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Résultats de recherche
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Methodological toolkit
1 de 10
Realising the potential: Final report of the Open Research Data Task Force
2 de 10
Pre-arrival toolkit : a toolkit of effective practice for programme teams
3 de 10
Social media: a toolkit of effective practice for programme teams
4 de 10
Assessment support toolkit : a toolkit of effective practice for programme teams
5 de 10
Induction toolkit : a toolkit of effective practice for programme teams
6 de 10
Peer mentoring : a toolkit of effective practice for programme teams
7 de 10
Comparing the effect of rotor sizing versus rotor speed adjustment on centrifugal compressor energy requirements for CO₂ pipeline transportation
8 de 10
Edward Gordon Craig, Edith Craig (and the Bach inheritance)
9 de 10
Planning and evaluating events : summary version
10 de 10