this entry does not abbreviate the past tense as he translated it, but the present tense }{\i\insrsid674425 Valet}{\insrsid674425 , so the 'now 20s' would be superfluous here (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 7,45\tab BARTHI . See T5 Barthi note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 7,46\tab BARTHI . See T5 Barthi note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 7,47\tab BARTHI .}{\fs28\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 See T5 Barthi note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 7,48\tab FOR THE MARGINAL }{\i\f703\cf1\insrsid674425 f\'f0}{\insrsid674425 beside this entry in the manuscript, see 7,14 marginal note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab BARTHI . See T5 Barthi note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab OSMUND. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Perhaps an Anglicisation of the Scandinavian personal name }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Asmundr}{\cf1\insrsid674425 : Fellows Jensen, }{\i\insrsid674425 Scandinavian Personal Names in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire}{\insrsid674425 , p.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 35 (PM). }{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 7,49\tab `LAYTHORPE'. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Lost in Kirkby-la-Thorpe, though the name survives [as La Thorpe] in the name of the parish. The Domesday place-name form [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Leduluetorp}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ] indicates that this was Leithulfr's }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 torp}{\cf1\insrsid674425 : Fellows Jensen, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Scandinavian Settlement Names in the East}{\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Midlands}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 113 (PM).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab BARTHI . See T5 Barthi note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 7,50\tab OF THIS JURISDICTION. Perha ps beginning a new section (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab BARTHI . See T5 Barthi note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 7,51\tab CANWICK. In the manuscript the place-name is manorial (PM)}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab BARTHI . See T5 Barthi note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 7,53\tab RALPH . See 7,30 Ralph note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 7,54\tab FOR THE MARGINAL }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 f}{\i\f703\cf1\insrsid674425 \'f0}{\insrsid674425 beside this entry in the manuscript, see 7,14 marginal note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab IN HOUGHAM. See 56,5 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 7,56\tab LOUTH.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday wrote }{\i\insrsid674425 LVDES}{\insrsid674425 over the erasure of an original place-name which ended in }{\i\insrsid674425 I}{\insrsid674425 (CT).} {\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab 1 MARKET AT 29s. This statement is misplaced, in the middle of the list of population instead of with the mills. Perhaps in the original returns the details of the market and the number of burgesses were entered together (CT).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 7,58\tab THIS ENTRY and the next one (7,59) were added by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in the space left after the end of LIN 7 (of which 12 ruled lines on folio 345a and the whole of folio 345b still remain blank; see 1,106 entry note). The pen used is thinner and there are signs that these entries may have been added on different occasions; neither is rubricated (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 7,59\tab THIS ENTRY like 7,58 was added by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 in the space left after the end of LIN 7; see 7,58 entry note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 8\tab LAND OF ST PETER'S OF PETERBOROUGH. The Domesday evidence on the Peterborough}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 estate is amplified by a series of texts which belong to the generation or so after the Domesday Survey. The Black Book (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Liber Niger}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ) of Peterborough}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (Society of Antiquaries, manuscript 60; see Davis, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Medieval Cartularies}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , no. 754) contains }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 inter alia }{\cf1\insrsid674425 a survey of the abbey's manors (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Descriptio Maneriorum}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ) in Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire (dating from 1125 x 1128), a list of the abbey's knights in }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 c}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . 1105 (}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 Descriptio Militum}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ), and a survey of the abbey's estates in Lincolnshire in }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 c}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . 1100 (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Descriptio Terrarum}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ). All three texts are printed in an appendix to Stapleton's edition of the Peterborough Chronicle (Stapleton, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Chronicon Petroburgense}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , pp. 157-82). The }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Descriptio Terrarum}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 is discussed by Stenton, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Types of Manorial Structure}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , pp. 6-9. The }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Descriptio Militum}{\cf1\insrsid674425 is printed and discussed by }{\insrsid674425 King, 'Peterborough "Descriptio Militum'''}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . A commentary on the events of the Domesday settlement which makes use of these and other, now lost, sources appea rs in the Chronicle of Hugh Candidus, which dates from the late twelfth century (PM-CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 8,2\tab `HOLME'. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Lost in Sudbrooke, the name commemorated by Sudbrooke Holme at}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 TF043762: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{ \insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 lxxxvi (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 8,4\tab MEADOW ... PASTURABLE WOODLAND. It is impossible to tell whether these details belong only to the abbot's men (like the 7 villagers and 2 Freemen) or to the manor as a whole. See 31,9 meadow note (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 8,5\tab "ADEWELLE".}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 An unidentified place-name represented by Careby in thirteenth-century sources (DR).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 8,6\tab IN WITHAM[-ON-THE-HILL]. In the manuscript the form of the initial }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 I}{\cf1\insrsid674425 of }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 In}{\cf1\insrsid674425 is 'square', and the place-name is rubricated. This entry is equivalent to Witham in the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Descriptio Terrarum }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (}{\insrsid674425 Stapleton, }{\i\insrsid674425 Chronicon Petroburgense}{\insrsid674425 ,}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 p. 178) where it is described as a manor (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab TOFT AND LOUND. Here and at 8,34 written as one word, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Toftlund}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . At 24,32, however, the scribe inserted }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 7}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('and') between the two place-names (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 8,7\tab "BERGESTORP".}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 An unidentified place-name, represented in later sources by Holywell and Aunby (DR).}{\insrsid674425 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab \tab Canon Foster suggested that this might be Bowthorpe (}{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 pp. l}{\cf1\insrsid674425 -li) but this seems unlikely in view of the fact that Bowthorpe was a manor of Crowland Abbey. }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Bergestorp }{\cf1\insrsid674425 may represent Old English }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 be}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 o}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 )}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 rg}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Scandinavian }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 berg }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('hill' or 'mound'), or alternatively the Scandinavian female personal name }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 Bjorg}{\cf1\insrsid674425 :}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Gillian Fellows Jensen, personal comment (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab SASWALO . The name Saswalo occurs on 22 holdings in Domesda y Book, probably representing three or four individuals. The properties of Saswalo, the tenant of Henry of Ferrers, lie to the north, south and west of Bytham which may therefore have belonged to this man; but there are no apparent connections between Sas walo of Houghpark and Peterborough Abbey, nor indeed between the abbey and Henry of Ferrers (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab VALUE BEFORE 1066 OF THIS JURISDICTION. The Latin }{\i\insrsid674425 soch'}{\insrsid674425 is the regular abbreviation in Domesday Lincolnshire for }{\i\insrsid674425 sochemannus}{\insrsid674425 ('Freeman'), not for }{ \i\insrsid674425 soca}{\insrsid674425 ('jurisdiction'), though the latter would seem to be the meaning here. It is no doubt a scribal error: }{\i\insrsid674425 socha}{\insrsid674425 is another spelling of }{\i\insrsid674425 soca}{\insrsid674425 , though not one used by the main scribe of Great Domesday in Lincolnshire. In 7,36 he corrected his original }{\i\insrsid674425 soca}{\insrsid674425 to }{\i\insrsid674425 soch'}{\insrsid674425 CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 8,8\tab ANSKETIL [* OF SAINT-MEDARD *]. Ansketil }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 of Saint M\'e9dard in the list of Peterborough's knights: King, }{\insrsid674425 'Peterborough "Descriptio Militum''', p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 97. He also held Wittering in Northamptonshire: NTH 6a,4 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 8,9\tab GILBERT. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Gilbert of N\'e9ville: }{\insrsid674425 King, 'Peterborough "Descriptio Militum"'', p. 1}{\cf1\insrsid674425 3. The connection with Walcot is also made by Hugh Candidus (Round, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Feudal England}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , pp. 166-67). In the list of Peterborough's knights his holding is given as 2 carucates, thus amplifying the Domesday record and making it plain that Peterborough Abbey retained three of the five carucates (PM).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 8,12\tab `HOUGHTON'.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 In the manuscript the place-name is rubricated. 'Houghton' is lost in Grantham, and was represented by Houghton Farm at SK927742: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnsh ire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 lviii (PM).}{\insrsid674425 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab \tab The Grid Reference in this note in the Phillimore printed edition and the four-figure form given in the index to that volume (9274) are both in error; these put 'Houghton' to the west of Lincoln, whereas Foster and Longley st ate that it lay in Grantham Ancient Parish. The correct reference is SK927342; see }{\i\insrsid674425 Lay Subsidy Roll (1334)}{\insrsid674425 , p. 171. Houghton Paper Mill appears there on the first series one-inch Ordnance Survey map (sheet 70 of 124, reprinted as sheet 36 in 1970). There is a Houghton Road on modern maps, but it appears that Houghton Farm is now represented by Papermill Farm. }{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 8,13\tab KOLSVEINN [* OF LINCOLN *]. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 The circumstances surrounding Kolsveinn's holding are described in the Peterborough list of knights: 'Picot, Kolsveinn's son, has \'bd carucate in Riseholme, which the abbot gave his father for such service that he might be in the pleas of the abbey and that he might support his affairs and men in the shire and in other places' (}{\insrsid674425 King, 'Peterborough "Descriptio Militum''', p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 100) (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab ABBOT TUROLD. The Norman abbot who succeeded Brand (see CW16 manors note) in 1069. According to Hugh Candidus' Chronicle (Mellows, p. 84) he 'badly broke up his compact estate and gave lands to his kinsfolk and the knights who came with him' (PM).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 8,14\tab THE MARGINAL }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 f}{\cf1\insrsid674425 beside this entry and 8,18 and those beside seven entries on folio 346a (8,19-20;23;25;27-29) and the one on folio 366a next to LIN 49 chapter head (not shown by Farley) are probably some form of checking mark, though it is no t clear to what they refer. With the exception of the one beside 8,25, they are written in paler ink than the text at these points and than the marginal }{\i\f703\cf1\insrsid674425 f\'f0}{\cf1\insrsid674425 s which seem to be related to them (see 7,14 marginal note). There are similar instances of }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 f }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in several other Domesday counties. See Thorn, 'Marginal Notes and Signs', pp. 129-31 (=}{\insrsid674425 Erskine and Williams, }{\i\insrsid674425 The Story of Domesday Book}{\insrsid674425 , pp.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 195-97) (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 8,15\tab ESKIL. A brother of Abbot Brand. The Peterborough tradition of his bequests to the abbey survives in the Black Book of Peterborough}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (Society of Antiquaries manuscript 60 folio 25v), and was used by Hugh Candidus for his Chronicle (Mellows, pp. 40-41) (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab RICHARD. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 See 8,20 Ralph note (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 8,17\tab SCOTTER. Alnoth and Eskil's holdings were of 4 carucates each: }{\insrsid674425 Stapleton, }{\i\insrsid674425 Chronicon Petroburgense}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\cf1\insrsid674425 p. 182 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 8,18\tab FOR THE MARGINAL }{\i\insrsid674425 f }{ \insrsid674425 written beside this entry, see 8,14 marginal note.}{\i\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 8,19\tab FOR THE MARGINAL }{\i\insrsid674425 f }{\insrsid674425 written beside this entry, see 8,14 marginal note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 8,20\tab FOR THE MARGINAL }{\i\insrsid674425 f }{\insrsid674425 written beside this entry, see 8,14 marginal note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab RALPH. Ralph of N\'e9ville: }{\insrsid674425 King, 'Peterborough "Descriptio Militum''', p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 52. He also held at Raventhorpe (8,23). Hugh}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Cand idus also connects Ralph with Scotton, said in Domesday (8,15) to be held by Richard. Canon Foster argued that this represented a scribal error and pointed also to the association of Ralph of N\'e9 ville with Scotton's jurisdiction in Northorpe at 8,16 and CW14: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 56 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 8,21\tab 1 FREEMAN WHO PLOUGHS WITH 1 OX. Domesday }{\i\f710\cf1\insrsid674425 .i. bo\'fb }{\cf1\insrsid674425 must either be a rather unusual abbreviation for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .i.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 boue}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ablative (see 13,13 for it in full in a similar statement), or the meaning is '1 Freeman who ploughs 1 bovate' (}{\i\f710\cf1\insrsid674425 bo\'fb }{\cf1\insrsid674425 abbreviating }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 bouatam}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ),}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 but this is not the normal word in this phrase. In 8,27;30, for example, }{\i\f710\cf1\insrsid674425 bo\'fb }{\cf1\insrsid674425 abbreviates }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 boues }{\cf1\insrsid674425 and }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 bouem }{\cf1\insrsid674425 respectively in the plough estimates (PM-CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 8,23\tab FOR THE MARGINAL }{\i\insrsid674425 f }{\insrsid674425 written beside this entry, see 8,14 marginal note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab RAVENTHORPE. Any village that was here is now lost, but the site is represented by Raventhorpe Farm (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 8,24\tab THIS ENTRY was added by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 in the space left after the value of 8,23 and it extends into the central margin; it is in slightly paler ink (CT).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 8,25\tab FOR THE MARGINAL }{\i\insrsid674425 f }{ \insrsid674425 written beside this entry, see 8,14 marginal note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 8,27\tab FOR THE MARGINAL }{\i\insrsid674425 f }{\insrsid674425 written beside this entry, see 8,14 marginal note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab RISBY.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 Now represented by High Risby a t SE920148 and Low Risby at SE930150 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab SAWCLIFFE. Any village that was here is now lost, but the name survives as Sawcliffe Farm at SE912145 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 8,28\tab FOR THE MARGINAL }{\i\insrsid674425 f }{ \insrsid674425 written beside this entry, see 8,14 marginal note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 8,29\tab FOR THE MARGINAL }{\i\insrsid674425 f }{\insrsid674425 written beside this entry, see 8,14 marginal note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab ALKBOROUGH; 1 CARUCATE. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 '1 carucate of the villagers', according to the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Descriptio Terrarum}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (}{\insrsid674425 Stapleton, }{\i\insrsid674425 Chronicon Petroburgense}{ \insrsid674425 ,}{\cf1\insrsid674425 p. 182) (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 8,30\tab `HAIRBY'. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Earlier 'Haythby'. Lost in West Halton: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 lvii (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 8,31\tab MEADOW, 20 ACRES. It is impossible to tell whether }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 acras }{\cf1\insrsid674425 here is the object of 'William ... has' or 'the villagers ... have'; this is a problem also in 12,1 and 18,19 (CT).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 8,33\tab AND THE ABBOT'S VILLAGERS. It is not clear whether the villagers as well as Geoffrey hold the acres of meadow despite the singular }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 tenet}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 or whether Geoffrey holds the acres and the villagers. Nor is it certain that }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 uill'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 abbreviates the plural rather than the singular (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 8,34\tab HEREWARD [* 'THE WAKE' *]. Identified by Round (Round, }{\i\insrsid674425 Feudal England}{\insrsid674425 , pp. 159-61) as Hereward the 'Wake' whose successor was Asfrith, see CK4. He is described by Hugh Candidus as a 'man of the monks'. Round further speculated that he was identical with the man of the same name at 42,9 and CK48 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab \tab Hereward is also known as 'of Bourne'. The two Lincolnshire }{\i\insrsid674425 Clamores}{\insrsid674425 entries put the identification of the Hereward of legend with the pre-Conquest tenant of Peterborough Abbey and predecessor of Oger the Breton beyond reasonable doubt. See Hart, }{\i\insrsid674425 The Danelaw}{\insrsid674425 , pp. 625-48, and Williams, } {\i\insrsid674425 The English and the Norman Conquest}{\insrsid674425 , pp. 49-51. \par \tab \tab For other Herewards named in Domesday Book, see WAR 16,26 Hereward note (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 8,35\tab STOWE. Now represented by Stowe Farm at TF107711 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab HEREWARD [* 'THE WAKE' *]. See 8,34 Hereward note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 8,36\tab GODFREY. Godfrey of Cambrai, as also at 8,38. His holding at Barholm as a Peterborough tenant is recalled by Hugh Candidus in his Chronicle (Mellows, pp. 113-14). See 51,4 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 8,37\tab HEREWARD [* 'THE WAKE' *]. See 8,34 Hereward note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 8,38\tab A JURISDICTION OF WITHAM[-ON-THE-HILL], [A MANOR] OF ST PETER'S OF PETERBOROUGH. The manuscript has }{\i\insrsid674425 Soca in Werche Sancti Petri de Burg}{\insrsid674425 .}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 The word }{\i\insrsid674425 Werche }{ \insrsid674425 here is definitely either Old English }{\i\insrsid674425 weorc }{\insrsid674425 ('work'), corresponding to Latin }{\i\insrsid674425 opus}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 or }{\i\insrsid674425 geweorc }{\insrsid674425 ('fortification'); it may well be connected with the legal term Old English }{\i\insrsid674425 weorcland }{\insrsid674425 ('land for which labour is rendered'); but any of the senses of Latin }{\i\insrsid674425 opus }{\insrsid674425 could be involved here (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab \tab The Phillimore translation associated with this note ('A jurisdiction of St Peter's of Peterborough work') makes no sense and after the commonly occurring }{\i\insrsid674425 Soca in }{\insrsid674425 ... a place-name would be expected. In the context, it is more likely that }{\i\insrsid674425 Werche}{\insrsid674425 is the result of a series of scribal errors for }{\i\f710\insrsid674425 With\'e2 }{\insrsid674425 (Witham-on-the-Hill), the abbey's manor at 8,34: }{\i\insrsid674425 i}{\insrsid674425 and }{\i\insrsid674425 e}{\insrsid674425 , }{\i\insrsid674425 th}{\insrsid674425 and }{\i\insrsid674425 ch}{\insrsid674425 , }{\i\f710\insrsid674425 \'e2}{ \insrsid674425 and }{\i\insrsid674425 e}{\insrsid674425 , can easily be confused. Compare }{\i\f710\insrsid674425 Soca in With\'e2}{\insrsid674425 in 8,37 and }{\i\insrsid674425 Soca in Burg}{\insrsid674425 in 8,36. The addition }{\i\insrsid674425 Sancti Petri de Burg}{\insrsid674425 , seemingly otiose in the context, may be because the place -name was already so badly corrupted in the scribe's source that he did not recognize it, so felt the need to emphasize that nonetheless it was a manor of Peterborough Abbey, or because there was another manor in Witham-on-the-Hill (35,11) held by Ralph P aynel. In the Alecto edition this sentence is translated '[It is] sokeland for the use of Peterborough Abbey'.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 8,39\tab THURLBY. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday originally wrote }{\i\insrsid674425 TVROLDEBI}{\insrsid674425 , but then interlined a }{\i\insrsid674425 V}{\insrsid674425 above the }{ \i\insrsid674425 D}{\insrsid674425 (under which he then wrote a deletion line, not a dot as Farley printed).}{\cf1\insrsid674425 The form }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 TVROLVEBI }{\cf1\insrsid674425 is also found at 8,4, and it appears as }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 Torulfbi }{\cf1\insrsid674425 at 27,52 and }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Turoluebi }{\cf1\insrsid674425 at 59,8 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 9,1\tab AELRIC ^[SON OF MERGEAT]^. See CK27 and CK27 Baldwin note (PM). On Aelric son of Mergeat, see LEC 16,9 Aelric note; see also 65,1 Aelric note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 9,2\tab AELRIC SON OF MERGEAT. See 9,1 Aelric note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 10,1\tab 2 CHURCHES. The second is probably that of All Saints, later St Giles in Old Sleaford}{\insrsid674425 : }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Roffe, 'Origins' (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 10,4\tab THREEKINGHAM. The manuscript has }{\i\insrsid674425 TRICH}{\i\f710\insrsid674425 INGH\'c2}{\insrsid674425 (a }{\i\insrsid674425 TR }{\insrsid674425 ligature); Farley misprinted }{\i\f710\insrsid674425 TRRICHINGH\'c2}{\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 10,5\tab "COTELAND".}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 Lost in Anwick (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab AFTER THIS ENTRY the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 left the remaining 27 ruled lines blank, probably for the later inclusion of more manors of Ramsey Abbey if they should be discovered. See 1,106 entry note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 11,9\tab THORALD THE SHERIFF. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 The post-Conquest sheriff who is known to have been}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 active between 1072 and 1079; see Hill, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Medieval Lincoln}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 96; Round, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Feudal England}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , pp. 328-29) (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 12,1\tab GUNNHVATI. His manor is described as 1 carucate in CW10 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab MEADOW ... ACRES. See 8,31 acres note for the ambiguity of the Latin here (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab WATER-MEADOW. Domesday }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 broce}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 genitive singular after }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 acras}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 is a first declension Latinization of Old English }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 broc}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 See HEF 24,2 water-meadow note for other forms. }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Broc }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 came to mean 'a brook', but originally the word meant 'marsh', 'bog' etc., a sense retained by 'brook' ('water-meadow') in the Modern English dialects of Kent, Sussex and Surrey and in medieval field names in Cambridgeshire and Essex and in some place-names; see Ekwall, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Dictionary of English Placenames}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , under }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 broc}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Gate Burton is near the River Trent (PM-CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 12,3\tab VILLAGERS ... 1 PLOUGH. In the manuscript }{ \i\insrsid674425 .i. car' }{\insrsid674425 has been corrected by erasure from }{\i\insrsid674425 .ii. car'}{\insrsid674425 .}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab VALUE ... 40s. The main scribe of Great Domesday originally wrote }{\i\insrsid674425 .xx. sol'}{\insrsid674425 for the }{\i\insrsid674425 T.R.E.}{\insrsid674425 value, but then erased the second }{\i\insrsid674425 x}{ \insrsid674425 and replaced it with }{\i\insrsid674425 l}{\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 12,5\tab HEAPHAM. The manuscript has }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Iopeh}{\i\f710\cf1\insrsid674425 \'e2}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Farley misprinted }{\i\f710\cf1\insrsid674425 Lopeh\'e2}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ; see 1,48 Heapham note (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 12,7\tab WILGRIM. Domesday }{\i\insrsid674425 Welgrim }{ \insrsid674425 represents Old German }{\i\insrsid674425 Wilgrim}{\insrsid674425 : }{\cf1\insrsid674425 von Feilitzen, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 415. However, it may be a scribal error for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Vlgrim}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , which represents Old Norse}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Ulfgrimr}{\cf1\insrsid674425 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 399. The only other occurrence of this name in Domesday is in CW15 as }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Wilgrim}{\cf1\insrsid674425 and there is evidence that that is a scribal error for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Vlgrim}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ; see CW15 Wilgrim note.}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab LANDRI C [* OF HORNBY *]. The name occurs 16 times in Domesday Book, probably representing three individuals. In Yorkshire and Lincolnshire the Landric who held seven manors from Count Alan of Brittany has been identified as Landric of Hornby. He may also be sam e man who held as a minor tenant-in-chief at Bishopthorpe and Acaster Selby since Landric witnessed a charter of Count Alan' honor of Richmond involving land at Acaster. Finally, a Landric the carpenter in mentioned at York. See Keats-Rohan, }{ \i\insrsid674425 Domesday People}{\insrsid674425 , p. 288 (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 12,9\tab GRIMBALD KRAKR.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 Domesday }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 crac}{\cf1\insrsid674425 represents }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Krakr }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('crow', 'raven'): Fellows Jensen, }{\i\insrsid674425 Scandinavian Personal Names in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire}{\insrsid674425 , p. }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 181; Tengvik, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Old English Bynames}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 361 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 12,13\tab 6 [VILLAGERS?]. In the manuscript there is }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 vi }{\cf1\insrsid674425 with nothing to indicate an omitted word; it could be}{\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 uill}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 ani}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ],}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 but one cannot be sure (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 12,20\tab TURF-LAND. See 4,42 turf-land note (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 12,25\tab `FENBY'.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 A deserted village at TF260993, the name surviving in Ashby-cum-Fenby}{\insrsid674425 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab to the north (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 12,27\tab CADEBY. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 This was formerly 'North Cadeby'. A former settlement here is lost at TF270960. The site of the vill lay to the east of Cadeby}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Hall. It was later in Ludborough Wapentake, though it appears here in the wapentake}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 sequence with 'Haverstoe' Wapentake (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 12,29\tab ERNWIN THE PRIEST. Possibly the kinsman of Godric son of Garwine in C16 and a substantial landowner in Lincolnshire; see Hill, }{\i\insrsid674425 Medieval Lincoln}{\insrsid674425 , p. 46. The circumstances of his capture, referred to here are not known, though he retained some lands in Domesday; see 68,25 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 12,31\tab 3 BROTHERS. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 LIN 12,31}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab HIS 3 BROTHERS. Or '3 brothers of his' as he may have had more than three (see}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 3,41 brothers note). They may be One, Eadric and Ecgwulf who had held Beesby (12,29)}{\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 with Ingimundr (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 12,37\tab LANDRIC [* OF HORNBY *]. See 12,7 Landric note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab THE FOURTH PART. In the manuscript }{\i\f710\insrsid674425 iiii. part\'e7}{\insrsid674425 with }{\i\insrsid674425 ta}{\insrsid674425 (in error for }{\i\f710\insrsid674425 t\'e2}{\insrsid674425 ) interlined above the }{ \i\insrsid674425 iiii}{\insrsid674425 to clarify that the number is an ordinal. Farley misprinted }{\i\insrsid674425 parte}{\insrsid674425 , but }{\i\insrsid674425 partem }{\insrsid674425 is accusative after }{\i\insrsid674425 h}{\insrsid674425 [}{ \i\insrsid674425 abe}{\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\insrsid674425 t}{\insrsid674425 two lines previously, as is the }{\i\insrsid674425 acras}{\insrsid674425 of the meadow (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 12,38\tab 'HAVERSTOE' WAPENTAKE. Added by the main scribe of Great Domesday in the left margin. The insertion of the wapentake heads in the remainder of the chapter ap pears to be post-scriptal, though occasionally the headings are inserted into gaps in the text: Roffe, 'Lincolnshire Hundred', p. 29 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 12,40\tab EUDO [* OF MUMBY *]. Identified as named from his manor of Mumby in the Lindsey Survey: Keats-Rohan, }{\i\insrsid674425 Domesday People}{\insrsid674425 , p. 195 (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 12,41\tab IT IS A JURISDICTION. Added by the }{ \insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 in the right margin (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab EUDO [* OF MUMBY *]. See 12,40 Eudo note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 12,42\tab CNUT . This name is rare south of the Humber, occurring only seven times and possibly representing four individuals. Of the three holdings in Lincolnshire, two devolved upon the same tenant-in-chief and the third was less than three miles from the others; all three therefore probably belonged to the same individual (JP) .}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 12,45\tab THIS ENTRY was added by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday }{\cf1\insrsid674425 below the last ruled line of folio 347d, but the ink colour is the same as for the rest of the column, so it may have been an early insertion. The scribe used transposition signs, which he rubricated, to indicate its correct position after the other dependency of Hough-on-the-Hill (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 12,46\tab THIS ENTRY may have been added in the space probably originally left between the manors of Hough-on-the-Hill and Brant Broughton; the addition was probably early, because there is no change in ink colour (CT).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 12,47\tab ANOTHER. The accusative }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 alios }{\cf1\insrsid674425 here would suggest that }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 uill'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 bord' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 and }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 soch' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ought to be extended to the accusative case and that they are all the object of 'Count Alan has in lordship'. However, because it would be very unusual for Freemen in particular to be 'in lordship', they are probably just the object of }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 h't }{\cf1\insrsid674425 with the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 in d'nio }{\cf1\insrsid674425 belonging as usual only with the ploughs. Similarly in 12,55: }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 h't }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ...}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 in d'nio }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ...}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ull'os }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ... (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab CADIO . Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 12,48\tab FOUR HUNDREDS. It is possible that the main scribe of Great Domesday wrote }{\i\insrsid674425 IIII }{\insrsid674425 for }{\i\insrsid674425 II }{\insrsid674425 here; this is suggested both by the 24-carucate extent of the two places and the fact that the normal customary due for the supplies of horses seems in Lincolnshire, to have been 50s for one hundred (see 12,43;47) and 100s is the payment mentioned here, which is the same as for the two hundreds of (Long) Bennington (12,49) (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 12,49\tab 14 CARUCATES. The manuscript has }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 xiiii}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 corrected from }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 xxiiii.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 the first }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 x }{\cf1\insrsid674425 having been erased, though still partly visible. One would expect 24 carucates for 'two hundreds' (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 12,54\tab 1 FREEMAN. In the manuscript }{\i\insrsid674425 .i. soch's }{\insrsid674425 clearly; Farley misprinted }{\i\insrsid674425 .i. soch'}{\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 12,55\tab BILLINGBOROUGH. The manuscript has }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 BILINGEBVRG}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Farley misprinted }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 BILINGE. VRG}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ; the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 EB}{\cf1\insrsid674425 are rubbed and faint}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab [AND] [***]}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 VILLAGERS. Farley left a gap for the number, which has been rubbed off the parchment. There is room for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .iii. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 or }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .iiii.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , certainly a number longer than }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .ii.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 which is the 'somewhat doubtful' reading chosen by}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{ \insrsid674425 p. 67 note 3. There is no sign of an expected }{\i\insrsid674425 7}{\insrsid674425 to link the accusative }{\i\insrsid674425 uill}{\insrsid674425 [}{\i\insrsid674425 an}{\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\insrsid674425 os }{\insrsid674425 with }{ \i\insrsid674425 h}{\insrsid674425 [}{\i\insrsid674425 abe}{\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\insrsid674425 t }{\insrsid674425 ... in the previous line }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 12,57\tab HARROWBY - HORBLING -.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 In the manuscript }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ORBELINGE }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (that is, Horbling)}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 is interlined above }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 HERIGERBI}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (Harrowby) in a slightly darker ink; it is not rubricated and }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 HERIGERBI}{\cf1\insrsid674425 is not underlined for deletion (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 12,58\tab VALUE ... 16s. In the manuscript there is an ink smudge over the }{\i\insrsid674425 xvi}{\insrsid674425 , but it has not been corrected, as stated by Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 , p. 67 note 5 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 12,59\tab BISHOP WULFWY. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Bishop of Dorchester-on-Thames 1053-1067, Remigius' predecessor before the removal of the see to Lincoln. This land is probably the land known as }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Osferthun}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 'Osferth's }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 tun}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ' (lost in Drayton) granted by Aethelric, Bishop of}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Dorchester-on-Thames (1016-1034) to Ramsey Abbey to provide beans, salt and honey for the monks. The Ramsey Chronicle (Macray, p. 145) says that it was later held by Count Alan; see }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Early Charters of Eastern England}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 102 (PM). See CK65.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 12,62\tab THIS ENTRY was added by the main scribe of Great Domesday in the right margin of folio 348b next to another holding in Donington (12,61); it is unrubricated. At the same time he added an}{\cf1\insrsid674425 }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 M'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 in the central margin level with both the adjacent entry for Donington and the marginal addition, though he did not line it up with the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 M'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 beside Drayton (12,60), but wrote it more centrally, as it in fact belongs to the present entry, not to 12,61 which is not a manor but an outlier.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab DONINGTON. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 The manuscript has }{\i\f710\cf1\insrsid674425 D\'f4nintune}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ; Farley misprinted }{\i\f710\cf1\insrsid674425 D\'f4ninctune}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 12,63\tab 'WOLMERSTY' WAPENTAKE. Later Skirbeck Wapentake; see \{Introduction: Wapentakes\} (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 12,67\tab 13? VILLAGERS. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 seems to have corrected }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 viii. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 to }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 xiii. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 and then interlined }{\i\f710\cf1\insrsid674425 c\'ee }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 tredecim}{\cf1\insrsid674425 )}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 to clarify the alteration. However, the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 v }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 appears clearer and in darker ink than the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 x}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 while the }{\i\f710\cf1\insrsid674425 c\'ee }{\cf1\insrsid674425 is in paler ink, both of whic h might suggest that the correction was from }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 xiii. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 to }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 viii. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab 2 CHURCHES. The latter is probably the church of St Botolph in Boston which Count Alan gave to St Mary's, York, in 1090. Boston is probably a Norman creation like Richmond; see Beresford and Joseph, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Medieval England}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 217; Harden 'Historical Development in Medieval Boston' (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 12,69\tab THIS ENTRY was a}{\cf1\insrsid674425 dded by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 in the right margin; it is unrubricated and there are no transposition signs to indicate its cor rect position in the text (CT).}{\insrsid674425 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab \tab The entry is probably equivalent to 12,88; see Lincolnshire Archives Office, Longley 7/11 (DR).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 12,72\tab `RISKENTON'. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Lost in Kirton at TF300380: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. l}{\cf1\insrsid674425 xiii; Hallam, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Settlement and Society}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 pp. 54-55, 58-59 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab LAND FOR AS MANY PLOUGHS. Added by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday mostly }{\cf1\insrsid674425 over an erasure and extending into the central margin of the manuscript; see 31,12 land note (CT).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 12,74\tab "RICHE".}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Lost in Wigtoft: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 lxii. The name derives from Old English }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ric }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('a narrow strip') denoting a strip of land or a stream or ditch; see }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 English Place-Name Elements}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , ii. p. 83 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 12,76\tab AETHELSTAN [* SON OF GODRAM *]. See 57,10 Aethelstan note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 12,77\tab "TRIC".}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 The name is not recorded after 1086, but appears later to be represented by Skegness: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p.}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 lxx (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 12,80\tab EUDO [* OF MUMBY *]. See 12,40 Eudo note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 12,81\tab EUDO [* OF MUMBY *]. See 12,40 Eudo note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 12,82\tab EUDO [* OF MUMBY *]. See 12,40 Eudo note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 12,83\tab THIS ENTRY and the next (12,84) were written over the erasure of seven lines of original text; the last line of 12,84 was not written on the erased area (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 12,84\tab THIS ENTRY and the previous one (12,83) were written over the erasure of seven lines of original text; the last line of this entry was not written on the erased area (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab 5 CARUCATES. See 1,33 Alan note (PM).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab LANDRIC [* OF HORNBY *]. See 12,7 Landric note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab IT IS ADJUDGED FOR THE KING'S USE. Written by the }{ \insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday }{\cf1\insrsid674425 below the last ruled line of folio 348a, not on the erased part (12,84 entry note); it was indented some three letters for some reason, but was not a later addition (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 12,85\tab HAGWORTHINGHAM. See 12,96 Hagworthingham note (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab EUDO [* OF MUMBY *]. See 12,40 Eudo note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 12,86\tab EUDO [* OF MUMBY *]. See 12,40 Eudo note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 12,89\tab GEOFFREY [OF] TOURNAI. Domesday }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 Goisfrid' tornai}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , that is from Tournai, in the French d\'e9partement of Calvados,}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 France: Tengvik, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Old English Bynames}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 130. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 probably omitted }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 de }{\cf1\insrsid674425 before }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 tornai }{\cf1\insrsid674425 as on other occasions}{\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 in Domesday (see, for example, SHR 4,8,3 Roger note) (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 12,92\tab SWARTBRAND [* SON OF ULF *] }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CLAIMS IT. Written by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in the right margin in the same pale ink as the marginal }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 k}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 (for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 kalum}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 p}{\cf1\insrsid674425 )}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 nia}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , 'claim'), in the left margin which signals the claim entered at CK29. See 3,15 marginal note. In the manuscript }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Sortebrant }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (the last two letters an }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 NT}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ligature ); Farley misprinted }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Sortebran'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 12,93\tab EUDO [* OF MUMBY *]. See 12,40 Eudo note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 12,94\tab EUDO [* OF MUMBY *]. See 12,40 Eudo note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 12,95\tab EUDO [* OF MUMBY *]. See 12,40 Eudo note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 12,96\tab IN }{\insrsid674425 \{\{}{\cf1\insrsid674425 HAGWORTHINGHAM}{\insrsid674425 \}\}}{\cf1\insrsid674425 MUMBY. The main scribe of Great Domesday interlined }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 MVNDEBI }{\cf1\insrsid674425 above }{\i\f710\cf1\insrsid674425 HACBERDINGH\'c2}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , which he then underlined for deletion. Holmketill's manor in Hagworthingham had already been}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 entered at 12,85 (PM-CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab EUDO [* OF MUMBY *]. See 12,40 Eudo note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab 7 MANORS. Including Mumby at 12,93 (PM).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 13,1\tab GREETHAM. The parchment of the manuscript is very rubbed here, only }{\i\insrsid674425 GRA}{\insrsid674425 , part of what looks like }{\i\insrsid674425 N}{\insrsid674425 and }{\i\insrsid674425 H}{\insrsid674425 and then }{\i\f710\insrsid674425 \'c2 }{\insrsid674425 being visible. Farley printed }{\i\insrsid674425 GRA}{\insrsid674425 , part of an }{\i\insrsid674425 N}{\insrsid674425 , then put a dot and }{\i\f710\insrsid674425 H\'c2}{\insrsid674425 . Although there is not really room for a capital }{\i\insrsid674425 D}{\insrsid674425 between the }{\i\insrsid674425 N}{\insrsid674425 and }{\i\insrsid674425 H}{\insrsid674425 , there probably was one there as the place-nameoccurs as }{\i\f710\insrsid674425 Grandh\'e2}{\insrsid674425 in 13,9 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 13,2\tab 19? SMALLHOLDERS. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday interlined}{\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 viii }{\cf1\insrsid674425 above }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 xi.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ; as both are in the same colour ink, it was probably done at an early stage. It is not entirely clear whether he meant the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 viii}{\cf1\insrsid674425 to be an addition or a correction, though the former is more likely, both because the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 xi.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 is not underlined for deletion and because '19' fits better than '8' the total of 168 smallholders given at the end of 13,9. Compare 24,51 meadow note and 64,3 meadow note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 13,3\tab IN SWABY ... TOTHILL. These lands make up Swaby hundred, containing 12 carucates; see the Lindsey Survey (Foster and Longley, 15/1 p. 254). CS12 refers to a claim for 1 carucate at Claythorpe (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 13,4\tab 7 CARUCATES OF LAND }{\insrsid674425 \{\{}{\cf1\insrsid674425 AND A HALF}{\insrsid674425 \}\}}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 TAXABLE. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday originally wrote }{ \i\f703\insrsid674425 .vi. car' t'r\'ea 7 dim'}{\insrsid674425 , inadvertently copying the plough estimate }{\cf1\insrsid674425 figure. He then corrected his mistake by cancelling the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 7 dim' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 and adding an extra minim to the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .vi.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 13,5\tab 8 VILLA GERS. The main scribe of Great Domesday corrected their number from }{\i\insrsid674425 vii.}{\insrsid674425 to }{\i\insrsid674425 viii.}{\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 13,6\tab "LANGENE".}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 Lost in the vicinity of Irby-in-the-Marsh: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 lix. It appears as }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 Langena }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in the later twelfth century: Stenton, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Social and Economic History of the Danelaw}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 11. We owe this reference to Professor Cameron (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 13,8\tab IN HUTTOFT. See CS16 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 13,9\tab 376 FREEMEN. The total of Freemen in 13,1-9 comes to 493, or 492 if one excludes 13,1 which seems necessary if the numbers of villagers, smallholders and ploughs are to agree with the totals given here (CT).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 13,10\tab IN [WEST] HALTON. In the manuscript the form of the initial }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 I}{\cf1\insrsid674425 of }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 In}{\cf1\insrsid674425 is enlarged and 'square' and the place- name is manorial (PM).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab WILLIAM SON OF NIGEL. A major tenant of Earl Hugh in Cheshire (CHS 9) whose estate became the honour of Halton (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 13,16\tab CONESBY. 'Little Conesby' is lost in Crosby and 'Great Conesby' in Flixborough. Both names are commemorated by Conesby Farm at SE894138. The identification of Canon Foster (in }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{ \i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. 75) }{\cf1\insrsid674425 was with 'South Conesby' (= 'Great Conesby') in Crosby, but see also 32,30 Conesby note (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 13,17\tab 6 CARUCATES. The main scribe of Great Domesday originally wrote }{\i\insrsid674425 .iiii. car'}{\insrsid674425 (not }{\i\insrsid674425 .iii. car'}{\insrsid674425 , as Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{ \i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. 75 note 1), then wrote a }{\i\insrsid674425 v}{\insrsid674425 over the first two minims and erased the last one; the original }{\i\insrsid674425 punctus}{\insrsid674425 after the }{\i\insrsid674425 iiii }{ \insrsid674425 can still be seen in the manuscript (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab WILLIAM [* SON OF NIGEL *], EARL H[UGH]'S MAN. Although }{ \i\insrsid674425 H.}{\insrsid674425 should abbreviate the last-mentioned name, that is }{\i\insrsid674425 Harold}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 it is far more likely to abbreviate }{\i\insrsid674425 Hugonis }{\insrsid674425 ('Hugh's'), as the regular description of a 1086 tenant is as the man of the tenant-in-chief; see also 13,38 earl note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 13,18\tab WILLIAM [* SON OF NIGEL *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 13,19\tab `LOPINGHEHAM'.}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 The 'homestead of Loppa's people': Cameron, }{\i\insrsid674425 Scandinavian Settlement in the Territory of the Five Boroughs}{\insrsid674425 , p. 17. Lost in Killingholme at approximately TA143183: Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. lx (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab WILLIAM [* SON OF NIGEL *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 13,20\tab ERNEIS [* OF BURON *]. See 4,23 Erneis note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 13,21\tab FULSTOW. In the manuscript the place-name is manorial}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 13,22\tab BALDRIC [* OF LINDSEY *]. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 The earl's tenant here and at 13,31;39. He granted the tithes from these places to the Abbey of Saint-Evroult as Baldric of Lindsey: see Tait, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Domesday Survey of Cheshire}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 54 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 13,23\tab BALDRIC [* OF LINDSEY *]. Note to be supplied (JP). }{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 13,24\tab OSBERN [* SON OF TEZZO *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 13,25\tab OSBERN [* SON OF TEZZO *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 13,26\tab KOLSVEINN [* OF LINCOLN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 13,29\tab AND KELSTERN. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday interlined this}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 13,31\tab BALDRIC [* OF LINDSEY *]. Note to be supplied (JP). }{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 13,32\tab THIS ENTRY was briefly omitted by the }{ \insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday, but found after he had written the next entry (13,33). It is not a later addition: only }{\cf1\insrsid674425 the val ue was written on a half-line below the last ruled line. He directed it to its correct position in the text above with transposition signs (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab BALDRIC [* OF LINDSEY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 13,33\tab OSBERN [* SON OF TEZZO *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab EXACTIONS 5s. Added in the central margin in smaller script and a thinner pen (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 13,35\tab 190 ACRES. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday wrote}{\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 c xc. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 and interlined }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 nonag}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 inta}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('90') above the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 xc.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , perhaps because he thought the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 xc.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 was unclear. Th ere is a small space before the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 xc.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , not shown by Farley (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 13,37\tab 75,000 EELS. A pronounced line over a number indicates 'thousand'. Although the line is not over the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 v}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 only over the }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 lxx }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (there being a slight space before the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 v}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ),}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 it is unlikely that the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 intended the eel render to be 70,000 and 5. }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. 77, mistranslated this as '50 score and 5'}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 13,38\tab IN ASHWELL. It lay in "Roteland" where this entry is duplicated (RUT 6,16), though with slightly differing detail (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab JOCELYN [* OF TUSCHET *]. See RUT 6,16 Jocelyn note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab EARL H[UGH]'S MAN. In the corresponding entry in "Roteland" (RUT 6,16) Jocelyn is called Earl Hugh's man. Compare 13,17 William note (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 13,39\tab FULLETBY. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday originally wrote }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 FVLNODEBI}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , then interlined}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 LOBI }{\cf1\insrsid674425 above }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 NOD}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 underlining it and the rest of the place-name (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 NODEBI}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ) for deletion, to produce the correct form }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 FULLOBI}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , as used in 3,53. Farley did not reproduce the underlining; it is not visible in the Ordnance Survey facsimile. Only }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 FUL }{\cf1\insrsid674425 and }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 LOBI }{\cf1\insrsid674425 are rubricated, meaning that the correction was made before the scribe rubricated the county. The error had presumably arisen through confusion with }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Fulnedebi}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , the form for Fulnetby (34,20) (CT).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab BALDRIC [* OF LINDSEY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 13,40\tab THIS ENTRY was squeezed by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 into the space left after 13,39; the fact that the priest holds 'from the king' indicates that it was not a sub-holdin g of 13,39. The ink is the same colour as the surrounding entries, so the addition was done at an early stage (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 13,41\tab HUGH [* SON OF OSBERN *]. Note to be supplied (JP). }{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 13,42\tab HUGH [* SON OF OSBERN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 13,43\tab HUGH [* SON OF OSBERN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 13,45\tab OSBERN [* SON OF TEZZO *]. Osbern son of Tezzo was}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 a leading tenant of the Earl in Cheshire (CHS 24) and gave}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 the tithes of Newball to the Abbey of Saint-Evroult; see Tait, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Domesday Survey of Cheshire}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p . 52 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 14,7\tab JURISDICTION OF ERIK }{\insrsid674425 .}{\cf1\insrsid674425 This half-carucate is referred to at 28,21 where}{\insrsid674425 [North] }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Willingham is described as a jurisdiction of Tealby, the } {\i\cf1\insrsid674425 T}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 R}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 E}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 holder of which would seem to have been}{\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 Erik (28,20 Erik note) (PM). }{\insrsid674425 See also 4,69 Erik note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 14,13\tab OTBY. Now represented by Otby Farm in Walesby at TF139936 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 14,19\tab 3 FREEMEN WHO PLOUGH WITH 6 OXEN. This translation extends the Latin to }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .iii. soch}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 emanni}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .vi. bob}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 us}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 arant}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 es}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ], where }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 arantes}{\cf1\insrsid674425 agrees with the }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 sochemanni}{\cf1\insrsid674425 and }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 bobus}{\cf1\insrsid674425 is an ablative of the instrument ('by means of'). This use of the plain ablative is found elsewhere in Domesday; see, for example, 3,30: }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 .i. uill}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 anu}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 s arans .i. boue }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('1 villager who ploughs with 1 ox') and also 5 ,2. 8,10;21;30. 12,10;12. 13,27. 14,14;28;30. The alternative with the preposition }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 cum}{\cf1\insrsid674425 is found at 14,44. 22,4. 24,55. Another possibility would be to extend }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 arant' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 to the ablative plural}{\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 arantibus }{\cf1\insrsid674425 to agree with }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 bobus}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , thus producing an ablative absolute phrase (rare in Medieval Latin): '3 Freemen with}{ \insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 6 ploughing oxen' or '3 Freemen with 6 oxen ploughing'; see DBY 6,20 ploughing note; NTT 11,27 ploughing note. Similarly in 14,24, and 22,20. In 16,19 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 arant' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 abbreviates }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 arantem }{\cf1\insrsid674425 and}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in 24,39 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 arantes}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 accusati ve, both agreeing with the ox, while in 24,19;29 it abbreviates}{\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 arantes}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 nominative, with the 'villagers' as its subject (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 14,21\tab THERE ALSO. A new entry is indicated by the use of a large rustic initial }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 I}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (PM).}{\insrsid674425 However, this jurisdiction does not a ppear to belong to this fief but to that of the Bishop of Lincoln (LIN 7). It seems that the main scribe of Great Domesday, or a predecessor working on the circuit volume (if there was one), was abstracting material for each fief from a document like the }{\i\insrsid674425 Inquistio Comitatus Cantabrigiensis}{\insrsid674425 , in which the estates were not arranged by fief but vill by vill. Thus all the parts of Owmby-by-Spital were once together and this bovate is still clinging to another part of the vill when it should have been placed else where. This is a not infrequent occurrence in Domesday Lincolnshire. A similar instance may be the nine bovates of taxable land at Normanby-by-Spital and Owmby-by-Spital (28,4) held by Jocelyn son of Lambert (the fief holder of LIN 28), but over which Bis h op Remigius had the jurisdiction. In both cases, this land may well have been removed illegally from Bishop Remigius' holding of Owmby-by-Spital (7,6) which was itself a jurisdiction of his manor of Stow (7,1). Bishop Remigius also held Ingham and Coates (7,14-15) in the same wapentake.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,23\tab DUNSTALL. A deserted village at SK891939 (PM), although the name still denotes a settlement on modern maps at SK889937.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 14,25\tab VALUE ... 10s. This line is written below the last ruled line of folio 350b, indented; it is in slightly paler ink than the rest of the entry and may have been added later (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,27\tab GAINSTHORPE. The medieval village is lost at SE956011, the site commemorated by Gainsthorpe Farm; see Crawford, 'Air Photography of Gainstrop, Lincolnshire', pp. 432-33 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab HIBALDSTOW}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . The place-name }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Hilboldestou }{\cf1\insrsid674425 was interlined by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday above }{\i\insrsid674425 GAMELSTORP}{\insrsid674425 , which he did not then underline for deletion. He did not rubricate either place-name (CT)}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\insrsid674425 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab \tab Hibaldstow and Gainsthorpe are described together in the Lindsey Survey (Foster and Longley, 1/18 p. 238) (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,28\tab STURTON. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 In the manuscript the place-name is manorial}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 14,30\tab LAND FOR 7 \'bd PLOUGHS. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday originally wrote }{\i\insrsid674425 .iiii. car'}{\insrsid674425 , then joined together the first two minims to form a }{\i\insrsid674425 v}{ \insrsid674425 and interlined }{\i\insrsid674425 7 dimid'}{\insrsid674425 , to produce a}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 c}{\cf1\insrsid674425 orrect }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .vii. car' 7 dimid'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (PM)}{\scaps\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 14,31\tab BRICTFRITH . The name Brictfrith occurs four times in Domesday Book. The Brictfrith who held almsland in Devon is unlikely to be related to the other three, whose modest holdings, lacking tenurial or any other links to each other, are too widely separated to be plausibly linked. They were therefore probably held by different individuals (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 14,35\tab HOLTON[-LE-MOOR]. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 In the manuscript the place-name is rubricated (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 14,36\tab THE FIRST LINE OF THIS ENTRY was written by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 on the last ruled line of folio 350c, the two half-lines below it; it is in the same colour ink as the surrounding entries, so was probably an early addition. He used transposition signs to indicate its correct position in the column above (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab WAITHE.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 In the manuscript the place-name is rubricated (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,37\tab HABROUGH.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 In the manuscript the place-name is rubricated (PM)}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab [EAST] HALTON. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 The vill centre probably lay to the north of Halton church, which in twelfth-century charters was also known as St Peter, North Killingholme; see Stenton, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Social and Economic History of the Danelaw}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 213; }{ \insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 lxi (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 14,43\tab HAROLD . Lincolnshire is the only county in which more than one Harold is clearly identified, numbering Earl Harold, Harold the constable, and Harold brother of Aelfric among its nu mbers. Which, if any of these, the Harold at Westlaby might be is impossible to decide in the absence of any clear linkages (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 14,46\tab 'HAVERSTOE' WAPENTAKE. Possibly in error. The following places were all later in 'Gartree' Wapentake (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab STORI . See C10 Stori note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab 5 PLOUGHS IN LORDSHIP. In the manuscript there is a repaired hole between the second and fourth lines of this entry between }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 iN }{\cf1\insrsid674425 and }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 d'nio}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ; the scribe probably wrote a wide capital }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 N }{\cf1\insrsid674425 for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 in}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 to fill in some of the (sma ll) space between it and the beginning of the hole, so there would not appear to be an intentional space left after }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 in }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,47\tab GOULCEBY. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 In the manuscript the place-name is rubricated (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab STORI . See C10 Stori note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,48\tab STORI . See C10 Stori note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,49\tab STORI . See C10 Stori note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,50\tab STORI . See C10 Stori note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,51\tab STORI . See C10 Stori note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,52\tab STORI . See C10 Stori note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,53\tab STORI . See C10 Stori note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 14,54\tab THE TWO [ESTATES CALLED] MINTING. Minting and 'Little Minting', the latter lost in Minting at approximately TF160730 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab STORI . See C10 Stori note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,55\tab STORI . See C10 Stori note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,56\tab STORI . See C10 Stori note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 14,57\tab `THORLEY'.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 Lost in the region of Minting and Gautby. Canon Foster associates it with Minting Park: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 lxix (PM). }{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab 3 BOVATES. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday corrected the number from }{\i\insrsid674425 ii}{\insrsid674425 to }{\i\insrsid674425 iii}{\insrsid674425 and interlined }{\i\insrsid674425 es}{\insrsid674425 (for }{\i\insrsid674425 tres}{\insrsid674425 ) in clarification (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab IN THE MARGIN beside this entry the main scribe of Great Domesday wrote an }{\i\insrsid674425 r }{\insrsid674425 (for }{\i\insrsid674425 require}{\insrsid674425 , 'enquire'). There is no sign in the manuscript of anythin g erased or added or any gaps in this entry, which might have been the reason for, or the result of, this }{\i\insrsid674425 r}{\insrsid674425 . It is possible that he wanted to check some detail, perhaps the 3 ploughs attributed to the Freemen, as the plough estimate was only for 1 plough a nd 3 oxen (the 'as many' referring to the 1 carucate and 3 bovates of the assessment), although there are frequently more ploughs on the land than in the plough estimate in this county. Alternatively, he could have written the }{\i\insrsid674425 r}{ \insrsid674425 next to the wrong entry: it could have been intended for the next entry (see 14,58 villagers note).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab STORI . See C10 Stori note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 14,58\tab 13 VILLAGERS, 1 VILLAGER. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday may have written one of the }{\i\insrsid674425 uill'}{\insrsid674425 i}{\cf1\insrsid674425 n error for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 soch' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (Freeman or Freem en); or he may have been merely reproducing the wording of his source (see 14,57 margin note). See also 14,71 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 14,59\tab LAND FOR 6 PLOUGHS. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday corrected the }{\i\insrsid674425 .vi. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 from }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .v.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,60\tab IN KI}{\cf1\insrsid674425 NGTHORPE. In conjunction with 14,62 (the manor of Ludford) this entry is repeated at 14,92 where the detail of the two manors is amalgamated, though 2 oxen and the mill are omitted and see 14,92 Thorulf note (PM-CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 14,61\tab THIS ENTRY was added by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday, }{\cf1\insrsid674425 s queezed into the space left after the value statement of 14,60; it extends into the central margin. It is not rubricated and he used a slightly finer pen, as he did for a number of additions made after rubrication. Its connection with Kingthorpe is unclea r and it may in fact be a duplicate of a fuller entry for 2 bovates in Strubby which had already been entered at 40,11, as a jurisdiction of another manor in Kingthorpe, held in 1086 by Rainer of Brimeux (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 14,66\tab STORI . See C10 Stori note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,67\tab STORI . See C10 Stori note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,68\tab STORI . See C10 Stori note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,69\tab STORI . See C10 Stori note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,70\tab STORI . See C10 Stori note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 14,71\tab 18 VILLAGERS, 3 VILLAGERS. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday may have written one of the }{\i\insrsid674425 uill'}{\insrsid674425 i}{\cf1\insrsid674425 n error for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 soch' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (Freemen); see also 14,58 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab STORI . See C10 Stori note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,72\tab STORI . See C10 Stori note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,73\tab STORI . See C10 Stori note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,74\tab STORI . See C10 Stori note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,75\tab STORI . See C10 Stori note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,76\tab STORI . See C10 Stori note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,77\tab STORI . See C10 Stori note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,78\tab STORI . See C10 Stori note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,79\tab STORI . See C10 Stori note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,80\tab STORI . See C10 Stori note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,81\tab STORI . See C10 Stori note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,82\tab STORI . See C10 Stori note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,83\tab STORI . See C10 Stori note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 14,84\tab ELKINGTON. Now represented by 'North Elkington' and South Elkington, the former a deserted village at TF286904 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,86\tab HANBY. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 The site is commemorated by Hanby Hall at TF475698: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 lvi (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 14,87\tab IN BOURNE. This holding and those at 27,51 and 59,7 were later represented by Austerby in Bourne (DR).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab 3? BOVATES. In the manuscript only a small part of the top half of the first minim of }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 iii }{\cf1\insrsid674425 remains; there seems to have been an erasure immediately after }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Seuuen}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 which extends to the bottom of the first minim, but it is not clear whether the scribe intended to erase the first minim at the same time (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,88\tab BRACEBY. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 In the manuscript place-name is manorial (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab GODWIN . Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,89\tab GODWIN . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 14,90\tab HONINGTON. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday had}{\cf1\insrsid674425 originally written }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Huntindune}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , but then made a poor job of}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 altering it to }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Hundindune}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 : in trying to turn the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 t}{\cf1\insrsid674425 into a }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 d}{\cf1\insrsid674425 he accidentally covered the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 i}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 making }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Hundndune}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . Farley 'corrected' this to }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Hundindune }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,91\tab HONINGTON. The main scribe of Great Domesday had originally written }{\i\insrsid674425 Hundint'}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 then altered it to }{\i\insrsid674425 Hundintone}{\insrsid674425 , but left the abbreviation sign after the }{\i\insrsid674425 t}{\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 14,92\tab THORULF.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 The Domesday form }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Torul}{\cf1\insrsid674425 represents Old Danish }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Thorulf}{\cf1\insrsid674425 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 396; see also Fellows Jensen, }{\i\insrsid674425 Scandinavian Personal Names in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire}{\insrsid674425 , p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 317. This man wou ld seem, however, to be identical with Thorald (Domesday }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Turold}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ) in 14,62; see 14,60 Kingthorpe note (PM-CT). Compare DEV 30 Richard note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 14,93\tab NOW 30s. As the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday had already given the 1086 value, it is possible that }{\i\insrsid674425 m}{\insrsid674425 [}{\i\insrsid674425 od}{\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\insrsid674425 o xxx. sol' }{\insrsid674425 is an error for }{\i\insrsid674425 Tailla xxx. sol'}{\insrsid674425 (}{\cf1\insrsid674425 'Exactions 30s'), as perhaps also in 7,40 (7,40 now note) (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 14,95\tab HE HAD 14 BOVATES. The name of the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 T}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 R}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 E}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 holder is omitted (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab GODWIN . Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 14,97\tab SPALDING. Ivo T allboys granted the church of Spalding to the Abbey of Saint-Nicolas of Angers at Gloucester in 1085. He had re-founded the Benedictine priory in Angers in 1074: }{\i\insrsid674425 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\cf1\insrsid674425 i. pp. 75-76 no.}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 288a (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab FROM SALT-HOUSES, 20s. The number is not given, but in view of the render from salt-houses in Lincolnshire being often an "ora"}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 of 16d per salt-house (see 1,34 salt-houses note), the number rendering 20s here may be 15, the same as rendered that amount in 12,70. However, there are severa l cases of a salt-house rendering only 6d, so there may have been many more, though this is not so likely (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 14,101\tab [2?] VILLAGERS. There is a splash of gall here, but the number appears to be }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ii }{\cf1\insrsid674425 from the size of the space it occupies and what can be deciphered under the gall (CT).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab W[IMU]ND. Farley printed }{\i\insrsid674425 W...d'}{\insrsid674425 .}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 In t}{\cf1\insrsid674425 he manuscript }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 W}{\cf1\insrsid674425 o}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 nd' }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 can be seen fairly clearly, especially under ultra-violet light, but most of the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 o}{\cf1\insrsid674425 was rubbed away when a splash of gall was wiped up, leaving }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 W.nd'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . The personal name }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Wond }{\cf1\insrsid674425 would be difficult to explain, except as Old Norse }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Vondr}{\cf1\insrsid674425 : Fellows Jensen, }{\i\insrsid674425 Scandinavian Personal Names in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire,}{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 340. A man called }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Wimund}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 us}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ], Ivo's man, held from Ivo elsewhere (see 14,5-6;64-65) and it is possible that }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Wond'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 was the result of scribal confusion at some stage in the Domesday process. This was the interpretation of the scribe of the Breviate. The Alecto edition has Wimund (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 16,1\tab STENKIL . The name Stenkil occurs seven times in Dome sday Book, the three Lincolnshire holdings probably belonging to the same individual. Two were held from the same tenant-in-chief and were shared with another English tenant, Ernwin, while the third was adjacent to both of these properties. All other hold ings of a Stenkil were remote and modest so unlikely to have belonged to the Stenkil of Riby (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab ERNWIN [* THE PRIEST *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 16,2\tab STENKIL . See 16,1 Stenkil note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 16,3\tab IN THE MANUSCRIPT there is a marginal }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 k}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 kalum}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 p}{\cf1\insrsid674425 )}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 nia}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 'claim'),}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 though without a corresponding entry in the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Clamores}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . See 3,15 marginal note (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 16,5\tab THORNTON[-LE-MOOR].}{\cf1\insrsid674425 In the manuscript the place-name is manorial (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 16,6\tab IN THE MANUSCRIPT there is a marginal }{\i\insrsid674425 k}{\insrsid674425 (for }{\i\insrsid674425 kalum}{\insrsid674425 (}{\i\insrsid674425 p}{\insrsid674425 )}{\i\insrsid674425 nia}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{ \insrsid674425 'claim'), perhaps referring to the claim of William of Percy for these 11 bovates, mentioned in }{\cf1\insrsid674425 22,5, where the detail of the meadow is also given. On these }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 k}{\cf1\insrsid674425 s,}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 see 3,15 marginal note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 16,8\tab IN THE MANUSCRIPT there is a marginal k (for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 kalum}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 p}{\cf1\insrsid674425 )}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 nia }{\cf1\insrsid674425 'claim') , which was entered at CN15. See 3,15 marginal note (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab CHURCH OF WINGHALE. Presumably Winghale Priory at TF029969. The date of the foundation is not clear but there is a reference to the monks of Winghale holding this land in the Lindsey Survey of }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 c}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 . 1115-1118 (Foster and Longley, 7/15 p. 245) (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 16,9\tab GEOFFREY [* THE SHERIFF *]. According to }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 Keats-Rohan, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Domesday People}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 232, the Geoffrey here is the same as the Geoffrey who held in Domesday Shropshire, on whom see SHR 4,3,27 Geoffrey note.}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 16,14\tab KLAKKR. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 See 27,21 (PM).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab SIUNDI. Gillian Fellows Jensen observes that the manuscript form }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Sendi }{\cf1\insrsid674425 may also be identical with 'Sandi', Old Icelandic }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Sandr}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 'sand' (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab ALBERT [* GRELLEY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 16,15\tab THIS ENTRY and the next (16,16) were written by the main scribe of Great Domesday on folio 352b after the entry for Cadney (16,34). He used a pair of transposition signs to indicate their correct position in the text of the adjacent column (folio 352a).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab ALBERT [* GRELLEY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 16,16\tab FOR THE POSITION of this entry in the manuscript, see 16,15 entry note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab ALBERT [* GRELLEY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 16,17\tab BARKWITH.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 See 2,2 Barkwith note (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab ALBERT [* GRELLEY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 16,19\tab TORRINGTON. The Lindsey Survey distinguishes between Torrington and the other Torrington, later East Torrington and West Torrington. Domesday, however, provides no evidence of which entry represents which site. Canon Foster identified this en try as West Torrington: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 92 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 16,20\tab SNARFORD.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 In the manuscript it is }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 SVARDESFORDE}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ;}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 it seems likely that the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday }{\cf1\insrsid674425 miscopied an }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 N }{\cf1\insrsid674425 as a }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 V }{\cf1\insrsid674425 as the second letter, as the place is }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Snardesforde }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in 3,2 and 35,17, }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 Snereforde }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in 16,21 and }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Snerteforde }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in 16,50 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 16,21\tab THIS ENTRY was a}{\cf1\insrsid674425 dded by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 in the right margin beside the end of the entry for Northorpe (16,22), though the reference to a jurisdiction of Snarford indicates its correct position four or five lines above next to Snarford (16,20). The entry is underlined in the same colour ink, perhaps for emphasis rather than, as was more normal, for deletion; see also 68,21 entry note. }{\insrsid674425 The scribes of the }{\i\insrsid674425 Abbreviatio }{\insrsid674425 (folio 237v) and the Breviate (folio 176v) obviously did not believe that it was intended for deletion and included it}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 16,23\tab `THONOCK'. The medieval village is lost, the name commemorated in Thonock Lane Farm, between Gainsborough and Wharton at SK828928. In the manuscript }{\i\insrsid674425 Tunec }{\insrsid674425 was written by the main scribe of Great Domesday over the erasure of }{\cf1\insrsid674425 a longer word and is blurred, with a gap between the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 e }{\cf1\insrsid674425 and the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 c}{\cf1\insrsid674425 and a link-line to join them,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 not shown by Farley (PM-CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab WHARTON. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday interlined}{\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 IN WHARTON}{\cf1\insrsid674425 above }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Tunec}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , though he did not underline that place-name for deletion (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 16,24\tab IVO HAS 2 BOVATES. See 14,23 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 16,25\tab THIS ENTRY and the next one (16,26) were squeezed by the main scribe of Great Domesday into a space of a line and three-quarters left by him at the end of the previous entry (16,24). He separated them from that entry and from each other with 'gallows' signs. He did not rubricate them (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab SOUTHORPE. A deserted village, now represented by Southorpe Farm at SE888952 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 16,26\tab FOR THIS ADDED ENTRY, see 16,25 entry note (CT). \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab YAWTHORPE. In the manuscript it is }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 Ioletorp}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ; Farley misprinted }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Loletorp}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ; see 1,48 Heapham note (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 16,28\tab IN THE MANUSCRIPT there is a marginal }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 k}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 kalum}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 p}{\cf1\insrsid674425 )}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 nia}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 'claim'); see 3,15 marginal note. The claim is entered at CW15; see CW15 Swein note (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 16,29\tab LAUGHTON. In the manuscript }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Lestone }{\cf1\insrsid674425 was corrected to }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Lastone }{\cf1\insrsid674425 by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 by interlining an }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 a}{\cf1\insrsid674425 above the first }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 e}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , under which he then put a deletion dot (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 16,33\tab WILLIAM [* MALET *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab ERNWIN [* THE PRIEST *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 16,34\tab 3 PARTS. The main scribe of Great Domesday corrected his original }{\i\insrsid674425 iii. pars }{\insrsid674425 ('the third part') to }{\i\insrsid674425 iii. partes}{\insrsid674425 ('3 parts'), interlining }{\i\insrsid674425 es }{\insrsid674425 (for }{\i\insrsid674425 tres}{\insrsid674425 ) above the number in clarification. However, 'the third part' seems to fit better, as there are two other references to '5 bovates and the third part of 1 bovate' in Cadney and the adjacent Howsham (12,11;13). A similar correction occurs in 16,40 (CT).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab WILLIAM [* MALET *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab ERNWIN [* THE PRIEST *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 16,38\tab 2 PARTS OF 1 MILL SITE. The remaining third part of the site is recorded in 3,49 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 16,40\tab 3 PARTS. The main scribe of Great Domesday originally wrote }{\i\insrsid674425 .iii. pars }{\insrsid674425 ('the third part') and then corrected it to }{\i\insrsid674425 .iii. partes}{\insrsid674425 and interlined }{\i\insrsid674425 es}{\insrsid674425 (for }{\i\insrsid674425 tres}{\insrsid674425 ) in clarification; he made a similar correction in 16,34. In another holding in Somercotes (40,24) there is a third part of 1 carucate (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 16,45\tab 6 BOVATES OF LAND TAXABLE. In the manuscript }{\i\f703\insrsid674425 .vi. bou' t'r\'ea g'ld'}{\insrsid674425 ; Farley printed }{\i\f703\insrsid674425 .vi. bou' t'r\'ea ad g'ld'}{\insrsid674425 , inserting the }{\i\insrsid674425 ad}{\insrsid674425 which was almost certainly omitted in error as }{\i\insrsid674425 ad geldum}{\insrsid674425 is the normal phrase (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 16,47\tab "STRUI".}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 The Domesday form }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Strui}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , which only occurs here in Domesday,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 might be an error for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Sturi}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , perhaps representing the hypothetical Old Norse }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Sturi}{\cf1\insrsid674425 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , pp. 376, 377. He also mentioned}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Old Swedish }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Sture}{\cf1\insrsid674425 or an error for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Strut}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , representing Old Norse }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Strutr}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . In view of the uncertainty, it has been decided to keep to the Domesday form for the present edition. The Alecto edition has Strui.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab ERNWIN [* THE PRIEST *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 16,48\tab "BRANZUIC".}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 Unidentified. Gillian Fellows Jensen suggests that this is Branston, the element }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 uic }{\cf1\insrsid674425 arising out of confusion with }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Caneuuic }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in the preceding entry: Fellows Jensen, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Scandinavian Settlement Names in the East}{\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Midlands}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 189 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 17,1\tab GREETWELL. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 A deserted village, the site commemorated by Greetwell Hall and the}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 church of All Saints at TF013716 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab SWEIN.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 Identical with Swein son of Svafi in C9 and T5 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 18,1\tab IN INGLEBY. See 22,30 Ingleby note (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab THORGOT LAG. Thorgot 'the short' (Tengvik, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Old English Bynames}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 320) and not }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 lag}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 emannus}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ] ('lawman') as suggested by Canon Foster (}{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 95). No lawman of this}{\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 name is recorded at Lincoln (PM).}{\insrsid674425 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab \tab }{\insrsid674425 He was a wealthy Anglo-Saxon magnate, listed among those with full jurisdictional rights in T5 and in Yorkshire (YKS C36), and one of the principal predecessors of Robert of Tosny and his son Berengar. See Clarke, }{\i\insrsid674425 English Nobility}{\insrsid674425 , p. 344, whose list omits dependencies and also NTT 21,3, perhaps because it was without value (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab BERENGAR [* OF TOSNY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab VALUE ... \'a310. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 did an exuberant flourish at the end of the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 x }{\cf1\insrsid674425 with the usual}{\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 punctus}{\cf1\insrsid674425 written after it taking account of this flourish; it is not an }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 i}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 or a partly completed addition}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 to the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 x }{\cf1\insrsid674425 which is how Farley seems to have read it (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 18,2\tab THORGOT LAG. See 18,1 Thorgot note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab BERENGAR [* OF TOSNY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 18,3\tab BUSLINGTHORPE. Domesday }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Esetorp }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('Esi's }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 torp}{\cf1\insrsid674425 '). The vill takes its modern name from the Norman tenant }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Buselin}{\cf1\insrsid674425 recorded in the Lindsey Su rvey (Foster and Longley, 3/8 p. 241) (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab THORGOT [* LAG *]. See 18,1 Thorgot note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab BERENGAR [* OF TOSNY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 18,4\tab THORGOT [* LAG *]. See 18,1 Thorgot note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab BERENGAR [* OF TOSNY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 18,5\tab THIS ENTRY was written by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 below the last ruled line of folio 352d, but in the same colour}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ink as the preceding entry, so probably an early addition. He used rubricated transposition signs to indicate its correct position in the column above (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab THORGOT [* LAG *]. See 18,1 Thorgot note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab BERENGAR [* OF TOSNY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 18,6\tab THORGOT [* LAG *]. See 18,1 Thorgot note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab BERENGAR [* OF TOSNY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 18,7\tab THORGOT LAG. See 18,1 Thorgot note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab BERENGAR [* OF TOSNY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab ARE THE FREEMEN'S. Domesday }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Soch' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 normally abbreviates }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 sochemannus }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('Freeman') in its}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 various cases. Although it is possible that }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Soch' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 here is a mistake for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Soca }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (see 8,7 jurisdiction note) and the meaning is 'are a jurisdiction' (}{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 96) there is nothing wrong with translating it as 'the Freemen's', as Freemen regularly held land; see 1,5 Freemen note and 13,24 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 dim}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 idia}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 carucata soch}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 emann}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 orum}{\cf1\insrsid674425 : 'a half}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 carucate [is] the Freemen's'; see }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 76 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 18,8\tab BERENGAR [* OF TOSNY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab THORGOT LAG. See 18,1 Thorgot note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 18,9\tab BERENGAR [* OF TOSNY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab THORGOT LAG. See 18,1 Thorgot note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 18,10\tab THORGOT LAG. See 18,1 Thorgot note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab BERENGAR [* OF TOSNY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 18,13\tab THORGOT LAG. See 18,1 Thorgot note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab BERENGAR [* OF TOSNY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 18,14\tab BANTHORPE. Lost in Braceborough. The na me is commemorated in Banthorpe Wood and Banthorpe Lodge: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 xlviii. The place-name form here, }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 Barnetone}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 shows substitution of Old English }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 tun }{\cf1\insrsid674425 for Scandinavian }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 torp}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ; see Fellows Jensen, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Scandinavian Settlement Names in the East}{\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Midlands}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 102 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab THORGOT LAG. See 18,1 Thorgot note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab BERENGAR [* OF TOSNY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 18,16\tab KIRKBY [UNDERWOOD].}{\cf1\insrsid674425 In the manuscript the initial }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 I }{\cf1\insrsid674425 is rustic, but the place-name is manorial (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 18,19\tab MEADOW, 40 ACRES; UNDERWOOD, 24 ACRES. On the ambiguity of the Latin here, see 8,31 acres note (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab GILBERT OF GHENT. See 24,97 (PM-CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 18,20\tab `AVETHORPE'.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 Lost in Aslackby: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 xlviii. The site is possibly commemorated by the moated site 'The Aveland' at TF068296 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab MEADOW, 12 ACRES; MEADOW, 130 ACRES. The second }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 p'ti }{\cf1\insrsid674425 is probably a scribal error for }{\i\f703\cf1\insrsid674425 silu\'ea }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (}{\i\f703\cf1\insrsid674425 minut\'ea }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 or}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 pastilis}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ) and }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ac}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ra}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 s}{\cf1\insrsid674425 with it}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 is a scribal error for the nominative }{\i\f703\cf1\insrsid674425 ac[r\'ea}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ]. Compare 24,102 meadow note (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 18,23\tab `SEMPRINGHAM'. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 The vill lay to the north-west of St Andrew's church at TF106329 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 18,29\tab THORGOT LAG. See 18,1 Thorgot note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab BERENGAR [* OF TOSNY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 18,30\tab THORGOT LAG. See 18,1 Thorgot note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab BERENGAR [* OF TOSNY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 20,4\tab DEINCORA. A difficult personal name; see von Feilitzen, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 223 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 21\tab HENRY OF FERRERS. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 The manuscript has }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 FERRIERES}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 I}{\cf1\insrsid674425 being interlined. The toponym is Ferri\'e8res-Saint-Hilaire in the}{\insrsid674425 French }{\cf1\insrsid674425 d\'e9partement of Eure: Tengvik, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Old English Bynames}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 88. 'Ferrers' is in deference to the more common form of this well-known family name (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 21,1\tab SIWARD BARN. Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Seubar}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 The more correct form }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Siuuardbar}{\cf1\insrsid674425 appears in CW17 where he appears as Henry's predecessor (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab SASWALO . The name Saswalo was a fairly uncommon name, so this individual is probably the same as three subtenants of Henry of Ferrers in Derbyshire (D BY 6,47 (Hoon). 6,49;98) and one each in Northamptonshire and Warwickshire (NTH 25,2, WAR 19,4). He appears to be the same man as }{\i\insrsid674425 Sewal}{\insrsid674425 in the Tutbury Cartulary (Saltman, p. 65 no. 52), as the giver of two-thirds of }{ \i\insrsid674425 Hoga}{\insrsid674425 and of 4 acres near }{\i\insrsid674425 Merstone}{\insrsid674425 (Marston-on-Dove in Derbyshire); see DBY 6}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,47 Hoon note. According to }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 VCH Warwickshire}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , i. pp. 281-82, he was ancestor of the Shirley family; }{\insrsid674425 Keats-Rohan, }{\i\insrsid674425 Domesday People}{\insrsid674425 , p. 417, adds that he was an ancestor of the Ireton family, though there is no mention of a Saswalo in DBY 1,13 (Kirk Ireton) or DBY 6,92 (Ireton).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 21,2\tab SASWALO . See 21,1 Saswalo note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 22,2\tab LACEBY.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 Domesday }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 Lenesbi}{\cf1\insrsid674425 here is}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 probably in error for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Leuesbi}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 its form in 4,69 and 30,15 (PM).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 22,5\tab THORNTON[-LE-MOOR].}{\cf1\insrsid674425 In the manuscript the place-name is manorial (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab ROGER OF POITOU ... 11 BOVATES. See 16,6 manuscript note. (CT)}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 22,6\tab THIS ENRY was added by the main scribe of Great Domesday below the last ruled line of folio 353d, interrupting the entry for Stainfield (22,16) which continues onto folio 354a. He used transposition signs to indicate that this account of Thornton[-Le-Moor] belonged with the entry for that place earlier in the column.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 22,15\tab IT LIES IN SNELLAND. See 28,26 William note (PM).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 22,17\tab TONNI . The name Tonni occurs on 47 holdings, probably representing two or three individuals. In 43 of these holdings Tonni was the predecessor of either Gilbert of Ghent or William of Percy, almost certainly the same individual since G ilbert had claims on the properties in the hands of William of Percy (CS30-31). See also Clarke, }{\i\insrsid674425 English Nobility}{\insrsid674425 , pp. 350-51, who also assigns the Yorkshire holding of Appleton to this Tonni (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 22,19\tab IN THE MANUSCRIPT there is a marginal }{\i\insrsid674425 k}{\insrsid674425 (for }{\i\insrsid674425 kalum}{\insrsid674425 (}{\i\insrsid674425 p}{\insrsid674425 )}{\i\insrsid674425 nia}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{ \insrsid674425 'claim'), entered at CS31. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 See 3,15 marginal note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab TONNI . See 22,17 Tonni note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 22,20\tab IN THE MANUSCRIPT there is a marginal }{ \i\insrsid674425 k}{\insrsid674425 (for }{\i\insrsid674425 kalum}{\insrsid674425 (}{\i\insrsid674425 p}{\insrsid674425 )}{\i\insrsid674425 nia}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 'claim'), entered at CS32. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 See 3,15 marginal note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab WHO PLOUGH WITH 1 OX. Or perhaps 'with 1 ploughing ox'; see 14,19 plough note (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 22,23\tab TONNI . Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 22,27\tab THIS ENTRY was briefly omitted by the }{ \insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday, though it was}{\cf1\insrsid674425 not a later addition because it was written on the ruled lines and was succeeded by another misplaced jurisdiction}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (22,36), the account of which continues onto folio 354b. He used transposition signs to link the present jurisdiction with the manor of Covenham a few lines earlier (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 22,28\tab 6 \'bd CARUCATES ... ARE THE FREEMEN'S. The Latin } {\i\insrsid674425 soch' }{\insrsid674425 here and at the end of the next entry (22,29) is far more likely to abbreviate }{\i\insrsid674425 sochemannorum}{\insrsid674425 as usual, than }{\i\insrsid674425 socha}{\insrsid674425 which is a form of }{ \i\insrsid674425 soca}{\insrsid674425 that the main scribe of Great Domesday does not use in Lincolnshire. It is translated as '6 \'bd carucates ... are soke[land]' in Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 , p. 103, though Freemen regularly held land (1,5 Freemen note) and compare 18,7 Freemen's note and 25,1 Freemen note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 22,29\tab HALF OF THIS LAND IS THE FREEMEN'S. Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 , p. 103, translate this as 'A moiety of this land is soke[land]', reading }{\i\insrsid674425 soch'}{ \insrsid674425 as abbreviating }{\i\insrsid674425 socha}{\insrsid674425 ; see 22,28 Freemen's note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 22,30\tab IN INGLEBY. William of Percy's land is said to be at Saxilby in the Lindsey Survey}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (Foster and Longley, 3/3 p. 241) as also in the Nottinghamshire folios (NTT 21,3). Both}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 here and at 18,1 the holding may embrace land at Saxilby (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 22,35\tab EVERARD [* OF LEATHLEY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 22,36\tab THE SCRIBE }{\cf1\insrsid674425 presumably thought that he had already recorded the manor of Legsby and so}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 gave the details of its jurisdiction, when he gave those for the similarly misplaced jurisdiction of Covenham entered just before it (see 22,27 entry note). In fact he did not e nter the manor of Legsby until almost the end of William of Percy's fief (22,35) and he then added the transposition signs to link the present jurisdiction with its manor }{\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab HOLTHAM.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 Lost in Legsby, the site commemorated by Holtham Garrs Farm at TA148168 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab EVERARD [* OF LEATHLEY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 22,37\tab THERE ALSO. That is, in Legsby at 22,35 (PM).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 23,1\tab 1 FERRY. Across the Humber, giving its name to the settlement. North Ferriby lies}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 on the Yorkshire bank of the Humber (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24\tab GILBERT OF GHENT. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Son-in-law of Hugh II of Montfort-sur-Risle. He was taken}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 prisoner in September 1069 during the fall of York to the Anglo-Danish army, according to Symeon of Durham, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Historia Regum}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (Arnold,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ii. p. 188). His family were from Alost where they}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 served as }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 advocati }{\cf1\insrsid674425 of the Abbey of St Peter of Ghent from which they took their}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 byname; see Sherman, 'Continental Origins of the Ghent Family of}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire' (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 24,2\tab KOLSVEINN [* OF LINCOLN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 24,4\tab `[MIDDLE] CARLTON'. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Lost in North Carlton: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 liii (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 24,5\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,6\tab MEADOW, 6 ACRES. In the manuscript }{\i\insrsid674425 ac's }{\insrsid674425 (= }{\i\insrsid674425 acras}{\insrsid674425 ), accusative, after }{\i\insrsid674425 h}{\insrsid674425 [}{\i\insrsid674425 abe}{\insrsid674425 ]}{ \i\insrsid674425 nt}{\insrsid674425 earlier in the line. Farley misprinted }{\i\insrsid674425 ac'}{\insrsid674425 (= }{\i\insrsid674425 acrae}{\insrsid674425 , nominative), as also in 31,8 and 57,35 and compare 68,9 acres note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 24,7\tab ALSO. In the manuscript }{\i\f710\cf1\insrsid674425 IT\'c7 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 is written at the end of 24,6 connecting the two entries as jurisdictions of}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Scampton (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 24,8\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 24,9\tab ULF ^[FENMAN]^.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 Probably Ulf Fenman, Gilbert's predecessor at Scampton, 24,1 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab 4 PLOTS WITH FULL JURISDICTION. The reference is amplified and explained}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 at CW11 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 24,10\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,11\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,12\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab EXACTIONS 40s. This may have been added by the }{ \insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 as it extends into the central}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 margin of the manuscript, though probably an early addition as there is no difference in ink colour (CT).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 24,13\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,14\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,15\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,16\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,17\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 24,18\tab `OSGODBY'.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 Lost in Bardney at approximately TF132727: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 lxii (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,19\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,20\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 24,21\tab THIS ENTRY was added by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday below the last ruled line of folio 354c; he used transposition signs to direct it to its correction position in the text on folio 354d.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab "SUDTONE".}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 See 29,2 "Sudtone" note (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,22\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,23\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,24\tab TONNI . See 22,17 Tonni note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,25\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 24,26\tab IN "OFFRAN".}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 Possibly in error for Keisby. "Offran" is unintelligible as a place-name, but the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 T}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 R}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 E}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 holder at Keisby (57,41. 68,22) was called }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Offram }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (representing Old English }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Osfram}{\cf1\insrsid674425 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 339). Scribal confusion at some stage in the Domesday process is probably the cause. The Phillimore printed edition misprints }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Osfran }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in the notes and Index of Places. Compare 4,19 "Summerlede" note and CN28 "Schemin" note (PM-CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,27\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,28\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,29\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 24,30\tab BANTHORPE. The }{\insrsid674425 main scrib e of Great Domesday wrote}{\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Barnetorp }{\cf1\insrsid674425 with a pen-stroke after the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 p}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ;}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Farley read it as an }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 i}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . It is not a }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 i}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , however, as it is joined to the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 p}{\cf1\insrsid674425 at the top and there is a second stroke to the left of it on the right curve of the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 p}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , which makes the addition look rather like an }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 n}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . But }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Barnetorpn}{\cf1\insrsid674425 would be an unusual form for this place-name, which is written }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Barnetone }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in 18,14, and }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Barnetorp }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in 59,6, each time linked with Braceborough, as here. It is more likely to have been an accidental pen-stroke (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab \tab Foster and Longley, Lincolnshire Domesday, p. xlviii, call Banthorpe an extinct hamlet. The name is, however, represented by Banthorpe Lodge, a settlement site, and by Banthorpe Wood on the modern 1:25,000 Ordnance Survey map.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,31\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,32\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,33\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,34\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,36\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab GEOFFREY [* OF AALST *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,37\tab TONNI . See 22,17 Tonni note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 24,38\tab EWERBY. The manuscript has }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 leresbi }{\cf1\insrsid674425 for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Ieresbi}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Farley misprinted }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Leresbi}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ; see 1,48 Heapham note and compare 31,18 'Langoe' note and 68,20 Lobthorpe note(CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab TONNI . See 22,17 Tonni note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,39\tab TONNI . See 22,17 Tonni note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 24,40\tab 7 VILLAGERS. There is a repaired hole in the manuscript at the beginning of the third line of this entry;}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 it is not 'a blank space' as stated by }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 109 note 1 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab TONNI . See 22,17 Tonni note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 24,41\tab HALE. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Now represented by Great Hale and Little Hale (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab TONNI . See 22,17 Tonni note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,43\tab TONNI . See 22,17 Tonni note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,44\tab TONNI . See 22,17 Tonni note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 24,45\tab IN PARTNEY. In the manuscript the initial }{ \i\insrsid674425 I}{\insrsid674425 is 'square' (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 24,46\tab HE FOUND THERE. Presumably when he received the land }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 c}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . 1070/1071. The reference}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 to an intermediate date between 1066 and 1086, though specified in}{\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 the Commissioners' brief (as reported at the beginning of the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Inquisitio Eliensis}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ), only occurs once more in the Lincolnshire}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 folios, at 32,34. In Domesday Shropshire }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 invenit}{\cf1\insrsid674425 occurs regularly in this sense of an intermediate date; for example in the value statement in SHR 4,3,11: 'when he acquired it, he found it waste' (PM-CT).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,47\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,48\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,49\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,50\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,51\tab MEADOW, 440? ACRES. The main scribe of Great Domesday probably intended the interlined }{\i\insrsid674425 .cccc.}{\insrsid674425 to be added to his original }{\i\insrsid674425 xl. ac' p'ti}{\insrsid674425 , as there is no underlining for deletion. Compare 13,2 smallholders note and 64,3 meadow note CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,52\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,53\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,54\tab TONNI . See 22,17 Tonni note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,55\tab TONNI . See 22,17 Tonni note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 24,56\tab 4 BOVATES OF LAND. The manuscript has }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 .iiii.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ;}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Farley misprinted }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .ii.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , perhaps copied from the previous entry (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab TONNI . See 22,17 Tonni note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,57\tab TONNI . See 22,17 Tonni note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,58\tab TONNI . See 22,17 Tonni note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 24,59\tab WILLOUGHBY. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 The }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 T}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 R}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 E}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 holder was perhaps Alnoth the priest, see CS19 (PM). The marginal }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 B}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 erewica}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ] beside this entry is probably an error, caused by the preceding entries (24,55-58) being berewicks (outliers) of the manor of Willoughby (24,54). The land was held 'with full jurisdiction' and it was provided with a value, both unusual for an outlier. It is probably a mano r in its own right and, if so, it is therefore uncertain whether the entry for jurisdiction of Willoughby added in the foot margin of folio 355b (see 24,60 entry note) was jurisdiction of the present holding or of the manor of Willoughby at 24,54.}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 24,60\tab THIS ENTRY was added by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 below the last ruled line of folio 355b, interrupting an entry for Sloothby (24,62) which continued onto folio 355c. He used transposition signs to link it to other dependencies of Willoughby in the column above, but see 24,59 Willoughby note (CT).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab TONNI . See 22,17 Tonni note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,61\tab TONNI . See 22,17 Tonni note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab GUY OF CRAON. See 25,19 Guy note (PM).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 24,62\tab TONNI . See 22,17 Tonni note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,63\tab TONNI . See 22,17 Tonni note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,64\tab TONNI . See 22,17 Tonni note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,65\tab TONNI . See 22,17 Tonni note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,66\tab TONNI . See 22,17 Tonni note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,67\tab TONNI . See 22,17 Tonni note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,68\tab TONNI . See 22,17 Tonni note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,69\tab TONNI . See 22,17 Tonni note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,70\tab TONNI . See 22,17 Tonni note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,71\tab TONNI . See 22,17 Tonni note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,74\tab OTHENKAR . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,75\tab OTHENKAR . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,76\tab TONNI . See 22,17 Tonni note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,77\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 24,78\tab `HOLME'. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Canon Foster identifies this as Holme Spinney in Beckingham: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 lviii.}{\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 'The Holmes' appears on the Ordnance Survey first edition one-inch map (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab A JURISDICTION. The main scribe of Great Domesday added }{\i\insrsid674425 soca}{\insrsid674425 in the right margin using a finer pen and a slightly paler ink, at the same time as he ma de two other additions in this margin; see 24,84 [value] note and 24,86 land note. This addition was probably connected with the }{\i\insrsid674425 r}{\insrsid674425 (for }{\i\insrsid674425 require}{\insrsid674425 , 'enquire') written by him in the central margin level with the first line of this entry}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 24,80\tab IN BURLEY. In "Roteland" where it is also entered, though with slightly different information; see RUT 5,15 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. See RUT 5,15 Ulf note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab GEOFFREY [* OF AALST *]. See RUT 5,15 Geoffrey note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 24,81\tab GUY OF CRAON. See 57,55 (PM).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 24,82\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,83\tab GEOFFREY [* OF AALST *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,84\tab [VALUE] 60s. The main scribe of Great Domesday added }{\i\insrsid674425 lx. s'}{\insrsid674425 in the right margin using a finer pen and a slightly pa ler ink, at the same time as two other additions in this margin; see 24,78 jurisdiction note and 24,86 land note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,85\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 24,86\tab 1 CARUCATE. The repaired hole men tioned in 24,40 villagers note comes between the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .i. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 and }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 car'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 here; the gap thus caused is not 'a space ... left blank' as stated in }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 113, note 3 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab LAND FOR 5 PLOUGHS. }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 T'ra v. c' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 was added by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday in}{\cf1\insrsid674425 the right margin; he used a finer pen and a slightly paler ink than that used for the adjacent text. At the same time he made two other additions in this margin; see 24,78 jurisdiction note and 24,84 [value] note. For other plough es timates added by him, see 68,47 land note and 12,72 land note and compare 31,12 land note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,87\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,88\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,89\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 24,90\tab THE MAIN SCRIBE of Great Domesday wrote }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 hvvelle}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (the place-name Howell) upside down in the top margin of folio 356a above 24,90. It is not}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 reproduced by Farley. It was probably jotted down by him as a remin der to add an entry for Howell, perhaps done when he recorded details of Gilbert of Ghent's holding in Howell on the preceding folio (24,39 on folio 355a). In fact he did add another holding in Howell (see 26,29 entry note), a jurisdiction of Kirkby, a pl ace that also features on folio 356a (24,101). For other marginal memoranda, see 3,56 scribe note and 38,12 scribe note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,91\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 24,92\tab STOW. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Now represented by S tow Farm at TF098349 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,93\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,94\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,95\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,96\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 24,97\tab \'bd CARUCATE. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday interlined this and the 2 carucates and 6 bovates of}{\cf1\insrsid674425 'Sempringham' above the place-names, though he had already given a total of 3 carucates and 2 bovates after these places (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,98\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 24,99\tab IN INGOLDSBY. In the manuscript the initial }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 I}{\cf1\insrsid674425 is 'square' (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,100\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,101\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 24,102\tab MEADOW ... MEADOW. The second of these is perhaps a scribal error for }{\i\f703\cf1\insrsid674425 silu\'ea }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (}{\i\f703\cf1\insrsid674425 minut\'ea }{\cf1\insrsid674425 or}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 pastilis}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ).}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Compare 18,20 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,103\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,104\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 24,105\tab ULF [* FENMAN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 25\tab LAND OF HUGH SON OF BALDRIC. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 numbered the chapter incorrectly as }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 XXXV}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('35'),}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 continuing the error in the following chapter also. The error is repeated, though without subsequent correction, from the same point in the Yorkshire folios (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 25,1\tab FREEMEN [HAVE] 3 BOVATES. The Latin }{ \i\insrsid674425 soch' }{\insrsid674425 is the usual abbreviation for }{\i\insrsid674425 sochemannus}{\insrsid674425 ('Freeman') in its various cases, but it is not clear, as the verb is missing, whether it is singular or plural here. Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 , p. 115, translate as '3 bovates ... [are] soke[land]', reading }{\i\insrsid674425 soch'}{\insrsid674425 as equivalent to }{\i\insrsid674425 soca}{\insrsid674425 , b ut there is no reason why Freemen should not have held land here, as elsewhere (see 1,5 Freemen note). Compare 18,7 Freemen's note and 22,28 Freemen's note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 25,10\tab IN THE MANUSCRIPT is a marginal }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 k}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 kalum}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 p}{\cf1\insrsid674425 )}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 nia}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 'claim'); the cla im is entered in CN24. See 3,15 marginal note (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 25,11\tab 9 FREEMEN. In the manuscript }{\i\insrsid674425 7 ix. soch'}{\insrsid674425 ; Farley omitted the }{\i\insrsid674425 7}{\insrsid674425 in error (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 25,13\tab [KETTLEBY] THORPE. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Lost, the site represented by Kettleby Thorpe Farm at TA042079 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 25,18\tab `[WEST] WYKEHAM'. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Lost in Ludford Magna at TF215890 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 25,19\tab GUY, HUGH'S SON-IN-LAW. Presumably Guy of Craon, as also at 25,25. The 120 acres of underwood appear again at 24,61 where the jurisdiction is associated with Guy of Craon (PM-CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 25,21\tab WOODTHORPE. Domesday }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Endretorp}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 The first element is identical to that occurring in the place-name Enderby, and perhaps represents the Scandinavian personal name. }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Eindrithr}{\cf1\insrsid674425 : Fellows Jensen, }{\i\insrsid674425 Scandinavian Personal Names in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire}{\insrsid674425 , p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 75. The place was known as Woodthorpe from the twelfth century: Fellows Jensen, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Scandinavian Settlement Names in the East}{ \i\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Midlands}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 121 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 26\tab KOLSVEINN [* OF LINCOLN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).} {\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 26,6\tab IT PAID [AND PAYS]. Domesday }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 redd' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 is used here for both the past tense (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 reddebat}{\cf1\insrsid674425 )}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 and present tense (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 reddit}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ) (CT).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 26,7\tab COLA [* NEPHEW OF KOLSVEINN *].}{\cf1\insrsid674425 See }{\insrsid674425 Fellows Jensen, }{\i\insrsid674425 Scandinavian Personal Names in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire}{\insrsid674425 , pp. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 176-77 (PM).}{ \insrsid674425 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab \tab }{\insrsid674425 There are six occurrences of this name in the Midlands and the north, probably representing three individuals. Cola here is named as Kolsveinn's nephew in C22. The Lincolnshire holdings had no discernible links with those in Derbyshire and Yorkshire (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 26,8\tab THIS ENTRY was writte n by the main scribe of Great Domesday on folio 357a between the entries for Cockerington (26,21) and Kexby (26,22). He used transposition signs to indicate its position next to another manor in Barlings on folio 356d (26,7). For another misplaced entry o n folio 357a, also belonging on folio 356d, see 26,12 entry note, and for one entered on folio 356d but belonging with one on folio 357a, see 26,24 entry note. The scribe used three different designs of transposition sign for these misplaced entries, so th eir correct position would not be in doubt.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 26,10\tab CNUT . See 12,42 Cnut note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 26,12\tab THIS ENTRY was written by the main scribe of Great Domesday on folio 357a after the entry for Kexby (26,22) and before another misplaced entry, f or Fillingham (26,23). He used transposition signs to indicate its correct position on folio 356d next to the manor of Ingham, of which it was a jurisdiction; Farley did not reproduce these signs. See 26,8 entry note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 26,16\tab CNUT . See 12,42 Cnut note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 26,17\tab ALFRED [* OF CHANCE *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 26,18\tab 4 PARTS OF 1 BOVATE. It is possible that }{\i\insrsid674425 iiii. part'}{\insrsid674425 is a scribal error for }{\i\insrsid674425 iiii. pars}{\insrsid674425 ('the fourth part'), easily done if in the source }{\i\insrsid674425 iiii. part'}{\insrsid674425 abbreviated }{\i\insrsid674425 iiii. partem}{\insrsid674425 (accusative) after}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 'Kolsveinn has ...'. There is a fourth part of 1 bovate recorded for Redbourne at 41,2. Compare 27,22 part note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab ALFRED [* OF CHANCE *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 26,19\tab ALFRED [* OF CHANCE *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 26,24\tab THIS ENTRY was written by the main scribe of Great Domesday on folio 356d between the entries for Friesthorpe (26,13) and Cold Hanworth (26,14). He used transposition signs to link it to the manor of Fillingham on folio 357a (26,23). See 26,8 entry note.} {\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab INGHAM. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 The manuscript has }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 Lageham}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 probably in error for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Ingeham }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 26,27\tab ALGAR. Described as 'Algar the deacon' at CK31. His manor was apparently of 6 bovates (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 26,29\tab THIS ENTRY was added by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 in a smaller script in the top margin of folio 357b above the first ruled line (on which is written the first line of 26,30); it is not rubricated. He wrote aslant and in a similar colour of ink to that used by him for the upside down }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 hvvelle }{\cf1\insrsid674425 at the top of column 356a (see 24,90 scribe note), though he used a different pen (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 26,37\tab `OSEBY'. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Lost in Birthorpe at TF104343: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 lxii (PM).} {\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 26,40\tab MEADOW, 18 ACRES. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday corrected his original}{\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 xiii ac}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ras}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ] to }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 xvi}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 by joining together the first two minims to form a }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 v}{\cf1\insrsid674425 and interlining }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ii}{\cf1\insrsid674425 to give a total of }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 xviii}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 26,45\tab AELFRIC}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [* SON OF GODRAM *] THEIR BROTHER. See 57,18 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab \tab On Aelfric's identification, see 57,15 Aelfric note.}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 26,51\tab THIS ENTRY and the following three (26,52-54) are written smaller than the others on this folio, though in the same colour ink. They might have been added at an early stage in the space the scrib e originally left after the end of LIN 26 (see 1,106 entry note) and the size of the script may be due to the scribe's uncertainty as to whether they would fit the column, though in fact two ruled lines remain after them (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 26,53\tab IN THE COUNT OF ANY HUNDRED. See \{Introduction: Hundreds\} (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 27,1\tab SIWARD . Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 27,3\tab [* EARL *] MORCAR. See T3 Morcar note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 27,4\tab [* EARL *] MORCAR. See T3 Morcar note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 27,5\tab [* EARL *] MORCAR. See T3 Morcar note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 27,6\tab [* EARL *] MORCAR. See T3 Morcar note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 27,7\tab WILLIAM [* MALET *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 27,12\tab GLEU. From Old English }{\i\f710\insrsid674425 gl\'e7aw}{\insrsid674425 or Old Breton }{\i\insrsid674425 Gleu}{\insrsid674425 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\insrsid674425 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\insrsid674425 , p. 262 note 1, the latter being more probable in view of Gleu's tenure from Alfred of Lincoln, an important Breton tenant-in-chief: Keats-Rohan, }{\i\insrsid674425 Domesday People}{\insrsid674425 , pp. 141-42. The name occurs six times in Domesday Book, five times as a tenant of Alfred of Lincoln, and once as a 'man' of Godfr ey of Cambrai. Despite this description, there is little doubt that this is the same individual as Alfred's tenant since Gleu holds in the same vill from both tenants-in-chief. All six references can be taken to refer to one individual. See also Keats-Roh an, }{\i\insrsid674425 Domesday People}{\insrsid674425 , p. 216 (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 27,13\tab CABOURNE. In the manuscript the place-name is rubricated (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab GLEU. See 27,12 Gleu note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 27,14\tab WILLIAM [* MALET *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab GLEU. See 27,12 Gleu note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 27,15\tab THIS ENTRY and that following (27,16) }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 were added by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 below the last ruled line of folio 357d, extending some three letters into the 'tramlines' and central margin. He used a slightly paler ink than for the preceding entries (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 27,16\tab THIS ENTRY and the previous one (27,15) }{\cf1\insrsid674425 were added by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 below the last ruled line of folio 357d, extending some three letters into the 'tramlines' and central margin. He used a slightly paler ink than for the preceding entries (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 27,19\tab SIWARD . Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 27,20\tab 2 \'bd FREEMEN. These are complemented by 2 \'bd Freemen in 27,21. It looks as though the services of 5 Freemen were originally divided between two lords, Rothulfr and Klakkr, in Torrington and that the same division persisted in 1086 though Jocelyn had both their holdings. Compare the term }{ \i\insrsid674425 dimidius uillanus }{\insrsid674425 ('half a villager') which means either a villager whose services were divided between two lords (as between two brothers, Ralph of Pomeroy an d William the goat in Devon (DEV 19,43. 34,45; see DEV 19,43 villager note) or a villager with only half the normal holding of the average villager in the area (see SHR 2,2 half note). In Lincolnshire \'bd priest occurs in 26,30, 3 \'bd villagers are recorded in 29,3;15, 3 \'bd Freemen in 38,2 and \'bd Freeman in 59,16 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 27,21\tab 2 \'bd FREEMEN. See 27,20 Freemen note }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 27,22\tab THE SIXTH PART. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday wrote}{\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 vi. pars}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 a scribal error for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 vi. partem}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , as it is the object of 'had'; he made a similar mistake in 40,17. Compare 26,18 parts note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 27,25\tab IN THE MANUSCRIPT there is a marginal }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 K}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 kalum}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 p}{\cf1\insrsid674425 )}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 nia}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 'claim'), though apparently without a corresponding entry in the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Clamores}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . See 3,15 marginal note (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab MACCUS . }{\cf1\insrsid674425 The name Maccus occurs nine times in Domesday Book, on holdings in three widely separated counties which devolved upon four tenants-in-chief, probably representing four individuals. Although his holding in Cornwall was substantial in Cornish terms, i t is improbable that he is the same individual as either the Maccus with three manors in Lincolnshire or two in Yorkshire given the distances involved and the absence of any links other than the name.}{\b\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 See also Keats-Rohan, }{\i\insrsid674425 Domesday People}{\insrsid674425 , p. 292 (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 27,27\tab MACCUS . See 27,25 Maccus note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 27,28\tab WILLIAM. Perhaps William Blunt, who held land here. See 49,5-6 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab MACCUS . See 27,25 Maccus note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 27,29\tab WILLIAM. See 27,28 William note (PM).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab MACCUS . See 27,25 Maccus note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 27,30\tab IN CALCETHORPE - '[SOUTH] CADEBY'. The }{ \insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday interlined the}{\cf1\insrsid674425 place-name }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 CATEBI }{\cf1\insrsid674425 above}{\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 TORP}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 Both names are manorial in form, and }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 TORP}{\cf1\insrsid674425 is not underlined for deletion, suggesting the existence of two manors. The}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 two succeeding entries are given as separate jurisdictions of Calcethorpe and 'South}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Cadeby', the latter in a post-scriptal addition at the foot of the column (27,32 entry note). Presumably}{\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 the scribe made his alteration to this entry at the same time (PM-CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 27,32\tab THIS ENTRY was added by the main scribe of Great Domesday below the last ruled line of folio 358a, extending some four letters into the 'tramlines' and the left margin of the manuscript (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab MACCUS . See 27,25 Maccus note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 27,33\tab MACCUS . See 27,25 Maccus note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 27,34\tab IN THE MANUSCRIPT there is a large star in the central margin, with dots between four of the six spokes (not four as Farley printed), written in the same colour ink as the text, level with the last two lines of this entry. The meaning is unclear, though it may be a checking mark connected with the}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 claim concerning this holding at CK1 (PM-CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 27,39\tab DEEPING [ST JAMES]. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CK1 identifies the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 T}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 R}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 E}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 holder as Wulfgeat (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 27,40\tab 3 PARTS OF 2 BOVATES. Although }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 part' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 can abbreviate both }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 partes }{\cf1\insrsid674425 or }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 partem }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (the latter making the meaning 'the third part of 2 bovates'), it is more likely that }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 partes }{\cf1\insrsid674425 is meant here because the remaining 2 parts of the 2 bovates are recorded in 59,9 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 27,42\tab SIWARD . Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 27,43\tab SIWARD . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 27,44\tab ROXHOLM. A deserted village, the name commemorated in Roxholm Hall and Roxholm Grange. The village lay close to Roxholm Old Hall at TF062498 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 27,47\tab IN [SOUTH] WITHAM. As it stands this entry is idiosyncratic; the marginal }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 M}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 anerium}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 indicating a manor, whilst the text describes Witham as a jurisdiction of Thistleton. In the manuscript, however, the rubric }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 M}{\cf1\insrsid674425 appears to have been changed to }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 S}{\cf1\insrsid674425 and although the place-name is rubricated the initial }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 I}{\cf1\insrsid674425 is rustic (PM). See RUT 2a,9 there note.}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab SIWARD . Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab GLEU. See 27,12 Gleu note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 27,48\tab IN THISTLETON. In "Roteland", where it is also ente red, though with slightly different detail; see RUT 2a,9 and RUT 2a,9 there note (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab SIWARD . Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab GLEU. See 27,12 Gleu note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 27,49\tab ANOTHER THISTLETON. That is, another holding in Thistleton, not another manor called Thistleton. See Thorn, 'Manorial Affixes' (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab SIWARD . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab GLEU. See 27,12 Gleu note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 27,51\tab IN BOURNE. See 14,87 Bourne note (PM)}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 27,57\tab [* EARL *] MORCAR. See T3 Morcar note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 27,59\tab `SOMERTON'. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 A deserted village at SK954586, close to Somerton castle (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab OSFRITH. The Domesday form }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Offerd}{\cf1\insrsid674425 represents Old English }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Osfrith}{\cf1\insrsid674425 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 339, the -}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ff}{\cf1\insrsid674425 - being a scribal error for -}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 sf}{\cf1\insrsid674425 -; see also Fellows Jensen, }{\i\insrsid674425 Scandinavian Personal Names in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire}{\insrsid674425 , p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 19 (PM-CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 27,60\tab IN HUTTOFT. See CS16 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 27,61\tab SIWARD . Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 27,62\tab SIWARD . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 27,64\tab IN THE MANUSCRIPT there is a marginal }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 K}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 kalum}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 p}{\cf1\insrsid674425 )}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 nia}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 'claim'), though apparently without a corresponding entry}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Clamores}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . See 3,15 marginal note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab AFTER THE ENTRY the scribe left blank the remaining half a column, 22 ruled lines; see 1,106 entry note (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 28,1\tab BLYBOROUGH. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 See 3,4 Jocelyn note (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 28,3\tab KOLSVEINN [* OF LINCOLN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 28,4\tab BISHOP REMIGIUS HAS THE JURISDICTION. He held land at Owmby-by-Spital in 7,6 (PM). See 14,21 there note.}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab KOLSVEINN [* OF LINCOLN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 28,12\tab BRICTEVA . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 28,13\tab OWMBY[-BY-SPITAL]. Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 dunebi}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 probably in error for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ounebi}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Farley printed a capital }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 d}{\cf1\insrsid674425 : }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Dunebi }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 28,20\tab EDRIC [* ERIK *] . }{\cf1\insrsid674425 The Domesday form }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Edric}{\cf1\insrsid674425 usually represents Old English }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Eadric}{\cf1\insrsid674425 : von Feilitzen, }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , pp. 233}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 -}{\cf1\insrsid674425 36. However, the holder of this land is referred to as }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Eiric }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in the }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 Clamores}{\cf1\insrsid674425 at CN18. The personal name would seem properly to be Eirik(r): Fellows Jensen, \lquote Domesday Tenants in Lincolnshire\rquote , p. 38 (PM-CT). On his identification, }{\insrsid674425 see 4,69 Erik note.} {\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 28,21\tab JURISDICTION. See 14,7 jurisdiction note (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab EDRIC [* ERIK *] . See 28,20 Erik note and 4,69 Erik note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 28,22\tab IN "SUMMERLEDE" [* OSGODBY *].}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 See 4,19 "Summerlede" note. This entry is perhaps a duplicate of the one for Osgodby (28,24) (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab EDRIC [* ERIK *] . See 28,20 Erik note and 4,69 Erik note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 28,23\tab EDRIC [* ERIK *] . See 28,20 Erik note and 4,69 Erik note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 28,24\tab EDRIC [* ERIK *] . See 28,20 Erik note and 4,69 Erik note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 28,26\tab WILLIAM OF PERCY. His holding appears at 22,15 (PM).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 28,36\tab IN SOMERSBY. The place-name is manorial in form. It is evident from the manuscript. that the initial }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 I}{\cf1\insrsid674425 has been changed from a 'square' to a rustic form, that is from a manor to a jurisdiction. The rubric }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 S}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 oca}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ] has clearly been altered from }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 M}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 anerium}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ]; Farley misprinted }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 M'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (PM-CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 28,39\tab OTHENKAR . Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 28,40\tab OTHENKAR . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 28,41\tab OTHENKAR . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 28,43\tab AFTER THIS ENTRY the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday }{\cf1\insrsid674425 left 10 ruled lines blank, perhaps for further manors of Jocelyn to be detailed if discovered (see 1,106 entry note) (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 29,1\tab 2 PLOUGHS. The manuscript has }{\i\insrsid674425 .ii. car'}{\insrsid674425 ; Farley misprinted }{\i\insrsid674425 .i. car'}{\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 29,2\tab "SUDTONE".}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Here and at 29,3 "Sudtone" is associated with Eudo son of S pirewic's holding at 'Little Sturton'; see 3,10 Sturton note and 29,15. Canon Foster drew attention to the fact that Hugh son of Eudo, the son of the Domesday holder, granted his lordship at 'Little Sturton' to Kirkstead Abbey in 1139: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 pp. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 lxvii-lxviii. A charter containing a boundary clause makes it clear that the estate lay to the south of 'Little Sturton': Stenton, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Social and Economic History of the Danelaw}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , pp. 140-41. If "Sudtone",}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 'the south vill', was included in the grant its location is to be sought between 'Little Sturton' and Minting (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 29,3\tab THERE ALSO. See 29,2 "Sudtone" note (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 29,6\tab IN THE MANUSCRIPT there is a marginal }{\i\insrsid674425 K}{\insrsid674425 (for }{\i\insrsid674425 kalum}{\insrsid674425 (}{\i\insrsid674425 p}{\insrsid674425 )}{\i\insrsid674425 nia}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{ \insrsid674425 'claim'), referring to the jurisdiction divided between Eudo here and the Bishop of Durham at 3,12. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 See 3,15 marginal note. Eudo's claim for parts of this and the next holding (29,7) is mentioned at the end of 29,7 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab WADDINGWORTH. The bishop's holding appears at 3,12 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 29,7\tab IN THE MANUSCRIPT there is a marginal }{\i\insrsid674425 K}{\insrsid674425 (for }{\i\insrsid674425 kalum}{\insrsid674425 (}{\i\insrsid674425 p}{\insrsid674425 )}{\i\insrsid674425 nia}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{ \insrsid674425 'claim'), referring to the jurisdiction divided between Eudo here and the Bishop of Durham at 3,11. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 See 3,15 marginal note.}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Eudo's claim for parts of this and the previous holding (29,6) is mentioned at the end of the present entry (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab WISPINGTON. The bishop's holding appears at 3,11 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab BISHOP [* OF DURHAM *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 29,8\tab BISHOP OF DURHAM ... THIRD PART ... EUDO TWO [PARTS]. The bishop's part appears at 3,42, Eudo's two parts here and at 29,28 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 29,13\tab 4 PARTS. Or possibly 'the fourth part', as }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 part' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 can abbreviate }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 partem }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (if it is the object of 'the villager has', which is unlikely)}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 as well as}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 partes}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 No other church, or part of one, is mentioned elsewhere under Scremby (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 29,14\tab THIS ENTRY and the next (29,15) were added by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday }{\cf1\insrsid674425 below the last ruled line of folio 359d, extending some}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 4 letters into the 'tramlines' and central margin. Although added together, the present entry really belongs with the other jurisdictions of Burgh[-le-Marsh] (29,18) (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 29,15\tab THIS ENTRY like the previous one (29,14) was added by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday;}{\cf1\insrsid674425 see 29,14 entry note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab THERE ALSO ^["SUDTONE"]^. Latin }{\i\insrsid674425 Ibid}{\insrsid674425 [}{\i\insrsid674425 em}{\insrsid674425 ] normally refers to the place-name in the previous entry, which is here Sutton-on Sea. However, here it refers to the "Sudtone" which was an outlier of 'Little Sturton' because this entry duplicates a}{\cf1\insrsid674425 lmost all of the information in 29,2-3. The confusion arose as a result of the common place-name form }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Sudtone}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday rubricated the }{\i\insrsid674425 I}{ \insrsid674425 of }{\i\insrsid674425 Ibid'}{\insrsid674425 in the second line (as well as the one in the first line, as expected) and that indicates the start of the information duplicated in 29,3}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 29,26\tab SWARTBRAND [* SON OF ULF *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 29,28\tab 'WRAGGOE' WAPENTAKE. Added by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 in the left margin. Tattershall Thorpe was later}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in Horncastle Wapentake (PM-CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 29,30\tab NORTH RIDING. Bolingbroke Wapentake was in the South Riding; see \{Introduction: Wapentakes\}(PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 29,32\tab THIS ENTRY and the next (29,33) were added by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday }{\cf1\insrsid674425 below the last ruled line of folio 360a, the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 B' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 and }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 S' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 being written}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in the left margin; the ink is slightly paler than in the preceding entries. The following entry}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (29,34) was also added, but at a different time, after the county had been rubricated; see 29,34 entry note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 29,33\tab THIS ENTRY was added by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ; see 29,32 entry note. Farley printed beside this entry the transposition sign that is in the central margin in the manuscript, though in fact it belongs with the added entry at the foot of the opposite column (30,10; see 30,10 entry note) (CT).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab SKIRBECK. Later Skirbeck quarter in Boston (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 29,34\tab THIS ENTRY was added by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday }{\cf1\insrsid674425 below the last ruled line of folio 360a, some three letters into the 'tramlines' and left margin of the manuscript; it is not rubricated. The pen used is thinner than that used for the preceding entries and this may be the reason why the ink looks even paler. There are no transposition signs, but it probably belongs after the other entry for [Tattershall] Thorpe in this column (29,28) (CT) .}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 30\tab DROGO OF LA BEUVRIERE. A Fleming from La Beuvri\'e8re near B\'e9thune in the French d\'e9 partement of Pas-de-Calais. He had forfeited his Yorkshire lands in or about August 1086, but is entered here in possession of his Lincolnshire lands; see English, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lords of Holderness 1086-1260}{\insrsid674425 , pp.}{\i\insrsid674425 } {\insrsid674425 6-8 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 30,1\tab WEST RIDING. Barrow-upon-Humber was later in Yarborough Wapentake in the North}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Riding, see \{Introduction: Wapentakes\} (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 30,3\tab BEFORE 1066 [VALUE ***]. The main scribe of Great Domesday left blank the remaining half-line for the later inclusion of the }{\i\insrsid674425 T.R.E.}{\insrsid674425 and present values, when available; the }{\i\insrsid674425 T.R.E. }{\insrsid674425 is not superfluous, nor is this manor 'evidently valued in' 30,1, as stated in Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. 139 note 4 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 30,4\tab TH ERE IS A REPAIRED HOLE in the manuscript extending from the last line of 30,4 to the first line of 30,5; it is not a space as stated by }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{ \insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 139 note 5 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 30,5\tab ON THE REPAIRED HOLE in the first line of this entry, see 30,4 hole note }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab IN THE ABOVE MANOR. Presumably Barrow-upon-Humber at 30,1 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 30,6\tab KETTLEBY. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Lost in the vicinity of Kettleby House at TA034079 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab ULF. The will of Ulf and Madselin of 1066 x 1068 survives in a twelfth-century copy in the Black Book (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Liber Niger}{\cf1\insrsid674425 )}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 of Peterborough Abbey; see Whitelock, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Anglo-Saxon Wills}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , pp. 95-97. It records a series of mostly uncompleted grants prior to the donors' pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Most of Ulf's lands were held in Domesday by Drogo of La Beuvri\'e8 re. A number of lands in the will are said in Domesday to have been held by Earl Morcar, but the relationship between Ulf and Morcar is unclear. This estate and that at 34,8 were the subject of an exchange in the will between Ulf and his mother Edeva ( PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 30,9\tab `COTON'. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 The phrase }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 vel COTES}{\cf1\insrsid674425 was interlined above the name Keelby by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday at the same time as he added the entry for its outlier in the foot margin (30,10 entry note)}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . The 1 carucate appears in the Lindsey Survey (Foster and Longley, 11/1 p. 249) as }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Cotun }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('at the Cotes'), from which its later form, 'Nun Coton', derives. Lost in Keelby: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 liv (PM-CT). 'Coton' is given as the name of the manor in its jurisdiction in 'Lopingheham' (30,11), as well as in the addition on its outlier in Killingholme (30,10: 30,10 entry note).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab ROTHULFR. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Said to have held the land }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 T}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 R}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 E}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 though it seems clear that the land had belonged to Ulf son of Topi (Whitelock, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Anglo-Saxon Wills}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 96). The relationship between Rothulfr and Ulf is unknown (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 30,10\tab THIS ENTRY was added by the main scribe of Great Domesday below the last ruled line on folio 360b at the same time as he interlined }{\i\insrsid674425 vel COTES}{\insrsid674425 in 30,9. He used transposition signs to direc t it to its correct position after Keelby (30,9) in the column above. Farley misplaced the transposition sign beside this entry; see 29,33 entry note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 30,14\tab ENQUIRE. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday wrote}{\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 r}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 e}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 q}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 uire}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ]}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 de t}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 er}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ra arab}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ili}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 R. de mort}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 emer}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 7 ep}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 iscopu}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 s}{\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 baioc}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 ensis}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in the right margin of the manuscript; }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ep's}{\cf1\insrsid674425 is an error for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ep'i}{\cf1\insrsid674425 as the genitive is required after }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 terra}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . Farley misprinted }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 De}{\cf1\insrsid674425 and }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Mort}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . The bishop's holding here appears at 4,70-71; Ralph of Mortimer's at 36,1. (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 30,17\tab GEOFFREY [* OF AALST *]. Note to be supplied (JP).} {\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 30,18\tab GEOFFREY [* OF AALST *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab FREEMEN ... 6 BOVATES. The main scribe of Great Domesday corrected }{\i\insrsid674425 iii. bou'}{\insrsid674425 to }{\i\insrsid674425 vi. bou'}{\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 30,19\tab THE REVERSE OF THE REPAIR ED HOLE mentioned in 30,4 hole note appears in this and the following entry (30,20) (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab AELFRIC [* SON OF GODRAM *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab GEOFFREY [* OF AALST *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 30,20\tab THE REVERSE OF THE REPAIRED HOLE mentioned in 30 ,4 hole note appears in this entry and the previous one (30,19) (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab GEOFFREY [* OF AALST *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 30,21\tab GEOFFREY [* OF AALST *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 30,22\tab [***]. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday left almost half a line's space for the later inclusion of the plough estimate of this holding}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\insrsid674425 See 31,12 land note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab ARCHBISHOP THOMAS. O}{\cf1\insrsid674425 f York (PM-CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab HUGH OF GRANDMESNIL. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 He had no other recorded holdings in Lincolnshire, though he was a substantial landholder in Leicestershire where he held Waltham-on-the-Wolds (LEC 13,69) a few miles from Stroxton (PM).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 30,25\tab STOKE [ROCHFORD]. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday wrote }{\i\insrsid674425 STOCES}{\insrsid674425 with a malformed or incomplete letter }{\i\insrsid674425 H }{\insrsid674425 interlined above and between the }{\i\insrsid674425 CE}{\insrsid674425 in the manner of the }{\i\insrsid674425 CH}{\insrsid674425 ligature; compare 67,2 Howell note. Farley printed a capital }{\i\insrsid674425 H}{\insrsid674425 as the interlineation}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab [* EARL *] MORCAR. See T3 Morcar note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 30,27\tab [* EARL *] MORCAR. See T3 Morcar note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab 12 BOVATES. In the manuscript }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .xii. bou' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 clearly; Farley misprinted }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .xii. bob' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('12 oxen') which is meaningless in this context (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 30,28\tab IN "BREDESTORP".}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 It appears as }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Breidestorp }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in the Black Book (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Liber Niger}{\cf1\insrsid674425 )}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 of Peterborough Abbey (Society of Antiquaries, MS 60 folio 23), 'Breithr's }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 torp}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ': Fellows Jensen, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Scandinavian Settlement Names in the East}{ \insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Midlands}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 64. It was represented in later sources by Holywell and Aunby. See 8,7 "Bergestorp" note (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab ERNWULF . The name Ernwulf occurs on nine holdings in Domesday Book, each probably belongin g to a different individual. None of the holdings are substantial, all are distant from each other, and none shared English predecessors or Norman tenants-in-chief. Five of the holdings were pre-Conquest tenures, four post-Conquest. These latter may well h ave been of continental origin (as was certainly the case at Leake in Nottinghamshire), making even more remote the faint possibility that any of the Ernwulfs were related to each other. The nearest post-Conquest Ernwulf to "Bredestorp" was Ernwulf of Bul ly, tenant of a tiny property in Nottinghamshire (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab VALUE BEFORE 1066 \'a34. The manuscript has }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .iiii. lib'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , written over an erasure; Farley misprinted }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .iii. lib'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 30,29\tab `WEST BYTHAM' [* [CASTLE] BYTHAM *]. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 In the manuscript the place-name appears as }{\i\f710\cf1\insrsid674425 Wesbith\'e2}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Farley misprinted }{ \i\f710\cf1\insrsid674425 Westbith\'e2 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid674425 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab \tab Domesday's differentiated 'West Bytham' was later Castle Bytham, named from the castle, which may have been in existence by 1086. The association of military subtenancies, represented here by the holding of 7 F renchmen, is common at early castle sites and is repeated at Drogo's estate at Aldborough in Holderness in Yorkshire (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab [* EARL *] MORCAR. See T3 Morcar note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 30,30\tab COUNTHORPE. Now represented by Counthorpe House at TF004202 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab [* EARL *] MORCAR. See T3 Morcar note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 30,31\tab [* YOUNG *] EDWARD. See 4,42 Edward note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 30,32\tab WITHAM[-ON-THE-HILL]. Professor Whitelock speculates that this may refer to an}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 estate at Manthorpe, mentioned in the will of Ulf and Madselin: Whitelock, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Anglo-Saxon Wills}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 210; see 30,6 Ulf note. The possibility increases in the light of the Abbot of Peterborough's claim and the fact that the reference is to Witham hundred, in which Manthorpe lay (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 30,36\tab KOLSVEINN [* OF LINCOLN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 31,3\tab NORTHMANN. He only held it in pledge according to CK55 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab IN THE SAME [PERIOD OF] TIME. That is, }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 T.R.E.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , but the date is given more specifically in CK55 as 'in the year in which the same king [Edward] died', that is 'in 1066' (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 31,6\tab `HOUGHTON'. See 8,12 'Houghton' note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 31,7\tab "SUDUUELLE".}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 Lost in Swayfield at approximately TF990230: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 lxviii (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 31,8\tab UNDERWOOD, 15 ACRES. In the manuscript }{ \i\insrsid674425 ac's }{\insrsid674425 (= }{\i\insrsid674425 acras}{\insrsid674425 ); Farley misprinted }{\i\insrsid674425 ac' (= acrae}{\insrsid674425 ); see 24,6 acres note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 31,9\tab MEADOW ... PASTURABLE WOODLAND ... MILL. It is not clear whether these are part}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 of Walter's holding or of that of his two men. Compare 8,4 meadow note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 31,12\tab LAND [FOR *** PLOUGHS]. The main scribe of Great Domesday left blank the remainder of the line after }{\i\insrsid674425 T'ra }{\insrsid674425 for the later completion of the plough estimate, when available. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 For other incomplete plough estimates, see 32,32;34. 40,20;24. 53,2. 57,54 and compare 30,22. For the addition of whole plough estimates, see 24,86 land note, 68,47 land note and 12,72 land note (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 31,18\tab 'LANGOE'. In the manuscript }{\i\insrsid674425 IAGEHOV}{\insrsid674425 ; the scribe's source may have had }{\i\insrsid674425 lagehov}{\insrsid674425 , which he misread as a capital }{\i\insrsid674425 I}{\insrsid674425 . See 24,38 Ewerby note and 68,20 Lobthorpe note. Farley printed the correct }{\i\insrsid674425 LAGEHOV}{\insrsid674425 ; compare 32,25 'Langoe' note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 32,19\tab HAKET. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday corrected the name}{\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Vghete }{\cf1\insrsid674425 to }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Aghete}{\cf1\insrsid674425 by interlining }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 A}{\cf1\insrsid674425 above the }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 V}{\cf1\insrsid674425 which he then underlined}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 for deletion. }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Aghete}{\cf1\insrsid674425 represents }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Haket}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , an}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Anglo-Norman -}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 et }{\cf1\insrsid674425 diminutive of Old Norse }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Haki}{\cf1\insrsid674425 : Fellows Jensen, }{\i\insrsid674425 Scandinavian Personal Names in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire}{\insrsid674425 , pp. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 123-24; Reaney, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Dictionary of British Surnames}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , under Hackett. The form }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Aghete}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 is described as 'obscure' by von Feilitzen, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 141. The Alecto edition has Aghete. This is the only occurrence of this name in Domesday. Farley failed to print the deletion line under }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 V}{\cf1\insrsid674425 of }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Vghete}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 32,21\tab 32 FREEMEN. This cor rects the Phillimore printed translation which has 'Frenchmen' for the Latin }{\i\insrsid674425 soch}{\insrsid674425 [}{\i\insrsid674425 emanni}{\insrsid674425 ]. The same translation error was made in the Nottinghamshire printed edition; see NTT 9,29. Both mistakes were perpetuated in the first version of }{\i\insrsid674425 Domesday Explorer}{\insrsid674425 .}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 32,22\tab A JURISDICTION. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 may have written this second }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Soca }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in the wrong place: it may be intended for two lines below at the end of 32,23. Or it is possible that it is intended to be an advance heading for 32,23, as for example in 61,10 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 32,24\tab GARTHULFR. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 See Fellows Jensen, }{\i\insrsid674425 Scandinavian Personal Names in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire}{\insrsid674425 , p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 96 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 32,25\tab 'LANGOE'. In the manuscript }{\i\insrsid674425 IANGEHOV}{\insrsid674425 ; Farley printed the correct }{\i\insrsid674425 LANGEHOV}{\insrsid674425 . Compare 31,18 'Langoe' note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 32,30\tab CROSBY. In the manuscript the place-name }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 Cropesbi }{\cf1\insrsid674425 is}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 rubricated (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab CONESBY. Domesday }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Cunesbi}{\cf1\insrsid674425 is later represented by 'Great Conesby' [or 'South Conesby'] in Flixborough and 'Little Conesby' [or 'North Conesby'] at SE876144 in Crosby, both now dese rted villages. Canon Foster}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 identifies Earl Hugh's holding at 13,16 with South Conesby [that is, 'Great Conesby'/'South Conesby'] and that of Norman of Arcy with North Conesby [that is 'North Conesby'/'Little Conesby']: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 pp. 75, 149}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . However, the Lindsey Survey (Foster and Longley, no. 1/14 p. 238) distinguishes two holdings in Conesby belonging to Norman, one [identified by them as North Conesby] associated with Flixborough and perhaps listed anonymously at 32,17, and the other [identified as ?North Conesby] associated with Crosby and listed here at 32,30. This reference may therefore refer to 'Great Conesby' also (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab \tab In fact, }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. liii, in discussing 'Extinct Villages' identify Lindsey Survey 1/14 as Conesby, North or Little Conesby. They identify the holding of Earl Hugh (13,16) with Conesby, South or Great Conesby and do not mention the present holding. In the index to the volume (p. 271) they list the present holding and Lindsey Survey 1/14 under 'Conesby, North, Little Conesby [in Flixborough parish']' and Domesday 13,16 under 'South, Great Conesby [in Crosby parish]'. There are inconsistencies here that require further investigation. \par }{\insrsid15153783 \tab \tab }{\insrsid674425 The un-affixed name Conesby (Farm) is found on modern 1:25,000 Ordnance Survey maps (SE8913).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 32,32\tab LAND [FOR *** PLOUGHS]. The main scribe of Great Domesday wrote }{\i\insrsid674425 T'ra}{\insrsid674425 at the end of the first line of this entry and then left a third of the next line blank for the plough estimate to be completed when available.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 For other incomplete plough estimates, see 31,12 land note and compare 30,22 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 32,34\tab LAND [FOR *** PLOUGHS]. The main scribe of Great Domesday left blank the remainder of the line after }{\i\insrsid674425 T'ra}{\insrsid674425 for the later completion of the plough estimate; see 31,12 land note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab 9 PLOUGHS AND 6 MILLS. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday corrected}{\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .viii car' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 to }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .viiii car'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ; the original dot after }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 viii}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 can be clearly seen under the added final minim which is in darker ink. He made an identical correction to the number of ploughs in the plough estimate in 35,6. He also corrected }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ii. molin' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 to }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 vi. molin'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 in the present entry (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 33,1\tab AGHMUND.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 Perhaps identical with Aghmund son of Walraven, the Lincoln lawman. Norman the fat succeeded Aghmund here and Walraven at Canwick in 33,2 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 33,2\tab AFTER THIS ENTRY the scribe left eight ruled lines blank; see 1,106 entry note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 34,3\tab EDEVA. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 The mother of Ulf son of Topi, to whom these lands were granted 1066 x 1068, as also at 34,8; see Whitelock, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Anglo-Saxon Wills}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 97. She may be identical with the Edeva who occurs frequently in Erneis of Buron's chapter as his predecessor (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 34,14\tab `CALCOTE'. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Later Collow (PM).}{\insrsid674425 This statement is derived from Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 , pp. lxxxv, 152, 256 nos. 34/14. L16/8. It is not there supported by evidence. The Domesday name (}{\i\insrsid674425 Caldecote}{\insrsid674425 : }{\i\insrsid674425 l}{\insrsid674425 interlined) is found again in 'Wraggoe' Wapentake in 1284-85 as }{ \i\insrsid674425 Caldecot juxta Mixell}{\insrsid674425 and in 1401-2 as }{\i\insrsid674425 Calcot}{\insrsid674425 : }{\i\insrsid674425 Feudal Aids}{\insrsid674425 , iii. pp. 367, 246; }{\i\insrsid674425 Mixell}{\insrsid674425 might be a corruption of Sixhills, a neighbouring Ancient Parish. 'Calcote' seems unlikely to have evolved to Collow, and it is not certain whether a settlement or estate once called 'Calcote' was simply renamed Co llow, or whether the names 'Calcote' and Collow were those of adjacent but separate settlements within the same estate, one of which displaced the other as the name by which the estate was later known. The matter requires further investigation.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 34,24\tab JOHN . Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 34,25\tab JOHN . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 34,26\tab JOHN . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 34,27\tab AFTER THIS ENTRY the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 left seven ruled lines blank; see 1,106 entry note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 35,1\tab MERLESWEIN [* THE SHERIFF *]. See C5 Merleswein note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 35,2\tab VALUE ... NOW [***]. The main scribe of Great Domesday left blank the remainder of this line for the later insertion of the present value and perhaps exactions (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 35,3\tab MERLESWEIN [* THE SHERIFF *]. See C5 Merleswein note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 35,4\tab MERLESWEIN [* THE SHERIFF *]. See C5 Merleswein note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 35,5\tab MERLESWEIN [* THE SHERIFF *]. See C5 Merleswein note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 35,6\tab MERLESWEIN [* THE SHERIFF *]. See C5 Merleswein note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab LAND FOR 9 PLOUGHS. The main scribe of Great Domesday corrected his original }{\i\insrsid674425 .viii. car'}{\insrsid674425 to }{\i\insrsid674425 .viiii. car'}{\insrsid674425 , as in 32,34 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 35,7\tab MERLESWEIN [* THE SHERIFF *]. See C5 Merleswein note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 35,8\tab MERLESWEIN [* THE SHERIFF *]. See C5 Merleswein note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 35,9\tab MERLESWEIN [* THE SHERIFF *]. See C5 Merleswein note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab 10? FREEMEN. It is not clear quite how many Freemen were intended by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . He seems originally to have written }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .x.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 but then to have written a large | over it (as Farley printed it); if he had meant to correct }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .x. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 to }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .i.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 one would have thought he would have erased the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .x. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 or interlined }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .i.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 and put a deletion dot under the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .x.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 as the result could never be clear (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 35,10\tab THIS ENTRY was added by the main scribe of Great Domesday be low the last ruled line on folio 362d after the entry for Burton[-le-Coggles] and beginning in the central margin. He used transposition signs to indicate its correct position in the column above after the manor of Tealby (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab \'bd PLOUGH IN TEALBY. It is possible that the phrase }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 j' Tauelesbi}{\cf1\insrsid674425 was intended to refer to the marginal }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 S}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 oca}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ], thus more correctly 'A jurisdiction of Tealby'. In the manuscript it is written slightly further to the left than Farley printed it (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab MERLESWEIN [* THE SHERIFF *]. See C5 Merleswein note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 35,11\tab MERLESWEIN [* THE SHERIFF *]. See C5 Merleswein note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 35,12\tab MERLESWEIN [* THE SHERIFF *]. See C5 Merleswein note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 35,13\tab OGER [* THE BRETON *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 35,14\tab MERLESWEIN [* THE SHERIFF *]. See C5 Merleswein note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 35,15\tab MERLESWEIN [* THE SHERIFF *]. See C5 Merleswein note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 35,17\tab MERLESWEIN [* THE SHERIFF *]. See C5 Merleswein note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 36,2\tab "BODEBI".}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 Lost in the vicinity of Thornton Curtis and Wootton, with which it is here}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 associated: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{ \i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 lxxxvi}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 36,5\tab STOW. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 In the manuscript the place-name is manorial (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 37,1\tab AELRIC [* SON OF MERGEAT *]. See LEC 16,9 Aelric note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 37,2\tab AELRIC [* SON OF MERGEAT *]. See LEC 16,9 Aelric note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 37,3\tab AELRIC [* SON OF MERGEAT *]. See LEC 16,9 Aelric note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 37,4\tab AELRIC [* SON OF MERGEAT *]. See LEC 16,9 Aelric note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 37,5\tab SWATON. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 It was an outlier of Steyning in the thirteenth-century Book of Fees}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (DR).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab AELRIC [* SON OF MERGEAT *]. See LEC 16,9 Aelric note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 37,6\tab STEYNING.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 Lost in Swineshead, the site represented by Estovening Hall at TF231401, and commemorated in The Steyning and Steyning Lane: Fellows Jensen, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Scandinavian Settlement Names in the East}{\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Midlands }{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 381 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab AELRIC [* SON OF MERGEAT *]. See LEC 16,9 Aelric note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 37,7\tab AELRIC [* SON OF MERGEAT *]. See LEC 16,9 Aelric note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab AFTER THIS ENTRY the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 left 15 ruled lines blank; see 1,106 note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 38,1\tab 9 FREEMEN. The number was corrected from }{ \i\insrsid674425 ii. }{\insrsid674425 by the main scribe of Great Domesday;}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab the word }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 soch' }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 also seems to have been written by him over an erasure (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab WOODLAND IN [VARIOUS] PLACES, 350 ACRES. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 probably omitted }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 past' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 after }{\i\f703\cf1\insrsid674425 silu\'ea}{ \insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 which would make the meaning 'pasturable woodland in [various] places...' as in the next two entries. It is possible, though less likely, that the meaning is that here the woodland was in several places, totalling 350 acres (CT). However, see 1,4 woo dland note and DBY 1,12 woodland note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 38,6\tab MAREHAM[-ON-THE-HILL].}{\cf1\insrsid674425 See 1,102 Mareham note (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 38,10\tab `BUTCHETT'.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 Lost in Bardney. Canon Foster draws attention to Butchett Farm near Bardney Grange at TF136718: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{ \i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 lii (PM). The form adopted by the Phillimore printed translation was 'Butyate'. Butchett Farm existed in the nineteenth century but has since disappeared.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 38,12\tab THE MAIN SCRIBE of Great Domesday wrote }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 chetelber }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in the bottom left corn er of folio 363c, possibly as a reminder to himself to add a holding of Ketilbiorn. It is in a similar ink to other reminders; see 3,56 scribe note and 24,90 scribe note. Farley did not print it (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 39,2\tab THE MAIN SCRIBE of Great Domesday wrote }{ \i\insrsid674425 S}{\insrsid674425 (for }{\i\insrsid674425 Soca}{\insrsid674425 , 'jurisdiction') over an erasure, perhaps of an original }{\i\insrsid674425 M'}{\insrsid674425 . He did not put an abbreviation line over the }{\i\insrsid674425 S}{ \insrsid674425 , though Farley printed one (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 39,3\tab 6? MILLS. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 wrote }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .iiii.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 originally and then drew a large }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 v }{\cf1\insrsid674425 o ver the two middle minims and enlarged the last minim so it was the same size as the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 v}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 but then presumably forgot to erase the first one to make }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 vi}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . The result is }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .ivi.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 which is not a Roman numeral}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 39,4\tab AFTER THIS ENTRY the main scribe of Great Domesday left 12 ruled lines blank, perhaps for further holdings of Guy to be added if necessary; see 1,106 entry note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 40,1\tab LIMBER. At the time of Domesday }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Limberge}{\cf1\insrsid674425 was divided between Great Limber and Little Limber, though not}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 differentiated. The Lindsey Survey makes it clear that Rainer of Brimeux' holding (40,1) was at Great Limber (Foster and Longley, 11/3 p. 250) and that Norman of Arcy's holding (32,28) was at Little Limber (Lindsey Survey (Foster and Longley, 11/8 p. 250). In addition the L indsey Survey (Foster and Longley, 11/2 p. 249) records that Ranulf }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Mischin}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [that is, Ranulf Le Meschin, Earl of Chester], who succeeded to the Lincolnshire estate of Ivo Tallboys, held land at Little Limber, represented in Domesday by the latter's holding at 14,32. As Ivo's holding was at Little Limber this was perhaps also the location of his claim against the king at CN3. As Rainer of Brimeux' holding was at Great Limber this was perhaps also the location of his claim against the Archbishop of York at CN 10. The remaining entries cannot safely be identified from these early sources, though Canon Foster identified them as Great Limber (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 40,2\tab KOLSVEINN [* OF LINCOLN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 40,3\tab KOLSVEINN [* OF LINCOLN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 40,6\tab BALDWIN [* OF FLANDERS *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 40,7\tab 4 BOVATES OF LAND TAXABLE. The main scribe of Great Domesday corrected his original }{\i\insrsid674425 .ii. bou' t're}{\insrsid674425 to }{\i\insrsid674425 .iiii. bou' t're}{\insrsid674425 and erased something after it (perhaps }{\i\insrsid674425 7 dim'}{\insrsid674425 , making an original 2 \'bd bovates) and drew in a link-line to indicate nothing more was to be inserted there. Farley did not print the link-line, though he sometimes did; compare 16,23 'Thonock' note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 40,8\tab IN THE MANUSCRIPT there is a marginal }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 K }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 kalum}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 p}{\cf1\insrsid674425 )}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 nia}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 'c laim'); the claim is entered at CS29. See 3,15 marginal note (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 40,11\tab STRUBBY. On a possible duplicate of this entry in a late addition made in the fief of Ivo Tallboys, who also had a manor in Kingthorpe, see 14,61 entry note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 40,14\tab WHO. The manuscript has }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 q}{ \i\cf1\up6\insrsid674425 i}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (= }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 qui}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ); Farley misprinted }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 q}{\i\cf1\up6\insrsid674425 a}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (= }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 qua}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 ) (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 40,16\tab LUDFORD. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 In the manuscript the place-name is rubricated (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 40,17\tab AND THE FOURTH PART OF 1 BOVATE. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday }{\cf1\insrsid674425 added }{\i\f703\cf1\insrsid674425 7 iiii. pars .i. bouat\'ea}{\cf1\insrsid674425 with }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ta}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 interlined above the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 iiii.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , extending into the right margin of the manuscript. As the ink colour is the same as for the rest of the entry, it was probably an early addition. He should have written }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 iiii. partem}{\cf1\insrsid674425 with }{ \i\f710\cf1\insrsid674425 t\'e2}{\cf1\insrsid674425 interlined because it is the object of 'Jaulfr had'; he made a similar mistake in 27,22 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab BALDWIN [* OF FLANDERS *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab 1 MILL, 8s. Half held by Alfred of Lincoln; see CS9 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 40,18\tab BALDWIN [* OF FLANDERS *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 40,19\tab BALDWIN [* OF FLANDERS *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 40,20\tab LAND [FOR *** PLOUGHS]. The main scribe of Great Domesday left space after }{\i\insrsid674425 T'ra}{\insrsid674425 at the end of the line here, as also in 40,24, for the later completion of the plough estimate when available. See 31,12 land note }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 40,23\tab IN COCKERINGTON HE HAD. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 The }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 T}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 R}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 E}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 holder is not named, but was presumably Jaulfr, Rainer's predecessor elsewhere in the chapter (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 40,24\tab LAND [FOR *** PLOUGHS]. See 40,20 land note }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab ILBERT OF LAC Y HAS THE LAND. His holding here is not otherwise recorded in Domesday, nor is that of the Bishop of Bayeux (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 40,25\tab SIXTH PART. The main scribe of Great Domesday corrected }{\i\insrsid674425 vi. pars}{\insrsid674425 from his original }{\i\insrsid674425 vi. partes}{\insrsid674425 ('6 parts'); compare 16,34 parts note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 40,26\tab IN WITHCALL. In the manuscript the form of the initial }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 I}{\cf1\insrsid674425 of }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 In}{\cf1\insrsid674425 is 'square' (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab CLAIMS. See CS11 (PM-CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 41\tab LAND OF OSBERN OF ARQUES. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday wrote }{\i\insrsid674425 TERA}{\insrsid674425 instead of }{\i\insrsid674425 TERRA}{\insrsid674425 . A}{\cf1\insrsid674425 fter he had written this chapter heading using vermilion he added }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 DE ARCIS}{\cf1\insrsid674425 in a darker brown ink than that used by him in the rest of this chapter (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 41,1\tab [***] AND GRIMBALD. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday }{\cf1\insrsid674425 left a space for the later insertion of the missing }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 T}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 R}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 E}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 holder, who was}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Esbiorn , see 48,2. The land entered here and in 41,2 is duplicated at 48,2-3 with minor differences (PM-CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab ALFRED [* OF CHANCE *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 41,2\tab REDBOURNE. This holding and the previous one (41,1) are duplicated in 48,2-3 with minor differences.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab ALFRED [* OF CHANCE *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 42,4\tab CAWTHORPE. The note to the Phillimore printed edition reads: 'Lost in Covenham: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 liii' (PM). It is true that Cawthorpe (in Covenham St Bartho lemew parish) appeared in Foster and Longley's list of 'extinct villages'. However, that Cawthorpe was in Ludborough Wapentake and does not appear in Domesday but in the Lindsey Survey (Foster and Longley, 10/7 p. 249). The Domesday Cawthorpe was in Bourn e parish in Aveland Wapentake and is represented on modern maps by Cawthorpe itself, found at TF090221, Cawthorpe Hall at TF089222, Cawthorpe Farm at TF091221 and Cawthorpe House at TF091220.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 42,6\tab THERE ALSO. This entry is apparently duplicated at 61,2. See CK41 Dyke note (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 42,8\tab HEREWARD [* 'THE WAKE' *]. See 8,34 Hereward note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 42,9\tab HEREWARD [* 'THE WAKE' *]. See 8,34 Hereward note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 42,10\tab HEREWARD [* 'THE WAKE' *]. See 8,34 Hereward note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 42,11\tab HEREWARD [* 'THE WAKE' *]. See 8,34 Hereward note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 42,12\tab HEREWARD [* 'THE WAKE' *]. See 8,34 Hereward note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 42,13\tab THE MONKS. That is, of Crowland Abbey (PM).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab [***]. The main scribe of Great Domesday left a space suitable for about eight letters after the details of the Freemen, perhaps for the later inclusion of villagers and ploughs, as in the next entry (42,14).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 42,14\tab IN HACONBY. In the manuscript the form of the initial }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 I}{\cf1\insrsid674425 of }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 In}{\cf1\insrsid674425 is 'square' and the place-name Haconby is manorial (PM).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 42,15\tab MORTON. In}{\cf1\insrsid674425 the manuscript the place-name Morton is manorial (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab OGER HAS HALF. See 24,77 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 42,18\tab THERE ALSO. CK42 locates the 1 \'bd}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 bovates at Hanthorpe, an adjacent vill (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 44,2\tab ALFRED [* OF CHANCE *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 44,3\tab ALFRED [* OF CHANCE *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 44,4\tab `MANBY'.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 Lost at SE936088 (PM).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 44,6\tab `AUTBY'. Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Aduluesbi}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 probably out of confusion with Audleby; see Fellows Jensen, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Scandinavian Settlement Names in the East}{\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Midlands}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 34 (PM). The form adopted in the Phillimore printed edition was 'Audby'.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 44,14\tab 1 SALT-HOUSE. Duplicated at 44,6 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 44,15\tab `WYKEHAM'. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Lost in Nettleton, now represented by Wykeham Well at TF121974 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 44,19\tab RASEN. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 In the manuscript the place-name is rubricated (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 45,3\tab 4 PARTS OF 1 BOVATE. Or perhaps 'the fourth part' as a fourth part of 1 bovate in Hackthorn is recorded at 26,15; see 29,13 parts note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 45,4\tab AUSTHORPE. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 In the manuscript the place-name is rubricated (PM). On the name, see 1,3 Austhorpe note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab 6 BOVATES. See CK30 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 46\tab IN THE MANUSCRIPT there is a marginal }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 r}{\cf1\insrsid674425 for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 require }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('enquire') in the right margin level with this chapter head. Farley did not reproduce it (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 46,3\tab [SILK] WILLOUGHBY. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 In the manuscript the place-name is not rubricated and is not in capitals (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 47,3\tab ERIK . See 4,69 Erik note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 47,5\tab 4 PARTS. It should perhaps be 'the fourth part' as there are 3 parts (that is, three-quarters) of a mill recorded for Thorganby in 14,12. On the extension of }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 part'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , see 29,13 parts note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 47,8\tab WRAGBY. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 In the manuscript the place-name is manorial (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 48,1\tab OTHENKAR . Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 48,2\tab ALFRED [* OF CHANCE *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 48,3\tab ALFRED [* OF CHANCE *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 48,4\tab THE FOURTH PART. The extension of }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 part' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 to }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 partem }{\cf1\insrsid674425 is more likely than to }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 partes }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (= '4 parts') because another fourth part of a bovate is recorded for Swinhope in 12,33 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 48,6\tab `OSEBY'.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 In the manuscript the place-name is rubricated (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 48,9\tab BLEASBY. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday originally wrote }{\i\insrsid674425 blesbi}{\insrsid674425 , then corrected it to }{\i\insrsid674425 belesbi}{\insrsid674425 by}{\cf1\insrsid674425 interlining an }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 e}{\cf1\insrsid674425 above and between the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 b }{\cf1\insrsid674425 and }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 l}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . In the next entry (48,10) he corrected his original }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 BLESBI}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 to }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 BILESBI}{\cf1\insrsid674425 by interlining an }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 I}{\cf1\insrsid674425 and providing an omission sign below and between the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 B}{\cf1\insrsid674425 and }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 I}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . These changes differentiate the names as Bleasby and Beelsby (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 48,10\tab BEELSBY. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 See 48,9 Bleasby note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 49\tab FOR THE MARGINAL }{\i\insrsid674425 f }{\insrsid674425 written in the central margin beside this chapter head, but not reproduced by Farley, see 8,14 marginal note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab WILLIAM BLUNT. The manuscript has }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Blundi}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ; bynames are usually in capitals in chapter headings (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 49,3\tab THORGOT [* LAG *]. See 18,1 Thorgot note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 51,2\tab `EAST DEEPING' [* DEEPING [ST JAMES] *]. }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 Formerly 'East Deeping' (PM). The current name comes from the dedication of the church; for the change of name, see Youngs, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Local Administrative Units}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , ii. p. 257.}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 51,3\tab THERE ALSO. In the manuscript }{\i\f710\cf1\insrsid674425 IBID\'c7 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 is manorial (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab \tab This land is described in the Black Book (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Liber Niger}{\cf1\insrsid674425 )}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 of Peterborough Abbey (Society of Antiquaries manuscript 60, f olio 23): 'In [East] Deeping 1 carucate and land for 3 oxen in jurisdiction from the land of Bole. In the land of Leofwin of De eping there is as much in jurisdiction. Godfrey of Cambrai holds it.' Leofwin of Deeping and Bole were perhaps Godfrey's two men referred to here. The land returned to Peterborough ownership shortly thereafter, for later sources record the establishment o f Market Deeping on Peterborough land here; see Beresford and Joseph, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Medieval England}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , pp. 100-102 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab JURISDICTION OVER 5 MANORS. Domesday }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .v. soc' sup' .v. M' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 poses problems: }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 soc' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 is the normal abbreviation for the oblique cases of }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 soca }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 socam }{\cf1\insrsid674425 here) and the first }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .v. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 could have been mistakenly written in anticipation of the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .v. M'}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 . The word}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 super }{\cf1\insrsid674425 is also the correct preposition in this phrase. }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{ \insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 173, translate as '5 sokemen upon 5 manors', but this is a rare extension of }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 soc' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 soch'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 the normal abbreviation for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 sochemannus }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in its various cases, is used in the next three entries) and }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 super }{\cf1\insrsid674425 meaning 'on' is unusual. Moreover, this would be the only mention in Domesday Lincolnshire of Freemen with land before 1066. The description of the land referred to here as a jurisdiction in the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Liber Niger }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (see 51,3 there note) lends weight to the reading proposed in this translation. Compare 18,7 Freemen's note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 51,6\tab ITS VALUATION [***]. The main scribe of Great Domesday left blank the remainder of this line for the later completion of the valuation of this holding.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 51,10\tab THISTLETON.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 In the manuscript the place-name is manorial (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab \tab This estate lay in "Roteland", though this entry is not duplicated there (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab GLEU. See 27,12 Gleu note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 51,11\tab AZUR.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday corrected his original }{\i\insrsid674425 Ascer}{\insrsid674425 to }{\i\insrsid674425 Az}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 or}{\cf1\insrsid674425 by interlining }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 zor}{\cf1\insrsid674425 above the }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 scer}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , though he failed then to underline that for deletion}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab DEEPING. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 It is not clear whether the reference is to Deeping St James [formerly East Deeping] or to West Deeping (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 51,12\tab 6 BOVATES. Corrected by the main scribe of Great Domesday from his original }{\i\insrsid674425 .iii. bou'}{\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab BISHOP R[EMIGIUS] ... LINCOLN. This last line was written by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday }{\cf1\insrsid674425 below the last ruled line of folio 366b, extending into the left-hand 'tramlines' (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 52,1\tab AZUR [* FATHER OF SWEIN *]. Azur was the predecessor of Gunfrid of Chocques here and in NTH 48. His son Swein preceded Gunfrid in NTH 48, 3;5-10;17 and in BUK 50,1. Swein held a single estate in chief, Stoke Bruerne (NTH 50,1), to which belonged 21 houses in Northampton held by Swein son of Azur (NTH B29).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 53,2\tab KETILBIORN . Note to be supplied (JP). }{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab LAND [FOR *** PLOUGHS]. The main scribe of Great Domesday left blank the remainder of the line after }{\i\insrsid674425 T'ra}{\insrsid674425 for the later completion of the plough estimate, when available. For other uncompleted plough estimates, see 31,12 land note and compare 30,22.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab OSBERN THE PRIEST. He gran ted these lands as a prebend to Lincoln in 1099, according to the Lincoln Cathedral }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Registrum Antiquissimum }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (Foster, i. 14) (PM)}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 54,2\tab BARKSTON. The manuscript has }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Barchestune }{\cf1\insrsid674425 with a long }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 -s-}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Farley misprinted }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 Barcheftune}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 55\tab ANSGOT [* OF BURWELL *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 55,4\tab THIS ENTRY was clearly written below the last ruled line of folio 366c by the main scribe of Great Domesday, but is unlikely to have been a much later addition because the ink is the same colour as the precedi ng entries. He probably wanted to begin the next fief (LIN 56) on a new column (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 56,1\tab [SOUTH] WITHAM. Young Edward is recorded as holding a third part of the church of [North] Witham at 2,34. However, this holding appears as [South] Witham in later sources (DR, citing the }{\i\insrsid674425 Book of Fees}{ \insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 pp. 183, 190).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab 2 SALT-HOUSES, 10s. The main scribe of Great Domesday corrected the render from }{\i\insrsid674425 .ii. solid'}{\insrsid674425 to }{\i\insrsid674425 .x. solid'}{\insrsid674425 (CT)}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 56,4\tab CULTIVATES IT. }{\insrsid674425 The land had been alienated from the church and without livestock, hence the unusual arrange\-ments for cultivation.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab [***]. It is unclear what the main scribe of Great Domesday intended to add in the space (suitable for about 12 letters, not as large as the gap in Farley's edition) that he left here (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab BELMESTHORPE. Held by Countess Judith in Northamptonshire (NTH 56,1) in 1086; it was later in Rutland (PM-CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 56,5\tab IN HOUGHAM. William Rufus' confirmation of his father's gifts associates 5 carucates in Hougham with the gift of Leighton (Huntingdonshire) which Ear l Waltheof, at Remigius' request, made to Lincoln , according to the Lincoln Cathedral }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Registrum Antiquissimum}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (Foster,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 i. pp. 3, 5). See also 7,54-55 (PM).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab STORI . See C10 Stori note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 56,7\tab LITTLE PONTON. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 In the manuscript the place-name is not in capitals and is not rubricated (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 56,8\tab `GANTHROPS'. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Often referred to as 'Ganthorpe'. The settlement is lost in Great Ponton, the site commemorated as Ganthrops plantation in Stoke Rochford Park: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{ \i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 lvi (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 56,9\tab [* EARL *] MORCAR. See T3 Morcar note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab OSBERN [* OF BROUAY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 56,10\tab [* EARL *] MORCAR. See T3 Morcar note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 56,11\tab IN [MARKET] OVERTON. In "Roteland", as also 56,12-13;17-18, and entered there, though with slightly differing information: RUT 2,7-8;11-13 (PM). See RUT \{Introduction: Duplicate Entries\}.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab VALUE ... \'a312; NOW \'a3 40. Both figures were corrected. The main scribe of Great Domesday probably originally wrote }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .xx. lib' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 or }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .xv. lib' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 for the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 T}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 R}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 E}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 value, which was then corrected to }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .xii.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 by the erasure of the second }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 x}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (or }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 v}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ) and the interlineation of }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .ii.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . In the present value the main scribe seems to have begun to write a sum of shillings (perhaps 40): }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 xl. sol'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ; this was then corrected to }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 lib'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . In the corresponding entry in "Roteland" the 1086 value is }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 xx lib' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 56,12\tab THISTLETON. See 56,11 Overton note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab ERIK . See 4,69 Erik note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab HUGH [* OF BUCY *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 56,13\tab WHISSENDINE. See 56,11 Overton note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab HUGH ^[OF HOTOT]^. He is called Hugh of Hotot in the duplicate entry in RUT 2,11.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab [VALUE ***]. As this is a manor with full manorial detail, a value would be expected. The space at the end of this entry, while not being deliberately left for this information, would have proved useful for it, if available.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 56,14\tab MEADOW 15 FURLONGS. In the manuscript }{\i\f710\insrsid674425 p't\'fb .xv. q'}{\insrsid674425 ; Farley misprinted }{\i\f710\insrsid674425 p't\'fb 7 .xv. q'}{\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 56,17\tab EXTON. See 56,11 Overton note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 56,18\tab WHITWELL. See 56,11 Overton note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab "BESI". Domesday }{\i\insrsid674425 Besy}{\insrsid674425 here and in RUT 2,13, }{\i\insrsid674425 Besi }{\insrsid674425 in OXF 35,19, }{\i\insrsid674425 Beso}{\insrsid674425 in SUF 6,216. 35,7. Old Danish }{\i\insrsid674425 B\u511\'3fsi}{\insrsid674425 is one of a series of suggestions in }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 von Feilitzen, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 201, and is accepted by Fellows Jensen, }{\i\insrsid674425 Scandinavian Personal Names in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire}{ \insrsid674425 , p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 70. However, in view of von Feilitzen's other suggestions, it has be en decided for the present edition to keep to "Besi", his lead word. The Alecto edition has Besi here, in Rutland and in Oxfordshire, but Bosi in Suffolk.}{\insrsid674425 \par \tab \tab The Oxfordshire "}{\cf1\insrsid674425 Besi" was a predecessor of Miles Crispin who was also preceded on two of his holdings by a }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Bisi}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (BUK 23,32) and a }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Bosi}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (BRK 33,8) which makes it probable that all three forms, which occur only seven times between them in Great Domesday, represent one name and a single individual. Miles' predecessor in Buckinghamshire is described as a royal thane, as is the }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 Bisi}{\cf1\insrsid674425 who preceded Hugh of Bolbec (BUK 26,8). The }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Bisi}{\cf1\insrsid674425 who preceded William son of Ansculf (BUK 17,21) was also an overlord and a close neighbour of the }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 Bisi}{\cf1\insrsid674425 on the Crispin fief. The }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Besi}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , man of Alsi, with two small holdings }{\insrsid674425 in neighbouring vills in }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Hartismere Hundred in Suffolk, is likely to be a second individual (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab \tab The Domesday form }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Bisi }{\cf1\insrsid674425 occurs three times in Domesday Buckinghamshire (BUK 17,21. 23,32. 26,8) and represents Old Norse/Old Danish/Old Swedish }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Bisi}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 202, who rejected it as representing the forms }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Besi}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Besy}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 , }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Beso}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (p. 201). The Alecto edition has Bisi. This makes it unlikely that any of these people is the same individual as the "Besi" in the present entry or elsewhere. Likewise the form }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 Bosi}{\cf1\insrsid674425 in BRK 33,8, as well as the forms }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Bose}{\cf1\insrsid674425 and }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Boso}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , represents Old Norse/Old Danish }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Bosi}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 207.}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 56,21\tab HUGH [* OF BUCY *]. See RUT 2,8 Thistleton note a nd RUT 2,8 Hugh note..}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 56,22\tab BICKER. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday corrected his original }{\i\insrsid674425 Wichere}{\insrsid674425 to }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Bichere}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ; this is not clear in the Ordnance Survey facsimile (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab [NORTH] WITHAM.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 See Stenton, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Social and Economic History of the Danelaw}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 433 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 56,23\tab THIS ENTRY was added by the main scribe of Great Domesday at the end of Countess Judith's fief after he had left a line blank. He wrote it after he had rubricated this county, probably in the same campaign as 1,37; see 1,37 entry note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,1\tab ALFRED [* OF CHANCE *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,2\tab ALFRED [* OF CHANCE *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,3\tab ALFRED [* OF CHANCE *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,4\tab ALFRED [* OF CHANCE *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 57,5\tab NORMANBY AND SANTON. In th e manuscript the place-names are not rubricated (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab ALFRED [* OF CHANCE *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 57,6\tab ORFORD. Lost in Stainton-le-Vale at TF204947 where Orford House stands. The site of the twelfth-century house of Premonstratensian Canonesses founded at Orford lies to the west at TF195945 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab [* YOUNG *] EDWARD. See 4,42 Edward note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab ALFRED [* OF CHANCE *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,7\tab ALFRED [* OF CHANCE *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,8\tab ALFRED [* OF CHANCE *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,9\tab ALFRED [* OF CHANCE *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 57,10\tab AETHELSTAN [* SON OF GODRAM *]. Aethelstan son of Godram, a substantial Lincolnshire landowner with full jurisdiction and market rights in Lincolnshire (T5), was the predecessor of Guy o f Craon, who received the bulk of his honour from this one individual. This is disguised to a degree by scribal confusion of the names Aethelstan (}{\i\insrsid674425 Adestan}{\insrsid674425 ) and Alstan (}{\i\insrsid674425 Alestan}{\insrsid674425 ); but the }{\i\insrsid674425 Clamores}{\insrsid674425 for Lincolnshire (CK66) reveal that the }{\i\insrsid674425 Alestan}{\insrsid674425 of Drayton (57,56) is the same man as the }{\i\insrsid674425 Adestan}{\insrsid674425 of Bicker (57,44) and it is likely that the error is repeated elsewhere in the fief, all such cases (perhaps significantly) occurring on folio 368a (57,48;50;54-56). In addition to the properties which had devolved upon Guy, Aethelstan had also held Swaton (26,45) since that entry reveals that Aethelstan had two brothers, one of whom, Aelfric, had jurisdiction over him in Haceby. The only Aelfric holding in Haceby was on Guy's fief (57,18), incidentally indicating that part of Guy's honour came from another member of Aethelstan's family: see 57,15 Aelfric note. Links between Drayton and Ralph the constable referred to in the }{\i\insrsid674425 Clamores}{\insrsid674425 also suggest that the Aethelstan of 12,76 is the son of Godram. See also Clarke, }{\i\insrsid674425 English Nobility}{\insrsid674425 , pp. 240-41, who omits Haceby and its implications and inexplicably includes Swarby (probably an error for Swaton) (JP). See also 57,48 Alstan note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 57,11\tab WARNER . Warner is not a common name in Domesday Book, occurring less than two dozen times in all, and only three times in Lincolnshire, all on the fief of the same tenant-in-chief and all within a short distance of each other. It is probable they belonged to one individual (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab AETHELSTAN [* SON OF GODRAM *]. See 57,10 Aethelstan note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 57,12\tab IN DOWSBY. This entry is apparently duplicated at 67,23 where Osfram is recorded as holding it (PM). See also CK49.}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 57,13\tab AETHELSTAN [* SON OF GODRAM *]. See 57,10 Aethelstan note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab WARNER . See 57,11 Warner note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,14\tab AETHELSTAN [* SON OF GODRAM *]. See 57,10 Aethelstan note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,15\tab AELFRIC [* SON OF GODRAM *]. Aelfric was a predecessor of Guy of Craon, the bulk of whose holdings came from Aelfric's brother, Aethelstan: see 57,10 Aethelstan note. The family relationship is re corded in the entry for Swaton (26,45), which also connects the two brothers to Guy's fief via the link to his manor of Haceby. Aelfric's holdings which devolved upon Guy are intermixed with those of his brother, Aethelstan, and form a tight group of thei r own, only Kirton lying outside that group and that holding is adjacent to Athelstan's properties at Wyberton and Frampton. Despite the frequency of the occurrence of the name Aelfric, these links provide persuasive grounds for identifying all of Guy's pr edecessors of that name as the same individual (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,16\tab AELFRIC [* SON OF GODRAM *]. See 57,15 Aelfric note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,17\tab AELFRIC [* SON OF GODRAM *]. See 57,15 Aelfric note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,18\tab AELFRIC [* SON OF GODRAM *]. See 57,15 Aelfric note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab JURISDICTION OVER 11 BOVATES. Duplicated at 46,1 where Waldin is identified as Waldin the Breton (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 57,19\tab AETHELSTAN [* SON OF GODRAM *]. See 57,10 Aethelstan note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab WARNER . See 57,11 Warner note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,21\tab AELFRIC [* SON OF GODRAM *]. See 57,15 Aelfric note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,22\tab AETHELSTAN [* SON OF GODRAM *]. See 57,10 Aethelstan note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 57,23\tab 1 CARUCATE. The manuscript has }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 .i. car' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 clearly;}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Farley misprinted }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .v. car' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,24\tab `TOWTHORPE'.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 Lost in Londonthorpe, the site commemorated by Towthorpe Hollow: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{ \insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 lxx (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 57,27\tab AETHELSTAN [* SON OF GODRAM *]. See 57,10 Aethelstan note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,28\tab AETHELSTAN [* SON OF GODRAM *]. See 57,10 Aethelstan note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,29\tab AELFRIC [* SON OF GODRAM *]. See 57,15 Aelfric note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,30\tab AETHELSTAN [* SON OF GODRAM *]. See 57,10 Aethelstan note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,31\tab AETHELSTAN [* SON OF GODRAM *]. See 57,10 Aethelstan note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 57,32\tab `MAREHAM'. T}{\cf1\insrsid674425 his place, sometimes known as 'Cold Mareham' is lost in Burton Pedwardine, the name commemorated in}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Mareham Lane at approximately}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 TF085431: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. l}{\cf1\insrsid674425 xi (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 57,33\tab AELFRIC [* SON OF GODRAM *]. See 57,15 Aelfric note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,34\tab AELFRIC [* SON OF GODRAM *]. See 57,15 Aelfric note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,35\tab MEADOW, 12 ACRES. In the manuscript }{\i\insrsid674425 ac's}{\insrsid674425 (= }{\i\insrsid674425 acras}{\insrsid674425 , accusative); Farley misprinted the nominative }{\i\insrsid674425 ac}{\insrsid674425 [}{\i\insrsid674425 rae}{\insrsid674425 ]; see 24,6 acres note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab AELFRIC [* SON OF GODRAM *]. See 57,15 Aelfric note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,36\tab AETHELSTAN [* SON OF GODRAM *]. See 57,10 Aethelstan note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,37\tab AETHELSTAN [* SON OF GODRAM *]. See 57,10 Aethelstan note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,38\tab WULFWARD [* WHITE *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,39\tab WULFWARD [* WHITE *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,44\tab AETHELSTAN [* SON OF GODRAM *]. See 57,10 Aethelstan note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 57,45\tab `SOUTHORPE'. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Lost in Edenham at TF060220: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 lxvi (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 57,48\tab `HOUGHTON'. See 8,12 'Houghton' note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab ALSTAN [* AETHELSTAN SON OF GODRAM *]. The Domesday form is} {\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Alestan }{\cf1\insrsid674425 here and in 57,50;54-56, which usually represents the name-form }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Alstan}{\cf1\insrsid674425 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , pp. 152-53. In CK66 Aethelstan (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Adestan}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ) son of Godram appears to be the same individual as Alstan here}{\insrsid674425 ; see }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 Fellows Jensen, \lquote Domesday Tenants in Lincolnshire\rquote , p. 32. See also CK66 Aethelstan note and 57,10 Aethelstan note (PM-CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 57,49\tab `HOUGHTON'. See 8,12 'Houghton' note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab ALSTAN [* AETHELSTAN SON OF GODRAM *]. See 57,48 Aethelstan note and 57,10 Aethelstan note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,50\tab ALSTAN [* AETHELSTAN SON OF GODRAM *]. See 57,48 Alstan note and 57,10 Aethelstan note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab LAND FOR 12 [OXEN?]. Farley printed }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 den'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('pence'). Although that is meaningless here, this is just what the word looks like now in the manuscript. There has obviously been an}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 attempt at correction, not completed, probably from }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 den' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 to }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 bou'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{ \i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. 184 note 2, categorically state that the correction was from }{\i\insrsid674425 car' }{\insrsid674425 to }{\i\insrsid674425 bou'}{\insrsid674425 or vice versa, but there is no sign of an initial }{\i\insrsid674425 c} {\insrsid674425 or }{\i\insrsid674425 b}{\insrsid674425 in the manuscript, though the final letter }{\i\insrsid674425 n}{\insrsid674425 looks as if it might have been }{\i\f710\insrsid674425 \'fb}{\cf1\insrsid674425 : the abbreviation line is still visible (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 57,51\tab ALSTAN [* AETHELSTAN SON OF GODRAM *]. See 57,48 Alstan note and 57,10 Aethelstan note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,52\tab ALSTAN [* AETHELSTAN SON OF GODRAM *]. See 57,48 Alstan note and 57,10 Aethelstan note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,53\tab ALSTAN [* AETHELSTAN SON OF GODRAM *]. See 57,48 Alstan note and 57,10 Aethelstan note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,54\tab ALSTAN [* AETHELSTAN SON OF GODRAM *]. See 57,48 Alstan note and 57,10 Aethelstan note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab LAND }{\insrsid674425 [FOR *** PLOUGHS]. The main scribe of Great Domesday wrote }{\i\insrsid674425 T'ra }{\cf1\insrsid674425 at th e end of the first line of this entry and then left about a third of the second line blank for the later completion of the plough estimate, when available. See 31,12 land note for other examples of this. (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab A DRYING-PLACE WITH SALT-HOUSES. Latin }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 area }{\cf1\insrsid674425 means 'open space', 'building spot', 'courtyard', 'threshing floor'; }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 area }{\cf1\insrsid674425 is a technical term in salt-houses and refers to the drying-space or salt-pan or the heap in which the salt was dried (PM-CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,55\tab BOOTHBY [PAGNELL].}{\cf1\insrsid674425 In the manuscript the place-name is manorial (PM)}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab ALSTAN [* AETHELSTAN SON OF GODRAM *]. See 57,48 Alstan note and 57,10 Aethelstan note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab SIGHVATR HAS THE JURISDICTION. See 24,81 (PM).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,56\tab DRAYTON. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 In the manuscript the place-name is manorial (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab ALSTAN [* AETHELSTAN SON OF GODRAM *]. See 57,48 Alstan note and 57,10 Aethelstan note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 57,57\tab ALSTAN [* AETHELSTAN SON OF GODRAM *]. See 57,48 Alstan note and 57,10 Aethelstan note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 58,1\tab GODWIN . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 58,2\tab GODWIN . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 58,3\tab GODWIN . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 58,4\tab GODWIN . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 58,5\tab GODWIN . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 58,6\tab GODWIN . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 58,7\tab GODWIN . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 58,8\tab GODWIN . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 59,1\tab UHTBRAND . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab GEOFFREY . On his identification, see }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 Keats-Rohan, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Domesday People}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 232 (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 59,4\tab GEOFFREY . See 59,1 Geoffrey note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 59,5\tab GEOFFREY . See 59,1 Geoffrey note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 59,7\tab GEOFFREY . See 59,1 Geoffrey note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab FISHERIES. The estate of Bourne will have stretched to the River Glen, but will have included a great deal of marsh and fen. Any drain age ditch that preceded the Bourne Eau will probably have reached the threshold of the settlement. It is unclear whether these were fishponds, in the sense of closed areas where fish were bred and caught or fisheries (traps or weirs) on watercourses. The two Latin words used by Domesday (}{\i\insrsid674425 piscina}{\insrsid674425 and }{\i\insrsid674425 piscaria}{\insrsid674425 ) do not appear to make this distinction; rather they are interchangeable (see HUN 4,3 fisheries note).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 59,8\tab GEOFFREY . See 59,1 Geoffrey note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 59,13\tab RAUCEBY. In the manuscript there is a very faint pale brown smudge over the }{\i\insrsid674425 sb}{\insrsid674425 of }{\i\insrsid674425 Rosbi}{\insrsid674425 ; it is not an interlined }{\i\insrsid674425 ce}{\insrsid674425 to correct this place-name to }{\i\insrsid674425 Roscebi}{\insrsid674425 , as the name is printed in Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. 187. With the exception of }{ \i\insrsid674425 Roscebi}{\insrsid674425 in 59,14, }{\i\insrsid674425 Rosbi}{\insrsid674425 is the form used for Rauceby elsewhere in Domesday Lincolnshire (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 59,14\tab BRIAN . The name Brian occurs without a byname on a dozen holdings in Domesday Book. Given the uncommon name and the geographical and tenurial patterns, there were proba bly three individuals bearing the name, the tenant of Robert of Stafford, ancestor of the de Stanton family, being one of them: Keats-Rohan, }{\i\insrsid674425 Domesday People}{\insrsid674425 , p. 171 (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 59,15\tab BRIAN . See 59,14 Brian note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 59,17\tab WOODLAND [AND?] MEADOW, 35 ACRES. The }{ \insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday e}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ither omitted }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 7 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('and') after }{\i\f703\cf1\insrsid674425 silu\'ea}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , or wrote }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 p}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [ }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ra}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ti }{\cf1\insrsid674425 for }{\i\f703\cf1\insrsid674425 minut\'ea }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('underwood, 35 acres'), or for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 pastilis }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('pasturable woodland, 35 acres') (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 60,1\tab BURTON. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 In the manuscript the place-name is not rubricated and is not in capitals (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 61,1\tab HACONBY AND IN STAINFIELD. In the manuscript the place-names are not rubricated (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 61,5\tab IN THE MANUSCRIPT there is a marginal }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 K}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 kalum}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 p}{\cf1\insrsid674425 )}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 nia}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 'claim'), though apparently without a corresponding entry}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Clamores}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . See 3,15 marginal note (CT).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 61,7\tab MARGINAL }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 S'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 seems originally to have written }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 B}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 erewica}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ],}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 but then to have corrected it to }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 S}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 oca}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 ]}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 using darker ink. Farley misprinted }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 B' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 62,2\tab [NORTH?] WITHAM. T}{\cf1\insrsid674425 his is to be identified either with North Witham or South Witham, though in view of its association here with Gunby the former is perhaps more likely (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 63,1\tab ROBERT . See Keats-Rohan, }{ \i\insrsid674425 Domesday People}{\insrsid674425 , p. 394, to which should perhaps be added the Robert who held in the same vill from the escheated fief of Earl Aubrey; he also held in Swinford (LEC 10,9-10) (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 63,2\tab LEODWIN [* LEOFWIN OF NEWNHAM *]. The Domesday form here and in 63,5 is }{\i\insrsid674425 Leduin}{\insrsid674425 [}{\i\insrsid674425 us}{\insrsid674425 ], which normally represents Old English }{\i\insrsid674425 Leodwine}{\insrsid674425 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\insrsid674425 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\insrsid674425 , p. 310. The Alecto edition has Leodwine. However, Geoffrey's predecessor here seems to be identical with his predecessor in Leicestershire (LEC 29,14) and in all his lands in Warwickshire, whose name was undoubtedly Leofwin; see Fellows Jensen, \lquote Domesday Tenants in Lincolnshire\rquote , pp. 33-34 (PM-CT). See LEC 29 Geoffrey note. \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab \tab }{\insrsid674425 See Williams, }{\i\insrsid674425 English and the Norman Conquest}{\insrsid674425 , pp. 117-18; Keats-Rohan, }{\i\insrsid674425 Domesday People}{\insrsid674425 , p. 290 (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 63,3\tab LEODWIN [* LEOFWIN OF NEWNHAM *]. See 63,2 Leodwin n ote.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 63,4\tab LEODWIN [* LEOFWIN OF NEWNHAM *]. See 63,2 Leodwin note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 63,5\tab LEODWIN [* LEOFWIN OF NEWNHAM *] *]. See 63,2 Leodwin note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 63,6\tab GYTHA . If the manors of the two countesses are excluded, Gytha is a rare name, occurring fewer than half-a-dozen times. Neither countess or their families had known associations with either Owston or Lincolnshire so these two holdings were probably held by another individual (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 63,7\tab WAZELIN . The name Wazelin occurs on seven holdings in D omesday Book, possibly representing four individuals. This was probably the sole holding of Wazelin , who had no discernible links with the remaining holdings, none of which were within easy reach (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 63,9\tab LEODWIN [* LEOFWIN OF NEWNHAM *]. See 63,2 Leodwin note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 63,11\tab LEODWIN [* LEOFWIN OF NEWNHAM *]. See 63,2 Leodwin note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 63,12\tab ULF ^[FENMAN]^. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 That is, Ulf Fenman; see CW17 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 63,15\tab ABBOT OF ST GERMAN'S OF SELBY.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 The manuscript has }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Germano}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Farley misprinted }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Gemano }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 63,16\tab 2 CARUCATES. Corrected from }{\i\insrsid674425 .i. car'}{\insrsid674425 by the main scribe of Great Domesday (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 63,18\tab 6? BOVATES. Farley printed }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .vi}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Canon Foster argued (in Foster and Longley, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 193 note 1) that the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 punctus}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 after the number }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .v }{\cf1\insrsid674425 had been smudged, although on close examination of the manuscript it is apparent that }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .v }{\cf1\insrsid674425 was corrected to }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 .vi}{\cf1\insrsid674425 by the main scribe of Great Domesday. In the context of the carucation of Amcotts hundred (63,16-22) a figure of 5 bovates would produce the correct assessment of 12 carucates (PM-CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 63,22\tab GYTHA . See 63,6 Gytha note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 63,23\tab LUDDINGTON.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 In the manuscript this place-name is manorial (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab `THE MARSHES'. Lost in Luddington, the site commemorated by Mere Dyke }{\cf1\insrsid674425 at approximately SE850166: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 lxi (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab WATERTON. Lost at SE853180, the name commemorated by Waterton Hall (PM). Waterton Hall is at SE 853179; the 'Medieval Village of Waterton (site of)' is marked on the Ordnance Survey 1:25,000 map at SE857183.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 63,26\tab THIS ISLAND. That is, the Isle of Axholme, co-extensive in Domesday with Epworth Wapentake, renamed Axholme Wapentake by the time of the Lindsey Survey. The Isle of Axholme lay at the junction of Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire and Yorkshire. Although the name survives, the 'island', like the Isle of Thanet and the Isle of Oxney (both in Kent) is now surrounded by drained dry land. This summative entry refers to 63,5-25, places in Epworth Wapentake.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab AFTER THIS ENTRY the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 left the remaining 18 ruled lines of the column blank, probably in case more of Geoffrey's lands should be revealed (see 1,106 entry note). However, he later filled the last 6 \'bd}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 lines with details of more jurisdictions of Ruskington and Westborough (64,11-14) belonging to the opposite column; see 64,11 entry note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 64,1\tab TOKI [* SON OF AUTI *]. Toki was }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Geoffrey Alselin's only predecessor in Leicestershire, Lincolnshire and Northamptonshire, and his chief predecessor in Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Yorkshire.}{ \insrsid674425 Toki is only identified as the son of Auti in}{\cf1\insrsid674425 C4 and T5, though the Toki son of Otti (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Otta}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ) in YKS C36 is almost certainly the same man as he had the same identical rights in York as Toki son of Auti did in Lincoln. See von Feilitzen, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 385 note 5, with reference to }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 VCH Leicestershire}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , i. p. 295; see also Foster and Longley, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. xxx. }{\insrsid674425 O}{\cf1\insrsid674425 n the forms of the names Toki and Auti in Domesday Book, see DBY 6,27 Toki note.}{\insrsid674425 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab \tab }{\insrsid674425 See Clarke, }{\i\insrsid674425 English Nobility}{\insrsid674425 , pp. 347-48, who does not include DBY 6,48 and YKS 13W14 (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab A CERTAIN DROGO [* OF LA BEUVRIERE *].}{\cf1\insrsid674425 Drogo of La Beuvri\'e8re here and at 64,2. His lands appear at 30,34-35 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 64,2\tab DROGO [* OF LA BEUVRIERE *]. See 64,1 Drogo note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab TOKI [* SON OF AUTI *]. See 64,1 Toki note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 64,3\tab MEADOW, 160? ACRES. It is not clear in the manuscript whether the interlined }{\i\insrsid674425 cxl }{\insrsid674425 is intended as an addition to the }{\i\insrsid674425 .xx. }{\insrsid674425 below (= 160) or as a correction (= 140), though if the latter the scribe omitted to underline the }{\i\insrsid674425 .xx. }{\insrsid674425 for deletion. Compare 13,2 smallholders note and 24,51 meadow note (CT)}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab TOKI [* SON OF AUTI *]. See 64,1 Toki note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 64,4\tab TOKI [* SON OF AUTI *]. See 64,1 Toki note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 64,5\tab TOKI [* SON OF AUTI *]. See 64,1 Toki note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 64,6\tab TOKI [* SON OF AUTI *]. See 64,1 Toki note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 64,7\tab TOKI [* SON OF AUTI *]. See 64,1 Toki note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 64,8\tab TOKI [* SON OF AUTI *]. See 64,1 Toki note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 64,9\tab TOKI [* SON OF AUTI *]. See 64,1 Toki note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 64,10\tab 1 MILL [***]. The main scribe of Great Domesday left a space suitable for about four letters here, probably for the later insertion of the mill's render (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab TOKI [* SON OF AUTI *]. See 64,1 Toki note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 64,11\tab THIS ENTRY and the three following (64,12-14) were added together by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 at the bottom of folio 369c in part of the space left by him at}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 the end of LIN 63 (see 63,26 entry note). There are no transposition signs, but the first three entries (64,11-13) were jurisdictions of Ruskington (64,1) at the top of the ne xt column (folio 369d) and the last entry (64,14) was a jurisdiction of Westborough (64,15) which is the last entry on folio 369d (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab TOKI [* SON OF AUTI *]. See 64,1 Toki note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 64,12\tab THIS ENTRY was added by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ; see 64,11 entry note (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab TOKI [* SON OF AUTI *]. See 64,1 Toki note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 64,13\tab THIS ENTRY was added by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ; see 64,11 entry note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab "COTELAND".}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Lost in Anwick: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 liv (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab TOKI [* SON OF AUTI *]. See 64,1 Toki note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 64,14\tab THIS ENTRY was added by the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ; see 64,11 entry note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab TOKI [* SON OF AUTI *]. See 64,1 Toki note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 64,15\tab TOKI [* SON OF AUTI *]. See 64,1 Toki note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 64,16\tab TOKI [* SON OF AUTI *]. See 64,1 Toki note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 64,17\tab TOKI [* SON OF AUTI *].}{\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 See 64,1 Toki note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 64,18\tab TOKI [* SON OF AUTI *]. See 64,1 Toki note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab 5 PARTS. Or perhaps 'the fifth part'; on the extension of }{\i\insrsid674425 part'}{\insrsid674425 , see 29,13 parts note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 64,19\tab TOKI [* SON OF AUTI *]. See 64,1 Toki note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 65,1\tab AELRIC ^[SON OF MERGEAT]^. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Aelric son of Mergeat; see CK27 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 65,2\tab AELRIC ^[SON OF MERGEAT]^. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Aelric son of Mergeat; see CK27.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 65,3\tab AELRIC ^[SON OF MERGEAT]^. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Aelric son of Mergeat; see CK27.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 65,4\tab AELRIC ^[SON OF MERGEAT]^. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Aelric son of Mergeat; see CK27.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 65,5\tab ALL THIS ... BY THE WITNESS OF THE MEN OF THE WHOLE COUNTY. See CK27; however, details of North Hykeham are omitted there, possibly in error (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab AELRIC ^[SON OF MERGEAT]^. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Aelric son of Mergeat; see CK27.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 67,2\tab HOWELL. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 The manuscript has }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 Vuelle}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 with a }{\insrsid674425 malformed or incomplete letter }{\i\insrsid674425 H }{\insrsid674425 in the manner of the }{\i\insrsid674425 HV }{\insrsid674425 ligature interlined above}{\cf1\insrsid674425 and to the left of the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 V}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Huuelle}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . Compare 30,25 Stoke note. Farley printed a }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 t}{\cf1\insrsid674425 above the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 I}{\cf1\insrsid674425 of }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 In }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in error (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 67,3\tab "BURG".}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Lost in Evedon. Canon Foster draws attention to Bargate Hill and Bargate Lane at approximately TF106465; }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 lii (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 67,11\tab IN THREEKINGHAM. Duplicated at 3,55 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab TWELFTH PART ... SIXTH PART ... SIXTH PART. All these are in the accusative, so must be objects of}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 h}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 abe}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 t Vluiet }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 despite the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ibi .i. soch}{\cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 emannus}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ] (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 67,20\tab `HOUGHTON'. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 In the manuscript the place-name not rubricated (PM). }{\insrsid674425 See 8,12 'Houghton' note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 67,21\tab `HOUGHTON'. See 8,12 'Houghton' note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 68\tab LAND OF SWARTBRAND [* SON OF ULF *] AND OTHER THANES. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 originally wrote}{\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 TERRA SORTEBRAND}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 and then added }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 7}{\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 aliorum tainorum}{\cf1\insrsid674425 mostly in large lower-case letters, the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 tainorum }{\cf1\insrsid674425 being interlined and in a smaller script, but he omitted to correct }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 TERRA }{\cf1\insrsid674425 to the plural }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 TERRAE}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 The remainder of the Lincolnshire folios were originally intended to form three chapters (see L68 Swartbrand note). The division was pr eserved in the text for the scribe left one line between 68,4 and 68,5, which would have started LIN 69; and began 68,16 with an enlarged initial }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 I }{\cf1\insrsid674425 to signify the start of LIN 70 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab \tab The Lindsey Survey (Foster and Longley, 3/20 p. 242) identifies Swartbrand as Swartbrand son of Ulf, that is, the Lincoln lawman of that name; see C2-3;13 and CK18;29 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 68,1\tab EDNOTH. The Domesday form }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Ednod}{\cf1\insrsid674425 represents Old English }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Eadnoth}{\cf1\insrsid674425 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 233. However, in the corresponding entry in the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Clamores}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CW1) the form of his name appears as }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Elnod}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 which represents the name-form }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Alnoth}{\cf1\insrsid674425 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , pp. 149-50. According to Fellows Jensen, \lquote Domesday Tenants in Lincolnshire\rquote , p. 32, his name was probably Old English }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 \'c6thelstan}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , though she could not rule out the possibility of scribal error or confusion. The Phillimore printed edition has Alnoth both here and for CW1, but it has been decided for the present edition to keep t o the names normally represented by the Domesday forms. The Alecto edition has Eadnoth here and Alnoth in CW1.}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab SWARTBRAND [* SON OF ULF *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 68,2\tab SWARTBRAND [* SON OF ULF *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 68,3\tab SWARTBRAND [* SON OF ULF *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 68,4\tab SWARTBRAND [* SON OF ULF *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 68,5\tab KETILBIORN . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 68,6\tab KETILBIORN . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 68,7\tab KETILBIORN . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 68,8\tab SWARTBRAND [* SON OF ULF *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab KETILBIORN . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 68,9\tab SWARTBRAND [* SON OF ULF *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab MEADOW, 60 ACRES. In the manuscript }{\i\insrsid674425 ac'}{\insrsid674425 (= }{\i\insrsid674425 acrae}{\insrsid674425 ); Farley misprinted the accusative }{\i\insrsid674425 ac}{\insrsid674425 [}{\i\insrsid674425 ra}{\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\insrsid674425 s}{\insrsid674425 . Compare 24,6 acres note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab KETILBIORN . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 68,10\tab KETILBIORN . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab SWARTBRAND [* SON OF ULF *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 68,11\tab SWARTBRAND [* SON OF ULF *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab KETILBIORN . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 68,12\tab KETILBIORN . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 68,13\tab KETILBIORN . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 68,14\tab KETILBIORN . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 68,15\tab KETILBIORN . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 68,18\tab BRICTEVA . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 68,20\tab LOBTHORPE. The manuscript has }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 IOPINTORP}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ; Farley misprinted }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 LOPINTORP}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ; see 1,48 Heapham note. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 may have misread an original }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 L }{\cf1\insrsid674425 or }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 l}{\cf1\insrsid674425 as an }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 I}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ; see 24,38 Ewerby note and 31,18 'Langoe' note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 68,21\tab THIS WHOLE ENTRY is underlined and boxed in on the right of the second and third lines. The ink of the lining is paler than tha t of the main body of the entry and is the same colour as that used in 68,22 and subsequent entries, which suggests that the scribe had a break after 68,21 and did the underlining when he resumed work, though whether the underlining was intended to convey deletion or for emphasis is uncertain. Compare 16,21 entry note (CT). The scribe of the Breviate read this as underlining to indicate deletion and omitted this passage (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab `LITTLE LAVINGTON'. Lost in Lenton (formerly 'Lavington') between Lenton and Hanby: Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. lx (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 68,25\tab IN [SOUTH] WITHAM. In the manuscript the initial }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 I }{\cf1\insrsid674425 of }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 In }{\cf1\insrsid674425 is 'square', and the place-name is rubricated. A marginal }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 M'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , however, appears to have been erased (PM-CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 68,29\tab LE ODWIN [* SON OF RAVEN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 68,30\tab ERNWIN [* THE PRIEST *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 68,31\tab RECEIVED IT WITHOUT A DELIVERER. That is, without any lawful transfer of tenure by a representative of the king. The Latin }{\i\insrsid674425 liberator}{\insrsid674425 is from }{\i\insrsid674425 libero}{\insrsid674425 ('to hand over', 'to deliver', 'to transfer'), from which the Modern French verb }{\i\insrsid674425 livrer}{\insrsid674425 comes. Compare CW14 and also CS13 where land was 'delivered' to Bishop Odo by charter (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 68,35\tab "ELFAIN". The name "Elfain"}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 occurs twice in Dom esday Book, holding a manor and jurisdiction in the same vill and therefore belonging to the same individual. A possibly related form of the name, "Elfin", occurs four times in Derbyshire but is unlikely to be connected with these distant and modest holdi ngs with which they have no links (JP).\tab However, the Alecto edition has the name Elfin for both the holdings here and in 68,36 and those in Derbyshire (DBY 6,40;52;58;60). See DBY 6,40 "Elfin" note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 68,36\tab "ELFAIN". See 68,35 "Elfain" note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 68,37\tab YADDLETHORPE. In the manuscript }{\i\insrsid674425 IADVLFTORP}{\insrsid674425 ; Farley misprinted }{\i\insrsid674425 LADVLFTORP}{\insrsid674425 , as he did for the same name in 1,61. Compare 1,48 Heapham note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 68,38\tab WINTERTON. In the manuscript the place-name is not rubricated and is not in capitals (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 68,43\tab SIWARD [* THE PRIEST *]. Note to be supplied (JP).} {\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 68,44\tab STENKIL . See 16,1 Stenkil note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab SIWARD [* THE PRIEST *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab 3? FREEMEN. The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 wrote an }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 7 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 after }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Seuard' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in error, but then superimposed the first of the three minims of }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 iii. soch'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 on it; the result is unsatisfactory. Farley misread it as }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Seuard' 7 ii. soch'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 68,47\tab LAND FOR 4 OXEN. Interlined later by the main scribe of Great Domesday. For the addition of other plough estimates by him, see 24,86 land note and 12,72 land note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab CHURCH OF ST MICHAEL. Perhaps in Lincoln; see Hill, }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 Medieval Lincoln}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 130 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 68,48\tab AFTER THIS ENTRY the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 left blank the remaining 38 ruled lines of folio 371c, all 44 ruled lines of folio 371d and the whole of folio 372 (also ruled for 44 lines). He began a new quire for the Yorkshire }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Clamores}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , which}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 occupy folios 373a-374b. He left blank folio 374cd are blank before beginning the account of the Lincolnshire }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Clamores}{\cf1\insrsid674425 on folio 375a (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 CS1\tab THE }{\i\insrsid674425 CLAMORES}{\insrsid674425 are discussed briefly in \{Introduction: The }{\i\insrsid674425 Clamores}{\fs26\insrsid674425 \}.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 CS5\tab LANDS ... IN LINDSEY. Hill argued in }{\i\insrsid674425 Medieval Lincoln}{\insrsid674425 , p. 67, that these were the 12 carucates in Louth listed at 7,56 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CS6\tab LANDS OF THE TWO BROTHERS. Earl Hugh's holdings appear at 13,33;44 where}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 his predecessors were Aleifr, Godric, Edric and Aelfeva (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 CS7\tab KOLSVEINN [* OF LINCOLN *]. Note to be supplied (JP). }{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 CS9\tab ALFRED [* OF LINCOLN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 CS10\tab ALFRED [* OF LINCOLN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab 3 BOVATES OF LAND IN STEWTON. Apparently the 3 bovates held by Ilbert from the Bishop}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 of Bayeux at 4,73 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CS11\tab IN THE LEFT MARGIN of the manuscript, close to the left edge of the folio and just below}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 the first line of this entry the main scribe of Great Domesday wrote }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 rq'}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 require }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('enquire') in paler ink; Farley did not print it. The interlined words }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 dicunt }{\cf1\insrsid674425 and }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 de}{\cf1\insrsid674425 added by him, which help to explain the truncated Latin, are probably in response to this request (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab WHOLE MINSTER [CHURCH]. Domesday }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 totum monasterium}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 rightly a monastery or minster (church),}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 but see 40,26 which states that Rainer has the third part of 1 church (}{\i\f703\cf1\insrsid674425 \'eacclesi\'ea}{\cf1\insrsid674425 )}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 and}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 claims the other two parts (CT). There is no evidence that there was ever a monastery here.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 CS13\tab 1 CARUCATE OF LAND IN WELL. See 24,68 where Tonni is recorded as Gilbert's predecessor. Losoard was the Bishop of Bayeux' tenant at Rigsby where Thorulf was one of the 1066 holders, and to which 1 bovate of land in Well be longed in jurisdiction (4,61-62) (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab THE DAY HE WAS TAKEN. This appears to be a reference to the arrest of Bishop Odo}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 in 1082. Though he remained a captive until William's death there is little other evidence}{\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 that he was dispossessed and indeed he appears in Domesday as mostly in possession of his lands; see Douglas, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 William the Conqueror}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 243, but see also GLS 1,22-23;65 (PM-CT).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CS14\tab 2 BOVATES OF LAND IN ULCEBY. See 40,22 where they are listed as a jurisdiction of}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Cumberworth in Rainer's chapter (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 CS15\tab IN MABLETHORPE. The manuscript has }{\i\insrsid674425 im }{\insrsid674425 for }{\i\insrsid674425 in }{\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 CS16\tab ALFRED [* OF LINCOLN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab OUGHT TO HAVE ONE. The manuscript has }{ \i\f710\cf1\insrsid674425 un\'e2 debet habet hab'e}{\cf1\insrsid674425 : }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 habet }{\cf1\insrsid674425 is}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 an error for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 habere }{\cf1\insrsid674425 but}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 was not}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 deleted by the scribe (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 CS17\tab ALFRED [* OF LINCOLN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab KETILBIORN . Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 CS19\tab IN WILLOUGHBY. Possibly the land at 24,59. Alnoth, perhaps Alnoth the priest, was the bishop's predecessor at 3,21;25 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 CS20\tab KETILBIORN . Note to be supplied (JP). }{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 CS21\tab HAROLD. The bishop's predecessor in Horncastle Wapentake (see 3,13). On the claims}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 of Eudo and the bishop, see 3,15;22 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab JOINTLY. Domesday }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 pariliter }{\cf1\insrsid674425 here and in CS22;38 is apparently the same as }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 pariter}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ;}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 see DEV 1,15 freely note on the form of land}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 tenure implied by }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 par}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 il}{\cf1\insrsid674425 )}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 iter }{\cf1\insrsid674425 and }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 in paragio }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 CS22\tab EUDO [* SON OF SPIREWIC *]. See 3,15 Eudo note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab "TORP". }{\cf1\insrsid674425 See note 2,23 "Torp" note (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab JOINTLY. See CS21 jointly note (CT).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab GUTHFRITHR'S SONS. Eudo son of Spirewic derived title to his lands in Horncastle}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Wapentake from Godwin and Gunnhvati, who are perhaps therefore to be identified as the sons of G uthfrithr. See 3,10 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab UNCLE. That is, the Harold mentioned in CS21 (CT).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 CS23\tab THE WOODLAND. Entered at 24,16 (PM).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CS25\tab KLAKKR. Roger of Poitou's predecessor at Hainton (16,14). Rainer held 3 \'bd bovates}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 there at 40,9. Alfred of Lincoln held 3 \'bd bovates there [Torrington] which had been Klakkr's (27,21) (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CS26\tab IN LEGSBY. This would seem to be the 4 bovates of land at 22,37. Domesday notes that}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 jurisdiction lay in Wragby which was held by Erneis; see 34,12-23 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CS28\tab ESKIL'S LAND. At 4,53 where Wadard held it from the Bishop of Bayeux (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab THE ARCHBISHOP'S PREDECESSOR. Almer, who had held [South] Willingham}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 at 2,1. See also CS29 (PM-CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 CS29\tab 10 BOVATES IN [SOUTH] WILLINGHAM. Entered in Rainer of Brimeux' chapter}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 at 40,8 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CS30\tab 12 BOVATES IN STAINFIELD. See 22,17 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab WHICH BELONGS. The Latin }{\i\f703\insrsid674425 qu\'ea} {\insrsid674425 refers to }{\i\insrsid674425 soca}{\insrsid674425 ('jurisdiction') (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 CS31\tab IT LIES. The jurisdiction lies, because of }{\i\f710\insrsid674425 e\'e2}{\insrsid674425 in the next clause (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 CS32\tab IN APLEY. The bishop's holding appears at 3,8, William of Percy's at 22,20; the}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 predecessor in both instances, Aelfric (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 CS34\tab KETILBIORN }{\cf1\insrsid674425 HOLDS. See 68,6 (PM-CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CS36\tab TO [THE LOSS OF] HIS LORD, GILBERT. Domesday }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 contra dominum suum G. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 is possibly a corrupt}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 phrase. Vigleikr was Robert's predecessor at 'Butchett' in Bardney (38,10). Here and at}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Claythorpe (CS12) Robert claimed lands which had been held by Vigleikr, the}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 jurisdiction of which lay elsewhere. Gilbert was Vigleikr's lord only in the sense that he}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 held Bardney (24,17;45-53), of which the 2 carucates at Scremby (24,47) were a jurisdiction.}{\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 In this case, however, the use of the preposition }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 contra }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('forfeited that land }{\ul\cf1\insrsid674425 to}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 his lord')}{\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 would be bad grammar. Alternatively, the manuscript }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 G. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 may be a scribal error for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 R.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 the sense}{ \insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 being that Vigleikr forfeited the land to the loss of his lord Robert: because it was forfeited, Robert could not succeed to it as he had done to another of Vigleikr's lands (38,8) (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 CS37\tab KETILBIORN . Note to be supplied (JP). }{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab THRO UGH GODRIC ... FORFEITED IT. Ketilbiorn had received other lands held }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 T.R.E.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 by Godric, but the 1 carucate (or the \'bd carucate) holding in Scremby had been forfeited by Godric, and presumably was reallocated to Gilbert of Ghent (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CS38\tab THEIR FATHER. Perhaps Godwin, but see CN30 brothers note (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab IF A ROYAL EXPEDITION WAS NECESSARY. That is, they were needed for military service. Sighvatr was the king's man and so under obligation to serve him, but the obligation seems to have been shared between the b rothers in the order: Sighvatr, Alnoth, Fenkell and then Eskil, which was probably that of their seniority. The 'help' presumably involved minding the brother's property and working his lands in his absence (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 CS39\tab SALTFLEET. Canon Foster argued that Domesday }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 Salfluet}{\cf1\insrsid674425 here and in CS40 is not to be identified with modern Saltfleet, but lay to the south, close to Saltfleetby St Clements: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{ \insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 lxiv (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab `MARE'. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 A haven at the mouth of Mar Dyke at TF465924: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 lxiv (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab `SWINE'.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 A haven at the mouth of Swine Dyke at approximately TF395985: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 pp. }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 lxiii-lxiv (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 CS40\tab SALTFLEET. See CS39 Saltfleet note }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 (PM)}{\insrsid674425 .}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab WILLINGLY AND UNWILLINGLY. The normal sense of }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 ingratis }{\cf1\insrsid674425 is 'unwillingly'.}{\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Gratis }{\cf1\insrsid674425 on the other hand in Classical Latin means 'for no reward but thanks', 'for nothing', but in Medieval Latin it seems to have been affected by the meaning of }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ingratis }{\cf1\insrsid674425 and developed into a true ant onym: 'freely', 'willingly'. Tolls are raised, it seems, both on boats putting in at Saltfleet in the normal course of trade and on those driven there by storm or seeking a haven (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 CN1\tab BARTON[-UPON-HUMBER]. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 See 24,13-14 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CN2\tab IN CAISTOR. See 1,65 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 CN4\tab ALFRED [* OF LINCOLN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab STRIP OF PLOUGHLAND. The Latin is }{\i\f703\insrsid674425 cultura terr\'ea}{\insrsid674425 : }{\i\insrsid674425 cultura }{\insrsid674425 comes from}{\i\insrsid674425 colo }{\insrsid674425 ('to cultivate', 'to till'), so a }{ \i\f703\insrsid674425 cultura terr\'ea }{\insrsid674425 would be a piece of land that was to be tilled, or was actually under the plough, rather than one intended for pasture (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 CN5\tab IN GOXHILL. Hugh's holding appears at 68,40; Drogo of La Beuvri\'e8re's interest at 30,2; and Alfred of Lincoln's at 27,1 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab ALFRED [* OF LINCOLN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 CN6\tab CHURCH OF CAISTOR. The claim is noted in 1,65 (PM).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CN7\tab JOCELYN. See 12,10 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab 3 BOVATES. The manuscript has }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .iii. bou' }{\cf1\insrsid674425 clearly;}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Farley misprinted }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 .ii. bou'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 CN8\tab NORMAN. That is, of Norman of Arcy who held 1 \'bd}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 bovates in Brocklesby at 32,2 (PM)}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CN9\tab EILAFR'S TWO MANORS. See 2,6. The Latin has poor sentence construction (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CN10\tab \'bd BOVATE. See 2,25. Rainer held Limber (40,1) (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab STALLINGBOROUGH. The manuscript has }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Stalingeburg}{\cf1\insrsid674425 clearly; Farley misprinted }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Stanlingeburg}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CN11\tab IN KEELBY. See 2,8 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 CN12\tab ALFRED [* OF LINCOLN *]. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 That is, Alfred of Lincoln who held land here at 27,3. Durand Malet's holding appears at 44,8 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CN13\tab IN SWALLOW. See 2,10 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab ERIK'S LAND. See 4,71 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 CN14\tab LOSOARD.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 The Bishop of Bayeux is recorded as holding the customs and the ferry at Grimsby (4,70), but as Losoard was the bishop's tenant elsewhere (4,8;41;61) it is likely that he held Grimsby also (PM).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CN15\tab 2 \'bd BOVATES OF LAND. Perhaps part of Roger of Poitou's holding at Owersby at 16,8, which belonged to the church of Winghale. See 16,8 manuscript note (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CN16\tab ERNWIN THE PRIEST. The Bishop of Bayeux' holding appears at 4,74; Ernwin's at 68,42 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CN18\tab RAINER CLAIMS IT. Rainer of Brimeux held land at Tealby at 40,14. The claim refers to Jocelyn's holding in the same place at 28,20 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CN19\tab 1 MILL. See 14,11 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 CN22\tab DROGO. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Presumably Drogo of La Beuvri\'e8re, though his interest in the place is not otherwise recorded (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 CN23\tab FULCRIC'S LAND. In the manuscript }{ \i\insrsid674425 t'ra Fulcheri}{\insrsid674425 ; Farley misprinted }{\i\insrsid674425 terra Fulcheri}{\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 CN24\tab CUXWOLD.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 See 25,10 manuscript note. William of Percy's holding appears at 22,9 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CN25\tab GRIMKEL'S HALL. See 3,7 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 CN26\tab KOLSVEINN [* OF LINCOLN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab THE LAND OF INGIMUNDR AND HIS BROTHERS. In [Wold] Newton (12,31) (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CN27\tab 4 \'bd CARUCATES OF LAND. The note to the Phillimore printed edition read: 'Canon Foster argued that this was part of the bishop's 13 bovates in North Ormsby (7,25). Ulf of Ormsby is identical with Ulf son of Topi, whose grant to St Mary is recorded in his will of 1066 x 1068: }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 219; Whitelock, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Anglo-Saxon Wills}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 97. The claim may therefore refer to the holding at 7,25 or more probably to that at 30,20, of which the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 T}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 R}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 E}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 holders were Ulf and Skemundr' (PM).}{\insrsid674425 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab \tab Both Foster and Longley and the editors of the Phillimore printed edition read the Latin }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 terra Vlf de Ormesbi}{\cf1\insrsid674425 as meaning 'the land of Ulf of Ormsby', thus giving Ulf a byname. However, parallel examples in the Huntingdonshire Declarations (HUN D7;10;27; see HUN D7 Aelfric note) suggest the the land is actua lly at Ormsby and that Ulf (who is already Ulf son of Topi) has no other byname. The translation in the Phillimore printed edition, 'the land of Ulfr of Ormsby', has therefore been altered here to 'the land of Ulf in [North] Ormsby'.}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CN28\tab IN "SCHEMIN" [* [NORTH] ORMSBY *].}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Domesday }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Schemin}{\cf1\insrsid674425 is undoubtedly the personal name. Skemundr (Domesday }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Scemund}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 ), the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 T}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 R}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 E}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 holder of land in [North] Ormsby, to which this claim refers (30,20). For other scribal confusions of this kind, see 4,10 "Summerlede" note and 24,26 "Offran" note (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab DROGO [* OF LA BEUVRIERE *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 CN29\tab LAND OF BERENGAR OF TOSNY. See 18,9 and 3,20 (PM).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CN30\tab LAND OF 3 BROTHERS. The bishop acquired the holdings of Alnoth, Eskil and Fenkell (3,21-22;43; and perhaps 3, 47 if the '3 brothers' there were the same as these three), whilst Eudo acquired those of the fourth brother, Sighvatr (29,10), on whom see CN30 Sighvatr note (PM-CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab SIGHVATR - OR GODWIN -. In the manuscript (and Farley) the interlined letter before }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Goduin }{\cf1\insrsid674425 is clearly }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 l}{\cf1\insrsid674425 with an abbreviation line through it, standing for }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 vel }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('or'); }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 218, read it as }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 f}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 [}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 ilius}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ]}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('son of Godwin'). Perhaps the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 misread an }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 f }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 in his source as }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 l}{\cf1\insrsid674425 with a line through it; he often had such problems of deciphering, often leading to his insertions of }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 vel}{\cf1\insrsid674425 with an alternative reading, which may be the case here. A Sighvatr, Alnoth, Fenkell and Eskil, presumably the same four brothers, occur at CS38, but there is no mention there of Godwin as an alternative for Sighvatr, though a Godwin was Eudo's predecessor at 29,11;30 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 CW1\tab ALNOTH. See 68,1 Ednoth note (PM).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab SWARTBRAND [* SON OF ULF *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 CW2\tab KOLSVEINN [* OF LINCOLN *]'S}{\cf1\insrsid674425 LAND. See 8,13 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab ALL SAINTS IN LINCOLN. See C16 church note (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CW3\tab JOCELYN SON OF LAMBERT. His claim is not otherwise noted, nor his interest here, although Aghmund was his predecessor elsewhere. Norman the fat is the successor of the Lincoln lawman Guthroth at C3 from whom he presumably derived his title to '[Middle] Carlton' (33,1) (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CW5\tab NORMAN. That is, Norman of Arcy who held 9 bovates of land at Scothern, with Godric as his}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 predecessor, at 32,29. The claim, presumably made by Norman, probably refers to 4 \'bd bovates here which Kolsveinn held through Godric at 26,5 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CW7\tab BISHOP REMIGIUS. The bishop's interest here is not otherwise recorded in Domesday, though in the Lindsey Survey (Foster and Longley, 3/2 p. 241) he held the king's lands here listed at 1,35-36 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 CW8\tab RANULF. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Ranulf of Saint-Valery; see 43,5 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab KOLSVEINN [* OF LINCOLN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 CW9\tab LANDS ... IN STURTON[-BY-STOW] HUNDRED. In the Bishop of Bayeux' holding at 4,3 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 CW10\tab BELONGS TO. The main scribe of Great Domesday wrote }{\i\insrsid674425 pertinet ab}{\insrsid674425 in error for }{\i\insrsid674425 pertinet ad}{\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab [GATE] BURTON OR "BROCTONE". The main scribe of Great Domesday originally wrote }{\i\insrsid674425 bortona}{\insrsid674425 and then interlined }{\i\insrsid674425 o}{\insrsid674425 above and between the }{\i\insrsid674425 r}{ \insrsid674425 and }{\i\insrsid674425 t}{\insrsid674425 with a faint hair-line indicating its correct position in the text to produce }{\i\insrsid674425 borotona}{\insrsid674425 . He then interlined }{\i\insrsid674425 l}{\insrsid674425 ' (= }{ \i\insrsid674425 vel}{\insrsid674425 , 'or') }{\i\insrsid674425 broctone}{\insrsid674425 , but failed to see his interlined }{\i\insrsid674425 o}{\insrsid674425 when he began, so it became mixed up with the }{\i\insrsid674425 c}{\insrsid674425 of }{ \i\insrsid674425 broctone}{\insrsid674425 . This presumably led Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 , p. 220, to print }{\i\insrsid674425 Bortona uel Brogtone}{\insrsid674425 , though the interlineations are quite clear in the manuscript. Farley printed the two sets of interlineations on different levels for clarity. The reading in the scribe's source was probably unclear (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab STEINGRIMR'S LAND. In Willingham-by-Stow (12,3) (PM).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CW11\tab GILBERT OF GHENT. See 24,9 Ulf note (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab AND THE THIRD PART. Farley omitted }{\i\insrsid674425 7} {\insrsid674425 before }{\i\insrsid674425 t'cia pars}{\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab BECAUSE OF THEIR PREDECESSORS. That is, their predecessors were exempt from this custom. This extended use of }{\i\insrsid674425 per}{\insrsid674425 develops from phrases such as that in CS36 'Robert the bursar claims against Gilbert of Ghent in Scremby through Vigleikr, his predecessor' (that is, by succession from, through inheritance from Vigleikr) (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 CW12\tab GRIMKEL. No indication of the place is given, although this section of the}{\insrsid674425 }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Clamores }{\cf1\insrsid674425 appears to be concerned with 'Aslacoe' Wapentake. Grimkel held land at Willoughton (47,1) in 'Aslacoe' Wapentake and the claim would appear to refer to this estate. Merleswein's successor in Lincolnshire was Ra lph Paynel, who held land at Broughton in 'Manley' Wapentake as successor to Merleswein and Grimkel (35,1-2) to which, alternatively, this claim may refer (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab MERLESWEIN THE SHERIFF. See C5 Merleswein note.}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab BECAUSE HE STOOD ACCUSED BEFORE THE KING. Domesday }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 pro reatu regis}{\cf1\insrsid674425 : }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 reatus }{\cf1\insrsid674425 is the state of being a }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 reus}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 that is, 'a defendant', 'a man accused'. A whole clause is needed to translate the brief Latin (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CW13\tab JOCELYN ... AND IVO. The holdings of Jocelyn son of Lambert and Ivo Tallboys appear at 28,4 and 14,21 respectively, where the jurisdiction of Bishop Remigius is acknowledged (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 CW14\tab IN NORTHORPE HUNDRED. See 8,16. R(alph) of N\'e9ville held the land in the Lindsey Survey (Foster and Longley, 4/9 p. 243). See 8,20 Ralph note (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab HE DID N OT HAVE A DELIVERER FOR IT. That is, he was not given formal seizin of it; see 68,31 deliverer note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 CW15\tab SWEIN'S LAND. A }{\i\insrsid674425 k}{\insrsid674425 (for }{\i\insrsid674425 kalum}{\insrsid674425 (}{\i\insrsid674425 p}{\insrsid674425 )}{\i\insrsid674425 nia}{\insrsid674425 , 'claim') was written beside Roger of Poitou's holding in Laughton (16,28), which had been held by Swein in 1066, but no mention of a disputed jurisdiction is mentioned there.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab THROUGH HIS PREDECESSOR. In the manuscript }{ \i\f710\cf1\insrsid674425 su\'fb }{\cf1\insrsid674425 seems to have been corrected to }{\i\f710\cf1\insrsid674425 su\'e2}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , although }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 antecessor }{\cf1\insrsid674425 is masculine; the main scribe of Great Domesday may have thought it should agree with }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 s}{\i\f710\cf1\insrsid674425 oc\'e2 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 or }{\i\f710\cf1\insrsid674425 t'r\'e2 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab WILGRIM [* ULFGRIM *]. Domesday }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Wilgrim}{\cf1\insrsid674425 represents Old German }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Wilgrim}{\cf1\insrsid674425 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 415. However, Guy of Craon's predecessor in Laughton (57,7) was Ulfgrim (Domesday }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Vlgrim}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ). The form }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Wilgrim }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 only occurs here in Domesday and it would seem likely that it is a misreading of the Old Norse }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Ulfgrimr}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , whose Domesday forms are }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Vlgrim}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 Vlgrin}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Olgrim}{\cf1\insrsid674425 : von Feilitzen, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 399. It would be very easy to misread }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 Vl}{\cf1\insrsid674425 - as }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Wi}{\cf1\insrsid674425 -. The fact that }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Wilgrim}{\cf1\insrsid674425 had full jurisdiction over Swein probably supports this suggestion: it would be less likely for someone with an Old German name to have had such powers over someone with an Old Norse/Old Danish name. Compare 12,7 Wilgrim note.}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CW16\tab THREE MANORS. Listed at 8,15;17;23. Eskil's bequests to Peterborough are}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 described in the early twelfth-century }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 brevis cartula }{\cf1\insrsid674425 of the abbey (Society of Antiquaries manuscript 60, folio 72v-73). He is there described as Eskil son of Toki an d brother of Abbot Brand, Siric and Sighvatr. Apart from the lands where he is named (8,15;17;23;28) he is also listed as the donor of those lands, which in Domesday had been held by Rothulfr (8,14;20;22); see }{\insrsid674425 Stenton in Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 xl (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab UNDER HIS FREE AUTHORITY. Domesday }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 in propria libertate}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ; this use looks forward to the later medieval sense of a territorial 'Liberty', though it is probably here the equivalent of }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 habuit sacam 7 socam }{\cf1\insrsid674425 ('he had full jurisdiction') as in the preceding entry (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab BRAND, THE MONK. The interlined }{\i\insrsid674425 m}{ \insrsid674425 with an }{\i\insrsid674425 o}{\insrsid674425 above it abbreviates }{\i\insrsid674425 monachus}{\insrsid674425 ('monk') here, not }{\i\insrsid674425 modo}{\insrsid674425 ('now') as it frequently does. Foster and Longley, }{ \i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 pp. 222-23, however, extend it to }{\i\insrsid674425 modo}{\insrsid674425 and translate it as 'only' (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 CW17\tab EPWORTH WAPENTAKE. Later Axholme Wapentake; see \{ Introduction: Wapentakes\} (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab 3 BOVATES ... IN AMCOTTS. Perhaps those given at 63,17 (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab IN BELTON. The claim is noted at 63,25 (PM).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CW18\tab IN WINTERINGHAM HUNDRED. At Walcot, see 34,25 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 CW19\tab 1 PLOT. See 1,64 (PM-CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 CW20\tab DROGO [* OF LA BEUVRIERE *]. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 That is, Drogo of La Beuvri\'e8re; see 30,3 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab AFTER THIS ENTRY the }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 left 17 ruled lines blank, probably for the later addition, if necessary, of more claims in the West Riding (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CK1\tab LAND OF WULFGEAT. At 27,34;37-39. Wulfgeat appears as the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 T}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 R}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 E}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 holder in two of the places named (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab HIS SISTER'S RELATIVE. According to the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Revised Medieval Latin Word List}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 sororius }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (from }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 soror}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 'sister') can mean 'sister's husband' or 'wife's brother'. }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{ \cf1\insrsid674425 225, have 'sister's son'. There seems no way of telling which is the correct translation here, so the term 'relative' was chosen (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CK2\tab 60 ACRES OF LAND. Recorded at 56,4 where it is said to be at Uffington; see also}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 27,34-35. Peterborough Abbey appears to have acquired the land at Uffington shortly after Domesday; see }{ \insrsid674425 Stapleton, }{\i\insrsid674425 Chronicon Petroburgense}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\cf1\insrsid674425 p.}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 178 (PM-CT). However, the situation may be as Domesday describes it, that Peterborough Abbey held the land before 1066 and that it was alienated, perhaps by Earl Waltheof, Countess Judith's husband. This may be connected with the unusual arrangements for cultivation.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab PLOUGHS FROM BELMESTHORPE. The Latin reads: }{ \i\insrsid674425 colit cum carucis de belmestorp}{\insrsid674425 . }{\cf1\insrsid674425 That is, Countess Judith uses the ploughs from the estate of Belmesthorpe that she held in Northamptonshire (NTH 56,1). Belmesthorpe was later in Rutland. 'From Belmesthorpe' was the translation of the Phil limore printed edition, but the Latin preposition }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 de}{\cf1\insrsid674425 can equally well mean 'of', its use being necessary when the noun (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 belmestorp}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ) is indeclinable. A possible translation is therefore: 'the ploughs of Belmesthorpe' or 'the Belmesthorpe ploughs'.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab UFFINGTON [THE LAND] OF ALFRED OF LINCOLN. In the Latin (}{ \i\insrsid674425 in Offintone Aluredi de Lincolia}{\insrsid674425 ) }{\i\insrsid674425 Aluredi}{\insrsid674425 is in the genitive case and simply means ' Uffington of/ belonging to Alfred of Lincoln' or 'Alfred of Lincoln's Uffington', referring to his two manors there (27,34-35).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CK3\tab AZUR'S \'bd CARUCATE OF LAND. Held by Gilbert of Ghent at 24,35, although its jurisdiction lay in Gunfrid's manor at Casewick at 52,1 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CK4\tab ASFRITH'S LAND. See 8,34 Hereward note (PM-CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab HEREWARD. See 8,34 Hereward note(PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab THE DAY HE FLED. This is a reference to Hereward's flight after the Fenland}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 rebellion of 1070/1071, 'who with a few men escaped through the marshes': Florence of Worcester, }{ \i\cf1\insrsid674425 Chronicle}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , (Thorpe, i. p. 9) (PM). This edition has now been superseded by John of Worcester, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Chronicle}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (McGurk, iii. pp. 20-21) who translates 'who fled with a few men through the fens'. The Latin is }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 qui per paludes cum paucis evasit}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . Latin }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 evasit}{\cf1\insrsid674425 tends to mean 'escape' rather than 'flee' (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 effugo}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ); the presumption is that he was not caught.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CK5\tab MORCAR. See 35,13 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 CK6\tab DROGO [* OF LA BEUVRIERE *]. That}{\cf1\insrsid674425 is, Drogo of La Beuvri\'e8re. The land appears at 30,32 where the abbot's claim is noted. Gilbert of Ghent's holding is at 24,32 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CK8\tab SKILLINGTON. See 2,37 (PM-CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CK9\tab ASLACKBY. See 18,19 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CK10\tab THE OUTLIER HARDWICK. }{\insrsid674425 The name is a common one, so it is not certain that this is the place in Witchley Wapentake, Northamptonshire (later in Rutland). identified by Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 pp. xl, 227.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab ULF SON OF TOPI. The 'sale' is recorded in the will of Ulf and Madselin, 'to Bishop (}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 sic}{\cf1\insrsid674425 )}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Aldred the estates at Lavington and Hardwick as a complete purchase': Whitelock, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Anglo-Saxon Wills}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , pp. 95, 209 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 CK11\tab ESKIL. See 26,49 (PM)}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 CK13\tab RAUCEBY. See 3,37 and 7,53 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CK14\tab BRANSTON, THE LAND OF ALSI. Domesday has }{\i\f710\cf1\insrsid674425 in Branztun t'r\'e2 Elsi}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Terram }{\cf1\insrsid674425 is probably in apposition to }{\i\f710\cf1\insrsid674425 soc\'e2}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 although it could be a mistake for the ablative }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 terra}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 227, aware that the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 T}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 R}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 E}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 .}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 holder of Branston was Hemming (31,11) translated the phrase as in apposition to the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 nouem bouatas}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 but the Latin word order is against this. Moreover, the reason why the Walter's claim was just was because he already held the main manor of which the 9 bovates were being claimed: if the 9 bovates were already held by Walter there would have been no need for a claim (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CK16\tab ARCHBISHOP THOMAS. Thomas was Archbishop of York (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab LEOFSI. Robert's predecessor at Metheringham at 59,19, who was identical to Leofsi the deacon, who gave lands here to Ramsey Abbey }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 c}{\cf1\insrsid674425 .104 0 x 1041. Auti held land at Hackthorn in 2,17, where Ramsey Abbey also had an estate and to which this claim may perhaps refer; see Hart, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Early Charters of Eastern England}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 101 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CK19\tab ALMER AND HIS BROTHERS. Grimbert and Thorfridh; see 56,6-7 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CK21\tab IN THE LEFT MARGIN of folio 377a, level with the second line of this entry, the main scribe of Great Domesday wrote }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 rq'}{\cf1\insrsid674425 (for }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 require}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , 'enquire'). It is closer to the inner edge of the parchment and is very slightly fainter than the one next to CK28. It is not reproduced in the Ordnance Survey facsimile, however, and this was presumably why Foster and Longley, }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , p. 226, made no reference to it. Farley printed it correctly. There is no sign in the manuscript of any addition to this entry (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab 7 GARDENS IN GRANTHAM. Perhaps those claimed by the Bishop of Durham; see 1,9 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 CK22\tab THEY THEMSELVES SHOULD GO OVER THIS LAND. 'They' are presumably not Ivo and Robert, but the 'men of the wapentake' who will judge the claim to ownership by the amount of tax each pays.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 CK23\tab 3 CARUCATES. See 12,91 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 CK25\tab THURLBY. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 See 56,15 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 CK27\tab BALDWIN [* OF FLANDERS *]. That is, Baldwin of Flanders. His lands are entered at 65,1-5, where this claim is also noted. Aelric son of Mergeat's grant to St Peter of Westminster is rehearsed in a writ of William I to Bishop Remigius: }{\i\insrsid674425 Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 i. p. 212 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab HEAD MANOR. That is, Doddington.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 CK28\tab THE MAIN SCRIBE of Great Domesday wrote }{ \i\insrsid674425 rq' }{\insrsid674425 (for }{\i\insrsid674425 require}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 'enquire') in the margin next to this entry. Nothing was added or corrected as a result of it (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab KOFSI. His holding is not otherwise noted (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CK29\tab 4 CARUCATES OF LAND IN NORTH HYKEHAM. The claim is Swartbrand's and is noted at 12,92 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CK30\tab 6 BOVATES. Described as an outlier of Ewerby at 45,4 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab NOW ARE MARTIN'S. Domesday }{\i\f710\insrsid674425 \'e7 }{\insrsid674425 (}{\i\insrsid674425 =est}{\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 'is') is a scribal error for }{\i\insrsid674425 sunt }{\insrsid674425 ('are') (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 CK31\tab KOLSVEINN [* OF LINCOLN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab HECKINGTON.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 See 26,27. (PM-CT)'}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CK32\tab QUARRINGTON. See 10,1 (PM)}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 CK34\tab KOLSVEINN [* OF LINCOLN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 CK35\tab A ZUR HIS PREDECESSOR. Azur does not appear in Robert's chapter where the }{\i\insrsid674425 T}{\insrsid674425 .}{\i\insrsid674425 R}{\insrsid674425 .}{\i\insrsid674425 E}{\insrsid674425 .}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 holder is Godwin, though he was his predecessor in Nottinghamshire (NTT 25,1). Godwin was perhaps a subtenant (DR).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 CK36\tab AELRIC [* SON OF MERGEAT *] ... HIS PREDECESSOR. He was Robert of Vessey's predecessor at Caythorpe (37,2); see LEC 16,9 Aelric note (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 CK37\tab CARLTON [SCROOP]. See 15,1 (PM).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CK38\tab [LONG] BENNINGTON. See 15,2 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 CK40\tab OGER [* THE BRETON *]. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 That is, Oger the Breton, who held Bourne (42,1) (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CK41\tab 3 \'bd BOVATES ... IN DYKE. Entered first under Oger at 42,6 and later under Heppo at 61,2, although the latter assigns only 3 bovates to the place (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab OGER [* THE BRETON *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 CK42\tab 1 CARUCATE OF LAND IN MORTON. See 42,17-18. 6 1,3, and 42,18 there note (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CK43\tab IN MORTON ...\'bd CARUCATE. See 42,19 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab OGER [* THE BRETON *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 CK44\tab IN HACONBY ... 9 BOVATES OF LAND. See 42,14 (PM).}{ \insrsid674425 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab \tab The }{\insrsid674425 main scribe of Great Domesday corrected his original }{\i\insrsid674425 .x}{\insrsid674425 to }{\i\insrsid674425 .ix}{\insrsid674425 by adding a minim; he clarified it by interlining }{ \i\f710\insrsid674425 u\'e7}{\insrsid674425 (the last two letters of }{\i\insrsid674425 nouem}{\insrsid674425 , '9')}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab OGER [* THE BRETON *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 CK45\tab HEALFDENE. Hugh Candidus records that Abbot Brand of Peterborough let Dunsby at rent 'to a certain kinsm an of his own named Healfdene, because King William had taken all Healfdene's land from him and had given it to Remigius, Bishop of Lincoln, and thus Remigius unjustly took away Dunsby'. In his Chronicle Hugh Candidus further identifies Healfdene as a bro ther of Ulf son of Topi: Mellows, p. 69; Society of Antiquaries manuscript 60, folio 72. Presumably the Healfdene who appears throughout the holding of the bishop is the one referred to here, as at 7,18 where he is named as Healfdene [son of] Topi (PM).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab DUNSBY. See 7,30 (PM-CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 CK46\tab OGER [* THE BRETON *]. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Oger the Breton; see 42,11-12 where 'Ringstone' is associated with Rippingale. Robert of Tosny's predecessors in 'Ringstone' were Aslak and Dene (18,15) (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 CK47\tab KIRKBY [UNDERWOOD]. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 See 27,55 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 CK48\tab ST GUTHLAC'S [* OF CROWLAND *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab OGER [* THE BRETON *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab LORDSHIP REVENUE OF THE MONKS. In 42,13 the land is stated to have been for the monks' supplies (}{\i\insrsid674425 ad uictum monachorum}{\insrsid674425 ) (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 \tab ASSIGNED IT TO HEREWARD [* 'THE WAKE' *] AT A REVENUE. That is, he allowed Hereward to 'farm' the land: to pay the abbot a fixed rent (to be negotiated each year) which he hoped would be more than offset by the rents and dues he received from the land and the profits he could make from it (CT). On Hereward, see 8,34 Hereward note.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 CK49\tab LAND IN DOWSBY. See 57,12 and 57,12 Dowsby note where the detail of the redemption is recorded (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab ST GUTHLAC'S [* OF CROWLAND *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 CK51\tab KARLI'S LAND. Presu mably the 1 carucate at 12,55 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CK52\tab LAND IN WALCOT HUNDRED. At 3,32 and 67,10 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CK53\tab FULL JURISDICTION. In the manuscript }{\i\f710\cf1\insrsid674425 soc\'e2 7 soc\'e2}{\cf1\insrsid674425 in error for }{\i\f710\cf1\insrsid674425 sac\'e2 7 soc\'e2 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab OSBOURNBY. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 See 57,15 (PM).}{ \insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 CK54\tab KOLSVEINN [* OF LINCOLN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab IN THE COUNT OF ANY HUNDRED. The observation is also noted at 26,53. See \{Introduction: Hundreds\}(CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 CK55\tab MEN OF THE WAPENTAKE ... SERVICE FOR IT. See 31,3 (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 CK56\tab THORI'S LAND. At Ropsley (18,24) (PM).}{ \cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CK57\tab SYSTON. See 39,3 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CK58\tab WELBY. See 57,22 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CK60\tab BELTON. See 57,25 and 67,13 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 CK64\tab KOLSVEINN [* OF LINCOLN *]. Note to be supplied (JP).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 CK65\tab IN DRAYTON HUNDRED. The following claims relate to Holland, here regarded as part of Kesteven. See \{Introduction: Districts and Ridings\} (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab \tab For Drayton, see 12,59 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab WULFWY, HIS PREDECESSOR. Wulfwy was Remigius' predecessor as Bishop of Dorchester-on-Thames (Oxfordshire) before Remigius moved the see to Lincoln. Remigius was claiming this carucate because i t had been held by the person to whose other lands he had succeeded. Although here it states that his claim was successful, in 12,59 it is recorded that the wapentake did not know through whom Bishop Wulfwy held the carucate that had belonged to St Benedi ct's (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 CK66\tab AETHELSTAN SON OF GODRAM. He would appear to be identical to }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Alestan }{\cf1\insrsid674425 of}{\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 Frampton, Guy of Craon's man. Gillian Fellows Jensen (\lquote Domesday Tenants in Lincolnshire \rquote , p. 32) draws attention to the confusion of the personal name-forms }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Alestan }{\cf1\insrsid674425 and }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Adestan}{\cf1\insrsid674425 ,}{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 }{\cf1\insrsid674425 and suggests that throughout Guy of Craon's chapter these may refer to the same man (PM). Guy's holding in Bicker (57,44) had been held }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 T.R.E.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 by }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Adestan}{\cf1\insrsid674425 , while his holding in Drayton had been held by }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 Alestan}{\cf1\insrsid674425 . See 57,48 Alstan note.}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 CK67\tab STEYNING.}{\cf1\insrsid674425 See 12,89 (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\cf1\insrsid674425 CK68\tab QUADRING. See 12,90 (PM).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab AGREE ... BOTH THAT. The Phillimore printed translation has: 'The men of Holland agree with the same Alfred because not only was it his predecessor's but also he ...'. This suggests that the two reaso ns are given by the scribe, but it misunderstands the use of Latin }{\i\insrsid674425 quia}{\insrsid674425 . As in CK34 (where the more usual }{\i\insrsid674425 dicunt}{\insrsid674425 ('say') stands in place of }{\i\insrsid674425 concordant }{ \insrsid674425 ('agree') and commonly elsewhere, }{\i\insrsid674425 quia}{\insrsid674425 introduces a reported statement: 'they agree that...'; }{\i\insrsid674425 quod }{\insrsid674425 is used similarly in CK67 where }{\i\insrsid674425 quia}{ \insrsid674425 is found in the sense of 'because'. This usage develops from that in Classical Latin where }{\i\insrsid674425 quod}{\insrsid674425 or }{\i\insrsid674425 quia}{\insrsid674425 with a verb in the subjunctive gives the 'alleged reason': 'the men agree, saying that ...' or 'the men agree to the effe ct that ... ' or 'on the grounds that ...'. In time this usage comes to be seen as identical to the classical accusative and infinitive, and, as it is easier to use, replaces it.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 CK69\tab COUNT ALAN'S PREDECESSOR. Aethelstan; see 12,76. However, that entry states that Earl Ralph had the jurisdiction (CT).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\cf1\insrsid674425 \tab IN GOSBERTON. The main scribe of Great Domesday added this: it extends into the right margin of folio 377d and he was forced to interline part of the place-name (CT).}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }{\insrsid674425 CK70\tab KETIL'S MINSTER [CHURCH] OF [LONG ] SUTTON. In the Phillimore printed edition this phrase is rendered as ' Ketill of Sutton's church' and the note reads: 'Canon Foster rendered as 'Ketill's church of (Long) Sutton' (Foster and Longley, }{\i\insrsid674425 Lincolnshire Domesday}{ \insrsid674425 ,}{\i\insrsid674425 }{\insrsid674425 p. 235), though it seems more probably to be a byname: Tengvik, }{\i\insrsid674425 Old English Bynames}{\insrsid674425 , p. 51. The present church of Long Sutton replaced an earlier wooden church on a different site: Owen, }{\i\insrsid674425 Church and Society in Medieval Lincolnshire}{\insrsid674425 , p. 5 (PM). On reconsider ation and bearing in mind the apparently parallel instance of ''the land of Ulf in [North] Ormsby' (CN27) and the Huntingdonshire examples cited in CN27 land note, it seems more probable that Ketil has no byname (he might have had one, but it is not menti oned in Domesday) and that the minster church is located by Domesday at [Long] Sutton. There is no evidence that there was ever a monastery at Long Sutton.}{\cf1\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \tab TYDD [ST MARY]. The king's manor is at 1,28, but there is no reference to this jurisdiction. Howeve r, Long Sutton is sufficiently close to Tydd St Mary to have been a member of it and it can be assumed that it would have been mentioned in a more comprehensive survey of Tydd St Mary in a precursor document.}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 CK71\tab HOLBEACH. }{\cf1\insrsid674425 The claim is noted at 12,83. The 6 carucates mentioned here would seem to include 12,83 and the further 5 carucates mentioned at 12,84. Farley did not print the }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 punctus}{\cf1\insrsid674425 after }{\i\cf1\insrsid674425 M'}{ \cf1\insrsid674425 at the end of this entry (PM).}{\insrsid15153783 \par }\pard\plain \s20\ql \fi-1080\li1080\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx1080\tx1440\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin1080\itap0\pararsid15153783 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033 {\insrsid674425 \par }}